Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 06, 1900, Image 3
TH K CITIZEN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1900. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JIOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make •b ID* s In their ads. should notify us 01 nelr Intention to dc »o uJt later than Mon i»y moraine. Clerk's Notices in Bankruptcy, Es tates of F. M. Renno and Thomas Allen. C & T's fnrnitnre. Brown & Co's locals. Admlnlstiatnrs and Executors of estates ;HII secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office, and persons making public sales thalr note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, —lce getting scarce. —War expands onr geography. —Batler is up-to-date now —got every thing. —lt was the warmest August in thir ty years. —That twenty-foot fishworm story is hard to swallow. —The oyster gets into the national game in dozens and halfs. —Autumn begins on the 21st, when the Sun "crosses the line. " —The Kittanning Fair last week was as "hot and rotten" as usual. —Butler has two-thousand school kids, and some precincts to hear from. —There's not only a trace of gold in the trolley, but there's big money in it. —National measures in China seem to narrow down to the "peck of trou ble." —Even the oyster teaches us that there may be something good in a hard case. —When you are talking for votes just tell the farmers how to make road with a hoe. We go to press half a day early, this week, so as to have some time at the Fair. —Allegheny is to have a half-million dollar hotel, on North Ave., with a roof garden. —There are quite a number of cases of typhoid-fever scattered over the county. —The Harrisville station has been moved to the Braham property, near Forestville. —Besides the Agricultural Fairs at present we are having the hay fever and the straw vote. —J D. Todd of Lcasureville will have a public sale of personal property on Saturday, Sept. 15th. —Fifteen people are working and ten looms are running in the silk mill in the Witherspoon Institute building. —The American eagle is rejoicing in a full crop, this year. The grain bins of Kansas and other states are full. —A remarkably cheap excursion to the Falls, Saturday ; and things are so arranged there now that they don't rob you. —J. A Thompson, of Snyder and Thompson, baa bought his partner's interest in the livery stable 011 W. Jef ferson St. —About two-thirds of the borough taxes, amounting to sixty thousand dol lars were paid in to Collector Maxwell, last week. —The School Board of Middlesex twp. has ordered twenty dozen copies of the New Testament for use in their public schools this winter. —West Sunbury Academy opens Tuesday, Sept. 18th. Prof Bruce Gill again has charge, with Miss Bessie Wick ~i music teacher. —B ick of the Court House is a favor ite plico for soine 111 -u t:> drop thair i«>t.ileH and !in sy -m on the piv« nieu' ant! pnn -t'lro the tir.-s of bicycles. —There is a borough ordinance against tying horses to shade trees and people who do so make themselves liable to arrest and fine. Nothing is more provoking than to have a young shade tree gnawed or pulled over. —While you are watching the races, this afternoon, it may interest yon to know that a mixture of ginger-ale and whisky, (with a bit of lemon peel and ice) is called a "Horse's Neck." —The McCauley-Patton Co. is play ing to largo audiences at the Park this week. Their play for tonight is "The Minister's Son." tomorrow night they give "Mr. Hurleigh's Adventures," and Saturday night "Just Before Dawn." —Down at the power house the rapid revolving of the core of the dynamo by the engine generates electricity which passes from the arms of the dynamo to the large wire suspended over the street car tracks. The trolly takes the elec tricity from the wire to the motors un der the cars, which are similar in con struction to the dynamo -the axles of the car being the cores. The electricity enters the anns of the motors and canses the cores (or axles) to revolve, or in oth er words, tbe operation at the power house is reversed. —The boys of Butler had a great time last Friday afternoon. Two of the cars were unloaded and brought up town that morning, and that afternoon the boys were given a free ride down to the Fair Grounds and back. At least a hun dred piled on each car for each trip, and the noise they made scared off all the ghosts. The cars bear the legends, "Duffytown." East End" and "Spring dale." Tbe ride to the Fair Grounds and back is smooth and comfortable. That evening the company had the band out and gave some adults a ride to the grounds, aud then the kids again took I)osession of the cars and had a great time. Both the cars and track were se verely tested by the crowds of humani ty upon them. On Saturday the cars were running,and one of the conductors took in oyer a hundred dollars. On Sunday as many people went to the Fair Grounds as are usually there the last day of the Fair: and the line is do ing a tremendous business this wsek. Four cars are in use this week; they were built in Philadelphia and cost $4,000 each. * "A queen in form and size Got diamonds in her eyes.' is the latest song. Why Zinc and Grinding? i Zinc combined with lead and oil forms the tonghest paint now known, but they need to be fine to combine. Devoe lead and zinc is ground in linseed oil. If you purchase your Furniture from Brown & Co. you will get not only the BEST QUALITY but LOWEST PRICE. FOR SALE Sixty-five hives of Italian bees. Cheap for cash. Address H. C. GRAHAM, Box 14, Isle, Pa. Get a Mattress from Brown & Co. Fine tickings filled with liest material. Prices start at SB.OO. PERSONAL. Miss Hall of Cleveland is the guest of Miss Mary Bowser. I C. Gibson of Weston. 0.. is visiting his folks in Fairview. H. C Welsh and son of Brownsdale, were in town Tuesday. William Ptfugh, of Allegheny, is it visitor in town this week. Dr Brown has returned from a six week's visit to friends in Denver. G. W. Manrhoff of Saxonburg has a tine display of poultry at the Fair. Andy Eichenlanb has purchased Sam Fisher s barber shop in the Biekel build ing. Mrs. S. D. Miller and daughter have returned home from a visit to friends in Kansas. Clara and Elizabeth Wei gaud have been visiting friends in Pittsburg and Sewickly. John N. Muntz and family have re turned from their summer home at Con neant Lake. Chas. Thompson and C. P O Conner of Washington township, drove to But ler. Thursday. John Kunimer has bought the Eckert Kalb farm below the Fair ground and moved upon it. William C. Glenn of W. Sunbury visited friends at Barkeyville, \ enango County, last week. Will Blackmore and wife have re turned home from a visit to friends in East Liverpool, O. Hon. J. B. Showalter, M C. took in the Fair yesterday and visited with his friends in Butler. Henry Whitmtre of Butler visited his daughter Mrs. Andrew Thompson at West Sunbury last week. C. F. CardoD has sold his half-interest in the Hotel Butler property to Messers McCrea and Gies for SB,OOO. James Heydrick and his cousin of Franklin left for Denver, Col., Monday, to look after some mining interests. Enos McDonald and daughters of Mt. Chestnut attended the Y. P C. I*. Coavention at West Sunbury last week. Miss Irene Evans, of North Main St.. who has been seriouslv ill with typhoid fever, the past two months, is convales cent. Rev. Will Campbell, of the Steuben ville, O. Presbvtery of the U. P. church, has been spei.ding"his vacation with his parents in W. Snnbnry. Tom Hays purchased the old McCor rnick lot. across the alley from the Wa verly, last week, and intends building a fine, brick residence upon it. Harry Iseman of the Union Trust Co. of Pittsburg visited his folks in Butler, over Sunday. He intends taking a course in mining and engineering. Rev. Howard McMichael and wife, nee Madge Shira, have returned to their home in Ohio after visiting their rela tives at Euclid and North Washington. Attorney Robert Ivory and wife have returned to Pittsburg after a short visit with Mrs. Ivory's mother and brother. Mrs. Isabel Oaibreath and J. M. Gal breath Geo. Millinger has moved his billiard and pool outfit from the Troutman building to the Koonce building base ment 323 S. Main street,where it is now conducted by Millinger & Fisher. F. E. Puff, a wellknown Jefferson twp. school teacher, son of Wm. Pnlf. and Miss Ella.daughter of Philip Trout man of Penn twp. were married Wed nesdav morning at the residence of Rev. Eli Miller. After the ceremony and a trip to the Fair they started on a visit with Pittsburg friends. D. C. Sanderson of Mt. Chestnut was in town Saturday. He has lately been helping Cranmer & Son to remodel their mill there and get it ready for the fall work. The Cranmers have a good mill now, but intend making it l>etter by putting in the roller process. D. C. can do any kind of mill work. While Esq. William S. Moore, of Muddycreek twp.. was serving on the Grand Jury, Monday, one of his eye 3 began to hurt him so badly that he had to be excused. He went to Dr. G. K. McAdoo, who after examination, re moved a sliver of iron which had flew from a nail which Mr. Moore was driv ing and entered the eye last week un known to him. The organ is now all right. Dr. 11. D. Hockenberry of West Sun bury has a large and beautiful lawn surrounding his home and has used ;.n idea in planting it with trees which conld well be imitated everywhere. Instead of nursery shade trees, he has planted one or more of every variety of forest tree in his neighborhood except ing the oak and probably one or two others. People who want to find out how many different kinds of trees grow in Butler connty should see the Doctor's young grove. Congressman John Dalzell reached home Sunday morning after a couple months' tour in Europe, during which he visited the Paris exposition. He came back on the St. Paul, which arriv ed at New York, Fiiday evening. He expects to remain in Pittsburg for about 10 days and will then commence cam ' paign work under the auspices of the ! National Republican committee. Mr. Dalzell returns much improved in health ' and well rested from the arduous work imposed by his congressional duties pri or to his going abroad. He found everywhere he went in Europe that there was a higher appreciation of the United States because of its achieve ments in the Spanish war and the effec tive part it bad taken in the Chinese difficulty. Ever} - where there appeared to be an increased cordiality towards Americans of whom he met a great number while abroad. The American exhibit at Paris, he said, was large but too much scattered. The whole exposi tion was well worth seeing. I'AHK THEATRE. ALDEN BASS FOR THE 21ST. The coming engagement of that ster ling actor Mr. Alden Bass, who enjoys the distinction of being one of the ac cepted and successful stars of the pres ent theatrical era, together with the production of Sol Smith Russel's far famed American comedy, "A Poor Re lation," will be gratifying news to our play-loving citizens Sol Smith Russell's retirement from the stage last winter on account of illness, gave Mr. Bass the coveted opportunity to portray the famous part of "Noah Vale,,' a character so intense ly in touch with the manly and woman ly sentiments of mankind "that to such a conscientious and talented an actor as Mr. Bass is the "golden chance" that so seldom comes an actor's way. Grand Opera House, I'ittslHirg. The opening of the Grand Opera House for the season on Monday, Sep tember 3, was the most auspicious in the history of the house. The attend ance that greeted the new sto-;k com pany at the matinee and in the even ing was ihe largest of any opening day since the stock company was first form ed. Nor was attendance the only pleas ing feature. The work of the company was such as to call forth comment that was almost extravagant in its laudation. The patrons of the house were never better pleased. Mr. Spencer and Miss Gale also at tracted especial notice, while the other new members were more than satisfac tory. In ever}' respect the company is better than ever before. week the Company will produce the delightful ante-bellum comedy, 4 A Virginia Courtship," which W. H. Crane first produced. Mr. Crane found it one of his best plays. With him in the initial original company was Wil liam Ingersoll. who next week plays Mr. Crane's role. KKDUCKD RATES TO I'llll.- ADULIMIIA. For the State League Republican Clubs, to be held in Philadelphia Sep teml>er 17 and 18, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Philadelphia from all stations on its line in the State of Pennsylvania at the rate of one fare for the round trip (minimum rate 23 cents). Tickets to be sold and good going September 15, 10, and 17, and to return until Septem ber 22, inclusive. LEGAL NEWS. NEW ST"ITS. R M. Bowser vs Geo. and Jennie Henshaw. .lefts . and Evans City Nat Gas. Co.. J. C. Daubenspeck, and Wm. Youngblood, garnishees. execution at tachment. Samuel and Ellen A. Davidson v> Jacob M. Miller, ejectment for two tract* of 63 and 11 acres in Adam- twp. T. G. Evans & Co. of Pittsburg vs J. R. Grieb, appeal by deft, from judg ment of C. E. Anderson. J. P. Robt. R. Beers vs W. A. McCormick, agent for Mrs. Susan McCormick. as sumpsit for $139.01. W. A. McCormick vs W. J. Link. M. C. Whitehill, and Geo. Pappelton. ap peal by defts. from judgment of It. B. Gilgbrist, J. P. Wm. Strutt vs W. A. Go bring, as sumpsit. appeal. Fred Rader vs Smith A: Offatt. as sumpsit. appeal. John H. Shiever vs Frank Keler and J. C. Carner, assumpsit, :»pi»eal SHERIFF'S SALE. A large crowd attended th<- Sheriff s sales in the rotunda of the Court House last Friday afternoon, and tbe bidding on some of the properties advertised was spirite<l. The following pieces were sold: All the risjht title, interest, etc . of A. E. Barnhart to 102 acres in Fair view twp to C. F. Wolf.ex'r of Priscilla Barnhart for SSO. Emil Chenot to house and lot on Hickory St., Butler, to Victor Bayonett for *lO. Catharine Byers to 30 acres in Con cord twp. to Josiah Byeis for $245. Mary Donelly to house and lot in Callery to Mary Kennedy for $1530. A. D. White to 54 acres in Marion and Venango twps. to H. .T. lift for s><>. Nancy and Daniel McMackin to 10 acres in Clearfield twp. to A. Kranse for $426. . Also ol same to 81 acres in Clearfield to A. Krause fur *6OO. One-sixth interest of W. H. Thomp son in 125 acres in Cherry twp. to Oil Well Supply Co. for $385. W. E. Brown to 18 acres and 24 acres in Mercer twp. to C. M. Brown for SSO each. Also of W. E. Brown to 3 acres in Harrisville to W. P. Braham for SSO. John Sachs to four acres in Saxon burg for SISOO _ , The writs against James McCafferty of Clearfield twp. were returned The writ against G. M Hughes of Venango twp. was returned. CONSTABLE'S RETURN. Constable Atlshonse of Forward twp. reported the Hunter bridge unsafe and the United Pipe line uncovered and ob structing the Brownsdale-Reibold road. Harbison of Penn reported the Phillips City bridge unsafe Winter of Worth reported Book and Piano bridges unsafe. McCandless. 2d ward. Butler, report ed the Kittanning bridge has an old abutment under it: a bad board walk at Purvis' stable and E. Diamond street in bad condition. Bulford of Jefferson reported guard rails needed at several points, and Bull creek road bad at Jane Patterson's. Weigle of Harmony returned "Church alley entirely blocked by P. & W. rail road. Bergbigler of Summit reported bad roads at Younkins' farm and at Jacob Frederick's farm. Ziegler of Jackson returned a bad railroad crossing at Eidenean. Petzinger of Buffalo returned bad county bridges at Sarversville, Sarvers Station and Monroe. Gerner of Winfieid returned road from Furnace past Harry Keasyin very bad shape." Ziegler of Zelienople reported an un safe bridge over a run on the Main St. A statement of citizens was also filed suggesting the tiling and covering of the mn. NOTES. The desertion charge against James Beebe of Zeilenople has been amicably settled. The two colored boys in jail, Charles Barnes and Ed. Rollins Saturday plead guilty to the charges against them and were sent to the Morganza reform school. Barnes was charged with larceny and Rollins with false pretense. Timothy Colligan is charged with f&b. a&b and rape on a simple-minded daughter of Herman Drebert. Esq. Keck held Colligan for trial. .1 M. Brown of E. (juarry St. has l.een held for court 011 charges of u:j gravated assault and battery and surety of the peace perferred by his wife, Belle. liert'.ett Bowse, is held to answer a charge damaging livery property made against him by liveryman W. J. Black. D. H. Wuller, K. A. McCartney and Dr. L. Black arc held to answer charges of violating the liquor law. John H. Jackson has filed his report as auditor in the account of J. F. P. Mc- Ginley, adm'r of Daniel Convery. The unpreferred debts amounted to to pay which there were $5.37 assets. Chas McDermott has been discharged from jail under the insolvent act. Robert and Oliver Bowser and Cbas. Diggs have all been held for court by Esq. W. A. Fleming of Petrolia for violations of the liquor law. At Washington, Pa., Friday, Samuel Hazlett, the aged banker, was again convicted of embezzlement. "Your Honor," said the lawyer, "my client acknowledges that she struck the book agent with a piece of gaspipe, but she pleads that it was a case of mis taken identity." "How's that';" asked the Judge. "Well, she thought it was her hus band." Evidence was taken Tuesday on the Constable of Fairview borough's return of J. O. Wilson for obstructing Spring St. and Angel Ave. Wilson's defence was that these thoroughfares had never been a part of the borough. The prose cution held the streets were intended as a part of the borough and had been used for 27 years. There is yet no de cision. James McDonald of Harrisville, a native of Ireland, was sworn in as a citizen of the United States Tuesday. Wing. A. Updegraph was granted a divorce from his wife, Salina. Gertrude W. Renfrew was granted a divorce from Delorimer M. Renfrew of Bntler. Joseph Brown, of Mercer twp., was brought to jail Saturday in a demented condition. In jail Brown was violent and though bound and handcuffed tore all his clothing off. He also flooded the jail floor by sticking his head in the closet in his cell and turning on the water. James M. Byers was appointed over seer of j>oor for Fairview boro. vice M S. Kay who was elected while council man. A bill in iquity filed by Mary Ann McKissick asking that the P. B. & L. E. railroad be enjoined from entering upon and using her land ill Clay twp. has been withdrawn by the plaintiff. Geo. C. Pilllow, John D. Albert, and Win. S. Stoner was appointed viewers on petition of Connoquenessing twp. citizens to widen a road running from White Oak Springs to Whitestown where the farm lines of Lew Bloom and John Snodgrass join. Private sale of thu lands ot Willi;, a and Bruce, minor sons of Jas. A. CI ..:. dee d to their mother Francis Clark S7OO has been confirmed, $1,500 \, paid to the adult children. Nine tramps who had been trespassing on the Pittsburg & Western railroad at Callery, were arrested on Monday by railroad detectives and were brougu; to jail in this place. At a hearing beiore Justice Gilghrist they were given the usual sentence Voters and toxpayers of Parker town ship residing in and about the village of Bruin to the number of about 150 have petitioned court to erect the town into a borough, with all the rights and privil eges of such a corporation. The petition will be laid before the present grand jury and a favorable action is expected. Robert B. Conn has been appointed guardiau of Gracie M. minor child of Saruh Brown dec - of Clay twp. ' Harvev A. Bovd, John A. Cri*wcll and William R. Thompson were appointed viewers 011 th* petition of A<lwu twp.. citizens for a new bridge over OK 1 ikneck creek at the lands of Samuel Park The present structure is stated to l>e too small and in bad repair. William J. Burton. Anderson Ashar d F. E. McQaistion were appointed view ers on the petition of Clay twp citizens ! to vacate a road along the P. B. & L. E. railroad at the lands of W. McConnel : and Geo. Renick. The report of the auditors of Marion t wp. has been filed. The poor account ; amounted to $017.62, schools £>>3l 63. j i Cash t;<_i $522. si and tli<' tax worked out amounted to $103.57. Louisa Ziegler, executor of Henry L>. j , Ziegler has been given leave to sell real , . estate in Hartuouvand Middle Lancaster , to pay debts Clerk of Court Turner was : appointed guardian ad litem of the chil | dren. A writ of partition has been awarded 'in the estate of Sylvausn Cooper of J Slippery Rock twp. Partition has been awarded of the real 1 estate. 120 acres in Center twp. of David 1 Heck dee d. Dr. Mart. N. Grier. J. B. Mates, Es»p j j and 11. A. Ayres were appointed a com- j I mission on .1 1 is. It. Brown of Mercer > ! twp. and on their report hi- w is com- : ' mitted toDixmoiit i James N. Moore was appointed audi- j j tor in the final account of Sarah Dunn, i ! administratrix of Margaret Covert. i i A petition signed by thirty two voters ! of Farmington, Eau Claire post office, ! was presented in conrt Tuesday morn- j 1 ing asking that the village be erected in- j jto the borouGh of Eau Claire. A plan j of the proposed borough was filed. It j will have an area of 852 acres. The Grand Jury was charged by the j Court Monday afternoon and Samuel A. : Leslie appointed foreman. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Mary J. Park to John A. Douthett lot j in Mars fr>r *SOO. Michael Sheely to Chas. A Abrams lot in Butler for *7OO. Julia A. Thompson to E. C Simpson 31 acres in Venango twp. for £195 C. F. Cardon to Chas. H. Gies and D. F. McCrea, Butler House, Butler, for SBOOO. North Side Cemetery A. to W. A. Dennison lot for $202.50. Chas. B. Bartlett to Oscar Partridge lot in Renfrew for S3OO. Michael Conway to Chas. H. Conway 60 acres in Oakland twp. for $1350. Elbert M. Ellis to Jacob H. Covert lots in Harmorny for S2OO. Geo. C. Biehl to James M. Maxwell lot in Butler for $682:92. Maggie E. Barber to Trustees of Cnit ed Brethern church lot in Washington twp. for $25. Clias B. Spang to Ada Armstrong lot in Butler for SI2OO. Mrs. Lydia Mardorf to Geo. W. Mar dorf lot in Butler for SI2OO. John B. Kiester to John Stewart lot in Slipperyrock for $l5O. Chas Fuhs toM. .T. Cummings 10 acres in Forward for $215. Mary K. Cnbbison to Mary A. Mc- Donald lot in Harrisville for $175. Chas Duffy to Margt A. Renno lot in Butler for s*oo. Melvin Shorts to W. J. Brown lot in W. Sunbury for SIO4O. Geo. H. Rowles and S. D. Forkum to Leora Kennedy 21 acres in Worth for SSOO. Marriage Licenses. Eli Jones « Hilliards Agnes Smith Celestian Krummert Allegheny Pa Kittie Smith F. E. Puff Jefferson twp Ella Troutman Penn twp Edward Burman Wilkinsburg Ida May Ren no Butler Charles E. Bartoe Petersville Myrtle Martin Mars Hiram M. Grossman. .Slipperyrock twp Arminta McQuistion.. Samuel C. Boyer Clarion Co Ella M. Keefer Parker At Pittsburg, Harry E. Booth of Bald win and Cornelia Watt of Pittsburg. At Mercer—C. H. Wolford of Aspin wall and Blanche Knox of Bntler Co. <• tTultt II NOTES Rev. Heim, who is to take charge of the Rider, Zion and Calyery Lutheran churches, moved last week from Ohio to West Sunbury where he will reside. At a special meeting of the Butler Presbytery of the U. P. church held at W. Sunbury jnst before the Y. P. <U. convention last week. Rev. M. A. Eakin was released from the Prospect and Mt. Chestnut churches to go to Dubois Pa. . Commissioners Thomas Jamison and Eli Campbell of the Fairview church pre sented the resignation of of Rev. R. B. Shurard. He delivers his final/sermon Sept. Kith and for the present supplies will fill the pulpit. Rev. Diglit of the Zelienople church is to make a report at the regular presbytery meeting in November Rev. Eli Miller has returned, and will conduct the usualal services in Grace Lutheran church, next Sunday. The Butler county ministerial asso ciation has petitioned the Butler Pas senger Railway company to refrain from running their cars on the Sabbath for the reason that it disturbs worship, de proves employees of their day of rest and worship and tends to encourage Sabbath desecration. Rev. Latclmw of Clintonville is meet ing with great success in his revival at Keister. ACCIDENTS. Carl Davis, aged -1 years, a son of D. E. Davis of E. Fulton St., accidently set his clothes on fire while; "aying with matches, last Wednesday evening, and was so severely burned that he died in a few hours. J R. Brown, a young man, was over come by the heat while working in the stone-quarry at Wick, last Thursday, and for a time was unconscious. His friends became frightened regarding his condition and took him to a hospital, Monday. Eugene Ferrero, formerly of Bntler but who for some years has lived in Cincinnati, was struck by a street car last Thursday evening, and so greatly injured that he died next morning. He was about 70 years of age. His wife (nee Purviance) and four children live in Bntler and another daughter is a nurse in a New York hospital. John L. Young of North Oakland had his face and hands burned by exploding gas on the Humphrey farm, near Ren frew, last Friday. Elmer Royal of Kittanning committed suicide last Wednesday by drinking laudanum. U. L. Connelly fell from a B. R. & I'. engine at Punxs'y and hurt his back and shoulders. Tough Paint. The toughest paint now known is De voe lead and zinc. Zinc and grinding make it so. Local Hour makers are interesting themselves in the coming convention of Eastern millers which is to be held at the Grand Atlantic Hotel, Atlantic City, N. J., on September 12th, 13th and 14th. Five hundred millers are expected to be in attendance, to discuss matters of im ! iKirt inee to this great industry. A pro- I '-nibncing speakers of broad rep j ..t t-.0.i r.-sid'T, numerous holiday feat . is arranged. The convention is being held under the auspices of the Pennsylvania Millers' State Association,and is the 23rd annual gathering of that organization. Full information, room reservations, etc., can be had by addressing Secretary W. J 11. Richardson, 227 S. 6th Street, Phila -1 delphia, Pa. LOST. About five o'clock Thursday afternoon Aug. 30, on the Butler- W. Sunbury road near W Sunbury a gold watch Finder please leave at Citizen office. Picture framing a specialty. Fine line of mouldings just arrived at BROWN & CJ'S. New, four«»ooai house for sa vj In auire at this Diiice New, four«*ooai house for fla <-J In quire at this Difice. v BUTLER'S BIG FAIIt. The Weather is the half of it, and if the magician, or astrologer or nec romancer of the weather for this sec tion of the Earth's surface had deliberate ly set about to favor the people of Bnt ler county, and the handsome and intel ligent Board of Directors of the Bntler County Agricultural Association, he i could not have done better. We re * 'it oncemore Hie thee to the Fair. Jump j | on the cars and slide down for a nickel, j The Big Fair is with us again bigger i than ever. In no department is it in- I ferior to former exhibitions and indica i tioas are that before it is over everyone i will agree in its being unusually sue- j I ceesful and interesting. The live stock exhibits are particular-' ly fine. There are magnificent herds of j Jersey. Holstein, Ayrshire. Durham. ' Hereford. Devon and Polled cattle, j Several of the cows of the larger .breeds | weigh 1800 pounds and more while j there are Durham. Hereford, Poll'd and ; Holstein bulls weighing over 2300. j There are fine herds of Jerseys from • the J. S. Campbell's Clearview farm | and the .T. C. Campbell farui at i Kiester. Most of the cattle came from ! other counties. The exhibits of sheep, hogs and j poultry are excellent. A. Freehling & j Son, of Carbon Black, are showing - >me i line Cotswold sheep. Among the horses David Hesselgesser jof Leasnreville Wm. Hesselgessc-r of i Worthington, W. J Bricker of Sarvers ! ville and Turner of Harlansbnrg are ex hibiting heavy Clydesdales. I. N. Don-j j aldson of W. Snnbnry andlfftsof Evans ' City and Wick have Percherons and j English Clydes: W H Cypher of Sar j versrille has a large sorrel English ' Shire horse; W. Millironof West Win ' field has some fine Percherons. while I there are large numbers of fast, fancy • roadsters and Standard breds entered by Masseth. Jas. Hays Dr. Bricker. EL Morehead. Douthett's Brownsdale stock farm and others. In Floral Hall the ladies' beautiful exhibit of oil paintings, hand-painted China, fancy needle work, quilts, etc. are attracting considerable attention. They are not exhibits on their steenth show, either, but are mostly new. There are rich displays of jellies, preserves and bread stuffs. The Newton, Core and Davis music houses keep music in the air constantly. There were no races scheduled for Tuesday. Wednesday afterntoon there were the 2:40 pace and 2:19 trot, the special Butler county race and a run ning race. Thursday and Friday afternoons will be alive with fast trots and paces, in which local horses will compete. Ther* will also be exhibitions by a troop of trained horses and trick bicycle riders. Friday afternoon there is to be a 200- yard race between the Rescue and First Ward Hose teams for a sls purse, win ner to take all. This will make a live lier spectacle than any horse race. There are bnt two herds of Holstein cattle on exhibition, and lnith are own ed by Bntler county men. T. Walter Bartley of Butler and J. D. Williams of Brownsdale. James Cochran of McCandless. Amos Young. Miller Hutchison of W. Sun bury and Wm. Grabe of Jefferson twp. are showing fine herds of Durhams. Cochran has a bnll like unto that in Longfellow's poem: "Milk-white." There are more sheep and fewer hogs than e* former fairs while the poultry rs about average. Among the exhibitors of poultry are Wm. Pringle and ,T. H Robb of Renfrew W. J. Fox of Carbon Black. C. W. Stokey ot Zeno, and G. W. Maurhoff of Saxonburg. Leiglmer & Martincourt are showing everything in the line of harness, bug gies, etc. The displays of vegetables and fruits are very slim. OIL NOTES. VENANGO CO. —Jack Wick and Dick Reynolds got a 25 bbl. well in Sandy Creek twp. Venango Co. last week, and expect to have another soon. JEFFKRSON' —Phillips' well on Wilson Graham reached the sand last Saturday night, when the well began flowing oil and water over the derrick. It is third sand territory, and is considered the best well in the neighborhood. KAYLOK-The East Brady Oil Co's No. 3 on the Solomon Mays farm at Kaylor reached the oil sand on Thurs day after tapping a heavy gas pressure, and then started off to flow 60 barrels for the first hour, gradually dropping down to 10 barrels an hour Monday when a shot was pnt in and the well lje gau spouting oil at the rate of 100 barrels an hour. The heavy gas pres sure and big flow rendered it impossible to shut in the well for some little time, ; and when this was finally accomplished the drillers, derrick and everything else adjoining the well was covered and saturated with oil. The oil spouted high over the derrick and was the strongest flowing well that has yet been brought in by this fortunate company, as well as the biggest producer since l>eing shot. It is not, however, expected that this record will be kept up long as the ter ritory drops down in a few months to good steady producing wells of lit to 15 barrels a day, but continues this for years. It is a fine strike, the last lo cation the East Brady Oil Co. have on that lease. Adjoining them are Peters, Pitts & Davis Bros, on the Kaylor farm, who will start drilling this week their No. 2. This well is only about 50 feet from the East Brady Oil Co's No. 3. Miller & Co. on the Miller farm will reach the sand in tlieir No. 1 this week. Gibson & Co. on the McGarvey farm brought in a duster Monday—their No. 1. B. L. Barnhart is pushing the drill downward in his No. 7 on the Joseph Barnhart farm. —Review. Plumbing in the Country. Plumbing in your country homes can be done just as well as in Butler by put ting in a liidcr Hot Air Engine in your cellar to pump the water into a Galvan izee Iron Tank in the Attic. Have plenty of hot and cold water for your bath room, sink and lawn. Good fire protec tion. We have put eight of these pumps in Butler; they make no noise; use very little gas; no wear and tear; nothing to get out or order. Would be pleased to show you these pumps working. Esti ' mates furnished. Come and see our show room, finest line of plumbing goods in the city; all connected up as you like • to see them. Anything new we have it. Gas stove, gas fixturs, pipes, anything you need at Wii!TKnir.r.\s, The Plumber. Next to County National Bank. Butler, Pa. Markets. Wheat, old. wholesale price 67-70 Wheat, new, " 64-07 Rye, " 45 Oats, " 24 Corn, " 45 Hay, " 15 00 Eggs, " 12 Butter, " 18-20 . Potatoes, new " 40 Onions, per bu 60 Beets, per doz bunches 20 Apples, per bu 35 . Cabbage, per lb H ' Tomatoes, per bn 60 Egg Plants, per doz 70 Parties wishing to purchase or sell 1 oil properties, farms, city residences or real estate of any kind, should call upon Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g.opposite P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 174. $3.00 a day guaranteed agents (men or • worn 11 ) selling our high grade laundry and toilet soaps, For exclusive territory write Milieu Soap Co.. 612 I', Adams street, Chicago. Commencement and wedding pres ents at bargain prices. R. L. KIKKPATRICK, Jeweler, M. C. Rockenstein has removed into Duffy Block 3 doors south of his old stand where he can be found with a full 1 line of stoves, hardware, sewer pipe etc. I We still do roofing, spouting and job • biug, will bo glad to see all my old cus to'iiers at the new stand. Music scholars wanted at 128 West Wayne St. Ask your Grocer for Currie's "Milk- Bread," made only by the Palate Ba ery, 370 Centre Ave. Phone 269. V. I*. C. U. Q|nvciitiou. —» The people of did thru: selv< - i road l.i-t and Thnrs day in entertaining tli# Voting People's Christian Union coi:«orion ami the sixty-five delegates and ®titors can have none but pleasant reeol'flß; >ns of their basts H<v Umili 11*11 IT P. cbarch in which the conventions was held was decorated with an abundance of ferns and flowers, when Pres. W. C. Stoops of Mt. Chestnut called the assemblage to ordt r Wednesdav afternoon. The program for "that day was varied s-> as to permit l*>th Rev. J. Knox Montgomery and Evangelist T. C. Mc- Kelvey, who were delayed enroute. to speak in the evening. The evening meeting was conducted by .Tames H. Barr of Prospect. Thursday morning addresses were made by Rev. A. J. Nathan. Rev. Mont gomery, and a "quiet hour's" worship was in charge of Rev. McKeU ev. Praise service Thursday 'afternoon was conducted bv Willis Brown of Harrisville. Rev. ,T S. McKee had charge of the "Question Box. ' Jcunie Graham, of West Sunbury read a paper entitled "Oar Pledge," Myrtle Cooper a paper. "Is our church standing bv her distinctive principles' and Will Johnston of Pardoe and Angie McClung of Bald win spoke relatively to the same subject. Rev. McKelvey conducted an hour's Bible study. The business session was held Thnrs? day evening and Will Stewart of West Snnbnry was elected President, Mrs. R. E. English of Petrolia Recording Sec y, and Clarence Watson of Mt. Chestnut Treasurer. The Springfield, Pardoe, society asked for next year's convention and got it. The election of a national delegate was neglected. The singing was spirited and full of praise and was one of the convention's most pleasing features. Prof. Bruce Gill led the choir and Miss Zoe Hockenberry presided at the organ and both merit much praise. The enly criticism that could be made is that the meetings were not called to order promptly at the time scheduled. Tlic Meeting of the Teachers The school t acliers of Bntler county to the number of over two hundred met in the Court House last Thursday after noon and were addressed by Sup't. Fruit of Mercer county and Sup't. Painter of Butler county. The purpose of this meeting.as we were informed by Sup't. Painter, was to brinir before the teachers, and especially the younger ones, some of the ordinary, practical. 1 yet important) school questions, which every teacher must meet in his or her work. He believes that much of the work done in the regular County Insti tute is rather beyond the average teach er and endeavored in this meeting to speak to the teachers on some import ant points which the paid instructors seldom mention. Each of the speakers made good prac tical addressees, and from the reports which come to us from various teachers, we think the meeting was a most decid ed success. Snp't. Painter had for each one pres ent a school law. a copy of the State Constitution, and some pictures. Through the kindness of the Bntler County National Bank each teacher also received a copy of the Butler County Centennial Souvenir. This is a new feature in the school work of Bntler county and we think Sup't. Painter is to l>e commended up on the untiring efforts which he is put ting forth in behalf of our schools. Reduced Kate.s to the Pittsburg Industrial Exhibition via Penn- sylvania Railroad. On September 13. 20, and 27. and October 4, 11, and 18. 1900. the Penn sylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from points on the Pittsburg and Monongahela Divisions, and the Indiana Branch of the Western Pennsylvania Division to Allegheny City, at half rates, with the price of admission added. No ticket to be sold for less than seventy-five cents, includ ing admission coupon. These tickets will be good goimc only on regular trains leaving stations at or before noon on day of issue, and will be valid for return passage until the follow ing day, inclusive. INDIANA COUNTY FAIIt AT INDIANA, I*A. Reduced Rates via the Pennsyl vania Railroad. On account of the Indiana County Fair at Indiana, Pa . on September 11, 12, 13, and 14, 1900, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets at reduced rates from all stations 011 the Western Pennsylvania Division, to Indiana. Pa. Tickets will be sold on September 10, 11, 12. 13. and 14, and good to return until September 15, in clusive. Special train, returning, will leave Indiana at 5.15 P. M., Thursday, September 13, and run to Blairsville Intersection, stopping at intermediate stations and connecting with trains on the Main Line. N AT ION A I, KNC A M I'M EN T, UNION VETERAN LEGION, AT FT. WAYNE, IND. Reduced Kates via the Pennsyl vania Raii*oa<L I On account of the National Encamp ment, Union Veteran Legion, at Ft. Wayne, Ind., on September 12* the Pennsylvania, Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets at the rate of one fare for the round trip from all points on its line east of Pittsburg and Erie to Ft. Wayne. Tickets to be sold and good going September 9, 10, and 11, re turning, to September 18, inclusive. NIAGARA FALLS & TORONTO EXCURSION, SEPT. H, The Pittsburg, Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Co. has made special ar rangements with their connecting lines to give the employes and their friends an opportunity to visit Niagara Falls and Toronto at an extremely low cost. The chances are that this rate will never be offered to the public again. Tickets will be good going via all rail, and for return by all rail or on the Palace Steamer "Pennsylvania" from Buffalo to Erie, within the following limits: To Niagara Falls sdays. Toron to 7 days, and Thousand Islands 10 days, including the date of sale. Friends of the road and others should not miss this opportunity to visit Buffa lo and the Falls at less than one-half of the one way rates for the round trip. REDUCED RATES TO RICH MOND. For tbe meeting of the Sovereign Grand Lodge. I. O. O. F., to be held at Richmond, Va.. September 17-22, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Richmond, from all stations on its line, at the rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold and good going September 14, 15, and 16, and will be good to re turn until September 25, inclusive. For particulars in regard to stop-off at Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wash ington, consult nearest ticket agent. Excursion to Allegheny. Commencing Sunday, May (>th. the Sunday excursion fare from Bntler to Allegheny will be one dollar for tickets 1 good going on train leaving Butler at H.OO a. m , City time, returning on train leaving Allegheny at 5.30 p. m. city time. Three piece Iron Beds at BKOWN & Co's. f \ a postal card to I 11 1 * I I or call up No. 41 wJu of the People's -.(rfc/tr**-******* Phone or Hell 122-3 ar, d VV. B. McGEARY'S new wagon, ruuniiig to and from his Steam Carpet-Cleaningi establishment, will call atij your house take away your dirty carpets and return them in a day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning—Carpets, rugs and curtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. WANTED— Honest man or woman to trave tor large house; salary monthly and expenses, with Increase; position permito i nt;lnclose self-addressed stamped envelope MANAUEKJWO Cuxtou bldg , Chicago. The Only Way Of getting what you want is to purchase from reliable sources. You may not need jurgoods often,but when want ed jou want them prompt ly arid want the best. The sickroom is no place for ex periments. Our prescription department is the most im portant one with us and we leave nothing undone to secure only the best. A drug may be pure but not up to the standard in strength. Nothing short of the best is thought of with us. Our trade is large enough to keep goods moving so that we have no old stock. Our methods of doing business we thiii k will warrant you in coming back. Every article bearing our name is guaran teed to be just as represented or your money back. C. N. Boyd. Druggist. On the Diamond. Near the Court House. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the t'nlted States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Thomas Allen of Franklin township. Hutlor county. Pennsylvania, a tvinkmpt under the Act of Congress of July 1 having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act. notice i* hereby given to all known creditors and other pc rsons in interest, to appear before the saiil Court at Pitt>burg. in said District, on the Ist day of October. ISO©, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not lie granted. WILLIAM T. LIXDSEY. Clerk. STEPHEN CUMMINISS, Att'y. Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the TTnlted States for'the Western District of Pennsyi vania, Frederick M. Ren no, of Butler, of Butler Co. Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act. of Congress of July 1, 181 W. having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act, notice is hereby gived to all known creditors and other persons in interest, to appear before the said Court at Pittsburg, in said District, on the 2frth day of Sept..at 10 o'clock in the fore noon, to show cause, if anv they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. WILLIAM T. LINDSEV, Clerk. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Estate of Perry J, Brown, late cf Sum mit township, Butler county, Pa., dee'd. fetters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above, mentioned estate, notice is hereby given '.o all persons knowing themaelves in debted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authen ticated for settlement to CLARA B. BROWN, Administratrix, FRANK 11. MURPHY, Butler, Pa. Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Whereas letters of adminstration have this day been duly granted by the Regis ter of Butler Co., I'a., to Oscar Keisier on the estate of Paul Keister, late of Slipperyroek township, said county and State, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make speedy payment, and those having claims against said estate will please present them properly authen ticated for settlement to OSCAR KEISTER, Aug. 3, 1900. Administrator, Keister P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. E. MCJUNKIN, Att'y for Adin 'r and estate. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of Simon Barickman, decM., late of But ler township, Butler county. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to MRS. BELLE C. BARICKMAN, Adm'x. , Butler, Pa. MATES 6C YOUNG, Attorneys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of William J. Cleland, dee'd., late of Muddycreek township, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said testate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to IRA L. CLELAND, Adrn'r., Wimerton, Pa. CORNELIUS & SON, Att'ys. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore subsisting between Alvy Turner, C. E. Turner and Charles A. Clark,under the lirui name of Turner & Clark, has been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to said partnership are receivable by the said Alvy Turner, to whom also all claims and demands agaiust the same are to be presented for payment, the said Alvy Turner hereby agreeing and does hereby agree to and does assume all outstanding indebted ness against said partnership as hereto fore knowto. June 12, 1900. ALVY TURNER, C. E. TURNER, CHAS. A. CLARK. 1 -5 if A Valuable Asset. Men of ability and charac ter show their individuality in their clothes. Our suits give them that fashionable and substantial quality so much desired. Your order left with us in sures you a made-right suit New Fall Goods now in. Suits from $30.00 up. Wedding Suits a Speciality. (ooper Sr (0., Leading Practical Tailors., DIAMOND,IBUTLKR, PA. '* * % sio Will Do It! Can I spend $lO and yet get .i satisfactory suit? More than once recently we have been asked that questijn. -J We saj YES with large emphasis. I $lO will buy a Black Clay, weave diagonal suit—will buy a tpl Black or Blue Serge Suit—a fancy striped Worsted Suit—a splendid ] Cheviot Suit o. Cassimere Suit. There is no room for fault about the style, the fabric, the s.ving. The suit is tailored as it should be which means thorough workman ship. Every button, every stay, every seam is right. Pay 3m m if \ou like in any store and you will get no better suit. , ourLineof{)|()[Jl]j[§iSsffalM£ *1 Schaul & Nast, j LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, M 137 South Mam St., Butler. j |The Surprise Store s ] j 108 South Main street, Butler, Pa. 1 \ NO USE TALKING! J J A THE KEYSTONE UNION MADE J 1 < Lj Overalls, Jackets and Pints | M Are the best that human hands can make. If ► ► they rip bring them back and get a new pair. ' The Keystone Corduroy Pants are made from the best corduroy. A new pair or money back * to every dissatisfied customer. ► < i I THE SURPRISE STORE, : 1 i BUTLER, PA. ► — Douthett & Graham, > | The leading clothiers, have two large stores. They buy direct from the factory for both k] stores at the same time. They buy good - goods cheap; they sell them cheap. Think -» m kl of this. If you have not been a customer 4 fj of ours, it may do you som£ good. • i IS | • Douthett & Graham. 2 f < SUTI9ER, PA. 1 I HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED » AT JOHNSTON'S CRYSTAL PHARMACY, 106 N. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G., Manager. I Talkiug Machines arc tlie most won derful invention of the present age. We are the authorized agents for both the Edison and Columbia and carry a com plete line from $5-oo up. A new supply of Records just received. We also sell Cameras, Photo Supplies, Bicycles and Supplies. Good second-hand Wheels very cheap. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician' Next to Court House. L. C. WICK, lIDKAUW LUriBER. Butler Savings Bank Butler, Pa. Capital - $60,000.0 cv Surplus and Profits - - $200,000.00* ' JOS. L PURVIS President J. HENRY TROI'TMAN Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Caikier LOUIS B. STEIN Teller I) IK E( T< >lt.S—Jose p b L. Purvis. J. Henry Tro>:traan, W. D. Brandon, W. A. Stein. J. o. Campbell. The Butler Savings Bank Is the Oldest Ranking Institution! 11 Butler County. General hanking business transacted. We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. -J Interest, paid on time deposits. THE; Butler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in - - $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $60,000.00 Jos. Hartmau, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. G. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this Hon. Joseph Hart man, Hon. W. 8. Waldron. I>r. N. M. Hoover. If. Mo- Sweeney, C. J'. Collins I. U. Smith, Leslie P. llazlott, Si. Flneg in, W. U.Larkjn, Harry Heasley, Dr. W. C. MeOandless. Hen Alas seth. W.J. Marks, J. V. Rltts, A. L. ltclbor THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00. Foreign exchange lxmght and sold. Special attention given to collections. OFFICERS: JOHN YOUNKINS President JOHN HUMI'IIItEV Vice l'HSsldcut C. A. DAI LEV Cusliler E. W. BINGHAM Assistant ( asbfer J. F. UL'T/.LEK Teller DIRECTORS. John Yolinklns. I>. L. Cleclaud. E. E. Alirams, C. N. Boyd. W. 1". Met/.gcr. Henry Miller, John Humphrey. "I hos. Hays, Levi \l. Wise and Francis Murphy. Interest paid on time deposits. We respectfully solicit your business. Mitt AND MINING SUPPLIES No matter what you want if it's made and sold any where —we have it and sell it :it the lowest prices. Write us about it. FRICK <t LINDSAY CO., 200,202 WOOD ST., PITTSBURG, PA.