Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 12, 1900, Image 3

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*UTE~AII - ndi&* to mal»e
aanc *ln their a■*> nboulil u- 1 *>' **} °*
It:r ioMfiiti.n. to d. 08. tir Moo
. taorniac.
Teachers Examinations
Richey's Easter Candy.
Martincourt d£ Cc » Harne-s etc.
Wick's Furnishings.
Leighner s Jewelry.
Pisor's local.
Agent wanted
Horses wanted.
Cooper & Co s clothing
Amy & Brown s locals.
C. T s furnitnre.
Admlnl-.iiarxl Executors of *»**'-:■•
nu •ecnr* their receipt book-. the <_l I 1-
ZKN oft: - at.«J per, ;in u-' •• '" '
.ii-.lt note books.
The Lowry House is to have a rlate
--Our Plate Glass stock continue- to
—The new street-car lines will run
into money.
All dog property should be tied up
these daj s.
—A girl can look killing in an Easter
bonnet without a bird.
—The bicycler jumping on his wheel
ia another sign of Spring.
No ma'.ter how nigh an Easter hat
may be the «irls can talk over it.
—The days of youth are happy, and
the nights should be looked aft--r.
—Richev makes a grand display of
Easter toys and candies. Se«- a/1 v.
The egg has an old Easter relation,
but the rabbit hat no tale to sj»eak of.
—All the birds are back and the
Song Sparrow makes the sweetest note.
Our independent producers have
been in a dazed state since last Friday.
When the retire before the
English they take their traps with them.
- As time is money, the returning
Spring may Is- looked npon as a green
The County Commissioners bought
a team, new wagon and harness for the
Poor Farm last week.
—Those little porkers in the candy
store windows illn-trate the connection
between ham and eggs.
When yon bave done a charitable
act don't Isjastof it. If you do ym
may Is- called npon to do it again.
Overseers of the I*o>r. Miller and
McLure, have turned ov-r a list of J590
paupers to the County Commissioners.
—H. G. Koegler, the HanuAhstowri
undertaker, is handling wall paper and
moulding His P. O. address is Denny.
The Dublin reception to the Queen
was a spe<-tac|e, though England hasn't
berii in the habit of giving Ireland much
of a show.
—We have received a neatly bound
copy of the IH'M school laws and deci
sions of Pennsylvania, with the compli
ment* of Supt. Howard Painter.
A sample of each strata of r<sk tak
en from the South Perm's well now be
ing drilled on the McOarvey farm, near
Trou'inan, is to be taken to Paris.
•G. (.' Gregory of Saxonbnrg is a
practical painter and paper hanger;
guaranteed flrct-class work, promptly
done and solicits your trade in his line.
The Hotel Laube, Saxonbnrg, sets
an excellent table, ifs sleeping rooms
are clean, large and w<-JI furnished arid
Proprietor Ifcierr makes everyone feel at
home in his hostelry. *
Home two dozen (log* of the we«t-
Kide have lately gone to dog heaven via
the Mfrlcknine route, The pol*on wn*
tß(wrted in mi-Eft or ItoloKn* anil t VI«-TI
<lropp<*l on tli»- *tr< t or thrown into the
There ih no j»r»;tti<-r night on a farm
than nice l/ig of huff chick* Huff
Plymouth H'i<'k* or UufT Leghorn'
Egg* of the 4«; varieties can be bought
from C. J. Hturk-y, Mecharii'-abnrg, O.
See adv.
The monthly younj< folk*' recejiMon
of the Y. M, ('. A. wa« held I ant Thura
(Jay evening. the ladle* of the M K.
church being in charge. After a brief
TiiOMicml an«l literary program, coffee
and cake were nerved. A banket (mil
«flm<! wa* played
(i-rit-rnl Manager F. I». I "nderwood
of the |J Ac 11. railroad in authority for
this »t 11"-■ i'• it that th'' I'. <V. W I* nriw
a pitrt of t!ie JJ. it O. Hyuteci ami ha*
bufi nine.; tlin death 'if ('alvin Bricx,
sn'l only the l«j{«l trarnfer i« wanting
11 make the ileal complete
flat/! OIIMII Workn ofllciaU Kive the
dl-im -t in of thr-c o; the twelve tah]e»
in ih> i/rin ihiK ■'at 'X fw-i, an«l nine
at t"it 'l'll II n i i .y.e of a tuhl in
other I "ior < i m :.'I! leet, MO that whtli
thre<- of th' tatih ire larger than the
average, nine are umaller,
The H. K A J» will run an eicrtr
"lon train lo PittuhtirK on next Hnrnlay
I banter The train will |«nve ' 'mifff.
villi: at II M't, t'enelton at, !t M, liutler at,
10:00 am : and arrive at Allegheny at
II.'!" itetnrnlriK IcaVCH till- I'. A W.
Hi it on in Alles(h<uy at •! 'ill |> in. The
furii for the round trip i« 4>l.
V'irunken man kick" 1 a barrel of
H id nui<iti% Htindic; in front of Henry
Miller'® ({roc.iry «tor« down the bum
nu nt ntcpH lnt.< the oillar, Tncwiny,
I'olbu'Uiari Mitchell - iw it.
Hi'tn ai«l took him into the <1 ire wle r 1 )
hi«il( ' k -out him 41 <i .;it ZimtDM
man K"t tb" dollar for pl'-i \nn up the
At li tw-linx of Hi'* Butler School
li- Monday i-Y'iiili;', the Thayer
brother* of New Ca*tle were selected an
architect* tor tin- proftowd «chool iitilld
Jnif on Inntitnte If ill, and Ownley of
Yn>ir»i?<dowu for the Firm Ward build
In -t Tli ■ lot of O. I Kiddle 1,11 Mi hill
was purchased for :>0 and ( -
I-t will l>e occ.tlpb-d under the »ch<»d
law. The locution for th> Hprini{dale
ImildillK ha* 1 tot yet been decided upon
The Hoard propoan erecting liv*-foorn
building*. planned n* to l«» readily
One of the moit iiitere*tin|( of the
old hooka in Hntler, at j»re > nt, i* th«-
account (took of the old M><hling hotel,
for the ><ar» IHJO. 1911 and l*|ii. Ail
our male aticeHtora (apd a few of thi
ol Iter •»•*, luid account* at the hotel
probably on account of the lack of
change in tin me day*- and there are
charge* airaiii-t all of them for "one gill
of whliky, '••-iit«»;" "one (junrt of
whinky 1 cnth j,ml of Kin id centi.
et<'., which KIIOW- that iiijuor wax very
< hap thou-<lav« hut win 11 it ( line to
fmicy or niixe<t drlnkH K *llii««. I'
(j. 'fwhj hrandy. (' 'cherry ; iMHnee wlin -
«Kfr UOK, etc the ebarxex are l!»), gr, •
an' 1 "iH centu while n f.-w botthw of
wine lire churKed at tl fl. VI and ♦'J.
CaL Wise of Penc twp. was in town
Mrs. Elvira Lyon is l«ck from
L C. McClyniond- of Evans City wa>
in town on bn-ines«, Tuesday.
Will Hevdrick and family have gone
to housekeeping at 310 W Peen St.
Charlie Godwin ha* opened a jewelry
and repair -h. •> on Jeffer- -n street.
Dr. O. P. Piaorof North Hope was a
business visitor in Butler. Tuesday.
E<i. Sieighner of Herman is recover
ing from a severe attack of pneumonia.
Ed. L. Rice and wife of Forward twp
did some shopping in Butler, yesterday.
Henry Stndebaker. aged '■*'< year- of
Jacksville had a serious -troke of par
alysis, Sunday.
D. C. Cubbison of Harrisville has been
appointed to Wf-st Point from the 2nd
C'>»prt--!' -nal district of Kansas
Grant Grossman of Brady twp. war
in town. Tuesday. Tie lately returned
from York state where he was agent for
the Home Comfort Range Co.
Ex-Sheriff John T. Kelly was stricken
with -o ->evere aatta-k of heart failure
last evening at hi.-? home on \V. Jeffer
son street.that his life was despaired of.
Joseph Moore, lately of Grove City,
has moved to North Washington where
h*- will engage in the hardware bu-i
ness with his son-in law. J. A. William
Mrs. John Waddell drove into Butler
from Piano, Sunday morning, to meet
her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Ed Waddell,
who was returning from a visit to her
Snpts Gibson and Painter and Prof
Irvine attended the "Round Table of
Superintendents and Principals at
Greenville, last week, and Prof. Gib-on
read a paper.
Eugene Rau--her and Charles Henry
have left for Uniontown. Pa., where
Katie-hers have a contract for building
fifty coal miners' houses. The job ia
expected to last eight months.
Ten.sard DeWolf, political editor of
the Pittsburg I>-ader. returned to the
city, Sunday, after ;; week's loaf at
borne Tense started in as a route re
porter and is gradually working up
ward in the newspaper world.
Harry King of Saxonbnrg is a mem
ber of Troop A, 11th U. S. Vol. Caval
ry, which was with Gen Lawton when
he wa- killed at San Maleo. The Gen
eral was standing near Harry on the
firing line and had spoken to him just a
moment before being shot,
Ex-County Treasurer Francis An
derson of Saxonbnrg ha- a big family
Bible who— records date back to 11~>')
the oldest entry being • Gan t More
was bom in the year of our I>>rd on
March the Hist, 177» Mr. Anderson
intends to place it in the Saxonbnrg ex
hibit at the (bounty Centennial.
D. A. Heck and .on Will left last
Thursday for Columbiana Ohio to
take charge of their store there. The
r> < of the family will move as ► .on as
John, who is recovering from typhoid
fever, is able to Is- about. Mr. Heck s
many friends wish him success in his
new location.
N. J Spohn of Summit twp. is able
to Is- ation! again after recovering from
the typhoid feyer. His family, twelve
in numls-r. had an all winter siege of it.
Of the twelve, ten had the fever seven
being sick at • <<-• time. Two, Hattie
and lye, died The disease is supposed
to have ls-en canned by a js>ol of stag
nent water in a field l>elow the house.
John W. Coulter, K-q while in AHe
gheny twp., a few days since, sat. in a
chair that is nearly 200 years old. The
chair i« a -pi it bottom, -straight back
one and will probably Is- at our On ten
nt»l. It ii now owned by Mrs. John
Hutton and wa-. the property of h> r
great grandfather, James Anderson,
arid was made shortly after the year
1700. Mr- Sutton also has a large ili
hie that is very considerably over* hun
dred years old.
Tarentum is to have a new bank.
Spring is preparing to go into the
new leaf industry.
Alleged wive iof I, Davis, late
propriwtor of the Alvin theatre in Pitt"
burg, are turning up in all parts of the
country. .
A party of fifteen, including Joseph
Keisernan of Franklin have purchased
a tract of (VKMtOat;rw iii -touthern Mexico,
on which they will plant robber trees.
Friday, the 20th, is the next Arbor
day and yon should plant a tree along
your street or road, but not. like the fc|
low who sang-
I rams them in.
Now thick, now thin.
For what care I
They grow or die.
I>eWitt Miller delivered the last
lecture in the V. M. C. A. cour-.e, Tin s
day evening. His subject was, "Is the
Kepublie Sufficient Unto Itself';" Ac
cording to Mr Miller our Republic has
innumerable virtue- and few blemishes,
and is sufficient unto itself tilt the end
of all things. A crowded house listen
ed to him.
Tut. KI,AI(K SDVII,I,K <>». AI,I,
The Klark S,villeC., willopri at
the I'/irk Theatre Monday for a week's
;tay in the great, comedy drama "Alia
Mistake, ' The pre ■~f near by towns
where this company ha* played rec/mi
men<) them very highly There will I<<
»"'« ait' I) tween ,1(1- as
wilt he introduced by d life rent u.em
I/- rs oi tinj company. Ladle*, will U
admitted to the (> '!, nerved feat", on
Monday mgtit for l"> cents if they «et
their seals reserved Is-fore 7 p m. Mon
Or:Km Otrij OIIII.H At'tuf
In '(» ie of Oar'iirls , which will U
seen here April iJOth, Henrietta Crosman
has a play that is said to excel any ever
turned out by that prince of dramatists,
Broiison Howard. In fact. One of
<>nr<i\r\- i>. Mr Howards pet play,
and himself regards it as the is-sr, tut of
writing he lias ncompiixhcd In the
iotter to Mauri ' ' iinphell, Miss I'rn
msin's manager, a tew days ago. Mr.
Howard wrote ' I bear nothing but
good of Mmi ' rosinan i performance
of the leading part, and I have the
highest re peel forle-rartisth poiitlori
Oriiml Itpcra llatiw- I'Htsbiirg
. v ,e >.i ,vei!. the Orand Stock ('omparty
will iepeftt for |s rforniaiieei only
the greatest srtcce»s oi the theatrical
season in Pittsburg, "(Jno Vadis,"
>1 iirUcls.
Wheat. wholesale [rt-ice ...
Rye, T,
Oatx, " Ml
Corn, " 4'i
Hay, " ' .10 00
Kggs, " 10
UutUr, " IHT>
PotatAmu. " ....... W
(Cabbage, per lb ............ 01
Apples *1
Squash, small, per lb 01
1 Turnips, j«-r Im 40
Onions, iMirlm ~,., 50
' "arrots. jair bu ,V)
, Parsnips, pnr hn V>
('hlcken, dres-ieil peril) |0 12
Onion MCU retail, per qt. 10
I Maker to Wearer.
. ! I',very self man driirc? to
Ibe well dressed; his friends and neigh
i lior-4 respect htm all the more.
' j A v>» 11-drc ,i/-d man is always at jieac
• with himself atel the whole world.
Tl'.c Chicago Tnilora' Ai*ociat ion, i« a
union of practical Tailors, ankiliK only
fair waj(e«> for tiieir labor. They are all
artiata in their line (t i t ini|>o»ii!i!c for
them to make olher than hi({hKiadc
Karnienta, liven tie* loweat Pi t) atMt
(expre*a prepaid) cannot If duplicated
at anywhere nrar our prices, li will pay
you to call on the Haltniiutn or »cn I him
a and he wilt call on you with the
line*! line of cloths ever ahown.
1.11. ptaom,
Hooker, l'a.
John Callahan vs Joseph H Reott. a[
1 peal by defendant from judgment ren
dered by Thomas McGucken. J P.
Scire facias sar mechanics liens have
}*f-n filled against the Davis Lead Co.
and Clement Niggle, contractor, for
claims of P. C Kelly for *"- >v .25. The-.
Deimling for *10.15 and JamasT. Wick
enhagen for *17.61.
Sidney Wimer, by her next friend
John S tough ton vs William Wimer
petition for divorce, from bed and
board, with alimony. The parties were
married in I s *-} and the declaration
states that during the past year her
husband -track h--r twice with his fist
and chased her with a razor.
J. W. Gould, a junk dealer, h»- sue<
Adam Rettig, a well known Summit
twp. farmer, for *IO,OOO damages for
malicious prosecution and false im
prisonment. In Angnst, l s !t0. Gould
was arrested on complaint of R f *ttig on
two charges, larceny of the gearing part
of a threshing machine, and buying and
receiving junk from minors Retina -
bovs wbo had sold Gould some old
machinery and scrap iron without their
parents leave ) The grand jury at Sept.
term, ignored the charge of lar
cney and Gould was placed on trial on
the second charge and acquitted by
order of the Court, the costs being
pi iced on Rettig. The statement says
Gould was in jail—long time- four days
in all and he wants the damages for
his injured reputation, etc*.
On petition of his father I-niah Arm
strong of Marion twp. Montgomery
Armstrong aged years, has been
placed in the Polk Institution for Foi
ble Minded.
Th<- report of the bridge inspectors on
the Marshall bridge in Forward twp.
ha- been approved. Tin- bridge work
cost SISOO, and the masonry done by I.
T. Heaven. 4016.18.
R. J. Barron has l*-en appointed tax
collector of Cherry twp. vice W. J. Gra
ham, who declined the office.
The will of Hugh McCrea dee d, of
Butler twp. has l>e«-n probated By its
terms he leaves his wif<-, besides his
dower, all his money. bonds. etc.. three
lots on Brady St . Butler, the use of the
homestead south of town for life and
all its furniture; to his sons Wm. S. and
Geo. D. together 150 acres in Clearfield
twp.; to Bernard he leaves 175 acres in
Clearfield twp., 100 being for himself
and 75 as trustee for his brother Hiram
to James and Francis be gives the home
stead farm. 4i acre- south of town; to
his daughters Catharine Flick and
Mary E. Leech 100 acres of land in
Clearfield twp ,to his son John S !■ i
one half intere-t in the John McOrady
farm, 41 acres in Cleirfield twp. to
Hugh McCrea, Jr *lo>. Hi- s <n- John
H. Wm. S. and Jarnen M. an- turned as
The vriil of Sam'l C. Campbell of
Hrady twp. h.n been probated and let
ters trran Ito Lewis Martsolf.
yfmni -Orr ha- appeab- 1 from the at
fteHsnifcnt of damages hy viewer*
Heydrick. Samuel Leslie and
It. It. Maliari. on the petition of citfaw
of A<bii/iH twp. for a new road to rnn
from Orr s place on the Five I-»■
road to the Three Decree road at the
(lay* and Perry farm-. The report of
the viewers was tiled last iJecember and
Orr was allowed no damages.
A new tax law wan passed by the last
Legislature and is now iri force by
which a tax collector can enter his
claim in the Prothonotary's office
againt a delinquent taxpayer and the
claim becomes a first lien on the prop
erty of the delinquent. The law wili
is- of interest to the tax collectors and
tax pavers. Ex.
The will of Wm. 11. AtwelJ of Marion
twp. has lieeu probated and letters
granted to Julia A. Atwell, Adm'x, C.
T. A.
(ieorge Emerick wan committed to
jail by Ksq August Schilling of Rci
bold, charged with robbing his annt
with whom he lived of S4O.
On petition of S. W. 'ialbreath, the
place of deposit for the Winfleld twp.
liallott box was changed from the rem
denceof Uenj. iJoiithett, dee d., to that
of I/. 11 Bicker.
The Imvis v- McCaffertv & .Mr< Yea,
equity suit has been withdrawn.
Ivlward Rodin*, colored, aged ab-»nt
14 yean, has been committed to jail on
a charge of incorrigibility for throwing
Richard I'. liana, of New Cattle-ha*
sued Thomas M King. receiver of the
Pittsburg &■ Western railroad for
fciO.OOO damage The case lias l»eeh
entered in the United States circuit
court at Pittsburg, The complainant
alleges that on Jnne 24 JHI t'.t, while a
pashenger on a train near Renfrew
station the car in which he wat riding
jumjted the (rack and rolled down an
embankment. Owing to this "accident
his right knee cap was broken and be
also received permanent injuries
Bteaden & Conway to Kvari Lutheran
Church lot in W Sunlmry for 4>77f<
John VV Powell to Wm M Witte lot at
Karver* Station.
Klvina A Morris to F •( Forquer ">7
aiTes in Washington for '>7
F.I Korrjii'-r to ('A Morrin'piit claim
for name for S7I!MS7.
Ann ami Klla t'amptiell to im>- <| 'lit.
claim for name for $1
AIIIOH I, (inii I /i l» A Cihn lot, on Kim
Ht. Bntler for fIU.VI
Edw ',*hrirtti«- to (Jlenn W (,'hriitie IW!
ai-rcH in I'arker for
Jo* M ('hri-dic to name ami; for SIOO.
Alliert M Chriatie name for i£;oo.
Robert Hogg. Jr. name for WHI
John It ('hriHtic ".win for SIOO
Alvin A Anderson Mine for ♦l2r>,
TH'Jrcerlo 1/it.a Montgomery il'>
M ri•* HI I'.ulTalo for *SOO
T H'irnw to .lohn Montgomery >
nci-it in Huftalo for tj(.V)O,
M.l N'-fl lo Harati »1 (iillc«pi<- lot
in i'.ith r twp for SHOO
Wm It ('arnahan to ICvertl <i t'amp
1.-II ?(', a''r<-t in Urady for $ |HOO.
Sarah Onnipb«r lo John A iSlack •'»
acri-H in l>onegal for H'-'M.'l'i
Andrew I <hl to duo. J ll' trick lot in
I'deraville for ijjl-Vi,
fjco Oeitterlirig to Wm. McLaughlin
on W, Jclfcrnon Ht. (Sutler for SI2OO.
Wm .1. Btnljo rri lo !•' A < inflln < o;il
right* in il acre- in iJoncgal for MOO
Henry Weydman to Amelia (Irnvet
lot. on Mouth St , lilllli-r, lor 'I'.'OO
Ivlward J. Hjironl to Ten.* .1 Hcaton
lot in Marion lor
Mar« ''••mctiry A-•. ii lo .1 <; bownie
lot in A dam n fur *'<o
It M I)ownie to John 'i. Downh lot.
in AdaniM for f'.MiO
John 15. Mc('oriiK-l| i/i W K Muri.
land 'A acre* in (UiinuiTti for *1
Martha J Klliott to I I . Itlakeley .'1
a'oeu iii liufTalo for -J.VK),
I'utler Hun Ilank lo O I Kiddle hit
in lint I' i foi '•!
Joaeph A. Oreen to J. 8 Ooiild lot
in i'< on Iwp for *<.'•'! 10
ii I llityn to < II Johnaton lot 111
Milli r-.towu for S|!SO Vi.
l'io»i< » r Nut '• 'o to American
Nut Oaa <'o propi-rty in lint !«• r county
for s|(Mi <KH) I»< ••<! dated Mity 17, I <>",
Joaeph 'I lionl'-y to I>l W. .1 Heatty
lot. Oil Centre Ave, liilt,l"T, lor*l-7M»
>lnrrlit|{i! bicfimci.
H. F l,<«ln- Kmleutou
\itntii<- P BtUM Hi* Points
Joseph Handeraon Kuelid
Ocrtrnde Lov" Hntlcr twp
Jame* Willliuii I'i'iry ' ilenoru
Alice Hannah Hlllltliun. .... "
Frank 11 fjogan ... (Hade Mill*
< J<-rtrii'lij H Hurt ley. . .Ivy wood
Frank M Barver ~.. Huttercup
Kiln Miller
A ' 1 llcjili r Until r
(lam ii onniin
II W L'-xlie Emlenton
M R Hllliard Hi* i'oiuta
Chriatiiui lli-rril Humtnil twp
Annie |>oerr Wlnllelil twp
Harvey Huff Oil f 'ity
Anna V«inie|| Fewdton
W i> ltiil<T f '-oic-ord twp
Maggie '' l >nn« r New ' HHI l«
At Heaver, Kdward I'ovrell of Kri"li
and Kva Kelly of • l/le
.1 nut received ut. Amy <V I'row 11 h 11
new lot of liln- Hod UKOIII Hull'' N'otli
Ing lieilei for the money to I* found
I any where.
An Odd A Hair.
S »me boy? who have lieen annoying
the meek and lowly Chinese laundry
■mm, wbo llmand work- in th# in*
ment under Newton's Music Store, wer ■
r> -jionsible for an unfortunate affair 0:1
<»ur streets last Sunday night
The boys threw stones against th
I,'hinaman's door and then like tta<*
wicked flea, got out of sight Th"
- Chinaman rushed up to the «treet. spied
a couple of ladies and their kids on
the other side, returning from church
and rushed across and trii'd to
grab a boy. The women interfer
ed. and then he wanted them to
go across the street to see the broke!.
glass bnt eouldn t say so. and caught
une of them by the arm. This scared
the women, and they ran and -creatm-d
and the Chinaman ran after them A;
Boos' corner some men mterf erred and
tried to turn th<- Chinaman back, sad
when he persisted in following the
women .and boys they boxed his ears.
This started the Chinaman screaming
like a wild cat. but he dodged around
the men and took after the women again
who ran across th<* street and took re
fuse in the office of the Kramer livery.
Th<- Chinaman tried to follow them iu.
and then some men kicked him and
slugged him and slung him around by
his cue; and still he k ; pt at it. t ive
men hurt their hands slugging that
Chinaman before he desisted: and the
odd part of the affair wa- that not "lie
of them could knock him down.
Next day his face was black and blue
all over, and he looked and acted likt M
crazy man.
The Market—Both agencies droppe<l
to *U'»O last Saturday afternoon, and to
4:1.57 Tuesday and it remains there.
brought in a good well on the Miss l'\h 1
farm. It filled up with oil from the JOO
CLEARFIELD rwr Leithold & Co.
are drilling on the Leithold farm.
WISFIELD TWP Cal»ot, the lamp
black man. is drilling for gas on the
Fred Witte. The tools were stuck
twice and the rig had to be moved and
a new hole Parted. Cabot is to <lrill
thirty wells during the summer.
BI'TLEK TWI 1 Amy & Co. have a
nice well on the Danl. Nickel.
ADAMS— The Forest has a new but
small producer on the Ramsey, and
Staples & Co. one on the Irvine, near
FAIKVIEW Davis Bros. No. 3on the
Mays near Kaylor started ofT at 5 bbls.
an hour.
MtHiDYCKEEK- The Finne-sy well oil
the Jones farm northeast of Porterav ilb
came in alxmt two weeks ago and
will be a small producer from the Herea
grit. The territory is closely leased up.
Horses Wanted-
Will be at the Wick House stabli
Bntler, Pa., on Friday and Saturday,
April nttbaad 14th, to buy horses, age
to S years, weighing from 11 np.
Work of <1 r t hai just l>eeii issued in New
York at an outlay of over fioo.ooo f'>r
which the publishers desire a Manager
in this county, also a good solicitor;
good pay to rif»t.t party. Nearly 100
full-page engravings, sumjjtuom paper,
illuminated covers and binding?; over
?<x) golden lillies in the morocco bind
ings; nearly 100 golden roses in the
cloth bindings Sells at sight; presses
running day and night so great is the
'■•i)e. Christian men and women making
fortunes taking orders. Rapid promo
tinns. One Christian woman made clear
SSOO injfour weeks 'aking order . among
her church acquaintances and friends--
Write us. It may lead to a permanent
paying position to manage our busine
and look after our large corre: potidence,
which you can attend to riyUl at your
home. Address S. C. KKOWLKS,
General Secretary,
12 hast 15th Street, New York.
I/IU Kate-, to Washington and
Italt iiuore.
The last ten day Pennsylvania Hail
road excursion of tlie -tea - >n from Pitt*
bnrg and joints in Western I'ennsjrlya
ma lo Washington will ho run on
May 10. Round trip tickets will
be Hold at rates <( noted be
low, good going on special train indicat
ed, or 011 train No. t. leaving I'iti burg
at HMO P. M and carrying through
sleeping cum to Washington Special
train of through parlor ears and coaches
will be ron on the following schedule
Trains leave. Rate.
Pittsburg M. 00 A. M. WOO
Tareutum 7.<17 " l». (H#
Natrona 7,41 '
Hntler tt.'Zri " ».00
Freeport 7.G1 " U.W
Altoona 11.40 " 7.85
W; hiugtori. .Ar 7.15 I'. M
'I ickets will be good returning on any
regular train, except the Pennsylvania
Limited, until March "A and May 111
inclusive, respectively, arid to stop oil'
at Baltimore within limit.
Holder* of Hpr-cial excnrmon ticket* to
Wft-hiiiKton can pnrchane, ut the I'cnn
cylviniit Railroad ticket offlcrw in WHKII
in ((ton, excursion to Richmond
Ht rate of £l.o nri'l to ' >l<l Point <»m
wort'all rail) at p\ <M); from IMIWTM of
the Norfolk and Washington Htearnlioat
Company excursion ticket* (not includ
inn in»iU and itateroom* oti ■ i« '»in<• i-,
to Old Point Comfort or Norfolk, Vn ,
at *■:; ">O, and to Virginia Itmr.h at. *1 >'»
WiiMhiiiKton to Mount Vernon and re
turn, via Electric Railway, 50 cent
Khonld tin: number of paMHotitfnrH not
be Kufllcient to warrant, the running of a
special train, the company reserve* the
rl«ht to carry participant* ori regular
Ticket* on khlm in I'ittflbnrtf, at
I ,'nioti Ticket Ofllcc, mi Fifth Avenue j
rind I wion Htation, and at. nil station-!
mentioned above For full information
ppply to amenta or Thotnri* K Wall.
I'ap*cri|for A Kent Western District, Kift h
Avenue and Hmithlield Htroot, I'lttM
The New Royal Hewing Machine old
by Atnv it IJrown haw eyery K'nid point
or every hl|di (trade machine iimde It
has hi«h arm. donhle four-motion drop
feed adjustable hard *teel liearinK*.,
! self I breading shuttle, Mtitch regulator,
foil net of attachment*. &■ When
our friend "th« aKent" tell» you that
"New Royal is no (food, you can be
dead mire "it in all in hi* eye We will
*e|| you three mm bints and warrant
each one of them for ten yearn for the
ijii.i 00 he asks yon for one Don't allow
him to "do" you.
WANTED Christian mull or wo
man to <|ualify for pi-rnii«neut po-dtlon of
trust in your home count;'. yearly,
I', wloi.e self addn itcd, st-unped envi
iopa to i< s. VALUCS, 0«wn1
Secretary, care of the ( t TI/i'.M.
Bicycles for 1900.
The Cutler ('ycle Company'* s;rand
opening In now K<>iriK on at tlieir m w
room-t, l!j!( Went, .|effcriu»n ••feet, where
can lie MI I. ii the finest lot of wheeb and
bicycle Miipplie.. eynr brought to liutlcr
The ptihlic in cordially Invited to < all
and inspect their k<»h\h No matter
whether you wi )h to purchase or not.
call and yon will l>e welcome A* there
In only ore fl iif, there m only one wheel,
th»> "NATIONAI,," of which we make a
specialty, hut we, have others The
Hnell and Ka|(lc. which with the Natioti
al. form the three l*i*t wheels In the
market. The "K»KI(I" I* the ladies
favorite and they unjl them at special
mUM that iint in duplu nted any where
Wheel* at price* to milt everybody,
from fit t«i ♦'»o Theyhiivi alarKcnum
>MT of old wheel* nt prices lower tliuii
the lowest. The repair shop Ist an im
port ant feature, and in order to keep
tin workmen .link I liomp -n and I'en
Mur' klialter hu*y, \n% reduction* in f
pair work will be K'ven from now till
April % f» Everything pertaining to
In ken alway* on hand Wheel* 11 xeil
while you wail (live them a cull,
Remember 'be place. l ;;i West. .leitVr
' son *treet. We handle only anti t.rlll
I "mil IIHII Ji^ill"".
I'hllip Smith Inn moved hi* *tore ti
Ir.,iit JelTi r.'.on trei f, where lie will
l ontlnne to keep the lu st of i/ibai < o an
i viuntn. and aim. fruit and • andy. • <il
' and HC« him nt hi* new place.
The general store of Mrs J. Z. Mur
rin at Anandale was destroyed by fire.
TM - lay morning. The building was
owned bv Ed Movers. Mrs. Murrin s
loss is put at #1.500 with insurance of
f-'M) and Mover- at
The stock of the great dry-goods tirn,
of Jos. Home A: Co., Pittsburg, wa
again destroyed by fire and water. Sat
urdav night." The fire was first noticed
on the fifth floor, about midnight, by
some passers by on Fifth street, and i~
spread to the sixth floor, and then dowr.
to the lower floor in an hour or two. th.
heat being so intense as to nullify all
efforts of the firemen. It is supposed
to have originated from some materials
left 11: the building by some decorators
The loss is put at over a million dollars
with about a million insurance. The
strangest features of the affair were
that the three watchman in the build
ing did not know of the fire until the
engines began coming; ami that a little
dog on the roof lived through the fire
though a part of the roof fell in.
Wednesday morning a man giving his
name aa C F Searing fell while oooriag
down the steps of Berg's bank and had
his head cut severely by striking on the
George Siebert. the W Wayne St
blacksmith, had a shoulder dislocated
by a horse falling on him Wednesday.
Margaret, a fonr-year-old daughter
of James B. Mates was severely burned
by her dress igniting from a bonfire in
their yard on E Pearl St. Her heavy
flannel dress prevented the fire from
burning her body, but her cotton apron
ruffled at the throat, burned quickly,
giving the little girl very severe burns
al>out the face and neck.
A horse ridden by a boy named
O'Brien fell at the corner of Main and
.Jefferson streets Tuesday afternoon,
coming down on the Iwy's leg and
bruising it painfully. The boy's face
was also scratched up.
Yes; we are selling Go-Carts. The
popularity of design, coupled with right
prices have caused the large stock
recently received to nioye so rapidly
that we have already ordered another
large invoice which is now due to arrive.
You won't »*are to look elsewhere after
se'-ing the beautiful designs and noting
prices at Amy & Brown's. See us while
the selection is complete.
A Novel Tire 111 Mater.
Geo. W. Mardorf the N. Main St. Bi
cycle dealer has completed quite a novel
arrangement for inflating pneumatic
tirfs. namely compressed air. The stor
age tank which is lccated in his repair
shop is filled with air to a pressure of 50
to Wi pounds and piped to convenient
points in his store, also a connection at
the front of building for the use of the
public. Tires can be inflated with this
system in less time and with less lalwjr
than the old back-breaking method of
pomp inflations, (.'all and test this
arrangement when in need of air. It is
John W. Powell's big store sale stands
adjourned until April 'iud. at which
time it will continue nntil finished.
Sarver Hta. W. P. Ry., Pa.
Gas etoves in all styles and prices At
W. 11. O'BRIEN & SON'S,
107 K. Jefferson St.
Amy & Erown can Hhow you the
large-t line of Chiffoniers to bit found in
Hntler. Prices ¥<>. so to sS'iH.oo.
Music scholars wanted at 128 West
Wayne St
Parties wishing to purchase or sell
oil properties, farms, citv residences or
real estate of any kind, should call upon
Wiu. Walker,in Kettcrer's b'd'g.opjosiU:
I', O. butler I'a. Peoples Phone No. 174.
30 Horses Wantrd.
The undersigned will lie at the Wick
Livery Ham, Hntler, Pa., on Saturday,
April 14th, and at Filer's Livery I tarn,
Orove City. Pa., on Monday, April 111,
to buy horses or mare.-i from 1 to H years
'ild and from 1050 to 1500 II. M.
Bring in th- good ones and get the
lUcycles lor lIMIO.
Geo. W. Mardorf invites yon to o»ll at
his new and finely e<jnipi<ed bicycle
store and repair shop, 2'w N Main St.,
Puller, pa where ean be seen the
and most complete line of I'iey
cles and supplie l to lie found in the city.
My t.ock of Hit ycles is larger than ever
Is-fore embracing some twenty five dlf
ferent, models of ehaiiiles.' and chain
makes including <'lip|»er Oeneva, Iver
Johnnon and ideals froiji %'£'£. so up to
H«!eorid hand bieyrlew for sale at all
times at all most any price lo suit buy
ers. Supplies as low as the lowest. I
have added a complete brazing outfit to
my repair shop and am now prepared to
do repairing of all kinds, which has my
special attention. I shall lie pleased to
haye you call no matter if you purchase
or not. Rememlier the new No 'JOM N.
Main, Compressed airfor your tlrosfree.
New, four-room house for wile In
ijuire at this office
Teitclicrit' Ivxaminat lOllH.
'I he regular teachers' examinations
will be hehl this year as follows:
Chicora, April !JH.
Prospect, May I.
Saxon burg. May I
Kvans City, May 5.
West, Sonbury, May 7.
( entreville May H,
North Washington, May 11,
Farmington, May 10.
Itntler, May ii.
Professional eertilientn examination
will be held in Hntler, June !».
La t examination for the year IJutler.
JtUy t
KxamiiintioDH will begin promptly at
II o'clock teachers be on time
No private examinations held
Those, expei-ting to teach in other
cormtiex will not be examined in this
Applicants will come prepared with
stamped, addre ted envelopi-, contain
hig their last cerlilicale or grade.
Direct/irs and friends of education are
<■ ndially Invited toattend theseexamin
ntlons. HOW AID I I' IINTEB,
Co. Snp't.
A Sharp Cut
W'* have a fine and extensive
line of some of the hand tow ,t
we have ever bought, and insure
you the hj;;!l< ,t rpialily you I 111
get anywhere. Our soils always
lit well and look well.
Order Your Spring Suit
At onec.
Wedding Suils a Speciality.
(ooper &- (0.,
Leading Practical Tailors.,
v/f J/-*#* ** X Ht-t KX- %ifH< > ' • * »
li!i|t' II I I WHITf: HOCKS
i rri/« w 11* ii* 1 1 * i'i"«iui«' of i»fi/«
IMl< v !- Iy f 4 ♦*' ii'l *-l Ml f##f f% ; u \ <ll *, , t
! mid - ..Mi for UK n I" vai'l < m ulitn fr« «
i Address Charlea J. Stuckey,
Communion services will be held in
the Grace Lutheran church on next
Sunday at 11 a. m. Holy week is lieing
observed, services being held each even
ing except Saturday. Preparatory
services on Friday evening at T:80.
Rev. McK< e read the annual report
of the U. I'. congregation at the Snnday
morning service. It showed the present
membership to be 53'- and the contribu
tions for the year *5400 The Sunday
School has members and its collec
tions during the year amounted to $239.
Five new members were received Sun
The M. E. Congregation has made ex
tensive repairs on their church edifice
and on Sunday, April 1 they raised
SrJ. JOO by subrcription at the morning
and evening services to pay their debts
and then rededicated the church. Rev.
Hell M«ff of oil City conducted the
The most curious feature of the recent
religious census taken in Philadelphia
was the return, in a population of
1,500,000, of only 1,925 persons as mem
bers of the Society of Friends. If these
figures are accurate. Philadelphia must
give up the long-respected title of
"Quaker Citv."
Wall Paper.
Next Door to Postoffice.
Pianos Tuned, Voiced and
Now is the time to have your
Piano looked after. You want a
reliable man to do the work, not
one that is here today and jjone
tomorrow. "Tramp Tuners"gen
erally half do tlieir work if they
know how to do it at all. A yreat
many pianos yet the blame when
the tuner (?)is at fault. I3m here
to stay and guarantee all work.
J. C CANER at Newton's
■Music Stoic, or 109 Water Street,
Butler, Pa.
Instruction given on all instru-
> i; ;| f i
: " it
* I I
* » t
\/ zlhjL *
M i
* \I *
15 EST
Jno. S Wick's.
242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa
Opposite P. O.
Ground is ready to plow
.-111 < 1 you need harness,
In idles and collars. We have
them; just what you want;
look at 'Mtr 11 i< <• team
bridles .it $3.00 per pair;
our team collar. 4 * at $2.00
per pair and our work
harm .M you < annot match.
We have soli! more team
harness and KKAMEK
wagons this year than ever.
Kvcrybody come# here
now sinie I hey have found
us out. The roads are
netting Rood and you ne. «l
a hi\\w\y and harness.
Don't ptil il fill, they may
In- higher in price, We
are all ready and would
like lo have you call. If
you don't know us ask
your neighbor, he deals
S. B. Martincourt & Co.,
128 E. J offer son St,
W. S. & E WICK,
hi A I,MtH IN*
' K'tn/li VVoik«'«l 1 ,11 iiilwi of U'L KIIMIh
1 | (#ll Wl II Klk*» 14 u |#« « luli y
('III ' 1 IM<! V aMI
I ' iinnltiuliuiu rui'L NIMIIIOC HL«.,
#•» 1 • Ut r«mi iii-Mit.
■ I llil'l l,Klt I'A.
Peerless Pills Cure Constipation.
V>t U-tt«-r than the Iwsst, l»ut tlrnu the rwt.
' Not like other pills." l'rice 25c.
Peerless Pills Cure Constipation.
Xot Utter than the best, bnt better than the rntt.
"Not like other pills." Price 25c
Peerless Pills Cure Constipation.
Not bet-ter than tnc beat, but better than the teat.
"Not like other pills." Price 25c.
Peerless Piils Cu.e Constipation.
Not better than the best, but better than tin- reft
"Not like other pills." Price 25c.
Peerless Pills Cure Constipation.
Not better than the In-wt, but better than the rent.
"Not like other pills." Price 25c.
Peerless Pills Cure Constipation.
Not better than the bent, but lietter than the r*»«t
•'Not like other pills." Price 25c.
(You can get tlisin at BOYD'S.)
Letters of administration on the estate
of Krvilla Miller, dee'd., late of Adams
township, Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pa 7-
ment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Myoma, Pa.
S. F. & A. BOWSER, Att'ys.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
George W. Mush rush, dee'd., late of
Centre twp., Butler Co., I'a., having been
granted to tile undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will pleate make immediate pay
ment,and any having claims against said
estate will present tlicm duly authenti
cated for settlement to
or | Ex'rs.
Butler, Pa.
H. & R
Large lot of the best and
prctticßt wash goods yet for
anything near the money. 15c
Corded batistes—batiste Cor
delee, the maker calls them—but
lie paid a great deal more atten
to quality than lie did to getting
up a fancy name.
Neat figures and figured stripes
—clear, bright colorings—excel
lent lor shirt waists and dresses.
Splendid line of new American
Dimities, 10c, 12 l-2c.
Great collection of fine wash
goods, 20c, 25c, — beautiful ef
Lot of 40 inch figured dress,
good 20c yard medium colored
figure on a dark ground.
Exceptional assortment of all
wool dress Goods, 25c, 35c —
inches wide.
45 inch all wool black storm
serges, 50c extra quality, dressy
New Spring Catalogue will be
ready in .1 few days—send fi>r a
copy and sec to your own satis
fat tion the foremost position we're
determined to hold on suits,
skirts, shirt waists, and smartest
Spring styles in every line.
I& lilllll
Department X.
New Drue Store.
HacCartney's Pharmacy
New Room.
Fresh Drugs.
Everything new and fresh.
Prescriptions carofully com
pounded by a Rogistorod
Try Our Soda
R. A. MacCartney
tile a man of good judg
ment, preserve those
faculties which nature
has given you. You may
"hate" to wear glasses,
most people do, but the
man of f n t.e 111 ge ncit
thankfully accepts this
artificial aid when his
eyes tell ~t Its m<cd
Your eyes are troubling you. If you
will call I will examine them. Consul
tatlon free
CAKIv iI. IvfclCiJlNtiK,
No ami H. Mulii Street llutlnr, Pa.
Insurance and Real Eslato
JUjUbkV Gfc. !
j. You Ought to See
ls|ssL The Candy Rabbits
«John Richey'e,
142 S. Main St • Butler, Pa
A good dresser always attracts attention. By using a little judg
ment even the moderate salaried man can dress attractively and look
stylish and neat.
Drop in and let us give you a few pointers on Spring Suits.
Our business is to dress people and dress them perfectly. We do
not and will not handle any clothing that is not made right. Just
now we show a well assorted line of j
#mrtPlo:oo Sultsum#
Each and every garment guaranteed to fit and wear well.
The new spring shapes ate now shown.
The largest assortment we have ever shown.
Fabrics are as fast color as can be. PRICE 60c TO $1.50.
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
|j New !
f] Spring Goods !
We are now ready to show the largest line of i
M Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing ever shown in
Butler county. We are showing strictly all wool 4
A Suits in Men's from $5.00 up- in first-class style.
We also have in our new goods in Men's Hats,
J Caps, and Gent's Furnishings Goods. We are mak-
ing still more of a specialty of Hamburger's Cloth- A
ing this spring. Remember we are the sole agents
4 for this celebrated make of Clothing, and guarantee
every Hamburger suit until worn out. If you want V
w a nice, new natty suit for spring, try a Hamburger. >1
H Douthett & Graham, j
n~ l 1 i
|Thc Surprise Store!
i 108 South Main street, Butler, Pa. (
P Overalls, Jackets and Pints j
M Are the best that human hands can make. If >
► they rip bring them back and get a new pain i
The Keystone Corduroy Pants are made from
► the best corduroy. A new pair or money back |
* to every dissatisfied customer. . .
|; 11. NI'.OI.I'.Y,
Ollice In the "CITI/KN" l.nil<liiiK
Office on South Diamond Stieet.
J . A-rroKNitv AT I.AW.
ollice iii Rclber building, corner Main
and I'.. Cunningham St*, ltntrsnce on
B. < unningham.
Wine building, N. Diamond St., Hutlei
Special attention n'veti to collection*
and litl*iness mutter*.
Ueferimce: llutlei Saving* Hunk, or
Butler County National Bank
A T lu.At a M< h N*~w,
I) Attorncyant-law,
Attnor y Building, Batter, Ps.
Office In Ml chcll building,
Kooui 11., Armory buildm*.
\ r, SCOTT,
Ollice at No. H. Weal Diamond Ht. Hut
lcr, Pa. ________
Office on Main St. near Court House.
oilier between Poatoir.ee and Diamond
11114 located In the nrw Stein building,
with all the latest device* for Dental
MAitificlal Teeth Inserted <>u the latint
1111111 • • vt-<I plan. Oold Filling* a spec
ially. Olhcc oyei Miler's Shoe Store.
OK. W. I*. McIUtOY,
formerly known a* tlie "Fcerlesa
Painlen* Kxtrsctor of Teeth." lasted
permanently at "i Kut Jefferson St.,
()|ijK«ite Hotel I,owrv, Butler. Will <lo
dentin! operation* of nil kind* by tlic
Intent device* and up-to-date mctho<l»
Succesnor to I)r. Johnston.
(mice ill No 114 R. Jcllcraoit St., over
c.. W. Milter's grocery,
hit. C. ATWKU,,
Office to 6 W. Diamond St., |Dr
Gn.hi.Tiri. old ollice. )
lloni* 7 to 9 a. m «nd i to 3 and 7 to
8 p. m
Office 236 S. Miiln St., opp. I'. O.
Night calls nt ollice.
300 We*t CunniiiKhaiu St.
New Troutuinn Building, Butler Ps.
Office No. 45, S. Main *treet, over City
hu. N. ai. IIOOVBR.
137 It. Wayne St., office Hours. 10 to
1 a a. 111. 1 and to 3 p. tn.
j" 7 1,. McUUISTION.
Ollice near Court lloiine.
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler end Graduate Optlcla
N< *l ')oor t>» Court House. Butler. Pa
WAN'I'I l> llonnal mini or woman to travel
r,,i .1 ,1 ... (OAmonthly ana
i<«i»'li«ca. will. lii.riinl'l |»..Millon iMTiinni
. ill ,ln. Tl<lclif»««(| itilUlUyil I'IIVSIotO
MANAUKU. #» T'ttxtoii LILUK., C'LlCkfO.