I NEW FURNITURE | *3 NEW PARLOR TABLES, BOOK CASES. ROCKING ||* 5H CHAIRS, IRON BEDS. MATTRESSES AN.} gj SPRINGS ARRIVED LAST WEEK. jg p IRON BEDS jjj New pattern in white enauiel fin:-ii and shaped spindle*_ Ih" fg| head is 4 get 7 inch« high, foot is 3 feet 7 inches high; g ed on top with a brass rail and brass trimmings. Price $ 7 oU 3 ROCKING CHAIRS jl From a half dozen new patterns: we will only tell yon of one— S§4 solid oak. polish finish, full size well nade and nice enough for your parlor it's also made in Mahogany finish. Price S4.OU. §1 BED SPRINGS {g Not a new kind, bnt a new lot of the best bed springs made, tggg ?3 Everv one warranted not to sag in the center, made of genuine steel, tempered ware, has reverse coil springs. Price 14.DU. jgJ DINNER SETS K SSI Two decorations, one a pink, the other a P^pl^JJ oral <3eo " oration on a China shape. 100 pieces in the set. Pnie s>lU. p. SIDE BOARD Double doors in lower part, long linen drawer in the Renter and ESS two small drawers above, pattern top 44 inches wide, has a tine ig- Sal beveled mirror. Price sls irampbell U Templetonl | "Skoot" Prices on Dry Goods. | $ We are cleaning up with a vengeance to make room U All summer lines have been again reduced to make g S quick sales. . 4K |R Our prices arc well worth your while to investigate. g S , 5 c and 18c Lawns and Dimities 9c j# 5 9 C OT R Special offerings in Fancy Silks, Dress Goods and Mus- & lin Underwear that are tempting enough to inspire a need, g V If saving dollars is a hobby of yours, come in—we h S encourage the hobby. |L. Stein & Son,| S 108 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA £ Vxixixx&xwx'xaex'XiXMX&xwxr* I-lußeltor\'s Shoes TO FIT ALL SORTS OF FEET Takes all sorts of Shoes. Small stores can't have bio assort ments. If you care how you and yours are shod, COME HERE' But Oxforda(^\w That seems to be the cry. We're going to give our patrons the best Oxford and Shoe opportunities that they'll hear of for many a day. STYLISH GIRLS Will appreciate onr Street Oxfords shown here in great variety and not expensive. There are soft and velvety black and brown "Kids," cool Rnssia and t-well Patents. $1 00, tl 25, *1 50 and $2 00 bays B prettier tie here than anywhere else. LOW CUTS AND HIGH CUTS FOE MEN. LOW in prices; for style and wear, away "up in G." Any price yon want to pay. FOB MEN Who work out in all sorts of weather, we have special sho«s that protect, absolutely wet proof, bnt don't cost but 1, fl 85, $1 50 and #2 00. Just the cutest and daintiest BABY'S SOFT SOLES yoa ever saw at 25c, 85c and 50c. B. C. HUSELTON'S, Butler's Leading Shoe Uoube. Opposite Hotel l»wry. ■ I YOU'LL KNOW HOW GOOD { WHEN YOU SEE THEM, j Our 25c box papers. ' Our ioc and 15c fine writing * paper tablets. Blank books at the old price. \ Albums bought before the ad- j vance. Kodaks with a special discount ■ in January. Photograph supplies always fresh. Sporting goods. Late fiction. Bibles cheaper than ever. Everyday needs at everyday : prices. At DOUGLASS BOOK STORF, i Eagle B'l'd. MCMILLANS t FORMERLY IRA C. BLACK & CO., Wall Paper. Next Door to Postoffice. (JUEEN QUALITY SHOES FOR WOMEN. Any woman who will take the trouble to coin pare ours with others would not think of buying anything but Queen Quality for Women and only $&00. LADIES' KID BOOTS at *1 50, sjt-i 00 and $2 50, are the slick est shoes that ever came to town It tickles the women half to death to see the way they fit. These will cost you 50c more a pair at other stores. Are Your Children's Feet Properly Fitted? It's an outrage to fit growing feet in a manner repeatedly called to our at- I tention the past few weeks. If yon ' want your children to have faultless feet, START NOW: and have us fit them with Nature-shape shoes. ***** ***** y***g»*xx**** *** | PHILIP TACK, j CONTRACTOR IN * !| Cleveland Berea Grit j !! I STONE I a * : : * Suitable for Building 4 i Ornamental and | i Paving purposes. * IThis Stone Will Not "Shell Off." J Prices reasonable. Work done well £ ancl promptly. Stone yards on J East Etna street. * Residence on 2j[ Morton avenue. j| People's Telephone]j2o. JR A R* Jb ' • -t« /r» i* i; Milk Cansi; i,l, Wc make the strongest,,!. i heaviest and most service-. I. , able milk cans made | ]i \ 5 gal. Cans $lB per doz. ( \ ( I . Try Our Cans. , . o i. j. king, <;> ' *532 Grant St., Pittsburg,Pa.* * : 3- | ir MI " Look out !" cried the captain, as the canal-boat was passing under a low bridge. A Frenchman immediately put his head out of the cabin window to look, and got a severe blow. Rubbing his head rue lullv, he cried: " Why do these \ ankees call look out when they mean look in? " Look out for your health means look in. For the secret of health is within you. Germs arc in tin.- air you breathe and in the water you drink, but if your l>lo'.xi is pure and your stomach sound the gems can find no permanent lodgement. To ke£T> the blood and stomach in Sound hea.th or to re-establish them in a healthy condition when they are dis eased. 110 medicine is so effective as I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It purifies the blood, cleanses the system of waste and poisonous substances, increases the activity of the blood-making glands, and Invigorates the stomach and other organ* of digestion and nutrition. "I can say honestly and candidly that Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is tbe grand est medicine evrr compound-d for purifying the blood " writes Miss Annie Wells, of Fergusson'» Wharf. Isle of Wight Co . Va I suffered ter ribly with rheumatism, and pimples on the skin, end swelling in my knees and fret so that I could not walk I spent about twenty dollars, paving doctors' bills, but received no benefit A year Or two ago I decided to try Dr, Jierce 3 Golden Medical Discovery and Favorite Pre scription and am entirely cured " The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, free Send 21 one cent stamps for the paper-covered edition, or stamps for the cloth bound, to Dr. R V. Pierce, Buffalo, N Y. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics cure by acting directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in my other part of the sybteiu. to. CURES- PHJCES. Fevers. Congestions, Inflammations. .2 ) 2—Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .'2! i 3—Ten hln». Colic, Crying. Wakefulness .2.5 4—Diarrhea, ot Children or Adults iiS 7—Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis 35 H—.Veuralula, Toothache, Faceache .'i3 9—Headache. Sick Headache, Vertigo . .'2.5 10— Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Weak Stomach.'J .5 11—Suppressed or I'aiiiful Periods .2.5 [2— Whiles, Too Profuse Periods .2.5 13—Croup, Lnrvngitls, Hoarseness 2.5 I I—salt Hlleum. Erysipelas, Eruptions .23 15—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains 25 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .23 [9— Catarrh. Influenza. Cold In the Head .2-5 SO—Whoopliig-C'ouith 23 87—Kidney Diseases -3 l& Xervous Debility 1.00 10—I'rlnarv Weakness, Wetting 13ed 25 T7—Grip, Hay Fever .85 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your )rugKl«ts or Mailed Free. Sola by druggists*or Rent «>n receiptor price. Jumphreya' Med. Co.. Cor. William & John SU*., Jew Yortf. DOCTOR MILES' NERVINE, The Brain and Nerve Food rod Medicine, Quiets Irri tated Serves, Sootfces the Ured Brain, Builds <*p &e Yttal Ptt&ers oi the Body m 4 Overcomes Disease* It Contains no Opiates not othef harmful drugs. Sfild »t #} drag stores on a positive eoai>- ftateft for free adviA snd booklet to J>r, Mills M» ■ Eureka Harness OH 1a the heft !■ preservative of new leather ■Si 'I and the I>e9t renovator o( old K; aH leather. It oils, softens, black' [■ eas and protects. Uae i •'*: Eureka § f Harness Oil M I on your \#nt hamefw, yonr old bar- Ml V lies*, and yonr rarriagr top, and they 9 will not only look better but wear |B longer. Bokl everywh« r<* in cann-all KrjM Sizes from half pints to live gallons. | j t>y STANDARD OIL CO. hi ;— m Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed andrSaleStable Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'a. The best of horses and first class rigs al ways on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Sped al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. HA good class of horses, both drivers and (Trait liprses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bought pon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. 1 elephoue. No. 219. FOR SALE. I wish to sell tiiy Residence on Ziegler Ave., lot 561110, and a good comfortable house of ten rooms, with water aud sewerage, $2000; also a small house on Hickory St., three rooms and finished attic, s6cx>; also a modern house on Hickory St., lot 40x125, six roomed house, with well of water, f 1,700; also mv horse, (a good diiver,) buggy, robes, etc. DAVID CUPPS, 312 Ziegler A\'e.,'Butler, Pa. The Keystone Orchestra^ Is now ready for engagements for Par ties, Picnics and iJauces, and Guarantee the best of music at reasonable rates. Address, Prof. Gus Wickenhagen, 228 Ziegler Ave., Butler. I'a a postal card to IIInI IWI or ca U P N°- 4' II of the People's Phone or Hell 122 -3 an^ W. B. McGBARY'S new wagon, ruuning to and from his Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your house take away your dirty carpets and return them in a day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning—Carpets, rugs and curtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. W. S. & E. WICK, DEALEBS IN Rough and Worked I.nmliet of all Kinds Sash and MouMlnirs. Oil Well Kips a Specialty. OHlce and Yard, R. Cunningham and Monroe Bts., near West I'enn I . BUTLEK PA TH K CITIZEN. TROUBLE FOR HANS. BUT HE. HAD THE DRUG CLERK TO BLAME FOR IT Once More ihe Little German Cob bler Trie* to Itlrnct Trnile, t>nt. n* Vfinal. Gain* \othliiK Except Soma Ver> l"nplen»«nt Experiences. [Copyright, 1900, by C. B. Lewis.] One day vhen 1 tells dot drug clerk 011 dor corner dot peesness vlias poor unci maype 1 can't pay uiy rent lie looks at uie uud says: "Vhell, you vlias not a sharp man or you make flfo dollar a day." "How can 1 be sharp?" I says. "it vlias ash easy ash some grease. In dis country eaferypody vlias oop to some leetle schemes. Vou must be oop too. 1 look at your sign, uud he reads, 'Hans Jacobs. Cobbler.* Vhell. who cares for dot? Does somepody stop uud wonder who Ilans Jacobs vlias? Not a bit of it. If you vlias sharp, you shall be soaiepody else." "But I can't be somepody else." "Oh, yes. you can. I shall make you a slgu. und he vlilll read, 'l>er Slier man Count." My brudder vhai a re porter, und lie shall put it In der pa pers dot you vhas a count from Sber many who must mend shoes because you liaf lost nil your money. In two days one hoonered peoples vlilll come to your shop. It vlilll be romance, you know. 1 belief in one year you shall be a rich man." "But I vhas uo count." I says. "Xefer you mind about dot. Maype you vhas (ii'tter ash fife counts. It vlias der advertising und der peesness you vhant. Schemes. Hans, schemes eaferypody vlias oop to schemes, uud if you don't coine along you vhas left." Vhell, it looks all right, und 1 vlias glad, und In three days dot piece vhas in der paper und dot sign vhas oop. Dot paper says I vhas once a rich man in Shermany uud play billiards mlt der king, but I vhas poor now uud liaf to mend shoes for a llllng. It vhas a splendid article und makes me proud, und ash (jueek ash I open my shop in der morning a woman comes In mlt a shoe, und a man comes In for a cement patch. More ash dwenty peoples stop on der sidewalk und look lu by der window to see der Sherman count at A sunrnisK FOR IIA.N'S. work. In one day 1 haf feefteen shobs und make four dollar, und dot drug clerk hits me on der back und says: "Ilello, old mans, but didn't I tell you how she vhas? It vhas all in der leetle schemes. Vou keep right on, und you shall roll In gold." It vhas all right for one day, but der nest morning a man comes In mlt a shmile on his face und shakes hands und says: "Count, how you vhas? 1 don't see you for dwenty years. 1 vhas teeckled to meet you. How vhas der couutess und der leetle countcins? Don't you remember me?" "I cau't say I do." "Vliy, count, 1 vlias dot Barou Klop infeldt who used to llf next door to you In Shermany, und we used to drink cocktails und shmoke together. Vhas 1 changed so mooch? I should know you In one minute. You vhas der same old mans." "Vhell, do you vhant some- shoes fix ed?" I says. "Oh, no! My shoes vhas all right, but I shust call in for dot two dollar you borrowed of me in Shermany. I ueed him In my peesness shust now. I didn't know vliere you vhas till 1 seen him In der paper. Come down mlt der sugar." "Hut I don't know you In Shermany," I says. "Look oudt, count, if somepody calls me a liar, he vhas six months by der hospital. I must haf dot money." Vhell, if some policeman* don't come along I vhas a licked man. It vhas a narrow escape, und maype It don't pay to be II count. I don't quite git oafer belli scared vhen lu comes a girl She vhas a uursegirl She reads In der paper aboudt dot Sherman count, und she looks at me und says: "Ah, It vhas too bad. too bad! Sooeli it fine look in man! Sooch ears und eyes und nose! Count, 1 vhas only a young girl, but I vlias true hearted, uud I shall marry you uud help youpto be a great mnn again." j "But I vhas married," I says. "Vhell, we shall elope together und lif on some desert island." "But how can we? I must mend rhoes." "Count Jacobs," she says, "do you spurn some young girl's lofe? If yon do, beware!" My wife comes out of der back room mlt der broomstick und chases her oudt of der shop, und It vhas bad times for me for half an hour. M. The Fence fume. The ghastly rider on the white horse stopped at the gate. "I am Death," he said to the sick man who was watching from the win dow. "You are welcome," replied the latter and added lu a whisper: "If you value your life, don't let my wife see you ty ing your horse to that tree. She'd nev er let an.vlx.dy do that." —Philadelphia Press. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bll lousnoss, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. RKHUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in i to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. Tlie first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents' Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. P. lialph Druggists Butler \pr q6. I PURE BLOOD, I r Pure bloodmeans life,health, £ J rigor—no room for disease v where the veins are filled , | -Mvilh rich, red corpuscles. «U lUndsey's Improved? Blood Searcher | Makes pure blood—cures Pcrof- i • nla, erysipelas, pimples, boils, (I sore eyes, scald head—blood dis- c * cases of all forms. Here's proof: <1 JIEB oror.v MIA , Ol 11<\ t k Dr. t/indseya Blood Searcher lins . | V aiod wonuerSTvlthine. I have been 1 * tri mblcd •with Rcrofulaf'rlhirlyyeart <& tit I find that J>r. I.lndsey's Blooa . > F'archer wflleUec.t; a immanent euro ImLKhi.TfetiTTin- li'j Wonderful Jp C. W. LtsscxOT. IV. J. GILMORK CO. i PITTSBURG? PA» % At ull Druggists, SI,OO. \ M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 139 South Main street OverS haul & Nast's Clothing Store Pianos Tuned. Voiced and Regulated. Now is the time to have your Piano looked after. You want a reliable man to do the work, not one that is here today and gone tomorrow. "Tramp Tuners ' gen erally half do their work :f they know how to do it at all. A great many pianos get the blame when the tuner (?)is at fault. lam here to stay and guarantee all work. J. C CANER. at Newton's Music Store, or 109 Water Street, Butler. Pa. Instruction given on all instru ments. Now is The Time to Have Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED. If you want good and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue do Hue work in out door Photographs. This is the time of y-'ar to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. Tor the JaiueetowD Slidine Blind l.'o. —N'fw Y'trk R. FISHER & SON- A CRUSH S In the prices of stiff r j and straw hats. c In this sale all our new styles and shapes in stifi and straw hats will be included and you have the benefit of all that's n j'.v at the "Crush Price," Jno- S. Wick. 242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa Opposite P. O. fChase Bros# J| PIANOS 4 (*) / f|VO !!'(#> Are used in thousands of homes They've been before the people for the last 40 years, making --*n»es of Pianos speak 1 good word and the !: fclvst praise f ~ tlv* Chase Bros. Piu:u»s always. As slate representative for thu manu facturers, I ain in a position to sell you a piano right, and on terms to suit >our convenience iti every way. Kindly call at my wareroom and ex amine for yourself the pianos—they are there to be seen and heard. Made and warranted to you by one of the wealth iest manufacturer in the country, you run tv. risk. Hoping to count you on my list of customers, I am Yours f >r business, YV. K. NEWTON, 317 South Main St Butler Pa AS AN ANTI PERSPIR INE In snmmer pure whiskey of (Tool Quality Is far superior to any drink knowfl. Its action on the blood is also healthful and often prevent? lohk continued disease. We offer the choice of the below brands of whiskey guaranteed pure and over six years old. at SI.OO per full quart or six quarts s>.9o. FINCH, HT. VERNON, titIGKEMIKiNIiB. 11l 1.1.1 N(. Ell, Wilts S JVKBIIOLT. l.AK'il, I'UOHPSUX. 7.tii(/*i«rORT, ATHEirSECHOIUIi, a w .ilskey guaranted :i years old. $2.00 per iral. All U. O. T>. or mail orders of 3&.00 or over we box and ship promptly; express charge pre paid. We have no averts to represent us. S'jnU orders direct and s wo money, ROBERT LfcWIN & CO, 411 Water Street Telephone, »i7c. P'.tLsbutfc, .. Opposite 11 &O. I '-©pot. Tills It* Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten M>nts, cash or stumps, ft generous sample will bo mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay FeTer Cure (Ely's Cream RiUm) sufficient to demon strate tho great merits of tlie remedy. ELY BRQJtfIERS, Oti VviuT. n St, New fork City. Itev. Johniteid, Jr., of Great Falb,Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. i cau emphasize his statement, "It is n posi tive euro for catarrh if ussd as directed." — ltev. Francis W. Toole, Pftstor Central Pres. Churob, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged euro for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious druu. Price. 50 gents.. A POHiTER! For up-to-date Photos go to the IV,st Office building. New designs every few days. We guarantee to please you. Branch Studios, Mar? and Evans City. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236. i T. H. BURTON'S July Clearance Sale j Will Eclipse all Others Ever Made or Heard of. 1 X(} Suits of Clothing will be sacrificed for ONE-HALF of their This means hundreds of dollars loss to us and hundreds of dol lars saved to you. In our eagerness to supply the demands of our customers we bought entirely too many goods. This and other reasons which we , wi 1 make known later, is» why we ofter the public these new goods AT HALF PRICE. Sale Will Commence July 13. i r Come in and bring a friend with you, look over the Men's, Boy's and Children's Clothing, try them on, and if you see a suit j s that pleases you pay .j of what it sold for and take it along. j O 1 these goods are all marked in plain figures LiL lilt IIIUL 1 an j y OU can see just what they sold tor. Do j not wait till they.are picked over, but tome right away, even if you \ have to miss a day's work, for it will pay you. Below we quote some of our prices: $16.50 SUITS FOR $8.25 15.00 " " 7.50 14.00 " " 7.00 12.50 " " 6.25 10.00 " " 5.00 8.50 " " 4.25 7.00 " " 3.75 5.00 " " 2.50 ( No goods taken back at this sale. T. H. BURTON. < 118 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.j TPAPES. JEWELERS, jl S m o# DIAMONDS, j 00 j WATCHES. 2 ® oS CLOCKS. j JEWELRY, J P SILVERWARE, j r " J SILVER NOVELTIES, ETC. 5 3 We repair all kinds of #3^ 53 f Broken Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, etc J S3 Give our repair department a trial. # m We take old gold and silver the same as cash. t m Is PAPE'S, j| .°| 122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. J p Anton Krut, Jr., Wholesale and Retail FLORIST. GROWER OF Choice Roses, Carnations, Palms, Ferns and Bedding Plants DECORATIONS and Cl'T FLOWERS always on hand and furnished for all occasions. Fine Floral Work for Funerals a specialty, made by an experience*! designer who lias had 15 years' experience in Pittsburg. Main Office at Butler Green Houses, West of Court House, 232 Lincoln Street, on the Island. Branch Office, Arlington Hotel Building, South Main Street. People's Phone 355-2, Main Office, Green Houses. 355.3, Office on South Main Sireet. Orders by mail or telephone promptly attended to. When vou are in need of Cut Flowers or Plants, call and see my stock '^' lC | is the largest in the county, a:- I have 15,000 feet of glass and six acres of ground devoted to the growth of Cut Flowers and Flowering Piants only. ANTON KRUT, JR.. BUTLER, PA. A Brownie Camera for SI.OO A GENUINE EASTHAN CAHERA. Hall and see some work it has done. We b.ave all kinds of Kodaks and fresh supplies always, at Douglass' Book Store. The New-York Tribune contain the most reliable news of THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN including .liscussions. °'tio liii.V showing l progress oftly brilliant editorials, reports from all sect ful perusal of every thoughtful. New York Tri. Weekly Tribune Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is in reality a fine, fresh, every other-day Daily, Riving the latest news on days of issue, aiul covering news ot the other three. It contains all import ant foreign war and other cable news which appears in nil-. DAILA TRI BUNE of satne date, also Domestic Foreign Correspondence. Short Stones, Elegant Half-tone Illustrations, Humor ous Items, Industrial Information, I'asli ion Notes, Agricultural Matters an.l Comprehensive and Reliable Financial anil Market reports. Regular subscription price, fi.so per ye *We furnish it with TITK CITIZEN for f2.00 per year. Send all order, to THE CITIZEN. Butler, Pa.. TSI JFM: CADE MY , -- • - " . .. inn mluiitu to College. \ Ofltk 1 Normal. j 20(11 1 and Typewriting, f fcv »» I Sf i Yflik J 11 •' SSDI 4. '■ ( nll at ollirf or .cnJ J |Bat|J ; OCpl. *+> | j WARRENL YiLE,Pre«Weni, Cor. Hess and Diamond st|. UuiiM' i New York Weekly Tribune Published on Thursday, and known for nearly si*ty years In every part ot Hie United States as a National V ami y Newspaper of the highest class for farm ers and villagers. It contams all the most important general news of THt. U\ILV TRIBUNE "p to hour of going to press, has entertaining reading for every member of the family, old airl young Market Reports which are ac cepted as autliuritv by farmers and coun try merchants, and is c.ean, up to date, interesting and instructive. Regular subscription price, *!.oo per ' "we furnish it with THE CITIZEN for Ji.so j>er year. |~PAPE ; Sj; I Heading Millinery House:: I: Clearance Sale I: :: ALL SUMMER fIILLINERY f ;[l22_ SOUJH MAIN ST.. BL'TLER.J ; rifTsi IS TO BE THE YEAR OF ALL YEARS FOR DEAR II HO o jj liutlcr County, and as wc are one the oldest firms till in the ring, we deem it our duty to celebrate in a measure, that s, by making it the '"BANNER YEAR' of our business. We have just opened and placed on exhibition, and we may idd, on Sale, one of the most complete lints of SI'RING GOODS r er brought into this city. In this line the following are ncluded: Punjab Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Silk Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Puffing, All Overs. CARPET DEPARTMENT. We have no hesitation ii: saying that we have the Largest, Most Complete, and best assorted stock of CARPET in Butler County, in :luding the celebrated Hartford Axn.lnster, Sanford & Wilson's Wil ton Velvet, the old reliable Body Brussels, i, 2, and 3-ply Ingrain, Rugs of every price and description, Art Squares, Druggets, a.i ! our "Centennial Rug," size 36x40 inches, all-wool, at 25 cents c-vh; a veritable celebration in itself. DUFFY'S STORE, Butler, Pa. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Bro's 3rd Mid-Summer Cleur«irice iSale of WALL PAPER. Sale Begins Monday, July 23rd. We have a large stock of all grades of wall paper and it must all go as we do not intend to carry any goods over until next season. Here is a money saving opportunity that you can not afford to miss. See our Remnant Bargain Counter. Window Shades at Cost. Patterson Bros., 236 North Main Street. Butler, Pa Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 Announcement OF Clearance Seile Great reduction in every article pertaining to MILLINER - A great variety of TRIMMED HATS for L?dies, Misses and chil dren, all reduced to one half the former price. Sailors, ribbons, chiffons, flowers, ornaments, straw, braids, nettings; also all untiim med hats, sacrificed at bargain sales, not regarding cost as we need the space for fall goods. Sale will continue a'l during month of August at Rockensteln's, 32S South Main Street. - - Hiitler, P* Farm For Sale. I will sell my farm in Washing ton t\v}>., located about three miles west of North Washington, containing about 150 acres, with good house, bain, outbuildings, springs and orchard, underlaid with coal, and two producing oil wells, on easy tern s. Inquire oi R. 0. Rumbaugh, Nixon House, Butler, I'a. mz iHiM UP AGAIN IT. Yoti will find yourself if you don't purchase a Cleveland or Crescent bicycle. They are built like a watch and will last for years. Crescent $25.00 to #35-°°- Cleveland *35.00 to $50.00. Gool second hand wheels f 10.00. We carry a coin plete line of tires and bicycles parts; also Cameras of all kinds and Photo Supplies, also the Kdison and Columbia talking machines from fs-oo up. A new, lot of Records just received. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician- Next to Court House. XS»2r made with pure SWNISH LICORICE* Unst/rpaiied for core of C-UCHS«»C°LDS 5- ■> IO Packages -J* ir.^^[ntTda:ik'iadiii»'j by Wedicsl ?rr*' in decorated Tin Boxo . i'c P er r >o." SoWbyDruqq,Mj.e., f Eyes Examined Free of Charge KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Gradu ate Opticia Next to Court Hou«e. Butler. P» aitiMWi *M"W Wiw»' _ PENNYROYAL PILLS Orlgimml and Oaljr Umhlba. A l«rc, -*l*l.l*. i*o i6ut f- (( O&M far Chick—tor il> Dia M\X IVSiLIDwi i n 111* Brand la Itr-ifcS SS - sih Ave., F.ttsba •.. P.« y. II •v**Wf Wr'ff PRACTiCA - Y l! " ; ■' ">' • ■■■ r ROWN ••••'> PF.iljt ' ■' "B /3k •' i'«:is:>uta-Wh i .»OT i"; « ', ;? hmvcurs? Hold crow\ -: '* * W-" 1 ' BRtOGf w" V ''» "'* ft|ts PER TOOTH *•'<• «'» , !. iy Y |7 beit *et <.r Teeth ma.le, ONI V ?.) L .t; y*= S3 - " S• * J. W. MEYBRS DEALER IN Pianos and Organs. McFANN P. 0., Butler Co.. Pa If you want a piano or organ drop me a line and I will call upon vou. I JIKND watches ajh> clocks. How many w»tcli / makers In rejtulat- In* watches left with Ut.. them for repairs at x.n, tempt to make tliem f run to the second. / Ask yourself, slder your past ex / perlenee ami when / y OPTICIAN. JJoaH H. Main Street liutler. 1 a Cures Drunkenness. eeley^r g KELLEY Write tor A INSTITUTE, Irec Ul «•« Booklet rrrrsHiuo, pa.