Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 29, 1900, Image 3
TM t: CI RIZEN. - THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1900. NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS. lOTE-All advertisers !at«:.dlr.if t<> c..ike SMC s in ».h-.r aJ>. si; sid n ■ 'y ns ol .•el/ to > v ■ w 'ban Mon ty otornioc. Notice in Bankrc;,tcy estav-of Cha? Thompson and Geo J Mangold. Boyd's Rope Leaf Jelly. Mrs. Pape's Xmas (rixnis. Leighner's Xmas Goods. Pape Bros Xtnas Jewelry C. & T s furniture. Brown 4: Co's locals. Greenert Farm for sale. A<lffl!n!jiidi'>ri and Exe.-u* r» estates an warure their rw "ipt b<> »■> at the C iTl iE>' offlot-. and person# biUiij [mtiUcialM ■4i»lr or.t* uootts. LOCAL AND GENERAL, Pay Your Subscription. It U now only a little over a month to the Ist of January, when most of oar subscription* expire. A number have not paid for the year 1940, and some owe for several j ears. Of course the major.ry pay in a Ivance, and thns save ns the trouble of sending them state ments, and also save themselves 50 cents a year on the price of subscription. Those who wait until after the Ist of January and then expect to pay th'-ir subscription for the year 1900 with a dollar will of course be disappointed. To secure the dii' jODt of oO cent-? you must pay in advance—certainly within the year and that if the only way to secure it. Ho cdme in and pay up. The atuxinni* ot those who are three years or more in airears wi«: be left for collec tion "How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood. When fond recollection presents them to view' The orchard, the meadow, the deep tangled wildwood, And every ford spot which ray infancy knew." So sang the - old poet in rhythmical measure, And millions hare dreamed of bis pic ture so fair. But never a word of that one crowning treasure. The old red sunboonet our girls used to wear. —An occasional fly still lingers. —Le.-s tlian four weeks till Christmas. —An excellent turkey crop is reported. —Football this 'Thursday 1 afternoon. —Don't longer delay holiday advertis ing. —We all have much for which to be thankful. —Entertainment in Y. M. C. A. hall this evening. —The boys have dropped footfall and taken to water polo. - Blank monthly school reports for sale at the CITIZEN office. —The new oil field in W. Va. now looks like a "two well pool. Home slight changes have been made in the P. & W. time table. —Carl Leixhner lias some mighty pretty things in bis show window* - News from the sources of snpply of the Christina* tree says it is being cut down. The American hen has already laid a dozen billion eggs this year and may her son never set ■•"This is the time of year the eagle begins to doubt if it is the really truly American bird. "Thunder in the Fall So winter at all."' Bnt don't you believe it. —Eleven hundred turkeys were shrp ped from the IlarrUrille creamery to the Pittsburg markets this week. - The Tigers of Pittsburg play bask et ball with the Y. M C. A Juniors in the gymnasium this evening. —The Bntler football team is playing at Vorotia today. Two weeks ago the Veronas played a tie game here. - There is one thing on which the women folk all agree, that the man's overcoat will do jnst as well as not for another winter. Saturday, December Bth, the Butler Business College football team goes to Prospect to line up against the Wad dell town liraves. —Our merchants have been stocking up with holiday g<y>ds some of which will find their *ay into Ht4>ckin!(s on the night of Dec. 34th. —After the electric storm and down pour of last Thursday night,the Weath er man will have some trouble astonish ing the people of this latitude. - Some slight changes haye been made in the West Penn time table: and the local has again been put on the B. It & P. between Butler and Dußois. .lost at present your presence jn a jewelry or toy store indicates a lookout for presents, which in due conrse of time will be presented to your friends. , -The ltentfrow Opera Co. is holding forth in Butler, this week, and playing to crowded houses. They are a very nice set of people and put up a good show. —Next Sunday, Dec. 2d, the B. P. O. E., of Butler, will hold their annual "Lodge of sorrow," in the Park Theatre at 2:90 p. in. The members will meet at their hall at 1:510. The public is in vited. A plnggjjd ttp aewet H<x» led th<) bMetn«ntof the High School building on McKean itreet, with three feet of water, and workmen atarted to dig ap the w wer at thro* o'clock Monday morning. About- four milli in buxlieln of coal in hoalH were atarted down the Ohio river during the pant few daya, the hen vy r»in» making a "18-foot atagc" ;it the I)avi* Mand dam, while on the np per W;iter« of the Allegheny and HUH qnehanna million* of feet of lumber were started to market. The farmer* National IJHilk given farther evidence of aolidity and proa perity by pnrchaaln# the bnilding they no •» oecupy from the Younkini broth er« Tie; deal waa completed tliin we<k. and the bank'a -tatemeiit, next we< k, will ahow that they are getting it fair ahaieol the buninepM of the town As a great riumU-r of persons mail drop letters with a one cent stamp, not knowing that it requires a two cent stamp at a free delivery office, we pub llsh the postal rate from Postal Guide "On drop letters' two cents an ounce or fraction thereof when mailed at letter carrier |iostofflce, and one cent for each ounce or fraction thereof atofiWs where free delivery by carrier is net establish ed Three piec | r „„ a , |; rowa Co's Iwfi Beds at $3.50, $4,00 and up Brass knobs on all. Said the teacher to the grammar class To which our boys belong: "Tue horse and cow is in the fieid. Sow what in that is wrong 1 : ' "The cow and horse is in the field. Spake one in manners versed: ; "Because, yon kn->w. 'tis more polite To mention ladies first. —The marriasre license business is booming. —Some new announcements for J. P. : this week. | —Florist Knt displays some hand j some mnms. —The West i-nnbnry Gas Co. is drill ing on the Ambrose Patterson in Clay township. —A Chicago man named Phillips has cornered the corn market, and corn is quoted at 50 cents. —China has a pig tail or two, but those foreign minister- are somewhat on tht hog themselves. —The boys printed this paper last night, slept till noon today, and have been gobbling turkey ever since. Pape Bros., jewelers, have stocked] up for the holiday trade, with a beauti- j ful line of jewelry and silverware. - We are requested to -tat-- that th-- rumored marriage of a certain young grocerj- clerk is incorrect, but is to oc cur later. It was supposed to have oc cured election day when the young man went home to Prospect to vote, and on his return t'> Butler his friends sere naded him. —Almost ever}- Christmas season our dealers run out of Ijoys sleds, and thus some of the boys who had been promised sled- are disappointed. Mrs. Pape has secured a iarge stock of all-steel sleds for this Xmas season and is booking Orders and putting th<- sleds away fcr the night before Christmas. Now is the time to secure one and while in the store you will see i h<- finest display of dolls in the town. The rain of last week gave this section of th<- world's surface a greatly needed washing off, and filled up the springs and wells;bnt on lan other hand it flooded towns and cities, threw some men out of work and caused some rail road accidents. Part of Allegheny City was flooded, Monday, and Spang. Chalfant <fc Co's mill at Sharpsbury had to close. There were twenty-four feet of water in the river. —At noon Tuesday there were 27 feet of water in the Allegheny at the .Sixth street bridge, and 28 feet in the Monon, at foot of Market, and then they began failing During the flood the I'. &W. used the West Penn station. A 35,000 barrel iron tank came down the Monon. and lodged against the Panhandle bridge, and the railroad people had a great time sinking it, so as to save the bridge. The flood undermined the R R. track below Beaver, on the Ohio, and caused the Cleveland Fly*-r to plunge int j th - river, whereby one man was drowned and one badly woutyled. / The tendency of people to make S Jus- of the advertising columns of f C newspaper* is result of tVie pro- J f of civilization. Even the) / woman wiio want- a rervant no j 3 longer hangs over the back fence f V to as 1: the hon-emaid next <loor to J i find one for her, but advertises 1 S her need. The time is comingS £ when a business establishment of > any kind that shall not consider ✓ } the convenience of the public v enough to use the advert! ,-.. : ng col- • C inJiin of newspapers will Is: re- 3 / garded as belonging to the old C J horse-ear period. Ex. r Hotel Change* Ilatols. W'• are told that, the Kteim House has changed hands, a Mr. Win Mitchell, of Butler, having purchased the same. A* w- have is-en usable to see either Mr. Hteim or Mr. Mitchell we are una ble to state whether it includes the real estate or just the good will, license, fur nishing* arid stock on hand, but more than likely the latter is the case. We are sorry to lose Mr. Hteim as a hotel lceejier, as he conducted a model hotel and was a credit to the profession, a 1 the same time we extend our best wishes to Mr. Mitchell. Kittanning Press. Storm Notes. At Bakerstowri a derrick belonging to Ketterer &Co of Butler fell over a tank and broke it and 300 barrels of oil ran to waste. At Wellsbnrg, near Wheeling, some boys fished a glycerine can out ol the flooded river and threw it on a bon lire they had made of drift, wood. The ex plosion that followed killed four and fatally injured two others. Hospital Donations. It is hoped the farmers of Butler county will not forget tb<- Hospital Do nation Day. Any donations they may wish to give can be left at J. <i &, W Campbell's hardware store with the j donor's name attached, and the same will be promptly delivered at the I low pita! Wagons will call on streets in town during the following hours; '.All streets running east and west from Pearl to Mifflin and Broad, !»to 11 Washington, Chestnut and Bluff, from I to 'i p. m. 1-1 in. Franklin and ClifT and Monroe streets, from I to 2 p. m. Cunningham street from to 10 a. m. (Quarry street Water street to Htemui's Brickyard. Pillow and Sew Castle streets, from !». to 10 a. rn. The island from 10 to II a. ni. Goucherville from !i to 10 a, m. Mifllin and ,'iefTerson streets, from Ito 3 p. lit. Duffytown except New Castle street, from I to 2 p. m. Main, Diamond and Wayne streets, from !» to 10 a. m. McKean street from 9:80 to II a. m. Iriststute li ill from M to \) a. in. Sprlngdahi from it to II a, m. As the w;;gons for this purpose are kindly loam* I by our business men, it is ho[>ed each and i-vry one will have their donation- ready promptly at the first hour named for' their street. Let. each package Is-, plainly marked with name of donor and placed on porch or Steps in full view of those on the wag oris I.eltcr I«» Campbell A '.'Vmpl«*toii, Butler, Pa. Dear 'sirs There are two sorts of furniture. You know bot'n;for you mil '<ita both One r,rt look • better than it i" and the other is better than it looks. Tin-re hui't any other sort The same, two • irt*- of paint,no mure, and vrr make etn both we make o! stuff that i nt worth ,t» freight T#c lonics t ) the buslne..- have to. lielongs toyonr bus.ni s you have to. But this is aside. We put into cans, with our name on, the very best paint there is in the world: Dcvoe lead and zinc It )■, twice as good as lead and oil lasts twice a long And we take the, risk of i! there isn't any risk. Yours truly, F. \V DEVDK &Co We now have a full line of Mouldings and Sheet Pictures foi Holiday trade. , Bring your Pictures very *oou and get prompt attention; neat work guaranteed. Hce Brown & Co. PEIISO-VAL. Mr?. L. G. Linn is visiting friends in Butler. Henry Roenigk of Winfield twp. was in town, Thursday. Ed. Geshwind of Thiel college is home on Thanksgiving vacation. Attorney Galbreath attended to legal business in Kittanning, Monday. Harrv Fleming of Buffalo attended to some business in Bntler, Thursday. D. P. Kelly and Fred Garner of Parker township were in town.Monday. Mrs. Denholm of Wilkinsburg is the gu«r-t of her sister. Mrs Herb. Harper. Jamefc Sutton of Evans City visited friends in Baena Vista and Butler, last week. Jos Darling of Chicora has been arranted a patent for a new electric motor. W S. Moore and daughter of Muddy creek twp. visited friends in Butler. Friday. Miss Ste'la Pape's dancing school will give a reception in Armory Hall, this evening. E. E. Taylor lately moved to Butler from West Virg'nia and is living on West street. Hon. J. B. SLowaiter, M. C., left for Washinfton, Tuesday. Congress meets nest Monday. Katharine Hepner. of 121 First street, this city, drew a *1 prize in the Gaz-tte vote tuessing contest. J. Q. A Sullivan. Esq., at the 'Cen tral,' wishes to employ some choppers and teamsters. See bills. Howard Keily of Prospect dfopped in to see us, Friday. He intends leaving Prospect and is looking for a location. J. S. Murtland was on the jury last week, and stopped in Butler with his daughter, .Mrs J. E Brown, of Dunbar street. Francis Byers of Ma«;ic served ou the jnry ia.-t week and when through v.sit ed his sister. Mrs. Mary A. Turner, at Renfrew. A. J. of Great Belt Las none to the Muller farm near Brimstone Corners in Allegheny county to pump for Thomas W. Phillips. James Boggs of Evans City was in Butler, yesterday, canvassing for a new religious wceklv, published at Oakland, Cal. Rev. Thomas Ralph and wife of St. Clairville, Ohio, have been visiting his brother, druggist J. F. Balph. Rev. lialph delivered an excellent sermon from the pulpit of the U. P. church Sunday evening. Miss Lotta B. White presided at one of the C. E. sunrise prayer meetings in Philadelphia, last week, and Rev. Clms. M. Sheldon, auther of 'in His Steps" presided at one of the afternoon con ferences. The convention was a great success. Oom Paul arrived in Marselles last Thursday and received a great ovation, and made a speech Icriticizing the won duct of the war by the English. He was received as a foreign monarch in Paris, Saturday, and sympathy for him and his cause seems to prevade con tinental K.irope. Tli'- First Ward llo.se Co. gave a re ception to Mjr. and Mrs. tJeorge N. Burekhalter in th" company rooms above J. X. Patterson's ►tore, Wednes day evening. The bride and groom re ceived a pre-ent of a tine rocking chair. Monday night, about one hundred lady and gentleman friends gave them a great serenade at the King residence Andrew Carnegie is doing more to earn the gratitude of his contemporaries and to endear hia memory to posterity, than any other living millionaire, lit is also doing more to soften the pre judices of the people in general against the accumulation of colossal fortunes than perhaps any man who ever lived. Every millionaire owes Carnegie :t debt of gratitude for helping to make great wealth respectable, and teaching them the responsibilities they owe to man kind. The millionaire who thinks only of himself, whoee sole object in pos sessing great wealth is to have it, and who never thinks of the good he may ac complish with it, is only a vulgar snob or a contemptible miser. Ex. V. >l. \. Notes. Basket ball Thursday evening, 8:30 o'clock. Tigers of Pittsburg and Juniors of Butler. Admission 15 and 35 cents. Contest for members closes Nov. 30 Membership banquet at dose of contest. All members invited. New one-, too. The ithisca Concert Company I)ec. flth. Tickets may be had at Y. M. C. A. The Sunday Gospel Meeting 1 p. m. t W. l>. Brandon leadsit. All men will be made welcome. Good singing and good fellowship, Christ bin Kn «ica\ or. We have every reason to thank Cod for what. IIHS lieen done; but as we 10-.k forward we can see much to do. Tie work of Christian Endeavor has only just begun. In a few weeks the new century will be here. It will come with wonderful opportunities to the, host of Christian Endeavorers, and these opportunities bring grave respon sibiliti'-H Are we preparing ourselves to meet them? liy way of preparing for thin work I would advise that C. E. rallies be helrl as soori as possible, wherever con venieut, throughout the county, awl then when the new century dawns. let the Endeavorers heartily co-oj»erate with their paators in holding evangel istie services for ten days or two weeks; that there lie a unit' <1 effort, on the part of the young |»eople. But before yon undertake these plans secure the aj» pr /val of your pastor. (Jod has wonder ful blessings for tin but we must clairn them. Fellow Endeavorers, let UM arim> to our opportunities, let UM ritit onr gospel armour on and battle for truth an«l righteousness. Hev. .1 W. ItoMK u. Pre* liutler Co. C. E. Union. MarketH. Wheat, oW, wholesale price 70 Wheat, new, " ........ 07 Bye. " ....... 45 Oats, '• 2« Corn, " 4<l buckwheat " 55 Hay, " 15 (X) Eggs, " 20 Butter, " 18 20 Potatoes, new *' 40 Onions, per bu »J0 Beets, per bn 40 Apples, per bn 00-no Cabbage, per lb 01 Chickens, dressed 10 Turkey, " 1!{ Parsnips, per bn 40 Turnips..... :J0 Klnc and Grinding maki- I>cvoc J.ead and Zinc I'alnt wear twice as long as lead ami oil mixed by hand. HOLIDAY GOODS. Once more I will ask my patrons, to call and we it fine Line of Oood,. suit, able for Christmas Oifts consisting of genuine Ebony, with sterling silver trimmings, Leather travlirn: manicure sets, Diamonds Watches, Clocks and Sterling Mllver, in many styles; Utopian Fine Art Ware, and a Hue assortment of Imported Va: '•«. • tc. I will not try to compete with cheap, inferior good"; for you can depend upon it that all ''heap goods, sold at low prices, are not worth a cent more than you pay for them. I will guarantee every article, bought at hjv store, to give entire .it.i faction lor the price. Kcsjiectfullv yours, f> L CLfc ELAND, Jeweler, Optician and Watch Inspector, for I! It Ac P. It. It v., P. B. «c L E Ity., and P. «t W. Ity. Brown & Co, have some very useful Xmas prene|jts. flow about a ' wing Machine at a aving of *lO to sis to you? 'i<it;i "Htreit Morris Chair'* ut Brown i & Co.'s. LEGAL NEWS. TRIAL LIST. In the assumpsit case of Robert R. Bei-rs vs W. A McCormick. of Mars, agent for Susan McCormick, a verdict of £l4O for the plaintiff was given by agreement. The case of Bell Dambach. adin's C. T A. vs Adelia Petfer. ex'x of F. S. Dambach. resulted in the parties agree ing to the jurv giving the plaintiff a verdict for £IOOO. The suit grew out of a misunderstanding in settling np the estate of F. S. Dambach. In the Hespenhide vs Kennt-dy heirs ejectment suit the facts were admitted and a stated case made for the opinion of the court. The circumstances of the case are as follows: In 1871 Thomas Kennedy, of Adams township, made a will in which he gave to the children of his two sons, John and Alexander, with cross remain ders, 191 acres. Alexander died with out issue and John had several children, now living. In li<7> Mr Kennedy made out deeds to both his sons for this prop erty, but placed the deeds in a bureau in his" room. keeping them under lock. He told a friend that his children could have nothing of his in their own name while he lived, and he intended to hand out the deeds on his deathbed. This he failed to do, however, and when he died, in 1878, the sons secured the deeds, and ignorant of the law. thought the property theirs. The deeds were recorded and the will was filed Thus affairs stood for 20 years. John ljecame surety for friends and was so heavily involved that he could not meet his obligations. The friends refused to pay. The land was levied on and sold by the sheriff to J. R. Hespen heide, J. C. Hill and W. H. Blakelv The question then arose as to what the wiil gave the children of John Kennedy. Advice of counsel demonstrated that the land did not Ijelong to John, but the rrandchilren. If the deed had passed luring the iife of the elder Kennedy the children would have had nothing. They refused to give up the land and the owners of the sheriff's deed brought -nit in ejectment. The case has no parallel. NEW SUITS. Lyman ('. Dodda vs B. R & P Rail road Co . trespass for *SOOO damages. The statement avers that Dodds pur chased a ticket from Allegheny to But ler and return, September 4th, and two days later as he was attempting to ix nd a train at Butler for Allegheny, the conductor came out on the platform and kicked him over the heart, knock ing him off the train. Mr. Dodds is a son of Ebenezer Dodds, deceased, of Conroquenesaing twp., and lives in Beaver Co. Hiram Christy vs Chas. Daugherty. appeal from judgment of rendered by J F. McCoy, J P. Abraham Ziegler vs the P. & W. rail road an'J T. M. King and John K. Cowan, receivers, assumpsit for *SOOO damages. The statement sets forth that the railroad, by deed dated July 16, ls!»7, agreed to abandon back to Ziegler their old roadbed on his land near Har mony after the completion of their new line, also to make him crossings and wall up a certain spring. It then states that the railroad has not abandoned the old track, but uses it for a switch and Ziegler is deprived of the use of a strip of land 00 feet wide and 2000 feet long between the tracks. The Phillips Gas Co. has petitioned for leave to file a bond for securing right of eminent domain and maintain ing a gas line over the lands of G B. M. Haverstraw in Winfield twp. The parties being unable to agree as to dam ages. Newcastle Grocery Co., successors to Marring & Howe Co. vs H B. and Mrs. Maggie McKinney, appeal by pif from jugment of C. E. Anderson, J. P., in a suit for a claim of NOTES. William E. Ferry has been held for court on a charge of f&b, preferred by Mazie McCollough. C. 11. Vaughn has been jailed for violating the boarding house act. Lee Alexander has been held for trial on a charge of conspiracy entered by (ieo. Neyrnan, who alleges that Alex ander with others conspired to cheat him out of his pay, sl2 tor painting a sign on the defunct pickle factory. William Kennedy, attempted to eject Pres. Brewster from Kennedy's livery stable Friday evening. The two men struggled together and Bnwster drew a penknife and cut Kennedy severely in the left hand. Kennedy went to Dr. Bticker and had the woupd dre-sed and then made information before Esq. Gilghrittt against Brewster and the latter was held for court for cutting with intent to kill. Harry f'rookshanks has been held for trial for desertion on complaint of Thos. Ekas. The will of llngh Shaw of Harrisville has been probated and let tern granted to Homer J. Hose and and Hui<b 11 Gil more. Letters of administration have Vieen (Cranted to Kli/. tbeth K Nolf on the es tab; of Parker Nolf, late of Buffalo twp. An opinion and order has been filed revoking the -order directing the lbs triet. Attorney to bring an indictment of adultery against Harlan Look, of Franklin tp., and setting aside that part of the verdict of the transverse jury at the Lafayette Hmgli'ss trial last May, which put the costs on Harlau llook and wife, as the real prosecutors PKOPKKTV TKANHKKIIH. Catherine Miller to Matthew Wil liams lot in Mars for $1075. Harvey If Boyd to Chas ('. Dickey I I'i acres in Donegal twp. for ijfl Geo Leidecker to P. l!. & L. K. rail road lot in liiitler for SSOO. North Hide Cemet<;ry Assn of Untler t<» Addison Miller lot for (ieo. Fisher to Geo. Vanßoten lot in Butler for $7150. Mary A, Wilson to K. L. McCleary lot in Franklin for i^i'Mi. P. C'. Hell to L. H. Brown and othetH lease and two wells in Concord for Maria J. Gardner to Butler Producing <!ti. acres in Parker for $41)0. W. 1> Brandon, ex'r to Peter Glace lot in Bntler for SOOO. .John Feißel U> W. H Lark in lots in Butler for sl. Hummit t.wj>. Hch'sd I>ist. to Christian Miclial lot for sr>o.$ r >o. Win Kichenlanb to C. Michael lot for SIOO John M Miller to Anna K Cheers lot in Butler for slotio. Margt Gnepner to Fidelity T. AT. Co. lots iii Allegheny Co for if I Ha nine I Heaton U> Kli Vanderlln lo res in VenanK" for if 100 John Vimderlin to Kli Vanderlln same for $ 1. Marring*? MITHHISK. John P. Merry Petrolia AI lie J. Given " Iterio Wilhelm Conneaut, (J Ht»dla Anderson Hummit twp James 11. Dodds Prospect Margaret A. Palmer " itobert C. Thompson '/' lay twp Anna Dickey Worth twp J. Frank Dipner Fenelt/m Ella Minteer Wort lit iigton Arthur I man Gallery Tillie Winner Evans City Evelyn C. Smith ....Pittsburg Matilda Iteilier " (trrie N. Young Forward twp Flora Blanche Covert. . Jackson twp Charles Dean Butler Mvi 1 1'- • kwiut g'" Theodore (; »|M:bm<l . Wn '-hiugton I' ' Itosamia l.nima Austin ftaleigh. N. C 1.. It. Johnston Mercer twp. Margaret E. Hogg Cherry twp. Franft E. Hloan Kan Claire Jennie (!ollingwoo'l f Minbinville At Piltshurg. .1 C. Hlonaker of Murk el and Margaret Ewart of ISutlcr. Bargains in organs to quick buycis, to close out stock 1 Piano case organ retails $l4O, sale price S9O cash. 5 six octave parlor case org. retail $125. sale price S7O cash, These organs are all new and fully warranted. W R. NEWTON, : 317 South Main St., Butler, Pa. School Notes. The Junior class of Grove City college have elected the following officers Pre-- dent. Albert B. Chesbro, Petrolia; vice president, Mary Butts, Natrona: secre tary. Alice Butts, Natrona: treasurer. G. L. Swank. Butler. Additional answers to the petition of the school directors of Lower Providence township, Montgomery county, for a mandamus to compel t'ae State author ities to pay the district the share of the school appropriation on the basis of $5,500 000 annually instead of £5.000.000 as fix< dby Gov. Stone, were filed last Thursday by State Treasurer Barnett and Superintendent of Public In-<trne tion Schaeffer- The answers allege that the district has been paid $1,500. which is more t'aau it is entitled to receive for the current school year, and that, therefore the respondents cannot be mandamused to perform a duty which they have al ready performed. The district is en titled to receive £1,415 25 on the basis of £5,500,000, while its share under the reduction made by the Governor is £1,295,69. OIL NOTES. THE MARKET Both agencies ad vanced two jxlints, Tuesday, and the price was £1:07, and yesterday it was the same. There is no market today. CONCORD TWP—Bnrke & Cos well on the Jauies Sutton near the eastern edge of Concord twp. was completed last week, and was thought to be good for sor i> barrels. There are about ten producers on Mr. Sutton's old place. MAGIC—J. H Byers has a 25 barrel well on his own term and is drilling three more. Hoch Bros, have a good well on the Lew Sutton close to the Byers. Nichols & McGill are drilling on the Clark Stonghton farm with the expecta tion of stopping in the gas sand,but if the pressure there is not satisfactory they will go to the lower sands for oil. BRI IX—The well Steel Bros, drilled to the Speec'nley sand on the Fleming farm showed little oil, but is a strong gasser. The South Penn test well on the John Copley, 1400 feet north of the big Copley well in Lewis Co., W. Va.. is only a 25 barrel producer, a big dis ajipointment. Sick People. John Grant, formerly of Harmony, underwent an operation at a hospital in ParkersburK. W. Va., on the 10th for a fracture of the skull sustained eighteen years ago. Joseph Barger has the typhoid fever, and Sammie Wallace, Ethel Summers, and Nettie and Gannie Miller are sick with a disease supposed by some to be jaundice at Sherwin coal mines. Football Last Friday the football team went to Franklin and were defeated 1) to oin a lively game. Robt. Ritchey, Harry McPherson, Fred. Weigand and Ed. Waddell played football at Parker, Saturday, for Parker against Kittanning. The latter won 5 to 0. Rube went to Kittanning after the game, and kicked up a big row on the train en route. Emmet at W. Sunbury. The celebrate'! Indian orator, H H Emmett, who will lecture in Academy Hall, W. Sunbury, on next Tuesday evening, Dec. 4th. promises that his lec ture on "Somebody's Business," will be first class in every respect. It is in structive and at the same time it abounds in wit and humor. In these qualities Mr. Emmett is par-excellent. The lecture will be one to be enjoyed by all. A Great Poultry Show. The Meadville Poultry Fanciers' have completed arrangements for the third annual show of that club, to bo held at Meadville, Pa., Dec. 10 to 14, J9OO. Among the attractions in the way of an advertisement will lie a threy day fox chase with a liberal prize for the winning dogs. Already have one of the finest and largest fox ever seen in this vicinity. A grand special of $35.00 is offered for the fiye largest exhibits and slls is divided up among different classes, and all told there are over 22ft specials. No strings on them. Premium money will be paid on or before the last day of the show. Premium list is now ready and can be had by dropping a card to H. L. 'Lamb, Sec y., Cambridge Springs, Pa. Greenert Farm for Sale A nice level farm of 60 acres, at Jef f arson Centre, a small village with store, school and church, 2 miles from station and '1 fiom Butler; 2 producing oil wells, 2 orchards and buildings there on; all tillable except '1 acres of timber. For terms inquire of MllS. CATHAJtINK GICKKNKItT, 24 Garfield Ave., Butler, Pa. Farm for Sale or Rent. • The John Reffer farm in Cranberry twp., 120 acres, 20 acres in large oak timber, balance tillable and in good condition. 20 acres in first class bearing orchard, eight roomed frame house, large frame barn, easy access to good markets, well watered, underlaid with coal, no oil lease, will be sold or rented cheap. Address C. F HTJNTEK, 2!) th and Liberty Sts.. Pittsburg, Pa. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his farm of eighty four'Hl) acres, located in Brady township, one mile north of Isle P. <)., on the Franklin road, for sale. It is partly cleared and partly covered with timber; about 40 acres are underlaid with coal I offer also 25 acres in same two., i mile from Stone House and one mile from Ilallston Station on P. B. & L K, It. K. with some fine timber and fruit, and a coal mine ojiened thereon Address, I) K. GUAIIAM. liox I I. Isle, Pa. Plumbing in the Country. Plumbing in your country homes can be done just as well «'» in lUitler by put - tin>; in a Ilider Hot Air Kngitie in your cellar to pumo the wsiter into a Gal van i zee Iron Tank in the Attic. Have jilenty of hot and cold water for your bath room, sink and lawn. Good fire protec tion. We have put eixhtof these pumps in Butler; they make no noise; use very little gas; no wear and tear; nothing to get out or order. Would be pleased to show you these pumps working. Ulti mate* furnished. Come and see our show room, finest line of plumbing H o '"''' in the city; all connected up .is you like to see them. Anything new we have it. Gas stove, >;as fixturs, pipes, anything you need at WiiiTKM ILL'S, The Plumlier. Next to County National Hank. Hutler, Pa. 'I'll«• Meiiliiianl Air l.ini- Kullwsi.v "I'lorldit mill Weal India Short Line," Is l'ositiVel> Hie Slioi°l:*s|. ICollte to SllVilllllHll, .IlK'liMOll \ 111 <-, lumpu UIKI All I'lorlilit CoilltH. Double daily service and through I*llll in'ill drawing room and buffet sleep iiiK eiijn Irom New York, I'hiladelphia, lialtiniTire. Wawliinnloii and Hiehuioiid. 1 Hound trip winter tourist excursion tii ketaare now on sale at all principal points to .1 neksv Tampa and all Florida points. Trains arrive and de part, at Pennsylvania Km I rood stations. For further information call on or ad dress W C, Hhoemaker, General Kast ! ern I'assenifer A Ken 1., 1 ',;o<i P,roadway. New York; C. L. New Miij( land Passenger Aicnt, <WMi WashniKtou street, lloston. Mass., W. M McCouneU, General Agent, l liil New York avenue. Washin«toii, I' C., or the General I'ns sender AKentat Portsmouth, Va K H i JOHN. 1> H. A I,LION, V I*. & G M. Gen. Pass. A^t- Full! Yoti l«;t we're rull. Haven't any standliiK room even. Drop In at lljil North Main street and see for youi self. Music scholar* wauted at i/H Wc» i Wayne St. CLIUKCIi NOTES Dr. R. IT. Ferguson will make the opening address at the Svnodical Sun day School Convention to be held in the United Presbyterian church on Tues day and Wednesday. December 11th and 12th. A meeting of the Young People's Christian Temperance Union was held iu the U. P. church. Monday evening. An address was made bv Rev. J. S ilc Kee and remarks by Revs. Harnish and Prugh. A committee on nominations was appointed to secure a successor to Pres. J. G. Runkle and select a treas urer. Another meeting will be held at same hour and place next Monday even ing. The Com. appointed for pose have arranged the following pro gram: Singing: prayer; address by Kev Worrell: solo by Prof Stratton: paper by Miss Ella Purvis, "The Young Woman's Influence for Temperance"; singing: report of nominating Com. Eyery one interested in the work, especially young people, cordial! y in vited. The Ministerial Association will meet iu the Y. M. C. A. parlors on Monday, Dec. 3, at 2 p.m. Dr. E. S. White will lead in the discussion of the tcpic, "The Preparation of a Sermon.'' Two Sundays ago Rev. McKee preach ed a sermon roundly scoring vice and vicious practitioners in Butler. During the sermon be told of a loosely conduct ed drinking club (which is said to be located on the South Side) and also told of two men and two girls who were found drunk out along one of the rail roads, that the party remained lying in the woads all night, and the next day the father of one of the girls, a farmer living near Butler, came to town, found his daughter lying there helplessly drunk, and took her home. Now it is "learned that two days later this same girl was back in Butler drinking ill the club room exposed by the minister, that sue was taken ill, removed to her home and died on the very day that the sermon was preached, a victim of drink and exposure. Will anv conscientious citi zen say the preacher was not justified in talking plainly? A preacher in Southern Missouri,after having announced that he would preach the following Sunday ou "Hell and Who Will Go There," received several letters from parishoners threatening dire veil finance in case he dared to make use of their names. \( ( II HINTS. Xeal Strawick ot the Island had two bones of his right hand broken in a fighj with Grove City College students at that place, Saturday, Nov. 17. He did not discover the seriousness of the in jury until a week later, when he had the hand dressed by a physician. Stra wick says the students attacked him and his brother Will who were working at Grove City. Wm. Daugherty, a brakeman on the Bessie, fell between the cars at Branch ton a few days ago, had one arui cut off and was badly bruised. He was taken to the Mercer Hospital, where he died last thursday. Mrs. Orr of Bruin fell and dislocated her shoulder, and broke her collar-bone and two ribs lately. One of Dr. Bricker's team of Star Pointer colts slipped and fell at the cor ner of Main and Jefferson Streets, yes terday afternoon. The pole broke and the other horse fell on top of the horse that was down. Then a crowd wither ed around and held the horses till the harness was loosed. Telegraph operator Frank Walker ran into a plumb tree's branch while go iiiK from bis father's house to his own on Fairview Ave. during the storm Sun day evening and received a long, pain ful gash under the left eye. I'A UK THKATKi:. N EXT DOOR DEC. Oth. Lovers of music, pantomimic and scenic effects will have a treat in the production of "Next Door," which will open at the Park Theatre, on Dec. ">th. This species of entertainment, especially the trick property part of it, has an abiding hold upon theatergoers of high and low degree, and helps to prove the assertion that we are all children when the appropriate moment comes around. Grand Opera House, I'ittsbuig. Commencing Monday, Deeemlier ilrd, the Grand stock company will be seen for one week only in that brightest and best of comedies, "The Man From Mexico." This will be put on with all the sujierb stage equipment of the Grand Opera House, which by its excellent company and expensive productions of the very best plays in the country has made Pittsburg first among the cities of the country in the matter of stock companies. THE PITTS 11UK0 ORCHESTRA. The Pittsburg Orchestra, Victor Herls-rt conductor, will give the fifth set of concerts this season in Carnegie Mucic Hall next Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. The program this, week contains some exquisite music' from ' The Meistersinger", the prelude to Act :i and the "Dance of the Appren tices and Procession of the Mastersing era", then there are two Hungarian dan(*:s by Brahms; these dances are based on melodies of the Slavic race and are very beautiful and effective. The symphony is Beethoven's "Heroic". I'ersttiiiilly-Coiiilnet«'<l Tours via IViinsy I villi ill I tii i I roiwl. The Pennsylvania Uailroad Company announces the following Personally Conducted Tours for the season of 1900- 11)01 : California A thirty five-day tour will leave New York, Philadelphia, Harris burg and Pittsburg February 11 The party will travel over the entire rotite by tln? "Golden Gate Special," the finest train that crosses the continent. Florida. Three tours to Jacksonville will leave New York and Philadelphia February 5 and 111. ami March sth. The first two of these admit of aitojonrn of two weeks in the "Flowery State." Tickets for the third tonr will be good to return by regular trains until .May 81, 1901. Tickets for the above tours will be Mold from all principal points on the Pennsylvania Railroad. For detailed itineraries, giving rates and full infor mation, address Thos. E Watt, I'assen ger Western District, Pittsburg. ■excursion to Allegheny. Commencing Hunday, May Oth. the .Sunday excursion fare from Butler to Allegheny will be one dollar for tickets «o<id going on train leaving llutler at 8.00 a. in , (Jitv time, returning on train MVißft Allegheny at 1,10 p. in. dtf line. Important (hiuiKcn of Time on It. It. A I'. By. Accommodation trains !•' and J4 which were withdrawn November llth will Im placed in service again Monday next November 'JOth, I IKK) to run between Dußols ami Butler. Will make direct eomiection at Butler with I'. Ar W. trains to and from Allegheny Train Ml will arrive ar liutler 11:45 A. M. Train I I will leave liutler at 5 O.'i I' M. Eastern Time. " WANTi;i> to Ixirrow $15500.00 on property first class, value SOIOOO.OO Ixt'oonit and mortgage Property Increae ing in value eyery month. " ADDRE«M It C JOHNSTON. VIl Mc('llntoek Ave., Alhtghcny, I'd IJrown iV. (Id'S in the place to get your llolidny Furniture FOK SALIC Sixty live hives of Italian bees, Cheap for cash Address II C. GUAIIAM, liox 14, Isle, I'u. Ladles Writing I'esks in quartered oak $•) and up. See ISrown & Co. Nice line of Folding Beds at IJrown He ('o 's Hee them. Parties wishing to purchase or Mill oil properties, farms, city residences or real estate of any kind, should call upon Will. Walker,in Krtterrr's b'd'g,opposite I", <l. Butler I'a. Peoples Phone No. 174. WANTUU to borrow slH,o*io on first ■ hiss properly.first liond and mortgage, 5 per cent , address It. C. JOHNSTON, llill McClintoek Ave., Allegheny. I'a \ Beauty's > \ Refuge, j / The finer or more del- ' 1 icate your complexion, ( \ the more it will sufler from ? / the weather for several X ? months now. Just a little C x lack or a little excess of \ C mositure in the atmosphere C j and chapping will result, v S Those who care little for C f beauty at least care for ? J comfort, and there is com- ) 1 fort in a smooth, soft skin. C C ROSE LEAF JELLY } /' Keeps the skin like velvet. / / We make it. It is harm- / / less as dew. We do not S € > believe the skin can pos- \ i sibly chap where it is used \ ( properly, or stay chapped C / after it is applied. ( ? PRICE 25 CENTS ) > C. N. BOYD. •> ? Pharmacist, Butler. Pa. ? LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ADM INISTRATOR'^NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Mrs M. J. Knause, dee'd., late of Summit twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to MRS. EMMA O'DONNELL, lix'x., Carbon Centre, Pa. GEO. R. WHITE. Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth McCandless, dee'd., late of Adams township, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the under signed, all person knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make 'inmediate payment, and anv knowing themselves indebted to said estate will oresent them duly authenticated for settlement to J. F. SHANNON, Ex'r., Callery, Pa. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Estate of Perry J. Brown, late of Sum mit township, Butler county. Pa., dee'd. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above, mentioned estate, notice is hereby given *.o all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authen ticated for settlement to CLARA B. BROWN, Administratrix, FHANK H. MURPHY, Butler, Pa. Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Wherea? letters of adminstration have this day been duly granted by the Regis ter of Butler Co., I'a., to Oscar Keister on the estate of Paul Keister, late of Slipperyrock township, said county and State, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make speedy payment, mid those having claims against said estate will please present them properly authen ticated for settlement to OSCAR KKISTKR, Aug. 3, 1900. Administrator, Keister P. 0,, Butler Co., Pa. K. MCJUNKIN, Att'y for Adtn'r and estate. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Simon Ba rick man, dec'<l., late of But ler township, Butler county, I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to MRS. 8K1.1.K C. BARICKMAN, Adin'x., * Butler, Pa. MATHS & YOUNG, Attorneys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Let tern of administration on the estate of William J. Cleland, dee'd., late of Muddycrcek township, Butler county, I'a., having been granted to the under signed, all j>ersonN knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will pwsciit them duly authenticated for sett lenient to IKA L. CUOAMD, Adm'r., Wimerton, Pa. COKNHI.IUS & SON, Att'ys. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In purMiiuiH'ii of 1111 order of Nitle tanned to her from t In; < op han't < Jourt of Hutl«r coun ty, th« utiderNlKiiiHl executrix of Henry l>. Alegler, late of MM* lloroiitfh of Harmony, nalil county, doceaMed, will ofTer for wale ut nuhllc outcry, 011 the pn nilH«'H In llartiionv, Hutler county. PH., nt 10 a. in., on Friday, the 30th day of November, igoo, tlm following dencrlhed real i itat«: AIT that certain lot or parcel of land ftltu at"<l In the Itorongh of Harmony, llutler county. I'a , hounded on the north hy M«rc«r HI red . on the east t»y lot of Oil Well Hupuly i ornpany, on the Mouth l»y the I'lttnhurg »v Wen tern itallroad and lot of Mill «• tmiti brother*. and on the went I»v lot* of Mllle rnan Brother*. I*'. M. Mitchell'* heir*. ti. It >wuln and Ira <J«n>pcr. Having a frontage of l*rf» feet, more or le-*n, on Mercer Htre«*t, and having erected thereon a two Htory hrlck dwelling houfte. containing II room*, a two and one half *tory frame Ktore loom in»7». a one *t«irv frame iitore room 1 H,x M, ntalile and other out hiilldlngH. Thin property will HOLD nuhject to the ||ei» of a flint mortgage tin reon upon which there Indue tin* mini of llfteen hundred dol lars and accrued liiteroftt Al«ftO. At 2 p 111., on the name date, on the preni IHCH all that certain lot or parcel of land sit uated In the village of Middle l,anca*ter, Lancaster towiiHhlo. llutler county, I'a., hounded on the north hy lot of John rdeg. on the cant ;»y Me reel ICoad. on the nouth hy lot of .laiiM'N Hcott. and on tie" went hy lot of I nglMi liiit he ran church, containing ahout three fourths of an ace anil havlntf i-recteil thereon a I wo ntorv log dwelling, containing Ml* roonm. a two utory frame hulhllug um d an a puhllc hall and dwelling, a frame harn and other outbuilding*. Thin property will he Hold nuhject to the lien of a llml. mortgage thereon upon which tin-re 1» due tho#um of *l* hundred dollar* and accrueil In to rent. | |:KMH Ml HAM. One third In hand on the confirmation of the *ale hy the 'ourt und the remainder In I wo eijual. annual Install men! ■ with Inlereil from ditto of Mild «'onllr mat ion tn he tecureil hy IMIIKI and mortgage »»n the t»reinln«*n which Khali contain ail at toruey * eornviil*Hloit of II ve percent le cane of collection, or the pur<'ha«er may pay the entire hid In canh at hl» election. I,<M;IHA Kveciitrl % of llenry l>. /.legh r, de«-'d . Nov. I :i. ll*N> llarniony. I'u X/VYAS! Ilnvi' you bt|(Uii to tliitilc of Chrlntmaa? It is not 100 early, for sonic of (he pret H thing* 1 11.111 hi'.' tin^ M-H'ion ur.i now ill my stock. Take tune by the forelock :iiid secure the best things while you can. I'll hojd :S them till you want them. All dealings strictly con fidential, Jjp CAI<Iv H. beiGflN6K, IKWEUKK ANH OPTICIAN. 209 S. Main St. BUTLER PA. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bll lounnesn, Indln.-ntion, Hnnilacho. ■«ay to tokn, omy to operate. 20c. Don t waste your money but Put us on the list for vour next SUIT or OVERCOAT And you will be doing what many other shrewd men have done in the past few days, and you will profit by it. Sensible Business Suits, plainly made, but with good service in every line. Good trimmings and careful finish- just the sort for business purposes, "J The Banner $lO Suit. We've made a record of quality at this season we have done better than ever before. Any man a judge of good values will note the superiority of these over the usual grades. These sjits cannot be duplicated in any store for less than $13.50. Men's Overcoats. Meltons, Keiseys, Coverts and Vicunas-—- made full box and half box back —cut long, short or medium; very stylish finish, and all sizes, #B.OO. Finest Overcoats in Faultless Style. A representative • showing of every fabric in a most extensive choice of style and finish. Many lined throughout with silk-we sell these at the unusual price of #12.50. Suits $5.00 to 22.50. Overcoats $5.00 to 25.00. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. Si More Plain Facts About Good Clothing.^ ■ That concerns all who are buying for their fall and 1 winter needs. M <1 PRICE FACTS that*demonstrate the great super wl iority of this store and its goods. This next month will be a busy one if people compare the advantageous offer- W yl ing we make. Have you seen our new Black Suits in Military cut A YA with padded shoulders and quilted breasts? OVERCOATS. The Raglan is the newest thing. We have them in Oxlords at $12.00, 15.00 and 18.00. >1 ■ THREE PIECE Suits for boy's. We have them 4 H at $4.50, 5.00, 6.50 and 7.50. M Russian Blouse Suits for little folks; they are the very M t'l newest out. Drop in and take a peep at our new goods. r Douthett & Graham. HOSELTON'S - ™= This proves that our methods to give our trade everything that is good and •rustwortliy—stylish and reliable in Footwear—have l>een eminently successful. Huselton's has long been the acknowledged leaders in reliable Footwear. Onr Fall and Winter Stock excel all precedent in all points of quality, variety, style and lowness of price. Women's High Class Footwear. Imported Patent Leathers at fi 50, $3, $3 50 and $4 English Knamel Leathers at $3 and 5° Finest Vici Kids »t $2, S2 50, I 3 and $3 5° Finest Itox Calf at $2, $2 5° an " $3 Finest Ideal Patent Kids at i $2 5° and ®3 Special in Women's Shoes. rine Patent Leathers at $' 5° and Fine black Vici Kid at $1 25. $1 5o and $2 Women's Heavy Shoes, Calf and Kip. Unlined kip and calf at §l, 25 and $1 40 Oil grain, Kangaroo grain and calf at st, $l 25 and $1 50 We Sell the Famous "Queen Quality" Shoes For Women. 15 different styles, all leitliers, all shapes, AA to E. These are finer shoes than outers ask you $3 50. Our price, >3 00. Men's High Class Footwear. Imported patent leatheis at s3> ®3 s°. $4 and English enamel extension Holes at $3 s°> '4 and f5 Vici kid. velour calf at $2, $2 50, $3, $3 50, $4 an ! J5 Hox calf and cordovans at $2, $2 50, $3. $3 5° and $4 Oil Men's, Famers' and Mechanics' Shoes. Kid and oil grain, high cut, bellus tongue, two-»oled and tap, at..si 50, $2 and $2 50 Veal calf, satin calf at &'• t 1 5° f 2 "LONG ROAD TO SCHOOL" SHOES. Jpsncstown high cut, copper tip shoes, In kip, heavy soles, water proof. Bengal calf, oil grain, veal calf, at s'• 2 5 and $1.75 SPECIAL IN GIRLS' SCHOOL SHOES. Neat, stylish shoes of good material and best workmanship, at si, $1 25 and $ 1 40. Sizes 11to 2. My profits are shared with my patrons in the"remarkably low prices at which I place high grade shoes 011 their feet. You can save money enough here to justify coming a long distance. Huselton's is headquarters for all kinds of rubber and felt goods, knit stockings, including Misl'.awaka knit boots and nou-snag rubbers. B. C. HUSELTON, Kutlor'H Leading Hhoo Huuwtv Oypo»it© Hotel Lowry. C. E. 7V\ILLER) shoe e MAN, Makes a Grand Offer to the Trade. A GttEAT REMODELLING SALE. We Must Have Money, We Must Have Room. We arc making a big change in our building. New basement new front, another story and a large addition on the rear. Our large and increasing trade makes it necessary for us to make this change, and to make this change wc need money and room. Our fall goods arc all in and our building is packed from cellar to roof. While we don't prosposc to lose any money on these fresh, seasonable goods, we intend cutting our profits so as to make this large stock move quickly. To our old trade wc just have to say to them, we arc going to close some goods cheap; they know what it means. TO OUR NEW FRIENDS. We wish to say that when we advertise a sale of goods it is genu«'ne and the trade knows it and approves and profits by it. We wish to impress on your minds that just now wc arc having a Cireat Sale of Shoes, just such as you need at this time of the year. Better take advantage of this sale. G. E. MILLER. Panne want your * T dptJO, | Watch and * Jewelers Repairing, j J We also take 1 Watchmakers same as cas^ We are headquarters for Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Silver Novelties, lilark Kbony Goods, etc. We have presents suitable for old and young, lar>/<- and small, mid at prices that will make you glad that you called at | rape's to buy, KverytlHng as rep presented or money refunded. iPAPE'S, 13j South Main Street .-.llutler, P« subscribe for the CITIZEN