FALL OF iyoo, We are now ready for the FALL TRADE and it surely ought to and will be the banner season lor our store —if careful buying and exceptional choosing go for anything—you will certainly agree with us after looking over our immense stock with our small and insignificant price, ihe following are "just a few" of the good things we have. Jacket SuitH, RAINY DAY SKIRTS, The only skirt for the Fall, Ladies' and Children's Tackets, FURS, French Flannel Shirt Waists; Also the French and other Flannels by the yard, Blankets and Comforts, Dress Goods, Golfing Cloth, Venetians, Prunella, Cashmeres, Cheviots and Serges, in endless variety. I Our Carpet Department Is still the "little bit the best" by which it is termed by people who know. DUFFY'S STORE, Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman's Lowest Prices Always, but no sacrifice of quality. Women's Stylish Fall and Winter Suits, Jackets, Furs, Capes, Coats, Skirts and Flannel Waists. Not cheap clothing, but all the new and striking effects of the season at piices lower than those ot another store. REMARKABLE VALUES IN SUITS. Ladies' Fine Covert and Venetian jfeiSJr oloth Suits, $io.oo; value 12.50. |U Ladies' Fine Covert and Venetian > cloth Suits, $12.50; value 15.00. aTJjM 'i ( Ladies' Fine Pebble Cheviot Suits, J Ladies' Fine Blouse Homespun Suit, Ladies' Fine All-wool Kersey Jackets, \ color, Castor and Black, $5; value 8.50. Hkf] Ladies' Fine All-wool Kersey Jackets, Hp I color, Castor and Black, $7.25; value 10. g\ Ladies' Fine All-wool Kersey Jackets, * color, Castor and Black, $10: value 12.50. Ladies' All-wool Pebble Cheviot Skirt, Ladies' All-wool Cloth and Golf Capes $5.00 up to 25.00. ' * Ladies' Fine Fur Scarfs $1.98, 3.98, 5.50 up to 25.00. Ladies' All-wool Fine French Flannel Waists, $1.98; value 2.50. DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND MILLINERY. We offer the best values of the season at unusual prices. Our stock is heavy, never more complete—long retarded cold wave leaves it larger than we care to have it at this date. This is your oppor tunity to save money. Beautiful effects in all the popular weaves and colors. Millinery at our well known popular prices. HOSIERY KNIT UNDERWEAR AND BLANKETS. Values Extraordinary—Fresh Clean Stock. Extra Heavy Shaped Ribbed Vests, all sizes, 25c; value 39c. Children's Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, all sizes, 25c. Boys' Fleeced Extra Heavy Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, 25c. Men's Fleeced Extra Heavy Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, 50c. Boys' Fleeced Extra Heavy Black Ribbed Hose,all sizes, 15c and 25c. Extra size Blankets, 60c; Woolen Blankets 3.50 upward. Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. The Seat of Life Is in the nervous system, the most delicate and important part of the whole body. When the nerves become weakened or diseased, the head aches, the circulation is retarded and the digestion is deranged. Little things irritate the temper and worry the mind, which only aggravates the disease until the whole sys tem breaks down, and nervous prostration is followed by insanity or death. Strengthen and build up the nerves and stop this downward course before it is too late. "My trouble began with aching pains In my arms and legs, headache, Indigestion, constipation and palpitation of heart until I became so nervous and run-down that I could not find relief until I commenced taking Dr. Miles' Nervine. It gave me wonderful relief, and Anally ro stored my health, for which I am very thankful." SAMUEL II ARM AN, Crystal, Mich. Dt. Miles' Nervine strengthens the weakened nerves, rests the tired brain, gives zest to the appetite and puts new vim and vigor Into the whole system. Begin to-day to get new life. Sold by druggists on guarantees Du. MILKS MEDICAL Co.. Elkhart, IncL fJt CROw\ over the || wash tub || Make Monday's work easy H by washing with Walker's • X Soap. It saves the clothes II ■ BT Follow the new woman's 11 -W way for easy washing, print- H —ed on the wrapper of W ■■ 1 ' » I HI and you can crow over all |i II .. % .. ~ the troubles of washday. H r" » . It torilaius MO alkali. ™ JOs WORK Neatly Dow? At The CITIZEN. THE CITIZEN. A TALE OF THE ORIENT. Wherein Abdnl Finds There Are Two Gueaftea Coming; to Him. Having learned from the guardian ot his harem that most of the women spent their time surveying themselves in the mirrors, his royal highness issued an edict that any so discovered in future should be burned upon the cheek. The edict was not four hours old when five of his wives were re ported and punished. Next day the ' r 1 1 ,% • i-"' i; |> |fill. «{M ABDUL RETTBXS THANKS. same five were reported again, and his highness indignantly exclaimed: "This must be defiance and obstinacy Indeed. You were burned on the cheeks, and yet yon return to your mirrors." "But It Is neither defiance nor ob stinacy, O ruler," explained one of the five. "We simply returned to our mir rors to see how bad the burns looked." "Then the penalty hereafter shall be death. I'll stop that business or stop your breath:" At the end of two days the guardian handed in a death list. It took in the name of every inmate of the harem. "Now, by my scepter, but must I kill off my 227 wives in a batch!" shouted the king as he surveyed the list. "Ho! Hassim! Make it known that I am in a hole and that whoever will help me out of it shall have great honors." A thousand subjects came forward with suggestions, but it was Abdul the knockkneed who hit the nail on the head when he said: "O ruler. It is as easy as falling off a fence. Instead of removing your wives remove the mirrors." "By John, but you are right," chuckled his highness, "and for having given me this pointer I make you my prime minister. Take off your coat and sail in at once." "O ruler, I thank you"— "Never mind the thanks. For having thought up a cute thing I reward you, but for having the audacity to think up a cuter thing than your ruler could I order 100 lashes well laid on, and if you want any more come around ou Thursday." M. QUAD. OMAR KABIFF. The Orleutal Potentate Becomes a Preventer of Famine. [Copyright, 1300, by C B. Lewis.) One day as Omar Kabiff sat In his palace and reflected on the wisdom of his rule he heard a great murmuring In the streets, and calling in his prime minister he said: "The people murmur. Go out and Bee what the chin music is about." The P. M. was absent for a few minutes, and then returned to report: "O ruler of the sun, the people mur mur because the price of corn Is so high." "That's it, eh? Well, go back and tell them that the price shall be re duced one-half. Can't no trust shove up the price of corn in my dominions." The P. M. went back and made proc lamation, but still the murmuring con tinued. "What's the row now?" demanded his highness as he Jingled his bell and the P. M. answered it. "O wise king, the people complain of a scarcity of corn. It cannot be had at any price." "X see. .Make proclamation that the people fill up on 'taters." "But no 'taters were planted in Per sia last year, your highness." "Then let 'em try turnips." "But, alas, there are no turnips!" "But beans we always have with, us, and with plenty of beam; on his table no one will suffer." "O king over Persia." said the. P. M. as he begun to look troubled, "I sold all the beans to Turkey by your order a month ago. The sultan derjred them for his beau shooters." "Well. then, let my people turn tc carrots and onions." "But none have been grown. O ruler." "And maybe you will tell me that there isn't a cucumber to be found In Persia?" "Not one, your highness." "Say you so? llow is It that, such a state of affairs lias Came about?" "By royal proclamation," O ruler, you had 'JO,OOO farmers beheaded last year as an agricultural experiment. You were sueking a new fertilizer." "Ah! 1 remember. And the S head ing of 20,000 farmers has left li 10.000 citizens of my capital foodies*?" "It is truo, O ruler." "Very well, llnsslin. It's a plain case of arithmetic without any experiment In It. To balance the want ol' crops raised by the 20,000 farmers you will see to it that 100,000 of my <-itl/.«ns are made a head shorter. Tli it will even ttflngs up, give the 'people to understand that I'm looking < >ut for their l*est Interests and probably pre vent an epidemic of cholera." M. ( JL'AU. Indignant leather- What do yon In tend to become after you are 21V Flippant Son—A man, of course. HOOD'S ?ILL3 euro Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Koadac he. Easy to tako, easy to operate. 2 3c. Rkhumatism Cukhd in a Day "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures iu I to ) < lays. Its action upor. the system is ren-arl able and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and t'ac disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly ber cfits; 75 cents Sold by J. C. Kedic, and J. F. Bnluh Druggists Butler \pr q6. VOU'LL KNOW HOW GOOD L WHEN YOU SEETFiEM. Our 25c box papers. Our ioc and 15c fine v/riting paper tablets Blank books ;j t the old price. Albums boug'nt before the ad vance. Kodaks wit! 1 a special discount in January. Photograpl 1 supplies always fresh. Sporting goods. Late fiction. Bibles cheaper than ever. Everyday needs at everyday prices. At DOUGLASS' book store Eagle B'l'd. BUCKWHEAT. Pl*ntinsr Time In Various Sections. Some of Its I ses. The hulk of the buckwheat produced in this country is grown in New York and Pennsylvania. While a fair crop may be made on very poor soil, like everything else, it does a good deal better on good soil well prepared. Sandy loams are a favorite soil for buckwheat, especially when it has been an old pasture or meadow that is to be plowed up. but it will on almost any soil that is not too wet. It should not be too rich or the crop will lodge, and no fresh manure should be used. The ground should be quite thoroughly prepared. In western New York planting time is the week before the 4th of July. In the extreme north it may be as early as the middle of May, while in some of the southern states planting is deferred until August. It may be sown broad cast or in drills, and half a bushel of seed is enough on good soil. It ripens very unevenly and if not harvested will bloom all through the season. The best crop comes from the earliest ripen ing grain, however, and if not cut when the first seeds are ripe these will be lost, as it shatters easily. Many cut when the dew is on to prevent shatter ing as much as possible. It must be handled carefully in harvesting on this account. In addition to the foregoing advice the lowa Homestead has enu merated some of the uses of the crop as follows: As to the uses of the crop, it is good poultry feed and mixed with corn makes good pork. It is also a favorite grain for fitting up horses quickly and giving them a nice, sleek coat. The straw, if well cured, is relished by both sheep and cattle, and it is also a good crop to plow under and is often used as a catch crop when something occurs to interrupt one's original plans. When employed as a crop to plow un der, two crops a year are often grown. It is, of course, not as good as clover for this purpose, but It has the advan tage that it will grow on soils that will not produce a crop of clover, and hence it is often used to renovate very poor lands. It is one of the best crops known as a smothering crop for quack prass or other weeds of a similarly tenacious character, but when it is used for this purpose the ground should be very thoroughly prepared and the seeding should be heavy, as much as two to two and a half bushels per acre, and as soon as it is in bloom it should be plowed under, and, after being harrowed, reseeded again the same season. Qriack grass yields to this kind of treatment more readily perhaps than to any other. Box For Shipping; Belgian Ilarea, Ete. Having had some experience of the cost of shipping rabbits, a Farm and Fireside writer has been considering how to lessen the express charges and arrives at the conclusion that he will reduce tlie size of the package as much SF appiso BOX. as possible fir st by shipping younger and therefore f smaller animals and then by the selection of lightest packages. He says: Just at the presont time a great deal of sill pplng Belgians is being done. In the comparatively few in stances that 1 li ave been shipping rab bits, pigeons, et< ~ I have made use of a light box the upper corners of which had been cut a - way aud the cover re placed by light slats. The Illustration makes this plain. To have the boxes especially light I prefer to make them of white cedar or linden, of course well seasoned. Coi ninon store boxes, how ever, may be fitted up in this way and come handy (or shipping small ani mals. The C'o'»-p«*u In the North. In advLiinK an eastern New York correspondent Country Gentleman says: The btack eyed cowpea is consid ered the best. Sow I*4 to 2 bushels per acre. There- Is no need of planting them until »lie weather Is rather warm, from the first of June until the last of July. In many plac<« in New York they do not form a den «e mass of green material, as the clin late is hardly warm enough to fully develop them. They are often plantodl in the south after the corn is C to 12 inches high, three or four peas belnj: put in near the hill. The corn serves to keep them up, and the two plants a re harvested together. A few have si icceeded ad mirably In raising the cow pea in New York, but it Is doubtful if fr t is any bet ter than the Canada or marrowfat pea. In our experience we hav< • been led to prefer the marrowfat to the Cana da pea because the leaves art' broader, It grows more erect aud clings better to the oats with which it .Is 50 wn. The only possible objection to using the marrowfat instead of tb>e Canada pea is tlint thf; seed costs about 7f> per cent more. The green manure crops should lie plowed under Just before or at the time they are fully mature. If .left to die upon the ground, the vines or stalled do not lighten up the so4l and produce the beneficial physical results that they do when plowed under. In the case of the cowpea It should be plowe d tinder before frost or Immedi ately afi'-r Ky«. may tlaen be sown In order to '-over the gro und during the winter It should be plowed under net later than the last 0/ May the fol lowing spring. CHASE BROS. PIANOS. That the musical public appreciate '.he hi gh standard of the Chase Bros. I'ianc.s is proven by the fact that the Chicago Auditorium Conservatory, one of the leading musical colleges in tlie west, has recently chosen from several competitors the Chase Bros. pianos for exclusive use. That fact alone is an elegant indorsement of the musical quality and fine construc tion of these instruments. The Chase piano is not an experiment; it hf.s been before the public nearly half a century Made, guaranteed and sold to you )>v one of the wealthiest and most influential manufacturers of pianos. Ask our customers about us; we sell these pianos for cash or ou payments. $25.00 cash payment, balance #IO,OO a month— anyway to suit your conven ience. Will give you a new piano at SPY* - v r't other organs. Dr. Pierce's Golden pO Medical Discovery " V hJw cures diseases of N* nS *ke stomach and tW /)\ other organs of (\\ digestion and nu trition, and cures fifty through the stom- ach diseases seem inglv remote, but which have their origin in the disease of the stomach aud its allied organs. There is no alcohol in the '' Discovery" and it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine, and all other narcotics. "Before I commenced to use your medicine I was in a bad condition (for eight years), and four doctors treated me." writes Mrs. Bettie Askew, of Garysburg, Northampton Co.. N. C. "They, of course, gave me at the time some relief, but it did not last Ion?. I was some days in mv bed and some days 1 dragged about the house. I have used five bottles of the ' Golden Medical Discovery' and five of the 'Favorite Prescription' and four vials of the 'Pellets.' Xow I feel like a new woman, and I want the world to know it." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, iooS large pages, paper binding, sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only , or 31 stamps for it in cloth binding. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. € SPECIFICS A.A. > FEVERS, ConzoHtion*. Knflaiuma* cures 5 lions. Lung Fever. Milk Fever. It. B.>fcPRAIX£. Lamenesa, Injuries. < ures ) Rheumatism. C. C.) KOKE THROAT. Quinsy, Epizootic, cuees i Dislemper. | WORMS, Ruts. Grubs. K.E.M'OI GHK. Cold*. Influenza. Inflamed cures 5 Lunu;*. Pleuro-Pneunionia. F. F. I COLIC'. Bellyaehe. Wind-Blown, cures i Diarrhea. Dysentery. G.G. Prevents MIM ARRI AGE. HJKi j KIDSEV you Known adulterated I>randy might have tin- eause. We have a special lirand furl hi, purpose and offer It m you 111 T.'s- and ■?!.«••) per full ijuart for the best. All our other goods are rrotu the best distilleries and will therefor suit you. FINCII IT. VKIINOS. er iral. On all C. p. D. or mail orders of SSOO or over we box and ship promptly; express charges prepaid. 1 ROBERT Lb WIN & CO. 411 Water Stree Telephone, 21 ',c. Pittobm fa Opposite It AO. Depot HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT JOHNSTON'S CRYSTAL PHARMACY, 106 N. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G., Manager. Now is The Time to Have Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED. If you want gooo and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue B»3>_We do fine work in out door Photographs. 1 his is the time of year to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. Agent tor ti e ,|hii.< hlowd .SiiaiiiK biiuti Co. -,n. a Y"rk. R. FISHER &, SON yynicy^xy jf yyy/ j PHILIP TACK, | CONTRACTOR IN [ Cleveland Berea Grit | i 1 STONE j S Suitable fur Building x £ Ornamental and * Paving purposes. I This Stone Will Not "Shell Off." | ¥ Prices reasonable. Work done well % and promptly, * Stone yards on East E'na street. Residence on § Morton avenue. People's Telephone 320. DR. P. MACKENZIE, SPECIALIST In mental, nervous, chronic and private diseases of men and women. RUPTURE Cured to stay cured without the aid of a truss or a knife or detention from business. I will give you a written guarantee to refund y:>u every cent in case I fail to t fleet a cure. Dr R H M MACKENZIE,' 626 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Have you bought your M y y <■'» # ) Underwear?|) % If not, call and see C f ours before you buy. S 3 We have it ( ✓ in all grades. C C We have a few lots x j of underwear / in broken sizes \ V which will be i . sold cheap. / i These sizes are £ j mostly large but we X have some small ones. / \ Jno- S. Wick. | f Hatter and Furnisher, / i 242 S. Main St., \ ? Butler, Pa f ite P. O. r 416 W. Jefferson St., $ MERCHANT!TAILOR Full Line of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Good Fit and Workmanship £ Guaranteed. c J.E.WETZEL Cutter,> Late of Luke & Sons, Baltimore, Md, L. C. WICK, OKAI.BR IN LUriBER. WANTED The people to know that the Kind ley Studio is making a specialty of copying and enlarging. Crayons an.> monthly and txiHiDNi. with lacraiMi position porman outline low htslf-uddrv*t»ud stamped envelope MANAIiLU. SM) Caxtoo bid* ..;cnlcago. RAILROAD TIME TABLES pITYSBUKG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of Pas- Trains in effect May 28, 1899. BUTLER TIME. Depart. Arrive .Allegheny Accommodation 6 i 1) A.M 903 A.M Allegheny Kxj.r.« 6u5 " 911 " Ne» Accommodation 8 05 44 9 12 44 Aknm Mail 8 (6 A.M 7 r.u Allegheny Fast Kxprews 'J 5m 44 12 18 44 Allegheny Exprnw. 3 00 p.* 4 4*» j m Chicago Kxprew 3 40 pm 12 IS «m Mail 5 .V> 44 740 i m Allegheny annhward. Daily except Sunday. Southward i (Read up) (Read down) I I' I A M I' SI I' M 11 .Hi 542 Erie 112 lo 415 1- 23 S 20 Fair\iew 12 35 4 40 12 13 8 lo'Uirard 12 4s. 4 53 1 S 18 ar. .Couneaut.. .ar 1 37 0 «>0 11 IM) 7 05 IT.. Gonucaut. . .lv 11 00 4 32 11 66 7 50 ( ranesville 1 07 5 17 11 50 7 4.VAlbion 1 12 5 25 11 35 7 Sprinjclxiro 1 27! 540 11 J> 7 23'(\>nneautville 1 5 4»'> 11 10 7 «»5 Meadville Junct.. 1 54 6 05 11 60 7 50 ar .. Meadville.. ar 2 :ij G 45 10 2i> 4'.' 43 Aville { 12 13i 625 10 40j ♦> 34 (togtHMl J 2 23 G 35 6 10 10 33 (i 28 (Jreenville 6 35 280 6 43 ti 05:10 26' « 22 Slienango C 42 2 37 i C 50 5 48 10 07 f, (•3 Fredonia G 57 253 7 0» 533 (♦ 50 5 4'.» Mercer 7 13 3 11 7 25 5 20 9 45 5 43 Hou«tuii Junction 7 ly 3 17 7 31 5 08 9 28 5 25 Grov® City 7 4<> 3 37 j 7 50 4 67j 9 12 llarrinville 7 51 3 4'.» 4 51 'J 08 Uranchton 8 01! 3 57; 540 94- nr.. .Billiard... ar 942 5 40! 3 05| T ft". 1v... Hilliarti. ~lv 705 3 U»! 4 47? 9 03 Keinter 8 05 4 01! 4 33i X 48j Euclid 8 20 4 171 4 OO 1 S 18 Bnller 8 50 4 45 ! 2 15; 7 00 Allegheny 10 20 6 20i LA.M.I ! | P.M. 1 J. S. MATSON, E. H. UTLEY, Sup't Tranap. Gen. Pass. Agt, Greenville. Pa. Pittsburg. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA t. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCHXDULE IN Brrccr Nov. 20, 1900 SOUTH. , WEEK DAYS A.M A.M.A.M. P. M. P. M. BUTLKB. Leave. 0 25 8 06 10 50 235 6 06 Saxonbnrg Arrival) 6 54 8 30 11 15 300 5 28 Butler Junction.. M 7 27 3 63 11 44) 325 5 53 Butler Junction.. .Leave• 7 31 853 U 52 325 563 Natrona Arrive 7 40 9 01 12 01* 3 34; 6 02 Tarentum 7 44 907 12 Oh' 3 42 6 07 Bpringdale 7 62 9 16 12 19 3 62 1 fb » Clareniont (9 30 12 38 4 06 f6 27 Sharpebnrg 8 11 9 36 12 48 4 12 8 311 Allegheny 8,24 9 48 1 02 4 25 6 43 A. M.|A. M. P. M. P. M P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butler for Allegheny City and principal intermediate stations at 7:30 a. tn., %ud 5:00 p. m. NORTH. WEEK DAYB IA. M. A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M Allegheny City.... leave 700 85510 45 310 610 Bhan«Viurg 7 12 9 07 10 57 Ciaremont I 111 04 Springdale 11 18 .... 6 37 Tarentum 1 7 39 9 34 11 28 3 4ii 6 46 Natrona \ ... 7 43 9 38 il 34 3 60 6 51 Butler Junction..Arrive 7 50 9 47 11 43 3 58 7 00 Butlei Junction... .leave 7 60 9 47 12 18 4 06 7 00 Saxonburg 8 17 10 l>9 12 41 4 35 7 24 BUTLER arrive 8 42 10 32 1 10 5 06 7 50 A.M.|A.M. P. M.|p. M. P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But ler and principal intermediate stations at 7:16 a m. and 9 30 p. m. FOR TUX EAST. Weoks Days. Sundays |A.M.|A.M. P. M.IjA.M. P M BUTLKB lv, 6 25 10 sf» 2 35 ! 7 30 5 00 Butler J'ct ar 72711 4o 326 820 660 Butler J'ct lv 7 60 11 43 3 58 j 8 21 8 15 F eeport ar 753 II 46, 4 02' 8 25 8 17 K skiminetas J't M 1 75811 60 407 820 821 Leech bnrg " 81012 02 419 1 841 8 Panlton (Ap0110)...." 83112 22 4 40H 868 860 Saltsturg "I B£6« 12 49 5 08 , 9 23 9 16 Blairsville ~ < 9 28 1 20 6 41! •62 9 46 Blairsville Int "I 9 3fl ... 50] 10 00 Altoona " 11 36 .... 8 60M 1 60 . .. llariisburg " I 310 .... 1 00j 6 4"» Philadelphia " 623 ... 4 25 ;10 20 IP. M.IA. M. A. M.IIA.M. P. M Through trains for tlie east leave Pittfburg (Union Station), as follows: Atlantic Kx press, daily 3:00 A.M Pennsylvania Limited ** 7:15 " Day Express, 44 7:30 44 Main Line Express, 44 8:00 44 Mail, 44 .12:46 r.M Phila.l<*lphir Express, * 4:60 44 Mail and Express daily For New York only. Through buflft sleepr; no coaches 7:00 44 Eastern Express, '* 7:10 44 Kant Linn, 4 8;30 44 Pittsburg Limited, daily, with through coaches to New York, aiul sleeping cars to New York, Baltimore and Washington only. No extra tare on this train 10:00 44 rhilad'a Mail, Sunda) i oiuy 8:40 A.M Fm~ Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, all rail route), »:00 A.M, and H:3O I' M, daily. Fot detailed information, address Thos. E. Watt, Pass, i Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth Areuue and Smith -1 field fctrret, Pittsburg, Pa. I J «. HUTCHISON, J. R. WOOD. *enaral Manager. Qen M r> aai tr. Agent BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURG RY. TIME TABLE. In effect Nov. 25, 1900. SOUTH HOUND. ' KAMTERN TIME. +l* +4O *l. | ♦!<; -J I'ittiriiiirK t lw« v « H-nil p.m "i pJ>» I'.™ AII.-KII.MIV / P. & W. Ma » 00 111 (10 llutler 5 OS 10 12 ,11 KenoUuii 5 3l| 11 51 S 4U 10 « 12 01 Cuwanavllle 5 6Ui MuiiteomeryrlUe 5 .V' Writ Morturuve 6 OjII 1t.,1a 7 10 N 15 12 50 .1 20 2 17 FalhOiwk 7 1.7 !>..<• 12 57, :i :«> 2 24 Hna-kwayvlile 11.11 l 1 10, 3 1 45; 4 24 3 1H JohiuoiiiliurK 1 67 4 5.1 3 31 Mt. Jow.'tt 2 4«| 5 41 4 1» Bmlfortl ar 3 3'i l « 30 S 05 IMIWIIfI ar 1 0:1 p.m llunal.i ar | 0 25| 720 ltocllMtcr ar | 7 SOj *45 I ! p.m I I a.m asms NQA KASTKK.N TIMX +» | +l3 *3 +U *7 1,-av.- ,1111 urn a.lll p.m p.m K.H-lu*ter I 7 45 H 85 liuKkln lv J OCO >0 00 Halamuuca ..Ivj II l-i 1 llra,lf.,ia lv 7 45; 112 10 12 20 Mr Ji vv.-H * 42 12 S9 1 OS JuhiuH>iiburK » 27 ! 1 43 151 ltlilgway » 5H] 2 OO 2 07 Hria kwßVrlllr 10 37, 1 2 32 2 4o Kail. Creek 10 54 2 44 K 30 2 5. thilMn 11l 0"' '! 40 2 55 B 30 3 10 <'l.-urfli M lv' | 11+3(1 7 OK r»HI«llllii IV; j 11+40 71» IHTKIIU 11 3li 7 13 3 00 0 OS, 3 42 I'unxxiitHM uny 1.1 II 4."> 7 2« 3 38 « 20 388 lv a. 111 7 30 335 |i.m 400 Vallar ! 7 41 lliuiiilK.il ; I 7 411 ; North Point 7 53 1 lay ton I it 11 4 09 4 31 iCt-i&,* ! »ti 4 so 4 43 W«t M.-Kr«v.. I * 45 Montgomery villa 1 I H 54 Cowuuvllle I j 9 00 t Yalgvville I II 11 4 57 ft 23 Hon 9 22 . 5 33 llutler 1945 534 i« «> Allegheny I IV A W. HTEL 045 1730 I'lttuhurK / arrive 1 I ».ni p. mJ 1 a.m * Daily, t l>uily excejit Stiuilitv. Trains If ami ti aro »olid ventibulSd etiuijiia-tl with handsome day coaches and reclining chair cars, also cafe cars daily except Sunday. Trains 'J and 7 have Cullman Sleepers between Buffalo and Pittsburg. EDWARD C. LAI'EY. (ien'l Paw*. Agent, Hochester N. V. M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 139 South Maiu street. (jver Schaul & Nasl's Clolhlnj Store I X>OC The C»ty. f■* ll *- iages X Leading Millinery House 4 V We as usnal the largest stock of TOYS to be found in the City, C { £ for Xmas: Dolls. Drums, Doll Gocarts, Balls, Doll Carriages, Horns, Sled*, f f Work Boxes, Albums, Fancy Vase 9, China Novelties.in fact we have every-' P F thing suitable for Xmas Gifts for old and yonng and at prices that will' r rsave YOU money. Now is the time to buy what you want and have it laicM % ( J away for later del'very. Avoid th* rush. i 5 O WE SELL THE STAR ALL STEEL SLEDS. X 122 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLER^ iIEEEEEEEEMEEEiSEEB I CHRISTMAS I i BITING J iHas Commenced.! |jf Early Buyers have first choice, and our assortment of useful pieces jg §[ of Furniture# suitable for Christmas §} presents, is very complete# 31 m a ROCKING CHAIRS, $2,50 jg Mahogany finish, cobbler seat turned spindles, shaped seat and ISC made of hard wood. Only a limited quantity, so buy early. G PARLOR TABLES $3.50 JJ yvf Quarter sawed golden oak; pattern top, highly polished and fin- JjsS ished around the edge with a neat moulding; has turned legs and a r*r* lower shelf. A beauty for the price. Kstj J VASE LAMP $1.75; 2S 2.50S 3.50S 5 §j jg-S| A complete assortment at above prices. All handsome,decorat- y—g ed globes, and vases to match. i Campbell ft Templetoni ZMWMFMMWMMMFMMmmm Me"er Jonrai S Go From the manufacturer direct to the wearer. Three-Quarter Coats Made of Oxford material, half fitting back, velvet collar. Retail value dfci Q >7K $25.00, at WlO 4 O Ladies' and Misses' Coats Made of black Kersey, silk serge lining, box front, latest model. Retail value A \ OA $775, at $ Double breasted tight fitting coats, made of extra quality Cheviot with 4j> 1 f) fl f) silk serge lining, at ™ Tailored Suits. Made of fine quality black Broadcloth, double breasted, tight fitdng styles, lined throughout with taffeta silk. dt.O (! O Retail value S3O 00, at yfyj Persian Lamb Coats. Leipsic dye—high grade garments. Re- jit 7"S () 0 tail value $115.00, at PITTSBURG; SIXTH AND LIBERTY STREETS. NEW YORK* BOSTON: Broadway and I2ib' Street Boylston and Trtraonf. Cite Paradis, No. 5. The People's National Family Newspaper. New York Tri-Weekly Tribune Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is in reality a fine, fre.h, every other-day Daily, Kiving the latest news on days of issue, and covering news of the other three. It contains all import ant foreign war and other cable news which appears in TIIK DAILA TRI BUNE of same date, also Domestic and Foreign Corresjiondence. Short Stories, Elegant Half tone Illustrations, Humor ous Items, Industrial Information, Fash ion Notes, Agricultuial Matters and Comprehensive and Reliable Financial and Market reports. Regular subscription price, if 1.50 per year. We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for $2.00 per year. Send all orders to THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. A " ffltti TAFT'S HHILAO£LF|iU > 3 "DENTAL ROOMS - T ' Vifef JMn 39-sth Ave., PlttjOui-g, f. > T«IU We're PR ACTIC A' Y, H y iifl'Mitli inMlr, ON LY Ht j L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117JE. JKFFKRSON. BUTLER. PA Ci.r-s Drunkcnnes:.. * J KEELEY Write tar A ,'af INSTITUTE, fr** M .H>liit» New York Weekly Tribune Published on Thursday, and known for near'y sixty years In every part of the United States as a National Family * Newspaper of the highest class for farm ers and villagers. It contains all the most important general news of THE DAILY TRIBUNE up to hour of going to press, an Agricultural Depart ment of the highest order, has entertaining reading for every member of the family, old and young, Market Reports which are ac cepted as authority by farmers and corn try merchants, and is clean, up to date, interesting and instructive. Regular subscription price, Si.ooper year. We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for 11.50 per year. MCMILLANS FORMERLY IRA C. BLACK & CO., Wall Paper. Next Door to Postoffice. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S. Main St. Butlec. PA