Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 22, 1900, Image 4

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Bv virtue of sundry writs <isf Yen. Fx.. 1- i■ 1
I. Lev Fa Ac., issued otft of the Court of j
Common I'lea, of Butler " Pa., and to mrf
directed, there wi.. be e*V»p*a to P"; 1 -" "; e
at the Court HoUs-.- in the oorou.;h of Butler.
Friday, March 2nd, A. D. 1900,
at 1 o'clock, p. m„ the following described j
properties, to-wit:
E D No. IST March Term. WOO. W. D. Bran
'■ don. Attorney. |
All the right, title. Interest and claim of •
and Penina J. tume of. in |
r a n n d d
*££&&& j
" n, i IK* In plan of lots of Zelie
nflllc Frtenslon I Vs. addition to said boro. |
having thereon erected a frame house and .
°S^ d iX»ke,. in execution «the prop- j
ertv of George Carrie and I enina J. Curr
atjSieinltof James McGilchrlst for use.
E I> No. 61 March Term U"» W.A. A F. J. ,
' For<|uer, Attorney. ,
All the riffht. title. Interest and claim of
Fliz iU th V>rty and George W. Yerty of, in j
and to all that certain piece or lot of land,
situated in Millerstown Boro. Hutier county.
Pa bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning
it a salake on the north side of Central ave
nue and running northwardly along lot - .
*7 one hundred thirty-four feet to an alley,
therw-e along said alley fifty feet westwardly
to a stake, tl.e northeast corner, of lot N;x j
'£• th< nof» yiathwardljr along said lot No -2-
ifne hundred thirty-four feet to tenor ,
i, f <'i.iitril avenue; tbcncc cistwiruiy
aif«ig said Central avenue fifty f-ttotbe
.. of beginning, mortgage book
S having thereon erected a frame
house, stable and out buildings.
•seized and taken In execution as th* prop*
crty -if Elizabeth Yerty and George W. ferty
at the suit of H. C. Litzineer.
F I) No Si, March Term. 1900 McJunkin A
' ' ' Gslbrealh Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Hobert Moon:of, in and to all that certain
niece or parcel of land, situated
creek township. Butler county. I'a.. bounded
is follows to-wit: On the north by 'ands of
K J. Moore formerly IMoore, on uit
east by lands of W. *. Moore formerly I eter
Grieve, on the south by lands of heirs JJ* !
John W Wimer, and >n the west by lands of
r v McClymonds formerly James McCly- j
nionrls containing one hundred seventy-six
;.„J mo re or less; having thereon erected a
friw house bark barn and out buildings.
£iie and taken in execution as the pror
erty ofßohert Moore at the suit of James ».
Burton, adrar. of Ella Burton, de,, d.
E l> So.K. March Term. IflOO. H. McJunkin
All thelright.tltle.lnterest and claim of Wm
F Wiskeman of. in and to all that certain
niece or parcel of land, situated in ( lin ton
Swnshlp! Butler county.l'a funded M fol
low-, to-wit: On the north by lands of Geo.
Bohr.'-> heirs, and John Walker, east by lands
of George .'John heirs, and Hear Creek road.
, ''j' ~. M-,rv II Kline formerly Mary
Camphell.and Saxon burg road and Pittsburg
road soutii by lands of John Loucks. and on
t™e w£t by lands of Charles I'fabe and Bull
creek road; containing ninety acres more or
less, having thereon erected a frame house
barn and out buildings.
Heized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of William F. Wlskeraan at the suit of
Thomas McGulre for use of Mary Ellen Jack.
E I) Vo. iC. March Term. 1900. W. A. AF. J.
For<iuer. Att'ys.
All the right, title, and claim of
Ada M I.efnirion and James I.emmon. known
alv> as James I* I/eitiroon. of. In and to all
that certain piece or lot of land, situated In
Millerstown rloro. Butler county. I
ed as follows, to-wit: On the north by an
alley, on the east by lot of Mrs. Catherine
Ford, on the south by front street and on
tbe west by lot of Mrs. Catherine lord,
fronting thirty-eight feet on ' r .""
and extending back one hundred feet to said
alley. See mortgage l»iok J., page IZ7, liav-
Ing thereon erected a frame house, stable,
and outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Aila M I-emmori and James Lernmon,
who Is known asl" as James I' Lemmon. at
the suit of II <3 Idtzinger.
E I> No. W. March Term. i:*W. Andrew G.
Williams. Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of V.
J Htreeter of. In and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated In Adams twp.
Butler county. I'a, founded as follows, Ui
wlt: On the north by lands of A I Winner,
east by lands A F Winner, formerly Kobt
Davidson, south by lands of Benjamin
llonthett's heirs, west by lands of Mary J
Ilelghner and J K I' I>avls; containi
e)ffhty-one more or Icrss, having there
on erected a frame house, barn and out
buildings. together with the land appurten
ant for road to aforesaid de»cribed premises
as conveyed by deed dated June Sth, 1K92.
from Fred Flelssner et ux, rocortlwl In InK'd
bOf>k B*. page :n. saving, reserving, and ex
cepting however out of the said premises the
right of way to the ("nlted National Gas Co,
recorded In deed l**>k 1 (*. page 47; also land
des<'iilied Indeed from F.J Htreeter to the P
A W By Co. recorded In deed book lei. page
Helzi-d and taked In execution as the prop
erty of F. J Htreeter at the suit of Alex
Mitchell, adrn'r of Agnes Otto, dee'd.
E. I». No. M and 71, March Term. 1900. I'alnter
A Murrln, Att'ys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Henry J Nigh of. In and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, sit u a ted In Summit
township, Butler county. Pa. bounded as fol
lows, to-wit: Beginning at the southeast
corner of lands of Peter Nigh; thence south
88.73 dec. west 104 perches to a post; thence
north / deg east 117 perches to a stone heap
by lairaaof John arid llenry Helm; thence
south SW deg east 9.« perches to a post, by
lands of P Llnchaugh; thence south I deg
east .j2-' perches to a post, by lands of Peter
Nigh; thence south HZ deg west « s perches to
a post at the head of the spring; thence
south 3 deg east 12 perches to a post, by lands
of Peter Nigh; thence north N* deg east li.l
perches to a post, by lands of P Nigh; thence
south I deg east 51."> perches to the place of
beginning; contanlng eighty eight acres,
having thereon erected a frame house, burn
and outbuildings; also one producing oil
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Henry J Nigh at the suit of John
Berg A Co., for use of J II Thompson, et al.
E. D. No. US. March Term. 1900. W. 11. I,usk.
Ail the right, title. Interest and claim of
Mrs M A Beatty and Fin ma lleatty of. In and
to all that contain piece or lot. of land, situ
ated In Kalrview lioro. Butler county. Pa,
bounded as follow*, to-wll: On the north by
lot Of P B Bollnger, on the cast by an alley,
on the south by public road leading from
Falrvlew to Petrolla and on the west, by
public road leading from Butler to Parker;
having thereon erected a frame house, stable
and outbuildings, lielng 120 feet front by HO
feet, deep.
Seized and taken In execution as tbe prop
erty of Mrs M A Beatty and F.mma lleatty at
the suit of Frank II Laird for use of Flla
Sherwisid. guardian of Klla V. McKlnney.
E. I> No. M. March Term. 1900, Stephen
C'umrrilngs, Attorney
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
George C Tlmblln of. In and to all that cer
tain piece IIT hit of land, situated Iri Butler
boro, Butler county. Pa, liounded as follows,
to-wit: On the north by an alley, on the
east >-y lot of George A Tlmblln.on the south
by West street and on the west by lot of now
or formerly Gram; said lot fronting sixty
feet, more or less, and extending back one
flfty-six feet, more or less, having thereon
erected a two-story frame house, and out
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of George C Tlmblln at the suit of Al
E. D. No. 91. March Term, 1900. E. McJuukln,
All the right, title, tnterst and claim of It.
J McMlllln of, in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated In Summit town
ship, But ler county. Pa, liounded is follows,
to-wlt: On the north by lands of A Kerllck.
on the east by lands of Matthew Keck, on
the south by lands of Andy Yost, and on the
west by lands of A Itedlck; containing llfly
acres, more or less, having thereon erected
a frame house and outbuildings.
Seized and taken In exe'-ullon as the prop
erty of l: .1 McMlllln at the suit of John
Kelly for use now for use of Caroline Keck.
E. I>. No. BV, March Term, 1900. W. l>. Bran
don. Attorney.
All the right. title, Interest and clslrn of <•
M lluiflies, of. In and t<i nil thatcertain piece
(it parcel nf land, situated In Venango town
ship. Itutler county. I'a, lioutidcd lift follow*.
Ui-wlt: On the north liy land* of l.eotiurd
Hmlllt. Ainon Heaton. and widow Addleman's
assigns, rust by land* of Malr heirs, and
William Htalker. on the south liy lands of It
C Wilson, and on the west liy lan I* of Wil
liam and ItolM-rl t'ocheran: containing one
hundred and thlrty-Heven acre*. more or
less. having thereon erected a one and one
half story frame dwcllliiK bouse, barn and
Hrlzed and taken In execution as Ihe prop
erty Of (J M ilughc* at the null, of I* l> • •el
E. It. No. 77. March term, I'.*11). W. I>. Ilran
(lon, Attorney.
All the riKht, tltie, Interest and elalm of J
II Flemmtnix of. In and to all that certain
plere or parrel of land, situated in ItnfTalo
township, lintler eoimty. I'a, lioitfided as fol
lows, to-wit: lU irlniiliiif at a post on line t.T
r, 11 101 l . thenee hy lot No. 5 north Mtl.fi deg
cant 7h.11 |H*relies t<» a post; thenee hy the
same south 1.75 deft east perches to a post;
then "e l»y the same north deg east Jl
perches to a post; thence by t tie mime north
I .y.t cieif went I i .<l jH-relie* to u j»ost. t hence hy
th< same north detf «-ast. Zt perches to
a post; thence hy lands of William FlemuiliiK
s'Mitii ill.r* de# west, IlH.ir» ppri'heH t*» a stone;
thence sooth Mit deg west , tfi.it perciies to a
Htone; tin-lice liy tlie same. 4 perches to a
stone; theme hy the saii.e Miutfi di'K
went ViJ't perches to a stone; thence hy lands
of UeorK" Hlmuiers ami Klllatt west 1.75
dejf west **.Z> p«! relies to a l.ost. the place of
ItfKlfinlntf; containing flfty-seven lures,
strict measure; having thereon erected a
frame lioiih«'. ham and outhtilldinK**.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of J 11 FlemmliiK at the suit of lintler
Savlntrs llauk.
E. K. No. 147 and UIH, March Term. I'Km. W.
I>. Ilrandon. A tt'irney.
All ll>« Htflit title. Interest ;md elalm of
Wllll;iff> Mr ll«ll of, In mm'l to all that e«rtaln
pirn or pan?el of land. situated In Mrrt'cr
township. Hutlfrrounly, I'll, bounded an fol
lows. to-wit : llevrlnnlntf at a |>ost ; Mienee
north I «l« tx west hy lanusof Hamin l Itraham
Kt perches ton ; Hh'lm'J' north Mi <l«*ir east
by lands of James Karnes 71 perehes to a
l*ml; tlmrire north I de# west hy buid* of
same VI pi-rrhi"* b> a jm»ml j th<-»»•*«' south Stt
de# <-asi by laud* of .lurries MhlclfU «V>;t
perehes to eninlnnt ; t hriHH! houlli I dej{ east
hy land* of Jam* s S Shields I 1.1 p<»reh«to a
wmt; llicnrrNoiilliWi tU-% west hy la id-. of
.lohn l<
-tfltinlriK'. containing aere* and *4l perehes;
and also thai certain st rip eont Ikuoiis to ana
Ulonulhk' to the name t ra« | «)« -rllx-d as fol
lows. Ilefflnnlni; at a alone at the northeast,
f*»mer of nalfl lot : thenee south .'I .*» west
hy laudsof Win Me llell iWjjerehe*to a stone;
t rienee north W.s<lex west by lands of John
f J IfotfK and Kllxatx'th, Ills wife, :v, i peretie*
to a ixmt; thenee north :i..1 dcu east hy lands
of narnuel Itraham Vt pe re lies to* a post;
thoucc sout h U0.5 dig eaM by lauds;of same
».3 perches to the place of be«rinnln«; con
taining twelvo acrv*,. >trU't nira>urt*; having
thereon erected a frame bouse, barn ana
oatbuiidinc. rcostly cleared and in a fair
state of cultivation.
Sei/'-d and tak*-n in execution a«. tbe PtVB"
erty of William M - Bell at tbe suit of J I.
Black -t Co. for use et al.
Friday, March 9th, A. D. 1900,
at 1 o'loek P. M.. tbe following described
property, to-wit:
E I> No. 29 and -1. March Term. laW- W. 11.
Lusk and W. A. A 1". J. Forquer. Alt ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Geon?>'W Black and James I Black of. ill
and to all thai .-. Main piece or parcel of lane,
situated in Marion township. Butler county.
Pa bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
north by lands of John Stainates, ?ower s
heirs, and heirs of James Kerr. eav. by lands
of James Kerr's helrs.and Joshua T Black.on
?be by lands of William Black. Jr.. and
on tin west by lands of Robert Dutan and
John stainates: containing one hundred and
two acres and 1> perches, more o.- less, hav
ing thereon erected a frame house, frame
barn and outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of George W Black and James I Bin W
at the suit of Solomon Stamm. et al.
F I> No l**"*. March. Tern*. r»'. J- D. Mar
shelL, Attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Warren Bupp of. in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated
cr»-ek township. Butler county. I'a.. bounded
as follows, to-wit: On the north by lanasof
William Bopp. on the east by lands of Lt ah
Bupp. 01. the south by lands of . Ii 1 -
lerand on the west by lands of William
Barclay: containing fifty acres, more °J less
having thereon erected frame house, frame
! barn and outbuildings. nrnn
Seized snd taken in execution aa prop
erty of Warren Bupp at the suit of Thomas
M. Marshall, trustee.
F I) No. 101. March Term. 1900. J. T>. Mar
shell. Attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
JefTeison Wimer of, in and to_ all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land, situated in
Worth towjship. Butler county. Pa., bound
ed as follows, to-wit; On the north by lands
of Maguie Wimer. Catherine Kaufman s
heirs and Albi's heirs, east by West Liberty
road, lands of H. W. McClure and Ed. John
ston. south by lands of F.d. Johnston. T"hn
Lelse. and ft'm. McDannell, and west by
lands of same and John W lmer and Porters
viile and North Liberty road: containing two
hundred and twenty-two acres excepting
and reserving not to lie sold fifteen acres
conveyed to defendant by William Hocken
berry having thereon a brick dwelling
house, frame barn and outbuildings; also
orchard and in a good state of cultivation.
Seized and taken In execution as the nrop
erty of Jefferson Wimer at the suit or
Thomas M. Marshall, trustee.
TFBMS OF SALE—The following must lie
strictly compiled with when property is
stricken down. ... _
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must tie paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold,
together with such lien creditor s receipt
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid In full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will be
continued until one o'clock. P. M., of the
next Friday at. which time all property not
settled for will again be put up afid sold at
the expense and risk of the person to whom
first sold. . ~ ...
•See Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 4-lti,
and Smith's Forms, page 3M.
THOMAS li. HOON, sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. Feb. sth. 1900.
The Register hereby gives notice that the
following accounts of executors, adminis
trators and guardians have been filed In
this office according to law. and will be pre
sented to Court for confirmation and allow
ance on Saturday, the 10th day of March,
1900. at !l A. M.. of said dav:
1 Final account of O P Graham, adminis
trator of O II P Graham, deceased, late of
Cranberry township.
2 Final account of Margaret .1 Garvey, ex
ecutrix of Wm Garvey, deceased, late of
Muddvcreek township.
First and final wwunt of G W Meals and
L E Shlra. executors of Wrn >1 Shlra, deceas
ed, late of Washington townshln.
4 Final account of S W Mc«>ollough, ad
ministrator of Julia Kamerer. deceased, late
of Butler borouffh.
5 First, partial and distribution account of
John C Moore, executor of Daniel Heck, de
ceased, late of Centre township.
r, First and final account of Kobert S
Frazier, Adm'r G T A of I» K Frazier. de
ceased, late of Muddvcreek township.
7 Second and final account of Samuel O
Kamerer, executor of John I) Karaerer, de
ceased, late of ('oncord township.
s Second and final account of A G and
Elizabeth Fredrick, administrators of Adarn
M Fredrick, deceased, late of Summit U)wn
9. First and final account of Samuel A
Leslie and Jacob Fred ley, executors of John
Fredley, deceased, late of Middlesex town
10 Final account of James H Kohlnson. ad
ministrator of Thomas Koblnson, deceased,
late of Cranberry township.
11 First and final account of Q G Shannon,
executor of Joiin L Shannon, deeeased, late
of Connonuenesslng township.
12 Final account of C I) Albert, adminis
trator of Gertrude Gerlach, deceased, late of
Connrxjuenesslng township.
VI Final accountof Kllyon Moyer, executor
of Susan Boyer, deceased, late of Jackson
14 Final account of Casper Ort, executor of
Anna H Ort. deceasea, late of Butler
15 Final accountof Daniel II Sarver, adm'r
C T A of Mary Sarver, deceased, late of Buf
i falo township.
Pi Final account of II Ifciok, executor of w
L Book, deceased, late of Allegheny town- \
u First and final accountof Henry Feme, ;
administrator of I>orothea Kradel, deceased,
late of Summit township.
I*< First and partial account of John It
Kelster and J G Itsnnlck. executors of John
Krister, deceased, late of Slippery rock town
IU Final account of Curtis S I'earce and
Mary J Stlefel, executors of David K I'earce,
deceased. late of Butler townshln.
%> I la*] account of John £ Thrower and
Thomas A Thrower, executors of Matthew
Thrower, deceased, late of Clinton township.
21 First account of George Martin, testa
mentary trustee of Wm Douthott, deceased,
late of Forward township.
22 Final account of Magdalena Kemoer,
adm'x C T A of Jacob llertz, deceased, late
of Butler borough.
*j:t Final account of George Martin cxeiru
tor of Wrn Douthett, deceased, late of For
ward township.
24 First and final account of llulda Keith,
administratrix of Frank Keith, deceased,
late of Winfleld townshln.
25 Final account of Harry L Fisher, ad
ministrator of Joseph Fisher, deceased, late
of Butler borough.
% Final account of John A Gelbach, ad
ministrator K <' Yates, deceased, late of
Adams township.
27 Final arrount of Peter Khrrnan, guar- i
diari of Lecetta A Hartzel, minor child of j
George llartzel, deceased, late of Jackson
2M First and final iwrount of Wm II Logan
and Florence l/ogan. executors of Krnma
I/Ogan, 'j« ceased it« «»f Middlesex township
First and final account of Wrn II Logan
and Florence Logan, administrators of John
K Logan, deceased. late of Middlesex town
W First partial accountof Bridget Dougan, ;
executrix of Matthew Dongan, deceased, late
of Oakland township.
•II First and final account of o F Easlev
and Bracken Gibson, executors of Hugh K
Elliott, deceased, late »f Buffalo township
'52 First and final accountof K F- MaurhofT.
adm'r C T A etD B N of Mart ha Chr Neher,
decreased, late "f Sax on burg.
'.i\ I inal account of A I. Cooper, adrninls
tratorof IVarson C'ofert, deceased, late of
Brady township.
'M I I rial acc« >unt of John S Williams, exec
uU>r of Catharine Kaylor, decreased, late of
Fairy lew township.
Final accountof Wm H Walker, admln-
Istrator of John 11 Love, deceased, late of
Clinton township.
Final account of Joshua J McCandless.
guardian of Everett It Starnm, minor child
of John II Stamrn, deceased, late of Franklin
M First arid final accountof J W Glossner,
administrator of Johanna Higgle, deceased,
late of Karris City borough.
First and partial account of John A
Scott, execlitor of Stanley U Moorhead, de
ceased, late of Fair view townshln.
.'W Partial account of Solomon Dunbar. ex
ccator of Jesse E Miller, deceased, late of
Forward township.
40 First and partial account of Koliert
Kldd, administrator of James Crlswell. de
ceased, late of Adams township.
11 First and final account of John Helm,
executor of George T/ouls Helm, deceased,
late of winfleld towslilp.
12 Final account, of Ellzalfcth J Weir, ad
mlnlst ratrlx of A D Weir, deceased. late of
Buff a lo town • I • i;»
V\ I Inal wrourit of N J C'rlley, executor of
Innle M Moral I, deceased, late of Butler
It Final account of Mary A Seaman, ad
ministratrix of W V Seaman, deceased, late
of Perm township.
t.» First and final account of Charles P
Wagner and John Bochrri, adm'r* c T A of
11 I'Conrad Wagner, dece ised, late of For
ward township.
W1 final iu-fount of Thomas M Hull. ad
ministrator of I'atton Bell, deceased, late of
Washington township.
47 Filial account of N <' Met!olloutfh. guar
dian of .ftilla \. Kainerer. minor chliil of John
l» Kami r« i 'i' pi 1 <<l i.i»" 'if 1 oncori town
I* I Inal account of Daniel Wallet, guar
dian of Amelia Wanner, minor child of
Barbara Warner, deceased. laic of Jefferson
4U I Inal account of Win Efcholtz, executor
of <#• o I, Ijut/.. dec* jim H, late of Zellcnoplc.
Vi First ami final account of M V IC«*I 11 y.
ii'lmlfilHt rator of .1 nllii A
liiti? »»f Oakland township.
.'»| f-'lrfit ami narllal of Solomon
of Jphm- K Mllli-r, dPCPaHi d
: late of l orwanl i<»wnnhlp.
| '»*J Fimt an'l final iirrount. of >lrn l#otil»a
Miller, JiOrtiinlnfratrU of Cieortfe I Miller,
<l« rpiiHPil, I at* of Clinton t'»wiiHliln.
.VI I'in;• I tfcoiint of Klh*n >frNamarra,
lulm'r I) II N, < T Aoof •folin du
<*en»e#l, late of Ailanm towiinhlp.
M Final aiviiint of Charlen Me tiler. a<l
mlnist rator of Salome Mettler. iler«*aiM?«l, lat«-
of Falrvll'W IniroiiKh.
.Y» Final aeecnint of Harah K lt« Illy, ad
ministratrix of Mary A Kollly, lat*-
of I»»»II« S.' il township.
W Final im 'eonnt of I'renlry liuiieaii. ad
mliiUtrator of Sidney M Wi'ilil, defeased.
1 at«• of Zellfiiople horoii^h.
r»7. Final aeemunl of < . It. liiffpiilnu'lior.
• •iitor■ of t lie cntatt- of Mrs. I>. ( Muni/.
lat«* of Zell<*iiople.
'>■* Filial af't'oiirit of IIIIKII llraiiam. urnar
dlan of Orson \,. M'-dln-rry, minor «*>»il<l of
Orson Medhetry. deeeased, lat*- of Marlon
W. .1. AhAMH, UeKister
I The Keystone Orchestra,
I . now rc«i!y for tttf for Par
tics. Pi'bics'ittd Iwtices, and fiuarattlee
the liest 111 ttttmic at reasonaldn rates.
Prof. Gus'tWickenhagen,
22S Ziejjler Ave., ISutler, Pa
with a hungry heart."
goes to the club. The
happiest homes are
those which echo to
the love and laughter
of childish voices.
The conditions
erhood are often rem
out of a diseased or enfeebled condition
of the delicate female organs. When
thef.e conditions are removed, and vital
itv and elasticity given to the organs of
motherhtxxl, it frequently follows that
the home is gladdened by the coming of
a healthy, happy infant.
There is no other medicine that will
do as much for women as Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. It dries up disa
greeable drains, allays inflammation,
heals ulceration, cures female weak
ness, and establishes the delicate woin
anlv organs in a state of perfect health
and vigor.
There is no alcohol, opium or other
narcotic in " Favorite Prescription. 1 '
Any sick woman mav consult Dr. R.
V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. V.. by letter,
free. Every letter is held as strictly
private and sacredly confidential.
I had been a sufferer from uterine trouble for
about three vears having two miscarriages in
that time, an'd the doctors that I consulted said I
would have to go through an operation betore I
ecu'. ! give birth to living children." writes Mrs.
Blanche E. Evans of Parsons. Luzerne Co.. Pa.
•• When about to give up in despair I saw the
advertisement of Dr. Pierce s medicine and
thought I would give it a trial as a last resort. I
bought a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, and after taking it felt better than I
had for years After talcing four and a half bot
tles I gave birth to a bright baby girl who is now
four months old and has not had a day of siclc
ness. I cannot nay too much in praise of JJr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are a boon to
women of constipated liabit.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics act directly upon the disease,
without exciting disorder in other parts
of thj system. They Cure the Sick.
1— Fever*. Congestions, Inflammations. .25
2—Worm*. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25
3—Teethln«.Colic.Crjing,Wakefulness .25
4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .25
*-Cou*h». Colds, Bronchitis 25
H—.\earalgia. Toothache, Faceacbe. 25
9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25
10—Dyaprpdin, Indigestion,WeakStomiich.2s
11—fcupprested or Painful Periods -. .25
12—White*. Too Profuse Periods 25
13—Croup. Laryngiliii. Hoarseness 25
14—f»alt Rheum. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25
15—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains 25
16—Malaria, Chills. Fever and Ague 25
19—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold in tbe Head .25
20—Whooplng-Coug 25
27—Kidney Diseases 25
2H— IVervous Debility.. 1.00
30—(,'rinnry Weakness. Wetting Bed... .25
77—€>rip. Hay Fever .25
Dr. Humphreys' Manual ol ill Diseases at your
DrugKltts or Mailed Free.
Sola by druggists, or sent f»n receipt of price.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William et JohntiU.,
New York
\ The Cure that Cures 1
p Coughs, &
\ Colds, I
I) Grippe, fe
V Whooplnsr Cough, Asthma, J
Bronchitis and Incipient h
ej ConsumDtlon, Is
f c 5
A The German f\EMEDV
Vr Cures -atvd VUT\Q J
AnKf\«\s. 256,50tV.^
Ask your tp ATV « ~
Druggist ,
for a mRV! fiVS
10 CENT BAIW t \'|
Ely's Cream Balm
contain* no C'*:*in<- . I /
in rcury Ti'.r toy oUter . \ ri JLt .
injurious - - .) 'I
It la <juie» y Abaorl/cd. ! . •"i
Glvea Itei ■f at oncf. ' j.' *\
11*, iin and i'rou» n 'tie .•'eiat-rar.c. H'xU.rcn ttm
H-n«-« of Timtc ii*'' i« i. i'' I' SbseCoc. i "lal
«i)!ninc. : at Urn: -rtx.-rJ /
iafcV ■'■<» W..T«jn htrc't, New York.
% Candles
TVat hi riff »Iss adds so mnr h
lg ; i to the c'harm of tha drswlna
M I room or boudoir ss the, softly rndj.
|3 j I snt light from <;oitlH>VA (/S»yll»^
m (rffl? artistic of th« lanch**ori,
■ /wlii»s ins or dlnntrr. Th*' l»i"t decorstlvs
I randl«-« for ths simplest or the
I TWT rn " Mt 'dahorstM Jj'J.' i'p |7 fliV colors
I and"Upmost delicat•• t ii.ts bjr
nTA!NI»AMI» Oil. CO.
* and sold nvcrywhere.
A infill of l.tinlti**HH itlilllly lniy»- lilh ni» r
«liaiirllsi- nl tin' pltt'-o In; cnn K' l It rlifiipi-Hl
i|Uallty cofisl(liTC<l nvrr |irl<«'. Our nlin
lutH nlw»y» In-™ l'» liny rlirlit. and to klvi
our putrnni tin' I»«*11«-fIf tills accounts fur
our iteady Rrowl li.
We (inarnntee Our Goods Pure
and offer the choice of any of the below
brands of Whiskey, guaranteed over
6ye-.r* 015 SI.OO per full quart,
6 quart , $5 00.
tittKKNilH.tll'K IHM.IXiKH
tatisii>. ovkkiioi.t.
I,* Wit: Tlllllll'KlH.
uitiu<ir:roß i.
tilM > liFATIIKR'H < 1K11C...
li ey guaranted ;t years old. .s;.iKi per ifal.
All <" (111 or mall orders of f ~nn or over we
box and ship promptly, express charges pre
paid. m ,
We have no agents to represent us. Send
orders direct and save money.
411 Water Street-
Teleabottf, 31 79. Pittsburjj, Pa,
Opuoslte It .V O. Depot
**** **** z
4't *
-y> 1
jl Cleveland B-erea Grit j
u I
-if *
if *
it #
Suitable fur Building,
Ornamental and
Paving purjH»e<t.
j[ This Stone Will Not "Shell Off." §,
Prices reasonable.
\'t w\
Work done well
nuil prompt!y.
Stone Jrardft on i
II Hast i{<na street. *
Residence on
Morton avenue.
People'* Telephone 320.
wt■>:-x wx ■ ;• x.%xi: IxX x-x
W. S. & E W ICK,
li"U|(li and Workod l.uuiher «.#f a!J Kinds
Doors. Hush and Moulding,
oil Well Klkh a Specialty
Office and Y»*nf.
I ' tinninKham and ,M< nr» « St.*..
m ar W< si I'eim fw pot,
HITi.l'.K I'A
The Interesting: Ui»tory of an Ola
Time Novel That la Otten Alluded
to In Literature and at Tlran Quot
ed liicurrei-tlj.
Everybody, or nearly everybody, has
heard of '.lie novel of "Frankenstein,
though it is not probable tliat many
persons read it nowadays. There arc
so many allusions to it in our litera
ture, however, that one absorbs some
sort of a uotion of it so that he can
not help kuowing that it is a weird and
ghastly story about a monster, but
whether or not I'rankersteiu is the
monster even well informed people do
not always know, showing that they
never read the story.
Sometimes we hear allusions to
"Frankenstein's monster," as in one of
Charles Sumner's orations, where he
speaks of the "soulless monster of
Frankenstein, the wretched creation
of mortal science without God. and
sometime* the reference is to I-rank
ensteiu only, as if he were the mon
ster. Of course Sumner, who was
very particular in his use of figures of
speech, was right. \\ hen Mrs. Deland.
in her tine novel >f "Sidney." makes
Major Uf say ft "Christianity is a
Frankenstein." she suffers the major
to taik 1101: etise.
The story < f this weird novel and the
circumstances under which it came to
be written are decidedly interesting
and may be told in a few words. The
facts are as follows:
In 181(5 Mary Godwin, afterward
Mrs. Shelley, eloped with Shelley, and
they took > p their residence near Ge
neva, In Switzerland, 'i hey bad Lord
Byron for a neighbor, and the three
passed much time together. Their con
versation frequently ran on the occult
and the mysterious, and Byron one day
proposed that each should write a
ghost story. All agreed and went to
work, but It was not long before the
two poets gave it up as a hopeless
task. Tlie.v could write poetry, but
they could not write stories.
Mary persevered ami completed ber
tale in the spring of 1817. When By
ron and Sli! Hey heard It read, they
were surprised ami delighted. It was
bound to be the uovel of the century!
The name of It was "Frankenstein; or.
The Modern Prometheus." It was im
mediate' i-nt to London for publica
tion and • t with a great success.
Frankenstein Is a Swiss youth, a
student at the University of ingoi-
Btadt, deeply interested in the study of
chemistry and natural philosophy. lie
resolves to penetrate the mysteries of
life and death and wrest from nature
the secret of creation. After prolong
ed study he succeeds and discovers
how to Impart movement and anima
tion to lifeless matter.
He then resolves to mold a colossal
man. making him beautiful in form
and feature and Imbue him with life,
lie carries on his work in a studio far
from the habitations of man, labors
long and secretly, anil ut last the work
Is completed. There In the great room
lies the form and semblance of a hu
man being, perfect in al> his propor
tions. Frankenstein relates the story:
"It was on a dready night in Novem
ber that I beheld the accomplishment
of my toils. With an anxiety that al
most amounted to agony I collected
the instruments of life around me that
I might infuse a spark of being Into
the lifeless thing that lay at my feet.
"It was already 1 o'clock in the
morning. The rain pattered dismally
against the window panes, and my
candle was nearly burned out, when,
by the glimmer of the half extinguish
ed light, 1 saw the dull yellow eye of
the creature open. It breathed hard,
and a convulsive motion agitated its
Slowly the Immense creature arose,
and the artist, frightened at his own
work, lied away. Then he returns to
lind his creation possessed of life and
every attribute of humanity except a
soul. Nowhere can It find human sym
pathy. It is out of harmony with all
things about it, and after searching
the world in pursuit of happiness It
returns again to Frankenstein and de
mands that be make u companion with
whom it ean live in sympathy and
Frankenstein declines, find thence
forth the monster pursues liim with
hatred and revenge. It slays tils broth
ers and sister, his friend and tils bride.
It follows him to Itussla. to Siberia
and ini i ttie Arctic ocean, and there
creature and artist p-rlsh together. It
Is a most uncanny story to read o'
Sir Walter Scott reviewed the novel
in The <ju;irterly. but while admitting
Its jiower confessed lie did not like If.
"Our taste and our judgment revolt at
this l.ind of writing." All the critics
agreed as to Its daring originality.—
Chicago I'ost.
Donifitlo Snr<*fiNtn«
lie (at breakfast)—My dear, the pa
per says there was quite a lire In our
block early this morning. It is s:ip
posed to have been the work of all in
cendin ry
She Well. '!on't let a little thing like
that worry you
He Why. what do you mean?
She Nobody will ever accuse you of
building It. -Chicago News.
A Milium I
"Pat," said Ids young wife, "I wish
you wouldn't put your knife In your
mouth when you eat."
"An phwere would yea tiev me put
It," said Pnt in astonishment, "in me
eyes?" Harper's I'a/.ar.
Flowers are the terrestrial stars that
bring down heaven to earth and carry
up our thoughts from earth to heaven,
the poetry of the Creator written In
Is-auty and fragrance.
Some doctors believe that a man has
Just so many hours to be awitke, and
that the more of tliem he uses up In a
flay the shorter bis 1 if«• will be. A man
might live to be "Mi If he could sleep
most of the time. The proper way to
economize time, therefore. Is to sleep
when there i« nothing better lo do. -
Cincinnati Enquirer.
The llonlon Hoy"* CJrlef.
Mother Why do yon weep so. Emer
son '/
I,it tle iv.on Because Waldo Smith
Informs me that he Is to lake up the
study.'' Kgyptian hieroglyphics neit
week papa refuses to let me begin
until I iiai ."> years old. San Francisco
('■limit of Culture.
"What is a cosmopolitan?"
"He's a man who enn go all around
the world without buying a souvenir
spoon." Chicago itecord.
Small kindnesses, small courtesies,
li'iail considerations, habitually prac
tical in our social Intercourse, give a
greater charm to the character than
the d'uplay of great talents and accotn
ollshn*MitH. M. A. Kelly.
Home pimple like to be generous Just
to brag aii'iut It. Cleveland I,en<!er.
HOOTi f. PI t.S » uro Uvor Ilia, Bll
iour-inesfi, Insinuation, Hondoche.
I S.i.sy to take, e.isy to opernto. 2Bc.
K hhumatism Curkd in a Da v.
"Mystic Cuic" for Rheumatism and
Nci«ralgia radically cures ii to j days.
Its nation up •" the system i« ren urkable
and mysterious. It removes lit once the
causes .'lid tin disease immediately d,s
--; appears. The lirst dose greatly , ienefits;
!75 cents/ Sold l>y J. L.. Kedic, ai.<t J. I'.
| Balph Druggicts Uutler Apr </>.
Y&u M I
w 1 1 pain in the back, distress or fulness after eatinp. scanty or scalding urine, chills, I
M S pains in the loins, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of vitality, swelling in limbs or body, or sediment ■
ft! M B i-i the urine, v.--.: Kttvr t.,ke s:. . Kvery day you delay, you are a s.ep g.
* £j nearer the crave. Many grave stone? should be labelled " Neglected Kidneys. " S
|>| is MORRO W i' |
i •wi! c".7i? l.very drjcrgiit in the country seiis it. 1u: ia e..u::ty '. '.
ffcT ) mßtmM vap-• t'.:c niost sc:e:iti!s-j _ '• ''•*
J/ J -.'-ne-oids <lOl s» Its \vrk, \
-■ : Gr Jbh .*• ■'•'■ c- !.? (ft SB | to have a dull lieavy |>atn in my ha.-k .5
k CmiT* 'in* ••". i*:-«'»*•• * s anfll' s* • kv. O . just «>\ i t heWlney-v :m i -it tunes i • ! . -X! v - ' • *
€*7 AjftfiL- " •'-•'<■ " ' 11 1 jIE \*» #rs & < would be a sharp. shooting pain. ! h .\,. r-- *. / »
f£&¥'/f*Sr •'■ 'V I* -rabout 2 v.-eek'r irea.:. e::t. I .St i proper rest ami sleep. Morrow - Kid- j
n.-old> were reeo.nmende.l to relieve g^..
5 - .Mi'fruw's Liverlax v.i
. s /\ -* V ft-- .- . tivencss, Constipation, Li»li r-< O >tv P; :z short time tliey rt»liev« k d nil* of a.l tl»«" y i
\: >4-^wWfVs. ■•• ousi.es; ind Headache. fr Vj - '] troublesome syi ; .. . *>♦ . j
- il£ 1 i's ;
-V--'KSi- 1 ■■ I" J" rr "":-Bedick 4 Grohmans. K; v r '
d 1, ;tsurae in ■-*■***** M i: k#-uS & S 1 &tr'=> -;-1
l* stand 24 hours. If thereisaseJiir.ent i g • *>. ;-'
; ' ny pi.' :.
v;< <' • v ' JOHT! BORROW & cmemibt?, Ss*£t-^
SPHi: ; f J ®jl -
Butler Sayings Bank
bit-itler, Pa.
Capi :al - fto.cxjo.oo
Surplus and Profits - - $185,000.00
JOS. L PURVIS Preside!.t
J. HENRY TROI'TMAN Vj.-e-Presidrr.t
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Castifr
LOUIS B. STEIN 'leiltr
DIRECTORS -Joseph L. : urvls. i. Henri
Troutroan. \V. [>. Brandon. W. A. Ste'n. J v
The Butler Savings Hank is tlie Olih-st
Banking Institution; n Butler County.
General banking business transacted.
Wesolicitaecountsofi.il producers, mer
chants. farmers and others.
AU basintss cntrusved tfi -js will receive
prompt attention.
Interest i>aid on time deposits.
T M b;
Butler Coonty Hitiuiia! Bank.
1.1 tier Penn,
Capital p.»id in - - ji »,<«*<.< ••
Surplus and I'rotits - ?'?°.7°3 9i
Jos. Hartman, President; J. \/. Ritts,
Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier;
John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashiet.
? general banking business transacted.
Interes* paid on time deposits.
Money 1 >aned on approved security.
We invite you to open an account wit h this
DIRECTORS Hon. Joseph llartmiin. Hon.
W. S. Waldron, i)r. .\. M Hoover. 11. Mc-
Sweeney. E. K. Ald-aifs. <'. P. Collins I. G
Smith, Leslie I'. Ila/.iett, M. I-'ineffan,
W. H. I.arkin, Harry Hcasiey. Dr. W. C.
McCandiess. Bei »la>setli. ' V. I!ltt>
Farm For Sale.
I will sell my farm in Washing
ton twp , located about three
miles west of North Washington,
containing about 150 acres, with
good house, barn, outbuildings,
springs and orchard, underlaid
with coal, and two producing oil
wells, on easy tern s. Inquire of
R. 0. Rumbaugh,
Nixon House, Butler, Pa.
. H
y.os° s Infl
i * ir il l
t V^Pi
'I he ( iil;i;viiy rout h;is n ltirneH to popular
ji\rr Jiff<l an absi-iin- of w?v« ral yoars
Fusltion has iwldi'd iiiany rn*w ••HVels which
a'.u- I !»«• cut away s»i11 strikingly hiiiMlsoriH*
or any man may In In* stoop«*i| or ort-rt.
Vlniriii. l.arnliH \V<h#| or Worslrd in
or icray mixH for the ••out ami vest-, with
Htrip»f| worsted of a llyht« a r r«»lor for tin?
trousers. Thin out lit from « , x# , i;llent quullt v
of cloth, %VK
ill /s*'***/1£
Pi;oplc flout huy plan ts for I'wiks ahuic.
If they «li*l any one «»f (!»•• prel l.y piano cast s
r»fterei| for sale, wit h 111«* t 111-pa n at t aeh merit
Inside,would do very w ll and not. cost much.
A few mont h's us« s«tvch to show the dif
ference hetwecp a yood and a hud piano, l»c
--tween a piano t'an fnlly made of excellent
material and a piano made of pine or any
cheap st utT, slapped tone! her anyhow.
Tin ChaHe 15rot In rn Is as K'KHI a piano jis
was tv-i-r m;:'!- Votl D)By •' It IWf tITOO
yon will COmC In. 'S«-elnj/'s Tree," They are
firmly warranted in every respect. ion
run no risk. Should a piano niove defective
yoti are welcome to come ami select anot her
Of! he same styles and we will « xchan«e It
with you free (»f charge at any time.
I'.very t him: In tin- music line cash or
Terms to suit you con\ enlciice.
We can save you *K*MX» and upwards In the
liriee of a flrwt class piano.
317 South Main St Butler Pa.
Now is The Time to Have
If v '■ want good and reliable
clciiin,: <;i dyeing done, there is
just one pia. e in town where you
can ge*. it, and thaT is at
The liutlcr Dye Wurks
216 Center avenue
I{k*A-Wc tlo fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of y-'.-ar t'> have a pit lure ol
your house, (jive us a trial.
Aslant for the .!nii.cHtown Slldiim
lilirid Co. New York.
pp., ~^^ji
1 v J —: — . .
I West Winfidd Hotel,
&) W.G. LUSK. Prop'r. ;
tl-irst Class Table and Lodgings. I
Gas and Spring Water all throng"
Good Stabling.
i Amanuensis Shorthand.
2 —Reporter's Shorthand.
3 —Practical Book-keeper's.
4 —Expert Accountant's.
s—Music.5 —Music.
Three Professional, Two Assistants and
Another Professional Coming.
Send for our New Illustrated Catalogue
»nd Circulars. They will open vour
eyes. Note the large number of our
graduates and students who are
filling responsible positions.
Send for circular telling how to gel a
A. F. REGAL, Prin.,
Butler Business College
3icr 327 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
That Studio
Over the Post .Office is
Folks from out of town
should not fail to see
the work when in town.
Everything first-class.
Branch Studios,
Mars and Evans City.
Telephone 236.
We beg to say wc are
llie sole representa
tives in Butler of the
largest Wall Paper
Factory in the U. S.
outside the trust, and
can save you from 10
to 25 per cent.
309 5. Main st.
nulinlrr'! Ka«ll>h IMuuoiM llraa*.
• -JCV. nn<l Only A
'•***, alwa/a r-JUI'U. i*oir« a«k
f, |( RWA J>ru(flflt for (%khnt»r& gnolUh
' BrmnJ In llrd and tffw
' if*. aralml with blue ribbon. Take ViZ
' J oti>« r. Ktfiiir duny***ui ivbitili*- V
! / tUmsend imtdtrnMina At l>r«cci»U,«r «M« «*
I In atMitpo foe po/tloulara, i.ni
lm m "Itoll-r for <n UtUr, br retain
Ff Mall. 10,000 T«(la«l>li. I'afor.
I 100 Madia"** Hguar« , I'll 11. Al> A P»
»'• "■*,*'SU 39 - 6th Avn., PittKburc), P.. M
•| vV.'"rp PR ACTIO A' If
V 1 r /Tl CROWN PF.iPjiC ""HJ}
'' "W A'4"f I*lll WHY i»OT DC K
'l. Vt'J W"'' nniOGE w "' 11 (if
Vi V? PER TOOTH AK ; . 111. m
}' \ \l yj I.ml mt I.f T.-.ili iii:I«I»-. ONLY $& fj
Cures Drunkenness.
Write for M/ f f INSTITUTE,
frco U A u4« rink »>«.,
Booklet. unsliuw. I"*-
|WANTED—A Reliable MAN;:
X of good fuMrcPH l'» sollrll Imaiur « frotii j»rop-
X erty-otvnerd. Ai«y wll IC»m prison willing \ \
T to work, can make wwjkly. i'om- 4 >
X mlsH on or !«'il m ry % paid weekly. A«l«lrcp-» for < (
T ; Ir' o
J < IIAHI.IHiI.< IIAsK, I C oriH'Hlfr. N.V. 0
Livery and Sale Stable.
ilcHt Accommodations iti Town.
Went JeTcison street, lintU-r, Pa
I'eoplc'B Phone 109,
Hell's Phone 59
Pearson tt. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House, Butler, Penn'a.
The best ofliori«s ami Hint. ela*n ri«* al
w! 1 v*•''' 1 lihihl iiikl f«»r lilrr.
1i..-;" imMlatloiiH In town for pi null
ru nt iHinrdliiK im'l 1 run *le«it. I ru«l«-. Hi I
ul rare Kiiariinle''<l
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A R'hhl eliis* of Imrte*. Ix.tli and
(Iruft. liories ul way i on Iniii'l anil T'lr hi»1«
uiiili r a rull Koaranli')-; ami Imrww Imihklil
pon proper noil Ileal ton »»y
Telephone. No. 3ll>
It may menu h fortune to you. I pro
cure nti<i icll palents
H. s. HARRISON. Patent Attorney,
,|27 Piftli Ave., PltUborg, Pn.
I Pape's I
x Leading Millinery Houre X
A Of all left over holiday goods and all winter millinery. A
A All must b sold regardless ot Re sure to attend A
K 122 S. Main St PaDe'S. BUTLER, PA. X
Every article in our stock lias been marked down to iusurc quick Jpp
sales. All trimmed and untrimmed bats reduced to less than half price
U| regardless of cost. Special bargains in fancy feathers, birds, coqu°s, 0
JC aigrettes, wines, quills, ornaments and ribbons, etc ,
Sa Lton't fail to miss this sale at
£ Rockenstein's, 8
uj 328 South Main St., Butler, Pa. *
Ilr W sa/V\l? and GLASSWARE STOR6.
Having purchased the Allison Hee Hive Novelty and Queens
ware Store, 1 have devoted considerable care and time in completing
the most varied stock of goods in Butler. ISelovv will give an idea ol
sume of the goods carried in stock.
Hxle grease, / Butter spades, ijc-L.\nr>KnS — V Scales,
AaskkTS S candle wicks, "xstep, / school bags,
clothes, C can openers, ifcloug, \ Scoops—
delivery, I cards playing, jfeextension; (wood ntul tin;
fruit, J carpet tacks, |UMP— C shawl straps,
laundry, ( clialk lines, Jichimmcys, /shoe laces,
lunch, \ chalk, jfcburners, / sieves,
market, C crayons, xwicks; S skirt boards,
office, f cheese cutters, i slates,
traveling; \ clocks, -tflcad pencils, \l slate pencils,
birdseeds, f clothes hampers, fkmon squeezers, J slaw cuttexs,
blacking, f clothes horse#, glasses, \ SoaPS
blacking cases, \ clothes lines, J laundry,
blank books, C clothes pins, \ toilet;
blueing, / coat racks, licensures, I spoons,
bosom boards, \ coffee mills, *measnring faucets, V starches,
breadboards, (combs, Jmoney drawers, J stove polish
brooms, / commodes, *""'P bandies, \ Talil.KS
Rrushks— \ cork screws, jmouse traps, V sewing,
cloth, ( corn (Kippers, a-tnucilage, / kitchen;
dusting, / curry combs. M o '' cans and tanks, \ table cutlery,
floor, / dominoes, -S-fArHR /tack hammers,
hair, J dusters turkey, ||writing, V tinware all kinds,
horse, \ egg beaters, X - rapping; / towel rollers,
uaint, \ envelopes, -ifcpnss Ixxiks, / trucks,
scrub, r faucets Ist boards, N tubs,
shaving / fish forks, %V VU holders, I twines,
shoe, / fish.hooks & lints,J; pens, V twine boxes,
stove, fibre ware, spins, J violin fixtures,
tooth, \ fly traps, atpipes, \ wagons,
whitewash, / fruit augers, If potato mashers, V wash boards,
window; N funnels, sfepocket books, C washing machine*
BUCKKTS- / g"i" bands, fpocket knives 7 water coolers,
pine, \ granite ware, ipurses, \ whips,
cedar, ✓ gun caps, C wl isks,
bor.se, \ hammocks, sjrazor straps, / wood spoons,
paper; \harmonicas, Xiolling pins, \willow ware,
butter ladles, (ink, frnles, / wire goods,
butter moulds, J jewsbarps, fcrope, X woo<j howls,
butter prints, S keelers, p wood dimes,
I als ) handle watches, clocks, jewelery, silverware, &c, pi.in »s
, ami small musical go'>ds, strings and fittings for all instru
j mi nis.
Come and look over our 5 ar.d 10 ceut counters.
When you want a bargain be sure and come to
J. R. Griebs,
Cash Novelty Store,
No. 136 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
— v
What kind of wcathei comes at this season of the year
—we are liable to have blizzards, extreme cold and
sudden changes of temperature. Do you know that a
little good whiskey is the best medicine to fortify the
system against such changes? Ask Any Physician
and if he is honest he will tell you that pure whiskoy
is the best preventative against Colds, Chills and like
Our Cabinet Rye Whiskey at $3.00 a gallon
is guaranteed to be absolutely pure and four yeirs old.
There is no whiskey in the county for the same money
that can compare with it. We pay the cxprcssagc
too, and make no charge whatever for boxing and
shipping. When a transfer from one express company
to another is necessary, we prepay charges to point ot
Send us $3.00 for a sample gallon.
We know it will please you.
Wholesale Liquors,
Our complete catalogue and price list mailed on applii ation.
Subscribe for the CITIZEN.
J 3I L
$5.00 $4.00 and $3.00
Jno- S Wick."
Successor to Hi). COLHERT,
242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Opposite I'. O.
New Drug Store.
MacCartney's Pharmacy
New Room.
Fresh Drugs.
Everything new and fresh.
Prescriptions carefully com
pounded by a Registered
Try Our soda
R A. MacCartney
Timi to secure I in Optical
goods, I >i»ui(iiil.", Watches, Chiiiis,
Rings, Clocks, Silverware &c. I'iice9
have been advanced in all ihc<c lines
but lis we hive :i goed supply on liand,
iKHight at tlic old prices, we will sell at
extraordinary bargains considering the
piesent market until our present stock
is reduced. We also s-.il Cameras,
I rhcto Supplies, Kdison and Columbia
Talking Machines and Records
Jeweler and Graduate Optician'
Next to Court House.
The following WUIOW'M upi'mlsemnits of
personal property unci roal fstalu Hot apart
for the Iwin'fh of tin*, widow* of <U»<*t»<lrntH
iuivo IH»OII II I in tin' olllc** of MioClork
of t ho Orphans* Court of llutk'r County, viz:
To tlio wlilow of ltobort I'uvison,
personal property #UOO.CO
T«»tln'wlduwof Michael Bci^un,person
al property :«H) oo
To the widow of D. S. Ilawk, personal
property iioo.no
To the widow of Dtuilel Mc.Mackln,
personul property 221.01
To the \vl<lo\v of iMart In I*'. Thompson,
personal and real property MtUU
To the ehlldren of IVursoii 1 'overt,
personal property 300.00
All persons Interested In tlie alnive au
iiri&lseiit.'iitN will take not lee that they will
he presented for confirmation to thcOrphans
Court of Itut ler county. I'a., on Saturday, tiio
tnthday of March. A. lIIKNI, and Ifuoex*
eeptlons he (lied they will he continued ab
WILLIAM l». Tl* U.N Kit. Clerk O. C.
Clerk's Otlice. Fell. Mil. Mm.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
road and bridges have heen confirmed nisi
hy the Court and will be presented on the
lirst Saturday of Marrh term. Mm, lielug t he
mi |i day of said niont h. and if no except ions
ar * filed they will heeontirmed absolutely.
It. IK No. I, December Term, IH9O. In re
I petit lon of <*ltt/.eiiH of Adams township, for a
puhlle road to lead from a point on lands of
' James <>rr on IheFi ve licgree rood to it point
on line of lands of L. (>. Mays and .lames
I'erry. on the Three Degree road. September
Uth. lsl«, viewers were appointed by the
Court, ami on December Uth. isjui, report of
viewers filed, slat lug that the proposed road
Is neeessaiy and laying out the same for
public usi*. Conditional damages in t In* sum
of £!."».«.o ji «sesged to L. U. I lavs. Now, Decem
ber IMb, Isini. approved and tlx width of road
lit'filfeet. Notice to be given according to
rules of I \»urt. ItV Till: < -ouirr.
I*. D. No. .'i. December Term, IHIW. In re
pet It lou of eit l/eiis of i lay twp.. for a nubile,
road, beginning it a point'on the St. John's
road a nil leading to a nolut on the llarron
road on or neat lands of John Qulgley.
September Ttli. IMHI, viewers were appointed
by tin Court, and on Decemlier Ist. IHWW. re
port of viewers tiled In favor of tin* nroposed
road and laying out the same for puolle use.
Damage as sensed as follows: Mrs. M. M. Mc-
Cuiiim 11. *7.%.< m; \\ . A. \ Mrs. II It. Wlck.
#•*»mi. Deeeuiber tM h. I V.W. approved and fix
width of road at feet. Notice to Im< given
according to rules of t 'ourt.
By tiii: Cor nr.
I* I». No. December term. ISiK). In re
pet it lou of c|t i/i ns of Slippery rock township
for a county bridge over Ariustrog I'un on
the Centre\Hie and throve City road. Sep
tember ll'tli, Isjiji. viewers were appointed by
tlie Court and November lltli. I him, report of
viewers tiled in favor of the proposed bridge.
December tM h, approved. Notice to Ik?
i»lveil according to rules of Court and to be
laid I»e fore t lie < J rami Jury at next term.
By tiii: count.
Certified from the record this :'»th day of
February, Hm.
i lerk o. C.