THt; CITI^fCX. THURSDAY. M W jo, 1901. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . Saw-cdta.- to c=aie •a*oc * In itwlr '*4*- *'4 nolifj us Ol .fcetr Intention u> -r «* wcmc is» - r rv> ;pt bonk* tt the «-JTI .ES »&.< •-. - i<: yx-r- Ol liiUkuig auUltr »»ie* tn*!l n« i' u of the May has »t„ 1 i -'f. on both the juat ard tae at»j *t —Tlw» Lull' r B inch i* to be impror. el uewiriJ;-- new railsan-l theelim {nation of aotae. urea. —-'C 'itnumty • t loten-:." the new definition ra ru»t. ' means getting londb'-r for w • r« mhraii. Th American* pro|iow 1 t» tak, nothing »t H• ir • ;*»rt;iiv fn»m t'hina and jrei the t hit..-- asked them to stay, j The sir»-« t . nr hn»« ot Allegheny and Pitt-- nrg nr* to t» «t»wW up the AlWh'-ny rlv« r a* far north »* Taren lata —ln Pl'tsbttrg, last Tti-Uj. John P , B ft' * » M« ■ k Van!*, took [ a mie h powder*. and died *b»rt j 1> fir —A t»*r was killed in, tVarfV-l Ok), thi* *t*te a few d*v* at 1. a id down in tt'xrt Virginia a bear killed three who w»r* piaving la the —Tne Herman l.«»h-r*n» ut« tap. *»er M*r* and will VmdoW their h>*m«> fv>r ag»d people fc> 111 a* ant a* they «*U thetr pCVf* rty In Wood* tan. just Wlow the city —A fundus thna4M*« fatm» t>n harJ lt<<» «vrv al«> Mown duwn and the da i»atfv will Itkalr »ww c*a»»»dera tlz mii.dtk —l%O graduate* and at« «|»m* i»f the lt«itl»r «*vdW#» ha«'< uosolly sorutvd j- w M !>>.«• Joh* Kvatta. UxA k»|»f f> » Kniu' 1 l r^d» t'iv, Uatlvr, U R * ih tl»» tVun*. It K. Co.. fMMh lUlm. ul«aih la said to kav< Lewti > an«nl l»jr eat»n< ao »r gra*i which tfcere air yidluw svads or spaoks 1 thai itv t*(t |aola»noa* ia saiti to ■ hive Urn a retuarkahly bright girl— 'ix and Uetiuan e* well «• Italur and her terrible death ia a trartiinii to children agatnat eating •rhstt ver the; find in the woud* -flutue of th» hall or hail-atuaea that 1-11 la thia couuty last Friday, were BSMOtily Itrgn. At Evan* City they ««r- "aa large *• walnut*, at .Millers | ,*n kiuii ui«wor>"i over two inchea in circomfrr> n. hard to cause th- tn to be 'sore all over" for aeveral -nn Monday, Sept. 3, tp'. fiewl for catalogue and circular*. I Hut(.Kg huiisusi Cor.i.K>'«. For tbe Leather Couch made ne<- us. Lilies' Ktylisb Oxfords SI.OO. Men's ♦1.85 at Buff h There is no food so healthy, notirish in p, refreshing or ai cheap *j Pi* Wo for ■> cents, or hi* fctMin* tor n dollar at Tub ('HKamkRY.- W« are lmided with PatenV Lefctiier in Men x, lu,yn' and Youth's, Wo ctivti'*, -MfitsAr and Children's. Can show yon more styl<*i than any other i«tore in Butler county A RnfT & Kof Did you see thu li'-d Brown Infant* ttoe sdt tolesboi'<* Red. Blue, VVr»tt4». Pin'*, Tan, 'l'orra Oitta, Blaek, e»o , l. w« or Uutfon, only 2* • at Ruff*. H>-nry filckel has optwl the I>/wry Brrw' h/. ry Inrn, rear of Lowry hotel •nd Chirk-* Duffy's utore. away from d*t|«rof stnet enr line. Everything new and finit clax*. personal attention tc. «.an.ixt.t trj'l#.' C»" 6n Y»'»» wt»n Iti Btitlhr « ' latent Leather Hboej njt Wf sqinmey riua the only ius»anl<». d patent Imiher th'#i nold in Bvlm, For a nlee Porch R-x.-ker ace Brown 6c ! Co * Xi|» Muv yemr shoes at Kitff'4 once and you will be a regular oos'omer Oriler your iiiilk and cream fwm the Creamery wagon ax it pnn*e* yotir d(x>r or cjill up People"h Phone ■ :f. and tU? wagon will htop at yotir hotW»j, Lio»> » w.-sr the Doroaa |C! shoe once and you will uev«r wear any other. A. Ruff & Hon. Hereen Door* ami Window*, Hcrecn Wire, Poultry Netting v-ry cheap at M, < KmM»TEIN ,-i Unr Reputation Rent* on onr Hh<«-a That I* why we can afford to h*|| none but good *hi»e* A. Raff & Hon. A nice line of Hideboard* arrived la*t week at Brown & Cos. Workman*hlp. deaign, flni*h, tbe best to be had. PEKSOXAt. Mrs. Morearet Heyl of Prospect visit ed friend" :n Batler. Friday. Viijil Gilsoo do* nukM a fIOOO a year c!erkir>c in the Bntier P. O. John Burris of di>: some in Butler. Thursday. Pm«nia DonbJr- and son of Donegal twp. visitetl friends in Bntler.ycsterdav. S. F. Bowser orate? at Zelienople and A. B C. McFarlaod at Ilarrisville to iiay. Tl. m< »B. McClymoods and mb of Brady did sown- shopping in Butl'-r. yesteriay. Mi?s Frances B. Doddsof his entered the nnrres' traing school of the South Side Hospital, Pittsburg. The home of Chris. Hays and wife of Baena Yista was made glad by the arrival of a fine new boy last week. Condflctor Guthrie lock* like a littl.- Admiral in his new nniforni. and his train is always on time to the second. Mr. Pen field, the new manager of the Millerstnwn !1< raid, and late principal of the srh<«tis th.*re. visited friends in Butler, Saturday* R. Fisher of the Dye Works left Bat ler. Ust Thursday evening, and flailed from Philadelphia. Saturday, for a visit to h s old home in England H. H Gitocher at. I wifeof Butler and O. D Swain and wife of Harmony at tendml tii,' funeral of Hon J T Donly. at Sn*lb»ide cemetery. Pittsburg. 1 i-t Tlintsday. Mr Simeon Xixcm now of !»*• Angel-- California send« u» a very ueativ j.r,nt«d l:ltl»" book i~ontauning a 1 cvjpv of his addpew on the .Siirns of War (ua>if liefon- th<- I'nion Yet»«r>n I Le«ion" < f this place aboot nine yeat •CO. lienrv Bnider of Xiud*!>vnek twf caiii» to town. Monday, but wa» coavl from serving on the jury. He is senior member of the firm of H iland< r A M !!«•>• and on intwß'. of th-- McC innell mill U-ing injured bv the flood am ntlnr *•» tb**ir mill hts lw,'n Is.-; t runnit it eighteen bottT#a day irtai* yu.-n L. i'« «>f Pro - 1 ndd woman hrr ia r»'ver % n<*»l br ail German* and *h«- la tl» Pair-'i. Saint of th- H»»W i f ladle* «h-w» A repi.— iitatuui of hr in was la now on vghibitloo In th< •how window id It C ll«wl*on a shoe •luiv rtIK t OMMI'StKMKJiT. Th«- 1. '< If ..;«*•»» of m-rtj*N in IliitW, itr IHw ifnxluiton <>f til* Putler Hlik SfM. Tb«-tr rotrrUiuuKfttk w*r*> H>«wlit*' bl«>. mkl Ibey «U »l«l k> w«4l. that both |i|«lw *•«! {*»!>-« wt|r ohi'Wrml «PM I)mh TWr ktvnr that iht'r »?*• a P«v«l«t K> lh < town. the •> h 'U* »n l Ihe fn«n»Jt* unl tioUv. lb** >biik m lb" «*fful»c»>u>«* at Ultir *• A I'tH'lll In buoor ul ifet* Utwlwim uf ttulln Huh .Vhiwl, ittul.) I Saite. t'laiwii sUlun, Angaria mijaii) id»ol». iltjut «aeclt vtg»-*iiiit frtuit, vtldv boa*, clara II PnK«a. »U )i »u»bo*tum Veatris anuU »übditum omnium w*:raii) in ui»-moruuji UL To* navist occupant, of the late thunder storms a daughter of Rev Taylor of the Pre* byterian church at Harrisvjlle, while standing on tbe sidewalk «ai trtruck by lightning Her clothe* and skin were slightly torched, the *hoe* torn from her feet and »be wa» severely stunned but suffered no further injury ami soon neortnd. UclllllOllH. The annual reunion of the Conrad Hnyfler family will be held at the farm of John Hnyder in Brady twp., between Flora and Wnt Libarty, on Tnetclay. Jure- 11th All frien'bt and neighbora are invited. %in<- ami (jriuriiiig make I)evoc and Zoic faint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. Markets. Wheat wholesale price TA Vt Rye. '• ,vi tJats, " :j2 Corn, " 4H Hay. " l«u 12*, Beet*, per 1/u .V) libnbarb, 'U.ion.,, • 15-' JO Cabbage, per lb 01 Chickens, dressed 10 Par*n i pa, per bu 50 Tnrniii* KI Timothy seed, per bu pi linriwi Sale. Al>f will have a «uile of all kind* iif horse* at the Flick Trading 6c Livery on W. JefTeraon Ht. on .Saturday. June Ith at I p. iii.' M » 't »- Oi\t *tyjen this Hprinif 4- RufTA H<7;i. 1 V fdixbed, mahogany fin- Hookers, covere,d in *ilk taocstry. yelour or dama*k at Brown X Co'a are all right. H<-e then, Aak your girl alx.ut onr Corona Bhoe at Ruff *. Try Johnston's B««*, ir- n ami Wine, for vou,r Syrim; tctiic. Men* Hativ r«if Ka.-e hh<«L plain or Tipped, '<•*<■ at Huff* Wo sink>) and put up butter to order, in any ntyle or form, and xalted, at Brown A- Cx«o. Inquire at this oCßre. CJ'xxl .Shoe* co*t lenH than jxxir one*. Try a pair of our Corona $-1 *hoes. A. Ruft 6c Hon. LCGVL SEWS. - ; GRAND JURY RETURNS. The Grand Jorr a TED on IS indict I menUc- follr-w< TKUK DILLS. : L. Horwitz. violation of o'eomargti ice law. three coants: Wm Page AN;: 1 aat. AGS. a&b: O W Dnnkle A&B assault: H. B. McKintey. violating oleomarscriae law. two c «< 1 Thomas L. Billiard. F»b; Matthew Snow. P.£l- aAri May Gordon, AGG- B; Hugh il- ri.'s :: -elling liquor to mi f Peter Murri- ® F SELLING liqnor to minors: JAMR? Boyle. selling liquor S! BILLS IGNORED. j edon Matthi .V Snow, th. prosecutor : WIN Belli.-, A&B: Hugh Morrison, -_ni • ' hracerv. NWTF on county: HUTFLI and P»- | r Momson. -FILIN- liquor without li cense and on Sunday ■ The jury approved the erection by ' ; th«* county of A bridge over Brc.lKß. •••■« I creek in Adams TRRP and over Mn Idy . creek in Worth and Muddycreek twp*. I j In thtir final presentment the grand | the jail and County Hr>r.;e in very ML- I office in the Court House. The first case put on trial Monday morning was that OF the Com mot WRAITH )v> H B McKinney. a Centre Ave I «r--R. r Two informations had be» " ' I IU-T.I- Ki.ain.-t him by Jarae* Terrj .as. I>: I for the Dairy 4C Food Commission, for MOLING but ferine. Two DETECTIVE cum . I . J.MIII I'., k M HAND and :>- tli» v boncht butter from McKinne* an-! sent tt to F. E. Ashman. a chemist em I i>I. DV the Commission. Prof Ash I nan t« stified that the supposed butt R MrKini rv was convicted on one indie: M, nt •»n The other it wa« prn-.-T that I p'ltN'l'-'O -T n McKicm v. L Horwttt leo. ca?es? L*•* I Klipueryrork. • *f SEDUCTION* etc I was irtl I v the pj*rti>*; marrying. I Attorney AK-s.»nder of .VMVR att»ni I ed court F»r the Hilliard AW* Momhy. I TTN -lav its. *NIMG Wm ) N nt t) I S j* rirr >4 thi* Arlittgtuß. I mhti wtt* » hnr*£* »i with 4£ifraritt««! aftb. I for sinking Th«od re «y. a car j- ni. r. with an ir»« bar, was acquitted and the r> «t* put on Aiiih-«uy by th jurv It app«ar*d Anthony bad antt< > ed I- 1 in nt by kl kiug over his wheel Mr* MAV GORDON was put »n tr »! TN«!O UORUIBK • N a TFIARGW of a,: £TF™ "FLITHTFCE M SRTK^R, V *^'NG tud G««o»T I- 'KINTF. - Mrs ii h*d •t>m« - up l-ehind Mr- V on Kim St kn< ck>«l her d<>«» and kick"! hi t Ibro' tim* s Th- defendant >*w> that Mr- V v»idalia wa« tou*h and hn 1 l.vvl with an o|. - Man while her h"s lr»«»uii»tii*k Win II they iii< t Mra. (> sakl ahe wan:»d I Mr* V to retract. Mr*. V refused and k Ml. .. !):• II th.< IUT - lIU-t in and mmt> a job of it tte wn. fouud ituilty of a«- W Duukle each ehargeiu>le ;MN ; th- ■ ->t- Ti • men are >aid to have bad a rough and t'l'ulde tight in U I>ON«-gal twp ' .iltr house. Marry Barnes, the pro«-<-ntor was aenten > D to ]uty th* IXMTS placed on hhn by THE KRAII'I jury in toe adeb cas" a:'ain«t Jtswsph Smith. Ma the W Snow was convicte FORI ed U> AJITJEA] from the r«q»ort just filed also and tloit HE vv:l- 1111-.vtllirig to undergo the lahor and trouble of the olftce any longer AI'I'LK ATIONH FOJI LK KN.HK. Gies & Mfr( rea, Herman Lieliold Kemp tit Klein, Mary F Shirlev, Loui I A Welsberg, JACOB Itowiuau, Mrs Jermie Nixon, Butler Wm. Wabl.C. H Miller, Kvans CITY, J no. S, Byers Petrolia: Frank F Lne*, H W Stokev Zelienople A. A. iloch W U J. Forqii'-r, Chicora; S. A. Beam. Louis .V Harmony O M. Kiuilx- Thielo Kratfe . Saxonhurg; S. M Wil don, Renfrew; Geo. It Dni»n, Mars P. C. Frederick, distillery. Xnlienople. SJIKKC DAM,M;KH. Thompson Kyle. Jr., Cherry twp , . ULcrhart. 1 he will of Thomas McClvmoiidsdec'd of Brady twj(., has been prolrtited. no lefters, AL-o the will of .Jane f'. Alex ander of Brady twp.. no letters. The will of JAMEW WELAH T.F Harmony has L <«OU I an insurance JSIILEY. Judge ACHEWM U>ID tfeat Uiack's state- I inent in APPLY lug for the p-A<-h ' month. | Jesn Smith has resigned as mis'rvisor | of r orward twp. Thomas Schrfll, t'n«- man who had a fracas wrh Constable Mathers on th*- Di»ra"nd two weeks ago, had h?cn con victed of keeping * disorderly house an 1 dmukt'.ne>? :it September teriu of Sentence had never been pas-ed on liiia in that cast- and Friday he was into Court and fineu fcl"> and sent to j::il for six months Had it not been for hi-- little spree last week he would hive Rone free. The Ge Hays farm in Middlesex township was sold to the Adininistra trix. Ellen Hays for |2400. Except:, us to the widows appraise jneat ha> > been oiade in the estate of Jo!:n Collins. A C. Wilson and Harvey Hunter wi r a: • : Auditors for Ean .in : vie® E J. Miller and Q. C. Wi!s n rem >ved. and J. A. Wilson was appointed c :.-table. vice W. H. Shaffer. George C Pillow. James M Riddle and Joh-i R Cnnninsham were appoiut «■ i vi»-wet> -n the petition of Petn twp. to . 'jantre the location of the terminus c>f a new road petrioned f' >r last Be et mber to be near the Henry Dean house. * The Jam. s Mcßride estate. 4-5 acres in Cl-arfield. were s.ld at Orphan s Conit sale to W S. McCrea and Abe Flick for fls 1 . A writ of partition was awarded in the e-tat.- of Nancy Jan- Kep'er la'e >f Pasker twp Frank W. Mills was appointed goar ijan of Blatihe. J, hn and Benjamin T;.tkins of Cbicora. Adam Morian was appointed guardian f Edward. minor s<>n of Albert N. Reott A t inciunati man. who recently ob tained a divorce after bis wife had cou. pelted him to cook, scrub floors and d due t« visional bullet*, has l«v;: awarded alimony in the sum of *!» a vear Ine arguments in the case* of tie Vabonir.ctown. Pa . I sink versus sonc sixteen of the merchants of Butler f r t - iti* •n i v them to the late Monte *"«i!V< tins: Agency w. re heard r>y F..->j Anders- .i 1.-st Satnnlay. and yesterday the Ks»( dtcidtd in favor of the plaintiff the ;«nk in all the eases • a.vpting th. >• vers if B.s« *nd the Schlo«s Bros . ill the judgment was against tb>- j laintiff f'.r c «sts PKI CKRTY TRANSFERS. Marvaret E Boy I l« J A. Mortiau r k t in Karrs * i»v f. r H-» Manm: -t Shields io P« !• r Sobuler "si K< r» * lu t !> arlield fcr st?3o Wih ■!» M Stewart to Louisa Camp 1< 11 -•»». r. siu C ocunl for *1 J .hn W Atkins to Sarah McFarland ». « in Miib r-town for *l. ( H Johnston t>> Sarah A Mills let iu Mill« t*town f r #M* ?"• Frank W Mill- icdn to Sarah A Mr F.rlnnd b-t n Milierstown f.»r *1 sanh 55. Farland to Sarah A Mill" l it 'ii Millet *sow« far£*a>. John F Bvatiy to Cora M. Gfah.iut bits tn Brad* for fSSQ. Frederick Miller heirs fa> Andre*" E b r H' s aci«s in Lancaster for Maggie Elwrhar* to Philip Iktttbeu spedt't acre* in liourgal .'A I .aura M Faucett to II C Len.suer I acre in Cr»nl*rrv for IVWi Louisa C wupbell to \V. Mc Stewart j acni. C.tßcofd f>r sl. Wilson Stewart t<»T. Calvht Aederwoo .nacrw* 11. Concord for «• l»uian 1) Shaitor to Trustees Pr»-s i h of Pn«»p« ct lot for |liW J.-hn W. Magee to t«*nr Harlan 57 .u r» s in Muddycreek for Locettu T. Blown to « »eo W CWW' a'-re« in Forward for Jan*- Fram ia to l.uella Melrln 'A acre iu Moddycreek Bor#Buo. Lawreni-e Selii? to P»-t«-r Sherry lot in lintler for Hutch Morrison to Frank U Swain -Ii acre* in Cltsifielil for 4»ioo. Isaac Meals, udn. to Homer Keister. inter* *t in '»y acres in Slipperyrock for W. J. ISeatty to Jeniiina Beattv 7' 4.T«-S in Brady #l. John L. {'iugh'tin to Hoy A. Watson lot in Slipja ryro- k for l)Hi Dickson to P. B. Sc L. E. R. R lot in Slippery-rock twp for (•eo A. i.iffner to Allegheny Plate Glass Co. acr*-s in I'uffalo for ♦L'i'iO It. P. Jacbto 8. E Moore k»t in Wash ington for i l *.* io >|ju-rliitr«" l.ici'iiscs, Heiuy Flaueifi" n..»' - ..«H tlohn.'... * .?«»*• *" McAfee N«*w Cantl'' Lottu Fitzu'-rald Tarentnm f'harb-al" Heij^hea.. W.-stmorelaiHl Minnie H< l«er 1 houins L. Milliard Slipperyrocl: Irene May ll*r William F Lent; Newcastle Marid M Wise. Butler LatiKdon H. Hi ley Glade Mills I.ucinda A Zeitfler Jefferson twp tieoritt K Survcr Uutler twp Barbara E Miller " Lawrence .1 Hoicue.. .81typeryrock twp Anna I. Taylor Harrisvllle I'r. ri' is I. I 'tnpstead. .. .Allegheny Co Sadie J. MeUnrrali Clarion Co At I'itt-biirK,Thomas l)avihon of Hut I' T county and Nellie Kelly of Thorn Hill At Clarion, Edward Zituiii of Parker tnd Grace Palmer of Chhvira At Pittsburg, John M. Patterson of W. Va. and Erdine Little of lintler Co. >lor«- I'iirk Niinies. Sana Honci Hazel dell; Three-runs: "rah tree; Fair view, Valley view; Sweet tvater; Spring-valley. I';iii-\iiieiic:in lo\|iositlou 11111- t'alo. The Pennsylvania Hailroad Corn[i«Dy uinounces tbe following special winced "ate* to Buffalo on account of the Pan American Exposition, which opens on May I. Summer excursion tickets, to !«• Hold From April UO to Sept<;mberUO, inclusive oints. Fifteen-day excursion tickets, U> Is; "'ld beginning April IJO and «\ and Kood returning within flveday*. ncluding date of sale, at rate of pi. IK) from Pittsburg and proportionate rates from other |*iints. S|»ecial excursion tickets, to l>e Mold, (<*> d going only «>n apecifbsl trains on VVelnts. The Pennsylvania Hailroad (,'ompany operates two tiiroiigh trains each way tally U twuen Pittsburg and Buffalo. I.ruiul 0|» iu House, I'lttshurg Hut one more w<-i k remains of the "•anon at the Grand Opera House, PittsburK; yet that w-ek | K apt to iiK-morable in the history of tb'- bonne. The closing attraction of the season will be "Peg Wo (Ting ton" or "Mask and Face* . our fathers culler! it. It is a most delightful comedy, and the entire stock company will Is; employed in its I'' nt'iion. MissTraux will perform an JI„, ..Uicb shonld be a feature of the show \W *i- iu business to stay, therefore wt> iei-l 1 honest g<»ods and tell the truth about them. A Huff Son Toilet Tables in oak, bird's-eye maple or mahogany, at Blown A: < Vs. Your opportunity rs at Huff s. iJolhirs !• .lie cIHS'Jo here, < shl Dresser* in oak , French beveled mirrors; prices 110, tit, (ti» See Mrown A Co. ' losing ..ut a large lot of f:: and *1 '•<) 'sld. and ends In Men's HhoM at |l,!is ut Huffs. liulfy's w ndow is filled with bargains i n ('loaks. The advertisement of a pleased cus torner is Huff's greatest ami advar tism.-nt. i ornos, the modern shoe for women. Price 'Si, The eorial of the ts-»t ~o shoo nwide A. Huff Son A g Decker will lead in disens-ing Mag ' az:nea and Ma-raxine Literature a» help ; fnl to the minister. " ' The 21st Annual Convention of the i Women s Missionary Society of the But -1 ler I". P Presbytery will be held at Clinton IJ. P. church on Tnesdav and Wedneaday. June 4th and 3th next Delegates will be met at Saxon Mation. and conveyed to the chntrh. An ex cellent program lis* b»*en arranged. Rev. UeorgeK. Enterline was ordained and installed • |wstor of the First Baptist church. St . this city. Tin -day evtninsr Rev. J S Hut son of i B» th F.den Baptist church, Allegheny. I acted as moderator Rev T. J. Edwards !of Connellsville. Pa . Kev Enterline's j former jrnstor preached the ordination i .o-ruion Rev. W. <». Carl of Tatentnm. I offered the ordination prayer: Rev. il i W VfcKinney .>f Sewickley. who *as I'lilirof the Butler congregation twenty I years ago. delivered the charge t.» the rcngrogittioo and Rev. Paul F Del ! ancey of Mt Washington chnrch. Pitt '•urg the charge to the pastor. Rev Eli Miller of Grace Lutheran i-hnrch welcomed the new pastor in liehalf of the Bntler Ministerial As'n. Kntil his call from the Buth r congregation Rev Knterline *>«-retnry of th? Railroad Y. M C. A. at Connellsville. Beimr Kn-ailv int»r»-st»*»l in Christian work he decided to enter the niinisterv and was successfully examined bv the Baptist Examining Council in Pittsburg last week. Paint Your Buggy for 75c. with Devoe's Gloss Carriage Paint, ready for uaie: 10 colors. Gives a high gloss etjual to new. Sold bv Patterson Bn>s. Varnish Makes Devoe's Varnish Floor Paiut cost 5c more a qn t uiakea it lot k bnghter and wear full> twice as long as cheaper floor patul*. .Sold bv Patterson Bros. Reduced Ituten to Cincinnati tin the I'CIIICX I\aula Kail road. •lu account of the convention of the Cnited .Societies of Christian Endeavor to be helu account of the Fifth Internation al Convention of the Epworth league, to In- held in San Francisco Jnly in to 2:>, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell, Jnly 4 to 12, from all stations on its line, excursion tickets to Han Francisco at greatly reduced rates. For specific information regarding ratess routes and conditions of tickets apply to ticket agents. I'an-American. The Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Company has placed on sale at all s;a tions, exenrsiou tickets to Buffalo, on account of the Pan-American Exposi tion. With the improved passenger train service now lieing arranged for, making connections with three impor tant Buffalo lines: viz, the Erie It. R.. L S . A: M H. and Nickel Plate, patrons of (he road will lie given every opportu nity to visit the Exposition at the lowest available rates. Hnying Wool. I am buying wool at same location as last season, < iraham Bro's grocery store, will pay the market price in cash, have no merchandise of any kind to ex change. W. F RfMHKItOKK. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. HAM RI ssi:R,r. I4WH is a beautiful blood bay stallion with black points and white pasterns U-hitid. He is Mi hands high and weighs over 1200 pounds, handsome und stylish, with good bone and snlistance and speedy confirmation and is just the horse to' breed good sized Mpeedy roadsters and carriage horses that are ready sale at any time Will make the season at the liutler Fair Grounds in charge of 11. A Moor bead. CI.KAKVIKV* HTWK FA KM Butler. Pa. What a Dollar Will Oo! One dollar will pay for twetit four 1 ooart milk tickets, or Forty-eight I pint milk tickets, or Twenty four half pints of cream, or Five pounds of pure creamery butter, It I UK ChKAMKKV, Hl'i E. Jefferson Ht,, Butler, Pa, IMIIIIIH for Sale. All kinds of flower and vegetable plants, hardy, vines and shrubbery Fine Pansies a specialty. GOKTI.KIII WAI.TKIJ 410 Miflln Ht., Butler, IV I'ciiiisylvuiiiit ICailroad Niiiiinier Mcasliorc Incursions. The Pennsylvania Railroad (Joinpany annonnces June 20, July *» and IH, Aug I. 15, and 211, and Heptemlsir 12, as the dates for its sixteen day Hummer excur sion* from Pittsburg and Western Pennsylvania to Atlantic ('ity, < 'ape May. < iceun ('ity, Sea Isle (,'ity, Molly Beach, VV'ildw«ssl, and Avalon, N .)., Reholxfth, iJel . and Ocean ("ity, Md. Round trip rate #IO.OO from ' Pittsburg, and corresponding low rat<-s from other stations For further information address T. K. Watt, P. A. W. I)., Pittsburg, Pa < lie e tried Always Worn. It's worth your investigation A Itulf ,V Son. For Sale I'»rm of r,i n<-rtt* in Cherry Township, near West Hntlbiiry, gtsxl house, orchard, and excellent water. Hell cheap or exchange for pro perty near liutler. W. J. I)I,ACK Livrry, S. Main St. Butler Pa. To do a thing, do if Go to Ruff's t'slay 'iet a guaranteed < ouch from Brown Hee our cotton and tow filled I < 'ourli in r« r green vi-lour with heavy <»ak •diajied leg; guaranteed In every 1 respect for only Men wear Monarch Pats, the Patent I Leather shoe that won't break thro'. ! Hold in Butler only by A Itulf fit Hon s. 1 We are agent for the United State* Army Shoe*. The kind the soldiers of Uslay wear. A. Ruff A; don. OIL NOTES. Both agencies are paying #1.05 this morning. BL'TLEB Reiber's Independent Gas Co. is drilling on the Kradel. north of Kennedy Marshall's place west of town. E.U" CL.AIKK -The Devonion oil Co. has plugged No. 1 on the Addleman farm and moved the rig :'*NI feet south west J. U. Tebay has a:! barrel well >n the Anderson and is drilling on the Martin. Pittsburg parties are leasing up land in Bull valley. I'KXX TWP' —Miller & Co are drill ing OD the Staff farm adjoining the Rob't Patterson. PFNS TWP.— Marsh & Co. have a n \v well on the Marsh farm, south of town. ADAMS— Tomev & Co. have a good well on the Davison, near Mars. OAKLAND— Aaron Suplee brought in ; ; i bbl. 100-foot well on the Hepler two weeks ago. E S. McCollough is drilling for Hoeh Bros. BCTLEK -On the Robert Anderson farm. 4 miles south of town Beighlev. Henninger and others have brought a 4 bbl. third sand well. Drs Cowden have sold their interests on the Staff farm to the Forest Oil Co the terms are unknown but Cowdens had a nice production and are probably several thousand dollar* ahead. None but the first of the wells drilled oti the < lesterling. Herold and Green farms east of town in Summit twp. have shown oil T. W. Phillips s first well is still producing six barrels. KAKN-CITY Nichols. Mi-Gill, Hays are drilling on the Capt. Hays farm at Hav -tvilie. The South Penn has leased a portion of this farm and is drilling Win. EUenliersier brought IU a four bbl. fourth sander on his own place a month ago and is drilling another TEXAS—A fifteen-thousand Imrrel irusher was struck in Texas last Satur day. twenty miles from the origin:- 1 usher near Be&umont. whieh mtltu ihe prospective supply of the stuff on that vicinity look like an unlimited j quantity. \< < 11 >: N rs. Mrs. Cnnningham Trimble fell down stairs at her home in Middlesex town ship Monday and was quite badly hurt. Mr Trimble, who was in Butler on the jury, was excused from service until next Mondav. Lewis Hooks, a son of Blair Hooks of the South Side, fell off a fence.Tuesday, and his hand struck on a broken lamp chimney lying on the trround A uash was cut which required six stitches to close. » BEGIN SAVING NOW. By Depositing $;.oo at a 't'ime in the Ptudential Trust Company, Penn and Centre Avenues. Pittshurg Pa Yoii can iltiiosit ii.ou at a time in the I'UT "DENTIAL TRI'ST COMPANY U scon k"'* 9 greater, 4 F* r cent interest compounded sc mi annunly Tbis U ini portant to every wage earner. You can deposit through the mails or in person. Write f< r our ne>* !«x>k how to deposit by mail, it -ydl lie yut you at once anil free i»f cost, Notlre to the Public. The wiling of my property not uifitn that I am going out of the busi ness. The "Model" is Mix years old. good for si* more." bnt we are making | quite a redaction on onr meerchanm and briar pilff»-red in the history of Uie ' Modal." 1 thank you i.nn and all for past jiatron age. I remain yours truly. J. L. WAUCKR. IVmi*>lvunia Kail road l/ow-ICit(i> Tour to tin- Pacific Const. The Pennsylvania Kail road Personal ly-coudueted Tour to San Francisco and the Pacific Coast, leaving New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg by special Pullman Sleeping, Dining and Observti tion cars, July H, will not be cr>"° delegates to the Epw-*' veution, w^'- v to ~.u league Con .will be held in Sau Fran . .»o trom July 1* to 21, bnt will be run for the ls>nefit of all who desire to visit California and the Canadian Northwest during the Summer season. Stops will lie msde at Denver. Colorado Springs. Salt Eake City, San Francisco. Montery. Santa Barbara, Los Angeles San Jose, Portland, Seattle, Banff Hot Springs St. I'anl and other interesting |s>ints en route. The round-trip rate from all points on the Penitsylvauia Railroad east <>l Pittsburtc. covers transportation double Pullman berth, and meals in dining car. two persons in a l**rth. each, *lO H.«). Kates from Pittsburg near Mt. riii-Htrml. lni|Qiri' of Henry Martoolf of Mt. ','luMtnnl. ot at Mm CITI/.KN ofllm. Real Estate Broker. I'artleß wisliinn to tntrcliawn or mill oil proi»ertie«, fiirmt, «:ity renidriii'e* or real eKtatc ol any kinil, nfioutd call upon Win. Wnlki'r,in Kettrrer'ii li'd'K.opjxniite I", (J. Iltitlrr I'n. I'eople* Phone No. 519. The qtiKftlioti of l.lii< hour llavo yon w«n l)ulty'n marked down clonkM. ('nnnot b« tmnt Hot I'laten, (Inn Ovon* and l /» » 111 17 #it)li-»|>nvin ( fin be cured in 45 minutcn. Lump Jaw, tpliiiU and ringbone* ju»t a* onick Not painful and never hu* failed Detailed information about thi* new method nent free to horne owner* by T. M. Cf.UOH, Kgnddlt, Jcffcmon Co,, pa. Lh'.' / Pharmacist. \ ( Butler, Pa. i:\cur>iou iCiUea to iiutr.»i«r The Buffalo. Rochester & Pittsburg Railway Co. announce the following sjw-cial reduced rates to Buffalo from Butler on ao-onnt of the Pan-American. Exposition, which opens on May 1. Summer excursion tickets, oa sale every dav from .April Uotk io September :i"*h. inclusive and firood returning until October *ist at #y 73 Fifteen-day excursion tickets, to be sold 1-egiuning April 30th and good re turning within 15 days, including date of sale, at #*.ls. Five-day excursion tickets, to be sold only on Tuesdays, May 7, ii. 21, and 2*. good returning within 4 days, in cluding date of Mite, at ft. 10. - Special excursion tickets to be sold for and good going onlv on specified trains on Wednesdays, May 15 and 2tf and returning within 3 days, including date of srfle #4.25 The Buffalo. Rochester & Pittsburg Railway Co. operate two Solid Vesti buled Trains in each direction daily between Pittsburg and Buffalo. Cafe and Reclining Chair Cars on day trains aud Pnllman fqlace Sleeping Cars on night trains. For time tables and complete infor mation consult the nearest agent of the company. Mis«es' School Shoes, solid and well made; neat styles, laced and buttoned, !*>V at Ruff's. You can buy a £ood (t»# Range at If. <' ROCK TVMKN a for *l4 00. FoR is ALE Interest in 40-acre lease and one well near Butler. Inquire at CITIZEN office. ' >ur business is to sell good shoes cheap Your money liack if not suited. A. Ruff Jk Son. WAJ*'fKD—Good trirl for general house work. Inquire at 313 West Jef ferson street. Attention " ** v>r— , ,V>MEO, is a Black Spanish Jack. 1 mealy points. 15 hands 2 inches high, mid weighs 1100 ponnds. Romeo's sire is Spanish Chief, a gkxuiy black Jack, !«; hands high. Romeo's first dam is Orphan Girl, a fine Black Jennett. mealy points, 15J hands high. She was sired by Scoggan's Echo, black Jack, menly points. 15 bands high; he by liar bison's Black Warrior, 10 hands hiirh: he by Imported Warrior 10 hands high. ROMEO is a grand individual, kind anil Keiitle as any horse, flossy black in color, having immense bone and muscle ttni) stylo and action. A careful in spection of this animal solicited before breeding elsewhere. This magnificent Jack will make the season of 1901 at the farm of John Younkins at Buttercup, five miles west of Butler, on the Harmony road. The 5 Minute Breakfast Food. Purine Health Flour Makes "BRAIN BREAD." PURINA MILLS, ST. LOUIS, MO. BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Pall term begins, Monday, Sept. a, 1901 COURSKS. t Practical Rook-keepers. 2—K*pert Accrnmtanta. 3—Amanuensis Shorthand. 4 Reporter's Shorthand. s—Practical5 —Practical Short Course in Book-keeping, for those who merely wish to understand the simpler methods of keeping book*. 6 English. Oop TBACIIK HS We four »t presen always at many an w«i IIMMI, no morn. I'OSITIONM \V" <•* lw"'t to lie able to tllam lit. leant twice as many Kra*°u a good All-Wool Suit, with padded ,* v. _ shoulders and stifl breast, sizes 34 to 44. & 0(1 Will set you the very newest things in Boys' Three-piece ~ Suits, sizes 10 to 16 50c tO #5.00 a ' lor Suits for Children, sizes 3to 10. Olir Mat" de P artr »ent is overflowing. We are making a Specialty of Straw Hats. See our line. ' DOUTHeTT & GRAHAfI. A. Tonic for T I He Over^worked 1 l