Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 03, 1901, Image 1

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    'VOL- xxxviii
Five Days of Bargain Selling Commencing V
Sr.rpln* stocks must be reduced and all broken Int.- closed out be-
0| fore invoicing. To clean up quickly we wake s-nne startling fits in «?J)
JR prices for tbi« five day sale.
Uk PAROAINS IN CLOAKS—Prices on Jackets and Capes are re- f&
m SL\OO and |IB.OO Garments at *10.00; *l2. Garments at s*.oo. &
-40 mentu at $3.50. IP
2v DHESS GOODS AND SILKS Sacrificed during this vie. Lot
W 50c Dress Goods rwlnc.nl to 25c. Lot 75c and *H>O Dress Goods re-
X dooed x> V)" $2.50 Plai i Backs rednced to $2.(X>. $1 7". Plaid Backs *
reduced to $1.25 75c French Flannels and Challies reduced to 58c. K
U All $1 <*) nri'l *1 25 Fancy Silks reduced to 6*-. All 75c and s sr: Fancy
K Silks rednced to 50c 7
U SALE PRICES —Hundreds of bargains in all kinds of l"> ->d* dnr- Uk
K ion this sale We ltave -Dace here to mention only a few Good Cot-
U ton Crash, Heavy Unbleached Mnslin. sc;
jQi Pons/e" Draj'-r." '■)<•: 25c and 85c Fancy Ribbon*. 15c. .ioc Li. lerw.'ar,
» :»C; 7-1; Table Linen .VJc: $1 VI Fleece ! Wrappers, $1 «»0 Lor <:{..>») All- gp
55 Woo! iilnnkct- 1 . *>2 Jv
if* D" ii->f int'i - k i.e We in»-a-i to p-y 1 o i haridsoineiv :->r your
he'p j-, reducing oar s'ock.
-|L. Stein & Son J
IN I 11// l I Men don't buy clothing for the
y j j\k( I J _ _ purpose- of spendiug money. They n
/irl i r, desire to get the bent possible re- pj
yUjl'l suits for the money expended. Not
<\[ W~ASc cheap goods but goods as cheap as
A / ii;, ]i they can be sold for ; nd made up
I \ Jjr 1 properly. If you want the correct
IA vypHbi>JJ thing at the correct price, call and
\ W- KJ ! examine our large stack of PALI. * <
\ I r'l /? and WINTER WEIGHTS— V
"* UMr K E C K
Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed.
G.'F. KECK, Merchant Tailor,
142 North Main Street, Butler, Pa
a i
Makes a Grand Offer to the Trade.
' We Must Have Money, We Must Have Room.
We are making a big change in our building New basement
t new front, another stor/ and a large addition on the rear. Our lar e
an . increa: iny trade makes it necessary for us to make this change,
and t f make this change ne need money and room. Our Jail goods
ar< t! in and our building is pack* d from cellar to roof. While *■
don't jirosposi •<> ! ose any monej on these fresh, seasonable goods,
w< rtend > uttir.g our profits so as to make this large ftock move
/ qui' kly. To our old trade we just have to say to them, we are going {
[— to close to ne goods cheap; they know what it means.
We wish to say that when we advertise a sale of goods it i
genuine and the trade knows it and approves and profits by it. Wt
wish to impress on your minds that just now we* are having a Great
Sale of Shoes, iust such a« you need at this time of the year. Betid
take this snle.
J Panoc J We want y° ur i
\fy Watch and i
| Jewelers J Repairing.
: and ht lce * that will make you K lad that you called at
Ptpe sto buy, Everything an reppresented or money refunded.
,„Sonth Main Street...*. ' Butler, I'a '
> / s= ™' =- , =— 3SS * V
V The Greatest "w
11 Railroad
a in the World -.JUL
II uses Walker's Soap because it is free from alkali 1|» H
II and saves the company thousands of dollars in a J jj, WT
rl year in preserving paint, varnish, and fabrics |frN3j 1 ®
I washed with it. Before the Pennsylvania Railroad . U
used Walker's Soap, newly varnished cars were VI.. i / H
found to be shabby and need re-varnishing. The J j'lF'll
cmse was a mystery till the company's "chemist 1 i- (/- ; H
investigated and found it was tin* alkali in common - - -- ' sSL
Is japs that was destroying property, A standard "
»' r soap purity was then set up, and now the cars are washed with II
I Walker's Soap «
housekeepers rind paint and varnish washing off or losing its if
glossy surface. Blame tlx: soap you use. Oct Walker's U
WA Soap and be as wise as the Pennsylvania Railroad. Look H
for the game rooster on the wrappci and you will know M
you have the genuine.
v •■bbk mb sessz rasss ■ w e ** a ?rz^r
z=J" J 'o,
\ One Dq§3 t
?Tells the story. When yir heafl £
sacbes, and you f- vl bilin- i»nst:-^
rpated, and out of tune, v y
• stomach soar and no api- ' , jnst tr
0 buy a package ot &
\ HoQd*& PMb ?
>And I
5 You will be >5
Fthey will do their u--rk, yuurff
w headafhf* ;;nd hil -tl**- &
/} 'J
M2S alera. jp
and is the result of :ind &SJ* cmr-cOlDg
»udden climatic ehangss. Ey Hrjj-'fi
For your I'rotci tion ymffZVEp iftS
we positively eu'e t.iit t .is £' AR
remedy dn<- :i Wu y
merenry or any other itjar- \BBi
Ely's Cream Balm
ie Acknowledged to l-e the moet thoror.eh cure for
Nasal Catarrh, O d in Head c:.d 11.'.j hever of tLI
remedies. It opcr;« ar. ! c'.cai]*e* the r :«al
a'iays Mda ar:d toflimmm on. fa lis the son pf -
tects um memlnue ft - ■
flftntetßdnaelL J* orbrroa
ELY BHOTHBM* M W krrea Btm , Kew Vock.
\ The Cure thai es/
& Gouqfcs, (ti
\ Colds, P
D GrSpps, 'A
Whooping Cotißh, Afthma, J
Bronchitis and Incipient A
j) Consumotion, Is
\ OllO^
$ 7
The GERMAN remedy' ° I
C-irt>*t.VrQ-aV -&t\i Vur.Q I
Butler Savings Bank
Butler, F J f:i.
Capital - f6o,i*».t*.-
Surplus and Profits - - $200,000.00
(OS. L PIJBVIW Pr^M'leni
■J. HE.VKY TItOUTMAK Prehidtnt
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Cat bier
IX)U!8 R. STK'N ...Teller
DiBfCi.TOKK-l<wepb I-. t 'lr 1. Ileur
Trontnmri, w. \> Urtr : m "A". A 11 -I >
('■-I .
The Butler Savings Hank Is the Ol<jf»t
IVtnklriL' Iristltutlon'. n llu'.lerU" luly.
o<?n<?r!il hiinklriK I>umlim-ss trans;v<:t<Kl.
W<-solicit of ~11 prcducera, mer
chatitN, farmers and otti' i*.
All bjsinrss entrusted to us wj 11 r«v:<-tv.
prompt attention.
!riii-re->i paid nn lien- detKmltH.
Holier County National Bank
Butler Penn, .
Capital p&M ill - - f2oo,<(n.t
Surplus and Profits - |6o, coo.t
Tos." Hartmati, President; J. V. Kitt
Vict- President; John G McMarlin
Cashier, A G Krug, Ass't ('ashier.
A general banking nu.ilii)■>.. iraiihiu-wfi
Ilit-eies'. paid Oil Limit (Zepohlt!*.
Money 1 tailed on approval security.
We invite you to open an account with t In,
1)1 HEOT'JKH -HOD. Joseph Hartrn.in. Hon.
W. S. W aid roil, lir .>. M. Hoover. 11. M.
Fwe,-n«y. I'. Collins !. U. l.ealle !•
Ha/lett, M. VV. 11. I,ar],iri Harry
ll«-a»l"-y. Dr. W. C. Mel ,'iuid less. It, r »I',s
»etl,. W.J. .Marks. J. V. It I tin, A. I. Uellier
'I'H K
Farmers' National Bank,
CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00.
Foreign exchange l,ouglit and sold,
special attention given to collect lonv.
JOHN II I'M I'll KF.y VI.-. I'r. sld. ni
'i' \ii "AII.FV ( aililer
» ,\ v • < V.HAM Assistant < a»h„ r
J. r. HUTZLER ] :1. ,
John Yotinkltis. Ii I. C'leeland I' E.
Atiratiis, C. N. Itoyd, W. I Metxger. Henrv
jy.'.vr- Humphrey. Tlios. Ilayv (,«'•I
M. Wis,-and Frati'-ls Murphy.
1111.,-rest paid on time deposits.
We reHpe.lfullv nollctt your I>U»IIM.-.S>.
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Optician.
Neil r )oor toiCourt Ifmim- IfuHrr Pa.
L 1 ' tfBGJ.KY,
Office iu the "CITIXKM" building
+ + ***** t*■ I*, *
I By V/eatherbj Cliesney and Alick Munro.
> oopvr.icnT, 1900, BY WEATHER i;r CHESNET AND ALICK inrs w.
- ?
"Von be back soon. Master Topp,"
said Willie without turning his bead.
"We have just this very minute decid
ed who should sit uppermost."
At this the Spaniard drew hack liis
lips in an evil smile, showing two rows
of yellow teeth that protruded outward
like a calf's, and I thought his face the
most devilish and fearsome my eyes
had ever fallen upon Then, as if sud
denly recollecting himself, he closed his
mouth, smiled nnd lay before us a pale,
perfect Apollo. The sudih niiess of the
change sent a cold shudder through
' me— it smacked so much of magic. The
boatswain, too. w#« plainly uot a little
disconcerted, for he set tf> work
scratching liis bare, shining poll with
the book, a sine sign that he was puz
zled, and presently, still without tak
ing his eye from the prisoner, he rap
ped out:
"Best kill him at once. Master Topp.
for fear of accidents."
A llicl: i of fear passed ijuiekly over
the Spaniard's face at the words, but
it was only a dicker, and in an instant
it was gone.
"You hear. Don Migi:i I?" said I.
"Have you any plea lo rrge why we
should no! kill you?"
"No." he - iid shortly: "no plea that
you woultl < insider adequate."
1 knew of one which he might have
urged with succe- 1, n he evident
ly did not at pre- eui i- :iize me it
was not the i me <o remind him of
Whitby an ! '."go
"Then. s. .i.,c. you do not shrink froo>
"Qitien sal if
"Wot ld ,a p'- i!u:«e us immunity
from hurt If v.e set von free?"
"No. I will not. for you would mock
me if I did And." he added fiercely,
"my word si.a'l not be held up to the
scorn of any one."
This reading of my thoughts and In
tentions look me lm<-k somewhat, but
after a moment's pause I asked if he
would give his word not to attempt to
attack us or 10 escape, supposing that
I ordered tie- le-.tswain to release birr
from his presi :ii uncomfortable dur
"Yes. *cnor I pledge my honor so
far." he answered carelessly, so I hade
Willie rise. He did so after some de
mur arid ver\ unwillingly.
The Spaniard gazed at me sullenly
and persistently, and as I began to feed
eerie nnd uncomfortable under his
stare for I feared the evil eye, and
those black orbs wen* baneful—l told
Willie that 1 had something for his pri
vate ear. With a bow to the prisoner
which, considering that I was long un
used to movements of courtesy, was
passable enough I led the way down
stairs, and Willie followed, carrying
Don Miguel's sword and dngg* r tucked
underneath Ids right armpit. Some 20
steps below lie halted, but I bade him
go farther still. for I wished to be sure
that we were out of earshot of our cap
"Now, Willie." I said when we had
nearly reach* I the bottom, "why this
gloom V Our fortune could not have
been better."
"No," replied the boatswain slowly,
"but we ml,"lit have made a better uso
o" It."
"Prove that."
"I had my steel at yon rascal's throat,
en you made me stay It," was the re
"I'mlerstand me," I said sternly; "I J
won't have jion Miguel Injured while
he 1 in my hands. If for no other rea
">ou because he can lie made to serve
'Aye. answered Willie scornfully; '
'that he cun. We've left liitu up there
alone, an he can send a hail -to lion I
Sancho to tell him how matters are.
Who's to hinder him, since we don't
»eem to waul 10? I'ho, Master Topp!
IVyoti think our bird won't chirp to his
mates when he's got the chanceV"
"I hope so."
"You hope no! Why, Master Topp,
you must be bewitched. That bandy
legged little don will have another
score o' men up from the cave before
you can wink."
"I'Ol him. We can bold our snail's
house against I hem."
"Hut not against starvation. Tho
bananas Is about done already, an I'd
liefer lackle it leather scabbard than
the skins."
"How Is the wind, Willie? Or has
your sailor's eye deserted you along
with your other faculties? Come, tell
me what you read In the sky up aloft
there when you were sitting on the
don's stomach,"
The boatswain shot a look of per
plexity at me, and then Ids eye brlght
encd. lie liegan to see my drift.
"Chopped round gently to the cast
"ard," he answered promptly. "Swell
going down an big clouds floating high
tin unbroken. A murky night coming
A murky night coining on! Yes, and
what about f'aptaln Alexander Ireland
and the lads with him? Will be sleep
through Hint murky night, think you?
Or will the boat leave Callcy Island
on the Instant that darkness falls? I
te|| you, Willie Trehalion, my sworn \
shipmate will be at tho cave's mouth '
before the midnight glass has turned,
nnd It seems to me that he'll find his
task an easier one If half the foe Is sit
ting round the snail shell. Why, man, I
whiMiieil for It!"
"An you were right, Master Topp,"
said the boatswain, half vexed at find
ing himself in the wrong. "1 vow you
he right after all."
And with that we went aloft again,
lie to resume his Interrupted sleep be
side lion Miguel, whom we found ly
ing down In the shelter or tho snake's
teeth, and I to take the watch.
The day passed and after It most of
'he night, hut Just before dawn the re
lief which I had prophesied came,
I lider cover of the darkness Alec had
landed Ids heavy load of men from
Ual!e\ Inland on the west shore of the
liarbor, near lo Its entrance, but out of
dnht of the Hpanlsh sentinels at tho
ave's mouth. Then ho returned to
•Shelter Island and took ofT Jan I'engo
ny and the others whom we had left
'here. |he two parties Joined and,
hauling their boat up high anj dry,
marched with silent haste round the
narbor till they came to the flat he fore
lie cave. Here, leaving tin- others am
unshed in the thicket, Job Trehalion
tnd Alec crawled through the grass
tnd stalked the sentinels, who, as their
ram-led security hail made them care
ess. were easily surprised iiuil sllcric
d Then the rest of the party came up I
it .i run itid formed a circle round the
iuunth of the cave.
The Spaniards, hearing xue noise,
came out to discover its cause, but aft
er some three or four of them had fall
en in the scuflle they drew back again
into the darkness. Alec thereupon
swore that he would smoke them like
so many Hitches of bacon if they gave
him any more trouble, and at the
threat they surrendered at discretion.
After tlicy had been disarmed and
placed for security, together with the
Caliey island orisoners. in a conveu
ieiit aisle of ' lie cave, a small party
wa ; left to guard them, and the rest
arming ;ii<-mselves with tiie captives'
ar<|iii-liu>e.". made their way to the
Temple hill to relieve us.
Completely shielded by the thick un
dergrowth aud by the darkness, they
<- S" r; i J&
■ ■■ ;■ ' * f- i! • A f""
i tr ®'
r :; WmW
\ -f/'v/ ~y~s
- v '- ''7:
Their landed *1 rarity hud mit'tlc them
were a hie to surround our besiegers
11: i < iv.r them with tha arquebuses
before they made their preseuee
known. The fist indication which Don
Kam !:<> anil his crew had that they
' eil was the call to lay down
men- ai ms and surrender or they were
nil dead men. and the gallant don. see
lug the light of Ills own watch fire
fli'iting ou steel barrels all aroni I
him. cared neither to parley nor to
light hut did as lie was told. Aud b.\
in doing lie probably saved many lives,
both Spanish and Kngiish.
The long struggle was over, and now
the slaves had become ina.-ios and the
i!,a -lers slave The Spaniards had lost
not a few more men in the final skir
111 ish at the cave -for there were hitter
find relent c>:« swords against them
but except 1 liat the man called Sam
had died i f his wounds on Sli 'lter is
land and Isj hurled there no more Cnc
tfalb bed fallen. There wre of us
left and each man ready and able to
fi;:!,t like a bulldog If need lie We had
many wounds, but as the poorness of
our recent entertainments had kept us
all spare of body nature's unaided sur
gery would soon heal them, for It In
only when men are full fleshed and hot
blooded that wounds bring fever in
their train.
Our prisoners wire 11*2 all told, and
to arrange for the safest manner of
disposing of them a council was held
as soon as all bauds had rested some
'I lie old man, whore prophecies had
brought him great respect, was fiercely
anxious to kill them ail forthwith, and
most of the men. the older ones espe
cially, were Ineliiied to agree with him.
\\ lilie Trehallon, however, would not
hear of It. Ho hail recovered his skin
cap and now rubbed It fore and aft
aeross Ids bald pate with fierce energy
while he spoke.
"No, no, old man," said he; "It's 111
counsel you he giving us this time. I'll
kill Spaniards with you in hot blood as
long as I can stand an never ask for a
finer sport, but to butcher them de
fenseless an unresisting isn't an Kng
lish sailor's Job at ail. It's a common
baseman's work, that's what it is, aa
Willie Trehallon hain't going to sully
book or list by doing It. On the high
seas," he added reflectively, "I grant
>Oll II : different. There you ean blind
fold a prisoner an leave the gangway
open, an then If mo he chooses to marefi
overboard, why, It hain't your fault, an
you've no call to bring the ship to an
waste time In picking him up. Hut this
that you b" wanting us to do, old man,
is murder."
"Oh, ho, ho! Ah, ha!" laughed the
old man. "What dainty gentleman
have We here? Why. Willie Tln h ilion,
you with a face molded out of a I'ort-
Ingale orange by four strokes of 11
marline spike, .von with a body as deli
cate and graceful as a side of beef,
rou that have lost a hand aud an eye
In bloody warfare with these mm
gentle Spaniards for whom you plead
to prettily, are your feelings become
10 nice and fliinlklng that vou blench
mil turn slek like a girl at the thought
if a don or two dancing the devil's
fiornolpe on empty air? I« that you.
Willie Trehallon?"
"Aye." reolled the boatswain snllcn
"Mint's me. If you like, a fighter
A'lth the best «»' you. but never a nmr
"What!" cried tiie old man angrily.
'Will you never learn? Have not their
a a tings, Jalllngs, starvings, cursings,
nade you suffer enough yet? Tender
leaned maiden that you are. you will
et the wasps regain their nest once
nore. and then you'll wonder that they
'Olue Out with fresh venom In their
itils to sting you again. Come. Job,
'ell this dainty uncle of yours how I
foil served the wasp that seamed that !
iiirple Hear across your forehead."*
"Crushed 1111." said .lob, with a win. '
"Kver a fool was .lob," muttered his |
Hide to the rest of us, "an now lie
urns fool's evidence."
.lol> chuckled, and the old man broke
>ut Into Ids weird, unearthly laugh.
"till, ho, ho! fools both, do you say,
uy pretty boatswain? Well, perhaps
t Is so. Job here, fool by birth; I, i
'ool by Spanish torture, and yet both
if us at times wiser by many a long .
'atbom than every man of yob. Never '
tcofff at fools, my masters. The em- j
>eror of the Indies lias a fool for his j
/Izler, aud a motley coat rules half Hie i
rourts of lOurope. Ah, ha, ha! I.lklcii
ome now. At times 1 can lie the mad- j
lest, merriest, cleverest fool of the lot. ;
[ can JeHt for you, rule for you, east i
unens for you, prophesy for you and '
ill without sight of star or burning of
nystlc charm; but now 1 d> none of
liese." lie hauled himself painfully
,0 his feet and looked round upon them
rVith a gesture of frightful menace. ■
'No, 1 bid you slay. Slay these cursed '
Spaniard* from commandant to cabin
ad. And if It be a crime on my head
io It. Hlayl" i
Ills voice rose to a shriek at tliene
;u>t words, and his listeners shrank
ißck aud shuddered when they met his
"Aye," he went on, "if it be murder.
I care not. Look at these legs—like two
gnarled and crushed old willows. I'.v
ery bone in them has been crushed by
Spanish tortures. See these distorted
arms, knotted like a conjurer's hand
kerchief. Gaze on this body, seamed
With Cre.scarred with whips and pinch
ers. Aye. lam a poor cripple uow. but
a short score of years ago I could have
thrashed big John Topp there as easily
as he could trounce me now with his
little finger What could give atone
ment for these hurts? And yet I do not
bid you torture these Spaniards in like
kind, but only slay them. Slay them!
Slay them! And then—then"
"An what then, old tnau?" asked the
"Then." exclaimed the old man
fiercely, "make me your captain, and 1
promise you gold beyond your wildest
dreams. I will lead you to Manoa."
There arose a torrent of voices as he
finished speaking. Some declared that
Captain Ireland was our leader, and
that the old man's words were treason:
others that they hated the very name
of the golden city, and, while a few
called upon the old man to say more,
the lest pressed Alec to speak 1 jjirv
i'il my voice to these last and by out-
Bhoutitig the others gained silence.
"M.v lads." he said, "there is not cue
of us lu re who has cause to love «ie
Spaniards. least of all 1, who have,
lust a father at their hands, but let us
not stilly our souls with their murder.
No. no; we can do better than that—
we can make th • . useful. We have a
safe prison for them in the cave, and
the.v shall be our slaves. As for .Ma
noa. many of us who sailed to these
Peas in the Bristol Merchant have
spent years in the search for it al
ready. and the prospect of continuing
the quest does not tempt us. But Span
ish galleons and plate ships litter the
main like islands in an archipelago,
and every one of thetfl contains treas
ure. Now. my plain is to make these
ourijuarrv. for from them a stout Eng
lish ship can reap revenge and plunder
"So she should," pit in one fellow.
"Hut, captain, we haven't got that
same stout ship."
"We have hands, sirrah," replied
Alec, "and some of us brains besides,
i'lie wrecks will afford both material
and tools, and we have plenty of cap
tive labor to make the work light.
Tliere are artificers among us, and I
myself have some knowledge of the
shipwright's craft, and so I say let us
collect our plankings at once and begin
to set up the stocks on which to lay a
keel. Has any one of you a better plan
to offer?"
The men looked at one another and
exchanged their thoughts in half whis
pers, and Willie Trchaliou, after hang
ing in the wind for a minute or so, rap
ped ills hook against Ids forehead and
came forward as their spokesman.
"We hain't altogether in love wl' gal
leys, Captain Ireland," said he, "nor
with any other ship that's driven wl*
slaves' oars. You see, slaves Is apt to
break out when you're lighting their
friends an requires a lot o' victual an
attention. An this company, being .sail
ors all an not soldier mariners, likes
best to maneuver in battle under can
vas an, in fact, backs one round ship to
three long ones any day."
"And I am with you there, Willie. I
did not mean that we should put these
prisoner dons on a galley's bank and
let I hem taste the bitters of their own
prescription. No, no; leave oared craft
to nations of land soldiers. The winds
are the ministers of the Englishman,
and sails nre the wand with which he
rules them. Give me n handy craft,
and I'll warrant to keep the weather
gauge of an enemy without cumbering
the waist with filthy slaves and telling
off good lighting men lo guard them.
The Spaniards here sliull be far luckier
than they deserve. They shall work
for us as shipwrights' laborers and
shore servants; and when our ship Is
built and we are fitted for the cruise
we'll give them a holiday to dispose of
their bodies as they like. If we return
to refit or for any other purpose and
find them here —well, we can enslave
♦ hem again and make them useful. If
we return no more again, well. And If
we come fi»»«I find that they have escap
ed, still well, for they will then be off
our hands."
Here he paused, and at once there
arose a strong lunged shout of anpro
bation. In which all joined with the ex
ception of the old man, who remained
moodily silent. The men were de
lighted with the plan and eager to be
gin tlie work of shipbuilding. They
swore to follow Captain Ireland to
the end and promised death to the first
man who should disobey liltn. Then
they rated John Topp as his lleuteu
ntit, Willie Trchnllou as boatswain and
Jau I'eugony gunner, after which, rc
inemhcrlug the old man and thinking
he might work mischief unless he was
humored, they named him captain of
guard over the prisoners and promised
to haul him a bombard ashore, with
which he could belch language into the
cave In case of a revolt.
And at this he regained his spirits
Instantly and with a horrid torrent of
"Oh, ho, ho!" and "Ah, ha, ha!" as
sured us that before the mouth was a
week older lie would have occasion to
shoot, for that already, like an Andes
condor, lie could seent the steam of
Spanish slaughter from afar.
Meanwhile Alec had the five Span
ish olUccrs brought before lilui armor
ed, but unarmed, and told them what
we 11:i<I decided to do Willi them. Most
of them received the verdict quietly
enough. Handy legged little Hon Silll
elio shrugged Ids shoulders and, say
ing Hint It was the fortune of war. hop
id that we would set our tasks light
ly ill view of ii possible turning of the
tables some time In the future. The
sallow faced commandant, however,
h'ln id absolutely to soil Ids hands for
liny man's pleasure and set his snarl
ing yellow teeth with the air of a man
who Intends to keep to his word.
"Why, senor," said 1, "John Topp
counts hlmi.elf im gentleman as
run any day, and yet holds It no shame
10 haul and heave with those under
film or even to illp Ids sword hand In
lie tar bucket If need be."
lie turned round sharply when lie
ieni-d my name. "John Topp, Is It? 1
11 list ask your t>ardi>u for not recognlz
ng you In Iho serpent's mouth last
dght You were a little bette- dressed,
I think, hr I time we had the pleasure
if meetlntr. so my oversight Is perhaps
•reusable Well. lion John, my feei
ng* on the point differ from yours."
"Take cure, lion Miguel. We have it
itipcralminlancc uf work people," said
lie shrugged Ills shoulders. "Ilang
ne If you have a mind," he said con
"Or we may rollow your own device
ilid make youi fast lo a post down on
lie slrainl yonder at low tljje."
ne by lucliit* If you please, for I am to
hat extent 111 your power, but I Hindi
lot be your obedient Servant."
"tHi. ho. ho!" laughed the old man,
v ho had JUKI come up to look after Ids
harge "Ah. ha! Stubborn and stiff
leekcil. *JM | was It does the old man's
II :li t (',iod to see such a lusty fellow
„ct lei eonilder. now. What vhnuld
ie tlie discipline? Something novul 1
- £ ' •-
end foiling and appropriate and hu
in« ;<;us. too. if possible. Why Isn't the
pot: i "lied little racker here? Dear
tre. at another time sueh a piece of
pleasantry would be on my lips in a
i:iW"Dt! Oh. ho! I have It. VVe will
i rm yon in your metal shell like some
F"<: t erab. most illustrious Senor Corn
nar.dant. You're rather lean, so may
be wHI be a trifle eliarred in the proc
t.-s. but the devil, who will eat the
dNh. is not ovcrnlce Iu his feeding and
v 1! forgive the cook* for forgetting to
Tie Spaniard uttered no verbal reply,
but shrugg* d his shoulders and gave a
Mice: :ng ile which showed no de
parture from his previous resolve.
Tlien Alec spoke:
"Jau lVcgony and Job Trchalion, slip
JfT Dou Miguel's iron shirt and bare his
nack. Now trice him up to the lower
Jougli of that tree. No, not by the neck.
I don't want him hanged. Fasten his
Don Miguel's face showed its first ex
pression cf uneasiness.
"Senor Captain," he said, "flogging to
death is a felon's death, and 1 have
done nothing to deserve Jhat disgrace.
If ycii wi!l not hold me to ransom, at
lea.-! kill me bv sword, rope or bullet
and let me <iie like a. soldier and a gen
"Hut I have no lutcntion of killing
you, senor," replied Alec with a courtly
bow. "Here, you men, go and bring
the lest of the prisoners from the cave
to witness the Hogging. I am not going
to have you whipped to death, Don
Miguel, though the old man here is
"Wc will ronxt you in your metal shell."
Itching to do It, 1 can see. No, I ain
simply going to give you threescore
lashes today on the bare back and
threescore more on every succeeding
day that you refuse to work. You may
get tired of your stubbornness In time,
and meanwhile the example will be
good. No, old man, don't hurry. Walt
for the audience."
"Ten thousand times would I prefer
death," cried the Spaniard with a ven
omous oath.
"You are not offered a choice, senor."
"Y'ou refuse to kill me?"
" \h, then, I surrender. Your punish
ment is more degrading than your task.
I accept the lesser Indlgulty."
"So? I thought you would," said
Alec. "Here, guuner; appoint this man
to a gang and give him a task suitable
to his strength."
A wall of stone four feet thick, sur
rounding a small well barred door,
completely closed the entrance to the
cave and made It a prison that seemed
uubreakablc. Ono military sentinel was
amply nulllclcut to guard It, and in
deed so confident were we of its
strength that, although we had on the
shore level storehouses and so on, sur
rounded by a stockade and earthwork
which might serve oh a fort iu case of
attack, we built our own dwellings on
the plateau above. A zigzag path from
the shore led one to the upper level In
less than five minutes, and once there
all danger from the fevers which the
clammy night mists of the harbor
might give birth to was averted. The
houses, built of bamboo and thatched
wllh broad leaves, lay in and among
a grove of graceful feathery palms
whose waving lingers fanned the hot
air into coolness, and the nntiiral gar
den atound them remained ns much as
possible undisturbed.
Lovely Dowers grew everywhere,
framed in slender fern fronds. Orchids
hung from the trees In twisted masses
of rainbow tiutcd color. The leaves
of the shrubs were hidden in a clpak
of rich blossom. A myriad scents
commingled, ami the breeze was fra
grant wltli the essence of paradise. Nor
was the luscious picture eoullued to
still life only. Strange Insects liku
animated Jewels hummed through the
air. Painted butterflies whoso color
ing no human brush could reproduce
floated sensuously from bloom to
bloom. Lizards, like flashes of pale
green Ore, shot across from the shadow
of one great plant to the shadow of
another. And* overhead the gayly
plumaged birds fluttered about or
perched on the branches and sang to
the sun throughout the whole of his
dally course.
Had It not been for the droves of
steel Jawed mosquitoes which haunted
our fairy (TOT* I tLink few of us
would have asked better than to spend
his days on such a favored spot, ltut
tin* Ink;ili;ift- blood thirst of these In
scct enemies «4'revetited us from do
gem-rating Into mere lotus eaters, and
Hie lii-st spark of dawn was our call to
We worked hard the Kngllsh urged
by tin bit and hope, the Spaniards by e*-
n II i[ile ami rod. A second boat was
found lying In a rock pool stove In, but
iipii i r:i till*, anil wllh thliTiind the other
iiie which we already possessed the
inrrack's tore and cargo and th" Jct
naHl from the galley were safely housed
i liore. Then began tile heavier toil of
unpli'i'lng the vc-scls, stripping off the
iiUHplintcrcd planks and frames, the
unbroken I rices and elbows and trans
porting them to tin l site whereon we
Intended in lay stocks for our new keel
It was slow work, ns any one who
lias broken up a ship will know, for
1 1' •11 ami clamp and treenail had each to
lie drawn with curious care lest tlm
licit for sheathing should lie split and
M» rendered until for further use. ltut
lime and perseverance were the chief
factoi toward success, ami by lavish
ing lioiii freely we at length finished
Ihe dl- mantling of the two wrecks and
rallied or towed their contents to the'
liench In front of tiie cave.
it was then that the great discussion
took place as to the form In which our
new bark should be built.
Km r since wc mi I setil I m our up
kind village ailli'lr- III! palms Alec had
/•cell employing Ills spare time 111 carv
Ing and rigging a MICCC ilon of toy
ships. Nobody Itad taken much notice
of Ii 1 in. for It was not bin habit to court
public applause and as yet be had not I
asked for public criticism, lie would
work by the flickering firelight far Into I
the nlk'iil and appeared so wrapped up
In his labors (tint sometimes we would '
speak three or four times to him and
not K''t au answer. More Hum once I |
flinch i| thai In- w.i uii i a pell and
wondered whether Doll Miguel had the
power of the evil eye. For indeed my
sworn shipmate's manner was often
strangely distracted.
Sometimes lie would sit gazing mood
ily at his work: sometimes he would
stare intently at the fantastic shadow
pictures which the jerky Unities cast <.n
the dark hushes at the edge of the cir
cle ; light, and then he would set to
and destroy a greater part of the fab
ric lie had toiled over and start patient
ly to fit and carve It all afresh.
And the old man. who, when not on
guard below, seemed always to be
watching these attempts, would rub
liN shining hands and hurst out into a
w< ird "Oh, ho, ho!" of nnproval.
Now and again the modeler would
take one of his tiny craft to a secluded
part of the harbor and openly saying
he wanted no company would test it.
so we supposed. And how his play
things had behaved in these trials we
could always guess by the look on his
grave fnee when he returned, pleased
or gloomy according to the result
His knife had fashioned similar
strange vessels in the old days at YVhlt-
I by. where the unbelieving Jeers of the
shipwrights had made him destroy
them, and though I nnd the others,
looking at his new designs with the
critical eye of sailors rather than with
the partial one of comrades, pointed
out to him grave defects nnd useless
innovations, he would quietly bid us
wait. wait, wait, and not criticise the
unfinished work until we could base
our judgment on shown results rather
than on the strange and unlikely looks
of his new models.
And so in the long summer evenings
when our work was done, while Alec
pondered nnd labored, the rest of us
smoked our cigarlllos, drank palm
wine, spun yarns of mermaldens and
sea monsters and giants such as Ma
grllan found by the Icy southern ocean.
And sometimes we sang the old sea
songs of England, and sometimes again
new songs of Spanish torture, of blood
and of revenge, songs which the old
man made for us and which he delight
ed to teach us to sing. Cruel, devilish
songs they were, nnd the old man's
weird laughter ran through the chorus
like a demon's accompaniment, but to
some of us their very horror was their
Hut when the labor of collecting the
planks and timbers was nearly over by
our captain's orders we others began
building ii toy ship of our own, design
| Ing her upon what we considered the
fastest and handiest lines, making her
In fact a model from which, as we be
lieved, the larger vessel for which we
had collected our material could best
be built. Put upon our mettle by a
challenge t<* jilt our brains against the
captain's, we spared no pains to per
fect the details of our little craft, and
so from boltsprit to inizzen, from the
poop lanterns to the heavy round tops,
from forecastle to aftercastle, she was
ns pretty a plaything as the heart of a
sailor could desire. And that when put
to the trial she would prove fastest In
sailing, quickest in getting about and
handiest to tight tier builders had not a
It was declared a holiday when the
two little vessels were placed In com
petition on the milled waters of the
harbor, and after stowing the Span
lards away suugly In their jail (except
some half a score who were dispatched
on a pig hunt nnd afterward were the
cause of no tittle uneasiness to us) nil
hands assembled to see the trial.
Two courses were to be snlled—one a
dead run before the wind, the other n
trial of speed close hauled—for, as Wil
lie Trehalion Justly put it, "a haystack
can drift, lint It takes n tidy ship to
run to windward In anything like
Alec captained his own bnrk and 1
ours, i>nd when each navigator hnd
trimmed sails the two vessels wero
headed, with the wind straight off
shore, toward the other side of the
As regards looks, our bark unques
tionably made the braver show. Iler
square stern towered out of the wa
ter like the gable of some quaint old
house, nnd her frowning ports com
manded the sea all urouud. Her
courses, topsails, sprltsnll und mlzeen
bellied out 111 graceful curves, nnd her
bluff, sturdy bow rode over the wave
lets like some restive charger and
churned them Into foam benuath her
keel. Proud would the pygmy captain
have been who could have stood on
that lofty poop and looked down at
the pygmy crew in the wnlst below
ns they passed In nnd out of the doors
of their house In the forecastle. Bhe
was a pretty craft and one that made
n mariner's heart burn within him In
Joyful anticipation of her certain vic
Alec's vessel caused no such thrill.
She was low In the water, hud no cas
tle forward, had not even a raised
poop and possessed but one deck aud
that flush through all Its length. Her
bows were sharp and much cut away,
which augured 111 for her safely in n
heavy sen (though truth to tell she
seemed to ride over the ell high Waves
of the harbor as dry as our own ves
sel!. and her stern was pared down to
nothing where the rudder meets tho
water. A strange sight truly.
Hut It was her rig which excited our
greatest wonder. Her two polo masts
had no round tops mid but little of
throuds or stays. Moreover, they car
.-led nothing but fore nnd aft canvas
oblong sails hoisted between gaff nnd
boom Inboard and triangular sails on
tln- hnltspl'it. She had only four sails
lii all, and so strangely were they cut
that there was no sign of hag in them
(except when she was running free),
and In a word they set us Hat hm
Vet In spite of all our vessel did not
show the other craft tier heels, but
seemed rather to lie strnliilng every
splinter to keep her place.
The two went ashore within three
seconds of one another, and the men
who were walling their arrival took
tin-in up and halted that ('uptaln Ire
land's boat was Hint.
All, Well, we'd see what she could do
mi a wind. Not much there, some of us
fa neled.
I (nee more sail was t rimmed, and the
little craft were set to claw off a dead
lee shore, with what was to them a
heavy beam sea running. It was a
task In which many a well found ship
of great tonnage had utterly failed, as
thousands of rock gashed corpses can
witness, and we, for our part, were un
willing to fry It. Alec, however, said
liix \i el could thrush through, mill so
we could not f'>r very shiime refuse the
For the little galleon our fears were
hut too well founded, (.'lose hauled ns
she win;, with all her sheet* well aft,
like a sentient being she did her very
best, striving and striving to labor
• nit to sen, lint sagging more and more
leeward With every attempt. And at
last a wavelet, u trifle lustier than
those which had gone before, hove her
high and dry upon the bench from
which she had started.
Hut Alec's model wan In u different
plight. Willi never a shred of canvas
shivering she reached out over the
mimic billows, never swerving from
her course by a haudsbrendth, groov
ing her slanting path up the watery
lulls und nllppliii; down Into the valleys
with her docks .is dry as the burning
sun above could make them.
Though smarting with defeat, we
could but admire t lie power of this i:e-,7
sea engine. She sailed some seven
points closer to the wind than .-ny
craft we had hitherto clapped eyes cn,
her speed was incontestable, and in
anything like moderate weather two
hands could put her about with ease.
Still, though she might be as agile as
a pantlver, we were by no moans in
love wfth her as' a battleship and rain
ed out objections in a perfect storm.
To these Alec listened gravely enough
at first, but presently his eye lighted
up. and lie answered with an amount
of irritation and heat which was unu
sual in him.
"To the ship breaker with your clum
sy apple bowed floating fortresses!" he
cried. "Noah's ark was,not more un
handy in a sea. Look at my beauty,
how she sits the water like a duck.
Note her Cue entrance. See how neatly
the waters close behind her delicate
stern, leaving no heavily dragging
wake. And as for lofty sides being a
protection against boarders, I shall ma
neuver so that no enemy can ever get
uear enough to lay mo aboard. And
the lower your freel>oard the smaller,
remember, is the enemy's target. You
ask where are my castles on bow and
stern. Why, you unobserving dolts,
did you not hear before we left Eng
land that Captain Hawkins of Plym
outh was razing them from all his
ships as a lubberly incumbrance fit
only for land loving cowards who could
not fight except from behind a stock
And so he ran on, decrying every
point In our ship and sticking up for
the Innovations on his own so fiercely
that, losing my temper somewhat, I
ventured to remonstrate. But before
ten sentences had passed my lips the
old man interrupted.
"Oh, ho, ho!" chuckled he. "Empty
headed Jack, what a pity you're not a
Spaniard, for surely a more mulish
bigot never stuck to a foolish cause.
Why, good numskull, you're always
prating of your hatred for the dons and
here you are trying In your crass Igno
rance to belittle the most cunning
•scourge that was ever made to swing
against their Idolatrous backs. I tell
you. Jack, and you, my masters all, I
tell you—l, who have thrown you a
dozen or so of true prophecies before—
-1 tell you that you outlandish craft
which Is now working her way almost
In the eye of the wind shall work a
deed the like of which no English bark,
like manned, has ever worked before.
She shall tight a single handed tight
with a great galleon and capture her,
and there shall be spoil such as the
greediest of you scarce dare dream
"And so off cap every one of you to
your captain and follow his bidding
without more of your ignorant ques
tioning. Oh, ho, ho! 'Tls a merry
world, but peopled with fools."
Some Queer Definitions.
Bailey'B Universal Etymological Dic
tionary, with the subtitle, "An Inter
preter of Uard Words," was first pub
lished in London In 1721. Most of lta
definitions are eccentric, and some of
,them Incredibly so. Here are speci
mens plucked at random:
Man.—A creature endowed with
Thunder.—A noise known by persons
not deaf.
Lightning.—A meteor.
A Italubow.—A meteor of divers
Weapon Salve.—A sort of ointment
which Is said to cure a wound by being
applied to the sword or other weapon
that made the wound.
Balloon.—A football; also a great ball
with which noblemen and princes use
to play.
Cow.—A beast well known.
Milk.—A food well known.
Peacock.—A fine bird.
Elephant.—The biggest, 'Strongest
nnd most Intelligent of all four footed
Medlar.—A fruit which Is grateful to
the stomach, but Is not ripe till It bo
Snow.—A meteor well known •In
northerly and southerly climates, es
pecially beyonij the tropics.
Mouth.—l'art of the body of a living
Eve.—An Instrument of sight
Sweet Revenue.
"Naw; 1 ain't working any more
I've lost me Job," said the dlmlnutlvfc
office boy when he was asked about It
"But I got even, botcher life! 1 heard
the old man tolling a feller that I was
no good and that he was going to firt
me at the end of the week. He said
the only thing I could do was to sit on
a stool and balance a ruler on the end
of my nose.
"Well, when 1 heard the old man say
that lie was going to fire me, 1 Just laid
low to get even. Ami 1 did. botchel
life! There was a book agent what
had been postering the life out of the
old man, and ho was expecting her to
call again, so he made a sneak and told
me to tell her when she called that he
had gone west for good and wasn't
coming back.
"Well, Just then his wife telephoned
him that she was coming down to the
office to sec him about something, and
ho told me to tell her when she came to
take a seat and wait for hiin.
"Well, 1 saw my chance to get even.
So when the book agent came In I told
her that the old man hail loft word for
her to wait fur him. Then when Ills
wife blow In, 1 told her that tho old
man had gone west and left word for
her Hint she needn't expect to see him
"(locrtisalom! Maybe you think the
sparks didn't lly then. I waited till
the fireworks were over, then 1 wroto
out nil- resignation, balanced the ruler
oil mo nose for the last time and left."
--Detroit Free l'ress.
In a Sole IMnee.
Among his trusted and efficient at-B
taches ill the office of the street rallwayF
head quarters Is one M 111 Ik In. He ulsoj
has ii partnership Interest In a north'
side grocery. After keeping cases on,
cars mill their operators each day Mr. F
Milllklti waits mi customers at the gro-1
eery store Saturday night Is usually 1
ii busj one, and <>f course everything Is
done In a hurry. This probably ao-4
counts for a slight oversight of Mr.f
Milllklti In filling an order for s little '
fat kli'l who came Into the store as the
kind hearted Milllklu was about to >
close tin- doors. ,
"Mister Mil II kin, my mamma sent j
after a quarter's worth of inul-las als," f
said the child.
"All right, little girl. Let's have your
bucket," Sllhl the genial clerk.
With tills the little lady handed over
a good sized tin bucket. Mr. Mllllkln
disappeared among some barrels, and
after considerable grinding ho reap
"There's a big measure, little girl.
Do you think you can carry ItV"
"Yes, sir," said the maiden as she
started toward the door.
"Little girl, where's your money?"
said Milllklu as he followed up his cus
"In the bucket, Mr. Mil 11-kln," naive
ly replied the child.—Columbua DJa
lultclf. j
» > ,Jfcr V*|
No. I