Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 03, 1900, Image 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1900.
NOTE—AII advertisers intendlDz 10
nine s in their ads. should notify us ot
aelrlotention t< u v> 11 it laK-r than Mon
ty mornitnj.
Sheriff » Sale for May 25
Mrs J. E. Zimmerman's Fue Sale.
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman's Millinery
Burton's Clearance Sale.
Bickel s Shoes
Rediek & Grohman s Paint.
Douthett 4c Graham s Clothing.
Patterson Bros Wall Paper.
Newton s Pianos.
Wool Wanted.
Horse for sale.
C. & T's furniture.
Administiaiors and Executors of estates
j*n secure their receipt books at the (JITI
?E.\ ».IB'-e. and persons making puMlc sal> s
"A mother hen one summer's day
A yellow orange laid.
Then cackling loud, she walked away
And much hauteur displayed.
The other hens looked on and sighed:
The roosteis were dismayed.
"See! see!" her little chicks all cried.
"The orange marmalade!
- Butler has eighteen blacksmith
—Nearly all the oats in. and some po
—Butler needs a street-sprinkler a
dozen of thein.
—Some people won't even pay atten
tion, if they can help it.
—Onr esteemed townsman, J. liradei;
Black, i* siiil to be booked for the post
—Setting oat plants by electric light
is dangerous. Yon are liable to be sun
—Two hundred men were killed by
an explosion in a coal mine in Utah,
—The early morning gas-engine do<-.-
not make as sweet a note as the song
—<>ne of the attractions promised for
the coming Centennial it> an old-time
stage coach.
—The shirt-factory people have en
gaged thirty-five girls to begin work
nest Monday.
The Pittsburg Bowling Club will
try it again with the Butler boys at the
Palace, tonight.
- Curing a punctured tire by faith is
a new id»-a, and neither Cronenwett or
Mardorf like it.
Butler is an "only Kxprennien say
it is the only place in state represented
by four express companies.
- Sirius, the "dog-star," has been un
usually brilliant in the northwestern
Sky for the past few nights.
Karl Schlnchter, the tailor, located
on W Jefferson St. next door to the
Wells-Fargo express, guarantees good
work, and a good fit. See card.
The bands of Ottawa now play that
good old melody, "There'll l>e a Hot
Time in the Hull Town Tonight."
K</tect fire* all over the country
make the preservation of ihe forests
more than ever a burning question.
Th< re is a sword in this county that
General Washington is said to have
owned. It will be at the Centennial.
Spreading rails caused the derailing
of two cars laden v/ith coal at Turner's
mines on the Ililiiard branch, Saturday.
- May <lay was celebrated by some la
bor parades in the big towns, and by the
opening of Geo. vV WhitebiU's store in
See T. 11. Burton's big adv. in an
other place, and note hi* price* on
clothing and gent'* furnishings. They
can't be l>eat.
Talking aliout big people, there is a
man named John Spangelour working
at tbe limestone quarries near Forest
ville who in said to l>e 0 feet 7j inches
It i* »»id that nume parties connect
ed with the MeCandle**. Duffy damage
suit had a lively fist fight on tbe road
home after tbe trial was settled last
All member* of the U. V. L. ere re
q nested to meet at their hall in the Rei
ber building next Monday evening, for
the purpose of arranging for their turn
out at the Centennial,
The VanCleet limestone quarry at
Wick station i* to put in a stone crush
er and sell lime for smelting. Ten or
twelve more workmen will Is; employed
when the improvement is made.
The Kan Claire Telephone Co, i*
putting in a telephone service from that
town to Billiard and Annandale *ta
tion*. W. T McDonald is superintend
ing the construction of the line.
The Misener Coal Co. of Erie i*
buying the coal rights to the Seaton
heirs, Thompson, White, Burk and
Vanderlin projs-rties in Venango twp.
and will likely oj>en extensive mines.
Ihe Slipperyrock Normal baseball
team defeats*! the "Our Boys of Etna"
at Hlipperyrock Satnrda<. 10 to I, The
Normals played at Grove City, Monday,
tbe game resulting in a score of '• to 2.
and a dispute.
'I he Patterson Bros handle wall pa
per, window shades and paint*: and
take contractu for pa]>er hanging and
painting. Ju*t at present the halfdoz
en painters and pajs-r hangers in their
employ are kept busy day and nigh t.
Bogg* At. Buhl's new Spring and Sum
mer catalogue Allegheny, Pa., is being
**'ut fiut, and in sending ti* a copy, they
assure ns that they will gladly mail a
copy free to any of our reader* who
send their name and address, with a re
quest for it.
The Butler County National Bank
intends increasing it* capital from SIOO,
000 to i:;oo 000, and has the approval of
tbe Controller of the Currency so to do.
"This will give it double the capital,
make it. the largest bank iu the county
and put ft 011 an equal footing with the
largest, and Iwst. banking institutions of
the state."
S. W. Wright of Ferris postoffice is
making a sjs-cialty of poultry raising.
He has Bnrn-d Plymouth Rock* and Light
Brahma chickens and the Hiie„t flo.-k of
Pckin ducks in the connty Last win
ter bis fowls took prices at every ponl
try sho ,v at which they were exhibited.
Write to him f,, r prit-e* oil eggs and
The insurance on Mrs.Zimmerman's
stock or dry goods wit* satisfactorily
adjusted, last week, an I the damage I
■tock li.n been cleaned and taken to
rooms in the Reiber block, on Jeffcr
son St., opjsisite the L'nvry House,
wherengre.it Fire Bale will begin on
Saturday regarding which -ce Bulletin
No. 1 on our second page.
| —Sow that the grass is growing we
tan have Pasteurized milk.
• —There will probably be tome peaches
in this county this year. We hear of
blossoms in several localities.
—The Bessemer has established a
station at Reiber's mill, east of town,
, with E E. Christley in charge.
—Butler county will receive #54,0#4,96
from the state for its public schools for
this year, and Butler borough will get
i 5.411.95.
—Bogus census enumerators are al
ready reported to be "doing" people.
The real thing. with a medal on it. will
not appear till June Ist.
—April was a phenomenal month in
! the Pennsylvania oil field- During tl.e
month 767 wells were completed, the
i daily production of which is 12,462 bar- :
rels. I
—Ten bricklayers and tenders are at
work on the men s building of the Poor
House: and several stone masons are
laying the foundation for the Adminis
tration building.
—At the meeting of the School Board
of Butler. Tuesday evening, it was de
cided to build an 8-room school-house
on Institute Hill: and the Finance Com
mittee recommended a bond issue for
$50,000 and a tax levy of one and a half
mills for interest and redemption.
-New song
—Five hundred people banquetted at
the Schenley Hotel in Pittsburg, Friday
evening last, in honor of Gen'l Grant's
memory, with Mrs. Grant as a guest
The principal after dinner speakers
were P. M. General, Chas. E. Smith:
Senator Hanna and Congressman Cous
ins of lowa.
Mrs. Patterson Sankey, of Plaingrovf
twp. Lawrence Co., met with a terrible
death last Saturday. She was burning
brush, when her skirts caught fire.
She called for help, and ran about the
yard in a sheet of flames. The family
tried to capture her, but she was crazed
with pain, and after all her clothing
had been burned off she fell to the
gronnd and died.
-At the meeting of Council, Tuesday
evening, the High Constable reported a
large number of defective sidewalks
Finance Committee recommended an
eleven mill tax for all purposes: the
Street Car Co. was authorized to erect
either wood or iron poles: a shooting
gallery ordinance >vas adopted, and the
bonds of the Boro. Treasurer and Over
seers were approved.
—There is a young lady school teach
er in Bntler who during the last few
months has received three letters con
taining drafts payable to her or some
one else luring a similar name and
purporting to be payments to her as an
heir of an estate. The three drafts
amounted to about S4W. The teacher
could have endorsed them and collected
.hem at any bank, bnt as she did not
know herself to be an heir of any es
tate lssing settled up,she sent them back
to remitter.
All the Hilliard valley miners are
on a strike this week. The Grove City
miners,who had been out, went to work
for 4j cents a ton. The Hilliard miners
had been netting 50 cents, bnt were at
once reduced to 45 also. Saturday
night the mines sbnt down and as one
owner expressed it, "they have got to
take a few days to think it over and
find out wether they will work for the
new wages." Under the 50-cent scab
mi ners made from $2 to a day, which
the new cut reduces ten per cent.
The coming total eclipse of the sun,
fine in tin- United .Statin on tbe mom
ing of the '<Wtb of May, will very
probably materially advance onr scien
tific knowledge of this strange pbenom
'•non. (rwitig chiefly to the ready ac
cessibility of the section* where its total
ity occur- much interest. i* already
being shown by the general public
regarding the is-st mean* for amateur
observation* and faets connected with
eclipse history. An article directly in
thin line giving a general account of
the history of eclipse*; what ban lieen
discovered by their aid, and what yet
remains to be elucidated; how they may.
best be observed by one not equipped
with a telescope; the feature* of special
interest to be watched for and the var
ious titnen and places where the totality
may lie Been is published in Appletons
Popular .Science Monthly for May. A
number of maps and diagram* add very
much to the clearness and interest <Sf
the article, which in written by Prof.
t. H. Bigelow of the I'm ted State*
Weather Bureau.
Marriage 1,1 censes.
Lawrence M. Myers Blairsville
Ella M. Bergman ••
John M Graham Clearfield
Lizzie Lineubach Carbon Centre
Andrew ( oyle Coylesvjile
Sara McMahon Butler
John Heim Argentine
Lizzie Kerotia
Valentine Ziimnel Ht Joe Station
Narina Johnson Greer
J. W Wise Butler
\ lolet Howard Baltimore
( ha -. 11. l-aust. Armstrong (U>
Km ma A. Polliard Butler Pa
William C. Badger Brady twp
Mary Iv ( ampbell,. ~Hlipperyrock twp
George Montgomery Butler
Rachel Flick
J'crtiiiaii K. Rowan. . I'ariiassus. Pa
Mary Gregel Butler
I toss It Brown Mars
Jenette Florence Milleinan. Zelienople
A. W. Mackey. Franklin twp
Vina Donble Brady
At leaver Chas F Zen ban of New
Sewickley and Annie (Jreenwalt of
Kvan* City.
Wheat, wholesale price (JO
Ry«. " 4n
Oat*, •< ;j(,
(»rn, •• .j-,
KggM. " 10
Butter, •' ji;
Potatoes. " ' .),)
(Jabbage, per lb \, OH
Apples 11
Lettuce, per lb. ........ 15
Turnip*, per bu 40
Onions, per bu \ \ gjj
t.'arrots, per bu 50
Parsnips, pur bit 50
Chicken, dressed, per lb 10 12
Onions, per dozen bunche* 20
llorse iv»r Hale.
I wisii t.os<*ll a draft horse, weight
1400, 10 years old, price ffS5 cash. in
quire at 7IM Sandusky Si Allegheny,
' H - Kl» II'IKI'IAN.
Ituying Wool
I am buying wool at same location ns
last >ea»on G'-aham Bro's grocery lore
will pay tbe market price in cash, have
no merchandise of any kind to ex
change. W F. Ri;miiki«;kh.
Excursion to Allegheny.
Commencing Sunday, May Oth. the
Sunday excursion fare from Butler to
Allegheny will be one dollar for tickets
good going on train leaving Butler at
H. 05 11. m., ''ity time returning oij train
leaving Allegheny at 5,:t0 p. m. city
Jnst received at Amy & Brown s*
large invoice of Conches. A selection
ol to W in Finest made
Prices the lowest.
M ark ets.
In the case of Harr<-t E. Wat son vs tht
Butler <fc Pittsburg R. R C■. trespas-.
! the jury returned a verdict for the plff.
for $1940.
j J. W. Wiles vs the Peoples" Gas Co..
1 assumpsit. The jury was out over -M
hours and failing to agree were dis-
I charged.
Tillie Campbell vs W. C. Campbell,
suit for divorce. The plaintiff charges
Mrs. Lula Michael vs Sam'l M. Sea
ton. adm'r, appeal by deft, for a judg
ment rendered by J. T. Black. J. P.
Andrew Wahl et al vs the P. & W.
R. R. Co.. summons in trespass, state
ment of Claim SISOO.
L W. Lutton & Son vs Geo. W. Mil
ler. deft., and A. H. Barkly garnishee,
execntion to attach and levy debts.
Mrs. Ellen Stehle has petitioned for
the appointment of a guardian for Jas
C. Stehle, a person of weak mind.
Jacob Brown has petitioned for de
cree of specific performance.
Pro. McCollough was granted leave
to amend the minutes of June 4, 1884.
The will of K. Ann Winner of <>ak
land twp.. has been probated, 110 letters:
also will of Dickson Bartly of Parker
twp. and letters to C. R. Bartly: also
will of Mary Ann McCandlessof Conno
quenessing twp., no letters.
Letters of Adm'n have been granted
to Margaret Reott on estate of Franci-
J. Reott, Jr., of Summit twp.
A colored man who gave himself 110
name, and who is evidently insane, was
committed to jail by Justice Heyl of
A. P. Stewart, convicted a year ago
of embezzlement from a sewing machine
company, was sentenced to four months
in jail.
Frank Leona a South Side Italian,
was arrested Sunday on a charge of as
sault and battery with intent to commit
rape. Next day he was released, no
case being made out against him.
Jackson twp. citizens have petitioned
for a new road to connect the North
Butler—Harmony road with the South
Butler Harmony road, also for a new
bridge over Little Connoqnenessing
creek. C. F. L McQuistion, Solomon
Stewart and Albert Graham were ap
pointed viewers.
Mary Ransell was appointed guardian
of the minor children of Catherine
O'Donnell. dee'd, of Donegal twp. on
petition of their father Peter O'DoonelL
Charles A. Graham was appointed
guardian of Zelle M. Graham, daughter
of Geo K Graham of Penn twp.
David G. Bastian of Zelienople was
apiiointed guardian of Katie and Myrtle
E. H. Adams, Jr. has been appointed
guardian of Cora E., daughter of Rob
ert S. Brown, deed, of Slipperyrock
J. H. F. Campbell, admr, of Thomas
P. HllKard, deed, has petitioned for
leave to sell the- decedent's one eleventh
interest in a 160 acre tract in Washing
ton twp. to pay debts.
John S. Jamison was appointed guar
dian of Paul Thompson of Fairyiew
John A. Eichert. guardian of minor
children of Lydia J. and John J. Lotz,
has been given leave to sell his wards'
bouse and lot in Evans City at public
sale, May 1!», to raise money for main
tenance and education.
Parker township citizens petitioned
for a new county bridge over Bear
Creek on the IJruiri Parker road at the
old Dudley furnaee and Geo. 11. Gra
ham, Thomas Jamison and Jnstice Max
well were appointed viewers.
William Verner has ls<-ri committed
to jail by Esq. Huselton of Chicora for
a&b and surety of the- peace, committed
on his wife some time ago.
J. ]). McJnnkin. Esq., has filed bin
report as auditor of the estate of
Thompson and Maria Shannon. $1000.4-1
was divided among the heirs, etc.
Clearfield and Donegal twp. citizens
have j«;titioiied for a new road to run
from the road loading from Ht. Joe to
Uattigan to the the Millerstown (Joyl'-i
ville road at the Hickey lot George <'
Pillow, John Weigel of Zelienople and
Edward Hay* were appointed viewers.
letter* testamentary on the will of
L. D Ksbenbaugh, dee d.. of (.'lay twp.,
have been granted to Hue Eahcnbatigh.
Letters of administration 011 the estate
of Sarah Davit of Clinton twp., have
been granted to Elizabeth McCall and
Geo. W. Davit, also on the estate of
of Newton Black, Esq., of Butler to J.
B Black.
After deliberating for 'l'l hoar*, the
jury in the fumouH Clarke divorce case
tried in Pitt*burg was unable to agree
and was discharged last .Saturday, by
Judge Kennedy. The latter wan an*
ion* to get a decision if possible, but up
on ts-ing told that the jury could not
agree if it, stayed out until Christmas,
he could do nothing but release it
This mean*another trial, say* flic Dis
patch, and one, it is said which will be
even more sensational than that just fin
ished. It is claimed that only half of
tin- circumstances leading to tlx- suit
were brought out. Next time the case
will be Mifted to tbe bottom.
The arrest of Dr. J. A. Thompson on
the charge of practicing medicine and
surgery without examination or license
made un interesting case at Franklin,
last week. For about two years Dr.
Thompson whoso home is in Titu ville,
ha* been treating patients in that place
Oil City and Franklin, on the principles
of osteopathy a curative process based
on the theory that disease has its seat in
the Isines and muscle*, and that nature
may be made to resume her functions
by a process of kneading and manipula
tion. He was arrested by constable
Brown, of Franklin, on information of
Dr. J F Davis, of Oil City. The de
fense of the accused was that he doc-<
not administer medicine or perform
surgery, and therefore doe* not, come
within tbe law in regard to medicinal
practitioners. The jury took defendant *
view of the matter, and acquitted him
and put the costs oil the county.
Sam'l Crow to C. W. Fi*k lot in Mar*
for $412.50.
J. F Ileckert vs. M M Harbison I'M)
acres in Forward for $1 10.
M. M Harbison to J. F. Heckert I'M)
acres in Forward for ifcMWUiO.
Win. Hamphrey to E. ('. Covert lot
in Portersville for
H. H Boyd to A. W, Duster lot in
Butler for SIOO,
O. Hook* to J. S. ('lark lot, in Mars
for * I '.'M').
D. B. Scbantz u> I'. <fe W. It It. 1
acres in Jackson for itVlO.
( has Black to 1C S Hocketiberry 70
a"re- t in Cherry for SOSO.
11 I' Wise to I H. (i ('rawford lot
in Fair view for A,'io
Eugene Keister to Ida M. Keister 100
acres in Slippery rock for *SO.
John Humphrey, gr d to Jacob C.
Brown acres in Franklin for ijtl.
J 0. Brown to Harlan Book acre*
in Franklin for #{oo.
(». A. Brencrmcr to W. W Harper |h
acres in for i}i'/000.
David Hays to '1 homas Martin,
itcji i> in Hlipperyrock twp. for sl,ooo.
( uroline jslinti to G. A. Gchn, lots in
Kvans ( ity for $0,:i00.
itoliert (ib-nn to Kllzabetli Hchelde
mantel, IHO iwre* in Muddyreek for
H. L. I'rot 7,111 an to Hudsoii Samson,
lots in Jack on ' • t-VK).
II ('. Litzni, .0 Margt Leonard
lot in MillcrstoWn for fc'iso.
James Sutton to Lewis |,. Sutton fi
acre* in (Joncord for fIOO
Isaac S Lefever to Alls-rt Perry 10M
acres in Jefferson twp for &|i«iO.
William Pearee to Peter Orubb, 117
acres in < lurry for 4H 175.
Frank Morall t<, Mr*. Lena Stehle, lot
on W North St. Butler for $1 ,<JOO.
Julia Davison to Dr .1 C Barr, lot ill
Mar* for #l,o*lo,
Frederick Mender U> Geo W Gartner
'1 acres in Crunlierry lor ij'.lliO.
< !elia Clowes Ui John Kehrquit clan
to 50 acres 111 Summit for fl.Vi
Music scholars wanted at 128 West
Wayne St.
Chas. A. Clark of Greece City was ii
town, last week.
Henry Post, of W. Win field was ii
Butler. Monday.
Win. Costello has been reeommendec
; for P M. at Ferris.
Frederick Meeder of Cranberry twp
was in town, yesterday.
Susan Reed, of Butler.has been grant
I ed a pension of $8 per month
J Mrs. J. H. Fleming of Letonia, O . is
visiting her folks in Penn twp.
I W. D. Brandon. Es'p. was a business
; visitor in Harrisville. last week.
| Charley Book and Dr. Grove, of
j Anandale were in town, Tuesday.
Roy Christley is in poor health, and
is taking a week off at Cambridge.
Russell Vandyke, of Marion town
ship, was in town, on business, yester
Conrad Sell and wife, of Winfield
township, did some shopping in Butler.
Ralph Minks of Kittanning. a Co. E
veteran of the Spanish war, is visiting
in Butler.
John R. Henninger has purchased
himself a fine driving mare from Har
risville parties.
A. K. Kohlmeyer. of Venango town
ship, has returned home from the West
Virginia oil fields.
Mark Swartzlander has purchased a
property, back of the jail, and is build
ing an addition to it.
Mac Baylor is starting a stone quarry
on the Clvmer heirs property 011 Win
field township, near West Winfield.
Chas. A. Bailey, Ed Bingham and
Ed. Magee went on a two day sucker
fishing expedition near Harrisville, last
Mr. Heydrick, made us a present, this
week, of a bonquet of trailing arbutus,
grown 011 the North side of his house 011
Bluff street.
Henry Bander and Robert Glenn of
near Portersville were to town, Monday,
and the latter sold his farm to Peter
Shiedmantle for S7IOO.
Dewey was in Butler county for half
an honr or so last Sunnay night. He
passed over the I J . <Xr W. on his way
from Washington to Chicago.
Ex-Deputy Sheriff A M Campbell is
now clerking for T. 11. Burton; while
James B. Young went down street a
little further ynd is now with Mr. Steele
of the Surprise Store.
Simoon Nixon writes from Califor
nia and sends an almanac owned by his
grand-father ?26 years ago, as bis con
tribution to the relics for our
coming Centennial Celebration.
Will Findley of New York and wife
visited his folks in Butler lately. Will
is yet in the railroad business, and is
doing well. He is married and keeping
house in the upper part of the city.
Sigh Ann, the Dowager Empress of
China, has deprived several of her
Mandarins of their rank and sentenced
them to imprisonment for life for being
progressive in their ideas. She makes
them Tsigh.
W. C. Barron is meeting with luck
in a field near Bowling Green, Ohio
From a paper of that town, dated April
24, I'.tifi, we take the following: "Mr.
W. C. Barron's well No. I, section 28,
Liberty township, on the 11. M Sterling
farm, came in Sunday and was tnbed.
For the first i! 4 hours after the shot it
made 4 feet in a 250 barrel tank or a
total of 120 barrels. The well was shot
John Alien, who has been a govern
ment inspector and undertaker in Cuba,
has returned to the U. S. for the sum
mer and is visiting bin old employer
M. A. Herkimer Mr. Allen brought
home a large collection of interesting
mementos of his stay in Cuba, among
them being a one pound projectile which
he took from its embedment in the
Spanish ship, Viscaya, and a large steel
bnrr off the same ship. He may return
to Cuba in the full.
VVliitcliili'M Opening.
"Comparisons are Odious but if
George W. Whitehill ha* not tbe hand
*ome*t store front in Butler, we do not
know who has. It irt the only,all stone,
front in the town; excepting the Court
House, and we hope it will be taken for
a model by all future builders. Tues
day was a glad May Day for George, as
it was bis first day in hi* new room,
which he ha<l rigged up with all 'the
latest and best in gas fixtures and
lights, bath-room and toilet, articles,arid
everything in his line. Thousands of
people dropjicd in to se< him during the
day and evening.
Olk Oi.son This Evknino.
Ben Hendricks, the successful Ameri
can actor is the creator of a new char
acter, which has been added to the
American stage personalities, and which
has come to stay.
The "Swede in America," has been
found to possess distinct characteristics,
which entitles him to and has gained
for him popular favor, whenever be i*
presented in an acceptable comedy.
Ben Hendrick s impersonation* embrace
"Yon Yonson" and a Yenuine Yentle
man, but in none of these has the pub
lie shown as much interest as in the
celebrated "Ole Olson."
Grand Opera House Pittsburg
Next week James K. Wilson, the
leading man of lie- Grand Opera House
stock company, bids farewell to Pitts
burg. The play chosen for his final
week i* one ibat gives him exceptional
opportunities, and hi* last appearances
will doubt I"- the occasion lor crow
ded house* all week at the Grand.
The play is In Mizzoura , a Nat Good
win succchs, and Mr. Wilson, who docs
all things well, is always at hi* best
when following in Mr. Goodwin's roles.
He has achieved big successes in those
previously produced by the stock com
puny, and "In Mizzoura" gives him a
role that is particularly adapted to his
All persons knowing themselves to be
indebted to Mrs J. K Zimmerman are
requested to call and settle immediately
the late lire make* this necessary
your prompt attention given this mai -
ler will confer a great favor.
Km. j. iv /i mmman.
i:\cursioii to Washington via.
Pittsburg & Western Railway.
Account of Imperial Council Order of
Mystic Shrine. One fare for the round
trip. Tickets on sale May I si, i;i) and
lst. good returning until May siHt.li.
I mpiirc of agents for further pari icnlars
Go Carts' Go (farts!! Amy A Brown
have their third large invoice now
enroiite and I tie season only begun.
Why do we sell them? Right prices,
artistic designs and first class workman
ship answers it. I f we don't just have
the design in stock you want we will
get it for you "awful" quick A large
selection always >u hand to select from.
Another large invoice of Bedroom
suits just received at Amy Brown's.
Competition is not in it when you com
pare quality and price* here. Think of
it' A line Oak Hint (three piece*) for
only lilt! See them quick while they
Yes we are selling Go-Carts The
popularity of design, coupled with right
price* have caused the large stock
rceently received to move *o rapidly
that we have already ordered another
large invoice which is now due to arrive.
You won't eare to look elsewhere after
seeing the beautiful designs and noting
prices at. Amy Ac Brown's. See us while
the selection is complete.
You will be needing some new piecu
of Furniture no doubt, soon. If you
want to select from the most, up to date
Furniture Store in the county call at
Amy <V, Brown's We have what you
want and the priceit and quality are
right. Watch these columns
Part leu wi'-hiug to purchase or sell
oil oroiiertics, farm*, city residences or
leal e late of any kind, should call upon
Win. Wa!ker t in Kctterer's b'd'g,opposite
I', O. liullcr Pa. i'coplcs Phone No. 17. J.
iu The farm house on the Flowers farm
east of Harrisville was destroyed by tire
on Tuesday of last week. The house
IU was occupied by Willis Michael. The
fire started from sparks from the chiui
•d ney igniting the roof while Mrs Michael
was preparing dinner, and had gained
too great headway to be put out when
discovered. Part of the furniture was
saved. The loss was about £IOOO.
t_ During the late dry weather forest
] fires burned over thousands of acres of
$ timber in Butler county. A tire near
•Six Points. Allegheny township. Sun
day. is reported to have bnrned an oil
" rig. On Saturday two men passing
through the woods near Ferris on the
f Milliard branch, carelessly dropped a
match after lighting their pipes, and
| started a fire which bnrned over 500
'' j acres of timber land 011 the Yanderlin.
: Sea ton. Burk and Murrin farms Fences
. ! and underbrush were licked up cleau.
_ and young trees killed by the sap being
l>oiled at their roots. Some of the
larger ones are strong enough to endure
' the fire. The fire necessitates the cutting
'• of the timber to prevent its total loss.
Small game has suffered severely from
the fires. During the fire near Ferris
' rabbits with their hair siuged oft were
seen fleeing l»efore the flames. Many
others, dazed, ran into the fire and were
1 burned. There is talk of prosecuting
- the men who started the fire.
i In Donegal township a stretch of
| territory over two miles in lentfth was
r burned over, and John Burford's build
ings had a close call. The fire was
4 started by a careless teamster, who
dropped a lighted match in the woods.
TIOOA Co—The sensation in oil circles
last Thursday was the striking of a well
I in the Gaines field in Tioga county,
r that started off at 3UHO a day, and was
| doing 14<hi next day. 700 the next and
so 011. The new field is located iu the j
western edge of Tioga county, and
- probably makes all of Potter county,
{(♦'tween it and McKean good territory.
1 The pay sand is fonnd at a depth of but!
■',l)o feet. The property owners of that j
f vicinity are asking a half royalty and a
VKNANUO— H. T. Murrin and sews
have a well in the sand on their own j
j farm Rowley & Morgan are on the !
Bass Sloan farm. A good well will j
. establish a new line of good territory '
between the Sloan field and the Mc-1
Junkin farm.
Bi'TL'CK -Gahagan «.t('o. hayefinish j
ed a 100 foot well 011 the Thomas Lind- '
sey. No estimate is given on its pro- j
T. W. Phillips latest two wells on the
McCalmont farm, Nos. 57 and sh, have
been completed and ve each good for 0
or H barrels a day. About half the
total number of wells drilled on the
farm are in operation.
CUNTO.V Twi'. South of Clinton
I twp., T. W. Phillips, got a duster on
t the Wiley farm. His well on the Haz
lett came in yesterday and will lie a
good producer, J. Q. A. Kennedy start
ed the well and sold out to Phillips.
Kobt. McFarland, an employee at
Purvis' mill was struck in the stomach,
last Friday afternoon, by a piece of
board that ran "wild" through the ma
chine and seriously injured.
Hospital Donations lor April.
Wilton rug, Mrs. A. W. McCollough;
maple syrup and sugar, Mrs. Dr. Wil
liams. flowers, 2nd I'res. church, Mrs.
L. it. Schmirtz and Mrs. B. C. Husel
ton plants. Geo. Ambuster; cake, Mrs
Jennings; lettuce, .las. Hhanor; hypoder
mic: syringe, Feicke Fsro-i. Pittsburg;
magazines, ('. A. Bailey; jellies, Mrs.
F. Grief, ('liicora: for sky light
and operating table, Plate Glass Co.
Why don't you get a New Royal Sew
ing Machine from Amy & Brown. Your
neighbor got one. We will sell you
three machines for the Iffls the "agent"
price for one. Each machine warranted
ten years. No better machine made.
New, four-room house for sale In
quire at this office
A Sharp Cut
Wc have a fine anil extensive
line of some of the handsomest
we have ever bought, and insure
you the highest quality yon can
get anywhere. Our suits always
fit well and look well.
Order Your Spring Suit
At once.
Wedding Suits a Speciality.
(ooper &• (0.,
Leading Practical Tailors.,
Wall Paper.
Next Door to Postoffice.
Pianos Tuned, Voiced and
Now is the time to have your
I'iano looked after. You want a
reliable man to do the work, not
one that is here today and gone
tomorrow. "Tramp Tuners" gen
erally half do their work if they
know how to do it at all. A great
many pianos get the blame when
the tuner (?)is at fault. lam here
to stay and guarantee all work.
J. c CAVER, at Newton's I
Music Store, or 109 Water Street,
1 Sutter, I'a.
Instruction given on all instru
** m ***** *## * * ***■ 'f * ****
%**■*, 4HMH**#******** H *******
;If !i 1 WHITE ROCKS and
I'rJ/• ■ wlfiitiii . mid I >••• i»ro#luc«i of prl/«
tin 1 Y'w . mi iir-.j f |.«» for l.»: ul ,of.l J)
Hl «i ».M« for HH toyunl. Circular* f»«<
Address Charloa J. Stuckcy,
Mii( lmnlc»l)ur K. Ohio
1 The Ministerial Association will meet
e in Y. M. C. A. hall on next Monday.
; May 7. at 2p m. Rev. E. S. White will
? lead in discussing "Interpretation of
A happy event at the Orphans' Home
Tuesday, was the marriage of R> v.
' Ch;w- H. Faust and Miss Alverda Poll
iard. Rev. P. C. Prugh officiated, as
sisted by Revs. D N. Harnish and E.
D. Hassler The bride has been con
' nected with the Home nearly 8 years,
■ first as a pupil and latterly as an employ
ee. The groom taught in the Home for
several years and i? now the present
pastor of the Reformed church near
Adams P. O. Armstrong Co. The wed
ding party lett on the evening train for
Cambridge Springs, and in two weeks
will be at home in their parsonage.
Farm of 61 acres, two miles north of
West Sunbury, good house, good water.
Will sell cheap or exchange for small
farm near Butler. See W. J. BLACK,
Gas stoves in all styles and prices at
W. H. O'BRIEN & Sox's,
107 E. Jefferson St.
Office in the "CITIZEN" building.
Office in Relber building, corner Main
and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on
E. Cunningham.
Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlet
Special attention given to collections
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank. or
Butler County National Bank
! A.T. BLACK. IUA >I. I : K
1) Attorneys-at-law,
| Armory Building, Butler, Pa.
! Office in Wise building,
Room 8., Armory buildup.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But
ler, Pa.
Office 6n Main St. near Court House.
I M. rAIN I'l.K,
Office between IVistoff.ee and Diamond
Has located in the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for Dental
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office next to postoffice.,
Formerly known as the "Peerless
Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located
permanently at 1j 1 East Jefferson St.,
Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do
dential operations of all kinds by the
latest devices and up-to-date methods
1/ Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 E. Jefferson St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery.
Office 106 W. Diamond St., [Dr
Graham's old office. ]
HOUIH 7 to 9a. m. and I to 3 and 7 to
H p. m.
New Troutman Building, Butler, Pa.
\\r H. BROWN,
Office 236 S. Main St., opji. P. O.
CAIIH at office.
200 West Cunningham St.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
hk. N. M. HOOVKR.
137 K. Wayne St., office Hours. 10 to'
12 a. 111. 1 and to 3 p. Rl.
Office near Court House.
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Opticla
N'-xt ')<> or to Court Home, Butler. I'n
W. S. & E. WICK,
ICohkli ami Work ml l.urjibi-r of u!| Kinds
lioortt, Hash awl Moulding*,
oil Will lllifi a S|M«:t<tlty.
< 11111 ■«■ and yard.
I ( iiniiliiL'lmiii ami Monroe Hl*.,
m ar West I'onn lienol,
111 TI.KK I'A
PaillHili 1111 -1!<•;»<I /»_
and eyes are very /, 'v"
annoy inn. inedi \ ''/Y
will not help \. \t\ >v
trouble of this Jk {/
kind when they (y*
come from defer \y \ f "jl S\
live vision, M|M)cta •'//
f|i " are the proper A "Vi a
remedy I use the /j yt I 1) 1,4
Intent tents in ror \ /-i
reeling errors of t/ / • / AT~J
efraetion and fji /^\\
I iii« speetaeles unil uuarautee satinfac
lion. ('oiisiiltiition free.
CA!<lv If. b6ltilfN6K,
NO3IIIIH. Main Htreet llutlor, I'a.
My In I f« f« t-fitri , nr.- I,y r iml o|in« r*».
A m pit . .• •«I lo i.-r. 1 you lo I In- following
liarl I*-*, all of whom lutvr jiliino-t
of 11,. AHJ< IIK HI Itow L.ln*y llk«* UH-111 au<l
my iiH-thod of <lolnj< lniHlm sn.
< nil*. I ll* rr It 1111•-r. I'll
1 1 1111 lelton
Mm. Mora M Hmltli
Ml*.. Klnniioi' Kiirfoti
Ml. A una Mi l luwlli .
\ W M.i. .
| tU
W .1 A 1 Hint ronir "
onv« r riioiii|iion
I.' *t i.'uiniiiiu^ii
I II Uli hay
I A HI u 1
1 i 2
' H Tl.oi„|,Hori "
• lon« |>li WMIMIK
"•iilnlH'l \V*NI(|H
I' lllftll
r. (iriMlll
W t ( rr I* -
I 1.. . r
loliti M Mill. 1 [
J*•» I',||||||l4 1| Uglll'H
litiiM-H ll||tfnr<t •'
!>«» you it tiiatio?
Cull and mrc in«* HIK! talk tin- matter Q
<»V I I< an make* il Ui your iut« rent to 5
'lo ».o. Vif*itor» alway* wclronic.
W. It. NEWTON, y
317 South Main St. Butler Pa.
Peerless I'ills Cure Constipation.
Sol letter tlitn thf but better Uutn tlic rr*t
' Not like other pills." Price 25c.
Peerless I'ills Cure Constipation.
j Not better tiuu the best, but better than the r»*>t.
, "Not like other pills." Price 25c.
' Peerless I'ills Cure Constipation.
Vit i.ffU-r than tue beet, but better tiuui the ri-ct.
"Not like other pills." Price 25c.
i'eerless Piils Cine Constipation.
Not better than the beet, but better thau the rest
"Not like other pills." Price 25c.
Peerless Pills Cure Constipation.
Not better than the best, but better than the reet.
"Not like other pills." Price 25c.
Peerless I'ills Curej Constipation.
Not better thnn the beat, but lietter than the
"Not like other pills." Price 25c.
(You can get them at BOYD'S.)
Jeanetti' Ealy / Court of <'<>ij)!non l'leas of
vs Butler Co., I'a.
Solomon Ealy. 1 A. f). No. 'J9, Sept. T., LS'.W.
Book 30, page >l.
To Solomon Ealy. you are hereby notified
that service of sul>|><i*u.'i having been had, in
above entitled case, for a divorce absolute,
and no appearance having been entered by
you; the petitioner will proceed ex parte be
fore the Common l'leas Court of Butler Co.,
I'a.. to be holden at Butler, I'a.. on Tuesday,
the .".'nil day of May. A. I>. lMOl).
Letters of administration on tlic estate
of Ervilla Miller, dee'd., late of Adams
township, Butler Co., I'a., having been
granted to the undersigned, all j>ersons
knowing thctnselves Indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pa/-
tnent, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Myoma, Pa.
S. F. & A. BOWSER, Att'ys.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
George W. Mushrush, dec'd., late ot
Centre twp., Kutler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment,and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement to
or > Kx'rs.
Butler, Pa.
New Drug Store.
MacCartney's Pharmacy
New Room.
Fresh Drugs.
Everything new and fresh.
Prescriptions carefully com
pounded by a Registered
Try Our Soda
R A. MacCartney
Jno- S. Wick's.
42 S. Main St., Butler, Pa
Opposite I'. O.
luff Plymouth Rock-Eggs]
From Prize Winning Stock,
tock as Good as the Best.
Subftcrihe for The Citizen
T.H. burtons
Spring and Summer
Clearance Sale.
To reduce my stock of g-,ods and make room to renovate
my store room. I offer the following line of clothing and fur
nishings which are all new goods at the extremely low prices
mentioned below, marked down from the actual selling price.
Sale to commence SATURDAY MORNING, HAT sth,
1900, and continue for 30 days. Sale strictly for cash as I
need money and room.
400 Pair Men's Pants. 386 Boy's Knee pant Suits.
All 6.00 pants at 4.73 ' Sizes 8 to 15 years.
" 5.00 " " 3.98 All 7.00 Suits at 5.39
" 4-5° " "3 69 " 6.00 ) •• " 4.98
" 3-5o _ " " 2.79 6.50 |
" 3.00 " " 2.39 " 500 " " .3.98
" 2.00 " " 1.69 " 4.50 " " 3.69 .
" 1.50 " " 1.15 " 3.50 " " 2.98
" 1.00 " " 69c " 3.00 " " 2.59
670 Pair Boy's Knee Pants. 2 ' s ° " 2 ' l £
All 1.25 Pants at i.oo " '-5° " " 113
" 1.00 " " 79c " 100 " " 89c
« cor •• - The Entire Line of Child's
" 25c " •« 19c Vestee Suits ' 3to 7 years.
324 Men's Suits. A " 500 Suits at 3-98
" 450 " " 369
All 20.00 Suits at 15.98 " 400 " " 2.98*
" 18.00 " " 13.98 " 3-5° " " 2.69
" 15.00 I " " 12.98 " 300 14 " 248
" 16.50 ) " 2.50 " " 2.19
" 12.00) " " 11.98 " 2.00 " " 1.59
" 14.00 f One lot " 1.25
•' 648 Underwear.
7.50 " " 5.98 All 50c Men's Summer Merino
" 5.00 " " 3.79 underwear 39c
.79 Boy's Long pant Suits. *F £
All Suits at 12.98 " 100 colored shirts 79c
16.00 | "50c •' dress " 39c
12 00 89 Straw Hats. .
" 10.00 " " 8.79 A
" 8.00 i " " 6.98 All 50c straw hats 39c
8.50 ) " 25c " " 19c
" ?:£} " " 569 Ties.
s°° " " 3-79 All 50c Ties at 39c
Also lot of Boy's Long Pant " 25c " "19c
Suits, size 10 to 14 years, re- B _
duced to $2.39. Rubber Coats.
Suspenders. A'l 3.50 Mackintosh Coats at 2.75
i " 2.50 " " " 1.99 •
All 25c Suspenders 19c I " 5.00 Policeman's rubber
" 50c Sweaters 39c J coats at 3.79
T. H. Burton,
I 1 ft South Main • Street, Butler, Pa.
A good dresser always attracts aU -iny using a little judg
ment even the moderate salaried man can dress attractively and look
stylish and neat.
Drop in and let us give you a few pointers on Spring Suits.
Our business is to dress people and dress them perfectly. We do
not and will not handle any clothing that is not made right.
now we show a well assorted line of
Sults aa|
Each and every garment guaranteed to fit and wear well.
The new spring shapes are now shown.
The largest assortment we have ever shown.
Fabrics are as fast color as can be. PRICE 60c TO $1.50.
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.
°» r Millinery Department
Re-opened In the DUFFY DLOCK,
Koom formerly occupied by
D. A. HECKt asla clothiiuj story.
Where we have an entirely new stock of up-to-date
Millinery, Hats, Flowers and Millinery Novelties.
Will be pleased to see our friends and patrons.
linery department—the stock of millinery in other store all destroyed.
These Are All New Goods—
Frosh, Stylish, Up-to-Dato Millinery, such as we al
ways show, at less prices than clsowhore.
* : —------ — ■ i >
We have an immense stock of all fresh new goods of the latest
designs and colorings, and more arriving daily.
And we arc making special prices on all.
Also special prices on WINDOW SHADICS.
5 Picture and Mirror Framing a Specialty, j
Estimates given on Painting,
Paper Hanging and Docorating.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes.
Patterson Bros.,
236 North Main Street, Butler, Pi
Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400