Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 10, 1900, Image 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1900
Anditor General.
For Congress.
For State Senate,
For Assembly.
For Jury Commissioner,
The Congressional Conference for this
District will te held in the Court House
at Beaver, Pa., on Thursday, May lTth
A reported settlement of Butler post
office matter has lately been published
but the matter is not yet settled: and it
is not likely that it will until after the
Concessional Conference, at Beaver
next Thursday.
A special to the Dispatch from Har
risburg. dated Monday, says "There
is likely to a rounding-up of the State
administration leaders this week before
Governor Stone leaves Tnursdav on a
trout-fishing trip. So far as the Quay
leader# are concerned they profess to
gee no signs of serious trouble in the
campaign this year. They have read
the statements of their adversaries, the
.ever-vigilant insurgents, but these
rlairns and figures do not impress them
They regard the figures as misleading
and declare that the insurgents are too
general Jn their estimates; that the
figures which they hare carefully com
piled are not susceptible of critical
analysis in the light of the facts. To
this charge the insurgent leaders come
back with the statement that the Quay
managers are afraid to make any esti
mate since the State Convention.
The transfer of the State Treasury
management from James S. Beacom of
Westmoreland to Col. James E. Bar
nett of Washington county, occupied
only a few minutes of last Monday.
They went over the securities of the
Commonwealth together, and each sat
isfied the other that even-thing was all
right. Col. Barnett announced the re
appointment of T. Stewart Pearce, of
Saltsburg, Indiana county, as cashier
and then the business of the depart
ment went on as usual. There will be
no changes in the clerical force, at least
for the presant.
The change in the head of the depart
ment develops the fact that the Com
monwealth has never before been in
such fine shape financially. At noon,
when the transfer was made, the bal
ance in the general fund was £t, *4*,-
91455, and in the sinking fund the l>al
aw*- is The net debt of
the Commonwealth is not much over
$<500,000. The sinking fund consists of
United States bonds, Allegheny Valley
Railroad bonds and cash, and under the
act of 1897 the TO banks in which the
cash of the sinking fund is deposited
pay 2 per cent interest. Under the
operation of the sinking fund law there
is transferred from the general to the
sinking fund SIOO,OOO every year and
bonds of the Allegheny Valley Railroad
Company to the same amount are can
celled annually.
Rep. Showalter has recommended
Geo. H. Gibson to l>e P. M. for Eau
The bill for the construction of the
Nicaragua canal bill passed the House
a few days ago by the overwhelming
vt>te of 225 to 35. This bill authorizes
the President to secure from Nicaragua
and Costa Rica the right of way for a
canal from a point near Greytown, on
the Carribbean sea, by way of Lake
Nicaragua to Breto, 011 the Pacifi"
ocean, the construction to lie in charge
of the Secretary of War, and directs
that harliors be constructed at the
termini of the canal, with such pro
visions as may be required for the safe
ty and protection of tne canal and these
harbors. Ten million dollars is appro
priated to begin the work, together
with such sum as may be necessary to
secure control of the right of way, and
the Secretary of War is authorized to
make contracts for the completion of
the canal, the total sum not to exceed
veteran Pennsylvania Congressman.
Galnsha A. Grow, "was accorded a most
signal evidence of the honor and esteem
in which he is held by the House, irre
spective of its political division*, when
by a unanimous vote he was given leave
to print in the "Congressional Record, '
in connection with his remarks on the
free homestead bill then under discus
sion, his maiden speech in Congress de
livered on tne same subject, March 30.
1852. The request was made by Deb
gate Dennis frlynn, of Oklahoma, who
called on the House to again lay ln-fore
the country a speech made "48 years
ago, before half of the members of this
Hotline were born.' Mr. Grow was
much affected by the action of his fel
low members His speech was short,
but delivered-with all his old time force
and vigor. He prefaced it by saying
that the discussion "awakens tne echoes
that start when memory plays an old
tune on the heart."
The bill passed last Thursday ojtens
all the lands acquired by treaty from
the Indians since 1890 to settlement
under the provisions of the original
homestead law just the same as are the
lands acquired prior to 1890, whether
from Indian tribes or by purchase of
treaty from foreign nations.
In the Senate that dav they had
another jangle over the Clark case and
continued-it for a week, and then Petti
✓ grew continued his attack 011 the Presi
To the north and east of Bloenifontein
last week fifty-thousand Englishmen,
Irishmen and Scotchmen were in mo
tion. Lord Roberts was moving his
men very slowly, and the Boers w<-re
contesting his advance at every point.
On Friday the British column was re
ported at Hrandfort, which is along tin
railroad, abont 40 miles north of Bloeni
The British occupied Brandfort last
Friday, and Winbarg, Saturday.
Winburg is *0 miles from Kroonstad,
the new capital of the Orange Free
State, 180 miles from Johannesburg and
about 200 miles from Pretoria, the
Transvaal capital, which is undoubted
ly the point at which Gen. iioiierts is
On Tuesday the Boers were reimrted
to be retreating before the British and
it was thought that they would not
make a stand until the hills in tin
vicinity of Kroonstad were reached.
Yesterday's dispatches said that
Mafeking was yet holding out, with tie- j
people living on how meat; and that j
Lord Rol»erts had halted at the \el
river, which is a branch of the \ aal, to
rebuild a bridge.
John (juinii of New Castle is a visitor
at the house of J C. BovanL
John Lusk of Fon-stvillo has moved
to Blairsville where he has secured em
Perry Farren of Marion twp died at
Dixiuont hospital on Saturday, aged
alsiut 2m years, lie leaves a wife ami
one child. Funeral service* were held
at Mt. Olive church on Monday, inter
ment at the Mount Olive cemetery.
Two Mormon elders from Utah
preached at the Forestville H'hool house
on Friday and Saturday evening and
also Sunday afternoon.
The Johnstou lime stone quarry near
Forestville is now running on half time.
While the Van Fleet quarry here is
riming full time.
M. J. Burns, station agent, is takin
a vacation and Hall Wilson of New
H'>JM; is tilling his place.
Ho)it. Alwell of Marion twp. visltd
friends here on Saturday.
1800. Tlirox AM) NOW, 1900.
JUNE 12. 13 AND 14-.
FIRST I)A¥—OUi Settlers, OI«l Soldiers, Societies, Schools, ete.
I»ay—Parade. . . . ~. . „.
SECOND DA Y—lndustrial Day and t'i\ ieand Industrial I araue.i t«.
THIRD DAY -Firemen* and Fire Organizations Daj l araui, tic.
The following is the program of exercises in detail:
Tuesday, June 12—People assemble on Diamond, front Court House and
Annorv Building. Placing and arranging the relics. Music and ringing.
10:30 o'clock—Exercises opened by Chairman of Centennial Committee. John
H ' exercises by Revs. J. R. Coulter. D. D.,and W. O. Campbell. D D.
Address of Welcome, by Hon. John M.;Greer. Music.
1 30 p m —Grand parade of soldiers and soldier organizations. School children.
Relic Committees and all relics that can be exhibited in.this parade. A > amuse
ments proper for this parade. Under direction of Parade Committee of the
Centennial Reassembling. Music. ~
li'Tpm —Address: Butler Countv. Its Origin and Present. The Con
trast of a Centurv. by Adam M Brown. Esq.. of Pittsburg. Music.
Address Butler County. Its First Settlements and I irst Settlers an
Families. Their Trials and Hardships, by Hon. William G. Thompson, of Manon.
Address: Patriotism. The part the sons of Butler County took in the wars
in which our Nation has been engaged, by Rev. Josiah Rankin, of Cambridge.
Pa., and Col. A Blakeley, of Pittsburg, Pa.
Hp in —Grand Illuminated Bicycle Parade. Chinese Lanterns. On Mam
and 1 laved street-. Citizens requested to light their houses and places •»f business
on this evening for the benefit of this parade. Under care and direction ol Cen
tennial Committee on Amusements.
Wednesday, June 13— Industrial Day.
Address k Sutler Comity Abroad. The/'onntv and thelWest, by Hon. John
H Mitchell, of Portland. Oregon, and Rev. Thomas Milford. Athens, O. Mnsic\
Address The Ministry of Butler County. First Ministers and mode o.
reaching the people, by Rev. James Dnfify, Albany, N. Y., Rev Loyal \. Gra
ham. of Philadelphia, and Rev. Mosheim Rhodes, St. Louis, Mo.
1-30 o m —Grand Industrial and Civic Parade, in which all industrial, man
ufacturing, mechanical and agricultural societies and trades will participate and
all relics or other old articles or things proper for this parade. Parade under di
rection of Centennial Parade Committee. . „ .1
3.30 D. M.— Address: The Legal Profession in Butler County. Its Start,
Progress and Development, by Hon. E. McJunkin. Butler; Hon. James Bre dm.
Pittsburg: and Hon. S. S. Mehard, Pittsburg. Music.
Address- The Medical Profession of Butler County Early Iphysicians and
Changes in modes of Practice, etc.. by Dr. II D. Hockenberry, West Snnbury.
Pa., and Dr. C. B. Gillespie, Freeport. Pa.
Bp. m.— Special Display of Aerial Fire Works, etc. Under direction of
Amusement Committee of Centennial.
Thursday, June 14—Educational, Firemen and Fire Companies, Oil Men and
Oil and Gas Companies, etc,
9:30 a. m.—Address: Education. First Schools. First School Houses and
Teachers in Butler County and their Progress and Development, by Kev. I .
Warren Roth, Greenville, Pa.; Prof. E. Mackey, Reading, Pa., and James M.
Galbreatli, Esq., Butler. Music. „ , . , . . ,
Address Agriculture. The Difficulties the first Settlers had to contend
with. Its Progress and Development, by Hon. Josiah M. Thompson and Living
ston McQuistion, Esq. *
l-30p m —Parade. Firemen and Fire Companies, Oil and Gas men ai d
Companies and all other societies and orders that can properly join m same.
Under direction of Centennial Parade Committee. Music.
B*Bo Address: Discovery and Development of Oil and <*as m Butler* «j'in .>
Rise Progress and Character of those Articles and Industries, by Hon. J. \»
Lee, Pittsburg, and Hon. Thos. W. Phillips, New Castle Pa.
Addresses: 'As may hereafter be announced. >
H. p. m. —Grand Illuminated Display of Fire and other Works. Under <u
rection of the Amusement Committee of the Centennial.
Harmony ami Zelienople.
Henrv Davidbiser of Harmony left
fur Wakarusa, Ind., last week where he
will visit liiH brother fur ten da)'-".
The commencement of the Zelienople
High School held in the U. P. ebnreh
on Friday evening last week was well
attended and very ink n ting. Three
diplomas were issued. Miss Nettie
Winter, Mrs. J H. Wilson, Miss Olive
BoggH and Frank Newberry furnished
vocal music. The Evans City orchestra
rendered instrumental music.
The coming county Hundav school
convention here in June through local
committee work can claim the credit of
bringing about the organization of the
Connoquenessing Valley Ministerial As
sociation at Zelienople on Monday April
80th. The pastors of both towns consti
tute the church service committee and
at one of their meetings the organiza
tion was planned. On Monday May -1 M
Rev. P. J. Sloanaker will talk on ( ler
ical Civics or the Minister in Politics.
The Sunday School Institute held in
the M. E. church at Harmony on Mon
day evening was well attended and the
"Bible in the Sunday school,' was dis
cussed in various phases in a profitable
manner. Solos were Ming by Miss
Laura Swain and Israel Wise.
Frank D. Van Veehten returned home
from his business trip to Minnesota and
other western states on Saturday morn
ing. This week lie will look after his
milling interest in Harmony. The wall
for his new mill is completed and the
wood work is started.
Mrs. Pittman of Kansas who has
been visiting her daughter Mrs. li.
Knox at Harmony for some time left
for l'arkersburg, W. V'a. last Saturday
where she will visit her son Benjamin,
a blacksmith.
Fred Weigle and wife of Harmony
drove to New Brighton on Sunday and
were the guests of their daughter Mrs.
J. S. Huff.
Ulrich Winter of Harmony Jet. start
ed extensive repairs on his mill this
week. He will expend about SB,OOO for
machinery and rearranging of machin
ery. He is preparing for the xuauu'ac
turing of blended wheat Hour, als<» for
buckwheat flour. Last season he ground
10,000 bushels of buckwheat.
Miss Vina Mitchell and sister of New
Castle were at Harmony over Sunday
the guests jf Miss L iu-a Swain.
Ur J. A. Osborne and family drove
to Slippery rock last Saturday where
they were the guests of Miss Bessie
Kidd, a student.
Miles I'. Ziegler. a drug clerk of Pitt •
burg was the guest of l> M. Ziegh-r, his
father, in Jackson twp over Sunday.
The Or and Central hotel of Zelieno
pie, Henry Stokey proprietor, is one of
the best equipped hotels in this end of
the county. Mr. Stokey is placing a
metal ceiling in his office this week. h<-
recently built a large water tank into
which he will pump water with a new
six horse power engin- from a drilled
well and furnish water for his entire
hotel and several other hous -;s owned by
other parties, through water pij»es A
dynamo and electric lights are being
We are glad to armtuiice that Miss
Bessie Otterman. who has been sick for
eight weeks with fever at her home at
Zelien >ple, is coav i'.es ;iog
On Fri<lay last week a cow owned by
Jonas Ziegler of Harmony fell into an
unused well in the lower end of town,
and narrowly escaped drowning, 11 II
ljeigblea happened to be near with his
I apparatus which he uses for pnlling out
I wells for the Forest Oil Co. and with it
' and his team he saved the cow, which
however was badly bruised.
I'licK items.
John Allen is able to attend his duties
as gaager again.
Mrs. Sarah J. Fulton and Mrs. Lottie
Lobautfh were in Pittsburg last week.
W. J. Sefton was the guest of his un
ci*, J. N. Fulton, on Sunday.
J C. Johnston aud daughter were the
guests of Mrs. Rasie Myers on Natur
' day.
John Harbison of Sandy Hill is near
ly done planting corn.
Dani-I Oiluiore and James Hezlep
iii ' tiled a next ol' woodchticks c.n
i laming seven young ones and one old
j one.
A May-clay Celebration.
A very pleasant and enjoyable birth
day celebration occurred at the home
of Joseph Brown of Penn To wnship, on
Tuesday, May Ist.
The affair was gotten up in the form
of a surprise party, and so well were
the plans arranged and carried onL
that Mr. Brown was completely Htir-
I prised.
Mr. Brown is a veteran of the Civil
war and well known and esteemed by
all the neighborhood, and his being •
taken by surprise did not interfere with
his pleasure, but he had his hearty <
welcome for aIL i
He was the recipient of a great jium ,
ber of very useful and valuable ,IP >- .
ents, which were formally present,-d to
him in a very pleasing aud entert i* n
ing manner by Rev. S. H Greenlee of t
Brownwlale M. E. Church.
Mr. Brown had a spokesman to make
his acceptation speech for him. Of
course, his feeling' would not allow of
his speaking for himself. This rep.iv ■
was made in a very pleasing and edify- 1
ing manner by Rev. McNees, of Mid- ]
dlesex Presbyterian Church.
After flie sumptuous feast, a picture l
was taken of the entire assembly by I
John Brown who was there with his ;
camera. Another picture *as taken of
the family, this group comprised Father <
and Mother, four sons, six daughters, I
three sons-in-law, one daughter-in Jaw.
and nineteen grand-children.
A third picture was taken which v. ;is <
interesting. In this group were eix <
persons whose combined ages sums up
the grand total of 140 years. Their r
average ages are ?-'!l year. This i
group was composed of Joseph Brown, I
his two older brothers, two sisters and
an aunt, their reapectivc names lindanes i
are as follows: Aunt Caroline Matilda
Biow, age TM: Nancy Hamel. age 77 i
Robert li. Brown, age 75: Ruth Ander j i
sun, age 74; Adam O. Brown, age ~>:l
and Joseph Brown, age 04.
Each person was requested to register i
his or her name in a book to be preserv
ed, which was complied with and the \
names are given as follows, beginning ■.
with the family. Let me add first his
wife, Christy A. Brov/n, is a daughter
of the late Thos. Gray of OoriuoqueiiesM- t
ing township.
The names of the children are given in I
the order of their birth. t
Joseph Brown. Christy A. Brown,
Rev. Nathan L. Brown, LizzieS. Welsh, \
Mary R Maharg, Emma L. Nicklas,
Charles B. Brown, Martha B. Brown,
Nettie 15. Brown, Joseph C. Brown,
Adam O Brown, Maud O. Brown, j
K..ris in law and daughter in-law; 11 ('.
Welsh. W. J. Nicklas, J N. Maharg. •,
Alwilda J Brown, Grand-children i
Alliert M. Brown, Frank B. Brown, |
Lueile C. Welsh. Clara 15 Welsh, t
Stella E. Welsh, James E. Welsh, Paul '■
15 Welsh, Ella C. Nicklas. Mary M | ;
Nicklas, Nathan G. Nicklas, Mark 15. I
Maharg, Bessie E, Maharg, Mary A I
Maharg, Vernetta 15. Maharg, Grace L ! 1
Maharg. Esther E. Maharg, Ruth '
Maharg, John C. Maharg, Martha O.
Maharg. Friends and neighbors: , f
Ruth Anderson, Mary A. Brown. A. G. j
Brown, Nancy Hauiel, It. 11. Brown, h
Jane E. Douthett, Caroline M. Brown, I |
Br. W. H. Brown. Abraham Sarver, ;
Einiline Sarver, J. II Covert Lizzie M I
Covert, Mary Ann Young, Florence P. ;1
Brown. Rhoda E Burton, .1 I) Martin, "
Alice E. Martin, J. A. Gray, I). S. j \
. Sievensou. Margaret Stevenson John j '
Weber, ICarHi water, J. A. Douthett, I
Rachel Douthett. .las, T. Marshall, ' <
Mary L. Renfrew. Rev W I M'-Nees, j
Mrs. McNees, A. J. White, Kezia. I,
White, Rev. S 11. Greenlee, Mrs. Mar- j
riett Greenlee, Margaret Greenlee. Mrs. ,
D. 15. Crowe, Lodcmia Gra"<- Heffley, ,
' Pittsburg, Paul <McNees. Herbert W. t
McNees, Elizatx-th W. McNees, I*. T ,
. Templeton. ; j
May you have many more glorious j,
birthdays, Uncle Joe, before your (
I leaven iy Father calls you to your .
[ reward. w. H. B. , -
Fred llilliard. Jr. and wife of Isle
visited J. Henry Thompson and family .
last Saturday.
Mrs. Mina Hart and children are the 1
guests of Mrs. Hart's grandmother, MI J
Susan I'isor.
(', C Knhn is making extensive in
j provements on his dwelling house.
Our Sunday schools generally are]
making preparations for the observance
of (Uiildreii's Day.
Joseph Criswell will give an address I
at Concord church on Memorial Day.
Ri-v. S. Fiddler of Karns City will de
liver the Memorinl address to the mem
bers of the G. A. R at the M. E. chnrch
in (ireeoe City on Sunday May "JTtli at
3 o'clock p. m.
Both old life and fraternal insurance
societies are writing up a good many
policies in this twp. of late.
Samuel Redie has just returned from
I a visit to the W. Va. Oil fields.
J. W. Hendrickson of Magic is visit
! ing relatives in Wiishington Co.
| Mrs. Jemima Sntton is lying in a
1 critical condition at her home.
The South Penn Oil Co. struck a tine
gasser last week on the Mac Kuhn prop
erty. Drilling is progressing finely on
a test well on the farm of I. P. Murt
! Forest fires did considerable damage
to timber and fences south of town dur
ing the dry weather of last week.
Mrs. J. C. Alexander is visiting her
daughter Mrs. Samuel Baxter of Butler.
Our schools will be closed for the pres
ent school year some time this week.
The pupils and patrons of school Xo. 2
under the management of Prof. A. F.
Cochran recently gave two entertain
ments for benevolent purposes which
were well attended and from which
neat sums of money were realized.
The recent heavy freezing of last week
seems to have done great ilamage to
cherries, peaches and small fruits gen
A. M. Nichols of Trout man has just
returned from a visit to his former home
and old friends in Ashtabula Co. Ohio.
Hooker Lodge Xo. 24, K. B. S. will
hold its last meeting under open charter
on Friday evening of this week. All
members are requested to be present as
business of inportanee is to be transact
ed at this meeting of the society.
Some of our people attended the ball
game at Slipperyrock, Monday.
W. W. Alben is treating their house
to a fresh coat of paint.
The advance agent of Tuttle's Olym
pic Show, has billed a show for Jacks
villefor May 15.
A new gas well will be drilled on the
farm of J. L. Reichert in the near fu
James Lawrence of the Grove City
Reporter called on friends in JacksviUe
Miss Ruth Studebaker has returned
home from Zelienople where she has
been attending school.
E. H. Morrow is helping move the rig
on the farm of W. P. Book.
Dr. Shoaff sports a -new buggy and
Mrs. Walter McDonald of Slippery
ro«-k has been visiting her mother, M rs.
Margret Gardner. She is accompanied
by her little daughter. Margaret.
Moke Anon.
Hati Claire.
Rev. Fidler of Karns City preached
in the M. E. church, Sunday evening.
There was a musical recital given in
Academy Hall, Saturday evening. Our
instructor, Miss Ferguson, is to be con
The Ean Claire B. B. team played the
North Hope nine Saturday. Result 7to
2 in favor of Eau Claire.
Little Rachel Reynolds of Grove City
is visiting her grandpa, A. M. Reynolds.
Mrs. John Blair and daughter, Berth a.
are slowly recovering from an attack
of pneumonia.
Miss Maud Kohlmeyer of Emlenton is
the guest of her sister. Mrs. Greer.
J. B McJunkin of Butler was a busi
ness visitor to town last week.
Rev. Rinker preached in Karns (,'ity,
Sunday. Ho and Rev. Fidler having
exchanged pulpits.
Miss Minnie Bovard of Pittsburg is
visiting her mother Mrs. L uira Bovard
of this place.
The Epwortb League has elected tii ■
! following officers for the coming m.m
months Pres P. S. Hoffman, First V'i
|Pr«H. Mrs It. -I. McCandlesH. See. Vice
Pres. Mary Greer, Third vice Pres.
Mrs. A. J. Rinker. fourth Vice Ada
Sea ton. Secretary Clark Reynolds,
Treasurer Harry Hunter,Organist.Jessie
We are pleased to learn that Earl Mc-
Call. one of our Eau Claire boys who is
now attending school at Indiana Nor
inal is pitcher for the base bail team of
that place.
Messer Dougherty and Hawk of P«
trolia were in town Sunday afternoon.
A Significant Gathering'.
In June, th<* month of roses, in the
valley delightful, at Zelienople and in
Harmony: a location, charininir and
picturesque: suggestive of industry,
history and subjects for art, when
reside a hospitable, peaceful, liberty
loving and religious people, on the 7th
and Hth day of the month of roces,
"(Jen " E. R. Worrell of the llutler
County Sunday School armv will re
view his forces: the occasion will be the
2Hd annual encampment.
The Sunday School is the West Point
of the church and each scholar is a
On the review grounds near the batik
of the euphonious Omnoqnenessing the
military tactics of Christ s army will be
Do you hear the tramp, tramp of reg
iments in other counties and States
Do you hear the strains of the martial
music? Do you see the uniforms glisten
)liif in the sun?
Talk about the convention in your
home, daily walk and in your Sunday
Come and bring your Bible and Christ
with yon. Clad yourself in the whole
armor of Ood.
< 'onventions develop sociability.
Sunday Schools hold a preemption in
the convention field.
"Where no counsel is. the people fall:
but in the multitude of counsellors
there is safety." Prov. 11:14.
Observe, select, meditate, pray and
Watch for the next letter. H. W .Is.
iCvans City.
II Richard has moved from Zelieno
pie to his leasn on the Beam farm.
Charles Ooehring and wife drove up
to Butler Saturday.
Eli May of Butler visited his mother,
Mrs. Mary May, Saturday.
Kd Walker and wife are happy over
the arrival of a bouncing boy baby at
their house two weeks lino. Both Mr.
iiti'l Mrs Walker have been suffering
from the grip.
Mrs. M. L. Knox, who has been visit
ing her sister Mrs Al Wise in Butler
has returned to Kyans < ity.
Louis Danowsky is erecting a new
frame building opposite the Post office
and next door to Smathers' grocery,
which lie will fit up and occupy as a
bakery and confectionary. .Mr. Danow j
>-ky is an excellent baker and certainlj j
deserves success in business.
The Evans City driving park is in ex '
cedent shape for the summer's cam- I
paigii Twelve stalls have already been
rented by local horseman for the sum- '
mer training season The first race of i
the season will bo held on Decoration
day, and if the weather is favorable for 1
training until that lime there will no j
doubt be a large number of entries, arid
good purses will be put up.
Arc prepared from Na
ture's miUl laxatives, _ and
while penile are reliable
and efficient. 1 hey
ffioase the Lswer
Cure Sick Headache, liil
iousness, Sour Stomach,
and Constipation. Sold
everywhere, 25c. per box.
t>y C. 1.11 ood & Co.,Luucll,Ma.ia.
Perrv Dan lap and family have arone
to Woodfield, Ohio where Mr. D has
a four-uionth's drilling job.
James \V Ficht is working on the
Allegheny Valley railroad as fireman.
Bert Iman is moving to Mars so as to
be nearer his work as fireman on a
pusher on the Bakerstown hill.
David McCoy has moved from Wash
ington county to Callery and has charge
of the MeCalmont Oil Co's wells on the
Staples farm.
The rig and engine house of A. L.
Staples Xo. (> well was burned April 23
and last week it was rebuilt by the
Shaner brothers.
Mrs. Frazier. of Prospect has return
ed home after a month's visit with her
i daughter, Mrs. James C. Moore.
The list of dead by the explosion in
the coal mine in Utah, numbers about
250. All the men in the mine were kill
HENRY—At Pittsburg. May Ist, 1900,
Joseph Henry of near Harmony.
ORRIS—At his home in Fairview, May
2, I'JUO, Joseph Orris, aged
PORTER—At his home in Marion twp.,
April 29, 1900, James C. Porter, aged
69 yearb.
OTT —At her home in Allegheny. May
5. 1900, Mrs. Joseph Ott, (nee Flich)
in her 03d year.
VOGEL —At her home in Butler. May
4. 1900, Mary, daughter of John W.
Vogel, aged 26 years.
HERMAN —At ber home in Bntler.
May 6. 1900, Florence, daughter of
Chas. Herman, aged 3 years.
BURTON-At her home in Middlesex
township. April 19, 1900. Mrs. John
Burton, aged about (52 years.
GALBREATH—At her home in Win
field, May 5, 1900. Myrtle, daughter
of Henry Galbreath, aged 19 years.
HEPLER At the Woodbine House on
the Millerstown road, Mav 2. 1900,
Mrs. Elizabeth Hepler, aged 82 years.
Her remains were interred in the
Kamerer cemetery north of Millerstown
Friday morning.
GODFREY -At a hospital in Pittsburg,
Friday night. May 4. 1900. Mrs.
Godfrey, wife of Michal Godfrey, of
Butler, aged about 35 years.
Mrs. Godfrey was takeu to the hos
pital to have a tumor removed, and
the operation caused her death.
DENNIS Thomas Dennis, aged about
72 years, was found dead in bed Wed
nesday morning, May 2. 1900, at the
residence of James Downie. with
whom he made his home, .it Dowuie
Mr. Dennis was an Englishman by
birlh and had farmed for Downies for
many years. Ho was unmarried.
PARK—Suddenly. Saturday, May 5,
1900, at his home in Mars, Samuel
Park, in his 75th year.
Mr. Park's death was caused by
parlayeis. For many years he operated
the Park mill at Mars and was one of
the best known and progressive citizens
of the southern part of the county. The
funeral services were held in the Mars
U. P. church Monday afternoon. .
CHRISTIE At her home in Butler,
May 7, 1900, Mrs. Lydia A. Christie,
widow of Thomas T. Christie,'aged (W
Two sous. Victor E. of Seattle, Wash.',
and Win. 11., of Butler, survive her,
also one brother David Borland of But
ler.and one sister Mrs. Thomas Graham
of North Washington. Funeral this
afternoon from her late residence at •'•i2
Mifllin street
CRAWFORD At his home at Valen
cia, May 1, 1900, John Crawford, aged
82 years.
Mr. Crawford's death was caused by
old age. He was one of the pioneers of
that section of the county, and passed
the greater part of his life on the farm
upon which he was born. Three sons
James of Whitestown, Loyal Y. of Illi
nois and Walter G.. Esq., of Pittsburg,
and two daughters. Mrs. Dean "f Wex
ford and Mrs. Clark of Allegheny sur
vive him.
LITTLE At his home in Callery, Fri
day, "lay J. 1900. James Little, aged
33 years.
Death was caused by locomotar
ataxia, from which he had suffered for
several months. He was an engineer on
the p. & W. and formerly wa-s engineer
on the P. F. W. &C. He was a meui
[ lier of the Masons, Odd Fellows,
Heptasophs and Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers. He leaves a wife
and three children. Funeral services
were held in the U. P. church at Mars.
Sunday afternoon. Revs. H. E Snyder
and B-rry officiating He was buried
in the l'. P. Cemetery.
STEVENSON At his home in Frank
tA'p. May 5, 1900, George Stevenson,
aged Ml years.
HERUINGTON At her hoin ■in Pitts
burg, May .">, 1900. Mrs. Alice Her
rington nee Robinson of Greece City,
aged 24 J eais
TOMER A' her hoinein the East End.
Pittsburg. Sunday, May IS, 1900, Wil
liam J Tomer, aged •">•» years.
Mr. Tomer was married to a daughter
of Jordan Eyth of Butler.
RAISLEY Mrs. Catharine Raislev,
widow of Daniel Raisley, at her home
in Conuoquencssing township. Fri
day. April 27, of pneumonia and heart
trouble, aged 74years,5 months and 18
da} s.
Rev. McN'ees, of Glade Mills con
ducted the fin.ejal service. Mr. Raisley
proceded her 10 months and 12 days.
They leave seven sons and two daugh
tors and a large circle of friends to
mourn their loss.
We thank the neighbors for their
kindness in the time of our beveave
Mrs. William ."isor, nee Rodgers, of
Elliotts Mills, died last Friday, aged
about 75 years.
Ily virtue of Nundry wills of Wn. Kx., Kl.
I n . I, ••v. I n.. &<•., ImSU«*<J out of tlio (Jour I of
< ottifnoii I'letiH of Hul lor <.'o., I'll., and t<» in *
linn- will Ih* « to public *al«*
sit iln* < 'ourt 11« >u vin tin* borough of Ho tier,
Friday, May 18th, A, D. 1900,
ill I o'lock I'. M., the following described
property, to-wit:
K. I). No. 1... May T. rni, lUOO. McJ tin kin A
(i:ilbr<*:itli. Attorney
All tin- right, title, liiii-n*st and claim of
Abrarn Martin <»f, in and to all that ••••rtaln
pi.-. « oi* pari*4*l *,( laud, situated in Oakland
township. Hutlur enuiity, Pa., bound» d as
follows. t<i-wit: On the north by lands of
Daniel and Sauiuel Whltrnlre, on the east by
land* iif WalUel and Thornlmrff, on the
s'iijth by lands of Wieli and l'atton and on
the wt'si by lauds of Neynian heirs; rontaln
lofoiii hundred forty acret* more or litfi
tia.v in- tliereon ere.etiid a frutin' house, barn
and nut buildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty "f A brain Martin at the suit of K. M«*-
.1 u uk in.
K I). No. loi, March Term, MOO. 11. 11.
(ioticlier, Attorney.
All the -ight. title, interest and claim of
11. .!. Neii of, in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situatcd in Hiimmit town
thip. ltut ier county. I'a., Ijouudud as follows,
to-wlt: liegtnning at a post Ihe southeast
corner of I'eter Neu, tlience south dog.
West 101 perches to a post. I hence west dog.
east 147 porches to a stone-heap by lands of
John and Henry Kelm, thence sout h K» dog.
o.'iHt p«*r»*h«rs to a post by lauds of I'. Liin;-
baugli. th<*iic«* south I<h g *;ast 'Si.'.* perclu'S
to a post by I'eier Neu, i lieiico soulh HZ dog.
west li.stoaposi at head of spring by I'eter
Neu, thence south 2 dog. east 12 perches to a
post by I'eter Neu, thenc
north dog. cast tt.l perches to a post by
I'eter Neu, thence south I deg. east - r d •»
porches to t he place of beginning; contain
ing eighty*e'.ghi acres, together with road or
l ight .»f way through lands of .fo-ictjn Neu to
the Kiitanuing I'lke as a part thereof and
appurtenant thereto, and the oil right or
royalty In said lands having thereon erected
a frame housr.b.trn and outbuldings and one j
producing oil «vell.
Al>o of, in and to the .>ll right , and oil j
produced from the royalty in ninety-four |
acre , of land in Summit township, Ifutlcr
county, I'a , hounded an follows, to-wlt: On
the North by lands of Henry J. Neu, I'eter
Neu el ul, on the east by lauds of < Oelblo
et al, on the south by lands of .1. Klgor and
M. Keck and on the west, by hinds of John
and Henry Kelm, being the property devised
by John Neu, doe'cl.. to Joseph NoU, Kublect
t«» the said oil right ami interest devlse-a to
llonry J. Neu.
Of, In and to the oil right , and oil
product «l from i he royally Interest In ninety -
two and 1 4 ihtcs of land, situated In mi mm it
township, Hutler county. I'a Imiltided as
fi>l lows, to-wlt: On the North by lands of I'.
Liiiohaugh, Henry J. Nouet al.eaSt by lands
of J. 1 orciit, t (.elblo et al, south by lands
of Joseph Neu and <\ Oelhie, west by lands
of Jom-iili Neu. Henry. l. Neu et al, subject
to said oil right and Interest devised to
Henry J. Sen.
.-ei/e<] and t .i! « 11 in execution as the prop
erty of H. J. Neu al the suit of .Mis. Caroline
b. Nigh. I
1 $30,000 1
| Fir? Sale. Fir? Sale, j
Hi Ladies' Tailor-made Suits £ Muslins - - {§
jjjj Jackets ( Calicos jg
8 Separate Skirts i Ginghams jg -
g| Silk Waists White Quilts jg
Wash Waists \ Towels Jg
Wl Fine Dress Goods / Crashes iS
S Silks, Satins ? Hosiery ®
g Ribbons, Laces ? Underwear
J Embroideries Corsets
gf Wash Goods \ Kid Gloves Jg
Wl White Goods ) Fine all-over Yokings and M
® Lace Curtains Dress Trimmings.
J Portiers g
j These valuable, up-to-date goods all purchased by us for I*9oo selling, j
§ (slightly damaged by water and smoke), will go 011 sale jg
| Saturday /Homing, M , A 9 y oo 5 ' |
| MRS. J. E. Zimmerman, Butler; j
?§ AAifflr rft HI \I and secure the In the REIBER BLOCK,
BVI I* k>niib 1 SAL E offers you. Opposite Lowry House g
E. D. No. 51, May Term. 1!*H). Williams &
Mitchell, Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Gconr" W. Flavis and P«*arl Davis ills wife of.
in and to sill that certain piece or parcel of
land, situated in Butler ix>rouffh. llutler
county. I'a., !>oundcd as follows, to-wlt: On
the north by lot No. 4<> in the same plan own
ed by .1 W. Davis, cast by an alley, on the
south I»y rust street and the west by
Second street; having a frontage of fifty feet
on said Second street and extending back a
distance of one hundred sixty feet to said
alley, having erected a frame house and oat
buildings. being lot No. 10 in block 10 in plan
of lots laid out by .lames Dunlap at the
instance of Charles McCaudless.
heized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of (ieorge. \V. Davis and Pearl Davis his
wife at t he suit of John llergbichler.
E. D. No. -i*, 49 and May Term, 11**). N. <
u 1 lough, \V. A. F. J. Fonjuer. Atfys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
James t'ramner of, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated In < lay
township, llutler county. Pa., bounded as
follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of
John llrrg formerly John Sutton, east by
lands of A mos Young, on the south by lands
of An.aph 11. Cramner and w«?st by lands of
Asaph 11. Crarnuer; containg fifty-live a«*r. s,
more or less, having thi*r»*on erected two
frame dwelling houses, bank barn and out
S« I/, d and taken In execution «*>s the pron
erty of James t raniner at tin* suit of 1 hi lip
<'. Andre tit al.
K. D. No. 60, May Term, 1800. Thompson » Sl
Hon, Attorneys.
All t he right, title:. Interest and claim of J.
(i. Mc< uliough and J. Pierce llockcn
berry of, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, tdtuated In C'entre
township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as
follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of
helr.<« of (jeorge HweliiUsberg, on the east and
,outh by lands of J. « . Moore and on the
west by the Butler and Mercer road contain
ing T» acres, more or less, having thereon
erected a frame house, stable and outbuild
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of J. <i. "McCullough and J. Pierce
I ll«;ekcnt»erry at the suit of James
Miller f<.r use of J. M. Ilrown now f«»r use- of
1 Thompson A. Hon.
K. D. No. 70, May Term, 1900. Thompson
Hon, Attorneys.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
< 'harles Pfeifi » of. In and t«> all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated In Saxon
liurg t'orough, Butler county. Pa.. I*)unded
as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Main
street, on the east by lot of Catherine
Sell roth, on the south and on the west by lot
of Joseph Kohiifelder; having a frontage of
fifty feei o.i Main street and extending hack
two hundred and forty feet, having thereon
erected a frame house and outbuildings.
ALSO (if, lii ii nd Ui all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated in Saxonburg
tHirough. Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol
lows, to-wlt: On the north by Water street,
on the east by lot of John NVeber, on the
south by lot or Mauerhoff heirs, on the west
by lot of Charles Wentzel; containing one
acres and fifty-eight perches.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of < 'harles Pfeifer at the suit of Laura
E. D. No. 47. May Term, 11*10. McJiiiiklu
Oat breath. Attorneys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of J.
W. Norris of. in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated in Penn township.
But ler county. Pa., liounded as follows, to
wlt: Beginning at a po,t at the plank road
bridge across Thorn creek, thence nortn
deg. eastlTJ.O perches t<» a post, thence south
1,1 deg east ll.» perclu'» to a stone-heap,
thence south HW.. P » west 44.11.'> perches to a
stake, tlience north li> deg. west Ito perches
to a post, thence south U0 deg. east :!7 perches
to t lie place of beginning; containing W
acres, more or less, lying on both shh s of
said Thorncreek <»ll and tias reserved.
Having thereon erected a frame cottage
house, barn and outbuildings.
Al'Hl t>f. in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, sltuati d In IVnn township,
Butler «?ounty. Pa., liounde«l as follows, to
wlt: <*ii the north by .10 acres above de
scrllM «l property of defendent and lands of
11. Buhl, and l.avery, on the east by the
< ild Butler Pike, on the soulh by lands of
l\ linger. Pat terson et al and On t In- west
by lands of < * raiiam et al; ceritalnlug
acres, more or less, oil and gas reserved.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of J. W. Norris at the suit of K. Mc-
J unkin.
I D. No. 7.'» and 7'J. May Term, lliuo. M. It. Mc
llrlde. Attorney.
All the right, title, and claim of
Nannie i .Schneider of, ill and to all that
certain piece or parcel of laud* situated in
I alrvlew township, Butler county. Pa..
liounded a■» follows, to- wit: Oit he North by
lands «»f iillyer Schneider, on thr east by
lands of Km ma Nannetli, on the sontb by
lands of 1' S, Barnhart, and on the west by
lands or Campbell heirs, William Brown,
James Wick, and Thompson; containing
forty-four acres mostly cleared, having
thereon erected a frame house, barn and
out buildings; also an orchard.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Nannie C. Schneider at the suit of K.
i Baj
K. D. No. Hi, and Ki, May Term, 1000. W. D.
Ilrandou, Attorney
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
t barb s \V. Klseurath and Catherine iv
I'.lsen rat h of, in and to all that certain piece
or pareel of land, situated In Clinton town
ship, But h-r count y. Pa., lioniidcd as follows,
to-wlt Beginning at the northwest corner
of said tract, thence by lauds of Martin
Thompson and a public road south deg.
east w perches to a post;t hence s<»ut h © deg.
west I » perches to a post by lands of
Thompson and a public road, thence south
Ki.&'i deg east Mi •» perches by lauds of Sarah
.1 . Lo\< to a post; thence south s deg. West
s| ;; p< rehes by lauds of William Walters et
alto a post, thence north deg. west
Ic.i.s perches by lauds of Chas. Klseurath to
a post or white oak, thence north deg. east
su.r, perches by lands of William Potts and
James Harvey to a post the place of beg|u
ontalnlng Ml acres, more or ieMi mi
ing t hereon a frame stable and spring house;
also a good orchard.
ALSO of, in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated in Clinton town
ship. But I. r county, Pa., bounded as follows,
to-wlt I 'n the north by lands of iieorge <'.
Stepp heirs, on theea »t by lands ofll«nr.y
I .kas, on i tie soul h bv lands of Henry Kkas
and on t west by lands of William Potts;
containing twenty-two acre®, more or less;
having thereon a sm ill frame house and
outbuildings and a gixid orchard.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erly of < 'harles W. Klsenrath and Catherine
K. Elsenrath at the suit of Sarah J. Love et
ul for use of llenry Snvder.
E. D. No. 77, May Term, IWO. S. I\ A A. L
Bowser. Attorneys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Isabella Mays, dee'd . with notice to K. M.
Donaldson. Adm'r and K. M Donaldson,
adm'r of Isabella Mays, dee'd., of.
In. and to all that certain piece
or lot of land, situated In Fairview boro,
Hutler county, I'a., bounded as follows, lo
wll: <Jn the north by lot of defendant Isa
bella May. on the east by lot of Mrs. Jemima
Uahagan, on the south by East street and on
the west by road leading from Fairview to
Itruin, being mi by two hundred feet, more or
less; having thereon a frame house, stable
and outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Isabella Mays, dee'd.. with notice to
It. M. Donaldson and K. M. Donaldson,
Adm'r of Isabella Mays, dee'd.. at the suit of
J. V. Donaldson.
E. D. No. OH, May Term, HWO. A. 11. C. Mc
l'arland. Attorney.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
John K. Itovard and Sarali K. Bovard of, ill
and to all that certain piece or lot of ground,
situated In 1 armlngtou, V enango township,
Hut ler county, I'a., bounded as follows, tn
wlt: On the north by au alley, on t lit- east
by Butler and Scrubgrass public road, on the
south by lot of J. K Itovard and on the west
by an alley; having a frontage of 80 feet on
the Hill ler and Scrubgrass road and extend
ing back ISO feet, having thereon erected a
two story frame house, good barn 3)xSJii feet
anil outbuildings.
AI.SO Of, In and to all that certain piece
or lot of ground, situated in Familngton,
Venango township, Butler county. I'll.,
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
llrsi descrllied lot of J. K. Bovard, on tin
east by Hut ler and Scrubgrass road, on the
south by lot of.l. K. Bovard and on the west
by an alley: having a frontag< of (JO feet and
depth of ISO.
AI.SO Of, In and to all that certain piece
or lot of ground, situated lr, Farmington
Venango township Butler county, I'a.,
Ixiunded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
lot of J. K. Bovard, on the east ly Hutler
and Scrubgrass road, on the south by alley,
and on the west by an alley; having a front
age of IK! feet and a dciith of lso feet.
AI.SO Of, In and to all that certain piece
or lot of ground, situated In Farmington,
Venango township, llutler county. Pa , _
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
an alley, on I lie east by Hutler and Scrub-
road, on Iho wnith l»y lot of .1 R. Itovard
and on Ihe west by an alley; having a front
age of li" feet and depth of INI feet.
AI.SO Of. In and to all that certain piece
or lot of ground, situated lu Farmington.
Venango township, llutler county. I'a.,
iHiiindeil as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
lot of J. K. Bovard, on the east by Hutler
and Scrubgrass road, on the south by lot of
.1 I. .Bovard and on the west by an alley;
having a frontage of <lO ."eet and a depth of
I Ml feet.
AI.SO Of, In and to all that certain pi
or lot of ground, situated lu Farmington,
Venango township, Butler county, I'a..
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north
by lot of J. K. Bovard, on Ihe east by llutler
and Scrubgrass road, on the south by lands
now or formerly of John Scott, and on the
west by an alley: having a frontage or m
feel. more or less, and u depth of one liun- :
ilred eighty feet. A
AI.SO Of, In and to all that certain piece'
or lot, of ground, situated lu Faruiluglon. ;
Venango township, Butler county. Pa.,
liounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
au aliey, on llili east by an alley, on the
south by an alley and on the west by lands
of A M Keynoidsisald lot being Ise feet by Isil
feel, more o» less.
AI.SO Of, In and to all that certain piece j
or lot of ground, situated lu I'arniliigton,
\euango township, Hutler county, I'a..
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
an alley, on the east by an alley, on the !
south by an alley and on Ihe we,t by lands
of A. M. Reynolds; being lso feet In width at |
northern boiindarv and :V, feet al southern I
boundary ami :»i0 feet long, more 01 less.
Seized and taken lu execution as the prop
erly of Joini K. Bovard and Sarah F. Itovard ,
at ihe stilt of Jacob Dauibatigh.
Friday, the 25th Day of May, A. D. 1900,'
at t o'clock p. m.. the following described
property, to-wlt:
K D. No. at. May Term, limn. Levi M. Wise.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
William F. Wild of. In and lo all that certain
piece or lot of ground, sll uated In llarmony
no rough, Hutler county, I'a. liounded as
follows, to-wlt: On the north by heirs of
I ieorge Beam, on the east by an alley, on the
south by lot of now or formerly owned by
John lliisl aii'l Oil the west by Main street,
being sixty live feel front on Main street
and extending back, presfrvlng the same
width, one hundred twenty feel to an alley;
being the same land conveyed by Charles C.
Wllifel 11 x lo William 1. W ltd l y deed dated
May Ist, l<>7, recorded lu Ituller Co. 11l Deed
iHMiI, No > page 111, I.living I hereon erected
a two story brick dwelling house, frame
stable and outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution as 11 if prop
erty of William F. Wild at the suit Of l.cvl
TEKMHOFSAI.E The following must be
strictly compiled with when property Is
stricken down.
1. When Ihe plaint Iff or other lien creditor
becomes Ihe purchaser, Ihe costs on the writ
fiiu.it- In* paid, and 11 lint of I tin I1«*IIK, IriCluu*
Ing mortgage searches on the properly sold,
together with such lien creditor's receipt
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid In full.
;i. All sales not settled Immediately will be
cont lu lied until one o'clock, I*. M.. of the
next Friday ul which lime all property not
settled for will again Is* put up and sold at
the expense aud risk of the person to whom
lirsl sold.
•see Purdou's Digest, Dili edition, page 4HI.
and Smith's Forms, page list. I
Sheriff's ofll.-e. llutler. I'a . April -'lib. 1:W0. |
Wm ANTED Honest 1111111 or woman to travel
for large house; salary (It", monthly and
expenses, with Increase: position perumu- I
cut;inclose si-l f-addi onsed si auiped en velope. j
MANAOKU. ill) Can ton bl<ig.. Chicago.
Notice Is herdiy ulven tliut the (ollowlnc
r»»i<l and lirldifes have IKM■ II i.'iintiriued nisi
tiy the Court and will lie presented on Iho
tlrst Saturday of May term, IVMX), being iht*
day of Hiild month, and If no exceptions,
ara filed thev will lie continued absolutely:
K. i). No.March Sessions, 19011., In re.
petition of citizen* of Fairview township for
a public road to lead from a point on the
l'etrolla and Miller's Eddy road to a point
on the l'etrolla and Itoners' Mlll road. I>e
cembcr -Itli, I*W. viewers were appointed by
the Court, who, on January llt It. lit*), llled
their report, setting forth that tlw proposed
road is necessary for a public road, and laid
out the same for public use. No damages
assessed. March 10th. H*>o. approved, mid ll\
width of road at 1U feet. Notice to be given
according to rules of Court.
hy thr Court.
R. I). No. 11, March Session, ltlOO. In re.
petition of citizens of Forward township for
a county bridge over Coiinot|Ueiiesslng creek
on the public road leading from the Brown's
Mill and I'etersvllle road to the llutler and
F.vansburg road. January aith, 11)00, viewers
were appointed by the Court, who, on March
al. I'JtHi. Hied their report, setting forth that
the proposed bridge Is necessary and that
tlx-cost of the same will require more ex
pense than it Is reasonable tlie township of
Forward should l>e:ir, and recommending
that tie; same be built by Hut ler county. No
damage. Change made In the bed of the
public road. March 10th, 1900, approved.
Notice to be given according to rules of
Court and to lie laid liefore the grand Jury at
next term. HV THE Cot'ltT.
K. I». No. j. December Sessions, lsiis. In re
petition of citizens of Clinton township for
change of a public road, being a portion of
the riiad known as the I'lightown road. l>e
glnnliig at a point on lands of Ji>scph .lones
and extending to where suld road Intersects
a public road known as the l.ardln's Mill
road. September »>t h, IHWt, reports »et aside
and reviewers appolned by the Court, who,
on December lit h, I«1IU. tiled their report, set
ting forth that a vacation change and sup
ply Is needed as desired by thu petitioners,
and that the name supply is necessary for a
public road, and have laid out the same for
public use having had regard for tin. short
est distance and that which would do least
Injury to private property. Damages In the
sum of Sl.Yim. assessed to U. O. Wood, to be
paid by Hutler county. March 17th. 1900,
supplemental draft tiled. March 17th. I'.tiO, a
supplemental draft having been tiled In this
case by permission Of Court, t he wldt h of t he
mail is fixed al .tl f< el. as shown by said sup
plemental draft. Notice to lie given accord
ing to rules of Court. I»V THB CuUKT.
Certified from the record this Zlrd day of
April, num. .
WI 1.1.1 AM P. TUKNRK,
Clerk <>. li.
[pfc a postal card to
| |K| Ir* or call up No. 41
1 I I of the People's
(■ ifrKrJt I'll one or Hell
>V. 13. McQEARY'S
new wagon, ruuninj; to and from nis
Steam Carpet-Cleaning
establishment, will call at your house
take away your dirty carjiels and return
them in a day or two as clean as new.
All 011 a summer morning—Carpets,
rugs tttid curtains thoroughly cleaned or.
short notice.
Insuranci 1 and Real Eslate
Kough and Worked Lumlier of all Kinds
11.i.irs. Sash and Mouldings,
till Well Klgs a Specialty.
(>Hlce and Yard,
R, Cunningham and Monroe HM.,
near West, penn Depot,
KtlTl.Klt. PA |
Work of ari lias just been issued in New
York at an outlay of over #icio.oo.> for
which Ihe publishers desire a Manager
in this county, also a good solicitor;
good pay to rigl t party. Nearly 100
full page engravings, sumptuous paper,
Uiiminjtcd covers and binding?; over
?oo golden lillies in the morocco bind
ings; nearly 100 goi.len roses in the
cloth bindings Sells at sight; presses
running day and nigtlt so great is the ,
si'e. Christian men and women making ,
fortunes taking orders. Rapid MM ;
lions. One Christian woman made clear ;
#SOO in four weeks 'aking orders among i
her church acquaintances and friends. '
Write us. II may lead to 11 permanent •
paying (msilion to manage our business I
and look after our large correspondence, 1
which you can attend to r.ght at your j
home. Address S. C. KNOwI.KS,
General Secretary,
12 Kast 15th Street, New York, i
WANTED Christian man or wo- ,
man to quality for permanent position of
trust in your home county. s*s° yearly.
Enclose self-addressed, stamped enve
lope to K S. WALI.ACK, General i
Secretary, care of the CIXUKN. I
sOf Bed Room Suits J
/Arrived Last Week i
/ They come from a man/ t
f ufacturcr that makes notlv y
\ ing but reliable goods, The i
\ lower priced ones arc con- J
C structcd and finished with J
/ the same care as the fine )
? suits. If you are interest- s
/ ed in Bed Room furniture V
f we believe (his stock will V
S please you, /
| Bed Room Suit j
> $22. |
j Hard Wood Suit, Oolden Ash, /
C well made and nicely finished. \
f Full size bed, nicely carved (
/ Dresser has a beveled mirror and J
\ neat brass trimmings. Wash f
C Stand finished to match the >
j Dresser. A very nice suit for the .
I price. )
) Bed Room Suit
i $25.00. |
\ Here's the beHt value for the J
J money we know of. Solid Golden (
N Oak Suit, larKo handsomely carved J
\ lied, dresser has a double top, cast V
C brass trimmings, full swell front t
J of handsomely quarter sawed oak, L
\ beveled mirror, wash stand ha' /
) double top and swell front drawer V
%to match the dresser. A genuine f
i polish finished suit at a saving of \
v five to eight dollars if you bn\ f
/ Bed Room Suit S
\ Solid Oak, polish finish. Cast \
< Brass triinniings, double tops on N
Dresser and Wash Btnnd. Large /
Sbol with handsome carving. A/
. very fine suit for the price. J
; butler, ha a
Good Fu and Work Ouir<olud.
Karl Schluchter,
Practical Tailor and Cutter
125 W. Jefferson, Hufler, Pa.
Busheling, Cleaning and
Repairing a Specialty.
W\NTEI> llone-,1 man t.r wormiri l<> Imv. I
forliiru.- house: Jilarj «i"'
null In. l>a»'-. I.usilion 1,. 11l 11.1.
.1. 111. I.is.- h. lf-iiiniie»>< .1-tanilM-U » inoloj,e
MA.NAUEtt. .iJOCNjiou IjlUk-. l lileasfO.