Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 14, 1901, Image 1

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    VOL xxxviii
Spring Footwear
\f„ n ' AH the latest styles in Men's Shoes.
•i'Atfll >_ mIIUco fuilline of Men's Patent Caif Shoes—the
very latest styles, $3.00, $3 50, $5.00 and S6OO. \ ici-kid and Box-
Calf Shoes $1.50 to $5.00. Also a complete stock of Men's Patent
Leather jr.d Viri kid Oxfords in the latest styles.
Boy's ami Youth's Shoes.
the 1. test *■'■> !<-s. Spring la*ts, are very attractive. We have a full st k
of Bo> s ; L; tie Gents' Shoes in Patent Calf, Box Calf, \ ici-Kid.
Ladies Fine Shoes—SOUOSlS—l'he
New .Shoe for Women, "f
comfortable aid All styl s. "AAA to E." We have a
large as-ortsnent r f the Celebrated Carter Comfor.. Shoe-* and especi
ally rtrcommcud thtm for their cornf rt giving qualities.
Misses' and Children's .Shoes. h i lV the° c «S
Toe most complete st<jck of Misses'and Cbi;drtn's Shoes we have
ever had. A I the new styles in fine Dongola Tan, Red and Patent
Leather. All ;izcs, "A to EE," ranging in price from SI.OO to $3.00.
All Winter Goods to be closed out iegardles3 of cost.
Special bargains in Felt Boots and Rubber Goods of ail kinds.
HIGH IRON STANDS with four lasts at 50c.
Soie Leather cut to any amount you wish to purchase.
201bCentury UIIQCI TflM'Q 20th Century
Shoe Sale nUOCLIUII Shoe Sale
Greatest of all Shoe Sales!
Begins January 17, at 9:30
After stock taking we find broken sizes and odd lots all through
this immense stock which must be sold.
Great Price Concessions Counteract
January lull in trade and made it one of our busy months Just
think of it. Strictly high grade Footwear marked to sdl at a Fourth,
a Third and a Half less than our regular prices. For instance, Shoes
that we seil regularly for SI.OO and f 1.25 now selling for 50c Those
at $2.00 and $2.50, now $1.45 and $1.85. Others at 1.2£ and
$1.50 now 75c and 95c.
Iriesistibie Values Compel Prudent People to Purchase
This price cutting reaches every line and these values are not
equaled in any shoe house in Butler.
Come before the lots arc broken. Sale begins THURSDAY,
JANUARY 17, at 9:30 Thenc goods sold only for cash.
F-allrr'n Leading Hboe flou**. Opposite Hotel Lowrjr
I These Are New $
$ Spring, 1901. j*
I SATIN STRIPK ALBATROSS-A light weight fabtic of fine tex- Uh
ture and vtry handsome appearance. Solid Color# with white Rat in
stripe. All wool 27 inched wide y ■ 75c '* >' ar '' IP
FRENCH I'LANNKL—New Spring weight, solid colon, all wool,
27 inches wide 60c yd
I'ANCV SILK ZKItIYR—A silk and cotton fabric. Washes ■
splendidly Handsome stripes and plaids. Kxccllent fur waists and of
drewic*— 27 inches wide 35c y'l Pj
MP.RCi'.RI/.KIJ COTTON FOULARfIS-Very handsome- and silky. Uk
Printed and finished like finest silk Foulards. 27 Inches wide.. 35c yd
MKRCERIZKD WOVEN SILK Make of fine Meroeri/.er! Cotton, tn
Good Ixsly and very silky looking. Solid colon and corded stripes kfc
27 inches wide 25c )"' Jv
WASH FABRICS -Complete lines of new Seersuckers. Ginghams, K
Zephyrs, Lawns, Dimities and Sheer fabrics. Constant arrivals of
choice vew good* keep the line complete in every detail.
WHITE GOOD'S New Lawns, Dimities. Swisics, Embroideries, flr
I, ices, All-overs and Lece Curtains at lowest prices.
NEW—Gold Belt*. Buckles, Buttons, Spike* and Kraids. New JO
Chain Purses, Brooches and Hair Ornaments. Jp
L. Stein & Son,|
subscribe for the CITIZEN
Trembling Nerves
Aro hungry nnrvoa—nerves that aro
starved until -they hare rx> vitality left.
They havo lost all power to regain their
natural strength and steadiness. You who
aro restless, nervous, fidgety, depressed in
spirits, worried, worn-out and sleepless,
should f<-ed your nerves. Build thorn up
and give them now life andstrength before
they fail you entirely. Now in the time to
do it< and the beat food you can use is
Dr. Miles' Nervine.
It is a brain-builder and nerve-strengthener of remarkablo power, and a speedy remedy tot
nervous troubles of everyj description. Buy a bottlo to-day.
Sold by affDrtsggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Lid.
State Library jnlyOl
"Before I bepfan taking Dr. Miles*
Iforvine I was about as norvous as anyone
could be. I had the most dreadful headache
ami no sleep or rest at any time. Before
I had taken one bottle of Nervine
I could Klff'p all nltfht, my "petite
was improved and my nervousness was
fast disappearing- In a short time I was
myself again." MRS. D. D OWKN,
23 Utica St., Ithaca, N. Y.
If your In r is out of order, causing
Biliousr.c-ir. Sick Headache, Heart
burn, or Con-tipation, take a dose of
On retiring, and tomorrow your di
gestive organs will be regulated and
you will be bright, active and ready
"for anv kind of work. This has
been the experience of others; it
v. ill be yours. HOOD'S PILL.*- are
sold bv all medicine dealers. 25 eta.
and is the result of cc'-' and Pm COtuJ
sudden climatic changes.
For your Protection y MrfEVEij^S
we positively slate that this !s$ \
rerr.fi y doea I. ■ - . n
mercury or tcy other
Eiy's Cresm Batoi^SsiSl
is acknowledged to t.e ti c ti.oronfli care for
Kval 1 au-rii, Co.rl in Head »r.d Hsy Fever of aJ
rerrif dj's. It op«-r • and e'wmses theni»al J
allays tiain ar;d infUnjma'Jon, the rr< i>r'>-
tecta the tnembnr.e trim colds, the f-' -' i
of tae' andßrne:). rV.ce. r -atl>rrist' 'rhy :
KLV bIM/X'UJiliS, 5-5 Waxren Street, Kew York.
A Great Nerve Medicine.
Ce'lery King cleanses ttie system and builds
it a p.
It irakes the blood pnre.
It tjcantlflfts the complexion.
It cores constipation and disorders.
It curew headache and most other aches.
Celery King cures Nerve, Mtomach, Liver
and Kidney diseases. 1
Aids digestion, st'mulates Wl
and enriches the blood,
7A fortifies the syiteni kl
t ® against ami im- W1
ml parts the vlow «f health
WA to sallow faces.
A Beef, Iron and Wine
and you will get results Wj
>l' at once.
M Price 50c a pint. B
M Prepared and sold only at f <
►1 Crystal Pharmacy,
U*> N, Main ht , RutU r, I'a.
J.V. Stewart,
(Successor to H. Bickel)
Sale and Boarding Stable
W. Jefferson St., Rutler, f'a.
Firat class equipment—eighteen
good drivers—rigs of all kinds—
cool, roomy and clean s'ablcs.
People's Phone 125.
ICxciirMloii I<>
(lornmendng Hnndny, May oth. the
Sunday excursion fare from Bntler to
AUeffheny will 1m one dollar for tickets
good going on train leaving Butler »t
.09 » m , Oity time returning on train
aving Allegheny at 5.H0 p. in. eitv
SI.OO ix r yftur If f»aW In ftdvannr.
||.V) will l»« ctiuiut «l-
A I»VKPtTIHIN<i ItATKH One l»i» li. onu Mfn«
%\\ <*JK'li HllhMH|lir lit IliHiil'tlon ori fit isnrh
Auditor** fiiitl illvorcr no»i«« -» *1 i-nrli;
utor*' an«l
••st ray unci (ItHnoliitlon riot lc-H •Ivwh-
Ihk notlcc H a lln«- for llrnl and r*»*«'nti»
for v.w.U HUlwiiiiunt liif-rtlon. ,\otlr«»
anionicl<H*al n'?wn l.'i entity a Jinn f«»r
eu hiii nnrtl'ni, ()hltuurl<t, rardi of t iiarikfl,
riittolutloim <»f run poet, notices «<r r> tlvalM
and r :« i i .. otc tn mruo h I the ia I« of . •nt i
a linn, money to a« <'onipany t In- orUnr. 4ev#jfi
word h of proiH) make a line.
Itai-nn for MtainilriK ranl»* arm Job work on
Alt advertNtntf 1m due afti r flr .t iromrtlon,
and all traiiMlent must, bn paid
for in advance.
AII rornrriunlratl'irm Intended for puMira
i t lon In t hi* pap* r mtmt i»«i a' < ofnpan!* d by
| thf real name of the wi lt»*r, not for imhllra
j tlon Ins» ai(iiaranU*e <»f icood faith.and should
I rea*'h us not lati-r than ru<>s*lay nv«'rilri((.
Death notice* •mist he accompanied with
roHpouslhle name.
How do the rcbins know
When it's tim« to go?
Ho «n the-/ tell v.hen th~ dar is at hand
To l*a*' th ir r.r??s and fly
Aw iy to the i- utht ra, sunny land.
Where t!.? blue is ih th« sky?
Eov do they know
Ere the north winda Mow,
Brir.rir.y the chill and the ice and snow;
Why do they n-ver foolishly wait.
Flirt:njj with chance and tempting fate?
Ah, the robins are wiser far
| Than some men are!
i They take no chances nor fool around.
Thinking, becau?- today is fair,
Hat ton. tow good < heer will still abound,
With f!« er a woe nor care—
Thinking because tb»n fc r 3 come their way
In clusters today
Good 1. k has f ttlrd with them to stay!
The rjjm j.:= r\'_'is to uot cut cf the *«L-t
While the sun is faithful:., shining yet!
—Chicago T.Oica-H raid.
'.'M. byt'. I'j- I^wis.
%<,, i : • 1 . f
I had been in I'.irU for a it.:.- of
months, liv : i at a fam:!y h tei and
knocking a 1.1 nt my 1 v. .vhen
I made »i> at - atacee of Felix
Ducheav. n. L cabled him . If. He
was a 1. vf oh u:i : < ■ v£h
a rrencl: . frcui hen 1 to heel, lie
spoke En„ it f. ' well. He was
not a man wi- -:a 1 I nave -••h et
ed as a f.. ail. ..n.l yet tl .•• WJ: . a
souethics -iL .l' !..." . iat. resteil
u.c. He !:ad « av 1. d eit. iwively. met
with many :.-lv : - ■'• >n r d
talker. 1 tatne to l:n-. " ■-< a -tn
sift. ;ve nnd <■■■ jje. . •:. .1: I j I
feared he oulu tu:n c-;:t ' 1 • a para
site, notliin : of tit.- sort l;u;.j- -ued. He
scetued to ' ive pl<-nty < f i..-.uey of his
own aud i: ver asked for tbe loan of a
I had known Duchene for three or
four weeks wiien we visited it dance
hall on one of th<* outer boulevards
one night. The place was a resort for
tough men and bad women and prom
ised a phase of Parisian life 1 had not
yet met. We found a ro:igh crowd
Indeed, and the cvei :ng was not half
over when 11 burly lug fellow deliber
ately picked a quarrel with me. I was
giving him the worst of It when he
drew n knife nnd rushed upon me.
Duchene, who was standing quietly by,
knocked the scoundrel senseless, and,
to my a world" •»«« •»»* '■
by the half tloz<'n friends <if the vic
tim wiio had been urging him to fin
ish me. I en me to know later on that
the whole ii.ing was 11 put up Job, but
I looked upon it then ns a brave action
on the pnrl of my acquaintance and
Kiive him my gratitude nnd friendship.
I had ntver questioned him ns to why
ho was 111 i'uris, where or how he
lived or what nlm he had In life, nnd
he had never dropped n hint. I had
a secret belief flint he was a gambler
nud a sharper, but to me he was as
straightforward as conld be hoped for.
About two weeks after the event at
tb'> di:nce hall Duchene told me his
Hlory, or 11 part nt It. ITe was a pro
fessional gambler, or had been tip to
a few month . before he met me. Then
his eyesight hud gon« hack on him and
he hnd been olillr'd to abandon the
business. I had observed that lie was
nearsighted nnd had been obliged to
favor his eyes.
\ year IK-fore meeting me bucheno
and a partner bad "rope*!" a rich young
fellow Into a game anil skinned him
out of what would lie about SSO,<HK) In
American money, 'l'bey were ihen oc
cupying rooms In a certain house he in
dicated, und, fearing trouble from the
victim, who hud declared himself de
frauded, the money had been hidden
under the floor. Trouble came. Moth
men were arrested, ai d, while buchene
got a year in prison, the other man dl« d
of pneumonia while waiting his trla'
On lcavlnK prison Uucliene at once
took steps to K< cure his money, l»i<t
found the floor l»i possession of an ar
tificial flower maker who held a banc.
The place could not be entered and
Hearelied, and the 550,000 Htlll rested
beneath tli<- floor of the front room. It
would take .$1,500 to buy the lease and
oust the flower maker and another SSOO
(o put In a stock of something to throw
the police off the went. buchene could
not raHse the money, nor had he yet
met nin an he dared trust. Ills propo
sition to me was that 1 furnish the $2,
1100 and receive SIO,OOO of the hidden
money as my reward. Had he offered
to go halves I think I should have look
ed upon It as a "plant" and thrown it
over, but In offc. ing me a sixth portion
he seemed to show good business tact.
It. was a big return on the Investment
big enough to satisfy any one and 1
gave him a favorable answer nt once.
He bad already sounded the flower
maker as to the lease, and if my mon
ey was raised the pa pern could 1"* sinn
ed three days later. I had a good lilt
of cash nt my bankers, and on the sec
ond day after bearing j)ii, liene's story
I drew out $2,000 In gold nnd placed
the luiis In my trunk. Next day the pa
pers were to Is: signed, and a week lat
er the floor would be In our possession.
That night the two or us attended
tli" theater and afterward had supper,
and I haven't th<- slightest doubt that,
my wluc wns drugged. While I was
not made helpless. my head seined as
big lis a barrel. I could hardly keep
my eyes open, and If bucheno laid not
put me in a <-n 1 • und Instructed the
driver I should never have found my
way to tin' hotel. I had to lie helped
to my room, and I f«•!I upon the bed,
dx s'i< d jtH I WIIS, and was Instantly
l I had 1m i n asleep two hours
wheu I uwoke as keen IIH a fox. The
effects of tin' drug bad vanished, and
i. I 'rot out of tied to undress I found
uiy legs all :!ght again. I was fully
undrei"-ed and ready to get between the
sheets when my cur caught H sound
from under the bed. I at once stooped
down for a look, and my eyes rested
upoti a man lying on the broad of his
back. I had him out In a second. It
seemed to me as If I had live times
my ordinary strength, and, though the
fellow struggled furiously and cut my
arm with a knife, I grasped his throat
and choked him till he lay like one
dead. II was only when I had struck
a light that I found the Intruder to
be buchene. lie had come In through
the window which opened on a ve-
randa. He had been working at the
! lock of my trunk when I made some
i noise on awakening, and he had rolled
; himself under the bed. He had come
for that bag of gold, and he had meant
; to do for me If necessary.
I alarmed the hou?e. the police were
i sent for, and the t%lio T .r was taken
! away, but It was a good hour before
he recovered his senses! His story wgs
entirely false, and he had put up a
job to rob me. It was my testimony
that gave him five years in prison, but
after it was all over and be had been
sent away I was a bit sorry for him.
He could tell a good story, had a laugh
which made you laugh with him, and
few men of his class in Paris or else
where could order a better dinner. He
was not a grasping man withal, ne
had planned to rob me of $2,000 where
mother would have raised the figure
to So,ooo.
The Grßl'ir Art of Letter WrltlDK.
The classic age of letter writing, like
tint of chivalry. Is gone, although no
14c ke has been found yet to utter Its
splendid funeral oration. Correspond
ence uu business. hurried notes contain
ing invitations to dinner or acceptances
thereof —these ore the missive's which
fill the bag of the letter carrier. The
love li-ltc . we presume, still liolels its
sway. if we are to judge from the
reve.at. .i:s of breach of promise cases,
It is fu!! of sugary seutimentalism :LS
in the days of Lydia Languish. Hut
the letter as It has passed info litera
ture. the letter whose highest claim to
he treated as art is that it conceals art.
toe letter written I y William Cow
prr. el Oii-cr (!>:!d.-raifb. or Horace
Walp 1. 1 . >•; Mi-. Bu • y— that charm-
In,' ep.stle intern:- ■ '• :y for the affec
tion:-;e perusal <:' ds au l yet of
such value x.i the l» •• .• of life and
i:.::i;eers —shall we ..•• it has elis
appuml from the busy oderu world,
k.io l.y the y the steam
ship and the thoughts that shuke man
kind As least, it is nv w but a rare
product, a fragile flower scarcely aide
to maintain Itself in our altered social
Correspondence from being a cherish
ed art and solace has in our day teud
ed to become what is called In slang a
"grind." it Is "snippety," like the
cheap newspapers, a seirt of "bits" or
"cuts." giving hints which require to be
filled out. only that the receiver lias
hardly time for that mental process.
Truth to tell, a great of our letter
writing is boredom, the (Source of irrita
tion anei weariness to those who are
called on to undertake it.—London
From Finder* to Fork*.
In olden times finders served well
enough to convey food to the mouth,
and a divided gourd was an acceptable
drinking vessel, but when fashionable
aspirations seized our ancestors they
scorned these Implements of nature,
and even the Pacific Islanders pulled
their hair, of which they had a gener
ous abunelance, in their anxiety to tie
vise more seemly methods. They final
ly manufactured forks that looked like
skewers, and out of the bamboo they
manufactured knives. The Indians,
proverbially slow In adopting modern
ways, still eat without knives or forks,
although they have permitted the use
of spoons. These were first made of
I shells and the rinds of gourds. Later
| handles were Inserted, and, having
' bussed nuninroiia Lutvim, forks
I and spoons have reached tl"» ureaent
elaborately ornamented Kinds now In
general use.
The cup Is probably the most ancient
of all domestic utensils. Its earliest
form was simply the half closed hand
or the folded leaf. The J followed cups
made of sea sholls or rinds of fruit cut
in halves. Later appeared cups of
metal, lacquer and china. For centu
ries the cup has been made the expres
sion of art and luxury, and the most
precious mctala, combined with the ar
tisan's most consummate skill, are now
rommonly employed In their manufac
ture.— liultlinore Sun.
The !V' timber 4.
There are four cardinal points, four
winds, four quarters of the moon, four
seasons, four figures In the quadrille,
four rules of arithmetic, four suits of
cards, four quarters to the hour, four
legs for furniture, most animals go on
four legs, the dead are placed between
four planks, the prisoners between four
walls. We have four incisor and four
canine teeth, and our forks have four
prongs; all animals, when butchered,
are cut Into four quarters; the violin,
greatest of all string Instruments, has
l ut four strings; four of a kind Is a
pretty good hand at inker even If they
arc only fours. Exchange.
ffnd Cyi-nii Lived, lie W onld Tin.***
Ileen u Champion.
'•Gentlemen," said the man with the
speckled cigar as we got seated In the
smoking compartment, "you must ex
cuse me tf I do not appear hilarious
today. The fact Is I have Just heard
of the death of m> brother Cyrus."
"That's bad," replied the man with
the George Washington chin In a sym
pathetic voice. "Very sudden death,
was It?"
"No, sir. '»n the contrary, It took
him 11 year to die. lie was out west
last winter and got caught In a snow
avalanche and was burled "jo feet deep.
He llvVi till a month ago and then
gave up his life. When ids body was
found, his fingers were grasping a let
ter addressed to me, a letter In which
he said lie had not tasted food for 212
"lint how did he live?"
"On snow, I suppose."
"And how could lie write you 11 letter
If burled under the snow?"
"He used a quill toothpick and bloeid
from his arm."
The man with the George Washing
ton chin leaned back and thought It
over for awhile ami then sulci:
"It Is an awful pity that your brother
Is dead."
"Yes, It wns a great loss to the coun
try at large."
"ftccatlKC lie would have made such
a champion liar In a few years more."
"What!" exclaimed the man with the
speckled cigar a« lie rose up. "l>o you
think my brother prevaricated about
the avalanche?"
"Worse than that. 1 think lie lied
like a trooper."
"Gentlemen, I trust you will excuse
my emotions I trust you will. None
of you know what It Is lo hear a dead
brother vilified. I promised him on Ids
dying bed that I would never strike a
man In anger, and I am therefore help
less 111 tills case except to withdraw.
Good evening, gentlemen good even-
I, M :" M. QI AI-
Nice l'*or I lie TorfolNe.
"Now, Mary," said a mistress to her
newly Imported maid, "In the kitchen
there Is a pet tortoise, and I hope you
will lie very kind to it. I>o you know a
tortidse when you see one?"
"No, mum. Hhurc aud w hat lolke is
After having explained it to her the
girl went ami brought It forth.
"Is that It, mum?"
"Blitire, that Is what 111 was using to
break the coals wld!" London An
\ Convenience In Keeping Account
• of Laid by Each Hen.
It is often desirable to record exactly
the egg production of individual fowls,
l'ho Maine station has recently given a
description of a nest box which is
claimed to be inexpensive, easy to at
tend to and certain in its action. Boxes
are arranged in cases in groups of four.
When used singly, a cover is provided
for each box.
The nest box is without front end or
cover, 28 inches long, 13 Inches wide
and 13 inches deep, inside measure
ments. A division board with a circu
lar opening 7 l » inches In diameter is
placed across the box 12 inches from
the back end and 15 inches from the
front end. The back section is the nest
proper. Instead of a close door at the
entrance a light frame Is covered with
wire netting. The door is 10',4 inches
wide and 10 inches high and does not
till the entire entrance, leaving a good
margin all around to avoid friction. It
is hinged at the top and opens up into
the box. The hinges arc placed on the
front of the door. The trip consists of
one piece of stiff wire about three-six
teenths of an Inch in diameter and 18V1-
inches long, bent as required. A piece
of hoard 0 inches wide and just long
enough to reach across the box Inside
Is nailed flatwise In front of the parti
tion anil an inch below the top of the
box, a spare of one-fourth of an inch
being left between the edge of the
board and the partition. The 0 Inch
section of the trip wire Is placed across
the board and the long part of the wire
slipped through the quarter inch slot
and passed down close to and in front
of the center of the 7'/j Inch circular
opening. Small wire staples are driv
en nearly down over the 0 inch section
of tin- trip wire luto the board so as to
hold It In place aud yet let it roll side
wise easily.
When the door Is set, a half Inch sec
tion of the wire comes under a hard
wood peg or a tack In the lower edge
of the door frame. The hen passes In
through the circular opening and In do
ing HO presses the wire to one side-
The door swings down and uH ll *
self b.v sf«fciug (i- c- of a wooden
latch or lever. The latch Is five Inches
long, one Inch wide and half an Inch
thick and Is fastened loosely one Inch
from Its center to the side of the box,
so that the outer end Is just inside of
the door when it Is closed.
Pieces of rubber belting ure nailed at
the outside entrance for the door to
strike against. When a bird lias laid,
she steps to the front of the box and
remuins until released. Each hen has
u. band with n number attached to her
leg, and the eggs inny be numbered to
Ifouocinitde Snlmoll Plow.
We herewith give cut and descrip
tion of the subsoil plow we have used
with entire satisfaction for many
years. The beam and handles can bo
bought or made. The plow part can
be made by any good blacksmith.
There is no patent on this, says South
ern Cultivator.
A C and H I) are pieces of two inch
bar Iron two feet long. C 12 is about
20 to 2S Inches, 2 by 3 laid down
broad way and drawn to a point from
the upper side, the lower side being
perfectly straight and parallel with
tbo plow beam. 1> B should be good
steel. The uprights. A O and II I),
are welded Into C I> at angles.
(J i> Is about 12 Inches and l> 10 from
12 to 15 Inches.
The uprights are fastened to the
beam at A and It by clamps made of
J.ve-eighths rod supplied with taps
and erosspleee with holes for the rod.
Fasten these clamps securely and you
have the strongest brace possible and
may hitch two or four or six mules or
oxen, as suits you. Tills Is the two
horse subsoil plow.
To make a one horse plow make B
i) E, leaving off a 0 d. In using
these the point E should be kept sharp
und long aud run parallel with beam.
II 1> may be sharpened If need be to
cut small roots, etc.
Planting potatoes In ground where
rye has grown Is by some farmers con
sidered a preventive of scab. Others are
»f opinion that plowing under green
crops of oals, peas or rye will prevent
a great deal of fungi.
Tlir Crop Not a Standard Our. t»nt
Una Uood I'roflt In It.
"There Is a good profit In growing
cauliflowers for market If the condi
tions are all right, but with the culture
often gtveu them they are not a relia
ble crop. In growing cauliflowers
for sale the first tiling to be consider
ed Is a market for these luxuries. The
crop Is not a staph* one, like some
Which are considered necessaries of
life, and you must find people who
want them anil are aide to buy them,"
says a successful grower who gives
practical directions on the subject In
Vlck's Magazine as follows:
It Is not best lo economize too much
In purchasing seeds. The higher prlc
cd strains of white cauliflowers, where
the type has become established by
careful selection for several years, arc
more reliable In heading, and the whit
er tbl heads Hie b«tt«r they will sell
In the market. The large pure white
curds, with the leaves trimmed nicely
around them, nttrnct the eye, and pen
pie buy them because liny "look nice."
The Early Snowball Is i li« - itamhird
with many people and pmhiihly more
extensively grown than any <1110')' va
riyty and Is usually very satisfactory.
I make the first sotvlnc of tlio see«l In
b hotbed in March.- A little later I sow
more seed In a cold frame and sow at
different times in tbe open pr un<l from
April until June. My ji'an is to hsve
only a small part of the crop mature at
one time.
V.'lioq making the seed bed for prow
lug the plants in ope;i ground, I give It
a good dressing of poultry manure or
commercial fertilizer, also lime or ash
es. to prevent club fjot from attacking
the plants. The fertilizer is spaded in
and the surface rakid down fine. The
seed is sown in shallow drills about
eight inches apart and trod in with tlie
feet if the ground is dry and covered
with about one-half an inch of soil
drawn over with the back of a rake.
Water the bed frequently if the weath
er is dry. and in about one month the
plants will he ready for transplanting.
A deep, moist, clay soli Is the lu-st for
cauliflowers, although good crops can
be grown on any good garden soil. I
cover the ground two or three inches
deep with stable manure and plow it
In. Then harrow nnd furrow 2Vi feet
apart. If 1 have well rotted manure, I
scatter it in tlie furrow and mix it with
the soil with the cultivator, or if the
manure is not at hand I set the plants
and in a few days apply around them
a little commercial fertilizer that is rich
in nitrogen. Vegetables of which the
leaves or stalks are the edible parts
need plenty of nitrogen in an available
form. The plants are transplanted at
different times from May until June.
Cauliflower plants from the hotbed
should uot be set too early unless they
are well hardened, for they are more
easily Injured by frosts than cabbages.
I do the most of the cultivation with
the wheel hoe and horse cultivator. To
insure success in a dry season one
must have some means of irrigation.
The plants should not stop growing at
any time; hence the importance of irri
gating them during a drought.
Moillnm Early and Late Tomaton.
Medium early nnd late crops of toma
toes may follow after peas, early rad
ishes, spinach aud crops of that sort,
and since they may be set in the field
later less expense Is necessary in grow
ing the plants, though for good, strong
plants the seed should be planted ear
ly In March in the states of largest
production. The seeds ma}' l»e sown
in a well prepared bed in rows six
Inches apart, the seeds averaging about
four to the inch in the row. With
good conditions aud care the plants
should be well developed early in May,
and they should then be transferred to
a cold frame prepared as for the early
sorts. In transferring the plants ns
much as possible should be saved.
Owing to the advanced season, the
dan«" r " r frost being past, the sashes
may be taken oir nnd tiu> j.iuuts ion
to the natural climatic conditions pre
paratory to setting In the field, which
may take r«anj iu «-
Jim» nnd Soto.
Tho California Cultivator claims that
there lins been produced In that state a
navel lemon which Is absolutely seed
less nnd possesses the characteristics
of the orange for which It has been
named California nnvel lemon. Tbe
shape follows closely that of the or
ange, but the acidity runs high.
The Michigan station recommends
the avoidance of old potato patches as
tugar beet fields.
There are «,000,000 farmers In Amer
ica engaged In dairying. They pro
duct' annually dairy products—milk,
cream, butter, cheese and calves—to
the value of .S7OO.OOO,<MK>. They are
farmers first and dairymen afterward
—that Is, they till their farms Just as
any other farmer docs and turn their
crops Into finished products—high pric
ed butter aud creain—lnstead of sell
ing them as raw material.
llr. J. 11. Halo Is credited with tho
insertion that the old idea of peach
belts, outside of which It Is folly to nt-
to grow high class fruit profita
bly, la a mistake. lOxcepting a few
places up lu northeastern Maine there
Is no region In which good peaches can
not be grown and mftdc to pay.
A (iond Tim* rnmlli*.
"The girls that are growing up now
will have one Important advantage
over the young married women of to
"What's thn4T'
"Their husbands will not be continu
ally telling them of the tluo cooking
their mothers used to do."
"How do you know?"
"Because the cooks won't allow tho
mothers of the coming race to stick
their noses Into the kitchen."—Chicago
No riinnice.
"How many cents make u dollar
now?" asked the boy of the corner gro
"The same ns ever," was tho reply.
"A hundredi"
"Certainly. What makes you ask
such a question?"
"Why, I'vo been visiting my sister in
Canada for the last three months, and
I didn't know but things had under
gone u change over here."
How She li new,
Mr. Lo .leeks —Well, Miss Coldcnsh, 1
suppose you received u good many
birthday cards?
Miss < 'oldeosh (sweetly) -Oh, yes, and
there was one particularly dainty and
artlstle. I am sure It came from you.
Mr. I.e Jocks (delighted)— What makes
you think so?
Miss Coidcasb- Because I sent It to
you on your last birthday Tit Hits.
Il«> (nn Flatter,
"Why do you think he will bo a suc
cess in life? Has he such remarkable
"Only lu one way."
"What is that?"
"When he frels like It. he can put on
an air of respectful admiration that
will make you think you are tho great
est man that ever happened."—Chicago
Mhatnrlri In Ilia l*nth,
"Yes, they are mighty particular
folks lu Cleveland," said the tramp
who was relating some of bis adven
tures. "I think I should have taken a
bath there If they hadn't been so fin
icky about It."
"What did they do or say?"
"Why. they wanted me to wait for an
offshore gale and then to hire a lug
and K<> out six miles before I Jumped
overboard! I simply bad to defer my
liuth till I struck a tjiunt.v duck pond."
Members of It In Every Department
From Yardmen I p—►f orlorn Com
plieatioua W hvu Spotter** I nk.nown
to One Another Crow* Lines.
"Probably the most perfect snotty
system achieved by any private cor
poration." says S. H. Adams iu Ains
lee's, "is that of one of the blpr eastern
railroads, which Is to some extent
modeled on the secret service system
of some of the eastern governments,
though by no means so complex.
"So farreachlng and so direct, how
ever, are its lines of communication
that the president of the organization
Is himself kept constantly informed
of the trend of affairs and the changes
of sentiment among the employees of
every division and subdivision of the
whole railway system, and that with
out the knowledge of any other persons
but his own special corps of clerks
and secretaries.
"Nobody but himself knows the en
tire personnel of the wonderful service
that he has perfected. His agents are
drawn from every branch of the road's
operating staff. They are engineers,
freight brakeinen, passengeT trainmen,
conductors, signalmen, yardmen, sta
tion agents, track walkers and even
division officials. Should that road
have a strike—and strikes are far less
likely to occur than they were before
the present system was put Into oj>-
eratlou—the president will have de
tailed warnings of it from all the
storm centers long before the first mut
terings find cautious utterance in the
"While it also acts as a defense
against thefts by employees, tills sys
tem is intended primarily to prepare,
so to speak, a diary of the disposition,
character, working efficiency and senti
ments toward the road of the men who
constitute the vast human machinery
of the corporation. The feeling which
culminates iu a general strike is not
the result of one act alone, but a slow
growth made up of many grievances,
real or fancied.
"To keep track of the shifting mental
attitude of his employees Is the aim of
this railroad president. If a certain
division superintendent has made him
self unpopular with his subordinates,
Information to that effect comes 'by
underground wire' to the central office,
and the matter Is taken under advise
ment. If the newest fireman on the
road attempts to stir up discontent by
inflammatory talk, his views soon
reach the official car. Every leading
spirit iu the employees' organization Is
known to the president who also
knows whether, Iu case of trouble, the
man is to be reckoned upon as a con
servative or a radical.
"Sometimes this works out the man's
career in a manner quite Incomprehen
sible to him. For Instance, Night
Watchman Hrown Is shifted without
cause that lie can fathom from one di
vision to another. . How should he
know that rumors of trouble In that di
vision have reached the presidential car
and thnt he himself, being down In the
president's little book as a speaker of
weight and a counselor of
uve methods, has been shifted over to
act as unconscious agent in checking a
dangerous tendency?
>•«/—, ~f (be admiring coworkers of
the heail of tula system that In
two minutes' refcreuco to his collected
funds of Information he can unroll the
family history of the woman who
washes the windows of car No. 41144 X
and tell whether. In her estimation, he
himself Is an oppressor of tho down
trodden or a perfect gentleman.
"Where so many Invisible lines radi
ate from the same office It Is Inevitable
that some of them should cross. Curi
ous complicutlous result from contact
between spotters as unknown to each
other as they arc to those whom they
"Several years ago at a time of gen
eral labor troubles a certain railroad
got no less than live reports from Its
confidential men Informing them that
an employee who was several degrees
higher In the secret service of tho road
than any or them, had they but known
It, had been making Incendiary speech
"Tills was true. Matters bad so
shaped themselves that the man ac
cused bad to appear as a radical In or
der to gain admittance to Inuer coun
cils where the Important questions
would be Anally decided. To the cha
grin or I he authorities they were oblig
ed to transfer him. Had they not done
HO the suspicious of the men who make
the reports would have been aroused.
That spotters should know each other
as such Is held to be highly undesira
ble. There Is always the chance that
they might work In conjunction Instead
of acting as checks on each other."
The Plliclit of Time.
A masked man confronted mo with a
pistol In a lonely spot ou the dark road.
"Cough up your chronometer." he de
manded gruffly.
I fumbled for uiy 18 carat timepiece,
thinking that my Inst hour was Ht
hand. When I dared to look up, he
bad vfinished with his plunder.
Even then, such Is the Incongruity of
the human mind, though rejoiced that
my time hail not yet come, I regretted
In my heart that It had gone. New
York Sun.
Profits of Ignorsnp*.
"Why don't you bookstore clerks
know more about books?"
"Madam, we don't dare l>e Intellec
tual, for customers would ask us so
many <|tiestlous that we couldn't make
liny sales."—Chicago Itecord.
To II youth of 2(1 Middle age Is from
40 lo 45. To a young man of 40 mid
dle age Is from 53 to 00.—Somervlllo
Pph r of »H» fiend.
Fear of the dead Is Instinctive In
man. There Is no doubt about that
I do not profess to be able to enter Into
[lieexact reasons for thai fear; wheth
er II l»e that man Instinctively recoils
from contemplation of tln* fallen tem
ple alone or what not. It Is sufficient
that the fear exists.
Neither Is tills Instinctive fear of the
dead conilned lo man. I owned n horse
ante that could never be driven past a
dead horse. The animal exhibited all
the ulcus of true fear.
Fear coupled with shock can produce
Insanity. I do not think that the rea
son <>f a normal man would be unseat-
Vd If lie were locked up alone with a
corpse for many hours, though a per
son with weak nerves certainly might
be so affected. If n man discovered
that his sweetheart hail died suddenly
while alone with him, the shock might
render him Insane.
Even to those most familiar with
death ami dead bodies there Is some
thlng awe Inspiring about R corpse, and
III! mail's nerves are proof against ft
frliilit. I remember once, when I was
iilmie lti (he dissecting room at night,
the band of the subject upon which I
WUi ellgllKed beCBIUO loosened. 1 did
not uvi ice what hrd happened. Hud
No. II
donly the arm of the Subject s^ung
around, and the hand struck the side
of my face. Years of training In im
munity from superstition vanished in
the jump that 1 gave.—Dr. John D.
Quackenbos In New York World.
Vatchea That They Lead.
"They are all alike," remarked a mna
coming oui of a Woodward
watchmaker's, accompanied by a lady, j
"Who?" inquired his wife.
"I thought other cities maybe weren't
quite like our small town In the wild
and wicked west, but they are and
more so. 1 take my watch, which, as
you know, is a fine gold one, full jewel
ed, costing S3OO, in to have a few re
pairs, much or little, as may be, and
the boss timekeeper gives me an old
battered tin watch to carry In its place
that makes me ashamed to look Into
the face of a reputable watch for
weeks. In addition It excites suspicion
in the minds of my nearest friends
when they see me take it out, and if I
should die with that watch on my per
son In a strange country the newspa
pers would say, 'Judging from the
watch found on the deceased, he must
have come from New Jersey.' Now,
what I want to know is why don't
jewelers have 'substitute watches' to
match their customers'? That Is to say,
let the customer's watch left for re
pairs determine the kind of watch he Is
to carry until he gets his own again."
But his wife couldn't tell him to save
her life.—Detroit Free Press.
Didn't See the Joke.
"It Isn't safe to be funny these days
unless one labels one's Jokes," said a
woman who went abroad recently.
"You know, I've always rather fancied
myself as a wit, and on the steamer
coming home I really let myself out
Everybody was a bit seasick, and I
Well, even I had times when I thought
I'd rather own an automobile than any
kind of a yacht One day we all fore
gathered on deck and talked about
what we'd gone through—you know
how people do on shipboard. I was
talking in my cleverest vein with an
English family.
" 'l'm like a famous lady,' I chortled
gayly. 'l'll be extremely glad to set
foot on terra cotta again.'
"That evening the mother of the Eng
lish family took me aside.
" 'My dear,' she said, 'l'm so much
older than you that I am sure I may
make so bold as to tell you something,
and 1 want you to take It In the spirit
In which It Is meant You said this
morning you'd be glad to set foot on
' terra cotta again. I thought I'd just
call your attention to the thing so you
won't make the same mistake again.
It Isn't terra cotta, it's terra firma.'
Washington Post
Surface Indication!.
From "A Book on Dartmoor," writ
ten by the Rev. S. Baring-Gould, comes
a story which might have come from a
less trustworthy source:
The wild and romantic country of
Dartmoor consists of a tableland with
rugged peaks or tors and all but im
passable marshes. After a dry sumine*
it Is easy to nlct *vay across
ui II which at other times are fall
of pitfalls. At one of the latter periods
a man was cautiously treading his way
across one of the treacherous marshes
when he saw a hut brim down
ward on the sedge. lie gave It a gen
tle, good humored kick In passing and
airnout lumped out of his skin when a
choked voice called out from beneath;
"What be you a-doin to my 'at?"
"Be there now a chap under'n?" ex
claimed the traveler.
"Ees, I reckon, and a hoss under me
A Difficult Wife.
An Englishman thus describe* the
wife of his bosom In his will:
"Heaven seems to have sent her Into
the world solely to drive me out of It
The strength of Samson, the genius of
Homer, the prudence of Augustine, tho
•kill of Fyrrhus, the patience of Job,
the philosophy of Socrates, the subtlety
of Haunilial, the vigilance of Hermo
penes, would not suffice to subdue the
perversity of her character."—Ex
A Popalav Host.
Traveler—Eh? Has this hotel chang
ed hands?
Clerk—Yes; the old landlord busted
up; owed thousands of dollars to all the,
provision dealers In the neighborhood.
For every $lO he took In he spent |2O.
Traveler—Too bad. too bad! He's the ;
only landlord I ever met who knew
bow to keep n hotel.—New York Week
She Promised to Conduct the Affair
Verr ttnletly.
She was a middle agud colored wo
man of muscular build, and as sho
was stopped at one of tho passenger
gates Iu the Union depot the other
morning the official took notice that
she was greatly perturbed and breath
ing hard.
"Madam, you seem to be overexcit
ed," he said as sho chokod and gurgled
and coughed.
"Yes, sah, I does. I run mos" all de
way from de house, an I dun fell down
fo' times on de way. if I gltalght of
dnt pusson, he will also bo afflicted
wld oberexcltement— heaps of It"
"You have something under your
shawl?" he continued as his eye de
titled a bulge to the garment.
"Yes, sail," she replied as she re
moved aud held up to view au old ax
handle. "Dls am what will bring de
oberexcltement In case dat pusson
shows up yere."
"But I can't permit any violence or
disturbance, madam."
"Oh, dere won't be no fussln around.
De pusson I spoke of am my husband,
ne's dun made up his mind to leave
mo for a woman In Toledo, an I spect
him yere to lake de train."
"Bnt you must not disturb the
"No, sah uo, sah. Dtr won't be
no disturbance. When I git eyes on
him, 1 shall spit on my hands, grip
dis handle au Jump fur him, an befo'
he comes to I'll hev him homo an all
tucked up In bed. No, sah, uo dis
turbance, 'ccpt I wants de people to
stand back so I kin git a swing to my
arm when I smashes at him."
Ini li a Smnrt Boy.
••now far Is New York from Albany,
"Seven Inches and a half, ma'am. I
Just measured lt."-New York Evening