THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, APSIL 11, 1901. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advcitis rs intending to make ccan« s In tlit-ir aU>. should notify us of their Intention 10 * t 1 t*r 'ban Mon day inornlnr. Notice in Bankruptcy, estate of Alvin Carjt hers. Administrator's notice, estate of Ro bert A. Brown. Davis' Pianos. Leiiihner s glasses. Stein s dress goods. C. Sc T's B ; d Room Suit*. Patterson Bros Wall Paper. Teachers' Examinations. Aiwlnisiiand Executors >ale, Manager of the Plate Glass Works, Rets a thousand a month or $12,000 a year, and they say he is worth it. —This continued cool weather re minds one of the first part of April of 1881—twenty years ago—when there was a foot of snow on the ground for the first few days, and a few flays after we were all making garden. —Some of the paper money now in circulation is bo dirty and stinky as to be offensive and disgusting. Our bank ers owe it to the public to return snch to the government for redemption and destruction; and people should be more careful. Paper money can be kept clean in your pocket by avoiding paper purse. —A number of nearby excharges are urging all who have not Wen vaccinat ed to do so at once, as smallpox is slow ly bnt surely spreading in several sec tions of the country. If you have not been successfully vaccinated it would do no harm to have the matter attended to. —A Northerner who recently visited Western Florida reports that the ne groes of that section of the state are unanimous in their opposition- to its proposed annexation to Alabama. They say that they do not like the climate of Alabama, which they believe to be tin heathful. —On Thursday of next week—the 16th—the ladies cf the Hospital Society will take complete charge of Charley Oliver's confectionary store, aud sell everything for the benefit of the Hospi tal. An abundance of ice-cream, cake and frnit will be provided, and tbe la dies hope to make some greatly needed money for the Hospital. A sub-committee of the House Com mittee on Appropriations visited Butler a few evenings ago. and inspected our Hospital, and expressed satisfaction re garding it. Onr Hospital is a credit to the town and county; it is well manag ed and is doing good work, and is as much entitled to State aid as any other. It is several thousand dollars in debt, and needs all of the $13,000 asked for. —The berrits which poisoned the three Sharpejyille bovs have been deter mined by a Philadelphia botanist to be tbe moon seed, a species of ivy. "The plant is the moon sded appropriately so-called from the form of the seed within tbe pulp and botanically, men ispermnm canadence. It is very closely related to the well known poisonous drusf, coccnlns indlent, of the pharma cists. The action of the poison is said to tie similar and almost the same as strychnine, which accords with what you report of the case. As yoo report, the vire is of slender growth, reaching ing the beigth of about ten feet in the season. The leaves resemble somewhat in form those of the English iyy, but are much smaller. In tho fall and win ter there is nothing to l>e seen but the cluster of shining black berries, resern bling the 'frost grape,'and children may readily believe they are gathering and eating grapes. Fortunately the plant is not very common." —"So they sent your poem back,' said the sympathizing friend, "It's too bad "That's what the editor said." The fall term of school at the Hutlcr Business College opens Monday, Sept. a, 1901. Send for catalogue ami circulars. Butler Husjnhss Com.kck. Yon can buy tbe same een torn down; he had a large sign up over the shop which read, "J. J. Sedgwick, Sad dler," and we remember hearing the school boys, as they came down North St. from the old school house, which stood on the site of the M. E. chnrch, yelling a transposition of the sign Saddler, Sedgwick, J. J. The Sedgwick family all died of con sumption. and the property passed to his grandchildren children of Rev. Barnes, some of whom may be yet liv ing. Mrs. Niblock sold her property on McKean St. to Gebhart Wagner and bought tbe part next to Dr. Neyman, and she and her daughter lived therefor some years, ami then the entire proper ty was secured by Mr. Duffy, who is now tearing part of it away'u order to erect a modern building. Letter to Kciii|>& Klein. Butler Pa. Dear Sir: Postmaster Noyes, of Gard iner, Maine, says the Evans House there, was painted with Devoe in 'w>, and again|in 'O4 twelve years and the paint was sound, though "of course the color had faded. R. W. Haines, Hotel Coburn, Slcow liegan, Maine, uses lead and oil, and lias painted forir times in eleven years. Both hotels have been well cared for, the costs are as five to one. We say generally the costs are as two to one that's enough. Yours truly. : 'l F. W Df.vnt: & Co. P. S.—Patterson Bros, sell our paint in your section. Brown & Co. have just made a new selection of fine Tickings for Mat tresses. The best Cotton Top Mat tresses on the market for #B. See our Hair lined Cotton Felt Mattresses or our Jumbo. Nothing made like them. Ladies Fine Tailor-made Suits to order. Goods also sold l>y the yard at Cooper's, Practical Tailor, Cor. Diamond. WANTED Boy fifteen or sixteen. Wanted to work on farm near Porters ville. Apply to or address Box H8 Portersville, Pa. LEGAL NEWS. BESSEMER & LAKE EKII: RAILROAD 00. | A lease was recorded Monday morn ing by which the Pittsburg. Bessemer ■ Lake Erie R R Co. leased its line to , the Bessemer per cent dividends on tbe preferred and ■i per cent on the common sto-.-k of the P. B. &: L. E. The Carnegie Co. which is the sole stockholder in the B. A: L. E. Co guarantees the prompt payment of the rentals. 'new suits. Hannah Eertha Warmer of Jefferson twp. vs George B. Wagner, petition for divorce The petition states that the i parties were married in 1 >•<>!» and that in ; l- s *9 Wagner deserted his wife. " Panl Cronenwett vs Nicholas Shaffer, i bill in equity asking the Court to enjoin i Shaffer from evicting Cronenwett from a house at 42'J Franklin St.. in which ; Cronenwett was Shaffer's tenant. The j property was recently sold to Miss Mary I Sullivan and the plf. refused to leave it. i claiming the lease was renewed for the j present year. Shaffer proceeded against j him by landlord's warrant before Esq ! Gilgbrist and Cronenwett then went in j to Court for the injunction,avering that j his children were sick and could not be j moved. Later the case was settled and j withdrawn. ; C R. Tumi son vs B. R. &P. Ry. Co . ' appeal by deft from judgment rendered i by C. E. Anderson for $79.50. NOTE-'. W. A. R. Page, made complaint against Daniel McDeavitt, John George andO. W. Dnnkle for assault and bat tery before Esq. Hnselton of Millers town. The first two named were re leased and Dnnkle was held in *'3')o bail for Court. W. J. Jones has been appointed Judge of Elections for Muddy-reek twp. vice J. V. McClymonds, deseased Nicholas Moravic, the Croatian who killed Geo. Trimbur, was sent to the pen. for five years Jndgefl Stowe and Marshall of Alle gheny county granted 3-">G wholesale, brewers and bottlers licenses. Mcndav; am} one distillers license. C. R. Eckuian and James Whitey) Dunn, were put in the lockup. Thursday night, ou charges of Ijeing drunk and disorderly Friday morning they were to have a hearing bsfore Burgess M<- Nair. and Policemen Ray and Graff went to the lockup to take theni before the Bnrgess just in time to catch one of the prisoners out on top of the roof and the other coming out through a hole they had made during the flight. Both were safely corailed however and each fined S2O and cost.-, it, default of which they were sent to jail for :«) days. Letters of adm'n on tho estate of Pliilip B. Porter <>f Clay twp .have been granted to W. D. Porter: also ori the estate of Sylvester Griffin of Dtiiegii twp. to Stephen F. Griffin. Judge E. H. St., we of*Alle~lieny Co.. confirmed the granting of a retail liquor licence to Frank Kiliian, of Hoinewond avenue, by an opinion filed, Tuesday. Kiliian was at first refused a license bnt a few d*ys latter the c inrt granted it npon reconsideration. A petition to revoke the license was presented on be half of tho Peoples National bank, which adjoins the saloon property. I a his opinion, Judge Stowe says: '"After the application in this casa was heard we gave it special and careful considera tion, with some doubts as to the pro priety of granting it because of its close proximity to a National bank, bnt final ly came to the roiiflusion that as the law of this State make the sale of liquors by retuil a perfectly legitimate business and imposed stringent regulations in re gard to the manner in which it should be conducted, which if complied with, would altogether prevent any unusual annoyance or danger to other business carried on upon adjoining properties, we could not, as a matter of justice, r» fus ; a license to an applicant who, in onr opinion, was under the law, as we understand it, entitled to have one, simply because the place or business, ii: illegally conducted, might possibly be come objectionable or even,dangerous." PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Frank Morris to B F. Mm son lot in Franklin for £IIOO J. S. Miller to W. W. Kapp ft acres in Allegheny for $97.50. W. J. Ehmer to It. N. Bnrckhalter lot in Butler for $I0;.">. H. A. Critciilow to Job. W. Cappeau ft acres in Forward for £»00. John A. McGraw. receiver, to Max Drey of New York, oil and gas proper-' ties in Buffalo township and in Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia for $271,H00. John West to Mary Collins lot in But ler for S7OO. A. F. Ziegler to Jeanette Eppinger lot in Zelienople for $1075. North Washington Institute to Dr. O. Pisor lot for $35. ' Jas Milford to G. H. Rea 100 acres in Marion for S7OO. Emily Crawford Stephenson to Flor ence Stephenson fl'J acres in Summit for $«.->o. Philip Snider to James K. and Wm. D. Snider MO acres in Clinton for $lO. Wm, J. Wright to Mary L. McNally lot in Zelienople for %1. I. E. Martin to W. J. Breaden bill of sale for per-onal property for SI2OO. Jas. W. Ekas to S. M. Wright lot in Butler twp. for $131)0 Christian Halstein to Jacob Ualstein h:{ acres in Clay for SI2OO. E. 11. Adams, guardian, to Sarah Brown 50 acres in Slippery rock for S4OO. Thomas K. Hoon to Matthew Brown 125 acres in Washington for SIOO. Samuel Stewart heirs to Peter S. Barnhart 21 acres in Donegal for £170.0-5. Same to Jacob Bish Ml acres in Done gal for ST)2O. tt~>. Henry Neigh to Anna C. Nen W acres in Summit for SKOOO. Margaret Reott, adm'r of Francis Reott to John lierglieiider 51 acres in Summit for sl*oo. Jenny G Crawford to May L. Walker 112 aeres 'in three tracts; in Allegheny twp. for sl. Edward D. How ells and John K. Glncken to Annie E. Cray and G F. Barrett acres in Middlesex for sl. Geo. I tit to Mary C. Jenkins lot in Evans City for Mary C. Jenkins to Phil, and John L. Nicklas lot in Evans City for T. C. Kennedy to Ella Gilieland lot in Mars for s4. Carriage LU-ciisch. Curtis E. Ca rot hers Sharon, Pa Rachel Hall man Bntler O. O* Dershimer Buttercup Xelia Shakely Renfrew Frederick Weekerly Saxonburg Louisa Sames " Charles Kelly Uovard Ida Billmgnly Bntler Edwin T. Walker .. Sonora Mary McKane Pittsburg Charles H. Brown Pittsburg Katie A. Shoutz Harmony Jonathan Halversta Night. Tiie young people of the German Lutheran church will entertain tbe nun of Butler and their friends, this Thurs day evening at 7'i<) o'clock, in tion hall. A fine program has been ar ranged. A large crowd is expected. Come early. Varnish Makes Devoe's Varnish Floor Paint, cost lie more a quart: makes it lo< k brighter and wear fully twice as long as cheaper floor paints. Sold by Patterson Bros. If its a It oval Blue Carpet Sweeper , made in Grand Itapids you will find it O. K. See't at Brown & Co'h. Price to */i. The line of fine polished upholstered Rockers shown by Brown & (Jo. are up to-date. See them forquality, style aud low price. OIL NOTES. THE MARKET— Both agenies cut .>ff another 3-eeuts. Monday, and which, with the 2 taken off Friday, made ihe price £1 20. AHA MS Douthett is drilling on the James For>ythe. PARKEIJ TUP Heydri- k Bros No. 1:5 on the Rosen berry was completed last week, and is estimated at from 25 t<> :>o barrel.-. This well WJ.S begun last July, three holes were drilled by three contractors, and three setts of tools were lost in the first two holes. It was a very unlucky well —true to its number. SUMMIT T. W. Phillips well on the Grten farm west of the Herold well, struck the sand last week and is good for 0 i»r 8 barrels. BUTLER TWP— McConnel & Xeyman irot a nice thirdsar.d well on the Robert Patterson on the Three Decree road last Friday and have a rig up for amther well Drs Cowden tubed their new well on the David Pierce farm last Thursday and it is pumping seven barrels. T W. Phillips' well on the McCalmcnt, which came in two weeks ago, is pumping ten barrels a day. JEFFERSON TWP—Dietrick Bros, have leased up a !■■) tract and are pre paring to drill on the John Caldwell tarrn. CONCORD— The Sjuth Pena start ed to pump their Speechley saud well on the J. H. Campbell faiin Saturday. They do not give out what the produc tion is. Land in the neighborhood has been leased for a dollar an acre per month. Nichols & Gill brought in two gas wells week, one on the Jenkins and one on the Emt rv farm. I Richard Campbell and brother have a rig up on the Thos Hutchinson farm, near Retina Vista. An old hole is being cleaned oat on the Thompson heirs farm. One report circulated Monday about the Sonth Penn's Campbell well was that ihe pressure of oil and had blown out a rubber plug (which was driven into the hole to shut it down while the Standard tied up all the snr rounding country) and the well com menced flowing, filled a 100 barrel tank in 26 hours, and then ran to waste there being notiiin_c more to receive the oil. TKXAS— The greatest oil deal yet con summated in Beaumont district was made Tuesday, when $1,250,000 was paid for the property holdings of the Texas Western Oil tympany, formerly the Southwestern Oil company, of Cor sicana The purshasers are a syndicate of Eastern capitalists headed by R. L. Henty, of Chicago. The sale includes the Realty gusher, the second well brought in in. this field, with a produc ing capacity of 70.000 barrels per day. Trie deal wmade by Charles B. Pnl len, ot New York, on the part of the I urcbasers. and D. R Beatty, for the Texas Western. The deal covers about 250,000 acres of oil and mineral leases in that section. Sensational ueath. • Mrs. C. J. Howe, who lived alone at •i'K) Elm St . took sick last Saturday, and died Sunday. The physicians who were called H-HH to have been deceived regarding her condition, and her brothers, who came on from Jamestown, Pa • were mad about it. Coroner Jones held an inquest, the r< - suit of which is not yet known By order of Coroner Jones' inquest an autopsy was made of Mrs. Howe's re mains by Doctors Neyman, Byers. Peters and Bricker. All the organs were found in a healthy normal condi tion except the stomach, which with contents, was not examined and the brain, at the base of which a large clot of coagulated blood was found. The doctors said this caused convulsions and apoplexy and was the cause of death unless there is poison in the stomach They also requested that the stomach's '•ontents lie analyzed by a chemical ex pert and it will lie sent to Pittsburg for this purpose Mrs. Hown lived alone auy far tin? most superb allowing in all the store's history. Any of our readers who write for a copy, sending name and address, will have their request answered promptly. Zinc and Grinding make iK'voe Lead ami Zinc I'aint wear twice as long as lead ami oil mixed by hand. >lillt Wanted. A thousand gallons of milk are want i d daily, by tin; liutler Creamery Co , al their depot on 10. .Jefferson Bt. FARM FOR RENT. My larm situate in Buffalo twp., near Karver Station, containing over 100 acres. To the right man a long lease and favorable terms will lie given. For further particulars call ou or address the undersigned. JOHN y. A. SUl.livan, liutler, Pa. CHUKCII NOTES Confirmation and communion services wi re in the First English Lutheran church, Easter Snnday. The church w<: -t. ■ ily decorated witli palms and lillies. and music suitable to the oc casion was rendered. A class of twenty two —eight boys and fourteen uirls were confirmed, and eleven were taken into membership by letter and confes sion. Collections were taken for Tbiel College and the Synod, the former realizing *3OO and the latter Eleven members were added to the roll of the South Side Reformed Church. Easter. Communion will be held in the U. P. church next Sunday. Last Sunday Rev. J. S. McKee read the annual con gregational rej>ort showings2:t meml ers a total gain during the yeftr of 5:5 and a total loss of 47. ten of which were by death. The contributions for the year were $7554. which included $2500 for missions The church is about S3OOO in debt and during the coming year it is proposed to pay this debt and at a fit ting celebration burn the mortgage There wi'l be Devine Service in St. John's Lutheran Church at Petersville i on April 21 instead of next Sunday. Bntler presbytery of the United Pres | byterian church convened in Zelienople. Tuesday evening. Moderator W. S. | Ritchey. of Eakens Corners, opened the meeting by prayer. Rev. .T. M. Dighc, ; of Trail. Pa., was elected moderator. | Rev. E. S. Littell, who recently acctpt | td a call to the Zelienople church, was received from the New York presbytery | and was installed as pastor. The sermon I was preached by Rev. J. S. McKee. of Butler. Rev. A. B. Dickey charged the congregation and Rev. W. E. Nicliol ihe pastor. The edict was read by Elder Zenas McMichal. Sudden Death in Evans City. W. H. Weir af Evans City, arose at his usual hour last Saturday, lit the kitchen fire and then went bad? to his bed and told his wife to call a doctor as be was very sick. Then he fell upon the bed, with a groan and was dead. Mr Weir was at one time actively and successfully engaged in the oil business as an operator. Later he be came right of-way man and private de tective for the P. &W. Railroad. He was a native of Somerset county and sixty years of age. His father is living at Cambridge O. He leaves no family but his v. ite. ACCIDENTS. Wm. Tracy and C. E. Engenian of butler, brakemen on the B R. & P., were badly jolted and bruised by a rear end collision near the Harmony end of the cut-off, Sunday. The Flower Show. The wonderful flower show at the Phipps Conservatory, Schenlev Park, was visited by thirty-thousand people Sunday and it was pronounced finer tlian ever by all. Each room of the conservatory has been sub-divided into two or lour parts, so that the ob-erver in not bewildered by beholding the entire room at his first entrance He sees it in sections, and is better able to appreciate the beauty of each group. By keeping always to the left the visitors are able to view the entire exhibit and arrive at an exit within a few inches of where they en tered Men are stationed at all the side doors, so that anyone who wishes can leave the buildimr at any stage of the trip. Paint Your Buggy for 75c. with Devoe's Gloss Carriage Paint,ready for use; 10 colors. Gives a high glo-s equal to new. Sold by Patterson Bros. For Sale or Rent The Nicholas Slupe farm of acres acres in Franklin township near Mt. ( hestflnt. Inquire of Henry Martsolf of Mt. Chestnut 01 at the CITIZEN ofiice. Real Estate Broker. Parties wishing to purchase or sell oil properties, farms, city residences or real estate of any kind, should call upon Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite P, O. Butler l'a. Peoples Phone No. 519. FOB KENT A farm of 00 acres in Conifoquenensing twp. Inquire of Geo. M. Graham at Buttercup. For Sale -Farm of 61 acres in Cherry Township, near West Sunbury, good house, orchard, and excellent water. Sell cheap or exchange for pro perty near Butler. W. J. F3LACK Livery, S. Main St. Butler l'a. Book sale this week, J off, at DOUGLASS' Duffy's w iidow is filled with bargains in Cloaks. FOR HALE Interest in lOacre lease and one well near Butler. Inquire at CITIZEN office. Did you examine the Wardrobes at Brown & Co's All kinds of Extension Tables at Brown & Co's. Prices $5 up. Jjid you see those Mantel Folding Beds at 180 North Main Street, Butler? NOTICE. On the Ist day of April, 1901, the law partnership existing between myself and John B. Greer was dissolved. My office location hereafter will be in the Fisher building, No. 257 S. Main St. next door to my old office in the Boyd building. EVKKKTT L. RALSTON. New lot of white and colored enamel Iron Beds at Brown & Co's. See them. Buy that Couch or Bed Lounge from Brown & Co. New lot just arrived. Price ijw tip. The question of the hour Have you seen Duffy's marked down cloaks. Cannot be beat If it's an Easei, Curtain Pole or Cur lain Stretcher vou want, Brown \Vl\< worHl i" ,s ' k' I i\ T 111 ► ' sible spavin can be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just as quick Not painful and never has failed, detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T. M. CLUOH, Kuoxdalc, Jefferson Co., Pa. The whole family arc interested in what we have to say. We've never talked the best,and sold the most ordinary. We guarantee everything we sell, and everything we say. If you don't want to buy, don't; but look, Our Merrill Pinno is the best that money can buy. E. OTTO DAVIS, 205 I',. Cunningham St., or Reed's News I Store. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In IHo l>i>tri«*t Court of the Ignited States for tin* Wfjstern IHstrl«*t <>f IVnusylvaiiK, Alvln Carol lu-rs. of her win. Butler county. Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under tin- Ad of ( «»iiu r re>s of July I.I>VS havingapplied for a full discharge from all dcbt> provable against ION estate under sai l Act. notice is ln r« :»y given to all known creditors aid other persons in interest, to appear before the >aid Court at I'ittsbnrgr. in said District, on the nth day of May, 1901, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not bo cranted. WILLIAM T. LINIKSEV. Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICtf Letters of administration on the estate of Robert A. prown, dee d., late of Clay Uvp , Bntler county, Pa., having been grnited to the undersigned, all persons knowing them elves indebted to . c aid ftat'_- will p'ease make immediate pay ment, and anj- having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement to MARY CROWN, T . , , Josi AII J. BROWN, / IRS Sonera, Pa. W. D. BRANDON, Att'y. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In Re First and Final Ac- In the Orphan's count of J. A. 1 tout liett. Court of ilutler Adm'rof Levi J. Park,late , Co., Pa . at t>. < of Adams twp., dee'd. No. 25.May T./01. Having been appointed Auditor in the above stated case by the said Orphan's Court to pass upon the exceptions to said Final Ac count and to restate the said Account if n- cessary, and to do all that the law directs in such cases. Notice Is hereby given mat 1 will attend to the duties of my appointment at my office at Xo. ft. West Diamond, in the iSorottgh of Butler, Pa., on Tuesday, the ltith day of April, A. 1). 1901, at the hour of l»> a. in. of said day. where and when all persons int Tested may attend and lie heard. A. T. SCOTT. Auditor. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue- of an order of the Orphan's Court of Butler county. Pa., made 011 the 4th day of March. 1901. tin undersigned, trustee, will offer at nublic sale on the premises in Centre twp.. butler county. Pa., 011 Tuesday, April 16th, 1901, at.2 o'clock p m., the following described real estate,late the property of Daniel lleck, dee d., viz: All that certain piece or tract of land situ ate In Centre twp.. liti t lercounty.l'a..bound ed i.lid described as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Eli Fair al. Joseph F SALE:—One-third in hand on continuation of sale by the court; one-third In one vear with interest from confirmation of sale by the court; the remaining one-third to remain charged upon Ihe premises during the natural llfenf Mrs. Mary Heck, widow of said Daniel Heck, dee'd., the interest on said one-third from confirmation of sale by the Court to be paid by the purchaser to Mr... Mary Heck, widow, annually on the Ist day of April, each year during her lifetime and and at her death the principal of said one third to be paid by tfie purchaser to the parties legally entitled thereto. Said defer red payments to be secured by liond and mortgage on the premises, embracing at torney's commission in case the same should have to be collected by legal process. Grain now lu ground reserved. JOHN C. MOO HE. (Executor of Daniel Heck, dee'd.) Trustee, I*. O. McCandless, BuUerCo.. I'it. O. . I'I.KKOKR. Att.v. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the esta'e of Victor K. Phillips, dee'd., late of Butler, Butler county. Pa., having been granted to the undersigntd, ail persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pavment. and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to THOMAS W. PHILLIPS, JR., I , , , CLARENCE WALKER, I RS " Butler, Pa. C. WALKER, Attorney. ~ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on tile estate of John Glasgow, dee'd, late of Clinton township, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment and those having claims against the estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to MARTIN MONKS, Flick, Pa., ROBERT SKI- TON, Culmerville, Pa., Executors. WILLIAMS & MITCHELL, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Henry K. Blair, dee'd., late of Slipperyrock township, Butler county, l'a., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said ( state will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them <1 uly authenticated for sett lenient to KOHKRT R. BI.AIR, Adtn'r., Keister, P. 0., Pa. a i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Martha Markwell, dee'd., late of Concord twp., Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to R. S. CORNiii.iUS, Adm'r., Butler, Pa. W. U. BBANDON, Attorney. Teacher*' Examiiiations. The regular teachers' examinations for Butler county will be held as follows: Saxon burg, April 26. Millerstown, April 27. Prospect, May fi. Evans City, May 7. West Sunbury, May 14. Farmington. May 15. North Washington, May 10. Slipperyrock, May 17. Uutler, May is. The examination for professional cer tificates will bo held in Butler, June N. The last examination lor the year will be held in Butler, July e in order. We arc prepared to meet your wants with a line of sport ing goods. Baseball Goods, Croquet. Tennis and later Golf. A lew skipping rope, a fast seller, at loc. Kodaks, Cameras anil all supplies for photo work at DOUGLASS BOOK STORE Eagle H'l'd. Near I'. O. 241 South Maiu street. A. M HERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S. Main St. Butler. PA / Tooth $ \ Brush ? Economy, ■> / VVc have tooth brushes f y for five and ten cents that i C are sold for double the j / price in some places. Ex- S ) tra good ones for fifteen f \ cents, splendid values for V / the money, but we do not p urge the sale of any of ✓ \ these because real down- 7 C right economy comes in ) t buying something a little 7 X better. We would advise / \ you to pick a brush cost- r V ing 25 cents or more for v ! f two reasons: / ; y FIRST —Your teeth are f C worthy of the best brush v j . made. The better the \ V brush the more perfect its r 1 / work. / S SECOND —The higher \ grade brushes are guaran- / / teed to give long and pet- S ? feet service. S \C. N. BOYD, i / Pharmacist. ( Butler, Pa, BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fall term begins, Monday, Sept. 2, 1901 COURSES. I—Practical1 — Practical Book-keepers. 2— Expert Accountants. 3 — Amanuensis Shorthand, 4— Reporter's Shorthand. s—Practical5 — Practical Short Course in Book-keeping, for those who merely wish to understand the simpler methods of keeping book's. 6 English. Ore TEACHERS— We bave four at J-restn always as many as we need, no more. I'OSITIONS —We expect to be able to place at least twice as many graduates In positions the coming year as we have the past. We cnuld place three where we place one if we only had more of the right kind of material to work on. Young man, young woman, if you have a fair English education, ar. are industrious and persistent it will be to your internet to take at least one of our courses, and let us assist you to remunerative em ployment. 'Hie finest system of shorthand ever pub lished will LIE used LU our school the coining Call ajid examine it. Send for a copy of our new catalogue and circulars. A. F. REGAL, Prin., 319-327 S. Main St.. Butler. Pa. Cross Examination. Cannot shake the evidence submitted. Our goods bear out our statement. That they are of sterling quality is soon seen. Our MEN'S FURNISHINGS are the kind that men like. The items are suggestive of value. FINK NECKWEAR, New effects, Latest shapes, 50 cents. NEW COMHI NATIONS COLORED SHIRTS, $ 1.00. Jno. S. Wick, Opposite P. 0. ''' Mis Clothes Are All Right If We Made Them. That's the-only way we know of making clothes. You ought to s i- us about your spring suit and overcoat. You ought to see the new goods we arc showing. Suits, f2O and up. Overcoats, $iH and up. Wedding Suits a Specialty. COOPER, Practical Tailor., DIAMOND. BUTLRR. PA Spring Opening Sale. You are invited to our exhibit of fashionable attire for Spri 1901, in honor of which wc have assembled, the choicest novekus that ever came to Rutler county, eclipsi ig, by far, anything we ever previously attempted. To get our goods talked about and to en courage early buying we make special price inducements from new until taster, that must appeal to the economical side of every man. Come soon and get first choice. Anew line of Fancy Shirts introducing • © all the new color effects in percales and madras, etc. A great show and sale at #I.OO, 75c and 50c. Everything new in ILits is represented in our hat department *#3, #2 and sl. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. ANOTHER BIG CUT! On January ioth wc had more OVERCOATS in our store thar we ever had at that season of the year. We set about to sell these Overcoats by reducing the price, and cur sale has been a wonderfu success. We have today less Overcoats and heavy goods in our store than we ever had in our past experience. We have decided this morning to CUT THE PRICE still more in order to clean up the ftore, if possible, of every Overcoat and Winter Suit. We are now selling Overcoats and heavy stufl cheaper than we ever sold them since we started in business. If you want good goods cheap, come quick. Our new spring line will be ready by March ist. DOUTHGTT & SALEIfe We are having a sale for the public. It is not an auction. We could not stand to pay an auctioneer, our prices are too low. We have a lot of buggies which we want to sell, many are sample buggies sent by the manufacturers for our inspection. buggies are all right and we bought them at our own price, but as we are in the wholesale business ve only want to keep our regular line. We have put a card on each buggy the price you can have it for before April 20th. The price is less than wholesale. GOOD TOP BUGGIES WORTH S6O FOR $39. GOOD " 41 " SBO " SSO. GOOD " " " SSO " S3O. What do you think of it? Come while they last. There will be no more this year. We make the best harness of them ail. During this llctl lICE3O-- * sa j e we gj ve y OU a g ool j harness, our own make worth $i 5 oo for $i i.oo. AND TEAM HARNESS. Good team harness, ij in. trace, 3 ply., with squares, and 3 rows stitching, good bridle and lines, all complete, without collars, two horses, for $28.00. This is the kind others sell for $35.00 to S4O. They are made of Phoenix Oak Tan leather, the highest priced harness leather in the market, and sewed with thread which costs one dollar per pound at the factory. You won't talk about anybody elses harness when you see these. You can't get any better at any price. We make a heavier harness wit)* 2 in. trace for $31.00. Sweat Pads worth 40c at 25c Curry Combs worth 25c at 5c Horse Brushes worth 25c at 10c Halters worth 25c at 15c Harness snaps, 1 in.' or less, 3 for 5c Axle grease worth sc, 9 for 25c Hitching straps worth 25c at 15c Hitching straps worth 35c at 25c Trunks worth $2.50 at $1.50 Everything else in proportion. Sale begins Monday, March 18 and continues until Saturday, April 20. Come along. Don't wait. The other fellow is on his way here S. B. MARTINCOURT&CO., S. B. MARTINCORT. J. M. LEIGIINER. 128 East Jefferson Street, - Butler, Pa. )0OC99OOOOOdO<)OOOOOOO60OP<) 1 J REMOVAL NOTICE! j; < t Mrs 1). T. Tapes Millinery Stored !jtwill be found on and after April lstj> 3 [at 121 East Jeffcrson St., Butler, Pa.,31 ] i [where she will be pleased to see allv her old and new customers. V < > 121 East Jefferson St., opposite} | ! Ig. Wilson Miller's Grocery Storejt Your Heart's Desire TRIMMED HAfS mixh lwill la: in; 111« iof no ilif- Rockensteln's, LEADING MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, 32b South Main Street, - - Butler, Pa