VO xxxvli MILLER'S july shoe; sale: A RECORD BREAKER! Now is your time ssoooworth of Summer Shoes atyour own price. We have too many shoes and not enough money, hence no reasonable oflcr will be refused. Good, seasonable footwear regard less of cost. Close cash buyers will be sure to take advantage of this great sale. Read—Every item a Leader and a Money Saver For You. Men's Tan Shoes 98c Men's Enff Shoes 9*c Men's iVorking Shoes !)8c Men's Low Shoes 98c Men's Patent Tip Shin's $1.34 Men's Tennis Oxfords 48c Men's Canvas Shoes 98c Many other bargains in shoes for you. Come in and see for yourself. July Sale A Hummer—Take It In. C- E- MILLER, Butler's Progressive Shoe House. 21 q South Main Street Bickcl's Bargains! [Great Reduction'in Summer Footwear.j We have on hand a large stock of summer footwear which will be sold at a great reduction. Too many Tan Shoe s and Oxfords. It will pay you to visit this sale and secure some of the bargains being offered. FEW PRICES.#- Hoy's $1.50 tan shoes reduced to. .. . .SI.OO .. Men's $2.00 tan shoes reduced to $1.25 .... Men's $3.50 tan shoes reduced to $2.25 Men's $2.00 Oxfords reduced to $1.40 ... Ladies' $1.75 tan shoes reduced to $1 .25 Hoy's fine box calf shoes reduced to SI.OO ... .T! Men's heavy sole lace working shoes.... SI.OO Men's three sole box toe shoes 1.40 .... Ladies' fit,e Dongola slippers 35c.. Men's fine satin calf shoes SI.OO Sweeping Offers in Misses' and Children's. Shoes. We-are offering some big bargains in Misses' and Children's fine DONGOLA and RUSSETT shoes and slippers. We have made reductions in all lines and ask you to call and examine our goods and we can save you money. JOHN BICKEL, 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET. - - HUTLER, PA Out of Style. Out of the World! n f - I^ Ur arments have a style that is .'*Vj'.f% I I easily distinguished from the ordin ' ' 'mi ary. They are the result of careful j . study and'practical application of the [ ' ideas gathered by frequent visits to ; , fashioii centres, and by personal - V, .f; contact with the leading tailors and »}•/ ' ■■ 'V ; fashion authorities of the county. ' ; They are made hi our own work * , Vjlte shop by the highest paid journey— men tailors in Butler, yet it is pos sible to (and we do) give our patrons these first-class clothes at the price you would pay fot the other sort. We believe we have given good reasons why our tailoring is the best and cheapest and would be grateful for the opportunity to show you our handsome spring stock and give you prices to prove them. A a—| MAKER OF illcil IVJ, MEN'S Clothes Spring STYLES n !v! lj & Men don't buy clothing for the pur- 1 ® - ua rnf ' or spending money. Ihey ITlto get the best possible results for therE A j!» }'■•s Jy : "JCmoney expended. Not clieap goodsvK" / < j'."\ / : JdSr? ,i&C,but goods as cheap as they can J'A '■ I CCsold for and made up properly. IfS & ' '-''''l if tSryou want the correct thing at the * -vV'-I price, call and examine ourAk. j \ -JVwL '.-' i-' ijil 1 3; large stack of SPRING WEIGHTS ~X \ 1 ' "»r LATEST STYLES, SHADES AND®" ! 3k Fits and Workmanship Guaranteed. G F. K6CK, 4 2 North Main Street, >: x Butler, Pa , LAVATORY APPLIANCES ; "" S( ~T' nowadays have to be of the best | . to receive any sort of consider ~"is * 1 ( ' ation. Closed plumbing is a relic .•V j'< 17/■ -f the past —openwork only re ' ceives attention. Reason? It's 2?I is'■ ■ ''' sanitary, cleanly, looks better, re |j ' • v- quires less attention and is better 'p. — ffi] /'j 1' •""HF '< ever y respect, We make a j --yK-Xxj specialty of up-to-date styles and methods. Geo. \AI. \A/hitch ill, 318 South Main St., People's Phone. 28. PLUMBER, Butler, Pa. Subscribe for tie CITIZEN Ladies' Serge Slippers 28c Ladies' Gaiters 48c Ladies' Kid Slippers 48c Ladies' Strap Sandals 48c Ladies' Walking Shoes 48c Ladies' Tan Oxfords 69c Ladies' Kid Polish 99c THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Hood's FHSs Are prepared from Na ture's mild laxatives, and while gentle are reliable and efficient. They ROUGO fh& Liver Cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Sour_ Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. Prepared by C.l.noodiCo.,Lowcll,Mai3. Butler Savings Bank E3i_itler, Pa. Capital - f 60,000.03 Surplus and Profits - - $200,000 00 j JOS. L PURVIS Presi leat J.HENRY TROUTMAN.*...Vice-Preside:, WM. CAMPBELL, Caihi. I LOUIS B. STEIN ~ Tel. ! DlßECrrOßS—Joseph L. Purvis, J. ileiiry , TroutmaD, \V. 1). Brandon. W. A. Stein, J. S. I Campbell. I Tho IJutler Savings Bank Is the Oldest 1 Banking Institution! n Butler County. 1 General banking business transiicted. We solicit accounts of oil '/reducers, mer chants, farmers and others. All basiness entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Interest caUl on time deposits. THE Butler Connty National Bank, Bo tier F 3 enn, Capital paid in $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $60,000.00 Jos. Harttnan, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. G. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Into res' paid on time deposits. Money leaned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this bank. „ DIRECTORS —flon. .Tosepli Hartman, Hon. W. S. Waldron, l)r. IS. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Swceney, I'. Collins I. O. Smith, Leslie I'. Hazlett, SI. Flnegan, \V. 11. Larkin, Harry Heasley, Dr. W. C. McCandless. Ken Mas seth. W.J. Marks, J. V. Kit.ts. A. L Ueitx r. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000,00. Foreign exchange Irnught and sold. Special attention given to collections. OFFICERS: JOHN VOUNKIN> President JOHN HUMI'TI REV Vice President ('. A. HA ILE V Cashier F. W. BINGHAM Assistant Cashier J. F. UUTZLER Teller DIRECTORS. John Vounkltis. D. L. Cleeland, E. E. Aljrams. <' N. Itoyd. \V. I". Metzger, Henry Miller, John Humphrey. Tlios. Hays, Levi M. Wise and Francis Murphy. Interest paid on time deposits. We respectfully solicit vour business. BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fall term begins, Monday, Sept. 13, 1900 COURSES, t —Practical Book-keepers. 2— Exper* Accountants. 3 —Amanuensis Shorthand 4 —Reporter's Shorthand. s—Practica5 —Practica Short Course in Book-keeping, for those who merely wish to understand the simpler methods of keeping books. 6 English. or it TEACHERS— We have four at present always as many as we need, no more. POSITIONS -We expect to bo able to plac :it least twice as many graduates iu positions tho coming year as we have ihe past. We couifi place three where wo place one if we only had more of the right kind of material to work ou. Young mail, young woman, if you have i fair English education, and are industrious and persistent it will be to your interest to take at least one of our courses, and'let us assist you to remunerative em ployment. The finest system of shorthand ever pub lished will be used in our school ths coming year. (Jail and examine it. Send for a copy of our new catalogue and circulars. A, F. REGAL, Prin., NEW HOUSE NEW FUUNITOBE, Central Hotel SIMEON NIXON, JR., ) , r J. BROWN NIXON, f " lg - _ BUTLER, PA Opposite Court House. Next Door to Park Theatre. Sunday Dinners A Specialty. Meals 25 cts. Rooms 50 cts. Regular Rates sl. Local and Distance Phones. Hotel Waver ly South McKean Street, J.fcW HAWORTH, Prop'r., BUTLER, FA Steam Heat and Electric Light. The most commodious office in the city. Stabling in Connection. HOTEL ARANDALE, Bedford, Penn'a., Now open with increased attractions. Ar rangements have been made with the Springs Company for the famous mineral water to be brought to the hotel daily. Terms moderate. Write fortwioklot A LSI P -V SMITH, Props. IT Ife Butler People Should Patronize the § I i f Hotel Kelly | $ * is A. Kelly & Sons, Prop'rs., X; I; Cambridge Springs' Pa. ?t A first-class hotel, Just opened, x & in a charming country location, & in connection with the famous $ Mitchell Springs; evorythiug. new. modern aud up-to-date: Ijf further information with rates. « etc., cheerfully furnished on X * application; free carriages to sk fg and from all trains. '£ % f fuiij A :r ill? y ;jc %jc jj j SNYDER & THOMPSON West Jefferson St, Butler, Pa. LIVERY, BOARDING AND SALK STABLE. W J I,KNTY OF ROOM, ■ GOOD CARE AND FIRST CLASS EQUIPMENT. BIRD SNYDER, JAMES A. THOMPSON. People's Phone 109, Bell's Fhoue 59 BUTLER, THURSDAY, AUGUST fingers Avrak life's b.mty #Terywhert; Thinirs amall ani unregarded Beneath thy touch «hall change to fctfr With woman « tender insight Unspoken sorrow understand; The watcher s aching forehead Shall yield unto thy coaling hand- With woman's noble purity. Re Mi the snow white lilies ar«. Their ui wing heart shall beckon And tc the wanderer's gruidlng star. With woman's strercth eternal, Thy life, for ot;. rs freely civ, n. Bhail shine afar, iranalucent. Clear as the crystal sat of hoaTML —Carmen Sylva in North American Bctlfw. | MAROONED ON i J AN ISLAND, t £ i % 818 al7 AD. X Copyright. 1300, by CB. Lewi*. i-C-i'+'l :-♦+ ♦ If you had a chart you. you wottid see that Waifs Island is'a bit of a dot In the l aclflc ocean, lug a little south of the Lftv.ien Iljuoluiu tuiJ Vokoiiauia. Xow und thee it IT sighted by steamer or sailing ve»«el matkiag the but the great majority .t by -UU iuiles to the uorth. TU« traders < all there otet* i;aii/ for «U.r or f .el. but as tktri- tire i»o Inhabitants there can be u» ui; .e. It Is an island thrwe miles K'iig Wv on»- and a half broad and it UJ the surface by an e:irthiju*L.i I'tiers la but one spot where n laistilug « - an be maile t>v«-u in the calmest weather, na it» shores ar. rocki auil rise to a height of from » to I'Kl feet Much of the island !i wooded. ftSd bowldars lie a!>out every where, an>l it is probably one of th;> loneliest sj'ota In the universe. For some reav'Hi which no can kiyUiin no biixls are ever f"uud there, nor is there anj animal life. The only living things are land crabs. an«i tuey are of such f.itf and firrcenaaa that traders have iiad t<> flee before them. In the yi'ar 18fl! the bark Restless sailed out of Snn Franclsoo on a voy age to Ja; in and China She ha.l Ju>t been purchased by a man named Rob ort Weftail, v ho \va< little knowu. but had suddenly made a lot of money, aLd the cargo wn« also unr«tiy hi a. He went with his ship. niifV* fate bef. il him which read* stranger than Action of the sea. lie -PUS a landsman, know ing nothing of shipa and sailors, and it transpired that the captain he selected WHS a thoroughly bad man, while the mate was iittie better. It was proba bly the captain'a i'lea from tiie outset to get possessiou of the ship, but West all's suspicions were not aroused until after they hud called at Honolulu and resumed the voyage. Then he over heard observations among the crew which alarmed him. and he went to the captain with his statements. He was told without any beating around the bush that the bark was to change hands. He was to be marooned on Wakes Island, and she was to pursue her voyage as captain and crew decid ed. It was one man against IS, and of course lie was helpless. Neither threats nor promises had the slightest effect, and when he stormed he was cautioned to bold his temper, or h? would !,* set afloat in a small boat to perish of thirst and starvation. When tlie island wns finally reached. West all was ordered Into a boat to tie rowed ashore. >'" i a pound of provision« or an extra artlole of clothing was to go with him. He was not cvan to have the means of kindling a f.re. Rendered desperate by the situation, he made a fight for it. but was soon knocked senseless by the blow of a capstan bar, and while in that condition was rowed ashore and dumped on the beach. When he recovered consciousness, the Rest less was saiitng away and was aiready miles distant. Jules Verne has told how u aallor cast away on a desert island almost naked managed to live almost luxu riously and provide for his every want. The difference between imagination and reality was exemplified in West ail's case. He tried for days and days to produce fire by rubbing dry sticks together, hut he never succeeded. lie constructed a hut in the woods, but his food consisted of shellfish, roots and wild fruits, and there was no way to replace his elotblug. He soon found fresh water, and he also made the dis covery that the Fpot seemed accursed of all living tilings except the laud crabs. As a rule these loathsome crea tures did not bother him during day light, but as soon as the sun went down they swarmed over the whole island. They were gigantic In size, and his only way of escaping them was to climb « tree. lie built a plat form among the limbs ten feet from the earth, and ever* night during ills long stay he resortetPto it. About once a month, generally at midday, the crabs would swarm by the million aud hold possession of the island for two or three hours. At sucli times the noise made by their claws as they passed over rock and soil was almost ileafenlng nud gave him a great scare. While the man speedily recovered from the blow ou the head given him on shipboard, his lonely situation soon began to tell on his mind. One day, at the end of three months, he found that lie had forgotten his own name. It was two hours before It came to him, and then, fearful that it might go out of his miud for guod, he carved his Initials on the bark of a tree with a sharp stone. After making the cir cuit of the island three or four times he settled down near the landiug place, und every day for weeks and months and years he hoped that some trader would put in or some ship send iu her boat. Traders did call on three or four occasions, but he missed them. Once he was asie<*p in the tree top: again he was ill. On a third occasion the crabs were out In such numbers that the trader grew afraid aud put off aa soon as he had touched. You will wonder how u man could have lived for a month as Westall lived for three years. For eight mouths there wa * -peeies of wild fruit some thing like a plum. Now and then a fish left by the tide for him to cap- V'lt' he had to eat them raw. stors and mussels and » the rocks, but after hardly force himself tL> ... iu. Iu six mouths his boots were j,oue nid his clothing was in tatters, and as the days dragged away the man had It on his mind that his memory was failing him. When a year had gone by, he could no longer recall his identity. The initials on the t.' >1 for a dozen different names to I .ui six months later he was little bettei ti;.•* ;i 'i wild beast. Duriug his second yt-;u, had he thought to erect some sort of signal at the landing place—some such signal as a sailor would have made—he would probably have been rescued, as two or three traders came in for water, but he did not even heap up stones or set up a bush to attract attention. He had ex isted on the island three yea/s aud two weeks when the American whal ing ship Jonathan aatwhed there fer water. I was !u the boat first sent psliore. aiid while waiting for the wa ter cask? to arrive 1 followed a path up Into the woods and discovered West nil on tils platform. I believed L!m at lliM to be some monster gorilla. The weather bad turned him almost Mack, his hr.lr was long and matted, an<+ he was without clothing. As be came tumbling down I ran away and gave the alarm. That frightened him, and seven rne:i of us spent half a day In h!s capture. He fought us with the greatest ferocity, and for a long time we could not make out lila nationality, lie chattered a queer Jargon or sulked, nud we had put In nt a Japanese port before we could keep clothing on him. I was one of the apprentice boys on the ship. and. as the wild man had tnken a great liking to me and I seem ed to b« the only one who could control him. the American consul advised that I be left behind with the man while the ship tnadu a three months' circuit. Quarters were provided for us, and 1 was Instructed how to go to work In an effort to restore the poor fellow's mem ory Hy this time he had let fall enough to satisfy us that be was either English or American. We hn*l also connected him in a way with the miss lug ship Ke»t!pss. Stic had been re ported aa leaving Honolulu, but that was the last of her. I put up a black board and turned schoolmaster. I chalked down tho letters of the alpha ba ui*iU igures. drew pictures and tried to start his memory to work. For a month I had no luok. The man's piiud wn as blauk as night He tried hard suough, and he used to break down and almost daily, but he could not get hold of the end of the string. I had about given up all hope wlun one day as I was goiug through the usual performance memory came bark to him like a flash. He suddenly uttered a shout and sprang to his feet, and as I turned on him It was to find a new look on his face and to hear him shout: "It has come! It has come! My name Is Robert VS'estaill. ami I can re , member everything!" So it turned out, but the shock of re covery brought «V ou * liD Illness that confined him to his bed for weeks. Whed he could relate his story, the consul went to work to find out what had become of the Restless. Inquiries were made at all the ports of China ami Japan, but no news was obtained. The search was still being prosecuted when a sandalwood trader from one of the Philippines brought the consul some wreckage picked up three years ngone which proved that the bark had gone to the bottom in a gale encoun tered soon after sailing away from Wakes island. To this day there have been no tidings to alter this belief. The wretches who so coolly and de liberately planned the death of the shipowner by starvation did not live beyond a few days to enjoy their tri umph. The three years spent on the island made an old man of Westall be fore his time, and he never was clear headed ngnfn, but he lived for 15 years after and managed to get together quite a little property and to spend his last years in peace. A Good Snnki- Story. The latest authentic snake story Is from North Glenwood Farm, near Easton. one of the country places in Talbot county, Md. The other day a big black snake was seen emerging from ati lee pond. It was killed. A protuberance was noticed about the middle. The snake was chopped in two, and « porcelain turkey nest egg rolled out. Captain Noble Uoblnson was tenant on tho farm last year. Mrs. Robinson raised turkeys, using china eggs In their nests. She says that 14 months ago she missed the nest egg from a nest near the Ice pond. She supposed a boy who had the range of the meadow had taken It. When the egg from tlie snake was shown to Mrs. Robinson, she identified it as one she tad lost by a certain incised. mark upon It. The snake had carried the china egg 1-1 months In his vermiform appendix, apparently without appendi citis. Rut he must have thought very hard of it and that It was very singular that it couid not be digested. Conntrln That Teach Gardening. School gardens were established In Belgium mtrny years ago, aud it Is said that to them is due the prosperity of the rural population, the larger portion being engaged in truck gardening. Aft er the Introduction of agriculture into the public schools of Franco, by a law passed in ISBS school gardens increas ed in that country. Annual appropria tions have been devoted to an exten sion of the system in Switzerland since 1885. Time* Are Chanseil. "Flow's this?" said the farmer who wns reading a letter from his son at college. "Come here, Betsey. Harold Howard Augustus writes home that he wants money to pay his fencing bill. What on alrth does the boy mean?" "I 'spose it's the college pastur or somethln, Matthew. There's so many pernicketty tilings the poor boys at col lege have to do." "Ho, he! It's lessons in fencing he wants to pay for. Waal, now, that do beat all. I've been fencing for 40 year, and I never had to go to college to learn how." "But times air changed, Matthew. Fences ain't made as they was when we clim'ed them In Root hollow." "I expect that's so," said the old man thoughtfully. "He don't say whether It's a rail fence or a wire one, but 1 reckon he'll learn both ways. But I never thought a boy of mine would have to go to college to learn fencing. Times arw changed."—Chicago Times- Herald. Kind Friends. The neighbors were very kind to the widow. Some brought sympathy and good ad vice, others brought material cheer, food, raiment and the like. Still others, and these were the most considerate of all, came and told her how that she had aged ten in the three weeks since her husband's death. "How good of them!" exclaimed the widow and wept tears of gratitude.— Detroit Journal. A Summer Or*y. "1 *aw Madge today before she saw me, so she had to treat tne to ice cream soda." "That was pleasant." "Yes, and we both saw Maud before she saw us, so she had to treat." "Then you escaped scot free?" "No. Madge and Maud were out of money, ao I had to pay the stineet car fares home."—Chicago Record. Slnng on the Prairie®. The rural editor started violently. "How does It happen," lie asked, struggling to be calm, "that you art* paying your subscription In money and not In cord wood?" "Oh, I've got money to burn this year," said the farmer, with the nai vete so characteristic of his kind. — Detroit Journal. A CRY FOR WORK. God, (five mc work! To thee ! cry. The ba»y millions pa:s ice bv; They have n need fur such a* 1 0 Co.! of life, hast thou no need for me? W i: il< M to them, have I no worth to theef Not of thy children and yet doomed to be! 1 cry- to thee: Dear eyes upon nie naze. Dear loving eyes that MOW with hunger craie. O Father God, a father to thee prays! To work, only to work, with hand or brain, In sw.at of ! row. with labor's toil atid stain. The worker lias his joy for every pain. See. Lord, the useless hands are raised n high; From out despairing hearts is wrung the cry; Oh, listen ye, forever passing by! —Charlotte Klizabeth Wells in Outlook. o AcAcAO▲:AcA3cacaoAOAoAOAO ! I BBS 01«. I < I S How a Physician Saved a Life la an Unprofessional Way. O js. oToToToToToTooToToTofotofo It was springtime and noonday, ami the soft breath of the year seemed la den Mrtth fragrant promises of bloom and color, while over the wotxls was stealing a fairylikc mantle of green. On such a day and in such a scene as this Evangeline Ilohan felt as though the world should hold nothing of strife or pain or ugliness; indeed, the particular world in which she moved and breathed and had her being lirfd little but the surface knowledge that such things existed, for fate had favored Evangeline and, not content with bestowing on her beauty of per sou anil mind, had dowered her with the great gift of song iu its divine per fection. Now she sauntered down tho wind ing pathway that led from her castle terrace to the copse beneath. A man, following her with hesitating steps, as though he feared a repulse if he presented himself too suddenly, took courage to approach when the trees veiled them from the castle windows, and, though she made him welcome by neither word nor sign, walked at her side until the whim seized her to seat herself on a bank and search for the desultory (lowers that were beginning to peep here and there. It was at this moment that a visitor who had driven up to tho castle in a dogcart descended aud asked for Mile. Rohan. "I am afraid she is unable to see any one this morning," said the butler; "she Is resting for tonight." Dr. Ilarrowden knit his brows in per plexity. He remembered that the sing er had generously offered to throw open her castle to the public on that night aud to give the first entertain ment in her new theater for the benefit of a fund for wounded soldiers. All the country were clamoring for tickets. Fabulous prices had been paid even for standing room, and report said the diva, having spared no pains or expense to make the occasion a success, was about to eclipse herself in a new part, specially written and com posed for her, in an operatic adaptation of "Othello." "The matter Is a very urgent one," said Dr. Ilarrowden, after a pause. "I have a request to make of Mile. Rohan that can only be made personally. If you will risk her displeasure and allow me to make my way to her, I will taki all the blame. I may say it is a ques tion almost of life and death." The man, who knew Dr. Ilarrowder as one whose reputation, even in a vll lage practice, gave weight to his words yielded and, telling him that mademoi selle had taken the path toward the copse, led him through the conserva tory and directed him to the shortest way. He came so suddenly upon the little clearing where Evangeline was that neither she nor her companion perceiv ed him. She was standing up, a sin gular look on her beautiful face, which was bereft of its usual color, and both her hands were stretched out before her as though to ward off something that she dreaded and that yet fasci nated her. His face, a dark eyed, brown skinned one, with something in its southern in tensity that marred its handsomeness, must have worn a threatening expres sion, for she recoiled with a little cry of alarm and, turning, saw Dr. Ilar rowden as he stepped toward her. "Ah, doctor," she said, a little shak en still, but smiling, "it is a long time since I have seen you, which speaks well for my health, though not for my hospitality. But you are coming to night, I hope?" "You have asked me to the castle most kindly," he answered quietly, "but I am a busy man, as you know, mademoiselle, and have to deny myself many pleasures. I have ventured to intrude on you, for which you must please lay the blame solely on me, be cause I have a little patient down there in the village whose recovery seems to depend entirely on you." "On me!" "My patient is a little child who has been at death's door through fever and whose one desire, night and day, has |>een to hear you sing. AVe thought it a delirious fancy that would pass, but it seems that, had she been well, she was to have come up to the castle one day when you sang to the villagers and tiiat she lost her chance through this illness. She raves and weeps al ternately anf heavy rain)— Well, did you find the jyround very wet last night? Tommy Atkins—Oh, no, sir. Our blankets soaked up all the rain!— Punch. v», . A Modeat IteqneNt. n Warden—ls there anything I can do for you before you leave? Convict (whose term has expired)— i'er might gib me er lock of yer hair ter remember yer by.—New York Jour- HORSE COMFORTS. Stable Do loo* For Hot Weather, r.r.ill) miri i hoaply Mndo. The poor horse, the work horse of the f'.".in.-1-.r.Uy receives little besides ! v.i and an occasional brushing i'tv o*. ••i.urre dirt which covers his :'!1 horse owners will agree th. sturdy, faithful t>eust of bur den of the farm of all animals on the place deserves good care. The prac tice of watering horses engaged In heavy farm work between meals adds greatly to the comfort of the animals and makes them more willing in the performance of their tasks. Not any great quantity is necessary or desired, but a few niouthfuls to relieve the m pi m£ 'k FIO. I—BARN DOOR IX TWO PARTS. mouth and throat from dust, just as you want a swallow or two from the spring between meals. Then there Is the excellent practice, not so common as it should Ik\ of using a sponge and water freely, especially on the parts of the horse covered by the harness, at the close of the day's work. One can scarcely Imagine the comfort the cleansing of these parts gives to the horse, as well as the washing out of mouth and nostrils and the sponging of his neck and head. The chief discomforts of the horse, however, are found In the dark and poorly ventilated stables and especially on hot summer nights. The illustra tion shows how stables with door and windows can be arranged to provide good light and ventilation without ad mitting flies or mosquitoes and all at a small expense. As a rule stables are too dark. The illustration of the barn door. Fig. 1, shows that the door is made in two parts, a plan of construction quite pop ular in some sections. The screen frame is made of inch stuff and is about three inches wide, braced at the corners. Upright pieces of the same material are screwed on as shown in the illustration. The distance apart these upright pieces should be placed epends upon circumstances—whether there is danger from thieves or if the horse should get loose in the stable, breaking the netting with its head. In such cases the upright strips should be placed closer together, otherwise four over the space will be ample. The wire doth or netting is used, which can be bought at hardware stores at 2 cents a square foot, and varies in width from 18 inches up. The screen Is made to swing Inside and is bolted when closed. The upper half of the door proper swings out In most cases and can be fastened to the side of the barn with hook and staple. In the event of a strong wind or rain storm this door can be closed and bolted from the inside without removing the screen. Pig. 2 shows how the same plan of screening the windows may be carried out. Most barn windows are made to slide, so that in this case the screen is also mude to slide, but In the opposite M II I I I I .fills I 11! 1111 FIG. II—SCKKEXKD WINDOW. direction from the window. It is thus very easy to slide either the screen or the glass sash whichever way may be needed over the opening. It will be no ticed that the artist has covered the window of glass with wire netting such as is used in poultry yard build ing. This is a good idea, especially if the window is in front of the horse where he can readily reach It, for of tentimes he will throw Ills head against the glass with sufficient force to break it and usually cuts his face more or less. Add to the small expense for materi al the little time and labor necessary to lonstruct the screens, and you have a comfortable stable during the summer for which the animals would render you grateful thanks if they could but speak, concludes the author of the fore going suggestions, originally made in Farm and Fireside. Tarnlps Down la Urowlng Oro DO. If flat turnips are sown among the growing crops of corn or other crops at the last hoeing in July or August, they will get a foothold so as to grow rapidly when the shading crops are re moved. Before frost comes many of them will have grown large enough to have become lit for table use, while th-.- others may be plowed under as green manure or they may even be left to freeze and rot where they are, sug gests American Cultivator. ANGORA GOATS. Grrnt ilrunh Exterminator* and aM| Caith l'roflt. As there is at present quite a boom In Angora goat farming all over the United States, which will no doubt very much increase the lilthcrtp only limited interest in this kind of live stock, the following from a writer In Country Gentleman is of Interest: For brushy pasture land, if at an elevation of from 400 to 500 feet nlK>ve the sea in the northern part of the Union to a minimum of 1,000 feet in the southern states, one can And no better paying live Btock than a good class of Angoras. Their meat is, if properly fattened, as far above that of the ordinary goat as that of the Shorthorn steer Is above the old Texus longhorn. It is superior to mutton, IK >caust\ while being fully us Juicy as Southdown meat ; It has not that excess of grease so much com plained of with all kinds of mutton. As brush exterminators they haven't their equul, and as bushes and trees draw more from the lower parts of the soil than grasses and weeds goats will improve brushy land much (juicker than sheep. Though sheep eat brush, they eat it only iu small and No. 31 more a* a seasoning while the principal diet of.a g(-at i* l>ru«li, ami they eat the gfass, as the sheep do the brush, merely as a condi ment. In fact. Angoras are "Vbe Ideal liru.sh exterminators, and they, do It at :i cash profit Instead of costlj Outlay, therefore Justifying In a measure the circular of a western Angora \reedef which was beaded, "licking" Gjjld From the Bushes." There are over 250,000.000 acres of land In the Union which are In reality unfit for anything else but pout pasture and almost the same number of acres more on which, though cattle and sheep do well enough. It takes the goats to make them really profitable. Therefore no fanner who owns land of the above description should be without his flock of Angoras, provided he can get them reasonably—via, at paying figures. Drvarf Eaaex Rape. The cut shows a single plant of Dwarf Essex raj>e as grown by a Mon tana farmer who has had wonderful success with It. lie regards It as one i f the greatest forage plants known. He cut It three times the first season for feed and the second season secured a tine yield of first class seed. ILai»e has been widely cultivated in the United States and Canada. Recent 6INGLE PLANT OP DWARF ESSEX RAPE. reports Indicate that Its area of useful ness. however, might be made to ex tend moro largely to the weet and northwest By the use of Irrigation excellent crops of rape can be grown in the semiarld regions, and It will with stand quite severe drought If well cuh. tivated. It makes an excellent feed for fattening sheep and 1s a valuable food for young lambs at weaning time. Rai>e will endure quite severe cold weather, and sheep can be pastured on It late Into the winter until the snow covers It up The Minor Services of Irrlsatloa. Irrigation performs a host of small services. In the nursery the budding season Is lengthened because a run of water will cause the bark to slip later in the season. In the English walnut orchard the nuts will be more readily discharged from the husks If an Irriga tion Is given a little in advance of the dropping time. Within certain limits fruiting can be timed by Irrigation and succession secured. This is especially true of small fruits. Strawberries can be made almost constant bearers In suitable thermal conditions and can have two main crops In the summer even where the winters are too cold for fruiting. Raspberries follow the same course, and ever bearing black berries are the ruling variety in- the warmer parts of the Irrigated region. Of course these performances of plants are dependent upon temperature condi tions as well as moisture condition* and upon the length of the growing season which the irrigated semitropical region enjoys, but the fact remains that the forcing summer heat of the more northerly regions could accom plish far more for the grower If he should arrange to have that benefi cence always attended by ample mois ture. Agricultural Brevities. Well worked soil and good drainage are essential for an asparagus bed. Cutworms and dry weather delayed |he planting of the tobacco crop In Connecticut The month of July is the proper time to introduce qneens and to substitute for worthless onea. Queens are cheap er then than at any other season, re marks Farm Journal. As a fresh application of bordeaux mixture will adhere to grapes and make the fruit unsightly the last spraying should bo made with a solu tion of six ounces of ammonia carbo nate and one ounce of copper carbo nate In ten gallons of water. Chemical fertilizers do not come up to barnyard manure as a sonrce ox plant food, the prepared soils with yard manure giving the best results, and yard manure gives the largest yield where irrigated, says the horti culturist of the New Jersey station. A Reflection I'pon Robbina. Deacon Short—Robblns gave me a lead quarter when I asked him to change a dollar for me. Friend—Did you get after him about it? "Oh, no. have any trouble in passing it.—Harlem Life. Eullr Refute*. Railway Agent—Our railway, mad am, is strictly up to date in every re spect. Madam—Nonsense! Look at this wo man on your excursion folder. Her sleeves have been out of style for three years.—Chicago Record. ARROW SHOTS. Which, It la to Be Hoped, Will Hit Some Target. I shot an arrow into the air; It fell to the earth; 1 know not where. —Longfellow. Most people seem to need killing. It Is a good deal to know what not to do. Often the hardest shelled nut has the least in it. There may be prominent people that you don't know. Before marriage lots of fellows carry the parasol, and after marriage the wo men have to carry even the water. Some girls measure a good time by how late they stay up at night Some preachers have such ugly whis kers that they ought to be good. There are more people who fool their money away than there are who save It When a girl goes visiting, she takes a trunk big enough for a travellnt man. We are always finding people who would be great If they only knew more. The smaller the town the more prom inently the inhabitants wear their lodge pins. It Is not the magaeine with the high est colored covers that contains the best reading. Save us from the man who has noth ing to do. The busy man never takes up anybody's time. Alex Miller in Washington Democrat