Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 11, 1901, Image 4

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    Dr. Pierce'a Fa
vorite Prescription
Doubles a Mother's
Joys and Halves Her
It does this by a pre-natal pre
paration in which the mother finds
herself growing stronger instead of
weaker with each month. Instead
of nausea and nervousness, there are
healthy appetite, quiet nerves, and
refreshing sleep. The mind's con
tent keeps pace with the body's
comfort. There is no anxiety, no
dread of the approaching time of
travail. When the birth hour
comes it is practically painless, the
recovery is rapid* and the mother
finds herself abundantly able to
nurse her child.
"Favorite Prescription" contains
no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine,
nor any other narcotic.
Sick women invited to con
sult Dr. Pierce by letter free of
charge, and so obtain without cost
the advice of a specialist in the
diseases peculiar to women, All
correspondence strictly private and
sacredly confidential. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Mr*. Annie Blacker. 639 Catherine Street,
Syracuse. N. Y., writes: "Your medicines have
done wonders for me. For years ray health was
very poor; I had four miscarriages, but since
taking Lir. Pierce s Favorite Prescription and
• Golden Medical Discovery ' I have much better
health, and now I lave a fine heitlthy baby. I
here recommended your medicine* to several
of ray friends and they have been benefited by
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
dizziness and sick headache.
A. A. I FEVERS. Contention*, Inflamm*-
4 <;keb 5 tionw, Lunc te\er. Milk Fe%rr.
». lI.?«FRAISK. Lamenrsti. Injurte*.
CURBS) Kheuinaliarii.
C.C/(gOBE THROAT. Hulmy, Epizootic,
cms) DbiemiH'r,
LS:jwOMII, 8011, «rub».
E, EJCOTOHII. Cold*. Innupnza. Inflamed
cinuca) Luotfu. i*t<»uro-i*n«'uriionia.
F.F.tCOLR'. BHlrarhe. \\ iud-Blovt n.
CURES 5 Diarrhea, Uvurnlcry.
C.G. Prevent. MItfCAKRIACB.
1.1. '«KI\ DIKEISER. Minn-. Eruption*.
cure*) i'lcern, (irrase, Ptrey.
J. K, > B \ I) COXDITIOV Htarhis Coat.
cußjsv j Inditf< »tlofi, MoiHMfh Hiacxert.
ate. each; Stable Cane, Ten Kpeclflen. Book, Ac., $7.
At drugziMiM or sent pr<'j,ai«l <m receipt of price.
Humphrey■»' Medicine 00., Cor. William John
Bta.. S«?w Y<rrk. Yvrr RIKAKY MaxuaL HEST KRRE
and Prostration freni Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys* Homeopathic Specific
No. 52Q, in um over4o years, the only
successful remedy.
$1 per rial,or special package with powckr,fo: $5
'ni l \tj Drii;cUli, or Beat en rarrtpC of pi
ddrUKKTft' MLU. CO.. C%r. k Job fork
Tl>l» I* Ynnr Opportunity.
On receipt of U-n cents, cash or Ktampa,
• sample will be mailed of the
BSOflt popular Catarrh anil Hay I'eitr Cure
(Ely'e Cream liabu) KtiPicient to demon
■tnta the great merits of the icm^dy.
DO Warren Bt, New l'ork City.
Be*. John Reid, Jr.. of Great Fall*, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. t
e»n emphasize his statement, "It is a pom
tive ctire tor catarrh if ns»d as directed.'' —
B«T. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Bahn is the acknowledged
enre for catarrh and contains no m'reury
nor any injurious drug Price, 60 cents.
Physicians renommend and will advisothe
use of
for Ihe weak ar,«l run down system, and In
many case#. If used properly, will prevent
"long aud continued »lirkne«*. If you ljuy
from riti you are sure to set puri st and best
A larire stock of the tie low brands always
on hand.
rise*. MT. VKBSOk,
LAtlOk, IMO*ll'hOJI,;
»nd offer thei.i t/'you unadulterated 'i year
oJ*LitL£L!X) |*>r full quart, '1 quarts, s>.oo.
y <-ii* >i)rAtlilU'.S CHOICE,
Whiskey iruarant* 1 3 years old. s2.'<) per eal.
On all C. O. I>. or mail ordenofMOorom
we t»ox and ship promptly; express charges
411 Water Street
Telephone, 217 c. Psttabwfc Pa.
Opposite R A O. hupot.
bAbT TP WIN ATA Whole»ale Dealer
HUDI. L K jnifl a ty., la Wlaeti Ll«iwr».
Now at 411 Water St., Pittaburg,
will remove alx"-ut April Ist, during con
struction of their new building to
14 Smithfield St, Pittsburg,
Vhcre they will be glad to meet all tlieir
Customer* and friends.
!' THE
1 A pleasant, never-filling \
< | remedy for throat and. lung I
J diseaseg, <
;! Sellers'lmperial |
i Cough Syrup I
. 1 in absolutely free from spiiitnnn.y S
f or other harmful ingredient', c
< ( A prompt, positive c.m C:: /
% coughs, colds, toar.'/mc- . - ' /
1; enza, whooping cougli. /
1 Overamllllon tmttles >oM in t'r.o S
1 isst few yesaetteetltspopuULrlt)'. f
< , prrrecuHo, ?A.
' 1 At all Druggists. (
\ 25c and 50c. '
W. S. & E. WICK,
Knu/l, and Workod fiHml<«rlof2 'i'i; Klnils,
Difirs, Nr.sli and MouldliiKM.
OH Well lilit-. a S[M;ldally.
OSIco and Yard,
E. CunnliiKliam and Monree His
• near West i'enn Depot,
a postal card to
1111 -4 i or ca " U l } T °- 4 1
—J ■ ■ ■ of the People's
f'**** l'hone or Bell
122 -3 an d
new wagon, ruuuing to and from his
Steam Carpet-Cleaning
establishment, will call at your houxe
take away your dirty carpels and return
them in a day or two as clean as new.
All on a summer morning—Cftrpcts,
thoroughly cleaned on
An Investisator*. ni.povfry of ffhul
in Knoriuou* Homiuet of the Flow
er* of Fnlile Adorns the Dully
Speech of llir Average Mortal.
"Do you know that the average Amer
ican i.i a hopeless aud incorrigible and
unmitigated liar'-" said an amateur
cyni of Baronue street. '"I don't mean
he 1' s viciously, but suave mendacity
glid-off th•• end of his tongue as eas
ily r.s molasses flows from a spigot on
C VM !•< day in summer. He does it un
sly, habitually, automatically
—just as his lungs expand and his
heart palpitates and his hair grows,
without any special attention from the
rest of his system. lie does it because
he can't help it. The thing has become
a second nature.
"I had all this brought home to me,"
continued the amateur cynic, "by a
very simple little experiment which I
tried on myself and a few others no
lon'--r ago than yesterday morning.
I>id j-ou ever see a pocket counting ma
chine? Well, it's a little device shaped
like a watch. Whenever you press the
stem the needle on the dial jumps a
point, and it registers in that way up
to several thousand on the principle of
a cyclometer. They an- u -d by any
body making long counts r.::d are very
handy,because they never forget where
they leave off.
"But, to come to the point, some
thing happened to remind rne of our
national vice of untruthfulness as I
was getting up yesterday, and I deter
mined to 'keep tab' on myself and as
ceftain, if possible, how many actual,
out and out lies I put Into circulation
in the course of the day. I chanced to
have one of the little counting ma
chines I havo just mentioned, so I slip
ped It Into my pocket and started out.
"The first lie I told was right at the
door. Smithson was passing and stop
ped to shake hands. 'Hello, old man!'
said I. 'Delighted to see you,' when as
a matter of fact I was deuced sorry to
see him, because I owe him ten. I
gave the counter a squeeze and hur
ried on, but before I got to the office I
had Jogged it nine times.
"What did I jog It for, did you ask?
Oh, trivialities, mere trivialities, but at
the sarne time point blank lies, every
one of 'em. Whenever I opened my
mouth out dropp< d some confounded
hyperbole. I told Jones the joke he in
sisted in springing on me was the 'best
I ever heard' and then made a double
tally In assuring his wife she was look
ing remarkably well when she vras
looking exactly like .1 scarecrow. I
told another friend I never laughed so
much in my life as I had at something
or other, I don't remember now what,
and still another that I hadn't slept a
wink for three* nights when I had neu
ralgia lately—all lies, bald lies. In spite
of their harmlessness.
"When I reached the office and look
ed at the dial. I was horrified. 'Good
heavensV I said to myself. 'lt seems
to be physically Impossible for rne to
speak the plain truth In the paltriest
matters. I'll just remain perfectly
quiet for half an hour and keep check
on Hoggs.'
"Boggs Is our head bookkeeper and
a pillar In one of the suburban church
es," continued the amateur cynic. "He
wears rubber overshoes In wet weath
er, cultivates sandy side whiskers, car
ries a gingham umbrella, belongs to a
building and loan association and has
all the other marks of severe respecta
bility. I had supposed him to be the
quintessence of cast iron veracity, but
when I sat down In cold blood to put
him on record I was astounded at the
blase fashion with which he frivoled
with the truth. I pushed the button
on him 15 times in 'SI minutes; then he
got Into a whispered conversation with
a caller, and I lost the thread of his
remarks. Hut I am certain if I had
been In earshot the counter would havo
hail hard work keeping up with the
"That relieved my mind somewhat,
and later on. when I made a quiet test
of ueveral of the other fellows In the
office, I came to the conclusion that I
was no worse than the average, but the
average was pretty tough. As far as
my Investigations went, the invoice
clerk held the record. He Is a guileless
sort of chap, with modest manners and
a freckled none, and I never supposed
he had any Imagination concealed In
his peg topped cranium, but he forced
me to push the indicator up exactly 'i'i
times In IS minutes. During the last
part of the stretch, however, he was
trying to-trade off a secondhand bicy
cle, and that naturally swelled the re
"Of course i Boon realized that the
Idea of keeping count on my own men
dacity was entirely Impractical and
abandoned the effort, but the other
data has furnished me with abundant
food for thought. My brotJier-ln-law,
by the way, Insists that we would
make a great mistake In trying to
weed these flowers of fable oft of our
dally speech. lie says we lie continu
ally and systematically because every
body else lies, and n man who would
start out to tell the plain, cold, raw,
rectangular truth about everything In
life would be little better than an an
archist. He would upset all establish
ed standards of value and make It nec
essary almost to recast the language.
Besides, nobody would believe him.
Isut my brotlier-ln-law Is a doctor,"
added the amateur cynic thoughtfully,
"and maybe that makes a difference,"
—New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Cbltime Krn.
The "Chinese era" begins H. C. 2fi9T,
with the accession of the Km per or Yao,
who first devised a calendar for the
Chinese dividing the ;-ear Into 'JOT) days
with an extra day eve y fourth year.
HOOD'S PILLS euro Liver Ills, Bll
lousne-ir.. • ndlc:-stior •-'ciidscho.
Etasv t • . ' , n - to. 25c.
ti v iA- r'S hhm.al ; ■ i . «
-• i —or MT;.I. fcooM
t >9-tin Ave. (-iter »
PR ACT: t A'
• , >i'JRQU/N -«i ;-'f i f i.f I
. M - ■■ ; V
i y,I i' 1 .in- •
' J%C *T.R TOOT I- ,
J - " >ZX" '' ! "J- v'-i j.
Cure* Drunkenness
eeley c "isf s
Write for ■ (I|BA INSTITUTE,
BukltL %Wi W «,
Karl Schluchter,
Practical Tailor and Cutter
*- Railway. Schedule of Fas
fcrger Trains in effect May 28,
Dfjiart. A.rire
Allegheny Accommodation 6 25 A.* 9 Oli A.M
All< gbett> Kxpreto 8 <is " 912 •*
NVw (~mft* Accommodation 805 u S> 12 u
Akr<u Mail 8 ~r> A* 7 p *
Allegheny Fart Exprw 9M " It 18
All. ghenj Kxpr*** 3 00 p.* 4 45 pm
CLuagro Lxpreas 3 40 pm 12 1- am
A } M.\i! ... " I 1 ' ' :u
Alivghenv and New tjartie Acorn 550 4 " . t£i "
Chi< airr Limited 55u 44 912 A.*
Kane and Bradford Mai1......... 9;55 A.>: 2 ■ »'* p M
Ci«ri"D Ac©'Xl«nn*l*lK>U 4 35 P J 9 45 A M
Cleveland and Ckicagu Expiwi... 6 25 am
Allegheny Exprw 8 05 A.M 9 12A.M
Allegheny Accomi»idatkr u .. .. 550 p.* 5 P M
Hew Castle Acccmnn-latioii 8 05 A.M 7 W M
(liirapo Expr«» ' 40 P.* 5 «S am
Allegheny Accommodation • P®
On Satuidayi a train, known JU» the theatre train
will leave Butler at 5.50 p. m.. arriving at Allegheny
at 7.20; returning leave Allegheny at 11.30 p. m.
Pullman deeping earn on Chicago fcxprese between
Pittsburg and Chicago.
For through tickets to all point* in the w<st, north
trt-et «»r south want and information regarding routes
time of trains, etc. apply to
\V. K. Tl UNKIt, Ticket Agent,
V. B. KEYNuLIIS, Sup t, N. !»., Butler, Pa.
Butler, Pa. C. W. KASSETT,
G. P. A.. Alleghery, Pa
sup't. W- £L. Dir.. Allegheny Pa.
Time table in effect Sept. 23, 1900.
NorthwaTd. Daily except Sunday. .Southward
(Bewl u]» f ( Beail down)
"2 14 12
P,51. I'M A.31 I'- J 1 , ' NI .
\Z - 42 Erie lo 4 1;>
ll Si 8 20 Fairview 12 Jo 4 40
i- l.i 8 lo tiirard 1- 4* 4
1 :> 8 18 ar. .Conneaut.. .ar 1
11 00 7 06 lv.. Conuea.it.. Jv *ll 00 4 32
11 55 7 50 < ranesville 1 07 5 17
11 50 7 4". Albion 1 If J *>
11 :J5 7 29 >pringboro 1 27 o 40
11 28 7 SO'Cunneautville 1
11 l'» 7 06 Meadville Jnnct.. 1 54 C 05
11 50 7 >» ar.. Meadville.. ar 2 X> C 4j
JO 2*» »• 2^»ilv..Meadville...lf 1 05 5 J.~>
U j<. 7 2«* ar. .('on. Lake..ar 2 05 ♦> 1»>
10 50 f, 50 lv. .'"-on. Lake.. lv 135 5 44
7 2o ar..Ltnesville ..ar # '&*
6 20: lv •* lv 5 45
l«i 54 0 4" flartftovn ' ; 2 •» 1 •
10 4'* 0 43 Adamiville 2 1 '■> 6 2;,
10 4o 0 31 < i i! 6 >5
CJo|o 33 028 Greenville ..! 635 230 'J 4<>
• *'"» I'J z*. o 22 slicnangu I 0 42 2 37 o
5 48 10 07 6 03 Fredonia ? 6 67 2 53 7 0-
63. .» 50 5 4'» Mercer 713 311 7
6 J# 4 5 4'» Houston Junction; 710 317 7
5 Or. 0 5 25 Grove < ity J 7 40 3 37 7 5y 1
4 67 '■* I*2 llmrriiivilJe . j 7 53 3 40
4 "•! H 08 Bntncbtoo 80J 357
5 Ji« 042 ar... Milliard... ar 9
30 - 705 1v... Milliard. . .lvi 705 3€6
4 47 9 <G Krint«r ! 8 05 4 01
4 33 8 4*» Kuclid 8 20 4 .17
4 (|ti K Is Butler ' 8 iV* 4 4."
Z 15 7 <«i Alleiheiiv 10 20 0 2''
A.M. I P.M.i
Oen'l Manager. Gen. Paas Asjt,
Pittsbari?, Pa
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division
Traiu* leave Ki-kiuiin» t;j» Junction a» MIOWK—
-1 ,i Buffalo, 956 a. in ui.'l 11.40 i». m. daily, with
tlirifUgb |<arlor and sleeping car*.
f.»r oil i ity, 7.40, 9.66 a. in., 2,30, 0.13 and 11.40 |». j
in. week-dav#. holiday*, 9.60 a. ul, 0.13 and 11.40 p. ni
F-»r Red Ibmk, 7.46, 0.56, 11.17 a. ni., 3.30, 0.13, 0.31,
ai"l 11.40 p. m. week-day*. Sunday*, 0.56, 10 40 a. in..
0.13 and 11.40 p. in.
For hitiantilog, 7.40, 9JO, 9^6,11.17 a. n.*., 2.39,5.3.";,
G. 13, 7.34, 9.34, Hn.l 11.40 p. in. week-day*. Sunday-,
9"»6, 10.40 a. ra„ 6.13, 10.45, and 11.40 j» m.
Foi detailed Information, addrea* Thou. K. Watt, I*.i-
Agt. Wmterii District, (Vnei Fifth Aveuut- «wl SnilMi
field Street, Plttahurg, Pa.
I 11. lU'TCHWON, J It.
•ral Manager. . A « ».
A M A.M. A.M. P. M. P. »l
BCTLkH Leave 0 25 8 05 10 50 2 35 5 < :
HaxonburK Arrive 654 8 30 11 15 3 <*» 5 •/*
Butler JuiidlfiU.. " 727 aWII 4o 'i 26 5 5:?
Buth.-r J unction...licave 7 -'> l s:i 11 62 ii 25 5 s.'i
Natrona Arrive 7 4" 9 01 12 01 3 34 6 oj
Tareiitum 7 44 907 12 Od 3 42 '» J, 7
Spriugdaln 7 62 0 16 12 19 3 52 1-> l.»
Claremout ........ 3o 12 •'{♦! 4 •*> f'i 27
SiiHrjmiiU r% Hll 9 3'i 12 48 4 12 6 'l3
Altotfbany 8 24 948 1 02 4 25 « 41
A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M
HVNDAV TRAINS.— L"«vi* liut!«-r fur Alleglieu..
City ninl princijial InUiniiediate 1 vtatlon* at 7:80 a u .
%nd 6:00 p. m.
A M. A. 31. A.M. P. M P :
AllnjcUe.ijr City .leav« 700 85510 46 3!o o U
ohan<*iUurK 7 12 9 07 10 67
CiarKiii'iUt .... II 04
HpriuK'l*!** •••• I* *8 *'
Tarentum 7 30, 9 31 11 2* 3 40 6 4«
Natl una 7 43 9 38 II 34 3 i>» 6 61
ButW'r Junction.. .arrive 7 50 9 47 11 43 3 58 7 O"
Butler Juactkm... .le»ve 7 50 9 47 12 1« 4 0«, 7 >
f*ii*onl<urg 8 17 10 09 12 41 4 35 7 24
UI'TI.KB. .. .nrrive 84210 32 110 5% 750
A.M. A.M. P. M P. Jl P. f
SrNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Ailegtmny < ity lor »u«
l»*i ami principal Intwinediate Hiatlon* at 7:15 a in. mi .
9-311 p. m.
roB Till- i-;aht
W«« kn l>a\m. Si|inla>*
A.M. A. M P. M A.M. P M
I.t rr.fcH lv ♦; zr, lo s»i 235 7 f> '«
Hiitier J'ct ar 727 11 40 325 820 5 V.
iJotler J(A lv 7 !ai 11 43 358 821 81 .
Fee port ar 7 53 II 46 402 825 8 17
Kikliulnetaa J't " 768 11 50 407 8 2'' 821
Iy.ecl»l/»i»u " 8 10 12 02 4 10 8 II 833
Paulton (Ap0110)....* 1 83112 22 440 85' 85'
fallal iirg 44
Blalr»vl!|. „ 9ZH 120 641 062 946
ltloimlKelnt " 9 /45 . .. 560 10 00
AltooUM ** II 35 ... BVi 160 . ..
Hantaanr* *' 3 10 .... 1 •»> 6 !• .. .
Philadelphia ** « 23 .... 4 26 10 2o . .
P. M. A. M M. A. M. P 31
Through traloa f«#r tire <sMt leave PltW-nr* (Fnlo«
gtatiuu), a* Mlowr
Atlantic KxprHM, »lal!y 4.*
Peounylvaitia Liiult«d 44 7.15 44
It. 3 Kfprewi. 44 7:30 44
Main Line Kxi'iean, " ... .. ~8:00 *
ilarriMl/urg Mail, 44 12*46 P. m
PliiU !«Ij'hf. KxpraM, * 4:50 44
Mail anil KxpreM (lally For New York only.
Through bufl«-t a!««p*r; no <oa'-* PH 7 -o "
huatorn Kxpre*#, *' ... . . .... .7:10 44
(w't ('in*', * .... ......8 30 41
Pitti %\r.nc l.iimU-1, <laily, with throij«h oochcM
to Ni w York, axui aloepinp itar* lo n«w York,
i'4ltimor« and WaahiiiKton only. No extra
lar«: on *hla train ~.t0:00 "
I hilad'u Mail, Huu'la\« on»y B:4'' V.M
For Atlantic t'ity (via Delaware ttiver Blilgc,
tall route), 8 : oo AM, and 8 .30 PM, dally.
In effect Feb. I, 1901.
mtnui row. |" tTi _I o +lO +n ~
I'ltUlmr* I I«T<- mil a.lll p.lli p.m (.111
All« «1.-.,y j I'. 4 W. Hte » «> I «> I" 00
Itull.i 10 12 5 05 112"
c ll .i K .vlH« 10 CI 5 Vi 12 01
I </W:itlNVin. * r > fi'l
.M.,ntui.in«ry»llli .... '•>
\\< T M.«KTO*«.. ON
I. IM, 11 * '■ l
iKi-. i'iii II :p. I. HI2M
Nutlli l*<.lut 0 AH
Hninlltuti. 0T»
I'liHXßiiittwncy.......-in" 12 0* 7 2' 1 2H
lv (1 ZD 12 10 2 :ai 7 2D 1 30
nil, linn i; X, 12 22 2 4 1 7 10
Curwxiiiirille *** ** 20 + 4 20 4 2IJ
«%-urfl<-M uij»:«!+4 32 4:ia
j7T7Ti.,i« 17 i«» 12 W» •; 20 hid 17
l :ill« I i" k 7 17 12 57 3 ») |. in. 2 24
llru k way villi; *.lll I 10 .1 l« 2 4<l
lll(J(*wny ! I 4.S 4 24 3 |H
.I'.lhiimiiilllllK 1 I S7 4 E>3 3 :il
Ml J.-«i tt j 2 I'l 5 41 4 l«
ilrmlfiiril in 3 35 '» 30 5 05
1 Hulftiiimica W 4 OTFJ p.iu
llufl il.i »r 'i 2D I 721
Roclimlnr *r +7 &0j j H43
hOI 'l'll W/l Nli.
TPrtßßt MI * +ia |+• I*a +ii I*r
lenviij 11.111 4111 :a. 111 p.in |«. 111
■ Ituchwticr +7 45 K 35
' linQalu lv j vi M 10 U0
Silmiiali' 11 lv 11 1"
i Bnulford lv . 7 4ft 12 10 12 2"
' Mi. -it * 42 12 M I or.
■l'.lin.'.iiburK 27; I 43 I 51
lll.liiwuy '» 2 2 "7
• IJi.H U •• iv villi- 10 371 2 32 |. m 2 40
r,.iu i'i.. 1 a.in 10 m :: 44 h 2>i i r.7
liulS..!. .. 40 II in. 2 .Vi H >1 3 10
I ItartiU lv
| Carw«*ii.vlll. lv j I l+*4'J 7 IN
hi K Km. 7 13 11 31 3900 05 342
! I'iiimnilawili y ai 7 2H II 45| 3 itl 1# 21) 3 .VI
" ,|v 7 'Hi a.ln i 3 3T. p.lii 400
j Vall.-r 7 41
j llalnllloli 7 411
J Ni.iih I'i>l nt 753
I I lay toll H II I If 4 31
i |> ill, 1 22 4 2>' 4 43
. HV.I S|i»|{ri'Vi' : >1 4*.
- M'illlK"Hi' l)'V llj/i , ..... f.4
OmkumvUl.' '•» 00
. I'rulirnttfl* 'I II 4 D 7 ft 23
t line Hon , ......... i 22 ft 33
. Bull, i '» 4 • ft 31 II 00
All. . li-nyt I'. 4W. W« 11 OOL 114., 7 .10
IMii-l.nru I airlvf am 1 a m
Daily except Hnmlav.
11 11111
I ' 11 uiii n
Kiiciit-nter N. Y.
I Adams " _ !7!~ AF~Wemer * »« 1 » •••
Allegheny J S Glenn i 12 a» fi «« t, ."r
Brady IS Itodgers 1 <*>* 1 0"! W f **
Buffalo las Simmers - 08J 40 1 370 > 89 £
Kutler Geo Bauer 2 055 T» l(l3iC If J< 3® 3"
( lay K X Patterson 1 "1# 13 1 (MS 36 nO9 092 fr
Clinton J X llarvev 2H36 57 ISS 43 -i 9. ML ....
Centre J G Renniek 1544* 1 300 00 83 <4 280 © ....
| Clearfield PB Kennel 1 32s 36 (HO 97 47 50 638 89 ...
Cherry R J Barron 1 57s 2n <0 59 » .1; 9 .... :
Concord W H Campbell 1 •><" 1 041 24 .1 67 toi 31 ...
1 ( ranberry!! Wm Graham 2 276 94 1 920 00 242 3» 214 65 ... I
( onnoqui nessing Greer McCandless J •- 1 !'¥ J* fij J5 *5 l! ""
Hone- 1 ... (.' F Venjcl I 422 19 867 9e 42". -12 14 ....
Forward AC Brown 2 J)7 74 1 652 09 125 ijjj j® ™
Falrvlew J J Campbell I>9 60 880 00 (« » 649 34,....
Franklin .las ( ratty 1 SIM 69 <•> (0 (2 06 ll»7 b3 |
Jefferson W H Gwfe 2 306 72 1K» (X; 134 ss M*tt ....
Jackson John Boehm 2 tt\ 1 J507 66 119
Lancaster los G arm an 1 *WI '•> !•> •>]! 501 ••••
Marion .1C Vandyke 1 349 42; 830 3f aS 69 fcO&j....
Mercer "" 11 J Brown 881 171 550 91 41 49 279 77|....
Middlesex Geo Stepp 3 290 19 2 04. 4-i bl 63, 1 091 11
Muddycreek R H Oliver 1 « 1 «'7 00 74 03 &I • •
O'ikl'iiid i N Eytii 1 'l'» 65 1 no. 99 .< «'4 j.l <r_
v,-n Husei.on sw*> Bma B6<O ...
Parker J H Wally 1513 2s 1 250 00 915. 171 .J ....
summit IW B lldauf 1 *9l 94 1 415 00 102 1. 3.4
Slippery rock John Kelly 2 1(6 69 1 433 46, 106 21 5& 99
VcEkngo Jos Eakin 1 36* 45 52* 70 39 1- *OO 57
Washington J C Wray 2 140 13 1 18* a3 ** 0* si.j >- ....
Worth John Reiehert 1 b.(. 72 1 242 ;>1 90 M 3*3 40
Wlntieln Martin Cypher 1 934 ..1 I 463 5L 9J 3.._« .6
Butler horough JasM Maxwell 17 909 (3 12 897 44 944 «3| * £• ••••
Centrcillle I A Eakin 1 144 »,. s4>. 03 (>-. -3j 9j>
Oonno<|uenesslng J M Rose 292 .1 1.. 14 l.> ft. 101 ...
Evans City A S Pfeifer 1 *£•<*• 1 006 13 .4 4!., 376 43 ....
Falrvlew H L Storey 229 08 —I 0* ....
I larmony!!!! .. !! Ered Welgle 742 94 400 00 27 49; 3J5 45 ....
Harris ville S.Morrison 713 36 312*2 4-. jh; lj*j 9s ....
KarnsCity H McLanfblln I* *> •••„ . *■• •••■
Mars w B Boyd <34 OT al; :>. 3-43; 1.. 91 ....
Ml;lerstown E X Emery 1 0-9 I?. 90. 99 U- a. .>-1
Project EE Wehr 573 *4 400 00 31 07! 139 77 .. .
I'etroUa !!"Buteer 91 2*12 14 19 771 4! OO ....
Portersviile A Henshaw 4H 14 214 36 1. 3. 1«| *} ■•••
Sa\..nt)ur« Emil Schroth '** 23 64. 21 53 l-> *. <M
sunbury P P Brown :S8 ** 230 W 19 03 si si ....
Valencia W H Smith 170 49 s4 32 5 I'.; »» 2.' •
Zelienople Wm Allen 1 5<6 .il 1 220 90 9<> 4<.. 2»t> l.i ...
Total iw< 066 90 243 27 $4357 (G «T1 480 8s $( 07
§ B | c- o |
Muddycreek Geo McGee J 11 s2 }! JJ-
Cherry J W Xewman I*9o 15 05 1°
Brady. TA Mines 1««2 24 71 24 .1
Slippery rock J L Cooper 1-9* 4 02 i ... 1 (f-
Butler Dorough J S Jack 1*97 S2a.nl> 1..0 on .-4 ••*
Harmony borough F'rt-d Weijtle -7 Zi ' - 4
K a ros City borough... Frank Ha list -Ji •*
Washington Austin Meals 5o
Clinton IB Kiddle IW 2> 10 16
Clearfield E I Kennedy 11*79 1126- 611
Cherry 'Hugh Sproul -■<» ■>* • J? X '
Donetral >' Waltman *1 *7 34s 1J
! Falrview J J Campbell la 93 2ls _1- 13 •>
I Marion Joseph Vandyke 109 9s KM 37 ->6l
I'arker Joseph Wally 119 27 112 99 <; 2s .
Venango HI. Stalker 6* 4a 41 m 231 24 4*
Washington Austin Meals »<•> *> *9 91 2 i>4 13 30 .. ■ ■■■■
Butler iMirough lolin S Jack 119 2. 11' 2.>
Ontervllle Frank Forrester 16 2. 15 4!
Falrview Wm Oibson 2 * : .» I 9." ]('
ilarmony |Fred Welgle *3 19 41 ?Ki -16
Mlllerstown iJ J Donanue » •"' J ■**
I'etroUa IF M Fritz 7. 72 J3 -I 391 .. ...
Adam* !as drr 1*99 332 21 272 92 14.1s 44 91
Allegheny "Jas Jolly l.'l 31 376 3. 20 07 .>4 90 ... ...
Butler Frank Pierce *o* *< .•••.•. ■ *'
BtifTulo Ino Harbison 741 49 692 si .1. W. 10 J.
Brady Frank McCurdy 49 72 413; . 6 09.. ...
Clinton Jas R Riddle 277 70 38 Kj 2a4 ........ £», M
Clay R B C«nn .199 30 JaH 1. 19 09 —O4
Center J D Smith 67 *9 54 36 3ft. 10 81 . ..
Clearfield F.J Kennedy 604 64 4." 21 Kl *7 &34
Cherry Hugh Sproul. 3a2 .St #
Connoiiuenessing Robert ao ft. 22 03 I ~ «. *0
Concord Robert Adams ]9i !■> I« >2 *.- -1.1........
Donegnl F Waltman 4!« ft> 42» (*' ■*> 12 9.1 .la i 0
Forward iGeo Marburger } 208 41 10 (Kit a3 62 .& 13a Kl
Franklin Alonzo McCandless 3>"t :s>. 92 16 3* 12 Oil
Falrview J J Campbell 600 8k 521 22 2s if! 4. .......
Jefferson Wll Grabe 209 09 SHOO 461 15 1M 100 52
Jackson AII Mick ley . 788 91 «»»!. •» £ 29 97
■ Lancaster Samuel Barkly .>l9 24 4-.>(.., -» 63 i 94
i Marion Joseph Van Dyke 477 ._>•> 3*6 44. JO .»3 .0 5s
j Mercer II.J Brown 29? <4 27* 31 14 7* 3
Muddycreek |Grant Jones 4h.> oo 4<K< •>- 2l aS K66 4a .*>
! Middlesex EO Thompson *5 . 4 39 6- -20 *3
• Oakland Peter Whftmire • ll <*> 6 ft. 34 at.
Pern ,G H Huselton 1* 91 226...... 12 «j
Parker JII Wally *'•» 2*7 70 15 22 40 a.
Summit J W Balilauf KM 10 592 27 34; A. Ja
Sllpperyrock WW Bovard —>4 (19 213 91
Venango II B Stalker »» tt 440 (K 23 13 46 J, aO .6
Washington Austin Meals l r~l t •-
Winfield I M Crulkshanks I'" 1 59 6- ft! 3 *•' 6a 12
Worth WII J'lsor 291 16 27! 40 14 -.A 622
Butler borough I S Jack 3 13-1 94 2 523 91 132 38 249 17 m4B
( i utreville Frank Forrester 313 ** 216 8.. 98. IJ ._ 1_
Connoouenesslng bro.l M Hose '.<! -Z! 12 I<4 1».
, Evans city Geo Ripper M* 2» .m 9. 16 dn -.97
| Falrview tM.rough ;R J McCamey i".'!'.' iA iVi'ii
Harmony Fred Welgle 4IJ ...) '*■,'*■' ' . ~
llarrlsvllle C S Pew *2 *1 6! * •'} ' •*'
KarnsCity Ed Rodgers ."i «' ... ii
Mlllerstown J J 4'onahue 2x7 >1 w I- I- I* 31 .t> -K.
Mars Geo K Stuart 2ftl 62 1.7 61 9 4.1 16 49
I'rospect C F Xewman 127 24 116 09 611 •> IM ........
I'etroUa F M Frit* •> ' '?! ■■■■■■ s4ls
Portersviile A Henshaw 64 4. i ' • "...
Saxonburg IE Mailer I*l &• 129 *6: 6H3 IMi 41 (K)
Sunbury I' P Brown 119 SII |O9 19 •> *> 4h_
Valencia WII Smith *6 90 Bl 431 IH.
Zelienople Wm Allen 200 80: 28» Bftj 11 97 81 »;
ToUl I -iiw'uaO 41 ti I.M 97 *726 X. *\Mi *3129 47
DISTRICT. COLLE (TOB. ' |;| _| ||
Adam* A F Werner r 'SSI I? 75 * 1 air 49 B?i* 'i? 75
Bu'tier" ,y G£ «« IS
Buffalo Jas Simmers Uj »• '? 3*o; .2.6 151 ; j0
liradv S Badger j :\ ® '
Clinton . ' * M llarvey ,( *J I 7 '} « T.! /J IJJ!
ri.. v IC N Patterson 7H 00 'b W 44 A)
cefan;: :::::::: :::::::: JG wao »» 2421 »«; 37200
Clearfield I' B Kennoll Id TiO Mi -i* « ''•' •>»
J ' : r Vv iu.l Barron WOO Zi 00 Im\ 71 V mOO
("■>nii'H|Uenessing (iM McCandless 100 80; WOO 341 51 09 25 00
Cranberry Wm Graham. 97 a 0 *•" ;J 93 II ft. ...
Concord IW II Campbell *1 >■> «-0 *- *; » »
Donegal C F Vensel 4. fti 34 20 253 J- •*,'.! !•'! 2!
I Forward AC Brown W <•» •' '•* ««{
Franklin J A ( ratty 75,..; -j 00 I*4 4s 911 4(1 .*>
Falrvlew J J Campbell 1 <•;. f J •.»]•' :* '■!
JelTerwin WII Grabe ll* «' a •>. 31 ** ■•• •••
Jackson John B'«;lin. 90 ... ..3 41 396 33 » 111 M
l.ancaster I.toseph Oarman * ~> 4. ai 34s <t\ ik> (*)
Marlon 'Joseph Vandyke ... W» 4 «
M,.,..... r || J Brown 82 80 I. 2a I2s .13 97 lion
Muddycreek It II Oliver ... 517 a2O On ll* .CI 2. 103 00
MlJi rse* V.:!o«Vstep,,
Oakland FN Eytli •« »| -to «; 24* 4-17 -4 a
P'-riii '* S Huselton I-' 1 '•>, 103 7'< '• J* 16 -0 00
I>»ker Jos Wally *8 80 50 01. SKI 3,-7 IIMKI
Sllppi-ryrock John Kelly " 31 20 . J-1| 4 1.,. 1.400
Venango losepii Eakin 9., on
Washington G C Wray *3 25 ;gj JJ® !i; ,U 00
Winfield M Cypher J« <•». *| X 7. •*', iS ?, .ii., «'ai
Wort.li -I I' Itelehort •'! W '' ,i 5
Ituller iKirouglii! [James M Maxwell 2»l 75 67 s7 4hh 13. i»' 2-.no
Cenlrevllle I A Aiken I? 7a '
Conii'Miuenesslng I M Rose •' -»
Evansbltv A S Pfeifer 21 (» 90, tl M
Falrview II I, Storey 10 a" A? 2[
Harmony I red Welgle XI 00... .... ..... j » J
If:»rrlnville h D Morrfton # <•»! 1 *•' " ,I r
It iiPIIH (!ltv 11 ■*'
Mlllerstown Ii M Emery *5 «[ 25, 03 217 10 20
Mars W D Howf. ?' » <•'
Prospect E K Wehr ]2 <8 Jr I'.'
I'etroUa Carl Butser i, i Tv
Portersviile A llenshaw *2.,' J27 , •*:
Saxonburg .... E Sell rot Ii j -I*l '-» i-I *•' I ' H ', 'JJf.
sunbury I'P Brown j 52. ....... •
Valencia WII Smith -», 216 I . .1*
Zoiteaople |Wm Allen « 2S[ v. no Wj »W|... ....
T „ U | '*1(171 im |ISI7 84 $|H7 99*585 17t2219 ()()
j I?T& 1 1 ril 1 1 lifi r
ISi j | | 2 o ' A z
DISTRICT. coI,LECTOR. I : | % b %
■I ~ " 1 * £ I=| a 5
;; I g | ' s j | •J {
Slippery rock J L Cooper WW • g • '• '• • »]• •
Clearllehl EJ Kennedy I*9. •>, | j 9a,
Donegal F W Wall mail 990 ! 990 I.
Oakland Peter Whltmire— —...
Butler lK>rou|(ti .1 H Jack «71 j ** * '
Ci'ntrevlHc lioro !•' I'orrenUtr 'V
ConrxHiuenettKiiiK l*j<'iiHper Fell
Falrview boro 'A C Glbnon 10 io
Karris « ity 1#0r0.... Frank liahhit '<♦ o:» tV
Mlllerstown iNiro... .1.1 Honaliue I.V» .. I. •».
Clinton Jas K Kiddle 00 «»
Clearfield K J Kenrndv 17 40 H'» .»h mh .... •• •••
Cherry Htilth Sproul.. .. . U 71 ... _ II I 00
Falrvlew I J Camnbeil 0 &»
Marlon lon Vandyke 2ft 10 Zl HI I •
Purker Jo* Walley 10 .11 1» 4s w>
Washington A Meals 48 ()0 ail HO 100 0 4-V. .
Butler horo I S Jaek Ii» •• •• • j I •»»
Centreyllle 1*>r0..... F Forrester -141 1~ < o » l
Falrvlew boro M Cilbson Io 24 'j ;
Ilarmony Uiro Fred Welgle. M OJJ «H l l '
Mlllerstown I I n«»nahtie ... !.*:.« !
I'etrolla I M Frit/ .. 1h 00 IH 00
Saxonburg . •' K Muder o flo ....... ... . ■ ~ o
Adams las <>rr MWI hlt I* 'I
Allegheny las Jolley *<27 I«l 7 os|
Hurler F I> l'ean*e. Ml no .... l-i®
Buffalo lohn Harbison. . o; :*» 4.» M. |i l<
Brady F MeCurdy h» IT 12 38 00 :j1»... ..
Clinton I B Kiddle .... .'il ?.*» I «<) 27 01 1
ay KB conn to :il hi 170 0 4:,
Centre II• Smith X, :rT JO 00 144 ,H7 ..
(l«.irlle.ld K.I Kennedy *»0 Io II 40 W iH7 .'lO Z\
(lurry llugh Sproul W I*l .. II ;K"» HH ....
Conri'MjiienesMluK .. It llenry ... | A Jl 07 04 J« <io
i uncord . itobert Adams I.'i -0 1 .r. 07 II s| .......
Houeiral Frank Waltman. 17 > 47
i rank In A M Me<'andlens '»;» 7.» 'Z\ 07 I .17 H 00j I o;»
Falrvlew . J J Campbell .... W :io 4H ;CI :! < IN O ::O 14 7i
JefTerson Wlf Uralie **l > C. 00 Is| II HI;
Jaekson lAHMlekley. » ;il 10 M HH Vg
l.ancaster S Hartley .»0
Marlon I Jo* Vandyke . .... MUO •> W 210 1.'./Zi
Mercer II J Brown 2H IK, \U 7, 127 jl
Muddycreek 'Grant Jone* •!■"» 07 .'il l.» 107 \i »
Middlesex K O Thompson. 2T, 40 00s .».'» IllHi
(Oakland I'eter Whltmln? . I i o:» 'i .»ii 70*
Barker Jos Walley. lIMO I.', 2T» 2Z>
Summit. IW llalduuf 7.175 0100 :i 4i h flfl;
(>(>«-ryrock WII Bovard... 10 I* *'4 7u I .11 II 17:
Venango .. 1 11 l» Stalker 7s \t* io oo 15 no .Vi 40
Washington . A Meals ... •"* o« 4s > 202 7 OH,
Winfield .1 M Cnilkshank. I H -»o 11 04 r » ••r
Worth Wll I'lsor 42 Ji.» :> 0* I :,7 l:J Wi'
Butler boro IS Jack m M 107 71 ft 60 40 Hi 12 HI
c. ntrevllie. jF l«'orre*ter 22 0.» ... . . I 57| 20 4w
<'nntio<|iienctttt!ug I M Kose 0 '»• 020 C» |
Kvans City <»eo Kipper Hi Hi 10 2.' M -JO
Falrvlew K J Met aruey II 2-'» 070 71 <.» —.
Harmony Fred Welgle 41 Hi— 41 1°
llarrlsvllle los F Few . 2 7ft .1 00 10 70 <* ....
K arus City..,. K H
Mlllerstown... J Honaliue 7o ri 74 71 Ift U.V
\iiirn tieo B Stewart... 00 -14 II I s,{ ;i i.» ... .. ....
I'rosnect F. I- Newman •*» 07 Ii '.w. 151 I fto
i'et rolla . y M Frit/. 0 04 0 oi
I'ortersvllle ;.\ Henshaw 4 :.'4 4 o.{ :il ...
Saxonburg J K Muder I*j M 4ft 15 .'MI, .1 04
Sunbury I' I' Brown 0 7T» 4:> :rj :5 yr»|
Valencia W II Smith '» j f 2li 5 30
Zelienople Wm Allen » 40| 14 6»j m\ 11 03| |
Total .. I '|0077 so'ttal* M|M If HlO 54 1 ».V<o «! «1 3«'flo 29
DISTRICT. 3. , ' f S . g-g- J | j c.| j| T | | !
S Is !i f ;! ■ n ii j 5i !? !| j .
C 2 s s " s 3: <; oo eft < S
• x 5g si f V s I'T s ;®
Bradv .... $8 W* ">1 * :*;*>s ? :{ ISI * * 105# $ 1 (W't $ 130$ $ ISO
Forward . ... »52 IT 70 14 29 31 99 T6 ?(» 1 IN) 150 250
Jefferson <> 21 278 4 7»i 754 109 239 348 43 03 46
Fairview borough 20 75 75 352 3 .»"2 47. 477
Lancaster 282 211 211 70 70
Mil lerstown borough. . 628 26 . 3 4 .43 <4-! 10 .lit 10 39
Middlesex 1 234 275 275 27 27 207 (iit 276
Muddvcreek *... 131 761 164 925 158 158 313 s<t 372 1
p enn " 21 77 19 44 19 44 26 67 26 67 11 42 11 42
Prospect borough 726 406 7 <>4 11 1» 181 08 IS9 4j 94 139
i * 49 62 35 39 35 39 62 05 59" 39 266 31 75 10 80 20 95
Snnbux> borough 2 64 2 64 _.
I Harrisville borough 70 1 75 1 .5 ,0 .0 1 •>- ' 1 52
Slipperyrock 10 76 158 10 45 12 03 419 ?41 660 SI 862 180 2 156
i Butler borough 502 328 13 22 10 50 600 303 14 73 966 780 Tii 395 471
I Concord 19 35 660 23 23 28 83 632 632 366 13 99 17 65
Allegheny 61 39 248 64 59 67 07 815 63 64 10 -,> 161 58 715 14 51 21 26 40
Washington" 770 652 652 392 392 893 893
Fairview .. ■' 10 55 347 15 09 18 56 372 787 623 536 182 860 10 42
Bnt l er " ... 42 31 33 10 26 97 613 637 21 56 19 50 843 220 38 18 . 40 38
Cherry . 1 41 81 880 48 80 880 48 *0 63 20 64 18 04 323 334 22 68 26 02
Oakland 10 27 685 685 457 457 457 457
Donegal ! 12 31 5 '.6 10 41 16 17 29 13 68 13 97 10 65 10 94 10 65! 10 94
Ontn* 486 144 249 393 48 170 218 159 159
Clearfield 69 41 73 14 73 14 80 01 80 01 1 5., 15 88 10 01 749
4.dams : 12 07 12 07 ' 264 264 188 188
Franklin 16 41 507 894 14 01 634 998 16 32 380 596 976
Parker ' 35 46 11 90 102 83 48 01 66 72 560 35 83 20 15 21 2s 22 39 761 14 78
Marion 58 43 598 62 39 6s 37 73 00 49 63 94 75 27 88 711 40 95 10 59 37 47
Winfield ... 45 38 90 35 30 36 20 405 65 76 124 76 1 60 20 16 20 76
Venango' 28 75 27 18 j27 18 33 89 33 89 50 18 70 19 20
Conuoquenessing. .. 15 00 799 16 18 951 14 66 264 189 308 145 163 189 352
Jackson 26 46 28 34 24 80 354 517 424 93 269 658 927
Evans Citv borough 20 78, 78, 40 4t>
day 42 28 14 97 43 22 14 97 43 22 292 30 47 33 39 479 18 05 17 84
Worth.!.. 450 j j 450 , • 307 ' 307
Total $074 91 #1:14 20 *750 89 *291 68 *593 41 $134 05 *775 47 *421 47*341 00*72 11 *335 831*120 50*287 44
i O ? 90 ; *d H I !
0 £. o 5 o -» 1 n o 1
S 5 ~ B ? -d*j9
2. c r" ~
DISTRICTS. R : : . 8 * I " - =
*•*•j OB * ~
1 • I • » , • 2-4
Bradv * 277 * 3 3(l# 1 05* 130 * 842 * 73 * 915
Forward 952 14 29 76 150 26 07 852 28 51
I Jefferson 621 476 339 03; 13 39 186 15 25
■ Fairview boro 20 75 95| 14 1 (TO
! Lancaster 282 211 ,0, 563 79 642
- Mlllerstown boro 628 26 73 743 10 39 50 83! 4 08; 54 91
!i Middlesex I 234 275 27 69 605 48 653
r Muddycreek 1 131 1 64, 59 354 354
> Penn." 2177; 19 44 26 67: 11 42 79 30 591 85 21
' Prospect boro 726 704 08 94 15 32 174 1< 06
K Summit 49 62 35 39 62 05 31 75 178 81 15 94 194 75
Harrisville boro 70 175 70 315 44, 359
Slippery rock 10 76 10 45 241 362 27 24 66 27 IK)
Butler boro 502 13 22 14 73 395 36 92 852 45 44
Concord -19 35 23 23 632 13 99 62 89j 518 68 07
Allegheny 61 39 64 59 63 64 14 51 204 18| 15 48 219 61
Washington 770 652 392 893 27 0 , 327 30 34
Fairview 10 55 15 09 .7 87 860 42 11 266 44 77
Butler 42 31 33 10 21 56 38 18 135 15 11 99; 147 14
Cherry... 41 81 48 80 20 64 22 68 133 93 11 74 145 67
Oakland ! 10 27 685 45. 457 26 26 26 26
Donegal 12 31 10 41 13 68 10 94 47 34 37i 47 71
Centr* .... 486 249 170 159 10 64 73) 11 37
Clearfield "' 69 41' 73 14 80 01 15 98 238 54 885 247 39
Franklin 16 41 894 998 596 41 29 454 45 83
Parker 35 4C>; 102 83 35 83 22 39 196 51 21 02 217 53
Marion! 58 43 62 39 49 63 40 95 211 40 17 53 | 228 93
" Winfield 45 38' 85 30 65 76 20 16 166 60; 56 167 16
Venango!!!!'.!! 28 75 27 18 33 89 18 70 108 52 891 j 117 43
II Connoquenessing BIT 618 189 189 28 07 96, 19 03
11 Evans City boro 20 78 40 1 38 19 1 5<
C j av J . 428 43 22 30 47 13 05 129 02 14 30; 143 32
Jackson!....! !. ! I 26 46 28 84 517 678 66 75 688 74 53
Total *668 02 *743 005575 47*336 73*2333 22 *l7B
Wahken am» Dixmont Hospital Account.
k c 5*
" DIBTKICT. f 3 5 S
pi , 1 ; l =
Connoquenes'g i 7 75$ $ $ 775
CninlK-rrv ! 23 (*) WIS 89 _•>
I run kiln i 120 (*> K» 00 15130 all 50
Mars liorough ! = £ ™ •* K ''
. Jackson 12 00 12 00
Summit 205 - i ill £> ">< ->0 900
* Washington 04 75 04 74
SllppcryrOCk .. 45 7a! 145 50 t>so 184 ;■>
Butler .. ■ (W 75 hi! 00 13< 25 I*l *>o
Clinton IW7 40 H2 00 10711 40
Muddycreek... OH 75 35 75 10450.. ....
.Marlon 1 14 25 173 25 ';*! f' 190 —J
Oakland 52 U 3< 00 .>» 14 .17 I*l
Will field I«4 001 104 00
Lancaster 20 14 47 15| 20 14 4i l.>
Jefferson 14:1 :*i 58 40 143 M 58 40
' Cherry .">•'11 02 104 ail IBS 50 453 02
Kiirns City »K>r 701 714 H2 00 1 H4.( >0
Peri n . . .. 543 50 17=1 25 317 51 399 24
Forward 1:12 no 170 25 114 00 188 25
Prospect. l>oro. 10 25 85 25 10 75' K4 7.>
Ouutrevllle bor 575 ill —> 51 25 4> <5
HutlcrlH.ro.... IH2 75 115 85 4H 00 850 00
Worth 306 50 Ix 2 SO 21»7 75 »l 2»
Mercer 114 2.5 201 50, 2HH 75, 27 00
Brady 45 75. 82 50 128 25
Buffalo 43 80 43 80
- Clay 22 7.>j 01 25, 114 I*l
5 Total 154778 Q2571 11 $2954 s| s|3:.l ~
lll»l>umf mcntn for lltOO.
r, For assessing $1864 00
0 Allegheny county workhouse for
11 maintenance of prisoners 35< s4
I) For publishing auditors' report.
C F. Ilerr » la 00
I) W C Negley ""
11 Boblnson .V Shlever 100 00
I'A Itattlgan ll*)00 31.> 00
i) For bridge views—
-11 For registering births and deaths H< i>.>
n For bridge Inspection Ilg 58
11 For lH>ller-house repairs.... 4* a 0
Commissioners' counsel, i* W Lowry.. 4i*i 00
For Corn 111011 weal tit (cost) 3097 94
1') < ourt House, for file case* repairs,etc 4002 4i<
11 County detective. Jas A MrMurlln.... 1 00
11 To Court crier. It L> Hockenberry... . •W.' 00
11 County commissioners.
11 John .1 McGarvey, 307 dayjt. 11074 50
r> John W.Ulllespfe. 305 days... 1007 50
11 John A F.lchert. f>3 days... . 1057 I*l 3109 00
II Constables for quarterly returns
11 I'rotlionotary (sundry fees) =l7, so
11 i'enn's Beform School for inalnte
u nance of prisoners 1187 01
11 Penn'a Industrial Beformatory 15! t*>
li Road viewers \l\ •*>
For road damages ~>4 00
i) Register and recorder. W J Adams— 111 00
11 For refunding - 711 00
For registering voters W 00
For registering school children 800 00
Kd S Kiddle $1384 <0
Miss Ada I'lndley 155 13 1-VKJ 81
Sheriff for boarding nrlsoners.commlt
ineuts.removal of insane to asylums,
and taking prisoners to penitentiary _
anil workhouse J9J J =-'
For stationery and dockets 1118 99
For soldiers' burial. ,17.» 00
For premium and costs on fox and
mink scalps 159 ja
Commissi* r* for traveling expenses •>< r.i
Commissioners'office, transcribing <0 <*>
lor election* 471 i 90
Forcouuty general expense =£« 02
1 For Indexing 50
For Interest on temporary loans. . 004 |,
For Indigent paupers 7M; 2H
Jurors i!
For Jail repairs 18* 60
l or Jury commissioners' clerk H: -
For Janitors.
Wm Johnston ssll*l
Hugh .N organ J2O 00 u 1 00
Jury commissioners,
Cnas Keddtck $172 i«
A (» Fberhart 105 24 XlB 10
For lunacy Inquests £9 07
For livery hire I<9 &>
For temporary loans.
Hutler Savings Hank l.'X**i I*l
itutler County National Hank 10000 00
For fuel, light and beat for Co. buldg's 1014 10
For military enrollment 233 41
For printing 200 39
I'olk Hospital for maintenance of
feeble-minded 132 53
To Court auditor, Kennedy Marshall. s 2 .>0
To county auditors,
J A McOowan I'"8 IK
J W Patterson 107 40
I' II Hechler 181 92 528 Zi
Clerk of Court* W I' Turner and Kx-
Clerk Meal* for sundry fcees .... 521 ill
Commissioners' clerk,J C Klskaddon 700 I*l
County Institute, appropriation. ... 200 (*i
< I'or expressage and postage 12 oh
F. II Moyer J ,IH ""
It II llarb.Mon 04 00
John Hchaffner 58 00
(I i'l 'amplK'H 00 00
.1 Welsh 02 00
K <» l.ewls >h i*l
< llliichbcrger 58 I*l 42H 00
On unseated land tax paid to twps 833 0i
Warren llos. malntenain eof liiHanes l«4M*i
W I'cnn llos. for malnlenane of Insane ;im7 15
Wernersvllle llorpltal for mainte
nance of Insane 175 2''
Western Penitentiary for mainte
nance of prisoners 1751 '*>
For Insurance on county buildings l.»*l 2.)
|i I. Kankln. <'o. treasurer, for sale
of unseated b.lis to Co. coinrs 2.»3 Is |
For coroner's Inquests hM IK i
92903 :ia I
HtllMiMit SIIIOI Inu A mount* Ktpenilod for
Srn llrlilKm.
Pittsburg llrlilg'- Co for super
structure of I'llCMtUUt eet
Itbrldgi Butler through s.#rtr7 00
Huperstrui ture Marshall brdg.
lor ward township 1500
Superstructure Itoy bridge,
Washington town*nlp. IMi I*l
Superstructure Denny bridge oi*l <*i
Superstructure Armstrong brdg =149 c«'
Superstructure Hemphill brdic o>.l I*l (I■''• I*l
T II llerion to bal.on Hoy bridge 281 87
llarvi-y N llenon for making approach
to Boy bridge 0" •*' •
Tbsmas II llenon, bal. on masonry
contract Chestnut street bridge... =lsl <*> j
I T Heaven for Oil to Marshall bridge 75 00
I T Heaven, balance ou masonry cou
tracl Marshall brlilge lilll Is |
I H Sloan for approaches to Sealon
Mill bridge 50 on ,
Harvey N llenon In full for masonry
on liciiny lirldgc In no
Harvey N llenon In full for masonry
oil Hemphill bridge 4IH 50 >
II N llenon on acc't masoury Dudley
Furnace and Seaton Mill bridges.. . 550 l*t i
Harvey N llenon and ace" l masonry
Bruin bridge 150 I*l I
I I Heaven for freight and drayage
ou cement I* I*s |
W s McCrea for cement Ki Oil!
11 Totel amount new work 10 »
Statement or Bridirr Repiirn.
llarvev Cooper (or material and re
pairs I'll 111 ps City bridge 49 00
S M Clean for material and labor
Kramer bridge 24 4C
J K Caslulollar for material and latnir
Nancy Adams bridge 59 (»
Wm Scott for repairs Sandy Lick l.rdu 10 00
A B Shontz for material and repairs
•l'effer bridge 103 09
ITlrlch Winters for masonry and
lumber Eldcnau ••ridge so 00
.) J Shields,masonry and hauling stone 14 00
sc Moore for making approaches to
Hemphill bridge 24 25
(; M Cramer, replanklng Monroe brdg 53 Oil
I' R Double fur material und repairs
Buffalo bridge 9 30
David Oarvin,plank Browns Mill brdg 25 90
.1 .1 Shields, masonry Armstrong l.rdg so
.1 K Cashdollar for material ana labor 57 30
Z T Wlse.buldg abutments Allen brdg 77 00
A II Kennlck,material and labor Kels
ter and Ktna bridges 24 52
John llalstead. repairs to Snider brdg 17 50
II I'lltT for repairs to Wallace bridge 17 On
(Jeo Grimm, repairing!'ooperstow twig :il So
Wm Twienter.maklng 1111 to Allen brdg 12 Oo
John Loyd for material and lal«,r
Nancy Adams and Hunter bridges.. 40 92
M J llumphrey.raising aiiutments and
putting guard rails to Armstrong bg 15 09
T A Mines, Blank and labor ('roll brdg 14 12
S W (ilenn for material and repairs to
Muddycreek and Bonnie Brook iidgs 17 75
K K Johnson, repairs Coal run bridge :t5 HO
A I. Boggs for stone and hauling Wolf
run bridge .'lO 00
11 l'ulmmaterial imp labor Renfrew bg II 00
A B Shontz for closing Zl'egle bridge
and opening fording 1(150
F. 8 Milligan for material and labor
Burgoyne und Brady bridges 15 4.1
E It Boyer for material and labor
Raiser and Yellow Creek bridges.. 2(1 50
TA 11 lues, lumber West Liberty brdg 19 05
R R MclJarvy for material and labor
Cranberry bridge 29 37
Henry Walil for tilling approaches to
Marshall bridge 50 00
T1 N lleanou for Oiling old ehannel of
creek Roy bridge X. 00
Geo Kline for material and lalior My
oma bridge 12 10
Buckley & Stubs for lumber Donley
Station bridge 50 70
( has Mangel for material and labor
Wln fleia K urn ace bridffe io s2
R J Milliard, material and labor Don
ley Station and llarpcr Mill bridges 24 75
M Metier for materlai and iai»,r swam
bridge 58 06
8 W (ilenn for material and labor Jack
bridge 54 00
John Stein for material and lul>or
(•allasber I,ridge 12 21
Harris I'utt' for material and labor
Kenfrow bridge II oo
S W (ilenn for repairs Harding bridge 70 00
T M (iilisiiu r>,r material and la!*,r
Thorn Creek bridge . .. 28 00
T M t;ll,son for material and lalHir
Bulford bridge 55 50
V !•' Kelley fur material and labor
Dudley I'urna.o bridge 45 00
Itobert McOarvy for fiuullng stone
and opening creek Armstrong l.rdg 10 oo
Ivi>l»■ rt McOarvcy for making 111 lto
Seat on Mill bridge 30 00
I'eter Nlgli for material and labor
Bonnie Brook creek 27 on
(' 11 ott'utl for lumber Wlmerton brdg 2M 10
Kay lor Bros, for material and lalior
Mlllerstown bridge 39 2H
C I' Smith for material and repairs
Sarvers Station bridge. 32 00
For small repairs to sundry bridges 13s 05
I'or frt and cement used at different
bridges 18 09
For cleaning bridges 8 50
$1935 19
A m't paid for costs In eonstalile's re
turn of Jaekson and Hemphill lirdgs,
Wm Allison $4 90
Alex Brewster 4 9"
Alex I'ollo.'!, 10 90
J D Smith 4 00
Issue Meals 4 08
Jas M Mct'uliough 745 37 43
11972 <l2
H. 1,. It UIIK 1 11 . Tri'uurer.
To balance in treasury Jan- on. cn.
uary 1, 1900 $ 3955 15
To tax from 1»99 and pre 13503 Ml
To tax from 1900 .. . . tmSU 27
To ain't from unseated land 2503 (Kl
To ain't from tp Insane acc't 2954 si
To ain't from protlionotyry 00 00
Toam I from clerk of counts 95 I:
To ain't from sherltT 2> 92
To amount from Justices of
peace I- 00
To ain't from lienor licenses 450 00
To ain't from temp'rv loan 2,V««i no
To ain't from com'nwea-th 099 II
To aui't from detective. . 25 00
To ain't from state tux re
funded 119311 (is
To am't from surplus dog
lax 217 49
By vouchers paid on cur
rent expenses 07009 0.,
By vouchers paid on tem
porary loan 25000 00
By vouchers paid on un
seated land *39 «
By treasurer's 3 per cent on
tlrsr i 50,000 IW) oo
By I per cent on
fl:.iKlti 85 420 70
By slate lax sent state
treasurer for lirno 1590(1 ,s
By treasurer's I percent on
110087 45 100 *l7
I By cash set aside for slnk
j trig funds 30*2 -19
: By balance In treasury .liin
; uary I, 1901 73111 05
|l2l'.a« 91 *I2I«M 91
tl 1.. Hsakln In irrmint nltli Butler Ciiuntjr
Kinking Kuiiil.
To am't received from sinking on. Clt.
fund levy on taxes of IH'.IS. ~ ;ts
To am't lved from sinking
fund levy on taxes of 1599 . 048 19
To am't received from sinking
fund low on taxes of 19"' 1M49 Kl
To balance in treasury from
January I, 1900 I.KI 38
By \oucbers on eoniMiiis OiW (Kl
By Bonds Nos I mil 1 redin'd 2(K«i no
i By I reiisu r*T's I pi*r ft on f.'itKi .11 -m
jty ha! In treasury Jan I. 1900. 1014 2S
fni7ll 58 $3070 58
II I. ltankln la irrnunt nltli llutlrr C'oMßty
r«or llUtrlrt Sinking fa ml.
To ain't In treasury January. mi. ctt.
] j, wo 2:KKI 1«
To ai'erued Interest on boi'd
I Issues (Series 3) I:i7 ni
I To am't reei-lved from sinking
fund levy on < o tax of 1*99 018 29
' To am't ree'd from sinkbig
fund levy on |,.H,r tax of t'.mn 0702 78
. |iy vouchers redeemed ,»l.t'»
|{y treasurer's I per cent on
1 0 .l.i*. 35 51 ,0
'Hv tialaiiee In treasurer s
| hands January 1, 1901 4(12. .8
I |9855 70 f9S« %
I) I. Itmnkin in Account with Doe Tax.
To tax received from ls<l9 and nit. CH.
previous iitfs S4
To tax received from I9i*> 1 .vi 7 si
To reserve fund 300 00
By warrants sheep damage .. 2215 !U
By treasurer's ."> per cent on
fKBm ui so
By bal turned over to county. 217 til
By treasurer's ."> per cent on
ta* "• n 43
By dog reserve —: 200 no
tir.Tß 68 52776 li«
I) I. K■■ kiii in Account tilth Butler County
Poor lllstrlrt.
Amount ree'd from ex-
Treasurer Harper 17953 35
To amount from bond Issue
(Series No 2) 313(10 00
To am't from pi NIT tax of 1900 1*034 12
To temporary loan of 1000... 11000 110
By vouchers redeemed 66641 75
It V treasurer's 1 *-* per cent
first S3OOOO 300 00
By treasurer's percent on
oalance 233 21
By balance in treasury Jan
uary I. 1801 14312 i"i
$81487 «7 #81487 67
l.Uliilitirk of llullrr County.
Due Co. bonds outstanding $lO 000 00
Due Nelson & Buchannan for super
structure of Amberson bridge,for
ward twp 2 Ktj 00
Due Nelson >v Buchannan for super
structure of Dudley Furnace br'g,
I'arker two U2I 00
Due Nelson A Buchannan for super
structure of Seaton Mill bridge,
Marlon twp lis 00
Due II N Scalon.hal on lirg masonry MS M
Due .) A McMarlin, Co detective... 00 00
Due Johnston ft Watson. liooks and
stationery 91 25
Due Wm ti Johnston,liooks A stat'ry 3NO 30
Due Warren Hospital for iiisane(bal) 4eti 50
Due West I'enn llos'l for lusane(bal) T7:i s<i
Due Wernervillo llos for Inaane(baj) 05 43
Due Western Penitentiary, mainte
nance of prisoners for year !!*■<> 1 727 44
Due J M Painter District Attorney. 119 oo
Duo But ler Light, Ileal and Motor
Co, light service Dec lUOn IIS 16
Due T K Iloon, boarding prisoner!. 729 15
Due W S Mc;'rca& Co. cement for
bridge masonry S5 OS
Due state for slate tax on Co bonds. 71 10
Due sundry bills unpaid 315 90
Due Polk Inst'u'e for feeble minded 313 30
25 573 03
Aft«rt* of duller County
Cash In treasury Jan 1, 1901 $ 7 143 50
Amt dog t»x turned over for 1900 217 4!i
Due from Col's for IslHl and previous 3 120 47
Due " " 1900 23 4t«i tt
Due " twps, maintenance insane. 4 :tii4 95
Due from officers and attorneys for
jury fees and tines 121 00
38 409 13
Assets in excess of liabilities 12 KHS 10
We. the auditors of Butler county. State of
Pennsylvania.having met at the Court House
In the Borough of Butler, Pa., on the 7th day
of Jan. A. 11. 1901, being the llrst Monday, ac
cording to ail Act o> Assen lily .and having ex
amined the several accounts of the county,
do ceitify that the fun going is a correct
statement of said accounts according to tin
best of our knowledge anil belief.
In witness whereof, we have set our hands
and seals this 12th day of March. I'JOl.
P. 11. SKCHLKB. Iseall
J. A. McOOWAN, [seal]
Expenditures of liutler Comity
Poor District.
Goo Schcnck.bal cm building
contract and extras s3l 768 4f>
McGlnuls, SuittKi A Co, heat
ing contract and extras.... 14 321 00
FJ Huff, bal on plumbing
coritract and extras....— 3 541 so
Owsley St Boucherle, bal on
architect's 5 per cent con
tract and extras 1 910 00
Cooper Bros,on acct barn con S2OOO 00
Superstructure hew pen.. 363 (>0 2 .'lOl 00
F J Winter masonry for barn DOf 00
Masonry for IIOJC pen 10* 75 70:.' 75
Youngstown Klectrlc Lt Co
bal for wiring hldg&extras 1 7TiO 44
W C N off ley, printing 400
c E llerr, printing lit SO
Robinson A: Shlovor.prlntlnff 12 75
I* A Kattlffon, Printing 0 (, 0 30 25
K Evans.pipe cuttlnir. plugs 40 53
Niggle Kros, grain drill, half
bushel measure, etc 02 00
i One gallon oil and can.... 75
| 35 pds wire and one maul • 24S
\V heel barrows, niattockn,
grind stone, shovels, etc.. 43 70 10s 90
J(i \ \V Camplioll, casing,
i chain, grah hooks, etc 27 SO
i Evans-Templet on ('o, one
j engine. conneetlons. »«*c.. 200 00
1 Geo IHmlliiffor one olow— II (Hi
Jack son& iM 1 tchtH 1.1 cornd rl»I 14 oo
One weedor 0 50
Hand saws. forks,squaro,etc 10 115 3ft
Wei he Gibson for shovels
and scythe -
S li Martlncourt Co. for
one waff on <»4 00
To bill merchandise 0 *5 73 S5
Co-Operative Supply Co. for
one farm waxon 2s 62
Home Natural Gas Company
for ffas fittings. pipe and
coiinectiuffs 13 01
034,000 feet of ffas 10
Two ffas motors. 32 00
Gas service for Mar to Dec 168 K M 0#
Hut ler Light, Heat & Motor
Co, light service Nov 15 05
It M McCall for scooping
barn fOQOdftllon '• JjJ
HHhauoii.grading around bis 7s oo
G O Graham. 58 aays labor vVflB
Jno Lilt/,I day BOWIOg Ofttl I fit
.1 Ii llawn for cutting oats II 2u
Win Garwlg.sleiUVcoru mark 10 XI
Wm Montag.t hn-sldnff oats. .VJ
Mrs Wilson, r«*nl of »lnbln.. ~ 0>»
Jos Graham, travelinff exp's 17 40
Co 4'ours.travellfiff expenses 04 07
Paid .1.1 M« (iarv« y 10 311
I'ald J W Glllosple 25 S4
('aid J A Klchert 12 112 51
For livery 111 re. Wise <& Heed 4 <k»
W J tirubbs, • -I 7 00
Geo Ketteror for 120 Iron
beds and springs 720 oo
2 iron beds for atlml'n nldff.. is 00
•• •» •• .. 12 00
2 bod-room suits, adml'n bid (is 00
o sprlnffs.O mattresses " 52 50
I'ortiers for
'/, dozen chairs for •' «1
;j wash stands for
0 pair pillows for ** IH on lino ,i 0
H.I Kllnffler. clover seed, etc 12 70
Jos Graham, seed corn, etc.. 3 4s
.lacob iloos for supplies 0w
Allegheny Fertilizer Co, for
fertilizer .16 00
W c Douglass, 1 set team
harness*. m 42 oo
For feed, Geo Walter Sl Sons 2H 20
W S McCrea Co i*.'» as I2ii :»s
For s«*od, .i C Kelly I
Wm Fletcher »
Wm Wachsmbb »1 oo 31 (L
A Troutman Si Hons,l<w win
ilow shades... l."J<io
37 steps of rublier A nosings 20 3.>
so yards linoleum JW 00
3s *• -*2 J5
4S yards oil cloth ."'V,
so 5-0 yards linoleum 40 ii
0s yards Inlaid MS
120 yards towllug 12 00
Vests, spools, wadding, etc. II 31 354 21
II A McSaniee, 120 mattress
es, ticks, pillow cases 110 20
Jennie K Zimmerman, 12ik'»
yards sheeting 14s 20
ISO dozen pillow cases 24 00
MI pairs blankets 14< 00 310 20
I'or ranges, weldon Kelly 314 oo
Deuiler llros N) w * K '4 (k»
Car! II Weightier. 4 clocks . K K'»
T A Morrison,l2oo lbs bread. <«{ ox
('onnell Grout, hardware. 12 71
For vinegar barrels...
A K Myers for groceries o oo
r o tJraham, 3100 lbs hay.... 21 »•»
I''or iii<-at .. •• ••••...... •..• •...
Win ."Melier! for shoeing, etc
.lolinsum A wutNMti,warrants ■> ■*>
llenry Miller,stoneware anil t
Knr lirleU and tile
Fur freight " lu
Hired help.Lucy Hurky.eook 100 no
Motile Kngllsh I' J®
Mollie Graham M
Kate Hartley « f»
ICa. hel Me« 'rai'keii '-J "
Cora M' < 'riwrken 1
A lieu smith "''"l
Kate I)etrlck. v fj
'l h) r'a" Par!! s w or 11 "on .VI
People's Telephone (4
Kdw Hamhaeln r. I:.' tables MOO
1 ive tallies 90 uu ™
CamplK.'U A Templeton, U.i
d<>/. ilialrs. |« iH-r 00*...... I«W
KHjydseartM't, iw<" per yd... <■'
4ir ,yils i-arpi i. fl per yd .... Pi .HI
is chairs at ™ JjjJ
One clD.k «>i on
line I aide I ■ '<•
In do/ knlvi- • and l«»rks 10 tlO
'Si' .yds carpet at ftV.i. 14 til
aiu •• •• •• 1700
M *0
Htauds, r»M-kers, dlslies,
sjHK>ns, etc 104 <a «I 8 JU
Outside support.Miiry Davis IS 50
MrsWml'arten 5 00 1150
Medical Service. J E Myers,
outside home 20 00
j w tints-.tnan 31 On
I.eon V tirove 50 mi
K .1 McMichael 4 (*i 94 on
(" N Boyd for medicines 21 45
Typewrit inc. etc. Jas liodds 12 75
Rernice Meals 1 50
I. I Brush 4 00 18 35
W i' Koessing for caskets 32 50
Downey Pump Co. for steam
pump and nxtures T73 22
I'orcows. M Miller 50 00
T 1. Hasvlton 40 00
A Barn hart 30 00
J I'owell :il 60
\V 1 Wlble 40 3!! 191 ft)
I or pitfs. \\ F Huselton 2S 00
Wm li DeArme for jars.
combs, towel, rollers, etc.. 8 99
Butler Nat Bant.lnterest 011
temporary loan 15 28
t'KL McQulstioa for service
es civil engineer 162 50
R K Wctiowan for plans and
specifications county barn 16 50
tor Justice fees G 00
I'ittsburn Bridge Co.. tower
and tank 1985 00
Jos Graham, salary us sup't IS3 33
Howard Graham 011 account
salary as farmer 210 (0
.1 A McCleillifcteam of horses 335 10
J I' Ktskaddon for removal of
paupers and tail road fares 10 15
Groceries, Keny & t-haw ... 125 <):(
lot witness ?• es I 12
I. Stein for blankets 6" 50
jas Patterson.temp'ry relief 14 CO
s .» .McMarlln, salary as en
gineer 117 50
For Insurance. Ahrams &
Dale 011 SIO.OOO 107 50
Vbrains A Dale, bl old policy :sl 25
Hatlett A Mct'ol 281 25
Theodore Vojreiey... .\ 93 74
Wm H Miller 501 CO 11C4 74
For manure, 4s loads 20 CO
W B McGraney. scooping.... 31 75
Stiom 75
Liabilities of Ilutlrr County Poor Hist Irt.
I >ue on Ihiikls outstanding Jan 1.1901 $1275(0 00
Due Butler Light, Heat and Motor Co
electric light service for Dec. 1900. 21 09
.1 G <& W Campbell for supplies 74 49
Burry & Market. supplies 23 Ki
Thos A Morrison for bread supplies,
December, WOO ;i0 fii)
John C plght. agent, for insurance.. 187 50
Home Natural Gas Co., fuel service
for December, 1900 Iflti ;o
C B McMillan for supplies s 73
Butler Light. Heat A Motor Co. on
contract for gas & electric fixtures 377 85
Butier Light. Heat & Motor Co. for
electric met er.electrlc switches,etc 47 10
\V S McCrea Ac Co for grass seed, etc 13 is
Philip Weisner ft Son, blacksmith.. 10 10
I lout liett & Graham, clothing furn
■ Ishedfor use of homo 409 20
State for tax on poor district Itonds. 454 G3
Mount & Co. for printlnglionds 25 00
cnas Duffy for supplies furnished.. C.4 10
C N Boyd Jor mOtiicine furnished... 14 15
A M Nevman, home physician 95 00
S .1 McMarlih. balance as engineer.. 75 CO
S G Purvis & Co for lumlier 24 to
josGrabam on salary as sup't . 11)1 <i7
Mrs Jos Graham on salary as matron 2£> 00
Howard Graham on salary as farmer 40 00
(110518 60
Amets Itnth-rl'o i'onr District.
<'ash In hands of treas. jail. 1, 1001 $I4;(12 71
Taxes uncollected on dnpllcateof 1900 KlOtiO 5-1
©2717*1 25
Liabilities over assets Slii'UCi 35
We, the auditors of Butler county, state of
Pennsylvania, having met in the Court
House in the Borough of Butler, on the 7th
day of January. A. I). otic thousand nine
hundred and one, !>cing the Ist Monday of
January, according to an Act of Assembly,
we have examined the several accounts of
the Butlercounty poor district and do certify
that the foregoing is a correct statement ac
cording to the best of our knowledge and be
1 In witness whereof, we have set our hands
and scal'this day of March, 1901.
We, the undersigned comtnlssoners of But
-1 ler county, and In charge of the Butler 00.
1 poor diserict. do certify that the above is a
; Just and correct statement of the receipts
and expenditures of Butler county and of
j Butler county poor district, for the year end-
I ing January I, 1901.
, In testimony whereof, we bare set our
• bands and seals this day of March. 1901.
' 'l' -I. .1/ .!/ wl/ ■ ■■. "J -I' O ... .<■ .1. v- .1. 'l' .1# ■■
»T> * 7T* «7* »** *»» 1* «r»
I I Cleveland Berea Grit 1
5 Suitable f. >r Building !c
j * Ornamental am!
f * Paving purpeses
I This Stone is guaranteed i
: I not to shell off, nor *
. I become rotten.
t Prices reasonab'e
I k Work done well &
j 4j- and promptly.
f Store yards oti JF
East E'nahtrrtt.
* Residence: on
X Moilnri a' em:e.
3 I Peo;>! 's ' 'clcpliot e If
• <
( 416 W. Jefferson St.,
) Full Ivine of Foreign and
> Domestic Suitings.
• Good Fit and Workmanships
k Guaranteed. 7
The people to kuow that tlsc Findley
Studio U making a specialt\ of copying
and enlarging Crayons and \uiter colors
for tlic Holliday trade will receive
prompt attention. Doti't give your
pictures to agmts and lake chances of
loosing them; have it dono at home and
if it isnotr ight we nrc here to make it
right. I.atest dtrignsof frames in sfnek.
See our Cabinet Photos before ordering
Branches—Mars and Evans City.
Telephone 236.
P. O. H'd'g' Butler.
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House Butler. Penn'a
The best of horses aod firm class rt|tn m
wavs on hand and for litre.
I lest accommodation* In town for pertna
neat boarding and trunsleot trade. Speci
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
HA good class of horses, both drivers ami
draft hor.es always on hand and for sale
under a full Kiiarantoe; and horses bought
l pon proper notification by
<iJot)h<»ne. No. 21P.
~aTm berkimer,
Funeral Director.
245 S. Main St. Butler. PA