Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 08, 1900, Image 2

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    . Publisher
Tuesday & ne day,
noble manhood of ft ll3 great Nation
went to the polls early to once more
save their country By noon a thons-,
and Baker had been marked and
in the boxes of the five wards
Hitler ««'l when the l»ell tolled for
every vote in the town
had been
After supper the kids made a fearful
din with their .horns, and crowds of
men swayed in and ont of the head
quarters. eager for news, bnt when it
became known that the Democratic
plurality, in New York City, was small
and that the state was surely Repub
lican, many went home contented to
wait till morning for the news.
Bryan's plnrality in the city is but 30.
000. and McKinley's in the state about
The states that will cast their elect
oral votes for McKinley and Roose*elt
this year are;
California jj
Connecticut ®
Dele ware ®
Kansas 8
Maine M
Minnesotta „
Nebraska ?
New Hampshire *
New Jersey }*
New York 3 ®
North Dakota ,
Oregon *
Rhode Island ;
South Dakota f
Utah I
Vermont t
Washington jj
West Virginia ®
Total 293
And those for Bryan and Stevenson
Arkansas ■
Colorado "*
Florida ..., *
Idaho. '
Kentucky 'jj 1
L< >ll i.sauna
Montana ''
North Carolina... **
Nevada jj
South Carolina jj
Tennessee ];
Texas J;J
State Pluralities.
As usual Pennsylvania leads in the
figures by giving McKinley a pi: rali ty
of about 300,000 over Bryan; New York,
this morning is put at 150,000; Ohio at
75,000; West Virginia 15,000; New Jer
sey 50,000; Maryland 15,000; Deleware
11,000; Indiana 30, 000; Illinois 100,000;
Wisconsin 100,000; Minnesotta 75,000.
Bryan's largest majorities are in
Louisana, 30,000, Colorado 40,000, Texas
McKinley voted at Canton and Bry
an at Lincoln.
At Washington the Chairman of the
nllfWWicans would have a
working majority in Congress.
Dr. Showalter's plurality over Lock
wood in the county is about 050 and in
the district about 0000.
In the Venango, Warren, McKean dis
trict Sibley carried Venango Co. over
Emery by 2000 and Warren Co. by 1500,
while Emery carried McKean by 1500,
leaving Sibley the victor in the district
by about 3000.
State Senate.
Williams' plurality over Gallagher in
Butler county is about 1300 and in
Armstrong Co. about 1000 giving him
the district by 2800. He beat Gallagher
in his own town of Freeporl by 80,
whereas Gallegher carried the town for
Sheriff two or three years ago by 117.
Messrs James B. Mates and N. H.
Thompson are elected. The totals as
far as known this, Thursday morning,
are Mates 5494, Thompson 5493, Wilson
4735, Tasker 4759.
The last senate consisted of 87 Repub
licans and 13 Democrats Of these, 13
Republicans and 12 Democrats hold
over. The last house was composed of
137 Republicans, 71 Democrats and«
Fnsionists. The Republicans, therefore
hail a majority of 74 on joint ballot, but
owing to the oppositson of a number of
Republicans to the re-election of Mr.
Quay a deadlock resulted, which con
tinued to the end of the session. Mr.
Quay was the party's caucus candidate,
but as there were at all times three
candidates voted for in the great num
ber of ballots taken, Mr. Quay's vote
ranged from 10 to 15 short of the 128,
necessary tp elect
Whether or not he has secured enough
at this election to elect him next winter
is not yet known.
The Republican majority in this
county is about 3000.
The sealing of both returns made to
the Prothonotary prevents our having a
complete table of the votes cast, this
THE first Cuban Constitutional Con
vention met in Havana, Monday, and
Gen. Wood cabled— "Conyeution
opened promptly at 3 o'clock. Immense
enthusiam and cheering for the United
Ststes. Absolutely harmonious.
Evey evidence that satisfaction of the
people was entire and complete. The
following resolutions, signed by a maj
ority of delegates as seconders, were
presented to the temporary president of
the convention just as it was adjourning
and doubtless will lie passed next ses
The undersigned delegates propose
that the assembly adopt the following
resolutions: That a committee of
the assembly proceed immediately to
call on Gen. Wood and manifest the
satisfaction with which the delegates
have seen him carry out the delicate
mission entrusted to him. That the
s:un« committee request Gen. Wood
to t'-legraph to the President of the
United States as follows: "The delegates
elected to the constitutional convention i
assembled at their inangnral meeting
greet with profound gratitude and af
fection the President of the United
States, and they are satisfied with the
honesty demonstrated in the fulfillment
of the declarations made in favor of the
liberty and independence of the Cnban
Ot'R Democratic trienta had the first
laugh, this time.
Cofijnfbt, 19U>. by CUat'.ci A. Cn?.
Copyright, 1600, by Rock wood, K. Y.
scene of the greatest d^HrV
stration ever witnessed in western
Pennyslvania last Saturday and the
greatest ever witnessed in the state,
barring perhaps, the Peace Jubilee of
1808 in Philadelphia.
A parade a dozen miles long, over a
route nearly fiye miles long, and wit
ness-td by half a million people, was the
great feature of the day
The divisions formed in the side
streets about the court house and on
Water street; and though the first
division moved at one o'clock, it was
after five o'clock when the last division
started over the route.
The streets were roped and all street
cars ami other traffic in the lower
part of the city was abandoned and yet
there was a number of accidents, by
which three men were killed and sev
eral injured.
Bome of the "floats" were mechanical
wonders, while others were beauties,
and "Punch, the big elephant from the
Zoo. seemed to enjoy the part lie took
in the parade, which was witnessed
by hundreds of people from this county.
Addison Candor of WiHiarosqort sent
a message to Gov. Stone declining the
appointment to the judgeship of Ly
coming county, recenty tendered him
to fill the vacancy caused by the death
of Judge John J. Metzger. Mr. Candor
gives as his reasons that his business
and professional duties are such that he
must refnse the honor.
Wii and Carnegie.
Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minist< r at
Washington, was the guest of honor at
the Carnegie Library, Pittsburg,Friday,
(Founders Day) and he had a great day.
Mr. Wu arrived at East End station
early that morning, was driven to the
Schenley hotel, and made his breakfast
on toast and eggs and a cup of tea and
coffee eachrthen visited the museum and
conservatory, asking questions of every
body about everything; listened to a con
cert in the Hall in the afternoon and ;
then made a long speech comparing
the East and the West anil congratulat
ing the people of Pittsburg on her {
institutions, then shook hands with •
4000 people which made him yery tired,
had dinner with the committee at the
hotel and went to bed very tired.
Wu's description of Chinese educat
ion and scholasticism led tip to the
statement of his belief that China needs
a better knowledge of the Western
world. While maintaining that (hi
nese education in philosophy and moral,
can compare with the Caucasian he
frankly admits that China needs to
learn Western practical science and to
know more of other nation*. He dwells
forcibly on the truth that "when two
peoples understand each other better
their relations cannot but grow more
friendly and cordial," and insists on
what the Caucasian nations may well
bear in mind, that No nation ran be
come really great by war. Tr::e great
ness dots not lie io the extent of ter
ritory nor in the strength of battalions,
but in the character of the pople."
Next day he visited the Carnegie iron
works at Homestead, and other of the
great industrial institutions of Pitts
burg and left for Washington that eve
Carnegie wrote from f'kibo to the
President of the board of trustees, Mr.
Frew that he would "watch with deep
interest the proceedings of Founder's
Day. It was quite unique to request
the pr*%« nce of the Chinese Minister
and yet appropriate in the highest de
gree. Our j>eople <LJ not appreciate
the Chinese as they should. seem;
Bktuiuutte (MW ; —WWHiffiß
wnl read up about <hi mi ;ind •.-.■hat, i
h3H done. The mariner's compare
. even movable tvpc«. were given to the
world by tliat remarkable race. '1 liei
, were the first astronomer*, and learn
ing is" there the only pas,sport to officia
position. I visited no other country
that interested me more, :irid all the}
ask is that races faryonnjjer than them
selves shall let them alone.
The prize pictures this year are tin
"Kelp Gatherers", "Misty Moonlight''
"End of Day", All Hands on Deck"
"Waterfall in Winter" and "Twilight",
by three American, two English an'
one French painter.
THE people OF this country saw nc
good reason for making a change and
made none.
LEILAND—At his home in Bntler,
Nov. 1000, infant son of Thomas
RALSTON At his home near Prospect,
Oct. 'J!), 1000, of consumption. Wm
Ralston, youngest son of William
Ralston, aged abont HO years.
KNACSE—At her home in Summit
twp., Nov., 4, lUOO, Mrs. Annit
Knauae, widow of Christonhei
Knatae, in her w:;d year.
Several daughters and one son. Andy
survive lior. Sh<* was the mother of
Mrs. Phillip Weisner and Mrs Jacob
Reigt r of Jintler.
HEMPHILL—At her hojne in Clinton
twp., Oct. M, IflOO, Mrs. Stephen
Hemphill, aged about 80 years.
Her death was caused by typhoid
fever. Her hueband, two sons and two
daughters, one of whom is down with
typhoid fevtr, survive her.
MEYERS-At his home in Chicora,
Nov. !>, 11)00. L'has. Meyers, aged HTi
WESLEY—In Allegheny, Nov. 4, JlilMi,
J no. A. Wtsley, in his 40th year.
| ALEXANDER At a hospital in
Wheeling Oct., 31* 1000, Harry F.
} Alexander, aged 4H years, formerly
of Fairview.
His death was caused by typhoid
! KNAUSE At iiutler hospital, ?<ov. )
I'JOO, Mrs. Jacob Knause, of Summit
twp., aged M years.
WILSON At her home in Franklin
twp., Oct . 30, IDoo, "Aunt" Mary
Wilson, wife of Jutinri Wilson, aged
about 75 years.
Her remains were buried at Slippery
rock last Thursday. Mr. Wilson is also
in poor health at present.
STICKLE -At her home near Jacks
vHle, Oct. :Jt, Mrs. Joseph Stick
le, nee Gardner, aged about :s5 y.iars
She is survived by her hnaliaud and
three small children.
LONESDALK At her home in I'run
berry twp., Wednesday, Oct. 111, 11)00,
Harriet A., wife of Henry Lonesdale,
aged :J4 yea ra.
Sin- leaves a husband, three suiall
children, father arid mother, thn e sia
tors and three brothers to mourn Iter
loss. Mrs. Lonesdale was formerly ft
member of the Arch street, Allegheny,
M. E. church, but of late years lias been
a member and earnest worker in the
Dutill M. iv church, where she will lie
sadly missed sadden death of this
young wife, mother, daughter, sister
and friend costs a gloom over the entire
community in which she reaided. lje
ing possessed of the most kind and
obliging dihjxjsition she was a favorite,
respectwj and honored by all her ac
quaintances. When her final summons
came, although HO uninspected, she was
found fully ready though her illness
ivas but :tH hours and her suffering most
intense she was conscious that her end
had come.
And, true to iu-r ov»n saying, ere the,
sun had gone down she closed her eyes
in death; her soul passed to its rest in
the peaceful realms of that God in
whom sin- had early learned to put her
Her remains were bouru out by si* of
her friends and followed to the church
yard by a large concourse of friends and
neighbors who were indeed mourners,
and there laid to rest among the beauti
Butler County Election Returns, Nov. 0, 1900--not oilieial.
5* * |
EL - § " *"d * g 1 ? J' ? j < ? § ?
DISTRICTS. ? 1 5 ! : 1 5= : C %. % 5' f. - x ll§ \r 1 f- §•
f: : j ""I' *j*' '' ' ~ 2 f* 55 " P
Adams. North ■• • • .. ' a ~ "Li ''i-~ -•> '*i "«•> tq as
Adams. South 81 44 14 80, 4b.... *1 81. 46. 4b .4 do .4, .>1 b, ,- .>4, b. ,9 4,
isi i+s isi "iol'is2 'ia-i if.i if,i iir» "iii i.w iii *iif» 163 m isi m
Buffalo '• ISO 45 I 17!» 45.... 179 1" 45 45 ITU 46 174 45 178 178 42 46 179 41
T . <MS 5(1 1" 93 52 92 92 45 45 *<♦ <">7 83 i .>6 SI 86 60 ;ib 94 .»1
Clinton !!!! ! 142 28 8 14.. 27 4 140 131. 28 28 137 34 135 32 140 135 28 28 143 28
(*]. iv 160 33 12 150 33 15s 75S 33 34 15 . 4b 151 45 148 153 43 41 1.>9 36
Centre .... 127 50 2 I»'> 53 2 121 120 53 63 112 66 112, 01 114 119 55 60 124 81
ciearfieid'::::::::. 69129 1 ««132 1 « ««1® 1® 5*128 .% .>* 1* 1... m
Cherry. North 53 22 3 53 22 3- 54 51 21 21 58 26 21 53 o2 22 21 -.4 .1
Cherry, Sonth <2 32 •• — : ■■■• ....... ■• — : t' r '»L o (i ' "~k "on
Connoquenessing. North • 70 30 .... <•' 30 ... <6 3b . 4 ,J •' 1 ' '
Cranwt ntSSIDS ' 121 103 " i iIV 103 " 2 ' 120 110 ' 104 ' i»"4 114 111115 108 ii« 110 ioB 109 121 103
S7 y 152 00 MS, «» 137 79 J36 137- 78 78,
■" 62 166 62 164 64 63 163 164
Forward 170 101 ' - l«<r 104 4 169 169 104 104 1"1 105 166 111 164 164 110 110 16H 106
P~.«VHn 130 s-> s 123 s-J > 120 123 82 82 111 108 118 90 121 122 8 , 88 130 81
Fairview 210 45 12 200 44 h, 204 198 44 44 193- 07 186 ,73 195 195 57 61 209 40
n« ■« >.... i "?
Jackson. East 21 50 1 21 1 55.... 21 21 50 ~6 &» j>2 19 », 18 f '* - •»«'
T„„W n West 84 07 "• 104 0. 11*. M OS. 121 108
Lancaster 05 114 2 05 114 2 65 65 114 114 70 112 05 114 65 65 114 114 O.i 114
Mercer 74 6i> 8 78 60 7 73' 73 OK 60 74' 68 70 60 70 70 61 64 73 60
Muddvcreek 116 56 2 116 55 2 116 116 55 55 117 57 112 .58 112 123 58 57 116 o5
Middlesex 224 72 8 - lt! i S1 216 '»• 210 216 7s ,y 216 78
Oakland".::::::::::':::::::: so 83 >o i 85 84 88 «s 87 m « 88 ™ m 86
Penn. North <0 .»n ■' 0.» ■>- ■*, ••••• •• -
Penm South 142 44 2 142 34 1 142 142 42 44 38 48 40 4b 136 1., ; •»< 50 14. 44
Parker . 190 4:i 29 1<( -' Kj 06 184 o1
summit::::::::::.:::::::... 48.104.... 4»'m.... 47 47100160 44170 am 43 -,3171170 &
Venain«» roCk i 00 iio 17 88 122 10 88 88 128 123 85 140 81 122 79 83 124 120 80 126
Washinrton' North 73 30 ... .. '0 30 70 30 70 70 30 36 ........
Washington South ' 108 11 "7 Kni 13 0 102 102 14 15 101 22 97 21 98 99 19 21 104 14
WiSeld • 180 94 1 185 95.... 184 184 97 97 183 98 182 99 183 183 98, 98 185 95
Worrtf 1 91 92, 94 96
Butler bora First ward::' 228 i 187 37 222 175 34 220 220 170 174 218 218 216 190 224 217 184 183 222 176
Second ward 228. 2 26 124 214 235 19 220 217 233 230 204 2,4 218 24 , 209 193 2..4 266 219 3o
Third ward 186 197 13 173 203 11 181* 178 204 203 69 220 182 195 1.. 1.3 21-, 213 l«i 206
Fmirth wir<l 199 148 13 1
Fifth whtS 2SI 55 18 • '«» 203 205 1W ISC 181 1M; 189
ESLoS:::::::::::: : !■« 1 ■>; » ... .» "!
Fairview 47 9 4 47 8 3 48 35 8 8 4. 12 4.. 10 44 4o 12 10 48 8
Harrisville 41 31 8 41 31 ... i 42 41 31, 31 40 31 40 31 39. 40 39. 38 46 31
i 24 18 3 24 19 8* 24 24 19 19 24 22 24 19 24 24 19 19 24 19
MiLteretown* 116 83 113 88 0 111 112, 83, 88 123 89 103 101 104 105 98 96 120 82
' • , I I 74 108 77 88 69 60 91 115
Sect 2? '2l "ai "ai 57 28 58 22 57 57 »» 25 59 23
Petroli'i 4° 18- 12 38 19 12 38 38 19 21 40 31 37 25: 39, 38 2b, -6 40 2.>
PSVUIV::::::::::.::::::: '» **«*»«»»" M »s*«" a s \%
Slipperyrock 73 46 18 75 46 |5 ... 75 4b 40 ,0 ~9 ,5 o0 ,4 80
SST : I "■■ii'-m-i'-n-iv»-« « > : i » «
Totel ~59144095 358 i ! 1 5337 4817] ,'!... 5494-5492 4735 4759
fill autumn leaves the precious dust un
til the morniux of the resurrection, arid
may God in infinite mercy support
the grief striel?en family in their sore
"It was so sudden, our white lips said:
■ How we snail miss her, the beautiful
Who'll take the place of the precious
one fled.
But God knoweth best
We know lie watches the sparrows that
Hears the sad cry of t.h6 grieved hearts
that call:
Friends, husband, children He loveth
them all,
We can trust for the rest.
Hattie is sleeping, sweetly sleeping,
In her beneath the s»d:
<Jh we could not wish to wake her
From her slumber there with God.
She has gone to meet her Savior
In the land so pure and bright;
To be ev -r with the Angels,
Clothed for evermore in white.
She has passed from pain and sorrow,
She has passed from earthly life;
Never more to know of earthly ills,
"** T?ii the "*
1 Put we sometime hope to meet you
In onr home beyond the sky.
: 'GRAHAM- At his home in this place,
| Thursday, Nov. 1. 1000, Walter
Lowrie Graham, Esq., aged O'J years
and <5 days.
Mr. Graham was born anil raised in
; the borough of Butler. He cauie from
one of the very earliest founders of the
town, beilltf a urandson of Robert Gra
ham, who settled here as early as 1707.
and donated part of the ground npon
which Butler now stands. Walter Gra
I ham carried with him all through his
life the same good moral and personal
character that distinguished all of his
I I family name. A kinder hearted, more
charitable man was not among all our
citizens, and what can be said of few
men, very few, he had no bad habits,
no vices, and he was also an enterpris
ing, useful citizen. Some of the pres
ent largest and most valuable buildings
of this place were erected by him.
His widow, (nee Zimmerman) two
sons, Harry and John C., and one
daughter, Maggie, survive him.
llis funeral on Sunday last was one
of the largest apd most remarkable in
some of its features ever known here.
The members of the different societies
and associations, that he was connected
with, attended in a body. The funeral
services were conducted by the Rev .1.
S. McKoe, of this place, and the Rev.
Kelley, of Klders Ridge, Indiana Co.
The remains were laid to rest in the
North Cemetery.
The members of the Butler Bar met
in the Court House Saturday to take
action upon the death of Walter L.
Graham. Kwj.. out* of their members.
The meeting wan organised by the,
selection of OoJ. .Tolit) M. Thompson as
chairman and .1. David Marshall, Esq.,
as secretary, Mr. Thompson on taking
the chair made remarks appropriate to
the occasion, and WHH followed by John
11. Kegley, ,| D. McJunkin, John M.
Greer, W, < Findley and Levingston ]
all of whom paid due trib- \
nte to tin- life, character and memory !
of Walter Graham. They all referred i
to the kindness of his nature, the good
ness of his heart his many virtues and
no bad habits.
A committee, consisting of John H.
Nugley, ,1. Pavid McJunkin and Alex
ander Mitchell, was appointed to pre
pare resolutions suitable to the occasion,
w ho reported the following.
Whereas, In the Providence of Al
mighty God, we have been called upon
to mourn the death of our deceased
brother, let us mourn not as those
having no hope.
kei-solved, that in his death a wife
has lost a kind husband, a daughter and
two sous, un indulgent father, the cym
inanity a good citizen and the bar a re
i spected member.
j Resolved that we extend to the be
reaved fapiily our heartfelt sympathy
• in this, the hour of their affliction.
Resolyed, That a copy of these reso
! lutioi.s is- sent to the family of the do
- censed, published in the county papers,
i and spread upon the records of the
court, and Unit the bar attoud the fun
era) HI a body
Jrl x. (•: WHITE.
Judge J. W. V. White died 1,-u.t Mon {
<laj'iiiornin# at 5:15 o'clock fit the res
idence of of hi# eon, John N Whit**, on
Broad street, Sewickly. He had been
in poor health for HOMO time, and on
Sunday afternoon his condition took ;t
decided turn for the worse. JJe hetran
to vink rapidly. The end cmie pence
fully and hi* four children were at
•Tndge White'w bed wide when he patted
away, While he had been in poor
health for Home time and his death was
not altogether unexpected, it was a
great .shock to hin frienda and associates.
All the Allegheny county court*
adjourned ou£ of respect to hit* memory
\ CurfJ.
We desire through your paper to thank
our neighbors and friends for their
timely aid and through the
sickness and death, cf our jaofi William
Italston. which will ever be kindly re
uieiubered and appreciated by us.
Prospect, Pa.
Enos Cninberl.-iDil wears a very pleas
ant .smile, and well he may. for the boy
, that canie to his bouse lately is not to be
eompai ed.
A Halloween party took place in the
neighborhood last Wednesday evening.
A very enjoyable evening was spent by
all. Mixed nnts and candies were serv
ed and vocal and instrumental music
was rendered,
[ AND the next day it rained.
Uutler County Pomona
Bntler Co Pomona Grange No. IT. P.
of H.. will meet at Winfielcl
; Ball, Thursday Dee 6. 1900, at 10 a. m.
' All fourth degree members are cordial
ly invited. Day session will lie private
j and nigttt session public and State
' Lecturer Packard will be present. Turn
out farmers and look after Your own in
' terest. By order of Committee,
H BOOK, Master.
W. H. CAMPBELL, Sec t.
I■r / '
Ttc-lfridsjerhfj.■''V IfjU'-" llliU U>u
tn'^ to law. and will be nre
j fscnted to Court for confirmation and alfow
i unce 011 Saturday, the Nth day of Ilec.,
lino, at si A. M.. of said dav:
; 1. Second partial aorount of Mary Jane
, Flick, administratrix T. A. of Jacob Flick,
i deceased, late of Middlesex twp.
Final account of Elizabeth Hurry, ad
ministratrix or Frank A. Hurry, deceased,
late of Franklin township.
;t. Final account of Charles Thotnnsun. ad
ministrator of Elizabeth Anderson,dt:<*ea.
i late of Washington twp.
J. Final siccourit of Adaline Kelly, adinin
istratrix of John W. Kennedy, deceased, late
of Franklin twp
Final account of J. T. I)l:u*k, guardian of
, Maud minor child of llnjjfh
llu, d«*<'»rased. late of Hut h'r Horo.
fi. Final account of Lena '.Vinslow, :idrnin
istratrix of Sarah Hutchison, deceased, late
of Cherry twp.
7. Final account of Philip Oesterlinfl;, ex
ecutorof ]>anlel StautTer Sr., deceased, late
of /elienople.
H. Final account of A. li. llamel, executor
of James liauicl, deceased, late of I'enn r«p.
U. Final account of Wm. S. Morris, admln
lstrat<irof Charlotte Morris, deceased, late
of Hntier Horo.
in. Final account of George H. Turner,
guardian of Edward K. Turner, minor chihi
of li li. Turner, <leceased, late of Parker
11. Final account of Win. Anderson,admin
istrator of Mary Jane Anderson, deceased,
late of Conmxj twp.
I:.'. Final account of Wm. Anderson' and
Thomas K. Stewart, administrators (T. A.
of Catharine VV. Schoiit/., deceased, late of
Harmony Horo.
U. Final account of Kmina C. Campbell,
adfninihtralrix of Klmer K. Campbell, de
ceased, late of (Sutler Horo.
11. Final and distrlbution account of
Franklin Kldcr, surviving executor of John
Si. ktder, doceiLSed, late of Cohcord twp.
15. Final account of Henry HaKgerty, ad
ministrator of Hugh Thomas HaKgerty, de
ceased, late of Marlon t wp.
HJ. Final and distribution account of
Thomas N. (ilU'hrisJ, executor of Jam«*s
Hal ley, deceased, late of Marion twp
17. Final account of John A. Walker, ad
ministrator of Letitla Walker, deceased, late
of Clay t wp.
is. Final account of Fred 11. (Joettlei. ad
ministrator of John li. Smith, deceased, late
of Hutler borough.
ID. Final account of Charle# Dlvener, guar
dian of Hugh o'Oonneil, minor chile' of
Dennis O'Dofinell, deceased, late of Donegal
.a. I i-ial account of Hue Eshenbaugh, ex
ecutrix of L. D. Rshetibaugli, deceased, late
of Clay twp.
Z\. Mnal account of J. F. Cashdollar a<l
mlnistrator of tieorge W. Miller, defeased,
late of Adams twp.
X'. Final account of D. H. Douthett aod
Harvey Cooper, executors of Hob«-rt Cowan,
deceased, late of Middlesex two., and trus
tees of Margaret Cowan, as Hied by D. li.
Douthett, «»ne of the executors. Notice Is
Kiven that application will be made to Court
at the time of the presentation of this ac
count.. for tho discharge of the executors.
'Z'6. First partial account <»f Samuel A.
Leslie, administrator of George W. Fulton,
deceased, late of Middlesex township.
-l. Final account of Charles M. Coepfert
and Wm, 1). Hoffman, executors of Martin
Goepfert. deceased, i« t u* of Jefferson town
ship. as tiled by Charles M. Uoepfert, one of
t he executors.
Second and part) d account <»f F.d
Mecdi ijadministraior of W. 11. lift,deceased,
hih- pi /.vllenople.
Final account of o. Kedtc, adminis
trator of John C ltedic, deceased, late of
Allegheny t wp.
117. Final and distribution account of Amos
Iteep, executor of Isaac Keep, deceased, late
of DouegAl township.
'Z». Mnal account of Cyrus llitrper, execu
tor of Jesse Harto, decpajicd, late t>f ('ran
berry twp.
:t\>. Fiual account of Levi T. Motilnnls, ad
miuist rjftor of (ieorge H. Met«iniiie», deceased,
late of Venango twp.
IJO. Final account, of John T. Wick and
vanus Aggas, executors of William Wick,
deceased, late of Concord township, as filed
by John T. Wick, acting executor.
«JI. Mnal account of Esther A. I'ettigrew,
administratrix of liobert D, I'ettigrew, de
c«-asei|, late of VVasulpgton twp.
■l'- I*inal account of Katharine Moilaekln,
executrix of Daniel .McMacklu, deceased,lale
of ( leaf field township.
W J. AHA MS, Keglster.
Tin- following widow's apnniisenients of
personal property and real estate set apart
for the benefit of the widows of decedent*
have been filed In the office of the clerK
of t he orphans' Court of Hutlcr County, vU?
Widow of W'm. Snyder,personal prop'y.^WU
" I'erry J. Hrown, " M 300 (W
" Samuel Park, *' " .100
" ** < haries Langbeln, " *' .'mo <»n
" Martin Armstrong. *' " .'WO (X'
" John « . (Mark, •• "
• Michael Ciallagher, " 1 75
M " Simon Harrlckmau." " M
"J. M. Wolford, " " iMMiS
W. IV I arren, " " M 75
Fan I K tester, " " %
••John w Ly tie, real estate, lop 00
M John Collins, money fr<>n» sale
of real estate, 00
All pert Kins Ifiterestid lp the al'oyc an
iiralseia nls will take not Ice that I hey will
be presented for conflrmallon to t he < 'rphans
i 'ourt of fijill| r county, I'a., on Hal unlay, the
st h day of Dec A. D., hum, at|d ifi|oe\
ceptlon* Kie filed'they will be confirmed ab
WILLIAM I». clerk c.
< lerk'» office. Novembcrrdh, lono.
HOOD'S r-lLL3cur( Llvor Ills, Bil
iousness, Indl'i i,t!cr», Headache. I
tany to tako, easy to operate. 25c. j
Notice l-> hereby that the follow
ing roads have been confirmed by
the Court and will be presented on the
first Saturday of Dec. Court, lttOO, being the
Htli (lay of said month, and If no except ion
are tiled they will be confirmed absolutely:
K. It. No. 1. September sessions. 1900: In re.
petition of the citizens of Jackson township
for a road to lead from a point at the inter
section of McKean and .Market streets in
Zelienople iKiroagb. and to end at a p<iint
on the west side of tireene Lane twelve feet
north of the road from Zelienople to Beaver.
May ilst. 1900, viewers were appointed by the
Court, who on August 29th. tiled their report
in favor of the proposed road. No damages
assessed. September Hth. 1900, approved and
fix width of road at :t! feet, notice to be given
according to the rules of Court.
HY THE Cocrt.
' K, I). No. 3,' September s»*stons, 1900: lure.
I>et It lor. of citizens of Clinton township for a
: i lianai- of tin- Butler an<l I'ittsburu road, to
; be cbanKed so as to liestn at a point where
said Butler and Plttsburt? road Inter
i sects the Puuhtown road at the north
i boundry line of lands of John F. Jack, and
. to end at a point where said road crosses the
i south bouudry line of the lands of said John
1". Jack. May 21st, viewers were appointed
by the Court, whoon August titli, 1 WOO, tiled
their report approving of the proposed
change and supplying the road as desired
by the petitioners. No damages assessed.
September Hth, litOO, approved and ti.vwldth
of road at 33 feet. Notice to be given accohl
ing to rules of Court.
R. 1). No. 4, September sessions. 1D00: In re.
viewers were itppulnled by the Court, who
on September .'lid, 1900. (lied their report
stating that in the opinion of the viewers
that the present road Is in as good a location
as could be had, and that by widening the
same to 33 feet, and by proper care in re
modeling, &c„ the present road would be a
j better road than the location proposed-by the
petitioners. &r. No damages assessed,
i SepternlH'r Htb, IHOO, approved and tlx width
lof road at :it feet. Notice to be given ac
cording to ruies of Court.
By THE C() (HIT.
It. I>. No. 5, September sessions, l'JOO: In re.
petition of citizens of Brady township for
vacation, change and supply of a part of a
public road leading from the county road in
said township, and ending at tho West Lib
erty road in said township, beginning at a
point near the barn of Amos Watson, and
ending at a point near the bridge. June 2nd,
1900, viewers were appointed riy the Court,
Who on A ugust 29th, 1«00, tiled their report
in favor of the petition. Damages In sum of
JIOO. 00 assessed to Thos. and .M. MrCurdy.
September Hth, 1900. approved and fix width
of road at 33 feet. Notice to be given accord
ing to rules of Court.
Certified from the record this sth day of
November, I'JOO.
Clerk Q. S.
A Word To Piano Owners.
I wish to state to pianos own
ers ai d the public in general that
I have became a permanent lixtune
in this city and am prepared to
do all kinds of repairing on all
kinds of instruments
Piuno Tuning a Specialty.
J. C CANER, at Ne.vton's
Music Store, or 109 Water Street,
Butler, Pa.; also instruction given
on all instruments.
Our 25c box papers.
Our ioc and 15c fine writing
paper tablets.
Blank books at the old price.
Albums bought before tlifc ad
Kodaks with JI special discount
in January.
Photograph supplies always
Sporting goods.
Late fiction.
Bibles cheaper tliay ever.
Everyday needs at everyday
prices. At
Eagle HTd.
The Bottom Has Been Knocked
Out of
Wall Paper Prices
I'AT TERSON BROS, can give
you figures on WALL PAPER
that will interest you. C;t 11 at
once and get prices.
Large line of NEW MOULIV
MIRROR 1' i< A MING just ar
Bring youi Pictures and have
them framed,
Patterson Bros.,
236 N. Main St.
People's I'hone. 4<x>. Wick Building, j
By virtue of sundry writ;! of Ven. Ex.. Fi.
Fa.. Lev. I'ii. Jtc.. issued onto! the Court of
Common I'leasof Butler Co., Pa., and to me
directed, there will be exposed to public sale
at the Court House in the borough of Butler,
l'a.. on
Friday, the 30th day of Nov., A D. 1900,
at 1 o'clock p. in., the following described
property, to-wit:
K. I>. No. 35. December Term. 1900. Cornelius
& Son. Attorneys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
CJeorge A. Timblin. of. In and to all that
certain piece or lot of ground, situated In
Butler Borough. Butler county, l'a.. bound
ed as follows, to-wit: On the north by an
allev. east by an alley, south by West street,
west l>v lot of ft. H. Mifrina. having
frontage of 00 feet on West street and ex
tending back by parallel lines l.Vi feet to an
alley and having theron erected a two story
frame dwelling house, frame carpenter shop
and other outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of George A. Timblin at the suit of
I'nton I lime 1/oan Association.
E. D No. St), Dec. Term, 1900. Levi M. Wise.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Margaret Uuepnerof, in and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land, situated in
Cranberry twp.. Butler county. Fa., bounded
as follows, to-wit: Ou the uorth by lands of
Henry KnautT. east by lands of William
Frishcorn and 11. Kiebor. south by lands of
George F. Meeder and on the west by lands
of Henry KnautT, containing tifty acres,
more or less.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Margaret Guepner at the suit of
Anna Laval.
E. D. No, 63. Dee. Term, 1600. W. 11. Lusk.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Old Harmony Company, acorporatlon
et. al.. of. in and to all that certain lot or
tract of ground, situated in Butler twp..
Butler county, l'a.. liounded as follows, to
wit: Beginning In the middle of a public
road on the line between James Bredin's
land and lands of Pittsburg. Bessemer and
Lake Erie ltailroad Company, formerly own
ed by said Bredin; thence by the midlle of
said public road north eleven degrees west
thlrty-one perches; thence by land* of said
Bredin south eighty-seven degrees east
twenty-two and one-half perches to point
now occupied by fence of Fair Grounds;
ther.ee by other lands of said Bredin. south
eleven degrees east twenty and one-fourtli
perches to line of land conveyed by said
Bredin to railroad company aforementioned;
thence by lands of said railroad company
south sixty-three and one half degrees west
four and one-half perches south sixty-four
and three-fourths deg. west, six perches and
south sixty-six degrees west twelve perches
to place of beginning: and containing three
ana one-half acres strict measure, and hav
ing thereon erected a two story frame
building so by 160 feet erected 011 a stone
foundation and having a comb gravel roof.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Old Harmony Pickle Company, a
Corporation et. al., at the suit of William D.
E. I). No. 37, Dec. Term. 1900, W. A. & F. J.
Forquer Attorneys.
All the right, title: interest and claim of
E. T. Sasse, of. in and to all that certain lot
or parcel of laud, situated in Mars borough,
Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to
wit: lieglnnlng at the North East corner on
the right-of-way of the Pittsburg and West
ern railway Co.. thence along said right-of
way south H l 4 degrees, east 50 feet to lot of
W. .1. (jiilliland thence along said lot of W.
.1. Gilland north 7f> 1 1 degrees west IKB feet to
a street, thence along said street north 14' i
degrees west 50 feet to a lot of W. J Oil 11-
land, thence along said lot south .a>i degrees
east 105 feet to the place of beginning and
having thereon erected a two story frame
dwelling house, stable and other out build
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of E. T. Sasse, at the suit of Wm. M.
E. I). No. 40, December Term 1900. Ralston
& Greer, Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
C. c. Taylor and Ida C. Taylor of. In and to
all that certain piece or parcel of land, situ
ated In Brady township, Butler county. Pa.,
liounded as follows, to-wit : Beginning at
North West corner at a stone and running
from thence by lands of James Clark WH
degree. East <1 1-10 perches to a cherry
stump, thence by lands of William Hlnes
and George Gilson South one and one foutth
degrees west IS3 and 4-10 perches to a post
and maple, thence by lands of J W. Taggart
south v<>4 degrees west 72 and 5-10 perches
to a post, thence bv lands of same l'a degrees
east 154 and 7-I<> perches to the place of be
ginning. containing tfs acres and I'JO perches
strict measure.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of c. 0. and Ma C. Taylor, at the suit
of W. 11. Groves.
E. D. N0.211. December Term, 1900. William
& Mitchell, \ttorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Mrs. E. L. Forest and E. L. Forest of. In and
to all that certain piece or parcel of land,
situated in Middlesex twp.. Butler county.
Pa,, bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
north by U. P. Parsonage, east by Edward
Brown, south by Charles Trttver and Mrs.
Leslie and on the west by Plank ltoad; con
taining - acres, more or less, and having
thereon erected a 2 story frame dwelling
house and frame barn, and other outbuild
ings, one producing oil well, and three
tenement houses.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Mrs. E. L. Forest and E. L. Forest
at the suit of 11. B. McKinney
1 E. D. No. 52. December Term. ltfOO. A. M.
Chrlstley, Attorney.
All tiie right, title, interest and claim of A.
1,. Staples, of. in and to all that certain tract
of land, situated in Adams tFJKi Butler Co.,
rt jMist on IltlP or John KaufTtnuu and*
corner of James Walters formerly, now John
Kautl'man; thence north «"'« degrees east by
lauds of James Walters formerly now owned
by John KautTman. and Oliver C. Watters
lis il-lo perches to a post or stone; thence by
lands of Kahiser and Milton Marberger
formerly now owned by George Marberger
and John Clark, south 14 degrees west, tfl l-lo
perches to a post; thenee south 7.1 'i degrees
west sl' i perches by lands of Samuel Staples
to a post; thence by lands of John KautTman
north :to',i degrees west TO T-10 perches to the
place of beginning; containing .'£> acres, more
or less, with small dwelling house, frame
barn, spring-house and other outbuildings
thereon erected,
ALSO Of. in and to all that certain lot of
land, situated In Callery Jet.. Butler Co.,
I'a., bounded as follows, ti>-wlt: Beginning
at a post 30 feet from tin' west line of the
I'lttsburg it Western Kallri.ad, at right
angles with said line; thence southward
parallel witli said line Lli feet to a post:
thence westward by lot No. 13 135 feet to an
alley; thence northward by said alley 20 feel
to a post; thence eastward by lot No, n, 13,1
feet to place of beginning; being lot No. 12,
In plan of lots located by William J. Ollle
iand. All that certain piece or parcel of
land situate south of and adjoining that
above described bound) d as follows on the
east by the I'lttsburg & Western railroad 24
feet, oil t lie south by lot of Klleu J. Hughes
now Vanvoys. lfift foet, on the west by lands
of Samuel Staples 24 feet and on t ho north by
lot of William 11. Binkerton, containing 3Dts>
square feet being a part of a tract of land
which Job Staples devised to John and
Samuel Staples by his last will dated April
-til h. 1*95, and John Staples and Manaaahls
wife conveyed to Samuel Staples by deed
dated April lstli, IsKl and recorded In Re
corder's ofHce In said Butler county. Indeed
!>< hjU no, page 5.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of A. 1,. Staples at the suit of W. J.
Craig, C. A. Craig and J. E. Craig
E. I>. No. Tl, December Term. 11)00. W. 11.
Lusk, Attorney.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
Snyder M. Brown of. In and to all that cer
tain piece or tract of land, situated in Mid
dlesex twp., Butler Co., I'a . bounded as fol
lows, to-wil: On the north by lands of .1. J.
Stelner. east by lands of John Shenhard.
south by lands of Alliert Alsep and John
Marshall, and on the west by lauds of Wil
liam Snyder; containing sixty two acres,
more or less, ami having thereon erected a
log lions.', frame barn and outbuildings, and
having a good orchard thereon; being the
same tract of land which Michael Snyder,
late of Middlesex twp., Hutlcr Co., I'a., de
ceased, devised to the defendant, Snyder M.
Browu (Ids Orandson) by Ids last will and
testament dated the .".'lit.li day of January,
I*7."> and recorded In will book II of Butler
county on page
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Snyder M. Hrown at the suit of
Samuel P. Ilays.
Hy virtue of writs of Veil Ex., Lev Fi,lssued
outof the Court of Common I'leasof liutler
Co., I'a..and tome directed, there will \tv ex
posed to public sale, at the court house, in
the borough of Hutlcr, Pa., on
Friday, the 16th Day of Nov , A. D. 1900
at 1 o'clock 11.I 1 . M., the following described,
property, to-wit:
E. I). Nos, *>s ami .»!», Dec. Term. I!H*>. s. F.
and A. I>. Ilowser, Attorney.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
Mary Donnely of. In and to all that certain
piece or hit of ground, situated In Callery
.let.. Adams township. Hut ler county, Pa.,
bounded as follows, to-wit; Heglnulng at or
near a telcphoue polo on tin? west side of
Kvans < lty public road; thence westward by
lands of st reet two hundred twenty-t wo ami
' 4 feet to a post; thence northward by lands
of (ieorge A. KautTman one hundred ninety
eight feet to a uost; thence eastward by
lands of (ieorge A. kHuffman two hundre<l
t wentv-two and % feet to a post, on the west
side of the E vans City public road; thence
southward by said road one hundred ulnety
elght feet to a post.at the place of beginning,
containing one acre; having thereon «-»««* i t
a two story frome dwelling: house with slate
r< Hl f, and other outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Mary Donnely at. the »uit of W. (#.
Hood, f«ir use of <*e«irge Hlshop.
TKKMS OF HALE The following must lie
strictly compiled with wlieu property is
stricken down.
' I. When the plaintiff or other Hen creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the lietis, includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold,
together with such lien creditor's receipt*
for t lie amount of the procei is of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
! be furuKhcd the Sheriff.
All bids must he nald in full.
3. All sales not settled Immediately will lie
continued until one o'clock, V. M., of the!
next day at which time all property not j
settled for will again be put up and sold at. j
the expense and risk of the person to whom
first sold.
•Sec Purdon's Digest, l>th edition, page 440.
and Smith's Forms, page ;is4.
THOMAS It HOON. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Oflice. Hutlcr. I'a.. Oct. 17th. IJWU.
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and GraduateOpticial. i
Next Door to Court House, Butler, I'a
I Yr/
—it— r <
"Ptit back the powder," he cried. "No*
a shot must be fired."
Are popular not only with the
young but the old as well. Weath
erby Chesney and Alick Mnnro
have added to their reputation as
fascinating narrators of adventure
by their exciting story
John Topp, Pirate
It tells of the experiences of two
young Englishmen starting when
they wfcre boys at school, carry
ing them to sea in search of the
famous city of gold and landing
them back safe in old England,
where the love thread that runs
through the tale is spun into a
happy wedding. The story will
appear in this paper. Read it.
1831 '"""The Vo " 1901
Country Gentleman
He OET AgiMri l%r,
Leading Agricultural Journal of the World
Every department written by special
ists, the highest authorities in their re
spective lines.
No other paper pretends to compete
with it in qualifications of editorial staff.
Gives the agricultural NEWS with a
degree of fullness and completeness not
even attempted by others.
Best Reviews of the Crops
Best Market Reports
Best Accounts of Meetings
Best Everything
Single Subscription, $2,
Two Subscriptions, $3.50.
Four Subscriptions, $6.
Write for F»rticul*r« on this Point.
Club Agents Wanted Everywhere.
Four Months' Trial Trip SO cents.
will be mailed free on request. It will
pay anybody interested in any way in
country life to send for them. Address
the publishers.
Albany, N. Y.
Jury List for November Term.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this '3Uth day of September,
A. D., 1900, to nerve as traverse jurors
at a special term of court commencing
on the l-Jth day of November, 1900, the
same being the second Monday of said
Byers Oliver, Center twp, farmer,
Bond Henry, Peun twp, farmer,
Barnhurt W A, Zelienople boro,laborer,
Butterfield J M, Donegal twp farmer,
Boozel Harvey, Slipperyroek to,farmer.
Bartley Sherman, Parker twp. farmer,
Banks Thomas S, Fairview twp,farmer,
Byers Frank, Concord twp, fanner,
Conway John M, Butler boro. 4th wd,
Cumpliell James, Venango twp, farmer,
Cronenwett Carl, Butler boro, sth wd,
• banker,
Craig Henry, Donegal twp, producer,
Dufford Jacob, Connoquenessing twp,
Dickey William, Worth twp, farmer,
Dininger John B, Butler boro, 4th wd,
Emrick Daniel. Penn twp, farmer,
Ekas Andrew B. Buffalo twp, farmer, ,
Fidler Benton, Jackson twp, farmer,
Gillespie A P.Evans City boro,minister,
Glenn Samuel, Clay twp, farmer,
Grenue William H, Franklin tp,farmer,
Graham GH, Donegal twp, merchant,
Gronnenbider Jacob.Sumuiit tp,farmer,
Gould William, Oakland twp, tarmer,
Goehring H H. Jackson twp, farmer.
Haley George H, Butler boro. :td wd,
Hazelett John M, Washington tp, farmer,
Hunter David, Butler boro, 1 wd,laborer,
Kingsbury Frank, Butler boro, 4th wd,
Kradel Adam, Butler twp. farmer,
Kallenbach Geo. Connoquenessing tp,
Lensner Frank, Saxonburg boro, gent.
Murtland Presley,Concord tp,merchant,
Murtland John S. Concord twp, farmer,
MeClung Isaac N, Center twp. farmer,
McClnng C H, Clay twp. farmer,
McGimiis John, Connoquenessing twp,
McKee J D, Allegheny twp, producer,
McGeary W B, Butler boro, 8(1 wd,
Oesterling E H, Butler Boro, 2d wd,
Richie Charles, Summit twp, pumper,
Thompson li C, Clay twp, farmer,
Thompson John N, Washington twp,
Thrower Thomas E, Clinton tp, farmer,
Wimer John, Worth twp, farmer,
Weaver Andrew. Adams twp, minister,
Waldron IC, Evans City bo*>, farmer,
Younkins John, Butler boro, 4th wd,
(Successor to H. Bickel)
Sale and Boarding Stable.
W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
Firat class equipment—eighteen
good drivers—rigs of all kinds
cool, roomy and clean stables.
People's Phone 125.
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed andlSaleStable
Rear of
Wick House Butler Penn'a.
The beat of horxc* and first clan* rig* aU
w;ivn 011 hand and (or hire.
He»t aftommuduttous In town for perma
mint boarding and transient trade. Spool
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
1* A good class of horne#. both driver# and
draft hprses alwayH on hand and for Male
under a full guarantee; and hornet bought
pon proper null Herat !ou. by
Telephone. No. 2IK.
t/U ANTEr>~llonest man or woman to trare
™ for large houKe; salary («i monthly and
expenses, with lui-reane; position perman
ent;lri<'.lo*e Nelf-uddtcssed BUUlllMM! envelope
MANAOKit. CaxtGn blug., Chicago. ,
Jury Lists for December Term.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel day of October, A.
D. 1900. to serve as grand jurors at the
regnlar term of court commencing on
the first Monday of December. 1900, the
name being the 3rd day of said month:
Bippns Matthew, Oakland twp, farmer,
Cousins G M. Saxonburg boro, fanner,
Ox>kson A T. Cranberry twp. farmer.
Doutt Lee. Zelienople boro, clerk,
Elliott Joseph. Petrolia boro, farmer,
Eberhart L D, Donegal twp, farmer,
Frederick Henry S, Donegal tp,pumper,
Graham Eli.Butler boro,2nd wd, janitor,
Glenn Win C, Sunbury boro, constable,
Heyl J F, Franklin twp. fanner,
Kaltenbangh Jacob. Connoquenessing
twp, farmer.
Lowry John. Butler boro sth wd,livery-
Myers Frank. Lancaster twp, farmer,
Mnrtlaud Win F, Concord twp, farmer,
McClintock John W. Mercer tp. farmer,
McGlaughlin John,Clearfield tp,farmer,
Patrick James. Penn twp, merchant,
Reith Joseph, Buffalo twp, farmer,
Russell David. Butler boro, 4th wd,
Sprowl Kagh, Cherry twp, farmer,
Stamm Soloman, Forward twp, farmer,
Vandyke James, Marion twp, farmer,
VVatson Ray, Centreville boro. clerk.
Wallet John, Jefferson twp, farmer.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this 2 lth day of October, A.
D. 1900, to sen-e us Petit jurors at the
regular term of court commencing on
the second Monday of December, 1900,
the same being the 10th day of said
Anderson Thomas, Adams twp. farmer.
Acre Frank, Buffalo twp. farmer.
Brandon Emry, Butler boro, 4th wd,
Bell J H, Slippervrock twp, farmer,
Burtner John E. Butler twp, farmer,
Beckman Charles, Buffalo twp, miner,
Cooper James, Forward twp, farmer.
Cooper Warren. Prospect boro, teacher.
Cook C D, Washington twp, farmer.
Dyke Isaac,Connoquenesaing tp,teacher,
Doer George, Winneld twp, farmer,
Easton Elias. Cranberry twp, farmer,
Fetzer G F, Millers-town boro, producer.
Hemphill Solomon, Slippervrock twp,
Harvey George K, Clinton twp. farmer,
Irvine A C, Mars boro, clerk,
Koch Frank, Butler boro,4tn wd, grocer,
Knoch William H.Jefferson twp,farmer,
Kocher Jacob, Jackson twp, farmer,
Kaufman John, Worth twp, farmer,
Lewis L Z. Washington twp, farmer,
Logan Bengamin, Middlesex tp, farmer,
Lutz Henry, Jackson twp, farmer,
Moore Andrew. Oakland twp, farmer,
Marshell George K. Forward tp, farmer,
Myers Abraham H, Adams twp.laborer,
Nicolas A M, Concord twp, producer.
Parks William R, Middlesex tp, farmer,
Rumbaugh R O, Butler boro, 4th wd,
hotel keeper.
Reiber Charles W, Bntler boro. sth wd,
Rider Charles. Butler boro, sth wd,
Robinson W W, Brady twp, merchant,
Stutze John Sr, Summit twp. farmer.
Sanderson John, Brady twp, farmer,
Sheilds Wilbert, Mercer twp, farmer.
Staley Daniel, Butler boro, 3rd wd,
stone cutter,
Smith Theodore. Marion twp, farmer,
Shepherd William, Middlesex tp,farmer,
Shontz David, Jackson twp. farmer,
Steel W J, Clearfield twp, pumper,
Warner William. Lancaster tp, farmer.
Whiteside Tames, Middlesex tp. fanner,
White William. Butler twp, printer.
Winner Gnst. Forward twp, farmer,
Weigle G P, Prospect boro. teacher,
Wright J W, Cranberry twp, farmer,
Waldron Hon Wmilliam S, Forward
twp, farmer,
I Wilson David, Centerville boro, livery
PEO. K. McADOO, M. D ,
HOURS:—-9 a. m. lo 12 m; 1:30 p. m.
to 4 p. m.
Office and residence corner North aud
Washington streets.* Bell 'Phone No.
45 and People's Phone. Butler, Pa.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
New Troutnian Building. Butler P*.
Office io6 VV. Diautomi St., [Dr
Graham's old ofliov.]
Houis 7 to 9 m iti ami 1 t<» •; and 7 to
8 p. m.
DR. N. ai. HOOVER.
137 E. Wayue St., office in.ui>.. 10 to
: 1 .1 111. 1 mill to \ p. in
11/ H. IIKUWN,
Office 236 S. Main bt., opp. P. t.:.
Night calls at office.
200 West Cunuingbam St.
Has located in the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for Dental
Artificial Teeth inserted on the lateat
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office next to postoflfiee.
Formerly known as the "Pcerlesa
Paiuless Extractor of Teeth." Located
permanently at ill East Jefferson St.,
Oppojite Hotel Lowrv, Butler. Will do
dential operations of all kinds by the
latest devices and up-to-date meth<w»
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at NoJ 114 E. Jefferson St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery,
Office in the "CITIZEN" building.
Office in Reiber building, corner
and K. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on
E. Cunningham.
Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlei
Special attention given to collection*
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Rank, or
Butler County National Bank
Armory Building, Butler, Pa.
Office in Wise building.
Room 8., Armory buildup.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond Bt. But
ler. IV
Office on Main St. near Court House.
Office near Court House.
Practical Horse Shoers
Formerly Horse Shoer at the
Wick Houee has opened busi
ness in a shop in the rear of
the Arlington Hotel, where
he will do Horse-Shoe: ng in
the moat approved style.