Ami! 1 PROCLAIMS HIS CHABACTEK^^^^ Mall's Apparel ™;se ► iy m rOU never saw tht> equal of the I Mil Y play in our windows which {civets r yoti to day. There is standard L Examination clothing f Q. . „ which cannot be imitated. Every <le k TICK up any t;(jl jn tbeir maim fa<ture is given the V article you see In closest attention—shoulders an- all r our windows padded, button holes ar«- hand-workeil. thus wcpk and the entire garment from beginning W in.s wee*. end is made by a better class of £ examine it tailors than any other ready-made cloth- fc carefully- ing in Butler. You may doubt all this, ■ The but one of our cardinal virtues is in be- r .. w ; na ing able to "back up even - statement k throughout, « ,hi ' «" "»' llnß "™ f a h u e , M t» What a Quarter Will Do k of material, It will buy your choice of those l>eau- . the workmanshio tiful. catchy and up-to--date Tics. L . r-; _u played 111 onr show window. InniK or m ana tinisn it—such a tie as you wear for a <iuarter".' t cannot help Well. I guess yes—Come and look at ■ but satisfy you. them. W Douthett & Graham. Miller's Shoes For Men. Miller's Shoes for Women 'I hat's one of our strongholds. J?'*™ Men that can't be suited with hlkm-s t his spring,an<i shoes this spring are very hard to i r o eompiete. ran/- r i_ r t _ »u„ Ing In price from S*ic please, for never before has the to #4.00. WB&r trade been offered such a variety The i>eisarte, sj-to -of styles as there are this spring. pooui'.y 00 Of & Patent leather kid, patent leather see them; they are .. . ... . if „ 1 -11 great; «*i ladies fine ca!f, vici kid, vice call and all Ki(i polish, fancy kinds of Tan Shoes in different J n a d % jjSiJ | grades of leather. shoes sold elsewhere. Kg l WALKOVER $3.50. BABY SHOES FREE. ■£&«/» \A/ L. DOUGLASS $3 Every bahy born In jH , T-. . lfliJO can have a piiir m In our Hoy s Department we are of S | loes free of particularly strong Special care if they are unfortun- i has been taken in selecting this «£ n e ~ u £ny '".her 1) ineand we feel safe in saying * here are none better. very cheap. A GREAT LINE OF LOW SHOES. or men and women-they must be seen to be appreciated. Ml kinds.ail colors and all price C- E- MILLER, Butler's Progressive Shoe House, 215 South Main Street N B We wish to say to those parties who could not get waited on last Satu day, we have secured extra help, and will try and not have it happen again. When You Paint. suits at the least expense you Covers Most. Looks Best. Wears Longest |E& - REDICK & GROHMAN, 109 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. PAPES, JEWELERS. j| 4 m §f ' DIAMONDS, j WATCHES, d o oS CLOCKS, I "HJ JEWELRY, J P ssj SILVERWARE, # "" 5 j SILVER NOVELTIES, ETC. J 2 □c 2 We repair all kinds of 5 [J, 5 Broken Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc J J/> £ Give our repair department a trial. £ m £ We take old gold and silver the same as cash, t I? PAPE'S, 51 P £ 122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. £ p Butler Savings Bank Butler, Ps. Capital - |60, 000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $185,000.00 JC3. L PURVIS President J lIENHY TROUTMAN Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Cai hier LOUIS B. STEIN Teller 1)1 HECTORS —Joseph L. Purvis, .1. HeDry Tro'itraan, W. D. Brandon. W. A. Stein, J. S. Campbell. Tlie Butler Savings Bunk Is the Oldest Banking Instltutlonl n Butler County. General hanking business transacted. We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Interest paid on time deposits. j THB; Butler Count; National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in - - $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits - f 150,000.00 los. Hartman, IPresident; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier. A general banking business transacted. 1 nti res', paid on time deposits. Money Ilaned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this bank. . „ „ IHKF.CTOKS— Hon. Joseph Hartman, Hon. \V. S. Wuidron, Dr. ti. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Sv eney. C. P. Collins, I. O. Smith, Leslie I'. Ilazlett, M. Klnegtn, W. 11. Larkln, Harry Heasley, Dr. W. C. McCandiess. Ben Mas -eth. W. J. Marks. J. V. Rltts VOU'LL KNOW HOW GOOD 1 WHEN YOU SEE THEM. Our 25c box papers. Our ioc and 15c fine writing paper tablets. Blank books at the old price. Albums bought before the ad vance. Kodaks with a special discount in January. Photograph supplies always fresh. Sporting goods. Late fiction. Bibles cheaper than ever. Everyday needs at everyday prices. At DOUGLASS BOOK STORE. Eagle B'l'd. W. S. & E. WICK, DEALERS IN Bough :iinl Worked Lumber of a'.l Kinds Doors. ~:i-.h iind Mouldings. Oil Well liigs a Specialty. Office and Yard, E. Cunningham and Monroe Sts., near West Penn Depot, BUTLER. PA FOR SALE. I wish to sell my Residence on Ziegler Ave., lot 56x110, and a good comfortable house of ten rooms, with water and sewerage, #2000; also a small house on Hickory St., three rooms and finished attic, s6cx>; tlso a modern house on Hickory St., 1 o vt2s, six roomed house, with well dt water, f 1,700; also mv horse, (a goof <tliver,) buggy, robes, etc.J ■DAVID CUPPS, 312 Ziegler Ave.,Butler, Pa. PHILIP TACK, * i I * CONTRACTOR IN if 1 Cleveland Berea Grit | o j STONE 4 * * if $ if x Suitable for Building, Ornamental and j j Paving purposes. 1 This Stone Will Hot "Shell Off." W t *'■ H Prices reasonable. £ i f £ Work done well ■; * and promptly, • f x Stone yards on 5 j East Etna street. ji % * Residence on ft Morton avenue. * 9 £■ * People's Telephone 320. > t £ %*%%%%%%%%*% %%%y %%%% New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room. Fresh Drugs. Everything new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. lr\) Our Soda R A. MacCartney Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Opticia Next 'Ooor to Court House, Butler, Pa M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S. Main St. Butler. PA ZT ? No other M. D. ha* so many cures to his credit. No other M. P. has made so □ian\ wonderful cures. So-called "hope less " cases, chronic cases, " incurable " casts have all been cured, not once or twice, but thousands of times, by the use of that remarkable remedy Dr. Pierce's Golden Hedical Discovery. "My husband had been coughing for rear* and people frankly told me that he would go into consumption." writes Mrs. John Shiftman, of No. Jsth Place, Chicago, Ills "In the spring of iks£ he took measles. He caught cold, the measles then settling on his lungn, causing such terrible coughing spells, we not only grew much alarmed, but looked for the bursting of a blood vessel or a hemorrhage at almost an>- time After three days' coughing he was too weak too cross the room. The doctor who lived with us on the same floor did him no good. I went to the other end of the town and stated the cast t ) a druggist, who then handed mc a bottle of Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery My husband's recovery was remarkable in its speed In three davs after he began using Dr. Pierce's Golden Mccficat Discovery he was up and around and in two more days he went to work Two bottles cured him " Sick people are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter absolutely free of charge. Every letter is treated as strictly private and sacredly confidential. All answers are sent in plain envelopes without any printing upon them. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, litiffalo, N. Y. VETERINARY SPECIFICS A. A.? FEVERS. ('onsptilinnH, Inllanima- CURES ) tion*. LUIIK' Fever. Milk Fever. 11. R.£ SPRAINS. Lameness, Injuries, CURES > Uheuiuntisni. C. I'JSORG THROAT. (fcuinsy, Epizootic. CURES s Dixieaiper. j WORMS. Bol». «irubs. E. K. (COI (ills. Colds. Influenza. Inflamed CURES J Luntcs. Fleuro-Pnfunionia. F. F. I COLIC, liellynche. \Viud-1110%% 11. CURES "i IMnrrht'fl. Dysentery. G.«. Prevent* MISCARRIAGE. \ KII)\EV A BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. >SRI\ DISEASES. Mniiwe. Eruptions. CURES > t'lef rst, (ireaite, Farev. J. K. ' BAll CO\l)ITIO\. h>tnrins C oat. CURES ) Indigestion, Stautferw. ®c. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, Ac., $7. At (IruggiHts or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Me«ll«*lne Co., Cor. Wilflam & John Sts., New York. VETERINARY MANUAL SENT FREE. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL, WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over -40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or special package with powder,for $5 Sold by Druggists, or gent post paid ou receipt ot pries. 11l 1 I'll REVS* UfcU. CO., Cor. William St John Su., York Mlll» A Cure for Constipation. 1 have been troubled withconstipatiorr for years. It was ruining my health, my com fort and ray complexion, and I am Kt»d ro sav that Celery King has restored all tfert ■>, and this after trying many other that were supposed to be good, but vrnica were of no value whatever. 1 would like to tell every suffering woman what Celery Kin;; has done for me.—Nellie Uould, Medina,*'hi o Celerv King cures Constipation and all dis eases of the Nerves, Stomach, Liver and Kid neys. Sold by druggists. 25c and 00c.. 3 DOCTOR MILES: NERVINE,! The Brain and Nerve Food and Medicine, Quiets Irri tated Nerves, Soothes the tired Brain, Builds up the Vital Powers of the Body. and i Overcomes Disease. It Contains no Opiates nof other harmful drugs. Sold pt all drug stores on a positive guar antee. Write for free advice and booklet to Dr. Miles MedxaaJ Co. Elkhart Ind* 9 Eureka Harness Oil is the ttest A preservative of new leather :i3 and the best renovator of old afl leather. It oils, softens, blaek ■ ens and protects. Use H * Eureka 1 I Harness Oil I M on your beat harncßß, your old har- M n»»ss. and your carriage top, un<l t hoy Jjg4 In will not only look better but wear jSn m\ aizt s from half pints to five gallons. jT Made by 6TANDAHD OIL « O. BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. COURSES. I—Amanuensis Shorthand. 2— Reporter's Shorthand. 3 —Pra •♦teal Book-keeper's. 4 —Experi \ccountant's. s— Music. 6—English. TE/CHERS. Three Professional, Two Assistants and Another > rofessional Coming. SCHOOL IN SESSION. DAY AND NIGHT Send for our New Illustrated Catalogue and Circulars. They will open vour eyes. Note the large number of our past graduates «nd students who are filling responsible positions. Send for circular telling how to get a position. WATCH THIS SPACE. ft. F. REGAL, Prin., Butler Business College 31c* 327 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. j (Tklrhratrr'n FnglUH Flwml. ENNYRGYRL FILLS J Original ftnd Only ttcnulne. A. - Tl tor Inn /> ta Ilrd ar.,l Hold m«UllU\\y "-aic-l with Mni> r. i >L« VBr Ofh -r. R.;*»r d tng*- uj ▼ I / Af mx'i All or w«ia i W In ntmri f-.r p«rtlcaiar«. fwt.inontkU \ " K*n«-r fa* ••• ** fT' r ®s"* m tw Mail. 10,000 THitlmoaUOe. Hmm* Paftr. all Druggist* I klckMter CkenlMl «"«>., X4UO CS)R«rfii I'lilLADAt rl j THi: CITIZEN. GREEDY MACKEREL. A lioru inu Fenut nud th«* Way It \\ an Mauugrd. 1 otici* t'lijuyoil the privilegi' of sec-lug an army of uii»„k*rel successfully cor aer a shoal of small fry lu a rocky shallow pool which was a cul (it sac. The uiuckerel SWHIU behind their vic tims iu serrioil ranks, a company of hungry, determined creatures, intent upon a gorging feast to which there need be no limit. They had followed the fry for miles maybe, merely swal lowing one here and one there to keep their appetites whetted. Now they had cornered them where there was no es cape for their victims. No alert fisher man on the lookout for just such an opportunity was at hand to convert their triumph and feasting into captivi ty anil lamentation. They might least at will. And. ye gods, feast they did! No one who lias not seen it would believe that the cubic capacity of a mackerel could possibly deal successfully with the number of small lisli he actually swallows. The way he conducts the operation of feastiug is unique. Open ing his month wide, the mackerel darts in nniomr t! -mail fy. sou- v hich are perhaps one-third of i» 1 own length. In • instant one of these !s to be seen M ■ * i.aif i:i an.! half out of his mini!! it tin' ma; -i 1 gives one gulp, an.! tli" victim has :i;>i>ear ed. Without a moment's delay the process is r i;'a* ! aud repeate*! s:> many times t the speetat n- cannot fail to be co:i. i :s >1 for t!:<- : ; letlia'.e future of t'i. |>? :ic.:lar mackerel lie has watched Yet nothlirr l'.app. ns. As for the fry. their helpless anguish is somewhat heartrending. The whole shoal of ti :,i In :U and churns the wa ter in an agony of • ar H:pb into the air they 1 •in o;der to avoi.T their voracious i .; u.l'-s. hunting themselves often eiioi h uji-m the weed covered rocks \. hich skirl the pool and panting their lives out there rather than leap back into the seething mass of their harassed companions beneath.--Long mau's Magazine. SETTING TIRES. The Old Way of Shrinking Tb.m »n nnil llie Modern Way. The old way of putting a tire on a wheel was to shrink it on. The tire was made just a trifle smaller than the wheel and then heated, with the result of expanding it slightly When thus heated it was crowded down over the rim of the wiieel and then cooled with water to keep it from burning the wheel and also to contract it. Cool ing, it was shrunk on to bind the wheel tightly. The modern way of putting a tire on a wheel is with a hydraulic tire setting press. By this-method the tire Is made just a trifle larger than the wheel, so that it will go over the rim freely. The bed of this press, upon which the wheel lies horizontally, with an open ing at the center for the hub, is com posed of 18 sections, radiating from the center and iu shape like the spaces between the spokes of a wheel. The outer end of feacli section is turned up ward, the turned up ends making a continuous flange, or collar, all around the bed of the press. Each one of the sections lias under it a hydraulic cylin der, and the sections are all arranged to work to a common center. In use the wheel is laid on the press with the cold tire around it within that turned up collar, or flange, around the edge. When the press is set in operation, the collar, or flange, is irresistibly contract ed. When it comes In contact with the tire around the wheel, it does not bring up against it. but keeps on contracting just the same, now contracting the tire as well and setting it upon the wheel, the pressure being continued until the wheel itself has been brought to the requisite degree of dishing.— New York Sun. PhotnKrniilird by Earth Light. Everybody who loves to watch the heavenly bodies has frequently no ticed, when the crescent of the new moon appears in the west, the phe nomenon called "the old moon in tlie young one's arms." Partly embraced by the horns of the crescent is seen the whole round orb of the moon, glimmering with a pale, ashy light. The cause of the appearance is that the earth light upon that part of the moon not reached by the sunshine is sufficiently brilliant to render it faint ly visible to our eyes. Successful at tempts have been made, particularly iu Ftjuce, to photograph this phe nomenon, and the pictures thus pro duced arc very interesting.—Youth's Companion. Tommy Atkiux Bny» Hid Cottiu. When Tommy Atkins arrives in In dia, he lias one rupee per month stop ped out of his pay until 15 rupees have been collected for a coffin. This 15 ru pees is invested in the regimental soda water machine, and should he die the machine provides him with a eortin and buries him decently, but should he survive when he leaves India he re ceives back his 15 rupees and his bliare of the profits of soda water.— New York World. Lpitrnil of the XnrclHNU*. Daffodil is a corruption of affodilly, Miich is derived from Aspliodelus. Its other name is narcissus, and the leg end of the latter name is well known —how Narcissus, for whom a nymph died, was punished by seeing his own face iu a pool of water and becoming to infatuated with it that he was spell bound to the spot till he pined away und died aud was changed into the flower that bears his name today. He Won. "How is your brother. Tommy?" "11l in bed. miss. He's hurt himself." "How did he do that?" "We were playing at who could lean farthest out of the window, and he won." HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. RKHUMATISM CURED IN A DA V. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 ceuts'r Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. I'. Balub Druggists Butler \ot q6. {PURE BLOOD-1 $ Purebloodmeanslife,health, (| € vigor—no room for disease J ( S where the veins are filled A vrlih rich, red corpuscles. ® iLindsey's Improved* I Blood Searcher $ 0 1 takes pure blood—cures ecrof- 41 ula, erysipelas, pimples, boils, 41 a sore eyes, scald bead—blood dis- (J p eases of ail forms. Here's proof: # % Jlrs3opoTAStiA,Oina m 5 Dr. linflscy'a Blood Searcher has i f \rovk( <1 \yo:i< iennrlth Jne. I have been M * £ troubled with Scrofula fur thirty V>~ara d| v, lit I find that Jfrr. Lindsey's Blood . | ► ft-archer will effect apermaneaii euro 2) luafcliorfclimu. lu's Wonderful. # C. W. Li-\\<cOTE. £ % W. J. GILMORE CO. \ PITTSBURG, FA. \ C At all sl. \ " I TATT'S PHILADELPHIA^; '. --DENTAL ROOMS.-- (<■, ' V 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg. Pi S« PRACTICA' YUoil.ctl.. V '/ • | CROWN A»'L FFIHJT W»R L F" " . ' - -'■urg— WHY .*OT DO fL* -1 CROWNS L* M «*• \ / BRIDGE work rwlw.-.i t (h ' V PER TOOTH Ale«. tli.-L' J y iip»l «<■< it. iiu.i.- QNLv say RAILROAD TIME TABLES. piTTSBUKG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of Pas senger Trains in effect May 28, 1599. BUTLER TIME. IVjmrt. Arrive. .\lleghen3r Accommodation 6 26 A m 9 (i: a m Allegheny Expreao. K M '•* 1- " Neu i itfitle AccoQirucMhition s U' 44 if 12 " Akron Mail 8 u"» A M 7 «>3 p M Allegheny Ftu*t ExpreM ** 5« " lii 18 44 Allegheny K\|-rt»<«* 3 (*) P.M 1 4"» |>m Chicago Kxprcae 3 4«» pm 12 18 am AI:. _ enj SaQ 650 M 7 IS j m Allegheny an«i New Ciistle Acconi 5 . r »0 44 7 (tt 44 Chicago Limited . 6 r »o M 9 I*2 A.M Kane an<l Bradford Mail 9-.5S A m « *•«» r m Clarion Accommodation 4 55 P.M 9 A M Cleveland arid Cliicaco Kxpresn. .. ti aru SUNDAY TRAINS. Allegheny Expr*-sn. 8 05 A.M 9 I^a.M Allegheny Accommodation. ... 5 f>o P.M 5(O P.M New C'iiKtle Accommodation 8 «*T> A.M 7 03 44 Chicago Ex preen... 3 4o P.M 5 (CJ am Allegheny Accommo<lation 7 03 pm «>n Satoidayn a train, known as the theatre train, will have Butler at .V">o p. m., arriving at Allegheny at 7.2'n returning h-ave Allegheny at li.:tO p. m. Pullman sleeping cars on Chicago Express between Pittsburg and Chicago. For through ticket* to all points in the west, north west or southwest and information regarding routes, time of traius, etc. apply to W. K. TT'UNER, Ticket Agent, S. B. REYNOLDS, Sup't, N. l>., Butler, I*a. Butler, I'a. C. W. BASSKTT, G. P. A.. Allejfbery, Pa II O DCNK LE, Sup't. \V AL. Dir., Allegheny Pa. I > UFFALO, ROCHESTER & IJ I'lTTiliUßii KV. TIK new trunk li .c Lei\\>.ci! I'itcsbt Hutki, Br.itllord, Rochester anil Bulf.'.lo. On atid aftt r M«y 2x, 190(1. passeng( r trains will leave Hutler. P. A: W. Sta tion as follows. Butler Tiuie: NORTH inn \i>. DuDoi- iiud l'ldlalo aud R liulial>< and R»»_ < leaiti. M . ~n,- , |t t \j J it cliest4r 1 »:i\ Ex- N". 1 I Daily «x< ep| Sm - S Sjpress \ 'lay. Ihiily. Dailv. BCTLER. iiITLER. liCTLKR. \rr 6: jo p.m. Arr 11:J5 p.m An lozlo a in Lv f.:22 p.m. I• v 11:28 p.m |LV l<hl2 am Traia N • 1 has Pullman S|HH*j»»*r, Allegheny I » Buffalo and Ri» h< . * SOUTH 80l ND. Piltsl U1 w \< • ' ia. Pittsluirg Pay PittsiNirf Night Dailv'-x«-ept Sun- L\pre»>*. Dailv. I- \pn Dail>. •nv \ H. N 3 No. 7 BCTLER. RI Ti l R BCTLER i m I ti « m \i« R »7 .• m L* 1" 25 L* 5: lp m L\ fi 50 m m Thousand mile tickets good for pas sage between all stations on the B. K. & P R'y and N. Y. C. R. R. (Peun'a. division) at 2 cents per mile. For tickets, time tables and fnrthei information call on or address,. W. R. TURNER, Agt. Butler, Pa., or EDWARD C. LAPEY. Gen'l Pass. Agent. Rochester, N. Y. rpHE PIT rSHURG, BESSE -1 M) R & LAKE -ERIE R. R COMPANY. Time table in effect May 27, 1!)»H). CENTRAL TIME northward DaU> ex ept Sanday. South ward. (Rend up) (Read down) 2 11 12 STATIONS. 1 It 13 IV M 1» M A.M A.M A.M P.M 12 8 30 Erie 9 :U> 4 10 12 24 8 03 ar..Coiineaut.. .ar 12 24 <1 2s 5) 24 6 lv.. Conneaut.. ,lv 9 24 4 t»9 11 28 7 08 Coiineautville 10 51 5 39 11 10 P. 38 Meadville Jumt.. 11 10 0 09 11 5M' 7 Meadville.. ar 11 58; G 55 1«» 12 5 55,1 v Meadville.. .lv 10 12; 515 11 JS r, 50 ar. .Con. ill 28j (\ 25 10 42 0 25 Iv..<4>n. 10 42 .» 44 11 18 ii 44 ai Expo. TI 0 0.; 10 55 0 44!1v.. Expo. in 55 li (tt 10 M •'< 24 Hartstown 11 2-» »> 22 10 4o «» 09 Osgood 11 37 ♦'» :i5 f> 10 10 3;J »; 03 Greenville •» 30 11 45 45 (» 04 lo 2P> 5 SP» Shenango 'i 40 11 52 C 55 5 30 ;,o 5 >r\ Mercer 7 12 12 2-t 7 2S 0 05 "J 28 b 00 : <»n.»ve Citv 7 4o 12 48 7 55 4 5:1 .» IP. llarrisvilfe 7 52 12 59 4 45 9 OX Bninrliton 8 01 1 OS. 5 35 1 55 ar...Billiard... ar 8 55 1 55 325 '» 45 1v... Ililliard. . lv •> 45,11 45 4 40 :» <l3 Keister 8 (C» 1 12 4 25 S 48 [Em-lid i s -jo 1 25 3 55 _ 8 is Butler ' M soj 1 55 2 15 7 |Allegheny 110 2o 3 251 A.M.. I I I P.M.I Train 9 leaving Erie at 6:30 a.m. ar rives at Shenango at 9:05. Train 10 leaving Shenango at 4:10 p. m. arrives at Erie at 6:55. J. S. MATSON, E. H. UTLEY. Sup't Transp. Gen. Pass. Agt, Greenville. Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA P IV WFSTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. 8( aeiu'LE ' \ EFFECT NUV. 20,189*J SOPTH. , WEEK DAYS A. M A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. BUTLER Leave 0 i"> 8 05:10 50 2 :15 5 06 Saxollbuix Arrive (i 54 S :l(» 11 la 3 (HI 5 2H Butler Junction.. " i 7 27 3 5:1 11 4(i 320 553 Butler Junction. ..Leave 7 31 8 53 11 52 3 2-'» 5 53 Hitima Arrive 7 4t( 9 01 II 01 3 ,14 6 02 Tilleutuui I 7 4 1 90712 08 342 07 Spriiigdale 7 52 9 1« 12 l!i 352 Cliireniolit re io 12 38 4 00 .... Shai'iinlmrg . .. .8 11 93612 48 412 (> S2 \lleirheny. S 21 9 48 1 02 4 25 () 4.1 | A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. SUNDAY THAINS. —Leave Butler fur Allegtien) City and principal intermediate stations at 7:30 a.m., ■%nrt S:UO p. m. NORTH. WEEK DATS A.M.IA.M. A.M. P. M P. M Allegheny City. ..leave 7 00 85510 45 3 10 810 Sliarpstmrg _ 7 12| 907 10 57 .*--j •••■ Ciaremont I .... 11 04 ...., .... Spriiigdale -■■■ 11 18i —. 637 Tiirentum 7 37 9 34 11 2.s 3 4ti 6 4fi Natl< >na 7 41 938 11 34 3 .5(1 fi 51 Butler Junction, arrive 7 48 9 47 11 4.1 3 58 7 0o Butlel Junction... .leave 7 4Nj 9 47 12 4 (IC 7 (A 1 SaXunlmrg 8 15 10 0»'12 41 4 :ij 7 24 BUTLER .. .arrive 8 40,10 32 1 10; o 05 7 50 A.M.'A.M. P. M. P. Irt.i P. M SUNDAY TRAINS—Leave Allegheny City for But ler and principal intermediate stations at 7:15 a m. and 9-30 p. m. Fiiß THE EAST. Weeks Days. Sundays A.M.;A. M. P. M. A. M. P M BUTLER. lv « 25'1(1 5o 235 730 500 Butler Jit ar 7 27.11 4n 325 820 550 Butler Jet lv 748 11 4.1 358 821 8 0". Freeport ar 751 11 4fi 402 525 807 Kiskiniinetas.l t " 7 5.5 11 50 407 ' 829 8 11 Leechhlirg " 8 117 12 (12 I 19; 841 823 Paultoti (Apollo) " 826 12 22( 440 8588 42 Saltslurg " 85112 49 , 508 923 909 Blairsville „ 9 22; 1 20, 541 952 9 4(1 HlairMville Int 44 9 30! 1 5 5(1 10 00 Altooua 44 11 351 «> 4;> 8 s<» 5 4«'» . Hartitfhurg * 4 :i 10 10 0»j; 100 10 Oil Phila«leli.hiH 44 623 425 425 425 P. M.jA. M.|A. M. A. M. P. M Through traius for the ea*t leave Pitttburg (Union Station), an follows; Atlantic Express, daily 2:50 A.M PeuiiHylvania Limited 44 7:15 Day Kxpretw, 44 u Main Line Expross, 44 8:00 Uarri»hur>; Mail, 44 12*45 P.M Philaielphia Express, 4 "1-50 44 Mail and Express daily. For New York only. Through buffet sleeper; no eoacLes 7:00 44 Eastern Express, 4 .7:10 44 Line, 4 8 30 44 Pittsburg Limited, daily, with through coaches to New York, and sleeping cars to New York, Baltimore and Washington only. No extra tare on this train 10:00 44 Philad'a Mail, Sunday 9 onijr 8:40 A.M Fflr Atlantic Cit# (via Delaware River Bridge, all rail route), 8:00 A.M, and 8:30 P.M, daily. Foi detailed information, address Thou. E. Watt, P;U<H. Apt. Western District, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith field Street, Pittsburg, Pa. [ J B. HUTCHISON, J. R. WOOD. General Manager. Geo'' Auetg TlilH Th Your opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of the most j>opular Catirrli and Hay Fever Cure (Eiy'a Cream Baliu) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St , New York City. Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Groat Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, 4 'lt is a posi tive cure for catarrh if us®d as directed." — Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Chareb, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious Price, 50 cents. fUi€ yp ' 1 n witK pure SFANISH LICORICE:® 1 Vnsurpaiied for cure <?f C^UCHSvC^LOb PACKAGES * IN decorated TIP Boxes - Pocket SIZE I L 2. R JC PER BOX » | Sotd by DruqqistJj everywhere or ■.tri • , s prebaij on receipt o( pric*. I ' RR>VV/<>/Y rj . f1 6 3 Bioadway • NEWYORK. j "Nothing Old But the Name" COMING TO BUTLER, T nnt>l 6 SATURDAY, tJlillv IU The Newest. Greatest and Richest Circus in America will exhibit !. for one day only. JOHN ROBINSON'S GREAT WORLD S EXPOSITION ! AND TEN BIG SHOWS COHBINED A I . *Q CFLMCH.HAPWE*SCP AMD <% CONSISTING OF 3 Big Circuses in 3 Big Rings 3 3 Big Menageries 3 1 Grand Biblical Spectacle 1 1 Complete Aviary 1 1 Gigantic Museum 1 1 Prodigious Aquarium 1 n TRULY GOOD SHOWS MERGED INTO ONE In conjunction with the Grand SIOO,OOO Glorious, Sublime, Biblical Spectacle of King Solomon and Queen of Sbeba i , Dwarfing and overshadowing to comparative insignificance the com ' bined interior and outdoor spectacular events of the era. Replete in ? sacred realisms, historical accuracies, Biblical events, colossal proces ? sions. and introducing all the ceremonies with the original pomp and i splendors of the Court of Solomon. The additions recently made to this already mammoth show : puts it so far ahead of all other exhibitions of the kind in j SIZE, MERIT, VARIETY, ORIGINALITY. COMPLETENESS, That a united press, pulpit and public everywhere proclaim its undis puted right to the first place in the world of amusements and the hearts of a progressive and go-ahead American people. The ex pansion idea has been the sole secret of the success of the John Robinson Show. Since its inception, over half a century ago, new additions have been constantly made. New ideas, new features, new acts have year after year been annexed, until today it stands without a Paragon, the Mightiest of the Mighty, the Greatest, Largest and • Best of the World's Big Shows. Several Trains of Cars, 1,000 People, 500 Superb Horses, $2 000 000 Invested. 0 The Circus Features this season obtained from Europe and 1 America will amaze and startle the world. Nothing like them ever before presented in this country. The exhibition of former years and other shows relegated to oblivion by the perseverance and master 0 minds of the artists with John Robinson's Ten Big Shows Combined. The most novel bareback Riding Acts ever witnessed. From d nine to twelve of the World's Greatest Champion Lady and Gentle men Equestrians riding in Three Rings at one time. This feature is J new and original with this show. 1,000 Men, Women, Horses- Elephants and Camels Required, Together with a Grand Ballet of 100 Ladies. 20,000 Seats for 20,000 People (Jnder Absolutely Water-proof Canvas. 40 Camels Hitched to $20,000 Golden Chariot. Forty Soul Stirring, Fearless, Madly-Ridden Hippodrome Races, Forty CHEAP EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROAD LINES. A feature of the Free Street Parade is the great spectacle of " Forty of the Smallest Ponies ever harnessed and driven at one time. Don't fail to see them. M The cages and paraphernalia alone in this glittering procession, the only ones of the kind in the United States and costing more money than the value of the entire outfit of three ordinary circuses. Two performances daily. Main show doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. Free exhibition at the circus grounds immediately after the parade M and at 6:30 p. m. One admission ticket admits to all. 1- For full particulars notice other advertisements. $lO - Is a Price Most Anyone Can Afford. $lO however is thought hV some to be quite too - little Itor a good suit. Opinions differ just us prices do but if you'll tal<<? look up thes<?suits we're telling about ! See with a critical eye their real excellence, their true worth fullness, why, you'll agree with us and others that these SUITS " AT $lO are worthy garments for any man, and you're not adverse to savii.g $2.50—110 matter what your income may be. Another point- and one that ought to interest you, is the large choice in weaves and colors. $lO gives you in our suits carefully Tailored, Stylish, 1 erfect Hanging, Superb Fitting, SIO, [NO MORE. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS, 1,137 South Main St., Butler. 1 I RAPE'S | \ |The Leading Millinery House of Butler Co.* | Stock Latest Styles and Lowest Price in Millinery. V ( > MOURNING GO ODS ALWAYS IN STOCK. A <|> 122 S. Main St Pflpß S. BUTLER. PA. AWE HAVE ALSO FLAGS AND DECORATIONS FORX J THE CENTENNIAL; ALSO FIRE WORKS. O X>OOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO<X Out of Style. Out of the World! f-» ■ Our garments have a sty e that is ■iyVz -' ';' f\ ij easily distinguished from the ordin , ary. They are the result of careful \c >"t ( i ie i u'j.; t. ~nd T". .ir. u- d. in our iwit «\. k lu UKi: ;.(i!i'is in I'utlci, )ti it i> sible to (ill \vt i'i • jjivc --nr |i.i, tl».:>e first-diss clothes at the price you would pay foi lite other sort. We believe we have good le.isons why <>ur tailoring is tlte best ami cheapest and would be grauful for the ■ > portunity to show you our hands Te spiing stock and give you prices to piove them. MAKER OF I \ICI 1 1 U>, MEN'S Cto'hes THIS IS TO BE THE YEAR OF ALL YEARS FOR l;i \R old Butler County, and as we are one the oldest linns still in the ring, we deem it our duty to celebrate in a measure, that is, by making it the "BANNER YEAR" of our business. We have just opened and placed on exhibition, and we may add, on Sale, one of the most complete lines of SPRING GOODS ver brought into this city. In this liiu the following are*"" u.:lu I :d: Punjab Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Silk Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Puffing, All Overs. CARPET DEPARTMENT- We have no hesitation in saying that we have the Largest, Most Complete, and best assorted stock of CARPKT in Butler County, in cluding the celebrated Hartford Axminster, Sanford & Wilson's Wil ton Velvet, the old reliable Body Brussels, i, 2, and 3-ply Ingrain, Rugs of every price and description, Art Squares, Druggeis, an I our "Centennial Rug." size 36x40 inches, all-wool, at 25 cents each; a veritable celebration in itself. DUFFY'S STORE, Butler, Pa. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION N EW HOUSF NEW FUKNITL'UE- Central Hotel - SIMEON NIXON, JR.,\"mpk J. RiiOVVN NIXON, ) BUTLER, PA Opposite Court t<) park Tlloatre . Sunday Dinners A Specialty. Meals 25 cts. Rooms 50 cts. Regular Rates sl. Local and Long Distance Phones. Hotel Waverly, South McKean Street, J. W HAWORTH, Prop'r., BUTLER, PA. Steim Heat aud Electric Light- The most commodious office in the city. Stabling in Connection. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House, Butler, Penn a. The best of horses and first class rigs al wavs on hand and for litre. Best accommodations in town for P£"na nont boarding and transient trade. . pect al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. ' A pood class of horses, both drivers and draft horses always on handandf'jrsa'e under a full guarantee; and horses bought pon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. Telephone. No. 211*. Farm For Sale. fwill sell my farm in Washing ton twp., located about three miles west of North Washington, containing about 150 acres, with good house, barn, outbuildings, springs and orchard, underlaid with coal, and two producing oil wells, 011 easy terms. Inquire of R. 0. Rumbaugh, Nixon House, Butler, Pa. Cures Drunkenness. lCeeley c " * ke T e H ley Write (or M J«| Ofc INSTITUTE, tree U'l rink *»*, Booklet. niTbßtiui. r*. Practical Horse Shoers W .L ROBINSON, Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wick house has opened busi- ( ness in a shop in .the rear of , the Arlington Hotel, where | he will doj Horse-Shoeing in , the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HOSRES j i A SPECIALTY. < : ||| WE HAVE AN OVERSTOCK OF RUBBER COATS WHICH WE WILL SELL BELOW COST. Jno- S Wick. 242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa Opposite P. O. AS AN ANTI FERSPIR INE In summer pure whiskey of got qo liiy is far sape.ior to anv d»ink known. Its ac ion on the blood is also healti.fal and often presents long continued disease. We offer the ciioi the below brands of whiskey guaranteed pure and over six y'ars old :ii -1 1 1 per full quart or six quarts &>.W. mtH *T. VKRSOX (iiicii kmlkimku. oh-ii^t". tiiBSUN 'A,; MOW,,'! AT.IKK'H tlHIn a whiskev guaranU ! 3 years «>!<».52 eal. All rO. <>r mail orders of >».•*» <>r <»\h \\o box and ship promptly; express charge pri Pa We have no agerts to represent us. Send orders direct and sure money. ROBERT LfcWIN cc CO 411 Water Stree Telephone, 21 Pittsbi:- - i. Opposite B & O. Depot. | West Winfield Hotel, §W.G. LUSK. Prop'r. lMrst Class Table and Lodgings. Oas and Spring Water all through house. Good Stabling
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers