Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 09, 1901, Image 1

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    VOL.- xxxviii
Popular-Priced Spring Shoes
The greatest assortment of Stylish Footwear ever placed before the people of
Butler county. The perfect embodiment of fashion »n«l service, at cur own
uncomparable prices.
Our Eighty-cent and Dollar Shoes
For men and women, for boys aud girls form a wonderful feature of our great
showing, and we claim great things for them. Thousands of pairs have been put
to the lest. We lure yet to hear of a complaint. You meet with such values
only at HUSELTON'S.
At fi.so, $2.00 and £2.50,
Men's and Women's Lines,
alm<«t surpass our own ideas. These
popular shoes are designed and built
esj-cially for this store Vici Kid, Box
C»lf, Patent Leather, Russia Calf, gen
uine McKay sewed and Goodyear welts.
Solid, substantial service in every pair.
At $3.00 and $3.50.
we put out strong claims for your favors.
The strongest probably ever made in
sboedom. Patent and Enamel Leathers,
Vici Kid, Box aud Kusma Calf-skin—
turn and welt soles-for men or women;
extension edges, Cuban, military and
French heels. All popular toe styles; all
latest men's lasts; all latest women's
lasts, and representing £3.50 and $4.00
values as shown in other stores.
Ha?e received our expert attention. 75 eta, ti.no, fi. 25, $1.50 and $2.00; comfort
for growing feet; appearance* that please the wearers and* service that profits the
buyer* of these shoes, are the strong points we claim for the* lines as well as a
saving of 25 per cent, in the prices.
Batter's bending Hboe House. Opposite Hotel Lowrj
Spring and Summer Styles.
The time of the year is here when you want a nice
pair of fine shoes for summer wear. Our stock is ex
tremely large,showing all the latest styles in fine shoes
and Oxfords in all leathers.
We are offering some big values in fine footwear
and it will pay you to see us before buying your
summer shoes.
Men's (ice Satin-calf shoes,
Lace or Congress, at | UU
Boy's fine Calf slices, light AA
or heavy soles, at jjllQ
Ladies' fire Dougola sboer,||»4
Dongola or Patent tips, I I II I
button or lace, at ▼ ' • ""
Youths' fine Calf or Vici
kkl|.ho«. a. OUC
Misses' Cne Dongola, Qf"
spring heel shoes, at
We invite you to call ami M* our stock cf SOROSIS SHOES AND
sOXFQRUS< ,he tat"* "tyles for tummtrr *ear, mule in fine Ixmyola, Patrnt
calf and Patent Heal Kid in light. heavy or medium aolea, high or low heelii.
They are handsome. All wizen, 2'A to K; all width*, AAA to K.
All Win terGocds must go regardless of cost; we
need the money and we need the room; we must
-b»ve It for our Spring Goods.
$5,000 Worth of Shoes and Rubbers
At About Half Price.
Misses' and Children's School Shoe*, all sizes.... (*jc
Youths' and Hoys' School Shoes, all sizes, 98c
Men's Latrobe or Jamestown Hox Toe Shoes.... 48c
Indies' Fine Ores* Shoes, button or -lace 98c
Men's Fine Huft Shoes, tip or plain, 98c
M en's Working Shoes, high cut, buckle 98c
Oar entire stock of Warm Shoes Less than Cost
Our entire stock of Rubbers Less than Cost
Profit and <>*t loat night of in thin *»K If yon are in n<-**d of Hh<*-*
and Iluhborn, iu:t promptly: thia ia yonr laxt chance.
Spring Styles %
Have a nattine** *l>out theiri that —A 4 f\ l\
mark* thu wearer, it won't do to JV-, /J r k_\ // \\
wear the la»t vear'a output. You bf [ft |\ Yf'] si
won't get the lateat things at the ~fj NL \r\JTJ vTj U
at'ick clothier* either. The up to vT t F? t '
C date tailor only tan supply Uvm, / l\ |/ I > V
if you want not only the Uteat I < ' \ A |T\ s—rr'/r
thing* in cut and fit and work- 1 /If J II 'J I
tn«ti»hip, the fineal in durability, j 1 I [ f ill I
where e'*e can you get comhina- * 1 1 II •I'll/ I
t»on* f you get them at I I I J (j[ '
G. F. KECK,! Merchant Tailor,
142 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed. Butler, Pa
Removeil Notice!
C. F. T. Pape,
vJeweler one I Watchmaker
Will be found on and after April Ist at
121 East Jefferson street, opposite (i.
Wilson Miller's Grocery Store, Butler, Pa.
Men's and Women's Oxfords.
75Cts,$i.oo. |i 50, |2.co, $2.50, $3.00 and
$3.50. Black and Tan. A range of
style and price beyond the reach of or- '
diuary shoe stocks; snappv extension f
edges, rope and cross stitched, low broad
heels, full round toes, plain and per
forated tips; Vici Kid*, Russia Calf,
Patent and Enamel Leathers. Every
taste for dress, street or business met in
correct style.
Men's Working Shoes,
fi.oo, fi i 5, s[.so and $2.00 are not
equaled in Butler for servi:*. Shown in
Veal, Calf, Slaughter Kip, Oil Grain and
Kangaroo Kip and Calf with or without
Box-toe; two soles and tap with Bell us
Children's fine
tipped, sixes 5 to 8, at.....
Your choice men's working *.• 4
shoes,lace, buckle or I I II I
gress, heavy soles, at N' ■
Ladies' Kangaroo calf or Oil 4
Grain shoes, at |
Misses' fine Patent Calf, lace < QF
shoes, extended soles, at I
Ladies' fine Dongola patent
tip otfords at
Hood's Pills
Are prepared from Na
ture's mild laxatives, and
while gentle are reliable
and efficient. They
Rouse the
Cure Sick Headache, Bil
iousness, Sour Stomach,
and Constipation. Sold
everywhere, 25c. per box. 1
Prepared by C.LHood & Co. .Lowell Mass.
and is the result of colds and ; j*«cOLua
sudden climatic changes.
For your Protection ywfEVEft A
we positively state Luat this K I
remedy does not contain
mercury or any oilier injur
ioua drug. t
Ely's Cream
ia acknowledged to be the m r *e t thorough cure for
Kual t surrh.Co d in Head and Hay Ferer of ail
remedies. It open* and elGsoaea the na*al
ailaya pain ana inflammation, heaii the pro
tect* the membrane frnui coif!*, restore* the aenpea
of taaV-and Price6oc. at Dnuv -t* r, r bjr mail.
£LY BKO'l liiJUS, OC Warren Street, New York.
Pain in Head, Side and Back.
For yearn I suffered with pain in the bead,
pain In the aide, and In the small of the back.
I was nervous and constipated and could not
sleep. The pill* and other medicine* I tried
only made a bad matter worse. Then I tried
Celery King- One package cured me and
made a new woman of me.—Mrs. Th. Klec
tin miner, C'rotou-on-H udson, N. Y.
Celery King cures Constipation and Nerve,
Hto iliac h. Liver and Kidney UlseaseK. 2
| If it's in the f
; GET [
£ Johnston s K
; Crystal £
; Pharmacy.
A It. M. LOGAN. Ph. 0., k
10»; N. Main hi., Butler, fa.
iUttU 'l'tiooe*. W A
] '* I
Womb's Way
oil w;e>ll <lay ii» to avoid the
witshlssird. She just 'lij»» the
clothes in lukewarm water,
then 'XKtjii each piece thor
oughly with
roll* Uu«rn uj> tltftit, and
t limn In tlin fmlf ISM hour, <«#v ;
; «jr««l witli witter. Tlml'i all 'be
wanti day work rlfifle, wrllitf
and dry. Hold l#y urtx'.mrn. !
Contain* a Reliable Rooord
~r of all the Events In the
For Sale by all Newedealere.
WANTKB lloneai mini ur woman to Iruvtt
for large horn* , salary stt& monthly and
witii Increastq position porrnail
eiit;iii>'ioMi self-sildresseri Htnmp. d envelope
MANAOKK UOCmUm Clilrimu.
As one lite to the call of lore.
Whose **ger youth ran by nor yielded toll*
Withheld aloof beneath a cold control.
Disdaining heart and throning mind above;
Yet in midlife, at fl*«dtide of §ucce«,
I-ayf power and down before her feet,
to mighty love by love as meet,
unswerving, final, measureless;
80 wakes the gentian with November near
Nor answers aught to sweet June's fervid breath.
But as late love, with passion unto death.
Outlives the sumim-r and the flaming year.
—Grace Kichardson in Atlantic.
noo 00000000 0000 0000 0000 oOQ
O £
8 Tbe Story of &o AP*cb* O
Boy. §
800 0000 0000 000 oOOOOOOOOoCXJ
The writer owes to Dick Huyl a debt
not exactly of gratitude, as the story
will demonstrate, which she, by writ
ing his biography, seeks to discharge.
Dick liuyl's history will never be writ
ten by me nor by any one else who
knew him to adorn a Sunday school li
brary. lie was not that kind of boy.
Dick was an Apache Indian, with all
the characteristics of total depravity
that the word Apache conveys or sug
gests. We were children together,
Dick and I. We lived, fought and play
ed together for two years In the same
army post. On one memorable occa--
»ion Dick, instigated by the devil—for
I firmly believe in the devil. If only for
Apaches—dropped down the neck of
my frock coat a live toad. It was the
cause of my first fit of hysterics, and I
determined if I ever grew old enough 1
would tell the whole world how bad a
young Apache could be.
In 1872, if I remember rightly, Gen
eral Crook had succeeded, after years
of bloody war and the loss of hundreds
of good men. In subduing most of the
bands composing the Apache nation of
New Mexico and Arizona. They had
dwelt in the strongholds of mountain
and desert, from which they frequent
ly emerged to rob and murder all min
ers or emigrants that they could am
bush, leaving nothing for the human
mind to conceive of In the way of cru
elty whenever a white man fell Into
their power.
At the reservation, although they
were well fed and quite decently treat
ed, It was necessary to watch them
constantly, and large bodies of troops
were detailed for that purpose. Never
theless, scarcely a week passed but
a small squad of Apaches, usually led
by some attractive squaw, would slip
quietly past the guards and escape
through the darkness Into their beloved
cactus plains and mountain barrens.
Roll call nearly every morning devel
oped these absentees, and next day
would come news of murder, rapine
and horrors generally. A favorite
Apache mode of disposing of the un
suspecting freighter, miner or emi
grant whose camp they had succeeded
In raiding was to tie the victim by the
four limbs to stakes and then to build
a fire on that portion of his body desig
nated In the old fashioned almanacs
as "vlrgo."
There seemed to be something par
ticularly fascinating to the Apache
temperament In this form of torture.
Death being long In coming, It gave
the squaws uud papooses plenty of
chance to Invent small torments on
the side, as It were. The women and
children emigrants— Itut enough. Suf
fice It to sny that the absolute hatred
entertained by these Indian* for the
whites was fully reciprocated, especial
ly by the soldiers. It was no easy
matter to track and successfully fol
low the runaways through the cactus
and mesquite thickets, over the barren
deserts urid desolate mountains that
make up the topography of Arizona.
Hut In that parched country water Is
only to be found at certain springs and
water holes, between which days of
travel often Intervene, but which are
equally well known to soldiers and to
So when the morning report ahowed
to General Crook that so many war
riors, squaws and papooses were
missing the grim old warrior would
make uo sign of pursuit, but on the
night following or perhaps the next
one a squudron of mounted men would
file silently out of the reservation bear
lug orders to move as rapidly as pos
sible to the water hole of Palo Pinto
or to Agna Grande spring or to some
other place where the presence of the
precious fluid favored a camping place
for the renegades. The troops were
always positively Instructed to bring
buck uo prisoners, all matters of de
tail lielng left to the officers In com
mand One June morning there were
reported missing 8 Indians and 11
squaws and pa|s>oses. Including Wah
liemo, than whom a more depraved aud
cruel Indian never existed, eveu lu Ari
Two nights afterward a squad of the
Twenty-third infantry. Crook's own
regiment, under Lieutenant Huyl, a
Splendid young fellow, who has since
left the service, was sent out ou a
icout with the usuul orders. No trace
of the renegades was fouud, but a
burned ranch and stage station and a
cremated cowboy gave sufficient evi
dence of Indians at large. The next
night, or rather Just at dawn, after a
long ami fatiguing march, the scouts
reached a natural rock basin at the
fool of one of the steepest and most
Inaccessible knobs to be found In des
olate Arizona. This basin hud often
collected a supply of acrid water,
'which, however, was drinkable enough
lu that country. A thin vapor of smoke
from a nearly spent fire convinced the
troopers tlml their night's march had
not been lu vain, and ou creeping up
as close as (Hissllile the hostllcs were
outlined against the rocks fast asleep.
The little squadron silently deployed
out so 11s to avoid adsslng a single shot
and at the word of command fired, kill
ing nearly every one of the Indians.
The others Jumped up, only to lie cut
down by tin' reserve fire. The only two
unhurt were Wuhiicnio and his 4-year
ohl papo<,;,c. (jrilNpilig the child, lie
spiling for the mountain side, scaling
the rocks like a chamois amid a show
er of bullets, soon distancing his pur
suers and getting out of range of their
rifles. Halting on a shelf or rock, lie set
the child down and proceeded to 111-
tlnlge In every exhibition of contempt
and derision that lils Imagination could
Invent lo aggravate the discomfited
troopers, who gnashed their several
sets of teeth In rage at the Insults of
the old heathen. They were relieved
at last by the arrival of Lieutenant
Huyl. who bore 111 ills blind a new tar
gel rifle, received only the day before
the scouts started.
'l'lil* u'i/ii<li'i ful jfun wit* jtimrnnl<M*<l
to carry I forget l.loi >ui<U wIIU
curacy. mul I In* llciitcimiit, who wn*
one of tin- Ix'ol f<llow* in lli«- world In
iriirrlcoli. Imt • f«111• * fold li«-»ii*t«-«! ami
lilooilllilnty where A|iii«lie* were eon
renied. announced lluil while Ik* wa*
doubtful of hi* nun carrying near the
Inillnn, yet In- w«» Kolnjj to try. The
A|>Br||e. fcell UK H«M-lir»* HKnlllHt their
caihlucN, continued III* taunt* until
Huyl, taking deliberate aim, with
sights raised for 1.900 yards, fired. His
aim was true and the gun all that It
was boasted. The old savage plunged
face forward over the ledge and crash
ed down the rocky mountain side at
the very feet of his slayer.
The attention of the soldiers was
now directed to the papoose, the sub
ject of this sketch. That Interesting
infant still calmly occupied the ledge
and was evidently turning the situa
tion over In his mind. The troopers,
with Lieutenant Huyl at their head,
slowly and painfully clambered up the
rocks and finally approached the or
phan, who. instead of squalling as a
civilized Christian child would have
done, commenced throwing stones at
bis pursuers, hitting Lieutenant Huyl
squarely on the nose with a half pound
rock and drawing blood copiously. He
followed this success by other good
throws, causing as nearly a panic as
possible. At last, by flanking him. our
Apache was knocked down by a blow
from a saber aud stuuued. His capture
was now easy, but the lieuteuaut's
orders were to return no prisoners.
"What shall we do with the little dev
il?" asked one of the men. "Shoot him
or throw him over the cliff after his fa
ther?" The "little devil" had regained
consciousness by this tiuie and deliber
ately set his teeth into the calf of the
soldier's leg. Lieutenant Huyl wiped
his bloody nose and replied: "A baby
who fights this way ought not to be
killed in cold blood. By George, I'll
take him back lo San Carlos if it costs
me my commission!"
A gag was put into the young one's
mouth to prevent any more biting, and.
with a soldier holding each hand, he
was landed on the plain l»elow. There
he was placed on horseback, a lariat
tied to one foot, passed under the horse
and tied to the other, and thus, the
troopers returned to the reservation.
Lieutenant Huyl was a great favorite
with General Crook, but he had dis
obeyed orders and confidently expected
to be put under arrest. But the general
had already heard something the
stone throwing affair and had enjoyed
a hearty laugh over Huyl's broken
nose. When the lieutenant In muklng
his report reached the point where
Wahnemo was killed, the general in
terrupted him with. "By the way, I
think you had better not let me know
officially any more of this scout than
you have already told." Then glancing
at the swolleu nose he burst Into a roar
of laughter, in which all the other otli
cers Joined.
The young Indian was confined In
the armory until his first fright was
overcome. The soldiers of Company A
named him Dick Huyl and. fitting him
out with a uniform fusliioned from the
lieutenant's old clothes, regularly
adopted him into the service.
In less than a month the small re
cruit learned to express himself tolera
bly In English aud lu a very short time
hud accumulated all the accomplish
ments of tobacco chewing and profani
ty possessed by the soldiers. He also
picked up a .wonderful knowledge of
bugle calls and evolutions, always turn
ing out at roll calls aud taklug his
place at the extreme left of the compa
ny when In line.
When I first knew him, be had been
under the refilling Influences of the
United States service two years. If
that ludian had Improved lu that time,
I am very glad I did not know him be
fore. He was not beautiful according
to classic standards.
The Apaches flatten the beads of
their babies between boards, and this,
as much as anything else, served to
render Dick unattractive to us chil
dren. Then he had such a predilection
for carrying snakes iu his pocket! The
soldiers spoiled him, of course, aud up
held him In every villainy he chose to
perpetrate. When he shot the mules in
an ambulance tilled with women and
children, causing a runaway and a
kinash up. one soldier thrashed him
tvith a barrel stave aud a dozen more
gave hlui 5 cent pieces to comfort him.
They alternately pounded and petted,
but It was all one to hi in. He seldom
laughed uud never cried. He was an
I said he never cried. I will note an
exception. Kvcry Saturday afternoon
the men took him out behind the quar
ters aud gave him 11 bath. This process
was very simple. They stripped off Ills
clothing stul turned the hose on 111 111.
On these occasions the shrieks of the
little savage could be heard all over the
I hate not seen Dick since I was 11
years old. but I like to think that he
grew up aud regularly enlisted in the
old regiment and is now an honcr to
the service.-New York Tribune.
Ilia Only Ileal I'leaaare.
"What good doe* your money <lo yon,
Mr. Armour?" a friend once asked I'.
It. Armour, according to tin; Wuahlng
tou Star.
"That IM n queatlon," Mr. Armour re
plied, "I often auk myaelf. I wax ral*-
<•< l a butcher boy. I learned to love
work for work'a sake. I inuat jpi-t up
early now, an I have done all my life,
ami when !» o'clock come*, no matter
what'a going on at home, I muit Ret to
bed. Ami here I am. Yea; I have
large meant*, a» you nay. butj can't eat
aa much an yonder clerk, 1 can't aleep
a* much, and I can hardly wear any
more clothes than he. The only real
pleaaure I can Ret out of life that yon
der clerk with Ida limited meuna can
not get IM tin- giving "ow and then to
M>me deaervlng fellow without a won I
knowing It ».VH) or 91.000. giving him a
freah Mtart upward without making the
gift a hurt 1o him. Thal'a the only real
plcaaure I gel out of life. Ami an to
[tOHHeHHIoiiH. the only thing I aoinetlinea
feel I really own are my two boy* and
my good name. Take everything elae
from me, leave me them, and I would
yet be rich. I wouldn't care a snap f»r
the rext. We would noon together
make enough to keep the wolf a long
way from our door."
Krre Id Npralt Ilia Mind.
Old I»r. X. never enjoyed the reputa
tlon of being a rellgloua man. In faet.,
hi* belief In the sincerity of things
xplrllual. an expre**ed liy the world at
large, waa usually »umtried u|f by the
worda poppycock. folderol ami the
like, uttered In a contemptuoua anort.
.Meeting one day a mln later of the vi
cinity In which be lived, he waa re
minded of the fact that the mlnlater
bad but lately Inherited, through the
death of a relative, a conaldcrable mini
of money.
"Mr. I).," he aald. addreaalng the
gentleman In question. "I underaland
thai yoll have acquired quite a conald
enible fortune from the dear departed,
your uncle."
"From my coualn. I'r. X.," corrected
Mr. !».. a trifle disconcerted.
"Then I am lo underatand that you
are no longer dependent upon the char
lly of your congregation for aupport?"
continued the doctor.
Mr. I>. bowed atlllly In ackuowledg
"Then. Mr. 1>.." Whispered the old
tnan eagerly, "give 'em badeaP'—New
York Mall and Kxpres*.
HI I k good* are aald to take dyea m>r«
readily than any other fabric.
For the General Farmer—lncubator
and lien Hatched Chicks.
The j»osition of the farmer with re
gard to poultry is entirely different
from that of the specialist with a large
plant. To the farmer such Information
as the following from a late report of
A. G. Gilbert, manager of the Canadian
experimental farms. Is especially di
rected :
Farmers have given increased atten
tion during the past few years to the
artificial hatching and rearing of
chickens, which have been pursued by
two methods:
By filling the incubator and begin
ning operations in late February or
early March.
By deferring hatching operations
until the hens have had a run outside,
uud as a resnlt their eggs will hatch
In connection with the second
method, unless the farmer has a brood
lng house, which permits of his being
Independent of outside temperature,
he will have to content himself with
Incubator and outside brooder. His
outside brooder is placed on the rap-
Idly growing grass, and with proper
care and food the young chicks will be
found to make famous progress.
At the experimental farms when the
hens became broody they were set lu
wooden boxes placed lu vacant pens In
a house. The wooden nest boxes con
tained no bottoms and hud a hinged
door 111 front. The nests were made
of dry lawn dippings, which were
fouud to answer the purpose much Ix't
ter than cut straw. Grain, grit and
drink water were constantly before
the sitters. On being made the nests
were thoroughly dusted with a disin
fecting powder, and so were the sitters
before being put on the nests. It wu*
found beneficial to place two or three
china eggs lu the nests as arranged
ami allow the broody hens to sit oil
them for a day or two. The sitters
having proved reliable, the china eggs
were removed and replaced by the
valuable ones. In the morning the
doors of the nest boxes, which had
been closed from the previous day,
were opened and the sitters allowed
opportunity to get out for food, water
uud a short run. In early spring, when
the weather Is likely to be cold, the
sitter should return to her nest Inside
of ten minutes. The foregoing details
are all Important In the successful
hatching of chickens by hens.
I.ate April and May hen hatched
chickens did the best at the Canadian
farms. In the case of hen hatched
chickens the latter were permitted to
remain In their nest for 2-1 or .'MI hours,
when, with the mother lieu, they were
placed lu a slatted coop 011 the grass
outride. The coop was so arranged
that It could be securely closed at
night while ventilation was secured.
Through the slats the chicks could run
on the grass outside, while the hen re
mained Inside. On the floor of the
coop was sand to the depth of two
Inches. On taking the mother lien
from her nest she was given food and
water. She would be more likely to
brood the chicks contentedly after be
lng fed than If hungry or thirsty. How
Important It Is to have early chicks
carefully brooded Is well known to all
experienced breeders. The rations
adopted were stale bread crumbs, fol
lowed by stale bread soaked 111 milk
11 in I squeezed dry; this for a day or
two, when granulated oatmeal was
(riven. Crushed corn was not given tin
til after light days, and whole wheat
was not fed until I lie twelfth or four
teetith day. As the chicks grew a
masli couqsised of shorts, coriuneal.
stale bread and 11 small quantity of
prepared m**at was mixed with boiling
sklmmilk, allowed to cool aud was
en three or four times per day. Milk
and water were both furnished for
How I..»»it to (iron th«- Kitme I'lanli.
Bcrffts inny often be grown for ten
years in succession upon the same
laud and peas even longer, but egg
plants have been found to deteriorate
after the third year, and tomatoes,
melons and most other vegetable fruit
plants need new land frequently, If not
every year.
I,el Them llreed t P Stroim Before
llomwvlnil l-'roni Winter (itiurlern.
Bees should not be removed from
their winter quarters too early. If
they have had extra protection, such
as chaff hives or packing of any nature
about the hives, It had better remain
until all cold snaps are past. Double
walled hives are much better for the
bees 111 spring, and It Is best to kis-p
the hives thus until the bees have bred
l.p strong Chaff hives are of great
kdvantage to bees during the breeding
season, for the changes of weather,
which are very frequent, do not affect
them so and breeding Is not checked
so readily as It Is when the bees are
lu thill hives. So advises A. 11. Duff lu
Farm, Field aud Fireside, and lie fur
ther says:
We should bo very careful during
early spring about changing location of
colonies. Home |H*ople who may not
carefully study the nature of bees, es
peelally farmers, frequently set hives
lu a different place Just before winter,
thinking they will be better protected
from storms. When the first warm
weather comes In In spring, they will
move them bai k to tleir former lis u
tloii or some other location, thus liiuiiu'
lng their position, and the result Is
that large numbers of liees are lost, for
they will return to their former place
of wintering and never find the way
back to their own hives, and nearly
one-half the force of l>ees are thus lost
at a time when It badly cripples the
colony. The location should not be
changed thus in spring. Bees may be
taken a mile or more away, when this
loss will not occur, but in the immedi
ate vicinity in which they have been
sitting It will surely occur. Bees that
are wintered In cellars should not be
taken out until all cold weather is past.
found on the Early Plant*—Method
of Training First Konnrri.
The after cultivation of strawberries
consists in keeping the soil well stirred
to a depth of one or two Inches, but
not deeper, and all weeds removed. A
14 tooth cultivator Is a very fine tool If
provided with three or four fiat cutting
hoes, like that shown In the figure.
These are made for us out of old wag
on springs. They cut all thistles, dock
and other weeds which may be left by
the narrow teeth. The cut, from Rural
New Yorker, .shows how the corre
spondent quoted trains his strawberry
plants. He says:
Our experience has been that a straw
berry plant should l*e as near 12 months
old at the time of fruiting as possible.
To attain this result the runners must
start early; consequently we set very
early and encourage the plants to throw
out runners at the very earliest possi-
ble moment. The largest, best and
most fruit Is always found on these
early plants. The later plants are
weak, short rooted and in many varie
ties partially or wholly barren. The
old rule was to cut off the first run
ners. This Is now reversed; we now
cut off the later ones.
We cultivate l>oth ways frequently
until the runners start freely, when we
train lengthwise in the direction the
rows are to be, placing the runners as
shown In the cut those In front of tlie
plant, as the betlder Is working, to the
left, those behind the plant to the right.
This method prevents the plants from
growing together In bunches aud al
lows the extra plants to run out be
tween the rows, where they can lie eas
ily destroyed. Bedding Is done by peo
ple on their knees astride of the row,
using a homemade tool very like a wide
putty knife. This bedding Is, we
think, the tfiost important though coxt
ly part of the culture.
iMiriug the latter part of the season
we use hoes like the one shown, which
Is 11! Inches wide and 2 Inches broad.
Tbls hoe can be worked under the
leaves aud runners, doing better and
quicker work than any tool we have.
Calling the Cow.
Professor George Heinpl of Ann Ar
bor, Mich., has been Investigating the
manner In which we call the cow and
otherwise talk to her 111 this coun
try. He finds "co boss" the normal call
In the north and "co mully" frequent
In Maine and other parts of New Eng
land. In the midland and the south
the most common call Is "sook" or
"sook cow," and In the largest por
tion of our continent "BOOK" IS the
uortnal call to cows, while some dimin
utive like "sooky" Is used to the calves.
In New Jersey and southeastern New
York we still find "cush." This lias
found Its way Into literature In Jean
Ingelow's "High Tide:"
Cu»ha. ctißha. rtiaha, calling
Kre the i-arly dew* were falliittf.
Various Interesting words are used at
(diking time. The commonest word
employed to quiet a cow Is "so," ap
pearing In the forms "so boss," "saw
cow," "saw wench," "soo," etc. The
pronunciation "saw" Is peculiarly
louth western.
The Work lloraei.
After the day's work every night the
shoulders of the work tenuis should be
thoroughly washed and drlc<L It may
Im* that you are tired and that the
chores will keep you busy until late,
but It will pay to leave the fields half
an hour earlier and groom your team.
You will have lietter and truer horses
aud better and more work out of them.
Wash the Inside of the collars and
pound the padding Int" shui>e. You
don't want any sore shouldered horses,
remarks The Farm Journal.
Ills «oal the l.etter "V."
When the late Horace Maynard, I.L.
I)., entered Amherst college, he expos
ed himself to ridicule and Jibing ques
Hons of his fellow students by placing
over the door of Ills room a large
«f white cardboard on which
was inscribed In bold outlines the sin
gle letter V. Disregarding comment
and question, the young 1111111 applied
himself to his work, ever keeping In
mind the height to which he wished to
climb, the Urst step toward which was
signified by the mysterious V.
Four years later, after receiving the
compliments of professors and stu
dents on the way he had acquitted
himself as valedictorian of his class,
young Maynard called the attention of
Ills fellow graduates to the letter over
his door. Then a light broke In upon
them, and they cried out:
"Is It possible that you had the vale
dictory In mind when you put that V
over your door?"
"Assuredly I had," was the emphatic
On lie climbed, from height to height,
becoming successively professor of
mathematics lu tin- University of Ten
nessee, lawyer, member of congress,
attorney general of Tennessee, I,'tilted
States minister to Constantinople and
dually postmaster general. Success.
What He Talks 'l*hroa«h.
Myer What's Windham's telephone
Gyer Nix and seven eighths.
Myer—Why, there aren't any frnc
tlonal numbers In the telephone book.
Gyer But there are in lulls. Chlcn
go News.
"limine go In, friend." said tliu man
oil the outside. "I am one of Dewey's
old sailors."
"Don't you know, my friend." replied
the man at the door, "that it Is 111 link
lo pass the salt?" Itidlunapolls I'ress.
They lli»l«r«! Pairs.
While Bishop potter of the Episcopal
church was traveling through Ixtiltil
a 1111 some years ago he addressed lu
qulrlcs lo his fellow passengers with »
view of obtaining knowledge regarding
the orchards mid fruit Interests <>f tin
"Do you rnls«' pears In Louisiana/'
Inquired the bishop.
"We do," responded the Loulslanlan,
"If we have threes or better."- Han
Francisco Call.
RH* WAY HE Spent It Pr»*irlS( FOP
Ilia Death.
"Billy Bolton, the I-ansingburg brew
er. was a very rich man and one with a
host of friends," said an up state man
to the New York Sun. "His brewery
in Lansingbitrg was a profitable con
cern, and he p.actically owned about
all the saloons in that town.
"One day after a consultation his phy
sicians told him that he had Brlght's
disease and that he surely would not
live more than a year. Billy took their
word for It and made up his mind to
make the fur fly while life was left
He had never traveled much, and so he
decided to go around the world.
"He took with him a congenial friend
and plenty of money, and away they
went. They left a trail of tire and ash
es through all the capitals of Europe
and the queer aud strange places of
Asia and Africa. After nine months
they came back, and Bolton brought
with him the most marvelous collection
of souvenirs and presents that any
man not a professional collector ever
brought into this country. The duties
amounted to $3,000.
"Arrived in Lauslngburg. Billy hired
the town hall, sent his [lacking boxes
tilled with these oriental and European
treasures up to the hall and had them
all taken out and put on exhibition as
though for a church fair. Upon each
article he mnrked the name of some
friend whom he wished to remember
with a gift. There were hundreds In
this category, but Billy had presents
for them all.
"On the day ap|>olnted for the pres
entation he invited his army of friends
to the town hall. To each he turned
over the present selected for him, and
amid the cheers of his grateful and ad
miring fellow townsmen the hall was
stripped of its beautiful things.
"When the last present had been
placed In the hands of Its recipient,
Billy went back to his home and lay
down to die. Within the year his phy
sicians' prophecy come true, and the
town gave him the finest funeral that
any man ever had."
Wbr One Old Farmer Thlaka He
Would Make a Good Defective.
"Guess I wouldu't have much trou
ble gittin on the 'tective staff In De
troit ef 1 wanted ter make appercla
tlon." and the old furmer kicked a log
in the open fireplace so that he could
see Ills uelghbors better. They were
assembled to hear him tell all about It.
"When I missed that shote outen the
pen, next mornin It jest came ter me
sudden as llglitulu that It had been
stole by that ther George Washington
Peppervllle what had been workln fur
me. He knowed the dog, so It wouldn't
bother him none, and he was the pow
erfulest man fur fresh pork 1 ever
see. So I goes Inter town and tella the
head man of the 'tectlves. and be puts
a couple of fellers on the Job, and tbey
reports that they waa no shote about
Peppervllle's shanty, and they was no
case ag'ln him. I 'lowed I might be
follerlu the wrong track, but I klm
home here and sot my own stakes, and
1 was to Peppervllle'a afore suuup.
"'Wash,' I says, 'why didn't you
keep that hog when you bad him?
Wusu't he fat 'nougb ylt ter suit you?'
" 'Who you taikln to?' he muttered.
'l'll hnb de law ou you ef you make
me any mo' trouble 'bout dat hawg.'
" 'Now, Wash,' says I, 'don't git your
dander up. That there shote klm
home In the night and went ter squeal-
In ter git Inter the pen. 1 put ole Uas
tim tin the scent aud he landed me
right here.'
"'Dog gone dat Itastus,' be shouted,
'l'll (lay dat dog aiibeT
"And he sprung ter the middle of the
room and rlpfied up the floorin, and
there was the shote. Wash would
have jumped on me, but I Jest klvered
him with that ole muzzle loadln pistol
of mine and tole him ter go gentlellke.
"Well. sir. he liegged and whined so
I let him off. him agreelu ter tote the
pig home in a bag and ter chop wood
fur me three days fur my trouble."—
Detroit Free Press.
The Iteheareed Weddln*.
The wedding was. upon the whole,
nil artistic success. The bride particu
larly evinced unmistakable talent She
trembled with all the techulcal accu
racy of mi aspeu leuf aud the emo
tional lutciislty of a startled fawn. Her
trembling Indeed was Irreproachable.
If she cast down her eyes with some
thing of amateurish gawklness, the
fact Is easily attributable to her Inex
perience, thla being her first wedding,
ruthcr than to tin essentially defective
method. She was fairly well support
The bridegroom rose from his knees
too soon and had to be knocked down
by the prompter, but otherwise the
minor parts were curried out credita
bly.—Detroit Journal.
Kelt Familiar.
Ben net Burleigh related a pleasant
story In the ixjudoii Telegraph. The
Incident which happened In his sight
aud hearing, was as follows: Two oltl
rera, total strangers, uew arrivals
from up country, rather lonely and
bored, were awaiting luncheon. The
elder having proposed that they should
sit together, a mutual friendliness de
veloped so rapidly that ut last one
said to the other: "Do you know, 1
rather like you. aud there's something
about you that seems familiar, as If
we had met before'/ I'm Major S. of
the Blanks." "Indeedl Are you? 1
thought so. And I'm Lieutenant 8. of
's staff. Just Joined—your youngest
A tJreat Error.
"My hero dies In the middle of my
latest novel," suld the young author.
"That's a grave mistake," replied the
editor. "He should uot die liefore the
reader does."—Atlunta Constitution.
Ilutvu a Steep Cmmyan Without a
llriilar or a Sear.
Few mountaineers go far enough
Into the avalanche regions to see much
of 1 lietii, and fewer still know the
thrilling exhilaration of riding on
them, says John Mnlr lu The Atlantic.
Iu all my wild mountaineering I have
enjoyed only one avalanche ride, and
the start was so sudden and the end
came HO soon 1 thought but little of
the danger that goes with tills sort of
travel, though one thinks fast at such
line calm, bright morning In Yosemite,
after a hearty storm had given three
or four feet of fresh snow to the moun
tains, being eager to see as many
avnlaiiches us possible mid gain wide
views of the peaks and forests nrray
ed In their new robes before the sun
shine had time to change or rearrange
them, I set out early to climb by a side
canyon to the top of a commanding
ridge n little over H.ISSI feet utiove the
valley. But I was not to get top views
of any sort that day, but Instead of
these something <]iille different, for
deep trampling near the canyon head
where the snow was strained started
an avalanche, aud 1 was swished buck
No. 19
down to the foot of the canyon aa If by
enchantment. The plodding, wallow
ing ascent of about a mile bad taken
all day, the undoing descent perhaps
about a minute.
When the snow suddenly gave way,
I Instinctively threw myaelf on my
back and spread my arms to try to
keep from sinking. Fortunately,
though the grade of the canyon waa
steep. It was not Interrupted by step
levels or precipices big enough to
cause outbounding or free plunging.
On no part of the rush was I burled.
1 was only moderately Imbedded oo
the surface or a little below It and
covered with a hissing back streaming
veil, and as the whole mass beneath
or about me joined In the flight I felt
no friction, though tossed here and
there and lurched from side to side,
and when the torrent wedged and
came to rest I found myself on the top
of the crumpled pile, without a single
bruise or scar.
Hawthorne says that steam baa spir
itualized travel, notwithstanding the
smoke, frlctiou, smells and clatter of
boat and rail riding. This flight In a
milky way of snow flowers was the
most spiritual of all my travels, and
after many years the mere thought of
it Is still an exhilaration. \
Some of the PrerosXlTN Wkleh Cm
baaaidori Mar BxarelM.
A curious privilege of an embassador
is that he and be alone when dismiss
ed may turn his back to the sovereign
to whose court he Is accredited. The
mode of procedure Is as follows:
When the embassador's audience Is
over, be waits to be dismissed by the
sovereign. When dismissed, the em
bassador bows, retires three paces,
bows again, retires another three
paces, bows a third time, turns on his
heels and walks to the folding doors.
But It is felt that more polite methods
should obtain when the reigning SOT
ereign Is a woman. To turn bis back
is to be discourteous, to walk back
ward Is to resign a privilege. The em
bassador retires sideways, like a crab*
lie keeps one eye on the sovereign and
with the other tries to see the door,
lie thus shows politeness to the SOT*
erelgn and at the same time retains
one of bis privileges. As the embassa
dor Is usually an old gentleman, often
short sighted, he sometimes falls to
reach the door and comes In collision
with the wall.
Another privilege of embassadors Is
the right of being ushered Into the
royal presence through folding doors,
both of which must be flung wide
open. No oue except an embassador
can claim this privilege. The most
any noneuibassadorlal person can ex
pect Is that one of the leaves sball be
opened to hi in. The reason for tbla
privilege is uot knowu. There are cer
tain Irreverent suggestions that have
been made, but we prefer to be slleat
with regard to them.
Another privilege, capabla of causing
great Inconvenience, Is the embassa
dor's right of admission to the SOT*
erelgn at any hour of the day or night.
Thus the minister representing some
little bankrupt state could go down to
Windsor and demand an audience at
4 o'clock In the morulng. The audience
would have to be grunted, though ft
could be delayed by the exercise of In
genuity.—Chambers' Journal.
The Trot Mlaaloa of Laxary.
No luxury Is justltiable that ends In
simple enjoyment. It must be turned
to good account by adding to our pow
ers of usefulness. It we enjoy reading,
are we enthusiastic for the public libra
ry'/ If we enjoy outdoor life, are we
anxious for parks and pleasure
grounds for the iieople? If we revel In
art or music, do we long that picture
gullerles t»e thrown O|H*U or good mnslc
be attainable by all'/ I)o we stiiTe
whenever possible to share our luxu
ries. whatever they may be, with those
less favored than ourselves, or are we
jntlsficd with our own enjoyment as an
end Instead of using It as a means to
bettering the lives of others also?
Truthful answers to those questions
will speedily tell us also whether our
own special luxuries are building ap
character and life or whether they are
the means of lowering the one and
narrowing the other.—Philadelphia
The Imperial family of Russia pos
sesses the most valuable collection of
precious stones of any reigning house
In the world.
The favorite theatrical play In In
dia Is the presentation « f the exploits
of some god.
Counterfeit ('hint.
Other thiiitfH In'Khlt'M money are coon
terfeltcd, and purchasers of old chins
have to be continually on their gusrd
or they will be paying inauy dollars
for what IH worth only u few cents.
"The market is full of Imitatlou chi
na." suld u lower Fourth avenue dealer
In antiques who was asked about the
matter. "Persons who rely on marks
are sure to be deceived, for marks are
easily imitated, and there Is uot oue
tliut lias escaped forgery.
"Both French and Kngllsh manufac
turers forge all of the most sought aft
er marks and And sale for their prod
ucts. Iu looking for old china 1 tlnd
that every mark of importance has
been forged, from Dresden to Worces
ter mid Crown Derby, not excepting
old Sevres, livery day would lie pur
chasers come here and visit other New
York shops, looking for china, snd have
no mortal Idea at all correct of what
they are buying. Yet they will talk
after u most learned fashion aud will
take offense at the very suggestion
that they may be deceived.
"If you arc going to Judge of chins
by Its marks or evidence of Its age
aiid use from discoloration cracks and
chipping, you lire more than likely to
lie cheated, for all of these things are
easy for an ex|>ert and dishonest desl
er to Imitate. If you are uot a Judge of
china, then hire an honest expert to
purchase for you." New York Herald.
(lave IIIm Aw«r>
They hud been at the masquerade,
where she had recognised him at once.
"Was It the loud beating of my heart,
my darling, that told you I was here?"
murmured he.
"Oh. no," she replied. "I recognised
you by tho size of your feet."—Town
Thi> Nnllait's KU««»I«».
"I wonder why the sultan Insists on
his audiences always backing oftt of
the throneroom afraid of assassina
tion?" snlil tlx- man who Is always ask
ing uuexpeeted questions.
"Oh. no," replied the man who car
ries a large stock of explanations. "He
does SO because he wishes to be con
sistent. The sultan backs out of a great
iiiiiny transact lons himself, you know,
and he does not like to be made con
"Mebbe," suggested the practical
man "inebbe he makes theui do It for
the protection of the royal umbrella."—
Baltimore American.