VOL.- xxxvili Bickel's Spring Footwear THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK WE HAVE EVER HAD. \f „ OL aa „ All the latest styles in Men's Shoes. XTAVJII fe UllUrb full line of Men's Patent Calf Shoes —the very latest stjies, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00 and S6OO. \ ici-kid and Box- Calf Shoes $1.50 to $5 00 Also a complete stock of Men's Patent Leather and Vici-kid Oxfords in the latest styles. Boy's and Youth's Shoes, the 1; test styles. Spring la recommeud them for their comfort giving qualities. Misses' and Children's Shoes. the^ru The most complete stock of Misses'and Chiidrtri's Shoes tve have ever had. Ail the new styles in fine Dongola Tan, Red and Patent Leather. All sizes, "A to EE," ranging in price from SI.OO to $3.00. All Winter Goods to be closed out regardless of cost. Special bargains in Felt Boots and Rubber Goods of all kinds. HIGH IRON STANDS with four lasts at 50c. Sole % Leather cut to any amount you wish to purchase. JOHN BICKEL, 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET. - - BUTLER, PA j , 1 20thCentury UNCd TftW'Q 20th Century Shoe Sale nUOCL I Uli O Sboe Sale Greatest of all Shoe Sales! Begins January 17, at 9:30 After stock taking we find broken sizes and odd lots all through this immense stock which must be sold. Great Price Concessions Counteract January lull in trade and made it one of our busy months. Just think of it. Strictly high grade Footwear marked to se'l at a Fourth, a Third and a Half less than our regular prices. For instance. Shoes that we set I regularly for SI.OO and fi.25 now selling for 50c Those at S2.ooJJ ai d $2.50, now $1.45 and $1.85. Others at i.2£ and $1.50 now 75c and 95c. Iriesistible Values Compel Prudent People to Purchase This price cutting reaches every line and these values are not equaled in any shoe.house in Butler. DON'T DELAY. Come before the lots are broken. Sale begins THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, at 9:30 These goods sold only for cash. B. C. HUSELTON'S. Uat Uir's Leading PhoeHouitw. Opposite Hotel Lowry in I I Men don't buy clothing for the jj] j Iw/J/ I II TJI auipofe of spending money. They -JT liKr L J/) Pj desire to get the best possible re- Jjj jLJIN fx* .if A T tulls lor the money expended. Not X4lr WWSTmSto\ cheap goods but goods as cheap as they can be sold for ind made up properly. If you want the correct * . thing at the correct price, call and . \ lliliU I I ' examine our large stack of FALL I , \ ' .1 1 - A , TEST STYLES, SHADES Fit and WorkmanshiD Guaranteed. G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor, 142 North(Main Street Butler, Pa Important - Announcement! We Have Sold Our Store Property. In consequence thereof will offer our entire stock of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Vv v V 7VYTT? * The red ;;<-irtl "uiar. with tin- !' .liters in his i. I and the , wire bracelet- It anie t■ J i....->l' .Jte In his den::iii Is for cigarel, e - . : s he had ! een detected in the act impro priating a woe lea itan .ied s.nuiug knife. rallied *l."d. I:u» niiuistes l>e fore the post trader wail;. i«» tud the counter and kicked h. i ea.-, • ticaily out of tlie tore aaJ half w:.y around the hay ce: ,iL it spoke t In me* for the post 1.. ier's act t ity tit he was able to do this, for ii is no easy matter to keep within kicking range oi' a prop erly scared Crow Indian for the dis tance that lie covered, to say nothing of performing the act itself. There fore the p 1 trader was breathless when he returned and had to lie on the counter wP'i his bead on a bolt of pink striped eal.eo to recover himself. Th? old bullwhacker. who had been watch ing the race from I'is seat on a nail keg. with a grin on his wrinkled ma hogany visage, complimented tHe ad vance agent of commerce on his achievement. "I wuz suihcri of a foot racer myself when I wuz younger an limberer than what I am now," he said, "but 1 dunno that I ever seen the time that 1 could have done better than that. I'm re gardin it purely as a physical feat, however. I'm not savin that you showed a strikin amount of jedginent. When Young Man Afraid of His Breeehclov.t has got you knotted up with green rawhide an the squaws arc fixing the fire fer the grand barbecue, mebbe you will regret your pernishus activity an cuss the day that you hum bled the proud spirit of the noble In jun warrior. Is this shebang insured?" "You was never introduced to me," rejoined the post trader. "I've got. a half inch of callous on the soles of my feet, an I come info this country from the headwaters of Bitter creek along of J. W. Hancher an Ed I'bernetton an the rest of them desperadoes. I've got relatives by marriage among the Crows and Ogallalas. an I've drunk more al kali water an eat more dog an buffalo berry than any white man this side of the big Mlvszoura. I didn't bring my outfit in here in the spring of 'OO. What did you expect me to do give that greasy, tin tagged coyote my stock of cigarettes to keep him good tempered?" "An if you had you wouldn't have forfuted hi.- friendship," returned the old bullwhaeker. "As it is I've got an idee his in . rt is bad, an he won't come an see you no more. An Injun has got his feelin's the same as a white man has, an I reckon you would git hostile if any bombre booted you from blazes to breakfa t because you ast liiui fer the means of soothin your nerves. You injered that Crow in a sensitive spot, Ike." "I done my best to," said tire post trader. "lie may belong to the Badface band an have hair in his tepee." continued the old bullwhacker in the same grave tone of reproof, "but at the same time he's a hum.-n. an as a human it's your play to extend the right hand of feller ship to liiui instid of the Kole of your number nice. Hain't they got no Sun day school liberries out on Bitter creek? Hain't you never read about the settler who fouiid a poor, r.tarlu redskin out in the snow plum exhaust ed an took him inter his shack an fed him up a whole lot an warmed him an then turned him loose with a grub stake, an when the Two Kettle outfit exhoomed the tomahawk an raised merry Cain sealpin an burnlu through the paleface settlements an the good hearted granger was raked in the In jun that he bad saved sashays in an rescoos him from a turr'ble death?" "I've read them stories," said the post trader. "But you don't believe 'em," said the old bullwhacker. "You ain't, sanguine concernin the good that there is in your feller man. If you git a bad deal, you decline to chip iu an lay down your hand instid of callin fer cards an draw in to the ace." "I don't draw to no two spot in the hope of complctin a flush." "Well, my the'ry is that there ain't no galoot so low down but if you treat him with kindness an keep him close herded he will show the good that's In him. Did I ever tell you about old man Haines an Gus Minnick? Well, it goes to prove what I wuz a-sayin. Old man Haines lived out on Blue creek apiece above where it emptlea into the Platte, opposite the mouth of Ash Hollow, where llarn".v cleaned lip the Sioux. He wuz je t about the most benev'lent old duck that ever ripped tip tough tod with a I alky team of 1 bulls. Long Kutferin wuzn't no name fer him. He had two boys that wuz jest like him, an his ole woman wuz worse'n lie wuz. "One fine, cloudy evenin Gus Minnick an Todd Blakey conies along an rustles ten head of old mm Haines' ponies an wuz lilkin south with 'em when they met up with a crowd of inquirin strangers who were drift in back down Prairie Dog into K.insas after an on successful pur toot of soni" north bound huss thieves. •The boys had too many brands in their bunch, an one of the stranglers reckerniz d Blakey, so they tied their feet under their horses' bellies an headed fer the nearest tim ber. They give Blakey the first swing in an wuz adjustiu the grass rope to tJus' neck when old man Haines comes up with his biggest boy, Arch. They had been hot an close on the trail all the time. "As soon as they explained who they wuz an identerfied their ponies, tlie boss stranglcr allowed that there wuzn't no reason why the ceremonies shouldn't perceed, an he throwed tlie other end of the rope over the limb. " 'Why,' says the old man, 'you hain't goin to hang that poor boy, air you?' "'I reckon I am,' says the boss stran gler, cheerful an gay. "'1 don't believe It helps a man to hang him,' says Haines. 'You jest give him iip to me, an I'll take him back to the ranch with me aa surround him with moral influences an keep him out of bad company. He's got pood in him, an I'll bring it out of him an make a useful clterzen of him.' -"Well, the long an short of it wuz that he bogged so loud that they let Minnick go, an old mac Haines started back with him. On the way he talked to Gus like a father an told him how wrong it wuz to rustle cayuses when he could get 'em himself by workin liontist fer 'cm. He made Gus a pres ent of the t >c tbat he h..d stole as a starter an ffered him good wages to work on the ranch. "Gus staid there fer two months, an then lie got inter a argyirent vlth the biggest hoy about breakin a colt an slot him up an lit out. Old man Haines wuz real provoked about it, but he jumped on a horse an put out after Minnick an overtook him at Bos El der. As soon as Gus seen him he throwed down on him with a Winches ter. but the old man told him to behave himself an quit monkeyin with fire ami s. "'1 ;h'd think you'd seen the evil of them sort of actions after kilJin Hen ry.' l:e said. " 'Did I kill him?' says Gus. "•Yes. you did.' says the old man as siv re as he knowed how. 'An 1 slid think you'd be ashamed of yourself. 1 don't wond<-r you felt as if you didn't want to look me in the f;" -e after sech actions. Ali the same. I don't want you strag-l-n off wher*» you'll get inter bad '• nip'r.;.. so you j"st come right ha el; home « ith me. We've g'.t to have tiier:; <■< dts ! oke. an we're short hand ed now.' "We!!. G'i i knowed how forglvin the old i :• w: /.. an he went lak. an they all avoided the subjec* of Henry, SO'H not to hurt his fielin's He staid on a luouth longer, an then because the old woman burned his cakes fer him he b.ainod her with the skillet. The other boy toid him that that wuzn't DO way to do. an Gus got mad an mas sacreed hire with the butcher knife an thea set fire to the house an lit out. "When old man Haines got back an found out what had happ ned. he said that i! wuz enough tri make a u.an lose patience, but he wuz sot in his ways, an !::■ said tbat lie would utake a good citizen of tins in spite of Lillian high water. So lie we nt out after him again an coaxed him back, an everybody said that Gus was a changed man from that time forward, as meek as Moses an houust as the day." "Are they livin there together yet?" inquired the post trader, with some in terest. The old bullwhacker took a large chew of tobacco before replying. Tliea he said: "! wuz hopin you wouldn't ast me that question, becuz it might seem to milertate against my the'ry. The truth is that the old man sent Gus to town one day. an Gus come back witb a jug of whisky fer himself, but he forgot the old man's smokin ter backer. The old man said that it show ed selfishness an ingratitude on Gus' part, an lie allowed that he must be poor material anyway, an lie had done the best that he could with him, but that settled it. They wuz standin by the woodpile at the time, an the old man had the ax. I come along jest in time to assist at the funeral. "Still I never took the old man's view. I reckon that Gus jest forgot." —Chicago Record. Good Advicn llnril to Follow. Kxtrcme worry comes trom trying to bear ail the cares of a lifetime at once instead of letting each day's evil be sufficient unto itself. If we could live our whole lift' in a few hours, it might be consistent to think it all over in one night. There is no past, there Is no future, for doing or accomplishing. The present time alone is for action, and the order is and always will be one thing at a time. This one thiag must be done on the instant in whatever cir cumstances we find ourselves. Not that we should be forgetful of the past or careless of the future. The former has been our faithful school master; the latter holds for us the Is sues of life. That we may act intelli gently iu the,-f>rcsent it is essential for us to look forward an far as the future can reason: l '.ily be pn dieted, but not to worry. A degree of anxiety may be founded upon facts :hat point almost inevitably lo future difficulties, but a large part of the forecast of trouble is groundless, as is provct: when tilings do not turn out as expected. Overanxiety is al ways crossing bridges before they are reached, and it will stay awake all night borrowing trouble from the re mote future.—Chautau'iuan. So It Wu. "Mamma, come quick! The eatsup on the shelf." "Drat that cat! I'll make fiddle strings of her in no time if I lay my hands on her! She's forever Into some thing." and the enraged materfamiliaH vigorously pounded her way into the pantry. "Where Is she. Tommy? I don't see her." "See who?" "Why, you said the cat was on the shelf." "I never said there was a cat on the shelf." "Yes, you did. You said, 'The's cat's up on the shelf.' " "So I did. and I say it yet. The cat sup on the slielf right before your eyes. Don't you see it? There in that old wine bottle," aud he quietly but very swiftly dodged out into the kitchen,— Pearson's Weekly. Side Truck In ut the Sleuth*. First Burglar (in kitchen)— Wouldn't I sail Into that grub if I wasn't under treatment fer me dyspepsy! Second Burglar —That's Just why you'd orter do It, Bill. All the detect ives knows about your dyspepsy. and if We clean out the provisions they'll nev er suspect you of bein in this job.— Harlem Life. With I't t:i pli n «IR. "Say. Joe." remarked Strol.er, who was anxious for i (aunt, 'what dc you say to a tramp after dinner? ' "Generally." replied Joe Kose, ' I say, 'Get out, or I'll turn the dog on to ycu.' "—Philadelphia lleeord. If the poor peopb did but know how little some millionaires enjoy their wealth there would t? less envy in tlie world.—Chi. aao News When you seil ac article by we'cL*. remember lha» other peep ? have scales.—Atchlscu Globe. C'LMWO FOP Complnlnt. "Yes, she wouldn't s[>eak to the ed itor when she met liliu." "Had he offended her?" "I should say he had. Ilis society reporter called her oil" of the last cen tury's buds."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Anollit-r Opinion. "Do you think bachelors ought to be taxed?" asked Willie Washington. "No." answered Miss Cayenne. "1 think the girls ought to make up purses and pay them bounties for not making homes unhanpy."— Washington Star. SEED GROWING. Varieties I-nrprety Produced In Dif fcrent Sections of the Country. The United States raises practically nil its bean and most of its cabbage seed, the best being grown on Long Island, while the cheaper trade is sup plied from abroad or from sections of this country where the seed can bo grown cheaply. Carrot seed is largely grown, some of it in California, but the best is imported or grown In New England. The latter costs the most, though many dealers claim there is no difference In quality, but one authority £.. V* - jj| WETHERS FIELD ONIONS IS CAI.IFORN'IA. thinks otherwise. He says: "Tests frequently made show Conclusively that a larger yield of carrots can bo obtained from Rhode Island and Con necticut grown seed than from the best imported." An investigator of the seed growing industry reports that ail corn, celery, lettuce, onion, melon, to mato, pepper, squash and pumpkin seeds used iu the I'nited States are home grown. All the cucumber seed except that of the French varieties is produced here, as is nearly all the egg plant and kale and a great deal of the beet seed. Sugar beet seed is grown to n limited extent. The best Brussels sprouts M?ed is grown here, most of the okra and a great deal of the pars ley, mustard and spinach. Radish is grown to some extent, especially about Philadelphia, but many dealers do not consider American seed, at least of the small early sorts, equal to the best im ported. Mirny other kinds are raised in a small way, but growers cannot com pete with the cheaper imported seed. There Is unfortunately a great de mand for cheap seeds, and low grades of many sorts can be imported more profitably than they can be produced by the American grower. Garden seeds are grown in most of the northern and western states and a few in the south. Many kinds are largely produced in certain favorable sections, as beans in New York state, cabbage on Long Is land, peas in Canada, .Michigan and Wisconsin; vine ieeds in Nebraska and onion, lettuce and sweet peas in Cali fornia. The value of a locality for seed xroiv iug depends upon favorable soil and cli matic conditions and upon the supply of cheap labor at harvest time. Lack of labor often prevents the profitable culture of seed in places where condi tions of soil and climate are favorable. In general il is the practice of the seed trade to grow plants for seed pur poses where the product attains the greatest degsee of perfection. Seeds men know where to look for the best seed n~ well as for the cheap grades, and when they have a discriminating trade they do not handle seed of ques tionable pedigree." Certain localities are specially adapted to certain varie ties. Onion seed grown iu Southport, Conn., tends to produce round bulbs, while that grown st Wethersfleld, in the same state, produces flat ones. A source of loss to seed growers is the destruction of plants not true to type. When seeds are carefully grown, the fields are "rogued" s:i that only plants showing the characteristics of the variety are left. The remainder, no matter how good they may be other wise, are discarded. This Is a source of loss, and when seeds are grown cheaply it is avoided by permitting ev ery plant to produce seed. The poorest plants, as they come nearest the wild type, will usually yield the most seed, but these seeds will in turn produce plants that will disappoint the most PRIZE HEAD LETTUCE. [Upper plant from carelessly grown seed; lower plant from properly grown peed.] careless gardener. The second cut shows in the upper figure a lettuce plant raised from carelessly grown peed and beneath it the same variety, Prize Head, from properly grown seed. Such illustrations could be shown for bearly all vegetables, and the finer the strain the greater the deterioration when the seed is improperly grown. Have you persimmon sprouts in your fence rows? If so, graft them at the ground In February just before sap flow begins with Japanese scions and convert them into fruit bearing trees of highest quality, advises an exchange. ANGOUMOIS GRAIN MOTH. flow to Trent Wlicitt In ULN OP Stick itnr. John 15. Smith of the state station lias recommended remedial and preventive measures which are here enumerated. The time for some of them Is past, oth ers can yet be carried out, and all are Worth knowing in view of their value for future contingencies: Thrash as soon after harvest as pos fible and store in tight bins or good sacks. If the grain Is dry when har vested, it may lie thrashed at once and sacked; if not. thrash as soon as it is In good condition. If the sacked grain is Infested, there will not he wormy kernels sufficient to heat the grain. The moths, when adult, cannot make their way out and are stilled. Nothing can come in from outside, and tin- grain re mains safe thereafter. Besides, the thrashing itself kills many of the In sects and rubs off many of the egtfs. If binned, the bins should bo tight, and the grain • ! oiiM l>e tested fr mi time to time to note any appreciable heating. If it is only slightly Infested, it will ' heat little or not at all. If it heats per ceptibly, it indicates a considerable per centage of Infestation, and bisulphide of carbon should be used at once at t'.ie rate of otii drain p T cubic foot or one 1 pound for ' cubic feet of bin space, j I'laee the liquid in shallow plates cn | top of the grain, cover with boards, i canvas or any other tiirlit material ar ! allow to remain covered at least -t hours. If none of the grain 1- to !■•• us. d for seed, leave it covered 4S hours or more. It will not harm the grain i for food, but may destroy the genni ' nating power. After it is treated keep ' it covered to prevent access of moths. Have all barns or storehouses eoni j pletely freed from all exposed or scat tered frrain by April 1. What is in : stock should be in bags or iu tight ! bins, kept closed until put to actual i use. Bring in chickens to pick tip all ' scattered grain, and make sure you ; have no stock from which moths can ' emerge to get into the new wheat. Es ! poeially let chickens work over places t where giair. has been in shock. L This i>oint is of supreme importance, i because if Do moths are allowed to de ' vc-lop in the spring the fields cannot be much infested before harvest and pro ceeding then under the first recom mendatiou will give practical exemp tion from injury next year. If. on the contrary, infested grain should be left in burns, exi>osed or scattered about, the chances are that the infestation | v ill be as great or greater than this year. Therefore use up or put under cover every kernel of this year's crop of wheat before April 1. Infested grain may be fed to chick ens and. If not too bad, to stock. If very bad, horses and cattle will refuse it and should not be urged to eat. Hogs and fowls are used to dealing with food of this kind. Bisulphide of carbon is very inflam mable and should be used with that fact in mind. The vapor given off by it is heavier than air; hence when evaporated on the surface it sinks through the grain to the bottom, killing everything in its way. It will grad ually work out through cracks or open ings at or near the bottom or which may be provided by boring just above the bottom board auger holes that can be closed with corks after the vapor is all out. Bee Feeder* and Feeding. In localities where the surplus Is gathered mostly from white clover the practical beekeeper Duds stimulative feeding early in the season of great ad A NEAT MCE FEEDER. vantage. Such feeding lias to be done every dnv and in small doses, and the feeder that admits this kind of feed ing without opening hives and disturb ing bees, it would seem, would at once find favor among beekeepers. An American Bee Journal correspondent presents a drawing of a feeder design ed ty. serve this purpose. It is a shal low tin box about four inches iu diame ter. The bottom is removable and per forated. The loug spout Is to reach clear to the outside of the hive. This feeder Is tucked away under the cush ion immediately over the cluster of bees, the spout running to the outside, either atr the rear or side of the hive. The filling is done by the help of a lit tle funnel with an elbow to it. As soon as the feed is poured in the spcut must be closed with a tight fitting cork. The ComiiiK Beef Animal. We arc becoming a nation of beef aristocrats, and we are not willing to put up with tlie quality of beef which was provided ten years ago by our lo cal butchers. This change of tastes has been brought about largely through the better methods of feeding cattle as now practiced in the great grain grow ing states. Not only is this true of our jwn people, but also In the foreign markets where our beef products are sold. Likely there will always be a limited demand for special purposes, for canned beef, which will consume a large part of the Inferior grades of beef which fiuds its May to our principal markets, but the general public, those who are beef consumers of today and those who buy small supplies from day to day, are becoming a little more fas tidious, aud there is a just discrimina tion between the pood and the inferior sorts aud the poorly fed and the well fed animal. The ideal animal of the future will not be one with a prepon derance of fat. It must be one of rather matured beef, nicely grained and of sufficient solidity to give sub stance to the carcass.—Prairie Farmer. A BOY AND A RIFLE: And the Trick tlie Fnther Played to Make the Vounitnter Careful. Exact statistics on the subject are lacking, but it is certain that the man who "didn't know it was loaded" kills and maims annually a great many per sons. The only safe rule with a gun is never under any circumstances to point it at anybody. One should al ways act 011 the assumption that It Is loaded. Unfortunately, though, an aver age human being learns only by ex perience, and where a gun Is coucerned that often entails an awful price. Bearing this In mind a veteran sportsman of this city adopted a unique method of Impressing this les son on his son. This is how he told the story: "I want my son to be a sportsman, so that when he gets to be as old as his father he may have as many pleasant memories to look back to. Therefore, 011 his sixteenth birthday I gave him a rifle. And instead of read ing him a long lecture 011 the necessity of handling the weapon carefully, 1 put up a job on him that would be far more effective. After he had spent a couple of hours fondling it aud cleaning it and examining tlie mechanism, after the manner of healthy boys, 1 contriv ed unknown to him to slip a blank cartridge into the breach. "Then 1 called him out Into the yard and holding iny hat In front of me, ask ed him to show me how he would take aim at it. There was an explosion, and he fell in a dead faint. You may think it mean of me, but I allowed him to think that only the badness of his aim or some intervention of Providence saved me from death. The lesson he learned will last him through life, be cause a terrible fright accompanied It. Some day when he gets old enough to have a boy of his own, 1 shall tell him of the trick I played on him."—New York Herald. Ilia Goal. "Haven't you got through yet?" nsk ed the Impatient customer. I "Purty near," answered the boot black, polishing away with all his might "I kin see my finish."—Chicago Tribune. ICarnpHlneas. "Ever notice," asked the corn fed philosopher, "that when a man wants to make you think he is speaking from the bottom of bis heart he upeaks at the top of his voice?"—lndianapolis II Press. .. ( _ > KISSES. ; THth little k:*es I shot your eyet; 1 w ; i not have th~ra ferine and vis#. F r. couM I choose, 1 would have you b« DlirJ ever, as now, when you look on me! A wreath of kisses to trowa your bend, That ihe whole world's crown should adorn In stead, To keep your thought of bp ever kind, Aj now, when your darling 1 eyes are blind. In each of your hands 1 shut a kiss. Do you feel how soft and little it ia? So hold it gently that it may live, la-i your har.'l* a-»k more than my haodf can jite. A kiss for an earring in each dear car. And now when I speak you can only hear The heart of r.-y heart's heart laugh and cry, Not the foolish words it is stifled by. A on your mouth, and it bears no charm To bring you to good, to keep you from barm; It has no mission, yet let it be; The rest were for you, tut this is for me! —Pall Mall Gazette. UNCLE SAM'S SPOTTERS. rsprrlally the Man In Enrope Who Looks Oat Fop Smiisßlers. "Uncle Sam's Large and well organ ized secret service," says S. IT. Adams in Aiuslce's, "is made up mostly of men who come properly under the lu ad of detectives with police powers, but it lias its class of bona fide spot ters. whose entire duty It is to ingrati ate themselves with persons suspected of having desigus to evade the custom house duties and to warn the baggage inspectors at this end of the impend ing swindle. "In cleverness, address and adapta bility the secret service spotter Is easi ly at the head of his profession and even ranks with the trained experts of the European diplomatic corps. It is essential that he should be a man of the world, for he must associate with all kinds of people on equal terms. He has no fixed abode, but lives in va rious European capitals when he is not on shipboard, where he is much of the time. He must never let himself be in the slightest degree suspected. "There is always a number of these agents in I'aris, because of the great American trade there. They live at the fashionable hotels and live the life apparently of flaneurs and boulevar diers. In all lines of trade that concern dutiable goods they are experts, and no large purchase by an American in r.aris is unknown to them. Their cir cle of acquaintance is enormous, but nobody knows them for what they are. j Iu one way or another they contrive to make the acquaintance of any per son whom they suspect and unostenta tiously but unremittingly trail him. "Many % time some man who has made a heavy purchase of diamonds or laces and so disposed them that he felt sure of being able to get them through the port undiscovered has been passed on the dock by a chance acquaintance of the voyage over who. unseen, presses a little note into the hand of the customs inspector. That note tells all that the wily smuggler would wish to keep secret, and his baggage is mercilessly ransacked until the hidden articles are brought to light. He has been followed over by the spotter. -Men employed iu this line get good pay—as high as ?10 a day— but it costs them much to live in the manner in which they must main tain themselves.^ Allonrd Plenty of Time. Speaking of the late William Travers leads me to remark that, so far as I am personally aware, only one of the classic stuttering stories about him is actually true. I had the honor and happiness to reside at Newport for a year or so once, and at the time Sir. Travers was a summer resident there, ne certainly stuttered a good deal, but he did not go around habitually dis charging staccato witticisms at the world, as you might suppose he did from all the stories you hear. But the one story that I know about Is this one: Travers was at a garden party one afternoon when a young lady said to him, "What time Is it, please, Mr. Travers?" Travers took out his watch, wabbled his mouth awhile, blinked and finally said, "It'll be s-s-s-s-six o'c-c-c-c-clock by the time 1 can say It!" It really lacked five minutes of C when he began.—Boston Transcript Sunny Rooms. It is said to be true that In all hospi tals those rooms facing the sun have fewer deaths, other things being equal, than those which are on the shady side of the liousb. Likewise statistics, where they have been kept, prove that the av erage time for a recovery is much less in a sunny room than in a shady one. From these facts and from the fact that the tendency toward illness has proved greater on the shady side of buildings, like prisons and asylums, it follows that light is second only In im portance to fresh air. A dark room Is nearly but not quite so bad as a close room. In the case of sickness the sick room should be the sunniest one the bouse affords. Egotistic. "Isn't there a great deal of egotism Dmong actors?" asked the young wom en. "I am sorry to say there Is," answer ed Stormington Barnes. "Why, I have met no less than three actor 9 who thought they could play Hamlet as well as I do!" Washington Star. How She Did It. "So she refused you?" "That's the impression I received." "DidiVt aha actually say no?" "No, she didn't. All she said wa3 •Ha, ha, ha!' "—Cleveland Plain Dealer. At Whakareirarewa, New Zealand, there are geysers, hot springs, boiling pools, mud volcanoes and hot water falls. Santa Clatis Is unknown In Spain. The three Magi are supposed to be the children's gift bringers. THE COMMUTER. (low ne Spends Ills flours of Dallr Itnilrond Traveling. The much abused suburbanites, whom the cartoonists picture as com ing to the city every morning from "Lonesomehurst," "Lost Man's Lane," "I'runt hurst-by-the-Trolley" and other places with equally suggestive names, are an Interesting class of individ uals. The transient element of the city's population spends several hours every day whirling over the railroads. When the novelty of these dally bits of railroading has passed Into the monotony of years of travel through the same country the commuter lias I learned to make the best of the time he spends on the train. The "card fiend" Is a prominent fig- I tire In this class. Both morning and evening four or five games of cards are going on iu every smoking ear, and j it is safe to say that thousands of dol | lars change bands in this "innocent ' amusement" while the players are hur rying to or from business. Next to the "card sharp" Is the man who only enjoys his cigar and paper. He is oblivious to all his surround ings and only shows animation when 1 he is at his Journey's end. No. IO Many of the policies and plans of some of this city's most successful busiuess inen have been born or de veloped on these trains. The short respite l>etween the bustle of the city and the cares of homo life is to this type of man a season for meditation. Another interesting commuter is the individual who is on good terms with all his fellows. He travels up and down through the car exercising his repertory of latest Jokes or sympa thizing with some gloomy looking friend who thinks that all the world / Is against him. He seems to never grow weary in his well doing. The train life of the commuter is now and then enlivened by wrecks. Though tossed about and sometimes cut aud bruised, he generally escapes serious injury. Such experiences as these he considers the spice and coloring of his existence.—New York Mail and Ex press. COLOR OF GOLD COINS. Reasons For Differences In Tint ml Coins of French Hftntage. Some time ago a Frenchman placed together a number of gold coins of French mintage of the beginning, mid dle and end of the last century. He wrs much surprised to see that they differed in color. He set about finding out the reasons for this difference, and the results of his Investigations have been published In La Nature. There Is a paleness about the yellow of the 10 and 20 franc pieces which bear the effigies of Napoleon I and Louis XVIII that Is not observed In the goldpleces of later mintage. One admirer of these coins speaks of their color as a "beautiful paleness" and ex presses regret that It Is lacking In later coins. The explanation of It Is very simple. The alloy that entered into the French gold coins of those days con tained as much silver as copper, and It was the silver that gave the coins their Interesting paleness. The coins of the era of Napoleon 111 were more golden In hue. The silver had been taken out o? the alloy. The gold coins of today have a still warmer and deeper tinge of yellow. This is because tbe Paris mint, as well as that In London, melts the gold and the copper alloy In hermetically scaled boxes, which prevents the copper from being somewhat bleached, as It always Is when It is attacked by hot air. So the present coins have tbe full warm ness of tint that a copper alloy can give. If the coins of today are not so Wind some in the opinion of amateur collect ors as those issued by the first Napo leon, they are superior to those of ei ther of the Napoleons in the fact that It costs less to make them. The double operation of the oxidation of the copper and cleaning it off the surface of the coin with acids Is no longer employed, and tbe large elimination of copper from the surface of the coins, formerly practiced, made them less resistant un der wear and tear than are the coins now In circulation. No Ken to White House. In these modern days the front door of the White House Is not locked at night Practically no doors are locked, and If tbe steward should look around for keys he would probably not find half of those formerly In use. Big po licemen are about the only doors at the executive mansion. They guard the main doors at ail hours of day and nlpbt, and thorp Is no need to cioso and lock the Inner doors. Before President Lincoln's time policemen were rare at the president's home, and when all the clerks aud servants had gone home at night the housekeeper went around and carefully locked all the doors In side and outside except to rooms occu pied by those going In and coming out. —Washington Star. Don't Be Spnrlnsc-of Tour Love. The power of love Is one of the great est gifts to humanity. It generates the suushlne of tbe moral universe, with fiut which life would be a desert waste. Use this divine power without stint Be prodigal of your love. Let It radi ate freely. It will brighten the dark places. It will gladden the sorrowing. It will lift you above the petty, grind lug cares that so soon corrode the mind and sap the energies. It Is the golden key that will admit you to the palace of the true life.—Success. Well Enough. "Dldn'fc I tell you to let well enough alone?" said the doctor to the convales cent who had disobeyed and was suf fering u relapse. "Yes. doctor," whined the patient, "but I wasn't well enough."—Detroit Free Press. Application of the Sayln*. "What," said the ordinary person, "SBOO for that little bit of porcelain! Why, It Isn't as big as a man's hand." "It commands that price," said the dealer, "on account of Its history. It has a story that covers four sheets of parchment and every word the truth." "Well," said the ordinary person, "all I have to say is that there seems to be more truth than pottery."—lndianapo lis Press ' THE CENSUS OF 1790. Totted States Population Then Was Less Than 4,000,000. When the first census of the United States was taken in 1700, there were 10 states and the southwest and north west territories. The returns fixed the population at 3,920,214, while those of 1900 give over 7(5,000,000, a fourteen fold growth in 110 years. In the first census nothing was sought but the number of Inhabitants, and the task was assigned to United States marshals, who performed the work for several censuses. In the cen sus library is a record of tbe first cen sus, which shows that the census of 1790 was ordered In March and com pleted by October, 1701, a very credita ble showing when the difficulty of com munication is considered. The popular tion was divided Into five classes—free white males of 10 years and upward, including heads of families; free wbito females, Including heads of families; free white males under 10 years, other persons, slaves. Fourteen enumeration districts were mapped out of the 16 states and the population of the towns, counties and states given. All of the states except Maine aud Massachusetts had slaves. Virginia led with a popu lation of 747,010 whites and 292,000 slaves. North Carolina was second, with 893,751 whites and 100,000 slaves. Maryland had a population of 422,750, of which 103,030 were slaves. The slave population of the northern states Is given as follows: New Hampshire, IPS; Rhode Island, 1)48; Cpnnectlcut, 2,704; New York, 21,- 324; New Jersey, 11,423; Pennsylvania, 3,237; Delaware, 8,887; Vermont, 10. The population of the southwest ter ritory was 35,091 whites and 3,417 slaves. The record is full of errors In calcula tion and addition, but Is interesting in showing how the population has In creased and how the art of census tak ing has developed with the population. —Baltimore Sun.