THE CITIZEN. WILLIAM O. NEOLKV • • PublUhar THURSDAY. JUNK 6. 1901. Republican County Ticket. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, E. E. YOUNG. FOR CLERK or COURTS. W. H. CAMPBELL FOR COCNTY SURVEYOR. B. F. HILLIAKD. THE COUNTY CONVENTION. The Republican County Committee met in what is cft'M Lincoln Hall, in Butler. Monday, at 1 P. M. Chairman McQnistion rapped for or der. and the roll was called, disclosing the following delegates: County CoiumittM lor Ada:us S., LE. Blakeley, Mars. Adams N., John L. Moore. Callery. Allegheny, Alexander Wilson, Fox bnrg. Brad v. I. 8. Badger. West Liberty. Buffalo. J. W. Powell. Sarvereville. Butler. Kennedy Marshall. Butler. Centre, J as. T McCandless. Butler. Cherry K., Dr. L V. Grove, Anan dale. Cherry S., Mont. Hockenberry, Coal town. „ Clearfield. E. S. Milligan, Fenelton. Clinton. J. B. Cunningham, Riddles X Roads. „ , (Joncord, Jos. E. Campbell, Hooker. Connoquenessing N., F. E. Clark, Whites town. Connoquenessing S., A. D. Thorn, Buttercup. Cranberry. I. N. Wright, Lovi. Donegal. W. C Pontius. Chicora. Fairview, D. M. Thompson. Peach- j ville. Forward, J. C. Metier. Evans City. Franklin, Alonzo McCandless. Isle. Jackson W.. Wm. Dindinger. Harmo ny. Jackson E , H. H. Goehring. Evans City. Jefferson, J. W. Patterson, Butler. Lancaster, A B. Metz, Middle Lan caster. Marion, Jas. Midberry, Murrinsville. Mercer, Jas. B. Cochran, Harrisville. Middlesex S M. Leslie, Bakerstown. Muddycreek, Jas. McClymonds. Por tereville. Oakland. J. H. Moser, Sonora. Parker. S. C. Turner, Bruin. Penn N., Harry Phipps, Renfrew. Penn S., A. D. Sntton, Maharg. Slipperyrock, Richard Critchlow Branchton. Summit, R. N. Johnston, Butler. Venango, W. P. Martin, Parker. Washington N.. Harry Hamilton, Ar gentine. Washington S., W. E. Mahood, Nprtli Hope. Winfield, Henry Freehling, Sarvere ville. Worth. Frank Wimer, Wimerton. Butler Ist, J. W. Hutchison. Butler 2d, J. H. Jackson. Bntler :id, Harry Thompson. Bntler 4tb, Robert McFarland. Butler sth, Ira McJunkm. Centreville, A. J. Sproul. Connoquenessing, J. C. McCandless. Can Claire, J. W. McCandless. Evans Gity, A. J. Douthett. Fairview, R. P. Scott. Harmony. H. B. Wise. Harrisville, J. M. Morrison. Kama City, M. L. Matheny. Milleretown, D. Dirken. Mare, J. A. Criswell. Portersville, H. E. Heberling. Petrolia, J. S. Foster. Prospect, Carl Shanor. Baxonbur;f, J. E. Muder. W. Sunbury, A. Mechling. Valencia, J. C. Barr. Zelienople, Samuel B. Ziegler. On motion of H. Hamilton of Wash ington. N. seconded by M. L. Metheny of Karns City, Carl Shanor was unani mously elected Temporary Chairman, and J. H. Jackson and Harry Thomp son. [Secretaries. ' J. W. Powell of Buffalo meved for a Committee on Resolutions, and Chair man Shanor selected J. W. Powell, H. Hamilton, A. B. Metz, J. T. McCand less and J. C. Metier, who retired for consultation. * On motion Robert McFarland was elected Chairman of the County Com mitte for the ensuing yqpr, and the tem porary secretaries were continued per manently. Then J. B. Cunningham of Clinton surprised the convention by moving to fix Saturday, Jane 7, 1902, between the hoars of 1 and 7 p.m., as the time for holding the primary for next year, and bis motion was quickly and unanimous ly adopted, without comment. John Jackson, J. T. McCandless, Ira McJonkin and Harry Thompson were selected as tellers to tabulate the vote. The Committee on Resolutions report ed as follows. Resolutions. Ist. That we point with pride and true thankfulness to the prosperous and happy condition of the country; its hon ored and recognized position among the Nations of the World, the result of the wise and salntory policy of the Republi can party. 2d We approve and commend the Republican administration, both State and National, and all good Republicans will continue to support the adminis tration and thereby secure and continue the good results of sound statesmanship in which all our people are so deeply in terested. ad. That we recognize our National and State Representatives in the Senate and House ah sound, honest and capable men, and while we approve their offi cial acts thus far we have confidence that their future conduct will be as wise and politic as thfir past. 4th. That the candidates nominated this day are worthy the confidence and support of the Republican party of But- # ler county and we pledge our hearty* support, and we call upon the Republi can partv of Butler county to ratify the nominations just made. These were adopted, unanimously and without comment, and the Committee adjonrned to meet at the call of the Chairman. The Totals. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. E. E. Young 1486 W. C. Findley 114H J. W. Coulter W7 CLERK OF COURTS. W. 11. Campbell 1475 G. M. Graham 14:17 D. D. Quigley HOS COUNTY SURVEYOR. B. F. Hilliard 2758 DELEGATE TO STATE CONVENTION. W W. Hill 21HH W. It. Hockenberry 24«8 W. B. McGeary ....2244 G. B Turner 1080 1.8. Ziegler.. 11:18 More About Hail Stones. BUTLER, PA. May 23. At Chicora hailstones as big as walnuts coveredtbe streets.—Albauy Journal. We have waited patiently for many years, but have heard of only two kinds of hailstones. Why are all hailstones that are not "as big as walnuts," "as larife as hens' eggs?" This is au extra ordinary meteorological fact, if fact it lie. Are there no hailstone* as big as hens, or Lima beans, or olives? A hail stone the size of a small cocoanut would l»e a relief from the monotony. But hailstones will only come in two sizes, and clouds are ulways "no bigger than a man's hand."- N. Y. Sun. You're another—these clouds were as bit; ss all creation outside of Butler county, and one of the hailstones that fell in Milleretown was six feet in diam eter. Highway Robber}'* Under the former Constitution of the State, when corporations were chartered by special act of Assembly, it was the custom of speculators at every session to secure a variety of charters for all imaginable purposes, which they kept on hand and peddled out to aßy com pany that might be in need of special privileges. Innumerable passenger railway companies were chartered in this way, with no other pnri>ose than to pre empt as many streets as possible and hold them againts the future formation of a bona fide company that actually proposed to lay tracks. The new com ' panv would then have to buy the fiau chine of the speculators. Oi - of the important purposes of the Constitutional Convention was to put an end to this kind of trading. The dis tinct intent of the present Constitution is not only that the incorporation of ! railway and other companies shall l>e regulated by general law, but that there shall be no such speculative pre emption of public /ranchises as was formerly permitted. All existing charters under which business had not already been commenced in good faith were declared void. The new railway bills now in course of rapid transit through the Legislature return to the worst features of the old system and antagonize the whole spirit and purpose of the Constitution. Tbey provide, in effect, that »ny p-rsons may form a company and secure a charter to build railways on, over or under any specified streets, with the consent of the local authoiities; but they shall have two years to obtain that consent, two years more to begin operations, and fi\ e years after that to complete the work, and meanwhile—for nine years at least —they will hold an exclusive monopoly. This vicious provision is significant of the speculative purpose of these bills. Their introduction has been ingeniously managed to have the appearance of pro moting competition in railway service while in fact they would exclude it. The first comers would simply stake off any unoccupied claim and hold it tor a future trade, much as the special chart ere used to be traded in under the old Constitution. It is not necessary that tbey should put up any security or make any more than a pretense of be ginning business. The streets would belong to them, with the consent of the Councils, and any one who wished to buiid a railway must deal with them. It is fruitless to nrge that this is in violation of the purpose of the Constitu tion. The recent spirit of interpreta tion leaves Constitutional restrictions in effective. It is highway robbery of a flagrant kind, taking tho public high ways and public privileges for private use, without compensation and without responsibility. ,The constitutional re quirement of the consent of the local authorities cannot be evaded, but that affords little security, and the local au thorities are not authorized or directed to exact any payment, to impose any conditions or to retain the power to re voke a misused grant. The speculative purpose of these bill s is further indicated by the entirely ne# right which is granted to companies in corporated under either of them. "To sell or lease their road and fran chises or parts thereof to other passen ger railway companies, or to acquire the roads, property and franchises of other passenger railway companies by lease or purchase." This is a power which the present street railway companies do not possess, but which might be of great use to them. They could not get it for them selves; tbey may be willingto -'acquire it from others. Moreover, the Focbt bill expressly conveys to corporations organized under it the right of eminent domain, without the restrictions that limit its exercise by the steam railroads. They are empow ered also to occupy any turnpike, so that a company acquiring this franchise could operate a continuous line, "partly elevated and partly underground, with surface rights.'' They are authorized to issue bonds to the amount of the capital stock "authorized"—not paid m —-&j that there need be no cash outlay in stock, a right never before granted in such legislation. There are particular provisions in one or the other of these bills which indi cates a particular parpose as in the clause which evidently refers to Brojul street; bat the essential viciousness of the composite plot iB not in such details. The schecne creates a new kind of cor poration, with now and enlarged powers It purposes to convey, for the mere I'jtking, to a combination of men as yet unnamed franchises of incalcu lable value and powers that ought never to be put in private hands, and author ize them to trade upon these franchises for their own profit, and in no way for the profit of the public. No more dangerous, more infamous legislation than this has ever been pro posed in Pennsylvania. It is conceived in secrecy and is to be consummated in deceit, under the whip and spur of a corrupt combination, to rob the people of rights that belong to them, and that their representative!, cannot alienate from their control without betrayal of their trust. Whatever fit legislation is required in this State to facilitate legitimate enter prise and promote the public conven ience, ought to be fully provided. It need not be dono in the dark. The secrecy attending these bills and tho indecent haste with which they are urged wouid condemn them were their faults far less glaring than they are. They are not to be opposed because they would promote railway-building. Their immediate effect is more likely to be obstructive Ja> the competition that is desired, and their ultimate effect to create monopoly. They are to be op posed because they are fundamentally vicious, snrrendoriiuf into the hamls of si*cnlators, without payment, without security, without restriction, the powers of the Commonwealth that were in tended to be exorcised for the public profit and advantage. A corporation enjoying any of tlw» franchises conveyed under these bills ought to pay for them, and some of these extraordinary fran chises ought not be conveyed at all. The whole scheme is a conspiracy of greed that must -win public execration for all who lend themselves to its sup port—Ex. Sarvers Station. Mr. and MM. Phillip I)ran« celebrat ed their 31st wedding anniversary, Mon i day, with the congratulations of a large , milliliter of neighbors who gathered to ! surprise tliem. Prof. Meyer visited Freepc >rt on the I :id. ! i There will be no preaching servie>es in the Westminster church, next Sun , day. Services in this church at :i p. 111. j Sunday, June 10. Children's Day in Ihiffalo church next 1 Sunday at 11 o'clock. , Messrs John Martin and J. M. Cruik uhttuk* visited the county Monday. HABRISBI'IfiG. The mysterious elevated and sub way railway bills were passed finally in the Senate Friday morning by a vote of $2 to fl. Senator Keyser. of Philadel phia was the only Quayite to oppose the bills aud be only voted against them. He is alleged to be concerned for the Union Traction company of Philadel phia and his vote was cast against the bills. He. to an extent, disposed of the minor that the bills were intended to benefit the Union Traction people in Philadelphia, who, in the same rumor, were alleged to have made peace with the administration and its political ma chine. The Senators voting against the bills were J. Henry Cochran. Lycoming E. M. Ilerbst, Berks, Democrats; J.. Bayard Henry, Philadelphia, Alexander Stewart. Franklin, and Samuel Weiss, Lebanon. anti-Quay Republicans, and Mr. Keyser. Qnayite. Senator Weller, Bedford. HUti yuay Republican, and Senator Miller, Cumberland, Democrat, voted for the bills. For quick action the Senate has broken its record on these bills. Within 4$ hours after their introduction they were passed fianally. Monday night, the underground rail road bills were started through the House. The mysterious bills carry remarkable privileges and here are some of then: To appropriate and hold to the exclu - sion of all others the right to construct railway lines over or under any street or road, public or private, in the state. To appropriate and hold to the exclu sion of all others, the right to construct surface lines on all streets or roads not now occupied by lines of existing com panies, or on which the track.*, of the latter are not used daily for transporta tion of passengers. To use to the exclusion of subsequent applicants, the tracks of existing com pauies over all bridges and for 2500 feet at any point on any street or road where a pretense of necessity for circuits or connections may be set up. To condemn and take any citizen s land, residence,factory or store, with no other restriction than that the aggriev en party shall be paid a compensation fixed by a jury appointed by the court. To hold absolutely these privileges for nine years, during which time not a car need be operated, nor a passenger car ried. To acquire these nine-year titles to all available trolly sites in the state with out the conveyance of a dollar's worth of 1 Kinds or securities tor the faithful performance of any obligation to the public, expressed or implied. To sell, lease or dispose of in any man ner all the above outlined rights and privileges at any time during the nine years, or a longer period, if the local au thorities shall consent to extend the li censes. To do all this without paying a cent beyond the usual incorporation fees into the treasuries of either township, I borough, city or state. So certain are the promoters that the bills will pass and receive the approval of the Governor that it is openly boasted | in Harrisburg that the articles of incor poration for a new company under these acts are prepared and in the capital ready for presentation to Secretary of the Commonwealth Griest as soon as the name of Governor Stone is attached to the bills. Those who have been care fully inspecting the two measmes have discovered that both omit the customary requirement for advertising the inten tion to apply for a charter. This appears in the general corpora tion :ut of 1*74 and its supplements, and requ . -is that the object of the proposed incorporation, the names of the incor porators, and the amount of the capital stock shall be advertised for thirty days in the city or county where it is to bo located. Until this provision of the law is complied with under all other cor poration acts the Secretary of the Com monwealth and the Governor are pro hibited from granting letters patent. On Tuesday the railway bills parsed the House, on second reading, amid scenes of wild confusion. When section 10 was reached Mr. Coray, Rupublicau, of Luzerne, made the hit of the day in the way of speech making. He moved to amend by pro viding that the franchises should go 1-0 the highest bidder. "I have here two little pieces of paper which I think will interest the House, particularly the stal warts. They are relics of a great man. and I prize them highly. The first ib a letter headed, ' Headquarters Republican National Executive committee. New York city.' It is signed M. S. Quay.' The other is an extract from the plat-: form adopted by the Pennsylvania Re publican State convention on August j 27, IH»S. "The geutleman who writes the letter commends the principles of the platform to my consideration, as I was a member of the House then. The platform stari out: 'We decry the growiug lise of money in politics,'and winds up with. 'We are against the granting of exclu sive franchises covering public comfort and conveyances. Corporations enjoy ing public privileges should be made to pay for them ' " Mr. Coray declared that he is uow standing on the platform which was constructed when Mr. Quay was in political trouble and when he was raid ing the corporations of the State. "Mr. Quay has shifted his position some what." Mr. Coray declared. "I was in favor of Mr. Quay's platform when he originally issued it, but he has abandon ed that position He is now the chief promoter of these bills, and he now pro poses to do just what he declared should not be done, in this letter over his own signature." In order to get the bills through and keep them on schedtde time the morning session was extended- well into the afternoon. was domiciled at the Executive Mansion, and WHS quoted as saying that the bills were his, and must lie passed. burin# the day the Governor appoint ed ii number of new Justices, and among them J. Peter Goettman of Lan caster twp., this Co., and also signed the following bills of general import, thus making them the laws of the State: Authorizing the abandonment by turnpike or highway companies of such portion, or portions of their turnpike, road or highway as are separated as to ownership or possession from the long est continuous portion thereof remain ing in the possession or ownership of such companies after the appropriation or condemnation to public use of an in termediate portion or portions. Supplementing an act providing for the classification of townships by impos ing a penalty for non-payment of town ship taxes in certain cases. Providing that where any corporation or company authorized to become surety in any bond or undertaking in any case for the preformance of any trust or duty, an action, suit or other legal pro ceeding may be brought on said bono or undertaking in the county in which it has been approved. Amending an act regulating l*»ronghs so as to designate who shall make appli cation for a borough previously incor porated to become subject to the restric tions and possess the powers and privi leges conferred by the act. Validating the indebtedness of munic ipalities incurred in the erection and construction of water works. Conferring upon mutual savings fund or building and loan associations the right to receive in writing, bids of pre mium for priority, and making valid all such bids heretofore accepted. Repealing the act requiring SIOO,OOO to Is- diverted annually from the gener al fund of the state treasury to the sink ing fund for the payment of the public debt. Relating to insolvency embracing, among other things, voluntary assign ments for the benefit of creditors and adverse proceedings in insolvency by j creditors, forbidding also certain prefer ' ences, providing for the distribution of 1 the iqpolvent's estate and in certain con i tingencies relieving him and others lia | blc with from further liability for his or | their debts. Providing when, how, upon what I property and to what extent, liens shall ! be allowed for taxes and for municipal I improvements. Inclining the rights and liabilities of parties to and regulating the effect of contracts for work and labor to be done and lalxjr or materials be l)e furnished . to any building, etc. J Providing tor the submission to a vote Republican Primary Election Returns-June 1,1901. DEL. TO STATE COX. COS~CM:KK OFC. DIS'T ATT'Y. 8" rp i-) O ' " <• =■ 5 i DISTRICTS. Z. ~ ' f $ ~ ~ "1 I ' £ \ g £ ' ? -S £ a o' r " ~ 5. H !T 2 H i 3 J s - rr, ■5 9 ir E: 5' £ i: ~ ~ c" c£« - ■« .1 ~ H. a> & S E2•ps 1 =- 5 :rqq::: 5 s : •* x \dams nTT 6 "> ; *4 38 33 40 4 5 81 16 10 14 Adams S 13 IB 25 34 36 39.... M) 4 1 19 22 Allegheny 14 35 22 24 24 49 12 2a 15 24 14. 14 Bntler ' 31 35 42 25 2*. 41 22 27 14 16 23 24 Buffalo .! 11 20 7s 77 72* 7* 3 28 58 4 20 66 1 Brady .. 22 25 29 28 27 47 17 11 22 11 21 20 Centre ...• 1" 43 35 31 17 4-3 15; 90 17 14' 23 15 Cheny N*. 1 13 25 31 2* 32 4 6 26 1 7 28 CherrvS 5 36 11 4i» 100 'SB 20 14 »■> 30 lti Connoquenessintf X 8 7 28 20 19 24 19 9 4 16 i Connoqnenosßing S i 27 35 31 s 22 28 .... 36 6 8 I'- Cran berry 28 19 15 9 34 30 I 28 8 3 15 19 Doneffal 8 if 13 17 22 22 7 3 19 3 8 is Fairview 23 33 52 .*> 72 29 lt,i 43 22 11 .>0 Forward 28 26 43 50 52 65 13 27' 29 25 16 29 Franklin 11 20 40 35 31 41 3 18 32 21 10 22 Jackson E • 6 7 2, 2 7 5 3 2 5! Jackson W 28 21 5 16 19 22 8 19 5 11- . 14 Jefferson 30 32 56 27 28 47 22 3» . 19 -11 19 Lancaster 9 3 29 20 29 30.... 17 15 4 4j 26 Marion « 12 45 46 45 47 7 7 39 12 5| 39 Mercer 7 18 17 24 26 28 8 22 5 10 10 15 Middlesex 6 13 81 76 84 82 12 4* 29 15 10 66 Muddycreek 2 4 25 24 16 20 3 9 19 9 6 16 Oakland 9 44 26 43 24 37 17 24 11 9 14 29 Parker 53 78 16 51 16 43 20 57j 9 9 58. 18 Penn N 17 19 38 42 39 40 42 12; 6 20 14 25 Penn S 19 32 41 38 53 23 85 14 12 17 18, 29 Slipperyrock 1 1" 21 46 63 44 4 s 14 23; 29 12 22 32 Summit 6 5 6 .... 5 6 3i 2 4 4 - 3 Venango 1 15 10 11 12 19 •>; 11 8 10 4 10 Washington N 5 9 22 22 23 28 3; lb •' 9 '» 14 Washington S 8 35 34 37 27 52 10 32 33 38 14 < Winfield 10 26 55 57 72 73 6: 48 22 20 1. 41 Worth 21 20 38 43 31 37 19 14 24 4 25 2S Bntler Boro Ist ward 47 78 so 130 84 128 66 3.i 138 bti 16 1.>3 " 2nd " 29 45 141 132 116 131 45 , 4<» 96 33 64 89 '• :) r d " 55 51 92 72 65 87 43: :;4 47 29 51 44 4th " 49 71 131 128 105 146 41 28 110 28 58 92 ,sth " 110 124 111 108 81 156 9.'i 56 60 42 10 9 Zelienople j 71 64 2 3 7j 59 2 64 6 •> l>4, 3 Total 1138 1660 2244 2463 2199 2752 8081143711475 857 1148!l«86 . of the people at the next election the proposed amendment to the constitution i for personal registration in cities. Regulating trusts arising from the 1 payment of the purchase money of land by one person and the taking of the le «al title in the name of another Validating affidavits, acknowledge ments and other notarial acts hereto fore performed by notaries public with in three months after the exxjiratton of their oomtaission. Yesterday the bills passed the House : finally and a company was organized to 1 bnild an elevated road in Pittsburg. POLITICAL. The date of the Republican State ' cotiven tion has been fixed for Wednes day Aug. 21st. Justice Potter of the Supreme Bench now holding by appointment as succes sor of the late Justice Green, will pro bably be nominated for the full term of twenty-one years from Jan. Ist next; but who has been slated for State Treasurer if anybody is not yet known. A State Treasurer cannot succeed him self. Seventy-six Millions. On Friday last thecensns bureangave out its revised figures of the population of the United States, which make it at the time cf the enumera tion in 1900. This includes Alaska, Hawaii, Indian Territory and the In dian reservations, but not Porto Rico and the Phillipines. Rhode Island, with 407 inhabitants to the square mile, is the most densely settled State in the Union, while Mas sachusetts comes next, with not quite ■H'.) inhabitants to the square mile. New Jersey, with a little more than 250 inhabitant.) to the squate mile, i* the third State in point of density of pop ulation, while Connecticut, with some what more than 1«7 inhabitants to the square mile, occupies fourth place. Four other states have more than 100 inhabitants to the square mile —New York with 152. S|% I? Headache \ JReedscußE? X Stops Headache immediately and f % contains nothing injurious to the f C heart or nerves. S S 25 Doses —25 Cents- S \ We guarantee the purity of our C f diugs and chemicals, and our / \ charges are very reasonable. \ / Try us with your next Prescrin- C \ tion or Family Kecijie and be / ✓ convinced of this. p i REED'S NEW PHARMACY. } Trade 'rfJJJT* Copyrights Ac. Anyone (finding a sketch and description m»7 quickly a»certain |ilent niicncy for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A to. receive rprrial notice, without chsrue, In too Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. SS«!r l :'f" ilr month*.*! " Hufdhy Slinewpdeilorj. MUNN & Co. 361BroadwaT New York Branch Office. <2O K St.. WashluKton. I). C. Cut l 3 rieeis! FROM MAY 8 TO 18 to get cash and reduce stock. We offer Bric-a-brac, including Vases, Metal Novelties etc. (»> off old price. A choice of hundreds of Photograph Albums at '/ } less than ever before. Sterling Silver, Plate Glass Mirrors, Ebonoid Sets, Plaster Casts reduced in paice x /y At out? half price Toilet Cases, Mani cure SeJ,n, Collar anil Cuff Sets, Jewel Case*, etc. Books cut without regard to cost. Selling out the White China at % off. DOUGLASS HOOK STOHE Eagle B'l'd. Near P. O. 241 South Main street W. S. & E. WICK, DKALEttS IN Khiikli mill Worked I,ii tnber.of i!IJ Klnils DiKira, Maali unit Mouldings. Oil Well Klk» :i Specialty. Ofllee and Yard E. CunnlnKliaui and Monroe 8U near Weat Peon Ueoot, BUTLSU PA LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS In the District Court of the United States for the Western Dstrict of Pennsylvania, in Bankruptcy. In the mutter of i Roy A. MacCartney. l—>y. In Bank- Bankrupt. I ruptcy. To the creditors of Roy A. Mact'artn»y. of Butler. ID the county of Butler anil district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby irlven that on the27th day of May. A wol. the said Roy A. Mac- : Cartney was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the tirst meeting of his creditors will IK- held at the office of J. W. Hutchison. Keferee in Bankruptcy. No. lit N. W. Dia mond. I.utler. I : a.. on the i*th day of Jen*-, ; A.I). 1901. at in o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, pro-" "iieir claims, appoint a trustee, ex am.;. 'he bankrupt, and transact such otf- .siness as may properly come before saiu meeting. June 4th, 1301. J. W. HL'TCHIsOX. Referee in Bankruptcy. in The District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, in Baukruptcy. In the matter of ) William Yeakel, -No. 1509. In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ) i To the creditors of William Yeakel. of [ Butler, in the County of Butler, and dis- I trict aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 13th day of .lune. A. 1». 1901. the said William Yeakel was duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of his creditors will lie held at the office of J. \V. Hutchison, referee in bankruptcy. No. 11l N. W. 1 Ha muli d. Butler. Pa., on the 14th day of June. A. I). 1901. at 1U o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt ana transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. May -'4 th. 1901. J. W. HUTCHISON. Referee in Bankruptcy. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will t>e received by the County Commissioners at th» lr office, in B r. - ler. Pa., until 5 o'clock p. m. of June 23. 1901. for the construction of the masonry work for three county bridges, one over Breakneck creek, near Mars borough; ont over Muddy creek. near line of Muddycreek and Worth townships, and one over Little t'oiiuoque nessing creek, in Connoijuenetslug to-iisnip. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Commissioners' office. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. J. J. McGABVEY. JOHN W. tiILI.I>PIE. JOHN A.JCICHERT. County Commissioners. Commissioners' office, Butler. Pa..June 5, 'Ol. EXEC-UTFIIX'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the est-te of David Park, dee'd., l ite of Middlesex township, Butler Co , Pa., having Irtrea granted to the undersigned, all peisons knowing themselves indebttd to said estate v. ill please make imme.Mate pay ment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated to MRS. MARY A. PA»K, EX'X, Kakerstown, Pa. E. H NEGLKY, Att'y. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate. I!y virtue of an order of tile Orphan's Court of Butler Co.. Pa., made on the 4th day of March. 1901. and renewed and continued on May Aith, 1901, the undersigned, trustee, wilt offer at public sale on the premises In Centre twp.. Butler Co., Pa., on Tuesday, June 25th, 1901, At.- o'clock p. m.. the following described real estate, late the property of Daniel Hock, dee'd, viz:—All that certain piece or tract of land situate In Centre twp.. Butler Co., I'a.. lioundcd and described as follows, to-wlt'- On the north by lands of Ell Eairal. Jos. Coulter's heirs, David Kelly and 1. J. M'~ C'andiess; on the east hy lands of Mrs. Wil rnina Fleeger, Calvin Kobb and John Kauai, on the south by lands of Calvin liobb.liurton Kaaal and Frank Kohler and on the west by lands of I. J. McCandless, CONTAINING 125 5:1-100 AOKES, Aliout 110 acres of which Is cleared and In a f;ood state of cultivation, balance Is wood and of good White Oak timber. Good house and frame barn and other outbuildings thereon erected: also orchard of bearing fruit trees: land Is underlaid with good vein of coal. This farm is situate on the Butler ;.nd Mercer pike, about li miles from the borough of Butler, and adjoins the villiage of rnionvllle, and Is convenient to churches, schools, stores, mills and postoflice, and also to Jamison vllle .station on the I*. 11. & L. E. K. K. TERMS OK SALE: One-third in hand on confirmation of sale by the Court; one-third in one Year with interest from confirmation of sale ny the Court ;the remaining one-third to remain charged upon the premises during the natural life of Airs. Mary Heck, widow or said Daniel lleck, dee'd., the Interest on said one-third from confirmation of sale by the Court to bo paid by the purchaser to said Mrs. Mary Heck, widow.annually—on the Ist day of April each year during her lifetime and at her death the principal of said one third to bo paid l»y the purchaser to the parties legally entitled thereto. said de ferred payments to be secured bv bond and mortgage on the premises, embracing at torney's commission In case tha same should have to be collected by legal process. Grain now In ground reserved. JOHN C. MOOBE, (Executor of Daniel lleck, dee'd..) Trustee. I*. (). McCandless, Butler county. I'a. G. W. Fj.kkokk. Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administrali » on the estate of Clara J. D dee'd., late of But ler, Butler Co., Pa., having bten granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themself indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to Elmkr Dingman, Adm'r, Greenville, «'a. Ira McJunkin, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Robert A Drown, dee'd., late of Clay twp , Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to >aid estate will please make immediate pay ment, and an}' having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement to Mary Brown, 1 . , , JosjahJ. Brown, / Adw ™ Sonora, Pa. W. D. Bbandon, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Victor K. Phillips, dee'd., late of Butler, Butler county. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to Thomas W. Phillips, Jr., I Ci.akenck VVAl.khr, / Aam rs ' Butler, Pa. C. Wai.kkr. Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of John Glasgow, dee'd , late of Clinton township, Butler county, Pit., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment and those having claims against the estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to MARTIN MONKS, Flick, Pa., ROBKKT SBKTON, Culmerville, Pa., Executors. WII.UAMS & M ITCHEI.U, Att'ys. ADM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE Levters of administration on the estate I of Henry R. Blair, dee'd., late of Slipperyrock township, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to F.OBKRT R. BLAIR, Adm'r., Keister. P. 0., I'a. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Martha Markwell, dee'd., late of Concord twp., liutler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all person.* knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to R. S. COKNKMUS, Adm'r.. , Butler, Pa. j W. D. BKANDON. Attorney. 1 t M. C. WAGNER, i ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 139 South Maiu street. R-R-TIME-TABLES 1» & W It R Trains leave Butler for Allegheny. local time, at 6:25. 8:0."), 9:20. and 11 "20 a. m and 4:00. 5:45. p. in. The 9:20 and 11:80 a. m. trains make the rra in an hour and a quarter. The 8:05 a. m 4:00 and 5:45 p m trains, daily, connect at Callerv for the West Trains'leave Butler in the Northern Division or Narrow liange at a. m. 5:15 p in., local time, the morning train for Kane and evening train for W. Clarion Trains arrive in Butler from Alle gheny 9:03, 9:17 a m. and 12:10. 5:00. 7:03 and 7:45: and from the North nt 9:05 and 3:50 p. in On Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrday nights, the Theatre train leaves Alle gheny at 11:30 p m arrives in Butler at 1:10 a. m. BESSEMER & LAKE K. R. CO Time table in effect May 19 1901. CENTRAL TIME Northward. Daily except Miaday Southward (Bead up) (Keaddowu) In lo 14 STATIONS."""" U 1' I'M I'M F.M.i AM ,I'. M P.M - 00 0 at 1 tti Erie 0 OUI2 1*» 4 1" > *24 IS 05 U 34 Fairtiew 6 Sail* 35 4 40 s 11 5 56 12 21 liirard 0 30 12 48 4 5-1 ' 600 153 ar. .Oeuueaut ar II (H 153 600 j 4 32 11 06 IT.. Conneaut. .1* 6 10,11 "5 4 32 j T 51 5 33 12 05 ( nuiesrille 6 5o 1 07 5 17 I 7 49 5 25 12 01 Albion 7 00 1 12 5 85 7 M 5 (15 11 47 SpringK-ro 1 7 15 1 22 5 40 I 7 2> 4 -V* 11 4ljCtonneantville 7 22 1 33 5 4(» : '• 55! 42511 os Meadville Janet. 755 200 605 j s oo IS 5« 11 S9ar. . Meadrille.. ar 8 30 2 55 659 \ 4 25 3251022 1V Meadvill.-.. .lv 5 50 100 4 25 7 30 ti 20 11 -War .Con. I, 8 00 2 25 S 20 .">2O 3 55 10 52 It. .Con. 0 20 1 30 5 20 ; 7 04 4 34 11 ltlar. Expo. 7 49 2 1" ti 15 | 7 04 4 34 11 18 lv " Iv 7 49 1 40 I) 15 j 4 32 *r.. Liuesville C-, ti 55; [lt -• lv 1 7 2')! I 5 35 6 40 4 12 lo 56 Hartstown 1 8 Op 2 11. U K> ti 2> l 35810 42 Osgood 822 228 657 ti 13 3 52 10 35 Greenville 8 2rti 2 :ki 7 05 6 00 3 40 10 2* Shenango S3» "-43 7 13 5 44 3 23 10 10 Fredonia 8 50 2 s't 7 2S 5 :Soj 3 06 9 66 Mercer 9 03 3 13, 7 4o 5 24: 3 01 9 51 Houston Junction 9 07 3 2U 7 45 5 OS 2 43 9 33 Grove City 9 21 3 38! 8 00 4 511 2 27 9 12 Branchtou 933 355 5 loi 10 lt> ar.. Uillianl... ar 10 18 5 4 leftvel |».n» p.m p.m Allegheny / P. A W. Bta 9 00 J 4 10 10 00 Butler ! 7 45 10 12 5 2111 38 Fenelton 1 8 07 5 45 11 51 Cralgfville . .. 8 lf> I 55512 01 ('.jwausville 8 2® 6 05 Montgomeryville 8 34 6 10. West MOtgrove 8 45 6 20 Echo »06 I 6 3!l Dayton ...... Ul7 1 65012 52 North Point 'J 34 7 0*» Hamilton 0 41 Valter » 4ti | 7 18 PunxßUtawney ar 10 00 12 03 7 3o 1 }t a.m 12 05 2 45 7 30 1 Big Una K JO2 745 135 Cutwenfrille ai: 4 +4 17 417 Clearfield ar a.m *4 32 4 32 Dnßob *6 o<> 12 45 3 45 8 20 2 05 Falls Creek H 05 12 52 3 55 p.m 2 12 Brockwayville 0 23 1 05 4 13 2 28 Ridgway 7 00 1 37 4 49 3 f.6 Johuaonburg 7 14 1 49 5 20 3 19 Mt. Jewett 8 06| 2 41 6 08 4 14 Bradford ar 8 55 3 25 7 00 5 Oo Salamanca ar 9 36 4 51' Buffalo ar 11 50 5 40 7 15 Rocheater ar 7 20' 8 45 a.m p.m | I a m Additional train leavw Punxxutawey for Falls Creek, CurweuMville and <'learfi«M at 6 00a.m. SOUTH BOUND. EASTERN'TIME ti3 I*31 *3 ro— leave a.m : p.m p.m Rochester *7 45 9 (JO Buffalo I*l I »9 30,3 15 10 15 Salamanca lv 10 34 Js 32 Bradford lv 7 45 12 10 6 15 12 45 Mt. Jewctt 8 42 12 59 7 12 1 32 JohiiMonburg 927 1 49 8 00 2 21 Ridgway 9 58 2 02|8 15 2 37 Brock wayville 10 37 2 32 8 52 3 11 Falls Creek 10 54 2449 0« 325 Dußoitt 6 40 11 00 2 55 9 15 3 34 Clearfield lv 11+38 p.tu CurweuMville lv 11+49 i Big Bun.; 7.13 U3l U +2l 4(0 l'uuxsutawney ar 7 28 11 45 3 33'p.m 4 IS lv 7 31) a.m 3354 30 420 Valier 7.41 4 41 Hamilton . 7 40 4 4i, North Point 7 53 4 53 Dayton » 11 5 11 4 SO Echo 8 22; ti 522 Went Moagnnre K 45 5 45 Montgomery villi. 8 54 5 55 Oowaimville | 8 59; j(i 05 Craignville [« 0« urg / arrive a.m ! p.m. p.m a.m * Daily, f Daily except Sunday. Additional train Iwvu ( le.illleW f.»r PunzauUwiHiy at 7.08 p.m, Kail* (.'reek at 8,20. I) -Stops on slKiial for pas senders to points South of I'unxsutuwtiey and to let off pas sengers from Bradford and points North of Bradford. E -Stops to let off passengers from South of Punxsutitwney and on signal to take on passengers for Bradford and points North of Bradford. ti Stops to let off passengers from North of l'unxsutawney and on signal to take on passengers for Allegheny or points west on the 1\ 3t W. By. I Stops to let off passengers from Alle gheny and on signal to take on passengers for points North of l'unxsutawney. Trains 3 and » art.' vettibufed with hand some day coaches, cafe and reclining chairs cars. Trains 2 and 7 have l'ullman Sleepers be tween Buffalo and Pittsburg and Rochester and Pittsburg, EDWARD C. LAPEY. Gen'l Pass. Agent Ronhnntnr N Y. PENNSYLVANIA" Ri 8 '„ L AD . WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ScuimiLi IK Errccr May . 27, 1901. sotrrn. , WKKK DAYS , jA. M A M. A. M. P. M. P. M BUTLKB Leave 0 26 H 02 10 M 2 35 4 50 HaxoulmrK Arrive G M 8 20 11 Ift 3 OO 6 18 llutlcr Junction.. " 7 27 M Vi 11 40 3 26 5 44 Butler JuucUoD. ..LMVe 7 31 8 A3 II A 2 3 A 44 Natrona Anlve 7 4o 11 01 12 01 3 34 A 54 TarentuuL 7 44! K 07 12 08 " 3 42 5 AD HpriiiK'lale 7 52 9 IB 12 1U 3 62 f.i 07 Claremout 9 80 12 38 4 00 m 10 .Sliari«burg 8 11 93«12 48 4 12 626 All.*l>euy 8 24 9 48 1 02 4 2A 6 38 A. M. A H P. M P. M P. M SUNDAY TBAINB.-I.eave Butler for Allegheny City and principal Intermediate nUtloua at 7:30 a. m., tnJ 6:00 p. m. NORTH. WKKK DAYS A. M. A. M A M P. M P M Allegheny Clly .leave 700 h4610 46 300 UlO SUarpabnrg 7 12| s 57 10 A 7, 3 15!g(l 22 Ctaremoiit .. ■ . .... 11 (Hi 3 23i .... HpriiiK'lale j ....; .... 11 18 , 3 40 6 80 Tarentum ; 7 39| 9 24 11 28 3 53 « 4S Nationa ! 7 43 9 28 11 34 4 011 0 A3 Butler Junction,. .arrive 7 50[ »37 11 1" 4 16, 702 Butler Junction... .leave 7 60j 9 ;17 12 1H 4 28 7 02 Saxonhurg 8 21 100 312 41 4 5f 7 27 BtITLKB arrive 8 4ft; 10 W 1 loi g 2> 7 Ai lA.M.'A.M. P. M P. irt.lP. M SUNDAY THAINS.—I.euve Allegheny City for But ler and prineljtal intermediute Htalioiin at 7:IA a in. and 'J-.JO p. 111 rOB TIIK EAST. Wrtki !>»)■. HuniUja |A. M.iA MIP. M A.M. T M Un i.ra 1» « 2ftllo 60 2 :ifi 7308 00 Butl..r J'ct *r 727 11 40 326 820 660 Until:! J'ct lv 7 60,11 4.1 128 821 8 11 F.-« port : »r 763 11 4«i 1 32 8 2.1 811 K«k i uillicta. J't " 76hIJ 60 4 .'l7 8 2'J 8 111 LMckburft " 81012 02 4 4!) 841 832 Pnultou (Ap0110)...." 8 ,1| 12 22 10 868 860 KulULurtc " BABI2 40 ft 3« !» 2S it IK Blu]r>vl!l 28. 120 tt 11 UK I) 46 BlnlrnrUlolot '* #3B . .. ,0 20 10 00 Altoona 44 11 36 1 850 12 40 . .. HairUburg 44 310 .... 1 00 420 Philadelphia 44 623 4 'lb .7 17 P. M |A. M.,A. M. A.M.I'M Through trains for the east leave Pittsburg (I'nlou Station), im follows: Atlantic Kxpruas, daily 3:00 A.M Pennsylvania Idiulted 44 ...7:lft" Ihty Kxprw*, 14 7:30 44 M.»iii Lint* Kx pi I'M, 44 8.00 44 Harrhd'tirg Mall, 44 12:45 Ml llarriohurg K*pr«-« " 4 4!# " IMiila hdphia ICxprt***, .4:50 44 Mail ami Kxpr»«M daily For N«• * York only. Through bufTrt sleeper; DOCOMIm 7:00 44 j Ka«t«*ru ExprnM, 44 7:10 44 Kiuit Line, 4 0 00 44 Pittahurg Limited, * ouiy 8:40 A.M For Atlantic City (via I*da*ar« Itlvi-r Bridge, all rail routr), 8:00 A.M, and 9.00 P.M, daily. Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division Traiua leave Kink iiiumta* Junction . iu. da)*. Sundays, 5«» a. in., t1.16 and U4op.iu. For Hod Jkitik, 7.4« i, «.6«, 11.17 a in., 2 :«i, i;. 16, 4 J.34, 1111* i 11,40 I-. »»»• h daji Bndijs, l in 49 a. m,, »). 15 and 11.40 p. «n For Kittannliig, 7.4«, 0.32, 11.17 a. sti , 4 8.16, 7.34, U. 34, aud 11.40 p. m. %»relays. .Sun.lays' 10.49 a. MI., 0.16, 10.46, and 11.40 p. SU. "g" *t"l» on signal lo take -»tt |«»<''Ug<*ni for Tar»»a- Utlu and |N>iutn tx'yood. Foi detailed information, apply to ticket or iddruMi Thos. K. Watt, IW Agt. Wnstorn l'iatrkt, L'cru«r Fifth AT»UU« and Smith FTF'd Strert, Pittahurg, I'a. I B. lIUTCUI«ON, i. U. WOOD, •icnsrsl Mauagcr. <#snM Jfumr. Ag«n The Woman's Choice. Will She Choose Dr. Experi ment or Dr. Experience? Put the question plainly to any woman: Will you cnoose the experienced or the experimenting doctor? and there's no doubt about the answer. What woman wants to be the subject of experiments, to drag out weary months while the unskilled practitioner vainly tries various medicines, and charges the sick woman liberally for his experimental failures? Yet willing or unwilling a great many women have to go through just such an ordeal. Their disease baffles the local physician. He tries all he knows to effect a cure and fails. Sometimes this goes on for mqoths, sometimes for years, the woman meantime suffering daily torments. Perhaps the difference between the •doctoring" of e*periment and experi ence cannot be better shown than in the following statement: " for seven years I was confined to bed most of the time," writes Mrs. M. P. Davis, of Honaker, Russell Co.. Va. " I had four doctors and they said I could not be cured. I had ulceration of uterus and female weakness, so I coula not stand on my feet but a short time; had bearing-down sensation, pain in the •mall of my back. My stomach and bowels, also legs and feet would swell, and everything I ate hurt me. I could not sleep wellj was so short of breath I could not lie down at night; had sore ness and tenderness over Uterus, toubled with palpitat ion of heartj and suffered with headache all 4 the tipie. I would Set blind and have fainting spells, had ark rings around my eyes ana my eyes seemed Dloodshot; suffered from pain ful periods ; could not lie on my left side. I would have numb spells, pains around my heart every morning, my lungs hurt me a great deal and my shoulders too. I would spit up blood at times, memory was poor, hearing was bad, hands and feet were cold all the time, and I had chills and night-sweats. After the doc tors said I could not be cured I got hold of one of Dr. Pierce's Memorandum Books and read how he had cured so many patients afflicted like I was so I thought his medicine might help me. I wrote to Dr. Pierce for advice and he sent me a very encouraging letter in reply, advising me to take his ' Favorite Prescription ' and ' Golden Medical Dis covery ' and ' Pleasant Pellets.' I got two bottles and used these and felt much better. I seyit and got si* bottles more. I can now work all day and not feel tired at night. I can sleep all night and can eat anything I want at any time. I can walk and go anywhere I please. I . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Room 9 and 10 Stein Building. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, con sultation and examination free. DR J. WILBERT McKEE, SIKJKO.V Da NTIST. Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store. 215 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. DR. W. I». MCILROY, DENTIST. Formerly known as the "Peerless Painless Extractor of Teeth." located permanently at ill East Jefferson St. Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do dentiul operations of all kinds by the latest devices and UD-to-date methods-. W WICK, • DKNTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with all the latest devices for Dental work. 1 J. DONALDSON, TI• DKNTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted 011 the Lute»t improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office next to postoffice. »R. M. D. KOTTR.ABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DKNTIST] Office at No 114 E. Jefferson St.,' over G. W. Miller's grocery, I: H. NEGLEY, LIT ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the "CITIZUN" building. I; VERETT L. RALSTON, L ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. Fisher Building. First door on South Main street, next my former office in Boyd Building. 1 D. McJUNKIN, O , ATTOR N KY-AT-LA W . Office in Reiber building, corner and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance 011 E. Cunningham. /lOULTKR & HAKhK, V ATTORNKYS A 7 I/AW. Room 8.. Armory buildin*. TOIIN W. COUI.TIvR, J ATTORNKY AT-I.AW. Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlei Special attention given t° collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler County Natioual Bank HH. GOUriUvR, . ATTORNKY AT LAW. Office in WiK building. kinds of work in the bouse #nd out floors too. /am sorry / did not take Dr. Pierce's medicine when I first began to have poor health. I could have saved what I paid to humbugs. My friends say that I do not look like the same woman. When I commenced your medicine 1 only weighed one hundred pounds. Now I weigh one hundred and forty. I thank you A thousand times for your good medicine and your kind ad vice. I used four bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery ' four of ' Favorite Prescription' and two vials of your ' Pleasant Pellets.' " WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE between experiment and experience in treating womanly diseases ? The differ ence between success and failure. The difference between health and sickness, happiness and misery. The reason that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures so many women is that it is a medicinv which is the product of years of experi- ence in the treatment and cure of womanly diseases. It is a medi cine made to do certain things and it does what it is made to do. Every woman understands the fine points of this differ ence between experiment and experience. When the housewife engages a cook she demands experi ence. She does not want a cook who is experi menting with unfamiliar recipes. The inexperi enced man might say— Why, there's the cook book. It tells how to make anything. All you've got to do is to measure and mix as it instructs and you can't come out wrong. Can't you? The wife knows very much better than x that. Given the best recipe in the world it takes experience to make a success of it. The dif ference between the suc cess of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription and the failure of other medicines is the difference of ex perience. It is no experiment to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the cure of womanly ills. Experience—the experience of hundreds of thousands of women proclaims that it makes weak women strong and sick women well. Thousands of grateful letters have been written to Dr. Pierce. They covw cures of every form of womanly disease which is medically curable. They show that " Favorite Prescription " is a perfect regulator, that it dries enfeebling drains;. that it heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. They prove "Favorite Prescription" is the best pre parative for maternity; that it keeps the mother strong and healthy and makes the baby's advent practically painless. Sick and ailing women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is privately read, pri vately answered ana womanly confi dences are guarded by the same strict professional privacy which protects the womanly confidences made in a personal consultation with Dr. Pierce. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. As chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., Dr. Pierce (assisted by his staff of nearly a score of physicians), has in a little more than thirty years, treated and cured hundreds of thousands of weak and sick women. CAN YOU AFFORD to invest twenty-one cents in stamps for expense of mailing one of the greatest medical works of the age ? Can you afford not to invest twenty-one cents for a book which teaches how to preserve health and prolong life? This great work, Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med ical Adviser, contains 1008 large pages and over 700 illustrations. It is sent free, in paper-covers, on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. For cloth-binding send 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y» JB. BREDIN, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court H' V.M- N F. L. McQUIS'i JON, v» CIVIL FHGINEK" \NT> SRNVEYF.. Office near Court Haw*-. \ T. SCOTT, JTTLA ATTO S N F.Y- A r 1- KW. Office at No. S. West D : ativ>nd St. P.ut ler. Pa. A. T. BLACK. Gl:<>. O. STEWART BLACK & STEW ART, Attorneys-at-law, Armory Building, Bur, Pa. , T JAMES D< DO-, I • I.ICI. :%£>-" At?CTION'K.