Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 21, 1900, Image 4
i Ilk. . K 14 A Man s Apparel n f J • M « rOU im eqaal of the difr- vJ All Y play in oar windows which errvet- J 4 A t m von to ilav. There is -tandard [i Examination "™ l^ clothing fi wl TM r,CK up any tail in th-ir marufa tare is given the WA article you see In clos*-t attention—shoulders are all r# WJ our windows lidded, bntt-n holes an- hand-worked, k t I J thio week and the entire garment from beginning Pi kl to-nd is made by a better -lu* of VA WA txamine il tailors than any other ready made cloth carefully- ing in Butler. *Y'.n may doubt all this, ml The bnt one of onr cardinal virtues is in be- • £ WA ««,inn ing able to back np every statement k'l 4 throughout. iTotS"* "" N J quVity What a Quarter Will Do kl kj of material, It will bny yonr choice of those bean- A the workmanshio tiful. cafh'y and n !r t.,-date TVs dis- _i €■ _u plaved in onr show window. TnitiK or W A I* ancl f| nisn a tie as yon wear for a quarter? £• J cannot help Weil. I gner- yes—Come and look at w but satisfy you. ;; them. fj i Douthett & Graham. frj Miller's Shoes For Wen. That's one of our strongholds. Men that can't be suited with shoes this spring are very hard to -please, for never before has the trade been offered such a variety of styles as there are this spring. Patent leather kid, patent leather calf, vici kid, vice calf and all kinds of Tan Shoes in different grades of leather. WALKOVER $3.50. W L DOUGLASS $3 In our Boy's Department we arc particularly strong Special care has leen taken in selecting this ine and we fee safe in saying here are none better. A GREAT LINE OF LOW SHOES. or men and women tkejr mmrt be s«en to toe appreciated. All klnds,all color* and all price c. E MILLER, Butler's Progressive Shoe House, 215 South Main Street N. B. We wish to say to those parti es who could not get waited on last Saiu day, we have secured extra help, an<l will try and not have it happen again. The Centennial Will bring lots of people to Butler. Our prices will stop them when they see the bargains we arc offering in Wall Paper at Reduced Prices. We have a full line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Widow Shades, Room Moulding. rPictnre and Mirror Framing a Specialty, i Patterson Bros., 236 North Main Street, Butler, Pa Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 H PAPES, JEWELERS, jf J m o# DIAMONDS, J °° «"< WATCHES, \ o oS CLOCKS, J ""{ JEWELRY, J ? SILVERWARE, # r " 5 J SILVER NOVELTIES, ETC. J 2 2ji We repair all kinds of # Broken Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc J 5> - J, Give our repair department a trial. # We take old gold and silver the same as cash. * I? PAPE'S, 5! P J 122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. J p Butler Savings Bank j Bcitler, Pa. Capital - {60,000.00 Sntplw® anrl Prcfita - - slßs,r**J.on JfW. L POEVIB President J IIKNP.Y TROIJTMAN Vice-President WM.CAMPBKIX, Jr i/«:ia B.HTE:S ....leiisrl UIKF/TOHH—roseph ■ ■ 'l""7 Trcuman, W. D. Brandon. W. A. Hteln. I H. CanDbetl. The Holler Savings Hank 1* the Oldest Hankinic Institution! n Motler Oitinty. Oen« ral hanking business transacted. We solldt amranta of oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. Allbj»lness entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Interest p»td on time deposits. I TM EC Botler County National Bank, I Butler Penn, Capital pai'l in - - Surplus ami Profits - fiyi,<**>■<*> JHartman, ;Presi'lent, J. V. kilts, Vice President; John O. McMarlin, Cashier. A general banklna business trunsw.t'id. Interes'. paid on time deposits. Money leaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an wjiunt with tills *' I'IUtF.''TUKH- Hon. Joseph llartman. Hon. W. H. Waldron, l>r. S. M. Iloovw. H. Mc w < ri'-y <: P. Collins I <>. Hrolth. P. Ilazlett, M. Flnexm, W 11. I.arkln, Harry ll"'isley, l»r. W. M'' iindless. Hen Ma* «-th. W. J Marks I V. P.ltl* nnnn a postal C.inl to I lf%l IW* or call up No. 41 UllVl 0 f the People's ##*###*< .hk## l'honc or Hell 122 3 and \V. 15. McGHARY'S new wagon, ruuninn I" »n<l frt.m his Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your house lake away your dirty carpets arid return them in a day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning Cartels, rugs and cut tains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. L. r. 2* TAFTS SHIL*DELfHI» f, wXm --OENTAL ROOMS -- \ 3»-stsAvi»., pltt»bufj,p» l« i SflSiH W> , i-pnACTICA!.'.Y<"' l "lt' 1 - jr II MMCROWN srwl BP.inaC " ' ,l P ÜBB Mnl 1-IU.MirK WHY NOT DO V ArfSfM*OUBS7 CIOWNSI H'fV#Vsn>l BRIOOE »''* """ V PtH TOOTH Also f. h w «"•' A'lvut'ist; fn tbe CITIZEN, Miller's Shoes for Women We'are proad of - . - onr line or Ladles' * -h«< sthissprinsr.and J". ' for they JMY* - The Cyrano. 5> 00 Miller'•> Special. S2 60 flVjCn them; th<-y are jiuLr preat; a idle-. fine ) Kid polish, fancy fu'.'.v T «'jj:il to * ' '»nd i" shoes v>ld elsewhere. BABT SHOES FREE- Every baby born In Xt l'.'O can have a pair •* of *hoes free of y i nam- at onr store. If they are unfortun- ff. ■ A' ate enough to be B born in any other H3 MI W JKJ to sell them a pair * A **** **-■**. * HR-*** '* ** PHILIP TACK, fe H I IN Cleveland Berea Grit || F !; ! STONE i I i * u 1 4 S Suitable for Building, S Ornamental and 1; Paving purpose*. This Stone Will Rot "Shell Off." il T 0 Prices reasonable, I Work done well 1 i an'l promptly. Stone yards on \ \ I Kast Ktna street. 4 i • Y- Residence on Morton avenue. ¥. 1 s I People's Telephone 320. is W IF/MIFI 'M J( 'JF.'JF.VF M M H M M IFRW" Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK Jeweler and Graduate Opticia Nest T )oor to Court H'itis«-. IsutJ«-r Pa YOU' I J. KNOW IKAV GOOD 1 WHEN VOl SEE THEM. Our 25c box papers. Our io<: and 15c fine writing paper tablets. Klank books at the old } <r itc. Albums bought before the ad vance. Kodaks with a special discount in January. Photograph supplies always fresh. Sporting goods. Iwitc fiction. l»iblcs cheaper than ever. Everyday needs at everyday prices. At DOUGLASS 1 i( )< ) K S I'OUK. Lagle UTd. I: i»n 't the t-odily »ic*:i<as that hurts a mar. He could staad that fairly well if his min i were easy. But Americans are busy I Thcv have work to do—plans to make i —schemes to ea«v-te. They are " plur-g- I ere ' They line Up their incomes as s<--on ! a 5 thev receive them or re-inve« them ' with tie idea of increase. Thev cannot ■ aff.: dto be sick- Sickness is a calamity— ; a financial calamity ~ a* well as a phv&- £?=s. ! ical one. So the sick mar worries. s j acd the more he // worries '-he ft- ** sicker he - grous Worry is a fh e right time. The minute you feel a symptom of sickness— worr>- about it —do something about it —cure yourself. When vou begin to feel run-down—when a twinge of rheumatism tells you plainly that your blood is impaired—when you are losiny fiesh and '"itality, go to the nearest drug store and get a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is the greatest blood purifier and tissue builder on earth. It cures rheumatism and all other blood diseases by curing the cause. It purifies the blood and puts the blood making organs into good, healthy, working order. It tones utj the stomach, stir? up the liver, helps the kidneys in their work and puts suffering nerves at rest. It contains no whisky, alcohol, opium or other dangerous drugs and does not, therefore, create a craving for •timulanU or narcotics. fames K Cranipton. £>j of Shirojbnrtf, Washington Co . M-t. writf, I was fn bu«i --n«»» ID Ci'.v.aort and J:a i rheumatism for three montns cou'.dn't walk at all I tr:«- ! the be* doctors I. ould get but they lid tr.« ■■■ > good I try,it three bott>s of Dr Pierre t G'.lden Me il eal Disco\-ery .a ', it cured roe sound. I rame home to Shar- »:.ur< and there were three am of diff«reot diseases I &<fcri«ed toe ;at:ent» to a* Dr Pierce's fcedidae which they did and •i! -«re cured I have sold over ot- hundred dollars' worth of your medicine by tellina ;eo ple how it cured ma Vou can write! our drug trist Mr 0 P Smith in our town and he fell you whs: I did for you ia fteard to selling and'advertuinj your great remedies Dr. Humphreys' SpeciflM enre by acting directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in any other of the system. SO. CTKE3. PRICES. 1 — Fevers, Conff»>u«.»n.«, luflammAtlcmfl. i-Worro«, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .'2-5 3—Teething. Colic,Cryln#,WakefuJness . 4 23 t— Diarrhea, of Children or Adalts 25 7—Coach*, Colds, Bronchitis .25 V-uraUia, Toothache, Kaceache ,2.> 9-llrUache, SJck Headache, Vertigo . .tt'% 1 O—D0 —D v«pcp»ia, 1 or !*alfjful Prrio4* .23 12— W hlte». Too Profuse Period! .23 13—4' romp. LarynffitU, Hoarseness 23 1 I—fralt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions .23 1 3—Hhcumatixm, Rheumatic 16—Malaria. Chills, Fever and Aifue . .23 19 —f'atarrh. Influenza. Cold in the Heasl .25 20—Whooulnfic-C'ouah .25 27—Kidney Disease* 25 2H—\ervous Debility -1.00 30—Irlaary Wraknem, Wetting Bed— .23 77—iirip. Hay Fever .23 iff. Humphrey*' Manual of all Diseases at your Lr'jtfvlst* or Mailed Free. .Sold by druggists, or «w-nt on reeeijr<t of \*r Me«i. Cor. William & John bu., lIuHQf What is Celery King? It I* an herb drink, and if. a positive erire for ' oristlpatlon, bwlarbc, tier vol jm fli-or ih-r*, rhetJin&tUm, kidney and the various troubles arixltiK from !i dis'irdercd nUiiniuli and torpid liver, ft 1* a most. agreeable medicine, and In recommended by physician* generally, iverneinber, It carri constipation. Celery K'lnif Is wild In '£*■ and fOc. pack age* by druggist* and <Uial"rs. 1 DOCTOR MILES' NERVINE, J •' / / 1 1 The Brain and Nerve Food and Medicine, Quiets Irri tated Nerves, Snathes the tired Brain, Buiids op the Vital Powers of the Body and / Overcomes Disease. It Contains no Opiates not other harmful drugs. SoM ot all drug tjr.re* rm ».pc.»ii'vo guar antee. Wrfe fatr frwfc to-Uxokiet to CM. LN F Kurlka HtrrniM "II l« tbe irfwt H pr«-«er7ntlee ot n'W loutb'T M >»rid tbo b««l ri nov*U»r of old M iMtlinr It oil*, *oft«n«, bllu k- H. 11l tin and protcirtH. I'm H; I Eureka 1 1 Harness Oil I tin jrotir hnrnMNi. y«»»ir old har- I®. ■ t*>■<* «r*<l voor i-urriw lO|», ai»d Mi'-y ■ will II<M lifily look lrtli-T »»>il a«-wr U ■ If.nt'w; H<.l<l» vi r;, .vli'f' ln < 4in« nil •!/.< 4 from liiiJf pints 0 ve gallons. M*i' »./ HT4%I»AHI» OIL f BUTLEK BUSINESS COLLEGE. COURSES. t l Amariueiisit Shorthand. I 1 Keportct'g Shorthand. I 3 Pra-»ical B'jfjk-kcejicr'B. 4 Kxper. 5 Music. 6 Knghah. TE/CHKRS. Three Professional, Two Assistants nnd Another > rofeisional CoirimK SCHOOI. NC'V IN SBSSION. DAY ANI) NIGHT Lk:iiil f<»r our New Illuntralol Catalogue »n<! Circular*. They will open votir eye*. Note the large number of our graMtiate* «ti'l atudenla who wre filling retpotmiMe position*. Send for circular telling lu.w to K«-t n ! position. WATCH THIS SPACK A. F. REGAL, Prin., Butler Business College Sl<«-327 S Main St., Ilutlcr, I'm. : i I 91 «UUiW>r , < r»«II.H PlnM'l Kr.ts'L fEHNYROVAt PILLS \IW V» \A Mallff l«r f*«llr«. kf I ar M»ll. 11»,000 ***>• r*fW. . "**'> l •" (bl"b»«lf>r « »•» ■%»'•»! « c, | lUAms lliMri. 1«II1LAI#A.. FA TH !'«: CITIZEN. Identified. A richly dressed woman entered the afflee of a trust company In Philadel phia the other day to rent ft box. •"Hare you any one to identify youV" asked the attendant. "Certainly not." said the woman In dignantly. ''Everybody knows who I am.'' "That may be," was the reply, "but I don't know that you are the woman of that name." Just then another woman, who had transacting some business, raised her bead, and a frigid nod passed be tween them. "Do you know this woman?" asked the bank official. "I don't want to know her," snapped the woman. "She lives next door to me, and instructed her footman to kick my dos?. ju>t because it chanced to IK; on her step. You needn't ask me to identify her, for I won't." "I wouldn't let you identify me," re torted the applicant for a box. "I think you have acted horridly about jour old doe. and you left the Dorcas so ciety. tellinir everybody you wouldn't belong as long as I was a member. A nice Christian spirit:" In the meantime the bank • lik-.al, en tirely satisl ; «*d tbar the M> utifieation WHS complete, handed over the key to the box. to the ill concealed chagrin of the other woman, who bad identified her against li«-r will. New York Trib une. ThntJ|(!]t They Were DOKI. Summer in I »av oil City i-- deJigbtful. and even tin- winters, say tl.ose who have staid there in that season, are glorious. Many are the stories told about the wondrous beauties of the trail over the ice and the White pass, where even women have gone, han dling their dogs from day to day as the men handled theirs. Every man and woman there has a story, all in teresting and some thrilling. "I used to like to start out first in the morning,".-nid a Detroit woman. "Once, as I hurried my dogs down the trail in the gray dawn, ! taw three stray ani mals romping on the way. Now, if you catch up with a stray dog on the trail, he is yours; so, my heart flutter ing with joy. I began whistling to the half wild creatures. "At first they paid no attention to me, but kept lumping and leap frog ging up and down the train. I slowed up my team and put myself In front, the better to make my peace with the renegades. "When we had come within 100 yards of them, they stopped playing, sat down and stared at us. I whistled again, and they all ran. How foolish I felt when it • uddenly dawned on me that I had l*ecn trying to harness three wild wolves!" New York Independent. Tli#"> Hadn't .«»». A correspondent of the Hartford Cou rant tells of a news clipping bureau which sent a letter to John Hunyau, author of a work entitled "The Life of Mr. Badman," In care of a publisher, urging Mr. iiunyau to subscribe to the bureau. "After the decease of the late I*. T. l'arnurn," continues the correspond ent, "the 'Greatest Show on Earth' continued for awhile to use the magic of his name. It was coming to Hart ford, and it s-nt five tickets to clergy men here. Among the letters contain ing said tickets was one addressed to the He v. Dr. Joel Ilawes, who had died some years before. The letter was scut to I >r. (Jcorge D. Walker, then the active p:i tor of the First church. "On reading and pondering it Dr. Walker Is credibly reported to have said: "A letter from P. T. Uarnum to Dr. Ilawes! Mr. Itanium is dead and Dr. Ilawes Is dead. It Is evident that they have not met yonder.'" Paper Carprli In Karen. "Carpets in Korea are not of as little moment as are carpets here. They are handed down In families as heirlooms from generation to generation to be come darkened and subdued with age. Iliey are rugs always and are made of paper by a peculiar process. In ap pearance they are much like the lac (juercd boxes which come from Japan and which are so much used as hand kerchief boxes," said the old time American consul In Korea. "The na tives always take off their sandals when tbty enter the house, and that fact accounts largely for the loug life of the rugs When I was there, how ever, I shocked the feelings of every one by wearing my shoes, carpets or no carpet a, and during my stay I com pletely wore out some of those beauti ful dark colored carpets. They are about a quarter r,f an Inch Iri thickness and very effective." Hnrlti Fortifications. Military engineers are practically ft greed that no material for fortifica tions Is superior to earth. When clay Is not obtainable, ns on the seashore, sand Is collected Into bogs, and these are laid In regular heaps along the line of the proposed fortification. In such a fortification the balls from the ene my's guns sink without doing damage, rod shells explode harmlessly. Fine Wrltlnff. "P.y the way, Naggus," asked Rorus, who was lounging Iri the office of th« literary editor, "what do you consider the finest p!eco of writing In exist ence?" "Well," answered the literary editor, with a yawn, "the Ten Commandments written In a circle of the size of a silver quarter Is about as fine an any 1 have ever seen."- f'lilcago Tribune, A Peruana Profession. "My son Is learning to bte an electri cian." "Well, I suppose he knows pretty well what to do by this time." "Oh, no; he Isn't half through yet learning the tilings ho mustn't do"— Chicago Uecord. HOOD'S PILLS euro Llvor Ills, Bll lousnoss, lnrtt«o»tlon, Honrtacho. Ensy to tako, oasy to oporato. 25c. RHIH!«ATIHM Ct;N»u> IN A DA v. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to } davs. Its action upon the system is retrarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately d,s appears. The firtt dose greatly Senefits; 75 cents! Sold by J. C. Kedic, and J. I', ftilph Driiiit/i'ts Butler \t»r '/>. . PURE BLOOD-1 $ Purebloodmennalifejhealtli, <J b vl £ or — no room f° r dlscawj \ JI T/u':ro tho veins aro filled I > sgvi ill rid 1, red corpuKclt--s. i b llLlndsey's Improved* If Blocd Searcher j! 1! ILukcs jmra blcxxl—etirca prrof- 4 1 I tula, erysipelas, pimplcfl, IxJla, 11 ( I flora eyen, rvcald lica/I—blood tils- 1) ► $ cases of all forms. Itr.Te's proof: < I Mt"soMT/*iA,Onin. (I T»r. J.lnrtwy'.-i Hrarehor tins . 1 F V'.rk' I ''l wwi'f' rtvJtiune. I liavobeen 1* A t 11 .!• t Willi f 'rthWtiiy"rt d I lfii. I find that I>r. J.ln'twy's jil""! ,| P 1 f > nrdi'rwUlt ffc%7<-rrnatieiiticuro ' ' A luin.bortUuio. It'av.'.iidnrfiiT. |l (!. W. J,INWX/ni W. J. OILMORI: \ T piTTßßuna, PA. r PATENT™" IDEA. it may mean a fortune to you. I pro cure and sell patents. K. B. IIAKKISON, Patent Attorney, <U7 Filth Ave., Pittsburg, I'a. | CLOTHING THE SPECIAL SALE AT T. H. BURTON S WILL CONTINUE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. BUILT FOR BUSINESS Our Cleveland and Crescent wheels-, are. The frames are reinforced throughout, the balls and bearings made as true as a watch and every part tested and put to gether in a perfect manner. Crescents -■?25.00 and $35.00. Clevelands $35 00 to $50.00. Tires of all kind? and a full line of Bicycle Sundries kept in stock, alco the famous Vive Cameras, Photo Supplies, Edison and Columbia Talking Machines from $5.00 up. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House. Take Core And thought along with you in your pocket book when you start piano-buying. Don't huy hap-hazxard ariywh«-r<* start first. belfrxin always golntr st-ralifht to 1 point wo know we have a good st*wU and we want you to know It too. W« know that our pried are reasonable and honest and we w int you to know that also. We know that we can give you satlsf;i<rtlon and w<- want yon to k now t hat. Right pianos, right prices I and right treatment is our motto, and we In tend to Htlck to 11. In purity and Hwoetnens of tone, and In fl 11 rai»llity and rlrh appearance, tin* <'hase and florklcy pianos ar»» Ideal. They aro used exeluHlvely by scor< s of famous rnusl- j elans arid In thf>usands of homcn. See thein and hear thern lie fore you buy. These pianos r:i 11 1 »<• bou/ht on vry easv terms <-ash or small monthly pay roenti#. We eau save you! money w»-make them. Everything In musle sold right. W. R. NEWTON, 317 South Main St- Butler Pa. MCMILLANS FORMERLY IRA C. BLACK & CO., Wall Paper. Next Door to Postoffice. A POINTER! For up-to-date I'hotos go to the Post Office building. New designs every few days. We guarantee to please you. Branch Studios, Mars and Kvans City. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236. ------ --------- - | L. C. WICK, I>KAI.KK IN LUHBER. TliU Im Voiir Opportunity. On r<<r« i|>t of t< 11 rents, mail or ufainp", (i generous Kiiinpln will Imailed of III© ni'mt jiopllhir (Intnrrh nn'l Hay k nver < Uiro (Ely'* Cream Malm; snfTiciont to d< iuon strat" tlin %r< it merits of th'i r'>niedy. ELY jmOTHF.KH, 50 Warren HL, New York City. Ilov John field, 'lr . of (ir'dt Falls, Mont., recommended F.ly's Croairi Maltn l<> 1110. I run emphasise tun statement, "It in ft posi tive ctiro for catarrh if nsnd as directed."— Itov. Frnnci* W. I'oolo, I'm tor Central I'ro*. Church, Helena, Mont. Fly's Cream I'.nlrn in thft ooVnowlpdK"d en re for catarrh and contain* im ni' rcury tuir any iujariotm <lnm I'rico. 50 cntH ic, ' J « . /J? it-.-- -jwj %'IMB with pure SPANISH I ICONIC L" UnwrpJiied fat r.urc of DS 5 lOs P*cnAcr". ,. ' , , I lft decorated im Poikct .•■•< [ •lift Op«» BOX SoUJ by Drug'ilit» yef yw» ' ■ or ■ «Tl| | y L/ep-'-l OX <jl 1 ' •• ' SI NCE 184-0. We've Iteen in bnsiness in Bntler since IMb. Reasonable tosupisise we know something about Roods, isn't it? Know where and how to get the best goods and lowest prices': Know how to detect and avoid all deceitful and unworthy goods? Our knowledge is used for your benefit. We have ft reputation to maintain and onr signature to an advertisement means as much to us as if it were signed to a bank check. Shirt Waists and Shirt Waist Materials White and colored shirt waists, stylish and jwrfeet fitting at New patterns in best ]>ercales for waists 12Jc. Choice Dimities for waists 15c and l s c. India Linens, extra values at 15c. "oc and 25c. Fancy White Goods Hk\ 15c and -oc. fy,~ \ \ •'I White Irish Linen ft r waists 31 10c and 50c JfKfe] 1 ' 1 \ All-over-embroideries, tuckings. insertings and laces hand- Mil \ some and cheap. /Summer Dress Materials. Fine tiinghanis. great values, sc. 10c and 15c. B*'st Denims for skirts H \y// | Linen Crash for skirts 15c and ItSc. ** 1 White Dnck and P K. 13i. 15c and -20 c. Lawns and Dimities 10c, 15c and lxc. Ribbons and Fixings „ Are needed to complete your summer outfit. No. 40 ami CO Fancy Ribbons—worth 40c to ;><lc at ~.h\ No. 80 Plain Taffeta Ribl>on 25c. Pully Belts 25c, 50c, 75c, and SI.OO. U * M Fancy Stock Collars 25c and 50c. ; 'ih • 4 h ilii Velvet Ribbons, Linen Collars. Ties,Qloves,Hosiery, Under 0 '"ll wear.Umbrellas. Parasols and everything needed at right prices.- —— ■« L. STEIN 8c SON, 108 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA Grand Centennial Opening JUNE 12, 1900. Of ail Kntire New Stools of DRY GOODS JACKET SUITS WASH SHIRTS NEW LACE CURTAINS New Silks. Silk Waists. Shirt Waists and all New Stylish Things In Plain and Fancy Dress Goods. NEW MILLINERY Remember you will find an entire new stock from top to bottom —not an old thing in the house, all fresh from Eastern Markets and bought for spot cash and will be sold at lowest prices. New Store, New Stock, New ices Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, At the Old Stand Corner Main and Jefferson Streets. Butler. Anton Krut, Jr., Wholesale and Retail FLORIST. GROWER OF Choice fioses, Carnations, Palms, Ferns and Bedding Plants DECORATIONS and CT'T FLOWERS always 011 hand and furnished for all occasions. Fine Floral Work for Funerals a specialty, made by an experienced designer who lias hail 15 years' experience in Pittsburg. Main Office at Hutler Green Houses, West of Court House, 2x2 Lincoln Street, on the Island. # Branch Office, Arlington Hotel Building, South Main Street. People's Phone 355-2, Main Office, Green Houses. 355-3, Office 011 South Main Sirtet. Orders by mail or telephone promptly attended to. When vou are iit need of Cut Flowers or Plants, call and see my stock, wliich is the largelt in tbe cc.Snty, as I have i 5 ,< .feet of K>ap •'»<> • * •<=«* of ground devoted to the growth of Cut Flowers and !• lowering 1 lants only. ANTON KRUT, JR., BUTLER, PA. BUTLER, liinp^O SATURDAY^UneoVJ The Only Realistic Frontier Exhibition in the world Pawnee Bills Wild West KxriUiignnd Thrilling IWodurtionH of M.nh.rn »nd History. PortraV<'«l hy Indlannof inanv Irilws. ('..WIK.VH HnnfcrM <inid™. Si-ontn, mid UnidiiiiPft. " OT^, ,N JF I ' ,^ RY ;, LLLLL , H ,, fun nihil! I'lishiiioii. th« 15.outran« KxpertM M»«ii,ll.ent. I«rd of H«.l»« r l ikxlonin < luiiiipioii ami I •int# »I 5110..H Hiii'loo I I Tronirul I>omainH. Aru./of ,»... , Tr r,, Hlriing.; and tin, L 'Z\:Z',f .r World in'lUzli.i.C lioview and Military Kvolutionn 10,000 SEATS FOR 10.000 PEOPLE. tJ ndnr Waterproof OiMiopya that encin lt- the vast arena. BTHANOE y*NO HTABTLING HTHKKT PARADE AT l» A M. DAILY. Two PiTfomiani-ea I Cain or Slnn<' at 2 and H p. in PL-ices Reduced this day and date. Admission 25 AS AN ANTI PERSPIR INK In numinf r pure whiskey nl cno'l .411 aII< Vl» fur ■liiperitn- In any ailnk knowr. Its nr.! Lan nil thr blond l» »l»n h'Ulihln 1 nnd often prevent* loan continued dueiw. w.- IIIT« r the chotcn of the belaw tmuidi or w |,Uk> y HiMirinit" ''! purn ami over V 14 14 ■till, iit 11 "i i» 1 full "r »l* «1 " ,lIKI rmtn, BT. VKIINOW. 14111 K <CKIIKINKIt. 1111.1.110K8, UI MHOI 4IVHKMIII.T, 1,111111, LLLLLLL'WIJ. Hi.luOKroßT, \H.AHTN''ATHKK H.RILOII K. u whlnkt-y ctliinHiM I J "I'l ""IIMT iluT. AIM (1 |i or mall iirftrr* of '«» "r "v< r«« Ihik mill hli1 1* yniiiipl.ljr; njtpri-ss rhurK*' (ire liiild, u . .1 \V 1' tuivi nn iilfff tji l'i repreni'iil us- rM'H'i • iriler* illriM't ninl » ivo nmiii y. ROBIiKT LBWIN 6c CO. 411 Watar Street Te'epb'ine, PltWni'K/ •• OpiH^nltt l It /If I>. Ih'lMit ' WANTKH Men to LL' W t O'xxl Iwauea paid. Addrt;H» I'. < > Is<»* Dntler, Pa. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and.SaleStable Rear of Wick House, Butler, Penn a. Tim lost (if horses and flrst rlimn rills ul- WIIVHOII hiiml liii'l fur lilre limit iHiiirilinv and Iranslent. trinln. Himm-I al cure Kuarnntood. Stable Room For 65 Horses. HA K<MHI I lims "f horses, Initli drivers arid ilriift iMirses lilwuyn on liiiiid I for sal" jf full ffiinriMiUM; hikl hnrmm Ihmkui pi in proper n«»llllciitloi» hy PEARSON B. NACE. Tcl<'pln»n<«. N«». 2|W. Practical Horse Shoers W .L ROBINSON, Formerly Ilnrae Bhocr at the Wick house has opened hnal ness In a shop in the rear i»f the, Arlington Hotel, where ** ' *\ he will do Home-Shoeing in " ~" the most approveil^style. TRACK ANO ROAD HOSRES A SPECIALTY. I RAPE'S j s [The Leading Millinery House of Butler Co.!C VLargest Stock Latest Styles and Lowest Price in Millinery.* f \ MOURNING GOODS ALWAYS IN STOCK. ,1 122 S. Main St Pape S. BUTLER. PA. \l ) >W£ HAVE ALSO FLAGS AND DECORATIONS FOR< > I > THE CENTENNIAL; ALSO FIRE WORKS. < 5 THIS IS TO BE THE VEAR OK ALL YEARS DEAR old Butler County, and n,s we are one the oldest firms still in the ring, we deem it our duty to celebrate in a measure, that is, by making it the "BANNER YEAR" of our business. * We have just opened and placed on exhibition, and we may add, cn Sale, one of the most complete lints of SI'RING GOODS ver brought into this city. In this line the following are ~ ncluded: Punjab Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Silk Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Puffing, All Overs. CARPET DEPARTMENT. We have no hesitation in saying that we have the Largest, Most Complete, and best assorted stock of CARPET in Hutler County, in cluding the celebrated Hartford Axminster, San ford & Wilson's Wil ton Velvet, the old reliable Body Brussels, i, 2, and 3-ply Ingrain, Rugs of every price and description, Art Squares, Druggets, and our "Centennial Rug." size 36x40 inches, all-wool, at 25 cents each; a veritable celebration in itself. DUFFY'S STORti, Butler, Pa, MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Spring Millinery and Easter Opening Thursday, Friday, Saturday. April 5, 6, 7, We desire to call your attention to our large and well-selected stock of Choice Millinery. We have endeavored to make our stock surpass all previous years in Style, Desirability, Quality and Price. We are showing an elegant line of Patterns. Some nobby shape?: in Ro nd Hats and the new Russian Turban, including all the best th gs in face hats, pompadour eflects. Tuscan Braid Hats are cutting quite a figure this season. As usual, we have made an effort to have the best line of Children's Hats in the city. Rockenstein's 32H South Main Street, ______ Hutler, Pa. New-York Weekly Tribnne. For Nearly sixty Years The Leading National Family Newspaper for Progressive Farmers and Villagers. An olil, stanch, tried and tiue friend of the American People, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and the pioneer in every movement calculated to advance the inter ests and increase the prosperity of country people in every State in the I nton. I'or over lmlf a century farmers have followed its instructions in raisin/ their cni'is, and in converting them into cash have !>e»*n guided t>y its market reports, wtrch have been National authority. If you Brc interested in "Science and Mechanics" that department will please and instruct. "Short Stories" wi'l entertain old and young. "Fashion Articles will catch the fancy of the ladies and"Humorous IlluHtrations 'and items will bring sunshine to >our household. Tllli WEEKLY TRIBUNE is "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER" for the entire United States, and contains all important news of the Nation and World. • Regular subscription price f r.<*i |ier year,but we furnish it J And THE CITIZEN I Year for $1.25. I Send all orders to THE CITIZEN. Butler, Pa.. J nM') ■" I Be Honest; ■l © «<# -4§> The country is flooded with cata logues from firms who say they ar«! Manufacturers offering Buggies, Harness, &c., at what they say is whole sale prices. Do you believe it? We will tell you how to test it. Bring your cata logue along with * you to our store and look over our Buggies and Harness and see if we cannot save you sonic money ami if we can't do not deal with us, your money is yours and you have a right to use it to the best advantage to yourself. You should at least look around you before send ing your money away and if you can save money by buying here you certainly owe it to yourself to do so. Try it once. Bring your catalogue along if you have one. You arc welcome to make the com parison whether you buy or not. S. B. Martincourt & Co., 128 E. Jefferson St. S li. MARTIN' OUKT. J M. LKIWHNKK. Curt • i Hnnkennow. eetey KEELEY WNT. ROC MI 11 UP, INSTITUTE, ii44rink Hook lot. riTT»m.M. r*. I West Winficld Hotel, §) W.G. LUSK, Prop'r. (¥) I irnt CIH ■< Tnhli' nml n£\ < In* mt<l Spring Water nil llirtmuli /<S 11..UM-, (r'Kxl Stabling | Eyes Tiring Easily Prov. tyestrai I)o not wnit till aerionx velopPH Have the HtrttinVomovcil Hl Hiticr the onsier properly mljttHfPP KIIIHWM will tin it. I tent even nml fit HpectiicleM properly untl K»»riint«M' HIII.H faction. CAl<ly H. beiGHNGR, IF.WF.I-KK AM" OI'TIL'IAN. N»a»H. Main Htrwt liullcr, I'a New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room. Fresh Drugs. Everything new and fresh. Proscriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Trv) Our Soda R A. MacCartney Farm For Sale. 1 will sell my farm in Washing ton twp., located about tluee miles west of North Washington, containing about 150 acres, with good house, barn, outbuildings, springs and orchard, underlaid with coal, and two producing oil wells, on easy terms. Inquire of R. 0. Rumbaugh, Nixon House, Butler, I'a.