■" ' TH tC CITIZEN. THURSDAV, MARCH 8, i9<*>- NEW ADVERT IStMENTS. \OTF-—All advertlm r- Intending to tuak< w .mug s in their ads. should notify us " ie!r Intention to dc so 11 >t iter'nan >lon .y rooming. Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. Heck s Closing Out Sale. Burton's Locals. Ruff's Locals. Amy & Brown's Locals. C. !»?ir note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, —Fire bugs should be pinched. —lce gorge- thirty feet high have fortued in the upuer Susquehanna —Uncle Sam carri«-s a billion and a half pounds of mail matter every year. - The Boers have ;»,<*-. soldiers left, and they haven't yd said they hav-- enougli. —D. A. Hei-k intends closing out his stock and quitting business. See a«lv. and bills. —A list of th'»se baited on the Ceii-us Enumerate -r hook w< »uld be int»-r.-stinK reading just now. —Now that one grinding monopoly has gone to the wall, let us hope the same fate for the nest. —The Paris Esj«'. will have a revolv ing ofjservat. ry. on which people will go round and see things. —The bis taniiel under Broadway and the Part from City Hall to Harlem river, is tooist thirty-five millions. —Absalom -Siiaix.r was elected coun cilman in Prospect instea«l of W. E. Cooper as published in our rei*>rt last week —The L". S. Secret Service is alter anoth.-r gang of counterfeiter? in uan ca-ter county, and also one in Potter county. —The Edged Tool Co. men were here again last week and the Pickie factory people were here again this week, and will probably locate here. -Mr* Pape has had a beautiful iron ceiling. painted white, put ia her store room, and this with the blue wall-paper, makes as handsome a room as one could wish for —The Boiler County National Bank amends its card, this week.and places its surplus and profits at Mr. W. J. Marks has been added to the list of Director? —A pie social will be neld at Lone Tree School House near West »unbury, jp ndav evening, march 16th. ISMi. Everybody welcome. Girls come and bring a pie —Quite a crowd assembled in the ro tunda of the Court Boer. Friday after noon. to attend the Sheriff"s Saks. The highest price bid was *4.ow 6* the property in Adams twrp. —ln toe Pittsburg Common Council last Thursday aftern-x»n the new Con tract Ordinance, advocated by Senator Flisn. and considered a slap at Director Bixektw. was passed by a vote of 3# to 11. —The Pickle Factory people have de cided to come to Batier. and will pro bably locate on the Walker farm, east of town, which was purchased by a few m-a in Batier a month or two ago for I'AOHL —Saturday. an immense plate glass front was put in the Cratty saildins which Black & Co s wallpaper store is to occupy. The glass cane from tee home factory. The big pane measures 8| by 10« feet Penn'a Railroad Co wrjfl fU7,«M,000 last year, and its operating expenses were The freight traffic on the lines east of Pittsburg and Erie was 1* » more tons than that of the previous year. —At the meeting of the Butler School buurd. Monday evening. Messrs Gam*«- way and Heiceman. disjoed of their tie vote for Director bv drawing lots and "dr. Heineman was the lucky man The new mettibers do not take their seats till the first meeting of the Board tn Jane. -At the meeting of the new Council of Batier. Monday evening. John F. Lowry was eiected Pres:dent; Harrv Gn»b. Treasurer: C F. L. Engineer, and 3. E Coolter. Sec y and Solicitor, wun salary at #SSM per year The bond of the Treasurer was fixed at the old figures *+'•.<»»• and his per cent age at one per cent. —For the past rw" weeks the Batler Pnbiic Library ha- been doard and when it opens again am Satnnlay *!«»■ worth i arv ai»l inu-restim: hute will be found listed in the new «-ataj-«.-ne whicn has just been o«i paled. Thes*- to«eUJ- r with the hooks already in nse will make a total of aaer v..l- Biar« allowing for ihce which hav been destroyed and lost —By "f a nmnl>er >i kachtts the dat«- -rf hoe-the *xatminat> m f- : pr i, "■ mtfca&s has !«*• -harr «L The time will be Miimwod laser a* «l; with lb- other • t.Hl.tj.:. ,as. Tt exawtnat-.'f«c fr>«the pi & will br held «* March SI. Th-is- desiring t-» t*k - that *'Xaaa.nata> c in Batier . anto*- C«it - Two mtervsrmg paj**s ban i cd ra as was «wi —«*■ 1 » Or. Barr i; the "Chtw G» X. Y (iuettr." diie.; JatcttT f_ l v ■*. and fisaTi niag an ar rm: xbe pmntandrusf l a t.>egiew <*i ti»e-death *4 Wc> v . insTT-r® tb« other j-a c <4 The ITkudtte Nug get.." pcb:Mbi< at Dawson \ . T„ IV 35. inns. Una v. I H P;-ar ly • br >rb"T now rb«v Tlie Sotttr-t > : *»ai; JOBT j*aiT= li*pcr wsned sein; at fftMW a yf«r «r Si -»«nss : «wpy -> •!><• ' 7 ' THI beMCil '»f - ■: it «AM*Nk aa Ac mV an_i lh*e -< wv k jr«n«3 xi«a mh: thc> ■**« fnnw that »* p.ipwt»r stj H«t Aej »>««.» tb- mrst» fc** • M d • ««• •-imrw- " tem tb Cna Va. k the v«at; »»'■ tb.. fcnai h •»■«' <».>■•». the k .«r-m«!h a d •* fit Mthw th «p4 «f ih. *ran i>r- ■»•*»>»•"! b >■<«•♦>'*» tV» PEUSOSAL. J. C. Brown, of Concord, was in town yesterday. Rev. David Cnpps is recovering from a severe illness. J. J. McCandless of Centre twp.. was in town. Saturday. Prussia Dmilile of Donegal twp. called in to see as Saturday. Irwin Davidson of Mars was in town on business. Saturday. Porter Kelly, of Bmin. spent Monday and Tnesdav "with Butler friends. County Detective Jas. A. M< Marlin is suffering from a severe attack of grip. Miss Mary Emerick. of W Penn St.. 1 is suffering from a nervous breakdown. H. C. Welsh, of Penn township, was i in town. Monday, for the first tiiue since his late illness. Rev. E. R. Worrell has purchased a | dwelling house on Fairview Aye. from druggist A. C. Anderson. I Dr. McCurdy Brieker of Bntler and Miss Agues Beaver of Sharpsinrg will | IK* married in the near future. T. W. D. Kennedy, of Adams twp.. one of the candidates for .Jnry (ommis i sioner. is seriously ill with th»- grippe. Attornev J. M. (ialbreath was in Pittsl.ni>:! Wednesday, trying s.n insur ance policy case for Mrs. Martha Leibler. John Harvey, of Clinton township. A. H Reniek of Keister: C. A. ise, of Mars: W. H. Gilghrist. of Cherry: were ; in town this week. [ Miss Frances G. Sechler. of Dayton. ' 0., visited her uncle. P. H. Sechler in i Prospect last week, and is now visiting | friends in Allegheny. Miss Eva P.. daughter of Warren Me- Deavitt. of West Liberty, and James E . son of Jonathan Morrow, of Worth twp.. were married. Tuesday. Mrs. W. 11. DeAnne. of S. Main St.. entertained a number of friends Moo day evening in honor of her si-ter. Miss Xellie Simpson, of Mt Pleasant. Jeff. McCandless. of Centre twp.. is seriously ill of typhoid, and bis daugh- who is the Matron of one o£ the Pittibun: hospitals: also has typhoid. W. M. Wi*fieW of Jeff-rs- 1 twp has purchased fifty at-rv-s in Westmoreland C< >.. between Grvensburg au«l Latn>l»*. and expect.- to move to it daring the latter part of the month. Ex-Commissioner John Mitchell is seriou-!v ill. suffering from nervous prostration over *he death of his son 'Orwell. The latter s wife is also ill at their borne in Cleveland. O . and was unable to accompany her husband's re mains to Bntler. H=»r!a» Book of Franklin: W. H Campbell ami Isaa*' Christie ofOnKunl: W. J. Si' Tier and Asa Cranmer of Clay, ami John ami Rosier of But ler twp attended the ns-eting of P.mo sa Grange in Winfi- Grange Hail. last Thursday evening. —Robt. Ray has been appointed policeman for Bntler. sin e Fred Glace resigned. At Kirtaiimiig yesterday. Jmlge Patton gave Parker three retail ami one ■hi Ji mV Ikons'. —The Amn-enients Committee of the Centennial will meet and organize this. Thursday evening, at the office of T M. Baker. Esp All members should be present. - Make a note af Duffy's new dry gicvyls 3Etl carpet adv. They carry a Terr ianre stock and intend making the Centennial year of the connty ih«- ■"l»»ni" year in their bosiaes-. —Sand for the Plate Works came :n Til rdav. and the tmrinding department was put in operation yesterday morn in.r. and the Polishing department H-r night. —The Mozart Symphony Club en tertainel the large Y. M. C. A. lecture course audience in the Pais Theatre Wednesday evening. The last ssmler will be * lecture by Dewstt Miller April 10. Hospital HriHtrt for F«*l>ru:«r\. Pati ats jwlinltted. Ii Patients discharged. 11. Parients at present. 1«». Operations, i IX >XATK>KS- Mrs. X. B. Jacobs. hand-paint-d indi viduai .ream ami sngar set: Mrs Dr. Williamc 2 p-UU'L- of OOff" : Mr-. C. H- Ketmedy. 2 jars fruit . Mrs. Eii M:D*-r. dish of jelly: Little - iadrvidnal i'->! cream freezer: Mr-. Jas Oesterling. 1 pair chickens: Mrs. M. R. Shan .r washing machine ami tnb for blanker- (iwra- Ketterer. han R- P. SoOTT EV nation aiel Cor. Sec. PA«K THEATRE. WIIXAEI* XtWELL JlAftß A great .-ompany at prices opening Thursday M-rh -ih For th*- fir-t imfcr* in his lif»- Mr. Wiliard N*-w--.. wiliaK< 2rat prices and give (•> - Mr. Xeweii carries a oar of special steawy ami a rarefol drtai] prdnii.« eac.ii i*t>>- is a—-air*".! as I'LUF. Ak hbstbom— M-vbch li Uliie Alaalnt who will pn**-nt T- • Porter? Warm Reception suroind rC herself with a very exo-ileot company who wia heT to nitripH th* many fica* situav. r- All of hv.> appeared with pr.-m:3'-nt onij«an ie-s. a&] have been and Sftei to the parta. (iraiMl Opt-rj Himx- Pin^lmrg The people of have siamp ed the:r »k4»tjl opoc the •Lssaifinft.' of Vm Vafif' at tb ; Gzaad Opn Bnk. ami tkh piay hu aanJ a —i. cull ■». m before- ««{salled !in the c 4 P:tt-wiis : Prwts and ;üb»v in their ! iwiiai TIIIImTt— i, and the re=clt « thai j the Grand is b*v:ag a m. - - -- r: :r. V~- •- - " "Sa* - - | Ww l*ilt-b«r; « Hr-hf-lr*. I Friday h* of :be fifth smuva of th 1v : ■ :->>nrg t »r, > -m. ■ >a : ' under VirtoT Heri*rt. ««nd»<-tor Tb< : « w... be a- nsnal » Car i we*- Int SaS. Part aa< smcie neats race be far b.*h «:« <*rts. f «aer- tw-mg at the Melhxr Mwjr ••«. Teiepbow | !«••<« Pch ChildtweV ra<|»s all ar»- kinda 2- and St* orats a. H Biirtv»ii > > >la -.n St » . St" f o ni«n aw- tfei b--« - '-i. ! T;c -!k*ps i»»d«- p- -- S •«» ... i Rnf A N.r. C%iid7vi. - .'lojhing. «Be was V an.. >•;» •*< |w* ««:■*.. n'>w c«m. »t n *• at T H itiir*'* > v SooTt V.v n >: "V .«f> HQ< « W "v. t. - • " • • ' -riff K following report TRL'E BILLS. Samuel Jackson, a&b: VS m. Mc- Kinzie false pretense and jumping board bill; Frank Stalker larceny James Kelly.snrety of peace; the Worth twp. unknown, being a tramp; H. J. Vandyke, surety of peace: Elmer E Thompson. fArb: Gnstave Marshal agir , a&b; )- B. Werry, a&b and surety of peace. Hugh McCandless. fArb: Lewis Pearce, seduction and f&b; Andrew , Root, assault and surety of peace; ! Thomas Barnes. fArb. NOT TRUE BILLS. H. J. Vandyke, disorderly conduct, costs on countv: James Kelly a & b: i Perry Kelly, a&b and surety of the ; peace, cost on prosecutors; Mrs. Jane Henderson, a & b. Butler comity to i»ay i costs. CONSTABLES RETURN. ! Constable W. J. Campbell of Butler ' twp. complained that Brother Tucker i was dumping offal on the Bredin farm near the Plank road. A. M. McCandless of "-<1 ward. Butler reportad an unsafe P. B. A: L. E. cr *-s --ing. . , A. Bergbichler of Summit reported unsafe B. R. A: P. crossing. Chas Leise of Cranberry reported srnani rails down. J. H. Wally of Parker twp. reported bridges out of repair at Du. supervisors to show cause why the new n>ad from Skilt-dans ford to Ren frew was not open. Constable T. A. Hines of Brady re in >rted The Game Assn. of Brad\ and Worth twps. have given notice that Presley Albert i- violating the game l,iw. killing squirrels and pheasants out of season. Constable Glenn of Winfield rvported that C. Muni- A: Co. were obstructing a road. Consta!4e J. D. Smith <>f Centre re -1 iorted the creek crossing at « taiei'la a> and the briilge on the Allen farm had not been raised bv the P. B. A: L. E. SHERIFF - SALES. Sheriff H<».n has sold the following properties. ToH- C. for *1". honse and lot of James Leiiuni -u in Millerstown. To H C. Litxinger. for *lO. hi use and lot of Geo W. Yerty in Millerstown. To Mrs. Mary E. Jack for 9» acr*< of Win F. Wiskeman in Clint -n twp. To Jas M. Burt n. admr for 175 acres Robt Mo<>re in Muddynvek t«"]'. To W. D. Brand, n. attorney. for =sio. property of George Carrie in Zelien. >ple. To J .hn Martin f. r SI acres of E- J. Streeter in Adtms twp. To Ella V. Elverson for -«•. prwperty ~f Mis. M. A. Bearty in Fairview. To S. R Bimdiam for «U acres ox" William Mac Bell in Mercer twp. The writs werv returne- - against J. H Fleming. K J McMillan. M Hushes, Geo C Timblin. Henry J. Xigh. TRIAL LIST. The plaintiff took a voluntary mm suit in the assumpsit l l>-am o»c;d not show - r nfiici- j ut title to .r.-t him. The ~ait of Mrs. Jennie Simcoi vs Mrs. E. J. De Woody resulted in a ver •lict of f-.r the plf. The parries are relatives by marriage and live in \ en ango county. De Woody s pan-hased a lea-- • m the K .hlmyer in Venango Twp from Sinn ■ox. the latter sruaranteeuur a pr.-Incti--n of five barrels a «lay-aDdi->«i per liarrel was agree«i .>n as the price and a ill -rt was iriven by IV-W >«iy to Snoots. The prodn tion proved lench smaller and the wells werv finally abandoned. Simcox issued a soi fa on the mortgage and DeW.«idy"s defence was payment in the shape of a failure-.; the snarantee. David Criswell got a Verdict of 72 against J> » H-'-hn. apje.i' l»v .left from judgment ivndere«l by R. B GilghrisC J. P K M. Herman v- CV-ai Xade «-al l«v «lrft *m jaldirk v< John Re>}-lj. V t> -n f.* dhiiw f- r Mrs. V. J. Bwl vs Hetiry R .iiist ip5«J by u-ft fr m judgment of entered k C- E. A»kp> n. J. P. 00 City R rt~r W>«ks vs Wn R H ; k ii- GajbH is a twv» yw ■ in the j*a;te«n»ry in|««sed w tie Fav e«n ♦JETS •{ »..n..BrssraJ n -« ti.— | deed .4 Mer > L*4l cnait'd ** J E TJU: cert M. L ha> >*"»•» - : >««rc**s- <« ySf iTbi vi< "»"iT> tti die pcjtkn o» -Sicawws lof F « - "M < -rd b«v K i f AT fMWfe; . w ,a. B*^*-vv «•%».-«- haK - •Mi :• «N] % * *V»o*K V . IFC - ■*%,• * Y ...-•'■TV. '«er»(is fcw - of assanlt and surety of the peace against Andrew Root. Tnesdav was divorce day. John X. Pugh of Winfield twp. was panted a divorce from his wife Christiana on pay ment of costs. In the divorce proceedings of Anna L. Reed vs Chas E. Reed of Cooperstown a ntle was granted on the deft for his wifes maintenance. The divorce case i will be tried in April. Parker township can furnish racy di ! vorce suit~ ;;s well .is I'iir school flights, j That of John C. Howard, the Gibson's ' Mills store keeper, against his wife Mary, nee Hilliard. was a hummer. ! After hearing fta Jilaintiffs evidence his Honor remarke«l "this is the worst case that has ever been before the Courts of Butler County." Several young men in that part of the county were named as I giving cause for the granting of the di vorce. Attorneys Win Campbell of Pittsburg and W. i lately died iu Allegheny, was not made i a month before her death, her bequests I may to judged invalid.and the prop.-rty ■ . >»* awarded to her mother. Mrs. Mar.:: i Shoup of Karns City. ■ A mortgage given by the Empire Glass Co. of Zelienople to Jacob Gel j I>arh for *IO.OOO has been recorded. On Friday last the County Conunis , : sioners appointed Jt«seph Graham of | Whit.-stown to be Supt. of the Poor I Farm. He will take possession of the j farm on April Ist but the buildings an* : not expected to be ready for thepanpers of the countv. until Septeinl*-r Ist. ■ The Park* r township - h««'1 fi-rht was up Wedne-lay aftenv-.n when excep tions t.> the Court - . i-iiii--n in grantiiu' an injunction in the equity pr ve ■ were argne>L nothing final is iu ~:_:it yet John A Barrickman. admr.. of the estate of Mary E. Barrickuian >old her farm of 21 acres in Cranberry town ship to Benjamin Johnston forsl.l<>->. The will of Augustus Jackman of Summit twp. has beeu probsted. letters testamentary to William and Stephen Jackman. Also will of Sarah E. Wimer. deed of Worth twp. with letters to A. H Batk ley. Also will of Jacob Cabbage, of Buffalo twp with letters to Jobn Cabbage. Also will of Elmer E Campbell, of Butler, wiil letter? to Mrs. Emma C Campbell. Letters of administration on the estate of Henry Boyd of Buffalo twp have been granted to Robert Bovd. The Geo- M. Cote vs H. R McCor mick equity suit has been continued The petition of Hannah J. McCand less for divorce from Jobn I. MeCani less was heard Tuesday: also that of Err.-..-tine Stable vs John Stuble: also that of Maggie A. Edwards vs Isaac S Edwards Decrees in-divorce will likely be duly issued issued in all at the end twenty days for appeal. The petition of Emma E Park for allowance from her husband Samuel Park was continued. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Frederick C. McXeal t" J. F. Cashd- 1- lar. l"t in Adams for William Grossman t- Xora McCra -k en. 4" acres in Cherry for M.ii:ge EL Barl»-r to X"ra McOackt n ;..j in Washington for *!•«•. Win Walker to B. E. Cutler, -t"' acres in Allegheny for Xewton A Cuthl«ert to John A Cntb b. rt. lot in Butler f.-r f--r *!'»•' R- nl - ii Rmnbangfa to Maggie Bar - - r. 150 acres in Washington for jJM>. MiiVl >-!• K—- to Sarah M Shetter. 1-t in Butler for fftCO. J sL P 1 rvis. trustee, to A«la Arni stron;;. lot ".ii Butler for M>s. Da-.id C. Kankin to B. S, Rankin. 1- t in Fairview rwp. for ?1. B S Rankin to David C. Rankin. l«,t iu Fairview twp. for*!. James iL Gold to Winfield S. Gold. 3o acres in Summit. T". i- »Vhite to Clarence Snyder i-in Butl« . twji f.-r slii T. G. M'.-f =iaixah:ui to V. D. McGlans hui. lot in Donegal for 1-. : ry A?-:i !-■ D. F. >&r.- bach. lot I r *!•"». J. B. Martin t-. K. O Martin. 4- a<-rvs in G mnoquenesising twp. f >r " a<-res in Middlesex for • «*». Chas E Lewi.- to Amelia W. SI- aa. lot in Harrisville for ftli Win J McMarlic to Ira McJunkin . ■: n. -r Franklin and Fult- W. J. M L i.hi-r t> • D. Kennedy. 1 *t in Ba:>r f<»r S'«'. iiiielia W. Sloan to Clara E. B -TIZ 1 in Butler f--r Assignment El s-iederman an«l R Br s. i«> >.uth Penn Oil Co. G:: ~>n lea— in Allegheny iwj. f. r i 44.'*" G. A La differ to S«ath Penn « >il C«x acre lease- in Allegbeny f«*r .\~-iimci-ut. A W -smiley t- San>-. I'*- acre lease in Allegheny R ]L Smiley to Same Si acre lease in Alh-sheny : r *li •••. EiliaVlb Rkharlst to Wsi H Th--nij«s.-n- r>— in Adams i- r H > imeid- nnia to Milt--n Mil ler. dwelling oo W. Jefferson St- Butler f„r Marriage lj»rii>e>. Rai{-v P-Hrt---Tii'.- Howard M 9tonan Shenrin Annie J. Falmer W i ilia in N Mahaffey. ... F& i Sanvrs Ekastown ] BrkllrT F. BaHer. .SbtßsriUr. W. Va j Eairiia H- - Zeii-rn* j James E. M--m»w Worth twp. ; Eva P McDeavin Br»!y tw^i I Samuel Harvey Moon* CkmfcM twp. ! Fannie C. Barishart......Faixriew twp (to- L (ianriß Cr» i_V*-rry rwp. t n A Ramsey Ja.-k-» -n rwp At Btldig-A L Siytr Gut- j Ims. W. Va aad SfceQa IT !■ «f Bat kr. Spring B-.-irrtr new-st f«tcto r at T. H. BMmi It;* Seeth Sn St A lot «f Lsises Dtmsola K>i Pasrtt T : Banc* >-2e? ■ :■ at V-- ( at A. Ruf A. s AH tie i*l«-s3 styles of -;< m? nect • war* at T H Itr.rr.«i s Clcafcrßg aad FaiatoaK Shn 1W SMA i Ma:* St I TV Cmiil gfcm Shw {tram »«■* ] a rhnfi atoe. tot it ip4totatviAh| ' snoe made T nng water Always lApMlt Pnoe A Ruff & i S»e tbe ixsa wm-iffluitiitt. m»rrr»— m i'-ctk't at Ann A Bn«wn> '« V«T3OB i» «Tk sjd«— It will not hreotk down or jwck r*n.T - fitJWt. vom w* -sail a T. H ■> Bask ■ in ."B >-h . sh>«s * t! 7- * ?■ • - A Knf A 'vnr. •ftwami«*. Ar Amu itr prv* - T. 9 taML i>Slwi.Si - *1 *t*fl ' * nnc tap v . V ruc **< nis-. 0 >«patr «Vm«r thm. » slaw WmS wiG ir- i ■ sar 1 ' wt: m-nr " tW* He v lur !•- |sn~ V-.vrSl; toMl > r S Tin- Centennial. Butler County will be oue hundred years old on nest Monday March 12. But as this comes at a time in the year when weather is unfavorable, an other time was chosen for a celebration of its Centennial year. June 12,13 and 14 the days. For But ler County. The whole County. And not any one part of it. So it is for the interest of all and all should and will irive assistance as the pride and honor of all are equally invol ve i drilled in a second sand well ou the . William Hunter farm near Farmington that is said tc be fiood for thirty bbls. a j day. CLINTON TWP—T. W. Phillips struck • the -ml on the William Seftou tariu and the oil filled up 1000 feet in the hole. BITLUJTWP —The Forest has locat td to drill on the Bredin farm, half mile north of the Ei flier on the T. Lindsey TheEiflileris said to be a 25 barrels well now. ACCIDENTS. John Campliell. the W. Sunbury oil contnctor who ha.- lieen *lriiling near lately, was severely injured l;ist week by heini: thrown from a buggy. Lnther Wilson. an driller, was ac cidentia killed while at work on & well near Sistersville. W. Va.. Friday. He was a brother of Alexander and Henry Wilson, of Allegheny township, and was born and raised near I nionville. Centre twp. He was a married man. While the Red Ash coal mine at Fire Creek. W. Va.. was full of men. Tues day morning, an explosion of fire damp took place near the month of rhe mine, and seventy men were entombed, forty of them were taken out dead. The Allegheny end of the P. Ft. W. wing offi<-ers President. Baxter Emri -k: Vice Pn - .I.iiiits C. Smith: Trvasnrer. E-'.. Oesteriing: Secretary. Theodore Schenck an>' Fiuai;. lal Se-retary. E Rauscher. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. F. J. Matter of Clarion county who rec«ved and accepted a call to the -ipringdale charge this county has sii- - r- siijned the same and Rev. H C. Bix ler < f Manvht >ter. York Co Pa. will preach trial ~-rm ns f- r -sol charge which is coinp- «seduf the*rc»ngregatu -ns. namely: Zion. Spring* lale and Rider ■-n Sunday. March 11. 19uu. as follows. Zion. il a. m . Springdale 3 p. m. and Rider • J6 p. iu. Rev. H. K Shitnor filled the pulpit of the English Lutheran church of this place on last Sunday, morning and evc mg. Rev. Shanor is n< - v stationed at Middle Lancaster. Public Sale. March 10 —At Abe Flick s in Coyies ville. horses, cattle, buggies etc . a big sale. March 14 W. M. Wigtield. on the I. Bartley farm near Frazier - Mill in Jef fers -ii twp.. k r-— ; . cow-, farming im plements. hay grain, etc. FIRES. A defective gas jet set fire to the wr.m-ooating in the bath r»x>m of Ex- Prv-thonotary Thompson's house on X Main St_ Last Friday evening. A general alarm was sounded but the fire was extinguished with bat slight damage. Markets. Wheat. wholesale price 55MS) Rye. " 45 <_»ats. *• 2» Corn. " S 1 Buckwheat "" 4 -f Pay, " W Eggs. " - 15 Butter. " 30 22 Potatoes. - 4M Cabbage, per lb «•! Apples -il Squash snail, per lb. Ml Turnips. per bu 25 Onions, ter bu 5# Carrots, per bo 50 Parsnips, pur bu 5" Chicken. drw=sed- per lb 10-12 Men a. hats.->» cents to all shapes. sßes.pj!-• - -ires N'rwrst dtsira* adfc-- est jikts. Tbf- finest taulcur-ina-ie ad ready made matt in BntieT at T. H. Barton's. JJ- -. -jit Main -t. 11*- B ■-■T Fr- ix-h Bb B*'^rniar ' * an, mmt aM a box ax MTt Shit >:■ m , I'jaTies -»-!?-> n?g xc< Tmnchase or sell I j ft', propemcs. ians, city resjot-ncss or t i reial tstaie «c amy tad, Ucs The-weir---: Thing m 'XfO: - hat- in £Uxtkr ts "loirtdi. > Sjwrail finwsi h * s- A htrgf-1« ' a pan it> ? jtuiS. •«r H-s- Tliacthf- r »«: «f nwJ;:c - - xr> 1.. and 1 W» "» A. Rnf A. . >wss J-«r ail fcimi- aisr> Ibc Ilai^f^r ir an.; t.in.isn lb Snail ftrru; ■Cbil«4 r*M '*: fcitwfc. n: 1. ,sii at tin ioarcsC WVR l%elifß Vi'vV.riaj. A. << Zehrwwde 9 KfcVTSl' A 1 • un*«Tvat.-*c liwainr aa>. aaviewo-. «f -llr >*iad- TUili aaw a »>•*' aw" tias iSsnu > '•+ aa«". < " - WW.-*. - al ra*«s T H Oiitnr «mc s*ma.a«*i ir » ■?«»(. -31. •*■*<*»• -la*afe.. • nlfct 1 Fain k-w Facts. Mrs Josephine Gibson. early on Mon day morning h:ie an entertainment and social held here in the Presbyterian church on Friday evening. March consisting ;>f solos, dialogues, music, recitations, pantomimes and tableans Admission 1" and l-> cents Oysters, ice cream and other refreshments. Proceeds for the benefit on the church All are cordially invited. Mrs (ial>e Duffy has just returned | from Kittanning where she had been , visiting her very aged mother. Womans Missionary Society will meet on next Saturday at ■' p. in at the home of Mrs. William tiibson. All are ! invited. Neighbor Hugh Young has been con fined to his bed for the past week or so from liver complaint. He feels well enough in bed but can not arise. Gabe Duffy is also on the sick list, complaint, rheumatism, has been rpet to stand on nor cushion chair to sit on. but a trundled bed to sleep on. lam the only grandson liv ing ct" the old s< ttler# of Connonuenes sing that came in 1736 the wild woods between the two creeks. I heard mv first sermon at the White Oak Spriasr. ur.der three or four bis white oaks. The Rev Xiblock was the preacher. 1 learned my a. b. es. in a dt'Ubl* log house at the Wbite spring Since that whole families have -been lai.lin :hat burying place. I am left alone. I have seen the fourth generation passing awav to their long home, uevcr to return. I have been to ctjTireh in Boyd s old burn on the Fiw port road, now it Springdale I ca~: my nr*t v, te in the old court house :e 1- , Jacob Mechling kept the hot< I tiien The first night I staid in Butler was in the Kelley house. I got a bed tor five cent> to sleep in it stood whtre the Riher block is now Old Davy Ek-ngal 0 vned north of the Diamond on both sides of Main ?tivet. 1 knew all th* old lawyers and in Butlei -eventy years ago. 1 was at the C P. church oomuinnioa last month fifty-twc ytars and fonr months sso I was to hear Rev. Xiblock reach DANIEL W. GK.VH.OI. Mi«UIW-to\tii. James Gilchrist, of Moniteau. Tinted onr town last week in the interests oi James Wasson. chicken fancier, ol Washington t iwuship. Mrs Susan Pisor attended the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Christy, of Cherry township, on last Sabbath The Keystone ! -3ge of this place will hold an open meeting on Friday even ing. March »th. The poblic aw respectfully invited to attend. G. W Meals lost a highly valuable registered cow last week. A W. Smiley and J. X. Patton are both convalescent The pupils of school So. 4 are makinc preparations for an entertainment to be given at the close of the prvsen: term of schooL Si LUX Saner Station. Academy begins its Spring Term April l«»th. un a uradnat'- • -f Gnm City C •Ilt-sre and Mr. Campbell has taken the regular roars* of the University cf W. Va_ and is an experienced teacher. A weight social" in the Academy Hall. Wednesday evening. 14th. Liter ary exercises and mnsk-. bef-»re the bas kets are opened. >fT»- —- in th- Baff ilo nrvh- Mar l; 1-tii at 11 o'clock. and ax W»--tminstei at Lizzie Wats-n taught the Hal] school f- -r Miss Cars*:®. >!• -i>lay Misses *and EBa visited th»-ir relative Jaw—■ Hinter on Saror day. HORSES WANTED! I will be at the following places on the named to bay horses or mares, oi all kinds, from 4 to S years- old,weighing from iooo to 1500 pooais. aad which must be in gnoi jiesh. Bring them in and get wc cash. Grove City, Tursday, March 13 Sunbury, Wednesday- March 14 Butler, - - Thursday, March 15 Kittanning, - Friday, March 16 HARRY SEANOR. FOR RENT. S:s r joen hoee. S. Mai-; St Fire roo«n house S. Main, rear . Stable near Coot Hocse. laqmre ax QTUES office. New, foET-rooea boase for sale In quire 1: this o&cr FOR SALE. Farm ai 61 acres, two miles socth oi West Sunbury. good beat, good wat-rr. 1 Will sefl efctrap or exchange foe- snt" fprm laear Butler. See W. J. Br. *»" X. L;T3>sa-. For Sale or Exchange. 1 1 wish to sell my frame hoase in Zelae- S w:«pie. It is a good boose OC arses : iwns. bait Sal Mo years ago. with two jt*s o« .131160 each: or I w ill rscr. »ngc far preperrv ra Seller. Address Mrs. Mana Kinier. care oi W. J. Black. Bst lex. Pa. The il»■ < 11 ■! 1" T amt M«:-t ( «•- . irmenl Trsu«r» I rxMii Ualw r t« Uufiaio awl Kwrbc^rr. The "hands-: .-me new v-estrbTLrf-d Trains ; 1 c PaisSar; iia.'.iray are becvoszug ray Tfee* ntms are the .oily s>&d -restorm}- - «*d train- >p(Ta3mci seat day r*ci»esi. and free recjuciig chair racs. mak m*: fast r:nie and afficdmg snjten.c - I serric*. tj Tnon leaves BrrtJ«r aaiiy at V M . arriiTiiir TE RtrSaio '< 4" P 32 and E.»rix-a»T ♦J* P H t cTe^rmdmr rra:i>- ieax- tulrnUi 1 I A and i ftnfj.: .!• 4." A IS arrrrmir 111 Btrtier ; r x >ub4»> ll\.-nrsm» to \!Vf-clx-o>- i»»-_-;niiin£r ritrtb»?rti'itice The P & "W sunder fa -■rnaa "Mtin wit **ve Itmitir ac ~ , : & si. ftmi«r uim arrT~< Alt«si*«iw «t n >-rtmiiiK'B*n ■vil. temv* Ai.—-Tue • UJ- >c r,.at'j/m. aixjve liinJ-r az ~M. ~ mat- I*- SLDtaTRdOt STAH man scfliKtL -ii: rrm-is i-hUTT *W' OT3aT WTJUI sv 1 '*fc TBIT* 1- iUiixir x y. f 7 Pterim Pills Cure .'onstipat n. \ : t»>tt-r tlu*. tf»# l»al Mfn tiiau th# r™t • Not like other pills." Price Jjc. Peerless Pills Cure Constipation. Xut better Ibtit the hml Indtr than the r**i ••Not like other pills." Price 25c. Peerless Pills Cure Constipation. Ni>f If .:. than tne l*»t. lut l*lUt li ulu lb- r«~: "Not like other pills." I'rice 25c. Peerless Piils Cu.e Constipation. Not letter tha.xi th«- brst. but better lluta th«r r*-»t "Not like other piils." Price 25c. Peerless Pills Cure Constipation. N - f it letter tluui the ml "Not like other pills." Price 25c. Peerless Pills Cure! Constipation. No* t*rtt«»r thm tbr I***, but letter tiua tb~ rv«4 •'N >t like other pills." Price 25c. iYou can set them at BOYD'S.) Itrariy Township. Bartley school literaries ar? largely attended They come from all direc tions. all the wav from Slippery Rock in their fonr horse sled and big wagons if they didn't get there in time for the performance. We hope they enjoyed the good roads- Samuel Campbell is seriously ill. D. K. Grahaui is convalescent His youngest son. H. C-. expects to cross, the Rockies in the near furore The funenlof Win Krantz s roundest son was largely attended at West Liberty. The remains were lifted at the house at one o'clock on Sunday. The services were conducted by Rrv -almac at the Lutheran Church after which the remains were interred in West Libertv cemetery The j»arents ard brothers have the sincere sympathy of the community in their sad bereave ment. Lewis Marisolf contemplates a new house the comins summer. Irwin Xeeley and wife, of Piano visit ed Mis. Xeeley S people Saturday. Mrs. Josiah M. Thompson of Elora is visiting her children in West Virginia. X. F. Bart ley. of Lisbon. Ohio, while out attending his mothers funeral called on Brady township friends. E J. Thompson of Elora is in pooa health. David and Robert Snyder has taken a contract in the timber business G. S. Snyder, of Xew Castle. was home over Suclav with his parents. Mr>- Seth Snyder who has been on the sick list is improving. Hugh Fowser. of Butler, is visiting friends in Brady township. Parties from Volant are gathering up the surplus hay in Brady township John Grossman who has been on the sick list few the last two weeks is not much improved at the present writir.g. Master Paul Civ. 11 from Rock Normal was home over Snnday. Thomas McClymonds and John Mar tin were in Butler on business recently. Miss Sarah Moore, of near Unionville. is staying with her sister. Mrs. Gross man. Miss Ida Covert visited friends near West Liberty. Mi» Beekie Fisher called on friends recently. Rev. Oliver takes time to make friendly calls. M E-Grossroan s creamery has a good custom and he is doing a good bosiness in ihe shinsle m Hue and is ready to fill all orders. X Y. Z. West End Happeuings. J- -fcii Kennedy who is in his -4 year, is seriously ill at his home on Xew Cas tle St. Four dwelling i> -uses were built c# the i4d Ganter kt this winter and Mrs. Armstr\-ng has the cellar excavated f• •; a h-a# and s**-rvr»««m <« same K*. Rev. Kline and W. J. Allen represent - ed this end on the jury last wt>i and W A- Kamerer is •« the Grand Jury this week. C- R Miller. wh-> has 1»--kkeep , r for the Humes Tnpcdo Co f*jr the past five years, has ?«- to Marietta. O. to take charge of their office there- Mr. Hoffman, who is w.-riing in Ei wood. spent a few days with his family here. last weefc Artfcur Catllehne at CVvriaixl has re t—l kmt after speeffimg a weei with J hn B. Miller Merrer Sl Mist? G-wan (4 >harj«~i«rrg is ii> i»tst uf her aunt- Mrs. Gftsa. J- -hs B. Milier thr night the Bell Trlrphflr CSdl ha? resigned hi f» <-it> <1 here and acce|*ed a « is fee the same c«jtnj*jay- J. A H rta m spr«t Sonday with hi family. Bert M< «se Xew Cask- 8* :*• Fnday Kev JUtf. tin- serroes. iy ifuai anc MSHr EwßwShai oimiwi fri«»a! fr-ou Tareurnn. •(L Ftkui^ a*- in» li. v* i *ne IT E Itufy iTiffl iiui huff hr wiE in X).mw- iii Xew Oaafle. A awMi ctanae ia r I*niihr Stirtt» TwrW ai xht Bauer IXnsnncss CaUegi legms at ■*§£* j. ia~x. anil will catcam ; in: tirre; Write iar ■pamcnifcs. Wai-t BffLhr lirsinrtf >. 111 trfT aul. a ;th i«Jir . DROP : : it:»ity:KK3E£~»:2'!u»nr an. w. B. map hi. ti-an.. iaaai Jas Sieair Ca-i»F- -Ctfianint T-K*': ixii. sal jel T«B: t- -rmr ymmr&TTj «r., rsizr?: litssß. rc at tir « -atr if*. iUffrerta* E. ih .imilaTK TL I I S IS TO LLE THK YI AR OF ALL VKARS FOR DEAR <»K' Hurler County, and as we arc one the oldest firms still in the ring. w deem it our duty celebrate in a measure, that s, by making it the "BANNER YEAR' oi our business. Wt* have just opened and placet! on exhibition, and we may add. on Salr. one > t the most complete lines of SPRING GOODS ver brought into tins city. In this line the following are included: Punjab Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Silk Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Putting, All Overs. CARPET DEPARTMENT. We have no hesitation ir. saving that we have the Largest, Most j Complete, and best assorted stock of CARPET in Butler County, in cluding the celebrated Hartford Axminster, Sanford & Wilson's Wil ton Velvet, the old reliable Body Brussels, i. 2, and 3-ply Ingrain, Rugs of every price and description. Art Sqja-es, Druggeis, and our I "Centennial Rug." size 36x40 inches, all-wool, at 25 cents each; a veritable celebration in itself. DUFFY'S STORE, j Butler, Pa. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. On The Boom At our store just what you are looking for, PRETTY, NEW, DESIGN'S and COLORINGS in WALL PAPER. All fresh, new goods are in. comprising the largest stock in But ler to select from at prices that will suit you. It will pay you to see our line before you buy. ROOM MOL'LDINGS to match any color paper. Picture and Mirror Framing a Specialty. Contiact Painting and Paper Hanging. Patterson Bros., 236 North Main Street Butler. Pa Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 FITTING TRUSSES < Is MI raess *>«t We aw HI ai' aibMsiapljlosellatris&^at the sire- erf the cw»- tr *; A sell l» «jo Ihe wort; they are «*- i |jK| I at the iiß( tine. Joortioes a Vy%f - I tittle * Lull! at the ■ j j iras> Naad is Mc&d We 4> it. J and m o«<« W I if antvorr. REDICK & GROHMAN'S -109 N. Main St., PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, Butler. Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS | Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. 1 -• pkrc Cianiiiirs AM'y. I It, the District Cocrt of tb* Ca£icdl :-vas«* I f.-r lb.' WrJri* I>wn.-i of IVaisTlruli I'iMir* 1I>« rfrnrtlli taUft I v»obyt. '|i fMh & toakrapi mmmtr I* f I Act of of Jaly 1- !♦. hartng »J>- I ».i«l (or > fiH dtsfk*rte froca ad ari I at.: ixlw? per-«s ia -.alrr-st. to I f.-rt tkw said Coart « Piti>t«rE. ia *aad I»rs- I tr>-i- tlw cay of March. »»- J» * I o"c «* ia ibe fc«»ML wstoxaas*-' tbey hat*, wfay tbf prayer of tfcf said peti- , i>tc« sfaoaM bc< Iv mEiol WILLI A"* T Cte**- Notice of Application for Charter. Notice is berebv ptira tb*t in appfc- I ctlico trill be HtafVr to tbe Gotkbot of I the Suu of Pennsylvania. oe FriaT, ] I tbe vth d*T of Jtoch. A. D. 1900. by C. E. Ciatrford, H J. Cmioni, T. R. I GrKi.Tr. H- O. Maboo.. j».GMi.J- J I Cesser." SL P. Barnard H B. Mitchell I S- J. Myers, ttader tbe Act of As- I of tbe Oi> 'nK)uaf'th of Pena ■r n--. es titled "An Act to -ptxmie for I tbe mceevviratiaa * reg=lai*Ki of OCT- ; I tain ooe-jcotfioffls."" ap|*o**d Apr.'. >i. I i>7i »■*< tbe snpphszieszs thereto, for I tbe cbar*er of aa iater«ied eorprcatxw. Ito be called "Tbe Ya2ey Teiepbcae ] Cosapaav." tbe chtncs ud ofrject of ahich » to coastraet. =jain:iin_ a»i I operate a !be of Jaepb -ne. is Coss - i of Yenango. Claraoe. as*: Armstrong, 1= tbe State at P=sylTaJUi. connecting tbe City of Parier :a Ar»- I strong oouftj. vtk Wea Foxbcig. Laraarttae, a»i tbe I of Et< Eair. Sr. Petersburg. EJe'«sj I NidZevO- PiSsrOk. bc*ocgbs of Eoxrsoc aal CSatoorae. aad tbe Cities of OC Cut 13: rnnilm. is Y«- I ni=go coeccrr. aritb Nx Porats Sccth i Hope. Brai. lai tbe 'xcocgb of PeLiob*. SlilSerstotm. aad B=tler. i* tae Couty of aai :«* these parpens to bare, possess aai es?ay *ll tbe beoents, 'ui pcin>j& of soi AC <* j twfr' Jr IS sgpy-«c~arct~. Tae jcopttsed charter a xm o« £je 1= ; tbe ocjce of tbt Secretary of tbe C«-• =» nwealth. A_ H MIDDLETOX. ; Suocax. I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of a;==sratx« oe tbe tata^ oi Jue Sr:«. 3ee "J-, s* <* Sbpperr- j rock tw>, Seder COL. P*-. bariag ten —t- 2 . }o tbe 4-- £3_«i=£ tbemae-xes to 4 °- Wiz pV-ast l—Vir . • "rVf J"T" 'I < r a^ 3 err baring r .im* «M estate will present tbssa da;y jtbetnacmcd ior sectjeiaeaE to SAJLAH B3L:TX. Adffi'x-, ■a"Ki P. Ou, Brr Ca, P»- J. CL McJrsKX. An y- Bntier. P*_ !«. ly rS^ ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE of C. T. A to: tbe estate of FeS» Ex>~:ierti "ee'd-, iEle of Tfntler boraogh Pear "a. baamj? betr. rr-Einefi to naaer-nuraed aT perscic: h,n-nf tb-maerr-s moebtec to saiii csude will zixnrns* '"- • rannecnafc an£ Xt: iiErrnp c.arnrr aean?« said estate tru. *re-«3!t T'nnr ;in -7 arcbtrmcairc i'r «g—ttrrr"Tn to iC C- SH3Li_ Amr 'T, Batler. 3^s_ A. T. Scorr. Altv. ADM \ :STRATDR'S NOTICE. of c— -sr. lartir: dec c_. iaii aT?ar«cr barmp f panff' to "fee nnosr .1" perstnt kr'«rai(: taenHt;^® tniieiite£ ti sac< sstafc «i- xciiK-- ■.. 1.... .ir»i»- Tjß-na-nt aac any aaviar . aaiil ureseac ,m~- astbsßtma' t tor vr77.T j *mec: * J H E£l. ZLEY. Ada:- . J*. V. X -lg V %ir~iDE . r>- - •■■..■.«■; ■ -tt at t»- ssaat * v.mij* W. Satlwc. «ior"i*_. iafce:* v m. jwrtf S*_. nartae: .■ T - ink. tjt: A ' w -ii Sat ~ "b. ADM INISTRATRIXS* NOTICE Letters of oa the estate of Albert Shrfcier. decVL. late of Butler. Pa., having been granted to tlie ss>kr ssgaed, all UUMW KSOWIM tbesaaeJtes to hs indebted to the sxsi estate will please auke iaimci'ite payment, aad i 3 havisg mill present tien dcif actheaticated for <*nlemest to MslS AsrNE SiiiADKR. Mtx Vkmi S. Luncr, Boiler. P*. ; J. K. Hensiscks. Atf j., Butler. Pa.. Jan. fo, 190 c. ■' - -C OUR 1900 FASHIONS. ■ Really the nicest line o» Suitings ever shown by cs. we now have for roar in spection. This is a sort of a Spring Opening, though it is not a formal opening at aIL Vou will trad the nicess goods, the latest fashions, and we are here to fit yon perfectly- Wedding Suits a Speciality (ooper 8c (p., Leidirwj Practical Tailors.. DIAMOSD, |g.'H.FK. PA. Eyes! Tmb 10* puLi»an{ f« mam: »w-a m a asc hcf a pnr tf r n iw" Tub l7 aac Mem ia»er.7 at 'MK -jpecacteh ' f IMH TIITM~ IIH* tßtt-. Ci\Kt W=IGHX6R, x*, Kst at_ Bmier. P* J • A TEST_CASE! ♦ 13 DDrTBRi 1 m nmrtxzZ • MTTTBtME< (L*t ■*!♦ : DIPHTHDWI : • *mBSWK. • 5 ~H& OEtfT • • m * m