J\ .y. SOME WHO AiSylK,/# or use BAKING POWDER IfTyrwlPMPi'TO. A May have experienced difficulty in securini? the f PNUm 11111 r**" V. best results 1" tMKUig fine Cakes. owing chiefly to £1 llk 11111/ A 'Bj, the U--e of inferior Baking Pov. ders; there are W O&St-t 111/ ■ yQI n. many of sac i pre r«rat ions. Some are rei>resented w y fpjobik>- -V.« ~lt/Gsr " to be »4 rood as the "Banner " Powder, hut their r W1 > j "C dismal failure to do frood work proves that they ' >£§ ytSFinXVr k\Tfe , are not com i arable to tbe " Banner" and are I |v p V. merely contrasts. 1 Kinw v Don't allow vour grocer to amie with yon on *> the subject, but insist emphatically uton his giving you the oM reliable " Banner " Powder. A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. BANNER RECIPE BOOK FREE FALL OF 1900. 4 We are now ready for the FALL TRADE and i. surely ought to and will be the banner season tor our store —if careful buying and exceptional choosing go for anything—you will certainly agree with us after looking over our immense stock with our small and insignificant price. The following are "just a lew" of the good things we have. Jacket Suits, RAINY DAY SKIRTS, The only skirt for the Fall. Ladies' and Children's Jackets, FURS, French Flannel SWrtWd«s; by the yard , Blankets and Comforts, Dress Goods, Golfing Cloth, Venetians, Prunella, Cashmeres, Cheviots and Serges, in endless variety. Our Carpet Department Is still the "little bit the best" by which it is termed by people who know. DUFFY'S STORE, We Wish to Announce That We Are Having an OPENING /Vlid=Winter /VUllinervJ THl weeK- For the late winter trade we have received a thoroyghly new and up to date stock of everything in the line of Millinery and Trimmings and Staple and Fancy Notions. We are te ady to show you the finest and most complete line of Patterns. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Trimmed Hats are always a feature in our business. We carry the best assortment and greatest variety of the best shapes of the season—best quality of French Fur Felt, Silesian Wools, Chenille Velvet and Monk Fur hats in Short back Sailors, Walking Hats, Toques, Turbans and Rough Rider ef fects—all shades and ail grades. 1 : Ostrich Plumes, Tips, Fancy Breasts Pompons, Birds, Wings, Aigrettes, Winter Foliage—complete in every respect. Our line- Velvet, Velveteen and Velour, Panne (foreign), best made Fancy and Persian Silks, Fancy Feathers in black and white and natural effects are very desirable. ORNAMENTS —See the newest ideas in Rhinestone, Jet, Gold and Cut S«.eel. Infants' Silk, Cashmere and Zephyr Caps are a specialty at our store. Come and inspect. Style and Price will sell our hats if you will but see them. Rockensteln's, 328 South Main Street. ______ Butler, Pa B. & 8., I holiday specials from among thousands of other extraordinary Holiday values. 16 inch jointed Doll, brsque head, lace trimmed satin dress and hat, shoes and stockings 75c 12 inch cork stufled kid body undressed sleeping Doll, bisque head, and stockings 25c Black or colored Morocco j Combinatio ■ Pocketbook, sterling silver corners .... 50c "Chatterbox" for 1900 —410 pages of stories and over 200 pictures 85c —postpaid, SI.OO. Women's or girls' fine im ported all wool Knit Golf Gloves —smartest kind of good warm gloves- plaids, stripes, fancies, plain white or red 50c pair Men's fine English Tan Dress Kid Gloves —lined with silk, fingers and all SI.OO pair Genuine Mink Fur Neck Scarves with 6 full fox tails Umbrellas, Men's- Smoking jackets, Neckwear, Hose, Jewelry, Stationery, Toys, Games, Christmas Tree- Ornaments, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Furs, Dress Goods, Silks for Waists—and prac tically no end of choice, ap propriate gift goods. Magnificent assortments of useful and novel Holiday articles, beyond all experi ence. Such a determined Holiday store as makes gift selecting easy, and profitable to your potketbook. Send for new Hook Catalogue. 800-o-s& Buhl rj Department X ALLEGHENY. PA. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed andlSaleStabie Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'a The best of horses arid first class rigs al ways on hand and for litre. Be>»t accommodations In town for per ma nent boarding and transient trade. Hpeci al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. 1"A K'»od class of horses, both drivers and draft llprscs always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bought - pon proper notftication*by 1 PEARSON B. NACE. Telephone. No. 219. Karl Schluchter, Practical Tailor and Cutter 125 W. Jefferson, Butler, Pa. BushHing, Cleaning-and Repairing a Specialty FIRST FRUITS , The wise buyer will make seiec-! ; tions for Christmas r.ow, the as- I sortment is full and the best will i go first. We have a store full of sugges- j tions and never was our holiday | line of better quality or as low in j piice. Our aim is for something! new and we introduce so many j , new things that you would im- j agine it is a different store than ! when you was in last. Buying will be lively so get j here early. DOUGLASS | BOOK STORE 241 S. Main St., Eagle H'l'd. DR. P. H. 1. MACKENZIE, SFECIALIbT In mental, nervous, chronic anu every cent in case I fail to «fleet a cure. Dr R H M MACKENZIE, 626 Penn Ave., Pittsburii, Pa. Ijgft lAFT'S PHILAUcUn, --dental room * ' 3*) - sth Ave. ; Pittftburg. » - >tO vVu'repHACTICA* 7 vfr lIkYOURS? ">«> CROU-N' 1 'iilJ «!'»<' BRIOGF work rwliirr.l ■ * \I 1f55 PER TOOTH Ak, in. » *4 W Mst of Teeth iiiimlc, ONLY F ' C '•••• Drur.kenh lieeky 11 £ KEELEY Wniotor M l||*A INSTITUTE, iMrmiw, Booklet. mlsßl ''*• M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S. Main St. Butler PA The Doctor** Hint. Patient—Doctor. I cant sleep at Dight. I tumble an«l toss until morn ing. Doctor—H'm. that's bad. I.et me see your tongue. (After diagnosis* Physic ally you are all right. Perhaps you worry over that bill you've owed me for the last two years! Matrimony l.railn to Crime. "1 began the career of crime." said the fatuous criminal, "when 1 married the second time." "Did your second wife lead you astray ?" asked the sympathetic visitor. "Not so much as the tirst one. It was she who preferred the bigamy charge." —Stray Stories. If a girl has n piano, it Is dangerous to give her a bust of Mozart or a pic ture of Beethoven, for then the parlor Is changed to " the music room."— j Atchison Globe. i cured. "By their fruits ye shall know them." The way to judge of the value of any , medicine is by its cures. Apply that test to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and it is at once lifted high above all other put-up medicines designed for j the cure of womanly diseases. Chronic ! forms of disease which local physicians ; have failed to cure, and which have j yielded to no other treatment, have been perfectly and permanently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It establishes monthly regularity. It dries debilitating drains. It heals in flammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Mrs, Shopshire, of Ballou, Shelby Co , Ohio, writes: 'My mother had an ovarian tumor which we thought would result in her death, but we had read your advertisements and we commenced using your ' Favorite Prescription.' We got one dozen bottles to commence with, : and before she had taken three bottles she j began to improve ; she is living to-day and we , have given your medicine the credit. My | mother was sixty-six years old when the tumor j commenced to grow ; she is seventy-six now j and the tumor is all gone. She had gotten j awfully large, and her limbs began to swell before' we began to use your ' Favorite Pre scription.' " Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets enre bill- j ousness. Dr. Humphreys' I Specifics cure by acting directly upon tho disease, without exciting disorder 111 any other part of the system. HO. CTRES. F RICES. I—Fever«, Congestions, Inflammations. .*23 51—Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25 3—Terthlntf. Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .23 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Aduits 23 I 7 —Coughs, Colds, lironchltls 25 B—\eurnlgia,B—\eurnlgia, Toothache, Faceache 25 9 Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 1 O— Dy*pep*ia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2s 11 —Sup|ir<*»«f*d or K'ainful Periods. .25 12—Whiten Too Profuse Periods 25 13—i'roup, Laryncltln, Hoarseness 25 14—Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 16—Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19—Catarrh, Influenza. Cold in the Head .25 20— Whooplntc-Cou(th 25 j 27—Kidney Diseases 25 *ZH—Xervous Debility ....1.00 30 —Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed 25 77—Grip. Hay Fever 25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your • Druggists or Hailed Free. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. i Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & John Bio., New York. This Is Vour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, canh or stamps, , A generous wimple will bo mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely'e Cream I'.V.iu, snfificicnt to demon strate the grc v merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, GO Warren St, New York City. Rey John fteid, Jr., of Gr< at - alls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize bin statement, "It is a poai. tiv® cure for catarrh if us.d as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Cciitrul Pi ea. Church, Helenas Mont. Ely's Cream Rain is the acknowl edged cure for catarrh and contains no sr ercury nor tny injurious druc Price, 50 cents. A Reputation For Fair, Square Doaii tg With the public is wort it much more to the many th;,n ;t trifle of ag ft to the tew. bul while we have always re membered our friends or. or about Chritmas and v.ill con tinue to do so, we have never laid particular stress or tnis part of our a< vcrtisement We now wish to call your at tention to r',i C fact tha: < I p U'llh the Proce«»lom. One day last December I went through one of the great packing Louses In Chicago where 175 beeves an hour were killed and worked up. My attendant, a vevy intelligent man. ex plained every detail as we went along throu/,-h every one of the departments. Of tbe 1,750 big steers killed in the ten hours not a particle of anything was wasted. Iloof j, hair, bones, tendons. In testines—everything was saved. Even tbe undigested hay In the paunch was run through rollers, dried and burned in the furna<«s to get rid of it and to save coal. I once no w apparently new machin ery being taken out of a print mill in Lowell. " Why do you throw away new marhlner y like that?" said I to the su perinten lent. "Got to do it. What we put in to take Its place will save uh one-ten th of a cent a yard on every yard » ( f calico we make. We must keep r.p with the procession or quit." We pride ourselves upon being good farm- >rs, 1 ut when it comes to practic ing l ittle economh s so essential to suc cess In many other callings we are what Miss Ophelia would call "shift less."—Ohio Farmer. (isblr Rnrn Door. It has always been a good deal ol trouble to close the end door to a baiu where hay is taken in with a liors-j hay fork. We prefer to drive in the barn to unload the hay', but will admit that a I tarn will hold more when it Is taken in at the end. The cut explains Itself. The upper part of the door is FOLWNO HAY KOOIC. hung to the lower part and folds Iu when open and will open clear back under the cornice and can be easily closed by closing the lower part first and raising the upper part from the In side. This closes the opening sufficient to keep out all storms provided the barn has a hood to accommodate the hay fork, and all barns should have a hood to keep the hay from rubbing against the bmn so hard. The hood is not shown iu the sketch, as it would hide the view of the door, concludes an Ohio Farmer writer iu describing this arrangement. HOOD'S P-tLLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Heartache. Easy to ta!ni|£Kt«tq \v r <,6. WANTED. The people to know that the Findley Studio is making a specialty of copying . and enlarging. Crayons and water colors for the Holliday trade will receive prompt attention. Don't give your pictures to agents and take chances of loosing them; have it done at home and if it isnotr ighl we are here to make it right J.atest designsof frames in stock. See our Cabinet l'hotos before ordering elsewhere. branches—Mars and Kvans City. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236. I'. O. H'dV Butler. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Opticiai. Next Door to Court House, Butler, I'a H New ■ I evi * I ; I store L fllTlnfcLL Goods! Having leased the «re room 104 S. Main street in the Berg Hank building with ft new and complete line of Mens H a-, I Km - , . ". 1 o I ;.ikc thi> method of introducing myself and the NEW j|j STORE >• POPULAR PRICES. My goods are new, bright and stylish, and the latent patterns out V-.. . , d-'.dK" invited t<> inspect our store and stock; the same courteo-.:* treatment will be extend- |.| ed whetherv< We also carry a full and complete line of Piece Goods, the latest and best fabrics the -I; JXtlffordsJ - es it! t reach of all. POPULAR PRICES will be the RULING k\ MOTTO OF THIS STORE. H N< te sme of . es, as it would take the entire paper to quote them all. MEN S SUITS S Men's OVERCOATS i MEN'S TROUSERS i| •srsxsss. \'«ssEWSfs tessr- 9 „ 1 viceable, worth $12.00. ) l respect tailored in best C Our Price 98c W _ _ . »o/ia \ manner possible, worth $lO. ) £1 Our Price $0 38 1 p r j Ce $6 43 X Men's Trouseis, Plaids and Mix- J| . C f tures, worth 2. 00, r | Scotch Tweed Suits, stylish in 1 Men's Overcoats, a better gtade / Our Price $1.24 * design and beautiful in pattern. S i„ Raglans, M«ltons, Kereeys ) - |B tC km that retaii^f.scA l.trc \ handsome ly tnilored and f Men's Trousers, all wool, hand- JS lor iio.oo, J worth $12.00. ? somely tailored, worth 2.50. | * |Aj Our Price $6.48 / q ui p r j ce $7.48 . Our Price $1.69 M PHI Men's Nobby Suits in Vicunas, ? Men's Overcoats, the best grade S Men's Trousers-Worsteds, Cas- 2 ITreco la-.vns.Serges.Worsteds, Cj n Buclays, Beavers and Rag- / simeres. Clays and Serges, '£| Meltons and Cassimeres, lans that are the best tailored / they are worth 2.75. Jj tail, red in the most approved j garments in the market, trim- Our Price $1.98 jr manner; sold e sewhere Irom S me( j ]n s jjj. an( j Sa t| n French \— ; ~ ~ " Z| «nnntn Si-m f c ■ j .1 / .Men s lrousers, a better grade V s>'3.oo to h'lj. oo, r facincr, piped seams, worth / ' 7" n -n • «Q Q8 ) it Cassimeres, (Jays and Chevi- C \ Our Price 59.98 4,6.00. worth 3.50 .. Our price 52.48 J! ! Our price $11.98 x _ f r zZ A Men's rail or Made Suits, trim- ) - v Men's Trousers Worsteds, 5' med with silk and satin, con- \ Men's Overcoats, made from import ? Clays, Cassimeres and Seiges » I s:sting > of West-of- f t - d cloth in I;.nglish Raglan, Mel- > ju Eancy Stripes, Checks, 7. En-land Cloth, tailored in a / tons. Clays. Heavy Serges and \ Neat Mixtures, u-orth from $4 5! first-class manner and the lat- / Worsteds —the kind that is being \ to j Our price $2.98 Z| est styles in pattern work; f demanded bv good dressers every- V- —— V worth from SIB.OO t.i s2o.c>o, ( where- ta, lore, I tothe top notch. S! Our Price $12.48 k worth S2O to 25 ••Our price v> 14.98 y bringing anything near their actual value. 751 HQ ff*? Furnishing Goods in profusion and moving them out rapidly. 7 j 53 i Hats in abundance and selling them correspondingly cheap. v. -] l IC arran ,emen; we nave with several wholesale houses enables us to sell at wholesale prices, hence the low quota- l| RS ti. n> oLove. llemeipb* i the address — 7" I L. Mitchell. TUT? HTTTT FT Schneidemans i I 104 S Wain st. 11l \ i U U ILIJI Old stand. | m m mi i a i iu f I,TTw?WTgTWT*^gTWT»TYT«rywTWTWTirfWTWTWTi X Nerves Weat Out And grow weak and exhausted when not properly nour ished, just as an engine loses its power when the fuel runs low. The loss of nervous power is r-een in the failing health and the wasting form. It is felt in the aching head, the throbbing heart, the irritability, indigestion, restlessness and loss of sleep. Re build the worn-out nerves, rest the tired brain and add new fuel to the vital fires with the best of all tonic 3, Dr. Miles' Nervine. "I was sick with typhoid and malarial fever for threo months, and after I recovered from that I was left 80 weak and nervous that I could not work, i fairly shook all over, and in eating I could hardly hold ft fork steady enough to teed myself. I started to take Dt; Miles' .Nerv ine, and received immediate benefits. Three bottles otlfc cured me." T. P. liicuASDeos, E. Alton, His D*. Miles' Nervine is food for the worn-out nerves and the weary brain. It is a food for the over-taxed and weak digestion. It nourishes, fortifies au 1 refreshes the whole system. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Du. MILES MEDICAL Co., Elkhart, IncL m:,Y*WWAYA«Y(V.yawavwwawawiWM^ rnrr IIIaLL % This Handsome Cut Glass Decanter filled with Fine Table Wine, | % and a Beautiful Calendar in Colors, for 1901. _ Club orders ol fo.OO or £ :f Will be given Free over, if names are given, g £ to every purchaser Of each member will receive 3: 'X goods from US between Decanter, S: JANUARY 12t1.. lJR ° IJAR^ Ipw«E 1 pw«E sis made simply to IBkI Guckenheimer, ill pi We prepay express charges on all ordere of $5.00 or over. Orders | bv mail or telephone will be sec urely boxed and shipped promptly, J £ without extra charge. Telephone, Pitteburg, No. 2179. j ROBT. LEWIN & CO., j IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALERS, if 411 Water Street, opp. B. &. 0. Depot, PITTSBURG, ti Porioc J We want your * r dpCO,# Watch and i * Jewelry ... . - * Jewelers J Repairing. * * We also take i, *mh ..I i «« * and Silver J WatchmakmSltJ™:^ 1 : We are lieadciiiwivrs for Di uu imU, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware. 'Silver Novelties, Black IJlxiny Goods, etc We have pre .cuts suiial.le for old ami young, large and small, and at prices that will make you glad that you called a Pane's to buy Everything as reppresented or money refunded. PAPE'S, 12 j Sonth Main Street Lutler, 1 X The Finest fß"| A nr'Ol Ttie largest and bestX XLine of DOLLS|p lip r stock of Doll X In The City. |* * " *" w |Carriages &Gocarts.A A . ?-; )j( $ A -i- % Ofc oC )*C leading Millinery House| J k We have as usnal the largest stock of TOYS to be found in the City J .for Xinas: Dolls, Drutns, Doll Gocarts, Balls, Doll Carriages, Horns, Sleds, fa, J Work Boxes, Albums, Fancy Vases, China Novelties,in fact we have every- ¥ % thing suitable for Xmas Gifts for old and young and at prices that will V C you money. Now is the time to buy what you want and have it laidO s (away for later delivery. Avoid the rush. ft l> WE SELL THE STAR ALL STEEL SLEDS. 6 GL22JSC^^ ♦THIS BEAUTIFUL'DE'CANTER f ♦ «mw FREE. I 4 'SsHm HANDSOME CUT GLASS PATTERN# T fiLLED WITH CHOICEST CALIFORNIA PORT WINE I A MUmm WITH EVERY D° llar PURCHASE or WINES AND A I LIQUORS BETWEEN DEC.IS~AND JAN.IS-.T KM \MT A SUPERB " K F|R . GIFT. Y W • GET UP CLUBS, AND SAVE EXPRESSAGE-W I (Si( '( I •1I) WE PAY IT ON $lO-ORDERS. REMEMBER I A ' M $522 ORDERS, 5 DECANTERS, ETC. ZOO m Y VARIETIES OP WINES AND LiquoßS TO SELECTT A FROM CATALOGUE A f JOS. FLEMING &&ON. I { CURES ? } THE 5 5 COUGH. / ( A pleasant, never-failing < / remedy tor throat and lung c * diseases. \ j Sellers'lmperial j 3 Cough Syrup < / iaabsolutely free£com3piritaCTti3 > S or other harmful mgroi-u-nl . C < A prompt, p sitivc cure■ - - f c coughs, colds, lxoarseiies" iiu-. - J < enzli, whooping cough. / / Ore. umillion l-it'l.-o n» '1 Jn U.-J J \ It"-' icw ycurs atu.flti i;' j opuiuruj • v 5 W. J. OILMORE CO. J J piTrOO'JRO. pUio.;s M »« .%.'&!?.z \t couldpliu-i- 1 liH •• V tfu' »rc Cd u usiV.r,^ f il, r d Wt'-ni ,t Interest to Ink.- lit least "f ,Ur^ t [ and let us assist you to rernutier. w*« « uloyrurut. . «h. -lilt- lines! system of shorthand ever |> 0 li*lie Late of L"ke £ Sons, Baltimore Md. j I Now is The Time to Havo Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED. i< v«»u want goou ant) reljaf- Jeaniny or dyeing done, t •«-«« ' juHl one place in town where r"u Coll it, anil U'tW 4t The Butler Dye Wurks 216 Center avenue do fine work in out door Photographs. This IS ?hr time of year to have » piv ct L ,re ol your house. Give us a trial. Agent for tb«- JaiueutOWD Sorting l5lio(1 Co—New Y««rk. p. FISHER oB, BUTLER, ' PA ' railroad time tables pITTSBUKG & WESTERN Kailwaj . Schedule of Pas p'Hi gcr Trains in effect May 28, 1899. BUTLER TIME. Depart A rrive. Ahrghenjr Accommodation 6 25 a m 9 03 a m Allegheny Lxprcw BUS " 912 " New Cliitle Accommodation 806 44 912 44 Akron Mail 8 05 a.m 7 03 P.M Alle#h*uy Fant Kiprew 9 58 44 12 18 44 Allegheny Kxprea*. 3 00 p.m 4 45 pm Chicago Kxprea I 3 4<» pm 12 18 am Allegheny Mail SSo 44 745 pm Alleffaanv and New Gutle Acccm 550 44 7Fairview [l2 36 4 4* 12 13 8 lo'Oirard ! 12 48 4 5? 1 . ? I 1 38 8 18 ar. .Conneaut.. .ar 1 37) 6 0 A II 00 7 06|1v.. Conneaut...lvj 11 00| 4 3j ,11 551 7 5(1 CraneaTille I I 1 07 ~s7m 11 50 7 4.-V Alt'ion | «1 12 5 11 11 as 7 29 Spriagboro 1 27 : 5 2 11 28 7 ~Wt>nneautMUe 1 :t3. 5 4 r 11 10 7 06 Meatlville J unci. i 54 6 0g 11 50 7 so|ar..Meatlville.. ar I 2 35! 6 4i 10 211, C 20'1v.. Meadville.. .1* ' 1 (6 51? 11 20 7 20 v..C08. Lake.ar 2 05 6 l 2 10 50 6 50 lr. Cun. Lake..lv ' 1 35 5 4? 7 2n ar .. Liuesville ..ar 6 2« 620 lv - lv , , 5 4jj 10 54 6 48 Ilartetown | 2 ÜBj 6 1q 10 49 6 43 Adamavilie I 2 13 6 2i 10 40, 6 34 Oagood 2 ii] 6 3g 6 10 10 33i 6 28 Greenville G 35 2 30 C 41 6 05 10 261 6 22 Shenango 6 421 2 37; 6 5,, 5 48 10 riuci|«l Intermediate 4tatiou» at 7:30 a. m., HU'i 5:00 (i. m. NORTH. WEEK DATS . |A. 51.| A. M. A. M.iP. M P. M Allegheuy Oily. ..leave? 7 00 8 55 lo 45 3 10 6 10 | 7 12 9 07 10 67 Ciarenwut [ 11 04 .... Springdale. 11 18 .... 637 Tarentum 7 39 9 34 11 28 3 46 8 46 NaUona 7 43 9 38 11 34 3 60 8 51 Butler Junction...arrive 7 50 9 47 11 43 3 68 7 00 Bntiet Junction leave 7 50 9 47 12 18 4 06 7 00 Saxoubnrg 8 17 10 09 12 41 4 35 7 24 BI'TLKB . .. arrive 842 10 32! 1 10 506 750 AM. A. M. P. M.|P. St. P. M 81'NDAV TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But ler ami principal intern..-.limi. .ration* at 7:16 a m. aud 9-30 p. m. FOR THE KAfT. W Hi. Davi. Sunday* A.M. A.M. P. M. |A.M. P M BtTLIK lv 6 25,11 i s<> 235 7 30| 500 Butler JVt ar 727 11 4 8 15 V eeport ar 7 53'1l 4ti ♦ 02 j 8 25= 8 IT K (.kiniinetaa J't " 7 58|U s"' 407 829 821 Leet-.hhnrg " 8 In 12 •« I 19 ' 8 411 8:B Paulton (A|».|lo. " " »3112 22 4 40 868 860 Saltal-urg " '..58 12 49 «w 923 916 BUiraville V .'B' 120 5 41 962 945 Blaimville li.i. . '• » Hi . . '-SO Hi <«> Alt.-.im ** 1) 35 .... I 8 flit 160 . .. Ilarii»l>tirg. ...*' :1 1" ....j I •'» +5 Pl.iladeii.hta " *2=l .... 4 25 l" !(•» P. X A. 51. V M AM P. M Thr.".*!. .rail.- tor rt.e ea» leaw l iUel'ura t'l 111- U I. follow - Mlanll« Kxi'iea» 'Ull) 3:<*l AH Limited ,4 ..... . . ..7:16 "* IM> Kaprt-M. - 7::*» - Maiu Llur Kxi»r—. " . 8.i1» " HarrlitbuiK Mail, M 12*46 *.* V*hiUJt4|iliUt IC*pi «*». . . . 4:6«» M Mail ati-l K*| reai» daily K«»r Ne\* York only. Thr«>tttfli hutlft »dt«ep*r; im» tMat-Lea . 7:im " ti ktpfMa. ' ... . . 7*lH " Kart 1.1u.. H *> * nttalxirM liimilHl, . with uacbr* to New tvii, ai>d il««)iiug gmv tu N«*h York, iUlritn.»t» and Waehinictoii only. No citr* late on thin train .VW*» 11 I'htlad'a Mail, Simda>i oII.V «:4<' bm Ailantl* 'lt) (via Delaware River ISrid|fr, .ail ail r»»« k«j). H;«h» A.M, and «:*• P.M, daily. K.»t Ulaltwt iutoriuatk*n. a»Klrt** Tin*. It. Walt, Pa*». \£\ l»iatriri. I'4'rii..i Klftl. Avenue and Smitb im|i| Sii ret, Pittalnira. Ha. HJT« HIH»N. » »i UiH»U ra* Manaa-r. '•ftj' l .4a»«t | > U l'* F A LO, "ROCHESTER & ■' TIME TABLE. In effect Nov. 25. 1900. NORTH BOUND. ~"EASTERN "TIMK." +l2 +lO *6 +lO *» Pittabare ) » ni I 1 ln Kln P- ni l'-" 1 SVeSlp -t. 900 10 tO Feueit.rti' j f §?i | "n Cmig.ville: »SOI Cowaii*ville... i ? ? Mouticomeryvllle 5 weat M-gt-. .! 0 ,1 25 12 43 Dayton'.'!". 6 41 11 » 12 j3 North Point « 581 Hamilton • ••• j J Wj { Puuxiitawnejf.A hi i 7 2Pi,12 08 1 28 1 J + lv (i 20 7 *5 1J 10 2 30 1 30 BUB • 40 1» ii 4 ' Cnrwen«ville nr 8 ti B<»i» 7 10 8 15 12 60 H ?0 2 17 Falls Creak 7 17 |un 12 57 3 30 2 24 lirock way vllle , i 1 10 a 48 2 40 Ki.lgwnv | J tJliS' JohuM.nl.urg | ; t, , j [S; SS Salamanca ar 4 09 |> n. BiilUo *" | 7 20 Iltx lieNter ar ' " » *5 p.m I | a.tu SOUTH BOUND. "KASTKHN TIMK I + 9 , +l3 I*3 til j*7 1.-avi a.lll !:tUI I A.til p.ln p.m Roclie.ter | | I 1 aj 838 Buftajo lv flalamanct 11 !•*, 1 11.a.1f0r.1 lv T7.5 12 10 12 20 Mr. J.'*ett 8 « 1- W ] * J..|iunolil.lir( 9 27 14.1 151 Klilgway • §2, H'« 5 2 ltnak*a>>ille 10 J; - Fall" i'n-ek 10 64 - 44 8 2" I «>7 iniiVi* Ch«7fl
    t •>* I >wan»ville i \ fraigavillc uJ! 5 Kenelton * " 1 I o Bullor I ,9 4-'. 5 34 6 00 Aiii Ktipij' i P j st » « 4j ] 7 30 Wtubuig j ' arrifp 1 1 »•!» * Daily, t Daily except Baud**. Trains 8 and tf are solid vwtibuled equipped with handsome day coaches and reclining chair cars, also cafe cars daily except Sunday. Trains 2 and 7 have Pullman Sleepers >wtween Buffalo and Pittsburg. UL EDWARD C. LAPEY. " * Gen'l Pass. Agent, ""WftißhflSteF S-T: M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 139 South Main street 0W CMfclif Storf