I Exceptional « {Chamber Suit i lvalues 1 iFor 1 S Thirty-Five | 1 Dollars. I Five patterns to select from"they have all * the essentially good qualities of a S4O set. Attractive designs, excellent finish and thoroughly good mate -"lals" bedsteads are handsomely are large size: have swell front drawers, brass trimmed l?rge size french plate mirrors--comodes are Srf :j shaped to match bureaus, 1 Campbell g pempletonl iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii f~xxxxsie&x9vxxiiex3iexa6»x&9ev | "Skofft" Prices on Dry Goods. * , We are cleaning up with a vt.:gearce to make room fR /or new goods. All summer lines have been again reduced to make M u quick sales. fib Our prices are well wcrth your while to investigate. S XShirt Waists J to \ oft. fib 15c and 18c Lawns and Dimities 9c * $ 12 * anc * 1 5 C ne Ginghams 9c a vvOl 2^ c un ® onnets 1 5 C weH 2 5 c Fancy Ribbons 15 C •$ 5 Special ofk rings in Fancy SilVs, Dress Goods and Mus tß lin Underwear that are tempting enough to inspire a need. V If saving dollars is a hobby of yours, come in—we'll (R £) encourage the hobby. Uk |L. Stein & Son J 108 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER. PA £ tXX&XWX-XIVXXX&XX&X JVXX-+ H PAPES, JEWELERS, jl mm* W 9 ZXZ =5 4 m g# DIAMONDS, J 00 t WATCHES, i o o# CLOCKS, J JEWELRY, J ? £ J SILVERWABE, # 5 J SILVER NOVELTIES, ETC. J 2 2 2 We repair all kinds of ? £ JJJJ Broken Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc J [2 * Give our repair department a trial. # We take old gold and silver the same as cash. J S iii PAPE-S, :i F j 122 S. Main St., tftitler, Pa. J 3 Practical Horse Shoers W ,L ROBINSON, Formerly Horac Shoer at the Wick Hou*e baa .ipene'l buai neim in a shop in [the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where he will <lo Hone-Shoeing in the tno»t approve'! atyle. TRACK AND ROAD HOSRES A SPECIALTY. | West Winfidd Hotel, ® W.G. LUSK, Pop r. Ww Pint Claa* Table and Gaii and Spring Water all through house. £5) C jod Stabling Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optici a Nnl r)'x>r to Cor-t Ifouv. IJiiMer. fa tft fa(<M !)!«•< 'PENNYROYAL PILLS y l>rl(l»l •«' v«lr *•••<■•. „ A ,T|/\ aifi. u«»f« ftJU'.u l* '. • % «.l iv n Enß frw 014 Jfu W MM xit tii> X' '"• T»»«>W M ▼ / gv*™* tlUrmuM. «• «*. I L ■I. M —H-- .'. Hi Imm m "|Ul.r hr r«M*a srxr. sasrwasfc! «• M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 2455. Main St. Butler. PA ICeeley'• 4 KEELEY Write 'or M ,'nyfh INSTIfUTE. «'»• vui «*(• booklet. riiTiei hu, rt L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Esla'.f: Agent. 17 R |F.J-» 1 ; v HUTLER, PA Jf if. Jf.'M*M)(ff yy H* Jf M W%% '* r % %^ I PHILIP TACK, I COSTHACTOII IN I Cleveland Berea Grit | * | J STONE | I Suitable f</r Huilding | 4 Ornamental an<! Paving purpose*. ill This Stone Will Hoi "Shell Oil.' f H * Price* reaaonalrfe. Work (lone well j j |; and promptly, ] \ Stone yard* on Mi liast Ktna *trect. i " f * i Residence on * | jMorton avenue. I" , * ti People's Telephone y*t. I nmcinm not it *•*** .: ********* PIANOS A Word To Piano Owners. 1 wish to state to pianos o wcr crs and the public in gent al . l ', t. I have became a pernimcnt fix une in this city and am prepared to do a'! k'nds of rt (>;>' 'ny on a'l V. ' r (]i of instruments Piano Tuning a Spceia ' y. J. C CANfR at Newton's Mus'c Store, or 109 Water Si - ft, Bj' I'a.; a'so ins'- c rl on j'iven n i I imLr j m :fl'«. J. W. MEYHRS DEALER IN Pianos and Organs. Mci'ANN P. 0., Matter Cj , 1 .. If yon want a piano or o x"l drop mc a line and I will call upon you. M C. WAGNKK ART IST PHOTOGRAPH'R f ' <#n» ; *»: „f t • (i ver*h«ui * >«4i « Clol bin* Slur# I Wfiaf Mahcs the Home? Not the house, however fine it may be; not its furniture, pictures and appoint ments. The wifit and mother makes the ! home, and to speak of going home means to go back into the shelter of the mother's love and care. And when womanlv ills sap the mother's strength, the home-life suffers. The food is not cooked as she cooks it. Everywhere the 11 V lact ?■ ™ {ely A L, , supervision and S . j motherly thought id.'-: *f /L Is* y\ fulness is apparent. What a change. j\ then, when this J \ wife and mother j-, j i . 1 comes back to take v.V] ;> i'; her old place in the ! ■ \ )\fj of women who, be \ / \'■ cause of womanly xim \ A i^ s . been shut \ v °ut of home life n '.j and home happi , ness, have been enabled to once more take their | place in the family after being cured r - Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceia i tion «nd cures female weakness. -t i makes weak women strong, sick women well. "IcoontncH takinz vour Favorite Prescrip tion ' tni Go'.iea Medical Discovery about tbe :oth o? last December one year " writes Mr» K'iia Wright, of Moiwtainview. Howell I Co.. Missouri. • I have been very slow about 1 writing to you although I am thanJtful I am bere to-day am 1 have toe privilege of saying I I thank yon a thousand times for your kind ad ' vice. I can truthfully say that it was through ycur kini advice and your medicine ana the will of the Lord that I am living to-day lam in better health than I have been for three years I have taken one-half dozen bottles of each medicine. I am able to do toy washing for four :u family, and ail my housework, cook ing and milking In fact, I fee 1 like a new woman". L>r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation and its almost countless conse- I quences. They do not react on th« I system nor beifet the Dill habit. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids —External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching o. Burning, fissures and Fis'ulas. Relief im mediate —cure certain. It cores Bums and Scalds. The -eliel instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lip 3or Nostrils. Corns, Bunion-, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Three Sizes, 25e., 50c. and SI.OO Sold by Druggists, or sent prs-pa.d on receipt f • HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., C«r. William 4c J'iiabu.. VOttU DOCTOR MILES' NERVINE, The Brain and Nerve Food and Medicine, Quiets Irri- j tated Nerves, Soothes the | tired Brain, Builds up the Vital Powers oi the Body I and Overcome? Disease. It Contains no Opiates nor other harmful drugs. field *t £U drug stores on a positive guar antee. Write for free advice aiid booklet to 0/. MilM Co- Elkhart In*. Till* In Vonr Opportunity. On ptccijtt of ten cent a, eaab or nlainpi, ! % Keneroui mmple will hi mailed of the DaoHt popular Cat rrh and Hay Fever Cure | (Ely'* Cream liuliu/ mjffieieiit 1/> demoD ■ trato the fin .t merit* of the remedy. ELY imOTHKRS, (M Warren St, New York City. Re*. John fteid, Jr., of Ormt Fall*, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emplianize hia atatement, "It in a posi tive euro for catarrh if niad aa directed." — Jlev. Francia W. Poole, I'aator Central I'rea. Chi;rcb, Helena, Mont. Ely'R Cream Balm in the acknowledged enre for catarrh and contain* no mercury nor any iuj jriona drug Price, 50 eenta. | nade wilh pure SPANIiH LICORICt J \ Unvurpay>tfl for cure o1 C2UGHSt-C?Ll>!> ■ r> - IO? 16 otcora'ed Tin Boxe*. - Pocr i ■ » C per BOX • Sold by Oru jqi'.t> ee c- ■ , . /C. s i.r«:l»»i<i on receipt of i>i 1 • ETE HEADACHFS Many people. milf.r _ tieadlu tie < |l|.|l <| I.y rye fJLMk al illflit ~ii eye', may Jc-i" rmt pain yii-i yel 11' 'Jf t r au«.' ot a ll.met hilli.' ' .t'JtlA la< iin./ whl/'h pn.p. rly ~ e» alom i *-7 run supply, you ion t w&w tlt.u< »/> ufT« r 11 won't - u ctml y on imylhinu 1.0 > r Wsarn wfirttier your nyn* / ar«' <U'Utcl\ v«; or not, Mr io Jf Uif*y n« <sd kl.'ihm-h • I ran fit tnn projx r <»im*h at Ihe proper prin* ntnl nftt Ufii' t lofiKu irttnt-«#1. CAI(lv H. ieiGHNeR, JKWK* Ell ANI> OPTICIAN XoM 9. Main I •• flu r nnnn i»»i»i • • UnUr «nc-iM t mm»mm mm I'honc or l'»< ll 122 3 and W. 15. McOEARY'S new «a|('iii, ruiininx to anil from hii Steam Carpet-Cleaningl f tahlikhtiicnt, will call at you. lio i - take away your ilirty carpet* ami return them in a day or two ai clrun an new All on a nuntmer morning Carrie',', rnj{'» and curtain* thorotiKhly cleaned i .) short tiotice. <IIVU3 A BKi!AD-WIMNIN(I liUUCATION. I!nahlla( nn| m«n and vnnm to meet lb* JnimuJi </f tbl« pr<i*p«ruui tommercl«l agt. K ir i In ijlau tMI P. DUf A 501 V, M» tMVktHj DU-, Pa. TMP: CITIZEN, I ' CORN FODDER. Soft, I'/tnnt. Greet—How to Handle It Viom Field to Barn. | We watch our com and try to cut It as soon as the grain Is glazed and the stalks show a lighter color below the car. This Is one particular part of th© business. If you make a failure here, jou cannot recover from It. Corn can be cut much greener than one might think who lias not tried It, and If the shocks are" not made too large the fod der will be away" in the front rank, says a correspondent of Rural New Yorker, who also tells "just how" to do all this: We put from 25 to 35 hills in each shock, owing to size of com. Too small, some will say, but wait and see. We first use one hill and an arm ful of stalks with a' good band around them for a starter. We are very par ticular to stand the corn evenly around this hill until the shock Is completed and finish with two good, strong dou ble bands, binding rather low down Very tew hired men or their employ ers know how to put up a sfc jck of com so that it will .stand until late in the season and not fall down. I have observed many fields where large num bers of the shocks were down before being cut one week. My father and I hare put up eight acres ourselves. anil not six shocks fell down or unbound. Our main crop lw-ing potatoes, th» corn is of necessity left In the field tin til late in the season and becomes thor oughly cured, only the outside of the shocks being touched by the weather If the corn was to lie husked earlier iu the field, part of the bleaching from turning the shocks Inside out can b»- obviattd by putting the stalks up in very larze shocks of from 25 to 30 bundles and binding with pumpkin vines or a band made of two or three lengths of stalks. When we are ready to begin husking, we put the 10 foot flat rack on the low wheeled, wi ' tire wagon. The shocks having been set In straight rows one way. we drive be tween two rows and are ready for busi ness. If the fall has been dry and the stalks are brittle, we aim to draw In the morning, when they are soft and pliable from the night air. After cutting the hills under shocks enough for a load, rebinding where necessary, we are ready to begin our load. We have no man on the wagon. Two men with forks, standing side by side at the same shock, raise It easily and place It on the wagon; then one from the opposite side, and so on al ternately, laying In tiers around the wagon until a load Is obtained. It is then hauled to the barn, the horses driven straight up to the center of the doors, the shocks carried from the load and piled In tiers across the barn floor as high as two men can lift, with one man on the tier to tread down. The floor Is filled In this way, leaving only room to begin husking. The stalks are put directly Into the mow and re main until taken out to be ruu through the cutter and crusher. When the corn Is drawn In the manner described, the shocks come out to be husked In per fect shape and form, the stalks are soft and pleasant to handle, and cold or warm, In cloud or sunshine, we pre fer to husk on the barn floor. No need to turn the cows In the cornfield to pick up the litter. There la none there. But this method of husking cannot be practiced early In the season. The Sheep Hurdle. No well regulated sheep farm Is com plete in all of Its appointments without the hurdle. This portable fence Is an Indispensable factor In the successful and economical hai:dl!;jg of tbo flock on I'AMO. OK HURDLE FENCE, a small farm or where the system of mixed husbandry Is practiced. Many opportunities will lx; presented (luring the year where It can be used ad van tageouslv In dividing pastures or for confining sheep upon certain portions of a field. It will be found Invaluable as a fjtilek method for constructing pens, either large or small, at shearing time or for docking, tagging or flip plug. In the winter season these litir dies are a great convenience for Inclos | Ing feeding yards, lots for exercise and small plats for subdivisions of the flock. In the figure Is shown, a view of the hurdle In place, with a pair of sup ports. The panel Is made of four l by I! Inch plank 12 feet long; crossed by three pieces of the same sfcte and three feet long, one being placed In the mid dle and the others six ln<)o-s from the ends. The spaces between the planks, beginning at the bottom, aj'e 0, H and 10 Inches The braces whl<£i are cross ed for the supports are 4 fttet long and 1 by .'5 Incites In slxe. The sill Is of 1 by '5 Inch stuff, the lower edge being 11 feet ~i'/i Inches long and the upper 15 feet 10% Inches long, with a notch at the middle 2 Inches deep ami 2% Inches wide for the ends of the panels to rest In. The braces should extend an Inch or more In-low the sill to prevent the hurdle from rocking. In use each of these supports serves to hold tip as well as to Join together the ends of two succeeding panels. To prevent the fence from being blown over a stake should be driven about every W* feet, to which the hurdle should IM- wired down Hugar l><* t cx|>erttncnt« for Ohio gave un uneven stand of beets and rather unsatisfactory results with many growers In 1K!»!) It Is suggei/ted that very early planting. In March and ear ly April, might result In a mjuch better stand. HOOD'S PILLS euro Vlver III*, Bll lousnons, Indigestion, Hnaituche. Easy to take, mtsy to operato. 25c. KKIIUMATIHM CTJHWN IN A DA V. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cim-s in i to $ (lays. It* action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes ami tin- disease immediately dis appear*. The first dose greatly benefits; 7S cents Sold by J. C. Rcdic, and J. I', lialoh Druggists Butler \l>r <<6. | CURES I 1 THE 5 5 COUGH. } v A. pleasant, nevrr- failing y c remedy for throat and luii# r f diKCUKCR. • / 1 Sellers'lmperial : \ Cough Syrup / fri absolutely free from spintamin ) or other harmful ingredient!, r < A prompt, positive curt: for / \ colds, lioarscnu;!!, uiilu- \ < etiza, whooping cough. / i Over a milium I'lUlss sold In tlwi S } llttlfuw yearn AtU'nUtspopularity. ( < w. J. OILMORK CO. > PITTSBURQ, PS. S S At all Druggists. c 5 25c and 50c. ) I W\ \TI fi rirtti or wmtin to truve i r . it- >■• ... r y •• 11 y u> '1 ' < » HI p .nan , ••I .• »«.•■ n . .'<< J *«<•»■< M'tni .>•-() I'll V<'.<»pc M A N A<#kJ(<JUXLOKJ bldg., Cril'tigO. THE JILTll) ONE'S PLAINT. In the da>s of old Plytscs there were tlrecj. io they say. And the songs they sang were wonderful and f sweet; When they saw a sail apx roaching, they would sit and ting away Till the voyagers were taken off their feet— Tili the boats were safely moored And the voyagers were lured To the doom the sirens wanted them to meet. ! They had faces like the angels that are pictured j in the books, ! They had all the little grace# men adore. But instead of slim, white fingers, they had ugly, bony hooka That they hid among the snowy folds they wore. And each kiss a siren gave Sent some victim to his grave— Left some woman mourning on some other shore, i 1 There arc sirens that still gather on the salt sea shore today, Ami the things they say are wonderful to hear. : An J they swoop down on the fellow who goes 1 wandering that way, 1 And they whisper things that charm him in his ear; Oh, they pet him and cajole Till they have him, heart and soul- Till seme other victim chances to appear! Ah. the flirting of the siren who is sitting by tho Is as fetal as it ever was of yore. And her kiss is just as poison as that used to be. Though she doesn't kill her victim any more; All she does is pout and smile For a happy little while. And then leave his poor heart broken on the shore! —Chicago Times-Herald. f Coniicientioni, "My debts amount to 75,000 marks. I must do the right thing and settle up. But I wonder where I can borrow the money to pay with V" OPENING OF THE EXPOSITION Spectators Delighted With the EnUrtaln# merit Furnished by the MaoagsuiesL Never lu the history of the Pittsburg Ex|iosltlon hue there been so largv RU attendance on the opening night M that which gathered in the big bulkV lugs last Wednesday evening, dnd It fi also safe to say that never before wer? the first night spectators so well pleaded with what liad been provided for their entertaiurpeut. With the best music procurable, au entirely DfcW ensemble of special attracuuns and ffoveltles, up-to-date mercantile ex hibits and the most elaborate system of decoration ever attempted in an af fair of like character, there was every reason why all should enjoy them selves find none why any should be dla- Ippolnted. From the moment the opening ol bars of "Willow Drove" floated ovet the hig amphitheater and across th« area of the main building, every avail able bit of space in the main gftllery, the reserved seat gallery and DfOna enade lu front of the music stand, wai occupied by enthusiastic lover* of good music. Profound but pieasnol surprise wss created by Hlgnor Sol rentlno arid the talented musician! comjtosiug the itanda Itossu. and tbti expectations of the public, up to n high pitch by the renorts *f tboirt who had li< »rd tho hand before and bf the extremely favorable notices of th« best musical critics of the country werv more than realised. It was 7 consensus of opinion that no bettel music had ever bfen heard In burg. The band will remalu at tho Kxposltlon until September IR, wheO It will K" east to fill some retuni en fagements before sailing for Italy, rom which It has been absent for two years, and where a royal welcome awaits It While the booths of merchants and the displays of manufacturers are al ways surrounded by interested erowda, eager to limped the latest novelty 111 everything, from a dainty bit of mil linery t<> ii mammoth steam pump, ths Special feiitureti of the entertainment attract thousands each day, and Man ager Fltr.patrick is being commended ror the excellent taste displayed la the ►elections. . Jim Key, the marvelous horse. Is Cleverer than ever, and In addition his new tricks, none of which havt ever l«*en attempted before with liny animal, still proves that he can read, write his name, spell words slighted by vpeotntors. make change with ft cash register and do other remarkabl® things The Mexican village la crowded from morning till night with Interested visitors, who find many re mark able things to attract their atten lion. The Hwlss village has proven %o ho cue of the most popular novel ties ever brought to Pittsburg, aud ► very seat Is tnken durlhK the present atlon of "A Hay lu Ihe Alps" The Crystal Msr.c. with Its mysteri ous windings and endless promensdes, Is another popular attraction, wlill* the roller coaster, the merry go round and the cinematograph number their devotees by thousands. The Philadel phia Commercial Museum's exhibit, a* exported lias proved an extraordinary attraction, and being as Instructive as It I Inter "lit U regarded by many • s the greatest of the many new feat nri'H of this tear. Vlaltor* til' >•«' me ,-tt Itl. *• I l>T Ihe «n Hi' I -M..•til,.i, l'-.|, .tlri-itt» l>. Hi" ■"> tun. ... 11.1 f •■ Irtimfi'K m- given l»r *" H,* trolley lite In ilk- elt* in Hi" downtown t,., n,1,,, I- I ..«ll ..ft. II iM'.iln I Willi, <■«. hi ■'".ii« rn ma rteijr Tli'n»'ls* tiy nil the railroad* lemllna lata tile ellr, f-.r a «in vie r i f th" i." i"l !•:.> I • addlllow. «!••• "liil • ,i '■• »•• '»» <lar 11,. I 1 I. ••• IT Ii I'll f. Mill lower tii'. ■! • ii. I ■ .liilill' lied MCMILLANS FORMERLY IRA C. BLACK & CO., Wall Paper. I i ■ Uoor to Postoffice. RAILROAD IHE TABL7S. piTTSBURG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of I'as . 'jcr Trains in eflect May rB, 1599. BUTLER TJME. Depart. Arrivs. Allegheny Accommodation . A.» 9 W in Allegheny Express. 806 44 912 44 Ne* laatle Accommodation • a 05 44 , 9 li 44 Akron Mail.. 806 a.» 703 f m Allegheny Fa*t Express 918 44 218 M Allegheny Expr«*» 300 p.? 445j ji Chicago Expreaa 6 40 pin t2 18 i» 11 Allegheny Mail 550 '• 7 4". |.»n Allegheny and New Caatle Accow 550 44 703 ** Chicagc Limited 550 44 912 A.m Kane and Bradford Mail S"5 a.* 250 P.M Clarion Accommodation. 45) FJ 9 ILMI Cleveland and Chicago Expreaa... 6 25 an SUNDAY TRAINS. Allegheny Expreaa .... 805 A.* 9 12A.M 1 Allegheny Accommodation 5 50 P.m 5 «»3 P.M I New Cattle* Accommodation 805 a m 7 CO 44 j « : ;• at' • ExjTew SIB P.* r - p ~ Allegheny Accommodation J 7 03 pm On Satuidays a train, known an the theatre trail will leave Butler at 5.50 p. m., arriving at Allegheny at 7.20; returning leave Allegheny at 11.30 p. m. Pullman sleeping cars on Chicago Exprc&a btiween Pittsburg and Chicago. Fur through tickets to all points in the weat, north west or southwevt and information regarding route*, nine of trains, etc. apply to W. R. TURNER, Ticket Agent, B. B. HEYNOLI>B, Sup't, N. D., Butler, Pa. Butler, Pa. C. W. BASfcETT, G. P. A.. Adegbei-y, Pa I 0 DUNKLE, Sup't. W. Jk L. IHv.. Allegheny Pa. rpHE Pint BURG. BE!f iE -1 MER & LAKE ERIE R R COMPANY. T.uie table in efftct Mly 27, 19c0. CENTRAL TIME. >Ol 'iwj' 1. Daily except Suixfiy. ' >ll :va:J (Fetd vp) (F ad clown) "2 14 Vl STA riONS. 1 11 13" P >J P M A M A M A..\« P.M. 12 50 8 30 Erie J) 3(> 4 10 12 2! 8 00 .Coiiiieaut.. .ar 12 2' fi 28 9 2-' 6 37 I v.. Conneaut. ,lv 9 2! 4 09 11 -8 7 08 Conneautville 11 51 5 39 JI 10 63e Meadville Junct. 11 10 609 11 58 7 2'» ar.. Meadville.. ai 11 5- 55 10 \l 5 55 Iv. .Meadville.. .Iv 1«> J- 5 15 f1 -8 6 50.ar..C0n. Lake. at 1 1 2 025 10 41 G25 'v..Con. Lake..h *0 4.' 544 11 18 0 44 ar.. Expo. Park.at [M 1> 6 Oil 10 55 6 44 Iv..Expo. Park.lv '«) 55 C 03 10 64 6 24 Hartstown H 23 C 22 10 40 6 OO'Oagood U 57 6 C 5 «» 10 10 33 6 03 Greenville 6 30 »l 45 c; 45 0 04;1«» W> 5 sfi Shenango 0 4o • I 52 0 55 • SO 523 Mover 7 12)12 2 729 5 06 0 28 5 00 OroT« < ity 7 40|12 43 7 55 4 B9 9 |8 duilvvftte 7 99(12 89 4 45 j 9 08 8 Oil It' 5 35( 155 .HillUnl... » 855 155 3 -a,', i; 45 lv.. .Hi '.iar.i. h U4511 45 4 «»; 9 to K(•inter 8 <6 1 12 4 86| 8 4* Km li.l I K2II 1 25 3 ••*> t 1» Ilutler 1 8 M . 551 2 16; 7 t«)i Allegln IT 10 2" 3 25 AM. | i |.".MI Tra'n'J leaying Ei eat b:SK) a.m. ar rive" at at 9:05. Train 10 leaving Shenango at 4:10 p. m. arrives at Erie at 6:55. J. S. MATSON, E. H. UTLKY, Snp't Transit Gen. Pass Afc,t, (xreenv ; 'le. Pa. Pittsburg. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RA S L. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ttcHEUULK Erracr June 30, 1900. SOUTH. WEEK DAYS . (A. M A.M A M P. M P M. BUTLER Leave 6 28 | 8 05 10 60 2 36 5 06 | Haxonburg Arrive 6 f-'. 8 MO 11 15 3 00 6 28 Butler Junction.. " 7 2" 8 11 4" 325 653 Butler Junction.. .Leave! 7 31 853 .1 52 325 653 Natrona Arrive: 7 4'» 901 "2 01 3 3 602 Tarentum 7 44 9 07 « 2 08 3 42 fi 07 Hpringdalo 7 62 9 10 t2 19 3 62 ClaJeinont fJ i 2 3« 4 Oft . .. Shai"i«Hl»urg 8 11 98612 48 4 U 032 Allegheny 8 24 9 48 1 Cr2 1 26 6 4.3 ,A. M. A.M. P. M P. M P. M SUNDAY TRAINS. — Leave Butler for Allegheny City mid principal intermedia to atationa at a m., "»nd 6:(Xi p. m. NORTH. WEEK DAYS iA. M A. M. A. M P. M P. M Allegheny City. ..leave 7 oo h 66 10 4.» 3 10 6 10 £luir|mliurg 7 12 9 07 10 67; 1 ... i .... .... 11 04 1 ....! .... Springdale ' i 11 V.... 6 37 Tarentum 7 97 9it H 21 9 9 4«; Natrona 741 9 .1 34 :i 6<» fi 51 Butler Junction.. .arrive 7 4h 9 47 1 4- 3 681 7 Of) Butler JnaelkML .km 1 u 47 12 i- 4 06 7OQ HaxonhuVg 8 15,10 09 12 41 4 3' 7 24 BUTLKR arrive 8 4<. H) 32 1 If! 6 7 6(J A. M. A.M P. M P. m.| p. M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But ler and prin< i(«l Intermediate Ntatlona at 7:16 a m. and 9*90 j». Hi. FOB THE EAST. Weekn Daya. Sundays \. M / M !». M \. M P M BOTI EB h fi 26 10 60 236 7 3<» 6 (*J Butler J < c 727 140 126 820 6«J f•«; t: r J'cl 1i,7 4i:i 4.; 999 9 991 free] 751 146 109 890 9"7 Klakitni ie Jt ..." 765 '1 60 407 8 2-.' 811 U j9 07 OS* 419 I 9 41* 991 Paul' ,u ( AJJOI'o B 20 I 2 440 m 5 H 4'J Saltal urg | 9 il'lt fi 999 9ft 9OS Bhriravllia '• 22 I I I r » » 991 'J 4' BUnfUk Int •• 999 IK\ 9 r ><> 19 «"» iIINM • •I 99 949 890 9 4 r . . .. Harriitarg " 9 i«» 900 l «*• i«» (x . . PbllMklphU. '• 9 23' 4 i i 29 4 2'. P. M A M 4. M \ M P .M Hiroumli traina f»>r the Mat leave PltU'lurg (I'iiIOII Station), a* follow* Atlantic Ex pre**, daily .2:60 A.m I'MiiUNylvania LimitMl " 7:16 " Hay K*|»reaa. M 7:.«» 44 M nil 1.1 lie (ipftHi ' 8 <HI " 11 >«> i inliiitK Mail. " I'J 46 r a I'lilla l« Ij-liiH K*|MM. , .4 31* M .iii nod Ki^raai daily. For Sew V".k oniy fCanteiii Expi*HM, * ... . ... 710 *' faul Line, 1 8 Mi •• Plttabwrt Ualicd| • i*«ll\. atth t s. a fork, MM! rtMpluf mt>to mmv Y-.ik, IkltllKifl ud WMIIIHJM only N" fllfl t.u ■ i, lli m 11 iiin 1< |99 I lillad »i Mail, /nr Atlantic Ol> (via Delawara River lit A«tjc. MII f.. t i roufa i ■ Oil I M •• • i«i 810 P II | 4lfl) 7to i' .M • | f H I'll »i•' • ii-1• Plllfl Ml • | 'Hi . daMflfldtaiiiMitloa.a^MiiiTlNML E VULAM /k/t \N #ntnrn Dwtrli't, (4'ruH fifth Avenue and iHtnltli i eld Mtre»«t, I'itUl'iirg, I'm. . iHI"*I < IIIKON, I It Uooli •enaral ManalfW. 'Jen'' "•%**• Aaem 1> U FKALO, KOCHKSTKK & -O J'lT'l jBURG KY. TIME TABLF. In effect M«y 2H. IWM). NOHTII IM(l'Nl). I CAV<BR T> io:. i i | « | _2_ J' * e mwiim i -:i. »ii 19 njp ii I*b i» ii All. ( I' A « • . I | !> i i 10 I" <» Ilull.-1 .. I«l } ; II a rmHii • . i l.llu.vlll* -I 111 l*li ' ' - I" I" OtnraaMrlll* |J tt MunlKiiiiioryvlll. I 1 ' I' ■ 111 liuyli'ii. ! II :»•' « 12 Kl Nurlli I'l.'-it | 1 }'• II irnllti'ii, ... ll.i i <. I 7 it-' I in .iiliiwii.-y .II 12 I'-l i -In J 2* l. i; :m 12 Of. 2.m 7 Hi' | ;n IIIk Hun - II 4A 12 I*l 241 7 fl& (Tip>nni» . . »• « ».ta 41 1 s inn («' < I. 111 IK ll| »l " * •»' * ••"I" I"' thilkiia v {©•if • . 9 W|9 90 I H KHIU« • k 7 ? 12 52 a IJ'rp.m 224 i. kwayvllia 7 '.l 99 • ' 241 i |j 8 191 1 4 2 1 ] J .(•.I.n '»id»n»K M '* M 1 5. 4 5 3 MI J. ».it ■> \i 1 • i • 1 I♦ w Snidfcrd ■■ l» So a i< \ I m Httlniii.iM*. * r • 1,1 I 111 j P-HI j IIIIITI.II. ar <o| 7 1,1 BnThrrl-r 18o| H l' •" I 1 ' Hill I II 1111 l SI" ~"i.„ i*rras* i "a~~1 5I *t • V ! . 11l 4 11. *- HI 1!... I, I "INI , * « w« ~..1*l "" •» *■ oil"' HUliiiiiiiimH ,iti lie | ii . ~I i» T low »• uai M. l. «.-ti n ' "1 f."- • 2 I lift Ji.llliiw.iil.urii 1»■ I ' ' I ' I ftj lU.lyo.iv '■> 2 '• I' "<1 iii.i. i. vuvriii" I" a. 2 ■ 7 :'i ~i" Kill. li. . L 7 1.1 111 M 2 4 .' 4 2 '>4 DulMa . ' 211 II m. 2 f«. 7 ftll a «K» 111,.1n 111 It ft HI It+tH'n Rlii CanrwmlU. i« • IM l»Wp» HIK Run j 7 0011 !ll 8 Sftjft t-' t fuiKmtuwiirr p h II;I I-I 4". -I .ciM W .1 4h i., m or. .• mi a ar. imii ino ll.im -< ,12 11111. .1. xl N..i Hi Putfll ' H iv 4 85 S » 'I 4 2" 4 3» W t M ll /i 1 <v•• *' D Moil If III*-■ \ » i M e '• 2' I • II" ( I.iljf.vr I '• 45 4 r»7 6 | .'l I < ll« It'lll ' ■ ,i ' Until • i" • I 9 r l9 All' Kheny I P A W Hta II 35 « 45 7 I'ift>il<Mrk / ar»l*el « p.ui • »»» • liiiily fJDnily HandHV. TriiitiM i! aml <1 ar« will'l vwitlbulod, i'i|iii|ijK'<l with huDilwiiim day obMh«a, cnfo aixl rudiriiiiK i linir ciirn TrairiH 2 ami 7 n*v« I'l'lliiian Sl«4-|n»m li.-twi . li Hnffnlo an.l I'lttnl.nrK KDWARO C. LAPKY. Htm l Pa»H. Aj{i'iit, l<o<ihfnt«T N. Y. Karl Schluch<er, ical Ta: or and it or u.S W. JrllcrM.ii, Hutlcr, I'd. 3ush*llna. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. ' A CRUSH S In the prices of stiff ? } and straw hats. / In this sale all our new styles and shapes in stift and straw hats will be inc'uded and you have the benefit of all that's new at the "Crush Price." Jno. S Wick, 212 S. Main Sl\, Butler, Pa Opposite P. O. J. V. Stewart, (Succes.or to H. Bickel) LIVERY. Sale and Boarding Stable YV. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. Firat class equipment—eighteer good drivers—rigs of all kinds cool, roomy and clean stables. People's Phone 125. J. V. STEWART. t Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and SaleStabla Rear of Wick House Butler Tenn'a. The best of horses arid first class rigs al wavs on hand and for hire. Hest accommodations In town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Spec! al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. A good class of horses, both drivers an draft horses always on hand and for sal under a full guarantee; and horses bough pon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. Telephone. No. 218. Now is The Time to Havt Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED. If you want good and reliabl cleaning or dyeing done, there i just one place In town where yoi can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Work: 216 Center avenur BOX. We do fine work in out door Photographs. This is th time of year to have a picture c your house. Give us a trial. A jpul for tl'f J Kiift-atott o Sud ii Vmw Yurlr R. FISHER <fc SON A POINTER! for up-to-date Photos go to the Post Office bui din;;. New designs every lew d.i) s. We guarantee to please you. Itranch Studic.i, M.us and Evans City. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236 ffChase Brosf? * PIANOS Arc used in thousands of homea They've been Imfore the people for tin last 40 years, making Mid gaining new frienda each yenr. .Musician* mid Juilare of Piano* njM'ak a good word and thi hgoest praise for the Chase It >a. I' utioi always. Ai state repreae n'a ti ve for the maiiu facturera, I um in a position to sell you 1 piano right, and o;i terms to suit youi convenience in every way. Kindly cnll at my warero >lll and ex amine for yourself th«» pianos tlicv ari there to he seen and heard. Made am' warranted to you by one of the wealth iest manufacturer in the country, yoi run no risk. Hoping to count you on my list 01 customers, I am Yours for business, W. R. NEWTON, 317 South Main St Butler P« PATENMDEA. It may mean a fortune to jrou. I pro cure and sell patents. I R. HARRISON, 'al rit AUorcay 4 j 1 i'ifth I'ltltdux l'«. L. C. WICK, I>KAI.KM IN LUfIBER. >ooooooooooo<x I RAPE'S 1 fLeading Millinery House! I Clearance Sale I A ALL SUMMFR HILLINERY *122 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLER." > >.xx>oooooooooooc>oooooooooo< THIS ls TO BE THE YEAR OF ALL vears FOR dear old Butler County, and as we are one the oldest firms st '< in the ring, we deem it our duty to celebrate in a measure, that is, by making it the '"BANNER YEAR" ot our business. We. have just opened and placed on exhibition, and we may add, cn Sale, one cf the most complete lints of SPRING GOODS ver brought into this city. In this line the following are"" ncluded: Punjab Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Silk Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Putting, All Overs. CA R PET DE PA RTM ENT. We have no hesitation i crying that we have the Largest, Most Complete, and best assorted btock of CARPET in Butler County, in cluding the celebrated Hartford Axminster, Sanford & Wilson's W to 1 Velvet, the old reliable Body Brussels, i, 2, and 3-ply Ingrain, Rugs of every price, and description, Art Squares, Druggeis, and our '•Centennial Rug."' size 36x40 inches, all-wool, at 25 cents e.uh; a veritable celebration in itself. DUFFY'S STORE, Butler, Pa. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Announcement OF Clearance Sale Great le.'uclion in every article pertaining to MILLINERY. A great variety of TRIMMED HATS for I -;dies, Misses and cb t cVtn, all reduced to one half the former price. Sailors, rtbb'.n«, chifions, flowers, ornaments, straw, braid*, nettings; also all unliini med hats, sacrificed at bargain sales, not regarding cost as we neid the space for fall goods. Sale will continue a'l during month o August at Rockenstein's, 338 £outb Main Street Butler, Pa Reminders Good for today, tomorrow or any other <li»y. That Our Beef, Iron aii'l Wine helps to make Mood, creates an appetite and bui d strength. That Redick's Headache Pouders are the best on the market and are safe, our sales of these are increasing daily. That in our Prescription department nothiug enters but the best, and all prescriptions filled in the most careful and scientific manner. REDICK & GROHMAN, 109 N. Main St.. Prescription Druggist* Butler, Pa. C iB6O TWELFTH ANNUAL IMO } J MUSIC BY THE WORLD'S GREATEST BANDS.' S S THE FAMOUS BANOA ROSSA, ITALY'S GREATEST MUSICAL J 5 EMIL PAUR, WITH THE NEW YORK METROPOLITAN OPERA ( < SOUSA AND HIS BAND, DIRECT FROM PARIS. < < DAMROSCH'S NEW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. ( < WALTER DAMROSCH, Conductor. 50 pieces. Oct. Ist to 13th. / JIM KEY, The Marvolloua Educated Hart*. THE MEXICAN VILLAGE. > PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL MUSEUM, Special Exhibit of th* Product* of tho wtlro World. C ( I A DAY IN THK ALPS. THE CRYfTAL MAZE. / Fare for^heJl^un^Trl[M^ PITTSBURG ACADEMY * ' PITTSRVKO'K I.t.AMNii Hriirmi- I'lplitiiii«»<lnilt»t«)(>>llcire. J nAIL ""§ nnons Ommi* mlMi'i' KI.- .UIOM, cliu»W-», K'lrntlllc, Normal, I Jljfh C upon# \ Cmnmnrrlal. Drawing MiMiiiurniihjr ami Typewriting. < (> K- . t Mcxtani UtiiituiiKi'K. MlMtHry TrHliiliiK. Seventeen ablo ana ( V*mm ■ JjMl, 4i j e«perlenc«<l UMM'liera. Call at olllce urwnU for haml-book. J I Dal* I J I. WARREN LYTLE, Proaldont, Cor Rosa and Diamond Ma. ( * The New-York Tribune The LKADING NATIONAL REPUBLICAN NKWSPAPKR, thoroughly up to date, and always a stanch advocate and supporter of Ke|iubltcan principles, will contain the most reliable news of THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN inclnding discussions, correspondence and speeches of tlw ablest political leader*, m brilliant editorials, reports Irom all sections of the land showing progress of the q| work, etc., etc., and will commend itself to the careful perusal of every thonstalfnl, intelligent voter who 1 as the true interests of his country «t heart. New Yod^kri -Weekly Tribune !>ut>lialiM|HLn<Uy. Wdnr«l»y ami l-*ri<luy. i* 111 fWilitv a fine, freih, every other day Daily, giving the latent "t«» tin flay* of i**ue, aiul covering new* of the other three. It contain* all import ant foreign war ami other ral>le new* wliifli ai>|>ear* in TlIK lIIt'NK of *ame flate, a'«o Domcrtlo ami Foreign Correspondence. Short Stnriea, Klrganl Half tone lllu*trntion*, Humor mia Item*, I nil'iat rial Information, I'a*h ion Note*, Agricultural Matter* ami Comprehensive ami Reliable Financial ami Market report*. Regular *ul«criptioii price, *1.50 j>er year W- furnish it with TIIK CITIZEN for $3,110 per year. Send all order# to THE CITIZEN, Butlar, P«., subscribe for the CITIZbIS New York Weekly Tribune Fublinhcd on Thuradav. and known for uear'y aixly years In every i»*rt of the United States a* a National Family Newapajier of the highest class for farm ers and villagers. It contain* all th«* most inntortant general nrwa of THE IMILY TKIBUVK np to hour of going to press, has entertaining reading for every member of the family, old and young, Market Reports which are ac cepted as authuritv l>y farmers and coun try meichants, and is c!ean, np to date, interesting and instructive. Regular subscription price, ti.oo per year. We furnish it with TUB CITI/.RN for $1.50 per year.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers