Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 30, 1901, Image 1

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    v'OL- xxxviii
Popular-Priced Spring Shoes
The urea test assortment of Stylish Footw ear evi r placed before the people of
ntler ccunty. The perfect embodiment of fashion and service, at cur own
uncotnparable prices.
Our Eighty-cent and Dollar Shoes
I-'or men a- <1 women, for boys aud girls form a wonderiul feature of our great
showing, and we claim things for them. Thousands of pairs have been put
to the tc-t. We have yet to hear of a cotnpi-iiat. You mc.'t with such values
only at HUSELTON'S.
At $1.50. J'?.oo and #2.50, Men's and Women's Oxfords,:
Mens and Women's Lines, 7jcl%tw|lsoi}!feso .
almost furp.t's our own ideas. These fa 50. Black and Tail. A range of
popular slices are designed and built style and price beyond the reach of or
espcciallv f< r this store. Vici Kid, Box diaary shoe stocks; snappy extension
Calf, I'atent Leather, Russia Calf, gen- edges, rop<: and cross stitched, low broad
uine McK-<y tened and Goodyear welts, heels, full round toes, plain and per-
Solid, substantial service in every pair, forated tips; Vici Kids, Rassia Calf,
At CQ HO --nH CQ Ifl Patent an.l Enamel Leathers. Every
HI OO.UU ntlll 00.3 U. taste for dress, street or business met in
we put out strong claims for your favors, correct style.
The strongest probably ever made in .
sboedom. Patent and Enamel Leathers, Men S WOrßinfJ ShOeS,
Vici Kid, T'ox and Ru*s:a Calf-skia
turn and wt It soles - for m. n or women; :£j.ao, #1 .'5, $1.50 and $2.00 are not
extension «dgts, Cuban, military and equaled in Hutlor for servi;e. Shown in
French heels. All popular toe styles; all Veal, Calf, Slaughter Kip, Oil Grain and
latest men's lasts; all latest women's Kangaroo Kip and Calf with or without
lasts, and teprcsenlir.g 53 50 and $4.00 B.';x-toe; two soles and tap with Bellus
values bsslv wn in ether stores. tongues.
Ha-e iece'v«d our expert attention. 75 cts, st.oo, $25, $1.50 end $2.00; comfort
for growing feet; apj 1 araucs that pleacc the wearers and service that profits the
buyers of these shoes, are the strong points we claim for these lines as well as a
saving '•{ 25 per cent, iu the prices
ftutler'B Leading Shoe Houst. Opposite ITotel Lowry
I , Bickel's
Spring and Summer Styles.
The time of the year is here when you want a nice
pair of fine shoes for summer wear. Our stock is ex
tremely large,showing all the latebt styles in fine shoes
and Oxfords in all leathers
We are offering some big values in fine footwear
and it will pay you to see us before buying your
Summer shoes.
Mm'* fine Satin-calf shoes, AO Children's fine sboes.patent OCT#*
I ace or Congress, at JJp | tipped, sizes stoß, at OOC
P«iy'n fine Calf shots, light Your choice men's working a.a 4
or heavy soles, at Hi IP shoes,lace, buckle or Con- I 5*
. WVU gress, heavy soles, at
1 adles'lre Dottgola shoe?,».» 4 AA Ladies' Kangaroo cnlf or Oil 4 AA
Youtlis'fine Calf or Vici- Q _ Miaaes' tine Patent Calf, lace 4 O I***
kid shoes, at QIIP shoes, extended soles, at I Ajj
Miatus- f.ne Dongolo, OCT Ladies' fine Dongola oatent
spring heel shoes, at tiporfordsat HIIQ
We invite you to call and sec our stock cf SOROSIS SHOES AND
OXFQROS lie latest styles for summer wear, made in fine 1 Angola, I'ntrnt
ralf aim Patent Ideal Kid in liglit, henvy or medium soles, high or low heels.
They art handsome. All sires, 3}i to S; &11 width*, AAA to K.
> •
K E 0 K
Spring Styles O
IU« • iwuincin »lK»ut them that Jjj A I fi 7\ //
marks th« wearer, it won't do tj 'Vy AJ r r\«\ / I t\
wear the last ve<tr"* output, Y.m FJ Wl l\ \rj (dQ . 6\
w*m't get the latest things at the s f -\/ \J ,\
»t-*jk eloihierH eithwe. The wp-to |V\\*V iW 1 V- i
drtte talUu only lan supply ttwmi, ( 1 A hAt
I, If you waut not only tho litest 1/ | l\ f V*'* I
things in cut ami tit and work- t I J 1
nuuahip, the finest in durability, V J j |
ff, ' where e'se can vou get oombina- i I I ■ f I j
ttona, you get them at II |
G. F. KECK. Merchant Tailor,
142 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed. Butler, Pa
Removal Notice!
[ C. F. T. Pape,
Jeweler and Watchmaker
Will be found on and after April Ist at
1 121 East sJefterson street, opposite G.
Wilson Miller's Grocery Store, Butler, Pa.
U • For special occasions < r ordinary wear
1/ can be selected from thelnrqe assortment
1 of trimmed hats, ranging from <I.OO up
■ M wards, cannot be duplicated by any sold
■r';]:-.' "• " \ ' elsewhere at sucli low prices. Our mod
■ els are artistic and beautifully develop-
B\'- ■' : T* V ' ed in the new millinery materials such as
~ r - •* r- •j-' Corded Chiffons, Persian, Moussiltnes,
Irridescent Tulla and Oriental Gauze.
lV ' Value and style are delightfully cotn
/if-§•*" j binil in our summer hats. The display is
'I. decidedly interesting; a'so our prices.
K \"" Come and see them at
528 South Main Strt et. - - Butltr, I'a
Subscribe for the CITIZEN.
~m& ai •
00 YOU AflT
If «o-i>ow is >ocr time UJ JJ*
Fine Oak or Walnut Org .ns at S3O lo Sii3.
Splendid Hamilton Or.j..i;s, 9 ar.J il
S4O to 545.
Magnificent Hamilton Organs, 9 to II [ iips,
Bea ful ESTEY ORGANS from $35 1 . 3.
I * \-ial dr.vc on about V) elegant styles.
To ckift- ota this lot we have cu prices in
half—yr.tir choice from su« 0 to 1250.
T'ie Matchless A. B. Clu »c Pianos.
Ci ']iit!.tioii»Uj the fiiu.-t riau«» in tho
woikl. About 2. r > ol last full's style of
If you would Mtve HOO to JIM ou a En.
Piano, write at once to HAMILTON'S.
Every instrument guaranteed fully.
Call or write for Priors and Catalogues to
335-7 Fifth Avenus, Pittsburg.
ylleOuretfeaf Sures J
\ Ooitis, /!
p Grippe, (k
w. Whooping C:yj.-*h, Afthm?., J
;A Bronchitis and Incipient P>
Congumotlon, Is
f oWFt£r,
r W.a &\s%ases. /
M a\\ tawyinta. 25fl^5Dti$
and is the result of coldr nnd r»f rCOLD*
sudden climatic changes.
For your Protection JWfEVIu (jjc <y M
wc pofitirely atnia tlmt this
remedy docs not contain . V'/O
mercury or any other iujur- fKI
ions drug. HEA . .Pa
Ely's Cream Balm
Is acknowledged to be the m"*t thnroneh cure for
Nasal Catarrh, Cod in Head nnd Hay 1 cv<r of all
remedies. It open* and cl< arvcfl the nasal
allays pain ntul inflainmation, heal* tho sori pro
tects the membrane from colds, restores the sense*
oftaste and smell. 1 "rice 50e. at Pruexistsorby mail.
EIA UKOTUEKS, Warren Street, New York.
rl If it's in the
|| Y yj^j
> AT |
Johnston's p
H Crystal Y.
H Pharmacy. k<
Fi K. M. IXHJAN. I'll. G..
Manager, f J
lPt; N. Main St., Butler, I'a
Both 'Phones.
Contains a Reliable Reoord
•a of all tho Evonta In tho
64.00 A YEAR. SINCLE COPY, lOcts.
For Sale by all Newsdealers.
\\ r M. 11. MILLER.
Office —Next door to CITIZEN oflioe,
Butler, Pa.
gOo 000000000000cOOocOOooOg
o O
——— o
8 How She Became a 8
Happy Woman.
i 8 §
: § liy HOWARD SHERIX. o
The story properly begins at mie!-
[ Bight on the San Luis Obispo coast.
California. 20 years ago, when the Sep
tember moonlight shone down upon
Stoner's cattle ranch, near the Pacific
Ofean, in the rupgeel Santa Lucia
Stoner had been a Texas ranger aud
could hold his own extremely well in
that rough frontier community, lie
had carried off a pretty Spanish wife
from the Chiliuaboa region years be
' fore, had brought her to the rocky
California coast and had purchased
a settler's claim and an old adobe
house built by a Spanish hidalgo half
a century ago.
Ilere he farmed, raised cattle on the
unused government lands and kept a
sort of hotel, for several mountain
trails joiti-d at that point the broad
highway which led from the county
seat. 2u miles south, to the northern
settlements in the pineries. He had
five daughters, too. the youngest, Ther
esa, known as Tessa, a jrirl of 17. That
added to the attraction, and almost
every night tin- dark eyed half Span
ish nirls sang and danced, and old
Stoner managed to bear all the news
that was afloat, anil somehow most of
the loose coin of tln> region ultimately
found its way Into his pockets, lie
was a deep one, that same Ephraim
Stoner, quiet, sly and patient, secret
in his methods and deadly in his blow.
Stoner's wife and his four eldest
daughters were uneducated and in
complete subjection to his will. Hut
Tessa had more brains and energy than
all the rest put together and quite as
much beauty, and so the old Texan
ranger took a certain pride in her and
had even allowed her to attend a dis
trict school for two years.
This midnight when, as I have said,
the story begins a person of a prying
disposition might have discovered sev
eral interesting performances in prog
ress around the Stoner abode. On tho
north side of the house Tessa was lean
ing from her window conversing in low
tones with a blond, fair hnirtnl and
Sturdy young man on horseback.
"Tom, do you know my father? He
is not the careless, warm hearted man
you may suppose. I must admire his
ability, but that Is all. I warn you.
Tom, there never was a more danger
ous man. He.may be where he hears
every word you say, though if he is he
will not speak to you or me about It.
Rut if he knew you cared for me he
would be your enemy. He has other
plans for me. He wants me to marry
for money."
Tom Warren had once been the
schoolteacher in the mountain district,
miles away, where Tessa had been one
of his pupils. Thrown upon his own
resources from his childhood, he had
developed a strong, earnest character
and was already so popular in the
county tluu he had just been elected
sheriff, though the youngest man on
the ticket.
While Tessa and her lover were talk
ing a scene of a different nature was
being enacted on the south side of the
old adobe, which overlooked a deep ra
vine and a cauip of five or Six men in a
field below. For several years these
men had siient their summers there,
ostensibly hunting, fishing and explor
ing the country with thrir dogs and
guns. Every one knew them, and most
persons liked them. Tessa did not.
Stoner, though it was midnight, sat
In the moonlight on an old rawhide
chair outside the door smoking his pipe
and meditating a tough, sinewy, griz
zled night owl of a man.
"That infernal knuckleliead at the
camp ought to have reported before
now," lie thought to himself as he
A man came out of the brush and
•noke deferentially.
"""'>i, rrood eveulnjr ''
"You're late."
"Dick was shot."
"Just as the driver throwed off the
IHIX. Shot by n passenger in the neck
and shoulder."
»"llc mustn't stay here to get us into
trouble. Take a boat and carry him to
the point and leave him in the ca'e
"Yes, eap'n."
"llow much aboard?"
"About SI\IHK) for the Josephine min
"Send it over the cliff before morn
in.ir, and I'll divide it up soon. But
you be extra careful—that new sheriff
In a smart one."
"All right, cap'n. "And the man went
back to camp.
A moment later, just as Stoner was
going into the house, there was a
low thud of horse's hoofs, and Tom
Warren, the young sheriff, rode down
the trail around the corner of the
lid adobe building into the country
road that led to the west. He had at
last yielded to Tessa's entreaties to
"(Jo, go, this minute, Tom."
Impassive as Stouer was he felt a
little startled by the sight.
"Where in the devil did you come
from, sheriff? Anything up In this
part of the country?"
"Oh. no, not a particle. I've been
visiting my old school in the moun
tains and took the trail home down
This was plausible enough, for there
was a blind trail that entered the can
yon Just cast of the angle of the house.
Stoner felt a little relieved.
"Won't you put up and stay with us
all night V
'"No, Mr Stoner; 1 must go lown to
Keslrnl to sec my Wends there. It's
only an hour's ride."
"That settles It,* thought Stoner.
"Plenty of stout fellows to use as sher
iff's deputies there. He has probably
stumbled on traces and is going for
help." He sat and smoked and slipped
i«i•! i o"(i back under his eoat. "Easy
u, . be said to himself.
"Well, goodby, Stoner," said Warren
suddenly. ■ 1 upp« -e the bran h road
is us good a ; ever'/"
"1 'eri'eei 1 y ;tfe, only when you cross
Toro ei-. 1; : pon the sand bar. It's
as hard as iron. I crossed there today."
"Thank you. Adios."
Simple, smiling speech, those words
i.. «*r. and yet they were intended
to send \\ ;. : to iiis death uiore sure
ly and s.-ifi ly than by bullet of pistol or
pellet of secret poison.
Stoner to ; an extra swig of brandy
and went to Ids rest. Warren rode
d iwn the n:' d hill to the bottom of
the ravine, then turned seaward, and
at last the v. Ide gulch opened broadly
to the shore of the l'acltie.
The elitTs were from 50 to 300 feet
high and full of wave worn eaves. War
j rcn drew rein on the beach :uid for
! fully ten miontefl Wltebtd the ocean
j sway and rise. His thoughts throbbed
I with dreams of Tessa, lie would lake
I her away from her narrow and hurtful
surroundings. He would force Stoner's
consent, marry her and make lier happy.
He rode rapidly s uth. and in half an
hour the inotKli <* i.» Toro appeared in
the midst of sand dimes, breakers roll
ing in and the steady river rolling out.
Here was the long sand liar, ten feet
wide and stretching across hardly an
inch higher than the water surface.
Warren was beginning to have some
suspicions of Stoner. but not such as to
lead him to doubt the simple directions
he had received. The sand bar looked
safe, but within a few days the si a. as
Stoner knew, had swept it mightily,
torn out the long compacted bar and
placed instead a quivering mass of
quicksand so treacherous that not even
a light footed rabbit could ci./ss with
out being swallow* d up and dragged
bodily down. Wsrrcn rode swiftly for
ward. lie had crossed sand bars hun
dreds tif times. Some liorsis would
have I wen wiser, bi-1 tli ■ animal ho
rode had l:cen bred in tin valley.
The app • acli to the i ar was bard for
aft w roil and he gailope.l on. Sud
der ly. in < L :; il r, .iking, breathless
descent, '.oiseiess but unutterably
dreadful. Tom Warren's In r ■ went
d wo. down, and the soft. .limy saad
came up t: his mane. lie shriek' l i lit
that gh. : i\ e: . of a; : ::l and agony
tba; adi •. .>: •. dyinr t, :se will some
times utur.
Tom knew the perit. lie laid dr !
his feet from 11 ■' stirrups and l' '
them up at the !':• ' .:-,l t:
but the sand be; . ;■> gr::b at bii:i . o.
He threw hint-elf flat o-t ls!« brea i and
tore iiii . I Io- • .1 e | r ::-il-
UIJ'.I. OVI r■< SO 1;• • • iiilll *-'■ d >•;: id
and v,: : i \v. :, i as It roiled
from .•■ do to side in IneiVit ieal strug
gli s to escape.
Tom spread hi •self out over as much
surface- ai-'p ii i;-. !>fti lov iy. Tv: •-t
--tttsly. t he laigli'y f- re* drew him dowu
waril. The hard I < ticli was only ten
feet dis-:::it. but practically the chasm
was impassable. !ic felt 'his horse
sink out of siiriit. The sand grippal his
own knees and arms, his thighs and
shoulders. Two inches more, ami the
end by suffocation was inevitable. I'p
to this time he had not shouted; only
his horse's wild d< ath scream had told
of the tragedy. What was the use?
Who would i e passing along that lone
ly road? Then he thought of Tessa
and of life. He raised his voice in a
clear, strong shout for help, again and
again repeated.
Far off along the deep ravine there
came a cry iu response and a horse's
hurrying feet, and hope awoke in his
heart. The margin of life was fivo
minutes now not longer. Faster, fast
er. oh. fearless rider!
"Tom, where are you?"
"Here. Tessa. Don't come too near."
But the motiufain girl knew the dan
ger. Creeping down stairs for a drink
of water, she had beard her father's
words to Warren, had thrown a shawl
about her shoulders and run to the
pasture. There she caught her pet
horse, sprang upon his unsaddled back,
seized a riatta as she passed the stable
and gall< pod at the utmost speed
down tho ravine, hoping against hope,
for many minutes I ::d necessarily
elapsed since Warren started.
SI:o sprang to the ground and tossed
the rawhide rope to tlie one arm he
hold above the sand. She folded lior
shawl and put it over her horse's
shoulders and tied the riatta round
like a collar. Then she led him slowly
away from the quicksands, nnd War
ren thought ills arm would break, but
slowly, reluctantly, painfully, the sand
gave up ils prey.
"Your father told me to take this
road. Tessa," said the young sheriff.
"Yes. I know that, and I hoard one
of the men tell him today that the bur
was swept out."
There was a long silence between
"Tessa, go with me to San Luis,"
laid Warren, "aud let us get married."
And Tessa went.
Old Stoner heard the news a few
days later. Within an hour he had
"retired from business." The camp
was broken tip. the hunters disappear
ed, mysterious lights flashed at inter
vals all night from the ]>oints of the
cliff, and the 1 u*\t day old Stoner him
self disappeared, leaving his family,
the ranch and the live stock. It was
saM that he made the best of his way
* and finally to Souiii
»v '"—-e as yet, and
lea. The worm i» .......
men who have money can ramble ovei
a good deal of it without finding a
past they wish to escape from. But
Tessa lives ill her San Luis Obispo cot
tage. with orange trees over it and La
Marque roses on the porch, and she
thinks herself the happiest woman In
Waste. Real and Eierclae.
William M. Evarts was a marvel of
Intellectual vitality to an advanced
age, and be used to explain it by say
lug that lie slept late in the morning
and never took any exercise. There
is no advantage in getting up early in
the morning if you need the sleep.
Many a man is burning the candle at
both ends by getting up at an enrly
hour simply because his housekeeping
Is adjusted to that programme. As to
physical exercise. Mr. Evarts bad dis
covered for himself what our physiolo
gists arc now beginning to teacli
namely, that If a man consumes tissue
In hard Intellectual work the way to
repair the loss Js by resting and not
by consuming more tissue in physical
exercise. To tbe majority of brain
workers oxygenizatloii of the blootl is
far more important than physical exer
cise, aud there are two ver„ „ood ways
to secure that: Sleep with your bed
room window wide open In summer
nnd winter, nnd, if you can afTord It.
keep a horse and drive In the open air.
—Boston Watchman.
Trouble With a Teleneope.
Continued observation with the tele
scope of the Yerkes observatory re
vealed the unpleasant existence of a
number of curious streaks of light run
ning horizontally, whoso appearance
had certainly never been noticed be
fore anil gave rise to redoubled un
easiness. And yet everything seemed
right with the glass viewed externally
and the most searching investigation
could discover no cause.
At hist in desperation the eyepiece
end was unscrewed, and Professor
Ellorman. the slimmest of the party,
was bidden to crawl, as he well could
do, along in the tube itself, and see if
he could diet-over aught amiss. He
crept aloiu; well enough, so wide is tin*
tube, till be got beyond the center,
when the telescope began to turn over
with ills weight and lie would have
slid down on the top of the glass had
not the other end been promptly seized
and held fast. Then he continued his
journey, and in another moment had
discovered the unsuspected author of
the mischief, an overindustrious spider
and her equally hardworking progeny,
who had succeeded In filling up the
entire end of the tube with a mass of
cobwebs in the hope of catching what
must have been wholly Imaginary flies.
The webs and their spldors were care
fully removed, and from that day to
! this the behavior of the Yerkes 40 Inch
glass has been all that heart could de
, sire.—Good Words.
treasure dear of the days a* on#
Are these which I cherlah now?
What lovca they tell of the withered p—l»
Of «:acy a careless vow!
A cutlinp lock from a giddy head
That prisons a glint of cr^ld;
It had a place in my heart until '
The love in my heart grew cold.
A slipper mold of her pretty foot,
A dainty affair of pink;
It tripped • liirht in the old-n days
That lie behind, link by link.
Tho scarlet strand of a ribbon worn
And fsded by pacing time;
It glowr l so warm at her snow white throst
Wben life was a joyous rhyme.
A kerchief daintily edged in lace,
A bit of * spotless thing;
What subtle sense of a dying love
Its delicate odors bring!
W!:.it trrasures dear of the days agone
Are tlir«e which I cherish now!
What 1 >vcs they tell of the withered past.
Of many a careless vow!
—Ohio State Journal.
t The Case of ** J
I j eued Burton. |
♦ i
* *
<> t
* Copyright, 1901, by C. B. Lews, f
* v
. . 4'- V ■ *• <• .. C
On the l Uli day of Septer..bor, ISU7,
Jared BUM m, a .-'ingle man of 30, liv
ing iu a village in lowa, started l>y rail
road for a town Ut) miles distant, and
he has net returned to his home and
relatives since. lie w:. ■ a man in more
i ban comfortable circumstances, and
his mcther and siste.- lived with him.
Boy and man, he had liv»d in the vil
lage for 1M years when he set out that
day on a business matter. When sev
eral days laid passed without his re
turn or word from him. inquiries were
made. Ho had arrived at the town ail
right, transacted his business and tlieji
taken ii train on another road. It was
thought he bad gone away In"the com
pany cf a stranger, but no < no could be
sure of this. After ten days and stiil
no word he was advertised, for. and di
toetivi s were employed to bunt him up.
The search was not given up for three
months, and then it was believed that
lie was dead.
A year had gone by and the mystery
was still unsolved when one day Jared
Burton returned that is, he said lie
was Jared" Burton, and the question
of whether he was or not brings out
tills story. On leaving the train he
met Squire Danforth and shook hands
••Tflia 19 NOT J A ICED BI'KTON."
with him and asked after the mother
and sister. Farther up the street he
jnot n village merchant and shook
hands nnd laughingly said that he had
been east in search of a wife. He
walked to his house, entered and called
to the family and kissed mother and
sister aud apologized for having wor
ried them as be had. He had the age,
height, look and voice of Jared. and at
first tho women accepted him as such.
The story he told was a queer one.
He had gone to look at a lead mine
with a view of buying, and during the
short time he was left alone he had
tumbled down a:i old shaft. He knew
no more nfter that until he suddenly
came to himself one day in a town in
Kansas and found himself a tratup.
The fall had produced concussion of
the brain, and, though treated by doc
tors, ho had lost his memory nnd his
identity and only recovered bis wits
when .1 constable banged his head
""iinst a door in Resting him.* He
* r*i friend# and
his story.
been assisted to reach his home.
The story passed all right with the
women for a day or two, but as it got
around the village anil was discussed
pro and con they began to doubt. Of
the five doctors in town four declared
the thing impossible. Of the 1,500
inhabitants liot more than ten were
satisfied of the truth of the story. The
matter spread until two or three coun
ties wore interested and a dozen news
papers were discussing it, and first
and lHst a good many people h.nl their
say about it. Tbe first idea, of course,
was to test this Jared Burton's memory
about the events of his life. It was a
great point in his favor that he had
recognized two or three citizens at the
moment of his arrival anil that later on
be had met dozens of others and made
l>o mistake except in one Instance, lie
lad seemed thoroughly familiar with
(he house and with certain business
matters, and while he did not write
as free a baud as formerly it passed
for Jared's chirography. He bad with
him tbe key of bis desk; bo asked after
certain clothing lie had left; lie casual
ly recalled various incidents, and he
had settled down as the long lost re
turned when he learned that his iden
tity was questioned. He promptly de
j maiulod the fullest and closest investi
gation, and the doubters wore ready to
make it.
In his boyhood days Jared Burton
had received a burn on the foot, leav
ing a bad scar. This man exhibited
the scar. .Tared Burton had been bitten
on the calf of the leg by a dog. Here
was tbe scar of the bite. He bad once
been near death by drowning. This
man told of the incident. He had been
In Chicago with his uncle for a week;
he had fallen oft the roof of a barn; he
had been on a jury in a lawsuit; lie had
been robbed by a man on the highway.
All these things were told over without
a mistake, together with hundreds of
other Incidents. It was a public inves
tigation. with everybody free to ask
questions, and it lasted four days.
There were still some who carped after
it was closed, but there was a complete
Change of popular opinion, and Jared
Burton was complimented on all sides.
The mother and sister fully accepted
him, and he settled down into his place
unquestioned. Three months bad gone
by, nnd the talk and wonder had all
died out when a blind man came along
one day. He was known in various vil
lages as "Old Hanson." He sang
songs, told fortunes and performed
tricks ami was well liked. Standing on
the public square with a crowd around
I him, he sang songs and then asked if
I Jared Burton was among the spocta
! tors. Jared stepped forward, and the
I old man took liliri by the band. It was
! his boast that, having once heard a
| man's voire iftd shaken hands with
j him, he could forever after Identify
I him by the feel of liis palm.
"This Is not Jared Burton!" be ex
claimed as he lit the hand fall.
"But il is." chorused a dozen voices.
"But 1 say it is nut. It is not his
hand. 1 nevi r met this hand before."
"You will believe it is Jared Burton
when I tell you so, won't you?" asked
"So. You cannot deceive me on tho
palm. You are a stranger to me."
There had been an investigation and
an acquittal, but yet the blind man's
words set people to thinking, especially
as Jared himself seemed to lie greatly
put out. The whole question would
have been reopened again but that he
started off for Chicago next day on
what he claimed was a matter of busi
ness. He had a close shave of It. He
hadn't boon gone two hours when a
sheriff from a distant county came to
arrest him as one of a gang of land
stealers aud counterfeiters. He was
followed, but not overhauled, nis real
name was Charles Wright. As to what
became of the true Jared Burton no one
can say. but he doubtless met his death
in some way through falling into the
hands of the gang. He bad papers
with him. but how they got him to talk
and give the incidents of his life can
not be understood. It was a curious
thing tlint another man should so close
ly resemble him and should boar tho
same scars, but It was a fact not to be
gof over. The blind man nnd the sher
iff declared the man to be a cheeky Im
postor, and the latter furbished plenty
of proofs, but the question has not been
settled yet and perhaps never will be.
I passed a day in tho village not long
ago. and I found the people about even
ly divided as to whether the true Jnred
had not actually returned nnd boon
driven off again.
Gut «»i> here** Achievement.
In The Century Augustine Birreil
thus characterizes Gutenberg's epoch
making invention;
The invention of movable types was
the greatest distributive invention that
ever was or probably ever can be made.
It circulated knowledge among the
children of men and plays much the
same part in human life as does the
transmission of force in the world of
physics. It was marvelous how quick
ly thought was circulated even in the
age of manuscripts. A book like St.
Augustine's "City of God" was soon
copied thousands of times and trav
eled nil through Europe nfter a quicker
fashion than most printed books can
today reasonably hope to do, but St.
Augustine occupied a unique position,
and hand copying, though a great
trade, employing thousands of scribes,
could never have fed the new learning
or kept alive the reformation. The
ago of Gutenberg was an age of Ideas
and demanded books, Just as our day is
a day of mechanics and demands cheap
motion, telegraphy and telephones. Gu
tenberg's first printing office is marked
by a tablet. Go and gaze upon it and
think of the New York Herald, the
London Times and tbe R'ble for two
The Horxe He nouKht,
Higgins is troubled with «u over
weening curiosity about other people's
affairs. Occasionally he gets taken
down, however.
Ik? met Smitliers in a car; he does not
know Smitliers very well, but he "tne
boy's" him as if he were a lifeloug
"Busy, eh?" he Inquired at once.
"Yes," said Smitliers deliberately;
"been looking after a horse for my
"Have, eh? Well, let me look over
him for you."
"Oh, I've bought him."
"Not without trying him? Was he
"Ho appeared ft) be."
"Doesn't shy?"
"No, certainly not,"
"Good mouth?"
"Y-e-s, I think so."
"Good manners?"
But here Smitliers arrived at hta
Itreet. When the reached the door, he
tailed back to Jliggins;
"I neglected to mention the kind of
horse my wife wanted. It was a
Dreadful Dream.
Bobbs—Old Titewadd is about dead
front insomnia. Says be fa afraid to
go to sleep.
Dobbs— Does he fear burglars?
Bobbs—No, but tbe last time he slept
he dreamed of giving away money.—
Baltimore American.
, Not Quite at Spoage.
I- a
"Oli. no! Wben a sponge absorbs
anything, by squeezing It you can get It
again."— Detroit Free Presa.
Looking Without Beeln*.
Perhaps you are an exception to the
rule, but If you are not you have prob
ably on many occasions, just after look
ing at your watch, been forced to ac
knowledge to a friend who asked you
the time that you did not know what It
was. Yet you undoubtedly took your
timepiece out of your pocket, looked at
its face and carefully replaced It In
your pocket, showing u logical se
quence of thought and a well defined
(übject, which did not, however, result
in leaving a sufficiently distinct Im
pression on your nilnd to satisfy your
friend's curiosity as to the hour of the
day. The motion was not an involun
tary one, that of tho boy who can
not too often admire bis first chronom
eter, nor yet habitual, for few persons
are merely in the habit of taking out
their watches. One does so only for n
specific purpose.
Now, how may this seeming contra
diction be accounted for? Perhaps the
reason is that not once in ten times
does a man look at his watch to see
what tlie actual time is, but rather to
learn whether he still has time to ac
complish some purpose. He may waut
to keep an appointment at a certain
time or to be sure not to miss a boat
or train. When he takes out his watch,
therefore, he Instinctively looks for
the hands iu the position called for by
that particular moment, and when he
sees that they have not yet reached
that point be returns the watch to its
resting place, with bis mind relieved.
The actual position of the hands real
ly plays no part at all In tlie opera
tion, and so when the time Is asked of
hi in lie is unable to reply. In other
words, he accomplishes the paradoxical
feat of Intently looking at a thing with
out really seeing it.
Lopped It Oflf.
Towne—Has lie sent you a check for
your services?
Browne —Yes, but it Isn't for the
amount I expected, although I sent him
a bill.
Towne—Your writing's bad. Maybe
he didn't decipher the amount.
Browne —I'm afraid he did de-cipher
It. I wrote SIOO very plainly, and he
sent $lO. —Philadelphia Press.
The Triiil, Foreeil Home.
"I'm afraid," she sighed, "that I ni
getting old."
"Why?" be asked.
"When I go to the grocery now. the
clerks don't nearly break their necks
trying to beat one another in getting
inv orders." —Chicago '1 iuies-lleraid.
Mnke It I!nrly For I.ate Vfgetablcs.
Fanioui Grouem Do This.
Contrary to general custom. the seed
boil for late plants should bo made as
FOOU as the soil eau IK* worked to good
advantage, according to- advice of
American Agriculturist. Lot the soil
be worked uutil it is as tine as the har
row or rake can make it. Theu roll
until the surface is perfectly smooth,
after which cover to the depth of three
inches with coarse stable manure. This
should be left on uutil it is time to
sow the seed, n hen it should be care
fully raked off, avoiding breaking the
surface of the soil. Make shallow
trenches for the seed. Sow thinly and
cover the seed with tine sand to the
depth of one-fourth of an inch.
This is the custom of t lie best seed
growers ou Long Island and is one of
the greatest importance, as the mulch
will uot only keep the soil moist, but
the moist, warm air from below will
completely pulverize the small lumps,
leaving the soil in best possible condi
tion for plant growth. No matter how
dry the season may be the soil will re
tain sufficient moisture to carry ou
the young plants uutil they are suffi
ciently large for transplanting.
The importance of preparing the seed
bed lu this manner cannot be overesti
mated. It is utterly impossible to se
cure a good crop of either cabbage or
cauliflower without good plants, and
this method, barring accident from
insect enemies, will always secure
strong, healthy plants. This was prov
ed conclusively last year when those
who prepared their 'seed beds In the
usual way lost heavily, both in the
quantity and quality of their plants,
while those who prepared their seed
beds as recommended were invariably
Tomato l'lnnt* Thnt Start Right OS
From the Ilonr of Sett inn.
A New Jersey man's method of han
dling tomato plants from seed sown in
hotbeds the last week lu February Is:
Air freely and do not let them get
more than four inches high by April 1
(and half that height is sufficient if you
are going to transplant twice), when it
will 1)0 time to transplant to the cold
frames. Shado lightly for a few days
after transplanting if sun is bright and
air as much as weather will permit,
taking sashes off as mentioned. Make
waterings as near nature as possible.
Trim to let in sunlight, but as sparing
ly as possible, all this done with judg
ment. By May 10 you will have plants
thnt will do their best In the field If
natural conditions are fairly good. The
llgure shows well grown plants ready
for setting.
Commenting upon this man's plan,
Hurai New Yorkor says: Water is very
necessary for the plant babiea. In tak
ing them out the sol) was cut Into
squares with a sharp knife, and then
the squtuva were lifted out on a fork,
as shown In the picture. When finally
set In the ground, these squares were
cut again, so that each plant had Its
little block of soil. When this Is set In
a hill and the earth packed up around
it, the plant bar<My waits an hour in its
growth. Of eeurse this plan of han
dling pays only with the very earliest
plants. Mr. Ilulsart's system alms to
Induce enrliness and to promote rapid
and vigorous growth, In which it Is
most successful.
Getting Ready For Potato PlMtlai.
Go at the early potato field "hammer
and tongs." Put on the disk, spring
tooth, acme, smoothing harrow and
plank drag or anything else that yon
have that will chop It up.and help to
make it as fine as r.n asb heap. Then,
a» it again. Set the disk to cut deep
and fairly plow It up, crossing the
piece once or twice, allowing the disk
to lap one-half. Do not stop at pulver
izing tho surface for this or any other
crop, but cut and mellow and make
your soil fine right down to the Iwttoru
of the furrow if possible, which will
give the millions of tiny hairlike root
lets that will later penetrate to this
depth every opportunity to reach and
feed on all of the available plant food
contained in every Pmnll particle of
the soil. When satisfied that your soil
cannot be better prepared, you are then
ready to make the first application of
fertilizers, in which you can afford to
be very liberal, since any surplus left
from the rank feeding potato plant will
be available for the following or "sec
ond" crop, so that no part of it will be
lost.—Ohio Farmer.
When to Plant Sugar Bteti.
The Michigan station decides that it
is safe and wise to plant beets as early
in the spring as we do any farm crop;
that prolonging the date of planting
gives a longer period for thinning and
in ordinary years should lengthen the
season of ripening and harvesting, and
finally that the date of planting seems
to have but little influence on the per
centage of sugar. Dr. Wiley says,
"Beets should be planted as early in
the spring as possible."
Karly Pea» Pay—The Alaaka Loiue
yroof—Plant* Thrive In Shade.
I have found early peas iny most
remunerative garden crop. I select
the right varieties for actual table
' quality and see that they are picked
when not too young or too old, tak
ing them to the consumer as soon as
Any pea that lias passed through a
middleman's hands is spoiled. The pea
picked today is always handled so as
to be eaten for tomorrow's dinner. I
can keep them over a single night by
putting in a cellar so cool as to cause
a dew upon the pods when brought
out nest morning. The Premium Gem
and Abundance are the kinds selected
i after long searching among varieties.
I formerly made successive plantings
as late as June 1, but since the advent
of the pea louse I put In all peas by
May 1. This year 1 shall go light on
Abundance and put In a patch of Alas
ka. If handled quite fresh and sweet
ened a bit when cooklug, these will no*
1 be complained of.
j The few peas plantedjast year I put
No. 22
in the apple orchard and did Dot see
a louse. 1 shall plant peas more ex*
teusively this year, hoping that the
shade will again prove effectual. Pro
fessor Johnson recommends the Alaska
as in a certain degree louseproof.
This kind is also of a better eating
quality than most of the early, round
sorts. Examination shows it to bo
slightly wrinkled.
The foregoing Is the experience of a
Knral New Yorker correspondent, who
further says on the subject of shade:
1 tind the orchard an admirable place
[to raise most garden crops. Potatoes
[ may l»e made to grow tine vines, bot a
small yield of tubers. The trees both
; prevent evaj>oration from the surface
and exhaust the moisture from below.
A wide diversity of climate may be
found between the dense shade and the
more open spots. Where vacancies oc
cur torn and squash did well.
Lettuce grew uieely where too shady;
for other crops. Beans and peas take
kindly to partial shade. Througff a
period of ten years I have found the
sl:ade of apple trees an ideal place to
grow the Cuthbert raspberry. A little
more moisture is needed, perhaps, but
the vines seem to come through with
out winter killing. A like experience
with the Agawnm blackberry has not
proved so favorable. A blight of the
leaves has resulted In the fruit taking
on a tasteless flavor when ripening.
This variety I should plant on elevated
laud, with full exposure to sun and
A Good Number For the Ordinary
Farmer to Keep—A General Ration.
From 100 to 150 hens should not
overtax the resources or energy of the
ordinary farmer. If he has help from
wife and family, as many have, a
greater number may be profitably kept.
But it is not desirable under any cir
cumstance to have more hens than con
receive the care and attention so neces
sary for success. With judicious man
agement and treatment of his stock
and proper sale of their products In
eggs and chickens each hen should
yield a profit of $1 to $1.50 per year
over and above expenses of feed,
which to a farmer should not be more
than 75 cents per head for the Bame
As a winter ration calculated to ex
cite fowls to egg laying a ration very
successfully used by an Ohio poultry
man is:
Morning.—Equal parts of bran,
wheat- middlings, chopped corn and
oats, with some fine beef meal mixed
In and the whole made Into mash.
Noon.—Wheat was thrown into the
litter on the floor of the scratching
shed to keep hens busy.
Evening.—Whole corn.
From April 1 to Nov. 1 the same was *
fed, except that the morning mash was
mixed with cold water, and wheat was
given Instead of corn. The greatest
of cleanliness was observed.
For the Little Pl(i,
A concentrated* food containing a
large per cent of indigestible woody
fiber like bran Is not suitable for
young <)lgs, and they will not thrive on
it or a mixture of it half and half with
some more digestible concentrate until
they have reached the age of 4 or 5
months. Tho harsh woody husk of
wheat Is Irritating to the stomach,
causing Indigestion which finally re
sults in scours, one of the worst of
young pig diseases. Any food that
contains a large per cent of Indigesti
ble matter should be rejected as a plj/
food' during the first months of the
pig's existence. While they are stilt
with their mothers and for a time aft
c-rward a good quality of shorts or
middliugs or shorts with ground oats
or barley is found to give satisfactory
results. This Is particularly the case
If, after weaning, these foods are sup
plemented by a supply of sklmmilk.
Hem and Role*.
The cauliflower growers of Long Is
land, New York, have formed an or
ganization to market their product at
better prices.
Cuyahoga county (0.) farmers are
protesting against the proposed In
crease of 33 1-3 per cent of the valua
tion on farm lands In Ohio by the
state board of equalization.
Dr. Stubbs, who has been Investigat
ing Hawaiian agriculture, Is credited
with the report that sugar growing Is
the only well developed Industry. Veg
etables and fruits, except bananas and
pineapples, are supplied by California
aud other Pacific regions.
Again a movement to curtail the cot
ton acreage is called for by some of the
southern growers.
Wantlnc That f* Worth, While.
He— Marry inu and * - shall want
for nothing.
She—l don't want to want for noth
ing. I want to want for something I
want.— Philadelphia Record.
"How Soon We Are For«ot. w
A writer lu a Washington newspaper,
in a column devoted to instructive and
entertaining chat about the capltol, ex
presses surprise because in the base
ment of the building are portraits of
"worthy old gentlemen" forgotten by
"nine-tenths" of the visitors to the
building and wonders somewhat why
Richard Montgomery, Thomas Mifflin,
Charles Thomson and Francis Ilopkln
son should find a place In the memory
of the painter and on the wall of the
sennte basement
The writer had looked In Fiske's
"History of the United States" and
could not find either Thomson or llop
klnson. When he goes to Quebec, he
may find the mark to Indicate where
Montgomery fell while trying to cap
ture the citadel and the house In which
he died. At St. Paul's church, New
York, he can find his tomb. Mifflin he
can find as the president of the con
gress thnt received Washington's res
ignation, and Thomson he will discover
to have been regarded as one of the
brightest men of the Revolutionary
time, while he has but to look at the
original Declaration of Independence to
see "Fras." Hopklnson's name, one of
the best known of ail signers because
of the brilliancy and variety of his ac
complishments.—New York Times.
Yard was once any stick, rod or pole.
The expression Is still used with this
meaning when applied to various parts
of a ship's equipment, as yardarm, sall
yard ajid the like.
A wise niau thinks before he speaks,
but a fool speaks and then thinks of
what he has been saying.
The ni«ndT«nta*e of Delicacy.
The editor sent her little story back,
with a polite note praising its delicacy,
but saying It was unsuitable to hia
magazine. Again she sent It forth.
Once more It was returned with kind
words for Its delicate touches and re
grets that it was unavailable. When a
third time the little story had been
praised for its delicacy, but rejected,
the authoress was in despair.
"It looks to me," she said, "as if my
story was so delicate that It had gone
luto a decline."—New York Mail and