VOL* xxxviii HUSELTON'S Popular-Priced Spring Shoes The greatest assortment of Stylish Footwear ever placed before the people of Butler county. The perfect embodiment of fashion snd service, at cur own nuncomparable prices. Our Eighty-cent and Dollar Shoes For men and women, for boys and girls form a wonderful feature of our great showing, and we claim great things for them. Thousands of pairs have been put to the test. We have yet to hear of a complaint. You meet with such values only at HUSELTON'S. At ft.jo, $2.00 and $2.50, Men's and Women's Lines, almost surpass our own ideas. These popular shoes are designed and built especially for this store. Vici Kid, Box Olf, Patent Leather, Russia Calf, gen uine McKay sewed and Goodyear welts. Solid, substantial service in every pair. At $3.00 and $3.50. we put out strong claims for your favors. The strongest probably ever made in ■boedom. Patent and Enamel Leathers, Vici Kid, Box and Russia Calf-skin turn and welt soles-for men or women; extension tdges, Cuban, military and French heels. All popular toe styles; all latest oten's lasts; all latest women's lasts, snd lepresenting $3 50 and $4.00 values as shown in other stores. BOYS', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Have received our expert attention. 75 cts, SI.OO, (105, #1.50 and $2.00; comfort for growing feet; appearance tliat please the wearers and service that profits the buyers of tliese shoes, are the strong points we claim for these lines as well as a saving of 25 per cent, in the prices. BUYYOURSHOESNOW B. C. HUSELTON, Butler'* LftftdloK Hboe Uousfc. Opposite Hotel Lowry Bickel's Spring and Summer Styles. The time of the year is here when you want a nice pair of fine shoes for summer wear. Our stock is ex tremely large,showing all the latent styles in fine shoes and Oxfords in all leathers. We are offering some big values in fine footwear and it will pay you to see us before buying your summer shoes. A FEW OK C vJR PRICKS Ilea'a fine Satin-calf shoea, /tV4 Lace or Congress, at | jpk's fine Calf shoes, light or heavy soles, at MM(• Ladies' fine Dongola shoes,a>»4 Don BO la or Patent tips, 7% I I II I button or lace, at N* I s VV Youths' fine CUf or Vid- OA _ ■* oUc Misses' Cne Dongola, OE. • ; spring heel shoes, at We Invite you to call and see our stock cf SOROSIS SHOES AND OXFQRUS' latest styles for summer wear, made in fine ijonpola, Patent calf and Patent Ideal Kid in ligbt. heavy or medium soles, high or low heels. They are handsome. All sizes, 2% to 8; all widths, AAA to E. JOHN BICKEL, 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET. - - BUTLER, PA K E C K Spring Styles J] Have a nattiness about tbera that J] —A i f\ l\ // 'tl marks the wearer, it won't do to .\jt»y /] ' If l\ wear the last vear's output. You • f>] Ml \ \h> W f won't get the latest things at the hj r7 ' S~v/ v A-\ . stock clothiere either. The up-to ' r f—j ?P . date tailor only can supply them, , ' ™7t (/ IVX W if you want not only the latest '{ 1 Alf Xi I" / 1 ll I -things in cut and fit and work- \\ 1 I I If J I nunsbip, the finest in durability, 1 I If 111 where e'se can vou get combina- l l IF * I ; tions, you get them at JP } | I Li KECK G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor, 142 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed. Butler, Pa Removal Notice! C. F. T. Pape, Jeweler and Watchmaker Will be found oil and after April Ist at 121 East Jefferson street, opposite G. Wilson Miller's Grocery Store, Butler, Pa. Your Heart's Desire * is in our store. There is such an Ipj array of styles, such a pleasing \ r ,U., |l variety of trimmings and such re- A markable value in our line of /;. TRIMMED HAfS that the choice of a suitable model will be a matter of no dif- Y [(IM\ / ficulty. Artistically developed jm I hau f m si to $lO.. Rockenstein's, LEADING MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, 348 Soutb Main Street, - - - Butler, Pa Subscribe for the CITIZEN. Men's and Women's Oxfords, 75ct5.81.00, 11.50, J2.00, $2.50, #3.00 and 13.50. Black and Tan. A range of style and price beyond the reach of or dinary shoe stocks; snappv extension edges, rope and cross stitched, low broad heels, full round toes, plain and per forated tips; Vici Kids, Russia Calf, Patent and Enamel Leathers. Every taste for diess, street or business met in correct style. Men's Working Shoes, SI.OO, $1 S5, $1.50 and 12.00 are not equaled in Butler for servile. Shown in Veal, Calf, Slaughter Kip, Oil Grain and Kangaroo Kip and Calf with or without Box-toe; two soles and tap with Bellus tongues. Children's fine shoe*,patent OC tipped, sizes 5 to 8, at Your choice men's working |i«4 shoes,lace, buckle or I 1 ]| I grass, heavy aoles, at Ladies' Kangaroo-calf or Oil <4 Grain shoes, at I Misses' fine Patent Calf, lace 4 Q f** shoes, extended soles, at I Ladies' fine Dongola patent tip orfords at yilf* THE BUTLER CITIZEN. I One Dose 5 5 Tells the story. When your head 5 J aches, and you feel bilious, consti- J #pated, and out of tune, with your# m stomach sour and no appetite, just m 0 buy a package ot 0 \ Hood's Pills | 1 And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills. J 5 You will be surprised at how easily J V they will do their work, cure your # 0 headache and biliousness, rouse the m 2 liver and make you feel happy again. 225 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers, 0 CATARRH LOCAL'DISEASE and is the result of colds and A„ .uqcrCClDw audden climatic changes. For your Protection P[|UDrFEV£g s, A we positively state that this remedy does Dot contain mercury or any other injur lous drug. FW Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the most thorough care for Nacal Catarrh, Coid in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal paasapes, allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. )"rice 50c. at Drnirgista or by mail. ELY BKOTUJEKS, 60 Warren Street, New York. V The Cure thai Cures) p Coughs, 5j \ Colds, J s Grippe, (k V Whooping Cough, Asthma, J Bronchitis and Incipient A 3! Consumption, is fc? oIM Tta German hemedV g P CVKMWWOA vcA A'vstases. J -a\\ ArvwpjiiVv 25^50t\S/| J If it's in the 1 I DRUG-LINE 1 ; YOU ; I CAN < < > ; GET ; > IT > ► < [1 AT 5 u > t Johnston s ; ; Crystal ; < > Pharmacy, 1 < A B. M. LOOAN, Ph. 0.. Manager, . '3 A 10ti N. Main St., Itutler. I';i. Both 'Phones. W i | "{ | Heart Pains are Nature's warning notes of approaching danger from a dis eased heart. If you would avoid debilitating diseases, or even sudden death from this hidden trouble pay heed to the early warnings. Strengthen the heart's muscles, quiet its nerv ous irritation and regulate its adtion with that greatest of all heart remedies, Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "Six bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure relieved me of palpitation, shortness of breath and smother ing spells and cured me of a heart weakness which caused the rxoom Intense pain in my leit aide." K-ate 11. PBTEKSON. Johnstown, i'a. S*. Miles' Heart Core controls the heart adtion, accel erates the circulation and builds up the entire system. Sold by druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER Contains a Reliable Reoord of all the Events In the THEATRICAL WORLD AND THK WORLD OF SPORTS. PUBLIBHED WEEKLY, turn A YEAR. BINCLE COPY, lOota. For Sale by all Newsdealers. BAMPLE COPY FREE. Address NEW YORK CLIPPER, NEW YORK. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 16, 19Q1 A DREAM. t stcci where pift« were «how»red oil men from heaven. And some hid honors and the JOT thereof. And some received with solemn, radiant facet The yift of love. The jfreen I saw of bay leaves and of laurel. Of gold the gleam. A voice spoke to me, standing empty handed. "For thee —a dream." Forbear to pity ye who, richly laden, Forth from the place of heaven's bounty went, i Who marvel that I amile, my hands still empty; | lam content. Ve cannot guess how dowered beyond the measure Of your receiving to myself I seem. Lonely and cold, I yet pass on enraptured; I have my dream. —Anne Reeve Aldrich. piiiiwiiil >! BY M. QUAD. 8 Copyright, 1901, by C. B. Lewis. X They said it was a reckless thing to do and that only Americans would have attempted It. On the west side of the Sierra Sladre mountains in Mexico are the roaming grounds of the Yaqui Indians, and between the Yaqui and Fuerte rivers is their main stronghold. And yet we opened the Sunset mine with only the mountain range between us and every man from president to the cheapest workman realizing that we might be attacked at any hour. The Yaquis have warred with the Mexicans for the last 200 years, and their bands are raised against all others who in vade their domains. We were months in getting ma chinery over from Chihuahua, erecting buildings and fairly opening the mine, and. though we had a guard of 50 Mexican soldiers, we worked in the shadow of death, a it were. If the Yaquis came through the pass, they would come In such numbers as to overwhelm us. Strangely enough, aa we thought at the time, they let us alone, and at length the guard was withdrawn, and we were left to our selves. We had a force of 30 white men and 100 peon laborers. Not one of these peons could be depended on A SEKIES OF BXPLOSW)VS SHOOK THE RARTH. In case of a row. The engine bouse we made our fort, and 80 men behind Itfl ioopholed walls would make a good fight of it But yet we had something more than powder and lead to depend upon. If the Yaquis came through the mountain pass, they would approach the works, two miles distant, by way of two ravines which led quite to our doors. In «oipe places these ravines were only six or spvep feet deep, in others ovpr 30. with stone walls on either side. Uuder the direction of $ civil engineer powder and dynamite charges were hidden away in these walls and burled In the earth and wires connected with the power bouse and an electric battery. Had it been possible to buy the friendship of the Yaquis we should hove attempted it and thus secured our safety, but w# knew they were not to be tempted by anything we could offer. We had been working full force for three months, with an alarm now and then, when we learned why we bad not been disturbed by raiding parties. The whole fighting force of the Yaquis, numbering be tween 4,000 and 5,000, was gathering for a grand effort to sweep across the mountains and clear the country to the ltio Grande. This had been the dream of the chief for years, and bis people had been treasuring up rifles and am munition- When the force was finally ready to move, the Mexican govern ment was powerless to stop It except on the north, and it was too late to send out auything like a general alarm. The 4,000 well armed savages, know ing no mercy, fell npon prospector, freighter, hunter, miner and villager, and not a man escaped from their bands. Almost by accident we got word of the movement, and the mine was closed, the peons were sent away, and we prepared for a siege. Look outs were established aloug both ra vines. and we had four days In which to hear tli« tales of panic stricken fugitives who passed our way. The Yaquis had no pity for age, sex or condition. They found the people Almost defenseless, and when tbey had raptured a village every man, woman and child was put to the torture. Ev ery habitation was burned, live stock was slaughtered, and even the dogs and cats were killed- The Idea was to leave nothing alive behind then). The army did not push forward at swift pace, but dallied along and spent hours witnessing the torture of Its victims. We knew when tbe Indians finally en tered the mountain pass, beaded straight for us. and it was half an hour before sunset one evening when we saw the first of their force debouch on the plain and begin a close survey of our situation. We ware ready for them, but we knew that no attack would be made before morning. Tbey would have had a long march and be fatigued, and they would wait until all their force wu« up. An hour after sun rise next morning we witnessed a spec tacle that made the flesh creep a bit. Fully 4.0(H) Ya<|iiis gathered In a com pact body betwei n us and the mouth of the pass ami chanted a wild and sav asre song, and we were only :50 against them. They sent no ting of truce to de mand a surrender. They may have even hoped we would show fight, as they had met with no resistance as yet. AH WO hint hoped ami planned for, the YaqulH advanced by the ravines. A body of about ."dNi was told oIT for each ravine, skirmishers were sent on ahead, and the main body looked on. Thirty men with Winchester rifles inside of a stone fort arc no mean foe, but we soon realized that in this case we were al most helpless. So swiftly and steadily did the Ind'ans advance and so hot was their lire at the loopholes that we soon had live men killed and could not reply except at great risk. Their advance was within a stone's throw of us in both ravines when we rcsor'cd to the elec tric wires. Few men will ever witness the sight we did. There was a series of explosions which >ho >k the earth for miles around, with bursts of flame and smoke leaping to the clouds, and after one fearful yell there was silence In both ravines. It was half an hour be- fore the smoke blew away so that we could see the main band. The warriors stood there without movement, seem ing to have beeu struck dumb, and it was another hour before-they broke, up Into small parties and marched into the mouth of the pass. We thought It a ruse, and no man left the power house until next afternoon. Then it was dis covered that they had gone for good, and that without looking after their killed or wounded. Down In the two ravines, buried un der the debris or lying scorched and torn and mangled among the rocks, were over 900 warriors, all wiped out at the tick of the clock. It was such a stupendous loss, such a terrible and mysterious calamity, that even the fierce Yaquis were terror stricken and turned back. They returned to their valley, awed and frightened, telling a story that awed and frightened those left behind, ami from that date their power was broken. They have made war since only in small parties and in a half hearted way. and their dream of driving out the Gringo and the Mex ican and recovering their own has been shattered forever. The Women Shate Their Heads. One part of Egypt shows where the outward and visible evidences of the aboriginal have been softened down with a veneer which the softeners fondly imagined is indicative of in ward and spiritual grace. This is along a 350 mile stretch of the White Nile, where the Shilluks live and move and have their being. Now. the Shilluks are a picturesque and a promising people. They have their Fashoda for a capital and their memories of Lord Kitchener of Khar tum which no man may take from them. Wherefore, what matters it that they have lost their original lawless ness. their former turbulence and their cheerful specialty of roasting tbe en emy on the (Kjint of the spit? Now tbe Shilluks are so civilized they carry short wooden clubs after the fashion of the Broadway police man and occasionally brandish a long spear In true light opera style. Tbey lead an enviable life, these Shilluks; nothing to do all the livelong day but lie on the mossy bank and spear the horny hided hlppojwtamus as be glides within range, or make a dead crocodile of a live one by the simple expedient of harpooning him through his vitals. As for work, that is for woman, and my lord of the HlilUuk* jjyver puts his band to It. Agriculture is yet an undeveloped Industry, and what little developing has already taken place has been at the Instance and bauds of the .vlves. The Shllluk country Is not the birth place of the seven brotherhood sisters of glorious hirsute memory. All tbe women of the tribe shave their beads. —New York Herald. Terrible Effect of Bad Air. At every moment of the human life the air which we breathe goes coursing through tbe most delicate and sensitive of the wonderfully constructed organs of the human system to purify and re- Invigorate tbe vital currents of life. But what if the purifier shall Itself be unclean and laden with the seeds of pollution? Having once done Its work and come forth tainted and foul, what If It shall again and again be called to perform the ta«k for which if Is no lon ger fitted? The natural apd inevitable deduction Is not f«r to reach. blood Is no longer purified, but It goes coursing through the body, the Bource of disease and corruption Instead of being the fountain of pure, perfect healthfulness. Ottier organs oy sympathy w by dl rect contagion become affected. The Imagination Is too often Influenced as well, anticipation conjures up dire evils, and the sufferer, who Is now lif such earnest, flies from oue "blood pu rifier" or "tonic" to another, gaining perhaps temporary 8"d questionable •ellef at the expense of a system loaded with poisonous and harmful drugs, whose reaction may be expected at any time and In almost any horrible form. A Quirk Hetort, A leading counsel for tbe defendant In an accident damage case where the Injury had been occasioned by a Jet of steam scalding the complainant's back and neck as he was driving past tbe de fendant's place argued to the jury that the plaintiff was guilty of contributory negligence aud should have looked up fo avoid the accident. The quick wit ted counsel for the complainant retort ed: "Oh. no. If he had looked up. In stead of suing for damage to the back of our bead we should have bad to charge you for the loss of both eyes." The average weight of a sheep fleece Is 5 1 j pounds. An Advertising Scheme. Several old acquaintances of the late D. 11. McAlpln, the tobacco manufac turer, were discussing his business suc cess In an up town club, and one of them told tbe following story as Illus trating the farreachlng effect of com paratively insignificant things some times. "It was after Mr. McAlpln was well started In the tobacco business," lie said, "that an enterprising rival began to cut into his business by advertising that he placed a dime In every tenth package of tobacco put up In ills fac tory. One day a foreman of the pack ing room went to Mr. McAlpln and said: " 'I have a suggestion to make that promises to knock out this dime in ev ery tenth package acheme of your rival. Will you hear It?" " 'Yes; go ahead." " 'Well, then, just put a dime In ev ery package of tobacco put up In our shop and don't advertise it. It will ad yprfise itself quickly enough.' ''Mr. McAlpln saw that the sugges tion was good, and he accepted It. It cost him a good deal of money, but Its success warranted It. Within a few weeks farmers were buying McAlpin tobacco, knowing that they would find money In each package, and If they had found diamonds It would not have surprised them."—New York Sun. All on Account of the Boota. As a sergeant was bawling out his orders In a barracks In Dublin and watching the line of feet as the raw re cruits endeavored to obey the word of command lie found, to bis astonish ment, that one pair of feet, more no ticeable on account of their extra large size, never turned. Without taking his eyes off those feet the sergeant bawled out a second or der: "About face!" He could see that all the feet except those he watched turned In obedience. flushing up to the owner, a little fel low, he seized him by the shoulder, shouting; "Why don't you turn with the rest?" "I dlil!" replied the trembling recruit. "You did. eh? Well, I watched your feet, and they never moved." "It's the Iwiots they gave me, sir," said the poor fellow. "They're so large that when I turn my feet turns Inside of them."—London Answers. ONION GROWING. Points In Commercial Culture From a Sncc«an(nl Experience. Commercial onion culture Is a topic receiving much attention just now. An onion grower Of many years' expe rience presents a review of his meth ods in Ohio Farmer. Some of its lead ing points are here given: Do you know that our best onions are "bred up" just as horses or cattle, or. In fact, any other animals are, and can be degenerated just as easily? A writer has truly said: "An onion tends ONION FIELD IN JUNE. [Two months from planting.] backward, just as water runs down bill." Any tirst rate vegetable goes back to a lower grade just as soon as It ceases to have the best of care. Don't select a piece for onions that will be too wet in wet seasons or too dry in dry seasons. Of course your wet soil can be drained If you have a sufficient outlet for the water, and also your dry soil can be Irrigated. Clay loam will raise large onions, but Is somewhat later in maturing theui than sand or loam. Do not plant land that is polluted with weeds to onions. Plow the ground to be used for onions in the fall |f possible, snd If there are any docks in tlie fleld dig them out before plowing. I prefer both stable manure and phosphate. The phosphate I sow on the ground broadcast, fibout 500 or 000 pounds to the acre, also one barrel of salt per acre; harrow once over lightly after sowing fertilizer so as to not get It harrowed lu too deep. .Before apply ing fertilisers be sure your ground Is thoroughly harrowed and if any sticks or lumps remain rake It over with a hand rake, making it all as smooth and level as possible. I think the salt I apply to my fleld helps to keep the ground loose and keeps away Insects. If your ground Is quite light. 1 advise going over with roller or plauker before sowing seed, I sow seed as early lu spring as ground is lu working condition, as I think they will be less liable to blight if well advanced before the dry weath er and blighting season. To grow large ODIOUS SOW from five to six pounds of peed per acre and use the best seed obtainable. The variety of onion to plant depends on the kind that sells best in your market. I drill seed In rows one foot apart. After they are up so the rows cau be soen cultivating must be commenced at once. For this purpose I use a dou- ~ ble wheel cultivator that works astride the row. working up close to the plants, therefore leaving only the weeds that grow directly in the row. After the - "' ~r. - -V - ONION FIKI,000 a year and regards the man who discharged him long ago as the best friend he ever bad. Now, be Is only one of hundreds of men who have had similar exi>erlences. So you see what at first seems a misfortune may often be a real blessing In dis guise." Tbe young man hid a yawn behind his hnnd pud, thinking of tbe live broiled lobster he had tbe night before helped a certain soft eyed creature to remove from the scene, languidly re plied: "Yes; I know that has frequently happened. Did you want to speak to me about anything in particular this morulng, Mr. l'amsley?" "Oh, no; nothing of special Impor tance," the old gentleman replied, "only I'm going to give you a chance to look back some day and regard me as your best friend. Goodby. I hope you'll have all kinds of success at whatever you decide to go at."—Chi cago Herald. Panics and Religion* Books. There Is one kind of business, accord ing to a New York man prominent In It, that does not enjoy easy financial conditions. It Is that of publishing de votional and religious literature. This publisher explained this anomalous condition as follows: "When everybody Is prosperous, there is no very great demand for our publications. People are happy, and they do not go to church to any great extent. Preachers will tell you that church attendance Is never so good In prosperous times as It is la periods of financial straits. "Let a panic come on, however. At first our business feels It as keenly as any other line. People suddenly cease buying everything except" what they are obliged to have. As times fall to Improve, people take more to going to church. Attendance Increases very perceptibly. In n few weeks we can tell It In our business. There Is a greatly Increased demand for devo tional books of all kinds. Tbe busi ness Increases, and at the very height of the financial troubles we do tbe largest business. As times get better you can see our trade In this line of publications gradually drop off until, when prosperity again comes round, we settle down to a normal business quite different from tbe boom we had been enjoying."—New York Times. Life Aboard aa Arctic Boat. The days and weeks pass without our taking any account of them. We get up at 6:30 In the morning. At 7 we feed the dogs. At 8 we have breakfast, and at 12 we dine. Then we work till 0:30, when we have supper, after which we smoke and play cards or chess till bedtime. It Is not at all cold. Rarely does the thermometer descend below zero. Yesterday tbe sun shone gloriously. The Ice reflected It with a blinding glare and in brilliant colors. The ship has withstood all tbe as saults of tbe Ice. It Is splendid to see bow it breaks up ice that is sometimes tHree or four ftrl tbick. At otbor times, when It Is even thicker, tbe sblp Is rushed against It at full steam. Tbe shock splits and breaks It very often for a distance of 40 or 60 yards. The Duke of Abruzzl Is always on the bridge and loses no opportunity of get ting ahead. Sometimes be does not even come down to his meals. When ever we get tbe smallest opening, be orders us to go on, and we are glad of It. because the more we advance at the present time tbe less we shall have to do next year.—Leslie's Monthly. Traps la Preach. A frequent trap In French for the un wary is the difference of meaning In similar phrases. For example, "faire feu" means to fire a gun, while "faire du feu" means to light a fire; "tomber par terre" conveys tbe Idea of falling to tbe ground from one's own height, whereas "tomber a terre" means to fall from any height—ln other words, to tumble down and to tumble off. In the same way "tralter de fat" means to call a man a fop and "tralter en rol" to treat him like a king. The English word "bore" may be expressed In two ways—"un raseur" gives tbe Idea of an active bore and "une bassl nolre" of a passive bore.—Academy. Host Unwholesome. "I think I'll have some of those crul lers." said Jones at the lunch counter. "Don't you want someV" "No," replied Smith. "They don't agree with me." "That so'/" "Yes; 1 couldn't even eat the hole In one without getting dyspepsia."— Phil adelphia Record. A Rood Beginning. He (passioL.atel,v»—What difference does It make where we go on a wed ding trip? She—But don't you think we should spend enough money to keep up ap pearances?— Detroit Free Fress. There are few bearded men In China. Men who have grandchildren may wear a mustache, and many take ad vantage of the privilege and are called "old hair men." Twice a year. In the first week In April and October, the Chinese carry food to their dead. Vestal Virgin*. Ovid tells us that the first temple of Vesta at Rome was constructed of wat tled walls and roofed with thatch, like the primitive huts of the inhabitants. It was little other than a circular cov ered fireplace and was tended by the unmarried girls of the infant commu nity. It served as the public hearth of Rome, and on it glowed, unextin guished throughout the year, the sa cred fire which was supposed to have been brought from Troy and the con tinuance of which was thought to be linked with the fortunes of the city. The name Vesta Is believed to be de rived from the same root as the San skrit was, which means "to dwell, to Inhabit," and shows that Bhe was the goddess of home, and home had the hearth as Its focus. A town, a state, Is but a large family, and what the do mestic hearth was to the house that, the temple of the perpetual fire, be came to the city. Every town had Its vesta, or common hearth, and the col onies derived their fire from the moth er hearth. Should a vestal maiden allow the sa cred fire to liecome extinguished she was beaten by the grand pontiff till her blood flowed, and the new flre w#» solemnly rekindled by rubbing togeth No. 20 er of dry wood or by focusing of son's rays. The circular form and domed roof of the temple of Vesta were sur vivals of the prehistoric huts of the aborigines, which were Invariably round. —Cornhlll Magazine. Impossible at the Price. A certain parvenu of great wealth has banging In his drawing room m large and hideous daub In oils which some dealer In Paris Induced blm to buy. He is very fond of taking a call er by the arm, leading him before the canvas and saying: "Great picture that By Macaroni dl Vermicelli, you know. Paid £2,000 for It In Paris and got a great bargain. F." (naming an eminent artist) "says It Is worth £10.000." A few days since this gentleman was lunching at the Artists' club when tbe cat came out of the bag. Some one said: "F„ old Centpercent says that yon have appraised that frightful night mare of his at £IO,OOO. Is It true?" The artist answered smilingly: "I will tell you how that happened. He asked me to dinner one day and aft er we left tbe table took me to see the picture and told the usual story. Then, turning abruptly, he asked: " "How much Is that painting worth T " 'Why, Mr. Centpercent,' said I, *1 really would not like to place a value upon It* " 'Well, I'll put It differently,' said he. 'How much would you charge for such a picture?' " 'I don't mind saying,' I answered, 'that I would not paint such a plctu" J for £10,000.' I had to be civil, you know."— Ix>ndon Answers. The French Caralrf at Sedan. Both banks of the Glvonne were In German hands; so was Balan, a small village nearer to Sedan than Basellles, and soon after 1 o'clock no fewer than 42G German guns were hailing shells into the French army, which stood In close formations within a space meas uring less than two miles In breadth or depth. Out of this terrible cauldron of defeated troops about this time rod* tbe Frencb cavalry In a heroic endeav or to turn the fortunes of the day and retrieve the honor of France. General Marguerltte, called by soms "tbe star of his arm," was struck la the face by a bullet while riding out to reconnolter the ground before he charg ' ed. He now handed over the cavalry command to De Galllfet, who for the second time on that tremendous day led the flower of French cavalry against tbe enemy and for the space of half an hour charged the German ranks again and again on the hillsides north of Sedan. But the courage of the gallant horse men was all in vain. Tbe arme blanche was unequally matched against the breechloadlng rifle held In steady bauds, and no effort of the French cavalry could withstand tbe slowly tightening grasp of that fiery circle.— Chambers' Journal. Conldn't Follow Bias. At a small country church In Eng land a newly married couple were just receiving some advice from the elderly vicar as to how they were to conduct themselves and so always live hap pily. "You must never both get cross at once; It is tbe husband's duty to pro tect bis wife whenever an occasion arises, and a wife must love, honor and obey her husband and follow him wherever he goes." "But sir"— pleaded the young bride. "I haven't yet finished," remarked the clergyman, annoyed at the Inter ruption. "She must"— "But please, sir (in desperation), can't you alter that last part? My hus band Is going to be a postman." I A Question. Jack's father and mother were hav ing c very heated discussion at the table one day. They entirely forgot him, and as the argument waxed fiercer he looked from one to tbe other with real concern on his chubby face. Preseutly during a lull be cleared the air by asking, pointedly: "Papa, did you marry mamma or did mamma marry you ?"—Brooklyn Life. It Is Written. "So!" said Mr. Upjohn In his most wltberlngly sarcastic manner, "Johnny gets all bis good qualities from you, and all bis bad ones from me, does he?" "Certainly," answered Mrs. Upjohn, triumphant but calm. "Doesn't tbe Bible expressly say that tbe sins of the fathers are visited upon the children?" —Chicago Tribune. The Saoeaklng Shoe No Mare. "Squeaking shoes." said a dealer, "are no more, though of course you haven't noticed It Stop a minute, though, and think. Isn't It true that _ for years you haven't come across a squeaking shoe? The thing that caused the trouble was a loose piece of leather In the sole. This, as you walked, work ed somewhat like a bellows or an ac cordion. and great was the sound there of. All shoes are now sewed—many of them used to be pegged—and sewing does away with any loose pieces of leather In the sole and, therefore, with the squeak as well. I don't believe that if you searched a week you would be able to find a squeaking shoe in Philadelphia."—Philadelphia Press. Destiny. I tore my hair. "Destiny Is writ!" 1 cried. "Well, the way you look at me any body might think I'd said It wat wrote." whimpered the woman, my wife, and burst Into tears. 1 knocked her bead against tbe piano and left the room, for after all she was but a child, and I could not find It in my heart to be barsh with her. —De- troit Journal. Keyer Mind the Put. "No, dear. I wouldn't Invite Mrs. Ritchie to my wedding If I were you. You know, she's a woman with a past." "Yes, mamma, but what does her past matter when she's rich enough to bring an elegant present?"— Philade lphia Bulletin. Oat of Sigh*. It was a trifle uncomfortable for Jones, but then be saved car fare.— New York Evening Journal.