Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 12, 1900, Image 1
VOL.- xxxvii BICKEL'S BARGAINS Have you seen the pretty styles in fine footwear at Bickel s. Our spring stock is all in and is extreml) large. Grandest display of fine foot wear ever shown. SOROSIS SHOES and Oxfords in all the new and pretty styles for spring. Many styles to select from. Misses' and Children s shoes and Oxfords in fine Dongola, Tan and Patent Leather. See our line of Men's and Boy's fine shoes in Patent Leather, Vici Kid and the different shades of Russett. Also a complete stock of Gents' fine Oxfords in the different leathers —all sizes and widths The styles are the latest and the prices are the lowest. Sample Counters Filled With Interesting Bargains JOHN BICKEL, 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - BUTLER, PA HUSELTON'S Spring Footwear The Very Finest Shoes Ever Shown in Butler for Men, Women and Children. Every New Idea That has merit in it as to style, ; comfort and service in footwear; develops in this store. Women's Shoes made especially to our order; dainty in appearance, of sub stantia' service and full of style as to shape of heel and toe, $2, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 in Tan, kid and Russia calf, black kid skin and patent leather. Our Girls Shoes in ta:i and black, iace or but- j ton kid shoes, sizes 11 J to 2, at> 75c, sl, $125 and $1.50; i to 1 1, at 50c, 75, $1 and $1.25; i 6 t<> 8 at 40c, 50c, 75c and sl. Shoes for Boys, Including patent leather, vici kid. tan and Russia calf, sizes 2.j to at 90c. $ 1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. We are sole agents for the famous "Queen duality" Shoes for Women, of this city, B. C. HUSELTON S. itutler'b Leading Hhoe House. Opposite Hotel Lwry. Spring STYLES § lypr Men don't buy clothing for the pur-i? * I u,/ I ' (JT iaCpose or spending money. They 2to get the best possible results lor A. • A. \?| expended. Not cheap goolsTSC /< H 1 .4X--' Br ij| goods as cheap as they can JjV ' jjwf' (t 2*sold for nd made up properly. I*3) F\ 1' J] j] want the correct thing at the cor-'j?; —IA XfrMf -, '|| price, call and examine our;,a;. ■ —' \ \|J j| i *?; large stack of SPRISC'WEIGHTS —J \ v Vw i il LATEST STYLES, SHADES AND#" \| : I ) \ t t j !/ ; V Fits and WorkmanshiD I J J'J m Guaranteed. kl' G F. K6CK, 42 North Main Street, Butler, Pa Out of Style, Out of the World! ° ur B arments have :i st y ,e that is --*j f\ l| easily distinguished from the ordin ( ary. They arc the result of careful study and practical application of the ideas gathered by frequent visits to jt the fashion centres, and by personal ,t- PwpVcontact with the leading tailors and uj'4 | 'fcn ' £&' j fashion authorities of the county ; tp.~ ' .5 • & ( They are made in our own work sltop by the highest paid journey -11l men tailors in Butler, yet it is pos sible to (and we do) give our patrons these first class clothes at the price you would pay for the other sort. We believe we have given good reasons why our tailoring is the best and cheapest and would be grateful for the opportunity to show you our handsome spring stock and give you prices to prove them. 1 ✓"->! maker of /-VI CJ I MEN'S Clothes FITTING TRUSSES Ci< v ~ 3 ' s not ({"ess work. Wo lire noi , satisfied simply to sell a truss thai '/j K ?®« (fZZ'xr —7>v I I approximate-, tlm sl/.«- of the CUM W jj tomer. for we want, the truss w< s J t ■ littlo Intelligent bending of tlit ■ truss bund Is needed. Wo do It V&sf If and we promptly order uperla REDICK & CROHMAN'S. 109 N. Main St., PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, Butler, Pa -THE BUTLER CITIZEN. SELLING GOODS REGARD LESS OF COST. Ladies' fine Dongola shoes $1.50 values at SI.OO Men's fine Calf shoes, leather lined, $1 50 values at SI.OO. Men's fine Tan shoes, spring styles, $2.00 values at $1.25. Boys' fine Bqx Calf, extension sole shoes, $1.50 values at SI.OO. Men's Heavy Sole, lace work ing shoes, $1.35 values at 90c. Girl's fine Dress shoes, patent tipped, SI.OO values at 50c. Men's High-cut, heavy sole, box t e shoes, $2 va!i'e> at $1.25. Ladies' fine Slippers, satin, velvet and leather, all sizes, SI.OO values at 35c. Ladies' fine Jersey over-gaiters, 50c values at 15c. Women's Fine Shoes, Lace or button at 85c, $ 1 1- 2 5 and $1.50 —up to the minute in style. » Business Shoes. Stylish footwear for business men; tan box and Russia calf, fine vici kids, velour calf, pat ent calf that have ease and comfort as well as wear in them at $2, $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Men's Patent Leather. Full dress affairs at $2.50, $3.50. $4 and ss, that vou must have to be well dressed; shoes j that go into the very best soci ety and feel at home there. Men's Working Shoes in oil grain and heavy veal, two sole and tap bellus tongue, at sl, $1.25 and $1.50; Hox toe at $1 50, $2 and $2.50; ir. fine satins for dress at SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50. Thoiman.l* aro Tryinc It. In order to proTe the great merit of Eiv's Cream Balm, th<» most effective cure lor Catarrh atid Col l ' in K?a<L we have pre pi-. 1 a generous trial size for It) cents. Gu it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. V. City. I suffered from catarrh of the wor-t Kind ever since a bov. ami 1 never h"t 1 for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seen r. do even that. Many acquaintanc. s ha-- 'i- d it with excellent results. —Oscar Ustrum. 43 SVarren Ave., Chicago, 111. Elv's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure "for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. Pr: e. 60 cents. At druggists or l>y mail. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. 1> UFFALO, ROCHESTER & JJ PITTSBURG RY. The new trunk line between Pittsburg. Butler, Bradford, Rochester and Butfrlo. On and after Jan. 1, 1»0<>, passenger trains will leave Butler, P. A: W. Sta tion as follows, Eastern Standard Time 10:12 a.m. Vestibuled Limited, daily, for Dayton, Punxsutawney. Du Bois. Ridgway, Bradford, Buffalo and Rochester. 5:2-> p.m. Accommodation, week days only, Craigsville, Dayton. Punxsu tawney, Dnßios, Falls Creek, Curwenfnrille. Clearfield and inter mediate stations 6:45 a.m. Week days only: mixed train for Craigsville, Dayton, Punxsu tawney and intermediate points. This train leaves Punxsutawney at 1:00 p.m. arriving at Butler at ">:45 p.m . stopping at all intermediate stations Thousand mile tickets good for pas sage between all stations on the B. K. & PR'y and N. Y. C. R. R. (Penn'a. division) at 2 cents per mile. For tickets, time tables and fnrthei information call 011 or address. W. R. Tt'RNER, Agt. Butler, Pa., or Edward C. Lapey. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Rochester, N. Y. P., Bessemer & L E. Trains depart: No 14, at 9:15 A. M; No. 2, at 4 50 P. M. Butler tiuie. Trains arrive :No. 1, 9:50 A. M; No. 11, 2:55 P. M. Butler time. No. 14 rnns through to Erie and con nects with W. N. Y. & P. at Huston Junction for Franklin and Oil City, and with Erie Railroad at Shenan JJO for all points east. No. 2 runs through to Greenville and connects with W N. Y. & P. for Franklin and Oil City, and at Shenango with Erie R. R. for points east and west. W. R. TuKtfER, Ticket Agent. pITTSBURG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of Pas- F»:nger Trains in eflect Nov. 19, 1899. BUTLER TIME. | Depart. Arrive. Allegheny Accommodation. ..... 62> A.* 907 A.M Allegheny Express ® " •' JJ |J Vew < a.<stle Accommodation K o.> 4 J »'7 \kron Mail 8 <* *•» 7 '« P ." Allegheny Fast Kxpren* 58 44 12 18 Ulegheny Kxpre** 3«» p.* 1 f' l'» l hicago Express 3 40 pm 12 18 am* Mlegheir*' Mail 6 50 44 Ulegheny and New Castle Accom 560 " <Cm hicagi Limited 560 " 907 A.m Xiine and Bradford Mail 9:50 A.M 2 r «» P.M Marion Accommodation 4 55 i*.m 9 1" A.M Mevelaud and Chicago Express...! 0 25 am SUNDAY TRAINS. Ulegheny Expreas 8 05 A.M 9 3oa.M tllegheuy Accommodation 660 i\M 03 p.M Sew Oa-tle Accommodation 8 05 A.M 7 03 hicago Express 340 P.M r » (tt am Mle/theny Accommodation 7 03 pm Train arrfvitg at 5.03 p.m. leave* R. A <>. .lejN.t l*itt at 3.25 p.m and I'. <fc MAllegheny at 3.3. > m. On Satuidays a train, known a* the theatre train, Mill leave Butler at 6.50 p. m., arriving at Allegheny tt 7.20; returning leave Allegheny at 11.-W p. m. Pullman (deeping rant i Kxpres* between Pittnburg and Uhh ago. For through ticket* to all points In the west, north went or southwest and information regarding route*, time of trains, etc. apply .t<> W. li. TURNER, Ticket Agent, It. 11. REYNOLDS, Snp% N. D., Butler, Pa. liutler, Pa. C. W. BASSETT, f». P. A., Allegber«*, Pa II O DUNK LK, Sup't. W AL. Dir.. Allegheuj Pa. PENNSYLVANIA HA a L WFSTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Hchkmlk is ErrncT Nov. 20, 1899 SOUTH. , WEEK. DAYS , A. M A.M. A.M P. M. P. M. BUTLKR Leave 6 25 m 05 |o 60 2 :i6 5 06 Saxonhurg Arrive ft 64 8 30 11 1"» 3 00 5 28 Butler Junction.. " 7 27 8 53 11 4»» 3 2 * ■> u\ liutler Junction.. .Leave 7 31 8 63 11 52 3 2» .» 53 Natrona Arrive 7 4u 9 01 12 01 •' 34 ft o*2 Tar en turn 7 41 9 07 12 Um' 3 42 ft 07 Springdale 7 62 9 Ift 12 19 J •>- .... Clareino.it 19 3o l 2 38' 4 Oft .... Sharpsburg 8 II !> 3ft 12 4* 1 12 ♦» 32 Allegheny 1 & 24 948 102 1- » ft l i A M. A.M P. M P. M P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS. —Leavn Butler for Allegheny City and priucij>al intermediate station* at 7:30 a ui, ina 6:0o p. m. NORTH WEEK DAYS A. M.i A. M. A. M P. M. P M Allegheny fity. ..leave 700 86610 45 3 1»» 0 10 Sharpabtirg 7 12 9 "07 10 57' Ciaremout .... II 0-1 .... .... Sj-imgdale | .... 11 18 •••• r » •»' Taretttum 7 37 !» M 11 JK 4'. ♦. 40 Natrona 741 »38 11 il :t 6o »i r »l Butler Junction..arrive 7 4«. 94711 43 •'»- 700 j Butler Junction—leave 7 48. 'J 47 12 1* I o<". 7 'Mi ; Saxonl'iirg 8 15; 10 09 12 41 1 .'»• 724 j BI'TLEIt. arrive M 40-10 32 1 10 5 05 7 50 j A. M.'A. M. P. M jP. P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny < ity for But ler and print ifial intermediate stations at 7.15 a m. and 9-30 p. ru. FOR THE EAST. Weeks Davn. Sundays A. M. A M P. M. A M. P M lli'Ti.Kit Iv 0 25 10 50 2 36 ' 7 'V> 6 Butter jit::::.:. <» r 7n n ™ Butler J'ct lv 74M II 43| 368 821 805 Freein.rt ar 7 51 11 4» 4 02 , 8 25 807 KinkiiuiuotM J't " 765 11 60 407 82 > m 11 ( li«*echhiirg " H 07112 02' I l!» 8 IL 823 , Paultou (A|xillo).... w 82012 22 140 86sk 42 Balt*t urg " 8 61112 49 508 9 2-3 909 Bluiroville „ 9 2-1 1 2«» 641 962 940 j Blainville Int. .. 44 930 1 560 10 00 j Altoona " II :•• • 546 860 546 . .. I liariixburg *' 3 10j 10 00 I "O 10 00 : Philadelphia. u ft 2.i 425 426 4 2 » | P. M.jA. M.i A. M. A. H. P. M. Through traiuo for the leave Pitt*l>urg (Unl«»n | Station), aa follows: — Atlantic Kxprem, daily 2:60a.m ! Pennsylvania Limited 44 7:15 ** I>ay Express. u 7:30 M >1 tin Linn K*.pn hh, 44 BHS) 44 llarrisburg Mail, 44 12 16 P M Pit ila lei ph in Exprew, 1:50 44 Mail and Exprens daily. For New York only. Through hutlet sleeper; no coacted 7:<Si Eanler n Expr<iM, ' .... 71" •' K.ft Um, 4 MO** Pittfiburg Limited, daily, with through coaches to New York, arid sleeping earn t«» New York, Baltimore and Wiutliington only. No extra tare on this train 10:00 u Fhilad'a Mail, Suu«la% i «>n»y 8:40 A.M For Atlantic Uity (via Delaware River Brelfce, all rail route), 8:0o A.M, and M : :u» P.M, daily. For detailed information, address Thos. K. Watt, PaM. 1 Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith* field Street, Pittsburg, Pa. J B. HUTCHISON, J. R. WOOD, »«un ral Maiuiaer. tien' l "unr, Anetic Practical Horse Shoers W .L ROBINSON. Formerly Ilorse Shoer at the Wick 1 louse lias opened busi ness in a shop iti the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where lie will, do" Horse-Shoeing in the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HOSRES A SPECIALTY. | West Winfield Hotel, §W.G. LUSK, Prop'r . l'irst Class Table anil Lodgings, (ias and Spring Water all through house. Good Stabling. BUTLER PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1000 " ®• » 8 : » ■■■ I S * **" •" '**** ' - *. IPISTW? .5 „ I '■it -e ({) OLIVE Ig V r iLlr --J I A SCI£RELN"ER. v. ." 8 SMM FIII ~ 1 A TALE OF LIFE IN THE {V ★ BOER REPUBLIC. * .»»; . . il' ; •»?; . »*?. • *'/ •_ -J \ •% • s*• % ? . ,• • • ;«• * i 9 **• ** • * « CHAPTER VII. nE SETS 1113 TRAP. "Mar I come In? I hope I ilo not disturb you, my dear friend." said Bo naparte late one evening, putting his nose in at the cabin door, where the German and his son sat finishing their supper. It was two months since he had been installed as schoolmaster in Taut' San nie's household, and he had grown mighty aud more mighty day by day. He visited the cabin no more, sat close to Taut' Sannie drinking coffee all the evening and walked about loftily with his hands under the coattails of the German's black cloth aud failed to see even a nigger who wished him a defer ential good morning. It was therefore with no small surprise that the German perceived Bonaparte's red nose at his door. "Walk iu. walk in," he said joyfully. "Boy, boy. see if there is coffee left. Well. none. Make a lire. We have done supper, but"— "My dear friend," said Bonaparte, taking off iiis hat, "I came not to sup. not for mere creature comforts, but for an hour of brotherly intercourse with a kindred spirit. The press of business aud the weight of thought, but they alone, may sometimes prevent ine from sharing the secrets of my bosom with him for whom I have so great a sym pathy. Vou perhaps wonder when I shall return the two pounds"- "Oh. no. no! Make a tire, make a tire, boy. We will have a pot of hot coffee pre. cully." said the German, rubbing his i a lids and looking about, not know ing ho best to show It is pleasure at the unexpected visit. For three weeks the German's diffi dent "Good evening" had met with a stately bow. the chin <>f Bonaparte lifting itself higher daily, and his shad ow had not darkened the cabin door way since he came to borrow the two pounds. The German Walked to the head of the bed aud took down a blue bag that hung there. Blue bags were a specialty "of the Germans lie kept above 50 stowed away in different cor ners of his room, some tilled with curi ous stones, some with seeds that had been in his possession 15 years, some with rusty nails, buckles and bits of old harness, in all a wonderful assort ment, but highly prized. "We have something here not so bad." said the Herman, smiling know ingly. ,fs he dived Ills band iuio the bag and took out a handful of almonds and raisins. "I liny these for my chickens. They Increase in size, but they still think the old man must have some thing nice for them. And the old man —well, a bis boy may have a sweet tooth sometimes, may he not? Ha. ha!" said I lie German, chuckling at Ills own Joke, as he heaped the plate with almonds. "Here is a stone, two stones, to crack them, no late patent improve ment—well. Adam'n nutcracker. Ha, ha! But I think we shall do We will not leave theui uncraeked. We will consume a few without fashionable im provements." Here the (ierinan sat down or. one Aide of the table, Bonaparte on the other, each one with a couple of Hat stones before him and the plate be tween them. "Do not be afraid." said the German, "do not be afraid. 1 do not forget the boy at the Are. 1 crack for him. The bag is full. Why. this is strange," he said suddenly, cracking open a large nut. "three kernels! I have not observ ed that before. This must be retain ed. This is valuable." He wrapped the nut gravely in paper and put it carefully in his waistcoat pocket. "Val uable, very valuable," lie said, shaking his head. "Ah. my friend," said Bonaparte, "what Joy it is to be once more in yoar society!" The German's eye glistened, and I'.' naparte seized his hand and squeez ed it warmly. They then proceeded to crack and eat. After awhile Bona parte said, stuffing a handful of raisins into his mouth: "I was so deeply grieved, my dear friend, that you and Tant' Sannie had some slight unpleasantness this even ing." "Oh, nrt. no!" said the German. "It Is all right now. A few sheep missing, but I make It good myself. I give my 12 sheep and work in the other eight." "It Is rather hard that you should have to make good the lost sheep," said Bonaparte. "It is no fault of yours." "Well," said the German, "this Is the ease: Last evening I count the sheep at the kraal. Twenty are miss ing. 1 ask the herd. Ho tells me they are with tlie other flock; lie tells me so distinctly. How can I think he lies? This afternoon 1 count the other (lock. The sheep are not there. I come back here. The herd is gone; the slieop are gone. But I cannot—no, I will not— believe he stole them," said the Ger man, growing suddenly excited. "Some one else, but not he. I know that boy. 1 knew him three years. He ie a good boy. I have seen him deeply affect ed on account of his soul. And she would send the police after him! I say I would rather make the loss good my self. I will not have It. He has fled In fear. 1 know his heart. It was," said the German, with a little gentle hesitation, "under my words that he first felt his need of a Saviour." Bonaparte cracked some more al monds, then said, yawning, and more ns though lie asked for the sake of having something to converse about than from any Interest he felt In the subject: * "And what has become of the herd's wife?" The German was alight again In a moment. "Yes; his wife. She has a child 0 days old. and Tant' Sannie would turn her out Into the fields this night. That," said the German, rising, "that Is what 1 call cruelty, diabolical cruelty. My soul abhors that deed. The man that could do such a thing 1 could run him through with a knife!" said the Gor man, his gray eyes flashing and his bushy black beard adding to the mur derous fury 'if tils aspect. Then, sud denly subsiding, he said: "But all Is now well. Tant' Sannie gives her word that the maid shall remain for some days. I go to Oom Muller's tomorrow to learn If the sheep may not be there. If they are not. then I return. They are gone; that Is all. I make It good. ' "Tant' Sannie Is a singular woman," said Bonaparte, taking the tobacco bag the German passed to him. "Singular: Yes," said the German; "but her heart is on her right side. 1 have lived long years with her, and I may say I have for her an affection which she returns. 1 may say,' added the German, with warmth—"l may say that there is not one soul 011 this farm : for whom 1 have not an affection. "Ah. my friend." said Bonaparte, j "when the grace of God is in our hearts, is it not so with us all? Do we not love the very worm we tread upon j and as we tread upon it? Do we know distinctions of race or of sex or of col or? No! ••tove so amazing, so divint, It fills my soul, my life, my *11." I After a time he sank Into a less fer vent mood and remarked: "The colored female who waits upon Taut' Sanuie appears to be of a vir tuous disposition, an individual v. ho "Virtuous!" said the German. "1 have confidence In her. There is that In her which is pure, that which is no ble The rich and high that walk this earth with lofty eyelids might ex change with her." The German here got up to bring a coal for Bonaparte's pipe, and they sat together talking for awhile. At length Bonaparte knocked the ashes out of his pipe. "It Is time that I took my departure, dear friend." he said, "but before 1 do so shall we not close th's evening of sweet communion and brotherly in tercourse by a few words of prayer? Oh. how good and how pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell togeth- | er iu unity! It is like the dew upon the mountains of Hermou, for there the Lord bestowed a blessing, even life for evermore." "Stay aud driuk some coffee," said the German. "No. thank you. my friend. I have business that must be done tonight," said Bonaparte. "Your dear soil ap pears to have goue to sleep. He is go ing to take the wagon to the mill to morrow. What a little man he Is!" "A tine boy." But, though the boy nodded before the fire, he was uot asleep, and they all knelt down to pray. When they rose from their knees, Bonaparte extended his hand to AAaldo and patted him on the head. "Good night, my lad," he said. "As you go to the mill tomorrow we shall not see you for some days. Good night. Goodby. The Lord bless and guide you. and* may he bring you back lo us iu safety to find us all as you have left 11s!" He laid some emphasis on the last words. "And you. my dear friend." he added, turning with re doubled warmth to the German, "long, long shall I look back to this evening as a time of refreshment from the presence of the Lord, as an hour of blessed intercouse with a brother In Jesus. May such often return! The Lord bless you." lie added, with yet deeper fervor, "richly, richly!" Then he opened the door and vanish ed out Into the darkness. "lie. ho. he!" laughed Bonaparte as ho stumbled over the stones. "If there isn't the rarest lot of fools on this farm that ever God Almighty stuek legs to! He, he, he! When the worms como out, then the blackbirds feed. Ha, ha, ha!" Then he drew himself up. Even when alone lie liked to pose with a cer tain dignity. It was second nature to him. He looked in nt the kitchen door. The Hottentot maid who acted as in terpreter between Taut' Saunie and himself was gone, and Taut' Sannie herself was in bed. "Never mind, Kou, my boy," he said as he walked tound to his own room. "Tomorrow will do. He, he, he!" CHAPTER VIII. lfE CATCIIES THE OLI> lIIHD. At l o'clock the next afternoon the German rode across the plain, return ing from his search for the lost sheep. He rode slowly, for he had beeu in the saddle since sunrise and was some what weary, and the heat of the after noon made his horse sleepy as it picked its way slowly along the sandy road. Every now and then a great red spider would start out of the "karroo" on one side of the path and run across to the other, but nothing else broke the still monotony. Presently, behind one of the highest of the milk bushes that dotted the roadside, the German caught sight of a Kaffir woman, seated there evidently for such shadow as the milk bush might afford from the sloping rays of the sun. The German turned the horse's head out of the raid. It was not his way to pass a living crea ture without a word of greeting. Com ing nearer, he found it was no other than the wife of the absconding Kaffir herd. She had a baby tied on her back by a dirty strip of red blanket. An other strip hardly larger was twisted round her waist, for the rest of her black body was naked. She was a sullen, ill looking woman, with lips hideously protruding. The German questioned her as to how she came there. She muttered in broken Dutch that six? had been turned away. Had she done evil? She shook her head sullenly. Had she had food given her? She grunted a negative and fanned the flies from her baby. Telling the woman to remain where she was, he turned his horse's bead to the road and rode off nt a furious pace. "Hard hearted! Cruel! O my God! Is this the way? Is this charity? Yes, yes, yes!" ejaculated the old man as ho rode on, but presently his anger be gan to evaporate, his horse's pace slackened, and by the time lie had reached his own door lie was nodding and smiling. Dismounting quickly, he went to the great chest where his provisions were kept. Here he got out a little meal, a few mealies, a few roaster cakes. These he tied up in throe blue handker chiefs, and, putting them Into a sail cloth bag, he strung them over his shoulders. Then lie looked circum spectly out at the door. It was very bad to bo discovered iu the act of giv ing It made him red up to the roots of Ids old grizzled hair. No one was about, however, so lie rode off again. Before the milk bush sat the Katilr woman still, like Hagar, lie thought, thrust out by lier mistress in the wil- I derncss to die. Telling her to loosen ; the handkerchief from her head, he I poured into it the contents of ills bag. The woman tied it up in sullen sileuce. "You must try to get to the next farm," said the Herman. The woman shook hoc head. She would sleep In the field. The German reflected. Kaffir women were accustomed to sloop in the open I air, but then tin- child M:m small, and after so hot a day the night might lie chill v. That she would creep back to the huts at the homestead when the darknes" favored her the German's sagacity did u> t make evident to him. : lie took off the old brown salt aud pepper • :■: and 1M I! it out to her. The | wot»nu iv>-eiveil it in s lenee and laid it j her knee. "With that they will ! sleep warmly, not so bad. Ha, ha, ha! sal<i-tl;e German. And he rode home, nodding his bead iu a manner that would have made any other man dizzy. j "I wish he would not come back to night." said Em. her face wet with j tears. "It will be just the same if lie conies ! back tomorrow," said Lyndall. The two girls sat on the step of the ! cabin waiting for the German's re- : turn. Lyndall shaded her eyes with her hand from the sunset light. "There he comes," she said, "whis- , tling 'Aeh Jerusalem du schone!* so I loud I can hear him here." "Perhaps he has found the sheep." "Found them!" said Lyndall. "He would whistle just so if he knew he had to die tonight." "You look at the sunset, eh, chick ens?" the German said as he came up at a smart canter. "Ah. yes. that is beautiful!" he added as he dismount- j ed. pausing for a moment with his hand on the saddle to look at the even ing sky. where the sun shot up long flaming streaks, between which and the eye thin yellow clouds floated. "El, you weep?" said the German as the girls ran up to him. Before they had time to reply the voice of Taut' Sannie was heard. "You child of the child of the child of a Kaffir's dog. come here!" The German looked up. He thought tin- Dutchwoman, come out to cool her self in the yard, called to some misbe having servant. The old man looked round to see who it might be. "Yon old vagabond of a praying Ger man, are you deaf?" Taut' Sannie stood before the steps if the kitchen. Upon them sat the lean Hottentot. Upon the highest stood Bonaparte Itleukius, both hands folded under the tails of his coat and his eyes fixed 011 the suuset sky. The German dropped the saddle on the ground. "Bish, bish, bish! What may this be?" he said and walked toward the house. "Very strange!" The girls followed him, Em still weeping. Lyndall with her face rather white and her eyes wide open. "And I have the heart of a devil, did you say? You could run me through with a knife, could you?" cried the Dutchwoman. "1 could not drive the Kaffir maid away because I was afraid nf yoi as I? Oh. you miserable rag! I loved you, did I? i would have liked to marry you, would I, would I, would It" cried the Boer woman. "You cat's tail, you dog's paw! Be near my house tomorrow morning when the sun rises," she gasped, "my Kaffirs will drag you through the sand. They would do it gladly, any of them, for a bit of tobacco, for all your prayings with them." "I am bewildered, I am bewildered," said the German, standing before her Bud raising ids hand to his forehead. "I—l do not understand." "Ask him, ask him!" cried Taut' San nie, pointing to Bonaparte. "He knows. You thought he could not make me understand, but he did, he did, you old fool! 1 know enough English for that. You be here," shouted the Dutchwo man. "when the morning star rises, and 1 will let my Kaliirs take you out and drag you till there is not one bone left in your old body that is not bro ken as line as bwbootie meat, yoti old beggar! All your rags are not worth that they should be thrown out on to the ash heap," cried the Boer woman, "but 1 will have them for my sheep! Not one rotten hoof of your ok 1 mare do you take with you. I will have her -ail. all for my sheep that you havo lost, you godless Hiing!" The Boer won.au wiped the moisture from her mouth with the palm of her hand. The German turned to Bonaparte, who still stood on the step absorbed in the beauty of the sunset. "Do uot address me, do not approach me, lost man," said Bonaparte, not moving his eye nor lowering his chin. "There is a crime from which all na ture revolts; there is a crime whose name is loathsome to the human ear. That crime is yours; that crime is in gratitude. This woman has been your benefactress. On her farm you have lived, after her sheep you have looked, into her house you have been allowed to enter and hold Divine service, an honor of which you were never worthy, and how have you rewarded her? Basely, basely, basely!" "But it is all false, lies and false hoods. i must, I will speak," said the German, suddenly looking round, be wildered. "I)o 1 dream? Are you mad? What may It be'/" "Go, dog!" cried the Dutchwoman. "1 would have been a rich woman tills day if it had not been for your lazi ness, praying with the Kaffirs behind the kraal walls. Go, you Kaffir dog!" "But what then is the matter? What inny have happened since I left'/" said the German, turning to the Hottentot woman who sat upon the step. She was his friend; she would tell him kindly the truth. The woman an swered by a loud, ringing laugh. "Give It him, old missis! Give it him!" It was so nice to see the white man who had boon master hunted down. The colored woman laughed nud threw a dozen mealie grains Into her mouth to chew. All auger and excitement faded from the old man's face, lie turned slowly away and walked down the little path to his cabin, with ills shoulders bent. It was all dark before him. He stum bled over the threshold of his own well kuown door. Em, sobbing bitterly, would have followed him, but the Boor woman pre vented her by a flood of speech which convulsed the Hottentot, so low were Its Images. "Come, Em," said Lyndall, lifting her small, proud head, "let us go in. We will not stay to hear such lan guage." She looked into the Boer woman's eyes. Tant' Sannie understood the meaning of the look if not the words. She waddled after them and caught Em by the arm. She had struck Lyn dall once years before and had never done it again, so she took Em. "So you will defy me, too, will you, you Englishman's ugliness!" she cried as with one hand fdie forced the child down and held her head tightly against her knee. With the other she beat her first upon one cheek and then upon the other. For one Instant Lyndall looked on. Then she laid her small lingers on the Boer woman's arm. With (lie exertion of half Ikt strength Tant' Saunie might have flung the girl back upon the stones. It was not the power of the slight fingers, tlghfly though they clinched her broad wrist, so tightly that at bedtime the marks were still there, but the Boer woman looked info the clear eyes and at the quivering whip' lip rind with »i half surprised curse re la vd her hold. The girl drew Kin's arm through her own. "Move!" she said to Itoimparte. who Htood In th<* ihxir. -iri<l he. Bonaparte the Invlnelhh in the hour of' his tri umph, moved to glverier place. _ The Hottentot ceased to laugh, and an uncomfortable silence fell on all the three iu the doorway. Once In their room, Km sat down on the floor and wailed bitterly. Lyndall lay ou the bed. with her arm drawn | across her eyes, very white and still. "Hoo, hoo!" cried Em. "And they won't let him take the gray mare, and Waldo has gone to the mill. Hoo, hoo! , And perhaps they won t let us go and j |:iv goodby to him. Hoo, hoo, hoo!" "I wish you would be quiet," said Lyndall without moving. "Does It : give you such felicity to let Bonaparte j know he is hurting you? We will ask no one. It will be supper time soon, j Listen, and when you hear the chink of the knives and forks we will go out j and see him." Em suppressed her sobs and listened • intently, kneeling at the door. Sud- j denlj some one came to the window and put the shutter up. "Who was that?" said Lyndall, start ing. , "The girl, I suppose," said Em. "How i early she is this evening*' But Lyndall sprang from the bed and seized tlie handle of the door, shaking it fiercely The door was locked on the outside. She ground her teeth. "What is the matter?" asked Em. The room was iu perfect darkness now. "Nothing," said Lyndall quietly, "on ly they have locked us in." She turned and went back to bed again. But ere long Em heard a sound of movement. Lyndall had climbed up into the window and with her fin gers felt the woodwork that surround ed the panes. Slipping down, the girl loosened the Iron knob from the foot of the bedstead, and, climbing up ■ gain, she broke with It every pane of glass in the window, beginning at the top and ending at the bottom. "What are you doing?" asked Em, who heard the falling fragments. Her companion made her no reply, but leaned on every little crossbar, which cracked and gave way beneath her. Then she pressed with all her strength against the shutter. She had thought the wooden buttons would give way. but by the clinking sound she knew that the iron bar had been put across. She was quite quiet for a time. Clambering down, she took from the table a small one bladcd penknife, with which she began to peek at the hard wood of the shutter. "What are you doing now?" asked Em, who had ceased crying in her won der and had drawn near. "Trying to make a hole," was the short reply. "Do you think you will be able to?" "No, but I am trying." Iu an agony of suspense Em waited. For ten minutes Lyndall pecked. The hole was three-eighths of an Inch deep. Then the blade sprang into ten pieces. "What has happened now?" asked Em, blubbering afresh. "Nothing," said Lyndall. "Bring ine my nightgown, a piece of paper and the matches." Wondering, Em fumbled about till she found them. "What are you going to do with them?" she whispered. "Burn down the window." "But won't the whole house take fire and burn down too?" "Yes." "But will it not be very wicked?" "Yes, very, and I do not care." She arranged the nightgown careful ly In the corner of the window, with the chips of the frame at>out it. There was only one match In the box. She drew it carefully along the wall. For a moment it burned up blue and show ed the tiny face with its glistening eyes. She held it carefully to the pa per. For an Instant It burned up brightly, then flickered and went out. She blew the spark, but It died also. Then she threw tbe paper on to the ground, trod on it and went to her bed and began to undress. Em rushed to the door, knocking against it wildly. "Oh, Tant' Sannie, Tant' Sannie! Oh, let us out!" she cried. "Oh, Lyndall, what are we to do?" Lyndall wiped a drop of blood off the lip she had bitten. "I atn going to sleep," she said. "If you like to sit there and howl till the morning, do. I'erhaps you will Hud that it helps. I never heard that howl lug helped any one." Long after, when Em herself had gone to bed and was almost asleep, Lyndall came and stood at her bed side. "Here," she said, slipping a little pot of powder into her hand, "nub some on your face. Does It not burn where she struck you?" Then she crept back to her own bed. Long, long after, when Em was really asleep, she lay still awake and folded her hands on her little breast and mut tered : "When that day comes and 1 am strong, I will hate everything that has power and help everything that Is weak." And she bit her lip again. The German looked out at the cabin door for the last time that night. Then he paced the room slowly and sighed. Then he drew out a pen and paper and sat down to write, rubbing his old gray eyes with his knuckles before he began: Mv Chickens—You did not come to say goodby to the old man. Might you? Ah, well, there Is a land where they part no more, where saints im mortal reign. 1 sit here alone, and I think of you. Will you forget the old man? When you wake tomorrow, he will be far away. Tb» old horse Is 3azv, but he has his stick to help him. That is three legs, lie comes hack one day with gold and diamonds. Will you welcome hint? Well, we shall see. 1 go to meet Waldo, lie comes back with the wagon. Then he follows me. Poor boyl God knows. There Is a land where all things are made right, but that land Is not here. My little children, serve the Saviour. Give your hearts to him whilo you are yet young. Life is short. Nothing Is mine; otherwise I would say, Lyu dall, take my books, Em my stones. Now I say nothing. The things are mine. It is not right eous. Ood knows. Hut I am Bilent. Let It be. Hut I teel It. I mint say I feel it. Do not cry too much for the old man. He goes out to seek his fortune and comes back with It in a bag. It may be. .... 1 love my children. Do they think of me? ain old Otto, who goes out to seek his fortune. O. F. Having concluded this quaint pro duction, he put it where the children would find it the next morning and proceeded to prepare his bundle. He never thought of entering a protest against the loss of his goods. Like a child lie submitted and wept. He had been there 11 years, and it was hard to go away, lie spread open on the bed It blue handkerchief and on It put one i by one the things he thought most necessary and Important—a little bag of curious seeds which lie meant to plant some day, an old German hymn book, throe misshapen stones that he greatly valued, a Bible, a shirt and two handkerchiefs. Then there was room for nothing more. He tied up the bun dle tightly and put It on a cha'r by hia bedside. "That Is not much. They cannot say I take much," he said, looking at it He put his knotted stlek beside it, his blue tobacco bag and his short pipe, aiid then Inspected his coats. He had two loft, a moth eaten overcoat and a blnek alpaea out at the elbows. He decided for the overcoat. It was warm certainly, but then he could carry it over ills arm and only put It on when Jhe met some one aloug the road. It ' was more respectable tliau the black alpaca. n«- nung tne grean-oat over lb'' buck of the chair and stuffed a liaril bit of roaster cake under the knot <>f the bundle, and then his preparations were completed. The tierman stotnl contemplating them with much satia faction. He had almost forgotten his sorrow at leaving in his pleasure at prepariug. Suddenly lie An exr ression of iuteuse pain passed, over his fare. He drew back his left arm quickly and then pressed his right baud upon his breast. "Ah. the sudden pang again!" he said. His face was white, but It quickly re gained its color. Then the old man busied himself In putting everything right. "I will leave It neat. They shall not say I did not leave it neat," IK said. Even the little bags of seeds on the mantelpiece he put In rows and dusted. Then he undressed and got into bed. Under his pillow was a little story book. He drew It forth. To the old German a story was no story. Its events were as real and as Important to himself as the matters of his own life. He could not go away without knowing whether that wicked earl re lented and whether the baron married Euiilina. So he adjusted his spectacles ami began to read. Occasionally, as his feelings became too strongly mov ed. he ejaculated: "Ah, I thought so! That was a rogue. X saw it before. I knew it from the beginning." More than half an hour had passed when he looked up to the silver watch at the top of his bed. I "The march is long tomorrow. This will not do." he said, taking off his spectacles and putting them carefully into the book to mark the place. "This will be good reading as I walk aloug tomorrow," he added as he stuffed the book into the pocket of the greatcoat, "very good reading." He nodded his head and lay down. He thought a lit tle of His own troubles, a good deal of the two little girls he was leaving, of the earl, of Emiliua, of the baron, but he was soon asleep, sleeping as peace fully as a little child upon whose inno cent soul sorrow and care cannot rest. It was very quiet in the room. The coals in the fireplace threw a dull red light across the floor upon the. red lions on the quilt. Eleven o'clock came, and the room was very still. One o'clock came. The glimmer had died out. though the ashes were still warm, and the room was very dark. The gray mouse which had its hole under the tool box came out and sat on the sacks in the corner. Then, growing bolder, the room was so dark, It climbed the chair at the bedside, nibbled at the roaster cake, took one bite quickly nt the candle and then sat on its haunch es listening. It heard the even breath ing of the old man and the steps of the hungry Kallir dog going his last round In search of a bone or a skin that had been forgotten, and It heard the white lien call out as the wildcat ran away with one of her brood, and It heard the chicken cry. Then the gray mouse went back to its hole under the tool box, and the room was quiet. And 2 o'clock came. By that time the uight was grown dull and cloudy. The wild cat had gone to Its home on the "kop je." The Kaffir dog had found a bone and lay gnawing it. An intense quiet reigned everywhere. Only In her room the Boer woman toss ed her great arms in her sleep, for she dreamed that a dark shadow with out stretched wings fled slowly over her house, and she moaned and shivered. And the night was very still. But, quiet as all places were, there was a quite peculiar quiet In the Ger man's room. Though you strained your ear most carefully, you caught no sound of breathing. He was not gone, for the old coat still liung on the chair, the coat that was to be put on when he met any one, and the bundle and stick were ready for tomorrow's long march. The old German himself lay there, his wavy black hair just touched with gray thrown back upon the pillow. The old face was lying there alone In the dark, smiling like a little child's—oh, so peacefully! There is a stranger whose coming, they say, Is worse than all the Ills of life, from whose presence we flee away trembling, but he comes very tenderly sometimes, and it seem ed almost as though death had known and loved the old man, so gently It touched him. And how could it deal hardly with him— the loving, simple, childlike old man? So it smoothed out the wrinkles that were in the old forehead and flsed the passing smile and sealed the eyes that they might not weep again, and then the short sleep of time was melted into the long. long sleep of eternity. "How lias he grown so young in this one night?" they said when they found him in the morning. Yes, dear old man, to such as you time brings 110 age. You die with the - purity and Innocence of your child hood upon you, though you die In your gray hairs. | [TO BE coimNirra.l !*o ( liaate to Fad®. "Such conduct," said the teacher to a rebellious pupil, "will eventually bring your father's gray hairs with sorrow to the grave." "Don't you believe It," replied the In corrigible youth. "The governor wears a wig." Men. The man who will do anything for his friends or anything to his enemies frequently becomes known outside of his own township. A man who tries to win success In a hurry. Intending to be worthy of It at leisure, generally forgets the latter part of the contract. A man always feels foolish when he first takes off bis hat to the girl he has known from childhood. Men who let the gas burn Just a lit tle, In order to save matches, have been known to succeed as financiers. We may think people who always agree with us are mushy, but some how we keep on liking them.— Chicago Times-Herald. A FoolUb Mamma- My dear, where have you been all this time? Daughter— Sitting up with a sick friend. M ALLIUM — NODSCDM. I believe you \ o been In the parlor all the time with that Mr. Softleigb. daughter—Weil, ma, he's lovesick.— No IS IN THE SUGAR BUSH. itapl«- SnKiir -*The SCoderß PrMruri mill I'rudurt, Though tons of maple sugar are made, for the most part in New York iin.i Vermont, there are probably many people living on farms throughout the I nttt'il States who have no more clear Idea of how maple sugar is made than they have of the production of electric ity, says a writer in Farm and Fire side, from whose description of the process the following items and illus trations are reproduced: The sugar maple is so called on ac count of the sugar contained in the sap. The person with no experience rau hardly tell the difference between it and water, as it is clear and spar kliug and has but a faint taste of sug ar. There is just about enougfc sugar to make it a little sickisli. In the fall the greater part of the sap goes from the trunk and branches into the roots, where, buried deep in the THKKK MKT HODS OF COLLECTING BAP. ground; it will not be chilled. In the spring, beginning in the latter part of February or first of March, according as the season is forward or backward, the sap begins to ascend the body of the tree, the greater part in the outer layers o' the tree. Securing this sap as it ascends and boiling It down con stitutes the work of maple sugar mak ing. The first tiling is to get the sap. In the early days before the bit and brace an oblique notch was cut into the tree near the ground, and from this wound the sap would of course flow. Then un der the lower corner of this wound a curved hole wide from one 6ide of the tree to the other, but narrow up and down, was made with a "gouge," and into this was driven a short wooden spout of the same shape, which caught the sap as it dropped from the cut, and thus carried it to short wooden troughs made by digging out basswood blocks. After the bit and brace came into use a hole was bored into the tree, and a round spout made from a piece of su mac from which the pith had been burned out was driven into the hole to convoy the sap to the trough. Nest the wooden bucket came Into use. By driving a nail into the tree un der the spout the bucket could be hung anywhere on the tree. In the days of boiling in kettles color was the last thing aimed at In mak ing maple sugar, which was a dull black when finished. Sweetness was the main consideration, and there was no incentive to keep out the dirt and cinders, for black sugar was Just as sweet, and sugar lighter than chocolate was looked upon ITS having been adul terated. The next improvement was the largo pan placed upon an arch made of stone or brick. About the same time tin buckets came Into use. A little later the metallic spout was invented. This Is now of such shape that It fills but a small portion of the hole bored In the tree, but is held so firmly that the buck et Is supported by It. It allows sap to flow from the outer layers of the tree where there is the greatest amount of nap, and that which makes the whitest sugar. A few sugar makers have their plant so arranged that the sap, or sirup, does not touch wood after the sap leaves the tree. At the present time color is nil Important factor In the value of maple sugar, and as wood tends to color It wooden utensils of all kinds have been discarded as far as possible. The maple sugar now made Is of a light straw color. Any darker than AVF.HAOE noiLi.va ri.ACB or TODAT. thnt will not command the highest price, and If lighter adulteration with refined sugar is suspected. The sap Is gathered in a tank holding about three barrels placed on a low sled with wide runners. Roads are made through the sugar bush so the gathering tank can be driven near all the trees. The onion thrip has been very trou blesome for several years in soinc sec tions. It eats the foliage, giving a white appearance to the leaves and stopping growth. Sprayiug with whale oil soap, one pound to eight gallons of water, lias proved effective In destroy ing It if applied early and often enough. Don't. "A Philadelphia paper offers a prize for the best answer to the question, •What Is the best way to avoid unhap py marriages'/'" "That's very easy. All you have to do is to take Mr. Punch's advice to those about to marry." Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Critical Moment. She—You hesitated when I asked you If I were the ouly girl you had ever loved. He—Yes; 1 couldn't tell from your expression whether you wanted me to say "No" or "Yes."-Indlunapolls Jour nal. A 1.1 11 it«r111 w Homicide. "Who Is that young fellow over there —the one running?" "That's the C«ount de Castellane. He Is rushing around the corner to kill a French editor—by cablegram."—Cleve land Plain Dealer. Evil Effects. "Didn't you send any of your chick ens to the poultry show?" "No. I've noticed that when a hen acquires a taste for society she gets too stuck up to lay eggs."—Chicago Record.