Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 02, 1900, Image 3
THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1900. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AH advertisers intending to make •n:iiie s ill tlieir Hits. sboulil notify us ot lielr intention to <lc .0 IJ it inter than MOll - mornlna. Proposed Amendment to the Constitu tion 011 Penn'a. Notice to Contractors. Notice in Bankruptcy Cooper & Go's Suits. Douglass' Cameras. Doutbett & Graham's Clothing. Redick & Grohman's Drugs Machinists tools. Slibperyrock Normal. Brown & Cos locals. C. & T's furnishings. AUmlnlbti.itors and Executors of estates an secure their receipt books at tlie Cil 1- IF.N office, and persons making uublic sales vhsir note lnx>k s. LOCAL AND GENLRAL, —Coatlees men. Zinc and grinding. —The shirt-waist man. —July icicles are scarce. -How gracefully that Shanghai Sheng lies! R. E. lieed has purchased the Mac Cartney pharmacy. —Some very unpleasant stories come from the mouth of the Mississippi. Zinc and grinding. —Fourteen Y. M. C. A. boys went to camp along the Slipperyrock last Fri day. —H. Howards, a New Jersey man. opened a dry goods and notion store at 215 Centre Ave. —For "ways that are dark and deeds that are vain" the heathen Chinee con tinues to be peculiar. —Walter's mill is running day and part of each night and putting out 100 barrels of flour per day. —China may l>e all broken up before this thing is settled, and there will be fouie scraps for the pieces. —lt's no wonder those Mongolians are given to lying. Queer tails always came from the Chinamen's heads. Zinc and grinding. —The Maccabees excursion to Con neaut lake will take place Thursday,the 16th. The tickets will be good for two days. —Li Hung Chang hns taken off his yellow jacket, and is now helping Shanghai Sheng do some Chinese unve racity. —Now that the Earth has emerged from the Sign of the Goat, it is high time for the Much Lung political ora tors U> begin work. —Twenty-seven car loads of Collins' Cigar Cos employees passed through Butler, Saturday morning, bound from Pittsburg to the lake —The pnrple gladiola in the editor's boqnet, this week, is a needling raised in Butler, and it has been christened "Ilevdrick s Heavenly Beauty." —At the monthly meeting of the First Ward Hose Co. Wednesday Eve. E. H. Negley was elected delegate and John Byers alternate to the State Fire men's Convention at New Castle. -The Animal Lawn Fete will be given grounds of St. Paul's Or phens' Home on tomorrow (Friday) day and evening. Everybody welcome. —We can easilv pay for those two, newly discovered, islands in the Philip pines, but isn't there something coming to Christopher Columbus on this deal'/ Zinc and grinding. The Tri-Weekly N. Y. Tribune is th.' Geo. Washington Best of papers, and we can furnish it with the CITIZKN at $3 00 per year;or the Weekly Tribune and CITIZKN at $1.50. —Wm. McDonald, Dr. Greer, A. O. Miller, Lew Anderson and others have organized the Ean Claire Telephone Co. and have lines toHilliards, North Hope, Anandale and Ferris, and are building one to Clintonville. —The street-car rails are sixty feet long, and their ends are first clamped together, and then joined by copper rods, so as to secure a free flow of the exhaust current of electricity. Zinc and grinding. —The big, bright star to be scon these evenings, well np in the Southern sky, is the planet Saturn. The? Scientific American says, "His rings are very widely opened out, and with his satel lites they form a magnificent telescopic; spectacle. —Superintendents Painter and Gibson have agreed upon the third week in December, 17-21, as the time for the Teachers's Institute; and Supt. Painter intends calling upon the teachers of the county to meet in Butler, tho week pro ceeding the opening of schools for a general talk. Zinc and grinding. —Capt. Moore of Co. L, 10th Reg.. N. G. P. has issued orders for the company to assemble in heavy marching order at 2P. M. today, at Armory Hall. The Greenville and Grove City companies will reach Butler, on a special, this af ternoon, and the regiment will go on to Harrisburg. tonight, and into camp at Mt. Gretna. tonight. Zinc and grinding. —The "End-of-the-Centnry" steam ship is 750 feet long and 75 feet wide, (or, to localize, it would fill up Main St, Butler, from Jefferson St. to the Dia mond). It has engines of forty-thous and horse-power, skips through the wa ter at the rate of alxrat twenty-six miles an hour, and the part of her below the water-lme displaces water that would weigh 32.000 tons. She's a big thing in, out of or on water. Zinc and grinding. —Mars, Prospect, Renfrew. Eau Claire, Evans City. Zelienople and other towns of the county (except Butler) have base ball teams and do considera ble playing among themselves. Ac counts of their games will be gladlv given place in the CITIZF.N S columns, I if mailed to us. Why not organize a Butler county baseball league, for home players only, and develop some real lively old-time sport. Zinc and grinding. Over seventy boys and men belong ing to the Y. M. C. A. of Butler, Pitts burg, Sharpsburg, Wilkinsburg, New Castle and other towns, have been en camped at Slipperyrock Park for over a week past. Tomorrow the camp breaks and they return home. The Butler boys, eighteen in number, were under direction of J. B. Carrnthers. Mr. Carruthers came home and left Thursday for Mt. Gretna where he will have charge of the Third Brigade Y M. C. A. tentduring the National Guard encampment. PERSONAL. Win S. Keister was in town. Thurs day. John Graham and wife are at Atlan tic City. Earnest Cronenwett and wife are at Cambridge. Mrs. W. P. Stickle, nee Gardner, is seriously ill. Reuben Shanor of Prospect is visiting friends in lowa. Mrs. Battit, of Pittsburg is the guest of Mrs W. W Blackmore. Mrs. Middleton, of Emlenton, is the guest of Mrs. A. M. Christie}". Col. Redic is fighting copperheads and other snakes in Clarion county. R. W. Adams of Hooker attended to some business in Butler, yesterday. John Lechner of Butler has been granted a pension of £0 per month. Miss Bertha Sutter of Sharpsbnrg is visiting Mrs. John 11. Reiber of Mercer St. , Mrs. Lon Shira and Mrs. Jas. Yonng are visiting relatives at North \\ ashing ton Charley Craig of Millerstown return ed from a fishing trip to Indiana, last Friday. Mrs. R. B. McGinniss and Mrs. Dr. Greer of Farmington, visited Butler, Monday. Miss Lillian Becker, of Sewickly, Pa., is visiting Misses Gertrude and Cora Stein. John Herdman, the carpenter, is building a house for Adam Miller in Butler twp. Jno. Horner passed through Butler, this morning, on his way to yisit rela tives in Ohio. Miss Nellie Miller of Pittsburg is vis iting her uncle, W. A. Kamerer, the West End grocer. Mi ss Mary Magee, daughter of Prof. Magee of Mercer, is vititing Miss Eva Barr of Prospect. Raymond Cornelius has been enjoy ing a" three weeks vacation in the fertile fields of Worth twp. f Charles P. Ritter of the Pennsylvania railroad office at Pitt-aim, stopped a few days in Butler last week. Forest Huff who has lately been with the Wilbur Kerwin Opera company, leaves Butler tomorrow after a few days stay at home. Will Findley was at Euclid and Slip peryrock thii week, and reports the corn, i>otatoes and oats a good crop, and hay a fair crop. Mr. and Mrs. Alliert Ruff entertain their friends this evening in their N. Main St. home in honor of their son Philip and wife. Al. Bell, the oil man, returned Satur day from a two weeks pleasure trip dur ing which he attended the horse races at Detroit and Cleveland. Mrs. Martha Marshall and son-in-law, James Barr, and granddaughter. Nettie Pennington, of Prospect attended to le ual business in Bntler. Saturday. Miss Ella White has accepted a posi tion with the, Pennsylvania Savings Fund and Loan Association, of 210 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, as stenog rapher. Albert J. Naly and wife, of Greens burg, who had been the guests of Henry Biehl and wife for some weeks, left for home, Monday. Mr. Naly now travels for the "Prebyterian Banner." Danniul Kennedy has sold his black smith shop on Cunningham street and bbuglit the Reitz grocery, next door to C. A. Kennedy's pop factory on Race street Success to our new merchant. Rev. J. W. Davis, of the Church of God, Institute Hill, and Anna Kamerer. a daughter of Adam Kamerer, dee d., took out a license. Tuesday and married themselves in the presence of witnesses in the Clerk of Court's office. There is a difference of 36 years in their ages. President James Marshall of Bourbon College, Indiana state, is stopping this summer with his brother, J. D., Esq. This winter he will attend the Universi ty of Pennsylvania law school. The college which he and other young But ler county boys started is very success ful. Stephen McClellan, now of Brooklyn, N. Y., was in Butler, this week, visit ing relatives and friends, and in the in terest of the McClellan Universal Bit Brace, of which he is the inventor, and which is gaining in popular favor. His brother. Will, is now located in Chick asaw, Indian Territory. Miss Theresa Schaul, of Horneilsville, N. \*., a sister of Mr. Philip Schaul and Mrs. Philip Nast, and Mr. .T. Meyers, a Johnstown, Pa.,merchant,were married at the Nast residence corner of Clay and Franklin streets, last evening. After a wedding tour to Cleveland. Niagra Falls and New York, they will make their home in Johnstown. W. B. and Origen McCandless have half a dozen men at work opening up a drift from the valley of a branch of Miuldycreek to the cannel coal beds lay ing under their father, Coulter McCand less' farm. Besides their own place, the boys have leased up the coal rights of about 400 acres of neighboring land, and if they can gain shipping access to the coal they will have a big mine. The coal is said to be of an excellent quality, laying in a vein six feet thick. G. Presley Weigle, Prospect's veteran school teacher, walked in to Butler, Friday morning, and made brief calls on a few of his many friends here. Mr. Weigle has spent his time since coming to manhood in instructing the youth in and near Prospect. He has very little to say for himself, attends strictly to his own business and is not a candidate for any office; but is the kind of a man who deserves something from the public. She—Are you sure yon love me, George? He—Love you ? Do you think if I didn't I'd be sitting here sweating out cuffs and collars, when I might be cool and comfortable at home with next to nothing on? —The powers are allies but the chinks seem to be all lies. - Why shouldn't Butler have a wholesale grocery house. Other towns, smaller in size and with much less business to rely on, support good'estab lishments in this line, and keep their wholesale as well as retail trade at home. The American Mirror works is shut down at present waiting for an exten sive addition lately built to be fitted up in running order. The new addition will enable the force of workmen to be doubled, and Manager Snell expects to have 12 or 15 men working in the near future. —The Butler hose racing teams are training for the next races which occur at New Kensington. They are to last two days, as the service race is to be run on Aug. 14th and the hose and hook and ladder races on the 15th. Both Rescues and First Wards will compete. The prizes are $l5O, first money in tho hose race; SIOO in the service and $75 in the hook and ladder. The following week the First Wards race at Pliillips burg, where there is to be $l5O first money in the hose and $75 in the hub. Titusville has a tournament Sept. 12-13, which both teams exjK'ct to attend. There is S2OO first in the hose race. Jamestown, N. Y. has races the same week which the First Wards hope to attend There are to be piizes of all sorts amounting to SISOO. at the New I Castle State Convention in October. | The First Wards have already won $l5O this year and will compete *at the places j named in races where it is possible to j win $1250. If the team does even half | of what it has a chance to do, it will be a big winner. I I wish to sell my fresh cow and calf. | Cow 5-years-old. and calf 3 months. : Inquire of Philip Killian. No. 15 South Washington St., Butler. LEGAL NEWS. SUPREME COUKT. The State Supreme Court, sitting in Philadelphia, last Thursday, handed down some opinions and among them the following frotn Butler county. Butler Co. vs Dept of Public Charities Q. S. Butler Co. decree reversed. Steelsmith vs Aiken et. al C. P But ler Co. Judgment reversed and new trial ordered. Hutchison vs Clay twp. C. P. Butler Co. Judgment affirmed. Allison's appeal. Snyder estate O. C. Bntler" decree reversed. There were two decisions of import ance to the entire State. One of these upholds the Act of Assembly prohibiting ticket scalpers in Pennsylvania and means practically the wiping out of that business in this State. The other is to to the effect that it is unlawful to sell oleomargarine containing coloring mat ter to give the appearance of butter. The case of the county versus the Dep't of Public Charities is the Seften case. Twelve years ago. Henry Seften. a native of Clinton twp, but whose Inst place of legal settlement was in Alle gheny City, was sent to Warren Insane Asylum from this county and has been a charge on us ever since. Our County Commissioners have made several at tempts to shift the responsibility for him. but have always met with defeat. The Clay twp. case was tried by Judge Patton of Armstrong Co. and as it has been affirmed. Clay twp. has another big bill to pay. The th ree cases reversed were tried by Judge Greer. NEW SUITS. Jr. O. U. A. M.. No. 350 of Slippery rock vs Geo. W. Cooper, deft, and T. S. Coulter, adm'r of Sylvanus Cooper, dee d, execution attachment on a judg ment. Nancy M. Lewis vs E. A. Lewis, pe tition for divorce. They were married in 1*77 and the petition stated his deser tion after living together twenty years. John C. Hi spenhide, trustee.' vs Mary J. Graham. W. C. Kennedy et al, heirs of Thomas Kennedy, dec a. of Adams twp., summons in ejectment for the Kennedy farm if 101 acres in Adams twp.. which was sold to the plaintiff at Sheriff's sale Dec. 7. '99. NOTES. The surety of the peace, etc. case against Dr. E. T Sasse of Mars has been amicably settled and withdrawn. Thomas Coxen. one of the men con victed of torturing and robbing Mrs. Mary J. Brown near Harrisville in 1*97, was brought into Court, Saturday, from the Western Penitentiary where he has just completed a three year sentence from Mercer county. Lawyers Ziegler of Mercer and W. A. Forquer spoke in behalf of the young man and showed a letter from the penitentiary surgeon stating that Coxen's health was impar red by his long confinement. In view of these facts the court sentenced him to pay a fine of SSOO and undergo im prisonment in tli" county jail for one year. Others convicted with Coxen for the same offence got sentences of three years or more in the penitentiary Coxen's wife was with him in the Court Room. They were much elated at the light sentence. Mrs. Nettie Barr of Prospect, was ap pointed guardian of her niece, Nettie Pennington. E. E. Matierhoff, adm'r. of Martha Neher has been given leave to sell de-; cedent's house and lot in Saxonburg. John Dolan of Mars has been held for trial by Esq W. A. Sloan, charged by Geo. Buchanan with feloneous assault with intent to maim, disable and mur der. Louis Schmidt, a natiye of Germany, has declared his intention to become a naturalized citizen of the United States. Robert Loughrey. son"of John Lough rev, dee'd. has petitioned for partition of his father's real estate, 15 acres in Summit twp. On his petition, Ernest Lautenslager's name was changed to Ernest Lauten. In the case of Geo. W. Lindsey vs Chas. H. Parker, on the deft's motion for a new trial, an order was made granting it if he paid all accrued costs before Sept. 1. A new trial was refused in the case of Margaret C. Brownfield vs Clearfield tp. and the B. R. P. railroad. The defts had asked for it. The case will likely be taken to the Supreme Court. In the case of Butler Water Co. vs Geo. Arner in which a verdict of $4.3:5 had been given in favor of the deft., the plf's, motion for a new trial was refused but the damages awarded Arner were stricken off. Overseers F. H. Negley and (J. S. Huselton petitioned for a rnle on A. C. and J. H. Robb, admrs.of W. J. Robb, dee'd. of Oakland twp. to show cause why they should not pay SIOO, the share of W. J. Robb's estate coming to his daughter, Mrs. Mary C. Hovis an inmate of the Warren Pa. asylum, to them to be applied on her maintenance there A new trial has been granted in the case of Ulrich Winter vs the P. & W. railroad in which a SIO,OOO verdict was given for Winter. The sale of real estate of L. D. Eshen baugh, 15 acres in Clay twp. to Braden and Conway for was confirmed. On petition of Mrs. Margaret Dnnlap, partition of the real estate of James Dunlapihas been ordered. Wm.H. Miller of Butler was appoint ed guardian of the minor children of Martin Armstrong dee'd. A E. King was appointed gnardian of minor children of Annie L. Byers on petition of their father Joseph Byers of Concord twp. M. A. Lowman of Meadville was ap pointed guardian of Grace, minor child of John E. and Catherine Christie, dee'd. O. P. Pisor. of North Washington was appointed guardian of David, Josephine and Hazel Hart, minor Chil dren of John F. Hart, dee'd. J. V. Ritts was appointed guardian of Merrel Russell: and Alonzo D. Russel guardian of Raymond and Clinton D. minor children of O. M. Russel. Josephine Campbell was appointed Guardian of minor children of James i Carlin, dee'd. of Clearfield twp. William H. Wa'ker has been dis charged as administrator of John H. Love, dee'd.. of Clinton twp. Thos. N. Gilghrist, ex'r., of James Bailey, has petitioned for leave to sell decedent's real estate, 80 acres in Marion twp. Mrs. Dillie Russell, adm'x., of O. M. Russell, dea'd., has petitioned that mortgages, stocks, etc., amounting to SO9. !*2, be get over to her as part of her share in the estate, which is appraised at S4O, 58t). O. F. Schonblom. of Bradford, Pa., gdn, of Arthur Thompson has petition ed for leave to sell his wards share in the real estate of his grandfather, Simon Wiles, dee'd., in Fairview twp. On petition of the Centennial Execu tive Committee by its attorneys, J. D. McJunkin and .). C. Vanderlin, all the papers and records of the Centennial were filed in the Prothonotary's office. An order of court was mauc directing Ezra Liken, trustee, to pay J. 1' An $12.5 rental on a farm in Forward t« p. Sherman Gallagher. Frank E. Clark, Frank Coats, Reuben Byers, Robert Har vey, S. J. Black and DeHaas Ekas will meet at 10 a. m., Aug. 30, on petition of Sarah N. McCandless to assess damages done her land in Summit twp. by the P. & W. railroad. John Reed. Jonathan Mayberry and John W. Dickey were appointed to in spect the Armstrong run bridge in Slipperyrock twp. lieiiry Grimm, Ed ( ward Sefton and John Halsted for the Denny bridge in Winfield twp. and Wil -1 ham Eckart, Joseph Ash and Rathburn > Brown for the Hemphill bridge in ! Clinton twp. ! W. H. McGaffic of Butler has peti tioned for leave to sell a farm in Slip peryrock twp. bequeathed him by his , father, Thomas McGaffic. , The will of Samuel Miller, dee'd., of Butler, has l>eeu probated, no letters. Letters of administration on the estate of W. P. Farren of Marion twp. have been granted to Violet Farren. The private sale by John Kerr, guar dian of John A. Kiester, minor son of Geo. Kiester) of his wards one-thired in terest in 100 acres in Slipperyrock twp. to Geo. Kiester for sloo was confirmed. On petition of J. N. Kirker. guardian of Bertha V. and Irwin Roy Eicholtz. a citation was granted on Eva Eicholtz. widow of C. F. Eicholtz and Elizabeth Drnshel, Matilda Beighley. Fred and Emma Eicholtz, his children, and Win. F. Peffer, executor ordering them to ap pear in Court Sept. 3, 1900, and show cause why an appeal from the admitting to probate of a paper filed as the will of C. F. Eicholtz should not be sustained and asking for an issue to determine whether or not he was of sonnd and dis posing mind and memory at the time of its making, and whether he was induced to make it under influence on the part of his wife Eva Eiuholtz. l\ F. Eicholtz left valuable real estate in Wurtumberg. Lawrence county, and bequeathed most of it to his wife. Bertha and Irwin are children of his deceased son, John. Five tramps giving their names as John Hilton, Samuel Kerr. John Knciss. Edward Daily and Thomas Murphy were captured" in a raid made by detec tives in the employ of the P. & W. railroad at Callery junction. Several times five are said to have escaped. The tramps have lately congregated in large numbers in cars standing or. the sidings at Callery, and if trains laid there for any length of time made themselves great nuisances in the neighborhood. Friday they captured several coats and vests containing watches and money which oil men had left hanging in a derrick near the railroad. Two tramps were arrested for this, but as none of the stolen property could be found on them they had to be released. Mondaj* the five named were tried before Esq. Gilghrist on charges of trespass made by the railroad, and each caught a *5 fine and ten days to jail. Not being able to pay tbeir fines the time was made 20 days. Monday three more tramps, Nick McAtlerman, Martin Byon and Nick Bullion were arrested, charged with trespassing on the property of the P. & W. railroad, and received the same sentence as the others. $5 fine, costs and 10 days in jail. There are said to be about fifty more Knights of the Road ready for corralling. Callery can furn ish lots of excitment. Letters of administration on the estate of Martin Armstrong, dee'd , have been granted to Ada Armstrong. Letters testamentary on the estate of Adaline Wallace, dee'd, of Zelienople have been granted to Jas. Wallace. Mrs. Lottie Magee, daughter of Syl vanus Cooper, dee'd. has applied for partition of his real estate, two farms in Slipperyrock twp. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Bertha Biehl to East End Hose Co. lot iiußutler for SB3. Nancy J. Conrad to Nicholas Reott lot in Butler for $1450. Guarantee L. & I. Co. to J. O. Gel bach lot in Butler for SIOO. Lizzie A. Ivifer to H. C Litzinger lot in Chicora for S3OO. Jacob F. Schaffer to S. O. Offntt lot in Zelienople for $225. John C. Renfrew to W. S. McKircher lot at Renfrew tor SBO. J. M. Thompson to Robert Leibert lot in Butler for S4OO. John C. Renfrew to M. E. Matterson lot at Renfrew for S9O. E. S. Milligan to Clearfield twp. lot for S2OO. J. J. West to Peter P. Killmeyer lot in Butler for SI9OO. M. J. Leonard to Geo. S. Leonard lot in Millerstown for sl. Geo. S. Leonard to Mary A. Leonard lot in Millers tow 11 for sl. Kate C. Jones to Elizabeth Berger 42 acres in Penn for $3875. Harry Miller to John T. Kelly, assign ment of 22 acre lease in Allegheny twp. for $llOO Marriage Licenses. S. Myers Johnstown, Pa Theresa Schaul Hornellsviile, N. Y J. W. Davis Bntler Anna Kainerer ... " Sheridan Lightner Allegheny Anna M. Kinter Butler Walter McCall Franklin twp Rebecca J. Brown James E. Campbell Pittsburg Grace McW. Williams Bntler Oscar A. Niggle Bntler Anna C. Eyth At Pittsburg—Chas. C. Bowers and Lennie Miller of Cooperstown. At Meadville—S. E. Wallace and Grace Christy of Butler. "Do you take this woman whose hand you're a-squeezin' to be your lawlul wife, in flush times and skimp V" "I reckon that's about the size of it. squire." "Do you take this mar., you've jined fists with to be yonr paid through thick and thin?" "Well, you're about right for once, old man." "All right, then. Kiss in court, an' I reckon you're married about as tight as the law kin jine yon. I guess four bit'll do. Bill, if I don't have to kiss the bride; if I do, it's six bits extra."—Old Paper. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Attend the State Normal School at Slipperyrock. Butler county. Expenses for board, tuition, furnished room, heat, light, and use of text-books will be $59. for sixteen weeks. A new model school building has been erected. Methods unsurpassed. Fall term opens Septem ber 3, 1900. Students may board and room in town under permission from the principal. Send for Catalogue. ALBERT E. MALTBY, Principal. Notice to the Public I desire to inform my customers and public generally that I have removed my marble shop from East Cunningham street to room 3, second floor, No. 213 South Main street, where I am prepared to give estimates on all kinds of marble and granite monuments at the best rates mid lowest prices. Reports that I am no longer in the business are untrue. F. M. RENNO. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. The School Board of Clearfield town ship Butler Co. will meet at the Coyles ville school house on Saturday, August 4, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. 111. of said day, for the purpose of hiring six teachers for the coming school term. All applica tions must be ill writing and handed to the Secretary on or before August 3d, 1900. No applications received after said date. Wages S3O per month. By order of the board. W. S. SIPE, SEC Y. Fenelton, Pa. M. C. Rockenstein has removed into Duffy Block 3 doors south of his old stand where he can be found with a full line of stoves, hardware, sewer pipe etc. We still do roofing, spouting and job bing, will be glad to see all my old cus tomers at the new stand. WANTED—Boarding, lodging for a young man 011 a farm during summer and fall months, state prices and accom modations. Address J. Citizen office. New, four-room house for sale In quire at this office Braden's Pure Vegetable Oil. Trade MV.ri». All Headaches, Catarrh, Nen rak'ia and Muscular Rheumatism cured »: no pay ;\ppiy to Hotel Waverly. .t dav guaranteed agents (men or women) selling our high grade laundry and toilet soaps, For exclusive territory write Milieu Soap Co., 612 P, Adams street, Chicago. WANTED —Men to hew ties Good wages paid. Address P. O. Box 229, Butler, Pa. Tfie finest work 011 shorthand ever published will be used at the Butter Business College the coming year. if 1 those contemplating taking up the stilr dy of shorthand are earnestly requested to call at the college office to examine this work. Fall term begins Monday, Sept. 3, 1900. This is the best time to enter. Brown 6s Co. will sell you the best wood frame spring on the market for only $3. See it. Music scholars wanted at 12S West Wayne St. Friday Night's Scrap. About 10:80 Friday night Conductor Edward Guthrie of the P. & W. rail road, Brakemao Joseph L. Wiles of the I'. B. A: L. E. and some other railroad men were standing at the corner of Main and East Diamond streets in front of Cooper's tailor shop, discussing an assault which Wiles had seen two men make on another about two years ago. Guthrie insisted that Wiles had not done his duty in not assisting the man attacked. Finally the argument made , them angry and Wiles struck Guthrie j with his fist on the point of the chin, j felling him unconscious to the pave- 1 ment. Blood gnshed from Guthrie's , nose, ears and month and bystanders ; feared he was killed. He was picked j up and was carried into the Central Ho tel close at hand, and Dr.-. S. I>. and Harry Bell and Bricker were summon ed. They had him removed to his home on S. Main street, where two hour's work failed to bring him to conscious ness. Their examination showed he was suffering from concussion of the brain and a fracture of the drum of the left ear. For a time it was feared there was a fracture of the skull also. However, next morning he came to and began slowly to recover. Monday he was able to get about the house. The broken ear drum will cause deafness in that mem ber. Saturday morning then was much discussion of the affair on the street, it being currently reported that Guthrie was about to die. Wiles has not been arrested. ACCIDENTS. George Barrickman. a son of Abe. Barrickman of N. Washington St. had his right arm broken last week, by fall ing from a hay loft. Near Harrisville, Tuesday, Mrs. Rich ard Surrena, was thrown from her buggy and seriously injured. That evening she and her husband went for a drive <vhen the buggy of some drunk en men, who were liorse-racing. struck their buggy, upsetting and smashing it, and throwing the occupants out. Mrs. Surrena had three ribs torn loose from the back bone and is injured internally. Her chances of recovery are very slim. There have been no arrests. William Harmon, a well to do farmer of Sugar Creek township, Armstrong county, and his son, Charles, drove to East Brady with a load of ice early in the day, and after taking on a load of furniture started back home, accom panied by Frank, the 14-year-old son of Jacob Ott. living just across the river at Brady's Bend, who intended to ac company them as far as his home. They arrived at the Allegheny Valley railway crossing just as the Niagara Express was pulling into the depot, and although a number of persons shouted to Mr. Harmon not to attempt to cross in tront of the train he evidently thought he could do so, and when the wagon reached the center of the track the engine struck it and the two occu pants, throwing them into the air 30 feet and 75 feet from the travk. killing both, Frank Ott instantly, while Mr. Harmon lived only a few minutes. Mr. Harmon's son jumped off the wagon just before it was struck and escaped. OIL NOTES. Both agencies are paying $1.27. FORWARD— The Forest has another good well in the Wm. Rafe. It was in the sand flowing last week. PLANO —Finnessy is drilling another well to theßerea grit sand on the John Leisefarm. Albert and Eshenberg have the contract. KIESTER —Capt. McFarland got a light gas well on the William Renick farm. EVAXS CITY —The Forest Oil Cos No. on the Ramsey tapped the sand last Saturday night and began flowing at the rate of about 35 bbls. an hour. CLEARFIELD— SeveraI wells are due in the McCrea field. Dr. Showalter has a good gasser in the 100-foot and is drilling deeper; Kelly has a gasser on the V. Keiger and is also drilling deeper: Mannington parties are down 1100 feet on the Mcßride heirs: and the Forest has a rig up on the Blatt. ZELIENOPLE— The well on the Wal lace farm, near the line ill Beaver Co., and owned by Campbell, Miller & Co., came in good last Friday night, and be gan to flow at a rate that was estimated 75 bbls. an hour, but when it was turn ed into a 250-bbl. tank next day it was making 40 bbls. an hour. The location is in advance and to the south- west of some good wells that have rec ently been drilled southwest of Zelien ople, and gives the impression that it shows a connecting producing belt be tween this development and the Legion ville pool in Beaver county. The gusher is located but a short distance from the Beaver county line, SUMMIT«*E. S. Dwyer is building a rig for Say & Gahegan on the widow Ball. KAYLOR —B. L. Barnhart commenced building the rig on Monday for his No. 7 on the Joseph Barnhart farm, near Kay lor. The East Brady Oil company are down 400 feet with their No. 3 on Solo mon Mays farm at Kaylor Westerman & Co. on the Wiles farm are down 1,000 feet. The Brnin Oil company are spud ding on their No. 1 on the James Mc- Garvv farm at Kepple's Corners. They are in advance of the Kaylor operations to the south. The tools have been recovered in Byers Bros. & Cos. well on the John Foringer farm at Kaylor, after a long fishing job, and they are now on the way to the fourth sand. The New Kensington Oil company's No. 2 well on the W. C. Storey farm in Brady's Bend township was finished on Wednesday in the fifth sand and is a duster. —East Brady Review. An Old Paper. The Pittsburg Gazette was establish ed, July 28, 1786, and celebrated the 115 th anniversary of its birthday, on Monday of this week. It is the oldest paper in Western Pennsylvania, and has always been one of the best. Under the management of its new owner, Mr, Geo. B. Oliver, there has been a decided improvement in its news columns, and the "Old Lady" is grow ing—both young and popular. Now is the time to get your bargains in parlor goods at Brown & Co's. Nice line of leather goods. 3 and 5 piece suits and odd pieces at reduced prices. Six months -drilling lease on al>out one thousand acres of land and seven eights interest iu well will be given to party drilling test well near Sheakley ville. Mercer Co., Pa. Particulars from M. M. Prescott, Elizabeth, Allegheny Co.. Pa. Oak Bed Room Suits at Brown & Co s for only S2O. Fnil size Bed. Dresser and Stand. Dresser has 22x28 beveled mirror. Ask your Grocer for Currie's "Milk- Bread, ' made only by the Palace Bak ; ery, 370 Centre Ave. Phone 269. A nice line of Parlor goods at reduced prices at Brown & Co's. Buying Wool. I am buying wool at same location as ' last season, Graham Bros grocery store, will pay the market price in cash, have ■ no merchandise of any kind to ex change. W. F. RUMBERUER. Commencement and wedding, pres r ents at bargain prices. ; R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler, Odd Dressers from $8.50 up. See L Brown & Co. Parties wishing to purchase or sell oil properties, farms, city residences or r real estate of any kind, should call upon r Wm. Walker,iu Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite 1 P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 174. \ FOR SALE. Fine seven roomed house with lot • 55x125 feet on West Jefferson street, with city and drilled-well water and j everv modern improvement. R FOR RENT. Six room house on S. Main St., $9.00. 1 EDGAR H. NEGLEY, I CITIZEN Building. Reunions. Co. E, 134 th. at W J. Stoner's near Euclid, on August 31st. The date for the annual McCall re union to be held at the home of Curt Wick, has been changed from August 30th to August 23rd. The old Penu'a Canal Boatmen will hold their 13th annual reunion at Blairs ville, on Thursday, August 16. Orders for excursion tickets can be procured by writing to Geo. Butledge, Johnstown. Pa. The Boggs family will hold their an nual reunion at the Fireman's Hall in 1 Evans City, on Thursday, August 16th. A large number will be present, a pro gramme will be prepared, Saturday, and dinner will be served for all in Hall. CHURCH NOTES At a meetiug and entertainment in the M. E. church in Connoquenessing, last Wednesday night, a nice sum was , collected for the famine sufferers in j India. A special meeting of the Nathan Mis- 1 sionary Society will be held in Y. M. C ! A. Hail. Tuesday, August 7th.at 7p. m. Markets. Wheat. wholesale price <>s-68 Rve. " 45 Oats, " 28 Corn, " 48 Hay, " 13 00 Eggs, " 12 Butter, " 15 Potatoes, new " 50 Chicken, dressed, per lb 10-12 Onions, per dozen bunches 15 Radishes, per doz bunches 15 2() Beets " " 25 30 Blackberries, per qt 8 Apples, per bu 50 Cabbage, per lb 2 I Roasting ears, per doz 12* RAILROAD NOTICES. Great I . I*. Reunion at Conucaut ! Lake, Thursday, August t»tli, 11K)0. Arrangements have been completed for the third annual United Presbyterian Reunion at Conneaut Lake. August 9tli. 1900, for this occasion special train will be run via the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. on the following schedule at rates quoted for the round trip. Station Time Rate Punxsutawney 6:00 a.m.. $1.85 Valier 6:11 " 1-85 Hamilton 0:16 " 1.85 North Point 6:24 " 1.85 Dayton 6:42 " 1.60 Echo 6:53 " 150 West Mosgrove 7:13 " 1.40 Montgomeryville 7:23 " 1.30 Cowansville 7:29 " 1.25 Craigsville 7:40 " 1.10 Fenelton 7:51 " 1.10 Children between the age of 5 and 12 at half the above rate. The greatest number of people that have ever been at the Lake in one day attended the United Presbyterian Reunion of '99, the Reunion of this year will surpass that of 1899 in every particular. For particulars address Mr. J. C. Kist ler, chairman of committee on trans portation. Buena Vista, Pa. or C. OD. Pascault, Div. Pass. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY. And other Atlantic Coast Resorts via Pennsylvania Railroad. Thursdays, August 2 and 16. are the remaining dates of the Pennsyl vania Railroad annual low rate excur sions for 1900 to Atlantic City, Cape May. Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon. Anglesea. Wild wood. Holly Beach. N. J., Rehobotli, Del., or Ocean City, Md. Tickets good to return within sixteen days, including date of excursion. A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pittsburg on above-mentioned dates at 8:55 a. in,, arj riving at Altoona 12:15 p. m.,where stop for dinner will be made, reaching Phila delphia 6:25 p. m., in time for supper, and arriving at Atlantic City, via the Delaware River Bridge Route, the only all-rail line, at 8:40 p. m. Passengers may also spend the night in Philadel phia. and proceed to the shore by any regular train from Market Street Wharf or Broad Street Station on the follow ing day. Passengers for points other than At lantic City will spend the night in Phil adelphia, and use regular trains the next day from Market Street Wharf. A stop over of ten days will also be allowed at Philadelphia on the going trip, if passengers will deposit their tickets with the Ticket Agent at Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, immediate ly on arrival. Tickets will be sold from the stations at the rates named below:— Trains leave. Rate. Pittsburg 8.55 A. M. SIO.OO Tarentum 7.37 " 10.00 Natrona 7.41 " 10.00 Butler 0.25 " 10.00 Freeport 7.51 " 10.00 Altoona (dinner) 12.35 PM. 8.00 Philadelphia stop for supper Ar. 6.25 " Tickets will also be good 011 regular, trains leaving Pittsburg at 4:50 and 8:30 p. in., carrying sleeping cars to Phila delphia, and 7:10 p. m., carrying Pull man sleeping cars through to Atlantic City. For detailed information iu regard to rates and time of trains apply to ticket agents or Thomas E. Watt, District, Passenger Agent, Pittsburg. Great U. I*. Reunion atConneaut Lake. Arrangements have been completed for the Third Annual United Presby terian Reunion at Conneaut Lake, August 9th, 1900. For this occasion special trains will be run via the P. & L. E. R. R., from New Haven and Pittsburg; the Penn'a Lines from Burgettstowu and Washingtown, Pa., Bellevue and Wellsville, O.; the P. & W. from Allegheny; the W. N. Y. & P. from New Castle and New Wilmington; the Erie R. R. from New Lisbon. O.; L. S. & M. S. from Oil City; B. R. & P. from Punxsutawnev: and via the P. B. L. E., from Turtle Creek, North Besse mer, Butler, Hilliard, Erie, Meadville, and intermediate points. Stops will be made at all principle intermediate stations. The very lowest rates have been made for this reunion. The greatest number of people that have ever been at the Lake in one day attended the U. P. reunion of 1899, and the twenty-five trains required to carry the excursionists were handled in a manner entirely satisfactory to all con cerned. The reunion this year will sur pass that of 1899 in every particular. For particulars address Rev. J. C. Kistler, Chairman of Committee on Transportation, Buena Vista, Pa. REDUCED RATES TO PITTS BURG. Via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the Prohibition State Convention to be held at Pittsburg, August 8, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Pittsburg from all stations on its line in the State of Pennsylvania at rate of one fare for the round trip (minimum rate twenty-five cents). Tickets to be sold and good go ing August C, 7. and 8, and to return until August 9, inclusive. Excursion t<> Niagara* The Woodmen of the World have ar ranged for an excursion over the P. B <& L. E. to Niagara Falls on Thursday, August 23. A special train will leave the P. &W. station at oa. m., Butler time, arriving at the Falls at 1 p. m. Tickets will be good for five days, but anyone wishing to return the same day ' can do so, as arrangements have been made for a special train to leave the Falls at 9:00 p. 111. A stop off at Chau tanqua without extra chai ge will be al lowed. Anyone desiring can return by boat from Buffalo to Erie. Fare for round trip from Butler is $4.00 and a proportionately low rate from all stations between Butler and Greenville. As this will probably be the only popu lar low rate excursion run from Butler • to Niagara this season anyone wishing to visit the Falls or Chautuaqua Lake ' should avail themselves of this oppor tunity. —The street-car line is up to Mc . Kean St. and heading for the West Peira depot. £04015 The Only Way Of getting what you v ant is to purchase from reliable sources. You may not need our goods often,but when want ed >ou want them prompt ly and want the best. The sickroom is no place for ex periments. Our prescription department is the most im poitant one with U3 and we leave nothing undone to secure only the best. A drug may be pure but not up to the standard in strength. Nothing short of the best is thought of with us. Our trade is laige enough to keep goods moving so that we have no old stock. Our methods of doing business we think will warrant you in coming back. Every article bearing our name is guaran teed to be just as represented or your money back. C. N. Boyd, Druggist On the Diamond. Near the Court House. Special Excursion to "Cascade l'ark," New Castle, Account Lutheran's Yolks Fest, Wed nesday. August S, 1 !><><». For the occasion arrangements have been made with the Pittsburg & West ern Ry. Co. to rnn a special train to New Castle and sell excursion tickets at the extreme low rate of 75c, which in cludes ride in Trolly Cars and admis sion to the park. Train will leave Butler at 8 a. in., city time. Returning will leave New- Castle at 7 p. m., city time. Itasc Hall Excursion to Alle gheny, Friday, August lltli." From stations on P. & W. Ry., Bruin to Carl)on Center inclusive. Fare SI.OO for round trip. Tickets good on date of sale only. Special train leaves Bruin 5:37 a. in.. Central time. KKI>UCEI> RATES TO CHI CAGO VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Account G. A. It. Encampment. On account of the Thirty-fourth Annual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, to be held at Chicago. August 27-31. inclusive, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from points on its line to Chicago, at rate of single fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on August 25, 2(>, and 27, good to return until August 31. inclusive; but by depositing ticket with joint agent at Chicago prior to noon of September 2. and the payment of fifty cents, return limit may be extended to September 30. inclusive. It EDUCED RATES TO DE TROIT VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Account Knights ot Pythias, Biennial Conclave. For the Biennial Conclave., Knights of Pythias, at Detroit, August 27 to September 1, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will sell excursion tickets from all stations on its line to Detroit, at rate of single fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on August 25. 26, and 27, good to return between August 28 and September 5, inclusive; but by depositing ticket with joint agent at Detroit not later than September 1, and the payment of 50 cents, return limit may be extended to September 14, inclusive. A CRUSH S In the prices of stiff r J and straw hats. / In this sale all our new styles and shapes in stift and straw hats will be included and you have the benefit of all that's new at the "Crash Price." Jno- S. Wick, 242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa Opposite P. O. fChase Bros#' It PIANOS | Are used in thousands of homes. They've been before the people for the last 40 years, making and gaining new friends each year. Musicians and Judges of Pianos speak a good word and the highest praise for the Chase Bros. Pianos always. As state representative for the manu facturers, I am in a position to sell you a piano right, and on terms to suit your convenience in every way. Kindly call at my wareroom and ex l amine for yourself "the pianos—they are there to be seen and heard. Made and warranted to you by one of the wealth iest manufacturerr in the country, you run no risk. Hoping to count you on my list of - customers, lam Yours for business, , W. R. NEWTON, 1317 South Main St- Butler Pa The Rush of the Season Should Occur this Week. PHENOMENAL VALUES ARE TO BE CONTINUED The value of an honest dollar is as much in the Spending as in the making. If looking for good values come to us and we'll bet the best suit of clothes in our store to a straw hat we'll sell the clothes. Here are some sensation ally low prices in suits. All Our $7 Suits, Cheviots and Cassimeres $4.90 All Our $9 Suits, Absolutely All Wool 6.25 All Our sl2 Suits, Absolutely All Wool 8.00 All Our sl4 Suits. Absolutely All Worsted 10:00 All Our sl6 Suits, Absolutely All Worsted 12 00 All Our $lB Suits, Absolutely All Worsted 13.50 And our special line at #7.50 which can not be matched outside of this store. - Can You Do As Well Elsewhere. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. | The Surprise Store I M 108 South Main street, Butler, Pa. < I NO USE TALKING! j '4THE KEYSTONE UNION MADE ► ► ' 4 Overalls, Jackets and Pints \ < Are the best that human hands can make. If ► ► they rip bring them back and get a new pair. i The Keystone Corduroy Pants are made from the best corduroy. A new pair or money back to every dissatisfied customer. J I $3.00--# > ! THE SURPRISE STORE, i i BUTLER, PA. ► C 4 Douthett 8c Graham. ; >2 The ; XI WearerS All of these suits are cut by < 9A «r skilled union talent, and are made LI Ut up in large, well lighted, well rJ Uamhornor Q ventilated workrooms. The artist *» , designers are constantly originat- Clothing ing new fashions. The styles here * [4 D Qf » nmo ' n furnishings and hats are right ► DeCOiTlo up to the latest fashion ideas. < [4 Enthusiastic The vast variety is here. J The little prices are here < r,A Walking The best interest of the public > M Advertisers is our first co " sideration - < 0 0f - < gj Douthett & Graham. 1 Reminder's Good for today, tomorrow or any other day. That Our Beef, Iron and Wine helps to make blood, creates an appetite and build strength. That Redick's Headache Pouders are the best on the market and are safe, our sales of these are increasing daily. That in our Prescription department nothing enters but the best, and all prescriptions filled in the most careful and scientific manner. REDICK GROHMAN, ioq N. Main St„ Prescription Druggists. Butler, Pa. A Brownie Camera for si.oo A GENUINE EASTHAN CAHERA. Call and see some work it has done. We have all kinds of Kodaks and fresh supplies always, at Douglass' Book Store. A POINTER! For up-to-date Photos go to the Post Office building. New designs every few days. We guarantee to please you. Branch Studios, Mars and Evans City. A. L. FIND LEY, Telephone 236. PATENTHDEA. It uiay mean a fortune to you. I pro cure and sell patents. R. S. HARRISON, Patent Attorney, 427 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. I West Winfield Hotel, ® W.G. LUSK, Prop'r. Q0 First Class Table and Lodgings. fix Gas and Spring Water all through house. (gj Good Stabling L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 E. JEFFERSON. BUTLER, _ PA Subscribe for The Citizen