C. E. MILLER 9 SHOPMAN. Makes a Grand Offer to the Trade. A GREAT REMODELLING SALE. We Must Have Money, We Must Have Room. rsaa We are making a big change in our building. New basement new front, another story and a large addition on the rear. Our lajge and increasing trade makes it necessary for us to make this change, and to make this change we need mon?y and room. Our fall goods are all in and our building is packed from cellar to roof. While we don't prospose to lose any money on these fresh, seasonable goods, we intend cutting our profits so as to make this large stock move quickly. To our old trade we just have to say to them, we are going to close some goods cheap; they know what it means. TO OUR NEW FRIENDS. We wish to say that when we advertise a sale of goods it is genuine and the trade knows it and approves and profits by it. We wish to impress on your minds that just now wc are having a Great Sale of Shoes, just such as you need at this time of the year. Better take advantage of this sale. C. E. MILLER. iFree For 30 Days: J After This I Will Charge My Regular Fee. V <Dr. R. H. M. Mackenzie < / SPECIALIST CwP > ( Mental. Nervous, Chronic \ f and Private Diseases r /MEN AND WOMEN, j / Is now permanently located S ) In The Stein Building, / I Challenge the Medical Profession for a Case of S / uitai, DUrwMorKldaer. lerr.l. Itrbilltj, V 1 Wo.cbltU, of Pll». / V Catarrh Khrnw »f »«nn, % y bn.anptloa Hit staiffc). Kpll»|»r »r Fit". In? a'lllj V Vf*»c»r. rF«t« ». Srphlllr Blood, f /R-r 1 " o&r* 0 "- S? V Bulmmi. Hftrnrti*. "sit / J MVUM OR *t»»»<-H, Heart Illinw, T>lltoe*l*. A \ flKawtof Llier, / I That *rth n/ztf adllT yield to my Sy.tem Of Treatment. If you have any of these % N maladies come to my office and I will explain to you my method of corto* them t f I will rive you FREE OF CHARGE a thorough examination, together with an a C honest and scientific opinion of your a>e. aod If you theu aeelde to take my cure r N I will not auk you for more than you will be willing to pay for the benefit# con- j J ferred. I will <lo hy you as I would want you to do hy rne If our ctues were re- f \ verwd. (.'< rtainty of»eurc I* what you want and I will a-.*ure you of thin lna.s- / I much -.!» I «juive yon a written irtmrantee U> refund vcro every cent you hare j C paid me In riaau I fall to eftdct a cure. / J Cured to Stay Cared < (lujLALAiLiI 0000^00000^ ) And without the aid of a truss or a knifeS / BfJ and without causing you any pain S / njl or detention from business. v |a DR. R. H. M.*MACKENZIEt ? OFFICE: Stein B'ld'g, Cor. S. Main & Wayne Sts„Butler,Pa/ S OFFICE HOURS: 9 a m to 8 p m, Sunday 10 a m to 2 p m ( , £ 416 W. Jefferson St., SIERCHMmTAILOR Full bine of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. V£ Good Fit and Workmanships Guaranteed. | J.E.WETZEL, Cutter, Late of Lake St Sons, Baltimore L. S. McJUNKIN, insurance and Real Eslate Agent. 117 E. JEFPERSON. BUTLER. - PA Bntier Savings Bank fciutler, Pa. Capital - |60,r00.00 , Surplus and ProfiU -•- f2oo,«xj.rx» JOS. L PIJBVIS President J. HENRY TROtiTMAN Vice-President WW.CAMPBELL, Jr tr>\m B.htks - —'Y* ?,*"" DIKKCTOKK-Joscph >-• »• ". e °7 Tro>:tman, W. D. Brandon, W. A. ttteln. J . H. CaiwMti. The Butler Havings Hank I* the Oldest Bunklnic Institution! 11 butler Wronty. Oencral bunking business transacted. We solicit accounts of "II producers, Oier cbants, fnrmeri and others. All bjwlneii entrusted to u* wilt receive prompt attention. Interest ttaWl 011 tltn* deuoslte. TH K Butler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in - - faoo,ooo. o Surplus and Profit* - $60,000. o loa. Ilartnian, Preaideut; J. V. Ritta, Vic* President; John O. McMarlin, Cashier, A. G. Knig, Aaa't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. In teres', pale] on tune deposit*. Money 1 jailed on approved security. Wt Invite you to open an account *ltb this b.mk. niKBCTOIW—Hon. Joseph Hartman, lion. W. B. Waldron, f»r. N. M Hoover. H. M<- Hweeney, C. P. Collins, I. <>■ Htnlth, Leslie I . Ifualxtt, M. Klnegm, W. 11. Larkin, Harry lleasley, I'r. W. U. McCandless. Hen Mas «etb. W. J- Murks, J. V. Kltts. A. L. lielber TH K Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, HENN A. CAPITAL FAIL IN, 8100,000.00. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. OKKHKIW: JOHN YOINKINH.,,.. President JollN hi MI'MKRY .Vice President < . A. HAILLY... I 'asliter K. W. HIM.HAM Assistant Cashier r. r. iht/.lku 1 DIRWTOKH. John Yotinklns. II L. I Iceland. K. V. A brums, O. N. Boyd, W, K. Met/.j/er. Henry Miller, John Humphrey. Tlios. Ilays, Levi M Win*; and l-'rancl* Murphy, fnterett paid ou time deposit*. We respectfully solicit your business AuTcrtihe in the CITIZEN, PHILIP TACK, i r * OOSTKAOTOB IN ji Cleveland Berea Grit | 1 * I STONE 1 r f I i T If f \ \ Suitable lor Building j I Ornamental and I r Paving purposes. II This Stone Will Hot "Shell Off. ' I I i % ] Prices reasonable. I Worlc done well * I ! I anil pfomptl f. j i X ] \ Stone yards on Z liast litna street. '.i $ II Residence on j [ Morton avenue. J ; People's Telephone y*>. I i * U J. «l< .L . U ,t< <1« .i. U« J/ ■l/d/ ■l/ O/ ■</ -J/. W ■!» if Ifc Jl if T. » t- jf o- "• if - wi *w «• n. •»-'?' PIANOS A Word To Piano Owncrß. I wish to state to pianos ower crs and the public in general that I have became a pcrniment fixtunt in this city and am prepared to do all kinds of repairing on all kinds ot instruments Piano Tuning a Speciality. J. C CANEIt, at Newton's Mus -J Store, or 109 Water Street, Hutler, Pa.; also instruction given n all instra ments. ~ x UJ 2 kll Hl.mf tur UUlu«>«. M "■ _l Boxing Glovei. Striking Bags. Csmerst, Blcyr.lss, Hunting Suits, Seine*. Tents. Fithlng Tackle. JOIINHT(>NH, (irtftt W««*«rri (ion Works, » Bmitufloid Ktveet. VVl'l UUUttO. if A. | West Winfield Hotel, §W.G. LUSK, Prop'r. I'irst Clas* Table anr! I^nlgingH. §(ias and Spring Water all through house. Good Stabling Practical Horse Shoers W _L ROBINSON, Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wiclc liou.-e has opened busi ness in a shop in t tlie rear of the Arlington Hotel, where he will do Horse-Shoeing in the most approve! style. TRAM AND ROAD HOSRES A SPECIALTY. . KF.SLCY Write tor M |||*/> IWSTim 'L. VUI 15««sir.ki Booklet. riiTKSt CongMMi' Night and day, until the strength is entirelv exhausted, and that dreaded word <V Consumption " begins to be whis pered among friends. That's a common story, familiar to the people of every town and village. There s another story which ought to be as widely known as the storv of dis ease, and that is the story of the cure* effected by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden t Medical Discovery. Bronchitis, asthma, obstinate, deep-seated coughs, bleeding of the lungs, and other forms of disease which affect the respiratory organs. ar« permanently cured by the use of " Golden Medical Discovery." -Only for Dr. Pierce S Golden Medical £>i» covery I think I would be in my grave to-day, write* Mr. Moses Mile®, of Hilfiard Lmta Co. Wvominfr. "I had asthma so bad I could mt sleep at eight and was compelled to P* e "J work. It affected my lnnys *o that I all the time, both night and day. My ineflos all thought I had consumption My wife in sisted on mv trying I>r- Pierce's Oo.dec >jcdlcal I>iscovery which I did I have taken *°ur bottles and am now a well man. pounds thanks to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medic* Discovery " Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for book in paper covers or 31 stamps for cloth-bound. Addref* Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil TIIE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It Cure- 1 -: Piles or Hemorrhoids —Extern?.: or Internal, B'.ind or Bleeding, Itching o. Burning, Fissures and fistulas. Relief im mediate—cure certain. It cures Burns and Scalds. The -elief instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts ana Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, fever Sore IJJS or Nostrils. Corns, Bunion , Sore and Chafed Feci, Stings of insect., Mosquito Bites and Sunburn 3. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO SoW by Drug'it'i, Of tent pre-paid on receipt of fr«.» HUMPHREYS' WED. CO., Cor. William 4. John bu.- MiW IOBH DOCTOR MILES' NERVINE, I The Brain awftNww Food and Medicine, Qcrfets Irri tated Nerves, Soothes the tired Brain, BtrtMs op the Vital Powers of the Body ad Overcomes Disease. It Contains no Opiates nor other harmiol drugs. Sjjld antee. Writ- for fcne advice and booklet to Or. Mi if a Metfi |nJ $•. fclkhart In 4. T»il« Is V«mr Opportunity. On ipt "f ' a-i\ n tiin, e»*h or stamps, ft gen':roim han jilo will bo mailed of the most jjopular C »t-'rrh and liny Fever Cure CEIyV. f'r«arn "3a!.n. r.nfi'ieient to demon strate llio grc !'• merits of tljo remedy. ELY BTIOTHEKS, 66 Warrtn Kt , New fork City. Hev. John 'ileid, Jr., of Great Fall*, Mont., recommended Cream Balm to rue. I can emphaßizo Ins statement, "It i«a po«i- j tire ctire for catarrh if n:-;«d a«directed." —■ ] Iter. Francis V/. I'oole, Pastor Central I'res. Church, Ilelci n. Mont. Ely's Cream Bc.Wi in the jLclttiowledßexi enre for catarrh and conlnins no mercniy nor any injurious «lruu Pi ice. 60 cents. | ' ■omnmur /Jr stuv.- -» mm l&JI mem ' - lirtrr^ nade with pure .')PAH .Vri! ICC:< L-*-. Vnswpavsed for cure of C?l' CH v-.uj s""' IQ9 pAC:t< M J tl",' / ~ ■ K/1 ;i ■ In decorated fin Boxe'> - R j'.v c MK 0 , 21 i C . pcr BOX ioTo by fjrgqqi'.t t ever/Whrre w r • S on receipt ol -? DROP"^-- of the l'cople's *♦****##**** I'honc or Hell 122 ■», unit W. B. McOKARY'S' new wagon,lruunlnj{(tf> and from nis Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your In >nse take away your dirty carpets and re turn them in a day or two as e'ean as tie «. All '>n a summer morning Cart >ets, rug i and curtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. VISITORS f> Pittsburg during the Exposition season ■ are welcome *t our sum-. W< ihail IH» (Jlii'l I U» Itave yu make ILyour wlilli. In r- We have no (Ihiplay at the f r|M>Hltlon. We lire alw> lie;nliiuarU>r» for t IK- <II*I lll> I i<x I of the l,'*sl Wll ISIv kV on the market,stt«'li a» * UM 11, MT. \KIIRON, «JI < KKMIfIMI It IM 1.1.1 NO Kit (.IIIMiS, (VKKIIOI.T. 1.1 ItliK, I 110 Ml'SOt iSu.DHKI'OKt, anrlolti'i ihem U> you una<lulU!rttU-<l il year I old at ;i "i" ' 'ulT i|i»iirt, r, quariH. ..<«>. »K».iI<IATHI.KH < llOI( .., a whiskey Kuurant« I :i year < old. «:.MH i,«-r K»l. | Oii.-Ul' " !>. "f midl ordertut £i."ior over We l*lr And ship R6lii£RT LI:WIN & CO. 411 Water Slree Telejihone, 2179. Pittobntfc, > i. ■ Op|>o<tltc II Ac (J. Itepot. I'M i : CITIZEN. UNCLE ELI SHOCKED. Br Gets an I nplruanl Insight Into Modern Patriotism. [Copyright, IXO. by C. B. Lewis.] "Jim," says I as I goes into our town cooper shop the other day to git a new bung fur a bar'l, "I'm thinkin some of runnin fur the office of supervisor." "go'm I," says Jim. "But how kin you?" "Same as you." "But think of your duty, Jim. It's the duty of a freeborn elector to do the hollerin and the votin and let some body else hold office." "Then you may holk-r and vote fur me," says Jim. "Look a-here, Jim," says I as I gits over my surprise at his promptness, "has it occurred to you that the fate of this nushun is tremblin in the bal ance?" "It has," says he. "Do you want ruin and desolashun to overtake this fair land?" "Not by a Jugful." "And do you want the Magna Charta of liberty used a> a dish towel and the constitution of the United States chaw ed up bv calves?" "I don't." "Then you must take your place at the polls, shoulder to shoulder with other patriots, and help h'ist ine Into office. It's the only thing that'll save the kentry fur which our forefathers fought, bl.-d and died." "1 know it better way." says he as he shaves at the bung. "You do the shoulderin and h'istiu. and I'll fill the office." It does beat ail how patriotism and the principles of our grandfathers are beln lost sight of in this day and age. M. QUAD. After llif RMCue. "You consider a quarter too little for saving my life?" "On the contrary, I'm inclined to think you overestimate Its value."— Ileltere Welt. She Knew Better. Mrs. Newrich—That Mrs. Hyart is a stuck up thing 1 know Just as much about music ns she does. She needn't get funny. Mrs. Browne—Why, what has she done ? Mrs. Newrich—Oh, 6he tried to trip me up today; asked me If I'd ever heard somebody's "Songs Without Words."— Philadelphia Press. Anil <>la*a Coats Money. "Why do you leave your windows open at night? Aren't you afraid of burglars?" "Yes, that's the reason. If I kept the windows shut, they'd probably break the glass."—Philadelphia Press. A .1 untitled fun. "My mother-in-law has gone to the mountains." "You look pleased." "Yes; she'll have to admit she bus found something that she can't walk over."—lndianapolis Journal. Kefdcil In Tlielr Rn*!nei»». "I*rf*sl<l«?nt Iln<ll<*y of Yale talked to the senior Haws about 'The Mighty Power of Patience/ " That would have Hounded better if addreHHed to the medical ClU.SH.—Cleve land Plain Dealer. There Are Other*. Dear, fJeUgfitful little dude. If a man ftboukf !m.» no rudr Am to »nkk' r at /our charrntng iclrlUh wi;i, Don't you v »*»#■ an airy aijfh. don't u<> off and try to die In aomr quiff. spot rrmntt from public #a/# If the- fa tea w r- full of fun when they built jro»». 11ttl<* 9011, Try to !>«• rcniicned and pntl'-nt, 1 or. yon know. If you look around you'll find many feOttr* of vnur kuj'J. Vou arc not The only monkey in the alio* A» you rftr.it al'-nir the ■frctt, looking ravenously J »woet In tmotherly of your can#'. Aa your dreamy \mr\t>»r<\ t-yts ao liahyllkf and »hy Through the cryetal ' !'t»rr;#"w of Ita wlndo-v pane. If a brtife »• H<-«:1' 1 aend a Jeer to your pinky little car. fjon't you aitK'-r 'neath tl»o htartleaa. rruel blow. Hut rem* mint u* * trrnU you are not at all unique; Vou ar«- not the only monkey In the ahow. r ria a ai-lflah world, dear boy; » vrry m« 4«urt ut our Joy Is polluted with a da»h of cutting pain. There an- clonda In every *ky; Midn'-aa lurki In every eye; Into every life muat fall tome chilling rain I lUnr your trial* like a man. (druggie on the b«*t you can. You were made for tome wiae purpose, don't you know? IK» not fee) down and sad; there are other* like you, lad; Vou are not the only monkey in the show. When you m«re manly y out ha honeying round the beauty booth* And their attitude 1* that of sneering 'hurl*. ?> »n't you *rr k a chav»nee to fleif. they are Jealou*. Junt b»ra'i*e voti are the Idol of the girl*. Though yrrj r.« «r may achieve fame and fortune, don't y< J gilcve, Ix/n't you fl'«#d your tender brcimf with rony ww; ' Nurse th« thoouhtlet In your brain (If you think 'twill beur the strain) That you're not ttie only monkey tn the Rhow. Denver Evening Post. HOOD'S PILLS cure Llvor Ills, Bll lousno9S t lndlc:f stton, Hondache. Eaay to tako, ouny to operate. 25c. Khhumatism CVKKD iw A Oav. "Myotic Cure" for Rhcunnitifim and Neuralgia radically cure« in i to 3 dav». It» action upon the gystem i» rctr ark able and mysterious. It removes at once the cauMi-H and the disease immediately rlia appears. The firnt done greatly benefits; 75 cents Sold l»y J. C. kedic, and J. F. Ralph flutter \pr q6. CURES 1 ? THE } 5 COUGH. C A pleasant, never-failing \ I remedy for tliroat unci lung / i (liKCiISCR. / J Sellers' Imperial i I Cough Syrup / la absolutely free from spintm/iiH S P or otb«T harmful ingredienti. r < A prompt, positive cum . / / v colds, hoarcencao, i- > < etiza, whonpino <y>ngli. J / Ovfr a million tmttlcn noli In tin \ f ltttt few r ' ( K. J. GII-MORK CO. J PITTIiBUHO, PA. v S At all Drugjnats. I li llDnim Minn or woiijiin |/i trav» f"t hoim< ; Milury f:.. monthly and < < iwnw-. with InrriMiMi; p'lHUlnn |x*rtnu«i ' ."J ; J."' nlhiiiui'iJ inyolnpt I M.ANAOKU. .t.lO Lux ton 1>IU((-, CFilcitiC f >- APPLE SACK. ronvpnlont Wlien Plclrtnß aiu» Cmptlcs Without BrnUlnu Apple*. ; i The apple Back represented is de tcrltxHl by Kansas Farmer as an tm- ' t priivement by Jutljre Wellhouse. a fa- / miliar authority in fruit circles, on an- \ other western man's invention. It will £ hold a half bushel of apples and is car j APPLE pic KINO BACK. ried in front of the picker, being sus pended from liis shoulders by straps. The body of the wu-k is made by cut- , ting heavy cotton two bushel grain Backs in such a way that the flap hanging below in the illustration (Fig. 1) Is cut opposite to a similar flap, thus making two of these picking Backs from one two bushel sack. A heavy steel wire curled into a hook at each end is sewed around the mouth of the sack, excepting that the space between the hooks shown as coming against the picker's body Is left va cant, there being nothing between the hooks but the cloth of the sack. The suspenders are fastened perma nently at the back ami are crossed on the individual's back, brought over the shoulders, and each has a ring in the end which is hook«*l into the curved wire, as shown, thus suspending the Back to the picker. 'Che bottom of the sack as shown in Fig. 1 Is open and contains two rings at the bottom. These rings are connected when in to hooks at upper front rim <M the sack, as shown in Fig. 2, where the picking sack Is ready for business. When full, the pidker lowers the sack into the box or barrel, unhooks the flap, and the apples gently slide from the bottom of the sack into the package, thus preventing all bruises. President Wellhouse has made 27 of these sacks for use this year. Fomgp Plants For fllpch AJtltndc*. The eastern Jtocky moimtiiin region la well supplied with native leguminous plant::, many of which aa*e of great value for hay anil pasturagv. The native clovers are found chiefly In the mountains and at comparatively high altitudes. Home of them are tog rare and others too small to be of much vaiue for forage, but the ma jority ane valuable, and four or five are of sufficient Importance to warrant careful expfsrlmentation as to thetr pos sible use as cultivated crops. From their appearance and thrifttness nnder natural eondttions or In lirrl©ited ua- MOCNTAIN' KKO OLOVEK. tlve meadows It would certainly seem i probable that several of them would : prove of great value for cultivation, I especially in the higher altitudes, I where alfalfa and the common clovers cannot be successfully grown. Mountain nil clover Is one of the j most robnut growing native sorts j found In the Rocky mountain region. 1 The flower Iteads are large and showy, ! and the k«nves are composed of from j five to seven leaflets Instead of three, as Is the case with the other clovers j «f the r'-glon. It produces SIOUK, deep growing roots and has many other <|unlltli-K commending It to th» atten tion of title experimenter. It li 3 most widely distributed on the west plde of tlio-v'ontlinnital divide. —T. A. Williams. iiouiM*t«»d llomps. While tiK-ii are discarding their coats and women are shying at huts and gloves, hows seem inclined to put on headgear. With some reserve Is given the rumor that "all horses go bonnet ed in Lc.ndon tills summer, f*om the dray lir.rses to the fashionable steedt# which draw broughams In tl«: park," yet In New York city may bo seen on occasional animal made comfortable with a large shade hat whi"Ji appears *t> lie affixed to its head by the simple process of sticking the ears thruugb th»j hat. PATTERSON BROS' Sacrifice Wall Paper Sale Is a money saver to you. Large stock to select from. All must (.all and get prices on all WALL PA PERS. Window Shades at Cost. Patterson liros., 2$G N. Main St. People'* Phone. 400. Wick JJuUding. Eye 3 Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPAI RICK. | Jeweler and Graduate Or »ticia j ' Next ')oor to Court liouM llu tier. 1 a RAILROAD TIMETABLES. piTTSBURG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of Pas senger Trains in effect May 28, 1899. Butler Time. i IV part. 1 Arrive. Accommodation • >) 2"» a.* 903 a M \ j Expma. I i- 44 New i'autlo Accomniodatiou J 8 0. r » 44 912 44 Akron Mai! 8 05 a m 7 p.m Allegheny Fast Expre** I 9 58 4 * 12 1»5 44 a Allegheny Express* 300 r.M 445 pm • Chicago Exprew 5 4«> pm 12 IS am Allegheny Mail 350 " 745 pm F I md N-m • Aoi ■ » " 7 I " | Chicmgc Limit«*<l ■ 560 44 912 A.m q Klinf and Bradford Mail 9:55 A.* 2 5o P.ji Clari<-n Acoomm(xlation 4 55 p.* 9 -lo A.M 1 Cleveland and Chicago Exprtea... 6 25 am i SUNDAY TRAINS. r Allegheny Express 8 05 A.M 9 11 A.M Allegheny Accommodation 550 P.M. 5 I si - Sew Castle Accommodation 8 i»5 A.M' 7iH 44 I Chicago Express 340 P.M 503 am 1 All»igheny Accommtxlation I 7 03 pm On Satutdays a train, known ax the theatre train. will leave Bntler at SJiO p. m., arrivini: nt Allegheny at 7.2<»; returning leave Allegheny at 11.30 p. m. Pullman bleeping cars on Chicago Express between ] PIUS - _ ind Cliicapo. F«»r through tickets !•> all points in the west, north west or southwest and information regarding routes, time of trains, etc. apply to t W. 11. TURNER, Ticket Agent, i E. B. REYNOLDS, Sup't, N. D., Butler, Pa. Butler, Pa. C. W. BASSETT, G. P. A., Allegheny, Pa I U 0 DUNKLE, f Sup't. W. AL. Div.. Allegheny Ps. rnHE PITTSBURG, BESSE- . A MER & LAKE ERIE R. R. COMPANY. Tiiue table in effect Sept. 23, 1900. ' CENTRAL TIME. N'ortliu.irtl. Daily exr«»pt Suniiay. Soutliward (Keatl up) (Head down) 2 14 "12 >TA fI(>SK 1 11 13" I'M FM AM AM FT\ I'M 112 50 s 42, Erie jl2 23 s » Foirriew 12 :VT» 440 111 13j 8 10|<iiianl j 'l2 4*' 453 1 :>j js .Couueaut.. .ar 1 37 C (0 I 11 00 7 05,1r.. Oonnesot.. .lv j 11 w>, 432 U 55 7 50 <'ranesrllle 1 07 5 17 11 50 7 45 Albion I U 5 25 11 85 7 29Springboro ....... 1 271 5 4<» 11 JM 7 23 CV»nm .isitville i :C f> 4« 11 10. 7 OGjMeadville Junct. 1 54! li 05 II 7 ar M.-a-U ill*-. . ar _ «i 45 l«i •'» 20Uv. Mea<hille. .lv 1 tis 5 15 11 7 HOar .Om. I>ake..ar 2 «»5 6 10 |lO 50: 0 50;1v..C0n. Lake.Jv j 1 35 5 44 I 7 2<»;ar.. Line-ville ..ar 0 20 J *i 20 lv 4 lv 5 45 lio 54; f. ' DM f4B Ad NW iHe I]S ( -•"» • I<t 40) 34 <>Hg«iod 2236 35 ♦; 10 1m :w' i. jh (in-.-iiville !•;:.*) I 3»» *> 4:i (i or, ]«i •>%, i, 22 Shenango 042 2 :'»7 5«l 5 4hjlU 07 i. <ui Fredonia j •> 57 - 5.3 7 OH 5 liiij 9 ■*.'»: 5 4'i Mercer 7 13 3 11 7 25 5 9 4- 5 J '■ Hons "ii Junction' 7 19 3 IT 7 31 5 i - 9 28 5 25 («rove City 7 4«» 3 37 7 50 4 *7t 'J 12 llarrisvilie 7 53 3 4 ' 4 5! 9 0» Brant htoti 8 «>1 3 57; 5 4o{ 94_ ar.. .Milliard... at 9 42j 5 4»», 305 7 0T- lv.. Milliard. . lv 7 06! 3 0;»| 4 47 1 9 <t\ Kekter 8 05| 4 ol| 4 33 ! H 4>* Euclid 8 20 4 17 1 Oo H IS Butler 8 50 4 4'» ; 2 1", 7 Allegheny 10 2«> *» 2"! lA.M. I 1P.M.l J. S. Matson, E. H. Utley, Snjf't Tranep. Gen. Pass. Agt, Greenville. Pa. Pittsbnrg, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA" S, S '„ L ID . WFSTERN DIVISION. SriirDUi.r. iwj Krrr.iT June 3<), 19rX), SOUTH. , WEEK DAYS |A. M (A M A. M r. M P M. BL'TI.KK L«nre « i!fi' HOS 10 WI 236 ft lUi humrUmrg Arrtvr. # M 8 :*i 11 lft 3«• ft OH Butlur Jnuctiuu.. " | 7 ii7i 4 Vi 11 4" 3 !£•■> ft 63 Butlor Junction.. .Leavej 7 31 8 6:i 11 &!£, 326 5 63 Natrona ..Arrive! 7 9 (il 12 01' .1 IK 0 02 Tirentam 7 41 » OT 12 08, 3 42 f. 07 SprillKilllltt i 7 62; y 16 12 19 3 62' Claremont t n# BiiHnatiurK 8 119 3fi 12 48 4 12, B 32 Alleirlieuy ' 8 24 »48 1 02 4 26 6 43 (A. m.|A.M.|P. M. P. M. ; P. M. 80NDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butler for Allegheny City hu'l principal iutcrmixliate atatioue at 7:30 a. m., *nd 6:00 p. ni. NOKTH. WKEK DATS |A. M.IA. M.. A. M.jP. M.| P. M Allegheny City. ..U**b 7 If ll *wl 10 4ft: 3 10, ClO Sl(arfml>urg 7 12 90710 6. j .... .... Ciaremont ! ....11 *>4' ....i .... Hl»riliK<lale 11 1" .... r > 37 Tarelituni 7 37 9 3-!'ll 2-s 3 4.1 G 46 Natiuna 7 41' 9 :» ,1 31 3 SO B 61 Butler Junction.. .arrive 7 48 947 11 4.i 3 ft* 7 00 butler Junction... .leave 7 4* 947 12 1* 4 t*i 7 00 fiasonbWK K l-MIO 09 12 41 4 7 24 BOTLEU .. arrive 8 41. 10 32 1 10l S 06; 760 A. M.|A.m-|P. M.jp. mip. m SUNDAY THAlNß.—Laave Allegtieuy City for But ler aoU priucijial intermediate »tatlon« at 715 a m. antl U p. m. FOB TUE EAST. WeekuDayn. Suntlaye A.M. A.M. P. M. ia.M. P M J ioT , KR IT I. 2'. 10 «>' 2 36' 7 30 6 00 Butler j 't t! ur 727 11 4o| 326 820 ft 60 Butler J'ct lv 7 48;ll 4.t 3 SH.I 8 21 S 06 Kreeiiort ar 761 II 4fi 1 021 8 'i r . 807 KleklminetaN*J't « 7 6ft 11 60 i 07,! 829 811 L. echlitirK. .. ." 807 12 02 4 lll'i 8 41' 823 Pan/ton ( Apollo) ... ." . 82612 22 440 868 ; 842 Haltai 'OK 8 61|12 49 6 08 1 , 923 909 Blalmville ~ ' 922 I 201 6 411! 862 940 lilairavilli- lot "19 30 I 3.1: 6 SO 10 00 Altoona " I' MM J * r > 8 SOL 646 . .. Harri»l.urg "| - 10,10 1 <«»|!l« <*> lliilailelphlu " 123 12. 4 2. 4 26 ' |P. M.|A. M. A. M.IIA.m P.M TliroiiKli tralni for the eaat l'itt*hur»f (Uuion Htation), an follows: Atlantle KxnraMi, daily A.M I'eiuisylvaiua Limited ' .... 7:15 htv K.xj»r»'SH, 14 ■■. 7;. Ml Main Linn KxproMi *■**> Ilarii-hur/Mall, " 1245 r.* I'hila lelnhla Express, ... ...4:50 Mail aitu Express dally• fir New York only. Through bullet sleeper; no coucLes 7:00 " i Eastern Eaprw. '' 7:10 " Fast l.ine, * H Ml M I'ltUhuru 1.1 lulled, dally, Mltli c-.a« h#* t«» N«w V«jik, and slenplriK ' ars t«» N"W Y«»rk, Vealtluiore and Wasblliictoit only. No sxtra Urc on thl« train |o : «si I Mitt'!'a Mall f . H Ulida> 4 ' n-V H:4'* *p> Kor AOiuitlr i'm j (»lu I '< li'Har - '* Uiv»-i Itrblf, all I »ii iuiUV). A.M, ami i P.M, dally. if,,, *l»»ail«'d inf iiuation. addn-ss Thus. E. Watt, fan- Aaf w. xturn I'wtrirt, ( r»ue» Fifth Avenue and haiilh• 54 hl srre I, HiUhurK. Vh. I f j' |n 1 iJIIHTIN, ) it . i.h, al MihAkpr f ' m "i**" An»*nl ' f > UFFAI-O, ROCHKSTHK & jIJ pi'iTSUURG RY. 'j-JMK TABLE. I„ fit ict May 'M. 1«0». jwiivrn IMII SI). -TOS&ssrtiiN, 5 | /"' +l41 3 VoJ F " rdi&'So Aiie«i" - "/ i j Both ' f 5 51 r<«'ilU.i> , 4 i, (K.M2 0I ( ||{ J;J (!tiwan*vllli' | }ii i« M'.otrjneryvlile We.t Mowgrove 6 40,12 43 II ail i« MI2 53 |»t»\ toll • 17 I , Wor.h r-4nt | Y ;c» Hornll" • • iv HI 7 10l 1 28 , X,■ \l j" 2 ;»7 to! !30 ".ill,. ar 8 2013 481 3e II 0»l !>uii.M ... r 8 *tu »•; * ■< i.v . i z 7 ■" 4/ ' •' v :ui " l7 k 72h ia :i ■n> v<»'■ - ' 7 I" I Oil il « 40 j !!l ( r ,o,r i yv ' ' H li i i:,\ 4 'a W I »";•«*"? ; H4a I f." 4U* ,» 2" u li 2 4 • ft 40. | 4 14 Ml JeweM. , () <f| ft iki ' '"j' T |, r 1 _l r l— at 5 40 •' 111 ■iSkla I I lt<« healer .... p«n ' i, j,, SOUTH BOUND ' TBOrr iHTiTTiMK. i ♦!'> | T " I* 7 |. | a ». i n. 9 lio; 1 8 4ft It,, | I I I I. | 'l4:, 110 00 Uuflalo "1 * ** I Halaiinuea ...,lvj 1 j „ ~ , iv 7 4o|U 104 8o tt to I', 1 " , „ 81:12 r.wft ::v lon Mr Jewett. . , # . | t: . , 2 j | ri| . J..1,1,. -oimrg ~b» 2 «o« 41 :J •« in •» •» »> 7"1 '1 4(1 1 1 «:»!'« M » »«' 7 il 0 1 wb«>»<» rlearddl 7ZM _ !! I 111, l> 6 |9 11+39 7 (H S S|j 21 a 4, rn»*»ala«o'> -i J jM{{{ I i Hi''ii II amlltou j N' | h *47 4 | i »l ens m "•! h -5:.:;, M ,yj l'o« M..V111, ! •' !, 4 , J f, |n uh , a , 1 lio r> : *4 r» »o llutl 1 , , i , , ■ ; 7 ii* All' <l»o> I PAW H.. IJ .1. • 7 A Pill- 'IIIK / ' r 1 ' » linily. tJl'uili l»t K'i't'luv. Tnnr.H mill •; it."* mU '\ v " M,i ' ni|iii|i|K«l with hantUwiio <lay CO/k Ih*. j i nfii iir.fl ninlinitiK rha.' P * rH Tralt.H .....1 V lmv« » 'nlltnaii Sleep«rH Imtwei'ti liufTalo ami I'it'»ti rvf. KI»WAUi> nAl'r.Y. (}< n'l I'a8». A««nt, Itoclinttor N. Y. Su/P&ii&i ! UIVIiA A BHHAU-WINNIWtI BOUCATWN. [ I'.nabltaK young men aa4 wamen to rocel Ibtt denandsof | i samerdil MS* lf®f cUcilwi'l'lr'* f. U JiTt wSrittWj »■ OWN AN / APOLLO With one von '-an play on the Piano at any time the ninsic you desire. The Apollo is a wonder. Yon roll it to your pianu in a moment, sit down before it, put in the music, start it, and by means of small keys control the expression and tempo perfectly. The playing of the Apollo is so perfect, as not to lie distin guished from that of a human being. All effects possible on the piano can lie rendered with the Apollo. With an Apollo you are master of your own piano and art* able to play perfectly all the most difficult works of Wagner. Liszt, Beethoven, etc., as well as the light and popular marches, coon songs, etc. Call at my wareroom aud hear one of I the world-renowned Chase Bros. Pianos played by The Apollo. Pianos, Organs, small goods and their ! fittings, everything pertaining to music, j sold for cash or on payments to suit yon. Our customers are our references. ; W. R. NEWTON, 317 South Main St- Butler Pa McMillan'S FORMERLY IRA C. BLACK & CO., Wall Paper. Next Door to Postoffice, J. V. Stewart, (Successor to H. Bickel) LIVERY. Sale and Boarding Stable. W. Jeflerson St., Butler, Pa. Fir.it class equipment—eighteen good drivers—rigs of all kinds — cool, roomy and clean stables. People's Phone 125. J. V. STEWART. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'a. The bost of horses antl flrnt class hks al ways on band and for hiro. Heat accommodations In town for pcrma nent boarding and transient trade. Sped ul care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. ■ AKO<><l Glass of horsos, both drivers and draft ftyrM's always on hand and for sale undor a full RuaraiiUje; and horses iMJUtfht ( pon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. Telephone. No. 218. Now is The Time to Have Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED. If you want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue l|fisA_VVe lio fine work in out ,l<«or Photographs. This is the •i<n ■ ul year to Imvt: ;i picture ol your house. us a trial. W''l! for ' 1 e .1 >1 t'r« t» Sl 'i' lf HI: nil I'• Mftw Y "fit R. FISHER & SON- A POINTER! For up-to-date Photos go to the Post Office building. New designs every few days. , We guarantee to please you. Branch Studios, 1 Mais and Kvans City. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236 W. S. & E. WiCK, DKALKUH IN | Boukli and Worked I.utiiborJof all Kinds Doom, hash mid MmildliiKs ' Oil Welt Kilts a Specially. <>fllco and Yard K. <'Mririlntf!iarn and Miuime Sis. ; mar W.'fc. IVn.i IVn,, bUTutOlt Y rki-fctau-r'n F«r'l«>i THamaA •PENWYRffIYftL PILLS fj »n l Oaly C«-nul*>rs A ••rt, »»#• 1A1..11 «l J\ r- il ffSll lirutr.M t»r Cki-h«*thxutuk hitl l //ran rill Hr<l "V "«'• wllfa blu« rfhhnii T«k« iVJn* othrr U.fun ▼ J fir On** if* *n«i Htm* At lnntti9*s. •rami 4m, JM |q t-t t>«rtlMUr«. »NVMlllt Ml M B§ »f f«»r I.A'll r+tnrn If 1 0.0#8t»OUbH«I». Wmm* t-yw. 41 «tl Milihutfr rii«Mlr«l «. tic>< Mndir"* M* I'lllUUA, The Keystone Orchestra, IH now ready for ctiK ß K ,!n,c "'* F° R ' >,lr tics, Picnics mid Dances, and Guarantee tile best of music at reasonable rates. Address, Prof. GusiWickenhaoen, 22S JCiejjler Ave., Hutler, Pa r , "'iaofck. 7A r T'fi PHILADtLPH 1.. 1,1 ' TTXOa - DENTAL ROOMS • || : 39 - Bth Avfl., Pltuburg.f. |< j, "fInWH W«'r" PR ACTICA'.»V'"'"w " ' 1 Tl CROWN "'"I BF.lfi.jf ,1 'nm ML-' I'U'.i.urn-wh y NOT or • ' ,ll fUYOUR<t? "» l, « CROWN 1 " ,»l/i BRior.r »»»ii r,i *'ii" ll • a' I < 'l\'J M%S PER TOOTH *1 . r 1 • 'j «.•! "f Ttfili ni»<l«- ONI Y% j> M. A. BERKIMER, i Funeral Director. 1 1 245 S. Main St. Butler PA I _ _ | RAPE'S I ][Leading Millinery House| ;: Clearance Sale | 5! ALL SUMMRR HILLINERY X ;! 122 SOUTHMMN ST., BLTL ER. y m ITm IS TO BE THE YEAR OF ALL YEARS FOR DEAR ± XIAO o ]j }i u ti cr County, and as we are one the oldest frms still in the ring, we deem it our duty to celebrate in a measure, that is, by making it the "BANNER YEAR" oi our business. We have just opened and placed on exhibition, and we may add, on Sale, one of the most complete lints of SPRING GOODS ver brought into this city. In this line the following are included: Punjab Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Silk Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Puffing, All Overs. CARPET DEPARTMENT. We have no hesitation ir. saying that we have the Largest, Most Complete, and best assorted stock of CARPET in Butler County, in cluding the celebrated Hartford Axminster, Sanford & Wilson's Wil ton Velvet, the o'd reliable Body Brussels, I, 2, and 3-ply Ingrain, Rugs of every price and description, Art Squares, Druggets, and our "Centennial Rug," size 36x40 inches, all wool, at 25 cents each; a veritable celebration in itself. DUFFY'S STORE, Butler, Pa. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Announcement OF Clearance Sale Great reduction in every article pertaining to MILLINERY A great variety of TRIMMED HATS for Ladies, Misses and chil dren, all reduced to one half the former price. Sailors, ribbons, chiflons, flowers, ornaments, straw, braids, nettings; also all untri.n med hats, sacrificed at bargain sales, not regarding cost as we nerd the space for fall goods. Sale will continue all during month of August at Rockenstein's, 328 South Main Street. ______ Butler, Pa SIZES Quantity Our sale of corks increase each year until lias become a fcatuie nt this season, don't hesitate to put up your owncatsup, pickles, fruit etc , if getting corks has been the trouble. We have them from a fourth to two and a half inches in diameter. Is that COUGH RIVING you trouble again? If FO bear in mind that our Syr. White Pine Cotnp. with Encalyptol and Honey ib the be.«t pre : aiation on the ! niMket for bronchial and throat trouble. REDICK GROHMAN, : 109 N. Main St„ Prescription Druggists Itntler, l J a mm / " OPENS SEPTEMBERS, CLOSMMTOBEB 20. % J ) MUSIC BY THE WORLD'S GREATEST BANDS. J 5 THE FAMOUS BANDA ROSSA, ITALY'S GREATEST MUSICAL ) < ORGANIZATION. Sept. sth to 15th. ) > EMIL PAUR, WITH THE NEW YORK METROPOLITAN OPERA ) < HOUSE ORCHESTRA Sept. 17th to 22d. I < SOUSA AND HIS BAND, DIRECT FROM PARIS. < J Sept. 24th to 29tb and Oct 15th to 20th. i < DAMROSCH S NEW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. ( < WALTER DAMROSCH, Conductor. 50 pieces. Oct. Ist to 13th. / \ WBW ATTHAOTIOIfi. C £ JIM KEY, Thi Mwvtllou* Uucittd Hon*. THE MEXICAN VILLAGE. ? ? PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL MUSEUM, SpMlal Exhibit ol Id* PreSucU ol th« •ntlf* WOfW. C < A DAY IN THE ALPS. THE CRYSTAL MAZE. / * ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. One Fare for the Round Trip on ) PITTSBURG ACADEMY '■ I'LRMNRIKI N I.K4l>lN<> Mlplumn admit* to Oille»e. ) «n*U DnanQ ! Coumn einlirae# Klocutlmi. Helrntlflc. Normal, \ /(JIII UUDIIO Commercial. Dmwlni Weii<xtr»l>hy 1111(1 lyiK-wrlllnK, t « . j •• M<«U.rn IJH.«U»K<I". Military TralulM. Hcventeen abwanu ( Yoaf oßOti 4. • cxpcrlunecd tvaclirra OH at OFLTNE or sand for haud-book. j I VflH J. WARREN LYILE, Pr«»id«nt. Cor. ROM and Dltmoad SH. ( . The New-York Tribune The LEADING NATIONAL REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER, thoroughly up to date, and always a stanch advocate and supporter of Republican principles, will contain the most reliable news of THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN work etc., etc.. an.l will commend it*elf to the careful perusal of every thoughtful. Intelligent voter who fcaa the true interests of Inn country *t heart. New York Tri.Weekly Tribune New York Weekly Tribune l'tiblished Monday, Wednesday and published on Thursday, and known for Friday i» In reality a fine, fresh, every- nearly sixty years In every part of the other day Daily, giving the latest news iTnited States as a National Family on days of issue, and covering news of Newspaper of tlie highest i lass for farui the other three. It contain* all itu|x»rt"i crs An ,i villager*. It contain* all the ant foreign war and other cable news niost important general news of Mil', which apjMrars in TIIE DAILY TRI- DAILY TRIBUNE np to hour of going BI NE of same date, alro Domestic and l 0 p ret «i, has entertaining reading Tor Foreign Correspondence. Short Stories, CV erv uieinl>er of the family, old and Elegant Half-tone Illustration*. Humor- young, Market Reports which are ac- OUN Items, 1 nd'istrial Information. I'ash C cpled as authuritv by farmers and coun ion Notes, Agricultural Matter* and lry merchants, and is clean, up to date, Comprehensive and Reliable Financial interesting and instructive. an-l Market rej>orts. Regular subscription price, Sl.oo per Regular subscription price, 51.50PPr* r tar y We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for We furnish it with THE CITIZEN per year. for *..50 per year. Send all orders to THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa., subscribe for the CITIZEN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers