Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 30, 1900, Image 1
VO- x> cvii Look at Your Shoes! Don't You Need a New Pair? JOHN BICKEL Has Just What You Want. If you are in need of or SLIPPERS of any kind, no matter what sl_ le you may want, ea' 1 around and sec us and we will suit and p'ease you. A'l our fa I and winter goods re in. We can show a better and finerselection of Lad es than ever be ore. Full stock of SOROSIS SHOES in fine Dongola, Pa ent and Box Calf; also a full stock ofWomcYs and Misses' Watc; proof, 0:1 Gran, Kangaroo and Ca'f Shoes. ©-MEN'S SHOES.--® Big assortment of Gents' fine shoes in the latest s /les ranging in price from $1.50 to $5.00. Just received a large stock of the army shoes, heavy tippers and hand sewed soles, making a good shoe for hard wear, Prire $2.50 per pair. Gokey's handmade box toe boots and shoes and high cut copper toe shoes for boys and high cut watei proof shoes for giris. Largest and most complete j-ock ot school shoes we ever had. RUBBER AND FELT 000DS. Full stock of Rubber and Fe't Good. : . I u'l stock of Ihe Mishawaka S:iag-boots and Br ! Band Knit Boots. vVe want yojr money and we are going to give you more than value for it. Now is your time to buy. Grand bargains in season able fuo wear and from fie immense asso. IT ent which we carry you can never fail to hnd wh?t you want in footwear and what will suit you. An immense business enab'es us to name the very lowest prices for reliable footwear. Wt.en in need of any thing in our line. Give us a call. JOHN BICKEL, 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET. - - V-UTLER, PA MILLER'S JULY SHOJEC i-' ALE A RECORD BREAKER! Now is your time SSOOO worth of Summer Shoes atyour own price. We have ioo many shoes and not enough money, hence no :a.sonab'e ofter uill be refused. Good, seasonable footwear regard 'ess of cost. Clo:,e cash buyers will be sure to take advantage of this g eat .sale. Reed—Eve. j item a Leader and a Money Saver For You. M*n 8 Tan Shoe ' 98c Men's Bnff Shoes 98c Men's vVorKing Shot" 98c Men's Low Shoes OGc Men' l ! Patent Tip Shoes $1.24 Men's Tejnis Oxfords 480 Men's Canvas Shoes 98c lfn ny other ba-gains in shoes for you. Come in and see for yourself. July Sale A Hummer—Take It In. C- E- MILLER, Butlers Progressive Shoe House, 215 South Mrin Street Out of SLyle. Out of the World! i : s have a s.y'e that ; s c.,i!v distinguished from (he ordi ■ s ? y- They are the result of carefc' I study a .id practiced, application oi'i" e ' 10 f?shion k en'res. and by personal \£i contact wi h the K-cii>• tailors and vl*" 1 jjjf fashion au-'ioritics of tne county, f sTH They are made hi our own work |j II shop by the highest paid journey men tailors in Butler, yet it is por s 'jle to (and we do) give our pa rons these first-class clothes at .he p.ice you tvou'd pay for the other sort. We believe we have given good reasons why our tailoring is the best and cheapest and would be g a'eiul for the opportunity to show you our handsome spring stock and give you prices to prove them. A I » t—l H MAKER OF rild 1 MEN'S Clothes Spring STYLES r , :! § iuf YI sf/yA jl Men don't buy clothing for the pur- j I [x<r j f or spending money. They desire;L I if' I JUStp) 25*0 get the best possible results for A|u YJ^MM/ A' TWT.niney expended. Not cheap goo<ls3?£ / <IH iw goods as cheap as they can beigi. tk\ for and made up properly. IffC rv\ 7?Cyou want the correct thing at the cor--&" JJ\ TO%" 3£<L 'ect price, call and examine ouoic, \ Wm I 3) large stack of SPRING WEIGHTS \ W"t M? \ I ' I STYLES, SHADED ANI)¥ \[ ft JJ | Fits and Workmanship |i J i'| m j Guaraneed. g F. Keen, 2 NorthlMain Street, Butler, Pa r LAVATORY APPLIANCES nowadays have to be of the best ~J/£i wwl Zri '■' lc P ,,s 'I—open 1 —open work only re l|lyj| I Cvivcs attention. Reason? It's quires less attention and is better specialty of up-to date styles and Geo. \hl. \A/HiteHlll, 318 Sou )h Main St., People's Phone. 28. PLUMBER, Butler, Pa. Subscribe for the CITIZEN Ladies' Serse Sappers 28c Ladies' Gai e-s 48c Ladies' Kid Slippers 48c Ladies' Sap Sanda's 48c Ladies' Shoes 48c Ladies' Tan o:i'"orJs 69c Ladies' F *d Polish 99c THE BUTLER CITIZEN. fH u pILLS\ Rouse rthe tor |pid liver, and cure biliousness, sick I headache, jaundice, nausea, indices j tion, etc. They are in valuable to prevent a cold or break up a fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy your confidence. Purely vegetable, they can be taken by children or delicate women. Price, 25c. at all medicine dealers or by mail of C. I. HOOD <fc Co., Lowell, Mass. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITI Tl* V A PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OK THIS COMMONWEALTH FOKTHEUi A V O VA T . OR KE'F.CT ON I'.V THE GP - '\\\ ASSEMBLY OK TI E COMMO (,TH OK PENNSYLVANIA. IM ' » BY ORDGIi OK Th 3 SECHF.TA 1 O : THE COMMONWEALTH IN Pl' ts ANCE OF A THOLE XV II OF THE CO." STITCTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution cf the Common \7ei" i h. Secern '. Be it resolved by the Senate auo Hoise of Keprest'll tatives of fie ("ommo"- wrealth in Genca'Assembly met. That tm foUovr'ng Is proposed as to i -e Consiiiinion of the Commonwefltu of Pen i svl» ■ lia, in accordance with ..'e provis'o is of the eighteenth article thereof: Amendment One of Artle'e Section Oje. Add at the end of th-> first t>: • -i-.ph sa'd section, a'ter the words .is>' 1 IK? en. led to vote a* •< I -ejections," the wo -ds Jeet however tJ SUC'-J laws reoir '.OG regulating the registration of • er.o-s :• General Asserab'y may enac." so said section shall read as follows: Sectioi 1. Qualifications o* E ecio . Everv ma'e clt'zen twenty-one yea' sofa" possesy'ng t!ie following quallfica.'on sl> L,e en.it,ed iO \ jte at all elections, si b • however to s'ich laws and reg. . ing the registration of e.ectors as tae Ge - eral Assembly may enact: He shall have been a citizen of the l.niicd States at least one month. He shall have resided in the State one y< r (or if. having previous!v been a qual'l. d elector or native born eknen of the Staa', '.ie sha 1 have removed tiierefrom and re tnrued, witoln s'x months immediately pre ceding ttie election). He shall have resided In the election -- trict where lie shaU offer to vote at least t v»o months immediate'y preceding the elect*' ?. If twenty-two years of age and upwar; he shall have p;ud within two years a Stp e orcojnty tax.which shall have been assessed at least two months an"! paid at least one month before the election. Amendment Eleven to Article Eight, Section Strike out from said section the words • but 110 elector shall be deprived of the pr v ilege of voting by reason of his name not be iiii? registered." and add to said section t ; -e fotlowinK words, ""but laws regrlatiiig aii' 1 renulrinj; the registn-.tion of electors may oe enar.ed to apply tocltieso >'v prov dedth'l such oniform forcu'es of the sa-rt* class." so mat the said section sh<..i read as 'ollows: Section 7. Cniformity of Eioct'on Law*- All laws regulating the holding ol e'ectloi. by the citizens or for the electors shall be uniform th.oe&bout 1 - Stat* 1 , but laws regulating and 1 equi.-'ng 1 • registration of electors may be e.iacied . ) apply to cities only, provided that suc'u laws be uc'fo-m for citiesof same class. A Vi-ue i-opy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. GiI'EST. Secretary of the Common wealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION ** PROPOSED TO THE C'TIZENS < f THIS COMMONWEALTH FOl? THEM: A ' - i'ROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE (.I- - EKAL ASPEM3LV OF THE COMMO - WEALTH O"" PENNSYLVANIA, I'l - LISHED BY ORDER OK THE SECRETAI' OF THE COMMONWEALTH iN PUl>. - ANOE OF ARTICLE :;VH' OF THE CON STITUTION. A JO 5T CESOL.CTION Proposing an :'meodment to the Constitution of iUe Coramomvealti). Sect'on 1. Ee it "-eso'vee' by Senate and l'ouse of Reorvse o' the Coni monwea'tn of Pe.insy' /i-.n'j" >j Ceoe. . 1 As scmblv mcv. Tjp« t.ie o''ow jg s p-oposed y- an amendment to -e > o f t- e Uommonmi-.'tn o-T "e > )»/ y»o -j i«cco : - ance wUh ihe nrov s'ojs o' ■ •e &jUu!e nh a .uc e the-eo.. Amendmei S* 1 en.'tsr )a 'our o' ; .' >■ e ai:d ijse . : 1 p'n -e i.'e -eo I*o "o ows: Se< .'oo 4. A- 1 eec. ois •>' . e c'.-ms s'x 11 ije by oa'loi. o•b- s cj o-be • m '>rd as ruv be u>'esc r '>e( by ><: » oyTced Tim. sisc-ecv iii VBS'ot "je irese vet . A 1 jeeopv «f i,)e ..O'ji .".es j'a.'oi. W. W. C" K' EST Sec.ei.arv of the CommoawepU i BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGF. Fall term begins, Monday, Sept. 13,1900 COURSES, l—P actical BooN- kee vrs. " —F \ e Accouiilan s. 3 —AmanuensisSiicribaud 4 —Re .vter's SborL'uaad. s—Pr>.c'ic?5 —Pr>.c'ic? Short Course in Book-Urep'ng, for iio ■ • who mere v w 'sh to vuderstpnd ' -i s ; tnpler me tiods of kttpiug books. 6 E'.igli.=b. Og-iT-'/c~ •••:•• -We o-'ie ». ; resc . a «'vs i-s jo; v;s 1 e i°e.' -o no -t. 'Os -r oi-j-'t ee >ei « o »e . IT ->j .j 1 : • a e: *7'ce; s H • ,jO hc.ij > , ecr v* t;e ■ .e ..;e ,j; : c0. ,, «.' •> e. ■' -ee e -e ;i'. 1 c oje O'Y ■•!■< r.o eo ;..ie' •« >(' o mate 1 to \ic. ■ . o.>. Vo'j', .ji > •'Oi- - \. JLian. von i. ve i« • i!) t • ed .. o • a.d n'as. oc . : •>' >e -3 : s«c - v JU UI v l)f p.fl e . w 'easi, o>e o o-." • coc :'.ij ... n? i*ss ■ K yoa < bjo ic.-t. n " u it,. 1 le jesi. svsiem of s'lorthain' eve - .)■ '"b.-ct 'v.' ijr jed lon schoo 1 v if < ••*! ye ■ (~ '• aid oxauil.ie .. Se.jd or ■■ i< . o OJ.- new cala ogue « i('c' cui. -s. A. F. REGAL, Prin., 319-327 S. Main St., Hutler, Pa. NEW HOUSE. N«<;vv FC'.iMTU -i Central Hotel SIMEON NIXON, JT! 1, T J. BROWN NIXON, / BUTLE E, PA Opposite Court Hons Ne." , Door .0 Pp '< Thea.. e Sunday Dinners A Specialty. Meals 25 cts. Room., 50 cis. Reju'ar Rates sl. Local and Longf D'st nee Phore . Hotel Waver 1 y South McKean Street J. W HAWORTH, Prop'r., BUTLER, PA Steam Heataud Elect 1c Light. The most commodious office in the c.'y. Stabling in Connection. HOTEL ARANDALE, Bedford, Penn'a., Now open wl»h Increased aifftct'ons. A - ra-igements have 'oeeo made w'tii t . e Sp- igs Company or ";"nci's nr if -al to be n -ought to the houei de'lv. Terms moderate. W>-:«e io» .»«, lei ALSH" & nMITH. Props. *%X**X% * •>: * * X fNHjHif **** *Kr::-.:-- §* * Butler People • v Should Patronize the # | Hotel Kelly f | A. Kelly & Sons, Prop'rs., $ Cambridge Springs* Pa. £ A first-class hotel. Just opened, ft * In a charming country location, * •ft In connection with the famous * Mitchell Springs; everythtug, * new. modern and up-to-date; ± ¥ further information with rates. ¥ jt etc., cheerfully furnished on 5 * application; free carriages to * |c and from all trains. *£ 1* * * " '. v! 4 •* / * - **« ;£*■**** *XX x X alt *X; mm BUTLER PA., THURSDAV AUGUST 30, 1900 j HIS FAMILY SPECTER j "By Jove. Gordon. I don't know what to make of yon I" exclaimed Tom Fair'eigh. drawing on his gloves, with considerable show of vexation. "Amy Hepburn's happiness is dear to me In fact, I came here tonight to tell you that I love her"— "To tell me!" broke in Gordon "Why don't yon tell her?" "Wait, can't you? Let me finish I have told her. and she has declined me. It was done very gently and with the greatest possible regard for my feelings, but nevertheless I was declined Don't think me a fool because I come here and make a confession which can be nothing less than mortifying I'm do ing it for Amy's sake. " "For Amy's sake?" echoed Gordon. "Yes; I want to see her happy, and you are the man to make her so. She declined me on your account Of cours* I knew long ago that you were my rival, bnt did not know until two hour* ago that you were the successful one Yon aren't worthy of her and don't de serve her. bnt don't think for a moment that I believe myself more worthy or more deserving." Pausing suddenly. Fairleigh walked to liis friend's side and laid a hand on his shoulder "1 can't understand what yon mean by leading Amy to believe that you rare for her while all the time dividing your attention with Nell Forthdyke Would you be inhuman enough to break a heart as loyal as Amy's?" "Don't get tragic, Tom I'm not go ing to break anybody's heart Nell is rich, you know"— "And so are you," sneered Fairleigh. walking hurriedly to the door and lay ing his hand on the knob, "but Amy Hepburn is poor. Society dares yon to wed with poverty If you love Amy. are yon man enough to take the dare ? Examine into the financial condition of the Hepburns, reflect upon the cause of their downfall in fortune and then let me see if you are strong enongh to leap this Brahminical barrier o£»raste.' With this parting shot" "Fairleigh passed qnickly out of the room and slammed the door behind him Harry Gordon gave vent to a long whistle, settled himself back in a chair and thoughtfully lighted a cigar. "That was quite a jolt,' he mut tered looking upward through the curling wreaths of 6moke. " 'How happy could I be with either were t'other dear charmer away!" It's as sure as can be that I love one and fancy the other But who will unravel the Gordian knot? Which is it to be —Amy or Nell ?' A knock fell on the door, not on the outside door, but on a door leading into a closet Harry Gordon stirred uncom fortably in his chair, a vexed look com ing into his eyes as he fixed them upon the closet door After a brief interval of silence the knock was repeated "Now. what in the world aroused you?" cried Gordon. "Business is business," came a hol low voice from the other side of the closet door "I'm here for a purpose, and if I do not make that purpose manifest once in awhile you'll forget all about me.' This remark was followed by a clank ing, cachinnatory outburst that seemed to grate harshly on Gordon's ear. "WeJJf'* what do you wantf?" he asked "I want to come out and show my self. You know I'm here, but a little ocular demonstration won't come amiss. I take it Remember, I'm showing con sideration for you. I might have kicked open this door and stalked out into the room. But I didn't. I rapped. " "Can't you put it off? Come out to morrow I've got something else to think about now. " "The high and mighty order of fam ily skeletons are not in the habit of playing second fiddle or taking back seats for anybody I'm coming at once.' "All right, then." groaned Gordon, squaring himself about in his chair "Come on.' The closet door flew open and a well developed skeleton strode out and drop ped with a rattle into a chair The cav ernous eyes were blankly expressive— to Gordon. For him also there was something sarcastic in the grin of the fleshless jaws "Dust mo off." said the skeleton "I want to show up as frightful as possi ble tonight.' The request presented itself to Gor don as a command which he was pow erless to disobey Picking up a feather duster, he plied it vigorously about tho gleaming white bones. "Achool" he sneezed, dropping the duster and falling into his chair. "You ougW. not to neglect me," said the skeleton. "I'm one of the family and should be treated as such. Now then, let's lituve a chat " The skeleton crossed its bony legs and settled back comfortably "Will it do me any good to have a chat with you?" queried Gordon. "That remains to be seen. It used to do your father good. Why, it was my custom to visit him every night. As he eat before that table there writing I'd sneak out of that closet, come quietly up behind him and put an arm caress ingly about his neck.'' The skeleton laughed, working its bony jaws with a succession of crackling sounds that made Gordon shiver. "How it used to startle him I He would turn whito as a sheet as ho looked up into my face Once he Hfirang to his feet in despera tion. and wo had a wrestle all about the room, overturning chairs, tables and everything elee that came in our way.' "You succeede-j well in shortening my father's lifa" returned Gordon gloomily. "Cnd«w your tyranny he sank inio his grave long before his time " "So ho did. k> he did. and he passed me on to you with the rest of his prop erty, real and personal. It was a rich inheritance. «ay dear boy, even though I ha»l to bo-dragged at its heels. Yet don't accuse mo of any resjunsitality for your father's taking off. He was-the author of my existence. Like Fr;uilcon stein, ho built me up. bono by bono, and was mot contentnuitil he had mado a gigantic monster and had breathed into my hony breast the breath of life. Then, in order that I might not afflict his sight, ho stowed me away in that impose I became the instru ; . rc. it. j 5T> ingoing. Ia itmot true \.■ ii i;e; tLeless tho author of • .It .v, h i'.V" '< < ....... Ms to be as omerciless t, x „," answered Gordon, ■with knitted brows. "Still, tltare.are come points relating to your 'history 'on ■which my mind is a trifle obscure. "What possessed my father to call into beinu. a t aturo of jour disagreeable chai.e, i. ; ?' "Tb - Irr ghty dollar, yotrng {man. He creu.... .ue in order that you luight inherit a little inoro -wealth. He' did not think, then, how* I should one»day sit astride his shoulders like an Old Man of tho Sea, nor did he think that it fwas possible for ine to afflict his son. For obvious reasons, iny relations with you are not so intimatfj as they wero \trith your worthy fa the:-. I was evolved lout of the wheat pit olf tho board,of trade. 1 uur father was a A bull, and mi jrci lassly gored both life andfortnne out of a certain bear who was not nimble enough to get ont of his way. " "And who was this bear?" asked Gordon "A man named Hepburn. " "AmyHepburn'*father?" murmured the young man. rubbing his hand across his brow in an effort to remember. "Yes. Hepburn lost every penny he had in the world through that disas trous wheat deal. He was forced into bankruptcy and, unable to bear the dis grace. took his own life. His money went to increase the store your father left you, my boy, and it is now possible for you to live in luxury while Hep burn's wife and cihldren must stfciggle on as best they can. However.'' and the skeleton got up and started back to its closet, "it is not for me to moralize Now that I've caught myself deliver ing a homily. I'll just take my depart ure. Au revoir. my dear fellow!" Halting at the closet door, the skele ton waved its adieu and disappeared within. Gordon sat in his chair, deep in thought, while his cigar burned it self out between his fingers. At last he got up and shook his broad shoulders as though freeing himself of a disagreeable burden. "Society !;.m dared me." he mutter ed. "but i ::nr>w my heart, now. and I'll do as I please!" • •«•••• After Ilurry Gordon and Amy Hep burn had been married and hud re turned from their honeymoon Harry brought hi* bride up stairs to his old bachelor's d.-u kud seated her in a chair "My dear he said. "I have a con fession to make to you. My father once did your father a grievous wrong, and I hare made myself the happiest fellow in the world by undoing rP Howover. as we are no! to have any secrets from each other. yo:< must - now about this.' A look of astonishment came into Amy's bine eyes ax she watched her husband proceed to the closet, throw open the door and go rummaging about inside "What in the world are you looking for. Harry T' she asked as he returned to her side "I'm looking for something that does not seem lo be there —the Gordon fain ily skeleton. Amy For the first time in 15 years it is not to be found in that closet ' Just then a clanking tread was heard in the hallway without, the door was pushed slowly ajar and the skeleton limped in. supporting itself on a crutch and looking very much the worse for wear "Therelt is!" cried Gordon "What's the matter with you, old chap? Here. 6it down. I want to make you acquaint ed with my wife. The family skeleton dropped into a chair and shook until it rattled like a score of castanets. "I'm done for." it groaned. "You've fixed me, young man. I just dropped in to say goodby forever But don't intro duce me to your wife We've met be fore." "That's HO. Harry, "said Amy "I know all about this family skeleton of yours. Don't let it worry you, my dear.' and she threw her soft arms about his neck. "Let the dead past bury its dead If we are happy, isn't that enough ?' "Enough, yes I' And he pressed a rapturous kiss upon her fair cheek. That kiss pronounced the doom of the Gordon family skeleton Forthwith it began to fade into thin air, finally van ishing and leaving not a wrack behind Playing Poker bjr Wire. Few outside the brotherhood of the key are aware that operators often play poker over the wire. It is, never theless, a fact, and the diversion is fair ly common. "When 1 was working on the Blankety-biank line at a little railroad station in Illinois," said an ex-operator the other day. "business was very slack toward early morning, and we used to get up a four handed game regularly, '.'lie players were myself and three oth », operators at different points along the Hue. We would call each other up. and then every man would deal him self a hand, making his discards and 'helping' an desired. Of course, we had to trust to mutual honor as to cheating, but 1 think everybody was on the square. All played freeze out, and the loser had to treat when we got togeth er at headquarters, which was about once a month. 1 must confess that the action was a little slow, but the game was more exciting than one might imagine. Almost all the old operators have played cards by telegraph at some time or another." Chicago Chronicle. The Hlffher the Purpoie the Rare* the Achievement. If by success we mean the full ac complishment of an end, the actual reaping of a harvest of results, then It Is undoubtedly true that the higher and nobler the purpose the rarer will be the success. If we aim to relieve a man's hunger, we can quickly succeed In the easy task, but If we aim to In spire him with a desire to earn his own bread the work is more difficult and the success far more problematical. If we would restrain a thief from rob bery, the prison bars and locks Insure success, but if we would make an hon est man of him our task is a complex one, and success may be afar off. We undertake to teach a child to read. If with requisite effort we follow up our task, we are successful, but if we as pire to raise the educational standard of our community how arduous the task, how uncertain the result, how questionable the success! The low man sees ft little thing to d<>. Sere It and does it; The high man. with a great thing to pursue. Dies ere he knows it. Is his life, then, a failure? No; let us never Imagine that any high pur pose, any noble thought, any generous emotion, any earnest effort. Is ever lost. We may never witness Its growth, we may not live to gather its fruit or even to see its blossoms, but we may safely trust that somewhere and at some time the harvest will be abundant, and success, long hidden, shall become ap parent—Philadelphia Ledger. The TV IckedeMt lilt of Sea. Nine out of ten travelers would tell In quirers that the roughest piece of wa ter is that cruel stretch in the English channel, and nine out of ten travelers would say what was not true. As u matter of fact, "the wickedest bit 'of sea" is not In the Dover strait, or in yachting, for example, from St .Tfean de Luiz up to I'aulllac, or acrowi the Mediterranean "race" from Cadiz to Tangier, nor Is it in rounding Cape Horn, where there is what sailors call a "true" sea. The "wickedest sea" Is encountered in rounding the Cape of Good Hope for the eastern porta of Cape Colony.—Shipping World. Fllltht of Time. Old, Med—Well, old man,,'how'd t you sleep last night? Follow ' myy ad»vlce about counting up? New Med—Yes, indeed; ootintcdl up to 18,000. Old Med— Bully! And thenfryouffell asleep, eh? New Med—Guess not; It was iD»rn iug by that time, and X had to get I up. DiiTWtonlvoltfo Pntw.lt QatfiV I VTPX S7VJ .. . THE BELGIAN HARE. Sow n Crait In tbe Sontkw«t. Ilalaeil In Preference to fhlokem. In southern California, where the tare fad has become a craze as per taslve as the famous Dutch tulip ma nia. all sorts of fancy, prices are being paid for choice strains of Imported Bel gian hares, says the New York Herald, In which appears the following: Many men and women, too, in the southwest are breeding Belgian hares for market. As a food product, fetch ing 8 cents a pound, there is great profit In raising hares. The flesh of the Imported Belgian hares is firm, white and nearly as tender as frogs' legs or chicken. The original Belgian hares were much coarser in fiber and the meat was reddish. After the Flemish hares were crossed with the red labbits of England an excellent edibli.' was promptly thrown on the British market. Hares are now the poor man's turkey and beefsteak, too, and "Jugged" hare Is as common on the other side as baked beans in New England. The pelts of the Belgian hares are useful for a variety of purposes, par ticularly for hats. Careful attention to their coats has led to the production of fine, fleecy pelts, and an additional source of revenue for the breeders has been secured. These Imported Belgian hares are ex tremely prolific. Commonly 11 litters of young, of two to a dozen each, are born each year to a doe. A pair of hares will live for sis or eight years. They are hardy and thrive well in al most any part of this country. They are easily "reared. Their provender is plentiful and Inexpensive, consisting chiefly of white oats, lettuce, carrots and green food generally. They are very cleanly in their habits and subject to few ailments. In the west many families raise Bel gian hares in preference to chickens. These hares do not burrow, so no deep set fences are needed. They are re markably tame and will eat from the hand of a stranger readily. In conse quence they have become great pets vitli children. A pair may be bought as low as 50 cents and a child of 10 can raise them from infancy- They are as alert and playful as the tradi tional wild hare of England, but are not suitable for coursing or hunting. Though much larger and heavier than the ordinary hare and lon ger legs, they do not scamper with the zest of the wild species. They are fast sprinters, however, as their only de fense is their speed, but they do not burrow or double, as the wild ones do, through their subterranean galleries. The largest animal dealer in this city says:"These hares breed so rapidly and cost so little to raise that some of those first in the field must be making money. "The Belgian hare meat Is a cross between venison and mutton. In Ger many hares have been an article of food for a long time. They cook them with port or sherry, and the dish is fit to set before a king. "Many people think hares and rab bits are one and the same thing. These Belgian hares are big fellows, weigh ing seven or eight pounds. Those who have eaten rabbit stew do not know how much better Belgian hare is." Turnip Sowing. To be valuable either for the kitchen or for stock turnips should be grown quickly. This means good soil and plenty of moisture. Good soil does not quite mean rich soil, though richness is an Important element. More impor tant, however, Is good tilth, produced by frequent previous stirring. This is the reason that turnips do well on po tato ground from which early potatoes have been removed. In the cool, moist climate of the British isles turnips are usually sown In spring. Here, with our much higher summer temperature. It Is best to de fer the sowing until July or August. This leaves but a short season for growth, and hence the necessity for the best conditions of soli. Some of the best kinds for kitchen are White Egg and Purple Top Strap Leaf, the former rather preferable. Cloudy weather is most desirable for sowing. In hot sunshine the seed Is often Injured so that it fails to ger minate. A good time Is immediately after a shower which has not left the soil too wet to work well. Immediate ly before a rain is a good time, if the rain does not fall to come, but If the rain is too heavy the seed is liable to be washed out of place. Care Is required In order to avoid the common error of having the plants so numerous as to crowd each other. As soon as the seed is sown it should be lightly covered with a rake or by drawing brush over the Burface. —Na- tional Stockman. In the Garden. While the farmer has been busy with his haying and harvesting the garden has probably been more or less neglect ed. Weeds grow very fast during July and August, a« the warmth induces the rapid decomposition of vegetable mat ter and its cenversrion into the most stimulating fertilizer, ammonia. The early garden has had its day, and the laud after early peas and potatoes will need to be plowed, If only to keep it from being overgrown with weeds. Early in August Is not too late to set celery, which Is all the better for mak ing a quick growth. The early celery set a month or more ago should have earth drawn around it, taking care not to let the soil get between the growing stalks, as It will cuuso rust, advises an exchanges THE CULTIVATED MILLETS. Trad*' Name* and Economic Impor tance of IMfferent Varletlea. There are several different agricul tural grasses of economic importance sohl In the trade under the general rrame of millet; hence there is more or less confusion. Foxtail Millets.—To this group be long what is generally sold as "com mon millet" and also a number of oth er varieties, all belonging bo the spe cies known to botanists as Setaria ital ica and which is considered by many to have been originally derived from the common weedy green foxtail (Se taria viridis). The seed is borne in a compact cylindrical, often more or less nodding, cluster at the top of the stalk. The seed can be distinguished by the numerous minute transverse wrinkles. There are four groups of varieties—l. Common millet, which is more resist ant to drought; 2. German millet, also 1 called Golden millet and Bengal grass (the commonest variety In the south, the latest of the foxtail millets and coarser lu foliage—some of the so call ed Japanese millets belong here); 3. Golden Wonder millet, which, under favorable conditions gives the argest yield of seed, butyls susceptible to "A TRIP TO THE MOON," EXPOSITION. The Midway at the Pan-Ann ri« an Exposition in Ru'alo. .in 1901. will be over half a mile long, giving a mile or more of frontage for the wonderful variety <>f »o\>' »r.tertainfuents there to Ix- presented- It will outrival in interest and extent auvthlnjr ever createil in I his line. It • • Include home of the lieat of standard attractions, vastly Im proved, and a strons array of new ..in s fresh fr. ru fertile (train .if the inventor and artificer. It will be a dis i ay of iiiprnuity Impossible to anticipate by any process of er- — travagaut »r gueastiiK- Who but a professional of rip* experience- loulcft have planned "A Trip to the Moon?" The voy- ager Is directed to gu> aboard the airship "Luna." moored at • eon venlent landinjt. It lW night, and the heavens sparkle with a myr f - lad of stars. When anils ready the cables are thrown off and the / - ~ g 'v3 ship rises steadily to a weight of about two miles. The air is clear, i £, "Xv - \ .::.d you can see the on earth below. We now pass / \ \ \ >.stward over Rochester, Antoany and then southward over Xew " ' " <.u|>>ri<ht, lAKJ, by the Pan-American txpoaitlOß o. YofK. j. he earth now falls rapidly behind. We are going at a terrific velocity, as noted by the resistance of the air, which <*eems to blow hard in our faces. The earth becomes a mere ball and the moon grows larger. We are faat nearlng the satellite, and soon And the ship moored to a landing in the moon. Guides meet us and show us 1 to the palace of the Man in the Moon. His majesty receives the party, bidding them welcome and accords them the free dom of his domains. We are then shown abont tha splendid palace and through the streets of the City of the Hon. The ladles are especially interested in the show windows of the Moon shops. The trip may be made with entile aa/a ty. and the return to earth leavss one with the ramambrance of having panned through a wonderful experience. drought; 4. Hungarian millet or grass, j more commonly cultivated in the north- j west. This has the disadvantage of volunteerlnp or persisting in the soil, j The New Siberian millet is related to Hungarian grass, but may be a distinct variety. There are a number of differ ent varieties of each of the groups mentioned. Barnyard Millets.—These have been long grown in the old world both for forage and food for man, but have only recently received much notice in this country. They received their name from the fact that they are derived from the common and well known barnyard grass, a weed in cultivated soil. They are characterized by hav ing the flowers in branching clusters Jike the barnyard grass (Panicum crus galll) and the seed smooth and about twice as long as the foxtail millets., Barnyard millet gives promise of mak ing a successful forage grass in this country. Closely allied to this are the shania millet (Panicum colonum) and sanwa millet (I'anicum frumentace um), both grown extensively In India and other parts of Asia for the seed, which is used as food by the poorer classes. They do not give promise of success in this country. Broom Corn Millets.—These are de rived from Panicum milaceum. This species has been cultivated for cen turies in Europe, where it is the "com mon millet." It is not extensively grown in the United States, but is of fered In the trade under the name of broom corn millet and hog millet. The seeds are borne in loose, drooping clus ters, the brauches of the cluster being long and slender, somewhat resembling the seed cluster of broom corn, whence the name. The seeds are from white to yellow and dark red and, like the preceding sorts, are flat on one side and convex on the other and resemble the barnyard millet in size and absence of wrinkles. Pearl Millet (rennisetum Spicatum or I'. Typhoideum.—Extensively culti vated lu Africa for the seed, which Is used for food, and occasionally In the southern United States, where It is used for fodder; plants tall and stout; the seeds borne in a dense cylindrical cluster, but without the bristles char acteristic of the foxtail millets. Indian Millet (Sorghum Vulgare).— Certain varieties of sorghum or cane are very extensively grown In Africa and Asia for the seed, which is used for food. They also go under the name of Chinese millet, black millet, African millet, Guinea corn, etc. At present these varieties of sorghum are not! grown In the United States on a com mercial scale. —A. S. Hitchcock, Kan sas Station. Layering Strawberries. After the middle of July strawberry plants that are to be grown in matted rows are allowed to layer, and ordi narily no attention Is paid to assisting them, but if the season Is very dry and few runners are formed they may be layered by hand. Some growers also find it advisable lo layer the plants by hand aud thus distribute them so that the ground will be occupied to the best advantage. When the plants are two feet apart, two ruuuers are layered at either side of each original plant, so that they will form a square, with the old plant in the center. The other run ners are removed and the plants are allowed to thicken up, and give nearly as good results as can be obtained from hill culture. The growers who plant so as to work the ground both ways aud still wish to grow the plants in matted rows are only able to keep up this practice until about the middle of July and after that work the land In one direction only. In this way the runners are dis tributed lengthwise of the rows, where they soon become layered. It will gen erally be best to restrict the width of the row to eight or ten inches. —L. It. Taft, Michigan. Fodder Crop*. Hungarian grass and millet can be iown In July to feed green If needed In the fall or to be cured as hay. We have heard of good success in seeding to grass with these crops on strong and rather moist land or in a strong clay loam, but we would not recommend this practice on a light soil, says Amer ican Cultivator. We would prefer to seed without grain or millet in August. For seed!ii'-' to grass we want to plow in July at! 1 ■:! ve two or three thorough I harrowings to make a lit seed bed. then i sow the last of this ru.uith or early next month, as the weather may seem i suitable. Fodder corn sown thickly j in the drill In July will make a good | fall foddeV or may be cut and cured for j winter use. If nol as good as corn I sown earlier, it is much better tfiau no . fodder. Then the rrtillr Par®. "It cost'- II I t li> get Ciilee." said the "machine" politician reflectively. "Doesn't It cost Just a.i much to kw»p It?" "Oh. yex. I suppose It does, but after I you oner r I !•«• i.iHee if it furnish*! tli* proper ' :>p..rtunities the cost natii rally fails on the public." Chicago HE HAD BEEN FISHING. Bat For Some Reason lie Did Not Display a Din String. Elc was on honest faeul young man who had been off for a day's fishing and was returning home with a rea sonably tine string and much self satis faction. Ho had scarcely boarded the street car. however, "TT'hen a passenger with a deep voice growled out: "Yes; 1 was out fishing myself one Jay last week. I brought home 20 pounds. I bought 'em of a regular fish erman'." A giggle was heard here and there among the passengers, and then a man with a squeaky voice observed: "I've played the game myself, but It was years ago. when I was a bad man. I bought 'em from the fisherman and brought 'em down home and lied about 'em—lied in the most barefaced and shameful manner! Yes, gentlemen, that is the one regret of my life!" The young man with the fish was red faced and uncomfortable, and as he was hitching around a man with a wart on his nose called out in a loud voice: "Gentlemen, I don't deny that I love whisky, but I am not a liar! I get drunk and smash things, but I rever ence the truth. Before I would lie about fish I would torture myself at the stake!" * Eight or ten passengers clapped their hands in applause, and then a hatchet faced young man rolled *up his eyes and exclaimed: "They not only lie to the public, but go home and lie to their poor, Inno cent wives and trusting children I" The honest faced young man saw that all were against him, and he de cided to leave the car. As he rose up to motion to the conductor a fat man who had been drowsing roused up and said: "Gentlemen, I date my downfall from that one thing—from the first lie I told about fish. I hired a man to kill me a dozen with a crowbar, and then I brought 'em home and swore I caught 'em on my own hook and line. I lied about it—deliberately and mali ciously lied—and Providence"— "All off!" shouted the conductor as the car stopped. The young man with the Injured feel ings got down and pulled his fish after him, and the fat man continued: "And Providence punished me for It Gentlemen, if I was to live my life over again, if I could only be set back 80 years, I might rob and steal and cheat and even do murder, but I would not sneak off for the day and then re turn at night and buy fish at the wharf and take 'em home to my confiding 1 wife and"— And the car rolled on, and the young > man with the perch and bass and fish ■ pole stood in the gloaming and looked ' after It and clinched his hands and gritted his teeth and whispered cuss words, and an hour later a pedestrian stumbled over something on the side walk and got up to rub his knees and elbows and called out In amazement: "Well, I'll be hanged If some liar hasn't stopped here to He and gone away and left his fish behind!" M. QUAD. SPRAYING APPLE TREES. Some Causes of the Apparent Fail ures With This Remedy. A belief exists in the minds of some fruit growers that recommended meth ods for the destruction of the codling moth are worthless; that spraying with arsenic compounds has proved of no avail. Disregarding the opposition of some whose ill chosen statements furnish their own refutation, we must •till admit that trials of spraying meth ods by our fruit growers have too often resulted in apparent failure and in consequence have measurably destroy ed confidence in these methods. These reported failures may have come from one of several causes—first, an exaggerated idea of the results to be obtained by spraying has led to an ticipations of a degree of success not warranted by the experience of the most successful experimenters; sec ond, proper spraying demands such close adherence to several indispen sable points of practice that even care ful men may fail through oversight of these particulars, or, Anally, the adverse report is inajle without a just estimate of the result of the experiment, for It will be granted that a true Judgment of the degree of success can only be had by the comparison of trees treated with trees untreated in the same sur roundings, and, this comparison lack ing, the estimate of success or failure Is altogether a matter of opinion and not to be admitted as evidence. As to the first, no one qualified to advise In the matter will claim that a single season's trial of spraying against the codling moth can alone bring per fect success, especially where the neighboring fruit growers do not fol low the same methods and where these have not been practiced for several years together or long enough for the cumulative effects to become apparent. It must also be remembered that it is only the worms of, the first brood Nc.34 •re killed by the spraying, however effectually done, while from the In dividuals escaping this attack come the moths that are parents of the worms that spoil the apples at ma- . turlty. Moveow, spraying alone, though successful within its own limits, can not insure the fullest prodqflt of per fect apples without the concurrent practice of other methods looking te the final reduction of the numbers of the pest. The most Important of these associated methods is the handler ot the trees and the destruction of tJI at tracted worms every ten days from the fall of the first wormy apple till tho fruit is all in the bin. The second i« the immediate destruction of all fallen" wormy fruit, and the third Is the de struction of as many as possible of the worms wintering over under bark scales, in old birds' nests, In cracka In apple bins or barrels or elsewhere In the fruitroom. These associated practices are not to be expected to show their full results in the season in which the work is done, though the imme diate value of the first is considerable as a means of reducing the number of worms of the second or later broods of the same season. It is also possible that some of the re ported failures are referable to the use of adulterated or low grade poison. Ijl, several states the experiment stations find greatly inferior samples of paris green on the market, and while tests made at the Kansas experimental sta tion a few years ago showed a fairly uniform high grade in samples analys ed, it is quite possible that those at present in our market may be found defective as has been reported from neighboring states. We advise strongly that every fruit grower continue his efforts to destroy the apple pest by all possible means. Especially should he continue spraying and with careful attention to the condi tion needful to success. It Is only by perseverance in a united effort on the part of orchardists that the apple crop may be brought to Its condition «f highest profit.—E. A. Popenoe. Hessian Fly. Hessian flies will not attack grass or oats, but a simple harrowing or disking of the fields will really destroy but very few of them, leaving the rest to develop and go to other fields. Where the wheat has been killed out and the young seeding uninjured it may look like an unprofitable piece of work to plow under such a field, and In most cases the fnrmer must decide which Is the best course to pursue, but he must bear in mind that these flies will devel op and go elsewhere to lay their eggs and that they will not lay them upon oats or grass that may be growing in the same field. Then, again, it must be remembered that the wheat has yet to stand a second attack of the fly be tween this and harvest. There are probably many fields that look this spring as though they might produce a part of a crop, but by tho time they have withstood the coming attack of the fly the prospects will be vastly di minished.—Ohio Station. The Bibulous Dane. When the police in Denmark find ■ man helplessly drunk in the streets, they drive the patient In a cab to the station, where he sobers off. Then they take him home. The cabman makes his charge, the police doctor makes his, the agents make their claim for special duty, and this bill Is pre sented to the landlord of the estab lishment where the drunkard took the last glass that did the business. No wonder that certain landlords protest, saying that proofs are Insufficient and that some alleged victims sham Intoxi catlou to get into trouble landlords against whom they have a spite. The Point of View. "Get a divorce if you want It!" ex claimed the angry husband. "I can easily get another wife, and I've lived long enough to learn that one woman is Just as good as another —if not bet ter!" "Yes," calmly replied his better half, "and I've lived long enough to know that one man is Just as bad as another —lf not worse."—Chicago News. Enlightened. Professor—l'm grateful for my sense of humor. Thank heaven, I can al ways see a Joke. Miss Fiavilla—Oh. professor, the sense of humor is not ability to see a Joke. The sense of humor is ability to take a Joke.— Indianapolis Jouutftt|j A Political Boia. "They say you are merely a boss," said the candid Informant. "Great Scott!" ejaculated Senator Sorghum. "The Irreverence of these moderns Is something disheartening. Why, that's all Julius Ceesar was."- Washington Star. Sailors call a low lying iceberg a growler, and the world would in gen eral suggest something cool were It not for bulldogs and London four wheel cabs to which It la also applied.