Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 20, 1900, Image 3

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~ THURSDAY, JULY 76, igoo.
SOTE-AII artv-rtlaer* iuu silt/ w> :»«*<
oane « the!* > - • o *'*7 ° v "
tt'M&ttntl'rti to <l* v' n *i ..»i- r v. *'®* '
*y irsx.uz-
Farmers National Bai.k
AdminL-trator -t. »tie e-tate of s.
mon Barrickman
Dissolution notice, Turner & Clark
Marti ncourt <Sr Cos Sacrifice Sale
Friek <fc Lindsay Co s shov-I-
Wick a Crush.
Patter?' a Bro - Clw.mcSa!~
C. A: Ts Honse Fanii-:i.!n.-«
Cooper 4c Co's Suits
F M Ren no's local.
Brown <s£ Co s local®
Breaden's Vegetable Oil
Agents Wanted.
AdmSabtKo nt aa-J Ii- tutor* o! •■.«««
-an »e«?Bre th<-tr rec.-ij>t f-o-k-* *t the * ITI
<KN nlll..i'.«;p< r<wi making pasiiic
•hslr note book».
—Wondrous sunsets
—"You're a shanghai liar.
-Horrible harvest weatL-r.
- Don t get excited' Kee> w L
—Be.»*r- of toe ' Yellow Peril
We«t Jefferson St. is impwoabl
- Days are becoming a little sh- -rt-r
The Park i- t have a permanent
—There s a rush in the larger towns
to enlist for China
—The people of W. North St are
preparing to p«v
—When two m-n aig '• . <• ■"•*» usually
think.-! the other a fi^ji.
—The crop of crop la =a:d •" be
unusually large this year.
- John BaLsig-r keep*-, an excellent
hoarding bouse at Troutman
—You can't tell by the height of a
man's collar what he amounts to.
—Harvey Colbert is building an addi
t;on to the rear of fcia store-room.
—Our merchants are having a Inll in
trade now: farmcri! too busy to come to
—Gen. Sherman terse description of
war wonl'l hare fitted last week's
—China will soon be wanting some
body to help her Jet go of the Russian
bear's tail.
-The old pike, from the Hospital to
the liorougb. line is said to be in a dan-
K-nm* condition.
The census enumerators are wait
ing for their p»y. and the public is
wafting for the figure-
Cotton shipments to China have
burn suspended. Cotton wants to know
who is king in tlmt country.
- Now that the Centennial Souvenir*
art- down to V> cents ereryon- ought to
hay one and save it for the next.
The C E. Society of Buffalo church
hold a lawn fete this evening, to which
everybody will be made welcome.
The Street Car Co. has located its
power house near Stamm s brick yard,
in a lot purchased from Chas. Duffy
- Th* doctors say that too much ice
cream soda is injurious but it's a mean
man that will quote this to his best girl
"The most bopoles* kind of a skep
tic and drifting wreck,'' says a western
paper, "is a woman who hax lost her
faith in doctors.'
- A petition is in circulation asking
the Ortinty Commissioners to build a
better band-stand in tbe Pat k and put
in some benches
-'•This would be a happier world,"
said the com fed philosopher, ';f more
of us got what we wanted and few < r of
ns got what we deserved."
—The farmers of Crawford county
are paying %1 a day and board for
harvest hands, and it is said that they
are glad to get labor at that price
- The proprietor* of the "Child's
Kye" and Giant of California glad
iolas would die of envy if they could
see some of Heydrirk s nix fr»ot Ix-au
The Boys Brigade of the Y. M C.
A. goes into camp at Slipj»eryrock J'ark,
Friday They will !>e out ten 'lays and
nnder control of Physical Director
Harrison i
—A yoong man In thin Umn given
the following advice There Ik nothing
that tend* to nhorten the liven of old
people and to injure tiiHr health v.,
much a* the practice of witting np lat»>
evening*. e*pe*dally if there i* a grown
daughter In the family.
—Wedne*day of la*t week the I'rtM
pect Ixwe bull club drove to Renfrew
and were Ix-aten by the H'-tifrew club
HU> 51. John Waddell and Oh Hha<rfTer
were the t'r'rf(i><M-t lottery Two week*
before Renfrew played at. Proapect, the
latt<rr winning 12 to
A ea»e of rabie* ha« api>oared in
WaMhington connty on the farm of
Kamnel Thome, *ix week*agoa
ilint appeared on the Thorne # farm, and
waa chaaed out of the enrlorare where
mmh were kfrj/t, but not before
It had bitten three of the animal*. For
neveral week* the awlrie ne«;me<l all
right, hnt recently went mad and died
in great agony
A man in Herkimer, N Y., think*
he ha* written the Hhorte«t |c»em on
re.-ord. He is employed in a Herkimer
hotel and ha* poated thin notice on the
I ion t «et
' >II the atop
lie doean't explain why he call* it po
etry. and the matte r ha» laten ref«-rred
to the new I'oet Lanrent*- of the Cuniio
The appearance «,f n vn wrjient, in
I»lig Inland K<»und fWth eye* a* IHg aw
*ancor*. a fero<-ioii* lo'.kiiiK mouth etc.. |
etc . induced a local jioct. laureate to
get off the following
It may have la-en a jabb<rrwok.
< >r an Mitwliluvian Ruake.
Tint, hibernating an «eoi> or *o,
I>t a sudden Id- ume awake
It Irit a iiole in the outer bar.
And swallowed a breaker or two
Ami wared all the bathers out of the mirf
A* all sea *«rjM.-rit« do,
Hut twiimi t. a serpent i>t the .-.<•!»
Thi* monster, newly found,
'Twas aometblng stranger far than that,
A «erpi>nt i)t the Hound
LOHT A lailv's brown ja-ket, near
While Oak Hprlng* rhnrch Tie
finder i* re<piested t/> leave It at the
< 'ITI/.1.N Ol I |o|
Try llrown i ft Co on a H< wlng Ma
chitW). We sell the New Royal and
New Home Machines Prices f 1*1.75 up.
ilnulen * Pure Vegetable oil. Trade
Mark. All Headaches, Catarrh, Neu
ralgla and Muscnlar Riteumatlsm en red
or no pay Apply to Hotel Waverly.
$3 '*> u <lay guaranteed agent* (men or
worn n i selling our high grade laun-lry
and toilet soajm. For exclui.iv«: territory
write Milieu Soap Co., (>l J I', Adam*
ktreet, ('hicago.
John C. Kelly ha- moved fr m Carr
Mrs. Jan*-* McMarim !- sojourning
at Cambridge
A J Riesle, of Or. a: B-lt was it
town. Tuesday.
C. E Herr and w.fe ar- on a trip u;
the Cheat rive"
Thos. Cooper, of Jefferson twp. war
in tCTrn. T" -rday
Dat. Kennedy h.i- purcnaeed the
R.-itz grocery, in the West Eu<l
J. Kaylcr f Fairview twp wa- in
t. Tii iart f r a 1 ad of fe»-d
Charles A Clark and family of Greece
Citvhav- movd to Robinson's Mills.
W Va,
An.o- Beaton of Eau Clair has 1 een
a business visitor in town for a few
days past.
R. v D. C. Martin and wife of East
Knd Pittsburg are th- guests of I J
McCandless and wife
W. W. HarbLson. of Bennett, and
y.#.. were the gue-ts of m r
of Great Belt last week
Mr= J W Hutch:-on and children
ar spendfihr the hot with hr
parents in W. Sunbnr>'.
Mrs Jo# pb Cris- -11 of Butler twp
returned, Saturday, from a visit with
L r daughter, Mrs" T. C. Stevens
W. 1 Barron has sold his intere-ts in
Wood county. Ohio, and is now locat. I
in Slipperyrock He did well in Ohio.
Prince Tuan. the aliet:«l but- her of
the legations, is the latest to* send
as*urar.'*es. via Shanghai of their safety.
Mrs Elvira Lyon and Miaee- Anna
C'ntnmines Emily Brittain and Ella
Hazlett ar- taking an outintr at Atlantic
JoLr: Bresnehan of WaM St. came
hot.- Tufsylay. f a stay with his fam
ily He is working in th-- W. Va. oil
Mi-oes hi»ra. Florence and Jenme
Comeiius. B<-rtha Donrtld*>n and B'.u-
Wu Revi. ids went to Cliautaaqna
Dr. Samuel D. Bei» ~jf Tucson Arizo
na, arrived in liutler Wednesday noon,
to visit hi" children, Dr Harry Bell and
Miss I>-Da Bell.
Esq. Georg" Turner of W. Sunbury
drove to Butler, Tuesday to -•••■ his
brother Clerk of Courts W P Turner,
who is qnite ill.
Harrv II Negley and Willßitter
of Boggs 6c Buhi. ' am- ont from Pit; : -
\mrl4 Saturday for a short stay with
Butler relative-
Miss Nova Negley, daughter of
Major F. C Negley of Pittsburg, was
the gn'-st of her annt Mr- Susan Pat
terson. last week.
Mis-: Gertrude Siebert of W Wavne
St. is attending the teachers asse mbly
d over by Stat' -!vpt Schaffer at
Chautauqua, N Y.
M:.-.s Irene Evan- of North Main
street, who has been visiting friends in
Pittsburg, ha- returned home on a<-
count of a severe illness.
County Auditor. P. II Sechler of
Prosjiect is «aiil to rair- remarkably
large ra lish' s Irately he wnt one a
yard long to F. M. Itenno.
L4ent William Varnum, of the Navy
Department at W; hington D. C , is
spending a short vacation with his
father Enoch Varnum of O ntre twp.
Mrs \n Kreecorian of Farnam. Neb.
formerly Mis- Maggie K-lly. is visiting
her friends in Butler and vicinity, am!
H. R. Kelly of New Castle is also
Miss Myrtle Übrey of Hilliard and
S» ott Campbell, the We t Sunbury "tore
keeper, w«?re marrie'l Tnes'lay, at the
lattr place 1/y Rev. Quick of the M K
F. M. itenno has moved his marble
shop froin Cunningham Kt. to the sec
ond floor of No. 213 S Main St. over
Sutton's drug store where he will If
pleased to recieve his patrons.
iJr W. If Brown left Butler Monday
afternoon to visit his Mister ut. lieriver,
Colo. H expect to l<egonc for nam
rof w< eks Dr. Williams will hs<k
after his patients while be is away.
Henry Pillow who ha/1 l>oth l/onc» of
his left leg broken at the -shir, by a kick
from a horse three weeks ago is able to
b<- aljont on crutche- Henry expects
to enter th*- medical depart hp nt of John
; Hopkin>. universitv at Baltimore Md
this fall.
Rol«ert Fish r and wife of the Butler
Dye Works, left Butler this morning for
a five we*-k s visit at Jamestown and
Chautauqua Their son Able retnrood
from a four w<«:k's trip over the same
route, Tuesday.
Arthur Black, formerly of the '.'in
/.i n and now with the I'ittHhtiri.' Mali"
able Iron Co Mid MiM lliltOle I. Zim
■Mima, dM|bt<r of Jnvnltti Zbn
merman of the W<- •.!. Knd, weremarried
at the bride's hoine Wednesday. Tie
liii'l" and t(r<i<iin will rink'' their how
la Al!eghony City
Mil Alice Collins and Mr> Mattio
K' hiiiK of H Main St loft Monday
afternoon on thoir trip to Enrojf They
sailed Wednesday from Now York on
the American liner Ht Loui* and existct
to tonr the British Islee, iloilan'l, fter
many Franro anil |<erhap« Italy, winding
up with the Pari* Kxj>o
J« ■«.><» Heydriek and Ewp Kenne<ly re
turned, Monday, from the Indian Terri
tory. whore they completed the louse of
a largo tract of land from the local gov
eminent to u company of which they
are part. Their dealing* were with
Hapulpa, an Indian (Hdef, aiel their
headquarters while in the territory
were in a town of name name, They
brought home a bottle of Inbri eating oil
from a well on their leane, and al*o
siioeimeni of (x»pjx-r ami zinc ore, and
they are greatly pleased with the reimlt
of their errand. The Indian* in that
part of the territory are the citizens and
land owners, and the white men there
are the lab jler* The nnmm< r there
ha* lieen very dry. hnt fruit of all kind*
will 1*» abundant A farther notice of
their trip i* made in another place
I*. 11. I'trnlc.
The Protected Home Circle picnic at
Mora Park, Younnstown, Ohio, next
Thursday, Auk J. A ppedal train on
the 1' & W Railroad will leave Butler
at H a rn,, local time, stopping at Hen
frew Callery. Kvan* City Harmony
end El I wood City. It will leave Yoiiiik«
town on the return trip at 7 '-'M p in.,
Untler time. Tin; fare will lie f 1 for
the round trip, half for children Iwtween
t> and 12 year* of age The I'nrk in
closure • mbraces übont IVi acres of
meadow, fori r t and it,ream, the natural
lieanty of which is unsnrpa* d by any
pleasure report in the country The
a'.tractionx of the I'ark are further
enhanced hy lieautifnl Bake ( oha- ' tt.
the old Idora Mill and Fullm., a large
Dancing Pavilion, capable of *hultcring
several thousands of [>eople in case of
rain, bountiful f) pen Air Theatre,
I.electric Merry flo Ronnd, Howling
I Alley, commodions lining Hall,
pod with Htove* arid al) modern con
venieiic< * for Il<iiieker*
Wince last season the I'ark <fe Falls
Railway ha* he. n double tracked and if*
equipment of <>imervation Cars greatly
augmented The car* pas* within a
half a iwpiare of the Pitt*hurK & VV< t
ern I'aM'-.onger Htatlon, at Yonngstowti,
are therefore easllv ace tlhle u> exeur
aiotilst* arriving by that line Fare
from yonngstown to (he I'ark, f» cents
m each direction, including admi*ni<»n
to the I'ark. The < irele anticipate s the
gre;outing iti Its history
Brown Co iri- ceiling Iron t»e<!* at.
reduced priww 'let olio while they
and old piece* at reduced prlco-i at.
liieowN <fc < '■>)
M Itoi kenntoln lia removed Into
Duffy Block M door* Mouth of hi* old
ntanu where be can i»" found with a full
line of utovoM, hanlware, isewer pijie etc.
We Mtill do roofing Mponting and Jol>
Iblng. wdl Ijo glad t<< hoc all my old cuh
tomern at the new ntand
WANTF.I* Hoarding, lodi/Ifor a
' yomiK man on a farm during Hummer
| and fall month ■, tat>- price* and accom
I modatioiiH Addr J ('iti/.on oflict).
INcw, four-room houic for mlc In
quire at thin ofHcr
Peter Siat'-r hi- committed t.
the p lk institution for f— ble minde
on petition of overseers C. >harbacL <in<i
H Stahl f Milterstown
David S. Holliday who i® churgt<'.
with aggravated as.-ault and battery
ha* been committed to iail.
Edward K Dins, a twelve year tli
colored boy, is in jail charged witi
cheating by fraudulent pretrn-e.
Saturday. Aug. 4 '.vill be the last da>
for filing acc-junts to next tena with
Register Adam^
E. T S&- —of Mars his been ha- beer,
held for court by E-sj Edward Brown
charged with -nrety of the peace and
vrith being of nns iund mind by hi?
Ottic Latz of Muddy creek twp. h>
been returned on a charge of r.- -auit
and battery, preferred bv Harr:»- W
tj C. Se< kmai: a storebeej»er at Cun
away, 10 mile=s fr jin Sisteraville. W.
V«. "kille<l Cal Jordan a 'Liller from
Brady = Bend. Pa., on Friday. Then
had been a feud between them Seck
maa, who is wealthy and ha? a family
is in jail.
Lett'-rs of administration on the e»-
tate of JohnC. Clark d>-' d. of Millers
town hav- been granted to Sarah A
Letters of adminstration on tii" e.state
i'f William Snyder dee d . of Middlesex
twp. have be<-n granted to E-q Samu'-l
A. L--slie.
The Commi.vioners of Clarion county
offer a reward of *2<>o for two men who
escaped jail also a reward of SIOO for
the arrest and conviction of the pereon
who furnieh d them with dynamite
The men effected their es'-ap-- by "(/low
ing out tho window of ar. unused cell
with a stick of dynamite The explo
sion broke plate glas., windows a square
away and HMM the whole aeinbor
hood, but the iu'-n hvl fastened the jail
door with wire and two of them had
time to get out. They are charged with
burglary and nor-e stealing and their
names are C. O. Thomas and Chas. Gor
About midnight Saturday while John
Brown of Quarry street was returning
home three young feflows set upon hir..
in front of one of the fruit stands at th<-
Centre Ave. bridge, kn'K.-ked him down j
and kicked and beat him most shame
fully. Brown was unable to help him
self until bystanders finally interfered
and got him up. While he was down
his assailants hissed on a dog which a<
com pained them and the brute bit an<i ;
snapped at the prostrate man's feet
Monday Mr Brown, who is a railroad
carpenter, went before H-tq Anderson
and mad-- informations atrain.-t two of
his assailants..
Brown's assailants whose names are
Eckman, Derrimore and Gallagher,
have dissapeare'l.
Judge Buffingt->n d' vn un
opinion Monday in the I nit'-d Stati-i
District iy,;irt in the bankruptcy case
of Mrs. Rose Thomas, of Mercer county,
in which the conrt lays down a new nm! (
important rule r. ]>>-cting some thing
which are held to !>e acts of bankruptcy.
Judge Bufßington holds tha; one who
pcrmita judgments to be entered and is
sued nym without taking any steps to
have them vacated or discharged, com
mit an act of bankruptcy and an in
voluntary petition can be maintained.
The finestion has never been squarely
raised before, but the general rale has
been that the insolvent should have in
some manner or form procured or aided
in procuring the judgment" In the
present case the insolvent simply allow
ed the judgments to he entered and
made no effort to have them vacated ir
stay the executions, yet the conrt re
verse - the commissioner who reported
that the petition in bankruptcy should
be dhmissed, and orders an adjudica
John C. Eagal to Willtert. G. E»igal 1
acre in Centre for $!.
Eliza J Eagal V> W. G. Eagal proper
ty in Butler twp. for l-WO.
15 M H'jckenlx-rry, adm'r to John
M. Ilf/ckenberry W acres in Cherry for
A. ('. Irvine to M J. Johnston 2 aen s
in Adams for
Margaret Davis t>/ Annie K Wonder
ly 11 acres in Allegheny for $12.1.
Thonlt. Hoon, «h< riff, to Jacob Darn
bati|<b lot* in Eati Clair* for <1 •*>!»
Julia A Schenck to Philip J>, '»<■!
bah lot in Jackson for *1
}' J). Gelbarh. trn*te< to iMniel L
Oelt»»i' h lot on J'.-ff'-rfioii Ht, Uutl'-r for
L>. L 'lelb»rhto Katharine Oelbach
lot in Hntler for S4OOO.
J. H McLore, gdn. to Agnea Forreat
er lot in Pro»i«;'-t for $450
J A Winner, executor to H W
Dam bach 170 acre-> in Oakland for *-J.
Hamoel Ntaplea to Ellen Little, lot in
Adam* twp. for SSOO.
William Warner to Amanda (irahain
5 acre* in Cranlierry for $ I
11 VV Itambach to Warren A«K«'
170 acre« in Oakland for $127 V).
M urrJugf; McoiiHeH.
M N. lJufTy. KarriM City
Alice E. Corcoran Butler
HcottJ. Campbell %V«-Mt Hunbury
Myrtle J I'hrey HIHtW
Arthur Hlack Pltt*burK
Minnie E Zimmerman. ..Butler
Frank I) Ekan Clinton twp
Mary E. Jone*
William J Wilaon .. Wllkirmbtin-
Pearl M. Jjnvi* ... Flu in villi
An intcrcHtlng Trip.
.!< **<> Ileydrick, the civil engineer, and
J A Kennedy, Kwj. retnmed, Mon
day, from an intercHtiriK trip to the
Creek atrip of the Indian Territory,
whither th"v had none to explore a
lenwe of half a million acre-<, Maid to con
tain oil and minerals Tin y found h
Mjirin« of black lubricating oil on tin
lea-.'-, and alno ledge* of rock containing
copper, zinc and lead ore*
Mr. Ileydri' k Hav* he conMider* thi
prairie land of the territory the fine t
in th" world for agricultural porpo*en
the timber. however. In Mtnall
The country they viiiited adjoin* tIU
Oklahoma Htrlp, and IM drained by th<
Citinatnarrou river, which Ih a* unity id
tic- ■ i and b fan of nlcDdU li li l!
MltlneM b accounted for by tin- fact
that it and it;< tributarie* head in th<
*alt j<lain i Oil raiw n r«, the Miirface ol
both it and Malt <'n■»k, one of it* tribu
They went by way of Ht. Eoui*. an<!
their headquarter* were in a town nam
ed Hapulpa, and their dealing" wen
ch' jJIy with an Indian of prominence ol
th>- wine name The Indian*, there,
are well drenaed, clean, neat and intelli
gent They own tin- land and lea*e it
to the white ne ri on th« *harc». Onlj
the Indian* and a few white men an<
nejfT'ieft whom they have adopted int<
th« tribe are citizens, and have any
thing to do with the local government
For inatance John Jack, formerly ol
thin county i* a citizen. He went U
that country about forty year* ago
married nn Indian woman, a widow
with children, and thn* became a mem
Ixr of the tribe, and a property owner
Iflm wife died, and he m now Maid to b«
married to one of h< r granddaughter*
A few netfroea were held In nlaverj
there, at the tfine of the < ivll war. and
tie «< were freed, and rome of them
adopted Into the trllxi. They hav«
plenty of land and each Indian t Inl I i
l>orn to 100 acre* Their farm* are wet
cultivated, they have plenty of frtnl
all kind-!, watermelon* w< re *elllDg n
Im omli meh; and Mm vhnt |w| eat
averaged 00 hnnhel* to the acre
There are plenty of rattlesnake* in tbi
Wood" and Ijoth llieu hiought home rat
tle i from Rnaken they killed, al*o a dem
centipede, and Mr lleydriek ban a llv<
"runner," or quick moving lizard, whicl
tie had great trouble In catching
The town* all have good hoteln, ami
thousand* of people are continually
proMpeetlnn through the country
<10,1)00 worth of furniture Ui Nell yon
at pri'-eM that will uult yon. (let moiik
of the barualnM ofTero'l ilurlng the <|tilel
••.en ion and help um reduce our ntock.
H«-e IIHOWN <V. Ci>
I M title '.' hoi*™ wanted at l/H Wml
I \Vnyne St
I\V \N I l .l> Men to h«'W tie* (iooi
wage* paid Addree* I* <». tiox tI2U.
Bntlei. l'a
R Shak ley of near Petr >'ia wa-*
caught in the belt of an engine on th •
Parker farm, a few days ago. and
crashed to death
Mr- J. H Davi- of Franklin town
ship fell and sprained her left knee on •
•lay ia«t week, and as her right knee
was w ak she may be a cripple for life
Friend Ekas was thrown from "nit
Bicycle, on Fairview Ave. Saturday
evening and badly bruised.
George EvaiJ- carriage was ups<-; by
a colli-: >n near the Plate Works, Satur
•lav evening, and he and hi> two sisters
thrown ont.
George Slentz was burned about th»
face and shoulder* by a .ras explosion a:
the Lead Works. Monday.
Rf.bt. Crawfords little girl had an
odd experience last week While out
walking one evening niostiuitoes stun-'
her on the fir- bead and left cheek, and
next «lay hr left eye was closed by tb«.
swelling- There are two kinds of
mosquitoes < of which are poisonous.
Monday evening while Mrs. R. A
MacCartnev an l Mi-s Gertrude Camer
on, of H. J' Kltngler <V Co s office, were
driving on Locust street their horse
frightened and ran off. Botn ladies
were thrown from the buggy and Miss
Cameron was bruised about the head
and back so as to confine hr to bed for
severll 'Lays The h rse d .-bed along
the street until be finally ran into a
front vard and plunged against a
porch breaking his neck and cans;rir
his death. Th- horse was a fine pacing
animal which Mr MacCartney had
br u_-ht with him to Butler King Mac
by name and having a record of 2:2 C.
Mr- Lucy Mercer living north of
New Wilmington had a very narrow
escape one day last wek. She led a
horse out of the barn and was holding
it by a long rein at the end of which
ma loop After holdiri!? the hor--
this manner she allowed the line to fall
to the ground with the loop near
her foot. Something ■turned the ani
mal and it started to ran Mrs Mercer
stepped forward her foot caught in the
loop and she was thrown to the ground
while the horse started on a chase
around the barn yard dragging her
after. After several times around the
yard the horse jumped the fence and
the strap broke, releasing the woman.
She was considerably bruised but other
wise uninjured.
It seems that the breaking of the
«trap was all that saved her from more
aever© or jierhaps fatal injurie- New
Wilmington Globe
Kail road .Vote*.
On Monday the B. & O. Railroad se
cured a majority of the preferred stock
of the Pittsburg A: Western and within
three months will assume control of the
For several years past the B. & * >. has
been trying to secure the control of the
road, although they have a traffic ar
rangement with the Western which is
said to 1> satisfactory. As is well
known there have been several attempts
to sell the road under the hammer by
Uv holders of the bonds and the B. &
held most of the bonds. The road
was up for sale a number of times but
there was always a hitch and it is said
the bitch came from the fact that the
B. & O. did not own a majority of the
preferred stock. For a long time they
have been after the control of this
stock, but they did not secure it until
ft is said that by October 1, the B. &
O. people will have control of the road
and that the se< uring of the majority of
the preferred stock will do away with
the necessity of a public «ale. The P.
<te W. is in excellent shape and has been
on the upward course ever since Thomas
M King wa appointed receiver
The lionded indebtedness of the P. <V
W i- -S-5.000.000, iriottly held by the 11.
& (J. Co.
The Market Botti agencies advanced
to $1.27 Monday and it remains at that,
Jk.F* i*hon rwp - The plate Glass
Cm. have the tools stnek in the *e)l on
tne Thiis OK)|i<-r
FAIIIVIF.W TtVP Miller Bros, have a
ri« up on the (lias. Miller, and a ritf is
np on the MefJarrey.
CON<:oltl> The Hoch IJr .-. well on
the Lew Sutton, drilled by Vance &
Frantz, was completed las' week, and
is doing twenty barrels Vance <te
Frantz are ready to case on the Ezra
Kay lX>U- iMvis Bros & Rts' her are
drilling another well near their big
gusher on the Sol. Mays
CoitOAUK The oil men are pleased at
the decline in the tirice of Manila rope,
which has dropped nearly half.
At (irennsburg, last. Snnday, i'astor
Wallaw- of the First Presbyterian
church did not resign, and nobody voted
in favor of accepting his resignation
Rev. W, .1 Brandon, who is soon to
leave with his bride as missionaries to
India, will preach in tie- U. P. church
next Snnday. On Sunday, August 12th.
Rev. John A. Doutkett. of (ireen-burg,
will occupy the pulpit. Rev. McKoe
will use the major part of August for
hir annual outing to Lake Muskoko,
Notice to the Public
I deftire to inform my customers And
public generally that I have removed
my marble shop from Kast Cunningham
street to room second floor, No. 2IH
South Main street, where I amjirepared
give estimates on all kinds or marble
and granite monuments at the best
rates Mini lowest prices. Hearts that I
am no longer in the business are untrue.
F. M It J.N NO
The School Bonrd of Clearfield town
sliip Butler <'o. will meet at the (Joyles
ville school house on Saturday, August
4, 11100, at 2 o'clistk p. in of said day.
for the purpose of hiring six teai'hers for
the coming se.hool term.. All applica
tions must be in writing and handed to
the Secretary on or before August Wd,
IWKI. No apiillcations received after
said date. Wages per month
By order of the Isiard
Ferielton, Pa
farm of f>i acres, two miles north of
West Sunbury, house, good water.
Will *ell cheap or exchange for small
furm near Butler. See W. J. lii.ACK,
We the undersigned I'hotograiihers
of Butler, Pa hereby give notic that
our MMcHvt Photo, fltodkH will In
closed from .luly 141 st to Aug llth, Itssi.
Bargains From Nowuntll July 31
As I want to get rid of all bicycles
th< .'Mi prices will lie given
perpetual p< ditls, regular price i£; re
dooed to .sl.lO
Mrnflrilierg js-dals, regulai price ft 25,
rrduced to 7Be
Tim i • 11#• II cents a roll
' i i trippMH, regnlajrHidSßo .lis-
Ni",r|' |' ii i ilur price f»oc itOc
Inner i.ui/•,, i price fl oO .#1
Graphite. from 10c to 5c
Cement. from 100 to 4c
OU from tOO to to
Handle loirs . Mo and 75c
' hain brushes from /iOe to !jsc.
Tip top tires front #1 to tft 50
Worsl rims.. . 2T>e
T<. ( 10. i re/ular price JMIc, sab) prion I lie
Foot I' imps " " 75«; " " !!5c
Chains " " 1.00 " " 75c
Butler < Jyole Co
I2H W Jefferson St . Butler
The finest work on shorthand ever
published will ls< ti'i'sl at the Butler
Ilusiness (College the coming year. All
those contenipl itlnu; taking up the tu
dy of shorthand are earnestly militated
to Call lit tile eoljece ofllce to exilUlltie
this work
Fall l.erni begins Monday, Sept.
I l'lOO. This Is the Ik t time to entel
Picnics and Reunions.
Tfa>- ninth antia.il reunion of the Six
teeners of the Mercer Soldier- orphan
school will lie held in Mercer on W.-d
ncsdny and Tbursd • Angn«t 15th and
lOth. Wednesday afternoon will be
sp- nt in renewing olii frienship visit
ing the home grounds and other pla. es
of interest. In the evening a suitable
pr .gram will be given and a general
pood time arranged fur all. ijn Thurs
dav morning a business meeting will be
held for the election of officers
The Annual McCall Reunion will
IK- held August 3«>th. at the home of
Curt Wick near West Sunbury Every
body welcome BKKT PAINTER,
Tho McCandless reunion will be held
iii t-hi customary grove, west of Lnion
ville, Thurs<iay August Kith. Every
body is most cordially invited to come
and" have a royal good time with as.
The eighth annual Sloan reunion
will be held in th- arrive of Matthew
Sloan, near Farmington, Thursday,
August 23. 1900. The Sloans are
of the most numerous and prominent
connections in the northeastern part of
the county and their reunions are al
ways largely attended and very enjoy
able affairs.
Instead of a regular St. Paul Home
day this year, the Reformed Ongrega
ti' n's Sr.dnay Schools of Bntler and
surrounding country with all other
friends of the Home, ar- invited to
picnic, at th*- Home grounds. onFnda.'.
August 3rd. Refreshments will be
served such ae ice-cream, coffee, lemon
ade, fruit-, -anwiehes. all at reasonable
rates, during the 'lay. The annual
lawn fete will be given in the evening
to which fill are invited.
P. C PKroH, Supt.
John B. Caldwell's house in J efTers. a
twp was-truck by lightning daring
storm of last Thursday afternoon, but
was not greatly damaged A valuable
cow belonging to his neighbor, Jos ph
Blakeley, was killed by same storm.
A large barn on the Mart in Hemphill
farm near near Chicora was struck br
lightning and destroyed by fire last
Thursday afternoon.
Robert McKiesick's house at Euclid,
near the house in which the two
women were struck, was struck by
lightning, last week The two women
have both recovered, bnt Mis.- Stoner
has some marks upon her person.
During the severe electric storm on
Monday evening, lightning struck in a
stable at the Evans City driving park
and stunned Joe McLaughlin a stable
man, and killed a valuable pacer. Prince
Pointer, owned by Hstrvey Critchlow of
Renfrew McLaughlin was in the act
of jutting bandages on the pacer's I'-trs,
when the shock came and his escape
from instant death was miraculous, the
current being so strong that the steel
shoes worn by the horse l>ecaine red hot
and set fire to the straw in the stall
McLaughlin was able to be around on
Tuesday, little the worse for bis exper
ience the evening before. Prince Point
er by Star Pointer was valued at SI2OO
and with little track work as a four
year-old two years ago had a record of
'i.27. —Evans City Times,
Wheat. wholesale price fjy
liye, " 45
Oats, " M
Corn. " 48
Hay, " 18 00
Eggs, " 12
Butter, " 1»
Potatoes, new " V)
Chicken, dressed, per lb 10-12
Onions, per dozen bunches IS
Radishes, p«-r doz bunches -'<)
Beets " " 25 30
Blackberries, per ijt *
Currants, per bn 2 <*>
Gooseberries, per lm 2 00
Apples, i>er bu 40
Cabbage, per 1b.., 01J
letters I nclalined, July 2il.
Mrs Catharine Aulshouse, Mr. llarey
Adam, Mrs Mary Black.J M. Brandon,
Miss Sadie Clinglesmith, A. Davis, Paul
Dittuian, Mr. Qouckard, Mary A.
Hawk, 1. G Jaquette, Andy Killian, J
J. L upper, Mrs Emma Luk< Louis
Miller, Mrs C E McConnell, James
M' Ginnis, Mis Lilian McKec John
Robinson. M. V Reilly, D. 11 Stover,
Harry Stoner, Mrs Amanda F. Stile
inetz. Miss 8. A. Thompson Miss Cottie
Whitmire, and George Wallace.
Here ia something new, an «>rit?i«a.l
I toad very carefully You
may get SIOO in (Ja«h, a Parlor Organ,
or a Bicycle or a gold watch, or a Silk
Dress- Who can arrange these nine
uronpM of jumbled lettcm into the name
of nine States, "Oyekwm,' "htna
"weidarao," "awio," "hooi," "JlnoiiHi"
"fli'jha iii-aim,'' "inony wiif. For
exomiite, " < )yi kvrrn" can be transponed
into New York and HO on. Yon can
only tine each letter in itn own group.
It will be found a hard study, but if you
ntick to it you may get five, or even
seven. or perhaps all of the word«
(ionroctly. The proprietors of Wards
Root Beer, that delicious, healthful
temperance leverage, offer the following
grand priz'-H To tin- person who sendn
a complete correct lint will lie paid SIOO
in money; to the person Sending the
next largest correct lint will 1"- given a
* 7BBicyclo 0 adieu or gent's); for the
ni-xt largest correct lint will !»• k> v "" a
beautiful s'»•"> Parlor Organ, for the
fourth largest lint will l<e given a fine
$T,u (Jold Watch, for the fifth a band
Home $2. r > Bilk Dress Pattern. If more
than one person succeed* in making a
complete liHt the SIOO rash and the
equivalent in money of the other prize*
will lie divided among thoHe who Mend
correct, lint of nine Btates. We want you
U> try and make ont the entire nine
Bt.ateH, for who known l>ut. what, you
may lie the lucky winner? Content
clones Hept. JlOth. The object of giviiiß
these prizes in simply an advertisement
of Ward's Itoot Beer A 25 rent pack
age makes five gallonM of delicious
healthful, invigorating beverage With
your lint of answers yon muMt either en
clone the Heal from the top of a 25 Cent
packaxe of Ward H Root Beer, which
you ran obtain from your drugging or
send 10 cents Hilver or nix two cent
MtampH with your li*t of annWWs for a
trial size package which will make one
I'allon of delicious Root liw-r
Thin IM HIIJT pi v one of our plana of
advertising and we hope our giving
t,h< • e prl/en will lie the means of having
Ward H Itoot Do r tented in many new
homes Send yniir aiinworn t<. day if
pos»il>le. Everyone hat an e<inal oppor
trinity Honest and fair treatnient ih
guaranteed No one In our employ will
lie allowed to enter the content All
that In required from succensful con
testant :i in their assistance hi introdnc
iriK Ward's itoot Boer the purest and
I »ent Addremi early n>i pon>iih]c Ward
I>ru« Co , 80 H2 I , l lth Ht., New York
Now IH the time to net, your hargiiius
in parlor g<<odn H and 5 piere suits
I wish to null my fresh cow and calf.
(low '» yearn old, and ralf I! month"
Impure of i'hillp Klllian. No 15 Houfh
Washington Ht., I'iitier
Ask your Ororer for Curries Milk
Brea'l rnad" only by the i'alace Bak
ery, i(7U Centre Ave l'hone
Ituyliig Wool.
I am If it y I (ik wool at name loration an
last season, Urahain liro'n groc-ry store,
will pay the marki I price in cash, have
no merchandlHo of any kind to ex
change W F. KUMUI JC'JJCK.
<'ommencenient and wedding pre;
cut* at liargaln pricen
It 1. KIICUI'A'I IIU 'lf, Jeweler,
I'mtlin wishing to purchase or will
oil proiK-rtic*, fnrriin, citv nuiilc-iKC* or
real i ntate ol any kind, nfiould call upon
Win. Walker,in Kcttcrcr'* b'd'g.oppoiiitr
P, O. Hutlcr Pa, People* Phone No. 17-1.
Fine seven roomed house with lot
.'i.'ix I -i'l feel on Went Jefferson street,
with city and drilled well water and
every modern Improvement.
Hi< room house ort H Main Ht., Iftii (111
CITIZKN Building
AMI other Atlantic COJIM llesorts
via Pennsylvania itailroiul.
Thursdays. August 2 and 16 are the
remaining dates of the Pennsyl
v,inia Railroad annual low rate excnr
sions for 1900 to Atlantic City. Capt
May. Ocean City, Sea Isle City. Avalon
Anglesea. Wild wood. Holly Beach. N
J.. Rehoboth. Del . >r Ocean City. Md
Tickets good to retnrn within sixteei.
days, including date of excursion.
A special train of Pullman parlor car*
and day coaches will leave Pittsburg on
abiive-mentirned dates at 8:55 a. in. ar,
riving at Altouna 13:15 p. m.. where stoi
for dinner will be matle, reaching Phila
delphia 6:25 p. m. in time for supper,
and arriving at Atlantic City, via the
Delaware River Bridge Route, the only
all-rail line, at S.-10 p. m. Passengers
may also spend the night in Philadel
phia. and proceed to the -bore by any
regular train frotn Market Street Wharf
or Broad Street Station on the follow
ing day.
Passengers for points other than At
lantic City will spend the night in Phil
adelphia and use regular trains the
n> xt day from Market Street Wharf.
A stop over of ten days will also be
allowed at Philadelphia on the going
trip, if passengers will deposit their
tickets with the Ticket Agent at Broad
Str-et Station. Philadelphia, immediate
ly on arrival.
Tickets will be sold from the stations
at the rates named below: —
Trains leave. Rate.
Pittsburg 8.55 A. 11. iSIO.OO
Tarentum 7.37 " 10.00
Natrona 7.41 10.00
Butler 6.25 " 10.00
Freeport 7.51 " 10.00
Altoona (dinner) 12.35 PM. 8.00
Philadelphia stop
for supper Ar. 6.25 "
Tickets will also lie good on regular
trains leaving Pittsburg at 4:50 and 8:80
p in., carrying sleeting cars to Phila
delphia and 7:10 p. m., carrying Pull
man sleeping cars through to Atlantic
City. .
For detailed information in regard to
rates and time of trains apply to ticket
agents or Thomas E. Watt, District,
Passenger Agent, Pittsburg.
Great l". I*. Reunion atConueaut
Arrangements have been completed
for the Third Annual United Presby
terian Reunion at Cocneaut Lake,
August oth, 1000. For this occasion
special trains will be run via the P &
u. E. R R., from New Haven and
Pittsburg; the Penn'a Lines from
Bnrgettstowu and Washingtown, Pa
Bellevue and Wellaville, 0.. the P. <!t
W from Allegheny; theW. N. Y. & P.
from New Castle and New Wilmington;
tie-Erie R. K. from New Lisbon. O :
L S. Ar M. S. from Oil City; B. It. & P.
from Punxsutawnev; and via the P. B.
L. E from Turtle ( reek North Besse
mer Butler, Hilliard, Erie, Meadville,
and intermediate points Stops will be
made at all principle intermediate
The very lowest rates have been
made for this reunion.
The greatest iiumber of people that
have ever been :*t the Lake in one day
attended the U. P. reunion of 1X91), and
the twenty-five trains required to carry
the excursionists were handled in a
manner entirely satisfactory to all con
cerned. The reunion this year will sur
pass that of lMlit in every particular
For particulars address Rev. J. C.
Kistler, Chairman of Committee on
Tranffjortation, Buena Vista. Pa
Lutheran Itciiiiioii :it Colilu-HUt
The Third Annual Hennion of the
Lutheran Churches of North western
Pennsylvania will be held at Exposition
Park, Conneaut Lake, Tuesday, July
81ht, 1900. For time of trains and rates
inquire of P. li. <fc L E. K. It. ticket
agents, or address E. H. Utley, G. P. A.
Pittsburg. Pa.
Ki:i>l ( i:i> KATI'X TO IMTTS-
Via 1 Vniisylvaiiiu Itailroail.
For the Prohibition State Convention
to be held at Pittsbnrg, August H, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
fell excursion tickets to Pittsburg from
all stations on its line in the State of
Pennsylvania at rate <>f one fare for the
round trip (minimum rate twenty live
cents). Tickets to be sold and good go
ing August d, 7. and S, and to return
until August 9, inclusive.
Great I'. I*. Ke,union at Conneaut
Lake, Thursday, AiigiiHt
IMb, Il>oo.
Arrangements have been completed
for the third annual United Presbyterian
Reunion at Conneaut Lake, August 9tb.
1900, for this occasion snecial train will
be rnn via the Buffalo, Rochester it
Pittsburg Ry. on the following schedule
at rates quoted for the round trip.
Craigaville, 7 10 a. in. sl.lO,
Fen el ton 7:51 a. in. sl.lO.
Children between the age of 5 and 1 2
at half the above rate. The greatest
number of people that have ever been
at the Lake in one day attended the
United Presbyterian Reunion of '99, the
He union of this year will surpass that of j
lH'.iii in every particular.
For particulars address Mr. J. C. Hist
ler, chairman of committee on trans
portation, Bnena Vista, Pa. or C. G'D.
l'ascault, Div. Pass. Agent, Pittsburg,
IVrHDiially-OoiMliii'liMl Tourn via
I*<-IIIIH.VI\ auia Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad (Jompany
announces the following Personally
Conducted Tours for the Summer of
To the North, including Niagara
Falls, Thousand islands, the St. Law
rence, Montreal, Ouebec, the Saguenay,
Au Hatil'- Chasm, Lakes Champlain and
George, and Saratoga, July 21 to Aug.
4 and August II to 25. Hate,sl2(s for
the round trip, from New York, Phil
adelphia. Baltimore, Washington, and
liarrisburK, including all necessary ex
|wnscs Proportionate rates from other
For itineraries and futher informa
tion atiply to ticket agents, or address
Qm W. Boyd, Assistant OttMfll Pas
senger Agent, Philadelphia.
K\<'lll'Hloii to Allegheny.
(Jommencing Sunday. May <>th. the
Sunday excursion fare from Butler to
Allegheny will lie one dollar for tickets
good going on train leaving Butler at
H.o,*>a m.. City time, returning on train
leaving Allegheny at 5,H0 p. m city
Atlantic <'lt\ i:\cnr.Mloii\lii I*. A
\V. and It. .V O. Ity.
June UHth, .luly I'Jth, Uftth, August. 9th
and 2Hrd. 1900, are the date* for the
Pittsburg A' Western Excursion to At
lantic City via I!. A-. <>. Ity. All li. it
<I. trains run via Washington I) C.
Rate from I'utler SIO.OO Tickets good
returning HI days from dal" of sale.
'■*- '
W have 4 [jia<lc.t-—none
of thcrn unworthy.
DIGGER, best
McKEE, • next
VICTOR, • • qood
(let our prices—this latter will
tell you why you should buy
Millund Mining Supplies,
200. 202 WOOD ST., I'ITTSBUKG, I'A.
WANTI l» 11• ifit iimn or wotitttft to if itv<-
for larK« hoimo; milmv ftif» moitfltly ami
-. with lncri'iwr, position
• 111 , ||M"l«»'*« H If U'l«ll« H* «l HllllMlM'l <ll V«'lo||l<
M A *N AOKIC. .MU Cm ato i« l/JUg.. UlilCttifo.
The Only Way
Of getting what you vant is j
to purchase from reliable
sources. You may not need
our goods often,but when want
ed >ou want them prompt
ly and want the best. The
sickroom is no place for ex
periments. Our prescription
department is the most im
poitant one with us and we
leave nothing undone to
secure only the best. A drug I
may be pure but not up to I
the standard in strength.
Nothing short of the best is
thought of with us.
Our trade is laige enough to
keep goods moving so that
we hnve no old stock. Our
methods of doing business
we think will warrant you in
coming back. Every article
bearing our name is guaran
teed to be just as represented
or your money back
C. N. Boyd,
On the Diamond.
Near the Court House.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore subsisting between
Alvy Turner. C. E. Turner and Charles
A. Clark.under the firm naineof Turner
A: Clark, has l>een dissolved by mutual
All debt* owing to said partnership
art receivable by the said Alvy Turner,
to whom also all claims and demands
against the same are to be presented for
payment, the said Alvy Turner hereby
agreeing and does hereby agree to and
does assume all outstanding indebted
ness against said partnership «s hereto
fore known.
.Tune 12, IfKK).
Letters of administration on the estate
of Simon Barickiuan, dee'rt., late of But
ler township, Butler county. I'a., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
•aid estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Butler, Ta.
MATKS & YOUNG, Attorneys.
Letters of administration on the estate
of William J. Cleland, dee'd., late of
Muddycreek township, llutler county,
Pa., having been granted to the under
signed, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment, and any having
claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
Wimerton, Pa.
CokNKMts it SON, Att'ys.
Whereas, letters of admiuisiratiou
have been issued to me in the estate of J.
W. Burton, late of Middlesex twp., But
lei county, Pa., dec'd.,all persons owing
the said estate will please call and settle,
and all persons hcving claims against the
same will please present them duly
authenticated for payment.
J. L. BURTON, Adm'r.,
Flick, Butler Co. , Pa.
S. P. <Sc A. L. Uowsiiß, Att'ys.,
"* Butler, Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Henry Ladabour, dee'd., late of
Cranberry township, Butler Co., Pa.,
having heen granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Callcry, Pa.
betters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of William R. Park, dee'd., late of Mid
dlesex township, Butler county, l'a., all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment; and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
MAKY J. PARK, Adm'x.
Glade Mills, Pa.
betters of administration on the estate
of Krvilla Miller, dee'd., late of Adams
township, Butler Co., I'a., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves Indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pa/
nient, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Myoma, Pa.
S. V. f<. A. Bowskk, Att'ys.
betters testamentary on the estate of
George W. Miishnisli, dee'd., late of
Centre twp., Butler Co., Pa., having lieen
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment,and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement to
or } Ex'ra.
Butler, Pa.
Notice Is hereby Klyou that Jncoli «'
111-own, uuiirillitii of I lie estate of Uonuinii
Itrown liRH III.'I Ms lirxl ami llmil account
Hi No .I*. Marrli T.. !(««•. mid lliut Hie mimo
will lie pri .. nli <1 to llourl for confirmation
til Si pl T., Il**i
.1 M . McOoi.Uoi/on, l'ro
The Problem.
Is one that should interest every
man. High class tailoring insures
perfectly lilting garments. It ill
creases the life of the clothes, too.
highly commended by those who
know good clothing when they
nee II Our suits will please you
Wedding Suits a S|»ct i.ility.
(ooper &■ Co.,
Leading Practical Tailors.,
The Rush of the Season
Should Occur this Week.
The value of an honest dollar is as much in the
Spending as in the making.
If looking for good values come to us and we'll bet the best suit of
clothes in our store to a straw hat we'll sell the
clothes. Here are some sensation
ally low prices in suits.
All Our $7 Suits. Cheviots and Cassimeres $4 90
All Our $9 Suits, Absolutely All Wool 6.25
All Our sl2 Suits, Absolutely All Wool 8.00
All Our sl4 Suits. Absolutely All Worsted 10:00
All Our sl6 Suits. Absolutely All Worsted 12 CO
All Our $lB Suits, Absolutely All Worsted 13.53
And our special line at #7.50 which can
not be matched outside of this store.
Can You Do As Well Elsewhere.
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
SI Every Day A >
I Record Breaker. |
Wm snrjiassed in every particnlar the one preceding. »
mj Phenomenal has l«een our success during this great (
i W i slaughter of bargains and onr stock looks a little as
vi though a Kansas cyclone has struck it. But there's
quite a few good bargains left and you'll know they M
ftre bargains, too. for we've left the old price tag on
making the sale price along side. This is no "Fire" M
r® or '■ Water" sale, bnt a genuine clean-np of new, ►J
jpj fresh goods, all stylish, nobby and strictly np to
v date. Don t delay any longer, but be in the swim. A
[4 Douthctt & Graham, j
The Surprise Store
t 108 South Main street, Butler, Pa. 4
< Overalls, Jackets and Pints |
M Are the best that human hands can make. If >
t they rip bring them back and get a new pair. i
r< The Keystone Corduroy I'ants are made from ►
V the best corduroy. A new pair or money back !
to every dissatisfied customer.
f< if
S In the prices of stiff ?
j and straw hats. /
Id this sale all our
new styles and
shapes in stiff and
straw hats will be
included anil you
have the benefit of
all that's now at the
"Crush Price."
Jno- S Wick.
242 S. Main St., Butlor, Pa
Opposite I'. 0.
For up-to-date I'hotos go
to tltc I'ost Office building.
New designs every few days.
YVV guarantee to please you.
Itranch Studios,
Mars and Kvans tTity.
Telephone 230.
B. - & B.
dollar goods, 50c,
Large lot of 75 cent, Dollar and
$1.25 Dress Goods, Suitings and
Skirtings—choice woolens, 50c
Plaids and checks among them,
and mostly medium and dark ef
fects right in line for fall.
Way to do a thing Is to do It.
Only way to empty shelves,
and do it the way this store wants
it done, is with prices.
Good Goods priced below all
experience, right here and now.
Not saying this for effect—you
send for samples and sec that it's
Ixjt ot Fifty City Dress Goods
Useful Dress Goods underprice,
1 sc.
Fine Dollar Foulard Silks 50c.
Fancy Taffetas 65c, 75c that
were twice the money—rich and
handsome lor early fall.
5000 yards of pretty 10 and
12wash goods, 7jc yard.
5000 yard! of 8 and 10c wash
goods f>jc yard,
Fine 15c to 50c Madras Ging
hams at five prices—5, 10, 15,
Odd lines ot White Goods 6jc,
It's an enormous Bale of odd
and broken lines and surplus lots
f»4 different departments —not one
of them hesitating—and all who
come or send will get good and
useful Dry Goods at an unequal
cd money saving.
Boggs & Buhl
Department X.
Practical Horse Shoers
formerly Home Bhoer at the
Wick House hua opened buitl
ticwi in h ahop in [the rear of
tlie Arlington Hotel, wln-re
he will do llorae-Shoeing in
the moat approved atyle.