THE CITIZEN. WILLIAM C. NEGLEY Publisher THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1900' REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Congress. J. B SHOWALTER, For State Senate, A. G. WILLIAMS, For Assembly, J. B. MATES, N. H. THOMPSON. F>»r Jnry Commissioner. JOHN G CHRISTY. The l'ast, Present ami Future. It is one of the common attributes of mankind to at a certain period stop and lookback "to see how far we have come;" to contemplate the progress we have made an<l victories won, and to consider our errors and defeats. To heartened and inspired to futnre effort by the former: cautioned and instructed by the latter. It has also, from th« earliest times, been the desire of men tc leave behind them some memorial whereby to perjH-tuate their names ami achievements. As these things are tme of the indi vidual, so are they of the associated l>odies into which man. being a grega rious creature, incoriH)rates himself foi ' the purpose of successfully conducting the affairs of human society, and th< complicated affairs of civic life. Thus it is that the consummation of the first hundred years in the existence of such of our i>olitieal divisions as have reached that period (towns, counties, cities, state or Nation) has been made the occasion of extraordinary exhibi tions of public spirit, enthusiasm, jubila tion and display. And this is right. It is natural. It is not only a pleasure and a privi lege to thus give full expression to our sentiments on such an occasion, but it is a duty which we owe to our forefatli ers and. to posterity. We should be derelict in our duty to 1 hose who have gone before, to whom we owe much of what is today ours, did we fail to fit tingly commemorate the worK of those earnest-hearted pioneers: and we also owe it to posterity to, at this time,make adequate record of our progress in th. past and a full exhibit of our present condition and attainments. Project yourself forward, in imagination, hundred years and consider with what avidity your descendants and successors will seize npon such a record as will be contained in the story of our first Cen tennial celebration. It is in the light of such considera tions that we must now act. The Cause of The Trouble. ' Col M. S. Uuay, Gov. William Stone, Lieut. Col JamesE. Barnett and a numlier of other Quay politicians,held H conference yesterday at the Duquesn. hotel. The main object was to devw ways and means to defeat Acheson for Congress in Washing 01 county next Saturday. Pittsburg tx change. This clipping reveals the cause of the troubles that arise in our party the nn warranted interference by outsiders 11 our local affairs. What business hiu Gov. Stone. Col. Quay or any outsidei to interfere with affairs in Washingtor county'! If Gov. Stone would attend I his duties as governor, he would hav* enough to keep him busy, and besides that the people did not commission bin to use the influence of his office to hell defeat Mr. Acheson for Congress, or t( interfere in any of our elections. Hi< same way when Col. Quay was Senator there could hardly I*) an election in am county in the State without his havint a supervision over it, and this is wbai has led to so much discord in our party If our Governors, our Senators, am other officials would attend to the dutief of the offices to which they are electee and let the Republicans of the conntie conduct their primary elections in then own way, when elections are over, th» people will be satisfied. But this inter ference by public officers, and gn at corporations like the Standard ( " Company and the Sugar Trust, leads tc the dissatisfaction in our ranks am. makes a nomination scarcely worth having. It must be stopped or ther< will be a revolt against it. LAST year the valley of the Brazos river in Texas was flooded and there was a great loss of life and property . this year it is the valley of the Colorado river, on which the capital of the state. , Austin, is located. Their big two-mil lion dollar darn and water works was destroyed last week, and 17 people were drowned. ' THIS AFRICAN WAR. On Thursday of last week (ten. Rob erts reported to the British war office the capture of five companies, three of the Irish Fnsilliers and twoof the Ninth Regiment, at Bethany station, on the railroad aliout forty miles sonth of Bloemfontem. The five companies were surrounded by a superior force of Boers aud compelled tc surrender. The affair indicates that Gen. Rol>erts will have to leave all his southern communi cations heavily guarded before he ad vances northward from Bloemfcntein. On Tuesday a battle was reported as having lieen fought near Meerkatfon tein, which resulted in the defeat of the British with a loss of 000 killed and wounded, and 800 captured. During the day the British transpoit containing prisoners arrived at the island of St. Helena. Marx. Esther Cashdollar. aged 1!>, daughter of G. I). and Sarah Cashdollar, died in Scio on Monday. Interrment at Old Union U. P- church on Tuesday. Mr. Pel ton and family, of Allegheny, spent Sunday with Mr. Redic. Mrs. W. Link and daughter were vistors to Pittsburg on Monday. Mr. Walters set up a v<-ry fine monu ment for Allie Gilkey on Monday. The funeral of Sarah File was held at the M E. church on Friday. This is the third death in the family since Thanksgiving. The Congregation of the l". I*. church held a meeting oti Monday and decided to increase the salary of the Pastor, I). W. Berry, to twelve hundred dollars. Bread en Campt»ell, of West Sunbnry, has started a store in the Opera House building. Mrs Dr. Barber is on «be sick list. Mr. John Balfour has returned from a trip to Harrisbnrg. Miss Staples, of Callery, has return •! to her home after spending several weeks with friends in Mars. The funeral of < ieo. Hilderbrand \\a hel<l in the U. I'. church on Sunday at p. m. Rev. Berry was aisisteil by Revs. Wilson and Foy. The little boy was sick nearly all winter, and lx>re lii suffering very patiently, llis parents have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. The question of moving the M K. church from its present location, to tht more central part of town is being tal e l of Mr. and Mrs. Dinsnmre of Connelt ville are visiting Gto. Cnpps. POLITICAL Of the Republican primary elections held in Western Pennsylvania last Sat nrday, that in Westmoreland Co. was the most interesting, and the connty was carried by the Quayites by a small majority. The result in the connty was changed by the vote in the coke region and the plate glass town of Ar nold, on the Allegheny river, opposite Tareutnm. where the price is said to have been $lO a head, which is abont donble what was paid in Butler, and if the Charleroi operatives are smart, next Saturday, at the Washington Co. prim ary they can get a month's wages out of the thing. The County Convention was held Tuesday in Greensburg, and the Quay ites secured control of it by a vote of 148 to 105, and passed a resolution en dorsing Quay and instructing the nom inees for State Senate and Assembly to enter the caucus and abide bv its decis ion. State Treasurer Beacom led the fight for the Qnayites and is one of the nominees for Assembly. The official figures nominate the Quay candidate for State Senate, and three Quayitei and one Republican for As sembly; while Seanor. the anti-Quay candidate for Congress polled 8.095 of the 13,000 votes polled. Centre county Republicans nominat ed two candidates for Assembly and three candidates for the State conven- tion after a hard fight with the Quay ites. The}- nominate by the delegate system there and the vote on the oppos ing sides was 4Hi and 45 to 37 and 33}. The leaders of the opposing factions ex Gov. Hastings and P. E. Woruielsdorf entered the Convention as delegates,ami there was one fuss after another in the hall: and after the Convention the Qnayites got together and elected op posing delegates to the State Conven tion. In Warren county the Antis had everything their own way, carrying the county by a majority of 1,700 and de feating Parahall the Qnayite for reelec tion to the assembly; while in McKean Co. the Qnayites carried everything, and nominated Sibley for Congress over a home candidate by I,I'MJ majority. In Venango Co. one Quay man, Cor rin.and one unpledged man. Emery, are the nominees for Assembly, while Sibley had everything his own way for Con gress. In Luzerne Co. the Amis carried four of the six legislative districts, and re nominated Corav, an anti-Quay mem ber of the last legislature. Coray made a speech saying—' I don't know any boss down at Harrisburg. My masters are the people of the Second district. I stand for my record and am uncompro misingly aga'.nst treasury looting. I hold there is no higher duty than to stand by the people and my record." In Greene Co. Acheson secured a majority of the Congressional Conven tion. Bedford Co. nominated Qnayites, as did also gome of the Democratic coun ties. Dewey thinks he is a Democrat, and announces himself a candidate for Prei dent. He was in Phil's, Friday, con ferring with politicians. At Harrisburg, last Thursday, the Penn'a Democrats nominated a state ticket P. G. Meek of Centre Co. for Auditor Gen'l; and N. M. Edwards r>f Lycoming and H. E. Grimm of Bucks for Congressmen at large. Senator Galinger, of New Hampshire, in a speech of al*>ut three-quarters of an hour's duration last Thursday, showed conclusively that the governor of Penn sylvania had violated the constitution of the United States by appointing Matthew Stanley Quay to a seat in the Senate when the Legislature failed to elect his successor, although in session after the vacancy occurred. The sen ator contended that it was the plain duty of Gov. Stone to have called the Legislature in extra session after no selection had l>een made. On Friday, Senator Sullivan of Mississippi, Demo crat. spoke for Quay. Now that the Democratic convention hall in Kansas City has burned down the party should build a new platform. WASHINGTON NOTES. On Monday the yuay case in the Sen ate was again put off with the under standing that it was to be taken up on Tuesday the 24th. On Tuesday the Senate Committee on Elections unanimously decided to de clare the seat claimed by Clark,of Mon tana. to be vacant. No doubt the Sen ate will concur in tin report. This is equivalent to a decision that a seat in the Senate cannot bo purchased in open market at least not by any except fav ored politicians. Henry A. Ritner was appointed P. M. for Bruin. LAST week the Boers were agam on Lord Roberts' track this time his rail road track. 40 miles south. Saxonlnirg anil Vicinity. Albert Perry has purchased the Smith-Lefevre farm near Saxonbuig on which he has been living for some time. Mrs. Geo. Gibson was at Jefferson Centre last week nursing Mrs. Guntz of that place, who has l>een sick. Miller Stark of Larlintown is rnjoir ; ing over a young son who arrived Ft;- day. March 30. Wesley Monks, Mrs. Martin Monks, and John Burton's mother are among the sick people near Saxonburg. Wat. Giljson has bought the Wiski - man farm, of HQ acres in ,lelf< rson twp . from John Jack for $2.»!')(). i Freil Wetzel Jr. of Hantiahstown came homesick from Pittsburg and i < now down with a severe attack of ty phoid fever. Mh L;.'d;i Look is conducting her husbands blacksmith shop since his dt cease, employing Mr. llirehbnger, a first class workman, as smith. Win. Hemphill is building a new house 011 hi" farm south of town. Wm. Hhroth is building a now dwell ing on his furiu rear town. (Jharl<' S. It ithweiler. th ) t idor, is moving from Mars to Saxonbtirg. Raymond Warnick had his forehead and eves burned by an explosion of gas while lighting it in the school lions.- stove Friday. The gas ignited nnax pectidly and the flame burst from thy door striking him in the face. AJpheua hurling is disabled witli in flauiiitorv rli» uiimti^ui. S.-.rv< r Station. John W. T >well has moved to hi# j farm for tin? summer. J>; , i<i I :••• 11 is the efficient nssiitnnt P. 1 at. S. i 'Tsville. Academy began Tuesday with goo I attendance Students may enter at any time Tuition fyi and $4. The Misses Freehling and Kennedy have rooms at Jas. McC'afferty's; the Misses Crnikshanks have rooms at Mis. MeMoekin's. !'re -hiii services in the Buffalo I ch>:rch rt Sunday at <5 p. ni. and in iW< stn itisi at 11 a. m. Mrs. M. 8. Sarver has moved into the tiliuster house. Centennial Notes. Last week the Invitation Committee of the Centennial Celebration got to gether and organized, its chairman pre siding. and electing H. H. Gaucher, Esq. Secretary. The matter of the scope or extent "f the Invitations to lie given was discuss ed and resulted in the appointment of a committee of three, consisting of James X. Moore. Esq.. James M. Galbreath, Esq., and Mr. John Findley, to prepare a letter and send same to the different parts of -the county, to ascertain the former citizens of Bntler county now liviug in other parts of the country who should receive invitations. Capt. Geo. W. Fleeger and T. C. Campbell. Esq.. were appointed a com mittee to Suggest the subjects for the speakers or persons to make addresses at the celebration. A committee of three was appointed to look after this I matter and make report as to same. The committee will meet again at the call of the chairman. The Executive Committee of the Cen ; tennial will have another meeting at j the office of its Chairman on Friday i evening coming 13th inst. Great interest is taken all over the county in the matter of relics and the people of the different townships and towns seem to be vying with each other as to which can bring to the Centennial the largest and best collection of old and interesting relics. As an instance we have learned of one person who proposes bringing a table cloth that Washington ate dinner upon in passing through this county about 150 years ago. Another one will have parts at least of an entirely wood en plow, used of necessity by some of our early first settlers. Many other ar ticles of rpre interest will lie brought. The Finance Committee is making progress in the matter of securing the ne< -essary funds for the celebration near ly SISOO are now subscribed in this town alone. The books sent out through the county have not as yet been returned, but reports from many are that subscrip tions throughout the county will be as equally liberal as here. As soon as completed a list of the names of all of the subscribers to the Centennial fund will be published. This may be in a week or two. >1 uldletowii. April brought with it the usual num ber of removals in this neck o' the woods. Wilson McKissick is on the farm belonging to Robert Emery; Mr. Jackson, formerly of Oakland twp., now owns and occupies the Cochran farm: Chas KOTO has moved to the Whitmire farm in Clay twp. Mr. Korn was compelled to quit blacksmitliing ou account of failing health. ll'' will be sadly missed here. The oil rig is nearly completed on the Kelley farm now owned by W. Mc Kuhn. The well will be drilled by the Standard Oil Co. and may open up a new field of operation. W. W. Curry has left the employ of McGill & Co. will locate in the Greece City field where he has secured a good job. Adam Cnrrie was in Ellwood last week disposing of his interests in coal lands in Cherry twp. Our new Supervisors are busily en gaged in making needed repairs <m the roads. We feel justified in saying that our township turns oat the most effi cient "pathmasters" of any twp. in this county. Besides our constable is not derelict in the discharge of his duties in regard to the roads. Speaking of relics, an enterprising M. D. not 20 miles away says that he liars a pair of pants in his possession so old that they are covered with whiskers. John Cumberland, Jr. is somewhat indisposed with an attack of muscular rheumatism. Miss Carrie Bell is slowly recovering a severe attack of diptheria which pros trated her in the early part of the win ter. Rev. Fiddler of Karns City is hold ing protracted meeting in the Greece City church. Kev. R. L. Alter of North Hope preached an appropriate and most ex cellent sermon at Concord church on Ai ril Ist Rev. Dr. Fradenburg. P. F., Franklin district, Erie conference, held quarterly meetings at Troutman on last Saturday and Sunday mornings and evenings. The Dr. makes a profound inpression wherever he goes. Matthew Campbell will shortly leave with his family for the W. Va. oil fields where X r. Campbell has been employed the past winter. T. J. McDenvitt of (.'lay twp expects to occupy the Beighley farm the ( inn ing summer. Mrs. Sarah Wick, net died on last Friday at the home of her son J. Miller Wick, in Oakland twp, in the 87th year of her age. A sketch of this estimable lady appeared in the col umns of the CITIZEN in last November. Mrs. Wick passed most of her life in Concord twp. She was a most examp lary woman and was a life member of the Evangelical Lutheran church. !ler remains were laid to rest beside those of her husband, Win. Wick, in /ion cemetery on Monday last. Samuel Russell died on Sunday Aprii Bt,h at the home of his son Nelson Kns sell in Concord twp. Mr. Rnssell was in the 84th year of his age. His death was due to the infirmities incident,:! i<> old age. The interment was in Concord cemetery on Wednesday, His declin ing years were crowned with the gra. es of a well spent life. One by one our ancient landmarks are gather d homo, two having crossed the border wit'iin throe days of each other. Kentucky. On Friday latt the State Court of Ap peals decided in favor of Beckham one Judge dissenting. The case will now be appealed to the Federal Court. THAT the Prince of Wales is a man of mark was proven in Brussels, the other day, when a crazy boy shot at him. Tlic lltiiiilsoiiicsi au<l Mo f Con venient Trains I'timi I'ntlcr l<> ESiitVulo and Koch ester. The handsome new vestibuled trains on the Buffalo, Roehe.-.ter and Pittsburg Railway are becoming very popular. These trains are the only solid vestibnl ed trains operated between Butler, Buf falo and Rochester and are composed of elegant bigli back seat day c laches, cafe and free reclining chair cars. mak ing fast time and affording superior service. Train leaves Butler dirly at 10:13 V M., arriving in Buffalo .1:1■"» P. M. and Rochester <i.-!■"» I'. M. (Viriesponding trains leave Rochester !> A. M and Buffalo it:4.*» A. M, arriving in Butler 5 :!14 P M Sunday Kxcursmu to Mlcglieuy. Beginning May 21st I Hi)'.) and nitil farther notice the I' Sr. W. Sunday ex cursion train will leave Butler at m:OS a. m. Butler time arrive Allegheny at fl:.'(s returning train will leave Alleghe ny at 5:30 p. in. au.ive Butler at7:KO," rate 75 cts FOR SALE. Fami of acres, two miles north of West Sunbury, good house, good water. Will sell cheap or exchange for sui ill form ue; r Butler Sec \V. J. BI.ACK, I.i very man. l or up-to-date l'liotos go to the Post Oflice building. New dcsigi s every few days. We ijuarantee to please you. Hrarich Studios, Mars and Kvan t ity. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 230. Tno Butler High School. (Extract from Prof. Gibson's report to the State Sup'd'tSchaeffer.) The growth of onr high school con tinues. Both the average monthly enrollment and the graduating class were the largest in the history of the school, the latter numliering thirty seven. The school board has under consideration the addition of a commer cial course to the high school curricu lum. If this contemplated step should i>e taken the new course will l»e made largely a specialty for the last year, and pupils' in this department will be re quired to pursue the main portion of the present curriculum. It is hoped that in this way the culture value of tlie high school work w ill not be impair ed and that at the same time those who may iv>t be able to pursue their educa tion in higher institutions may have the opportunity of acquiring that which may be of more direct value in earning a livelihood. Since we have semi-annual promo tions in all the grades below the high school, we are confronted with the prob lem as to how often pupils shall be ad mitted to the high 3chool. Admission lx>th at the beginning and at the mid dle of the year seems to be the only logical solution so long as the system of semi-annual promotions is continued. And the value of this system of promo tions in our schools seems to be proven beyond question'by the large percent age of our pupils who are capable of doing but one step in a school year, and who consequently would accomplish nothing satisfactorily if the steps were so long as annual promotions would re quire that they should l>e. The compulsory attendance law has not given us satisfoctory results. The law is very defective to say the least. The professional zeal and untiring in dustry of our teachers, the progressive spirit an<l liberality of our school l>oard. j and the loyalty and enthusiasm of the j general public in behalf of onr schools j are most encouraging features of our work. With such conditions as these we are looking forward to bright pros pects in the future. Harmony ami Zelienople. Frank Kellar of Harmony made a business trip to Olean N. Y., the latter part of last week. Elmer Schon'z of Harmony Jet. fell from a load of corn fodder last Friday and was severely bruised. While he was fastening the binding pole on the rear of the load the pole broke and lie fell head first and with part of the pole in his hand saved him breaking bis neck. He is getting well. Win. Stamm a farmer living at Har mony Jet. returned last Friday from a trip to New Betfcleham, Clarion county and brought with him some blooded Red Polled stock for breeding. Rev. Kribbs, superintendent of the Orphans Home at Zelieno* le with his wife were Pittsburg visitors on Thurs day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker of the John Herr oil farm near Harmony were liutler visitors 011 Sunday. The different churches of our two towns will observe Easter with special services. A forest fire was raging one mile south of Harmony on Sunday afternoon. The great cloud of smoke attracted the attention of people for miles. The local general committee of the iiext county Sundav School Convention met in the Presbyterion church 011 Moil day and staited the hall of preparation rolling. The convention date is June 7th and Nth 190(1. The district schools are beginning to celebrate their "last days." Zelienople has :S5 and Harmony 23 re tail venders this year according to the mercantile report. If expansion does not permeate our very being, we are swell headed. Fred Peffer and family of Elwood visited relatives at Harmony on Sunday. Prof. J. C. Dight of Zelienoplc was at Evans City last Saturday and called or. Ira M. Graham who is in very poor health at present. The Harmony Milling Co. is closing the contract thi> week for rebuilding a mill on the old mill site at Harmony. A three? story frame building will be erected with the latest improved ma chinery. The Citizens Fund for rebuild ing was a great factor in the decision of this project. Ulrich Winter of Harmony Jet will commence repairing histlonr mill short ly. He will expend about $3,000 in new machinery and repairing. Last fall A. Latshaw of Harmony covered a rose bush in his yard with an overcoat well worn. The coat however did not protect the plant long, it disap peared one night. Last Sunday morn ing Mr. Latshaw was surprised when he saw his coat hanging on the rose, bush again not much the worse for a winter's wear by some unknown one who no doubt in "ded it, and brought it back again for the winds from the Southland | prevail. John Kloffenstein of Harmony and Miss Etta (Jrant of Parkersbnrg W. Va. were married at the brides home last w . ek, and the young couple arrived at Harmony on Friday where they will start housekeeping. Mrs. Win. C. Latshaw left on Mon day for Greensbnrg, Ind. where she will visit her daughter Mrs. C. E. Niece for some time. 1831 ""T'he™ 1900 COiH I JIWM 1 ill ) T U il.lil.dl NLll' t At l> AUMIITRWV TJIK LA,:ricUit ir.d Journal of the W : !'J Kvery depaitnient written by npecial isit, the highest authorities in their re spective lines. No other pi>per iretetids to compete with it in quiOifientiotis of editorial stuff. Gives the NKWS with a degree of fullness arid completeness not even attempted by others. Best Reviews of the Crops Best Matk-t Reports Best Accounts of Meetings B;st Everythi : • JMUSI liN>ABEE TO a;.;, '<■ X)\' NTRY RESIDhNTn VvilO WISH TO Keep i;i* With the I'imi.s. Sil! iptiull, $2, i. • i> ci iptions, i'our ibscripti jus, 0. s; cia/. niD Cinj-wrs to kaiser> 0 r lA'tci CLUBS. V/iltc lor iartloulars on tbisloint. Club Agents Wanted Everywhere. Four Monllis* Trial Trip SO cents. i m !■:%• com Hi will In in.ihd free 011 rec|uest. It will pay anybody interested in any way in country ijfe send for (hem. Address tin- publif.lli r*. LiJTHI'R TUCKIiK & Albany, N. Y. Anvwp wading n nkctch and dwicrlptlon may qui' kly ascertain *»»»• opinion free whether an invent ion ih probably patentable Conirnimicfi tlon*Kt rlcfly ronfldentuil. I f ui»<l»»' »<»U on Cut out» ■cut frc«\ oldest iiirorn y fur nectirlnn patents, l*nt«•»»♦«» taken throuub Munn S. Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handaomely Illustrated weekly. Lnraent rir culntloii of any sclentitb- lotiriml. Terma year : four months, fl. Hold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co. 36,0r New York Kraiicti Office. V St.. Washington, U. Advertite in the CITIZE. DEATHS. MI LAUGHLIN—Sunday April 1, 1900. at his home at North Washington. Clark McLaughlin. , CAMPBELL—At the home of his aunt. Mrs Kirk at Halston Station. Monday April 1900, Samuel Campbell. BAI'MAN—At his home in Saxonburg. March 31, ISM MI. Frederick Bauinan aged 62 years. Mr. Bauman was a marble cutter by trade and an energetic useful citizen. He is survived by his wife and sis sons and two daughters. KENNEDY—At his home in Tarentum March 29, 1900. John Kennedy form erly of Middlesex twp. aged *»> years. GRAHAM-March 28.1900, at the home of liei son, Thomas Biiiley in Marion twp., Mrs. Sarah Graham aged 82 years. SELL Wednesday.April 4. 1900, infant j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sell of | Leasureville. aged three months. PUFF At his home near Maliarg. | Thursday April 5, Charles Puff aged about 75 years He is survived by two sous. Harris of Penn twp. and William J. of Allegheny, and five daughters, Mrs. James Hegin bothem. Mrs. Jennie Snider. Mrs. Etta Andrews and SaTah and Agnes at home. His remains were buried at Middlesex Presbyterian church Saturday. DUTTER At his home in Franklin twp. April 0. 1900. Jesse Dutter, aged about 70 years. GRAHAM April 7, 1900, Walter, son of J. C. Graham of Butler, aged 2 years. WICK —At her home in Oakland twp. April <>. 1900, Sarah, widow of Win. Wick, and mother ?f Miller \\ ick. in her s 7th year. See Middletown Notes. DOUTHETT—Wednesday, April 4. 1900. at his home east of Saxon tsta- tion, Esq. Benjamin Douthett, in his MDth year. Mr. Douthett was the last of a gener atiou of long livers. He was a brother of Alexander Douthett who died last July at the age of 78. Several years ago Benjamin lost an arm bv being struck by a West Penn train. He leaves two sons. Gilbert and George, and four daughters His remains were laid to rest in Cooper M E. cemetery at Han nahstown Friday. McCONNELL—At his home in Worth twp. April 2, 1900, Samuel McCon nell, aged about 40 years. Mr. McConnell was a very * good citi zen. His death was caused by enlarge ment of the liver. His wife and four children survive him. GLENN At his home in Pittsburg April 7, 1900, Thomas Glenn, son of James Glenn of Clay twp.,aged about 35 years. KEARNS April 5, 1900, infant child of Harry Kearns of West Ave., But ler. ORRELL—At Mercy Hospital, Pitts burg, April 7, 1900. widow of James Orrell, lately deceased of Butler twp., aged 35 yearn. Five small children survive their par ents. RUSSELL At his home in Concord twp. April 8, 1900. Samuel Russell, aged about *4 years. The following brief biography of the deceased appeared in the CITIZEN of Nov 23, 1899, the contribution of I. H. Pisor. Mr. Russell was born Sept. 7th. 1810. and is now in his 84th year. In his earlier years he was famous for his robust constitution and for his power of physical endurance. Mr. Russell has always been free and fearless in the ex pression of his convictions. His oldest son O. H P. Russell was a soldier in the war of the rebellion and gave bis life in defense of his country. Another son, R. M. died several years ago. His other children are Ephriam.'now a resi dent of the Western oil field; Nelson, who resides on the old homestead and with whom Mr. Russell makes his home; W. G., ex-Co. Supt. of West Sunbnry; Mrs. Emma Story and doctors John and Burt, residents of the North ern Pa, oil fields. STEHLE Mrs. Josephine Stride, aged 86 years, widow of the late Thomas St<jiile, died at the residence of her daughter Mrs. Win. Aland pn S. Main St., Butler at 7 A. M. April 12. 1900, She leaves two children Mrs. Aland and Mis. I). T. Pape. DAVIS At her home in Clinton twp . April 9, 1900, Miss Sarah D.ivis. aged 87 years. GELBACH Anna Estella daughter of Christian and Anna Gelbach of Mars died oil the Ist of April 1900, aged 14 years. ROSS—At her home in Butler twp., near Mr. Chestnut, April 10, 1900, Mrs Mary Ross, aged 87 years. Shi! was the mother of Geo. Ross of Butler. OBITUARY. Floyd Earl, son of Harvey and Etta Turner of Concord twp., died March 28, ' 1900, aged •"> years, :< months and 10 ' days 1 Whose tiny hands arc folded : Upon the breast of love, A sweet smile lingers 011 his face While his spirit rests above. ' He is like a budding lily, ' Forbidden here to grow, Even in death most beautiful, j As pure and bright as snow. Sad, though within the icy grave We lay liim down to rest. We know he will blossom 011 the Saviour's loving breast. So Floyd dear, a kind farewell, We must put you from our si^ht, I '.ut your uuiles will .■■till be with us In davkneNß aud the light. 1 John B R.ilvrly, a retired minister of the Free Methodist chnrcli, was found dead in his bed at his home in Renfrew Tuesday morning. He was about ?<> years of age and lived alone. But little is 1 town of lis hisloty. more than h- 'Warned to I lave been a tin siding eM'-r in the Free Methodist church ni lop -rim •, and t! ai he filled local aji t ■ jtj; tu fu •.r1 nl lb nfrev c•, ii'ional ' Jy dniiiig his resid wire in the tow.i. Heart disease was the cause of his death. Mrs. Rose Dorsry, aged 111 y,-ars, ■ died at the home of her daughter, Mrs William H. IlemminKCs, I Rowley 1 j street, Pittsburg, late Monday night. Brady twp. I H> {no li n moved to the MeC'in nell far <ll whieh lie purchased. ! liej>ry K '1 i vi 1! lo the farm he ! b n „,lii ii- ii West, Libfriy. Thos ('(idj,. r 1 . Worth twp, i .is mov ed to the Finley Witner farm. li' l has a ii"' •111 •; of -iilvi'Wyaii'lotts and sells e'/gs for hatching. John Grossman who has been serious j ly iil is improving. Ferry Hineg has made qnite 1111 ini i (irovemeiit on Ins store I'ootti. i Mr*. Thumps . 1 who haslieen sii-k all winter is not improving very fast. J, ft. tiro- man ei|i[ie home a Tew ('iHjsago. lie was 111 Ne.v York work in« for the Home Comfort Range Co. Wilson Moore isuoing to build a burn ■ this summer. Kid(H« N X ICoiiri*. M imie JoiiiM visited le-r aunt ( Mrs W. S. Marshal 1. one tlay last week. The Larilin srhool (dosed on the Ith with a picnic. Mi s Maggie Jones attended her sis ter's edding at Rural Ridge on the 4th. Mrs. Sadie Snider is very low with neuralgia of the heart. j John Kef ton brought one of his child ren from Allegheny and buried it al Westminster ehurch. Saturday. Practical Horse Shoers W .L ROBINSON, Formerly Horse Shoer al the W'.ok House has opened busi ness in a shop in the rear of '.he Arlington Hotel, where lie will do, Horse-Shoehig in the most •pproved style. track and kgao hoshes A SPECIALTY. | PLENTY OF RELIABLE FIRNITUKEj Good dependable kinds and always at right prices, if you consider quality. f§ IR When it is not as we say please let us know, we want to make it right. Have ffi |§j we said enough to interest you in coming to see what we have to offer, j \f IYTI7I \l IPPfIPC Same kind we have sold for |()||V IM'TW Nf " r< ' n, ' w ones to show ? on antl the strongest line ,H \.> 1L L .'1 1 IlJl' ' each, but we Itought a quantity of / IH" ' I'IJI' ' we have over shown, not one undesirable pattern ftrl them and can sell them at a low price Tbe plate is made,silvered,framed# in the lot. saji twenty kinds at different prices in white, bine or green JSSS tCI and sold in Bailer. Think of a French plate minor, size 18x88 inches, l finish. One nicely finished in white enamel with brass knobs. Head is TggS +3zl beveled. Choice of oak and gold, white and gold, or all gilt frames for $4 t 6 feet high, 4 feet f. inches wide. A neat pretty bed for $6 Ksg »., , i ■„! » VVI7 XV ri irni 17 C At lesst, twenty-five kimls for vou to select SSsJ ( \ lis III' ( \IM S <>r . baby selected wit a care as-to l y \y \'l( 'l| Jui. from. Some have tapestry coverings, but 2SSA ADO it :,, ' t t l f "pholstenng. covers and shades. I lnoe t of them are covered in velour. We sell more of the*lT.iwi indestrnct- •' Our <TO-('arts have double adjustable rods_ 1 his guards against accident J couch each month Cheapest we sell and it's reliable, is ,i medium t3* agg/ which can t lie done with the single rod. Prices from $4 to sls- i siiK , couch, shallow tufted with fringe all around the b-ise. Choice of red All have rubber tires. ) or green velour. Price aljf K\TK\Sl()\ i\HI I - S S°. lden finish .fine large )> i) »pi <vi) ri|> | A new one in golden Oak with t-—vf LAI L_\ k. I \ I,\ 1> 1-L> fluted legs, size of top l-x4. inch- v | AlVlA'll IA1)1. L ■ pattern top, four nicely turned legs -. *' f'-et lonu. round corners, a good reliable table. Style. h">r;h and an< j lower shelf. A substantial table for little rnonev. Price.... $1.50 workmanship right. Pnce 358 50 / " ( \ \\ Vl' [ l\ Solid oak. golden finish, highly polish »3|F L)LL' LL' "' VI OL 1 I square or oval pattern mirror dressers, / DL , 1 ' llvvJl. OL ILO ed. Bed handsomely carved and full JSJG; full size bed, wash stand and dresser both have neat brass trimmiflus. S sire. Dresser has square or pattern beveled mirrors, ca-t brass trimmings, Cabinet work of the lxst $25 \ double top 011 dresser and full swell front. Price S3O 1 S The newest and best are here for you to select from in flooor coverings. Your carpet is the foundation of all gjlf harmony in the furnishing of a room. The quality, price and style of our carpets are right, the unworthy kind fUg never find a place here if we know it. |jsj AVAI IV |7P (' \R P FTS * n i' atterns or a i iar {PRINTED LINOLEUMS each w<t»k for several months, •ct-f *' *\ 'I. • 1 ' iilll Lil ior we mention two of u t thev are worthy of mentioning each week in the year. We never ySgf gelling patterns. ()ne in iinrh red 111 two tone ground with a small i new woman to change from linoleum to carpet, but many are doing gßg floral design. We believe it s the handsomest red carpet you e\er saw- > n way with cari»et in the kitchen and buying linoleum. Why? Because with or with border. Ihe other is a dark green ground with a light, are sanitary and easily kept clean. There is no need for scrubbing '■ medallion figure. A beauty it >Oll re looking for a green carjiet. /' I k if you use a linoleum in the kitchen. A good one at 50 cents, a better CSJ lwrder. Either of the above cost $1.25 per yard.l , at 55 c per yarc j \ I"! VUT i' \ P|)|7Ts! More new ones arrived last week y'l' \ |>|7SiTPY (' \ RPKT A relifll) l e can»et for any room in Ills 1 Ll, TL 1 ' .llt i L 1 O making the assortment larger thanA lit 1 LO llt 1 VXI 111 IJ 1 the house. For some places they ever. If yon're looking for a velvet carpet for parlor, hall or library we J .are more suitable than a velvet, for instance, halls, dining riH>:ns believe it is here to suit yon. Red, bine and green gronnds in scroll, floral % "and sitting rooms, where there is a large family. .Some very pretty jsSJ or set patterns. For the price there is no handsomer carpet. We onlyC suitable for parlors and the price is same as we charged last sell the reliable ones. Price SI.OO ier "ard/ 3 /lATTIIV I 1 V P PT7T For bed rooms some very pretty pat-jf +33 tyl'l 1 \J 1\ 111 tt'rns. Often called one quarter, butOvllLill ' ;V ll I LIO different weave to extra super cotton yon will never find the wool, so it's best to sell them all for cotton. TlieAgoods. but a very desirable cheap floor covering in green and red grounds, tsaj |[sE| best ones cost 40c yer yardX Tbe3r come in P rett >" floral patterns Price 30c per yard 1 linn ITM flinnnno Best all wool extra super Ingrains XmCWZ MATTTMPC! More new ones arrived last week for bed Nil KAN 11 A KIK I S <lependable kinds at fairest prices inV f| P. VV fI A I llilU J rooms » ml 'lining rooms: they make dean patterns in dark, light and niedinm grounds. If you want a pretty neat patterns. (We refer n> the new ones that arrived last Satur- (gg* carpet for little money we knort- of nothing better. Price. 65c per ydjf d »y) an<l OI)e { " :xr will service. Costs 25c per yard ICampbell &- Templcton| f zWw %' Diseased kidnevs contaminate the whole body. They throw out hundreds of roo'. -., in th" rtnmach, C i in the liver the lungs everywhere. They arc the cause of nine-tenths of human icknc Strengthen \ I frequent and painful urine, and makes weak kidneys strong. It prevents Bright'a Disease, punfic* and ■. MOfURO W'S are particnl.irly go<,d for -female troubles." liccausc female troubles are often nothing more or ill ' i "'M wi/ tie yellow tablets no pills or I. — symptomsot'kldii'cy trouble. I lead J : V P liquid. 5"0. as the ,:r:r:gis<: \ a dull heavy- ualn 1.. my Imek and in Vfiif f /'lf A'i Enough for aboul two'v's | « § «£ J' £» lrcatmcul - !o3 B J iW&i -Ci Hr Morron SI It erlax Costimiess, V i fl - trouWos, but imfke of thorn j?hv© mo H vimiF A** &i:d < \*j w % . propor rollof until I took Morrow's km- J Y - nc-olds. Tliey guv© mo relief in a few \mm \ jj? , h T " ,TMS :, p§g||i At all drug stores and \ viizri p PI) reoick & grohman's. tl-pW \ tc-oid» at once. U means your ) PHCPARfcD BV UhLi '''' They Cure HE A DA and all Kinds of Pain* CHAS. WALTER, Catawlas#, Pa. Df M " W ' CU * TIBB, K * no ' P "' "I have used Dr. Miles' Palo l# * "I was troubled very much with Pills for seven yvars and think thcro _ _ _ headache for many J es £* J?™-s?^ is nothing like them. They never tMMK ff Jf - 9 tried nearly Y 11 1 tlo fail to give relief from headache, and AJV ■ for that trouble. While in BulTalo, since 1 have beeu using them the atr N. Y., two years .ag() a friend of "j' l ?® tacks from that trouble have Ijeen ™ gave me some of Dr. Miles Pain less frequent and less severe, and I lills and 1 a9 u r o e 'S' e J c^ °'^ feel liko my real Self once more." mediately. Tluy arc a sure c e. MRS. W. SNOKE, Shlppanaburg, Pa. MMM MRS. P. W. DEPPEN, Shamokln, Pa. "I was sick all the time from nerv- _ was' .fLESS ous neuralgia; could not sleep at night eal vvit,l, sicklK'ud.iche.andstomac and my bones ached so I could hardly crumps so sc\erc that he endure the naln. When 1 began tak- m had to stay home fi ro S„ t Ji? B iSfin tnir Or Miles' Pain Pills the nains When he tried Dr. Mllca and aches disappeared like I 25 D0909m 2S Ct>tit9a .ionrif' 0 ' Thev could sleep well at night und soon * pill always prc\ents an attack. They found my health restored." AT ALL DRUGGISTS. ore a sure cure every time. ■M| In order that you may test the merit or Dr. Miles' Pain Pills, we will send upon request, a Sif S&V&-EM Bmjß mm sample free. Write today. A postal card will do. AB&I g Be sure to mention this paper when you write. Address DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Indiana. FOR SALE. I wish to sell my Residence on Ziegler Ave., lot 56*110, an<l a good comfortable house of ten rooms, with water and sewerage, $2000; also a small house on Hickory St., three rooms and finished attic, »; ilso a modern house <>n Hickory St., lot 40x125, six roomed house, with well of water, ft,700; also mv horse, (a good driver,) htijjgv, robes, etc. DAVID CUPPS, 312 Ziej»ler Ave., Butler, l'a. W \M Kl» SEVERAL IIKKtIIT AND ** |mtmui> («> r*«pr« s«*nt u-» a** Man ij,f« i in 11»1 h ami hy I'liuiilh s. halury •«,**> a year unci ♦ xpi-nsrs. Sfrulirlif. Iwma rtclr. i»<» n»on». nc» salary. I'oMllon |»«*r mam-nt (Mir it fcn m. is, any bank 1 11 any town. 11 Is mainly ofllrt* work rnmlurtt'd at lioun*. Iteferunet*. EiieloM« tM»lf~ad<Jr« huikl stumped cuvi'lujic. The I'omimon Comj'an Y L)«-pt.J,Ual<; «. M. C. WAGNER. ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER. 139 South Main street. Over Shaul * Na*t'n Clothing Store PATENTHDEA. It may n>ean ft fortune to you. I pro cure ami sell patents. R. S. HARRISON, Patent Attorney, 427 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pn. WANTK.H Honest man or woman to t rami for liirKi- lioiisi'; Ki.Uiiy ■ monthly uml »««•««•». with 1111" re as®; position jm-•iiiiin- CNL :IIK'IO!M vK-adUruitu'd atanipeU envelope. MANAUEK, WO ClaxtOß UIUKC'UICttKO. TH6 BOTIyGR GTIZGN. FL.OO IMT year If pnUl 1«* advance. oth«rwls« ft.,*) will bechanced. . . AnvKViTiHimi KATKH One Inch, one tunc $1; IMK'II HUliMMim ill Insertion 60 cents each Auditors' and divorce not Ices $4 each; exec, utors' iiml administrators* notices each • st ray and dissolution not Icm $2 each. Head ing notices 10 a line for llr*t and •"» rents for •>< li subsequent Insertion. Notices anionic I'N'BI IK-WS Hems LFL rcnto a line f«»r i« )i insertion. Obituaries < anU of thanks, resolutions of respect, notices of festivals and fairs, etc.. Inserted at the rate of A cents a Hue. money to accompany I lie order. «even words of |»rose make a lino. Kates for standing cards ami Job work on appllcat lon. All advertising? I* due after llrst Insertion, and all transient advertising must he paid for in advance. All communications Intended f«>r publlca tlon In this pap« r must »»«» accompanied i.y t lie real name of the writer, not for publica tion bu. % jfu a rant e«> of tfood f nith, and should reach us not later than Tut sday eveiilnjr. Death notices must »>© accompanied by a espouslble uaiuc. Jury List for Ani il Term List of names drawn from the proper jury wlir,'l this itli day (•! ,'daivh, A. 1). I !HK), to serve as Trav«n Jnroi: at a. special term of Court, commencing on tne 10th day of April, the same the thinl Monday of said month: Barto David, Evans City 1)0ro, shoe maker, I'.uiiiier John X. J< Il'i isou twp. fi.rim r. lJn;uburt J Fairview twp, tanner. Bainhurt Robert A, Oakland tp.teaclur, Mrovvii II M. I'i un tu p. fanner. Cooper A W. Middlesex twp. carpenter Dambautfh K;:ra. Zolieiioplu boro. #ent Dierkeii Daniel, Millerstown lioro. ma chinist. Davis.l H, Franklin twp. farmer. Dambnugh Jacob Jr. Cranberry twp, farmer. Fra/.ier Thos A. Butler boro, Ist, ward, producer. Foltz John, Summit twp, farmer. Fot renter Ford B, Prospect lioro,teacher, (ilenn \ <). ("lay twp, fanner. Glenn Noriiian."\\'a--iiiiigti ntwp, finn r. (•ruff Willinio, .1 ii'tiSMi I wp, fin'iiier. CmrT I', Buffalo twp, failuer <, ll.i; 1 1.« i St.. i null!, Mllfldjcieek twp, fanuer. (in i.Kory W I >. Mi.Ml. • x twp. laniu r. IJiaven Isaac, I oiitMHpicnefsiuK twp, stciiettliiHoll. Henry William. Allegheny twp. farmer. Haw). < has A. Butler boro 3d wd.clerk. IJ'izlett Tie mas. Butler 1 iro, ">lh v., id, laborer. ,lohn»oii Cliaile Millerslown born, merehai I. Kiild Snui'l N.Until i U»ro2d wd.prtmi r. MillioranJol.ii. \\ it.field twp. tanner. Murrin Hugh T. Vcniiiipo twp. fanner. Maxwell .1 J. Fairviow ln>ro. liverytnau. MeCall Samuel. Clinton twp. fainter. Mclntire V K. Butler l>oro, Ist wd.u:.., lit. Nicholas John, 10vans City lioro, mer chant Orbison .losiflh. Donegal twp. .. riiier. Robb Robert K. t'alil nd t.vp. Humor. Ralstor. Robert, (. lay twp. tanner. Stanim Win 11. Jael son twp, fanner. Shakeley Samuel, Butler boro, Ist ward, laborer. Smith Melnon C. Butb r boro Ist ward, pumper. Smith John McQ, Butler boro.Hd ward, Kent. Smith Hetii.v A. Buffalotwp, farmer. Stcubgan Christ, Snxonbur# borough, tool dress* r. Stewart Archie. Cherry twp. fnruier. Stone Lnther.KarnsCity boro.producer. Thorn Henry. Kairview twp. pumper Vorous 'J C. Bntler boro, 2d ward. lumber dealer. • Walker Samuel, Butler boro, 4th ward, att'y. Walker Daniel. Parker twp. farmer. Wheeler Thomas. Harmony boro. pro ducer. Wilkwirfz Godfrey, Buffalo tp. peddler. The Keystone Orchestra, Is now ready foi tin itsf<! I ar tits, l'i.nics «nd 1 :.::ec , and ('.nan lee the l>est ot music at reasonable rait" . Address, Prof. Gus Wickcnhagen, 328 Zicglcr Ave., Butler, i'a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers