Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 06, 1901, Image 3

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    "*"***; 'fltWSPfc' *• *#» *
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list Saturday mi iu HM IS said to have
uicot aud ho uses the be*t of material.
The tir-il time you pasa Cal. Dauben
speck's pi»'» take a look at the artistic
cover of hi* welt.
—We. this week, change our Craw
ford * Corners and Glenora lists to Par
ker'ii Landing P. O ; and if this is not
riifht we should hear of it promptly
from our subscriber*
—At the meeting of Council. Tuesday
Bight, ordinance# for sewers ou Penn
and Hickory streets were passed, and
th • contract for a hrick l<>ck up award
ed to the Van Dora Co at sß3>.
—The Mangold property in Centre
twp . thirty acres, was sold at Trustee's
sale in Bankruptcy at the Court House.
Monday. forsl,6Ns or S3O an acre, to
Mrs. Annie Mangold, a sister-in-law of
Ueg. I.
—-Iu all Spanish and Spanish-Ameri
can towns the "Alameda" is the public
square or evening resort, and that is the
name the directors of the B. P Ry. Co.
have selected for tbeir park near town.
"All aboard for Alameda Park.
—Decoration day passed very quietly
in Butler. The old and young soldieis
formed, and marched to the cemetery,
and the Germania band did likewise.
At the cemetery one man made a very
long and tiresome speech, and another
made a short and good one.
—At the meeting of the Butler School
Board. Monday evening, Jamts B.
McJunkin was elected President; P. W.
Buff, Secretary; and M. R. Shanor.
Treasurer. The Secretary's aslary was
fixed at *. < Joo, and the Treasurer's at
SSOO a year
—The monthly meeting of the Y. P.
C T. U. in the Court room Monday
evening was attended by a large audi
ence who listened with appreciation and
close attention to a temperance address
delivered by Rev. Geo E. Kawes of
—Two Winfieid twp. men came to
Butler last Friday to buy shoes. We
do not know which store they patroniz
ed, but we do know that the shoe stores
of Butler are a credit to the town, and
that people can do as well on shoes here
as they probably can in any town in the
—The Duffy lot or lots at corner of
Main and North Sts., now partially ex
cavated for a new building, would be
an excellent location for a modern opera
honse or audience hall, and we are in
formed that Mr. Duffy will change his
v plans and build one, if a stock company
is formed, that will guarantee him a fair
interest on the extra money he would
invest in it
—Highway robbery seems to be be
c lining epidemic in Lawrence county.
Oa Monday three men held up Coston
Burns in the suburbs of Ellwood and
robbed him of SIOOO. They were fol
lowed and chased into a gully near
Rock Point, where they were captured,
turned over to Sheriff Brown and held
for conrt next day.
On Tuesday Morgan Francis was held
up in the suburbs of New Castle and
and beaten and robbed; and an attempt
was made to holdup Rev. Richardson of
Illustrated Lecture.
Rev. J. O. Ashenhurst will give a
chalk talk on Egypt in the United Pres
byterian church on Monday evening,
Juue 10, at 8 o'clock.
The lecture gives an inside view of
Evangelical life in Egypt, and inciden
tally of the manners and customs of the
The subject is "An Egyptian Prince.''
It is the story of an Egyptian boy from
the innd hut to the pulpit, illustrated
by scetches drawn rapidly before the
audience as the narration proceeds.
The lecture is free. A collection will
be taken.
Tile fall teim of school at the Butler
Business College opens Monday, Sept. J,
1901. Read their new *d. on this page.
Quality and Fair Dealing is what
bronght our business up to its present
standing, and we expect to continue this
policy as long as we keep store. A.
Ruff & Son.
You will want a Refrigerator now.
See the line at Brown & Co's.
Men's Vici Kid Shoes, Tipped, Lace,
$1.60 at Rnff's.
A new lot ot Reed Rockers will arrive
this week at Brown & Co's. Prices
to $6.
One visit to Rnff's will repay you.
More new Parlor Goods arriving each
week at Brown & Co's. For the best
Leather Couch made see ns.
Ladies' Stylish Oxfords SI.OO, Men'
sl2') at Buff's
There is no food so healthy, nourishs
in g, refreshing or as cheap as purified
milk. Two glasses for 5 cents, or six
gallons for a dollar at THE CREAMKRY.-
We are loaded with Patent Leather
Shoes in Men's, Boys' and Youth's, Wo
men's, Misses' and Children's. Can
show yon more styles than any other
store in Butler county. A. Ruff & Son.
Did yon see the Bed Lounges at Brown
& Co's?
"VMt V V'%
Hon. J B* was m Butler,
.it,. t! f th- litv -tors of iht* Give© C\>t
i W, with an unlimited supply of ore
n sight a id which promises to make
Miss Bertie Brown, i laughter of ex-
P> >stiua#ter Joha W. Brown and Carl H
Leighucr, the well known young jewel
), so:i of Dr. .1. S. Leighner. were mir
■ied at the bride*B home on Brown Ave.
3T Rev. Worrell, last evening. The
•ouule left on the 11:3 d B. K. & P. train
>n a trip to Buffalo, Toronto and other
joints in Canada Both have many
friend* .villi wh hi the < 11 i/.i,v j •in> in
•ongratula lions.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Armstrong of
Western Ave., celebrated their Golden
ft'eddiug. Wednesday. Ai«>nt fifty »f
:he children, relatives and neighbors of
Pappv' and Mrs. Armstrong gathered
n their home, bringing the old folks
uany presents and tokens of esteem.
At noon all partook of an excellent din
ner. after which several of the men
made little speeches. Mr. Armstrong is
learly HO years old and Mrs. Armstrong
s nearly 715 and both are iu good health
for their ages.
An American who was in Peking
recently says that noiiody made any sug
gestions to General Chaffee aboat 'pick
ng np" rare bits of plnnder in that city
after the ur.pleasant experience of a
wealthy America" who thonght it well
to get a share of the treasures for Amer
ica. This gentleman intimated to the
general that he would gladlv bear the
expense of transporting two magnificent
temple bronzes to New York City as a
gift to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
if the general would overlook their re
moval. The answer he got was con
•lnsive 'The American caught loot
ing will be shot on the spot!"
Zinc ami Grinding make
Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice
as long as lead and oil mixed by hand.
Wheat. wholesale price 73-75
Rye, " 50
Oats, " 32
Corn, " SO
Hay, " 16 00
Eggs, " 1 i
Butter, " 13-15
Potatoes, " 00
Onions, per bn 1 25
Beets, per bu 50
Rhnbnrb, doz bonches 25
Onions, " 15-20
Cabbage, per lb 01
Chickens, dressed 10
Parsnips, per bu 50
Tnrnipß 35
Onion setts, retail, per qt 10
Strawberries, per qt 11
A Valuable Publication.
On June 1 the Passenger Department
nf the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will publish the 1901 edition of the
Summer Excursion Ronte Book. This
work is designed to provide the public
with descriptive notes of the principal
Summer resorts of Eastern America,
with the best rentes for reaching them
and the rates of fare. It coniains all
the principal seashore and mountain re
sorts of the East and over seventeen
hundred different routes or combina
tions of routes. The book has been
compiled with the greatest care, and
altogether is the most complete and
comprehensive handlxxik of Summer
travel ever offered to the public.
The cover is handsome and striking,
printed in colors and the book contains
several maps, presenting the exact
routes over which tickets are sold.
The book is profusely illustrated with
fine half-tone cuts of scenery at the
various resorts and along the lines of
the Pennsylvania Railroad.
On and after June 1 this very inter
esting book may be procured at any
Pennsylvania Railroad ticket office at
the nominal price of ten cents, or, upon
application to the general office, Broad
Street Station, by mail for twenty
Reduced Kates to Kansas City.
On account of the meeting of the
Imperial Council, Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine, to be held at Kansas City, June
11 and 12, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell June 7, M and 9, from
all stations on its line, excursion tickets
to Kansas City and return at rate of one
fare for the round trip plus $2.
These tickets will be good for return
passage, leaving Kansas City not earlier
than June 11, not later than June 17.
For specified rates and full information
apply to ticket agents.
Are you satisfied with the Shoes von
have been buying '; Are they what they
shonld be? Are they made rightV Do
they fit properly? Do they wear satis
factory? Are they stylish? These are
the vital points to bo considered when
buying shoes. We guarantee onr shoes
to be right. A. Ruff & Son.
Infants fine soft soleshoes —Red,Blue,
White. Pink, Tan, Terra Cotta, Black,
etc., Lace or Button, only 25c at Ruff's.
Henry Bickel has opened the Lowry
Bros' livery barn, rear of Lowry hotel
and Charles Duffy's store, away from
danger of street car line. Everything
new and first class. Careful personal
attention to transient trade. Call on
him when in Butler.
Patent Leather Shoes are all the rage
this summer. Ruff's sell the only
guaranteed patent leather shoe told in
For a nice Porch Rocker see Brown &
A Straight Tip. Bay your shoes at
Ruff's once and yon will l>e a regular
Order your milk and cream from the
Creamery wagon, as it passes your door,
or call up People's Phone 389, and ttie
wagon will stop at your house.
Ladies' wear the Dorona shoe once
, and you will never wear any other. A.
| Ruff & Son.
The will of Martha G. Marshall of
I Catharine English aud Arsnetta E. Barr
Tii>» tiwnss suit of John E and
Josephine iituttfr against Harmony
I borough for $5,000, damages for persona 1
injories U. Mrs. Shatfer went to trial
Mouvlav morning and continued nntil
Wednesday afternoon While .Mrs. Sh tf
fer was on"her way to a Christian En
deavor meeting one evening she stepped
ou a rotten place in a waft made of old
railroad ties in front of the Latchaw
property in Harmony. Her foot broke
through the rotten wood and she was
thrown to the ground and sj severely
injured that ehe now ha» to nse crutches
in sva Iking. This morning the jnry re
turned a verdict of $1590 for Shaffers.
Win. A. Glasgow was appointed
burgess of Valencia vice P. E. Cooper,
A new trial was refused this morning
in the case of Thorncreek M. E. Church
vs Bessemer railroad.
J. C. Gilby ard John McTaiuney ot
Renfrew, partner?, have filed a petition
in bankruptcy.
Thos B. Kelley to Laura C. Kelly 5
acre* in Worth for $154.
Thomas G. McLanahau to Harvey
Kiser lot in Venango for SIOO.
Cora B. Brown to Bertie B. Speer 100
acres in Marion for #l.
Henry Schnltz to Jas. Patrick lot at
Renfrew for $0">0.
John P. Schull to Barbara Herold lot
in Butler for SIOOO.
Jennie Dully to Maud Hays lot in
Butler for $4,00.
Margaret A. Kennedy to Win. J. Gil
hland 4 acres in Mars for S7OO.
John Birr to J. W. Groom lots in
Mars for $1250.
Sophia F. Barnhart to Josephs. Barn
hart lot in Millerstown for S2OO.
Mary McCnne to Albert Wigton lot
in Slipperyrock 1 wp. for $825.
Robert Boyd to John Emerick lot in
Butlej twp. for $250.
John Emerick to Samuel Emerick lot
in Butler twp. for sl.
T. R. Hoon to C. J. Westerman lot in
Millerstown for $55.
Dr. H. J. Neely to Dr. W. E. Head
land lot on Centre Ave. Butler for $4500.
J. F. Alburn to Geo. Bieber lot in
Lancaster for S'JTS.
Curtis Phillips to Blair Hooks 8 acres
in Adams for $475.
Elizabeth Hay to Wm. Myers 140
acres in Lancaster for SSOO.
Samuel Coulter to Margart Coulter
lot in Slipperyrock for sl.
T. D. Day to Geo. Tasker lot in
Adams for $2200.
Jamas Watson to Win. Watson 4
acres at Sarvers station for S7OO.
Henry Grohman to George Oesterling
lot in Butler for $350.
J. 11. Harbison to Goo. Harbison 56
acres ijf Buffalo for $2400.
George M. Haley to Dr. H. J. Neely
lot on W. Wayne St., Butler for S;I2OQ.
Mrs. Emma Timblin to D. H. Keeper
lot in Fairview twp. for SBO.
Amelia L. Kline to Nicholas Dambach
lot in Zelienople for SIOOO.
James Lusk to Edwin Meeder lot in
Zelienople for S2OOO.
W. H. Miller, guardian, to S. G. Cof
fin 32 acres in Fairview twp. f0r5325.50.
Wm. J. to Thomas Greer
lot in Butler twp. for SIOOO.
Thomas Greer to Annie McCormick
same for SIOOO
Marriage Licenses.
Lawrence J. Sanderson... Mt. Chestnut
Jennie Luton Fairview
Everett R. Stauuii Franklin twp
Ella V. Cratty ~, "
George M. Yough Petrolia
Eva Alina Morgan "
Daniel Anderson Hilliard
Mina S. Edinger "
M. Florence O'Connor Butler
Mrs. Margaret Hannon "
A. J. Carter Carbon Centre
Clara M. Weigh
William Dnfford Butler
Frances Hilliard "
Edward B. Magee Harrisville
Elisabeth McDonald
Wilson L. Derrimore Butler
Sadie Lackey Elwoood City
Carl H. Leiifhner Butler
Bertie A. Brown "
Presley C. Anderson.. .Connoque'tc twp
Mora A. Brandon
At Pittsburg—John Flick of
Bakerstown and Annie Carney of Tar
At Pittsbnig—Grant S. Pollack of
Butler Co. and Gertrude Cox of Alle
He was gone a long, long time, and
when he came back he found her still
ready. "I have come back after many
years," he said to her, as he took her
hand in greeting. She had learned
something in the years since she had
seen him last. "Well, for goodness'
sake, John." sho exclaimed fervidly,
"why don't you take them? I'm thirty
five now. How many more years do
you want';" Then a great light shone
upon him, and he did not wait for any
Paint Your Buggy for 75c.
with Devoe's Gloss Carriage Paint,ready
for use; 10 colors. Gives a high gloss
equal to new. Sold by Patterson Bros.
What a Dollar Will Dc!
One dollar will pay for twent four
1-quart milk tickets, or
Forty-eight 1-pint milk tickets, or
Twenty-four half-pints of cream or
Five pounds of pure creamery butter,
816 E. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
Screen Doors and Windows, Screen
Wire, Poultry Netting very cheap at
W% -T,[H -J- , ,* «NOH#HH%
V •••■« \ -'F V
Wm. Dft\' st Lbte*
Varnish Manes Dcvoe s VarnisH
tu;iki'» r. l<x k; b and wear "ulty
twice as long as cheaper Hoor paiuta.
5? A bv Pattern. a Bros.
p'tri*. 32. rue Etieune-Marcel, and all I
London. 1. King Edward St .Newgate St.
Vienna. Steiihansplatz. 1
Altuairia, rue Cherif Pacha.
Lisbon. Rua do Arsenal. 148 & 153.
Barcelona, •">. Calle Sta. Ana
Brussels, 58, rue Montague de ia Coar. i
Rio de Janeiro, 32, Rua Qonctlfes Diss, j
ISuenos Ayres. 442, Calle Florida. 440.
Mexico City, Calle del Coliseo, 3.
Havana, Temente Rey 41,y Compoatela.
tfc ■*%.>.
Ilonoluln. Hollister Drug Co , Ltd.
Panama, Plaza Santa Ana.
• ,'anada. at all Drug Stores.
Dr. Humphreys' Specific Manual, a
pocket epitome of the Domestic Practice
•>f Medicine, mailed for the asking.
Humphreys Homeopathic Medicine
Co.. Cor. William <)fc John Sts., New
The Secret of §uce ss in Life is to First
Make -p Your Mind to Save.
Keeping continually at it soon builds
a nice savings fund when you deposit
your money in the PRUDENTIAL
TRUST COMPANY, Pittsburg. Pa.
It grows rapidly—4 per cent interest
earned night aDd day and compounded
semi-annually. Every man and woman
on wages and salary should save some of
their earnings and open an account in
this reliable institution. Write the
Hank about depositing by mail. Book
giving full instructions will be sent
Buying Wool.
I am buying wool at same location as
last season, Graham Bro's grocery
store, will pay the market price in cash,
have no merchandise of any kind to ex
change. W, F. RUMBERUER.
Horse Sale.
Abe Flick will have a sale of all kinds
of horses at the Flick Trading & Livery
on W. Jefferson St. on Saturday, June
Bth at 1 p. m.
Our styles are captivating this Spring.
A. Ruff & Son.
Those finely polished, mahogany fin
ished Rockers, covered in silk tapestry,
yelour or damask at Brown X Cos are
all right. See them.
Ask yotjf gir] about opr Corona Shoe
at Knff's.
Try Johnston s Beef, Iron and Wine,
for yonr spring tonic.
Men's Satin Calf Lace Shoes, Plain or
Tipped, 08c at Ruff's.
We make and put up butter to order,
in any style or form : and salted to the
taste at THE CREAMERY.
Ladies' Patent Tip Kid Lace Shoes
98c at Ruff's.
Headquarters for Sewer Pipe. Have
just received sixteen car loads at
M. C. ROCKENSTEIN'S, Butler, Pa.
Money saving chances this week at
Did you get a five-cent cake of schmer
Children's Spring Heel Kid Shoes,
sizes 5 to 8, 89c at Ruff's.
A cnoice selection of Parlor Tables in
mahogany wood, at Brown & Co's.
We have customers who have been
dealing with us for 80 years. Our low
prices make long friends. A. Ruff &
FOR SALE—A centrally located lot
60x00. Inquire at this office.
Good Shoes cost less than poor ones.
Try a pair of our Corona $3 shoes. A.
Kurt & Son.
Pan-American Imposition Buf»
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces the following special reduced
rates to Buffalo on account of the Pan-
American Exposition, which op6us on
May 1.
Summer excursion tickets, to be sold
from April 30 to September 30, inclusive
good to return until October 81, in
clusive, at rate of $11.05 from Pitts
burg and proportionate rates from other
Fifteen-day excursion tickets, to be
sold beginning April 80 and good re
turning within fifteen days, including
date of sale, at rate of $0.20 from Pitts
burg and proportionate rates from other
Five-day excursion tickets, to be sold
only on Tuesdays, May, 7, 14, 21, and
28, and good returning within five days,
including date of sale, at rate of SB.OO
from Pittsburg and proportionate rates
from other points.
Special excursion tickets, to be sold,
good going only on specified trains, on
Wednesdays, May 15 and 29, and re
turning within three days including
date of sale, at rate of $5.25 from Pitts
burg and proportionate rates from other
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
operates two through trains each way
daily between Pittsburg and Buffalo.
We are in business to stay, therefore
wo sell honest goods and tell the truth
about them. A. Ruff & Son.
Toilet Tables in oak, bird's-eye
maple or mahogany, at Brown & Co's.
Yonr opportunity is at Ruff's. Dollars
become elastic here.
Odd Dressers in oak; French beveled
mirrors; prices $lO, sll, sl2 See Brown
& Co.
Closing out a large lot of $3 and $3.50
odds and ends in Men's Shoes at $1.98 at
Duffy's w ndow is filled with bargains I
in Cloaks.
The advertisement of a pleased cus
tomer is Ruff's greatest and liest adver
t i«inent.
: Cornna, the modern shoe for women,
i Price S3.(X). The equal of the best $8.50
t shoe made A. Ruff & Son.
,« - «- v. >* A ■
the round trip
Social ex»*ttr*i i- tickets iiituted to
<l»y-» including date of >*le, ooJv
for continuous Dassa±{> in each direct. >n
„n sale Tuesdays only daring the Ex
position at <425 for the nmotl trip
j Returning these tickets will be guid
: on all regular tnui> leaving Bqftilo
' prior to midnight of the Thursday fol
lowing -late of gale, but will not be
good in sleeping or chair cars in either
For time tables And further informa
j tiyn consult the nearest agent of the
i company.
Pennsylvania Kiulruuil Low-Rate
Tour to the Paeilfe Coast.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Personal
ly-condu<-ted Tour to ban Francisco and
the Pacific Coast, leaving New York,
| Philadelphia and Pittsburg by special
! Pullman Sleeping, Dining and Observa
tion cars, July 8. will not be confined to
delegates to the Epworth League Con
vention. which will be held in San Fran
cisco trom July IS to 21, but will be run
for the benefit of all who desire to visit
California and the Canadian Northwest
during the Summer season. Stops will
be made at Denver. Colorado Springs,
Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Montery.
Santa Barbara. Los Angeles San Jose,
Portland, Seattle, Banff Hpf Springs
St. Paul and other interesting points
en route.
The rate from sll points
on the Pennsylvania Railroad east of
Pittsburg, 11*8.30, covers transportation
double Pullman berth, and meals in
dining car; two persons in a berth, each,
$1«8 i) 0. Rates from Pittsburg $5.00
The tour will cover a period of thirty
Persons desiring, may return inde
pendently from San Francisco by var
ious routes at proportionate low rates.
For further information apply to
Ticket Agents, or address * Geo. W.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger
Agent, Philadelphia.
1901. BICYCLES. 1901.
If you want an honest bicycle at an
honest price, or need your bicycle repair
ed in any way; if you want a good
practical typewriter for $5; or if in need
of bicvclc supplies of any kind; if you
have hroken articles qf any sort you want
repaired go to Mardorf's Bicycle Store
and Repair Shop, where your wants will
be promptly attended, by
Yours truly,
Exclusive Bicycle Dealer and Repairman,
109 West Cunningham Street,
Butler, Pa.
Milk Wanted.
A thousand gallons of milk are want
ed daily, by the Butler Creamery Co.,
at their depot on E. Jefferson St.
Reduced Rates to Cincinnati via
the Pennsylvania Railroad.
On account of the convention of the
United Societies of Christian Endeavor
to be held in Cincinnati July 6 to 10,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell July 4 to 0, from all stations on
its line, excursion tickets to Cincinnati
rt one fare for the round trip.
These tickets will be good for return
passage, leaving Cincinnati not earlier
than July 8, and not later than July 14
For specific rates and full information,
apply to ticket agents*.
Reduced Rates to San Francisco
via the Pennsylvania Railroad.
On account of the Fifth Internation
al Convention of the Epworth League,
to be held in San Francisco July 18 to
23, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell, July 4 to 12, from all stations
on its line, exenrsion tickets to San
Francisco at greatly reduced rates.
For specific information regarding ratess
routes and conditions of tickets apply to
ticket agents.
The Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad
Company has placed on sale at all sta
tions, excursion tickets to Buffalo, on
account of the Pan-American Exposi
tion. With the improved passenger
train service now being arranged for,
making connections with three impor
tant Buffalo lines; vig, the Erie R. R,
L. S. & M. S. and Nickel Plate, patrons
of the road will be given every opportu
nity to visit the Exposition at the lowest
available rates.
Plants for Sale.
All kinds of flower and vegetable
plants, hardy vines and shrubbery.
Fine Pansies a specialty.
416 Miftin St., Butler, Pa.
Pennsylvania Railroad Hummer
Seashore Excursions.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces June 20, July 5 and IS, Aug
1, 15, and 29, and September 12, as the
dates for its sixteen-day Summer excur
sions from Pittsburg and Western
Pennsylvania to Atlantic City, Cape
May. Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Anglesea
Holly Beach, Wildwood, and Avalon,
N. J., Rehoboth, Del., aud Ocean City,
Md. Round-trip rate SIO.OO from
Pittsburg, and corresponding low rates
from other stations.
For further information address T. E.
Watt, P. A. W. D., Pittsburg, Pa.
Once tried—Always Worn. It's worth
your investigation. A. Ruff & Son.
For Sale —Farm of 61 acres in
Cherry Township, near West Snnbury,
good house, orchard, and excellent
water. Sell cheap or exchange for pro
perty near Butler.
Livery, S. Main St. Butler l J a.
To do a thing, do it. Go to Ruff's
Get a guaranteed Couch from Brown
& Co. See our cotton and tow-filled
Couch in red or green velonr with heavy
oak fhaped leg: guaranteed in every
respect for only SB.
I Men wear Monarch Pats, the Patent
J Leather shoe that won't break thro'.
Sold in Butler only by A. Ruff & Son's.
We are agent for the United States
Army Shoes. The kind the soldiers of
today wear. A. Ruff & 3on.
Music scholars wanted at 128 West
Wavne St
Wri I at Zellec* pie on Monday
gftvrxK; n Htr :nsband aud a <*hild
f-ue mr old arrive her Sto a
daughter - f Joan W«g*l of Zelienople
Rev O D Miller ofiicuted
Knoi. »vraLei* r ia i
n titer Calvin, a. Harmony f«>r tt u ■
i weeks, returned to his home at Gixvd J
0.. this week.
I MUM Dora Dean of Butior. L,ee Do not i
of Zelienople, Miss Sweetie Knox of
! Haru+ony and Harry Householder of I
Zelienople were Pittsourg visitors or.,
Decoration Day.
> A large number of witness©* on the |
John Shaffer vs Harmony borough law
suit left Harmony station for Butler on i
Monday -looming.
Mrs. Charley De Hess and childreu of
Harmony returned home on Monday
from an extended trip to Baltimore Md.
where they visited friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Jere Williams and Fred
Nicholas were Butler visitors several
days last week
Frank D. Van Vechten and J. J.
Fiedler left on Monday for an inland
town in Ohio where they will look for
business interest^.
G. D. Swain of Harmony is nursing
a lame back this week.
•Tere Allis proprieter of the Harmony
mill purchased a line span of Norman
Percheron grey mares from Ed. H.
Stauffer last week.
Prof. E. Kocher of Zelienople is not
yet able to be about.
The new dwellings to be erected at
Zelienople this summer have nearly all
been begun.
Fred Hilliard and wife of Isle were
guests of J. H. Thompson and family
over Sunday.
Communion services were held at
Concord last Sunday. There were
several accessions to the church at that
C. M. Campbell and Nelson Sutton
are at Gettysburg attending the Statu
Mrs. J. M. Wick of Butler is visiting
her sister, Mrs. H. J. Clark at Hooker.
Charley Korn and wife are visiting at
James Gilghrists near Moniteau.
Childrens Day Exercises will be held
at Concord church on next Sunday even
ing at H o'clock.
Howard Currie is home from Buffalo,
N. Y., whither he had gone for medical
Henry Kuhn made a business trip to
Pittsburg last Saturday.
' Levi M. Wise of Butler made the
Decoration Day Memorial address at
Zion, and Messrs McCandless and Pol
lock also of Butler made addresses at
Concord " Si LEX.
Misses' School Shoes, solid and well
made, neat styles, laced and buttoned,
98c at Rnff's.
You can buy a good Gas Range at M.
C. ROCKENSTIEN'S for $14.00.
FOR SALE—lnterest in 40-acre lease,
and one well near Butler. Inquire at
CITIZEN office.
Our business is to sell good shoes
cheap. Your money back if not suited-
A. Ruff & Son.
WANTED—Good girl for general
house work. Inquire at 313 West Jef
ferson street.
WANTED— Experienced hand toquar
ry limestone Inquire of
West Liberty, Pa.
Ruff's sell good shoes well made but
don't ask high prices. One visit will
teach you.
FOR SALE—Two producing oil wells,
old territory, good stayers, well equip
ped, cheap for cash. Enquire at CITIZEN
WANTED—Boy fifteen or sixteen.
Wanted to work on farm near Porters
ville. Apply to or address Box 83,
Portersville, Pa.
If you want a drink of fresh butter'
milk stop at the Creamery. All you can
drink for 3 cents.
excursion to Allegheny.
Commencing Sunday, May Bth, the
Sunday excursion fare from Butler to
Allegheny will be one dollar for tickets
good going on train leaving Butler at
.00 a. m., City time, returning on train
a ving Allegheny at 6.30 p. m. city
For Sale or Rent
The Nicholas Slupe farm of 93 acres
acres in Franklin township near Mt.
Chestnut. Inquire of Henry Martsolf
of Mt. Chestnut oi at the CITIZEN
Real Estate Broker.
Parties wishing to purchase or sell
oil properties, farms, city residences or
real estate of any kind, should call upon
Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite
P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 519.
The question of the hour —
Have you seen Duffy's marked down
cloaks. Cannot be beat .
Hot Plates, Gas Ovens and Gas
Ranges at M. C. ROCKENSTEIN'S.
NO SPAVINS iiblc spavin can I
be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw,
splints and ringbones just as quick Not
painful and never has failed. Detailed
information about this new method sent
free to horse owners by T. M. CXUGH,
Knoxdale, Jefferson Co., Pa.
Cheap selling keeps Ruff's busy
ihe 5 Minute Breakfast Food.
Purine Health Flour
j PURINA MILLS, St. Louis, Mo.
v ■*>"*
j t Iwl
s ■» V• *
\ x
\ * V, - **■
** V ■* V
;' s
.. ►. mm
/ »l S
( V Bafrtti K ?^ f \
summer reaainy
the has issued
B. & B. a supplement
book to regular
shop 1901
Book Catalogue
giving B. & B. prices on all the
latest popular books—together
with an immense variety of paper
back books including a remarkable
line of interesting warm weather
literature at IOC, 15c and 35c a
35c Hooks include such tip top
reading as:
The Market Place. Br Harold Frederic.
Choir Invisible. By James Lane Allen,
borrows of Satan. By Marie Coreill.
Soldiers of Fortune. By itichard Harding
Pride of Jennico. By F.irerton Castle.
The Heart of Princess Osra. By Anthony
An Enemy to the King. By Kohl. N.
Write for this supplement—
and for the regular Book Cata
logue if you didn't get a copy
Right now the showing of
wash goods,
10c, 121-2 c, 15c yard
beyond any ol the year—pretti
ness and variety.
For proof, get samples.
Boggs & Buhl
Department X.
Fall term begins, Monday, Sept. «, 1901
I—Practical1 —Practical Book-keepers. 2 —Expert
Accountants. 3 —Amanuensis Shorthand.
4 —Reporter's Shorthand. s—Practical5 —Practical
Short Course in Book-keeping, for those
who merely wish to understand the
simpler methods of keeping books. 6
Our Teachers—We have four at present
always as many as we need, no more.
We have filled 35 positions thus far
the prevent term and we expect to fill at
least 15 or 20 more by the next term.
We could place two or three times that
lsiany every term if we had them. We
need au abundance of first class material.
All young men and young women having
a good English education should take
advantage of one or both of our courses.
Many new and important improve
ments for next year. Call at the office
and see us. If you are interested be sure
to get a copy of our new catalogue, also
A. F. REGAL, Prin.,
319 337 S. Main St.. Butler. Pa.
DEALERS n ready made clothing
represent their wares as "Tailor made'
"custom made" &c.. but they ask the
regular prices of ready made and the
boast is understood. But when they
offer to take your measure, promise to
have the clothes made for you and
charge the tailors price, they impose
upon your credulity. Whether their
misrepresentation is wilful or negligent
the result to you is the same,
Most men want what they pay for and
are willing to pay for the superior
quality of made to measure clothes.
Our garments are cut and made to your
measure in our own workshop in But
ler, not by fair-to-middling work
men, but by expert tailors.
Handsome Spring Goods
At Business Bringing Prices.
Maker of Men's Clothes
Insurance and Real Estate
A nice line of Sideboard* arrived last
week at Brown & Go's. Workmanship,
design, finish, tho l>est to be had.
A good farm shoe for man or woman
$1 at Kutf s.
Our Reputation Rests on onr Shoes.
That is why we can afford to sell none
but good shoes. A. Ruff & Son.
I Good Clothing x 1
-«v ■ |MI MMM(* * k i«n VM 4Wk, '•fc
'": •<*►. '"V -Kiev >-< - ' l^>s, SßFk
N V* ~ ~
X v _ SB*A —■
x t v\ni c *- ? % «•-
< - - s^-3 wiafe:
: Kvrm-rr a
;* % £*:« Omm|c.
... +L W-fe> m <|>inlOTi3 >* UMfc..'
. .
-vftiif - t..n - ?H- :.flj»a, i »:rv ,r> - ,-y ri>iliillFf ijllf ;
ti'l .. n«T fMLC
a 6an*-*a»
Nk Meu i i'.Mia at were. mauc ti, scu at -iis.
en * Suits ax ~$J were maac to eeE at si«
» ea a Suits at sl2 were made 10 seii at
Joy o Knee I ants Suits at Si .50 were made to seii at s2.>§o
' » s Knee; Pants Suits at s2juo were made to seii at $3 00
Boy 5 rvncu Pjnts Suits at 3>2jjG were maue to &eii at 4>3-50
Baj| s Knee Pants Suits at $3 00 vere matie to seii at $4. and $5 5,.
Men s Worsted Pants at $2.50 were made to seii at
: Men s Worsted Pants at $3.00 were made to sell at $4 and $5
Boy's Knee Pants at 39c were made to sell at 50 and 75c
''Oy s Kn~e Pants at 50c were made to seii at SI.OO
3e sure to call at oux store and look over our good* prices.
It will pay you.
jSchaul & Nast,
• 137 South Main St., Butler.
t*eaex4K>aiavse*aaicMxmi*>* l iwvw#+
7 45V You <|aite aaturall y Pick it up. A dollar saved ia joat a
uX <££& M good as a dollar found. We can not tell you where
>5*V jr *° fc° to pick up dollars, but we can assure you that (MP
I V-rl buying your Dry Goods from us will mean a dollar S
saved to you. Compare our pricea with those of any (ft
[ V|l\lu store in town and you will agree that this ia true. Xk
\ 6- ~yj*\y\ Ladies speak of our Shirt Waists with enthusiasm. Jr
\L '°' °f reliable waists, stylishly made from best ma- iflfc
IT ITr ten * ls - The ra "K c of styles is greatest we have ever
/' IT shown. Tlie prices are low enongh to save you as to fIP
f I 50 cents on each waist.
Colored Waists SI.OO to 11.75. White Waiata $1 to $3. jv
fTk Thin Goods for Waists and Dresses- v
Vj nTK We certainly have a grand assortment of those S
I'ljht, comfortable goods, especially for summer.
wear. Cool colors, too—and the prices are such as
V please those people who want to make their R
Fine Dimities roc, I2}ic, isc. **"
Sheer Batiste
tiK~ ilrlttl a P- Wash Silk 50c. im
I'wFlllii 5l White Lawn 6% to 50c.
•'■ [M ifj One visit to our stjre will make you a pleased flr
L. Stein & Son, i
Jas. A McDowell,
Makes a Specialty of
Cement Sidewalks.
Has had twenty years experience in Butler— Uses the best com"
position purchasable in the United States.
112 W. Jefferson St.
Natural Interest
It's easy to account for the
popular interest in our suit
ings. There's an excellence
about our stock which awak
ens interest in every mascu
line heart.
Novelties for Summer.
Light or dark goods, as
you prefer. But they all
promise you summer comfort.
Our suits please, and that
means a whole lot.
Wedding Suits a Specialty.
Practical Tailor.,
Motel Nixoi^
215 N McKean St , Sutler,
( I Having rented this hotel for another
year, I Htfiiin invite the ixatronagH ot
of my old friendw anil the public gener
WANTED— Honest man or woman to travo
for large house; salary >ii monthly and
ex ptoses, with Increase; position perman
ent:lnclose self-addressed stamped envelop*
MANAUEK. m (Jajton bldg., <Jhlca*o
In silverware the true criterian is
quality, Silverware with quality is here
in abundance, the kind thnt wears well
as it looks with prices as low as quality
is high. Don't forget the weddings this
spring. You may delight your friends
with a selection from our comprehensive
stock. In the meantime why not com
mence at home and beautify your own
table. All articles guaranteed just as
CAKb H. fceiGHNGR,
209 S. Main St. BUTLER PA
In the selection of a piano, look them
over well. Don't take the salesman's
word for them; use a little good judg
ment of your own. If the case is a flashy
one, made of pine wood and well covered
with paint, make up your mind the piano
is simply a "thump box," worthless as a
piano, made simply to give the party
selling you the instrument a large profit
and you are the victim.
First -class pianos are made of the best
material all the way through. The cases
are made of hard wood throughout and
everything accordingly. In your exami
nation of the Chase Bros., Hackley and
Carlisle Pianos you will find them first
class ra material and workmanship. We
make no pine case pianos. We are ready
to give you a new piano at any time
should one prove defective. Call and see
us and look the pianos over inside and
out We are not here to see how much
we can make out af you, but_ want to
offer a fair business proposition. We
know we can savs you money on a first
class piano. Come and talk the matter
over. We sell on any terms to suit you.
Our aim is to please our patrons, and
they are our references.
317 South Main St- Butler Pa