Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 07, 1901, Image 2

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WILI.IAM C. NEGLEY - - Publisher
Subject to the Republican Primary,
Saturday, June 1, 1901, 1 to ~ p. m.
(3 to elect.)
W. W. HILL, of Adams twp.
W. R. HOCKENDERRY, of Slipperjrock.
W. B. MCGEARY, of Butler.
W. H.-CAMPBELL, of Concord twp.
GEO. M. GRAHAM, of Connoq. twp.
(Third run)
J. H. PiSOR, of Worth twp.
D. D. QCIGLEY. of Butler,
Formerly of Penn twp.
JOHN W. COULTER, of Butler.
WM. C. FINDLEY, of Butler.
JACOB M. PAINTER, of Butler.
ELMER E. YOUNG, of Butler.
B. F. HILLIABD, of Washington twp.
The "General Deficiency" bill the
last of the big, supply bills, passed the
Senate Saturday, thus clearing the decks
for adjournment: the credentials of W.
A. Clark of Montana were read and
placed on file and some small bills passed
In the House the galleries were crowd
ed and a dozen unimportant bills were
passed, Saturday, and the House took a
recess until 2 P. M. of Sunday, when it
reconvened for an all night session the
theory being that the session of Mar. 2
continued until noon of Mar. 4, for the
minute Congress discovers that it is
March 4 the presiding officer must de
clare a sine-die adjournment. In par
liamentary usage a day lasts from noon
to noon, unless, perchance, the sittings
should extend beyond the noon hoar.
Then the day lasts as long as Congress
chooses Twenty-four years ago, during
the continuance of the disputed election
Congress eat tor :»•"> calendar days with
ont adjournment. The Congressiona l
Record on Monday will read: "Wash
ington, March 2 (March 4) 1901," show
ing that, while the legislative day of
March 2 was still in existence when all
the events chronicled therein took place,
the calendar calculation made the time
March 4.
Special trains bearing visitors began
arriving early that morning, and before
evening half a dozen Governors and
the members of their staffs were in town.
Some of tbs trains also brought military
bodies. Gov. Roosevelt and family ar
rived and went to the home of his sister
Mrs. Commander Clowes. The Porto
Rican battalion landed at Norfolk and
reached Washington late Saturday
The vast court of the Pension Build
ing was decorated with flowers, plants
and bunting and was ready for the In
augural ball and all arrangements for
the great parade on Monday w ere being
At 3 o'clock Monday morning Con
gress had passed all the appropriation
bills except the river and harbor and
sundry civil bills. Conference reports
npon them had been rejected in both
House and Senate and both houses were
still in session.
In the Senate Mr. Carter, of Mon
tana. began talking on the River and
Harbor bill, and kept on talking till
near noon, or till preparations for the
Inaugural began. He talked for thirteen
hours, and killed the bill. During the
morning a vote of thanks was given
Speaker Henderson to which he re
sponded, and then the Hon.se adjourned,
sine die and flocked over to the Senate
chamber to see the Inaugural ceremonies
the re.
Before noon the Senate chamber was
packed with Senators, Governors, Army
and Navy officers, foreign Ambassa
dors, etc., and the galleries with women
of all the civilized nations of the earth,
in flowing robes and glittering diamonds.
Vice President Roosevelt entered and
was sworn in by Senator Frye and then
the President, who had been sitting in
one of the small rooms, signing bills en
tered and the procession, headed by the
President and Chief Justice, formed and
marched out npon the platform, where
McKinley took the oath of office and
made his address during a drenching
rain. The day had opened bright and
fair, but towards noon it beiran raining
and rained the rest of the day. A
crowd of about forty thousand people
stood in the rain around the Capitol to
see the President take the oatb from the
Chief Justice and afterwards along
Penn'a avenue to see the military pa
After making his address, McKinley
aud Roosevelt entered a carriage and
headed the procession of carriages and
military organizations down Penn
sylvania avenue, to the White House,
when the President and his party en
tered the stand erected there, aud re
viewed the procession.
That night everybody (who had a
ticket) went to the great ball in the
Pension building, there were some fire
works at the Monument and the day
was over.
"The feature of national significance
in the parade and festivities of the day
is the forecast of national policy and ex
ecutive purpose given in the Inaugural
address. The President's second in
augural address is therefore the really
important part of the occasion for the
people at largo. President McKinley
opened his second inangnral by con
trasting the condition of the currency
question four years ago with that of the
present, and dwelling on the revival of
Industry, tho improved stato of the
revenues aud the marked reversal of
all the features which characterized the
finances and industry of tho Nation
when his first term began. This is a
legitimate cause for pride and congrat
ulation. It constitutes the strength of
the Administration and vas the factor
which above all others determined the
last election.
Passing from this topic the Presi
dent took np the other great public
question, the relation of the United
States with Cuba and the Philippines
His refrence to the attitude of those op
posing the Republican policy might
have been fairer in the statement of
their position: but this political fault
will be generally overlooked in view of
the repeated determination to make
good the pledge with regard to Cuba
and to gi%*e the Philippines "self-gov
ernment as fast as they can be made
ready for it." The surest way to dis
arm opposition and to crown the policy
of tho Administration with the unani
mous public approval is to make good
those words. The President is now
clothed with power to carry oat these
purposes. He has heretofore been lim
ited by the theory that he was acting
only as Cominander-in-Cbief in holding
the posessions by military occupancy.
But having now received uu extra
I ordinary grant of power for the es
| tablishment of government in the is
j lands the promise* thus niaile can be
i fulfilled.
. j If President McKinley's second ad
' ministration carries out these purposes
fnlly and successfully it will record
even a greater triumph than the first.
The Ripper-Charter bill passed the
House on third reading, last Thursday,
by a vote of 106 to 93, onr members vot
ing with the majority and Gov. Stone
intimated he would sign it after the In
In Pittsburg Senator Flinn and his
friends v.-ere getting ready to fight the
Inw i.i tha courts on the ground that it
violated the Constitution; and on the
other band the anti-Flinnites in the
councils were fighting for a reduction
of the city tax levy from 17 to 12
mills. In Allegheny Mayor Wyman was
reported to have put iron bars over his
office doors and was preparing to resist
the execution of the law bv force.
A Most Shainetul Record.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Every argument advanced during the
recent campsign by those who opposed
the election of Quay legislators, has
been sustained by the logic of events.
Mr. Quay's re-election to the United
States Senate was antagonized not so
much on personal grounds as because of
the political machine whose fortunes
were involved in his success. It was
contended that Quayism meant bad
government, excessive taxation, ex
travagant appropriations, the multipli
cation of useless offices, the promotion
of jobs and the putting aside of all gen
uine reforms. When the election re
turns came in the people believed that
they had triumphed over the ring; that
the Senate was at least a tie, and that
the House had a working majority of
Independent Republicans and Demo
crats. But the resources of the machine
proved too powerful, and, by pressure
and persuasion, a sufficient nnmber ot
Anti-Qnavites was procured to give the
ring organization control of both
branches of the General Assembly.
Since the election of Mr. Quay to the
Senate not a legislative day has passed
that has not witnessed an exhibition of
the characteristic indifference of the
machine to public opinion and popular
interests. Despite the wishes of the
judges and the sentiment of the com
munity. a bill has been passed for an
unnecessary court in Philadelphia. An
other bill has passed that is even more
vicious, depriving the dirtrict attorney
of the right to stand aside jurors under
certain circumstances.
Then there is the 'ripper' act, passed
yesterday, to give the Quayites control
of Pittsburg and other cities. Many ob
jectionable measures have been intro
duced by members of the majority and
their Democratic .allies. Tfie machine
proposes to abolish the buildings com
mission and turn the City hall over to
Mayor Ashbridge. The commission is
entitled to no sympathy whatever, and
were the conditions other than they are
the "Ledger" would cordiallv indorse
the movement, but the present propo
sition means from the frying pan into
tire. Senator Stiles, one of the Quay
Demociats, has offered . two very ob
jectionable bills, one to dam the Dele
ware river, which would incidentally
impair the shad industry, and another
to legalize race track gam hlim? in every
county in Pennsj-lvania. Representa
tive Voorhees advocates an amendment
to the law relating to the licensing of
detectives, which would enibaraf-s the
Law and Order society in its efforts to
close up disorderly resorts, many of
ator Fox has a bill for a State Capitol
commission to spend $0,000,000. Senator
Muehlbronner wants SIO,OOO appropriat
ed to give an unlimited number of
favored workers in Philadelphia and
Pittsburg jobs as inspectors of weights
and measures Representative Mc-
Glathorty has a little scheme for six ex
aminers of engineers, at $1,200 per an
num each, and the exaction of fees from
applicants for license.
Representative Beacom proposes to
take the disposal of liquor license from
the courts and entrust the same to excise
boards. Senator Focht wants to in
crease the evils of the existing ballot
law by perpetuating the party column,
denying to independent organizations
the right of equality or representation,
and forbidding non-partisan nominut
ions. In addition to these there are
bills requiring cities to buy up elect;-;-
light plants before attempting munici
pal lighting; to create new and unneces
sary counties; to impose burdensome
mercantile taxes; to oppress building
associations and impair existing
lation, and sundry measure-! to provide
more places for tax-eaters.
On Wednesday was witnessed the
spectacle of the passage by the Senate
of an unjustifiable bill to interfere with
the courts in their oversight of trustees
This scheme was vigorously objected to
but as it had the machine stamp it was
rnshed through, the spokesman content
ing hims-lf by saying that if the courts
were against the bill it was because
they did not want th"ir priyileges cur
tailed. On the same day the press re
ported the passage by the House of fee
bill, pretending to lop off emoluments
forbidden by the con-citation, but itself
clearly unconstitutional in form.
In both branches at Earrisburg ther in
only a semblance of debate. The minor
ity makes an effort to discuss disrep
utable bills OD passage, but is gauged
wherever possible by calls for the pre
vious question, and the majority votes
according to the cue given by the
machine leaders.
Everything goes in ihe Senate that is
vouched for by Grady or Scott, and no
bill introduced by an anti-Qn iyite ha
any show of passage, unless an in
fluential member of the majority agrees
to foster it. 11l the House the proceed
ing is much the .-.ame. About the
only machine measure to meet with a
set back was that to muzzle the press
Some of the Quayites are in the jnvs
paper business themselves, and objected
to being hoisted by their own petard.
"This is a conservative statement of
the record of the Pennsylvania Legis
lature to date ou bills that itre political
or quasi-political. Not one single
measure in the interest of political re
form has been suffered to leave the com
mittee room with a favorable report.
To clinch machine control and make it
binding, the State has a Governor who
is an adherent of Senator Quay. The
moral of all this we leaye to the re
flection of our readers.
THE monumental gateway of the
Paris Exposition with its surmounting
statue has been sold for $2,000 to a deal
er in scrap iron.
A LARGE Milwaukee concern recently
made a casting weighing 1 10, (KM) pounds,
to serve as a bedplate for a blowing
engine for the Carnegie Steel Company,
Pittsburg, Pa. About 125,000 pounds
of metal were jionred in the process of
Judce Patton of Armstrong Co.
granted 23 retail and 11 wholesale li
censes. Onr Billy was among the lucky
The assessed valuation of Pittsburg is
three-hundred millions.
At midnight of last Thursday in the
Ohio pea. at Columbus, R. H. Ferrel.
the train robber and murderer, was
By reason of the case of scarlet fever
in the woman's hall of Westminister
College, ii has lteen thought by the col
lege authorities, in order to avoid all
danger of contagion, to anticipate the
spring vacation, which would have be
gun in about two weeks. Accordingly,
college work was suspended until April
Struck by an express that was Hying
along at the rate of 40 miles an hour,
carried three squares on the cow-catcher
and still living to the tale, was the ex
perience ox Fred Barclay last Friday at
The Blairsville express, due at Taren
tum at 3:46, yesterday afternoon struck
Barclay at the Feery Creek crossing.
He was crossing the track and saw the
express coming, but failed to gauge its
speed anil did not clear the track in
time. He was struck in the side and
carried three sqnares before the train
could l>e stopped. The engineer saw
the accident and applied the brakes and
at the end of the third square the train
was slowed down.
The engineer jumped from his cab.
expecting to find Barclay dead, but to
his surprise he fouud Barclay conscious
arid trying his best to extricate him
self. He was helped from his danger
ous position and carried to the office of
the company's surgeon where it was dis
covered that six ribs were broken, his left
aim broken and his hip crushed. He
was taken to the West Penn hospital,
The Mayor and Council gave notice to
the railroad company three months ago
to have gates placed at the numerous
While at Sharon last week Rev. H. G.
Dodds. of this place, happened to l«?
near when a horrible accident occnred.
Five Italians were crossing a railroad
bridge, located ih town, which is el
closed on each side with heavy timbers,
leaving a space about two feet wide on
each side for pedestrians when an or
dinary i«ix car is passing through. The
Italians stepped to one side, and seven
or eight cars passed through without
doing any damage Then one of those
large steel cars of a new pattern came
along. It almost completely fillM the
space between the side wall». of tho
bridge and the Italians, not having
presence of mind to drop down, were
caught and ground to pulp. The l;ig
steel car foiled and dragged them to the
end of the bridge and dropped theui of
the end a shapeless and bloody mass of
flfsh and bones.—Punx'y Spirit.
Petrol ia.
Mrs. May Peters and husband from
Sistersville, spent Sunday at home,
last week.
O Some of our M. E. men attended Rev.
Rinker's meeting Monday evening and
had a good time.
Charlie Hawk and Karl Dangherty
are spending a week in Chicago and
Tho Presbyterian and M. E. Mission
ary societies are having an interest
ing revival service of humiliation and
prayer this evening in the Presbyterian
I am glad to say the sick of our t.own
are all improving.
There was a converted Jew gwro a
lecture in the M. E. chnrch last night
He gave a very descriptive talk on their
manner and customs.
New good-- arriving in our town daily
looks as if business was going *> b-*
J. M. Hawk and son have built an a<l
diticn to their store which is quite an
Look out for Mrs Brown's Easter
» Pica lor the Little News Isoy. ]
Oh, pity the little news boys, shivering !
with cold, I
Walking the streets of Butler with their
papers unsold:
Bnt the brave little fellows care not for!
tho cold,
And stay on the street till the last pu
per is sold.
Hard indeed is the heart £ka& passes
them by
And not bringing forth u penny paper
to buy.
If the newsies would slay oil the stretjfa
for a day
There wen Id bo a grand kick and liif
duece to pay.
We would miss them far more Ihum if
the street cars should stop.
For thou it would seem the whole-jowu
hud closed shop.
We would miss on the streets their fa
miliar old cry,
Bout the murder, the fire or a i obberv
Than help buy iheir papers* 'tis not
much to give,
The poor little newsies so mehow haye
to live.
They will sell you a pap jr for oaly on<-
And I in sure that youir money could
uot better be sp< jnt.
M. HA vs.
' A'. TV, v»'. Crossing-.
Mk. Editor- »Iji common with other
residents of tho First Ward I have been
looking patiently for the arrival of the
trollies along; oar thoroughfare -Centre
Avenne. It was. generally understood
that it would be v.'ith us in the early
spring. But we have had our hopes
somewhat blighted by the announce
meut that "the powers that be," of the
Pittsbiurg & Western Tt. R. Co. had fin
ally refused to allow the trolly company
to cross their track*; thus absolutely dt
priving them from rv aching our section
oi : town. This, to say the least ol it, is
very selfish, it is something that tlie
people of this towr had no right to e I
peer, from this company, which hail
been so liberally treated by our people-
Now it becomes our duty to inquire,
not only "where are we at?" but what
is our remedy? For it cannot be possi
ble that the people of this town will
quietly sit still and submit to this great
wrong. It is not a question that affects
one section of our town only. It a fleets
all sections. The trolly people have in
vested their money in this worthy en
terprise. They hoped, nay expected,
to reach all sections of our town; to ac
commodate all the people. The tinth
is the movements and success of this
street railway system is of more i' an por
ta nc- ■ to the "common people" th m the
movements of the P. & W. R lilwav
Aud I take it for granted that flu
tue. -a<- com '..hen ihe people will !,<»
heard li-oni: at first. it seems to me. the
Town Couucil ahuihl take sitcia acttwi
as wonlu iuipress this corporation that
it owes 1 tier tre.-itoieut to a (•onvmuni
ty that has treated it so well
It is said that the Supreme Court has
lately rendered an opinion that leaves
us at th< mercy of these R. R. corpora
tions. I have not Been the case; but if
that Court has done so, I doubt not it
will, in due time, and on further reflec
tion ieverse itself: if not the Legislature
must give the people relief, it is urged
of course tlnit such crossings are very
dangerous. This is, tr. some extent,
true, and is therefore a good reason why
these franchises should be handled with
great ere; but uot that they should be
1' rom a recent magazine article I
learned that in the last year there wetu
over i.OOO deaths caused by R. R. acci
dents more, it was averred, than hiul
been killed in the Spanish war. This is
astonishing! \ et. no one assumes that
it would justify the abandonment of the
use of railroads as a means of travel,
etc. It does impress the fact that there
ought to be more care. Unis.
Children are often adepts at defi
uition, says "The London Globe." A
correspondent's small girl, aged seven,
fastened on the phrase 'immortal soul.'
which she had heard in the course of
conversation. 1 know what an immort
al soul is. she said. Its a little thing
in the middle of the stomach that never
Concord twp.
Rose Shook of Magic is down with a
severe attack of appendicitis.
G. R. Catlin's condition does not seem
to improve. It is now about three
| weeks since he jvrs attacked with sciat-
I ic rheumatism.
' Mrs. Elmer Cnrry presented her hus
band with a young daughter last Wed
I Bntler County Pomona Grange will
j meet in Middletown on Thursday, this
| week.
F. M. Kuhn of Coal Valley was a re
-1 cent visitor to his friend Wrn. Curry of
,T. H. Christie, E. L. Cumberland and
wife and Carrie Meals made a business
trip to Butler last Wednesday.
Revival meetings conducted by Mrs.
M. H. Horner of Homestead will soon
begin in the M. E. church at Troutman.
Mrs. Horner will be assisted in her la
| bors by Christian workers from a dis
i The Senior Endeavorers held their
first social last week at the home of C.
B. \Vick. wnich was greatly enjoyed by
all present. Other events of a like na
ture are soon to follow. These enter
tainments are characterized by social
converse, vocal and instrumental music
I and refreshments. the exclusion of
I games and plays, and are never to be
arranged for on Sunday.
James I. Campbell and wife of Tront
man returned from Cambridge Springs,
Saturday, where Mrs. Campbell had
gone to recuperate her health.
Miss Lillian Kinzer is with friends
and relatives in Pittsburg.
About 30 of our young people met at
the home of Abner Campbell on last
Thursday night and had a fine social
Preaching services at Concord next
Sunday at 11 a.m. and at Troutman at
8 p.m.
Both of Wm. Garry's children of near
Greece City are sick with scarlet fever.
Sarver Station.
> Messrs Donaldson and McMillan have
been here with the view, if the way be
clear, of setting up a creamery plant.
Nothing has yet been done.
We need very much a blacksmith at
the Station.
This place offers exceptional advan
tages. Five churches nearby, township
j graded schools, Academy, postofflce
seven mails and ten passenger trains
The Phillips tJo. continue to operate
near the Station. A new well on the C.
F. Smith has lx-en started; the crew are
S. E. Thornberg, Charlie Bonner, Jas.
Horton and Hrony Flick.
Rev. SJallman, C. F. Smith. Mr. Sho
pan and J. Fry visitetl the Academy last
The debate in the Literary was on the
subject, "The Central Government
should own the Railroads of the coun
try. "
Prof. Meyer joined his Co. at Bntler,
Saturday, on their way to Washington.
David Ekas lost a. valuable horse by
colic, Friday.
Pnblic Worship iu Buffalo church
ney t Sunday at 11 a.m., at Westminster
at •'{ p.m.
Miss Fanny Kepple died in Buffalo
twp, Feb. 27. 1901, aged about 59 years.
West Sun bury.
Interesting revival meetings are
being held ill tile Methodist church con
ducted by Rev. assisted by oth< r
Ministers of iho town
Rev. Oliver preached in the Presby
terian church Sabbath morning and
evening. The warm wave has spoiled
our sleighing completely.
A sled load, consisting of about thir
teen of our married ladies and maidens,
hired Mr. Wrmket to drive them to
Coaltown Friday evening and had sup
per at Mr. "Welsh's.
Miss Cora Campbell, of Allegheny, is
homo visiting her friends*.
Mrs J. K. Eshenl angh sold her prni>-
*>rty to Will Broaden and moved to Ark
Port X. Y.
Ezra Steward, -of near town is
dangerously sick with pneumonia.
Mrs. John Wilson is on the sick list.
There will l>e a basket social given in
Academy hall Friday evening the Bth.
FIVE bids were opened recently in
Havana for the raising of the "Maine."
The amounts asked for varied from
§735,000 to fiSO.OOO. The bids were re
jected and new ones asked for. There is a
stipulation that dynamite shall not be
used iu blowing up the vessel. The snc
; cy?sfnl bidder may retain the ship,
j Twelve new bids were tendered.
i The marriage of Miss Bessie, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Collins, to Frank
| A. Maginnis of the commissary depart.-
■ ment of the Whittier state school, took
i place at the home of the bride's parents
i on North Painter avenue Monday after
noon Rev. Mr. Walker of Los Angeles
, peri firmed the ceremony. There were
I present Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Maginnis,
j father and mother of the groom. Miss
' Gracia Magiunis and Earle Maginnis,
| Mr. and Mrs. Collins and daughter,
t Miss Jane. President C. G. Warner of
f ,ihe Warner Oil company of Franklin
' F : .,>and Eugene Hallett of Los Angeles.
[ .Immediately after the ceremony the
J young couple were driven to the station
j to take the noon train for Los Angeles
! The weather was rainy and disagreeable
i jet there was a large assemblage of
• friends at the train to bid them good
t bye. The officials of the state school
' were present in a body. The cadet band
] was also in attendance.
I At Los Angeles a wedding dinner was
served at the Van Nys.
i Mr. and Mrs Maginnis ltft Los
i Angles Monday evening, in company
with thi' family of the elder Maginnis
for Tampico, Mexico where the latter is
interested iu the development of exten
sive oil territory.
Mr. and Mi s. P. A Maginnis are well
known and popular young people and
their departure from Whittier is sin
cerely regretted by a host of friends.
The bride is the eldest'daughter of Issac
Collins, superintendent of and a heavy
owner in the Warner Oil company, and
has been prominently indentified with
1 the social life of the city.—Whittier
(Cal.) News.
The bride if a grand-daughter of Mrs.
i Elizabeth Pisor of Middletown
take a peep
At our new di 'sigps and patterns in
The patterns for this season are beauti- ;
ful and artistic. House cleaning time ;
will soon be here, and you wish to be one !
of the first to have' your rooms repapered. j
Theiefore call and look them over, and
,>et first choice. \Ve are prepared to
natig the same at most reasonable prices. I
Mirror and Picture Framing
A Specialty.
Patterson Bros. ?i
236 N. Main St. !
People's Phone. 400. Wick Building •
tyy ANTED—Honest man or woman to trave 4
" for large l»ous« , salary s<>."» n»onthly ana .
•xp» rises, witli increase; position perman
ent; Inclose self-addressed envelope
MANAUKK. KMT.CaJton bidg., (JhiCW>-
BLAIR At his home in Slippery rock
twp ~ March 1. 1901, Henry R. Blair,
aged C."> years. ;
BEATTY— At her home near Grove
City. Feb. 28, 1901. Mrs. Thomas M.
Beatty. nee Sarah Agues Campbell of
West Libertj",
She was the mother of C C. Beatty of
BRIGHT—At her home in Mt. Chest
nut, March 3. 1901, . infant
daughter of Harry Bright, aged B
HALL -At her houie in Butler, Feb. 2*.
1901, Mrs. Emma A., wife of Law
rence A. Hall, aged 48 years.
She was a daughter of J. M. Cubbison
of Harrisville and leaves two children.
Herbert of Mrs. Zimmerman's store and
Miss Jessie. Mrs Hall had been an in
valid for eleven years.
BfiOWER—At Butler General Hospi
tal, Feb. 28, 1901, Harvey Brower of
Butler, aged 21 years.
HOOVER —At her home in Renfrew,
Feb. 23. 1901. Miss Gussie, daughter
of Edward Hoover, aged 21 years.
BALDAUF—In Pittsburg, March 3,
1901. Joseph, son of Mrs. F. Baldauf.
of Locust St., Butler, aged 37 years
BOND—At her home in Renfrew. Mar.
4, 1901, Mary, daughter of Henry
Bond, aged two years.
WESTLAKE—March 1, 1901, at Coop
erstown, infant son of Van Westlake,
aged 7 mouths.
KEPPLE —At her home in Buffalo twp.
Feb. 27, 1901, Miss Fanny Kepple,
aged about 58 years.
REIBOLD -Feb. 21, 1901, infant sou of
A. W. Reibold, of Connoquenessing.
BARNES—At his home near Harris
ville, of dropsy, February 27, 1901, J.
Henderson Barnes, in his 61st year.
Mt'KIBBEN- February 25, 1801, infant
daughter of Arthur McKibben of
Clinton twp., aged 7 months.
McNAIR —In the city <>f Brooklyn, X.
Y., March 2, 1901, Win. Beatty Mc-
Nair, Esq , in the 69th year of his age.
Wrn. McNair was boru and raised in
this place, in the house which George
Walter now owns and lives in near the
mill at south end of town. His father,
the late Gen. Robert McNair. came here
about 1830 and bought the old mill from
the late John Negley, deceased, and
built that house. Later it was owned
by the late Jacob Walter and now by
his son George.
Gen. Robert McNair married the old
est daughter of the late Hon. Win.
Beatty and Will., now deceased, was
his oldest son. After studying law and
being admitted he went to Venango
county, living in Oil City, and practic
ing successfully until ill health caused
him to go to New York. He is remem
bered by ali old friends here as a genial,
generous man of fair abilities and many
Obituary Notes.
Win M. Evarts, ex-U. S. Senator, ex-
Secretary of State and one of the great
est lawyers iu the country, died at his
home in New York city, last Thursday,
aged 83 years.
G. Washington Barnes of Mercer twp.
died suddenly from a stroke ot apoplexy
last Saturday morning.
He was a large, strong man, and was
recovering from a siege or grippe. "He
was 5"; years ot ago and leaves a wife
and for r children.
John Dolan, the old hotel keeper of
Millers-lown, was found dead in his of
fice chair, early Sunday morning. He
was ab >ut $2 years of age, and was
tronbit d with asthma and dropsy, which
are supposed to have affected his heart.
He was born in Ireland, came to this
country forty years ago and became
wealthy. He was not married, but had
a nephew and two nieces for a family.
Mrs. Mane M. Gemmil. relict of Dr.
John Gemmil. died Friday morning
alter aa extended illness, of about four
years, at ber home in Zelienople.
J. B. Nicholson, Secretary of the
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, died at
h s h> ;nu in Philadelphia, Monday.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors fur their kindness and sympa
thy during th, tni-kne-sand death of our
ibinjil'ler Melva A. McKibbin.
Mi:, and A W. MCKIBBJN.
Jury Lists for March Term.
List of names drawn as pettit jurors
from the proper jury wheel this 21st
day of January, 1901, to serve as petit
jurors at the regular term of court
commencing on the second Monday of
Match, 1901, the same being the 11th
day of s.iid month:
Andre W J. Fairview tp, farmer,
Albert J W, Franklin tp, farmer,
Barnes W 11, Lancaster tp, farmer,
Bt-cker James, Franklin tp, farmer.
Barahart David, Oakland tp, farmer,
Bamhart Joseph, Millerstown borough,
Blackly W J. Adams tp, farmer.
Clark Frank,Connoquenessing tp,farmer
Colbert W R, sth wd Butler, engineer,
Clntton Jonathan, Worth tp, farmer,
Daubenspeck John, Parker tp, farmer,
Eabin M, Kan Clare boro, carpenter,
Fehl Andrew, Connoquenessing tp,
Graham Thomns, Penn tp, farmer,
Gallangher John, Butler tp, fanner.
Hepler Joseph. Buffalo tp. farmer.
Infield G E, sth wd Butler, laborer,
Ktoch Herman. Saxonburg boro, gent.
Kerrey E E, Worth tp, farmer,
Kfmerer Peter. sth wd Bntler, assessor,
Kelly TZ, Venango'tp, farmer,
Keistcr J B, Slipperyrock tp, farmer,
Lavery J W, Peun tp, farmer,
Lutz John. Ist wd Bntler, carpenter.
Litzinger Henry, Millerstown borough.
Liebold Herman. 3rd wd Butler, gent.
Miller J F. Venango tp. farmer,
McGeary .T W. Muddycreek tp, farmer,
McKee James F, Prospect boro, printer,
Martsoff Henry, Center tp, farmer,
McAntosh Kenneth,Fairview tp,farmer,
MoCollongh A M, Fairview tp. farmer,
McGill George, Harrisville boro.wagon-
Monks Martin, Middlesex tp, farmer.
Mangold J (-r, 2nd \vd Butler,merchant,
Miller Daniel C, Center tp. merchant,
Metz Andrew, Lancaster tp, fanner.
Painter James M,2nd wd Butler, grocer,
Rivers John. Winfield tp, farmer,
Rotli L M. Prospect boro, dentist.
Shane .T C Washington twp. farmer.
Smith Milton. Wintield tp, farmer.
Steward H E, Washington tp, teacher,
Schenck Alf S, 3rd wd Butler, book
Scott Aldo, Fairview boro, clerk.
Snow Robert M, Butler tp. carpet
Wachmuth Wm. Jr, Butler tp, farmer,
Zigler OW, Harmony boro merchant.
Anyone sending sjketeh ami descrlpt lon may
quickly ascertain 1 >o» opinion free whether »n
Invention ts probably patentable. C'ommonlca
tions strictly confidential. II«n<lbookon Patents
sent froe. oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice, without charge. in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly, lamest cir
culation of any sclent iHc Journal. Terms. »>t a
year four months, *l. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co. 36lßroadwa> New York
Branch Oftico. C 25 V St.. Washington. D. C.
SI,OO per year if paid In advance, otherwise
H-'iO will bo cnarged.
Ai)Vi:htisinu Katks— Otio Inch, one Unit
|1; each HUbßQiQ6llilllMrtlOll :"><i cents each
Auditors' and divorce notices $4 each; exec
utors' ami administrators' notices *•; eacli
estray and dissolution notices $2 each. Mend
ing not ices 10 cents a line for Ilrst and •"> cents
for each subseouent insertion. Notices
among local nows lt "ins l"> cents a line for
e icii in sertlon. Obituaries, cards of thanks,
resolutions of respect, notices <»f festivals
and fairs, etc., inserted at the rale of 5 cents
a line, money to H' Tonipiiny the order. Seven
words of prose make a line.
Rales for standing cards anu Job work on
Ait advertising is duo after first insertion,
and all transient advertising must oe paid
for in advance.
Ail communications intended for publica
tion in this paper mil ,t be accompanied by
tbe real nam* of the writer, not for publica
tion bu. :i guarantee of good faith,and should
reach us not later t ban I'uesday evening
Death notice" must be accompanied with
responsible name.
In the District Court of the
United States for the Western
District of Pennsylvania, in
In the matter of i
Adam Kifer Klinffensmltb -No. 1309, in Buok
ltunkrupL. I rupt«*y.
To the creditors of Achira K f»*r Kllncen-
Miiitb. of Butler, in the county of Built,
and district aforesaid, a bankrupt:
Notice is hereby tfiv« n that 011 the27th day
of Kelt.. A. I>. 1901. the said Adam hifer Kling
enstnith tire* duly adjudicated bankrupt;
and that the first "meeting of hi- creditor*
will be held at thi office or J. W. Hutchison
Referee in Bankruptcy. No. 114 V \\ 1»! t
mond. Butler. Pa . on the IMb day of Man h.
A. D. 1901. at in o'clock in the foreri« m
which time the said creditors may a«t«-nd.
prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex
amine the bankrupt, and transact such
other business as may properly come before
said meet in if.
March Ith. 1901.
Ueferee in Uankruotcy.
In the District Court of the
United States for the Western
District of Pennsylvania, in
In the matter of
James A. Mcßrlde aril Pat
rick Mcßrlde. Individually and No. HO4. in
as meml>ers of the firm of Me- Bankruptcy.
Bride Brothers, Bankrupts. )
To the creditors of .lames A. Mcßrlde. of
Oakdale, county of Allegheny, and Patrick
Mcßrlde of Coy lesrille.county of Butler and
1 district aforesaid, individually and as mem
| bers of the firm of Mcßrlde Brothers, bank-
I rupts:
Notice is hereby given '.hat on the SSth day
I of February. A. l>. 19U1. the said .lames A.
! Mcßrlde and Patrick M.-Bride. Individually
land a* members (if the firm nf Mcßrlde
' Brothers, were duly adjudicated bankrupts;
! and that the first meeting of their creditors
r will lie held at the office of .1. W. Hutchison.
referee in bankruptcy. No. IU N. W. l)la
! mond, Butler, l'a.. on the 18th day of March,
A. I>. 11*01, at In o'clock In the forenoon
at which time the said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex
amine the bankrupts and transact such other
business as may properly come before said
March 4th, 1901.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
By virtue of an order and decree the
Orphan's Court of Butler county. Pa., made
on the 4th day of March. 11)01. at No. 2. May
Term. 11)01. of said I'ourt. the undersigned
administrator will otter for sale at public out
cry on the premises, on
Friday, March 29th, 1901,
At 10o'clock a. m .of said day the following
described real estate, situate in Forward
township. Butler county. State of Pennsyl
vania. bounded on the north by lands of A.
, J. Critchlow. east by lands of .1. C. C'rltchlow
and Philip Burr, south by lands of Philip
Burr and William Ilouthett. and west by
lands of I.evi Slator: containing forty acres,
more or less.with a two story frame dwelling
house, frame barn and other out buildings
thereon located: said land cleared with the
exception of about ten acres in t fmber:locat
ed about one mile from Keibohi station: be
ing the land owned by John Critchlow, at
and Iwfore his death.
Subject to an oil and gtta lease oa said
premise to Forest Oil Co., dated l«»b day of
July, I'iW.
TERMS OF SALE: All of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of sale by
the Court.
Administrator of John Critchlow. dee'd..
P. O. Reibold. Pa.
FHAXK 11. MtTBPHV. Attorney.
Ry virtue of an order and decree Issued
out of thi United States District Court, for
the Western District of Pennsyivania-tu case
No. T179. of Charles Thompson, of Ivywood.
Butler county. In Bankruptcy, and to me di
rected, there will be exposed to public sale
at the Court House, iu Butler. Pa., on
Saturday, the 23rd day of March,
1901. at two o'clock p. m.
All that certain tract of land situate In
Middlesex township. In the County of Butler
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows: On the north by lands of
K. it. Mahon. on the east by lands of John
Ouinn and Wesley Monks, on the south b.v
lands of Thomas Chant ler. and on the west
by lands of Benjamin Stepp, containing flft>
acn-s, more or less, mostly cleared, in pood
state of cultivation, with frame house, barn
and orchard titer \>n; being a part of the
land devised to Charles Thompson, said
Bankrupt by the-last will and testament of
William Thompson, recorded in said county
iu Will Book I. page-ISO. subject to the lifees
tate of B. Thompson; by said order and dec
reet he above mentioned fifty acres ofland will
be sold subject to a mortgage given by said
Charles Thcmpson to W. J. Mays, dated Feb.
-tith.ls'.i",recorded in said county in Mortgage
Book 54, page 153, for debt JtWO with interest
from UUtli Feb.. Is'.rT. payable annually, the
principal due March Ist. 1902. That the same
will be sold free, ciear and discharge from
the lien of all judgments.
ALSO At the same time and place all that
certain ot her piece, parcel and tract of land,
of said ('harlcs Thompson, Bankrupt, situate
iu Middlesex township. Butler county, in the
state of Pennsylvania bounded and de
scribed as follows: tin the north by lauds of
Catharine C'hantler and Edward Byruns. on
t lie east by lands of Samuel McCafl. on the
south by lands of John Qulun. and on the
west by lands of Shaffer Mahan, containing
thirty acres, more or less, mostlj cleared, in
a good state of cultivation; being a part of
tin- laud devised to Charles Thompson, said
Bankrupt, by William Thompson by his last
will and testament. Recorded in said coun
ty, in Will Book I, page 406, subject, to the
life estate of Robert Thompson, who is still
living and aged about lil years. That by said
order and decree slid described ;i<> acres of
land w ill be sold subject to a mortgage given
by said Charles Thompson to Hannah 1,.
Slieti, dated Dec. sth, l-'.'s. recorded in said
county in Mortgage Book 60. page 43», debt
saoo, with interest from Dec. sth, ls'X.payable
annually, the principal payable In 5 years
from the date thereof; and the same will be
sold free, clear and discharged from the lien
of all judgments, of which sales all judg
ment and Men cradltors are hereby personal
ly notified.
TERMS Op' SALE—Purchase money all to
be paid on COD tlrmatlon of said sales by the
W. J. MARKS, Trustee,
In case No. 11711. of Charles Thompson, a
Bankrupt, Feb. loth. 1901.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the County Commissioners at their of
fice ill Butler. Pa., up until 12 o'clock
Friday, the 15th day of March. 1901, for
the construction of the masonry of three
county bridges. Two situate in Marion
township known as Vandyke and Perl' r
bridges, and one situate in Clay town
ship on road leading from Butler to
Plans and specifications can lie seen
at the office of County Commissioners
The Commissioners reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
Commissioners office, Butler, Pa.
February 20, 1901.
County Commissioners.
Attest: J. C. KISKADDEN, Clerk.
By virtue of writs of Ven Ex., Lev Fi,lssued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of But ler
Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be ex
posed to public sale, at the court house, in
the borough of Butler, Pa., on
Friday, the Bth day of March, A. D. 1901,
at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described
properly, to-wlt:
E. I) No*. ~ and t5. March Term, lilOl, W. A. &.
F. J. Forquer, Attorneys.
All tlie rlxbt, title, interest and claim of
John Grossman, of, in and to all that certain
oioce or parcel »>f land, situated in Clay twp.
hutier Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt :
On the north by land* of Mitchell McOaslln
and Japhlid McMlchael, on the east by lands
of Bamuel and John Sutton, on the south by
lands of Wm. J. Stoner and O'Neal and
on the west by lands of O. F. Brown and
lands formerly of Geo. Haker,»now Johnston;
containing 85 acres, mow or less, and having
thereon erected a p»< d two story frame
house, two story board house,and frame barn
and having a tfood orchard thereon.
Sel/.ed and taken In execution i»s the prop
erty of John Grossman at the suit of John
Ben? & Co.
TERMS OF HALE The following must be
strictly compiled with when property is;
st rick en down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ- (
iug mortgage searches on the property sold. (
together with such lien creditor's receipt* j
for t he amount of the procet Us of t he sale or !
such portion thereof as he may cliiim, mus |
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
'A. All sales not settled immediately will be !
continued until one o'clock, P. M.. of the
next day at which time all property not »
settled for will again be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of th#person to whom j
first sold.
♦See I'urdon's Digest, Oth edition, page 4t«5. •
and Smith's Forms, page lint.
Sheriff's Office. Butler. Fa.. Feb. (Ith. 11KI1. ,
Karl Schluchter,
Practical Tailor and Cutter
125 W. Jcflerscu, Butk-r, Pa.
Busheling, Cleaning and
Repairing a Specialty
Funeral Director.
245 S. Main St. Butler PA
Estate of John Oitchlow, dee'd.,late of
Forward township, Butler county, l'a,
letters of administration having been
fcmnie'l to the undersigned on the above
mentioned estate, notice is ht-eby given
to all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate to make immediate
payment and those having claims against
the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement to
A. W. CRITCHLOW, Adm'r.,
Riebold, Pa.
FRANK 11. MURPHY, Attorney.
Letters testameutaiy on the estate of
John J. Reiber, dee'd., late of Butler;
Butler county. Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all person knowing
thcmself indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said estate
•Aill present them duly authenticated
with vouchers attached for settlement to
Butler, Pa.
;B. & J3.
new muslin wear
Same thorough experienced
attention to this part of the
business as wins us increasing
perference in other lines of
Dry goods.
Selected materials.
Fashioned by experts.
Have just published new
Picture Book—styles and
prices—of new 1901 Muslin
Send for it —See for yourself
what a substantial saving for you
' by sending us your orders.
new white goods
: Extensive variety 5c to $1.50
' Handsome white goods Fan
cies lor shirt waists, gowns,
; men's negligee shirts 1 5c 20c,
2 5 c > 35 c > 4 oc to 65c yard,
t yard.
1 Fine new imported madras —
colorings pretty as silk— 20c
r to 45c.
Lots of other pretty madras
ginghams, 10c,
Write for samples—let goods
, and prices plead their own
r case.
Bo<j;£>:s& Buhl
Department X.
His Clothes
Are All Right
If We Made Them.
That's the only way we
know of making clothes.
You ought to eus about your spi ing
suit and e>vercoat.
You ought to see? the new goods wc
are showing.
Suits, S2O and np.
Overcoats, $lB and np.
Wedding Suits a Specialty.
Practical Tailor.,
1831 1901
Country Gentleman
The ONLY Apiltal NEWSjiajier,
Leading Agricultural Journal of the World
Every department written by special
ists, the highest authorities in their re
spective lines.
No other paper pretends to compete
with it in qualifications of editorial staff.
Gives the agricultural NEWS with a
degree of fullness and completeness not
even attempted by others.
Best Reviews of the Crops
Best Market Reports
Best Accounts of Meetings
Best Everything
Single Subscription, $2,
Two Subscriptions, $3.50.
Four Subscriptions, $6.
Write for Particulars oa this Point.
Club Agents Wanted Everywhere.
Four Months' Trial Trip SO cents.
will be mailed free on request. It will
pay anybody interested iti any way in
country life to send for them. Address '
the publishers.
Albany, N. Y
Pasted on your paper, (or on the
wrapper in which it comes.) for
a brief but exact Maiement of
your subscription account. The!
• laic io which you have paid is
clearly t. veil. If it is a paist date !
a renin tance is in order, and is re
spectf ally soliciied. Retne tuber
the subscript lon price, SI.OO a
year. Dou t send money in an
ord nary leiler it will be at your
own -K. Use money order or
registered letter, Remit to
Butler. Penna.
mti If the date is not chanj<ed within j
three weeks write and ask why.
HOOM'S "■ US cure- Liver Ills, Bil
iousness, Lv.iU stion, Headache.
Easy to tako, easy to operate. 25c.
we/ Every piece of our Furniture stock has been
>3? selected with the object of securing the best makes,
finest finish and correct styles. Our carpe* depart' |j|*
jot ment is unusually full of choice patterns in Ingrains,
Jw Tapestry Brussels. Velvet and Axminister Carpets. Ills
Best nil WD'>l extra -njn-r Ingrain Car{*>ts in room, hall and
stair patterns Bring exact size of room ami we will sew yonr ££?•
ricH carpet free of charge. 10j
The new line of Tapestry Brussels surpasses any previous
JRJ season's showing. Small hall and stair patterns: set patterns for
jgl the dining room or rich floral patterns for the parlor. kSj
jjS# Small pattern in red and green, closely woven Colore bright Fj?
tpztf and clean. Looks and wears better than a cheap carpet. It's not S
lag the cheap kind, but the kind it pays to buy.
The most popular parlor carpet made. Reasonable in price and
rich in colorings. Hall, stair and library patterns in reJ or green fss2
ground. The assortment is complete.
a Campbell fk Templetonl
i ,
-1 These Are New |
Spring, 1901. a
SATIN STRIPE ALBATROSS-A light weight fabiic of fine tex-
ture and very handsome appearance. Solid Colors with white satin
ifl) stripe. All wool 27 inches wide 75c a >" ar< i $$
FRENCH FLANNEL—New Spring weight, soiid colors, all wool,
JK 27 inches wide 60c yd
FANCY SILK ZEPHYR—A silk and cotton fabric. Washes
A splendidly. Handsome stripes and plaids. Excellent for waists and
dresses— 27 inches wide 35c a J"d ££
Sf MERCERIZED COTTON FOULARDS—Very handsome and silky. Uk
Printed and finished like finest silk Foulards. 27 Inches wide. ..3sc 3" ( I S
MERCERIZED WOVEN" STLrC—Make of fine Mercerized Cotton.
mk Good body and very silky looking. Solid colors and corded stripes vA
WASH FABRlCS—Complete lines of new Seersuckers, Ginghams.
U Zephyrs, Lawns, Dimities and Sheer Fabrics. Constant arrivals of
choice few goods keep the line complete in every detail. W
WHITE GOODS—New Lawns, Dimities. Swisses, Embroideries,
Laces, All-overs and L?ce Curtains at lowest prices. W
NEW —Gold Belts. Buckles, Buttons, Spikes and Braids. New
j M Chain Purses, Brooches and Hair Ornaments. n
IL. Stein & Son, |
Ncatlv) Don<? At
pEO K. McADOO, M. D ,
HOURS:—9 a. ni. lo 12 m; 1 :.y> p. hi.
to 4 p. m.
Office tecond floor of the Al. Ruff
building on S. Main St., and residence
corner North and Washington streets.
Bell 'Phone No. 45 and People's Phone.
Butler, Pa.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
New Troutinan Building, Butler PH.
Office 106 \V. Diamond St., [Dr j
Graham's old office.]
IIOUIH 7 to 9 a. in. and t to 3 and 7 to 1
8 p. m
137 E. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to
12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. m.
Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
Night calls at office.
200 West Cunningham St.
Office "ver C. E. Miller's Shoe Store.
215 S. Main street, Butler, l a.
I Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
crown and bridge work.
Has located in the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for Dental
Artificial Teeth inserted ou the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings H spec
ialty. Office next to postoffice.
Formerly known as the "Peerless
Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located
permanently at ill East Jefferson St.
Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do
dential operations of all kinds by the
latest devices and up-to-date methods.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 3 114 E. Jeflereon
G. W. Miller's grocery.
) Attorneys-at-law,
|Armor_v Building, Butler, Pa.
Office in the "CITIZEN" building.
1 Office in Reiber building, corner Jl.-.in
' and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance ;>n
E. Cunningham.
Wise building, N. Diamond St., BiitU.l
Special xttention given to collect'om
' and business matters.
! Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or
Butler County National Bank
j Office in Wise building.
Room 8.. Armory buildiu,
; Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. Bnt
; ler, Pa.
I office on Main St. near Court Hoi::.c
Office n:-nr ("our' IJ..nse.
' Now is The Time to Hove
Your Clothing
il y, 1 want and nJ:r;;e
clc'iirnr ~r dyeing dene, rlieu is
jus; one place in town wht-r<= you
c<i ; get it, and that is at
The Butler Dye Works
216 Center avenue
tJiSk.We do fine work in ou' .
Joor This :s 11 •• e
time of year to have a pictur- ..t
your house, tiivo us a tnai.
Agent for the Jan. <mo • n S " nv
Blind Co. —New York
Motel Nixoq,
215 N McKean St, tDutler,
Having rented this hotel for another
year, 1 again invite the patronage of
of my old friends and the public gener