VOL- xxxvii Huselton's Holiday Slippers and Shoes,! Seasonable and sensible —Acceptable and economical gifts nat n.ake gbd and promote comfort whereverbes to wee. An selection of High Class Footwear at my Popular Money-saving Puces. FOR MOTHER Buy a pair of vatm Felt Shoes or Slippers. 50 ct to $1.25. Patent Leather or Kid Dress Shoes. 1 1.00 to $3. FOR GRANDPA Buy a pair of nice, wide, com fortable Felt Slippers to sit be fore the fire with — to sl. FOR FATHER Buy a pair of warm, comfort able Slippu —soc to Si.so —or fine dress shoes, 4>i 50 to $2.50. FOR THE BABY The cutest, and most pleasure bringing thing you can buy for THAT Ha BY is a Red Felt Romeo—i ur Trimmed. Mother has to wait till baby is asleep before she dare take them trom her. A\ e have wee bits of sizes. B. C. HUSELTON. Batler*» Leadln* Shoe Reuse. Opposite Hotel Lowry. KiCkCl S Footwear J Extremely large stock of winter footwear at away down prices. If you are in need of boots, shoes or slippers of any kind call and see us and we will suit and please you. JHOLIDAV SLIPPERS! Have you been thinking of Xmas, we have a large stock of Holiday slippers —al' the new and latest patterns —at very low prices. LADIES FINE SHOES. "SORO3IS," The New Shoe for women —The masterpiece of the shoemakers art and standard of the wond. High or medium cut box-calf, fine dongola, enamel and patent le; ther, button or lace in li^ht or heavy soles. Cushionet turn shoes unequalled for their comfort giving and long wearing qualities —ail styles. Complete stock of The Nettleton fine shoes for men in the) latest styles. Large stock of Gokey's shoes—High cut, hand-pegged box t>e boots and shoes for driller!. Our line of school ,h»es '■> com plete Ookry's hii { li-»:ut -opoer toe sho-.-s far boys and highlit heavy ki,» shoe.- t»r gir' W.t wi -h »■» cdi your specia. ath itij>;i » o.ir i .rnn-ly Same' t- 1k t f i : KI/i and KUHP.HK goods which -. e bou. Nt early. -A«. are j .spared «<» ofler >' »u sot:i.i great bdrga. s. Large stock of Ladies an Gent's and Ladie. and Chil dren's fine Jersey Leggins. Full stock of sole leather and shoe makers supplies. Sole lea'h t cut t>.■ any amount you wish to pur chase. High iron standi vith four lasts at 50c. Sample Counters Filled with Interesting Bargains. JOHN BICKEL, 2f SOUTH MAIN STREET. - - BUTLER, PA W I k/j jv j I Uuf 1 W/jFbj jJI purpose of spending money. They 11 / Irl Alf| A ' suits for the money expended. Not / > llf ! JW- St\ J cheap goods but goods as cheap as JJ£ZZ/ L,|l 3 they can be sold for ; nd made up tfrF* Wk N properly. If you want the correct H 111 t /- 'binf; at the correct price, call and ' " \ yLAOjnv. I ] j J 1 examine our large stick of FALL t 1 \T' ill if ANL) WINTER WEIGHTS— V \T yjfm -W i LATEST STYLES, SHADES \ 1 || I AND COLORS. *" II K E 0 K Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor, 142 North Main Street, Butler, Pa C. E. MILLER.i Makes a Grand Offer to the Trade. A GREAT REMODELLING SALE. We Must Have Money, We Must Have Room. We are mak ; :-g a big change in our building. New basement new front, another story and a large addition on the rear. Our large and increasing trade makes it necessary for us to make this change, and to make this change we need money and room. Our tall goods are all in and our building is packed from cellar to roof. While we don't prosposc to lose any money on these fresh, seasonable goods, we intend cutting our profits so as to make this large stock move quickly. To our old trade we just have to say to them, we are going to close some goods cheap; they know what it means. TO OUR NEW FRIENDS. We wish to say that when we advertise a sale of goods it it genuine and the trade knows it and approves and profits by it. Wt wish to impress on your minds that just now we arc having a Great Sale of Shoes, just such as you need al this time of the year. Hcttei take advantage of this sale. C. E. MILLER. /CHRISTMAS \ ? PER HUMES—.. > p Yon could not please w.i/ie people better than to neleet :i trift / C from onr perfume line. We have beautiful packages from 25 cts \ / up- each bottle iu a fancy box. \ p In our bulk gixxlH are the richeHt and choicest odor* here C C are a few of thnin - Queen of Violet, Palo Alto pure La France / J Rose, Yernulis, Queen of Carnation, California Violet, Marpo*a / p Lily, Wild Crab-Apple. Sweet Pink, etc. We invite yon to call. p O H MANA FOR SISTER Buy a Pair of fine evening slip ! pers, 50c, 75c and sl. Heavy street and skating boots, j ' $1.50 to $2.50. FOR BROTHER Fine kid or plush slippers, $1 1 to $1.50, Patent leather or enamel ! dress shoes, s>3 to $3.50. Don't You Want to Buy That Aur tie or Grandma of yours a pair of nice, soft, vvaim, woo'cy ! shoes or Siippers. Iry here at 50c. 75c, $i and $1.50. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Kootf 's PHI& Are prepared from Na ture's mild laxatives, and while gentle are reliable and efficient. 1 hey Rouse th& Liy&z* Cure Sick Headache, 8.1-iousness, iousness, Sour Stomacn, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. Prepared by C.I.HOOU ci Co.,LoweU.Mas 3. CATARRH LOCALDiSEASE and is the result of co':'- and Mrf - s MaSuk cCOU^ sudden climatic changes. IWf M For your Protection i we positively state tiiit t - A' mercary or any other i.-r- Ely's Cream Balm jg acknovved'ed to be t! err st t*ioron::h care for Nifal Catarrh, Cord in J '• 1 end Hay >evi r of t;ll remedies. Itopem wd c'oaiuM th6l.val |'' ~\ allays pair. a l .a inflamnv.ion. heal* the r.-«. pro tects the membrai e from cot.ls, re-tor"* the of tap'* l andprce'l. IV.ce. •■-. a: I'm or t y m . 1. KLV BRC/THJJKS, 66 Warren Mitel, I.c.v York. T^ciNigy Dangerous Kidney Diseases. Celery King has cured me of kidney dis ease. The doctor feared Bright's disease, and tried many remedies that gave me no help. Celery King has made me as well as ever in my life, and it seems almost as though a miracle had been wrought la my case.—Jen nie O. Reicbard, Springtown, Fa. Celery King cures Constipation and Nerve. Stomach, Liver and Kidney disca-sea. 4 iMiefTaYiiigs bank Ht.itler, Capital - f60,000.C3 Surplus and Profits - - JOS. L PURVIS President J. HENRY TROUTMAN Vice-Preaident WM. CAMPBELL, Jr < *> ti«r LOULS B. STK:S Teller DJRKCTOKS—Joseph L. 'irvlh, .1 tie pry Tro'rtnia ,W. D. Brandon. W. .< RM in .. H. f'HiiDbell. The Butler Savings Hank Is the Oldest Banking Institution. " Butler County. Genera! banking business transacted. W'e solicit accounts of ./ll producers, mer chants, fanners and others. All bjsiotss entrusted to us wilt receive pr'imyt attention. Interest i-a'd on time deuoslts TH Butler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital piil in Surplus and Profits - f6c>, CLC.O los. Ilartmaa, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; John G McMartin. Cashier, A. O. Krug, Ass"t Cashier. A fe'eniTul ban Kin;' »r,m«ntcs! •<' Itit' rn-j'. pat'J on lIIM M<>r««-y i K-ru-ii on ap|jruve» . H. lairfci". 11.-'.rrj Hi-aslcy. I)r W • :•< n.-iii-- B. r v.-is s« tl,. \v. .1. y.:n :. . J. v. I.llls. A. L. Belber TH K Farmers' National Bank, EUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, £100,000.00. Foreign exchange Imught a.n*l v>'d. Special attention glvl. Wise and Francis Murphy. Interest paid on time deposits. We respectfully solicit v<>ur business. Christmas Presents. A very short time until Christmas. Have you thought of gifts y° u W >'l be called upon to make in order to brighten somebody's Christmas. It vwll pay you to examine our line of rich Diamonds, Jewelry, Pine Cut Glass, Silverware that wears, Novelties in Silver and Gold' Clocks, Canes, Opera Glasses, Ring*, Chains, Charms, Gold l'etis, Manicure Sets, Hair Brushes, Ilat Pins, etc.; also Cameras, Mandolins, Guitars, Violins, Edison and Columbia Phonographs at prices from $5.00, which is the lowest orices tie in veil tots will permit. R. L. KIRKPATRIGK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House. WHAT FOR CHRiSTMAS ; /< f k ''- v - '• i uke-&v y f-183 Is it a watch brooch? bracelet? mani cure set? toilet set? pearl-handled knives and forks? solid silver table cntlery? or plated flat ware? watch chain? finger ring? fancy clock? tea set? cuff buttons? hat pin? scissors? vases? cnt glass? or a hundred other things? I have them, and would cheerfully show yon my stoak. Pick out what you want and I will keep it for yon till you want it and tell no one. CAKk H. fceiGHNGR, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, 209 S. Main St. BUTLER PA. ' ADVERTISE I\ I HE CITIZEN. BUTLER PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1900 "cTJw. .V . a. JV . * _ V . s» - % - o> - ■ • » - =* -"•» • •> |( JOHN TOPR PIRATE || ♦ v ; By Weathjrby Cliesney ani Alick Munro. I i . 1 ■ • • mmmm-. ? ; T • V t OOPYKIOHT. MOO. BV WT-\HIEHBV CHESSET ASD AXJCK KTSISA ; ■o • * UXL'jTItATIONS UV H. C. CO T JL.TAS. I ! • \ *> -1- <•-« CHAPTER XVI. Tliat telltale flash came just a moment too soou anil put an end to any hope of surprising the Span iards by a rush from the darkness. The other sis Englishmen were released ns fast as our swords could cut their lash ings, and the hand of us made for the interrupted songsters round the tire. Fortunately for us, few of the Span iards were armed, and before our fierce onsit they gave way at first like a flock of frightened sheep. The ten prisoners had seized whatever weap ons they could lay their hands on— swords, daggers, logs of wood even— and were hacking and buffeting right and left like maniacs. But the Span iards began to rally, and as the alarm spread re-enforcements came (locking from the cave. And those, of course, were fully aimed. We were hi a tight place. ".Tack, Jack!" ! heard Alec sliout. "Loose Willie Trehnlion and then run the boat down! The rest of us will keep these mo.<<]uitoes hack! Quick, though, for the lives of us all!" Hitting out right and left. I got clear and waded into the water, hut it was a full minute before I managed to set our old iHHitsv.a-n ssd-ift IV was sob bing like a ! y t. <•:!.' - I: !-'irl in liis excit 'ii.ei t n:iil tears of sheer joy were chcsinr «:-:e ::!i»>ih« r down ll.e fuiTows of his cheek "I can't ta::<'. Master Tnpp!" lie cried ns the i, : thcug which held i'm up was severe-! "The list: r {.:•> :.;a me night in their cave an ■ 'iioke them like badgers ' "1 f( said Alee, "they will keep too good a watch t;;« voices eagerly. "Has no cue Udd how we rose on the Spaniards In the -."illey and after taklir- her 1;■ storm were wrecked anions the breakers?" "No. eaptain :.;:t it's brave news. How many o" you are there?" Alec gavr 'hem an account of all that had liefr.llen us and told them the nai.tes of the lads who were saved. "And now." he aid when he had tin Ished. "launch me tiie -boat, and I'll take this fair wind across to Galley is land and bring them back with me." "Best take a seeonl baud, captain." "No: he would only be another to bring bacl . and the load will be heavy enough anyway The boat has her mast and sail stowed along the thwarts, and this breeze will hold long enou.-rh to carry me over." So we rM the boat down, waded out and helped her through the breakers and then returned to our moss beds, where, in spite of our wounds, we slept sounder and more comfortably than we hail yet done sin;-e first we fell Into Ine i Mil.!- of ilv > ; :-"iiiar:U. many months ago. at the i -lit by the moun tain torrent Ah. me! Many a brave lad tlir.l was full of life and hope on that day was uoiv asleep beneath the waves. Our search for EI Dorado had not brought us much hi-*k as yet. but we still hoped. And when men have hope, who shall say that any quest is vain? CHAPTER XVII. Waking when the morning sun was high in the heavens, we found him they called the cordwaiuer lying stark and stiff. Poor lad. he had better stuck to his cobbling bench and left adventur ing in the western seas to tougher bod ies and more contented minds.' For In life he was ever grumbling and com plaining, as Is often the case with those of his craft, and in death lie made but a thin and weakly corpse. We gave him the best burial we could, digging the grave with sword blades and piling it high with sea worn bowlders, and then set ourselves, those of us who could walk, to hunting for breakfast. The search was not marked by any overpowering success. Our island was sparsely wooded with low scrub, but Its parched surface bore no fruit trees. Birds there were in plenty, but we could not catch them. And so we had to be contented with a meal of shell fish, of which fortunately the rocks yielded tin inexhaustible store. At first we hoped to ha v.- been able to cook these, for many of us had seen the In dians light a lire by sharply rubbing a small penci. of wood along a larger block, and we knew that Willie Tre halion, though he never acquired the true heathen dexterity, had often suc ceeded in Imitating them. Now, how ever, we had not the proper sort ot timber, and the various makeshifts we tried refused even to smolder. So, as one of the Cornishtnen said, "We had e'en to fancy ourselves liakey fish an swallow the baits raw." The chief tiling, however, which made it Imperative that our stay on the Island should IK? brief was the com plete lack of fresh water. Search high, search low, we could find neither stream nor spring, and had It not been that there were a few rain filled pools lying here and there among the rocks we should hardly under such a sun as now beat down upon us have lived out the day, for from sea water no man, be lie alchemist, be he wizard or be he honest mariner, lias c\er extracted n drinkable fluid, nor ever will, say I. After breakfast Willie Thehalion and I had a talk. "There's half n gale blowing from the east'nrd. Master Topp, an like to come on harder," said he. "An there's too heavy a sea running for a deep laden boat to crrvw without swamping, "There'* hull a yule blowing from the ctixt'nrd. Master 'Topp. let alone that if they tried to beach her she'd be knocked to noggin staves in less time than I'd take to down a mug o' ale. So we needn't expect Captain Ireland over today, nor yet for two more days mebbe." "I'm afraid you're right," said 1. "Wei', we can only wait." "Master Topp, a lot can be done in two days or even in one. 1 thought o' that yesterday when I heard your plov er's call from the cliff. 1 knew that your old friend Dun Miguel meant ei ther to hang tue or to drotind me by inches. I'd heard him say as much. Now, hanging's quick an easy work when both trees au ropes is handy, but drouning by inches needs a rising tide, an that wouldn't be till nightfall. An so, thinking as them who 'peewhitted' might be in small force an might like darkness to help them, 1 just bully ragged the Spaniard into letting me wait." "It was a smart trick, Willie," said I admiringly, "though at the time I ad mit I thought it madness." "Men's wits do smarten. Master Topp. when a clever dodge may mean the difference between staying in this world an going to the next before the proper time. Mind you, 1 wasn't to know that 'peewhit' came from an English throat, but it was worth chanc ing it anyway. I knew there wasn't uo plover on the island, so it must be a signal o' some sort, an as the dons didn't seem to notice it 1 reckoned it was meant for me. Do you know how far we be from the main?" He plumped out this question with such a jerk that 1 fairly started. "I heard some one say 200 leagues," said I. "But why?" "That was said to fool the Spaniards, as it's every English mariner's bound en duty to do whenever be sees a chance But we bain't 200 leagues away nor 20." Again hi* shut his mouth like a trap, evidently with the inteution of impress ing this piece of information upon me. I nodded and waited for him to go on. "These here islands. Master Topp. is on the highroad between Europe an the main Every ship as sails from an to one or the other passes through this channel inside o' 'em. Now. see here, this is the point I'm shaping a course fur. There's a tall hill at this end o - the l>ig island where tTio Span iards' cave is. an when 1 was up above just now searching for food I seed a man within 20 fathom o' the top o' It." "Likely enough," said 1. "You can't expect the Spaniards to stick like moles in their cave all the time." "Master Topp. that man had a fagot on his shoulders." "Well, Willie?" "Well!" echoed Willie contemptuous ly. "Can't you guess what it means? Why. they've seed a ship in the dis tance. an hoping to see another they're making ready to signal her whenever she heaves in sight." "Why." said I, glad that there was a chance of getting rid so easily of our troublesome neighbors, but for the present keeping that gladness to my self. "if they want to go we can't stop 'em." "We must stop 'em. Master Topp. They know we're here. I've seed 'em watching us. An if they gets hold o' n shit> we shall have the whole brood down about our ears in the twinkling o' a handspike. Don Miguel bain't the build to forget men as has got to wind'ard o' him in a squall. Don't you believe it?" The boatswain was right. We could not afford to leave the Spaniards in pence. "I'll come with you and look at tills hill for myself," said I. "But your wounded leg?" suggested Willie doubtfully. , "Pooli! A mere gnat bite. The stitY ness is wearing off already." And off we trudged, though truth to tell I found it no easy matter to limp along, and laid ourselves down in the scrub grass above in full view of the larger island. The northern coast was high, green, steep and without foreshore and put me in mind of the piece between Scar borough and Whitby. The harbor showed tide left yellow beaches on ei ther hand, with clear open water in the middle, while right before us, almost within stone's throw it seemed, lay the great hill. The like of it I have never seen be fore or since. It was a forbidding pile of stone standing out boldly in its barren black ness against the rich greenery of the palms beyond and towering nigh on 2,000 feet above the fallen wave worn rocks that fringed its base. Nowhere could the eye discover a trace of vege tation on its steep and frowning cliffs, and from the seaside at any rate it was a citadel that would baflie the nimblest scaler. Its black heights were too des olate for even the ocean fowl's perch; Its hateful crest could well have shat tered a ghoul or vampire. The very clouds seemed to shudder and draw in their gauzy bodies as they scurried past its hungry lianks. But after a mere glance at the moun tain's sullen precipices the eye fixed it self Immovably upon the summit, for there lav a wonder of the world. That the thing had been built by hands was plain, for even at our dis tance we could see the joints and su tures between the stones. But by what manner of hands? Surely of giants or of devils, for the size of the blocks was such that no human hand could have laid them. Each course was as high again as a tall man, yet there were eight courses. Each stone's length was twico its height, yet there were 20 of them lu the side that faced us. A fig ured coning overhung the wall by an arm span, and at the corners were huge carven monoliths representing rampant serpents, whoso outstretched necks and gaping jaws pointed to the four cardinal points. Gnome's temple, giant's pleasure house or magician's eyrie it had stood there Jesting the winds through the dim ages of the past, an everlasting monument to its forgotten founders. And now, as Willie Trehalion had said, the Spaniards were laying wood for a signal fire upon the uppermost pinnacle. I could see two lusty fellows doing the work and a third, a little bowlegged man with a bright steel bas sinet on ills head, giving directions. I recognized that our lives hung on 'lie chance of our being able to drive them away, but I saw no means of doing it and said as much to Willie. "Fight the devil wl' brimstone, Mas ter Topp, a» you'll choke him. The dons practices witches' craft, say you? Then witches' craft shall be the word. See that round stone before 'ee, sir? Well, hear It speak. It's got a message for you." And to my horror and amazement the stone began in a high cracked voice to bid me send the boatswain across to the raouutaiu so soon as ever it got dark and then to trust him to settle with the Spaniards. "He's my very good friend, Is Willie Trehalion," said the stone, "and as such the knave dons will tumble over one another In their hurry to escape from him." "Now, Master Topp?" asked Willie, with a grin. But I was all In a sweat with fright. "Avaunt!" I said. "Get thee behind me, Sathanas. Domlue in mauus tuas"— And there I stuck, for my Latinity had grown rusty with too long keeping. "110, ho! Mister Topp. smooth your hair again. Willie Trehalion doesn't dabble In tli black arts, it's naught but a trick. See, I keep my mouth Closed so an.,speak fr<