I «■ I 1 ..1 PBOCLAIBS HIS CHABACTEU WA A Man 0 AnnQrOl THEBrsADivrnrrios aboit M A ffldll i Appal (51 wrr M fi AM \/OU w yj MW Y play in oar windows which greets r 4 v / _ B yon to (lay. There is standard r® examination 1 "'hamburgers clothing §j p- . _ _which cannot be itetad K\ •r> k^ fP. rcK U P an * tail in their manufacture is given the WA article you see In do**--: attention- shoulders an all WA ourwindows [HiVlnl baUaiMm m hnd-wotked k^ F4B i - «t wrpk and the entire garment from beginning WA ky L 3 weeK - I made by a better « aae of r J examine it tailors than say otter luady-xaadt cloth- k^ carefully- n Butler. Ton may doaM all this WA The but one of onr cardinal virtues is in be- W2 >;puuino ing able to 'back np every statement k^ ffl . in regard to this "Ur leading line of Vi throughout, clothing. £J P< ality What a Q uarter Will D ° M jk • of material, It will buy yoor choice of thos. beau- TM Fl t e workmanshio tiful. catchy and np-to-date kl [l . _ . K played in oar «how window lninK 01 WM K 1 a.ia tinisn jj such you w<-arfora quarter L v WA cannot help Well. 1 guess yes -Come and look at r« but satisfy you. i. them. yA Douthett jt] IV! icr's Shoes For Men. , . 's one of our strongholds, j M that can't be suited with - his spring are very hard to for never befo,rc has the ti een offered such a variety j f.; as there are this spring, j ! i U-ather kid, patent le. ther c,; ' ci kid, vice calf and all! ;.i f Tan Shoes in different: grades of leather. WALKOVER $3.50. W L. DOUGLASS $3 :r Boy's Department we are p.- iarly strong Special care !, I.en taken in selecting this in and we fee safe in saying he: re none better. A GREAT LINE OF LOW SHOES. „ r . „d women—they must »* seen to be appreciated. All klnds.all <■ >!urs n I all prii e C- E- MILLER, Butler's Progressive Shoe House, 215 South Main Street \ 15 We wish to sav to those parties who could not get waited 011 last Situ day,V have secured extrk help, and will try and not have it happen again. When You Paint. _ If you desire the very best at the expense you THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS' C - Most, Looks Beat. Wears Longest by REDICK & GEOHMAN, f 109 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. *i PAPES. JEWELERS. 51 5 m oJ DIAMONDS, J WATCHES, i o oj CLOCKS, { JEWELRY, 1 ? SILVERWARE, J r " SILVER NOVELTIES, ETC. t S We repair all kinds of J * Broken Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc J S3 Give our repair department a trial. # m We take old gold and silver the same as cash. J PAPE'S, 11 P 122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. £ p Butler Savings Bank Butler, Pa. -Capital - ft 0.000.00 S.:rp*u; and Profits - - f185.000.00 i >S I, PURVIS President Jii UY TROUTMAN Vice-President v.": AMPBELL, Jr *j' er L i 11. STEIN •ii. T«>»tS—Joseph L. Purvis. .}. Henry i in. W. D. Brandon. W. A. Bt' id. J. H. C&nipbell. Hntler Havings Bank Is tlie Oldest i: / I nstltutlonln Butler County. . ■ .il hanking business transacted. l it accounts of ..11 producers, mer farmers and others. A Jslness entrusted to us will receive, pr .iitentlon. Inn i' >.l uald on time deposits. I THE Bailer County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in fi00,000.00 Surplus and Profits - >150,000.00 K irtman, ! President; J. V. Ritts, President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier. • •ral banking business transacted, ••s* paid on time deposits. M y 1 laned on approved security. ite you to open an account with this Ii; ToBB Hon. Joueph Hartman, Hon. oron. Dr. N. >l. Hoover. 11. Mo- P. Collins, I. O. Smith, Leslie I'. M. Klnegin, W. H. Larkln, Harry l)r. W. 0. McCandless, lt<-n Mus -1:, ■ ' J. Marks, J. V. Hitt, i r OU'LL KNOW HOW GOOD 3 WHEN YOU SEE THEM. (Jur 25c box papers. ( ■ r ioc and 15c fine writing up r tablets, blank books at the old price. Albums bought before the ad vance. i* daks with a special discount J nuary. I Lotograph supplies always porting goods. L ite fiction. liibles cheaper than ever. ryday needs at everyday At DOUGLASS BOOK STOKK. i;,i. Ie li'l'd. S. &E. WICK, DEALERS IN il Worked Lumber of ;i!l Ivlndt*. itli and Mouldings. Itifcs a specialty. Office and Yard. E. Cunningham and Sts., near West Ir» n I •«• i>* »t # iujtlkk. pa FOR SALE. - ish to sell ray Residence on Ziegler Ave., <llO, and a good comfortable house rooms, with water and sewerage, also a small house on Hickory St., .ills and finished attic, J600; tlso Urn house on Hickory St., 1 o .six roomed liousv, with well dt } 1,700; also niv horse, (a goof • r, buggy, robes, etc.* " IDAVID CUPPS, 3l2_Ziegler Ave., butler, Pa. Miller's Shoes for Women BABY SHOES FREE. / \ Every l>ut>y born in Xfflr charge at our store. If i ln-y arc unfortun- Sj MJ born In :iny other *Wf Mf jc;ir. we'll promise i PHILIP TACK, j OONTBAOTOB IN $ Cleveland Berea Grit j | STONE j j£ Suitable for Building, I H Ornamental and x Paving purposes. 1 This Stone Will Hot "Shell Off." | 1 Prices reasonable. % Work done well and promptly. Stone yards on I Hast Ktna street. * Resilience on Morton avenue. I People's Telephone 320. New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room Fresh Drugs. Everything new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Trv) Our Soda R A. MacCartney Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Opticia Neil Hoor to Court House. Butler. I'a M. A. BEKKIMEK, Funeral Director. 245 S. Main St. Butler. PA In the E-. I childlessness w !-re.l a cutv from th>- g<jds. It a ] "'v tic sight to «se wamt ddUkM Hindoo moth r prostrate before a:; : 101, implor ing tfa it the curse of addkmai vi.iv Ik f.ki_n awav. .A Are we much wiser than the £ heathen > 9f ' 0 J/J Thousands of E .V . "VvVv men re j the d-licatf feminine OflgßtM It may be dehil ".nv drains or ft-: . »i■ iki:ev=. and I erliaps an ulcerate.! and inflamed condition of the parts. In any case the ; di.M- ■ d condition must 1 removed and a healthy condition established befofe the i: ite'rn.ii function ca: ■' 'ded. Uanv a mother acknowk as her debt to Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and to its inventor T)r. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, j M. V who iuvites the sick to write and j consult him without charge. "Favorite Prescription" promptly allays irritation. : hea'. ulceration checks the debilitating i draii.-. cures female weakness and the j accompanying bearing down pains It ! giv.- italit rinwctf '*. pecu'.tarv feminine, and establishes the natui.il condition? which make for the I easv lirth of healthy children There is nothing just as good for you as ' pavocite Prescription." Don't be put off with a substitute. " I have never written you hew grateful I am to you for your hel;> in securing good health and aoe of the sw*etc»t, dearert thirteen pound £irls tka: rrtt came ia"' a kHM.' "it* 1" JJ i V«»tir.e. of Sautb Übcrty St Galeabun ni | •"When 1 wrote you about my aiiiueir.s I »a« living in Riehland. lowa. I toofe m l tUe* Or. fierce'* Favorite Pmcriptioa. WOT a tag ' Golden Mi'lica! Discover*- ' and fbui vials o! . Dr. t-itrce'a Meaaaot Pelleti »;< ft re I had taken Mr bottles at He' Favorite Pi Kripti I was a nev vorran I cannot makt - describe ray bear' 'eM gratitude " Dr. Pierce's Pleasant 1' ''--ts regulate the tomach, liver and els. HUMPHREYS 7 Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief, Ii cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—Elxternal or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or 1 insures and listuia?. Relief im mediate—cure certain. It cures Burns and Scalds. The tliei instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sor ■ Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetter . Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped llan , l ever Ii ; te. , Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stinys of inset'. . Mosquito Bites and Sunburn=. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO Sole by Druggists, or sc t pre-p '<* recc j.t of; - HUMPHREYS' WED. CO.. Cor. WUHam A John Sto.. MEW VOKK g.; k The Cure that Suras ; p Coughs, ?, \ Colds k Grippe, § V WhooplnK Coußh. Asthma, J jS\ Bronchitis and Incipient / 2! ConsuroDtion, Is \olMj I ClUßfc % g The GERMAN remedy* £ IT Cures tVoaX. at\4 Vuv.ti ixstascs. < a\\ DOCTOR MILES' NERVINE, The Brain and Nerve Food and Medicine, Quiets Irri tated Nerves, Soothes the tired Brain, Builds up the Vital Powers of the Body and Overcomes Disease. It Contains no Opiates not other harmful drugs. Sold Qt all drag stores on a positive guar antes- Write for Tree advice ar 1 booklet to Or. Uiled Medioai Qe- Ind, it/'lf" " wax Candles B IA Nothing will contrit»ut«- m r»* f«»»t. •- 8 H fifT/7 arti-in rucut of tho I. . f.-on, ■ fa tea or dinner 'I t• -t «!• '»rativ«* ■ f| cat. !1» h fur the {»!• -r Uio ■ pi mo* elaborate frix. -'mn for ««;t- ■ ■J 1 taue "T mansion. Mail* >n all colors I »TA .M»AKU OIL < «*. pi Jj l and aold ev. rywber--. BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. COURSES. 1 Amanuensis Shorthand. 2 Reporter's Shorthand. 3—Pra -'ical Liook-kceper's. 4 Expert 5 Music. 6 —English. TEACHERS. Three Professional, Two Assistants and Another k rofessional Coming. SCHOOL NCW IN SESSION. DAY AND NIGHT Send for our New Illustrated Catalogue and Circulars. They will open vour eyes. Note tlie large number of our past graduates and students who are filling resjKjnsible position.'.. Send for circular telling how to get a position WATCH THIS SPACE. A. F. REGAL, Prin., Butler Business College 31cr 327 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. y Fnf's > Dtcaw ' Urcr.4- I E^LLS Or(gtiiaU«i< 1; tljr Ci t.«!n.. * " • • it* "Ul'w'Jw " TnUNjf j m, % y» B for (1 •«» i.'iirbYr»tr.rm 1-K -fr Mall. lt,M < t.iiOttia.. M*m, la^tr. »400 M.'dUo'a cji'iii LAUA*!, FA* Tl I 1 CITIZEN. Th<- ll!»tor» of htstoi • "t grip." or influensa, eau only l>e ;.n- ■ <1 back, with any cer tain!; fu; . ■ - IVrtaps its home it in Kusvn It ii-'aius a-riain broail char.K it-ri.-'t - which make it recog niatiMi* • UII'Kt MIC.I odd names ns ti..* "g ntle •• :"ii" and the "new delij-'ht." A curl« us description of it under tie name of "eoqueluehe" Is found in tii diary of Picm* de L'Es- We in the me at lleury 111 of France, as follows: "The co |tu la be at Paris, year ir.xt. —From i • 2d day to the Mli day of June th- it i ii sick at Paris lO.nOO IM-r.-nii- (.! iii llne>s having the form of a rheum «.r < uarrh, which they call the v.*iu> !;• he.' This illness seizes you miili :* [tain iiJ ih»* head, stomach and l":ii*- 1 a lassitude throughout the bodv. .n i .1 the a\liolo kingdom of France while the y.-ar last ed. so that nc«- having come hardly anybody in • town or village or house esca pod. "Tlie 1" sf r -<ly the doctors found s ti'.*t t!;' 1 sick abstain fiom wine. To ■ they ordered bleeding and rliul ii for others and fin:;llv thej ind it best to Uaep the si<*k in b. .1 i d allow them lit tie to eat and drink ■ nay at Paris that of this * there were dead at U,,i in i i three mouths, more than lo.Wi • ■•a.*-.' I.!tr tile Tliront, If i: ; ; - , ,i\ ib» jjtxMl by f:ar pl ■ ■ oe is to iiuuie ihat tj. ! , the po<ti ;ior wall of the pi ! .. us the nose arast be held au ,* ; tl ' nist be well thrown t,ack wl ...lining the gargling pr.i I in the usual way „aiv ti.-- • >r r.ifine of the uvula au<i - 'fi «ad ! e base of the tongue 1- I»ut by holding the no- " : !. r.iwing the In ad well back when -r*ithe medicament readies • iirface of the pharynx very effe<*t:v'-lv. The comparative value of the two methods ca: tested by painting the posterior sir ; of the pharynx care fully with a '"iig solution of methy lene blue and then letting the patient gargle with water iu the usual way, when it will be found that the water ejected will !>• clear and unstained; then let him *- irgle holding the nose an<l tin* wing his head well back, when the ejected lluid will l>e found stained, and an inspection of the pharynx will how that the blue has been washed away. This is a thing worth remembering, for many observers have maintained that gargling is not only useless as a m. th I <»t" ..'ii; l ition, but is Quite in effectual • n a a means of cleansing ti. l' pharynx. Charlotte Medical .lour nal. A I Iventncky Hotel. The Phu-nix hotel is in one sense the oldest hotel in the whole western coun try, for it lias with varying changes, continued to < xist ever since the year 18<m». It wnf here that Aaron Burr lodged in I~oii while engaged in his daring conspiracy to make himself the head of a new empire ami was here met and we! • nied by Herman Klen nerhasst tt, the (uitured but unfortu nate Irishnnin lie had so completely fascinated Here, as f.ar back as Jef ferson's administration, Democrats and Federalists, in knee buckled breeches, ruffled shirt and dangling cues, talked redhot polii It was the scene of a sumptuous dinner to Lafayette, and la'-'t* was th<- stopping place of the wily M" \i in chieftain General Santa Anna During the civil war, while Lexington was held by the Confeder ate:'., it wa- the headquarters of Gener als Uragg ami Xirby Smith and before, the struggle tided sheltered General Grant. President Arthur has also been its guest.- (Ivy.) Observer. Jack Wan Too. A Salt Lake <*ity paper reports that a tall, gaunt woman, with ginger hair and' a somewhat fierce expression of couiitenan- lately came to the county clerk of Boxdder county, Utah. "You're ti..- man that keeps the mar riage b<» ain't you?" she asked. "Yes, ma'am." he answered. "What book do you « ish to see?" "Kin y . lind out If Jack Peters was married ?" Searcii ii . ■ -iopi-d the name of John Peters, for hose marriage a license had been i-sin-d two years before. "I thon ' ' so." said the woman. "Married Li/. Waters, didn't he?" "The lie. i- • is issued for a marriage with Eliza Waters." "Yep. Well. I'm l.ize. I thought I'd ought t" '-'. me In and tell you that Jack Peters has escaped." lift unci Waiter. "What's the difference between a bet and a v.*: i't?" asked the man who thinks there are too many words lu the English language. "A bet,' nid the friend who always wears a dress coat after 0 o'clock, "is something you make with a man, which has to be paid, no matter who loses. A wager Is something more re fined. It'; luade with a woman and Is not coii i : i I collectable unless she wins."—Washington Star. Peculiar. Professor Simon J. Brown, the astro nomical dire.-tor of the naval observa tory at Washington, occasionally In dulges In a '.it of humor. On one oc casion a colleague came into his office nnd, finding ilie professor standing, said: "IF. it po; siblo you work that way? I cannot stand standing." "That's p nliar," replied Professor Brown quieklv "Now, do you know, 1 emnot stand sitting." Beware of tiding the personal pro noun "I" to. freely In your talk when you are talking in a room full rf peo ple E; .lists are often amusing and entertaining, but as often they aif- very much out of order. l.ad es' Home Journal. HOOT/S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, indis»ostion, Heartache. Easy to easy to operate. 25c. RKIU'MATISM CItKF.D IN A DAY. "Mystic Care" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in t to 5 days. Its action upon the system is reirarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause -. and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents S"M by J. C. Kedic, attd J. F. linloh T>ru;:.;i , -ts Ilutler \pr a BLOOD. | # Pure >!oodmeanslife,health, 5 O room for disc i Swhcro -ie veln3 are filled S wiih ricli, red corpuscles. S |Liis3sey's Improved S I Blood Searcher l! y stakes p":re blood—cures ecrof- 'j I P r.la, erysipelas, pimple;?, b< lis, 41 p soracy .s, scald head—blood dis » cases c ~C; 1 forms. Here'sprcof: # Jt MEgaoroTAHiA, OHIO. C i T>r. J.ln T'ary's Blood BearcMg ha ! | T" nnrlthZM.l] vol B 1* e t- h.l-rofula/brthlrt]/]/ rt | >1 that 1 t. ua4a . -n a f • > "■!' -Hc'-tapennaiicntcure V i. li.Ui.i.jXttimo. Ifsvrondorf'd. 11 So. i, W. Jo &ILMORK CO. PITTSEURa PA. 5 At all Droggiiti. SI.OO. V S PHILADCLPHIA P( M --DENTAL ROOMt -- \ * J.'l - f jth Ave., P ttsburq.P# fi « ■ PHACTICA' ,Y'»' tl. jl Tl CROWN '■ 1 II WHY ,«T DC V ; i "JRS7 1 ,ro m ■+... ■ ; ... »R'3GE "'"I r.'.i • .« . DSS l J £ R TOOTH » * On ' •/ CLO • I NG THE SPECi \L SALE AT T H U TON S WILL CO XT! M E UNTIL F i ' RT I LER NOTIC E. T - | \& -X "'r 'vj ®|i ■ ; /7' /' % BUILT FOR JSINESS Oar-Cleveland ar. ICt -nt wheels are. The frame- are rein *d throughout, the ialls a:: 1 tearing' ide as true as a watch and every part sted an<l put to gether in a perfect ner. Crescents ¥25.00 and ; J5 o t lands (x I to $50.(<0. Tire* of all kind? and a full line of Bicycle Sundries k pi in stock, also the f.unous Vive Camr Ph oto Supplies, Edison an.'. Columbia kiug Machines from $5.00 up. R. L. KIRf.KATRICK, Jeweler and Grau .ate Optician- Next to Court House I'a ke Cm re ii j . i; 1 iSit!"' / t_j lii ■ '</ '¥ , jftyjl - And thou it lit . *. vi 1 1 ill your ixx-ket bool. \vln ny ino-lmyinjr. Don't buy lijip-lia/siKt!«i ..nyi —start here first. W<» beli# vt- .n :.'uayn to tli** point vv<- • now !i- ir<xxi »»t<wk and w« Wiint >1 Ito .* w i ». We know that our price - r< son a :uid hon»*st and vv«r w-tni you to kn.- tha >. We know that we can jjlv» you ii- on and we want you to k1 to jll * 11. Ri. : ianos. riv?i*» prices ami 1 Ighl I t i motto IM we in tend t.« sti-K I * 1 In purity and vec of (one. and in durability and • -• ran. * . 11»«• Chase and ! 1 ;wk!• y j »s ideal. Tiny are uvd exclusively -y «•( - w utffiOUH musi cians and in tlio..- ml f homes. >«■«■ them and heart item » fore l»uy. Thuw pianos . a bt i ■ -y tei ins ciuili or small monthly i yme We .-an save you money—w« rna U* * i hen Everything in mush' d riirlit. w. it. x •; WTOX, 31/ South Main St- Butler Pa. MCMILLANS 3LY' IRA (J. BL/ oK & CO., WaP 1 aper. Next [)oor Postoffice. A POINTERS For up-to-d Photos go to lite Post » ce building. New desig is /cry few days. We guarantee please yua. Branch Studios Mars and Evan ity. A. L. [NDLEY, Tclepli ne 236. L. C. WICK, Uka> :■ IN LL'HiER. Till* T i'ou, 1 >|>portnnlty. On r- <" ij t r ten r, cash or stamps, a nen'-r'-'is pi I bo mailed of tho m' st poj ul i ' i»' 111 Mar Fever Cure fEly's Crea lOlciont to tlemon- Btratetbogr .im .f tlio remedy. El-Y BItOTI l:S, CO War t , New York City. Rev. John licid, J < f Great Fulls, Mont., recommeudo-1 I.iy's irn ltolm to me. I can empliasi/ I.i.s - ;nciit, 4i lt is ft posi tive euro for oM.irr ts«<l ftß ilirocted." — Itev. Francis W. I'o Pastor Coutral Pres. Church, Helena, II Ely's C're in Hal* tb l ' acknowledged enro for Otl ;; ■' i I Xltsi&l QO BMNVfjf nor :.ny inju;; *l6 ' I'ricc, 00 ci nts. »N jC I ■ • ■ ■ lilH.. WPBiiMPWMM %,■ t3m ' »I MCORICEr® I Vns rpjv h: of C?UO!ISvC9LDb ' ! e»"~ D ? 0 ACKAr J | IS ' I So'd by Urt_< MM ~mk ' Nothing Old But the Name"! x&xne&xx&x COMING TO | BUTLER, I SATURDAY. OUIIC lO The Newest. Greatest and Richest Circus in America will exhibit for one day only. JOHN ROBINSON'S GREAT WORLD'S EXPOSITION AND TEN BIG SHOWS COHBINED f* 1 i'N 4C UMUS >*iAHNESSEO AND •> CONSISTING OF 3 Big Circuses in 3 Big Rings 3 3 Big Menageries 3 1 Grand Biblical Spectacle 1 1 Complete Aviary 1 1 Gigantic Museum 1 1 Prodigious Aquarium 1 t o TRULY (TOOD SHOWS MERGED INTO ONE In conjunction with the Grand SIOO,OOO Glorious, Sublime, Biblical Spectacle of King Solomon and Queen of Sbeba Dwarfing and overshadowing to comparative insignificance the com bined interior and outdoor spectacular events of the era. Replete in sacred realisms, historical accuracies, Biblical events, colossal proces sions. and introducing all the ceremonies with the original pomp and splendors ot the Court of Solomon. The additions recently made to this already mammoth show puts it so far ahead of all other exhibitions of the kind in SIZE, MERIT. VARIETY, ORIGINALITY. COMPLETENESS That a united press, pulpit and public everywhere proclaim its undis puted right to the first place in the world of amusements and the hearts of a progressive and go-ahead American people. The ex pansion idea has been the sole secret of the success of the John Robinson Show. Since its inception, over half a century ago, new additions Jiave been constantly made New ideas, new features, new acts have year alter year been annexed, until today it stands without a Paragon, the Mightiest of the Mighty, the Greatest, Largest and Best of the World's Big Shows. Several Trains of Cars, 1,000 People, 500 Superb $2 000 000 Invested. The Circus Features this season obtained from Europe and America will amaze and startle the world. Nothing like them ever before presented in this country. The exhibition of former years and other shows relegated to oblivion by the perseverance and master minds of the artists with John Robinson's Ten Big Shows Combined. The most novel bareback Riding Acts ever witnessed. I-rom nine to twelve of the World's Greatest Champion Lady and Gentle men Equestrians riding in Three Rings at one time. I his feature is new and original with this show. 1. _ i Va men, Horses- Elephants and Camels Required, Together with a Grand Ballet of 100 Ladies. 20,000 Seats for 20,000 People Under Absolutely Water-prool Canvas, 40 Camels Tlitched to $20,000 Golden Chariot. Forty Soul Stirring, Fearless, Madly-Ridden Hippodrome Races, Forty CHEAP EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROAD LINES. A feature of the Free Street Parade is the great spectacle of Forty of the Smallest Ponies ever harnessed and driven at one time. Don't fail to see them. The cages and paraphernalia alone in this glittering procession, the only ones of the kind in the United States and costing more money than the value of the entire outfit of three ordinary circuses. Two performances daily. Main show doors open at 1 and 7 P- Free exhibition at the circus grounds immediately after the parade and at 6:30 p. in. One admission ticket admits to all. For full particulars notice other advertisements. ______ - Is a Price Most Anyone Can Afford. j $lO however is thought by some to be quite too little i'or a tjood suit. Opinions differ just us prices do but if you'll tal<e thetroubleto lool< up thess'suits we're telling about See with a critical eye their real excellence, their true worth fullness, why, you'll agree with us and others that these SUITS AT $lO are *. orthy garments for any man, and you're not adverse to saving $2.50 -jio matter what your income may be. Anothei point and one that ought to interest you, is the large choice in weaves and colors. $lO gives you in our suits carefully Tailored, Stylish, Perfect Hanging, Superb Fitting, Schau & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS. 137 South Main St., Butler. j I RAPE'S I S[The Leading Millinery House of Butler CO.A VLargest Stock Latest Styles and Lowest Price in Millinery.V }> MOURNING GOODS ALWAYS IN STOCK. X jjt 122 S. Main St Pape's. BUTLER PA | XWE HAVE ALSO FLAGS AND DECORATIONS FOR& Out of Style. Out of the World! - ',7 V x Our garments have .1 style that is | I easily distinguished from the ordin .. - ary. They arc the result of careful v.f>y study and practical application)ofthe ideas gathered by frequent visits to 4 tl.c fashion centres, and by personal contact with the leading tailors and * '! <j. .' j fashion autlu rities of the tounty. \» - •Sv They an- n ,de ':i our >wn iviok • shop ti\ the highest paid joinn. - v men t;;ihas i:i I'utlci, }«."• it is sibSe t< • aid >.v d • -.::ve our palron* these ii >t- vla-«s t! 'th< s at the price y.i'i would pp foi the other sort. W• be'ievc wv have given good reasons win >ut tailoring is the best and cheapest and would be grateful for the opportunity to show you our handsoT.e spritg stock and giv yen prices to prove them. r\ 1 N N P| MAKER OF l\ ICI 1 1L 4, MEN'S Clothes TIIT S IS TO m ' : THK YEAR OF ALL YEARS FOR : \< X XlAkj o jj ]^ llt ] cr County, and as we are one the oldest turns still in the ring, we deem it our duty to celebrate in a measure, that is, by making it the "BANNER YEAR" of our business. We have just opened and placed on exhibition, and we may add, on Sale, one of the most complete lints of SPRING GOODS ver brought into this city. In this line the following ire ™ n rludeJ: Punjab Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Silk Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Puffing, All Overs. CARPET DEPARTMENT' We have no hesitation in saying that we have the Largest, Most Complete, and best assorted stock of CARPET in Butler County, in cluding the celebrated Hartford Axminster, Sanford & Wilson's Wil ton Velvet, the old reliable Body Brussels. 1, 2, and 3-ply Ingrain,. Rugs of every price and description, Art Squares, Drudge. s\ .in I our "Centennial Rug," size 36x40 inches, all-wool, at 25 cents each; ;r. veritable celebration in itself. DUFFY'S STORE, Butler, Pa. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION NEW nor M NEW Fi'KNITI'ItE #4+++ J* Central Hotel ? + c-i- < -i j-(- SIMEON NIXON. JR., 1 M J. liROWN NIXON, I K ' r.UTLER, PA Ouposlti' Court ll'.uw, N« \t I»<•<»! t«» Park Theatre. Sunday Dinners A Specialty. Meals 25 cts. Rootns 50 cts. Regular Rates sl. Local and Long Distance Phones. Hotel Waverly, South Ml Kean Street, J. W HAWORTH, Prop'r., BUTLER. I'A. Heat anil Electric Light- The most commodious office in the city. Stabling in Connection. Pearson U. Nace's Livery Feed and SaleStabte Rear of Wick House, Butter, Penn a. The iM'st of horses and ilr>t class rigs al ways on hand and for hire. Host a.-,-ont!iiod:iilons in town for perma nent boardiuß and transient trade. . poet al care Rttaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. 1"A Rood class of horses. both drivers and draft I(or-.es always »n hand and for sale under a full (niaraiitec; and horses bought pon propt-r notification by PEARSON B. NACE. Telephone. No. 210. Farm For Sale. r~l will sell my farm in Washing ton twp., located about three miles west of North Washington, containing about iSO acres, with good house, bam, outbuildings, springs and orchard, underlaid I with coal, and two producing oil wells, on easy terms. Inquire of R. 0. Rumbaugh, Nixon House. Butler, Pa. 0 : Drunkenness. fteeley „ M f KEELEY Write for 1/ ft fl«p» INSTITUTE, ' ree U M <2ie nnt. a,.„ Booklet. 1 ; 1 kv, r». Practical Horse Shoers W _L ROBINSON. Formerly Horse Shocr at the Wick House has ojiened busi ness in n shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where lie will <lo Horse-Shoeing in the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HOSRES A SPECIALTY. j|| : jjjjjs AN . ' OVERSTOCK OF RUBBER COATS WHICH WE WILL SELL BELOW COST. Jno. S Wick. 242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa Opposite P. O. AS AN ANTI PERSPIR INE In summer pore w hiskey of cooJ yu-lily is far superior to any dtlnk knowii. Its action on the blrod is also healthful and oittn pre'ents loni. continued disease. We offei Uk choice of the beh* bnuidt of w hlsk e y tri: > '':mt» • •<! pure ami over *>l \ yt'HTS old. it «! "I pi-r full quart or six quart* >..!«>, KIM || *T. VKKSOS. (41 < KK ViltlHKß. DIM.INUKB. CHIMIN, LAIMiK, I'llO'il SOS. 111, • •«« KI'ORT, v,.:„ ..x ATHliit S < 1101, ... awlilsU' . ;u.irarit< I iyiar >ld .rirai' All r mall < >r,i< r-. •>1 r'-fj «/r "i < r we Ih>\ ami stiip promptly; ' xpres.-^rliarj.-'' .ire paid, Weil l-. ,;.'erl-. to rc<JTi'* nt us. orders dine; andsive ijcney. ROBERT LEWIN &- CO. 411 Water Stree. Telepl'one. ?I7C fMf"=bt'.i Opposite II AU. Depot. I West Winfidd Hotel, & W.G. LUSK, Prop'r. (S) lirst Class Table and I.fxluitiK''. t i. . and Spring Water nil through house, yt) Good Stabling
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers