Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 02, 1900, Image 2

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For President.
Kor Vice President,
CI.AHB.NCE WOLF, of Philadelphia.
FRANK H. Rrnr.. of Mercer.
A. B. ROBERTS, of Montgomery.
W. 0. ARNOLD, of Clearfield. '
Edwin P. Stuart. W. W. Glbbs,
George F. Hoffman. George C. Blal>on.
Daniel F. Greenwood, William M. Hayes.
Charles W. Cressuian, Robert H. Sayrc,
J. Frank Keller. Russell W. Davenport,
James Molr. William J. Harvey.
Robert Allison. Jacob L. Hauer.
John H. Hruwn. George Weymouth,
Cortes 11. Jennings. James G. Thompson,
T. Frank Small. Henry A. Gripp.
Morris J. Lewis. Robert Pitcalrn,
David Edgar Parke, Thomas K <_ragr,
George W. Johnston. William Hardwlck,
Howard 11. Clayson. Harry R. Wilson.
Auditor General,
For Congress.
For State Senate,
For Assembly,
For Jury Commissioner,
During the latter part of last week the
news from China indicated that that
country was preparing to fight the whole
civilized world.
On the other hand the allied forces at
Tien Tsin were not yet strong enough to
advance upon Pekin, and had not yet
agreed upon a commander in chief;
Germany and Russia seemed to under
stand each other, Japan and France
were playing a waiting game and Eng
land was trying to make an alliance
with the United States.
All the European and Asiatic states
men seemed to be trying to foresee what
would follow the supposed inevitable
conquest of nothern China.
On Saturday Prince Tuan was report
ed defeated and killed by Chinese, in a
battle among themselves, a report that
was likely a fake.
Three transports sailed from Germany
with troops for China, and the Emperor
instructed them to take no prisoners.
His speech to the troops was severely
criticized by the German Press. The
ac tion of Russia in not sending her army
in Manchuria, said to number 100,000
and well equipped with artillery was
noted; and some people thought there
was a secret understanding between
Russia and China; and that the reported
massacre of the Russian Minister and
family, (with horrible details) and the
reported aggressions of the Chinese
along the Amur, were all fakes.
On Tuesday a dispatch from London
read as follows:
After long weeks of anxiety, the
suspense felt in Great Britain with re
gard to the safety of the British lega
tion at Pekin, has been relieved by the
receipt this morning of the following
message from Sir Claude Mac Donald,
dated Pekin, July 21, through Rear
Admiral Bruce at Cbemulpho, July 30.
"The British legation at Pekin, from
June 20 to July 4 was repeatedly attack
ed by Chinese troops on all sides with
both rifles and artillery fire. Since July
16 an armistice has prevailed, but a
cordon is strictly drawn on both sides of
our position. The Chinese barricades
are close to ours. All women and chil
dren are in the British legation.
"Casualties to date, 62 killed, includ
ing C&pt. Strouts, R. M. L. 1., and a
number of wounded in the hospital, in
cluding Capt. Halliday, R. M. L. I.
The rest of the legation are all well
except David, Olipbant and Warren,
killed July 21. "Mac Donald. "
It is observed, however, that, curious
ly enough, no mention is made of the
condition of the garrison with regard
either to food or ammunition, the infer
ence being that it depends upon stores
which must be fast diminishing in quan
tity. Putting this at their best, "says
the Times." it is clear that relief is ex
tremely urgent; that the legations are
in a state of siege, and that the safety of
their members is of a purely relative
kind. FORD.
Gen. Chaffee arrived at Taku, Satur
day, and the British and American
troops at Tien Tsin were getting ready
to advance as fast as possible. The
Chinese army occupied three great
camps within sight of Tien Tsin.
Tuesday evening, the War Dep't. at
Washington, received two dispatches
from China, as follows:
"Che Foo, (undated.) Tien Tsin, 27th.
Message just received from Conger says
since 16th. by agreement, no firing.
Have provisions several weeks, little
ammunition, all safe, well. I (Daggett)
reported allied forces soon advance.
Practically no looting by Americans, no
unecessary killing. Indiana arrived 26-
tli. Order MacCann, Sladen, both
Aliens, Mitchell, Bryce join regiment
(Signed) "Daggett.''
The second read:
"Che Foo. Tien Tsin, 30th Flint
shire arried 27th. Two hundred and
fifty-seven Ninth Infantry sick, 10 doc
tors, 100 hf>spital corps men, 20 signal
men needed. Unavoidable delay un
loading transports. Foreign troops ar
(Signed) "Daggett."
Col- Daggett is in charge of military
transportation on the Pei Ho river.
Lt. Col. Coolidge, now at Tien Tsin.
transmitted the following from Col.
"V Shiba, now in Pekin.
"PEKIN, July 22, evening.—We are
all waiting impatiently arrival of rein
forcing army. When are you coming?
All legations have been bldckaded since
13th last mouth, and since the 20th we
have bave been attacked continually
night and day by the Chinese soldiers
from than 10 encampments. By a su
preme effort we are still defending.
We are daily awaiting with the greatest
anxiety arrival of reinforcing army and
if you can't reach here in less than a
week's time it is probable that we will
not be able to hold out any longer.
Emperor and Empress Dowager appear
to be still at Pekin. Were our reinforce
ments to arrive, very probable that they
would flee to Wan Shoshan. Killed and
wounded up to date, Eight killed, one a
captain of infantry and an ambassador's
attache, seven seriously wounded, the
first secretary of legation being one of
twenty slightly wounded. The nninl>er
of Europeans killed is 60 in all. "
The following dispatch, dated Che
Foo. July 31, was received from Rear
Admiral Remey yesterday morning:
' Takri, July 28.—Japanese military
attache, Pekin, letter July 22, rei>orts
legations besieged since Jnne IS. Con
tinally attacked from June 20 until July
16. Attack then ceased and Chinese
soldiers apparently diminishing. Sixty
Europeans killed. Telegram from gov
ernor of Shan Tung addressed to con
sular l>ody, Che Foo, says
" "Imperial edict states that various
ministers except German are well and
provisions have l>eeu supplied.' "
Rome. Jnly 31. The commander of
the Italian cruiser Elba, at Tien Tsin,
received the following telegram to day
from the Japanese military attach' at
Pekin. dated July 22:
"The legations are eagerly awaiting
relief. Cannot hold out long. Sixty
Europeans killed."
Yesterday the allies at Tien Tsin were
preparing to advance upon the Chinese
positions, as rapidly as possible. It was
said that (Jen. Von Lessel, commanding
German forces, had l>een agreed upon
for commander in chief. The Chinese
were strongly entrenched at Wang-
A dispatch from China says that the
allies are advancing to Pekin.
Two years ago Venango connty. elect
ed Joseph Sibley. Free Silver Democrat,
to Congress. The other countit-9 in the
district gave Charles W Stone, the Re
publican nominee and one of the Re
publican leaders at Washington, a
small majority, but Venango county
gave Sibley 8000 majority and that
elected him.
Sibley went to. Washington and short
ly after appeared at Harrisburg, where
he was accused of trying to Induce
Democratic members of the Legislature
to vote for M. S. Quay for U. S. Sena
tor, and after that on the floor of the
Holism at Washington he stripped him
self of Democratic garments and an
nounced a complete change of heart,
but he did not resign his office, as he
was in honor bound to do, and now by
the grace of Quay and the Standard Oil
Co. he is the regular Republican nomi
nee of that district for Congress.
The Independent Republicans of the
district have nominated Lewis Emery.
Jr. of Bradford, the Democrats will
make no regular nomination, and a bat
tie royal will follow between Sibley and
Emery; both of whom are millionaires,
popular in their home counties and
shrewd politicians.
Mr. Bion H. Butler, the versatile cor
respondent of the Pittsburg Times gives
some idea of the situation there, as fol
lows: —
i The Twenty-seventh Congressional
district has entered upon one of the
most interesting campaigns that will be
made anywhere in the United States
this year, and one of the most unique
that has ever been known any place.
I The district is pecular in its construction
which gives it a prominence, in that
respect, because, except for the small
county of Cameron, it is composed of
counties on the oil belt. That makes
the local wants of the district peculiar
to it alone, no other Congressional dis
trict in the United States finding, in the
production of petroleum, such a single
and predominating industry. Then
arrayed against each other two well
known oil men. Lewis Emery. Jr.,
formerly a State senator from this dis
trict, and Joseph C. Sibley, at present
the representative of the Congressional
district. The parallel between the
cafeers of the two candidates js surpris
ing. Sibley was a boy in a New \ork
village, not far from the oil country
frontier. Emery conies from a country
village not far from Sibley's home, and
likewise in New York State. Each came
into the oil district in Venango county.
Emery along Oil creek, Sibley to
Franklin, a few miles below. Each has
risen to prominence as a producer and
manufacturer of oil, and as a citizen,
politician and business man.
Both have gained great wealth. Each
is a representative man in his community
Each is identified with the many things
that go to adyance the prospects of his
community. Both enjoy the reputations
of being public spirited. Both have
thrived from their own efforts. Each
man has been a pioneer along certain
lines of the oil trade. But the parallel
does not end there. Mr. Sibley is a man
of pecular political experiences. He has
stood for various docrines, and while he
is running as a Republican now, he is
serving a term for which he was elected
as a Democrat. Mr. Emery has been a
Republican in the past, but he, to has
some new affiliations, and he is now the
candidate of the Democrats. The
Republicans are now shouting for Sibley,
the late Democrat, and the Democrats
are offering their praises on behalf of
Emery, the Republican. Sibley's varie
gated career includes being elected to
Congress at on time, in a district not his
own. While he lived in Franklin he
was sent to Congress from Crawford
countv. He was chosen as a compound
of Prohibitionist, Greenbacker, Populist
and all the other factors that make up a
kicker. While in Congress he was
referred to by C. W. Stone the repre
senting the Twenty-seventh district, as
"my constituent," which be was, for he
lived in Stone's district. It is a com
plicated tangle. If Sibley is elected this
Fall he will succeed as a Republican by
defeating a Republican who runs as a
Democrat. In the same district lie ran
as a Democrat and defeated a Republi
can, after serving in the houat? from
another district, elected as a fusionist.
The '"mix-up" is interesting, but it is
only the beginning of the complications
that arise, ami which would be a couieily,
were it not that the element of war
which it foreshadowed, has nothing
about it so humorous as it is serous.
Emery is a politican who has had exper
ience of the most exciting kind, for in
his whole career as a member of the
Legislature a nd the State Senate, his
campaigns have been made on a far
more intense basis than mere political
division of opinion. Whatever the
Standard Oil company'may appear to
the rest of the world, in the oil region
it is the octopus that the political orator
of one kind loves to talk about. From
the New York state line to the extreme
southern end of Venango county, the
Standard has been.held up as the heredi
tary foe of the children in the oil country
nurseries, and they are bred to spit out
the taste of the word every time they
utter it. This field was the home of the
Independent producer, and the indepen
dent producer breathes a hatred of the
Standard everytime he inflates his lungs.
While demonstrations have not been
emphatic in recent years, the ancient
inhabitants of Bradford tell weird tales
of the days when the ghosts us to walk
the streets threatening the pipe line
offices, the oil tanks and the "Era"
J rinting office, which paper was reputed
to be the organ of the oil company.
The ghosts were men clad in long
white disguises, and would suggest to
the spectator the Kuklus of reconstruc
tion (lays, except that being in a more
enlightened section of the country, the
ghosts contented themselves with ap
pearing at night, making threatening
bluffs, recommending the use of "forty
quarts," meaning 40 quarts of nitro
glycerin to demolish the objectionable
institution. Those days are past, but
the feeling towards the Standard in the
oil country is revived, if it ever slept, by
the announcement of Emery's candid
acy. In all of his oilier campaigns Mr.
Emery stood for the independent, as
opposed to the Standard, which was
accused of taking a hand in politics.
The fights between Emery and h*
opponents were very bitter, and
as Emery is an excellent fitjbt
er, they were exciting. They
involved the community politically
socially, in a business way, and in all
conceivable manners. This promises to
be revived in the Sibley-Emery cam
paign. Already Mr. Emery is hailed
throughout the district as the bearer of
the banner of independence, and bistling
at trusts, in his speech of acceptance, is
taken by the people of the district to
mean war upon trio Standard, and his
friends are enthused accordingly.
Beyond that Emery is, by the logic of
events, accepted by the ele
ment as a rallying force for the Republi
cans who refuse to be indentitied with
what they term a Quay effort, and to
add to the tangles of the situation that
will come tip.
It is plain that there are plenty of
causes for a general declaration of war
in the district, and for the rallying of
the armies, and with a vigorous fighter
like Emery, there is no question of the
earnestness of battle. But Sibley is n
tighter likewise. A man who can go in
to a neighlioring district and enrry it by
fusion against its normal inclination,
and who can coin" then into his own
district and carry it as of the
minority party and svlro then has the
nerve and the ability to change his
politics in the middle of his term and
capture the Republican nomination, is
no novice in political warfare, and
Sibley will make it interesting for any
man who has the temerity to engage
him politically. Mr. Emery is a man of
remarkable popularity in his home town
of Bradford. He came up here from the
lower country at the beginning of the
development, and being one of the pio
neers of th«! field, largely responsible fur
Its opening, and one of the first of the
oil men to settle in Bradford, he has
been instrumental in helping to build
'the city. He is a good "mixer," not
only in politics, but socially, and that
has proven to his benefit. Early in his
experience he built a refinery to work up
the oil he produced, aud later he has
embarked in other branches o£business,
so that he is an extensive employer of
labor. His policy toward his men has
always been liberal and his consider
ation for then reached beyond the j>ay
roll, P" that his reputation in that
direction affords him strength.
Yet in this respect the two men are
similar again. Mr. Sibley is a manufac
turer of oil products and in that capaci
ty lias a large pay roll. He is a man of
pleasing address, and knowledge of the
world, and has a popularity where he is
best acquainted that adds to the interest
that must be felt in the battle. Al
though a man whose party has been dif
ficult to locate for more than a short
time at once, Sibley has made friends
with the veterans of the civil war by his
success in attending to their pension
claims, and he has friends among them.
And so it goes. In the queer combina
tion everything seems at sixes and
sevens, and eacn man and each condi
tion is largely at variance with what it
should be. Getting Emery into the
fight was one of the surprises of the
campign. For several years he has been
devoting his time to his work and to the
care of his health. Interests in the
West have claimed his attention, and
when Mr. Sibley was nominated by the
Republicans of the district, Mr. Emery
I was in California. The Democrats were
exceedingly sore at Sibley for his deser
tion of them, and they cast about for a
man to defeat him. Names were men
tioned. but none seemed to be so avail
able and hopeful as that of Emery. His
experience in politics, his relations to
the producing interest, his personal
acquaintance in the district, and his
enthusiasm in a campaign appealed to
the Democrats and he was approached
with an invitation to enter the field. His
closest friends advised him not to enter
tain the idea, but the sentiment increas
ed, and finally petitions were prepared
from the different sections of the coun
try, and it is said, by his friends who
have the matter in hand, that betweeu
4,000 and 5,000 Republicans of the Con
gressional district signed petitions ask
ing Mr. Emery to be an independent
candidate against Mr. Sibley.
A reception was given Mr. Emery
when he came from California, and the
people of Bradford unite in saying that
no citizen of the town ever received
such an ovation. Trains came from
every direction carrying enthusiasts,
and an ardent Sibley man, speaking of
it, says that he was proud of the demon
stration, and proud of Emery that he
was so enthusiastically received. Trie
petition and the sincerity shown, en
couraged Mr. Emery to consider the ap
peal of his friends, and against his in
tention he consented to become a can
didate, and to take up what he says is
one of the fights of his life, although he
has had others. "I am not going into
it with any notion that it is to be a pic
nic," he remarked. "I have full know
ledge of the means and the forces that
are to be encountered. I know that
every expedient familiar to political war
fare will have to be faced, and that the
fight will be contested at every turn by
skilled warriors equipped with all the
munitions of battle."
Referring to the Lebanon county case
an exchange says:
I 'On thing the machine leaders should
appreciate from the outset in this cam
paign is that fraudulent nominations
will surely invite revolution and often
defeat. The people simply won't sub
mit to being cheated in primary elec
tions either by false returns or by the
insolence of political power. The spirit
of independence is abroad in lioth city
and State; and the best way to insure
the safety of nomination candidates is
to make the nominations so clean and
honest that none can question them.
Mrs. <*eo. Kennedy and daughter
Flossy of New Castle, were the guests
of Mr. J. O. Dodds for the last two
Miss Mary AlcGee, daughter of Prof.
McGee, former principal of Prospect
Academy, is now spending her vacation
with her friend Eva Barr.
Blanche Kelly who has been visiting
in Youngstown and Elswortli, has re
turned home after an enjoyable time.
Prof. Bartell and wife, of Warren,
Ohio, are visiting Mrs. Bartell's parents,
T. H. Boehui and wife. Prof, while
rusticating enjoys a foot race with a
rabbit, we did not hear who won.
Mr. R. Shanor our jolly Post Master
has gone on a trip to central and north
era lowa, where his brother and
sister reside. We wish him a pleasant
journey and safe return.
Mr. Asa Heyl and Hattie Bowers call
ed on Edna Fisher at Portersville a few
daj-s since.
Lyda Kelley, Maggie Robb and Har
riet Bowser were delighted with their
day at Archie Bryans.
Mrs. S. S. Forrester has had her house
newly painted which greatly improves
her home. J. T. swings the brush with
the grace of an old hand.
Flo, you did not need be so frightened,
it was only a four and a half foot black
Mrs. Alice Knox"of Warren, Ohio, is
spending a few days with her mother.
Mrs. Hillman.
Eva Roth, and Nettie White of Evans
City were calling on friends Tuesday of
last week.
Rev. and Mrs. Eakiti expect to attend
the Bible school at Grove City. It is an
opportunity which should be taken ad
vantage of, by every one who conld
Mr. Clay Sarver and wife are spending
their vacation here with friends.
Onr Academy will open this fall, with,
we hope, a full attendance and it is the
right and duty of every citizen to build
up this institution which tends to ele
vate and bring to a higher standard the
moral atmosphere of onr town and to
ignore the idle and frivolous gossip
which (lrawfs the possibilities of good
The school belongs to the people, let us
have a good one. MAX.
Glade Mills Wws.
J. A. Snyder, who purchased the
stables lately occupied by Jas. Stewart,
is doing a No. 1 business. Mr Snyder
is an accommodating liveryman
George Bellis and John Brown li'ive
returned from a business trip to Venan
go county,
Samuel Ekas is building an addition
to his house which will improve its ap
pearance very much.
The little son of C J. Truver, who
was so seriously ill, is rapidly improv
Mrs. James Emery has recovered from
a serious illness.
Mrs Smith and son,of Monmouth,lll.,
is visiting her son. Rev. F. D. Smith's
family. Rev. Smith, at preseut is in
Denver, Col., representing the local Y.
P. C. U
The Middlesex Presbyterian church is
undergoing repairs, but they expect to
hold a lawn fete on the church grounds.
August 7th, afternoon and evening, for
the benefit of the church. A general
good time is promised and a good sup
per at '> p. m and later, A ball game
is also expected between.Renfrew and
Coopers town.
Edgar Cowan, who recently bought
the butcher-shop of Lewis Qerwick is
doing a good business.
Dr. Crawford attended the races at
Evans City, Saturday.
James Moore is on the sick list.
All who went to the Merchants' pic
nic at Cascade Park report a good time.
_____ X. Y. Z.
LORD ROHKKT.S emerges from his
temporary obscurity with the report of
the surrender of an army of Boers under
General Prinsloo, against whom Gener
al Hunter has been ojierating about
Nauwport. The size of this army is
variously stated, but it evidently em
braces a considerable part of the re
maining forces of the Orange State.
Roberts campaign in tin- Transvaal lias
been less successful and Krtiger is be
lieved to have still an army of
strength with him in the northeast. The
\ dispatches from South Africa have been
so meagre of late, since newspaper at
tention was diverted to Asia that an
exact estimate of the military position
!is not easy and beside- thitt severe
| winter weather has _. t in, the roads are
' almost impassable, and campaigning in
the mountains almost impossible.
Prospect and Touching*.
Yon hav«- never heard that
John Gallagher, of Is*o, and John i
Davis, of Brady twp.. passed through j
town on their way to Bntler Saturday i
For.l Heyl and George Btirry like to
joke each other, and Ford is pleased to '
know that George and his girl had a 1
pleasant ride to Butler and back, Satnr- !
day evening.
Miss Lois Lepley, one of the West
End belles, is spending her vacation
with her cousin. Miss Lou. Sullivan, of j
Beaver Falls.
Coulter McCandless, of Centre twp.,
was in town on business, one day last
Newt Riddle and Curt Grossman ac
companied by their girls, spent Sunday
afternoon, taking a walk to the refresh
ing waters and dreamy atmosphere of
the Mineral Springs.
C. M. Ediuundson and G. B. Beigh
ley spent last week under the genial
skies Centre twp.. doing some carpen
ter work for Wm. McCandless.
Miss Eva Barr has recovered from an
attack of tonsillitis, which kept her
housed for several days.
The Aid Society will meet at Austin
Shanor s, next Saturday. A good at
tendance is required, as there will then
be no meeting until the first Saturday
in September. The President hasn t
decided whether the Aid will spend the
vacation at Chautaqua or the Mineral
C. E. Weigle accompanied the Ell
wood band to the I. O. O. F. picnic and
outing to some Ohio park, last week.
As dog days are here, you should not
exercise too much, and restrict your
diet to bread, butter, potatoes, meat,
beans, peas, pickles, apple pie, berries,
coffee, tea, etc., until cooler weather.
Miss Mary Magee, of Mercer, has
been the guest of her friend, Miss Lva
Barr. for a week or so.
Billie Wilson has sold his interest in
the Wilson and Shoaf threshing ma
chine to his brother Robert. Billie
hasn't time to thresh this fall.
Reuoen Shanor is spending his vaca
tion among relatives in lowa, and we
hope he may have a pleasant time.
Might it be that Reub will make some
McKinley and Roosevelt speeches in
those doubtful western states'.'
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Critchlow enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, of
Allegheny City, not long since.
Mrs. Lizzie Scott, of Sewickley, is
being entertained by her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Margaret Aiken.
Rev. Riehards, wife, and family, of
Aspimvall, are spending their vacation
anions? their Methodist brethren, here
abouts, and have their headquarters at
J. H. McLnre's.
Mrs. Bert Critchlow went to Har
mony, Saturdav, with her sister-in-law,
Mrs." J. N. Harvey, who bad been
visiting here.
Billie Myers' house nearly burned one
day. last week, a spark on the roof
being the cause. Billie says he and his
wife made a good fire company, and
Billie hardly knows whether ho climb
ed up the spouting or a ladder. Come
Billie, slate is the stuff.
Miss Maggie Ha worth, of Allegheny,
is visiling her cousin, Mrs. Rice.
Mrs. Frank Moore and children, of
Muddy Creek twp., visited relatives in
town, last week.
James Barr was a visitor to Dn Bois,
last week, and thinks it a great lumber
Howard Kelly is haying quite a run
on his two boss sewing machines, the
"White" and the" Queen."
Sam and Lawrence Raisley and Ben
Shannon passed throughtown one day,
last week and said it looked as if Mt.
Chestnut was all coming this way.
Don't forget that Cal. Welir has the
has the tax duplicates, and will take
taxes any time.
Miss Verna Scott and lady friend, of
Isle, were in town, Saturday, calling
and shopping. JOE COSITY.
IN the United States there are now
nearly two hundred thousand miles of
railroad track, on which about forty
thousand locomotives, as many passen
ger cars, and a million and a half
freight cars are used; and the employees
in all the departments of all the rail
roads of the country now number near
ly a million.
DURING a riot in New Orleans, last
week, brought about by a negro resist
ing arrest, fourteen men were killed, in
stantly: seven fatally wounded, and a
large number wounded
TIK* Legem! ol tiio old ."Middle
sex Spring.
Have you heard the legend of th - old
Middlesex spring'.'
How, a hundred years ago, it broke up
a whiskey ring?
They began building a distillery where
now stands the church.
And suddenly the spring ran dry and
they were left in the lurch.
They bewailed their ill lnck and sadly
went away.
And in a few months the water came
back, and came back to stay.
Then the good people sent up a joyous
And said the ways of Providence were
past finding out.
They built a church the third one
stands there today:
They have been the means of leading
many sinners into the straight
and narrow way.
God moves in a strange way we cannot
All things work together for good and
come out right in the end.
For Centuries the pure water has flowed
from under the old hill
In Centuries to come it will be flowing
For a Century the church people have
drank from the old spring.
And told the strange legend of the
broken whisky ring.
The first church was built of round logs
and had a puncheon floor;
It also was graced with a puncheon
The second was built of hewed logs,
which they thought was grand.
Now a large brick on the same ground
does stand.
Not one of those hardy pioneers are
living now they have gone to their
Many are sleeping closeby in the old
The children worship there as their
fathers did of old;
And drink the pure water that flows so
clear and cold.
And the faithful pastors that once there
broke the bread of life.
Now dwell in Heaven, free from this
world of iStj'fe.
May the present faithful pastor words
of joy and comfort bring.
May his life be as bright ss the waters
of the old Middlesex spring.
AT MONZA, Italy, King Humbert
was assassinated last Saturday evening.
The King had been attending a distribu
tion of prizes in connection with a gym
nastic competition, and had jest enter
ed his carriage, with his aide-de-camp,
amid the cheers of the crowd, when he
was shot by three revolver shots fired in
quick succession. < >ne pierced his heart
and he fell back and expired in a few
The Italian, Bressi. who shot King
Humbert, worked in a silk mill in Pat
terson, N. J. up to May last, and was
selected by a gang on anarchists to do
the job.
A TKI.KSO ii'K was recently being
tested at the Bansch iV Loinb Optical
Works, at Roehester, N. Y , ami it was
turned on a bridge and the observer saw
a young man take a tub of butter from
a wagon and conceal it. The police
were telephoned to and the thief was
captured as he was attempting to carry
away his prize a few hours later. This
is an interesting use of the telescope.
Centre county began her Centennial t
j Celebration at Bell, fonte. last Wednes- !
I day, on a very rainy day. which caused ,
' a postponement of the raecs. thoueh the
j parade took place and some speeches
j were made.
1 The Celebration, however was a great
' success.
At Mansfield, O, Tuesday, some faith
j curists were stripped and painted by a
I mob. *
The County Commissioners of Law
j rence county have refused to pay a bill
of *-',300 (for work on the Blevins case,
to a detective agency, though the court
favored its payment.
j The friends in Grove City of Rev.
I Frank C. Simcox and wife, both of
j whom were graduates of the College,
j greatly deplore their murder in China.
An attempted escape from the West
ern Penitentiary in Allegheny was dis
covered last week.
Some months ago some nu-n bought a
house on Sterling St. opposite the wall
of the Penitentiary, and then dug a tun
nel from the cellar of the house across
1 Sterling St. and under Refuge St. and
" the penitentiary wall, to a point in the
yard, directly under a large stone pile.
( The tunnel was about UOO feet long.
. The ground from it was piled in the
, cellar, and whenever any unusual
, noise had to lv made in the house, a
I young lady played the piano.
> The parties who dug the tunnel left
[ suddenly. Suspicion was directed to
the house by some trifling incident, and
the police made fin examination and
found the tunnel. It cost a large sum,
I and the prisoners for whose benefit it
was dug failed (probably on account of
t not l.oing put to work at the stone
r pile) to take advantage of it.
BERINGER —At her home in Alle
-3 gheny, July 27, li»v)0. Catharine
1 Flick", widow of Anton Beringer,
aged 07 years,
i BROWN—At his home in Forward twp.
July 25. 1900, Stephen D. Rrown,
3 aged 07 years.
His death was caused by stomach
trouble. He was the father of Joseph
j Brown of Watters Station and Thomas
Brown of Glade Run. He was a mem
ber of a Wisconsin regiment during the
" war and was buried, Friday, by the
1 Capt. Win. Stewart Post, in the Evans
City cemetery.
■ LI DELL -At his home in Cherry twp.,
f July 30. 1900, Wm. Lidell, aged about
6o years.
5 BROWN At her home in Zelienople,
July 20. 1900, Mrs. Cristopher Brown,
aged 08 j e-irs.
f DRUBERT -Walter, son of Herman
i Drubert, died at his home in Evans
City, of jaundice,
HOSACK —At his home in Warren'
July—, 1900, RR. Hosack, aged 80
Mr. Hosack was a native of thisconn
, ty, and a brother of Mrs. Martha Mor
rison of Harrisville.
SLOAN —At the home of her mother,
\ Mrs. Rhodes, in Slipper yrock, July
27, 1900, Mrs. Sloan, aged
[ SEATON —At her home in North Wasli-
ington, Tuesday, July 31, 1900, Ann.
wife of ex-County Commissioner Har
mon G. Seaton, aged about 50 years.
Mrs. Seaton's death was caused by ty
phoid fever. She is survived by her
husband and four children, Edward,
Lorine, Josephine and Stella. The
youngest, Stella, has also been ill with
typhoid, but is recovering. Her re
mains were laid to rest in Mt. Varnum
U. P. cemetery, this morning.
Rev. John Gailey. pastor of the
Fourth United Presbyterian church of
Pittsburg, and one of the most widely
known ministers in Western Pennsyl
vania. irrespective of denomination,
died very suddenly shortly after noon
last Friday in his room at the Pittsburg
Home hotel, where he had made his
home for the past six year» The slight
ailment from which he had suffered for
several days had not sufficiently prepar
ed his friends for such a sudden demise,
and his death was a severe shock to
many people.
He was born in Westmoreland county.
Pa., in 1H42, and was the son of Rev.
Richard Gailey, a prominent and well
respected divine of the United Presby
terian church. He attended the schools
of Westmoreland county, and after ac
quiring the rudiments of an education
there, entered Franklin college. He
graduated from that institution in 1801,
shortly after the war of the rebellion
was precipitated. When he left college,
he immediately enlisted in an Ohio
regiment as a private of infantry and
served during the greater part of the
war. His studies in ,theology, which
he had begun, were prosecuted as soon
as he returned from the army, and ho
finally- graduated from Allegheny
Theological seminary in 1800. While
in the seminary he had been licensed to
preach by Monongahela presbytery,
and immediately upon his graduation
he was ordained by the presbytery of
Butler to which he had bee;i demitted.
Rev. Mr. Gailey's first charge after
his ordination was the Butler United
Presbyterian congregation, in whose
church building the ceremony had been
performed. The ordination was per
formed April 24. 1800. lie remained
with the butler church until December
20, 1871, when he resigned the pastorage
to take a trip which lasted for several
A sad death was that of Mrs. Maggie
Frishkorn, wife of John Frishkorn at
their farm house in Jackson township
on lost Sunday morning. The deceased
was 20 years and 3 months old and
leaves a husband and two small dattgh
ters, the youngest but two weeks old.
Her death was caused by a diet of new
potatoes and encumbers. The funeral
was held Tuesday morning from the
German Lutheran Church. The ser
vices were conducted by her pastor,
Rev. Bntz. Interment was made in the
Zolienople cemetery. —Valley News
John Clark Ridpath, one of the great
est historians the world has ever seen,
died at the Preebjrtertaa Hospital in
New York City, July 81, 1900.
Perry Brown, aged about 30 years,
living on the Daniel Younkin's farm
near Bntler, died this morning from be
ing run over by a sled while hauling
If it's a problem with you
come to us for a "solution.
Some summer suits are hot and
irritating. Ours are not. They
are made fcr comfort, and do
not lose Bight of fit and style,
either. Come and look at the
Wedding Suits a Speciality.
(ooper (0.,
Leading Practical Tailors.,
Notice Is licroliy nlve" that Jacob <'.
Hrown, guardian of the estate of Uo-anua
ICrowti. has filed his first and final account
at No. •>. March T.. 1900, and that the same
will ho presented to Court for confirmation
at Sept. 'l'., I wo.
J. M. McCoi.Lot dit. l*ro.
Zinc and grinding
Proposing an amendment to the Consiltutlon i
of the Commonwealth.
Section l. Ito It res.lived I>y the Senate and i
House of Representatives of tin' Common- :
wealth in General Assembly met. That the .
following is proposed as amendments to the
Constitution of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, in accordance with the provisions
of the eighteenth article thereof:
Amendment One of Article Ei?ht, Section
Add at the end of the first paragraph of
said >octlon. after the words "shall l>e entit -
Wd to vote at all elections." the words "sulv
ject however to such laws requiring and
regulating the registration of electors as the
General Assembly may enact." so that the
said section shall read as follows:
Section 1. Qualifications of Electors.
Every male citizen twenty-one years of age,
possessing the following qualifications, shall
be entitled to vote at all elections, subject
however to sucli laws requiring and regulat
ing the registration of electors as the Gen
eral Assembly maj enact:
He shall have been a citizen of the United
States at least one month.
lie shall have resided in the State one year
(or if. having previously been a qualified
elector or native born citizen of the State,
he shall have removed therefrom and re
turned. within six months. Immediately pre
ceding the election).
lie shall have resided In the election dis
trict where he shall offer to vote at least two
months immediately preceding the election.
If twenty-two years of age and upwards,
he shall have paid within two years a State
or county tax.which shall have been assessed
at k'ust two months and paid at least ono
month before the election.
Amendment Eleven to Article Eight, Section
Strike out from said section the words
"but no elector shall be deprived of the priv
ilege of voting by reason of his name not be
ing registered." and add to said section the
following words, "but laws regulating and
requiring the registration of electors may be
enacted to apply to citiesonly. provided that
such laws be uniform for cities of the same
class." so that the said section shall
read as follows:
Section 7. I'niformity of Election Laws.
All laws regulating the holding of elections
bv the citizens or for the registration of
electors shall lx» uniform throughout the
State, but laws regulating and requiring * lie
registration of electors may lie enacted to
apply to cities only, provided that such laws
be uniform for cities of same class.
A true copy of the Joint Resolution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution
of the Commonwealth.
Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in General As
sembly met. That the following is proposed
as an amendment to the Constitution of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accord
ance with the provisions of the Eighteenth
article thereof.
Amendment. -
Strike out section four of article eight, and
insert in place thereof, as follows:
Section 4. All elections by the citizens
shall be by ballot or by sucli other method
as may lie prescribed by law: Provided,
That secrecy in voting be preserved.
A true copy of the Joint Resolution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
B. & B.
we want you to know
of hundreds of opportunities for
useful and wanted goods for so
little money as never known be
Here's some of them—soon as
you get samples, goods and prices
will pi*ove it to you.
Lot of i2.jC Panama Cheviots
5c —soft finish, firm weave— nice
for skirts, shirts or boy's waists.
Ginghams at 6{c that were
twice the money.
Other odd lines of Wash Goods
7ir, ioc, that show prices
have been cut without mercy.
Fine and pretty White Ground
Organdies ioc.
Neat Novelty Dress Goods and
Mixtures that were 25c for 15c —
splendid for school dresses.
The 75c to $1.25 Dress Goods
at 50c greatest lot of fine goods
ever sold at the money. Worth
your earliest consideration if
you're anxious to be in line tor
great saving.
Boggs& Buhl
Department X.
The best in the market today at
prices as low if not lower than
line complete calipers, rules,
gauges, etc.. etc. Write for
special prices or—get our
Mill and Mining Supplies,
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received by
.the County-Commissioners at their office
in the court house, Butler, Pa., up until
2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, August 14,
1900, for the erection and c ompletion of
a bnrn for use of the county home farm.
Plans and specifications can be seen at
the Commissioners' office. Separate bids
will be received for masonary and super
structure. A certified cheque to the
amount of ten per cent, of bid must ac
company all bids as evidence of good
faith. The contractor will be required
to furnish the necessary legal bond for
the faithful fulfillment of the contract.
All bids to include both labor and ma
terial. The Commissioners reserve the
right to reject any or all bids.
Butler. Pa.. August 1, 1900.
C< >in missioners.
Practical Horse Shoers
Formerly Horse Shoer at Uie
Wick House has opened busi
ness in a shop in .the rear of
the Arlington Hotel, where
he will do Horse-Shoeing in
the most approved style.
AUeCuSi in tbe CITIZEN,
*■ Railway. Schedule of I'as
? :nger Trains in eflect May 28,
IVjurt Arriir.
.vln»glieuy Accommodation ♦"» ;i. r > A.* 9 (*i A M
| Allegheny Expruai 8 <*'» " 91- M
New CVist!* Accommodation S u"» 44 91- **
Akron Mail 8 a r > A.* 7 IB R.«
Allegheny KMt Express , 9 '»8 44 12 18 44
-.n Bsprcn lo# PJ 4 Ift j :;i
(Chicago KxprofW S 40 pm I'-i 1> am
Allegheny Mall ft *•<» " 7 4"» pm
Allegheny and New < 'u*tle Accom fi fiO 44 7 " J
Chicago Limited ft fio M , 9 12 A * j
Kane and Bradford 3lail i*:ss A.* 2 P.M
Clarion Accommodation t *»*> P M 9 46 A M
Cleveland and Chicago Kxpreen... 6 25 am
Allegheny Express .... 805 am y I.A.U
Allegheny Accommodation •"> *»0 P.* 5 «I 3 P.SI
New Outle Accommodation 8 iifi A m 703 M j
Kxpretw 40 P.M fi 03 am J
Allegheny Accommodation 7 03 pm I
On Satmdays a train, known as the theatre train,
will Bitter at 6JSO m.. uil'lit '
at 7.20; returning leave Allegheny at 11.3 i' p. rn.
l'ullman sleeping cars on Chicago Express between '
Pittsburg and Chicago.
For through tkketn to all point* in the wwst, north- j
weet or aotithvmt and information regarding rout«*. I
titae of truiiu, etc. apply to
W. R. TURNER, Ticket Agent,
R. B. REYNOLDS, Sup't, N. D., Butler, Pa. 1
liutler, Pa. C. W. BASSETT,
G. P. A., Allegheny, Pa :
Snp*t. W. ±L. Div.. Allegheny Pa.
Time table in effect May 27, 1900.
Northward. Daily except Sunday. S.utliwnrd
(Read np) (Read down)
P.M P>l A.M. A.M. A.M P.M.
12 50 8 30 Erie 9 Jo 4 10
! 12 24 8 03 ar .Oonneant.. .ar 12 24 0 28
9 24 6 37 lv.. ODiincant. .lv 9 24 4 (.19
, 11 88 708 Oaniyant*Die In , r »l 59§
• 11 10 6 38 Moadville Junct. 11 10 (5 00
11 58: 7 20 ar.. Moadville*.. ar 11 58 G55
10 \1 5 55,1 v.. Meadville.. .lv 10 12 5 15
11 28 0 50ar..Con. Lake..ar 11 2> '» 25
10 42 6 *25 lv. .Con. Lake. h 10 42 5 44
11 18 6 44,ar..Expo. Park.ar 11 is fl <r.i
10 56 6 44 lv.. Expo. Park.lv lu 55 «» 03
10 54 f» 24 Hartatown 11 t; 22
10 40 01' Osgood 11 37 035
0 10 lo 33 ti 03 <*reenville fi 11 45 fi 45
t. o4 10 5 ;V Shiiiango «'> 4o 11 52 6 55
530 50 523 Mercer 7 12.12 23 728
"» 0f» 9 28 5 0i >(Grove Citv 7 40,12 4s 7 55
4 53 9 lis Harrinville 7 52 12 5-»
4 4o 9 08 Bruncliton 8 01 1 08
i 155 ar... llHliard... ar 855 155
325 f. 45 1v... Milliard. . .lv G45 11 45,
1 4u 9 03 ; Keister 8 05 1 12
4 25 s 4s Euclid I 8 20 1 25!
5 no S IS. Riitler ! 8 i» 1 S5
•i IS 7 IK" Allfglu uv 111 21.1 l 3 'i">
A.M. I ' |P.M.!
1 Train !> leaving Erie at 6:30 a.m. ar
rives at Shenango at 9:05.
Train 10 leaving Shenango at 4:10 p.
m. arrives at Erie at 6:55.
Snp't Transp. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Greenville. Pa. Pittsburg. Pa.
A. M A. M. A M. P. M. P. M.
BUTLER Leave 6 25 8 05 10 5o 2 35 5 06
SaxonlMirg Arrive :>\ s 3d 11 15 3 00 5 2S
Butler Junction.. 44 j7278531140 3255 53
Butler Junction...Leave 7 31 8 53 11 52 3 25 5 53
Natrona Arrive 7 4o 9 01 12 Oil 3 34 6 02
Tarentum 7 44 9 07 12 08 342 fi 07
Springdale 7 62- 9 16 12 19 3 52
Claremont 19 30 12 38 4 tH)
Sharpsbnrg 8 11 93012 48 4 12 632
Allegheny i 8 24 9 48 1 02 4 25 6 43
A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M.
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butler for Allegheny
City and principal intermediate stations at 7:30 a. W.,
Hiid 5:00 p. m.
A. M.iA.M. A.M. P. M. P. M
Allegheny City. ..leave 7 00i 8 55 10 45 , 3 10 G 10
Sharpshurg 7 12 9 07 10 57' ....' ...
Ciareinont 11 04!
Springdale j 11 18* .... 6 37
Tarentum 7 37 9 34 11 28 3 4fi| 6 46
Natrona 7 41 9 3s 11 34 3 50 651
Butler Junction. ..arrive 7 4-\ 9 47.11 43 3 58 7 00
Butler Junction leave 7 4s; 9 47.12 18 4 (h; 700
Saxonburg 8 15 iIOO9 12 41 4 35 7
liUTLER arrive 84010 82 1 loi 5 05j 7 SO
A. M.| A. M. I'. M.jP. A. P. SI
St'NDAY TRAINS.—Leave Alleghony City fur But
ler and priuciiial intermediate stations at 7:15 a m. and
9-30 p. m.
Weeks Dayn. Suu«lay« I
A. M.I A. Ml P. M A. P M
BUTLER lv fi 25 10 so| 2 35 ' 7 30 5 gu
Butler JVt ar 7 27;ll 40 3 25 : 8 20 5 50
Butler lv 7 48,11 4.t 3 ss; 8 21 8 05
Freej*»rt ar 7 51.11 4<», 402 825 807
Kiskintinetas J't 44 7 55JU 50 407 829 811
Leechburg " 8 07.12 02, 419 841 823
Paulton (Apollo).... 4 * 8261222 440 858 842
Saltsfcnrjr 44 ' 85112 49 508 9 909
Blairsville „{9 22 120 541 952 940
Blairsville Int 44 930 133 5 50* 10 00
Altoona 44 {ll 35 545 8 601 545 . .. |
llanisburg 44 310 10 (N»j 1 00, 10 00
Philadelphia 44 623 4 2*. 4 25 425
iP. M.| A. M.j A. M. A. M. P. M
Through trains for the east ltMiVo Pittsburg (Union
Station), follows: —
Atlantic Express, daily 2:50 A.m
Pennsylvania Limited 44 7:15 44
Day Kx press, 14 7:30 44
Main Line Express, *" 8:00 44
Ilarrisburg Mail, 44 12:45 r.M
Phila lelphia Express, ' 4:50 44
Mail and Express daily. For New York only.
Through buffet sleeper; nocoacbes 7:00 "
Eastern Express 14 7:10 44
Fivt Line, 4 8 30 44
Pittsburg Limited, daily, with through i«xw-h*tt
to New York, and sleeping cars to N«-W York,
Baltimore and Washington only. No extra
fare on this traiu 10:00 44
Phllad'a Mail, Sundays oniy 8:40 A.M
Frtr Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, all
rail route), 8:00 A.M, and 8:30 P.M, daily; 7:10 P.M.,
daily with through Pullman sleeping car.
Foi tailed information, address Tlios. K. Watt, Parts.
Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith
field Street, Pittsburg, Pa.
General Mauaanr. Ctn'' P<ia*r Agent
In effect May 28, 1IKH).
KASTKRN TIM K. +l2 *t; j +lO 4 14
ritt»l>urj{ ) leave a.m a.n» j I».III in p.ui
AHOKIM IIV jl*. Aw. yu w <«>; ilOlO oo
Butler...* 10 12, A SJIII 28
Feiu'ltoii 5 51
CoWHiiNville 16 l.'i«
Montgomery*'i lie ?> I*'
Went M'wgruve '*» 27;
Erlio 11 ~2j C 46112 43
Day ton. 11 31 16 5M2 53
North Point ! 'T 15*
Ituinilton 17 22!
Horatio 7 32'
J*UOXHitu wm*y ar 12 03 7 40 1 2^
lv C, 3o 12 oft 2 30 7 40j 1 30
!iig Run t» 45 12 I s 2
Curwennville at 820+3 4# 34* 0 0.3
< lcarficM ar BXI+4 00 400 15
Dußoir. 7 20 13 45 3 30 8 ;io| 2 17
Fail* Cri-ek 7 2H 12 53 3 30j|> ■» 'J 34
llr,«3kwayvill.'. .. 712 105 a 4»: 340
lliduwuv' « 1H 1 45! 4 3* 3 15
.MiiuwulnirK 8 48 1 57' 4 5* 3 »•
Ml. Jew,-It » 34 3 4" 5 40 4 14
Bnulfonl ar 10 30 3 35 6 45 5 CO
Salatuatira ar a.m + 4 01 j |».ui
Huflalo ar 5 40 7 10
Ibichntor ar 6 30 h 30
p.m I a.ui
~PA>TKitN TIMK | +l3 *~I *3 *l7" *7
Iwrraj a.m 4U> n.ttt |MI»
Rocbetitor I »00 I 8 45
ll.iffal.r lv' II 45 110 00
Salamanca lv 11*35
11i,,.11,ii.1 I*l 7 45 13 10 4 3o! 13 20
Mr .i. u. II 8 4:J 12 59 5 37' 1 05
Joliiiwtnlianr w 37 1 43 '• 13 I 51
Hi.ltrwuv U 5H 2 00 « 41 3 07
■truck way villc 10 37 3 731 3 4'i
Kalln < i.'. k 7 13,10 54 3 44,7 4-1 254
l>ull»f>- 7 30 II 0" 3 55 7 50 3 05
< 1,ari1,1,1 lv 6 Obi 11+28)8 'SBJ
Curiv.-iu-vlll.- lv 819 Ut39j7 08j
(kin vartan aaoUss
l'i;n\Miltawiw v in 8 03 11 4-> 3 33 * 40, 3 48
- lv 8 05! a.m 3 35{|i.m 350
Horatio ! 8 12.
lliuiiiltt.ii 8 31'
North Point 8 39
Dayton 8 47 4 OWj 4 33
Kcko 8 58 4 31)1 4 33
W -t M<«KIV»>- » 1*
Moiittrotii**rvvlll<- 9 38
Cn,i-«vill,. ... 945 4 57] 513
Btilli r 10 35 6 5 80
Alli-Kli. Ny I IV * W Sinlll 35 '■ 45 I 7 20
PittelmrK / arrive! a.m jt.m I I a.iu
* Daily, f Daily except Suudav.
Trains U and 6 are solid vestibuled,
equipi»ed with handsome day coaches,
cafe and reclining chair cars.
Trains 2 and 7 have Pullman Sleepers
between Buffalo and Pittsburg-
Gen'l Pass. Agent,
Kochester, N. Y.
Karl Schluchter,
Practical Tailor and Cutter
125 W. Jefferson, Butler, Pa.
Busheling, Cleaning and
Repairing a Specialty.
I Great Sacrifice Sale \
| No Fake, No Humbug. |
' ' lionght thin year's !!■ ■!-■? ami Hon-c Bl.nlu'tK whioh amount to thonsnnd »
of dollars, last winter before the rise in prices and tfinst pay for them September
Ist. iii order to get onr rush discount. Therefore, to realize the money an<l hav
ing too large H stock, we decided to make a sacrifice sale.
Beginning Friday, July 27 and continuing
Until August 15, No Longer,
This is n genuine sacrifice sale, no catch-penny affair. Most of the prices
are lielow wholesale, therefore we limit the quantity to eneh customer so that no
; one can take all we have of any article.
; Top Bnw««.cheap at fJj.iO. at this sale £iri.oo , Hukk'v WLlpo. fuli raw hide, worth 30c. at .10
U1 . 44.00 Whips, full raw hide, worth SI at 75
Slat Buckwaeon." " M.OP Whip Stocks, worth 25c. at 10
Top Huinrles. *>oo. «i.OO Whip Lashes, worth Sc. at 15
, Surrles, 125.00, " 100.00 . Horse Brushes, worth 30c. at 10
100.00. " 75.0 ft Horse Brushes, worth j1.25. at. . t 00
' . _ " 75.00, " 55.00 Curry Combs, worth 25c. at 10
I Two-seated Top Hammocks, was :i.50. at 2 00
Spring wagon," 00.00, •• 45.00 Hammocks, was 2.00 at 1 nt
Three-seated top i Frank Miller's Harness Soup. worth lac.at 10
Spring \\ afton. " IHI.OO. " K5.00 ■ Harness Oil, worth 25c, at 15
"uppy Harness," 20.00, •* 13.00 Axle Grease, por box, worth ;V, at 3
15 00. " 12.00 Axle Urease, per box. worth 10c, at 5
12 50. •• V.OO - Sponges, worth 10c, at 5
Collars. " 1.25. " 75 Gall Cure, worth 25c. at 15
_ " !-jO. 1.00 Harness Snaps. 1 Inch or less. 3 for 5
Team • • 1 50. 1.00 Buggy Paint, worth "V, at 50
. . ' ' *£>• " 1.75 ! Buggy Faint, worth 45c. at 30
Jr' s '' _ ' " 'I jO, " 2.75 Trunks, worth 2.50, at 150
Buggy Tops " 7.00, " 6.00 Trunks, worth 5.50. at 4 00
s.DO, " 7.00 Trunks, worth S.OO <; 00
, " 10.00, •• 5.50 Telescopes in proportion.
Wheels, 5.50. " 7.00 Antl-Kattlers, worth 10c, at 5
.. , " . 10.00, •' S.OO Anti-Kattlers worth 15c. at 10
• Miafts.iron and painted.worth j2.75.at 2.0»» Web Halters, worth Sic. at.. 18
" Whins, worth2sc, at 15 Sweat Pads, worth 40c. at 25
And many other articles at equally low prices.
Terms are strictly cash. It is cash we want. It is by having the cash that we
i expect to make up our loss. Remember this is an extraordinary sale and will last
nntiil August 15th. WE SELL KRAMER WAGONS.
Largest Wholesale and Retr.il Dealers in this Line in the State.
8. B. MARTINCOURT, 128 East Jefferson St.,
| "Skoot ' Prices on Dry Goods. |
We are cleaning up with a vengeance to make room
for new goods. - ■
a All simmer lines have been again reduced to make m
C Our prices are well worth your while to investigate.
in Shirt Waists 5 to A oft. a
'S C an d 18c Lawns ami Dimities 9c a
0 and 15c Fine Ginghams 9 C
M Lirge Turkish Towels 1 ic Jv
I Specialofterings in Fancy Silks, Dress Goods and Mux- S
lin Underwear that are tempting enough to inspire a need.
If saving dollars is a hobby of yours, come in—we'll V
encourage the hobby. U
L. Stein & Son, ?
v Office in the "CITIZEN" building.
OOice in Reiber building, corner Main
and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on
E. Cunningham.
Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlei
Special attention given to collections
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Rank, or
Butler County National Bank
Armory Building, Butler, Pa.
Office in Wise building.
Room 8., Armory buildin„.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But
ler, Pa.
Office on Main St. near Court House.
Has located in the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for Dental
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office next tp postoffice.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
Formerly known as the "Peerless
Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located
permanently at 111 East Jefferson St.,
Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do
dential operations of all kinds by the
latest devices and up-to-date methods ,
New Troutman Building, Butler Pa.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 E. Jefterson St., over'
G. W. Miller's jjrocery.
Office JO6 W. Diamond St., [Dr
Graham's old office.]
Houis 7 to 9a. 111. and 1 to 3 and 7 to
Bp. m. • 1
Office 236 S. Main St., opp. I\ O.
Night calls at office.
200 West Cunningham St.
137 E. Wayne St., office uours. 10 to
12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. ni.
Office near Court House.
'' [
New Drug Store.
MacCartney's Pharmacy
New Room.
Fresh Drugs.
Everything new and fresh.
Prescriptions carefully com
pounded by a Registered
Tr\) Our Soda
R A. MacCartney
Good Fit and Work Guaranteed
In the District Court of the
United States for the Western
District of Pennsylvania.
In the matter of 1 , u„ n i. r ,
Frederick M. Renno. t ln Bankrupt* y
To the creditors of Frederick M. Hemio, of
the Borough of Kutler, county of liutler and
district aforesaid, a bankrupt.
Notice Is hereby Riven that A. E. liel!>er.
Trustee of the above estate, has filed his
llnal account and that there will be a meet
ing of the creditors of said estate on Satur
day. August 25th, ISKK). at I o'clock In tho
afternoon, at tho office of J. W. Hutchison.
Referee In Bankruptcy, No. 11l N. W. Dia
mond. Butler, l'a., at which time tho said
creditors may attend, prove their claims, file
except lons to Trustee's report and transact
such other business as may properly come
before said meeting.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
August Ist, 1800.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore subsisting between
Alvy Turner, C. E. Turner and Charles
A. Chirk,under the firm name of Turner
& Clark, has been dissolved by mutnal
All debts owing to said partnership
are receivable by the said Alvy Turner,
to whom also all claims and demands
against the same are to be presented for
payment, the.said Alvy Tnrner hereby
agreeing and does hereby agree to ami
does assume all outstanding indebted
ness against said partnership as hereto
fore known.
Jnne 12, lIMW.
, Letters of administration on the estate
of Simon Barickinan, dec'd., late of But
ler township, Butler county, Pa., having
1 been granted to the undersigmd, all
1 persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
| payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Butler, Pa.
MATBS & YOUNG, Attorneys.
Letters of administration on the estate
of William J. Cleland, dee'd., late of
Muddycreek township, Butler county,
Pa., having been granted to the under
signed, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment, and any having
claimH against said estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
IRA L. CI.KI.AND, Adtn'r.,
Wimerton, Pa.