Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 02, 1900, Image 4

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    S Mid-Summer Saleg
® oF 8
SBf Reduced prices on Odd Lots and Summer Goods to ||S
makp room for the new Fall Goods. jg
>C yards of Tapestry Brussels Carpet in a floral pattern suitable
for most anv room. The price was seventy-five cents, now. .. 65c
Full rolls of Brussels Carpet with red ground and floral pattern fegv
jj39 suitable for a parlor. A beautiful carpet; the price was 80c now JSsS
reduced to 75c pgE
Patent Extension Table that carries its own boards; quickly ad-
Sgg justed Size of top when closed 45x50 in. Can be extended to 6or 8 ft. eSr
a3jj/ The finish is golden oak; it's well made and nicely finished.
yrvj xhe factory was burned down and will not be rebuilt, so yon can bjt
SSa buy the sl7 one for Sl2 |gC
Odd lots of framed pictures at reduced prices. S< >me that fcji
jSI <t3.50 now reduced to 51.50 y-*m
Others that sold for three fifty selling at A few
were 50c reduced to
I Campbell g Templetonj
throughout the house—-every
shelf and box to be emptied
This 1900 Shelf-emptying Sale is the greatest money-saving op
portunity ever offered you, and the fact that it is an entire new stock
of up-to-date seasonable goods we intend to sacrifice, makes it the
most attractive — -not SIOO worth of stock in this house one month.
We re-opened our store after our recent fire on June 12th, so every
thing is new, clean, stylish and desirable, but the season is late and
we have too much stock for this time of year. Sale to continue all
through July.
Silks, Dress Goods, Millinery, Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, Silk
Waists, Wash Waists, Separate Skirts, Jackets, Lace Curtains, Wrap
pers, Art Goods, Wash Goods, White Goods, Laces. Embroideries,
Trimmings, Hosiery, Underwear, Muslins, Calicoe3,Ginghams, Chevi
ots. It will pay you to see this valuable new stock at the sacrifice
prices we have put on every article in the house.
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman,
N. B.—Any person desiring a Fashion Sheet mailed to them can
have one by sending us a postal card with name and postoflfice ad
dress. Our mail order list was destroyed in the fire of April 24th.
At the Old Stand, Corner Main and Jefferson
Streets. Butler.
«mm ■ -• ~
HuseltoiVs Shoes
Takes all sorts of Shoes. Small stores can't have big assort
ments. If you care how you and yours are shod, COME HERE!
But Oxfords^
That seems to be the cry. We're going to give our patrons the
best Oxford and Shoe opportunities that they'll hear of for many a day.
Will appreciate our Street Oxfords
shown here in great variety and not
There are soft and velvety black and
brown "Kids," cool Russia and swell
Patents. $1 00, tl 25, $1 50 and *2 00
bays a prettier tie here than anywhere
Low in prices; for style and wear,
away ' 'up in O." Any price yon want
to pay.
Who work out in all sorts of weather,
we have special shoes that protect, j
absolutely wet proof, but don't cost but
sl, $1 25, $1 50 and f2 00.
Just the cutest and daintiest
yon ever saw at 25c, 85c and 50c.
Butler's Lending Shoe Bouse. Opposite Hotel Lowry.
Our 25c box papers.
Our ioc and 15c fine writing
paper tablets.
Blank books at the old price.
Albums bought before the ad
Kodaks with a special discount
in January.
Photograph supplies always
Sporting goods.
Late fiction.
Bibles cheaper than ever.
Everyday needs at everyday
prices. At
Eagle B'l'd.
Wall Paper.
Next Door to Postoffice.
Any woman who will take the trouble
to compare ours with others would not
think of buying anything but Queen
Quality for Women and only $3.00.
at $1 50. 00 and #2 50, are the slick
est shoes that ever came to town. It
tickles the women half to death to see
the way they fit. These will cost you
50c more a pair at other stores.
Are Your Children's Feet
Properly Fitted?
It's an outrage to fit growing feet in
a manner repeatedly called to our at
tention the past few weeks. If you
want your children to have faultless
feet, START NOW! and have us fit
them with Nature-shape shoes.
1 y y~ %y y )jc % »*i* %% %
Cleveland Berea Grit |
$ Suitable for Building,
ip Ornamental and 4
Paving purposes.
I This Stone Will Not "Shell Off." |
I Prices reasonable.
Work done well £
* and promptly. *
x Stone yards on
East Etna street. J
* Residence on
¥ Morton avenue.
People's Telephone'32o.
I Milk Cans!
heaviest and most service- 1
| able milk cans made. r
i< 1 > 5 gal. Cans $lB per doz. ( C
i' I Try Our Cans. , (
<j> I. i. KING, X
I | *532 Grant St., Pittsburg, Pa.' #
It is not only beautiful women
batin orer. the mirror in the morning.
Anxious women who are watching the wast
ing of their beauty, stand before the mirror
and note the
I S<; 1 increasing
jy I I s- lines etched
iv AJ aC'y P ain abou '
V\ a the mouth
l 4 i anl eyes.
Thousands of
jffiTMßv K such women,
ll*■ li£\ wrecked in
s '*& body in
ilrv' disposition
r \ti -QWsSvK''' haggard,
IQ nervous, irri
[3 /I /Tgn\j(\\ \ table, cross,
i ,_// / have by tiie
""~.~^f r -// VfTj'l 1 use of Doctor
f\ iJ Jn Si; li Pierce's Fa
7*l vSM \A ® vorite Pre
nmfiw scription
' M il | : L_ X - been entirely
l/J I i P.F- cured, ana
ILii ILLJ-ILI ' «u.) vatchcd with
delight the progress of the cure, marked
by brightening eyes, reddening cheeks,
and rounding form.
Woman's general health depends largely
upon the local health of the organs dis
tinctively feminine. Irregular periods in
maidenhood, followed after marriage by
debilitating drains, and the common con
sequences of motherhood, inflammation,
ulceration, and displaced organs, ruin the
general health. These conditions are en
tirelv removed by "Favorite Prescription,''
the body blossoms in a new beauty, and the
mind is entirely freed from gloom and de
spondency. "Favorite Prescription''is nota
stimulant, containing no alcohol or whisky.
"In October ISS9I gave birth to a baby and the
treatment I received at the hands of the midwife
left me with female weakness," writes Mrs.
Cordelia Henson, of Coalton. Boyd Co Ky I
had no health to speak of for three years I had
another baby which was the third child. My
health began to fail and I had three miscarriages
so I found myself completely worn out I had
so many pains and aches my life was a burden
to me ana also to all the family, for I was nerv
ous and cross and I could not sleep Just after
my last miscarriage (in rSo6) I was taken with a
severe pain in left side. Had four doctors come
to see me but at last I found I was slowly dying.
The doctors said I had liver, lung and uterine
trouble. I was in tied for months and when I
did get up I looked like a corpse walkiSg about.
I commenced to take Dr. Pieree'g Golden Med
ical Discovery. Favorite Prescription.' and ' Pel
lets.' and ever since then I have been a well
woman At mv monthly period now, I have no
pain. My cheeVs are red and my face is white,
but before it was as yellow as saffron."
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief.
It cures Piles Or Hemorrhoids—External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or
Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im
mediate—cure certain.
It cares Burns and Scalds. The tliet
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and
Sore Nipples. Invaluable.
It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects,
Mosquito Bites and Sunburns.
Three Sizes, 25c., 50e. and SI.OO
Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of prico
Cor. William <fc John St*.. SEW 10RK,
The Brain and Nerve Food
and Medicine, Quiets Irri
tated Nirves, Soothes the
tired Brain* Builds op the
Vital Powers ol the Body
U Contains no Opiates not
other harmful drugs,
Sid drug stores on a positive ft:ar
untti- vVrltfc for tree advide and booklet to
6f. Mil* Mrtito t®. &khart |n<|.
7 Nothing elflo adds so much V
" : I to the charm of the drawing B
u : I room or boudoir an the soft ly radi- R
: J ant li/cht from CORDOVA Oaudlen. ■
i jfe-j) Nothing will contribute more to tb«» ■
yuJJJ artistic suecesu of the luncheon, H
tea or dinner. The best decorative M
candles for tho simplest or the I
fair? most elaborate function—for rot- g
tage or mansion. Made iu all colors R
and tho mont delicate tints by
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House Butler Penn'a.
The best of horses and first class rigs al
ways on hand and for hire.
Best accommodations in town for perma
nent boarding and transient trade. Speci
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
HA good class of horses, both drivers and
draft horses always on hand and for sale
underafullguarant.ee; and horses txmght
pon proper notification by
I elephone. No. 219.
I wish to sell my
Residence on Ziegler Ave.,
lot 561110, and a good comfortable house
of ten rooms, with water and sewerage,
$2000; also a small house on Hickory St.,
three rooms and finished attic, $600; also
a modern house on Hickory St., lot
40x125, six roomed house, with well of
water, f 1,700; also mv horse, (a good
dliver,) buggy, robes, etc.
312 Ziegler Ave., Butler, Pa.
The Keystone Orchestral
Is now ready for engagements for Par
ties, Picnics and Dances, and Guarantee
the best of music at reasonable rates.
Prof. Gus Wickenhagen,
223 Ziegler Ave., Butler, Pa
a postal card to
f I IIT* or call up No. 41
9NE^-)MKfr-)El'hone or Bell
122-3 ar| d
new wagon, ruuning to and from his
Steam Carpet-Cleaning
establishment, will call at your house
take away your dirty carpets an«l return
them in a day or two as clean as new.
All on a summer morning—Carpets,
rug 3 and curtains thoroughly cleaned on
short notice.
W. S. & E. WICK~
Bough and Worked Lumber of a'.l Kinds
, Doors, Sash and Mouldings.
Oil Well a Specially.
< >fTi<-«• and Yard.
E. Cunningham and Monroe Sts.,
near West IV-mi Depot.
ifejjj? *b (§M!filffißlfs
Their Culture Very Popular—A dum
ber of Fresh Facts About Thcni,
Professor F. William Rune of New
Hampshire, who has carried on consid
erable experimental work with musk
melons at the stato station, says in a
recent report that next to the straw
berry there has been no garden crop in
which the public has shown more in
terest. Among other valuable points
from his experience Professor ltanu
notes the following:
AinonK the Interesting things found
out In studying the muskmelon Is that,
■while we have considered this fruit to
be monoecious, generally speak in sr. I
And it Is perfect. Out of 1)3 varieties
examined the pistillate, or feuicle blos
soms, contained stamens and pollen In
S3. The remaining ten to all appear
ances were moiueeious.
Upon consultation of the literature
upon the subject as far as I was able
to go the fact is not recognized, dray's
".Vanual of Botany" says. "The {low
ers are dioecious or monoecious."
Planting and transplanting were
made out of doors on June 1. the hills
being similarly prepared. -The trans
planted plants were obt.Sned by start
lug the seed in thumb pots and then
transplanting into a four inch pot, from
these hardening off i:i a cold frame,
then transplanting. The transplanted
hills were earlier and tip to Sept. 5
were In advance from point of yield.
Subsequently, however, the planted
hills outyieldod. The experiment In
point of earliness shows but compara
tively few fruits, but ten days In the
extreme of cases and but a few days
In the majority In favor of transplant
ed plants.
As to "pinched" versus "unpinched"
vines, the conclusion points to but lit
tle if any gain from pinching or "head
ing In" the muskmelon when grown
out of doors.
The hills were thinned to three plants
each on July 12. Cultivation was kepc
up at frequent Intervals until the
plants covered the ground. During ex
tremely dry times the melons were Ir
rigated from the main college water
system. Not much was gained, how
ever, as a neighboring plot, under simi
lar conditions, but without water, was
equally productive. The melon appears
able to withstand drought as well as
almost any garden crop.
The stripeil squash beetle was very
numerous and troublesome. We found,
however, that old slaked lime and
gypsum were equally as valuable as
tobacco dust in keeping them away.
When they were very thick, the young
plants were completely dusted or coat
ed with these substances. Even when
tobacco dust is used it is necessary to
watch the young plants closely and
repeat the application whenever neces
sary. This trouble, however, does not
last long, but for a week or so, until
the .plants get a few true leaves. It
must be attended to.
The Onion Thrlps.
The effect of the thrlps on the onion
is known as the "white blast," from
the fact that the tops are prematurely
whitened and become wrinkled and
shriveled. Onion growers are familiar
with the fact that the depredations of
this insect appear earliest and are the
most emphasized along the margins of
fields or plots or In spots over the
fields. The reason for this is that the
insect winters over In these places. It
makes Its way from the grassy mar
gins or from the grassy banks of ditch
es to the rows of onions adjoining. It
winters over in the piles of culled on
ions and refuse in the fields and l>eglns
its work there, spreading from thence
outward. Wherever the grass and
weeds along ditches can be rooted up
and destroyed It prevents the harbor
ing of this pest. Wherever the old, dry
grasses and weeds along the margins
of onion plantations can be burned the
effect will be to destroy myriads of the
pest and to prevent their breeding the
coming season. With frequent drench
ing rains there is not much likelihood
of a severe outbreak, but in case of
drought the insect is likely to work
more or less serious injury in the ex
tensive onion ilelds of Ohio, says a
bulletin of the state station, which rec
ommends the following remedy:
A spray of one i>ound of whale oil
soap dissolved in eight gallons of wa
ter will destroy the pest, and the use of
this mixture is recommended on the
first appearance of the Insects In the
fields. At time of first api>earauce it
will probably only be necessary to
treat very small areas along the mar
gins of fields or the small, isolated spots
previously mentioned in order to per
manently check their Increase.
The Conpea In the Jiorth.
A good thing Is injured and brought
Into disrepute by too zealous advo
cates. The cowpea is one of the most
Valuable plants that have been brought
kito public notice for a good many
years, but there Is a northern limit to
its region of growth beyond which It
is not profitable to grow it. Because a
single grower in Wisconsin has obtain
ed some growth on the cowpea is no
sign that It will do to grow generally
in that state. In fact, It has been found
that as far north as the northern part
of Illinois the season is too short to
permit the cowpea to obtain a growth
that will make it even serviceable for
plowing under, much less for the mak
ing of hay.
The seed must always be purchased I
In the south If good results are to be
expected. The plant seems to lie a
natural ally of red clover, and the two ;
plants overlap each other from the re
gions where each does best.—Farm,
Field and Fireside.
HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil
iousness, Indigestion, Headache.
Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days.
Its action upon the system is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at once the
causes and the disease immediately dis
appears. The first dose greatly benefits;
75 cents; Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. F.
nilnh Drug-cists Butler \t>r q6.
r Purebloodmerms life,health, (J
*1 vigor— no room, for disease J J
Jt) where the veins are filled ( |
II vrith rich, red corpuscles. < k
SLiitdsey's Improved?
i> Blood Searcher I
111I II takes pure blood—cures scrof- <j I
| i ala, erysipelas, pimples, boils, j I
|fc sore eyes, scald head—blood dis- <j >
p eases of all forms. Here's proof: #
5 JJr. I/inasey'3 Mood Searcher has i
F ttTO'kcdwondersvithJne. Ihavobcen F
m, troubled-with Scrofulaforihirtyvears M
15, V-iii I find that Dr. £mcfcey*a jTil< ><a
( * Bearcher will effect a permanent CUIO r
f! In u. ciiorfc limo. It'avrrmderfaj. m
J, c. w. LixscarT. >
j prrrsßUßQ* PA. S
j 00. 1
139 South Main street-
OverS haul & Mast's Clothing Store
One Srkrmc Which the Glrl*» »frn
Parent Would >"ot Sanction.
"Flease, mamma, please!"
"Papa, I beg of you do not refuse!"
CordeliaPasdetout clung wildly about
her fond but obdurate mother's neck
and rained kisses • upon her cheeks,
while Anastasi.i, her sister, did like
wise to her father.
But their pleading seemed of no
avail. The elder Pasdetouts shook
their gray heads firmly In negation,
though It was evident that the neces
sity of refusing their daughters' re
quest pained them beyond measure.
Gently, but with decision, as one
shakes a hard shelled crab from out a
scalp net, the parents disentangled
their daughters' arms from their shoul
ders; then, mastering his emotions, the
father 6ald:
"No, Anastasla and Cordelia, what
you ask of us Is too much! Never be
fore have we refused a request of
yours. We have moved from city to
city, from state to state, to the injury
of my business and the destruction of
your mother's health, In order to de
ceive people as to your ages. For the
last ten years It has been nothing but
move on for 11s, for every time the peo
ple of one place would begin to suspect
your true ages you have Insisted on us
packing up and going elsewhere, that
you might start anew at 22 and 23. re
spectively. We have submitted to this
nomadic life for our love of you, but
your most recent demand Is too much.
We absolutely refuse!"
The daughters sobbed like anything.
In fact, they sobbed like everything.
But their firm parent remained firm.
"No," continued Mr. Pasdetout; "we
will not, absolutely will not, celebrate
our silver wedding again in order to
prove to people that you two cannot
be over 24 at the outside! The Idea!"—
Harper's Bazar.
A Health Prmlnoer Which I* Avail
able Everywhere.
There Is ao doubt that wo do not
drink enough. Our bodies consist
largely of water, and the average man
needs to drink from four to six pints
of water daily In order to maintain
health. This Is the amount of water
eliminated from the body by means of
the kidneys, the skin and lungs. It is
evident that a fresh supply Is constant
ly needed to supply tills lost aid In the
process of digestion and carry away
•waste matter.
If the amount of water imbibed Is
not sufficient for all this, the health
must suffer. Air, water and
the essentials of life in the order given.
A person can fast a long time —ex-
periments have proved this—but that
same person could not get along with
out water for that length of time.
As a usual thing women are the ones
who suffer the most from an Insuffi
ciency of water. Mothers should SP£
to It that their children have plenty of
water to drink.
There is a diversity of opinion re
garding drinking at naaals. Some as
sert that the practice Is Injurious, as It
dilutes the gastric juice. Others again
claim that a glassful of pure drinking
water taken during the process of mas
tication is healthful. On one point,
however, all authorities agree—namely,
that Ice water is injurious.
Generally speaking, the theory advo
cated by the best physicians nowadays
is to drink often rend much. Iticleanses
the system, increases circulation and
helps to make a clear complexion.
Therefore, ye men and -women, the lat
ter especially, drink. Take clear, pure,
sterilized water and be thankful so
simple a remedy of nature Is near at
hand.—TaWe Talk.
Fireproof Safes.
"For city use In modern "buildings,"
Vsa'.d a safe manufacturer, "safes aro
nowadays made thinner walled than
formerly, thus giving them more room
inside In proportion to the space the
safe occupies. The modern building
Is fireproof, or substantially so, v and in
case of tire the safe does not fallidown
through the burned floors Into almass
of burning debris in the cellar, J>ut It
stays where it has been placed, vsup
ported by the steel floor beams of the
room and, wdth less around it to butn,
subjected to.comparatively less heat.
"Under such conditions the thin wall
ed safe is as fireproof as the thick wall
ed safe would be under the conditions
In which it is used In the old style
buildings, for use In which the thick
walled safe is still commonly sold."—
New l'ork Sun.
Jfint Like a Man.
Biggs» (to cabman)— What (will you
charge 'to take me and my wife to
Blank's- hotel?
Cabman —One dollar, air.
Biggs—And how much for taking me
Cabman—The,same—one dollar.
Biggs (to hls'wife)—There, imy dear,
you see how much you are valued at. —
Chicago News.
I and My.
The pronouns "1" and "njy" are
greatly to be avoided In general con
versation. "I" do this or that"my"
children are so and so; "my" cook,
"my" house, "my" equipages—such
Iteration sets terribly ou the nerves of
the listener, besides being in very,bad
form. —New York Tribune.
"This man," said the keeper softly,
"Imagines he has millions."
"Isn't that nice?" answered the vis
itor. "Whenever he needs money all
he has."to do is to draw on his imagina
tion.'*—Kansas City Times.
A Drift Inn Wreck.
"What is a skeptic, pa?"
"Well, the most hopeless kind of
skeptic is a woman who has lost her
faith In doctors."—lndianapolis Jour
In summer pure whiskey
of cool qtulily is far
superior to any drink known.
Its action on the blood is also
healthful and often pre\ ents
lone continued disease.
Wo offer the choice of the hclow brands of
whiskey guaranteed pure and over six years
old. at s! .00 per full quart or six quarts >"».
( KKMIfcIUKU. 1111.1 iX. Kit.
i «:i>. Nl'ori.
C i. .„ >• r'A'l
a whiskey guarante :Iyears old, 32.00 per sral.
All C. O. i». or mail orders of $5.00 or over we
box and ship promptly; express charge pre
We have no agents to represent us. send
orders direct and s ivo money.
411 Water Street
Telephone, 2175. Pittsbina. 1 t.
Opposite B & O. Depot.
Tills Is Your Opportunity.
Oi^receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay tover ( ure
(Ely'e Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
56 Warren St, New York City.
Rev. John iteid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if nsad as directed."
Kev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the_ acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents.
WANT F.l> Honest man or woman to irave
fur I a rue house; salary »>■"> monthly and
penses. with ln. rtase; position perman
-1 Jinrlose -elf-addiesstd stamped envelope.
ANAUEIt, 3io t axti n bldg., Chicago.
July Clearance Sale
Will Eclipse all Others Ever Made or Heard of.
I ( | Suits of Clothing will be sacrificed for ONE-HALF of their
; " former price.
This means hundreds of dollars loss to us and hundreds of dol
lars saved to you.
In our eagerness to supply the demands of our customers we
bought entirely too many goods. This and other reasons which we
wi'l make known later, is why we ofter the public these new goods
Sale Will Commence July 13.
Come in and bring a friend with you; look over the Men's,
Boy's and Children's Clothing, try them on, and if you see a suit
that pleases you pay A of what it sold for and take it along.
Romomhpr these S ° ods arc all mar ked ' n P' a in figures
LLv IHL -IlUt I anc | y OU can sec j ust w ], a t they sold for. Do
not wait till they are picked over, but come right away, even if you
have to miss a day's work, for it will pay you.
Below we quote some of our prices:
$16.50 SUITS FOR $8.25
15.00 " " 7.50
14.00 " " 7.00
12.50 " " 6.25
10.00 " " 5.00
8.50 " " 4.25
7.0° « " 3.75
5.00 " " 2.50
No goods taken back at this sale,
1 ] 8 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
Tri-Weekly Tribnne 3 *
The first number of THE TRI-WEEKI,Y TRIBUNE was published Nove tnbe
20th, 1N99. The immediate and cordial welcome accorded it from Eastern and
Western States insured an u nexatnpled success.
It is published 011 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and each number is a
complete, up-to-date daily newspaper, with all important news of the world up to
hour of going to press.
Contains all striking news features of THE DAILY TRIBUNE. Special War
Dispatches, Domestic and Foreign Correspondence, Short Stories, Humorous Illu
strations, Political Cartoons, ludustrial Information, Fashion Notes, Agricultural
Matters, Comprehensive and Reliable Financial and Market Reports.
Profusely illustrated with half tones and portraits of prominent people.
Regular subscription orice $l5O per year, but we furnish it
And The CITIZEN 1 Year for $2.00.
NEW YORK For nearly sixty years the leading National
WEEKLY TRIBUNE. for progressive farme.s and
Its Agricultural Department is unexcelled, and Market Reports an authority
for the country.
Contains all the news of the Nation and World, with interesting and instruc
tive reading for every member of every family on every farm and in every village
in the United States.
Regular subscription price SI.OO per year, but we furnish it
And THE CITIZEN 1 Year for $1.50.
Send all orders to THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa.,
£ 5 m
gj DIAMONDS, J 4 "
00 j WATCHES, I ®
oj CLOCKS, j
2 2 We repair all kinds of #
Broken Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. 2
£ Give our repair department a trial. p
m i We take old gold and silver the same as cash. J m
PAPE'S, J 55
F 5 122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. J 5
A quick and sure cure for Rheumatism, Gout. Lumbago Neuralgia and
Sciatica is Dr. Holton's Rheumatic Tablets.
Dr Holton's Rheumatic Tablets give almost instant relief and is prepared from
oneof the very best formulas known for that disease. It is the result of deep and
untiring research of a hospital specialist. .
Price 50c a box of sixty tablets. Prepared only by The Ilolton Chemical Co.,
N. Y., sold by
ioq N. Main St„ Butler, Pa.
Anton Krut, Jr.,
Wholesale and Retail FLORIST.
Choice Roses, Carnations, Palms, Ferns and Bedding Plants
nprOß ATIONS and CUT FLOWERS always on hand and furnished for all
oCcJtaS ™te by .» experienced
designer who has had 15 years' experience in Pittsburg.
Main Office at Butler Green Houses, West of Court House,
232 Lincoln Street, on the Island. . . c .
Branch Office, Arlington Hotel Building, South Main Street.
People's Phone 355-2, Main Office, Green Houses.
355-3, Office on South Main Sireet.
Orders by mail or telephone promptly attended to.
devoted to the growth of Cut Flowers and I-lowering Plants only.
Pittsburg Academ^
1-*- PITTSBURG'S LEADING SCHOOL. Diploma admits to College. , OfttK 1
f Hnnnc ) Elocution, Classics. Scientific, Nonnd. > ZUIVI 1
UpenS ) commercial, Drawing. Btenography and TyiMWitlng. ? 1
\ Modern Languages. Military Training. Seventeen ableai|«i *
1 4- ') experienced teachers. Call at office or send for hand-book. ( ' *4
t ocpu TI j WARREN LYTLE. President, Cor. Rost and Diamond Sts. u mMi
Now is The Time to Have
Your Clothing
if you want gooU and reliable
cleaning or dyeing done, there is
just one place in town where you
can get it, and that is at
The Butler Dye Works
216 Center avenue-
do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of to have a picture ot
your house. Give us a trial.
Agent for the Jatueetown Sliding
Blind Co.—New York.
Funeral Director.
245 S. Main St. Butler. PA
Pianos Tuned, Voiced and
Now is the time to have your
Piano looked after. You want a
reliable man to do the work, not
one that is here today and gone
tomorrow. "Tramp Tuners gen
erally half do their work if they
know how to do it at all. A great
many pianos get the blame when
the tuner (?)is at fault. lam here
to stay and guarantee all work.
J. C CANER at Newton's
Music Store, or 109 Water Street,
Hutlur, Pa.
Instruction given on all instru
WANTED— Bonefil nuin or woman totrave
for large house; salary monthly and
expenses, with increase; position perman
ent ;Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope
MANAGER, £lO CaxtoD bldg., Chicago.
I Heading Millinery House:;
:: Clearance Sale I:
;! 122 SOUTH MAIN ST., |
old Butler County, and as we are one the oldest firms
still in the ring, we deem it our duty to celebrate in a measure, that
is, by making it the ''BANNER YEAR" of our business.
Wt have just opened and placed on exhibition, and we may
add, on Sale, one of the most complete lints of SPRING GOODS
ver brought into this city. In this line the following are " ncluded:
Punjab Percales, Lawns, Dimities,
Silk Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries,
Puffing, All Overs.
We have no hesitation in - ,ing that we have the Largest, Most
Complete, and best assorted stock of CARPET in Butler County, in
cluding the celebrated Hartford Axminster, Sanford & Wilson's Wil
ton Velvet, the old reliable Body Brussels, I, 2, and 3-f.ly Ingrain,
Rugs of every price and description, Art Squares, Druggets, and our
"Centei.nial Rug," size 36x40 inches, all-wool, at 25 cents e.uY, a
veritable celebration in itself.
Butler, Pa.
.— -i.
1 Patterson Bro's
3rd Mid"Summer
jClearance Sale of
Sale Begins Monday, July 23rd.
We have a large stock of all grades of wall paper and it must all
go as we do not intend to carry any goods over until next season.
Here is a money saving opportunity that you can not aflord to miss.
See our Remnant Bargain Counter. Window Shades at Cost.
Patterson Bros.,
236 North Main Street, Butler, Pa_j
Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 4-00
Clearance Sale
Great reduction in every article pertaining to MILLINERY.
A great variety of TRIMMED HATS for Ladies, Misses and chil
dren, all reduced to one half the former price. Sailors, ribbons,
chiflons, flowers, ornaments, straw, braids, nettings; also all uutrim
med hats, sacrificed at bargain sales, not regarding cost as we need
the space for fall goods. Sale will continue all during month of
August at
328 South Main Street, ------ Butler, Pa
Farm For Sale.
I will sell my farm in Washing
ton twp., located about three
miles west of North Washington,
containing about 150 acres, with
good house, barn, outbuildings,
springs and orchard, underlaid
with coal, and two producing oil
wells, on easy terms. Inquire ol
R. 0. Rumbaugh,
Nixon House, Butler, Pa.
You will find yourself if you don't
purchase a Cleveland or Crescent bicycle.
They are built like a watch and will last
for years Crescent $25.00 tr> f35.00
Cleveland $35.00 to $50.00. Good second
hand wheels SIO.OO. We carry a com
pute line of tires and bicycles parts; also
Cameras of all kinds and Photo Supplies;
also the Edison and Columbia talking
machines from *5-°° U P- A " ew i lot of
Records just received.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician-
Next to Court House.
l/rtiurpaiied f°r cure of C-UGHSt>C?LDS
Ifi decorated Tin Boxes - Poc^t
•25 O P ER BO:<
J ■ !
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Opticla
Next Door to Court House. Butler. Pa
(g% CkkkWi E«ua MHMi lilt
1 •fallal mm* Q»ly Bwh>. A
MFC, ftl'kf* LADICS ut XV
C H Ufikß Dr«c(lM tor flXriWiri
BM u4 <Wd MtoUteTCV
wtlk blee rtbboo. Taka \Jr
161 9%U|it atkar. Mtfutt
1 7 ?V*4msond tmilm*™ At Drocxtaia, traUlli
I U - 9 la atanpa far Mrtlnlui. t -Hiafch ul
\» 0 " R®Uef Tt LmAU*." * Urtar, bj rMnrm
JT Jfr lalL 10,000 Tirtmwhli, JTmm/M.
all CkJek cater OkMikal Ca,
1400 Ma&M Hmnmrrn. I'll ILA DA., PI
,r J^k # ta F "
" ",.3yt —DENTAL ROOMS.-- fc)
' ' 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Ft !»
i\ We'ro PR ACTIC A' YO^iifitl.
ri it CROWN *u«l rk , 1
I,' is. gSk of I'lttsburs—WHY kOT Di fJ
*.'VS /&IYOURS? U" 1 ' 1 CROWN; ,
•aSis it,/ aimi! BRIDGE worlt rtaiurwl ! J
»' iVI Hss PER TOOTH A!?. 11..-A
»- • y fed ut of Teeth made, CNLYtfi 'J
Pianos and Organs.
McFANN P. O , Butler Co., Pa.
If yon want h pin 11
or organ drop uie a
1 ine and I will call
upon you.
How many watch
maker* In rt-sulat
r lna watclics left with
\ . them for repairs at
v tempt to make them
run to the second.
/C. Ask yourself. Cou
slder your past ex
' v perience and when
j £ you want really ex
/ IT* " , pert work done and
I (0 _ ? want to feel satisfied
I E— 1 ' that your watch is
i \ft -i £&•!> running as closely
\ vS? / as it can IK- made to
\NV./» _ yJy / run. ltrliiK It to me.
r ,LV, jt? y 1 guarantee that
No 209 P. Main Street llutler, I a
Cures Drur.'K"-:. r s.
eeley < 4
Booklet. fin.-4iiitb.ri.