Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 25, 1901, Image 4

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If Toung girls ■would look ahead it
would sometimes save them from serious
collision with the men thc v marry. It
is here that ignorance is almost a crime.
The voting husband cannot understand
it when the wife changes to a peevish,
nervous, querulous woman. An I the
young wife does not understand t her
self. She only knows that she is very
If ever there is a time when nature
needs help it is when the voting jrirl is
adjusting herself to the new conditions
of'wifehood. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription makes weak women strong and
sick women well. It promotes regu
larity, dries debilitating drains, heals in
flammation and ulceration, and cures
female weakness.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, free. All womanly
confidences are guarded with strict pro
fessional privacy. Write without fear or
fee to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N". Y.
"I will drop you a few line# to-day to let you
know that I am fee lin? well now. •'writes Mum
Annie Stephens, of fcelleville, Wood Co.. West
Va. «I feel like a new woman. I too** several
bottles of the 1 Favorite Prescription' and Gold
en Medical Discovery.' I have no headache
now, no backache, and no pain in my side an>
more. No bearing-down pain any more. I
think there is no medicine like I)r. Pierce's
medicine. I thank you very much for what you
have done for me—your medicine has done me
to much good."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil
iousness and sick headache.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics cure by acting directly npon
the disease, without exciting disorder in
any other part of the system.
I—Ferera. Congestions, Inflammations. .25
!i—Worm*. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .ft.s
3—Teethin*. Colic, Crylng.Wikefnlness .23
4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adolts 23
7—Congha. Colds, Bronchitis 23
B—Xcuralcia, Toothache, Fooeache 23
ft—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .23
10—Dy-.yep.in. Indigestion, Weak Stomach.23
or Painful Period. ... .23
12—Whites. Too Profuse Periods 23
13—("roup, Larynsltln. Hoarseness 23
14 —Salt Ithenm. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .23
13 —Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 23
15—Malaria, Chills, Ferer and Ague 23
19—Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head .23
BO—VVhoopinc-Couth 25
27—Kidney Diseases 23
2H—\ervoas Debility-. 1.00
30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed 23
77-G'rlp. Hay Fever 25
, Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
Druggists or Hailed Free.
Bold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
Humphry s' IN. Co, Cor. William £ John BU.
This 1» Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
% generous Famp'.o will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream B&l.n) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
56 Warren St , Kew fork City.
Rer John Keid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if nsad as directed."—
Rev. Franci3 W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena. Mont.
Ely's Cream Bahn is the acknowledged
enre for catarrh and con' ains no mercury
nor any injurious drag Price, 00 cents.
Formerly 411 Watter Street, have taken pos
•esaton of their new store, 14 timiililKld
Street, wii'-re tliey are now permanently lo
cated. and wir be clad to meet their old
friends and customers at ail times.
We wKii to announce, as heretofore, our
stock of Whiskeys, Brandies, etc., will in- of
the best quality. Among the brands we will
carry are
<il CKKNIIUMKIt. 11l 1.1.1 Mi Kit,
I.Alt . r. riIOHI'KU.V
and we will oTer them to you unadulterated
flyenr old at sl.ooper full quart,<Sf]uarts,|"-.00
utiAnlir'ATHKK'S CHO!€<-,
Whiskey guarantee 3 years old, sß.ooper eal.
We pay express charges on all mall orders
of 4T>.iw or over. Goods shipped promptly.
Wholesale Desires in Wines and Liquors,
Formerly 411 Water Stree ,
Pittsburg, Pit.
LOUR Idstanco Telephone 2179.
5 COUGH. >
( \ pleasant, never-failing s
C remedy for tKro.it and lung f
j diseases. c
5 Sellers'lmperial j
I Cough Syrup <
/ is absolutely free from spintnoos V
3or other harmful ingredient 3. r
< A prompt, positive can C r /
\ coughs, colds, hoan>- 3Sj, iiiiu- \
c enza, whooping cough. /
£ Over a million bottles roM in fi:o S
J last few c
< W. J. GILMORiR CO. f
c prrrsauno, PA. *
S At all Druggists, /
r\ V
i&i't '• 4 -Jl—
The kV-hole family are interested
in what we have to say. We've
never talked the best,and sold the
most ordinary. We guarantee
everything we sc'l, and ev<rything
we If you don't want <> buy,
don't; but look, Our Mt.-riiii
Pinno is the; best that money can
205 E. Cunningham St., or Reed's News
Oi'rieu— Next door to CITIZEN ollice,
Butle , Pa.
A Good I'edisi In Corn Mpani am
Much ti-i In Live Stock.
Corn can Le bred the same as cattle.
It has been found that pedigree in corn
means *is much as or more than in live
stock. By careful selection the corn
brerd ,\s are weeding out barren, poor
anil inferior stalks. This will mean an
enormous saving of plant food which is
now us- <1 in the production of useless
p!ants. a great increase of yield and
additional profit. In St■!. ctlng seed ears
iitisi; -1 sarv to be provided with a
j rule a 1 measuring tapeline.
| Look the ears over carefully for mis-
I ture, yellow grains in white corn and
;v i ) caps in yellow corn. Such grains
• s". ,M I><■ picked out and discarded.
I The white corn should have white cobs
I and yellow corn red col -. If this is
! not true, discard the ears, as a mixed
j cob is an evidence of a poorly bred car
I or a reversion.
i The ears should be from seven and a
j half to eight inches in circumference,
| measured at the middle of the ear, and
| 10 to 11 inches in length, measured
j from tip to butt. The corn should
j shell about S8 per cent corn to cob.
The most popular type of kernel is
the wedge shape, so there will be little
lost space on the ear between the rows
of kernels.
The smooth kernel type Is being dis
carded for a rougher kernel, which
means a deeper kernel, con tuently a
greater per cent of corn to <■ >b.
The tip should be fili i over with
kernels in straight, reg: • tows, and
the butt kernels should .- .. ell out about
the shank. The flat butt with large
shank indicates a si'iall per cent of
corn to cob and a hard husking variety.
The number of rows of kernels
should be from 18 to 24, it being gen
erally considered that 18 is a prefer
able number, giving a . tronger type of
kernel. The rows of kernels should be
regular and straight with the cob.
If Ton Arc Orcliardinc For tiie Profit
There 1H In It.
From what I have seen and learned
I cm satisfied that apple trees of many
varieties i.:ay lie brought into full bear
ing at fo;ir years after being set into
the orchard. I have seen apple trees
the fourth year after planting out bear
one-half bushel o. apples per tree. I
once saw an orchard here in which 00
trees l ore, ihe ••ighth season after be
ing set into the orchard, 20G barrels of
picked apples. These 90 trees were
composed of IVtldwin, Rhode Island
Greenitg and Roxbury Russet and
were set 18 feet apart. I am not an
advocate of large apple trees with tops
spreading .'lO to feet and going up
into the air 2." to feet, requiring aGO
foot ladder to gat hi r the fruit, but pre
fer to set my trees 18 l'cet apart,
135 trees per acre, and, when the trees
are 4 years old and come into bearing,
stop all other cropping and let the trees
have all the ground to grow and ma
ture their fruit. I would, however,
fertilize and cultivate the orchard as I
would for any crop, says a Connecticut
man in Itural New Yorker.
By setting the trees 18 feet apart 1
have 100 trees more to the acre to bear
from the time they are -1 . ars old
and on. This makes the orchard itself
pay a good profit for the laud, and
there is less reason or desire to crop
the land with some other crop, as would
bo done with only 35 trees to the acre.
These trees would bear for 15 years be
fore crowding, when the top of every
other tree should be cut back to a3 near
the body of the tree as could be done
and not leave the limbs too large, the
same as would be done If the tree were
to be top grafted. A new top of young,
thrifty growth would start out, which,
of course, would need to be thinned
out properly, and in three years the
trees would be in full bearing again,
when the tops of those not cut back
may be served In like manner. By this
method of treatment the top would be
kept young, the fruit be grown on
young and thrifty wood and the apples
easily picked and trees easily sprayed
over those low heads. When the trees
crowd again, let the tops be cut back
as before, or take out every other tree
As money from the orchard is the ob
ject, thus planting the trees 135 to the
acre and keeping the tops within a ra
dius of about 10 feet, more apples will
be taken from the orchard in 20 or 25
years, and at less expense per tree, than
would be from the same ground with
trees set 35 trees to the acre In 50 years,
for there are 100 more trees per acre to
bear fruit aad on thrifty, vigorous
young trees.
Look Out For Sprlnjr Freezes.
Some fruit growers pile the snow up
around their trees to prevent them
budding out too early in the spring.
But snow melts quickly as the sun
comes nearer. Some one suggests pil
ing up, while the ground is frozen,
ashes or sawdust or anything that will
tend to keep the ground frozen around
the roots to retard the flow of the tap
and the disaster of an early ffost. Of
course it is well known that the trees
that are dormant ex-ape the harm
from an untimely freeze. Any treat
ment that will prevent the starting out
of the buds too early would accomplish
the purpose.
Sfw* nnd Nijln.
St. Louis gets early vegetables from
The Peoria (Ills.) corn show this year
Is to be on a big scale. Exhibits are
expected from every country where the
torn plant grows.
California apiaries are reported In
poor condition, with no prof .pect of any
overproduction of honey.
The early vegetable catches the big
The mustang and the jack rabbit of
the southwest are disappearing like the
buffalo, according to alt authority.
HOOD'S Pll.i. r . rr. Liver ills, Bil
lou=no-T, Ir r'i-r. 3 or - oj'riache.
E/-svt ' »« • It. "<Dc.
Zc-ZHZ-~-~ -r~: V
<-A < I i-'-CC
•\ A --D
.77" !.f 25-sth Ave. P-itii
. " sfl ■ HRACTiC.V 7
« CROWN • ?f.i>-. f 1 ■
..... 1 I.,in; Afl i Y ,»OT .- "
ft;%vouasv '.-aov
■ ' s V<L AN' JG»: ••• -• 1 •
' i'-i o 5 PER TOOTH A I
■ s tf-. ■ -<i. n.-. i;. cnia' *;• £
Kjgjl Cures Drunlrr-tin^^^
Write tor ■ INSTITUTE,
Bwklet 4S!B ,rh *"•'
ovvxiGi. riXTbtstiu;. l»x«
Karl Schluchter,
Practical Tailor and Cutter
125 W. Jeflerscu, Butler, Pa.
Bushftling, Cleaning and
Repairing a Specialty
139 South Main street. '*
John and Jonathan.
A very dramatic conversation, print
ed in the London Outlook, has the dou
ble purpose <>f satirizing both the Eng
lish aad American bent of mind and
manners. The "smart Yankee" is rep
resented as coming home to his admir
ing i ivn an>! telling in somewhat exag
gerated dialect what he thinks of his
cousin over the water.
"Say, tell us," said a friend, "air the
English so terrible slow and dull, after
"Waal," replied the traveler, "I reck
on so. I sat down one night in the par
lor of a little village pub. Yes: it's a
public house, but they cad it pub in
"There wuss the boss of the pub, the
local butcher, the local evurything,
and there wuss myself. X just listened,
though 1 can't say there wuss much to
listen to. The talk ran like this:
" 'I 'ear as Ted Kobinson got the sack
| last week,' remarked a villager.
"'Ted Robinson?" said the other vil
lager, deliberately puffing smoke.
" 'Yuss; I 'ear so. Ted Kobinson got
the sack las' week.'
"A pause. More smoke.
" 'Got the sack, eh?'
" 'Yuss; I 'ear as *ow 'e did.'
"A longer pause.
" 'Las' week, was it. 'e got the sack?'
" 'I 'ear as 'ow it was las' week.'
"A long, long pause.
" 'Ah! 1 eard that a Friday.'
"And." continued the Yankee, "not a
soul among 'em smiled. It was their
reg'lar mental diet. Oh, yes, smart
men the English are and no mistake."
< liiueNc Criticism of Otir Alphabet.
The high class Chinaman, speaking
through his interpreter, was giving the
eminent American visitor his impres
sions of the English language.
"I cannot understand," he said, "how
anybody ever finds time to learn it.
T.iVe that singularly formed letter in
your alphabet, for instance, the letter
'g.' What an awkward and ill shaped
character it is! What is the signifi
cance of that little curling projection
at the upper end of it? 1 have never
seen anybody who could tell me. Then,
again, when the learner has familiar
ized himself with that letter and can
reoog;ii::e it at sight he learns that it is
only a part <-f a word and ihat it enters
iMi. the composition < f thousands of
words. It isas different pronunciations
and sometimes !s not pronounced at all,
being entirely silent. Now. when you
see one of our Chinese characters you
know ::T once what it is. It is a won
der to rr. ■ ihat your people do not dis
card tlv cumbersome forms of your
written language and learn our simpler
and more easily understood system."
The eminent American could only j
bow his head in humiliation and prom
ise to bring the matter before the edu
cationai authorities of his native land.
—Chicago Tribune.
Too Modi For the Call.
One of the wealthiest wine mer
chants in Paris and also one of Its
stoutest citizens was the hero of an epi
sode which caused much laughter in
the Rue Princesse.
M. It., the corpulent man. hailed a
cab, which came alongside the curb.
He opened the door antP, getting a pur
chase on the railing of "cabby's" seat,
tried to hoist himself in.
liut his weight was too much for the
vehicle, which careened over and, as
the Fk'jwalk is very narrow, crashed
into .indow of a printing office. M.
R. 1.1. meanwhile collapsed on the
ground, and "cabby" by a miracle
clung to his uncertain perch.
Then followed a stormy period. The
printer came out and wanted to have
the price of his broken window, the fa I
man tried to get the cabby to drive him
away, and cabby refused to tal:e any
such load on board. #
Finally all parties adjourned to the
police station, where the difficulty was
straight) i-oil out. and M. It. set to work
looking for another cab.—Paris Temps.
Slir2 :ikins.
Once upon a time there was a Bath
ing Suit which was much reprehended
in that it wars not mode.it
There was likewise at this same time
also a Violet whose modesty was a
matter of universal comment.
"What is your system." asked the
Bathing Suit, accosting the Violet, "for
I would fain be thought modest too?"
"Why. I shrink," quoth the Violet,
meaning no harm.
But when the Bathing Suit shrunk in
pursuance of ibis hint it was only rep
rehended the more and was finally cast
away a - being quite impossible.—De
troit Journal.
To llc-r Mind.
"Your little birdie has been very,
very ill." she wrote to the youug man.
"It was some sort of nervous trouble,
and the doctors said I must have per
fect rest and quiet and that I must
think of nothing. And all the time,
dear George, 1 thought constantly of
The young man read it over and then
read it through again very slowly and
put it In his pocket and went out un
der the silent stars and kept thinking
and thinking and thinking. lie only
kept on thinking.—Loudon Answers.
InconscloiiN fiijxn;>i*.
"You mustn't fail to come to church
next Sunday." said the Itev. I>r. Third
ly. "1 have arranged to have the Rev.
Dr. Markthirst deliver an address ou
his observations in the slums."
"Aren't you going to preach at all?"
"Oh, yes. I'll preach my regular ser
mon, after which !>: Markthirst will
tell you some things that will open
your eyes."— Philadelphia Press.
A* n flen>edy.
"1 want to get T-op|« of your paper
for a week back." said the visitor to
the newspaper office.
"Wouldn't it be better to try a por
ous plaster?" Rugf -ted the facetious
clerk.—Philadelphia Record.
Called IIIM Papa Down.
Little Willy Is a bright boy and a
saucy boy. Ilis apt answers have often
turned away wrath and often turned it
upon him strongly. The other day his
father was reprimanding him for some
misdeed, and Willy was answering very
The father became very angry and.
seizing tiie youngster by the collar,
said: "See here, young man, you must
not talk like that to me. I never gave
my father impudence when I was a
Willy was not fcazed at all. With a
cherubic smile he looked into papa's
eyes and said. "But. papa, maybe your
father didn't need it." 'Twas all off.
Willy escaped piini isnient. while papa
retired to anotln r room. Albany Jour
In Trouble.
Mr- Turtledove -1 >••) yon know, dear,
I'm afraid Harry «ii i s not love me the
way lie ii»t <! t i
Mrs. K inter You do not mean to
nay he Iscn; • to .vo:i ?
Mrs Turtledove No. but he nays
Mint he i li:in!.''i i,:g for a square meal;
that he'll starve to death f lie does not
get away from a cha! i :: disli diet be
fore long .' iiil he Urcd to Ic so entliu
tdaMic ov the t it; 1 cooked In the
cl.a: :i;y d:-.t w. • he came to tee me!
Mi are so eliani ■ able!- Uoilon Trail
rimt Thought.
"V. ! ill :i: Is It that Is web foot
ed. Tomtule?"
"'I if -pider. uia'aiu." Yonkers
Statesi: n:j
.". m ; liioiii! I— merchant says, "My
f i iis probably due to the fact that
tit uigl.t I e fiy mind aud during
the day i mine! my store." Chicago
. Spiced
n>?/ Cake.
• * ' w | ./ . C'i
■ •"» ._■£- To the v. kg of fiv -rcrs, well boater, a.l<l
',.. f. /. 01. ■ ciipMiear. one-half cap butter, one-half
■.. *v -zL/sr" «' P*w> > t uitik, one teaspoonful ground ein
j t ~ ; . , y •.. otic snited nutnii e. then the whites
" L '(».•>» - ~ / ' ; rf two pjfs well tieaten. one and a half cups
f M, {■■ • •">; rll tin': in It i.ne measure "Banner"
» \ < ' , K-ini I'otf.Vr; t.;ilte in jelly-cake mm;
i'; > . i ■ n a t i-.'.cb laver with the ionow
( ...-A-.latvcream:
.7 • 's . THE CREAM.—'To four ounce* of
j//' r [ ( \ dd one cup of white
* ils of corn staxeli, >
/ j, T - • * milk, one ta'pooaful extract of
;• V .-.j,- 1 : v,.»| i,i:.-t';cr and boil until it |
y y "Vj-M" ' ' Ci ' 1 l '' : wheQ coM« j
baker recite b - ' 3.
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.
Representing the best of everything new, stylish and handsome
in Millinery, Ladies' Tailor made Sui . . Silk Waists, Separate Skirts,
Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Saiins, V u'ards. Gr< nadines, Trimmings,
! Lnces, Neckwear, Belts and Gloves, Carpets. 1 ace Curtains and Art
Goods, is now ready for your inspection. With more room at our
disposal than ever before, given us by the recent remodeling of our
store, we have been enabled to make very large purchases, which re
suits fo y<sur advantage in the greatest collection of Bargains wc
have ever oftered.
J. An extremely beautiful showing. ¥io oo beauti
ful new Sp ing Sui s. fn < quality Homes; uns, Vene
tians and Cbe* iots, in Eton a*id Doubiubreastt ef
fects, pretily tiiniireo, new tut fn!! flounced—every
suit strirt'y nan tailortd r vilite $12.50.
Color hire. I- ?ck, v ,a >'. casto* bn.«r ami red.
Bettir n its, 50, sls 1 <>. §lB < • up id 00.
All new. All nis>de for Spiing aid .* 'ttntner of 19 1.
We ls. il imp < ytd :ri t.i r v uit Department an
expeit garit tit fitter. Ail suits, jackets and skirts
altered it ntcessrry free of Satisfaction
Welifc\e c-i.pertd cr Cut-to-oider Crvtet de
j-arlinent, wliii.li >■ - s t< n. 1 < i.'rih elo t-d last fr> 11 after
our fire. We ure now pre] »■ (i t-> sho-v you a com
plete lire e< ti'p:•■•■ii'g it.i put--ins in Inj-rain Car
pets, 150 ] ?.t:ei 11s in ! rt sse's. Axniinster, Velvet and
Body I'ivsmls, Rt gs ai d l.fce Curtail s. W>■ can
furr.isli >< : » carpet made ni'd la d just as quickly as
if v>t earn d fi.ll rolls of carpet in -r <i at a
saving of at leat llop< r cent to you as we have no
. remnants er extra expense ci nnected with this
Vr j \ method of doicg an up-to-date c;iipi t business. All
_/ \ we ask is viitto this ik part men t —vmnpare ft)lc,
_ - quality and price.
Irs. i. E.
a Psn Your
I Faith Ar„ I
Ito Walker's Soap and // ///// jfood ||
your neighbors will ask /// '//// soap; it i 4i
bow you got your ///MjY contains II
clothes so dazzling /// //// no alka,L |
mm 1•. 'a /// //tf It saves your i s
| white without wear- /// » ,/// , , If
■ //' fo ///// clothes, paints II
■mg the goods. ///J&HW and hands. II |
I Tell them they //jss .//// ■
H can do the / ''w The genuine JL I
| same if they // fgj/W II
I follow the // 4^ //if on the I
directions / ST/// JLL |
I® on the / jf/ ' ' •
K wrapper /if |l
Meyer jonasson & Co
A variety of highly fashionable Ladies' and Misses'
Kton ('oats, of broadcloth and unfinished worsted,
#8 50
with fancy vest, at
Ladies' Silk Eton Co;it.s, plain or elaborately tucked,
with linen coilar and satin bows Regular value
Ladies' Tailored Suits, of reliable quality of home
spun or brown, blue anc black broadcloth. Jacket,
Kton style, foncy vest, ||9 7f) <fe #1 ">
Ladies' Tailored Suits, of homespun and cheviot.
Jackt.ts, diflerent Kton models. ENTIRE SUIT
SILK LINED. Drop skirt, at #25.00
Broadway and I2tb Street. Boylslon and Trcinont. .
Cite I'aradis, No. 5.
Everybody Knows
That nervousness and headache go to
gether. The worry and cares of business or
home, overwork, loss of sleep, improper
food—all tend to irritate the temper,
derange the digestion, weaken the nerves
and undermine the health. This tearing
down of the life forces must he stopped.
The ebbing tide of health must be
checked, and new energy, new life, new
ambition infused into the whole system.
To do this quickly and thoroughly use
Dr. Miles' Nervine.
It a&s directly on the nervous system, quiets the irritation, rests the tired brain and
restores the wasted tissues as nothing else can. You should not delay. Get it at once.
Sold by all druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad#
Butler Sayings Bank
Liuttler, T-^a.
Capital - (60,0c0.00
Surplus and Profits - - $215,00000
JOS. L PURVIS President
J. HENRY TKOI'TMAN Vice-President
WM.t \ M PBELL, Jr ('aitur
LOt"is B. STK'.N. Teller
DIRECTORS L. Purvis. J. Henry
Tro'tunap, \v. !>. Brandon. W. A. Stein. J. M.
The Ilutler Savings Brink is the Oldest
Bant ins lu>i Itution. 11 But lM" County.
Geuer; in«:na business transacted.
We s<itr ii accouuts of uit producers, incr-
I cliams. farmers aud others.
Allbj>...>>s emrusird to us will receive
j prompt attention.
1 Interest paid on time deposits.
Butler Coaniy National Bank,
Mttll r Penn,
' Capital paid in - - <:oo,ooo.c®
Surplus and Profits - JSS.ooo- 00
Tos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; John G. McMarlin,
Cas': : .er, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier.
A eeueral banking tjusiness transacted.
[MWMt pa <i on linie deposits.
Money laned on approved security.
We .uvue y>>u to opeu an account with tuis
b ink.
1)1 KECT JKS - Hon. Joseph Han man. Hon.
W. Waldron. I»r. M Hoover, tl. Mc
sa • enev. C. I*. Co us 1. G. Mi,:i h. Leslie I 1
Hi/ en, M. Fiucjf'n. *V. H. Larkin, T P.
MIRI.II. I>r. W. C. McCandiess. Ben ilas
seiti. W. J. Marks. J. V. Hitts. A. L. Keiber
Farmers' National Bank,
CAPITAL PAID IN. $100,000.00.
Foreign exchange l>ou^;iit aud sold.
Spe. 1 il attention jf.veu to collections.
JOHN VOI'NK INS Preslilent
JOHN HI MI'HUEV Vice President
< . I! \ I LF.V Cashier
R. W. BINGHAM Assistant Cashier
.!. F. lit TZLEtt Teller
Idliii Vouiil .is. I). L. (.Iceland. E. E
Abi ams. C. N. Boyd. W. F. Melzser. tb-nry
>!; > r. Joiiii lluinpiiiey. I hos. Hays, Levi
M. Wise and Francis Murphy.
Interest p:i <1 on lime deposits.
We respecifullv solicit vour business.
Wall + Paper
Absolutely Without Equal.
I Hr BEST quality
New Goods Now In
For Season 1901.
Next Door to Postoffice.
ft We are still mak-
ing that popular and Wi
fA well known tonic V\
Beef, Iron and Wine
1 and every time we make
ff it we double the quantity.
ty A Try it for your "Spring k w
Tonic " WJm
Price 50c a pint
Bji Tiepartd and sold only at
T# Crystal Pharmacy, pj
WA r. m. i.ogan, rh. a..
LI Manager, W A
wi 10(i N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
L V Both 'Phones. Vi
I i I
is litre AMI we are ill tlie market AGAIN
with the well known Cleveland and
Crescent wheels we have sold them for
years and know that they will give satis
faction. References hundreds who are
using them. They are cheaper and belter
this season than ever before. Prices
#25.00 to $50.00. We carry a complete
line of sundries, including tires and
everything needed about a wheel; a'so
Cameras I'hoto supplies, Edison and
Columbia Talking Machines and Records.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician-
Next to Court House
"From thc % almost constant suffering
caused by frequent attacks of severe head
ache, nervousness and stomach trouble,
my health became greatly run-down. Al
though I spent much money with physi
cians and tried many advertised remedies
I never found any lasting relief until I
began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and
was cured." H. J. VOLKER,
U. S. Weather liureau,
Washington, D. Ci
Railway. Schedule of Pas
fenger Trains in effect May 28.
Depart. Arrive
.•vliegheny Accommodation 626 A.M 903 A *
Alltffhtuv HiprfM S ** 91- "
New Castle Accommodation 8 05 " 9 U 44
Akron Mail 8 irt A.M 7(O r.
Ait- Y u-t K&}irm< 95* ** I - 18 *■
Allegheny E*pr«»a. 3 tO r.n 4 45 pn
Chtciigo Expreai 3 40 pm 12 18 an
Allegheny Mail 550 M 745 pn
Allegheny and New Castle Acctm 550 ** 703 * 4
Uhicagc Limit.*.! 560 M 91- A.I
Kll ne and Bra.it.-rd Mail :*"•'> A M - >' R.K
Clarin Accomni««Uti..ij 4 V» KM 9 45 A.I
Cleveland and Chicago Kxprw... 0 25 am
Allegheny Exprees 8 06 A.m 9 12A.1
Allegheny Accommodation 5 SO F M 5 03 r.*
New Caatle Accomtm>datiou 8 AM 7 09 44
Chicago Exprea 3 40 r.ai 5 <tl an
All' i;hiuy Accommoiiation 7 03 pn
On Satin days a train, known as the theatre trail
will leave Butler at 5.50 p. m., arriving at Allegheny
at 7.20; returning leave Allegheny at 11.30 p. m.
Pullman sleeping cars on Chicago Expren betweei
Pittsburg and Chicago.
Fur through tickets to all points in the west, nortl
we.-t or aouthu «*t and information regarding route*
time of trains, etc. apply to
W. R. TURNER, Ticket Agent,
| I B. REYNOLDS*, Sup't, N. D. t Butler, Pa.
Butler, Pa. C. W. BASSETT,
Q. P. A.. Allegheny, Pi
i 11 O DCNKLE,
Sup't. W. &L. Dir.. Allegheny Pa.
Time table in effect Sept. 23, 1900.
Northward. Daily except Sunday. South war
(Head up) (Readdowu
- I 4 a stATioKs: i ii rr
P >1 P>l A M P.M P.M
12 60 8 42 Erie... 12 10 4 1
12 23 8 20 Fair* lew 12 .15 4 4
12 13 8 1-iCiiani 12 4e 4 5
1 38 8 18 ar. .Conneaut . .ar 1 37 Cm
11 <NI 7 05 lv.. Conueaat.. .lv 11 00 4 ;'>
11 55 7 5o Cranesville 1 07 5 1
!1 50 7 45 Albion 1 12 5 i
II 7 29 Springboro 1 z7j ft 4
II 28 7 23 Conneautville 1 33 5 4
11 lO 7 ««o Meadville Junct. 1 64 0 I
II 50 7 5o ar.. Meadville.. ar l 35 6 -1
10 20 6 2o:!v. .Meadville.. .lv 1 uj> 5 1
11 20 7 20 ar..Con. Lake..ar 2 06 ti 1
10 5(1 6 501 lv..Con. Lake..lv 1 36 5 -J
7 20 ar.. Lineeville ..ar 0 1
C 20 lv •* lv 5 -i
10 54 G 4?*:llartstown j j 2 Ofij 0 J
10 4 » c 43 Adamaviile 2 13 0
lo 40 6 31 Osgood j i 23j 0 3,
1«» |<» 3» »• > Greenville I G 35 2 30 6
•. < i Jo •«£<", g 22 She nan go I G 42 2 3J •'» 5:
4> lO i»7 003 Kredouia 657 253 7 0
5 o 5 4-1 Mercer 7 13 \\ 11 7 :
5 n. 9 4"' 5 43 Houston Junction 7 19 3 17 7 2
5 » v 9 lb 5 —Grove City 7 4o 3 37 7 £
4 * ; 9 12 llarrisville 7 53 3 4'.*
; 4 51 9 08 Bra rich to 11 8 (»1 3 57;
lo 9 42 ar.. .Hilliard... ar 9 42 5 4*>
| iOS 7 0-"» lv. ..liilliard. ..lv 705 3 05;
] 4 471 903 Keister 8 05 401
4 33 h 4> Euclid 8 4 17
4 o'> 18 Butler 8 5o 4 45
2 15 7 <m Allegheny 10 20 •» 2*»
AM.| t «' P.M.I
Gen'l Manager. Gen. Pass Agt,
Pittsburi?, Px
SCPIDCIB IN KrrrcT Nov 2G, 1900
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division.
Trains leave Kiskiminetas Junetioc as follows:
For Bufialo, 9.58 a. m. an«l 11.40 p. m. daily, wi
through |«irlor and sleeping cars.
For (HI City, 7.40, 9JK a. m„ 2.39, 6.13 and 11.40
m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56 a. m., 6.l3and 11.40 p.i
For Bed Bank, 7.40, 9.5G, 11.17 a. ni., 2.39, 6.13,
and 11.4(ip. ni. week-days. Sundays, 9.56, 10.49 a. 11
6.13 and 11.40 p. m.
For Kittannlng, 7.46, 9J40, 9^6,11.17 a. in., 2.39,5.1
r». 13, 7.34, 9.34, and 11.40 p. ni. week-days. Bundai
9.>6, 10.4 » a. in., 6.13, 10.45, and 11.40 p. in.
Foi detailed information, address Thoj. E. Watt, Ps
Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smit
neld Street, Pittsburg, Pa.
J*Mieral Manager. <3en M "tssr. Ai^i
A. M A.M. A.M. P. M. P.
BUTLER Leave 6 26 8 06 10 50 2 36 6
Saxonburg Arrive 6 54 8 30 11 15 3 00 5
Duller Junction.. 44 7 27 8 S3 11 4o 3 25 5
llutl«r Junction.. .Leave 7 31 8 sii 11 52 3 26 5
Natrona Arrive 7 40 9 01 12 01 3 34 6
Tarentum 1 7 44 9 07 12 08' 3 42 6
Springdale 7 62 9 16 12 19 3 52 to
Claremonl f9 30 12 38 4 06 fG
Sharpsburg 8 11 93612 48 4 12 G
Allegheny H 24 1 48 1 02 4 25 6
A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P.
SUNDAY Tit A INS.—Leave Butler .or AIU< k II.M
City and princi}ia] intermediate stations at 7:30 a t
Mid 5:00 p. m.
A. 51 A.M. A. M P. M P.
Allegheny 01 ty . .leave 7 00 8 55 10 45 3 10 G
Sharpsburg 712 90710 57 .... ..
GLtremont .. ! .... 11 04 .... ..
Springdale ....I 11 1M .... 6
Tarentum 7 39 9 34 11 28 ' 3 4G 6
Nutioua 7 43 9 38 11 34 3 6o 6
Butler Junction, .arrive 7 50; 9 47 11 43 3 68 7
Butler Junction... .leave 7 50 9 47 12 18 4 06 7
Saxonburg 8 17 10 09 12 41 4 35 ; 7
BUTLER arrive 8 42 10 32 1 lo 5 061 7
A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P.
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for Bi
ler aud principal intermediate stations at 7:15 a m. MI
«»-30 p. m.
Weeks Days. Suiida
A M A. M P. M A. M P
BUTLBB lv 62510 60 236 730 6
Butler J'ct ar 727 11 40 326 820 5
Butler J'ct lv 7SO 11 4.J 368 821 8
Fee port ar 753 11 4G 402 825 8
Kskiuiinetas J't 44 758 11 fw) 407 829 8
Leech burg 44 8 10 12 02 4 19 841 8
Paul ton (Apollo).... 44 831 12 22 440 858 8
SaltsLurg 44 85812 49 5 <;? 923 9
Blairsvi'.le „ 928 120 541 952 9
Blairsville Int 44 93« ... 650 10 00 ...
Alt<H>iia 4 * 11 .'JS ... 850 150 .
BanttvM '* iSO . I M €45 ...
PhlkMplua •' I 0 4 SB 10 20 ...
P. M A M A. M. A. M. P.
Tlw..ugh trains for the east leave Pittsburg (Uui<
Station), as follows:
Atlantic Express, daily 3:00 A
Pennsylvania Limited 44 7:15 4
Day Express, 44 7:30 *
m ita Lui Btpnay 44 MO *
Harrisburg Mail, 44 12 46 r
IMiila lclpliin Exprenn, 4 .. .4:50'
Mail aud Express daily For New York only.
Through buffet aleepar; no coact.es 7:00 4
Eastern Express, '* .7:10 41
Fast Line, 1 8 30 "
Pittsburg Limited, daily, with through coaches
to New York, and sleeping cars to New York,
fiftlttnon iM Waahlaftoa only. Ko extra
tur«- <iti this train . lo <m '
Philad'a Mail, gunda>* oniy 8:4<» A.
For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, s
rail route), 8:00 A.M, and 8:30 P.M, daily.
In effect Feb. 1, 1901.
EASTEKN TI'MTT j"t|2 pkT +l4
PftlshlUrg ] leave a.ui a.in ! fJB Ml |- u
Allegheny JP.A W. Bta 900 4 0010 <
Battel .. l" IJ 5 05 lIJ
FenelWn 5 31:11 I
Oalgsville 10 43 5 42 12 (
Cowansville 5 53
Montgomeryville 5 58
West Mosgrove 6 08
Echo II 26 G 29 12 4
Dayton... 11 36 6 41 12 5
North Point 0 58
Hamilton 7 05
Valicr 7 10
PunxMitawney ar 12 08 7 23 1 2
lv 6 20 12 10 2 30 7 25 1 2
Big Run G 36 12 22 2 43 7 40
Curwensville ar 8 20 U 20 4 20
< l«-aili.-M ai,B *1 :i: 43J
Dußois. .............. j 7 10 12 50 .'J 20 8 15 2 1
Falls « ,e. k 7 17 12 57 3 :«) p.m 2 2
BI.M k wayville a m 1 10 34" 2 4
Itidguay 1 45 4 24 3 1
Johus4inhurg . j 1 67; 4 53 3 3
Mt. Jewett j 2 49 5 41 4 1
Bradford ar 3 35 6 30 5 0
—— r—\
Salamanca ar 4 W p.m
Buffalo ar 6 25j 7 2
Rochester ar H 50| 8 4
I' 1,1 ' 1 a M
~~EASTBRJf TIM E f/3 |f9 *3 +ll •7
leave ain a.ma.m p.m p.m
lb>chester 45.. 8
Buffalo lv *9 CO 10 «
Halauinuta lv ;I1 13
Wri I* 7 4511S 10 12#
Mt. Jewett » 4 ' I- 1 «
tililirg !' I 4.1 I 51
lU'lywuv I " 2 .<1
Hn.'kw.rvtll. !•> "& 1' "> -
Kali. I "reek ».m 10 .%4 2 44 k L"i 2 5"
Dulkila «i « U o<ij 2 55 H 80 3 11
rieiuiU Id .. It Il+W7 0M
CurweiMTill. IT, ill*4'.i7 1H
itiK i:«TTT 7*13 it :n iiaitiK :i «
PuillMilawiiey ni 7 2H 11 4fl :t :tl !i 31 :t .'rfi
" iv 7 :111 hin :i j>.u> 4no
Vuller ; 7.41
Hamilton I 7 4<l
North l\.ili« I 7 S3
H II 4 W 4 XI
K. bo H Ti 4 »• 4 I I
W,.t M.-ttrur.- H 4A
M<»nt|t(»nier)'l'ill. H 54
t'owalmvllkl » (11
I 1.-.nil. UII 457 ,8 2a
Kenelton » VI I ft :i3
Hun. |ii v>\ r. m |•; no
All.itliniy I T 1 W xta II 00 <1 4i J 7 :KJ
I'Ul.biirg f »rrl»e' a m I l> .in. I a.m
* Daily, t Dfcily except Sunday.
TrainH !1 and 0 are Holid vestibuled
i-nnippcMl with handsome day coaches
and rt'eliniiiK chair cam, iiIHO cafe earn
daily except Sunday.
Trains 2 and 7 have Cullman Sleepers
between Buffalo and Pittaburg.
Oen'l I'asH. Agent,
H<H:liefcter N. Y.
VI2I E. Jefferson St., one-half blockx
i» • y
Vfroni Main St. Came and see onrv
(►grand stock, eyery thing new and latest*
A lC 7 * O Jk
3 styles. Mourning goods a specialty.X
ak . i » We bought more this season than ever Ik fore f#
|-./" 1 . 'aS'"/ and must sell more. We have priced them so
© 'i* low that yhi can clearly see that it is to your JV
?» • JJ< ; *great acvantage to buy your lace curtains here
■I ' ,||'<. V i-r- Good curtains, goon size, 65c a pair. flr
"" fl l ' Beautiful designs, full size, awav ahead of rtJ
* I ' •! f\ 7 regular values, 55 newest pattern.* at ft a pair K
■ '•! I sVafc^•'./. Curltin Swiss, Sash Curtain Material, I'on-
1: \' \Pv. I B ee - Poles. Rods and everything needed in the Qk
■lf dwVV"! A LACE BARoAlN—Another lot of 3000 yards Uk
J p •&, $. -BYvYv.. of fine torchoh lace, all widths from I t'i 4 JC
• kIjAsL tavAf inches, with inserting to match, regular value fjfe
7 ® lO '5 cents PP r yard, at the uniform low price
' 1 &***■' -'-O of 5c pec yard Jp
LINENS—This store has a imputation for good linens that did uot come Jpk
by chance. Our piaetical gained by years of experience, is
used for your bene'it as well as ours. 64 inch hea\> cteam damask.pure 4#
linen, 50c. 68 incl bleached pure linen damask, 50c. 6S inch fine
satin damask, $1.25 value at ii.oo Cream and red damask 25c up. MP
Crashes and towels at right prices. \
\A Latest black ai.ii fancy silks, dress goods and fwr'm !■
<K wash goods. St\ les, quality and price are the #
v; Cosrjt Coveis. 10c. up.
ilibbed Vests, 10c, up.
fet Lidies' and Children's Hose, 10c, up. {R
Fancy Hose, 15c, up
|L. Stein & Son, jg
subscribe for the CITIZEN
The People's Naiioral Family Newspaper,
New York Tri«\Veekly Tribune
Published Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, is in reality a fine, fre-h. every
other-day Daily, ttiving the latest news
on days of issue, and covering news of
the other three. It contains all import
ant foreign war and other cab'e news
which appears in THE DAILY TRI
BUNE of same date, also Domestic and
Foreign Correspondence. Short Stories,
Elegant Half tone Illustrations, Humor
ous Items, Industrial Information, Fash
ion Notes, Agricultuial Matters and
Comprehensive and Reliable Financial
and Market reports.
Regular subscription price, *1.50 per
We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for
$2.00 per year.
Send all orders to THE CITIZEN, Butler
g< .U »1< M/ W O >l/ \l/ M/ \l/ ')» 'I'WW yy M/M/M/M,
*T».p» .j\ -Tv <l* «,* /*i A* •['' > T* * r* A* T* *
* |
j Cleveland Berea Grit j
¥ Suitable for Building 3
* Ornamental and * |
* Paving purposes
i This Stone is guaranteed 3
§ not to shell off, nor |
become rotten.
Prices reasonable
j);- Work done well
| and promptly,
£ Stone yards oil I
iKast E'na street. i
Residence on
Morton aveuue.
People's Telephone 3*o.
( 416 W. Jefferson St.,
Full bine of Foreign and
Domestic Suitings.
Good Fit and Workmanship O
Guaranteed. 7
The people to know that the Findley
Studio is making a specialty of copying
uid enlarging. Crayons and water colors
or the Ilolliday trade will receive
prompt attention. Don't give your
lictures to agents and take chances of
nosing them; have it done at home and
f it isnotr iglit we arc here to make it
iglit. J.atest designs of frames in stock,
iee our Cabinet Photos before ordering
Branches—Mars and Kvans City.
telephone 236.
P. O. H'tiy ButleV.
Okalrr IN
New York Weekly Tribune
Published on Thur.-d iv. and known for
near'y sixty jeirs In every part of the
United States as a National Family <
Newspaper of the highest class for farm
ers and villagers. It contain? aJI the
most important general news of THE
DAILY TRIBUNE up t> h »ar of goin,;
to press, an Agricultural Pep'.rt
inent of the highest order, has
entertaining reading for every
member of the family, old nn I
young, Market Reports which ;>re ac
cepted as authority by fanners and corn
try merchants, and is c!ean, ap to dale,
interesting and instructive.
Regular subscription price, Ss.oo-per
We furnish it with THE CITIZEN'
for $1.50 per year.
Now is The Time to Hive
Your Clothing
If you wan! }4« •«>ti lt d - (.'liable
cleaning <>r dyeing done, • t<- is
junt one ptai'f in town •> I i _ < ■ u
Cah .yt-' it, ' • '> <ti is .it
The Butler Dye Works
216 Center avenue
do fine work in <ui
door Photographs. This is thi
time of year to have a picture ot
your house. Give us a trial.
Agent for tbe Jaiuo o * n S i- 'if
Blind Co.—New York.
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House Butler Penn'a
The best of horses and first class rigs ai
wavson hand and for hire.
Best accommodations In town for perma
nent lioardlng and transient trade. Speci
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
□A good class of horses, both drivers and
draft horses always on hand and for sale
under a full guarantee; and horses bought
Ipon proper notification by
e'.ephone. No. 210.
n n a p° stai caril to
pIKI I or call up No. 41
■ I I of the People's
122—3 and
W. 13. McGEARY'S
new wagon, ruuning to and from his.
Steam Carpet-Cleaning
establishment, will call at your lionse
take away your dirty cnrjjels and return
them in a day or two as c'can as new.
All on a summer morning—Carpets,
rugs and curtains thoroughly cleaned on
short notice.
I>F,OORATINO WALLS N an art. but 110
matter how good the artist may lie lie can
not make the walls look l>< autlful with I oor
paper. The points "f merit are numero.is In
our assortment of
I'.ach design shown Is new. artlstii', and
pleasing. lor. used are of excellent
i|uality. and will retain their brightness for
years, dome in and look at the designs
shown here. Prices will please you.
Patterson Bros.,
236 N. Main St.
People's Phone. 400. Wick Building