THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1900. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. <oTE —All advertisers intending to make n in* s In their ads. *1 old n.'i'fy us ot ttlr l&teuttoa to de so cyt ausr thaa Muc 'ty morning. Seligman's Suitings. Professional Car l, Dr G. K MeAdoo. House for Sale. Kirkpatrb-k's Jewelry. C. & T's. F ami tare. Brown & Co s locals Cooper & Co s Sails Adminlstt«tors u4 Exeuntor> of estates -an their l*" lpt W> ai the ( ITT '.KN oMcf. and persons making public sales viiftir note txioks. LOCAL AND GENERAL, The tray marine said to his girl: • The words I speak are true. That when I go to war again I'm going to takn 'Bat," qaoth the maid, ' I cannot er. It would not do, you s<*r It is no place for girls -that war. So how can yon take me?" ' I will not. said the gav marine. Yet, what I sav is troe: When next I go to war. I swear I'm going to taka. ' And still the maiden shook her head. And did not understand: She not the names of things In far-off China land. —Summer isn't over yet. —Warm friends sometimes have hot words. —Ev-n the de-if mote can understand when money talk". Many fields of corn are already out of danger from frost. —Practical jokes generally fall flat because they are one-sided. —England has annexed the Transvaal bat she didn't get it dirt cheap. —A man never knows how badly he feels until he gets his doctor's bill. After the average woman marries she hasn t a single idea in the world. —Main St., in the vicinity of the Court House, has been street-car tracked, this week. —The l«tb lieg. will elect a Major, at Oil City, in the l*ith, vice .John Heed, resigned. —The street cars now run to the West Penn station, and will reach the P. & W. in a few days. Few boys' returning to school, ap preciate educational progress. They feel it is a going back. —LdfHT- A pair of gold limined upec s. Ihe finder will 1* rewarded for leaving them at this office. The wind storm of Tuesday night dropped the temperature several degrees and it was a very welcome change. —Our touch of the gale cooled the utmospbere, and also destroyed soine fruit, and blew overcome derricks, and split some shade tree-. All Butler wasn't drunk, last Fri day, but the fellow who rolled the can non balls over the Diamond must have had something up his snoot. —The fare to the Fair and return via the street cars was ten cents, and during the jam of Thursday the cars registered from 150 to 180 for each trip. —Butler connty had two great reun ions, this year. One began June 12th, and WHS called the Ontennial and the other wa* on Thursday of last week tbe third day of the Fair. Tbe card of Dr. Geo. K. McAdoo appears among tbe professional cards in this paper. His specalties are the eye, ear. nose and throat, for which he took u special course, and In the treatment of which h* .* kcowu to Is- highly succe s fnl Mr IJ, the Merchant T-ni .i nt lift W. Ht has h'' r un,i■■n, .. I.i J. j: \\'niz-t], Litu iU;ir FOR the II HI. of Lnk< & Hon* of Ballliiiori II- keeps ;t la »t<*:k of foreign <»« d doui>tiic suitings, and has a nice trade. —The lfewunti'-r roa/l accommodated the people of Clinton twp. very nicely la*t Thursday morning. They bad four coaches on the local and atupped at all the stations, ami the cars were crowded. The P. & W. special had a dozen crowd ed coaches that morning. and the B It. & P. had eight, and the Went Perm and northern line* large train*. * A fanner of Ihe southern part of the county who alway* keep* several ban dred chickens, arid makea money *hip ping both eggs and dressed chickens to the Pittsburg market has a novel method of keeping his chickens free of Hce. Kvery now and then he scatters a bushel or I wo of grain over part of the orchard in which they nm, and plow* it down, arid the chickens scratch for it and dtttt themselves. The storm that wrecked Galveston, originated in the Caribbean *.-a, travel led westward till it * truck Onlveston; then northward over Texan and Indian Territory; and then north eantward over low* toward* the lake*. On Tueaday the Weather Bureau advised all *hip ping on the lake* to remain in port Tuewlay night the hnrricane *v «'pt over Buffalo, and demoli*iie/l aome of the half built Kxpoaltiori building*, then NWept aero** the *tate and reached New Vork City early Wednenday morning, where it did Nome damage to the *hip ping. From there it paired out l/i *e», and will probably curve back and hit, our coast again somewhere It wa* a wonderful curve. Tuesday morning the First. Ward and Kewne running teams left over Ihe I' li A I, K for the Titnaville tourna ment. They dined at Oil reached Titusville it t:!>0 p in, arid took part, in the parade. The how race* were held yesterday afternoon Tomorrow the First Wards race at .laiueatown N. Y. and will arrive home Haturday morning. Yesterday afternoon the l*t, Ward* won the Hose Race at Titusville l*t Wardn WA II ."itii w colid*, Oleaii and Union ("ity V,\ H-fitli, and ttescues W Union Cjty won the Hub and Hub rac>* in 'i'i | f»th. with the Ist Ward* aecotid The l*t Ward* wori the I look und Ladder race in !JM I .*>th, with Union (/'ity second. Oak Frame Mirrors In French or Oermsii platen at Brown A Co'* Hi /.CM from lOxfii to Ix* to im.'he*. "<)U, well," exclaimed Adarn, pbiloso iihicaliy, afU>r the eviction. If we nave to wear clothes we have to. and that's all there is aliout it " "No that isn't all," snapped Kve, din contentedly; "there's the mending and laying away in camphor ball* for me to attend to '• Brown A Co, have the be*t Bed Hpring- for we make no exception on the market. Ask vour Oroi er for Ctirrle * Milk Brea/I,' made only by the Palace Bak ery, U7O Centre Ave. Phone Hftli. PEKSONAL. Frank Welsh of Jefferson twp. was in town. Tuesday. Miss Stella Heydrick if visiting friends in Oil City. J. B. Carruthers and family moved to • Piqna. O. list Friday. Miss Emma Biggert. of Pittsburg. is I visiting friends in Butler. J H. All*-n of Parker twp. was in : town, on business. Tuesday. A. W. Harbison of the Riverside Liv ery. New Castle, took in our Fair. Peter Fennel 1. the veteran warrior of : Clearfield twp., attended the Fair. H S. Rape of Zelienople was one of the big crowd at the Fair. Thursday. -John Johnston K iiiieoi of Clayt jnia took in the Fair and had a good time. Mr Thomas of Etna was the guest of . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. West during Fair week, 1 Clias Thumps* >n. the stop keeper at Ivywood. ha-s taken his two brothers in- : to partnership. Joe Rockenst-in attended tli f'iner- \ al of bis comrade. Judge Slagle, in ] Pittsburg, last week. i Mr. A. Davis of Glade Ran has par ! chased and moved into the A. Steel-mith house on X. Bluff St. W M Wigfield >f Westmoreland Co. . formerly of Saxonburg is doing well in 1 the coal and coke region. L. E. Beck with of Slippery reek and. j and H. C. Welsh of Browsdale were , among our callers last week. Wm. Kalii and family of Allegheny who were the gue u ts of Tillie and An nie Kalb. have returned home. A G. Sieg of Boyce, near New Cas tle. and Henry Auburn and Fred Carr. , his neighbors, took in the Fair. Mrs Fred Barnhart and daughter of < Counuquene-lng were the guests of t Mrs. J C. Lteubenspeck. last week. , C Sidney Kelly came home from West j 1 Virginia la-t week, and started to work for Vance & Frantz near Magic, Mon- 7 day. c Luther Reiber and wife of Allegheny and Mrs. W. J. Helm of Evans City t visited Mr. and Mr J. J. Reiber over s Fair week. President McKinley attended the wedding of his niece, Mis Mabel Mc- Kinley to Dr. Baer, at Somerset, Pa., yesterday. Jim Corbett, slugger and fakir, has skipped the country, accompanied by the most kindly wishes of all for his permanent absence. Mr. and Mr-. Ernie Black of the Island are both - -riously ill with typhoid fever and Monday Mrs. Black was taken to the Hospital. Miss Grace A- Borland, daughter of Alex Borlsnd. and Mr. H. S Martin, were married at the home of Miss Bor land's sister, Mrs. H. D. Thompson in Chicago, yesterday. Thomas M rrow of Jacksville. W. L Rape of Lancaster, lb :irv Halstead and WIII Carson of Clinton. Frank Baud'-r of Mnddycreek W. F. Campbell of Fairview and EL S Bap* of Zelienopb were among our callers during the big day of the Fair. D. M Dixon. Mayor of West Branch, lowa, visit 1 iiis nephew, W. S. Dixon of Penn two. la>*l week,arid his brother in-law, Andy E-henb.mgh in W. Sun bury this week He attend'd the G. A. R. Encampment in Chicago and then came eat. He wa-. bom in Penn twp on Aug. 7, 1 "•}'>, and is now in his 71st year. Mrs. Caroline Fitzgerald of Hawk Point had h<-r dignity imbjected to a tremendous strain recently. Mrs Fitz gerald, who is quit'; stout, was standing on a barrel while training some vines, when tbe top of the barrel caved in In vain her htuband tried to extricate her, and he was finally compelled to roll her to the blacksmith "-hop. about a qnnrter of a mile. There the iron hoops were removed and M rn. Fitzgerald regained her feeflom. Mi--. Christy, aged f<! years, of OreenvTlle swam across Conneaut lak a few flays ago. The distance is nearly a mile and this is the first time a lady ever tried to accomplish the feat The last time anybody tri<-d swimming across was a dozen years ago wh.m a Pitt-lnirger in camp with the National Guard, swam aero - and had nearly reached the . hor • on the return trip when iie was taken witii a cramp and drowned His b'idy lies in th" i'oiist cemetery near the s|>o: where he lost his life llo»pi:;iJ Itcpori for August N>iwt;cr o! patients lulmitied, li, nu»:jis-r discharged, 1U; operation*, 'J: death** I; nnmberiu hospital at present, 1) 1J (nation* for the month are as follow*: Temperance Legion of Callery, 4 pillow cases towels I sheet and flowers, Mr. A. It's it I pair of chickens butter, green c.»rn, tomatoes, apples and flowers; Mrs. J. I'.. Hits ell, I pair of pillows, Dr. Boyle, hospital snpnlies. CM U< it If'.sciTAb DAV DONATIONS. United Presbyterian church of But ler, sg:s. First Presbyterian cbnrch of Butltr, *•;<!. 04; Harrisville Harmony church, United Presbyterian church of West Unity, Second I'res byterimi church of I Sutler, tlO.71; St. Mark's German Lutheran church of (Sutler, s4l, Ht. Paul v. H. < church of Butler, SHO; Ht. Peter'sEpiscojialchurch of Butler, ♦ 10; St. I'ltui's Iteformcd church of Bntler, i:<thauy K« formed church of Bntler, *.Y I'Altli TIIKATIti:. "HKLUJ Bib!,." Si,i' r. 17. Imagine a man just als»ut to lead to the altar the woman of his heart, flush ed With the joy natural to all husbands el« i being informed that the minions of tie- law are lying in wait to conduct him to prison for sixty days for being a patron of i gambling house, and a faint idea may be had of the plight in which William Fuller, the leading character in Willi Maxwell Goodhue's furiously funny farce HELLO BILL finds I himself. A KhIyATION MKl''l'. BIMT. The Hoi Hmith ituiewdJ play which will lie seen at the Opera llonse at an early dat<- in one of tho-.c coniedie* that will live for y> aia lc can*'' there in nolli ing vulvar, crude or coar«e in it, nor meliMlramatic clap-trap. It, I* dimply a wholesome, heart tome play. A *tory from life in whi' ii the characters are human and natural. Would that we had more aucli attraction* a* "A Poor Relation" come our way. They are few and far between. <<r:mil ii|ici a IIOIIHC, I'll t burg. Thdlrand Opera House thin iea on i* enjoying succen* tiiat i* iilmont phe nouienal. In [xiint of attendance the opening week ■ urpa, id any in the liinbrt'y of the home, and ly U-ing fol lowed thin week by "A Virginia ' 'otjl t ship Following "A Virginia Courtship ( OIIIIM a i-plcmlid production </l l>avld i'elai-co'n s<S'iety drama "Men and Women." This play Is one of the heaviest on the American stage. It admits of an elaixwate setting, and i* well and favoralily known HI all the, large attic* J| will be produced at. the Orand more tiian Charle i ioilman pro.ija^.ll when it started liiru on the to fame and foi iu the world Next wec|< iij|,cr* of the st<«'k company will l<« aeen HI this great play, together with ninm acr-ors special IJ Wg»(»i Ilii.Yloii Fair. For the hay ton Fair, ln<giiiniiig Tmmlay thi tri. tie li. I( A; I', will sell excursion ticket* at for train leaving Bntler at <1 1"» a m good to ic turn on all regular train 'exempting the ventibtiled limited; on or Is-fore Hatur day, the :i!ith; and on Thursday, '"7tii; will run a special leaving Butler at H a m. and returning leave Ilayton at R.<W p. m. Uxciirslonn to I 'it I ition \IH I*. A W. Ity. Ticket ~ i,n nale each Weilnes«b»y until Oct 17th. gi*n! rettiiMiug Till" ■ hayn iricludillg date of sale. I are from ButlerfM : >O. including ad mission to the Kxpositlon LEGAL SEWS. GRAND J TRY FINDINGS. i TRCF. BILLS— Com. vs David Holli day, a&b: Peter Thosna. agg. a&b: W P. Brown, agg. a&b: G. R. DeHaven agg. aA-'b J. E. Clark, open lewdness • same. agg. a&b: Oliver iiiw-.-r. -elliii: liquor without license: W. L. Derrimore a&b: Philip Bowser, violation of liquo: laws: C. R. Eckman. a&b; Dora Ager ter f&b: Samuel Kinsey, violati-n o: liquor law*. .Tames Brown, a&b: Wm Wagner, forcible entry and detainer 1 Robert W. Nixon, a&b; John Dolan felonious a&b: < "larence linan. felonious rape: John M. Brown, agg. a&b: Bert lett Bowr-r. damaging livery property ' R. A. MacCartney ami D. H Wuller. selling liquor without license and tc men of known intemperate habits and -Sadie Norris. false pretense and forgery. NOT TRCE BILLS— Win. Dartz be ing a tramp: Robert Bowser. violation of the liqaor Jaws: Charles Diggs, viola tion of the liquor laws; Nancy Keister. a&b, prosecutor. Matilda Keister to pay costs J. H. Williams, larceny as bailee, coats on county; James McCoy, liquor law violations county to pay costs: P. J. Barrett, malicions mis-.-hief, prosecu tor, Win. Leithold to pay costs; Dr. L. Black, selling liquor to men of known intemperate habits, county to pay costs; Ottis Lutz. a&b. cost* on prose.-ut« r Harry Roth. Harry Roth, a&b, W. H. Lutz to pay costs. In its final presentment the Grand Jury stated it had acted on 36 indict men:- finding trn< bills and ignoring 11. Th-iV recommended a County bridge over Bonnybrook in Summit twp . repairs in the County Supte. office and other improvements. CRIMINAL COURT. W. L. Derrimore plead guilty to assault and battery on John M. Brown. WLQ Wagner was acquitted of forci ble entry and detainer but is to pay the costs and was discharged from th - custody of the Sheriff upon giving bond to appear at next term of Criminal Court, having applied for benefit of the insolvent laws. •T. E. Clark, who ran amuck on South Main St., plead guilty to a&b and two counts of indecent exposure. Sadie N orris plead guilty to false pre tense and making and uttering a f.i!>-e signature on orders on dry goods stores James Brown was tried Monday morning for Assault and Lattery with intent to commit rape. charged by Mr- David Holliday. Tlie verdict next morning was not qnilty, and each party pay half the costs. Peter Thorn a was tried for agg. as sault and battery. breaking the arm of Andrew Campbell, a fellow workman, at the Clearview Stock farm, with a poker. It appeared tliat Campbell ha'! been tearing Ttaoma and tbe blow bad i*-cn struck partly in self defence, bene a verdict of acqnittal. Dora Egert'-r plead guilty to f&b, Tuesday. Tbe case VB W. P. Brown was con tinued till next term. Robert W. Nixon was tried Tuesday on charges of agg. a&b. and the jury returned a verdict of guilty. J. M. Brown, who was charged with a&b was tried yesterday and the jury returns H verdict of guilty. M It. Detlaven, charged with agg. a&b, was found gnilty. David Holliday, charged with agg. a&b, wa- acquitted, but sentenced to pay coets. The case vs Clarence Iman charged with seduction, fornication and felonius rape has been settle!. In the eases vs K. A. MacCartrjey and D. II Wuller, charged with violating the liquor law, the jury was directed to return a verdict of not guilty. Defend ants to pay costs. In tbe case vs Samuel Kinsey,charged with violating the liquor laws, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and costs divided between him and the pros ecutor. John Dolan went to trial Monday aft. for shooting his step-father 'ieorge Buchanan at Mar', on July 4, with a revolver; but a juryman was called home by an acid' lit and the case was not finished until this morning when the jury returned a verdict of guilty. The case vn. Philip Bowser for viola tion of the liquor laws was tried yester day afternoon and this morning the jury returned a verdict of, not guilty and costs divided between him and the prosecutor. , NKW sens. Win H. Baker vs Evans City borongh. Ire-pa-- for . iooo damages. On June I ; lan', Baker's team !>«-'• • tii«- Irighteni-d at a lioiler Ijing in an alley of the l.orough. ran oli and threw him >ut lie was badly injured and brings tin; -ait. Agnes 1.. Harper of Jackson twp. vs Oliver T. Harper petition for divorce. The parties were married in IWMI and desertion is alleged. Eliza A. Arner v« Mnrrin & Mcßride, defendants and tbe Worth twp. Mutual Fire Ins <Jo. garnishees, execution at tachment, AN I.MTKKKHI IN'F, CAHI. . Tbe first case called for trial in com uionpleas court was that, of Mrs. Ite l»e'' a Walter against Oawn Ward, et al The action is brought U> recover SI,HHO.<JO. the an ion tit of a life insurance policy held by the plaintiffs soil, iJitn lei K. Walter. The circumstances re suiting in the suit are unusual, and tbe trial is exciting considerable interest. The plaintiff Rebecca Walter, is >tl years old, and lives at Oreat Belt, Butler county. Her son, Daniel Jv Walter, now deceased, was married to Agn< Ward, daughter of < iawn Ward the defendant, of Beaver Falls; and on August :;7, IHO4, he died leaving his wife and one on Irariicl Walters, Jr. The plaintiff allege* that the policy, which wfw in the National Life limur anee compiiny, of Montpeiler, Vermont, and wa* for $5, W, wan taken out hy her sou liefore MM marriage, and that she wim named therein um the wole bene ficiary; that she had never authorized any change in the policy making anolh er pen-on the Ix neliciary that, when after the death of her son (lie draft for the amount of the policy came to the company's agent in )leaver Falls, she went to that place and endorsed the Maid draft, which was also endorsed by (luwn Ward, that he retained posse ■ -ion of the draft; and that *ln never received any 'if the money which 'iiie believed rightfully belonged to her The defendant denies that lie came into po".H< nsion of any of the insurance money, lie iloes not deny, however, tliat hi* daughter, Mre Agnes Ward Walter, diil receive it; but claims thai after hin daughter marriage to hanicl Waller, an order addressed to the In t-.nrance company, waa, at the request of the husband, drawn up and signed |»y Keliecca Walter, anking that herdailgh tei in law be named an the lieuellciary in the itfiid t*il i<y, and that the plain tiff signified hi.r willingness at that time that thin should be done Mm. Agii' n Walter further testified that lier late husbund had neglectcil to forward this order to the Insuranvc company and that after hi" death this fad waa made known to Mr*. llels-eca Walter, who wild that nhe would make no trouble about that an ahe "wanted her dead son's winlu* to be carried out, and Would come to I leaver Fall* when the draft arrived and endorse it The dc FERIHE IIIPO claliiiN that (CIHO were paid to the old lady in accordance with l lim agieeiiient uud that the balance of the money received from the policy wim lined iaiv ly in tile lii|iiidntlou of .11 Walter n liiiancial obligations The plaintiff in represented by lln chanaii and McCounel of tin place. IM A M Cbrlstley, ESM, oi Butler; and the defendant l>y A. H and W. H. Moore. Tbursduy morning hint, the Jury in the < a«e, returned a verdict iu favor of Mr*. Walter* for and the de feline Htateil that a new trial would be anked for. We take the abov* from the Beaver Time* of la*t week Mr*. Walter* will lie remembered a* the old lady who had the HpiiiiiittK wheel in the window of the telegraph office, during the ('■ uteui ir I MOTJ6H. Constable .1. Is Mather* raided a crap game Haturday nfteriioon ami captured a young man who wa* drunk and who on the way to jail cur*cd and reviled the conatable The County Commissioners have j granted Harry and AlpLeus Cooper the contract for the erection of a barn or. tbe county poor farm, to be completed by Dec. 1, 1900. The masonry and su perstructure is not included in the con tract. W. J. Pflough got the contract for the slate roof. .•sheriff Hoon on Friday sold the title 1 of Alex J. Braceland to 06 acres m Yen ; ango twp. to John F. Peoples for *2lO. i Peoples had bought it at treasurers' sale ) for taxes two years ago. Baxter Emerick has filed his trienni al acconnt as guardian of the minor children of Elizabeth Weitzel. dee d Citizens of Renfrew petitioned for a new road to run from a jxjint near Dr Cowden's drag store on Main St.. Ren frew to the McCalmont road near Mc- Calmont station. C F L McQuistion, Baxter Irvine and Lewis Bnrrv were appointed viewers. Geo. Pillow, surveyor, David E. Dodds and W. E. Bartley were appoint ed viewers on the petition of Middlesex twp. citizens for a change in the Bear creek road near Jas. Lefever s place. The rajie case vs Timothy Colligan has been settled. D»-lmer Henshaw has petitioned for partition of tbe estate of his father Win. F. Henshaw of Prospect. On suggestion of the Grand Jury the Conrt granted a rule on the P. B. A: L. E. railroad Co. to show cause why they should not keep a safe crossing at Karns Bridge or be indicted. Coroner White of Beaver Co.. investi gated the cause of the death of an un known man near Legionville, Tuesday, and is satisfied Italians killed the man in self-defense. There was a memoran dum book in the dead man's clothes be longing teacher of the Butler township school. No ft: also a railroad ticket from Callery to Butler, skeleton kevs. watch, chain and cartridges. The man is five feet eight inches tall, smooth face, red hair and "0 years old. Robert Beers a Democratic juryman from Adams township, was arrested on tie stre'-ts. Monday evening, for being drnnk and disorderly, and put in jail. Next morning be secured bail, and ap peared in Court all right, but Judge <ireer heard of it. and called him up. and sentenced him to pay a fine of S2O and lose his pay. The will of Francis Reott of Summit twp. has been probated, no letters. A mortgage has been recorded from the Phillips Gas Co. for a hundred thon-and dollars to tin- Mecantile Trust Co. of Pittsburg. It contained revenue stamps to the amount of $49.50. Quite a batch of assignments of oil lease in Penn, Adams Jackson and for ward townships to the Forest Oil Co. were recorded yesterday. Mrs. Jane Hall has adopted .Lydia Fullerton. Geo. 11. Graham, Wm. Scott and Al phonse Kranse were appointed viewers on petition of citizens of Penn twp. for new road. Ellen Rodgers was granted a divorce from Daniel M. Rodgers. The name of J. C. Mattison was ordered placed on the registery list. At New Castle, yesterday, James Artz was found guifty of arson. PROPERTY TKANBFKKS. W. B Dennison to Uriah Dennison 15 acres in Slippery rock for &}OO. J. (}. Jieyler to C. E. W. Beyler 1 acre in Fairview for SIOO. E. S. Beatty to J. N. Wilmanson lot in Harrisville for SIBOO Jacob Danibaugh to Wm. Dambaugh lot in Harmony for SIOOO. Thomas Hays to R P. Scott lot in Fairview for SSO. Adam Anderson to Nancy O'Conner lot in Washington lor $25. F. J. Hall to S. F. Latshaw lot in Brady for $25. Lydia R. Trippe to D. B. Heiner lot in Butler for sl. D. B. Heiner to Percy E Trippe lot in Butler for sl. David Cupps to Jacob Schmidt 10l in Butler for *OSO Jacob Whitinire to Paul Trout man lot in liutler for fIHOO. A. M. Braceland to John Peoples <0 acres in Venango for sl. Efti< ,f. Mc< landless to ('. E. McCand lehs 48 acres in Franklin for sl. J. W. Coojrfrr to T. .1. Cooper property at C'oopi rstown for SI2OO. T. J. Cooper to John W. Croft lot in Coots-rstown for SIOOO. M Beighle to <i. l>. Hwnin 10 acrea in BanoiHtcr for > I'M). E. Miller toll. K. Rape lot in Hur niony for SI3OO. II M. Wi-e to (• I). Swain •'» acre* in Bitncaatcr for *I.W. it. .1 Boone to .1 It Stoup lot in Valencia for 47/». VViii. Carney to W. K ('i/opcr Jot in Valencia for SIOO. J. K. .Moon-to .I. T. Wade H5 iktdb in Washington for S3IOO. T. M. Smith to 11 H. Albert lot in WaMhlngton twp. for $475. J. I*, (irahuni to Robt Bavin lot in Washington twp. for SIOO. Charlotte Milbr to Cliaa. T. Hascictt lot iii IJiitl<-r for William II Corn-by to Win. Manuel lot in But ler for fttftO. Irma B McClelland to Levi Stewart lot in W Sunbury for SMOO. J'<H>r I>iHt. of Winfleld twp. to C. W. Weiher <> acrcH for SIOO. Maria < >lx;r to John F. .Smith 41 wren in Hoimiiit for S!JSOO. »liirrlit|{n hlcciiMM. S, M. Hoot Butler Laura Taylor. " I) F. A|'iw'ii/.«iller Dayton, I'a Florence Lemino Butler Antone <iall Butler Julia (Jo<lnt " M I'etera Ariimtrong Co li. I*. Foringer Fair view tw|> Geo. W. Madlaon Troutman Kva Unnlap " a vv Mrgl—iclr Kuril.i Mint* U. Htoughton (Jlaytonla I'hilip (hinder Butler Martha I). Keiber.. " llayn Jloover Allegheny Jennie M M< < juidlcH* .. .Centre twp At I'itl.Hburg, S. A Freeman of Allc glieny anil Kva M Owena of Valencia. At Mercer, J M ''oiiry an<l K C. '1 bom(moii of Butler Co. \<:< ii>i;nts. Mr-. A. S. (iiliHon of I'eiui tw|». fell a few daya ago, and fractured her left arm. Mr. Thompson, a well known employee of the I' & W. railroad, re nidlng at. I Jen uet.t, met with a painful accident on Tnc*day, lie wan coming to Kunt Brady on hm bicycle, ami when u whorl dlntalice thin aide of < 'hlcora the front fork of hi* wheel broke, throwing him violently forward on bin head and face Tillm in the IttNt recol lection Mr. Thompaon had of what happened until he regained COUHcIoUH nei,H and found hinmelf lying in a houne Home distance away from the nceiie of the in cident. lie then learned that a woman driving along the road had found hi in in an uiicoukcloiih condition, and wearing HMMiHtauco had him re moved to a farm honae Home «Ii«l ;ni« nway. Ill' i-ame ou to Kant Brady later in I lie day and hud hm injuricH looked ! after by a phymciiin No honen were i broken but hm fare wan brumed and ! but!>■ patcbeH of hkln knocked of bin check and none. Mr ThoiiipHou in a | Hon in law of Samuel AdauiM, of tllla i plari Ivmt ISritdy Itevlew. . T. 11. (J'Nell, a brakenian on the lie Hie, fell under the earn near drove j City, taut Sunday, and wan killed. Mra. Jacob Miller wan thrown from 1 her lnigKy and aerloualy Injured, while j al. the funeral of Khij I(< oil at Herman I >nte* lor Comity I'uli'a. Indlana, Sept II I I. Oil City, Mpi nil (ireeimburg, Sepl IH-21. liny ton, Sept. i ;h, Merrer, Hepl 'J."i 'J7 WaHhiugtoll, Sept 'iti- UM. New < .'aMtle, Sept 37 '.ill Stonelioro, Met y-i Buy the Improved New Royal or New Home Sewing Me,-hint) from Brown <V. Co. and wave $lO to s , ,'"i. Fair ami The 23d annual Fair of the Bntler County Agricultural Association has passed into history. It and its horse races, hose races, trick bicyclists, balloon-ascensions, machinery, horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, poultry, grain, vegetables, preserves, fancy work, lemonade, peanuts, fakirs and side shows have come and gone. The only ! tmes the worse for it are those who got drunk and suffered from sore head ' and bad stomach for the next few days. Last Thursday's attendance was the large >t in the Pair's history. S6OOO was taken in at the entrance gates, which means probably -400 paid admissions. There were few empty beds in liutler that night and men spent the night out of doors. During the whole fair no thefts or serious accidents were reported. In one of Friday's races, a horse was thrown ■ bv a hobble breaking and a horse im- Luediatly behind plunged into it. Both horses were scratched up. the sulkies broken and the drivers Billy Dean and ! Harry Montgomery bruised but not seriously hurt. The 200 yard hub race Friday between the Rescues and First Wards was won j by the latter in 21 2-5 second-. Grant Cruikshauk's, of Glade Mills. ! Clydesdale stud Bonny brook took first j premium over a field of four. His 1 yearling colt also took first and Mrs. Cruiksbank got second premium on one pound prints of butter. Mr. C. bought a yearling colt from T. Cooper of Har lansburg. David Hesselgesser of Leasureville owned the prize 3-yr. Clyde. W. H. Cypher of Sarversville horse took first among the English Shires. I. N. Ifft of Evans City and .John Kaufman of Callecy divided first pre mium on Perc-lieron studs equally be tween them. The Allen Herr Co. of Portersville Lad their fine stud and a number of his get on exhibition. Wm. Myers, one of the Co sold a yearling colt to Dr. \V. C. McCandless for S2OO. A horse owned by McCamlless Bios, ol Pump took Ist among the Belgian drafts. Dr. Bricker's driving mare, Lottie, took first. W. H. Milliron captured some pre miums on his roadsters and hogs. A herd of Ho!stein cattle owned by J. D. Williams of Brownsdale captured 7 tirat premiums. J. Walter Hartley's h< rd got 4 lsts and 4-2ds. Everett (J. Campbell's of Kiester herd of registered Jerseys captured the sweeps takes and all the prizes in sight except that for a 2-yr-old cow which went to a cow owned by Esq. McAboy. Campbell's prizes amounted over *SO. August Freehling's Cheviot sheep took first and second premium. W. J. Patton of Oakland twp. ex hibited some prize Chester White hogs. W. S. Stevenson owns the only herd of Jerseys on exhibition. W. J. Fox of Carbon Black had 140 chickens on exhibition and captured £•>!( worth of prizes. He has Games, Wyan dot tea, Minoreas and others; also tnr keys. Mr. F. gots!> worth of prizes on grain. John Magee of Glade Mills showed fancy coops of Bull Plymoth Bocks and Bronze turkeys. W. McCandless of Mt. Chestnut captured seyeral premiums, lsts and 2ils on his Ham burgs. (jr. W. Manerhoff on Saxonburg ex hibited prize Buff Leghorns. Miss Harriett Doughlass and Mrs. C. E. Cronenwett eacii captured several dollars worth of prizes on hand paint ing and water colors. Mr. C. also had a first prize basket of Early Hose pota toes from his own garden. Newton's exhibit of pianos and other musical instruments was the leading feature of Floral Hall; and W. C. Cur rie's wedding cake was the prettiest thing in the anntx. CIIUKCII NOTIOS Kev. Paul .1. Hlonaker of tie- Zelie nople Presbyterian church on Sunday preached in the Fourth United Presby terian Church, Pacific Ave., Pittsburg, on invitation of the session. Kev. John Oailey, dee'd., was pastor of the Fourth. IttMlllioflM. The 7Hth Reg. P. V. will reiine lit KiUannlngon Friday, October 12th :t!lth anniveraary of their muster in. Excursion rates on West Penn. and A. V. It Its. to Kittanning Mid on tin- B. It. P. to Mosgrove. No card orders required. OIL NOTKfc. The market this morning is $1,25. MII>I>M;SKX TWI' Tom Kllngeiismith and others ore drilling on the Morris farm in the new Bakerstown develop ment. There are now seven rigs up in this field. CAl.l.kky The Forest's N T o. iil on the Kdwin itamsey is in and a small pro ducer. Morris & <'o on the Peter Ehrtnsn have a duster in the 100 foot. BI:T I.Kit -Amy & Co. got another good well on the Goo. Nickel, Tuesday good for 15 to 20 bbls. Plumbing in the Country. Plumbing in your country homes can l»c done just tm well a%in llutlcr by put ting in a Rider Hot Air Engine in vour Cellar to pump the water into a (islvan i/.ee I ron 'fault in the Attic. Have plentv of ho t and cold water for your bath room, sink and lawn. Good lire protec tion. We have put eight of these pumps in Butler; tliey make no noise; line very little gas; no wear and tear; nothing to get out or order. Would be pleased to show you these pumps working. P.sti mates furnished. Come and see our show room, 'nn-st line of pluillbtng goods ill the city; all connected Up as you like to see them. Anything new we have it. ('.an stove, gas lixturs, pipes, anything you need at WIIITKHIM.'H, The Plumber, Next to County National Bank, Hutler, Pa. ICcilucctl ICitl I'N i«> tin- I'illHliurg Industrial Inhibition via IVini- Hylvuiila Kuilroiul. On Heptemlstr lit, 20, and 27, and October I, 11, arid IH, I{<oo, the Penn sylvauia Hail road Company will sell excursion tickets from points on the Pittsburg and Mononguhela Divisions, and the Indiana Branch of the Western I'eimsylvaiua Division to Allegheny City, at half rates, with the price of admission added. No ticket to be sold for less than seventy-five cents, iuclud tug admission coupon. Tlnme tickets will lie good going only on regular trains leaving stations at or before noon on day of issue, and will be valid for return passage until the follow i ng day, Imluslvc. KI:IM < I;I» K\ I I;S TO LILT II >IO\I>. For the meeting of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, I O. <). F., to be held at Itiehujond, Va.. Hepteinber 17 22, the Pennsylvania Railroad C ompany will sell excursion tickets to Richmond, from all stations on its line, at the rate of one fare for the round trip, Tlcktts will be sold and good going September 11, 15. and ID, and will be good to re turn until September 25, inclusive. For particulars In regard to stop-off at Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wash lligton, consult 11 en rest ticket agent Itl.lM < H|> If \TI;.S TO I'IIII.- \ I >1.1.1 *lll \. For the State League Republican Club*, to lie held in Philadelphia Sep teuilsir 17 and IH, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Philadelphia trom all stations on it line in the Ht.atu of Pennsylvania at the rate of one fare for the round trip i minimum rate 25 cents). Tickets to be sold and good going September 15, ID, mid 17, and to nturii until Septem ber 22, inclusive. I ,\C III'HIOII to Allegheny. (Commencing Sunday, May 01 h. the Sunday excursion fare from Butler to Allegheny will be one dollar for tickets good going on train leaving Butler at H.O/i a m , < ity time, returning on train leaving Allegheny at ft.IK) p. in. city time. t .. New, four-room house for sale In ' <piiie at this office. NKKitIUOKIIOOI* \OTI:N. A Missouri boy complained of ear-ache Til cure it his mother poured in tobacco juice, and a large black spider and many little ones ran out of his ear. He was then taken to a doctor who removed more spiders and a lot of web. Alto gether there were !«> spiders the size of buckshot in the boy's ear. A horse dealer in Washington is being sued by a man who bought a horse of him on the ground that numerous sores on the animal were covered up at the ' time of the sale by pieces of cowhide, glued on so skilfully as to deceive the purchaser and caused him to pay a more or less fancy price, in the belief that he was getting a sound beast. This item contains elements of humor, of course, ' but it would seem that after the funny man an 1 the civil law both have their fling at the horse dealers the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ' should step in and do something. Wallace Tittswath's cow got into his i yard at Clove Valley, and tumbled into a well fourteen feet deep. A derrick was rigged over the well, a hay-hoisting apparatus attaclfM and with the aid of a team of horses the cow was raised to top. Then the rope broke and the cow went to the bottom again. A stronger rope was obtained, and one end was tied to a peach tree. But when the cow reached the top a stcond time the tree came up by the roots, and back the cow tumbled again. A third time she was hoisted to the top and this rime planks were placed over the well. The planks broke tinder the weight and tbe beast made a fourth descent. A fourth at tempt resulted in landing her on hard graund. but that moment the derrick fell and knocked down Martin D. Lewis who was assisting to the rescue. His skull is fractured and he is expected to die. '/Anc and Grinding; make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice HS long as lead and oil mixed by hand. A Great Bargain r.n easy terms. A six roomed house con venitnt to school, near street car line. Plastered, hard-wood finish. Splendid well of water. Call on or address. JOHN W. COULTER, Attorney-at-Law, Butler, Pa. PITTSBURG EX POSITION. The P. B. & L. E R. R. Co. will sell tickets to Allegheny at excursion rates Thursday of each week to and includ ing October 18, on account of th r Pittsburg Exposition. For rates and times of trains, inquire of P. B. & L. E. agents or address E. H. Utley, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Pa. Get a Sideboard from Brown & Co. A large selection to choose from. Prices start at sls. FOR SALE - Sixty-five liives of Italian bees. Cheap for cash. Address H. C. GRAHAM, Box 14, Isle, Pa. Markc&. Wheat, old. wholesale price (17-70 Wheat, new. " 64-67 Rye. " 45 Oats, " 24 Corn, " 45 Hay, " 15 00 Eggs, " 12 Butter, " 18 20 Potatoes, new " 40 Onions, per bu 00 Beets, tier doz hunches 20 Apples, per bu 35 Cabbage, per lb li Tomatoes, per bu (50 Egg Plants, per doz 70 Parties wishing to purchase or sell oil properties, farms, city residences or real estate of any kind, should call upon Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite I', O. Hutler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 174. Brown & Co. have Iron Beds at £ $3.00 a day guaranteed agents (men or women) selliug our high grude laundry and toilet soaps. For exclusive territory write Milieu Soap Co., 612 P, Adams street, Chicago. Commencement and wedding pres ents at bargain prices. R. L. KIKKI'ATUICK, Jeweler, M C. Rockenstein has removed into Duffy Block !! doors south of his old stand where he can be found with a full line of stoves, hardware, sewer pipe etc. We still do roofing, spouting and job bing, will be glad to see all my old cus tomers at the new stand. Music scholars wanted at 128 West Wayne St / The Perfect Dress.. Many men have many minds in the matter of dress, but the dictates of fashion must lie considered. We make the clothes you want, correct in style, of the best material, and in a fault less manner. There's real distinctiveness in the garments we make. Wedding Suits a Speciality. (ooper &• (0., Leading Practical Tailors., DIAMOND. BIJTLKR. I'A. ' it fc (iVr, I 11 jj i Tri* DROP OFF WHEN PASSING and find out what's llie matter with your eyes. You < all never liuil out for your 1,. |f, and we can tell you quickly and rani Iv. It's Mintage; but in tile matter of Might a person can have trouble and not know it In such cases delay only makes a bad matter worse, and subtracts from the value of the reUle ly. Kxauilnatiou trm W<* al*o m il Ciimcrit#, I'hoto Supplu», llicycles and Talking Machines. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. Next to Couit House. The Keyslune Orchestra, Is now reaily foi engagements lor l'ar ties, Picnics and Dances, and Guarantee the best ol music at reasonable rates. Address, Prof. Gus iWickenhaQen, 22H Av«*., Butlrr, In WANT!.!) llffiM .1 in it 11 or woiiiiiti to 1 ruvii fur Inrgi' lioum', nullity ti i« »•» I lily iiikl M wit It |ll« l« am (M'Httloli pot miwi i n! ,111' - 1• )*»•■ n« lf ut|«lr< H*« <1 titiiioin i| iiivolopi) MANAOKIC, lI.MI Cux t«)ii.l)l(J« , < lil< 11/0. The Only Way Of getting what you want is to purchase from reliable sources. You may not need our goods often,but when want ed you want them prompt ly and want the best. The sickroom is no place for ex periments. Our prescription department is the most im poitant one with us and we leave nothing undone to secure only the best. A drug may be pure but not up to the standard in strength. Nothing short of the best is thought of with us. Our trade is laige enough to keep goods moving so that we have no old stock. Our methods of doing business ve think will warrant you in coming back. Every article bearing our name is guaran teed to be just as represented or your money back. C. N. Boyd, Druggist. On the Diamond. Near the Court House. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. hi the District Court of the Tnltod States' for th«* Western I>istrl«*t of Pennsylvania, Thomas Allen of Franklin township. Hotter county. Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July l.lfclfe*. having appl i«*«l for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act. notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons in Interest, to appear l>efore the said Court at Pittsburg. In said District, on the Ist day of October, TWO, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not lie granted. WILLIAM T. LIXDSEY, Clerk. STEPHEN CL\MMINCJS, Att'y. Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States fur the Western District of I'ennsylvanla. Frederick M. Uetino,of liutler. of Butler Co, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of < onssreSs of July 1, IMH, having applied for a full diwharKe from all debts provable airalust his estate under said Act, notice Is hereby |trod to all known CTMttOM and Other pit-sons ill Interest, to appear before the said Court at Pittsburg, in said District, on I lie 2st h day of Sept 10 o'clock in the fore noon, to show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not he cranted. WILLIAM T. LINDSEY, ' Clerk. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Estate of Perry J, Brown, late of Sum mit township, Butler county, Pa., dee'd. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above, mentioned estate, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves in debted to saiil estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authen ticated for settlement to CLARA B. BROWN, Administratrix, PRANK H. MCRPHY, Butler, Pa. Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Wherea« letters of adininstration have tfiis<lay been duly gianted by the Regis ter of Butler Co., l'a., to Oscar Keister on the estate of Paul Keister, late of Slipperyrock township, said county and State, notice is hereby given to all jiersons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make s|>eedy payment, and those having claims against said estate will please present them properly authen ticated for settlement to OSCAR KEISTER, Aug. 3, 1900. Administrator, Keister P. 0,, Hutler Co., Pa. E. MCJUNKIN, Att'y for Adm'r and estate. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration 011 the estate of Simon ftarickman, dee'd., late of Hut ler township, Butler county, l'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all |iersons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to Mas. HKI.I.K C. BAHICKMAN, Adm'x., IJutler, Pa. MATKK & YOUNC., Attorneys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- Letters ol administration 011 the estate of William J. Clelaud, dee'd., late of Muddycreek township, Butler county, l'a., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to lua L. CI.Kt.ANI), Adm'r., Wimertou, l'a. COKNHMPS & SON. Att'ys. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tlio part nership heretofore subsisting between Alvy Turner, C. E Turner and Charles A. ('lark, under the linn name of Turner Sc Clark, haa been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to said partnership are receivable by the said Alvy Turner, to whom also all elitims and demands against the Name are to be presented for payment, the wtid Alvy Turner hereby agreeing and does hereby agree to and does assume all outstanding indebted ness against said partnership as hereto fore known. June 12, 1000. ALVY TUKNKK, C. E. Tt'KNKIt, CHAN. A CI.AIIK. OWN AN APOLLO With one you e,an play on the Piano at any time the music you desire. The Apollo Is a wonder. You roll it to your piano in a moment, sit down before it, put. in the music, start it. and by means of small keys control lie- expression and tempo lierfeotlv Tile pitying of the Apollo is MO perfect, as not to be distin giilsluid from that of a human ls<iug All effects possible on the piano can la< rendered with the Apollo, With an Apollo you are master of your own piano and are able to play perfectly all the most difficult works of Wagner, LIM/.1, Beet 110 veil. etc, art well lis tile light and popular iiiarolu»s, coon songs, etc. fall al my warerooin and hear one of the world renowned < lia><e Bros Pianos played by The A|sillo. Pianos, ()rgaus, small goods and thcir flttiiiKs. everything pertaining to music, aold for cash or on payments to suit 1 >ll r customer* are our reference*. W. It. NEWTON, I 317 South Main St. Butler Pa sio Will Do It! Can I spend $lO and yet get a satisfactory suit? More than once recently we have been asked that question. We say YES with large emphasis. $lO will buy a Black Clay, weave diagonal suit—will buy a Black or Blue Serge Suit—a fahcy striped Worsted Suit—a splendid Cheviot Suit or Cassimere Suit. There is no room for fault about the style, the fabric, the sewing. The suit is tailored as it should be which means thorough workman ship. Every button, every stay, every seam is right. Pay J more if you like in any store and you will get no better suit. Our Line of () SllltS IsE^ptiraadYaloe Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. {TheSurprise Store I I 108 South Main street, Butler, Pa. < 5 NO USE TALKING! \ THE KEYSTONE UNION MADE ! ► < 4 Overalls, jackets and Pints J ► - < Are the best that human hands can make. If ► ► they rip bring them back and get a new pair. V < The Keystone Corduroy Pants are made from ► the best corduroy. A new pair or money back * 4 to every dissatisfied customer. \ > < < $3.00-"f> ► : THE SURPRISE STORE, I < BUTLER, PA. > 'hs^ss^sssssssssssss, —l . . { || Douthett &r Graham. | •J The leading clothiers, have two large stores. < They buy direct from the factory for both ij kl stores at the same time. They buy good < F# goods cheap; they sell them cheap. Think - > of this. If you have not been a customer { of ours, it may do you some good. t || Douthett & Graham. 1 M 3UTbER, PA. j HAVE YOUR I'KESCRIPTIONS FILLKD AT JOHNSTON'S CRYSTAL PHARMACY, 10 6 N. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G., Manager. Would You Pick up $lO in an honest way if you could? Then send your order for mill and mining supplies to us—our low prices will save you many a ten dollar hill. FRICK 4. LINDSAY CO.. 2 00,202 WOOD ST., PITTSBURG, Pd. LV IAIT S I'HIIAOCLRHI*- FT «i TTJIM --DENTAL ROOMS -• || v' V/ »'» -Mh Ave., I'llUl.'Jio. I » II W-irpßACTlCA».LVd»ii'*lli. il '1 «"'i BRinar il I! M ML'' WHY NOT DO RY A' i?L /MVOURS7 ''OLD CROWN* L», )l Sl'/U""' BRIOGV rmtuwl ' V * 111 l ll* B pr R TOOTH Also 111. Y IVI Jriirti t«i uflvrili niii.lf. ON LJf JJfi J L. C. WICK, DKAI.KK IN LUHBER. Butler Savings Bank Butler, Pa. Capital - $60,000.00 Surplus and Profit* - - fa 00.000.00 JOB. L PURVIS Praaldant J. HENRY TROITTMAN Vioe-Prealdant WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Caihlar LOUIS B.HTEIN Tellw IIIKKITOKH—Joseph L runrti. J. llenfjr Troutroan. W. D.Urandon. W. A. Stein. J.; 8. Campbell. The llutler Havings Hank I* the Oldest Hanking Institution! it itutlor(Jountjr. Oeneral liaiiUliiu business transacted. We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All business entrusted to ui will r*oel*« prompt attention, luturest uatil on time deuoslta. THE Butler My National Bank, Huitler Penn, Capital paid In 1a00.000.00 Surplus and Profits - $60,000.0 loa. Ilartman, President; J. V, Ritta, Vice President; John G. McMarlln, Cashier, A. G. Krmj, Ass't Caahlcr. A Keneral banking business transacted. Interest palil on time deposits. Money l»aned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this bank. _ . 1)1 HKdTOKH-Hon. Joseph Ilartman, Hon. W. H. Waldron, I»r. I*. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Nwn*i»t»y. I • Colllna. I. O. Hmlth. LONIIO i. Ilnxlott. M. rim-K »n. \V 11. Larkln. Hitrry Heasley. I»r. W. U. M(-(landless. Ben M*s s«th. W. J. Marks. J. V. Hltts. A. L. Hoi bo r THE 1 Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAIL) IN, »i 00,000.00. I'orolgn exchange liought and sold. Hpeiial attention given to collection*. OFKICEUB; JOHN YOHNKINN President .101 l N HIM I'll It K V Vice President i'. A M A 11,1 V (iashlor lv W. 11l Mi IIA M. .. Assistant Oesblet J. K. IIDT/.LKK Toller DIUROTORH. John Yomiklns. I> 1., ('toelaud. F.. R. Ainit 11 ik, ('. N. Iloydi W. K. Motnger. Henry Miller, Joint Humphrey. Thus. Tlays, Levi M WUoiind l<'rant:ls Murphy. Inloroat |i|tld on (lino ili'iMislta. Wo roanec!fully solicit your business. VISITORS t» Pittsburg during the Exposition season aro welcome at our store. We shall be glad lo have you make II your headquarters while here We have no display at (lie Exposition. We uro 111 H.I lioiidiiiiartorH for the distilleries of the lieil WIIIHKKY on Ihe market,such as NNI'N. HT. VRIINON, (JIICKKKIIKIIIKII. ItIM.INUU, UIIIHii.I, OVKUIIOIITI I.4KIJK, rHOXPMOH, IIMI ltd kPORT, and "Iter them to you unadulterated <1 yea* old ai turn per full ijuart. 11 quarts. tft.W. uKANVKATIIKH-H ('HOICK, a whiskey guaranted :t years old, 13.00 per gal. on nil O. O. D. or mall orders of ti.OOor over we INK and ship promptly i express charge* ft&BERT LEWIN & CO. 411 Water Stree Telepliouc, ai79. PitUbmg, 1 U Opposite II AO. Depot.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers