Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 28, 1900, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JUNE 2«, 1900.
iOTK—AII adf€rti»or» later;':in? to make
auus s in their . - notify o!
jt'.r intention u* n* VJ TI * .- r "on
xj momliic.
Zimmermen s new poo-is
Schanl Ac Nast's summer clothing
Wick's furnishings.
Leighner's spectacles.
Notice to Teachers.
Hotel Arandale
House for sale.
M&rtincourt & Co. - < t- .
C. Ac T s carpets.
Donthett A: U-rabam's Clothing.
Burton's Sale.
Adn:fni>u>ldn ar <! K\. ■■ .1 r -if < states
un -<yure tht-ir receipt «** kt at »li- CiTI
t.EH «(fi>■ . aii'J i i pu">!lc - '.■ »
h«lr aaUs bookr.
Ilu« publisher and printers of
The Butlor CITIZEN will take a
vacation next week, and tlic ot
liee will be closed for busiiu 1 --.
No paper next week.
—Great Summer weather.
—Low awnings cause cues words.
—Barton's clearance sale continues.
—Longest days and shortest night■».
--The dark hois -s looked darker than
■ -Short-crop reports have boomed the
-Campaign orators will -/or; spread
Ver the country.
W —it l<y>ks as though ( iiina would be
ftorn joint from joint
Some of our marines expect to shoot
their crackers ir. Pekin on the 4th.
Rumors from I'ek'.u are now flying
aix>ut on the wings of imagination.
—The Surprise Store has some snr
prisini.' Woodruff vests on exhibition.
Word came to Butler last Friilav
aft'-rr:'¥>n that Pittsburg wa burning
—Toe Pipe Line picnic will Is.- held at
Conneaat Lake, on Thursday, July 12th.
Some of the best blood in the coun
try i« now runninx in the mOMjuiVj s
When you look at the thermometer
you mutely inquire. "Is it hot enough
tor met" j
—Twenty-five millions of '"cold cash
has already com' from the Klondike,
this year.
-Don't in in* the large sale of Ohio
hone* .it N ace's barn, Hitler, Jnly X at
12:80 j) m.
Martiucoart & Co. pat up a very
fine delivery wagon fur the Allen Gro
cery last w oek.
--Since the Pittrtmrg Gazette chang
ed hands a marked improvement in no
ticed in it* news columns.
—TI e Akron giant in th" latest prod
igy in slngging circles. He put
Sharkey to sleep in th" 15tli round.
The Centennial Committee of Cen
tre <-ouaty will start with |!o<K> from
the county and fcVKi from the town.
They had foar days of Centennial
in Beaver, tiding on Friday with a
grand Militiry and Industrial Parade.
—Anetit the hot weather and Dein
oonvention. it is said beer will t»e ten
cents a glass in Kansas City next week.
—Butler haw n popnlatioti of aliout
11,750, or 250 les;* than we thought we
had, but we'll soon make it even fig
-As Kitnc j ci"Titißts insist that fish
can convene, it must be inter-sting to
hear them lying about the bottom of the
—'The people of Chicago ascribed tho
cool weather to thuir n-w canal and the
lake water, but the sizzard changed
their minds.
—Visitors in Philadelphia Inst week
eyen in the matter of weather had a
good time all dne to the Republican
The Dowager Empress is three
score and better, but she cm yet go it
like sixty, ami migbl hi induced to c/me
fhere and run for President.
-The next big <-vent in Butler will
probably 1* the Fair. The 4th this
year cornea too soon after the 14th, but
we should have some tireworks.
The wounds nutde by the locust* In
the branches of tho forest trees are caus
ing many branch'* to flic. The loss in
serious in some piece# of timber.
-ftwo bail game. July Ith, between
tho Fats and the Leans of the Masonic
brethern. Proceeds for the Butler
<3onnty Oooeral Hospital See it: it
will be hot.
—Some thirty cars of lumber, lime
and sandstone are Isnng shipped from
West, Winfield every day. and a curious
feature of the trade is that some of the
sandstone is going to Harrisburg
—The reunion of the 101 st and 10H<1
Pa. Vols will lie held in Butler in 1001.
All Butler county veterans, of whatever
regiment, should arrange to meet at the
same time and have a ronning big reun
The Eichbaum building on Fifth
avenue, below Wood street, was de
str-iyed by lire lfu«t Friday aftern«x>n,
several adjoining buildings were injur
e<i and the total loss wan aliout a hund
red thousand.
- Sim Nixon's Ontennial letter is
now being sold at reduced price '» eta.
at the Mbireii of C. B McMlllen, J. 11,
Douglass, J. H. Jack, W. S. McVey,
Frank Keene, J. M. Reed, Lou Hhira
ami A & H. Reils r Got one while
they may Ist had.
t The Rescue lbsik and La<lder '>>.
have livened up hose racing affairs in
Mntler considerably by reorganizing la-t
year's team. They coinuience l training
Muriday evening and nov.- there will i»e
a wholesome rivalry lietween tUvm nud
th'- First Ward.
The Btr«< t R iilway Co. will make n
big hit if it Mjuijis its park not only with
the dancing pavilion, summer theatre
ftage,' t.-. customary for picnic giouuds,
nit also with a gissl baseball field and
miH track for by:tide ra<-< < and
ithletic colitestn.
West Sunbury and North Washing
ton Aciult-uiy indulged ( n a debating
ci>;it< st i/ist week Tuewlay erening ut
W. tSuuliury and Weduesilay evening
at North Washington. Sixteen points
were debated snd the j nil gen awardcl
ten t-j \V. Suubnry and >ex to North
- ()~ S. lluseiton's honsc in Penn twp.
-.vai sti'Uik by lightning Tuesday morn
ing, ami Isitu ends of it were SMUiewhat
damage !, but the Lightning Jt<«l Co.
intends making gocsl the lie „ |j \v.
Reynolds of Myoma in the agent of Lhe
Oi. The lightning played m/iiic ijui r
pranks 9lK>ut the pla/v on-- of which
wit" cutting a piece about a foot lonff
out of a le.avy ls>ard, lying on the
ground, and throwing it upon the r<*if.
< «reer McCandlw wa- in Butl«r.
1 George Troatman wa" a Beaver
, v=itor la-t week
S. C. Trimble ■<' Middle; x twp wa?
in town, Saturday
Antony Nickel, of Butler township.
wßs in town. Saturday.
Woodruff of New York will take - ft
his vest for the ticket
David B. :s thinking of running
against San Juan Hill.
R F McMcekin of Fairvlt w twp.
was in town, yeaterday.
Roosevelt rose with a bound when he
went up the Sin Juan hill.
J. 11. and A. E. King of Concord twp.
were in town last Thursday.
Miss Mary Batterfieid is visiting her
ancle Geo "Butterffeld in Chicora
Sim Nixon Jr. and wife have return
ed from a week s s- journ at Cambridge.
Wiiber A. BLiin passed hi- examina
tion for Wist I J oir.t. and is now a cadet.
S. M Barr >i Jefferson twp. was in
town s- turdry and made us a pleasant
McKiniey n.i-i i>y> votes in the conven
tion. Roosevelt Lad 929 —fail but liis
Frank Mitchell ha? lf-en drawn as a
grand juror for U. S. Court at Erie.
July 17.
Mrs. Isabel Gaibreath is visiting her
daughttr, Mrs. Robert Ivory of the Last
En»i, Pittsburg
Wm. Bla kmore mov. 1 into tiis neat
an<i pretty house- on Locn--t St. next to
Mrs. Balaaiif Monday.
W. B Mr'rr.ary of the W -st End has
bought and sold thirty-two head of
since February
L» B Campbell and <rife /f_ .r Main
St. are happv oyer the arrival of a
bouncing n ",r ice man.
H. K. Gallagher of Muddycreelc twp.
was ir. town. Saturday He ".s drilling
on the Rape farm Bmsbcreok.
Clyde C. Green of Fird City stopi/ed
with friends in Butler, Monday, while
on his way to Grove City College.
Dr. 0. H. Bippus and wife art in
Philadelphia, .'.here Mrs Bippus if ls
ing tr .-ated for nervous prostration
M. L. Armstrong and wife of Fair
view Ave. drove to Beaver last week to
visit relatives and se" the Centennial.
Capt. Moore spent a few 'iayr at the
old form in Siipperyrock twp. la-t week
Co. L will camp at Mt. Gretna in Aujr.
Bradford McAbov, Will Purvis and
•SJ Troutman, student: of the Universi
ty of Pennsylvania, are home for vaca
Earl D. Thompson, late Deputy Pro
thonatory. is employed as shipping clerk
for the National Tub- Works ot P:Ut
Charley Elliott has opened a neat,
clean and well furnished restaurant on
W. Jefferson St., two doors west of
D. T. of Penn twp. brought
225 pounds of wool (unwashed) to But
ler last week and got 20 cents per jjound
for it.
Samuel Stonghton. son of Oliver
Stoaghton, formerly of Prospect is
studying music under Prof. E. Otto
Theodore Keck and John Murrin have
opened a law ofiicc- on the second floor
of the Cratt, - building, over McMillan's
wall paper stor
-11. <f Walker Esq of Wilkinsjjnrg,
and whose ofli ■ • is in room-'ilH Bak<-Well
building, Pittsburg, visited friends in
Butler, last week
Mr and Mri John Young of Butler
twp celebrab-d the 50th anniversary of
their wedding day, yesterday. A large
number of fi-iends attended
(.apt. Thomafi Hays oi Butler. Henry
A. Wagner of Jefferson twj> and B. S
Ranlcin of Fairview attended the old
soldiers reunion at Beaver, last week.
Alberta, daughter of Philip Walter,
aud Grant, son of Robert Fleming, lx>th
well known anil popular young people
of Buffalo twp , were married V.'etlnes
Palmer Campbell is spending >1 little
vacation with his family on S Washing
ton St He has lately been working on
oil .'.'ells at Smithfield, Wetzel connty,
W Va
Mrs. Koonces mother. Mrs. Sarah
McClelland of Raymilton was her guest
during Centennial week. Mrs Mary
McClelland, her daughter went home
with her.
Miss Mubel Smith of Centre twr>..
who has been a teacher in the public
schools of Butler for s itne yeare, is ly
ing very seriously 111 of peritonitis, at
her home.
,\1 im May Wallev, n r<< '-nt jj-rfuiaate
of tbo Butler College, bu ac
cepted a position hc. l*>ok-keeper and
stenographer with Rev. E M. Sandys,
Pittsburg, I'a
T. W. D. Kennedy of A damn twp.
brought. 70 pounds, unwashed wool to
Butler, yestwday, and got SJO cunt • a
pound for it. His nix sheep averaged
121 pounds each
J. Braderi Black's commissionae [s'st
master at Butler arrive<l here last
Tharaday Hi* bond in for the sum of
ijtJO.OOO H<- will take charge of the of
fice on Bunday, J :!y Ist.
D. L. Ban«lersou, the contractor and
builder residing in Franklin twp. who
fell from a building on June ICth rocev
ing brniaeH on the head and shoulder, is
now able to Ist alsmt his work again.
Florence Mtirrin of Butler and Ada
Welsh of Jefferson twp are the '<nly
two memlteiD of the gradnatmg class
from Hlipperyrock Normal who hail
from thU vicinity. The cla*. - numbers
Mr. (Jarnogie'a advice to the comrait
t.-t- of the library at Purtmanomack to
"buy no work of fiction under three
yt;ars old illustrates that gentleman n
fondness for putting solid truth in few
Jeff C'arner returned. Friday, from
the Marietta, Ohio, oil fields and as
KOOii «-j j/Hnibie will return to that
country to operate. Mr C'arner >•■*?»
the development of the lower oil fields
has only just begin
Anna M. Wattern, daughter of Post
master Johu Wat ten of Evans City, and
Lcater Htonghton were married. Tues
day The young folks then left for
Coudersport. whore Lester will un-iHt
his father, Oliver W. Htoughton.
P. !J. Brown. >f West Suriburv; U.
Whitenonr of !'• uhville and R .1,
Thouijis<in, wltu Ins daughters Angie
and Marion, attended the 10th nnnal
reunion of the 102 d and l»4th l'i. regi
menta during the O-ntenulal at. B«-aver
last wei k.
Frank Koliler, Isaac Blaksh-y Peter
Duffy and Mrs. J. V Ritta and her
cbilurt.-n will form a party that will
leave New York on a Cunurder for
Europe on Saturday July 7th. They
will land at Qiieimstowu, tour Ireland
and Great Britain, then emu* the Chan
nel and do western Europe They
••*pect t<, If gou' for three months
Oliver W st/iiighUjn and family of
Evans OHy U.-ft. Butler on the 10 V!, B
R <v P tram luf.t Monday morning,
bound for Condersport. tho county seat
of Potter county where he will be Hit
perintendrnt of a I ne Condensed milk
factor) Mr, Stoughton was one of our
Is-st citizens and many fri'-rals will r<-
gret hi« departure from the comity.
The reyjfb m e <,f / W Phillips on
Mercer street was utruek byligtbnlng,
Tuesday afternoon
Th- Sch- .. Board <11! no* a
contract for the Bpringdah- buHding,
Tuesday evening, on account of the bids
being too high.
Will ii >l T rails laid on the unpaved
streets niiit them for travel ■ If wi Lay
ing theni .diould lie stopped by injnnc
tion. The public own tic. slreots nud
have a to know. Couic ji cannot
legally give away the of tln-ir
follow < iti/.ens to any tr«-«*t car com
Commonwealth vs John Daprell an«.
Einil Ch-not. summons in assumpsit «
Duprell's bail. S3OO, in which Chenot
was bondsman and wnich was forfeited
by Duprell's disapperan e: .:ls->
Joseph Laurent and Edward Delline f r
f2oo bail forfeited by Laurett; air
against Michael M.Laughlin and Leor
Donday for PW bail forfeitd by Mc-
Thi- Court has refused th>- j-etition "1
Harriett E. Watson .Julia A. Foster
and Anna F. Clark for the appointment
f viewers t-.» assess damage- don. the
pliV kind in Penn twp. by the P. B &
L. E. railroad. The railroad had filed
b. nd in-33000 .o indemnify the plain tifFh
.ir their lo.;.- They asked dam
age.- and the reason assigned for refus
ir>S the petition was that « verdict in
favor of the -plfa for 4194u had beet;
given at triai in May. The plaintiffs
have taked exceptions and may appeal
the «•&»-<
Eliza E Bavis vs Eli/.abetli M•< ill
and <i'O. \V. Davis, S.i::i:i
Davis, a-sumx-sit for *ll--;2.C0.
J. Harvey Miller and Sila? M. y. ■-
Clure Overseers of the Poor of Gutlc-r
! ha .'-- from the Bor ui'h Audi
! tors' report which surcharged them
i with a nuwijtr of items amountinp to
; .■516%.
Myers 6e Lutz vs L. C. Wick, as
sumpsit for a claim of &><A 4 s .
W. H. Kennedy vs W. A. Goehring.
two in assumpsit for a claim ■>'
«W. 50
I John P Conley of Adams twp. bsis fii
«da bill in equity denying h's signa
tures as forgeries to nin • prouih.- ry
aotet- u l'K>nt aad i
during 1-592 and 3 with the nam - f -V.
T. Conley and the plf a- makers Th
notes were mad - to Jacob Dambach .Sr
Co bankers of Rvans City. Samuel
Park. Jacob Kline. Rol>ert Davison.
Harriett Pierce, Alex. Lurting and
Tames Croft. Conley is 7'i years old
and comes into Court t < avoid collection
of the notes from his -state after h : s
L. C. Miller has appealed from the
I auditors r- port of Parker twp. a- to the
I allowance therein of a credit of fIOO for
the purchase of a school lot and of*
1 $1462.3? 'be cost of erei-ting th- n-w
; frame school building.
Harry Roth of Muddy Creek twp has
been held for Court on a charge of agg.
as* alt and battery on complaint of W
II Lutz
In the < linton twp. road case an
agreement by th< parties has Iteen filed
not to change the road through the
lands of Jos. ph Jones so as to deprive
him of acc- ss to his coal bank.
The will of Solomon Fish -r of Brady
twp. has been probated, no letters.
David Holiday who was committed
lor agg. a&b on G. R. DeHaven has
been released on bail. Both were Cen
tennial policemen
The Slate Bar Association met at
Cambridge Springs this week
The viewer- in the Goehring case
from Adams twp. awarded damage" vs
th>- P. <Sr W. in the sum of >f.' I«K>
Robt. Nixon was committed to jail,
evening. He had hi- head tied
np. and was in bad shape. That morn
ing he met L'trjgdon Riley, who drives
for Marks Sc Whiteside; on the thre--
degree road and asked for a rid>- Riley
hinj a ride. Nixon hail a hatchet
in his hand and struck Riley on th- sidi;
of the h-:u<\ with it: Riley tackled him
and both fell from the wagoi, to the
ro:t l :md th- t'-w ran off. Ril y got
the hat'-het from Nixon and knocked
him down ai o then went for help.
Wh'-ri he came back Nixon came ;i ,t him
aga ; n. and Riley struck him again.
Then help came and they brought
Nixon to Butler and had him locked up.
Letter! cf adin'n on the -state of
Margaret Shodd of Butler towi.ship
have been trranted to f/onr;wl Shodd
John R Henninger, Esq., Dr W H
Brown and O. C. Redic were appointed
a commission in lunacy on Lucjada
Critchlow, petitiomxl for by Overs* ers
\V. R. Riddle and John Weigh of Pros
pc< ? -She was committed to Dixmont.
Justice of the Peace elect J W B»yd
lifted hi" commission, yesterday.
Geo. W. Cramer of Buffalo twp lift
ed his commission a:i Notary Public,
Pi'.* )l'hiu v T Ha NMFt:I{S.
Charle* Duffy to J. V. Rittr lot 011
Main and Fulton streets Butler, for
Thomas Black to Fred Oirbett H acres
in Allegheny twp, for %%•'>
Eli May to W. J. Black lot in Bntler
for *i2.,."
CyruH Harper 'i'reas. to P. \V Lowry
50 acres in Washington twp. for <
Charles DufTy tul saac G Pollard lot
in Butler for |2OO.
Jae. W. Hutchison to .1 T. Campbell
lot in Butler for £I,OOO.
Geo. Beck to J. M Day lot in Karns
City lor SSOO.
Linnie Catupliell to Homer M Camp
bell VI acren in Washington for f^OO.
Jolir C McClintock to S M M-Clin
took 40 !k res in Mercer f'ir f 1
Also to F.'iz McClintock 40 acre". In
Mercer for %1.
Joseph G<*:biing to Virginia E
Boebm 50 acres in Crant rry for if I'M).
Lor'-nz Lang to Erhard Lang 15 acre*
iu Winßeld for fl.
S. N Laughner to S. E Grant 10
acren in Allegheny twp for % 1
Joseph S. Grant's heirs t" S N.
Laughner 10 acres in Alleghriev twp.
for *lo<K>
Murrlago bici-nniih.
W. B. Daubenspock.... . Coaltown
Nettie ttitenour ... Forestville
William Thompson . .. Coaltown
Jennie Joshua Clay twp
Lewis A. Uindinger. Harmony
Olirea Kavanaugh Zelienople
J. N. Hteighner Connellsyille
Martha Wolf Great Belt
J amen Blair Brownsdale
Klla Hartzell... .. .Clinton twp
G. E Miller. .*. Wimerton
Anna Hockenberry lsle
Will David Blair Harmony
Lottie Jean Weigel
W E Boozei Hi* Points
j Laverue Stalker . .Eau Claire
Lester '» Stoughton. Evans City
i Annie M. Watters
George M. Webster . Mercer Cc
Nettie Louise Bell Harrisville
j Peter W Snyder Calcutta, O
• E Hutchi, hi Sonora
Grant Fleming Buffalo twp
Alberta J. Walters
Michael H Kla von . Slipp< ryro< k
Nettle A Wownes
At Pittsburg Wiii W. Crawford of
Mars and Mary Morrow of Parker, also
Jatne- Cook of Baker-town and Ella
Hewott of Allegheny.
It»itl«-r will again »-nl« brat'-
—Tho barn on the Adam Frederick
pla> , near Great Belt w.-u struck by
lightning and destroyed by lir • Tuen
day afternoon.
This is the gala week of all Lie year
in Hlipp ryrock The largest grnduut
ing class in the history of the school,
I l'i in nuinbt r, are to receive their di
plomas The State Examining board
met on June i M and favorably consider
ed the I'-cords and applications for di
plomtin of the entir< classs, there not lie
inx a failure among them.
The roadbed for the street railway
is being grailed and ballasted on I'"k
Ground Ave. or Pillow St., and on this
thoroughfare it is already almost com
pleted, although work was only iitui U-d
last week A heavy stone culvert is b<-
ing put in to bridge th* n m that How
down from the Grout nut Stamm pro
pertieM. Several hundred |xties are be
llig prejiiired for eris-tion
Parti- . wishing to purcha or ;.eli
oil properties, farms, city residences or
real c-.tatc of any kind, sfiou'.d call upon
Wm. Walker.in Kcttcrer's h'd'g.opjiositt
I', <). iiutler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 17.}.
L. T. L Convention.
The county convention of the Loyal
: Temperence Legion met in the Sonth
Side It -formed church last Thursday.
In the aft- rnoan an address of welcome
sra- ni:;:le by Miss Dn.isy Forsythein be
half of the Butler L. T L and by Mr?.
Harriet Cooper for the W- C. T U.
R< pom- was made %> Mrs Margaret
Dunwoody of Slippery rock, others on
the program were Rev. W. C. Loomis
of Tarentum, corresponding secretary
of the Allegheny- C'o I -Tion J M Bry
•n of Natronn Miss Maud Staples of
Cattery «nd Mrs. Stoughton of Petrolia.
Thursday evening a silver m.'dal >ra-
U-rical ntp». pr-. eedc-i bj " dumb
:-Ii dr'a sa • 4.eld a id participate.! :n
by .John McClcster. Mary Wi" on and
Leolbt Irvin of Slipperyrock. Myria
Tollett of Petrolia. Beitfci-. W ogel. Ida
Sample and Elizabeth Kirker of Har
mony, Nelli- McNea! of < "alien Ha' -I
Campbell of Butler ::nd Bessie Ottcr-
I man of Zeli nople Miss Otteriuan w&3
| award "! the medal, her subject was "A
| Call to Patriots. Miss Inine was
i awarded second prizi The strongest
nninber of the program was a vocal - *-o
by Mis* Stella Armstrong of Bntler who
j with proper '-are and training will be
; come a singer known far begond the
; limits of Butler countv. The contests
are pleafing features of the Legion work
and are a great lienefit to th voting peo
pie. The judges were Rev. T. It Lew is
uf Evnas City. Rev. Loomis and Mr.
3ns od. The convention ad j. -urn d
Monday noon.
Prohibitionists Name u Ticket.
The prohibition County convention
wa.- held in the Y. M C. A. Hall Mori
Lay afternoon, presided over by Rev.
Hazlett of Sarver Station. C. k Mc
[ntire «as elected connty chairman:
Dr Jd. E. Headland. accretar* John G
McMarlin, treasurer; A E. Ruseel,
JleT-, J. S. Mc-Kee and L C Wick, all
of Bntler. member- oi the executive
committee The- following f cket wa.
nominated: Congres-s. William Cooper
State v.-uator, William Humphrey of
Porters vill-, Assembly. Raymond S
Corneliu.-. Butler, and Frank Critchlow
Prospect; jnry commissioner, Jobn J.
West. Butler. William Cooper, Bntler:
Rev. J. M. Berry. Mars: Rev. J A.
Lave'y. Slippery Rock Rev. Mr. Otter
mats. /. !: r -nople J. A Richardson. '.'a!
lery; C E Mclntire. Butler Amos
Sfreelsmith. Butler, and James J. Steph
enson, Mt Chestnut, were elected dele
gates to the State Convention. These
conferees were named: Congressional.
L. C. Miller. Bruin: Rev J S. McKee
and Harvev Boyd. Butler, senatorial
W. P. Braham, Harrisvill Thomas
Coulter Slippery Rock, and Thomas i!
White, Bntler.
Oil, NOT lib.
Market remains at $1.25.
Donegal Slater & Co's well on th<-
Dan McCrea is reported at M bbls.
Ctixi' pKd- lioch Bros, of Millernto wn
got a good well on th> McClelland la»t
week. They art: drilling another on the
Lew Sutton. Another Co. has a rig up
on the R P. Black. The well on tie
Jas Bvers is due.
BrvLKR "iv.'i Thompson & Co. have
a good ga.-scr on the Thomas Lindsey.
which they have shut in and will use on
the lease-. Bert Young has a new well
on the Herman Bert'
Fok wud Humpky & Konler have
a new well on ' their lease, below Ren
frew, which started off at 40 blls.
Ci.kabkjei.h - Smith & Co. have a
good well on the Christ Steigbner
Jki-tkicso-v twi' T W. Phillips fin -
ished a good fourth .-and gas well on the
Hurry Logan farm on the Saxonburg
A W'-st Virgina Freik Down in th-:
wildt; o: Wetz-*] Co. West Virginu they
on.- iictually tunneling into the Bid" of a
steep hill to get at a joint or 2 of cneing
shattered by the premature explosion of
u torpedo Some months igo Col.
Chapin of tin-U. y . <>il G». drilled on
the summit of a steep hill and got a
good well bat in attempting to shoot it
the torpedo • tploded "30') feet In-low the
d.-,rick floor and so shatter z 1 the rasing
that Hart Harris the local expert con Id
do nothing with it. The well wan a
very expensive one and to save it Col.
Chapin coin (jived the idea of tunneling
the hill, and < ailed in Bert Ifeydrick,
who decided tiie plan feasable and that
tin rasing could lw reached by a tunnel
511 feet long, and Chaplin has given the
contract a sas| foot tunnel of that
length, Bert in a HOB of Jessie Hey
derick the civil engineer of Bntler
F. of A and Jr. O. U. A M. at Kei
ter'e Grove, t mile east of CoalUiwn,
July 4th
Masons at Cascade Park. New Castle,
Thursday, July 12th
Pipe I An* at Couneaut Lake .Inly
A» mosfjnitoeH are nr numerous us
ever, this year and revenge a - sweet, we
again suggest that the best way of ,tak
ing the latter on the former is by burn
ing a little sulphur in your room. A
plat/; sot in a safe place, a tablespoon fill
of snlphar, a match and a clonal door
do the work to perfection.
<me of our doctor# prencrilicd a
young man, the other 'lay. A young
lady living in the had been ;e
rioutdy ili and had been forbidden to see
anybody but when tin- began feeling
better she talked ho much about a cer
tain yonug man that the doctor khv
hijn and told him to go and nee iter.
Visiujrs VJ the lieaver Centennial
say their big parade was thr<- miles
long. Their relics were displayed in
the College building and ten cents ad
mission was charged. They had a
splendid display. A big square in
front of their M. E church was given
over entirely to fakirs and 'to the
shame of the town) all kinds of gatub
ling games nnd obst-one shows ran in
full blast.
The finest work on . horthaml <tv<-r
published will be used at the liutler
Business College the coming year. All
those contemplating taking up the stu
dy of shorthand are tarnestly requested
to call at the college </ffi< e to examine
this work #
Fall term bcciuH Monday, Sept. -t,
1000. This in the Ix-st time to enter
For the Mummer of 1000 the Penusyl
van la Railroad Company has arranged
to run two personally conducted tours
to < 'ana/la and Northern New York.
These tours will leave July '.'l and Aug.
11, including Niagara Fall.' Thousand
Islands, Rapids of tho Ht Lawrence,
Oucbe" Th' Hague-nay Montreal. An
Sable Chasm, Lakeii Champlain and
George, and Saratoga, occupying
fifteen days, round trip rate,
Each tour will la; in charge of ontt of
the C'ompany's tourist agents, a misted
by an experienced lady as chaperon,
who*'- esp«" ia.l charge will be unescorted
The rate covers railway and lioat fare
fill the entire rOßad tßp j.arlor Mr
seats, meals on route, hotel entertain
i.lent, transfer charge , and carriage
For detailed itmerar, tu Lwf. or any
udditioual information, address Tourii-i
Ag'-nt, Pennsylvania Railroad ('outpa
ny, 1100 Broadway, N<-w York M 'lo
Fulton Street, Brooklyn . 0 Droad
Street, Newark, N.J or Geo. W Boyd,
Assistant General I'awiij/er Agent,
Broiul Street Statioi.. I'LHadelphia
'•''iie-lli oi .llllj I;.\<-iiiHi«»u Itiili-M.
In . i- ut-e with an old established
custom ili** I'uffalo Rochester te Pitt
bnrg Hj will this year te|] excursion
ticket - u'-count 4th of July travel In
tween all on its line for s; dit
tanee not exceeilrbg :.'o<i miles, at a tin
le fare for the round trio.
Tickets will lie sold July :inl and Ifti
for all regular train i except the V'esti
Ouhsl Limited trains Nos '■> and 0 and
be for return pai- tage until July
Mb, 1000.
New, four-rtsuu ho-.i->c tor .a!c In
, Viire at this office
Ves Shoai. ' Prospt* t was kicked on
the side and head by a horse, a few days
ago and had three ribs broken The
cut on his fn-e seemed to amount to
: nothing, but it wa.- afterwards dis
, covered thn* an artery had been broken.
John Kerr, >f New Ca.-tie,f. mieriy of
Slippery rock township, was killed by
, the fall of a derrick in New Castle up
on which he wa.- working, last Friday
i afternoon He was 31 years of age.
! His family, consisting and two
j children, were visiting in Slipperyr ■ k
; township at tb«- tin.'-.
Lee Mohan, cf Butler, feli from a
hay mow last Friday and cut his head
During a ball game at Evans City,
last Friday, - Covert of Renfrew
fell and broke a leg
A child of Frsnk Barber of West Lib
erty drank some chloroform, a few
nights ago, and died before medical as
sistance could be procured.
f John Reibar: was struck by the B. it.
&P. lly-.r on the Glade Run tr-stl-.
Tuesday evening and -aved h : s life by
' holding on to a water barrel He was
• taken to Callery, and afterwards
brought tj tb--> Hospital. He was walk
ing across the n stle during a rain, and
tried to get out of the way cf the train
but received k blow on the back.
Jno. O'Brien of W. Winfield had a
leg broken by a fall in a stone quarry
■ and was brought to the hospital.
James Fleeger of Institnte Hill was
struck by an engine of the Bessie, while
working on the road between Calvin
■ and Oneida station- last Thursday
morning, and thrown from the track,
lie was seriously injure; and was
taken to the Hospital. He saw and
heard the train, but mistook it' for "ae
going North on the light track, but it
. was a work train after ti-s and he did
, not notice that it had be a switched to
! the low track He is improving and
; will recover.
Dates for County Fairs.
i Puuxsutawney, Aug. ;1 34.
Kittanning. Aug. 28-31.
Butler. Sept. 4-7.
I Conneautville Sept 10.
• Clarion, Sept. 4-7.
! Indiana, Sept 11-14
: Oil City, Sept. 11-14.
I 'ireeusburg. Sept. 18-21
| Dayton, Sept. 25-38.
Mercer. Sept. 25-27.
Washington. Sept 25-28
Xew Castle, Sept. 27-2 ii
Stoneboro, Oct. 2-4.
Notice to Teachers-
The Fairview Borough School Board
will meet Thursday, July 12th. at 2 p.
. m to elect n toachi r.
Fin'' seven roomed hou- with lot
j 55x125 feet oi- W> st Jefferson street,
with city and drillod-well water and
every modern improvement.
Six room house on S .Main St., $9.00.
CITIZEN Building.
Wheat. wholesale price (55 70
ltye, " 45
Oats, " 27
Corn, " 41
Ifay, " 12 00
Eggs, " 13
Butter, •• 8 12
Potatoes. 25 35
L' tttice, per lb. 10 12
Chicken, dressed, per lb 10 12
Onions, per dozen bunc.h< s 15
Rhubarb, per doz bunches 15 20
Radishes, per doz bunches 15 2<»
Beets " " 25 30
Kxcarsinn tickets will l»e rfold between
all stations on the P. IJ. &L. E. R R.
July Mrd and 4th, KO od returning July
stb, at one fare for the round trip.
Special attractions, including three ex
hibitions by I'av;in e Bills Wild West
Show, Tickets to the Park, including
admission to the Wild and Wooly
West" on the Fourth will be n6ld on
above date- at one fare plus 25 cents.
Admission to the nhow if paid at the
< ntrance will i« fifty cent*
Immediately on North McKean St.,
near Nixon's Home, go.wl wages will be
paid. Imjair" on premises, opposite
t'npt. Ayres' house
l'aiui of 6i acres, two tniks north of
West Sunbury, j/'ioi 1 house, good water.
Wills'll cbesp or exchange for small
fsun necr Butler. Set- W. J. BLACK,
Via I'fiuisylvania ftallrosul.
1- or the annual convention of the Bap
tist Young People's Union of America,
to bo held at Cincinnati, July 12—15
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell oxctir i'.ii tickets from all sta
tions on its line to ( iricinnati at one
fare for the round trip. Tickets to be
sold and good going July JO to 18, in
elusive, and to return until July 17.
inclusive; but if tickets be deposited
with the Joint Agent at Cincinnati on
or before July 14, and if fee of fifty
cents lie paid, the return limit will be
extended to August 10, inclusive
Kxc.iirsion to Allegheny.
Commencing Sunday, May fith. the
Sunday excursion fare from Bntler to
Allegheny will be one dollar for tickets
good going on train leaving Butler at
H.Oo a. m., City time, returning on t'ain
leaving Allegheny at p. m. city
An old saving, and u very wise one is,
"When in ltoni<- do as Romans do,"
and when in Butler, do as the wise
people do, viz; buy your hotplates, oven
cookern, incaud'-scent gas lamp and
plumbing supplies at (ten. W. White
hill's, the plumber, 81N H. Main St. IRe
member that we have moved from our
old store to our new one, two doors
south of Bntler Co Nat Bank
Atlantic i'itj lOvrtirsion via l*. «NL
W. aii«l I? .V O. Ity.
June wth, July Pith, Hftth, August Oth
and !£Brd, 1000, are the dates for the
Pittsburg & Western Excursion to At
lantic City via B. & <). Ry. All 1! &
<). trains run via Washington 1> ('.
Kate from Butler SIO.OO Tickets good
returning If! days from date of sale
IC< ilneeil Kate.-, to ('liurlestoii, S.
C., via IN'iinsylvanift ICstilr oml.
For the meeting of the National
Kducational Association at Chariest' n,
S ('., July 7 111, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will soil excursion
tickets from all stations on its lines
to Charleston at the rate of one fare for
th< round trip, plus si,oo Tick< t to
be hold July oto inelusivw and to be
good to return until September I, inclu
siv« On the return trip stop-over will
be allowed at Washington on depon
it of ticket with Joint AK<wt and on
payment of fee of SI.OO,
AND Kirn its*.
Via Tlie l'il tubing «V Western
Account National Democratic Con
I vention, agents of Pittsburg & West
ern lty. will sell tickets to Kansas City
and return, on July Ist, 'M and .'id,
for retnni leaving Kansas City not
! later than July oth, :tt < >n<- Fare for the
j Round Trip. Fare from Butler si!l 7*
\'ln The Pittsburg «V Wesicrn
Round trip tickets on hale July ltd and
4th, good until July ."sth to all local
poitiln and to points on conn<«etiilg lim
westlsiund, within a radius of :,'OO
miles from starting point, at the usual
! fare one way.
Th- entertainments given at the old
brick church In Perm township
netted a handsome sum, which will b"
used fur repairing the building
Communion will be held in the U. P.
church Sunday, July s. Xi x- Sun<l*y
the Sundav School will lift a ipecial
collection ior the ludia famine suiferers.
The Holy communion will be cele
brated in the South Side Reformed
church next Sunday, July Ist Prepara
tory service Saturday afternoon at 2:30.
The K C. church at Oakland was
crowded last Sunday n -»rnin?by friends
of Revs. Netf and Oswald to hear the
fir-t masses said by them They were
both raised in the neighborhood, and
were lately admitted to the Catholic
Rev. S <■». Hart oi the U P. mission
in Egypt gave a v.-ry interesting lector
in i". p church Tuesday evening. The
phncipal features and people of that
land were illustrated by stereopticon.
People Turned Away.
Pawnee Dill's Combined Shows,
Historical Wild West Hippodrome, is
without any exception th- tjest we have
seen for manv years It is a pleasing
and refined entertainment. At the
afternoon performance their vast can
vas enclosed park was packed and in
the evening hundreds were unable to
obtain admission. Washington, D. C.
.Mr. John A Goetz, of the First ward
•f Butlc-r. will sell his planing mill at a
very low price. His lot is 16< by 145
and is along and near tb Pittsburg <fr |
Western Railroad For further par
ticulars nquire at C. r.'XRN office. But-J
\ ia I'cuiiis) lvjuiiH itailio.uL
For the National Dem > ratic Conven
t: >u to be held at Kansas City. July 4.
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell excursion tickets to Kansas
City from all stations on its lint at rate
•if one Hrst-.-hiss fain for the round trip.
Tickets to be sold and good going July
1. 2, and ;i. and to return until July i»,
inclusive. These tickets will be good
on all trains except the Pennsylvania
Limited, and must be used for contin
uous passage.
liuying Wool.
I am buying wool at same location as
last season, Graham Bros grocery store,
will pay the market price in casli, have
no merchandise of any kind to ex
change. W F RUMBERGER.
Agents of tlietßessemer R. It will
sell excursion tickets July 3rd and 4th.
good returning the sth. at one fare for
the round trip.
Commencement and wedding pres
ents at bargain prices.
R. L. KIRKI'ATIUOK. Jeweler,
-Geo. W. Whitehill, the plumber, has
tin- most complete line of hot plates,
ovens and cookers that he has ever had.
Prices to suit everybody. Call and ex
amine before purchasing ■ !sewhen .
Gas stoves in all style:? and pr ces at
:o7 E. Jeff rsoii St.
WANTED Men to hew ties. .Good
wages paid. Address P. O. Box 228.
Butler. Pa.
Music scholars waat- d at 128 West
Wayne St
rhe School Board of Concord town
ship, will receive bids up to 2 o'clock.
| July sth, 190", for the building of a
school house.
Plans and specifications for said house
may be seen at 1 L. Cumberland's.
Hooker, Pa., after June 21st.
Contractor will he required to give
bond in sum double the amount of eon
tract for the completion of the work.
Hoard reserves the right to reject a nv ]
or all bids.
liy order of School Board.
a I BROWN, Scc'y.
I «w uce It' iPh Wild West.
Paw. ee Bill Wild West Show
op- ne<l . ts secon 1 weeek at the Charles
Ri/erPi rk y>st rday, with the usual
afternooi and evening performances,
and witL an incieased attendance.
The aftern >on j»r .grem was carried out
in full and •he sh :>w was greatly appre
ciated by tli s aud ences. in the repro
duction of w 'ld li fe on the frontier the
spectators wi. nes < a genuine Mexican
Hippodrome Ind Indian Village, and
Indian Museui v itli quaint relics, and
congress of rou :li < ie'ers of the world, a
spectacle of rar and deep interest.
N'ot the leas the stroug attractions
are the sharps! (. i Inn cxint«-sts in which
May Lillie, the % mj ion woman shot,
fi«nres promin < y. During the per
formances the f • tators will see the
strange accouti n(s worn and car
ried by Kit Cars 11 '49.
The show itse.i has so many good
features that it b. rd to particularize
them. Theroiss. uch that is instruc
tive and novel in tr i •ntortainment and
so attractive th»l tn afternoou or
evening passed i a the company of
Pawnee Bill and his asso cjates should
prove alike agreuable t > you ng and olcT
Major Oordon W Lillie is lietter
known the wold over not/ as "Pawnee
Bill." This obriquet lie earned by
serving the government among the
Pawnees, and by having been chosen by
that band ol warriors and useful nation
as its own white chief and interpreter.
Bos tor Has*., Daily Globe.
Those who have good Buggies
and Harness always welcome July
/jtli and those who have old ones
generally trade them to us for
new ones because nobody wants
an old unsightly turnout on the
4th. We always make extra prep
ai at tot is at this time of year,
therefore whether it is a Muggy,
Surrey, Harness, Lap Duster, Fly
Net or Whip we can suit you ex
actly and save you money.
Look your old Buggy over
- don't you need ;t new one
your neighbor is getting one, arc
you still goinj» to use that old one
when new OIICJI are so cheap lien
como and see for yourself.
Yours ike.,
S. B. Martincourt & Co.,
128 E. Joffcrson St.
i 19 ~ouUi Main iitrcit.
Over Shaul Nail's Clothing Store]
The Only Way
Of what you v ant is
to purchase from reliable
sources. You may not need
our goods often,but when want
ed > "j want them prompt
ly an i want the best The
sickroom is no place for ex
periments. Our prescription
department s the in st im
poitant one with us :n.d we
leave nothing undone to
secure only the best. A drug
may i;e pure but not up to
the standard in strength.
Nothing «'iort of the best is
thought of with us.
Our trade is large enough to
keep goods moving so that
\> e have no old stock. Our
methc is of doing business
v think will warrant you in
i : back. Every artTclc
bearing our name is guaran
teed to be just as represented
<T y< ir nor.ey back.
C. N. Boyd.
| On the Diamond.
' Near the Court House.
Clerk s Notice in j
In ilic lii.strict ('iurt of the I'nlted stati".
for tii" West* rii District of Pennsylvania,
<'::rt!» A. Jamison, of Mars.of Butler . "unty.
Pennsylvania a banUi Mpt under the Art of
Congress of .Tuly 1. having applied for a
f'lll discliure fro.n all debts provable against
his estate under said Act, notice Is hereby
plved to all known creditors and othe •
persons In Interest, to appear before the
said tJourt at Pittufcure. in said District, on
the 9th day of July, at 10o'clock in the fore
noon, to snow cause. If any they have, why
the prayer of Die said petitioner should not
be granted.
Whereas, letters of administration
have been issued to uie in Ihe estate of J.
W. Button, late of Middlesex twp., But
lei county, I'a., dee'd., all persons owing
the said estate will please call and settle,
and all persons having claims against the
same will please present them duly
authenticated for payment.
J. L. BURTON, Adm'r.,
l-'lick, Btitler Co., Pa.
S I'. A. L. BOWSHR, Att'ys.,
Bntler, I'a.
Letters of administration on the estate
of llenry Ladabour, dee'd., late of
Cranberry township, Butler Co., I'a.,
having been granted to the undersigned,
nil persons knowing themselves indebted
to snid estate will pK-ase make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate .vill present them duly aU
tbenticated for settlement to
Callery, Pa.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on th - estate
of William R. Park, dee'd., late of Mid
dlescrx township, Butler county, Pa., all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment; and any having claims against
8.-tid estate will pre.ient them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
MARY J. PARK, Adrn'x.
Glade Mills, Pa.
letters of administration on the estate
of Ervilla Miller, dee'd., late of Adams
township, Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pa/
meut, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Myoma, Pa.
S. F. & A. Bow.siiu, Att'ys.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
r.eorgc W. Mush rush, dee'd., late of
Centre twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment,and any having claims against said
( estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement to
or \ lix'rs.
Butler, Pa.
Notlc Is l.i reljy tlvu that hf oh I
Ilrown, iruiintlati of i lie estato i<i li/waunu
llrown [iiih Uleil tils llrsl anil llaal account
al No is. March "I" and that the -.tine
will be preitetiled to Court for confirmation
at Sept. T , lflno.
.1 M. Mi-Coi.i.oi'oii, I'ro
Ity virtue of wrltKof ! l. Fa. out «»f
t h<-<'ourt of ('oral/ion float* of Hutlur boun
ty, I'a.. and to me <iln « to<l, there will b<» ex
jxivfi to pulill'* at the court house, In
the hoiouKh of Muth r, I'a.. on
Monday, the 21! Day of July, A D. 1900,
at I nVlork i> tn . th« following ctortcrlbed
property, to-wit:
E. I). NOH. .iU, 40, 41 and IS, Hent. T.. 1001' vl
ML WJf* A tt y
All thi: right, tltlu. lutereMt ami claim of
Alpheu-t l>unhiir, being the undivided on<»-
HI venl h lnt« r< >ti : aUo the one-nev 11th roy
alt y inter<*Ht In the oil and Ka* of. In and to
all t hat certain piece or parcel of laud, m|lU
at«'d In Forward townsnlp, Hutler county.
I'm hounded a* folloWM, t«»-wlt: Oil the
1 or*, h by landx of Pfelfer helm, on the » a»t
l-y laitOK of Htt-wart bolrit, and Matthew
Htewart, on the Mouth and on tin went l»y
Ifj of Pfl If6l li« If . and Jobo A IfWlO
• oiititlnlf.c thirty turns, tnoru or 1««H», being
t In* name land* own- d hy Margaret Dunbar in
in*r lifetime and at the time of her death,
and devlaod hy her to her children, nee will
on record, having thereon erected a t wo
ttorv if ainf hou »• si able and out building
Hel/ed and taken In execution an thenrop
ertv of AlphOUN Dunbar at the nult of ftoggn
Ar Klein for uffC and Nicholas llros.
I'KUMH OF HA LI The following luUHt h«*
htrlctly with when property in
t%\ rlcUen down
J. When the plaintiff or other lien '-redltor
bOCoiiM H the purcliaiier, the cosi < on the writ
mubt !><• paid, and a lUt of the llen«. Includ
ing mortgugi* HearchcM on the nrop« rty hold,
together with gucli lien receipt"
for tho amount of the pnxteodM of th<? Hale or
• ich portion theroof ai he may <•! tlm, nuit
IJO fuml ihed the Hherlff.
All bids rnuht be paid In full.
t All hji!»"* not settled Immediately Will bo
continued until one. o'clock, I*. A! , of tin
f««*xf day at which time all property not
nettled for will uir'iln be put up and nold at
the « xti« n ■ and rink of thn pemon to whom
firnt liofd,
* I'urdou'n edition, page IK
' 1- , :jM4.
'IW)MAH It lIOON, Hheriit.
Hherift'ii Office, liutler. i'a.. June litll, IWU
yiiUNIJ MUN WANTKIi. with fair
I ixliu ttiion ami tfood character, to
<-oiuitinK nml typewritin« Thi# len
<lqr*e<! by nil leieliiiK railway
an the only perfect, and reliable iuntitu
tion ol'il" Itinil All our Krndu.i! ■ me
n .Hi li il to iio.jUon LadioH alno nduiil
teil Writ< for free catalog.
(Fall term opetiri AUKUH'' l'»th)
(li.oiu Ti i.t '-KAi'M Cot.i.i .1.
LojtinK'ton, Ky.
Pianos and Organs.
MeFANN l». (>., lUitlcr Co., V
If yon want a jiian
or nrxan drop tur a
Hue and 1 will cal
ut>ou you.
Tie Rush of the Season
S! ouid Occur this Week.
The value of an honest dollar is as much in the
Spending as in *h< r. : k king.
II ! king for good values come to lis : we'll l»et the best suit
clothes i;i our store to a straw i.at we'll sol! the
clothes Here are some sensation
ally low prices in suits.
Al' 3ur $7 Suits Cheviots and Casaimercs $< f.
AH Oar $S Suits, Absolutely All "Wool L .
All Our sl2 Suits, Absolutely Ail Wool 8
All Jur sl4 Suits. Absolutely All Worsted 10
Ail Our sl6 Suite. Absolutely All Worsted 12
Ail )ur $lB Suits, Absolutely All Worsted 13. w J
At d our special line at $7.50 which cau
not be matched outside of this store.
Can You Do As Well Elsewhere.
Schaul & Nast,
IS? South Mam St., Butler.
\ y We put ori sale this rooming 50 Men's Suits, 75 Boys' fi
Suits in long pants, and 75 Children's Suits, which vvc in- T®
tend to sell regardless of cost. We have taken these
mi goods from our regular stock and placed them on separate
Y.£s counters and }>ut a new ticket on each and every article k]
alongside of the old ticket. One ticket bears the former rj|
YA price, the other the sale price. Any customer can see
!iow much we have reduced each and every article. All WA
WA Crash Suits and Bicycle rants in the store go at half price. |kv
LV The above goods are net old, shop-worn goods, but WA
W? simply odds and ends of tiie new goods that we got in
this season, as we ran a sale a year ago and cleaned up Wl
• 1 all the old goods. (1
We also have odds and ends in Shirts, Hats, Caps and
& ' Underwear, which we will sell at about half the former
Ym\ price. This sale is genuine anil we are determined to rid
£ ip all these goods the next 30 days, so if you want aFJ
good bargain, come in early. See our windows. p^j
I The Surprise Storcl
U Overalls, -Jackets and Pints |
Are the best that human liands can make. If ►
® j they rip bring them back and get a new pair. w
wv; The Keystone Corduroy Pants are made from
Wjl the best corduroy. A new pair or money back
to every dissatisfied customer. .
f<o BUTLER, PA. ►
M Dniccalc S*
jjj Screen Dl lISSCIS Jg
i Do ° r | Carpet I screcns I
ssi f- 00 35c is 4
1 !w g
lH Not a few remnants, but pieces from iO to 75
yards each. 90c kind 75c, 65c kind 50c. Bring jigg
s»f size of room, we will make your carpet without fcgc
jgj extra charge.
*|H 85c Brussels Carpet 75c 111
Kich red ground wit)* floral pattern. <>ne that would make
H beautiful parlor carpet. Will hold its color.
jgß 75c Brussels Carpet 65c
brown ground with a floral pattern, not too dark.but a pretty ?"»
Srcgl medium, nuitable for parlor or aitting rooui. i^j
90c Brussels Carpet 75c
Dark greeti ground with large, net pattern suitable f»r hall nitttng
Sc3t room or dining room. A very rich dark carpet.
Gas Stoves $5. Hot Plates $1,75
M . r :p
1 Campbell fi Tdmpleton®
Notice to Contractors.
N il««l projioHalu will Im- nx'flivtiil by
tin County CoiniiiiiwdoHom at thoir
nfeice in the court bonne Butler, l'a .
np until i o'clock i> hi , TiicmTwji July
Id iIHK), for the erection and completion
of 11 barn for iiM't of tin• comity homo.
Plana and Bjiceiflciition* can lie noon at
the < !ommimioij»rH' office, Butler, l'a.
A certified cheque to the amount of ton
per <"nt of liia, innst accompany nil
liicla, uh evidence of good fiiitb. The
contractor will lie required to fnrninh
the n«j«*»ary bond for the faithful
fulfillment of the contract. All bidn to
include Inith lubor and material. The
CominiaHionerit reserve the to
reject nny or ull bidn.
J. .1 Mi (IAHVBY,
Butler, l'a., June -I, limhi
tmueiiocH, wrtiii tiiwiuKi ixiHltlon jiermuii-
MANAC.KK. <IJO luxlou bldu-, Chicago.
Notice l» hereby Klven that from und ;■ fi ■ i
tills <lute no bouuty will lie puld out or > I.<■
county fi.n'lH for the Ullllnn of wild ■I«
fojicN und rnlnWi ft* provided hy the u
.Inly tt. IHiiT, mill Ihe supplement thereto .n
proved A|irll 11. IHW,the «atd act# of an*< ■ :
having been derlured uiicouHtituttoiiai.
dounly <'ntufflliMlon i i
June Zi. lOAO.
W. S. & E. WICK,
Uotiph and Worked Lumber of alt ICli. <<-
liuor<, Path aud Moulding*.
Oil Will 1:1*. a fpecliilty.
i ifllce aud Yard,
K. UunnliiHliam and Monroe Ht«.,
ucur Went I'enn Ihipol,
The Keystone Orchestra,
I . now ready for eun«j{fnicJiU for I'itr
tii», ami Dances, anil Ouanti tee
(be Ih-'.I of inu-iic at reasonable rules.
Prof. Gus Wlckonhagen,
328 Zicglcr Ave., Butler, l'a