FALL OF 1900. We are now ready for the FALL TRADE and :t surely ought to and will be the banner season for our store —if careful buying and exceptional choosing go for anything —you will certainly agree with us after looking over our immense stock with our small and insignificant price, lhe following are "just a few" of the good things we have. Jacket Suits*, RAINY DAY SKIRTS, The only skirt for the Fall. Ladies' and Children's Jackets, FURS, French Flannel Shirt Waists; Also the French and other Flannels by the yard. Blankets and Co-nforts, Dress Goods, m Golfing Cloth, Venetians, Prunella, Cashmeres, Cheviots and Serges, in endless variety. Our Carpet Department Is still the "little bit the best" by which it is termed by people who know. DUFFY'S STORE, I Useful Gifts £ gAre Best! * IK A s{>-nnine Christinas Gift is (riven as a kind yj ft 'J* ren.eiubraijf*- A gift that in always used j| can-' * the recipient to have yon constantly in I ''kindly r<-meiufor«»n'-e. on should therefore v3.J£ : " ,Nc* place n-'-fnl articles on yonr gift list. LJackets and Furs JF Are alw»ys welcome presents if they Jft/ come from Stain's. Jacket* $5 00 np. Fine For Scarf.-: *2 00 np. || Ebony and Sterling Goods £ - [r plete line of Manicure, Toilet and K Desk articles " * at 25c, 50c and SI.OO. BLANKETS FOB GIFTS Plea*- wife or mother by giving her that £ "extra pair* of fine blankets she talk* abont getting "some day Finest of fine blankets s■"> 00 and $«.00; Cheaper blankets 60c np. W CHOOSE A GIFT FROM THIS LIST Silk Waist Pattern French V Flaunel Waist Pattern Fine Table Linen. Fine Towels. Fancy Neckwear, Umbrella Fine Bed Spread, (»loves, Ribbons, Hand- kerchiefs, Fancy Aprons, Be ts, Pnrw-s, Hosiery, Underwear. yj Not price alone, bnt price and XXX down to cert* Golf Glove*, Kid Glove#, Fancy Neckwear, Jewelry, Belts, Toilet arti cles, Perfumeries, and Brushes, Oil Jar Boxen, Glove Onsen, Neck tie Cases, Hankerchief Cases, Smoker Sets, WritiiiK Paper in elegant fancy l>oxx Coats, Automobiles and Titfht Fitting Jackets, Misaes'and (,'bildr»-n's Wraps all at greatly reduced price*; Kme I>r'-ss Goods, Silks and Trimmings, Millinery Trimmed and Untrimmed, at Bargain Prices. What shall I Give? is a most perplexing question. Ix.-t us help you to decide. Our prices alv/ays less than elsewhere. FCR:.—' -MI ■■ , 1 , HJ . Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. Sunday Dinners A Specialty. Meals 25 cts. Rooms 50 cts. Regular Kates sl. Local and_Lont; Distance I'honcs. South McKean Street Hotel Waverly, J. W HAWORTH Pron'r. BUTLKk, I'A Ste. JHMHC*•*#*#***4HK(Mt*#* * L. S. iWcJUNKIN, Insurance arid Real Eslato Agent. r Pierce's Favorite Prescription and Golden Medical Discovery cured rae I took th-ee bott-5 of the Favorite Prescription ' and oat of the ' Golden Medical Discovery.' " For 21 one-cent stamps to pay ex pense of mailing only yoti can get free a paper covered copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Meuical Adviser. The book contains 1008 pages Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. VETERINARY SPECIFICS A. A.' FEVERK Conceit lon*. Inflamnuu CTTUEB S tionii, Lunc Fever. Milk Pe%er. 11. B. (SPEAWS, Lameness. Injuries, crura ) KheuruatUrn. ( . ( JHORK THKOYT. Quinsy, Effirootie. CURBS i Dist^-iop^r. (iruln. K, K. ' < Ol <;H~. fold*. Inflnenxa. Inflamed cxaKgj Lung., l*leur»-Pneuroonia. F. r.'COLIC, Bellyache, Mind-Blown, 'XkSJI i Uiarrhra. Il>«<-nlery. 0.0. Present. MISIARHIAGE. "T2» I KIOXF.V A BL.4DDEH DISORDEBH. I. I. I)I»R\»F>. Mann. Brnptton.. cumx ) I leers. 1 %m;al Sfnt Yhm.>. SERVO US DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphrey*' Homeor>athic Vo. £:«, in u»e over 40 years, the only •ucce»4*sful remedy. $1 per rtaL,or cp«cial packaze -with powder, fat ii i.ld by I>*u.-[.»[«. ..f MCI MmPM ■II «PIIB*rS' *to. Ca..Cr.WilKaa * J»li» SU-, r«rk Tlii» Your Opportunity. On receipt of t'-n c*i.ts. cafch or BtAmp®, ft KCDerouH i.'.t. will I " imtil'.'d of tbs m oat popnliir Ca - u stD'l Hay levtr f.ure (Ely'e Cr'-arn .n, r.nfTinient to demon strate the gr< . u.'-rits <>{ the ELY BROTTIKIiH, 50 Warren bt , Kew l'ork City. Be» John field, Jr., of Oreat Falls, Mont., r«coinmentled Ely's f 'resni lialm to me. I can emphaHisse his statement, ' "lt is a tire core for catarrh if rvf \ as directed." — Ilev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Chorcb, Helena. Mont. Ely's Cream Ba!*n is the acknfwled«ed en re for catarrh and f-ontaina no mercury nor any inj-irioua drua Price, 60 centa. FR F F A Christmas Gift FRFF According t > our us custom, wc will send to our customers with their holiday orders our Chri t mas :/jf' of Magnificent Crystal Glass Decanter filled with a choice quality of delicious wine. Both the wine and the decanter are worth hav ing, and are pr< -en ted Free without any cost what ever. The only condition being ' ii.it all order > must call for $ l <><> or over. < | selection of wines a i.l, liquors is the largest in the) state, and our prices arc the lowest. Fine I<> $6.00, '{4 '>'>,% 3 '' '• $2 50 per gal. WINKS, BRANOIKS, GINS, RUMS, SUJTCH and IRISH WHISK IKS, in f i t, everything for the Holidays. \) > not f >1,;• t that wc prepay express charges on all orders of $5.00 and over, MAX KLEIN. Wholesale Liquors. 322 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa Let us have your orders as s' on as possible so that we can make a careful selection and have your goods on time. F' '1 ~YVI> PMMLADtT kH iT }. » yHßft --DENTAL HOOM'. - *, »,' ' BfWW v/ "'" pnACTicfl' ■. 1 I i fPa 9 CROWN *«■' ffF.in.C vfJL Jn ,f why not Of, y rJ&vn#l#*OOß»? '-nowN' '« If ili# M BRIOOr »>-mi«| C ■ • I 'lunk'-iifr ! 1 _ m Cllf' , i >r.J»' iv^y KEF.LEY i WrM.tof ■ e|«ertk INSTITUTE, Ul oin «»• Booklet. cii IMM ll'. R« •»VH> A MWAO'WINMINO Hill CATION. F!nal>tl*f r«un| mm mnj wnmrn to mrpl Hit demands -,f I til * pr.,,p.(.,ii. cominarUal an*. Por clr- uiiu.*l>)r< I r. utcr t iOM, u■* um« u*. ruuk.,,. r«. THE CITIZEN. WHY BILL REFORMED. He Wan In a Bad W ay Till He Got a Good Scare. "Talking about temperance," said the man with the gray streaks in his stubby beard, "makes me think of my i brother Bill. Bill's been drinking pret ty hard during the past year or so. and I've worried about him a good deal. You see, he's in the promotiTig busi ness. He gets hold of certain projects »nd tries to push them. Well, when he finds a man with money and an incli nation to invest it. Bill comes the good fellow racket. Before be tries to do any promoting he invites the man to dinner and orders up a couple of cock tails and then a bottle or two, and from that you know how it goes. There seems to be a tradition among promot ers that you can't promote until both the promoter and the promotee are just about so far gone. This sort of busi ness demoralized Bill at last, and he got so he was half drunk nearly all the time, whether he was promoting or not. "We have a room at home that we keep always at Bill's disposal. He's a bachelor himself, and when he's in town he likes to hang around our house more or less, and of course we like to have him. Last spring we had a nice new hard maple floor put in Bill's room, which is located in a wing of the house away off by itself. It's been un usually damp around here this sum mer, and that floor swelled so that you could hardly see where the joints were. "The other night just after the cold wave struck us. Bill came out, bringing with him the fag end of what had been a good sized jag. I had had a little fire built in the furntce during the after noon so as to take the chill off, and when we got ready to go to bed it was quite comfortable. "Along in the night some time Bill woke up. At first as he told me after ward, he thought he was on a ship out at sea and that tbe thing was going to pieces in a storm. He could hear the decks creaking and the joints cracking. Then as he got to remembering where he was it struck him that there were spooks in the room. He remembered that the wife of the man who had lived there before we took the house had died suddenly and rather mysteriously. She had quarreled with her mother-in law, and it was suspected tliat she had committed suicide. It seemed to Bill that be remembered to have heard, too, that the corpse was found in that very room. I'm telling the story as Bill re lated it to me afterward. "He lay there and listened and felt a cold dampness on his forehead. There was a sudilen. sharp crack over by the window. Then there was another un der the bed. Then there were two creaks near the window. Immediately followed by two more under the l»ed. It seemed as if the spirits were talking to each other by cracking and rapping sharply. Mingled with the cracks and taps that came from every part of the room were long creaking noises that to Bill's muddled mind became the shrieking and groaning of lost souls. "I don't know what time it was when he was aroused, but I found him sit ting OLt in the hall shivering when I got up in the morning, and for a min ute I thought myself that there was a ghost In the house. lie hadn't stopped to g«-t his clothes, but had bolted in his nightshirt, and his face was as white as chalk. When he saw me, he jump ed up, ran to rue, grabbed me by the hand and with tears in his eyes said: " 'Come on into your den. You're a notary public. I want you to make a pledge for me to sign. I'm never going to drink another drop as long as I live.' "I made out the pledge, and today Bill's a nobler, better man. I haven't said anything to him about the furnace and the swelling in the new floor, and I guess it'll be just as well not to." Chicago Times-llerald. Wo<»«J«*n l*rr»H'»t. "Ah." quoth an Edinburgh gentle man to u manufacturer of artificial l imi l«m an ti<- wiih being kliowu over the latter'* buny factory the other day, "theae pieces of timber," pointing to a lot of wooden I< KH, "ore but HO many eloquent protests against the horrors of war." "Exactly," answered the manufac turer--"at i;:np apeeebea!"—Aunwera. Wl>rrr I hnniccn Art llnitld. The .South African wtretched hlamclf, yawned and Kat up. "Well, bow the government?" ■ aaked the vfnitor who hA'i Junt entered "How do I know?" W«m the anttwer- ItiK qtieMtion. "I've been anieep for overau hour."--i'hlcOKo I'oKt. A OfHpfratr Mr. Watrlieni Odd tliliiK nowadayal The kliikl<* men wem to take to tin; married women, and the Mingle women take to t !»»• married men. Mr. Htlnglinm Anil the married wo men take to any one they can get! Life. •11, opt* I file For t'onnlrr Kin. •"That*a Jimt like Couaiii Mabltha." "What's the matter?" "Klie aent me sr< ami a lint of thing* rln- wanta that amounta to ''hi ' cugo Itecord An Aijfiiallf llfln«-cl y. . *t£SS& ' *'•«< Se __ • >; > r -- g>t v fi*z mm Johnny Hoacli What la I>a< - ey awlm- 4 mint* In and out of that old ru'ity milk 3 ean >»o mticli for? j[ Catty To uet more Iron in hla wyn 3 • •-in In < 11-|« wald lie lookoif t'i'i i.lille a around the icIIIh. I.<-aiie'a Wwkly. | HOOO'S PILL o r-.\tno L.'vor Ilia, I 111- 3 iouanoaa, liuii.r r.tfon, Meariaclio. \ Eaay to te>"j. to 6u irate. 2 Be. 3 RKIII MA'liaM CUBKII IN A I)AV. | a "My*lii: Ctir«-" for I'h'-iimM mm Htnl | 7>iruritigl-'> ra'lii .illy curex iii I to ) «lay>i. ( \ 111, action u)/iu nynt'-fn i« rem* and myntcriouv Jt removcN at on< :e the ; catiw, and thr <| iimmediate' y ilnt ap|a-ar». T'.II- lir=it d>me greatly S etn-htn; I 75 rriiU Sold l-y J. C. Kedic, at ,#| J. I'. Ralph • yrnvw'.ot't liutler \ {w tjl;. WANTED. T!i<- people to know that thon't give our iiictnreH to agent* and take chain -e > of io'ming them; have it dona at hom i- and if it imt'rfr iv.hl we are here to m iik r " right ,',atr»t ilenignitof fraiiM-i ill *tix k. I bee our Cabinet l'iioto* before > r.>■« Jftk, I 'Jicv ' 111/ f L -p Xfi LiSßPva- " '"i.. . are not cr>ra:-arable to Uic "Banner" anil are o&\\ |V lrTc7r^H. P \ * '.yc.-ntra.-u. J } ' jBU"" ».i'l7aLs^ giving JoU the oM reliable " banner " towdcr. A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. BANNER RECIPE BOOK FREE P.0.80x 245, Pittsburgh, P*. I CHRISTMAS 1 I SHOPPING 1 This store makes your Christmas shopping; te?! easy. If it's a woman you want to remember, there is nothing; that will please her more than a useful piece of Furniture. For a man. one of the j jjjj Morris Chaiis or Comfort Rockerß will be ap predated u=--r r , SIDE BOARDS. $ll.OO UP m *=% BOOK CASES. SIO.OO UP ® COMBINATION CASES 516.00 UP CHINA CLOSETS 516.50 UP Kg COUCHES 58.50 UP m ROCKING CHAIRS $1.50 UP (§5 si§ DESK CHAIRS $3.50 UP PARLOR CHAIRS 52.00 UP S& DINING ROOM CHAIRS 85c UP *§£ PARLOR TABLES 51.50 UP m jg LADIES' DESKS 53.50 UP gj PICTURES 20c UP 1 Campbell ulempletonl Netves Wea* Otit And grow weak and exhausted when not properly nour ished, just as an engine loses its power when the fuel runs low. The loss of ncrvou3 power is seen in the failing health and the wasting form. It is felt in the aching head, the throbbing heart, the irritability, indigestion, restlessnca3 and loss of sleep. Re build the worn-out nerves, rest the tired brain and add new fuel to the vital fires wirh the best of all tonics, Dr. Miles' Nervine. "I was sick with typholi an■• A harclly hold a fork enough to feed myself. I >■rWl to take Ik MHOS'lNent itle, and revived immediate benefit* Throo bottlea oC li cured me." T. Jb\ liiciiAiu»os, II Alton, life list. Miles' Nervine is food for the worn-rmt nerves and the weary brain. It In a food for the over*t a.ved and weak digestion. It nourishes, fortifies rcfi shea the whole system. Sold by druggbtri on guarantee. Pit. Miles Mkdical Co., Elkhart. I rid / ——"TV f Pin Your C\ 7, I Faith •to Walker's Soap and JV J/// good || ■ your neighbors will ask /// //// soap; it II I! I,ow you W ol your //.Vf con '""* U II clothes so dazzling /// M no a a '• | , . . /// W//s/ It saves your white without wear- /// J// ~imts, imts II ■ ing the goods. /,, W% //// and hands. Tdl »"• //Kf/// f I fl can do the // The genuine «v*k. S 1 «they //J*# £& ( 1 Ml "»' "'<= //\jfw II directions Z' /// 9 n on the // // II 1 wrapper/^ HMiMNi VHMUUWtitNHiiH « rn rr d ..our.. | p I"" |2 HOUDAY OFFER. | This Handsome Cut Glass Decanter filled with Fine Table Wine, | and a Beautiful Calendar in Colors, for 1901. 3: _ Clnb ordera of $5.00 or 3; Will be given Free over, if nami x are given, t to every purchaser of each member will receive jji f00(l9 from us between Decanter, Wine and | . „ . TUW/p Calendar IHI I. f DtCLMBER 15th Tf| J and llf OUR GOODS £ JANUARY 12th. GUARANTEED fv - - ptw,f | j|? A l ew Price*: J Whether you are an IE k I *,../» • ti , . ■■lr Finch, Overboil, f old eiiHtorner or not, W*l' Large, (Jibnon, | this offer npplies, and |BH| Ml. Vernon, in inude himply to ■HfIiI (iuckenhoimer, g : make you better ue- BflEnlA si.oo |.«i r<»11 quart; S quainted wi'th iih and EW> & "'i ln - f " r *B°°* s'. our goodn. Grandfather's | V, atriiight 3 year \ jBF ' "'' \ <»!<1 whiskey, J; Our Motto Wo vtow «p»"« ' " n "" 0r,,,:r " |B w , or °? r - or, :r I ■» »* r> I without extra charge. Tel-phone, HtUburg, No. -'179. ROBT. LEWIN & CO., 1 IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALERS, \ 411 Water Street, opp. B. & 0. Depot, PITTSBURG, PA. J WMMM ' MW ' w>WVA/ww/WWWWWAWWWIWWW>W RAILROAD TIME-TABLE pITTSBUKG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of Pas- | singer Trains in effect May 28, 1899. BUTLER TIME. l>*l*rt. Arrive .«ltegheny Accommodation t> A m 903 a.w Allegheny Lxprvas & ® M New t Ac« 'inn! -Jatu-n '* 44 9 1-** Akron Mail 8 '6 AJ 7 «0 r.* A. - 12 18 * EXITHJIJ. 3 U0 P.* 4 45 pa Chicago kxj'ntte 3 40 |»m 12 U MB Allegheny Mail ... 650 " 745 pa* Allegheny and N«-w i'a»tle Accim 550 " 7 OCJ ** C!i Limited f> . r »«> ** 9 I*2 A.m Kane an-1 Bradford Mail 9:55 A * 2 50 r.M 1 Clarion A ccom isolation 4 V 5 v * 9 45 A.m j Cleveland and Chicago Kxj»r«»... 6i5 alii SI NDAY TRAINS. Allegheny Kxiire* 805 ah 9 1-A M Al!« _sn*uy Accuzcm<»lati«a ... 550r. m 5 »CI r.M J New CJantle Accommodation 8 u5 A M 7 03 44 If IDVM I#MI 141 Ml I AU»*«jbenj Accommodation | 7 03 pin I On Saturdays a train, known as the theatre train will leave Butler at 6.5<» p. m., arriving at Allegheny Bt 7 » r«-tur!ii:»K leave iOMMQf «* 1 p. 18. \ Pullman sleeping can* on Chicago Kxpreas between ! Pittsburg and Chicago. For through tickets to all point® in the w*#t, north ; »vent or southwest and information regarding route* ! time of trains, etc. apply to W. R. TrUNER, Ticket Agent, l\ B. REYNOLDS, Sup't, N. D. f Butler, l'a. Butler, I*a. C. W. BASSETT, Q. P. A.. Allegbery, Pa II O DL'XKLE, Sup't. W. Jk L. Div.. Allegheny Pa. THE PITTSBURG, BESSE -1 MER & LAKE ERIE R. R. COMPANY. Time table in effect Sept. 23, 1900. CENTRAL. TIME. Northward. Daily except Sunday. Southward ( Read up) (Read down) •L 14 Ti STATIONS. 1 U 13* F M 1 M A M AM 1\ M P.M. VI :*I a 42 Erie jU 10, 4 15 1- 23 * *2O Fair view 12 0 4 40 12 13 b lo isirard I' 2 1 :iw x 1* ar. .Conneaut.. .ar 1 37 6 «"0 11 00 7 06 lv.. Conneaut. .1* 11 00 4 .i 2 11 55 7 50 Crauesville I 07 5 17 11 50 7 4*» Albion -1 12 5 25 11 I'w» 7 2?* Springbom 1 27 5 40 11 28 7 23 Conneautville 1-13 5 46 11 1«> 7 06 Meadville Janet. 1 54 0 06 11 50 760 nr.. Meadville.. ar 2 »*, 45 10 ti 20;1v.. Meadville.. .lv 1 U5 5 15 11 7 2i»ar..Coo. Lake..ar 2 05 0 16 10 50 50 lv..Con. Loke..lv 135 544 7 2o'ar. .LltMMville ..ai 0 20 0 201 v •* 1\ 5 45 I# M I HIRIVIMDVI 1 Ltdfl 111 1.1 49 •• 4:i AdaSutville ! 2 13 C 25 1»J 4" C » »»go«Ml ..... 2 23 ♦» >ls ♦« 1(1 10 33 f, Greenville I •» &V 2 30 6 40 ♦'» w r » 10 2»i II 22 Mienango I *'» 42 2 3* 6 53 5 4> l«i 07 6 03 Kredouia *» 57 2 53 7 08 . 3 . 9 To 5 49 Mercer 7 13 3 11 7 25 5 2»'»! 9 4*- 5 43 Houston Junction j 7 19 3 17 7 3J • Oh 9 2b 5 25 Crove City | 7 4o 3 37 7 60 4 67i 9 12 Harris ville 7 53 3 4'.» 4 511 9 08j Branchtou j 8 01! 357 5 W «.» 42 ar.. .Milliard... ar' 942 5 40 1 306 70. 1v... Milliard. ..IVJ7US 305 ;IT K.-ist.-r • • 4 ot] 4 33; X 4s Euclid 8 20 4 17 4 <»» 8 1* Butler 8 50 4 45 2 15| 7 «*), Allegheny 10 20 «; U.M.I | I (r.M.I J. S. MATSON, E. H. UTLEY, Sup't Transp. Gen. PHSS. Agt. Greenville. Pa. Pittebar«, Pa PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. BCIIKDVLI IN Krrtcr Nov. 20, 1900 SOUTH. , WEEK DAYS A. M A.M. A.M. P. M.|P. M BCTLER Leave 6 25 h 05 10 !*I 2 35 5 oft iig Arrive ♦; r >4 H ;wi II 1 • 3 <«i r » '^H Butler Junction.. M ;7 27 8 r »3 11 4o 326 663 Butler Junction.. .Leave 7 31 8 63 11 U'l 3 26 6 53 Natrona Arrive 7 4<» 9 01 J2 01 3 34 , 6 02 Tarentum 7 41 907 12 Oh 3 42 •» 07 Sprlngilale 7 62 9 HI 12 19 3 62 !«• 15 Clareoiont fH 80 12 38 [ 4 06 f»i 27 Sli.u(wltiirg 8 11 9 36,12 48 4 12 'i 33 AMcgheny 8 24 948 I 02 4 25 643 A M A.M. P. M P. M P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butler for Allegheny City and print ipal iutermodiate ntatloua at 7:30 a ■»., inJ 6: 3 lo »1 10 hharjaluirg... . | 7 12, 907 10 67; .... .... CUretnoiit I .... II <>4 .... Kpiitigdale ' ....j .... 11 Is .... 6 37 Tarentum 7 39 9 34 11 2H 3 4«; r, 46 Natl• ma 7 4.: 9 38 11 34 3 6t» 6 61 Butler Juuctlou.. .arrlvt 7 5o 9 47 11 4.1, 3 68j 7 00 Butlet Junction....leave 7 M) 9 47 12 In 4 (M»| 7 (*) S. xonburg 8 17 10 09 12 411 4 35 7 24 lit TLLR arrive M 42 10 32 1 10 fl 06 7 60 A M A. M. IV M.jP. ni IP. M hi' NDA V TRAINS.- Leuv.. Alfeghony City for But ler and prin< ipnl intarilMNliate Htatlonn at 7 16 a m. and 930 p m rOR TIIE EAST Week* I'iv- Suutli«y« AM\M» M A M I M HITLI.II 1" *i 25 |o 60 • -15 7 5 Otl li : « J'u ar 7/711 »«• •t' « i'» 6 m Lutler J'u I* 7 50 II 4.» ;i 5 H '2l »15 V eeiiort ar 763 II 4'. «oj H 2.» K 17 K sktininotaM J't.. .7 6« U6o 107 829 H2l 1,. -hburg " I" I • I IV h ii h .1:1 I'aulton (Ap0110)...." Hai l* 2: 440 M ft* Hftii Siiltxl nr# " H*'»K |2 451 A U 2-1 1' hi iSlaimvlllc. „ » -'* I »• A II « fti « 4ft ItlaimvilW* Int. . " 9 :soi . .. »60 to 00 aiumhih "11 :*.'M ... 1 Hw» 150 . .. lluriUl'iiiK. *' •! 1° .1 00 •' *•' I ■ 11»1 »*« I•* 11 •>■ . *£« ... 4 2ft 111 *) P. >1 jA. M.| A M A M IV M Tbrutigb trnlni lur th« v«it loava ritbl urj (C'uKiU rttntiou), i<« folio* •»<— Atlantic RXUIMM, dully :i;(m A.* I', n nnylvnnin Liiiiitutl " 7:lft " l»ay KiprMß. M 7:110 14 Mul 11 Lino M SlflO " llarrlnl'iirjc Mail, M Ili4ftr.il rhllat**li»tiin K*pn*w t .... .. .4:fto " M ill anil «l»*il> For St * York only. Tlir«»ujtli l " I'limtiiirK Miiiitt«l, ilally, wltli through <.mh«-« t » N"w Turk, mid nlo«*|>ii>g cam l«» N«*w York, Unit 1111 oro ami WaftlilnffUiU only. No ritru furi* on tliln tiiiln . . . 10:00 " 1 IUIH.I'U Mail, Humlaj l on,y h 10 * * For Atlantic fity (via |k*lawai'«« Itlvrr IliMge, tail roiit«), h '*l A M, and m. ;.M r*trfH, IMtlnlmrg, I'a. 1 l: 111 T« IIIHOK, I H. W(K»D .• it* ml MmiMfxr. ! Nl>. KAKFkhn"TOO *i - W ♦!» I'lltkl.lirK I K ill p.lll u 111 |>u. I' 111 * j i' * »' H '» I , ~ .!! ',*! |? !,U Until.i fi (JO 10 1.. II ft dt II M , .... ; Sja« IZOI i "Wiiiiavltl"... *. f'-l, M..l, if. .> •>" tt'-l V ■•KIuVI- » I-,, in. «aril sr. 13 43 Lj|„„ #4l ll* 12 M North I'nllit rM \ ll,unlit,>ll 7 <*| I y ; i, .1 ■». 7 X. IS 10 z ;» l an Mg 11 •'« 7 40 12 S2 S . «> M ;♦» 4 s> (I. ,nil. |.| . HI M \vi + 4 4.'i 445 i. i it. i' " 7 11. « i:. I2«I aan 217 i ,||,< ~.k 7 17 |.l„ 12 r.7 :t an 2 s\ tin* kwnyvllh' < {[> j <" « «> 11i.1K»..v 4.' 4 14 • I" .l,,liii«.iil.uri| J ''' 7 J ■'■} •' ,' Mi '• "•" - 4 i U iirwir.il,i *r a a"> '. JO A on Halfiinain u *1 I l , M * — I I* a| i a Huabwlar »' | ' 7 | H<'t 111 llot'Jilt, KAHTKIIN TIMK. |♦» |+U '» ♦!! *7 ||«TP .1 11, H 111 U.lll p.UI I' ll! r rrr _ \«! j'P ■■aa h| " |Ta jwja t i» r j im_', Hrwlliinl '> 7 j;, 10 Mi i, w.it "4:, 12 fl; j"J u ; 7 I 1 9 ! I'r ui'iKw.y. »i «. r. Hi... K*» »y »lll" lo J': « I ,ll« <•••■« Ii .10 r.4, - 44 " * ' ,7 MM II •4"2O" K> alO iwnZia lltSllH .::: ::"h _ »ftj Ml Mm »l "| 7 " »'« ! « 4. 7» . ;»»»» » iv ,i 111 7au a .i« p.i« 4on v.ii.,, 7 «i llnllillli.il i 7 4» N,.fiii I',.tut ' 7 . "»)«"» "" ! r if Kidii " 'tl 12" I 4 4.1 W,»t M "KI"«'- * 4A M«»iiti/'niii> «IIIm t ~v. mi.till' " '"I .. I . Jf . < ~.li--» III" |tlll 4j, j » 1T...,, it,,,, 1 r. aa lt«tl.,r I | '' 4" '■ M ' « «• All >»o ny Il* A W Mia j «• *•», i 7 Ml I'ltulntrK J arrlv*' ' a.m |Mt" ' » *."• « Dully, t Dully i«xc«'l»t HnmUv Truinn il 'in i'»f» ciirn ilitily except Humliiy. IVHIIIM " IIIHI 7 Imve I'ttlliiiaii Hleepem IH-t\veeu Huffnlo mid I'lttnlmrß. EIiWAItO <' LAI'EV. 4 it'll'l I'llHK. Ax»'!lt. Ifoeliester N. V. M. C. WAGNEK, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER i} 9 Soutli VlHiti iitrert. I over Sthitll * N««l'i GatkU|ttor< X The Finest tn A nr'OP 5122 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLERy XX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OC< We Wish to \nnounce That We Are Having an OPEMING OF /Vlid=Winter THI S eeK . l'or tiie late winter trade we have received a thoroughly new and up to datt stock of everything in the line of Millinery and riimmings and Stapn* and Fancy Notions. We are ready to show you the finest and most complete line of Patterns. Ladies, Mis«es and C hildren's Trimmed Hats are always a featuie in our business. We carry the best assortment and greatest variety of the best shapes of the season—best quality of French Fur Felt, Silesian Wools, Chenille Velvet and Monk Fur hats in Short back Sailors, Walking Hats, Toques, Turbans and Kough Rider ef fects—all shades and all grades. Ostrich Plumes, Tips, Fancy Breasts, I'ompons, Birds, Wings, Aigrettes, \\ inter Foliage—complete in every respect. Our line Velvet, Velveteen and Velour, Panne (foreign), best made Fancy and "ersian Silks, Fancy Feathers in black and white and natural effects are very desirable. OR NAM EN Tb—See the newest ideas in Rhinestone, Jet, Gold and Cut Steel. Infants' Silk, Cashmere and Zephyr Caps arc a specialty at our store. Come and inspect. Style and Price will sell our hats if you will but see them Rockenstein's, }2B South Main Street. ------ Builtr, P* t T ly free for .elling only twelve r«ck«|re« «t lo cent. « package. If >."»«»'« <° «*» the T«blet« write to-day und we will srnd them ny man. When sold you soad tt% the 51.20 ami we guarantee to M!>d your premium thr «me day. .11 expenae. prepaid. alMolutely Pr»«. <° »« d ,h * premium at once with the 11 package* of Rennet Tableta remit $1.20 with the order and prem ium will ha aent Immediately. We are an old, reliable concern with a reputation for aquar* and hone.l dealing, and we auarantre tu do exactly a. wr auv. Ihe Silverware la guaranteed allver-plated on pure metal. The Couchea are full >i»r, over 6 leet lonf and over 2 leet wide. They are well muffed, beautifully upholatrred with handaomely colored *dour, and when .hipped aie lent from the factory by VUNHUN t'lli.Mll'Al. CO. (30 FlllwrtStreet, rhllaUcljihia, l'a. } CURES 5 [ THE | 5 COUGH. ) C A pleasant, nrvcr-fnillnff 1 , £ remedy for tlxroat und lrnig < | f diseases. < } Sellers' Imperial } Cough Syrup ( / is absolutely free fixim spiiituoua S J or other harmful ingredient 3. r < A prompt, positive ctin? / v coughs, colds, hoarscneos, ii.ll.i- J < cum, whooping cough. / I Overamllllon iiotUfta fold In tlw \ j lu-' t few yciirsutt( !itlt»j llunmi man or woman to trare for lurui- liotiw: militry thi. monthly ami atxil, HNI'N, with Ini ri'iiMS poMtlon prrmnn ..nt .In, ION.' »< If tnl.lr. NN.-.I nUuiUHwl •nvulopa MANAUICK. i*W Caiton bltl|f..r^llc»*"- Now is The Time to Have Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED. If you want tfoou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, t !>• >« is just one place in town u h«i- you can net it, dnd that is The Butler Dye Works 218 Center avenue gfSji-We do fine w.irk in ■ ut- J«>oi Photngraphsi i lit* * the I time of y cat lo jiictai • »d J your house Give ll> ;i fri.'il. I Agent for tl e JMIU< n S "'if/ | Blind Co—New Y >.rl«, R. FISHER u every cent in case I fail to effect a cure. Dr R H H MACKENZIE, 626 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, l*a. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed •nd.S®le3t#ble Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'e The boat of horses and flrst class rigs at wiivs on Ii tin <1 anil for hire. ll«>Nl lu-i-omtiKMlatlons In town for pcrma Bent ixianllnK and transient trade. Hpecl al i-am guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Honei. A jrtxHl claaN i»f horw». Iwth drlvcra and drafl liorMH nlwiiya on Ii and and f<»r »ule uixlfr a full guarantoc; and hor»«J» bouilhi •plll.