HLlHelton'* Slioew TO FIT ALL SORTS OF FEET Takes all sorts of Shoes. Small stores can't have big assort ments. If you care how you and yours are shod. COM P. HhRL' Rut Oxiorcls\fyVw That seems to be the cry. We're going to give our patrons the best Oxford and Shoe opportunities that they'll hear of for many a day STYLISH GIRLS QUEEN QUALITY SHOES Will appreciate onr Street Oxfords' FOR WOMEN, shown here in great variety and not j Any WOEian who wUI take the trouble expensive. : to compare ours with others wonld ii"t There are Soft and velvety black and thjuk ()f buying anything but Qne*n brown -Kids," cool Russia and f-well Qnality for Women and only W.OO. Patents, *1 00, 25. $1 50 nnd $2 •«> buys a prettier tie here than anywhere LADIES' KID BOOTS LOW CUTS AND HIGH CUTS FOR MEN. tickles the women half to death to see Low in prices; for style and wear, the way they fit. These will cost you away "up in O." Any price you want go t . mor- a pair at other stores. FOR MEN Are Your Children, s Feet Who work out in ail sorts of weather. Properly Fitted? we have special shoes that protect. iin outrage to fit growing feet in absolutely wet proof, but don't cost but ma nuer repeatedly called to our at sl, $1 25, #1 50 and $2 00. tention tho past few weeks. If yon Just the cutest and daintiest want yonr children to have fanltles - BABY'S SOFT SOLES feet, START NOW! and have ns fit you ever saw at 25c, 35c and 50c. them with Nature-shape shoes. B. C. HUSELTONS, Butler'. Leading shoe House. Oppo,ite Hotel Lowry. Miller's Shoes For Men. Miller's Shoes for Women That's one of our strongholds. Men that can't be suited with shoes this spring are very hard to are complete, rang r , c 1 il. ing In price- from s»><- please, for never before has the 10 54.00. ,4 J jßjcr trade been offered such a variety The Deisarte. suo -jCr of styles as there are this spring. f JpTO Patent leather kid, patent leather gee them-, they are . • i • i ir i _ii great; a ladles tine byyTwa calf, vici kid, vice call and an Kl j polish, fancy kinds of Tan Shoes in different J-ggj grades of leather. shoes sold elsewhere. gjW* -B WALKOVER $3.50. BABY SHOES FREE. W L DOUGLASS $3 Every baby born in J .. , t-v *. . „ 1900 can have a pair m In our Boy s Department we are of shoe* free of particularly strong Special care jttheyare'unfortun has been taken in selecting this Tn° U fn h y 'mhS J in c and we fee safe in saying here are none better. very cheap. A GREAT LINE OF LOW SHOES. or men and women—they must be seen to be appreciated. A.U kinds.all colors and all price C- E MILLER, Butler's Progressive Shoe House, 215 South Main Street N. B. We wish to say to those parti es who could not get waited on last Situ day, we have secured extra help, ancl will try and not have it happen again. DON'T MONKEY But do that little job of painting or paper hanging that you have ""Hwiftolking about. We can supply the material and do the work for you or we can furnish you with everything you need. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Call and £«t our prices and examine our goods and you will be " Convinced that we can save you money. Estimates given on all kinds of work. {Picture and Mirror Framing a Specialty, t Patterson Bros., 236 North Main Street, Butler, Pa Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 THE i Butler County national Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in $200,000.00 ] Surplus and Profits - $60,000.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin. 1 Cashier, A. G. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general bunking business transacted. Interes', paid on time deposits. Money laaned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this | b I>IREGTOKS Hon. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. S. Waldron, I)r. N. M. Hoover. H. Mr- Sweeney, O. i\ Collins, I. O. Smith, Leslie P. Haziett, M. Kinegan, W. U. Larkin, Harry Heasley, L)r. W. 0. McCandless. Ber. Mas seth. W. J. Marks, J. V. Kltts. A. L. Uelber. Butler Savings Bank Beitler, Pa. Capital - $60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $185,000.00 T - PURVIS President Y TROUTMAN Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr..._ Cat hieir LOUIS B. STEIN : teller DIRECTORS— Joseph L. Purvis. J. Henry Trontraan, W. D. Brandon. W. A. Steiu, J. 0. Campbell. The Butler Savings Bank is the Oldest Banking Institution! n Butler County. General banking business transacted. We solicit accounts of ..11 producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Interest- paid on time deposits. Pianos Tuned, Voiced and Regulated. Now is the time to have your Piano looked after. You want a reliable man to do the work, not one that is here todSy and gone tomorrow. "Tramp Tuners ' gen erally half do their work if they know how to do it at all. A great many pianos get the blame when the tuner (?)is at fault. lam here to stay and guarantee all work. J. C CANER, at Newton's Music Store, or 109 Water Street, Butler, Pa. Instruction given on all instru ments. FOR SALE, I wish to s«ll my Residence on Ziegler Ave., lot 56*110, and a good comfortable house of ten rooms, with water and sewerage, $2000; also a small house on Hickory St., three rooms and finished attic, $600; ilso a modern house on Hickory St., lot 40x125, six roomed house, v.ith well of water, Jr,700; also mv horse, (a good driver, > buggy, robes, etc. DAVID CUPPS, Jl2 Ziegler Ave., Butler, Pa Advertise In the CITIZEN, ***** ***** **************** 1 PHILIP TACK, | CONTRACTOR IN | Cleveland Berea Grit | j STONE j j| Suitable for Building, j * Ornamental and Paving purposes. I This Stone Will Not "Shell Off." f $ Prices reasonable. J * Work done well * and promptly, s Stone yards on « East Etna street. * * Residence on H Morton avenue. * People's Telepltonej32o. % vfc ft# Ofc # % ■)!(• Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK Jeweler and Graduate Opticia Next Door to Court House. Butler. Pa YOU'LL KNOW HOW GOOD 1 WHEN YOU SEE THEM. Our 25c box papers. Our ioc and 15c fine writing paper tablets. Blank books at the old price. Albums bought before the ad vance. Kodaks with a special discount in January. Photograph supplies always fresh. Sporting goods. Late fiction. Bibles cheaper than ever. Everyday needs at everyday prices. At DOUGLASS BOOK STORE. ; Eagle B'l'd. 1 fEKNYROYAL PILLS Orl**«al RB'I Only ttrrcliie. A ' a*rc, /» J\ VkM DracgM fi>r » F+*gU4h DU-£T\*l - x DrtnJ in RM »a 1 / Jd r*v *lQi bla» T»ko NjF w|Bt»o%tk«*r nrfuj»4c~w-US ▼ [ : - I }M la rtunp« fT pvtVia.«r« leatti&MiUla Imp B "Hcllrf fnr «n UlUr.bf rft.ro W M-1L 10.000 rapw. T At all DruuliU. Cklckmlrr rhrml«'»l K4OU Ml»«Uaeß fcSttuure» I'IIILAUAH \ asdfcfe. I|gS|§^ The engineer t riy.indcrstood tho signals and there was a frightful railroad collis ion. with terrible l;.:>sof life The whole country was appalled by that accident. There is doubtless a far ijreater loss of life occurring every day, In various sec tions of the country, for which the on!y excuse is,—"the doctor didn't under stand the symptoms." These casts tin not the subjects of special inanest or the country would be aghast at the sacrifice of life to ignorance. It has been the experience of I'r R. V. Pierre and his staff of assistant physi cians, that ninety - eight out of every hundred persons submitting to their treatment can fie cured. People given up by the local physicians, weak, ema ciated, with stubborn coughs and bleed ing lungs have been absolutely cured by the use of I>r. I'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Sick people are invited to consult Dr. Pierce Dy letter free. All letters are held as strictly private and treat <«i as sa credly confidential. Answers are mailed in plain envelopes without any printing on thein. Lent spring I m.s token -.vith stvi-rc i«in> in my chest, and was so weak I coul HUMPHREYS' MED. CO. Cur. William . John D. Van Keuren, Haufiert!---s, S. V. Celery King cures Constipation and all d: eases orthe Nerves, Stomach* I ivi randKl nevs. Sold by druggists. ?6c.ai»l&oc 'I DOCTOR M • b> * " ' jr The Brain" anil Nerve F«iod and Med2clne } Quiets Ifrtir tatei Nerves, Soothes fthe tired Urate, Builds up 'the Vital Powsm ci tlxa l - free carriages to and from all trains *-**-* **** HOTEL ARANDALE, Bedford, Penn'a., Now >pen with increased ittractions. Ar rauffotnents iiave been made with tlie Springs Company for the famous mineral I water to be brought to the hotel daily. I Tortus moderat* . Write for book lei AI>TT »v Props. I ~ U/ANTKI) - Honest, man «>r ni.niun totrave ™* tin larg< house ry monthly and 1 exp« nsrs, with inereuse; position pernian ->e!f-a«l\ NATURE PORTRAITS IN THE WALL OF THE ; FAMOUS MARBLE ROOM A Slab of Stone In the Trviinury De partment Tlint Shonv 11 Perfect I'rotilv of Queen \ letorln ami Other liitcrcHtluK i'i«*ttire«. The often repeated statement that L'ticle Sam is without sentiment i> il lust rated in a measure in the treasury department. Tlie famous marble room, which cost the government $300,000. although still a pin e <>f beauty. Is no louuer ait ornan.tnuU chamber only The room around which trailitlon has win many a curious tale, the room in which General (Ir;int received the guests who attended his first inaugural ball, is now used as a cash room. I.ong years ago. when the architect who planned tin- interior of the room saw hit dream realized, when the painters and decora ton; had complet ed their labors and visitors were al lowed to irnze upon its magniilceuce. it was declared to be the finest roviii iu the country Met: und womea «f ia tionnl and International fame have danced upon the imirble floors .vhero today stand prosaic counters :nd desks. The pretty gallery in which at the famously l«-auti?'ul WOMHI of tli- se days, where society gossip, d and lieiles and beaus carried on flirtatious, is still retained. Hut it is empty, and no one. unless it be the spirits "f tlios- v> ii > OUCJ adorned the room, looks down up on the small army of employees who handle >2,ooo,o'*i each year before it is distributed throughout the United States. This famous room of the treasury de partmcnt has been used for this pur pose for a number of years. The grow ing demands of the department made this necessary, but the place lias not lost reputation even if it has become one of the government's workshops. The marble room of the treasury de partment is known far and wide and is a feature of interest to visitors on a tour of insi>ection of the building. The interior is constructed of marble brought from sunny Italy, from France and from Vermont. F. E. Spinner was treasurer when the room was built. \V. 11. West was chief clerk, and A. B. Mullett was the supervising architect. Hujrli McCul loch was secretary of the treasury, aud his assistants were \V. E. Chandler and J. F. Ilartly. This Information's proclaimed by two marble slabs placed above the doors. All the marble is without doubt the most magnificent that could be obtained. One of the squares, however, is particularly re markable. It is a beautiful specimen of black Vermont marble. A crack runs through the middle of this square, the most remarkable one in the whole room. On It, as though drawn by an artist, is a picture of Queen Victoria, a full life sized figure of an old Quaker ess and the bead and shoulders of a French soldier, with his little round cap set jauntily on the side of his head, fastened with a- cord that runs down the side of the face and under the chin. The discovery of the faces and fig ures on the marble was made by Mes senger W. It. Elliott. One day, while seated in front of the square, he was startled by the lines of alternate black and white forming the figure of the old Quakeress. A full side view of the old woman is shown. The traditional poke bonnet is pictured, a shawl covers the slightly drooped shoulders, and the hands are folded complacently iu front of the body. It needs no steady gaze to bring out the picture. It is as per fect us though drawn by a master hand. The face of Queen Victoria Is also remarkably true to life. It requires no effort of imagination to draw out the contour of her face. Only the pro file and a small i>ortion of the shoul ders nre displayed. The face of Queen Victoria on the marble has given the officials no end of amusement. Several years ago, while a number of young English women who had visited this country for the purpose of attending a Christian Endeavor convention were being taken through the treasury de partment, they were shown the face of their beloved queen. They were great ly amazed at the likeness, and many exclamations of love and veneration were expressed. While admiring the queer designing of nature one of the young women declared that the Eng lish government should purchase the marble square. The picture of the French soldier is show n in the lower right hand corner of the square. The figure is half life size and i« in profile, like the other two. The shoulders nre thrown back just us they are drawn by famous French military nrtists. Nothing could be more truly drawn than the round cap' which is set half over (he left ear. There are other faces and figures to be found on the square. Dogs, birds and countless grotesque luitnvs can easily be traced by following the lines.— Washington Post. A Mlirhtier Tribe. Once ti]>on a time the Rev. Thomas K. Beecher of Elmira. N. Y., brother to Henry Ward Beecher, got into some eort of a quarrel with a man named Smith down at Colioes. Thomas K. Beecher wrote the presumptuous man a defiant little note, saying curtly: "Do you want to get into a quarrel with the Beecher family?" And the man wrote back, with a snarl: "Do you want to fight with the Smith family?" And no Beecher could stand that. Thomas I\. laughed and hastened to make terms. Los Angeles Times. A great man floes not always attain n rip" old n>:e In fact, hardly half of the greatest men of modern and an dent times have reached the limit of age set by the Ril'le. TO. _ HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, indigestion, Hoadache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. RHIIUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 centsjj Sold by J. C. Rcdic, and J. F. , Baloh Druggists Butler \pr q6. t PURE BLOOD. I £ Pure bloodmeansllfe,hcalcli, # € vigor —no room for disease £ % where the veins are filled S % vrl'Jx rich, red corpuscles. « iLindsey's % Blood Searcher f l» stakes pure blood—cures pcrof- 5 1 ® cla, erysipelas, pimples, bolls, I sore eyes, scald bead—blood dis- q * & eases of all forms. Here's proof: <& $ JIESSOPOT/»lA,Oini->. ok 5, vr. J inlsqy'a Blood Searcher lias ' I !r V >rkcd won* lcrstvithmo. I have been jg; timbled-urith Sere fiUa f^rilurtyyen r3 $ X 1 I i'rad that l)r. I.incisey's Jtl ixi 5. ir R areher tvilloiTc-' t a permanent cuio W? J! inastattimc. li'a Vnndorful. & X a W.LLNSOCCT. 5 \ W. J. GILMORK CO. PiTI&BURGs PA. f!w;y • NE I M. A. BERKIMEK, Funeral Director. 2455. Main Si. Butler. PA | STORE NEWS, j S Screen Doors and Windows. - Jfafi Easy ?«> keep the flies out if yon have screens. G5 I re S1 and 51.50. Wind ws 35 " • 40c gg Hot Plates and Ovens at reduced prices ft.:r> - Burner Hot Plates.sl.2s *2 Ti Burner Hot Plates $2 25 JjgS (3 >0 Asbeet • - $2-00 wS Ice Cream Freezers Peerless Iceland Freezers. There's nothing letter made One Jg§g I moti n. easy running, and makes ice cream in three minutes. j3|j 2-Quart, $2 00 3-Qu«.rt, $2.50 4-Quart. $3.00 J=§s Porch Rockers |p Slat back.double cane seat at 75c Large wood seat Rocker at $1.50 FnU-sixe Reed EU jker at $1 75 j Porch Cushions j Sizes l*xlß. filled with down and covered with art tickings: , S*3a has a 4j inch ruflle ]Sb | £j| PRICE 75c. jg| Mantel Mirrors, S4 Jgl isx36 inch beveled French plate with oak and gold, white an«l go 1 Campbell ft fcmplctoni L _ g ■ . ■ f»g x . —I r-r | SI INGE 184-0. We've been in business in Bntler since 1840. Reasonable to suppose we know something about goods, isn't it? Know where and how to get the best goods and lowest prices'.' Know how to detect and avoid all deceitful and unworthy goods? Our knowledge is used for your benefit. We have a reputation to maintain and onr signature to an advertisement means as mnch to us as if it were signed to a bank check. Shirt Waists and Shirt Waist Materials White and colored shirt waists, stylish and perfect fitting at f 1.00. $ 1.50 and *2.00. QCs. New patterns in best percales for waists l'-Hc. J Choice Dimities for waists 15c and 18c. India Linens, extra valnes at 15c, 20c and 25c. Fancy White Goods 10c, 15c aud 20c. \vA rfi# White Irish Linen for waists 30c, 40c and 50c. m All-over-embroideries, tnekings, insertings aud laces, band- J&SSsII. JwIW \1 1 1Iv/D some and cheap. /Summer Dress Materials. Fine Ginghams, great valnes. Bc. 10c and 15c. flg Best Denims for skirts 12} c. ■WkmT \ Linen Crash for skirts 15c and 18c. * White Duck and P. K. 12|, 15c and 20c. Lawns and Dimities 10c, 15c and 18c. Ribbons and Fixings Are needed to complete your summer outfit. P. \1 fyf /' \ No. 40 and 60 Fancy Ribbons -worth 40c to 50c at 25c. x\ No. 80 Plain Taffeta Ribbon 25c. f Pnlly Belts 25c, 50c, 75c, and *I.OO. UjMjwfSfTjßs Fancy Stock Collars 25c and 50c. Hj | Velvet Ribbons, Linen Collars, Ties, Gloves, Hosiery, Under wear,Umbrellas,Parasols and everything needed at right prices "" >» L. STEIN s old at sl.iW per full quart or (tlx quarts *>.•>' VINCII *T. VKKNOS. 411 CKKMIKIMKK. DILMSOKB. UIBSUN OVKBIIObT. , iVtiiK liiosirsos. * BhiuUKFURT, ATHKK S'.l'HOU'i. whiskey euanintod 3 years old. $3.(10 porltal. AU C 1. orders of s.'>.<»' or over we Ik)\ and ship promptly; express charge, pre ll I \VV have no ageHs to represent us. Send orders direct and siva money. ROBERT LbWIiN & CO. 411 Water Stree Telephone, 2179. Ptttobuty, 1 *• Opposite H A* O. I'opol. WAN'I !!> flon« Tirtu r irnuvir* wti ave for 1IOUN« ; saUuy mo nthly and p«»ns is, wit h ln«'re:ise; position pcrnian -1 ;lnrlo self-addressed stan>p'.«f horses iKtlh drivers and draft li(>rsrs always on hand and for s.il< under a full KuaranUw: and horses bouklit * poii proper notlflcaAlon by PEARSON;B. NACE. Teleplii>ne« No. 21tf. * *HILAO£LPHI» A ' --DENTAL ROOMS.-- !, t I I'-VurSlSf 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg. f>« jtj W#'r«PBACTICA' _Y«' U '"I( 1,1 V- BF.iDw."V|j I •>' I'tituburg—WHY NOT DO W I'SY-Jwk YOURS? « ijlJ CROWNS Ji ''nip/ml BRIDGE w " rk rc, ''' r Leading Millinery House:! Clearance Sale i| ALL SLIMMFR HILLINERY 122_ SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLER T ,ITS ,s TO BE THE VEAR OF ALL YEARS FOR DEAR old Butler County, and as we are one the oldest firms still in the ring, we deem it our duty to celebrate in a measure, that is, by making it the ''BANNER YEAR" of our business. We have just opened and placed on exhibition, and we may add, on Sale, one of the most complete lints of SPRING GOODS ver brought into this city. In this line the following are " nc'tuded: Punjab Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Silk Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Puffing, All Overs. CARPET DEPARTMENT. We have no hesitation i;. i.ig that we have the Largest, Most Complete, and best assorted > of CARPET in Butler County, in cluding the celebrated Hartford Axminster, Sanford & Wilson's Wil ton Velvet, the old reliable Bjdy Brussels, i, 2, and 3-ply Ingrain, Rugs of every price and description, Art Squares, Drugget, and our "Centennial Rug,'" size 36x40 inches, all-wool, at 25 cents each; a veritable celebration in itself. DUFFY'S STORu, Butler, Pa. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Spring Millinery and Easter Opening Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 5, 6, 7. We desire to call your attention to our large and well-selected stock of Choice Millinery. We have endeavored to make our stock surpass all previous years in Style, Desirability, Quality and Price. We are showing an elegant line of Patterns. Some nobby shapes in Round Hats and the new Russian Turban, including all the best things in face hats, pompadour effects. Tuscan Braid Hats are cutting quite a figure this season. As usual, we hive made an effort to have the best line of Children's Hats in the city. Rockenstein's 328 South Main Street, ______ Butler, Pa, New-York Weekly Tribnne^ For Nearly Sixty Years The Leading National Family Newspaper for Progressive Farmers and Villagers. An old, stanch, tried and tiue friend of the American People, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and the pioneer in every movement calculated to advance the inter ests Hud increase the prosperity of country people in every State in the I nion. For over half a century farmers have followed its instructions in raising their crops, and in converting them into cash have been guided by its market reports, which have been National authority. ... . If you are interested in "Science and Mechanics" that department will please and instruct. "Short Stories" wiU entertain old and young. "Fashion Articles will catch the fancy of the ladies and' Huinorous Illustrations"and items will bring sunshine to your household. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE is "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER" for the entire United States, and contains nil important news of the Nation and World. Regular subscription price sr.oo per year, but we furnish it And THE CITIZEN 1 Year for $1.25. Send all orders to THE CITIZEN, B tier, Pa., B. & B. we've commenced emptying the shelves and anyone who knows anything about this store knows what great opportunity that means. Those not so well acquainted with this store want to send for samples—and see for themselves what good and useful goods are thrown away as to price, to empty the shelves for new season's goods. Every bit of surplus summer merchandise has a price on that means sell. Odd lines of Dollar Silks, 50c. Foulards, Fancy Taffetas and odd lots of other choice silks right in line for warm weather, at prices to command attention Odd lines of 75c and Dollar Dress Goods. 50c. 50 cent Dress Goods, 35c. Lots of Dress Goods under price, 15c and 25c. wash goods price cut This the greatest wash goods season the store ever experienced —good goods and right prices brought it. Larger surplus lots to be cleared. More vigorous price work to do it. Odd lots of 12.J cent wash goods Bc. ioc wash goods sc. Lot of D. & J. Anderson's 40c Madras, 1 sc. Fine, dainty Dress Cottons — lo's reduced to 15 C » 20c, that shows no half hearted work is be ing done. Suits, Skirts, Shirt Waists—al together 64 departments taking part in this emptying— all with prices that make the proposition important to you. Booos& Buhl Department X. ALLEGHENY. PA. Curt--. Drunkenness. * .. Cures Drug Keeley - 4 KEELEY Wriicfof M lllfQl INSTITUTE, free Uft W »-»« nfib »>•-, Booklet. riTTBBCRC. FA. New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room. Fresh Drugs. Everything new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Tr\J Our Soda R A. MacCartney Farm For Sale. I will sell my farm in Washing ton twp., located about three miles west of North Washington, containing about 150 acres, with good house, bam, outbuildings, springs and orchard, underlaid with coal, and two producing oil wells, on easy terms. Inquire of R. 0. Rumbaugh, Nixon House, Kutler, I'a. g\ a postal card to 1I WH I or call up No. 41 of the People's ■#wM.wv.fX'YV* l'hone or Bell 122-3 and W. B. McGEARY'S new wagon, running to and from his Steam Carpet-Cleaning A establishment, will call at your take away your dirty carpets and them in a day or two as clean All on a summer ruga and curtains thoroughly