FALL OF 1900. We are now ready for the FALL TRADE and it surely ought to and will be the banner season for our store —if careful buying and exceptional choosing go for anything—you will certainly agree with us after looking over our immense stock with our small and insignificant price. The following are "just a few" of the good things we have. *Jack.et Suits, RAINY DAY SKIRTS, The only skirt for the Fall, Ladies' and Children's Jackets, FURS, French Flannel Shirt Waists; Also the French and other Flannels by the yard, Blankets and Comforts, Dress Goods, Golfing Cloth, Venetians, Prunella, Cashmeres, Cheviots and Serges, in endless variety. Oiar Carpet Department Is still the "little bit the best" by which it is termed by people who know. DUFFY'S STORE, G. E. 7V\lshopman, Makes a Grand Offer to the Trade. A GREAT REMODELLING SALE. We Must Have Money, We Must Have Room. We are making a big change in our building. New basement new front, another story and a large addition on the rear. Our large and increasing trade makes it necessary for us to make this change, and to make this change we need money and room. Our fall goods are all in and our building is packed from cellar to roof. While we don't prospose to lose any money on these fresh, seasonable goods, we intend cutting our profits so as to make this large stock move quickly. To our old trade we just have to say to them, we are going to close some goods cheap; they know what it means. TO OUR NEW FRIENDS. We wish to say that when we advertise a sale of goods it is genuine and the trade knows it and approves and profits by it. We wish to impress on your minds that just now we are having a Great Sale of Shoes, just such as you need at this time of the year. Better take advantage of this sale. C. E. MILLER. if EXHIBITION OF jj |ReliableFurniturej Day by day for weeks this stock has been yp| arriving and it is now almost complete. Matters jlss not what you want to buy for the Furnishing of j|g yljj your home you will find it here, 9gf I STRONG INGRAINS WOOL INGRAIN \ Ig S / The kind that will lant J Nothing tatter made in \ ■*— 5a \ look well. New pat- % extra (tuper Ingrain than % /terns and desirable <-/»lorn. N the kind we offer yon New > » Not equal to the All-Wool f patterns in handnonie colors / V kinds, lint worth the price / suitable for Hall or Room. V RS rwe charge. 40c yd. / 70c yd. f Mgv . 1 HCARPETir 1 g S >/VV/Vvn/S/V»A / ® ?5a \ A hundred cents isn't V This price allows the 1 tj£"^ CH J enontdvfor any yard of our r selection of a variety of pat V jfw \ beat Velyet carpet. They N terns in Axuiinster. If yon ✓ / are neither necondH or ends, % are lnokitiic for a parlor V JsSS Vjjpt J but A No. lin every par- N carpet we believe you can/ tSI / ticular. SIOO yd- f besnited here. $1 25 yd. 15^5 Xok ( BEST VELVETS REAL AXMINSTER I Campbell ft Templetonl f rt>- [C^ KI —^ w ALL THE FALL BLOCKS IN STIFF ANU SOFT HATS ARE NOW IN AND THEY ARE BEAUTIES. WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS FOR FALL AND WINTER. Jno. S. Wick. 242 S. Main St.. Butler, Pa Opposite J\ O. AuvurtifcKi in the CITIZEN, || PHILIP TACK, j OONTRAOTOK IN 11 Cleveland Berea Grit f 11 x 11 f I STONE ! M' 1 4 i X \\ Suitable fur Huilding u Ornamental and j| Paving purposes. ]| This Stone Will Not "Shell J OH." | II Prices reasonable. II I 4 r Work done well |; and promptly, J [ Stone yards on it Kast Klna street. 41 J jf Residence on I Morton avenue. ▼ People's Telephone 3-^O. PIANOS A Word To Piano Owners. I wish to state to pianos own ers and the public in general that I have became a permanent fixtune in this city and am prepared to do all kinds of repairing on all kinds of instruments. Piano Tuning a Specialty. J. C CANER at Newton's Music Store, or 109 Water Street, Butler, Pa.; also instruction given 011 all instruments. Hl»mp for Boxiriq Gloves. Striking Bagn. Cam«mt, Rirycltt. Hiinllno Suits, S«ln««. Tcntt, FUhlng Yncklo. JOJINH'rQNH, Wai'arn thin Work*. M* Mr—l. Wl-lBhUlU*. A'A. IH Cures Drunkenness. i\eeley^ KEELEY S'"* I'Ufn'NSTITUTE. Recently tjiere have been several cases of prominent men suddenly falling in collapse just after eating a hearty meal. These men have all been under treat | rnent for gastric "trouble," and yet the I result show 3 that the treatment they had received had smothered the symptoms | tat had not retarded the progress of the j disease. d There is a real danger in the use of Matives when there is disease of the mach and its allied organs of diges ! tion and nutrition. The disease in such | cases goes on, while the distressing ! symptoms alone are stopped. Presently, | like a smothered , || fire, the disease breaks out in >/ new places, in- ( / volving heart, W lungs, liver, kid- / neys, or some / ' j other organ. j / l.\ The use of Dr. / / \\ * Pierce's Golden (I Medical Discov- L ecy results in a stomach and oth- sa*, --4\ er organs of di- «» gestion and nutrition. It cures diseases of heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc., when Ae disekse of these organs has its origin in the diseased condition of the stomach and digestive and nutritive system. "I will tell vou what myself and family think of your writes Mr. M. M. Ward well, of Lin wood. Leavenworth Co., Kansas. "It will do all you say, and more. I was taken sick nine years ago; I got so weak I couldn't He down, nor hardly sit up: was that way two or three months. I picked up one of Dr Pierce s Memorandum Books one nay and saw your de scription of catarrh of the stomach. I thought it hit my case We had a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in the house that was got for my mother. You recommend it for catarrh of the stomach, so I went to taking it. The one nearly cured me. I got two bottles i!le*t time ana took one and one-half and was Well. Ygttf medicine cost me three dollars and the doctor cost me fourteen dollars 9 Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one -cent stamps, to pay •xpense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics cure by acting directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in any other part of the system. o. crara. pi™. i— Fr*fr«, Congestions, Inflammation*. .25 'Z —Worm*, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25 3—'Tecthing. Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .'is 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—Cough*. Colds, Bronchitis .25 H—\euralgia, Toothache, Faceache .2* 9 —Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 1 o—Dy«pepMin, Indigestion, Weak Stomach. 2 5 I I—fcuppre**ed or Painful Period* .25 12—Whites, Too Prof use Perl ods ' .25 13—(* roup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 11—Hait Rheum. Erysipelas, Eruptions . .25 15—HheumatUm, Rheumatic Pains .25 16— >1 a I aria. Chills, Fever and Ague . .25 19 —Cttsrrh, Influenza. Cold in the Head .25 20— IV hoop! n g-< "ou gh 25 27—Kidney IMnenMe* 25 2H—\rnou* DrMlity 1.00 30—I'rlnary Weakrte**, Wetting Bed 25 77 —Grip, Hay Fever .... .25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Ldneaso* at your DrugglMts or Mailed Kr»-e. Hold by drogglMt*. or sent on receipt of price. Mod. Cu* Cor. William m. John BW.. Sinking Spells, fainting, smothering, palpita tion, pain in left side, shortness of breath, irregular or intermit tent pulse and retarded circula tion all come from a weak or defective heart. Overcome these faults by building up the heart-muscles and making the heart-nerves strong and vigor ous. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is the remedy to use. It is the best. "I would havo Hpells when I would wX weak and faint and rny heart would Bcem to stop beat ing, the* It would Ix-at very hard. I taking Dr. Mills' Heart Cure and when I had used twelvo bottled my heart was all right." Mrs. J. L. Tatlob, Owcnsboro, Ky Dr. Miles' Heart Core is a heart and blood tonic erf Uncqualed power and never fails to benefit if taken in time. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind- TliU I» Tonr Opportunity. On receipt of Urn cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will lie mailed of tho most {topnl'ir Catarrh ami Hoy Fever (Jure (Ely's Cream Halm) sufficient to demon strate tho gr< tt merits of tho remedy. ELY BItOTHF.RH, 08 Warren Kt , New York City. ROT. John Re id, .Jr., of (!r COUGH. v A pleasant, never-failing S c remedy for throat and lung < > i or other harmful ingredients, c v A prompt, positive; euro . / \ coughs, colds, lioarscne:l < enza, whooping cough. J ■ Over a million tmttlnn col'l In Un S } last few years attestltsjiopu -nrlty. < w. J. GILMORB CO. i PITTBDUR J, !»A. % S At all Druggists. i mmem 'tiJi&yrmil s willi pure SP.ViISH I.ICORICF." I Oriiu£})aiicd (or cure of CSJGHS'-C^l.D'ji D"" IQ9 PACKACr', In decorated linßoxc, *25 <• per BOX iolo by ljruy:ii»t!. evorywi"r«: <»< r • ( , ' W. S. & E. WICK, DKAI.KItH IN Hough am) Worked l.iirnl,. -r,>rKinds I Hast. ... 1.l MOIIIIIII.UK Oil Well i:iir*i a specialty. ( Office and Yard. V.. (,'iinriliii'liatn mil .M'uiriM' i-ts .near Wo»t remi Hei*it. iIIJTLKR J'A i THE CITIZEN. SURGEONS 7 THREAD. MATERIALS THAT ARE USED TO SEW UP CUTS AND WOUNDS. There Are Manr Klndn of Inntm mentn and Needle* and a Great Variety of Stitches lied In Life Savlnif Operation*. Imagine u tailor who deliberately plans to have the stitches he so careful ly sews give way at a certain time. Suppose he should use one kind of thread in a coat warranted to break in une week, another kind in the trousers guaranteed to fall apart in a month and using permanent material only in making up a waistcoat. Yet this is ex actly what the surgeon does every day. Sutures, as the surgeon's thread is call ed, are made from various materials, according to the requirements. Catgut, silk thread, silkworm gut, silver wire, kangaroo tendons and horsehair are in common use. Catgut was at one time obtained from members of the feline tribe. Ag its use increased the supply ran short. Experiments showed that sheep fur nished an acceptable substitute. So catgut used by surgeoDs, jewelers and makers of musical instruments comes now from the submucosa, or middle layer of the intestine of a sheep. It is the most commonly used of all sutur ing material. Catgut stitches are ab sorbed in front five to seven days, de pending ou the individual upon whom they are used. In occasional instances catgut stitches have been known to be absorbed in 36 hours. By treating it with chromic acid such a suture will remain in position for many weeks. Because of its adaptability and the cheapness of the material catgut heads the list of surgical threads. Silkworm gut can be more thorough ly sterilized than any other known (juture material. In preparing sutures of all sorts the usual method is to boil the material in ether, allow It to soak for 24 hours, then place it in alcohol for a day or two and follow this with a bath of mercury solution. Notwith standing this thorough cleansing, the microscope reveals germs still present in varying numbers In many instances. Silkworm sutures show fewer micro organisms than other materials treated In this way; hence It Is highly recom mended for surgical work. The mate rial is extracted fiom a silkworm killed Immediately before it begins to weave Its cocoon. Unfortunately for sur geons, silkworm sutures are not at>- sorbed, but remain permanently In place. For this reason Its use is re stricted to special work. The short, tongfa tendons taken from the tall of a kangaroo furnish surgeons with a valuable thread. Kangaroo ten don stitelies will hold fast for many days. The tbne of absorption Is esti mated from Pour weeks to two months. Horsehair and silver wire sutures are nonabsorbable. The fluids of the body do not aff(»ct them In any way, and once In plnj-e the stitches will remain until forcibly removed. By some It Is asserted that silver wire has distinct antiseptic properties. Nitrate of silver In solution Is known to be n good ger micide. Hence It Is argued that a sil ver salt Injurious to germ development Is formed by the contact of body fluids with silver wire. Thus stitch abscesses are said to be of rare.- occurrence when silver wire; Is utilized. 811k thread, such as Is used by tai lors, but of the finest quality and of larger caliber. Is frequently used. The stitches are practical ly nonabsorbable, though at times no trace of the thread has been found In the tissue at the ex piration of a yew. To accommodate this assortment of threada special varieties of needles are naturally required. A surgeon's "house wife" contains nee* lies that would scarcely 1M- recognlzod as sucli by the uninitiated. Besides the needles curv ed In different segments of a circle, surgeons use needles shaped like spears, Javelins nnd bayonet points. Some are as long as l>c; Norway, 24; Itusslii, 20, HOOD'S PILLS euro Llvor Ills, Bil iousness, tm> IMawa4 Ami ENNYRQYAL PILLS t ). »m 4 Only iimslN*. A •,* v y » Ki -1 Im - •»■ I*4.\VOr \' ' 1 r 1. • Vsr I i/'iaq- s.« ▼ ' uMIcMMU A ■ a«*4 4*. •»- In « «wrt« t"f t»| tjf m> far ll'tfr L, r *tmrm \ Br Mmtl. IO,0»0 iMtimmltU ffmm* ryw. 1 At *ll !'■***• at# « klekraUr « li< atlt al <>•., 1 I4«U lIUIM. HiMfA. FA | Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman's 1 | Lowest Prices Always, but no sacrifice of quality. Women's Stylish Fall and Winter Suits, Jackets, Furs, Capes, Coats, Skirts and Flannel Waists. Not cheap clothing, but all the new and striking effects of the season at prices lower than those of another store. REMARKABLE VALUES IN SUITS. Ladies' Fine Covert and Venetian Cloth Suits, $10.00; value 12.50. Ladies' Fine Covert and Venetian Cloth Suits, $12.50; value 15.00. l\ A Ladies' Fine Pebble Cheviot Suits, J Ladies' Fine Blouse Homespun Suit, $10.00; value 12.50. Ladies' Fine All-wool Kersey Jackets, v;| color, Castor and Black, $5; value 8.50. ipHfcH Ladies' Fine All-wool Kersey Jackets, r ?Ply f color. Castor and Black, $7.25; value ro. Ladies' Fine All-wool Kersey Jackets, * fir' £ color. Castor and Black, $10: value 12.50. Ladies' All-wool Pebble Cheviot Skirt, Toadies' All-wool Cloth and Golf Capes $5.00 up to 25 00. 'X.IA Ladies' Fine Fur Scarfs $1.98, 3.98, c.50 up to 25.00 • Ladies' Ali-w. Men's High Class Footwear. Imported patent leathers at #3, $3 50. $4 and s,s English enamel extension Holes at $3 50, $4 and #.s Vici ki Veal calf, satin calf at *l, $1 50 nnd $.• "LONG ROAD TO SCHOOL" SHOES. Jprncntown high cut, copper tip sltnes, in kip, heavy soles, water proof. Bengal calf, oil gram, veil calf, at f,t, $1 25 and #1.75 SPECIAL IN GIRLS' SCHOOL SHOES. Neat, stylish shots of good material and best workmanship, at sl, sjii 25 anil sfcl 40. Sizes llYtto 2. My profits are shared with my patrons in the remarkably low prices at which I place high grade shoes on their fiet. Von can save money enough here to justify coming n long distance, lliiEelton's is headquarters for all kinds of rubber and r elt goods, knit stockings, including ,V 1 ishawaka knit boots nnd non-snag rubbers. B. C. HUSELTON, Sutler's Le rllnir Shoe tlouso. Opposite Hotel l.owry. toiler Savings Bank i'.Lille r, I • Capt Jit - - /to.ouu.uo | SurjiluH an'l Profit'i - saoo,ixio i.o l f'.rHfl J»»r. V/. A *!-• •' < numf-HI. The IJuttar SJIVIIIKM Itiink In tho Olr. .o. Hoover. II M'-- r. <*.»Hlr»* i. '»• >ii.iii>. I*. ~ , .m' H, irimni'in. w 11. Larklu, I i«»rry I , ~v lir W. l'. MeCaitfllnaa. H'i I. W .1 .Murl: -, J. V llllls. A. I/. It.llii-f 'I I IK Farmers' National Bank, UUTLEK, PENN'A. CAPITAL I'ALL) IN, $100,000.00 L-'orclvn .-x'-lniiiif.- IM.IIKIII anil w»lil. >p. rial it-tt.'llt.l'.li Klven to cullocUoas. OMOKITH: JOHN YOINKINH .. I'reslileiit .11 ill N 111 M I'll KKV. Vice I'reildeiit. 1 A IIAII.KV Uaililer I. W HIM.IIAM Assistant 1 'mlil.ir J. r 111 T/.1.1.1C T. 11. r IHKECTOUH. John Vi.tili kins. I' I- <' l« •I n nil. I - . I. Al>i 11 in*.. 1 N 11-.yil. W I Met/»er. 11.-nry Mlii.-r. '"'in Humphrey. i'lma. Ilnys, I.evl M \\ i . mil I mm It Murphy. I HI <■ r- -,l pii lil 1 >ll lime deposit*. W<- 11 .>p." 1 fully w.ll.'it v.Mir business. VUI I'LL KNOW MOW GOOD ] * WMKN YOU SKKTUHM. I Our 25c box papers. , Our IOC and 15c fine writing paper tablets. Blank books at the old pi ice. Albums bought before the ad vance. Kodaks with a special discount .. in January. | Photograph supplies always U fresh. ' { Sporting goods. fi Late fiction. R llibles cheaper than ever. I ICveryday needs at everyday prices. At DOUGLASS JJOOK HTOKK Ka;;!c i'Td. WANTI'I) 11..11.'.1 n.nit or wri.iiuiii to trnvp fur luric Ii" 1 ' suhiry «i... rnniitlily mill .-spiliW'R, Willi In. r.-ii«ii. p.Mllliili prriiinn 1 lit .Inrlim- If iiil'lw 'I HIIHIII.. ii .-nvi'l.ip.. J MANAUKU. K.K) iii., tlurr is just oil 1 ' plai ■: in town vvhi fi yoju can jxet it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue i:«A_ We Ihe time of year to have a picture 01 your house. (Jivr us a trial. Agent lor tbc Juii.cntowD Siirtinir Bliutl 'Jo —New Yurie. R. FISHER A SON DR. P. H. I. IACIEIZIE, SPECIALIST In mental, nervoua, chronic nml private iliacintcn 01 men unil women. RUPTURE Curcil to stay cnic.l without tin.- aid of u truss or it knife or detontion from busincn*. 1 will Iftvc yon 11 written nunrnutec to rcfnnil yju every cent in caae I fail to effect 11 cure, Dr R H M MACKENZIE, <>2h Penn Ave., Pill.il.uiK, l'» "HOA*DI~ P^O it W'Hnfl "Or.NTAL ROOMS " W jgUAQV 3'l - f.th Avn., I'lttiburLj, P.. If Ml VFu W«'r.i PHACTICAf.Ly , '" IM K t,,r [I Hmv SB CROWN II'I Bf.liiiit WLtkM ,/fS Bk"' I' 1 1 " WHY NOT DO li," fVIvOURt? CROWN«;L*i If 111 fIRIDGK w " ,k W I'l H TOOTH Air., ll,|. LI V VI-m I -. f: • 111 i|. 11 ONLJf L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 R.'Jl'l I'HPSON. HUTLER, - PA I RAILROAD TIMS TABLES. | pITTSBUKG & WESTERN , Railway. Schedule of Pas j fenger Trains in effect May 28, I , 1899. BUTLER TIME. y | Dei*rt. | Arrire. ' j ALLEGHENY Accommodation *> 45 A M 903 A M * Allegheny Kxprem.. 805 44 91J " . Na* Uatlo Accommodation 8 ** 912 ** » Akron Mail 805 A.*l 703 r.m Allegheny Fait Kxprem 9 58 44 *l2 18 ** Allegheny Expr****. 3 00 p.* 4 4."> pm Chicago Kxpreoi 3 40 pm 12 Is am Allegheny Mail 550 " 74j pm Allegheny and New l'a»tle Aca.m 550 44 7 n 4 V> P.M 9 4;"» A.M I Cleveland and Chicago Kxpraa... 625 am SUNDAY TRAINS. Allegheny Kxprvm 8 05 A.M 9 12 A.M Allegheny Accommodation..... 5 50 P.M 5 03 P.M New Castle Accommodation . .. 8 tis A.M 703 44 Chicago Kxpretw 3 4o P.M 5 03 am Allegheny Accommodation j 7 03 pm (Hi Satuplays a train, known an the theatre train, will leave Butler at 5.50 p. m. f arriviufc at Allegheny at 7.21$ returning leave Allegheny at 11.30 p. m. Pullman sleeping cars on Chicago Express between Pittsburg and Chicago. For through tickets to all pointa in the west, north west or southwest and information regarding routes, time of trains, etc. apply to W. R. TURNER, Ticket Agent, K. IV RKYKOLD3, Sup t, N. i>., Butler, Pa. Butler, Pa. C. W. BASSETT, G P. A.. Allegheny Pa II 0 DIN'KLK, Sup't. W. AL. Div.. Alleghein Pa. rpHE PITTSBURG. BESSE- A MER & LAKE ERIE R. R. COMPANY. Time table in effect Sept. 23, 1900. CENTRAL TIME. North ward. I>aily except Sunday. Southward (Read up) (Rejiddown) H 12 " MA ff> >NS 1 1! 13 '■ ~ A.M. I'. M.l'.M. r 12 *• » ** Erie |J2 Iti 4 15 12 23 8 at Falrrie* 12 35 4 40 li 13 » lil'Uiimrd 'l2 4s 4 53 1 :> it 18 *r. .Connnutt «r 137 li no II 00 7 05 IT.. Cuaueaot. . ,lv' 11 00 4 38 .11 55 7 50 <'rmueMTille 1 07 5 17 .11 50* 7 4'. Albion 1 l-j 5 25 1! 35 7 2!t Springboro 1 '_'7 5 4'l 11 28 7 2.1 ( oiiih•win ill.- 1 33 5 40 II 10 7 Ofi M.-ariville Junct. I 54 fi 05 II s«t 7 51l ar.. M«*adviUe.. ar 2:15 (145 10 2o 0 20,1 v. Miiulvillf.. .Iv 1 if. 5 15 11 2o' 7 aiar .Cou. Ulte..ar 2 05 <1 1(1 10 50 « .VI Iv. .('on. ljikv .lv 1 35 5 14 I 7 211nr,. Lim-nrille . .ar ' 6 '.'< l j | « 20; I V •' Ivj I j5 43 !1054r, 48 Ilsrtstown 1 | 2 imj <; 19 !10 4'' li 43 Ailumsville 2 13> li 25 10 40, li 34 ttagoml ! I 2 23 « 35 C 10 111 33 li 28 Gn-envillr »i :» 2 30 li 43 i> lo 2(i. i. 22 li 42 2 37 : li 50 5 4> 10 o7 r. (tl Fradooia.. 6 57 2 53' T 08 5 3.1 'i .'Bl 5 4.1 Miti-IT 7 13 3 11 j 7 26 2ti It 45 5 43 11,.u.«t,m Junction 7 l!l| 3 17i 7 3l 5 0s I V 28 5 25 Orovf. City 7 4n 3 37 7 50 4 571 it 12 llarriinrtlle 7 53 3 4!) 4 51 j tt 08. Umtu-litoti 8 01 3 57j # 4o ''4- nr.. .Hllltenl... ar » 42 5 40 3 oo; 705 lv...Hllll*nl. Iv 705 3 OS 1 ' 417 9 Keister 805 4 oil 4 33 h 4s Kuclid 8 20 4 17 ' 4 IN» h Ihi Butler 850 445 2 15, 7 «M». Allegheny 10 20 <» 2o lA.M. I jp.M.! J. S. MATSON, E. H. UTLEY, Snp't Triuisp. Gen. Pan«. Agt. Greenville. Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA "SU DIVISION. > ScMKprLK June 30, 19 SOUTH , WKEK DATS , IA. M AMIAM. r. M.IP. M BUTLEB UVR: 0 25 8 06 10 6<> 2 36 6 06 SAX on burg Arrive 0 64 M3O 11 L.V 3 «HI A 28 Butler Junction.. " 727 BS3II 40 326 ft 63 llutler Juuctiuu. Leave 7 31 8 6311 s'i 3 26 6 63 Natroiitt. , Arriv*«| 7 40 » 01 12 01 1 3 34 0 02 Tnreiitum 7 41 907 12 08 3 42 U 07 Hliringtlale 7 62 U 16,12 I'J 3 62, I Clareinont I R) SO' 12 3B: 400 . .. I SlU«r|>*l»urg j 8 11 U 3«L 12 4H 4 12 0 32 Allegheny 8 24 T* 48 1 02 4 26 0 43 •A. M A M. I». M.iP. M P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS.— Butler for Allegheny City HIHI priucJ|iiftl iut«rm«*liute ntntiuiin ut 7:30 A. in., IIID 6:00 |». NI. NORTH. WKEK DATS •A. 11. A.M.JA.M.IP. M.J P. M Allegheny Clly. . .L«*ve 7 00 H 66 10 46 3 I«>| (1 10 Shar)«hurg 7 12 9 07110 67 F IAT'-MONT 11 04 .... .... Sprliigilitlo ! 11 IH ...I 0 37 Tureiitum .. 7 37 0 34 II 281 3 40 (I 40 Natron* 7 41 9 38(11 341 3 60 0 61 llutlfT Junction. . Arrive 7 48 U 47,11 4.1 3 68 7 00 Btitlei Junction....leave 7 4M u 47 12 L* 1 4 MI! 7 00 Sftxontiuni. 8 16 10 09118 41 j 4 36 7 24 BUTLKH arrive H 4O 10 32, 1 10l 6 06 7 60 A M. A.M.JP. M.|P. M.|P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Allegheny City fur But ler Mini I'LUK jjnil Intel mediate Rtntlnn* lit 7 16 it 111. mid • p, in. WB TIL K EAST. Week* Day*. Sumlaya A. M A M. I*. M r A M. P M ILLLTI.KK TO II 26 10 AO 2 361! 7 311 6 IH) Hutlm J'ct *r 7 27 II 41) :i 26' 8 20 6 Ml llutli-r J'ct I*l 7 4M II 43 3 Mil H 21 H 06 Krwimrt «r 7 1.1 II 4« «02 H26 HO7 KUklmltvtu J't " 7AA II AO 4 l>7 1 H 211 Hll LmwlilmrK " H l>7 12 OS 4 111 i H4l H23 I'uull.m (A|«.11.1 )...." N 211 12 22 4 411 I H r.H H 42 Multll-nr* " H6l 12 411 6tw 9 2.1 0 (HI tllitlrnvlll.. 022 I 2" ft 41 »A 2 u4O Itlnlmvlll.t Int " 9 ItO I 111 6 AO. 10 00 Altmiim '• U36 A 4A| RAO A 46 . .. lUnlaliuiK " 3 111 HI 001 I mil to 00 NTLHWMIM* " «23 4r. 4 26 42A I'. M. A. M IA. M A.M. I' M Through train* F»#r the eaet LEER© Pltl#lurg ( Colon Station), it* follow#- AtUntic K«|»RIMW, dally 2:60 A.M 1'ITIIIIM) ivania I.iimtml " 7:16 ** Ihiy Kxiiremi. " 7:30 M Mid It Line Kx|>rwn», " 8:00 - Ilnrtlfthtiig Mall, *' 1246 R.M PhlUilcliihlii KI|IRIW, .. .4:6o*' Mull end JCx{>r<'N« «lnllv. For N««W York only. Through bufli t NLET'|N*R, UO ooachen 7:00 "* I.HNtern KX|»rewi, * ... ,7:10 M IMT IT*.', ' 8 'M» " I'lltMhiu x L.lnittiwl, dally, With tlnoiigh (OE4 hci to NEW York, and HH<«'|l]|lG « HIR to York, Oiiltluiore UIIIL Wftfihlut'.toii only. N4> extrn l*rr on thin triiln I IIIIWI K M«LL, SUINLIIJII (iinv .. 8:40 km FOI Atluntlr T'LTY (viu LN, ell* mil route), N INI AM, NRNL H.MI I'M, ilelly. Koi . r"\-I , |;S IIM I 'I • Mil" M l J I'ltUlitirK I !<«»•• ..m I. in j |i m In. »{ p.Bi All.'K* * I I'. AW. Kin II illii 4 111110 00 IMTII I . 10 K! ID ST LI s« K.iii'ltim ! b M CralK.»lll. . .. 10 43: I» ra 12 01 COWIIIINVIIUI I I'l l.'ll M<'iitK"lll.ryv!llo . L N Wl'.l !.'• !?7 ISrlm II -St " 4« 12 4JI Nurtli I'ulrit j '7 ITil Iliktuill..li } |7 ZSj lli'intl'l 1 |7 I I'liiiiaiitHWiirv . .m 12 03 f." 411 I 2" .Iv n !tu n: ft".! 2 30 7 40j I ao IIIu Run » 4rt la I*l " 4.1 ! 7 B& OnrwMM.lll. «r A 9N 43 4* 84»# OW rinirfliil.l . .or H 32 +4 00 4 00 #I:., 1n,1t.,1. 7 W 18 TFT a 801 S 17 Kull. i'i «.-k. 1 2« t: A 2 3 ;n»'|i n. 22t li...k«i.v>ni.' 7 42 i nr., 3 4R :: 40 Itlilicwu) H IN I 46: 4 X* 1 II IA .111L11IMN.IL.11 K H 4H | f.7 4 6 H il II" Ml .li'W.tt I' 31 S 4'ij A 4111. Iv II IU 11+31M7 0« LILT: LINN 7 DO II IL 3 »L « 2F. l'illilaill..li.J HI i o«i II 4". 3 .1.11 40 ( 34h It « IIA ii.in 3 36 I'.ln 3 AO lll.lllll'. ... " 12: ll.iiullli.lL ~, ! H 21 ] NIIIIII 1*.4111. * 211 l>i,. |..n ! * 47 I Oil 4 23 MH. ! * ft* 4 VI 4 113 WII.T MI»*II.«.' I " I* MI.lltKi.IL.. Ijrvlll.. . ' I* 21 I'..H111.MI 111. I' .14 I inly.*lll. » 46 4 67 6 13 I'I.|II.||II|I . I *• ft" Hu11,,, 111 2FT A 34 6 60 All. I-1.. I.V I I 1 .V W Mil. II X. li 44 ! 7 20 I'l t t.l.u 1 u , 1. rrlv M 1 H.lu 1 j>. 111 I I 11,111 * Ditily. T I'nily «'*«;ept Hntitlay. Triiina unil D URN nuliil vi-Htihiilnl OIITILJIJII'IL with himilitonii' 'lny coaclu>» rafn NII'L ri'dlniiiK clmir earn Tnilrm S nml 7 hiivc I'nllinnn Hli'i'pi'r* tietwi'i'ii IJiifTnlii and IMttuburK. KUWAKO C. LAI-KV. Oen'L PAM. AKi'IIT, Konlimtcr N. V. Du/fi&tiega UIVBS A BRRAD-WINNINU liDUCATION. Ilnablteg young M.n and wamrn to M..1 TLW JIM.ND.OL IHL. prn.p.fou. • mmmmrtiat an. R»R DROIUARI •>l.l M M f. UUPPINIO, IU ntita i. ri | 'if RAPE'S" ] Heading Millinery House! I:: Clearance Sale I !C —OF - O ALL SUMMFR HILLINERY X MAM ST., ! BUTLER} 5 DRESS GOODS AGAIN. « 'Jf The suitings and skirtings are 5 varied to the taste, and enticing to * the beholder. Some plain, some i| ji fon cy' other with plaid backs; all of S | them better and cheaper than you S '' Three Specials in Homespuns. #5 m/ They are all wool, heavy weight, stylish im" * mi it urea in greys, browns and biege. jA i y inches wide—pr»>at value 50c ▼J 3° Hue quality 75c 9L M " " splendid li:trKalu.sl.oo , j 5 Here are the Heavy Skirtings. iP\ tacks are the rage. Plain or mixed on one side and very handsome SA plaids on the reverse side. Make up without lining. 44 Inch heavy pluld barks $1,25 ik .. 'J 1 " . ' , elegant goods t-'.OO and fe.W Xf M> Heavy tieaver cloth Is entirely new for skirts—.V) Inches wide-fc'W per yd M S Venetians and Broadcloths. JR 50 inch Venetian .very Arm and heavy, all colors, sold everywhere at JlJßonlv §1 Hue Broadcloth and ASj R or y heavy and extra fine twilled Hroadcloth. superb finish, worth jL'.OO at i1!75 Black Goods. S jv . ul( | l> f r ." l [J.y Melrose - Poplins. Clievlotts. Diagonals. Serges. Henrietta •5 We carry a complete line of the famous Gold Medal black goods. dV The low prices tell their own clever story on these goods. JV Best French Flannels 75c per yd G STYLISH NEW JACKETS AT LOW PRICES « |L. Stein & Son,! G 108 N. MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA- S TAILORS Have something more formidable to contend with than the fancies of man. They must please his mother, his wife, his sisters and hi? cousins. A woman's inspection of a man's clothes may be casual but it A? ' s surt: to critical. Tin* unmis c: /T I I takable style about our nake ->f / 1 k I j clothes at once asserts itself and \ i never fails to find favor with the r A i J most critical. 6 jl I Whether your object is price or quality, our facilities for satisfying J j J j you are the best to be hrd. Fall Patterns Ready; Every one of Them Strikingly Handsome. Z\ i n , MAKER OF vm. IC* I I , MEN'S Clothes !>' ( \ T T I'ure winUM-sli.lined lard-oil is VJII- -X . , , , i the best, known lubricant for T ARD NEATSFOOT machinery, as also the ;cst miners CASTOR, ' oil obt.iin.-ib'c- FISH, Black harness oil keep- leather i LUBRICATING, . , •„ „ SPDRM *l*l li iui .s it BLACK HARNESS, color, is e.piaMy j;0,.<1 for b>ots ETC. and shoes. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT RKDICK t\ jROH MAN, ii <) N. Main St.. Prescription I)rnx>;i.Hts. Kutler, I'm Announcement OF Clearance Sale Great reduction in every article pertaining to MILLINERY A great variety of TRIMMED HATS for Ladies, Misses and chil dren, all reduced to one half the former price. Sailors, ribbons, chiflons, flowers, ornaments, straw, braids, nettings; also all untrim med hats, sacrificed at bargain sales, not regarding cost as we need i the space for fall Sale will continue a'l during month ol August at i Rockenstein's, 338 South Main Street. ------ Under, Pa PITTSBURG ACADEMY _ i I'lTTsaeao's I.KAlilNa Hcitoo) . I>l|il«nia admits to Oullrga. ) —.. , (Inane eourscs ombraet> Kloetittnii, 1 'lsiwlrs, Ht-li'iitlllc, Normal, "7lith W|iaiia \ (icjtnmrrrlnl, DrawltiK. Ht«>n»l»sr«|»liy mid TyiwwrltliiK. ( p . M • Modorii Mllllnrv Truliilim. He van torn ahleatid j oGpI, 4-, j clperlcluod Uaelit'r* lull »t ofllca ur wild for hand-book. 1 Tffll) Vn ! I WARREN LYILE, PruMant, Cor. Rom tntf Diamond tti. ' 1 The New-York Tribune The LKADINC. NATIONAL RKPUHMCAN NEWSPAPER. thoroughly up to ort* from all aections of the land showing progress of the work, etc., etc., ami will commend itself to the careful perural of every thoughtful, intelligent voter who 1 us thn true Interests of Ilia country «t heart. New York Tri-Weekly Tribune New York Weekly Tribune I'uldiahed Monday, Wednesday and Published on Thuraday, and known for Friday, is in reality a fine, fresh, every- near'y sixty years In every part of the other-day Daily, giving the latest news United Statea as a National Family on days of issue, and covering news of Ncw*pu|>cr of the highest class for farm the otlu-r three. It contain* all import- crß -ni j villagers. It containr nil the ant foreign war mid other cable news m0(ll Important general nrwa of I'llß which ntipenrs in THli DAILY TRI- uAII/V TRIHUNK up to hour of going HUNK of muic date, alto Domestic and t 0 j, rci(Hi hns entertaining reading for Foreign Correspondence. Short Storiea, CVC ry nieml»er of the family, old and Klegant Half'tone Illustrations, Humor- young, Market Reports which lire nc ous Items, Ind'iatrial Information, Faali ccpted as authuritv by farmwsand coi'n ion Notes, Agricultural Matters and try merchants, an*l in c.'eau, np to date, Comprehensive and Reliable Financial interesting and instructive, and Market reiiorts. . m Regular subscription price, *1.50 per Krgular subscription price, li.oo J>cr year. year. We furnish it with TUB CITIZKN for We furnish it with THE CITIZRN fa.oo |>e< year. for $1.50 per year. Send all orders to THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa., subscribe for the CITIZEN