iLooking #This Store H J Ahead. • s th a e^eoo , e U M Thinking of the past is good jj i through its WA ► 1 only so far as it helps in the jj ! sterling values, J future. The thing to do now is m | trgthfu ||y named WJ to look ahead and plan for the , in r ■* ► 1 future. If you decide this spring ! and oaCKea in i « WA that you want to wear the Clothing 12 the best suit, HAMBURGER kl the most stvlish and durable, the ij >4 most comfortable and best fitted | 1 IPIIIT k^» A we invite }*on to call and look lv WLI V V 1 over the elegant line of HAM £ #r >2 BURGER clothing that graces ; {• kl A onr shelves and counters -every W A suit of which is A BARG AIN n >2 LEGITIMATE, NATURAL and ( , A HONEST—and there's many of , ■ ji h/ItTI WA them. Consequently this is S? \Hlfl 11 U 111 T& ► J important ana of real value to you. . | DROP IN. Miller's Shoes For Men, Miller's Shoes for Women That's one of our strongholds. >6% flMen that can't be suited with «^th»s^rin K .and shoes this spring are very hard to mn«- please, for never before lias the tofi.w. trade been offered such a variety >J ¥ of styles as there are this spnng. miner's Special. $2.00 i* Patent leather kid, patent leather are calf, vici kid, vice call ami an «id polish, fancy kinds of Tan Shoes in different J J n u d % g grades of leather. shoessoldelsewhere. Kg* * WALKOVER $3.50. BABY SHOES FREE. |Gg*/:l W. L DOUGLASS $3 Every baby born In 3 u. i»uo can have a pair W In our Boy's Department we are ~f shoes free of ■£ m . ... C -1 Charge at our store. particularly strong special carc iftiieyareunfortun- JB has been taken in selecting this ] l K t ) t rn '" l other m M ineand we feel safe in saying %Jf here are none better. very cheap. A GREAT LINE OF LOW SHOES. or men and women-they must be seen to be appreciated. All kinds,all colors and all price G E- MILLER, Butler's Progressive Shoe House, 215 South Main Street "V B We wish to say to those parties who could not get waited on last S*t u day, we have secured extra help, and will try and not have it happen again. FACTS AND FIGURES. As a rule we quote prices in our advertisements because we know our prices are the lowest possible—quality consider ed." Size up our stock—compare prices—the advantage is all yours. - KID GLOVES:—The "Roya'e" is the best 7 Dollar Glove in America. 2 clasp "Royale" '! o Suede Kid Gloves—Black and all the new Spring W " S "*7 lAR\ shades SI.OO a pair. "Royale" Glace Kid & colors $1 a pair. in/Alll Best quality Suede Kid Gloves $1.50 a pair. mm Best quality Glace Kid Glcves $1.50 a pair. Above i n clasp and lace fastening. All button Kid Gloves reduced to 65c a pair. Silks and Dress Goods: —In Style we've hit the fancy of the most exacting —so have the prices. Fancy Waist Silks 50c, 75c, 85c and £I.OO. Single Patterns—no two alike. $3.50 a pattern. Printed Foulard Silk—lndividual Dress Patterns—no two alike—7sc and f 1.00 ayard. Two special bargains in 24 inch Black Satin Ducliess —extra heavy at pi.oo and $1.25 a yard. , New Homespuns 50c to $1.25 a yard. Handsome Chalhts 35c to 75c a } arc! SHIRTWAISTS. ~ Buy now while the assortment is at its best. We sell the jg famous "Acorn" Waist, the best fitting and most stylish Waist - made, |:.oo to $3.50 each. M v , 1 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Ufjj i'l i \ IV' *!! ji in An immense stock at old prices. If you prefer to make i I Jr them up yourself let us sell you the Muslin, Cambric, I,ong j■ ' ' ' Clotb, Embroidery. Lace, &c. ~J j| " ' The Price is Right. |jj'jj ; '» L. STEIN 3c SON 108 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA- Spring Millinery and Easter Opening Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 5, 6, 7. We desire to call your attention to our large and well-selected stock of Choice Millinery. We have endeavored to make our stock surpass all previous years in Style, Desirability, Quality and Price. We are showing an elegant line of Patterns. Some nobby shapes in Round Hats and the new Russian Turban, including all the best things in face hats, pompadour effects. Tuscan Braid Hats are cutting quite a figure this season. As usual, we have made an effort to have the best line of Children's Hats in the city. Rockenstein's 328 South Main Street, ______ Butler, Pa. Jj PAPES, JEWELERS. ;i £5 is E J DIAMONDS, * 00 J WATCHES, J o uj £ CLOCKS, # 0 J JEWELRY, i £ £ J SILVERWARE, # r ~ j SILVER NOVELTIES, ETC. j 3 # We repair all kinds of % ° f Broken Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc J [J3 to £ Give our repair department a trial. £ x t take old gold and silver the same as cash. * S PAPE'S, Jl «r> .w vr> M/ >l/ W 'l' j /-V .y y|/ sj/ .1, | PHI"? TACK, jl m 1 COSTKACTOKTN | (fe -- j Cleveland Berea Grit | \ STONE I'^^p I Suitable for Building, $ i Ornameutal and I. i Paving purposes. :j: Tbis Stone Will Hot "Stall OJ." I! tbe „ lcyc]e Prici-. ra».)c«liie. I j '!" s "•"«!» ""1' Clcvx-lan.l a„.J * Crescent line, we have tried almost all Work done well & kiwis claimed to be good and have found and promptly, the t Iceland and Crescent tt> be the jIJ i ices for this ason. Cleveland'. I Stone yards ou i.» Crescent's ;?.15.00 t.i « Kast E'na street. * i : 3 . Cloxl second hand wheels fio.fjo, ♦ ; up. 'fires and bicycle sumlries of all * Residence OD • • mnds. We also sell Cameras, Ph >to i Morton avenue. j supplies, Edison and Columbia Talking J People's Telephone 320. \\ | Machiues from $5.00 up. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, UWnnunT'niri e Jeweler and Graduate Optician nnYßuYAL PILLo N.*l K. court nous.. fjv Arictaal Onlj flfnalnr. A J«N »*rc, aiwaya - LAOKtllft Mjk %, fl ltmuiai for Chickcitert K<\ i'-ih Th•' l(|4 .»» . M C. WAGNER, f) A RTTST PHOTO GRAPH LI?, I U .w to Minip* for MTtleniarw. t «tiaw>LUU aci ~ M **K«ll*r for L«dlr«. N in (eY*pep«ia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.'2s 11 —Suppressed or Painful Periods '2-3 I*2—Whites. Too Profuse Periods '23 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness '25 14—Salt Itheum. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .*25 15—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Paius '25 10—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague . .'23 19—Catarrh. Influenza. Cold In the Head .'25 SO —Whooping-Coutfh .*25 '27— Kidney Diseases *25 2S—\ervous Debility 1.00 30—I'rinary Weakness, Wetting Bed *23 77—Grip, Hay Fever *23 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co M Cor. William & John Ste., New York. KIN 6?/ IJwjjjjpppSpli* What is Celery King? It is an herb drink, and is a positiva cure for constipation, headache, nervous disor ders, rheumatism, kidney diseases, and tho various, troubles arising from a disordered stomach and torpid liver. It is a mos'„ agreeable medicine, and is recommended by physicians generally. Remember, it currs constipation. Celery King is sold in 25c. and fiOe. pack ages by druggists and dealers. 1 Hew is you* Wind? If you fre short of breath; if your heart flutters or palpitates; if y>u have paiu in left side or in chest; If your pulse is irregular, or you have chokiug sensations, weak or hungry i 6pells, fainting or sinking spells, re- < member, Dr. Miles' New Heart Cuic j is especially adapted to reir.ove just , that class of disorders. It id a heart and blood tonic which the heart, purities the blood and i gives new liieto the weak and weary. ' Shortness of breath, severe palpi- , tation and smothering spells disabled me for any labor. After using three bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure I Was entirely relieved of distress and ftom that time on mv recovery was fepid-" A. C. PAYNE, L Morgan town, Inu. , Dr, Miles' Heart Cure is sold all druggists on a positive guarantee. \Vrflje ror free advice and booklet to Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, ltd j ICureki^larneß^Oin^h^>est^B | preservative of new leather j and tlie best renovator <>! old H » leather. It oils, softens, black- Kj enrand protects. Use i I Eureka 1 I Harness Oil I I on your l»est harness, your old har |H size* from half pint- to tive gallons. Sladc bj STANDARD UIL 10. ASK your ip !Y : "r. P' £3 : 1 Druggist vc'jTij? !i .l ibu| i for a gencroua f •. 1 IO CFKT T - I TRIAL SSZE. V t Ely's Cream Baim f I ronta na 1:0 c • lir.e, J , ' y /. / mercury n*»r other. X Jt injurious dm/. 6 \ - . ItisquH i.y AbEi.-1.-l. I ' Gives IJe.ief at c:i •• f ; i ok - \' J COLD'N HEAD Heals and I'rolei n the Mumt'rnne. Hotorestha Scn-t'B of Ta«le and J :ne!l. V il Sizeßuc.; Trial *i/.c inc.: at 1 >rn i v 111 iil. liLY iIItOTHKI. .M V. arrcu Street, New York. I BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. COURSES. I—Amanuensis Shorthand. 2—Reporter's Shorthand. 3 —Pra -»ical Book-keeper's. 4— Expen 'Accountant's. 5 Music. 6—English. . j TEACHERS. Three Professional, Two Assistants and Another 1 rofessional Coming. SCHOOL NC'V IN SESSION. * DAY AND NIGHT Send for our New Illustrated Catalogue nd Circulars. They will open vour S eyes. Note the large number of our * r>ast graduates mid students who are tj filling res]ionsilile positions. % Send for rircular telling how to get a |j •u-iti-.r NVATCH THIS SPACE F REGAL, Prin., Butler Business College s S Main St., flutter, Pa. 1 j — ! N Buff Plymouth Rock Eggs , From Prizo Winning StocV. ; Stcc'< as Good as the Best. J. W. BARCRCFT, YORK CO- DELROY PA. > THE CITIZEN. GOOD WATER FROM TREES. Wells Whleli Wily Sonthern Woods men Tup With an Auger. In many sections of the forest lauds of the south during the dry fceasons a man may walk for miles without find ing a stream of water or a spriug by which to quench his thirst. If. bow ever, lie is an experienced hunter aud woodsman, he will not have to drink water from the stagnant pools in order to keep life in bis body. Queer as it may seem, an experienced man can hunt for days through such dry tracts and yet experience no in convenience on account of tbe lack of water. Nature hns provided a means which is only known to the initiated. Every old huntsman carries with him when going 011 a long hunt a small au ger, by which be can secure a refresh ing drink and water to cook with at any moment. A cottonwood tremor a willow is tbe well which the wily huntsman taps, lie examines each tree unt.l be finds tne that has what a woodsman calls a "vein." It is simply an attenuated protuberance. By boring this '"vein" a stream of el ar wat *r will flow out. It is not snp. but el -:ir. pure water. The huntsmen say lint the water is better than the average to be had from ordinary wells. There is no sweetish taste about it. but it has a strong flavor of sulphur and is slight ly carbonated. The reason for t'lls phenomenon can not easily be explained. !• :t il-.ii a sup ply of water can be cotitaii!"d in a tree is not so surprising. The fact of its flowing is the wonderful feature, show ing that is must be under pressure or. in other words, that there is more at tbe source of the supply. When it is considered that tbe trees furnish the water in the dry seas: :i and that the ground is literally baked, it !s the* more remarkable, especially when the roots of the trees do not extend to any great depth into the ground.—Memphis Scim itar. NEW YORK'S EAST SIDE. On Festive Occasions It Arrays Itself In Hired finery. The east side achieves gentility 011 great occasions, albeit somewhat un shaven aud slipshod between whiles. From its own standpoint it does not spare expense. What it cannot buy it hires. The possibilities of renting the set pieces ami habiliments of fashion have been thoroughly exploited east of the Bowery. There is none of that pride of exclusive possession that ob tains aionjr thoroughfares farther west ward. The swarming population shares its joys and sorrows and garments with impartial hand. Many of the brides wb: -e brief finery startles their old companions on the wedding night hire their gowns and veils. The most gorgeous aud costly crea tions are obtainable for $5 an evening. The paraphernalia of mourning may be rented for a single occasion. Ball dresses warranted to captivate are for hire in Division street. .Chowder par ties are equipped throughout for a day on the sound. There are dozens of establishments that drive a flourishing business loan ing dress suits for a consideration. A rigid social etiquette prescribes that the truck driver and small shopkeeper shall on such formal occasions as balls and receptions don the clawhammer, and the downright east sider would rather be out of the world than out of fashion as lie understands il. The young men who purchase se.- ■ i iiiand tbe dress suits of business men whom they accost in Broadway and Wall street are the scouts of these luring establishments. Uevaniped and press ed anew, a dress suit will earn its sec ond cost in two or three evenings. The garb of tile floor committee at a typical ball of a social club is evidence enough that the tailors of New York are a cosmopolitan group.—New York Mail and Express. Tlie 1111 in all UTrds. A facetious man who tejoices in tlie name of Bird conceived the idea of calling a con . • isiii :i of all the people in Philadelphia who belong to his tribe. Of course it was a joke, but a glance through the pages of the di rectory convinced him that such a gathering would be a big one. lie dis covered liial there were just an even 100 plain Birds, but the variety of those who spi'cith'd their kinds was appalling. The list, as far as he went, was as follows: I loves. 1">: Eagles. S; Finches. '2l: Fowls, 3: Hawks. 30; Jays. 0; Larks, 0; Jen cocks, 29; Pigeons. 1; Parrots. 40: Partridges, 30; Sparrow hawks. 7: Sparrows. 7; Wrens, 10; Kobins. l."»: Nightingales, !); Flickers, 5; Thrushes. -4: Canaries. 3; Geese. 2, and Turkey. 1. There were two Chip peys. and Philip Ducks upheld the dignity of his branch of the family.— Philadelphia Record. Denver's Great Clitmncy. flic tall chimney of the (Irani smelt er is an object of interest to every vis itor of Denver It is by far the tallest smokestack in tbe United States aud lias but two rivals in the world. The following facts will give the reader an adequate idea of th« immensity of this chimney: It is 3.">2 feet 4 inches in height. There are 1.043.000 bricks in this immense shaft. Its weight above the foundation Is 12.37ii.500 pounds. Its pressure at the base is 100 pounds to tbe square inch, and the total wind pressure against it in a gale would be 590.200 pounds. The diameter at the base is 33 feet and at the top 20 feet.— Denver Post. Setting II \e slibnr Rlclit. "Was that your dog that was howl ing all night "1 guess it was." "Why in thunder don't yon feed him?" "Heavens, man. it's indigestion that ■lakes him howl!" Cleve and Plain Dealer. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Heartache. Easy to take, c-asy to operate. 25c. Rkhumatism Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures iu 1 to ,5 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once t! v,*here tlio veins are filled % vrl'dx ricli, red corpuscles. # iLindsey's Improved? | Blood Searcher j! is 1 Makes pare Hood—cures pcrof« <,* cases oi ad forms. Here's proof: # ■<: „ _ lxr.s-soroT>snA,Oini>. A ] B.', J JitLxy'a Jllocd Ec:irchcr h.13 ■c y '.-'/' lv. nucrsivlthmo. Ihavobccn P ft; ■ 1.j3 1 unit {"'rofuhif rtllrtyy nrj <£ .% J; I find that I)r. J.inclsey's Blood 5» < £ -rchery;!' l l eflferS n Twrmanent euro Sf -■} lii.UJJiiotfctime. IJ.< vondfirful. f) ,() tS. Y»'. LixscoTX. jj Jo OILMORR CO. | .ibtUlDrugjrlsta, SLOof BURiir PA- ? (DANTED Honest man or ivummi to travel " for large house; salary S of dUcai e begins that eventually makes a wreck of the I vj constitution and ends in death. DUor-M-.sA Kiduiys a:e fast indicated by pains in the hack, distress or full- I r.c efter tiling. ;.raaty or residing urine, weakness and chills, paiu3 it the loins, |j LJ nervousness, sic. scc-s, of vitality, swelling in i:rjts or body or both, and ■ § sediment i:i the uriuo I M Kid-ne-cidi ?.ri little yellow tablets, easy to take, but wonderful in results. ■ * Thev are never sold in lets quantities thou a box for 50 cents. Tbe first dose often H y makes you fc--! better at once. A rtpetilion of tbe dose will eventually restore health ■ Ito jci.r J j ver ] ax carcs constipation, biliouccces and costiveness. Sells for H iS 2C cents a box at all dry? stores. ■ J.j Kid-ne oids sad Livcxlax, araaufcetured by John Moanow & Co.. Chemists, ■ ISpbinrfielo. OU:O. |j Mr. ]. T. Friend, 123 West Kujlon s'reet, snys: "I have been t suffering with symptoms of ki lney disorder for the past ten years. B It omtnenceil with a dull heavy pain in the small of tny back ■ which would be attended by a sharp shooting pain in the region ■ of the kidneys extending up tlte spine and right side. Morrow s ■ Kid ne-oids wore recommended to relieve me, &) I secured some r and took them according to directions. Since taking them tbe t pain has stopped." At ail drug stores and Redick & Grohman's. ■ RECOMMEND ~ for the weak and run down system Wine, X a. Lv WhlsUey or llrandv of the hest quality quality must I onslderefl tlrsl: wiiether you ohtain quality or not. depends «• 11 1i r«-1 y from whom you buy. The secret of our sue- . i-ess lias lK'en that we stdl quality aud treat 0 Q one aud all alike. We offer the choice of the A a J j inteed pure and over six \ t B '/■//'/%> I ' > years old. at #I.(K) per full quart or six quarts # 1 [■ J KIM 11, UT. VKUNOS, # r UICK. DII.I.IS«KB. 5 J -j\ w d uins. JVKKHOI.T. r A r 1- (I . l lIOMI'SOS. 4 I A iin.wa*P«lßT. J i S viil»M>; ATliKIt'S t'IIOK i; | J| # U>\ and ship promptly; express charge pre I J Mk J / jfit j Ve h:iv<» no uteris to repr«'s"nt us. Send . 1 !| (JB 9ijT ) w «*ders direct and «> ive nwiney. /- ji' L. f M / ROISERT LfcWIN ;S: CO, * | 411 Water Stree p | * f Telephone, 2:7<~ pittFbmt» ,# ' j ; j Opposite It it O. I)e|«>t. | J 'I I J A POINTER!' '-V REFLECTION WILL ror up-to-date Photos go CONVINCE to the Post Office building. ANY New designs every few days. MAN, We guarantee to please you. WHO WANTS Branch Studios, q-Q Mars and Evans City. I APPE AR A. L. FINDLEY, WELL, Telephone 236 | THAT — HE Pains in the hea\ ('£ vf( :lturday. the Jiith day of May. 1900. at t> a. M . of said day: I Final tint of 11 r- MeClymonds. iru&r dlan of WUllani II IMakirt miner .-hlld of John J. Melnhart. deceased, late of Renfrew. Butler county. Pa. '1 Final account of Elrulra J Graham, adm'r'x CTA of ward Graham, deceased, late of Sunluiry borough. .1 First aud final account of Elizabeth Mc <"all. adm'r'x of Hotter! Mct'all, deceased, late of Clinton township. Butler county. Pa. 4 Final and distribution account of E C Erwin. adm'r'x of Josesh Er»in, late of Fair view township. Final account of George K Graham. ex ecutor of Alex Welsh, deceased, late of Penn township, Hutler county. Pa. »i Final account of John F P McGlnley. adm'r of Daniel < onyery. deceased, late of Oakland township. Hutler county. Pa. 7 Final account of J Harvey Park, adm'r of Luriuda Park, deceased, late of Middlesex township. Butler county. Pa. * First and partial account of .1 (1 Starr and .1 \V >t,irr. of \Ym Starr, (le i-eased. late of Concord township, Butler county, Pa. 9 Final account of Wm G Vinroe. guardian of Agnes Gertrude Letbler, minor child of Matilda Leibler deceased, late of Butler borough. 10 Final account of Reuben Shanor. adm'r of Aline Shanor. deceased, late of Muddy ereek township, Butler county. Pa. II Final account of W F Murtland, adm'r of Robert St 'ampliell. deceased, late of (Un cord twp., Butler county. Pa. 1J First and final acco'unt of Mulvain Dun lap. .idm'rof Jane Dunlap. deceased, late of Marion township. Butler county. Pa. i:t Second, tiual and partial distribution ac count of Alex Mitchell, ailm'r of Agnes V Otto, deceased, late of Butler lwirouph. 14 Final account of Jacob Keck, executor of Catharine Zimmerman, deceased, late of Hut ler borough. l.'> I inal ana distribution tn'count of Mary M Mdiarvey. adm'r'x of John McGarvey. deceased, late of Donegal township, Butler county. Pa. 16 First and final accouut of Wm Rudolph Bartma—. atlm rof Rudolph Hartmass. de ceased, late of Clay township, Hutler county. Pa. 17 Final account of R R Mahan. executor of John 1! Mahan. deceased, late of Middle sex township. Butler county. Pa. 1* Final account of John F Ileckert. ex ecutor of M S Ileckert. deceased, late of Buffalo township, Butler county. Pa. lit Final account of John Kocher. guardian of Harbara Stauffer. now Courtney, minor child of Ira Stauffner, late of Lancaster twp. •-1' First and final account of Sarah K Dunn, admr'x of Margaret Covert, deceased, late of Prospect borough. -1 Final and distribution account of .1 II MorrKon. adm'r of Morrison.deceased, late of Lancaster township. Hufler Co.. P i. lirst and partial account of James A McMarlln, adm'r of Samuel Grahatp, de ceased. late of Cranberry township, Butler county. Pa. 23 First and partial account of Ida Smith, adm'r'x of Adam Smith, deceased, late of Hutler borough. W. J. ADAMS. Register. WIDOWS APPRAISEMENTS. The following widow's appraisements of personal property and real estate set apart for the benefit of the widows of decedents have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Hutler County, viz: \\ i,low of John Buehler, Sr.. per'l prop S-'IOO 00 Henry Boyd, " " 300 00 " Jatnes Mcßride. " " 300 00 '• Daniel Denny, " " 300 00 " Burton J. Sloan, " " 300 00 Jacob Cubbage. *' " 159 .">0 " Edwin L. Ruch, " " '-TO 'St Thomas Rodgers. " " 102 80 " Fred. Bauman. " " 300 00 Lewis Taylor, real estate and personal property liiKl 00 " Robert D. Pettigrew, real estate 300 00 John McGarvey. three-fifths interest In oil lease, not valued All persons interested in the above ap i)raisein?nts will take notice that they will be presented for confirmation to the Orphans Court of But ler county. Pa., on Saturday, the »ith day of May. A. I>., 1900, -iud if no ex ception-, be filed they will be confirmed ab solutely. WILLIAM P. TURNER. Clerk O. C. Pianos. My best references are by customers. Am pleased to refer you to the following parties, all of whom have purchased pianos of me. Ask them how they like them and my method of doing business. Chas.E . Herr Butler, I'a J. F. lluselton Mrs. Flora M. Smith " Miss Eleanor Burton " Miss Anna McCandless A. W. Mates W. J. Mates W. J. Armstrong A. W. Root Oliver Thompson " U. 0. Kumbuugh ?• W.R.Williams E. 11. Richey E. A. Black T. oor to l'ark Theatre. Sunday Dinners A Specialty. Meals 25 cts. Rooms 50 cts. Regular Kates sl. Local and Long Distance Phones. Hotel Waverly, South McKean Street, J. W HAWORTH, Prop'r., BUTLER. PA. Steam Heat and Electric Light The most commodious office in the city. Stabling in Connection. H.O. HAYS. L. H. HAYS PUT YOUR RIG UP AT Livery and Sale Stable. Best Accommodations in Town. West Jeferson street, Butler, P a People's Phoue 109, Bell's Phoue 59 Pearson 13. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House, Butler, Penn'a. The best of horses anil tirst class rigs al - on band and for hire. Best'accommodations in town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Speci al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. •1A good class of horses, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses liought pon proper notification-by PEARSON B. NACE. Telephone. No. 21P. with pure SPANISH LICORICE- 0 Vnsurpaiied for cure of C?UGHSt>C?LDS s*"°!« Packages - In decorated Tin Boxes - Pocket size °23 O per BOX' Sold byDroqqisti everywhere, or sent / prepaid on receipt ol price# "1. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, i 245 S. Main St. Butler PA-1 Butler Savings Bank Butler, Pa. Capital - f60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $185,000.00 ■IOS. L PI'RVIS Prescient .r. HENRY TROUTMAN vioe-Pr-smeiit VVM. CAMPBELL, Ir U' l.ifr LOUI« B. ST.V'.N lelhr DIKE-TORS -Joseph 1.. urvls. J. Her ry Troitmari. W. 11. Rmalon. W, A. Stein .1 s. Cr.mubell. The Butler Savmm Hank Is the Oiliest Banking; Institution! n Hutier County. General hanking business transacted. We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All business entrusted to us *lll receive prompt attention. Interest paid on time deoosltN T M EC Butler County Natiooa! Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in f 100,000.00 Surplus and Profits - i 150,000.00 los. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; John r. A. M. Hoover. 11. Mc- Sweeney. C. I*. Collins I. 0. Smith, Leslie P. llazlett. M. Flnes-in, W. U. Larkin, Harry lloaslcy, Dr. W. C. McCandless. Hen Jlas setli. \V. J. Marks, J. V. liltts Now is The Time to Have Clothing CLEANEDJDR DYED. if you want goou and reliable cleaning cr dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue- do fine work in out door l'hotographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ol your house. Give us a trial. for thf JainWtown Sti'ltfe Blind t I'iltsliurg—WHY .lOT DC V Ltlif fHvOURS? fl of:>ftli ONLY $8 V