Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 08, 1900, Image 2

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    the: citizen.
WILLIAM C. NEQLEY -- Publisher
(Subject to the Republican Primary Election,
March 24, I to 7 P. M.)
For Congress,
Of Chicora.
For State Senate,
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
For Assembly,
iTwo to nominate.)
Of Butler twp.
Of Millerstown.
Of Butler.
Of Brady twp.
For Jury Commissioner,
Of Chicora, formerly of Concord twp.
Of Butler, formerly of Concord twp.
Of Adams twp.
Of Mercer twp.
Of Washington twp.
Of Jefferson twp.
For Delegate to National Con
Of Butler.
For Delegates to the State Con
(Three to Elect.)
Of Portersville.
Of Butler.
i)f Butler.
• Of W. Snnbury.
Of Adams twp.
Of Allegheny twp.
On Friday Senator Chandler announc
ed that he would call up the Quay case
on Wednesday, but their was a general
objection Several Senators want the
Currency bill disposed of first. The
whole question of seating appointees, in
cases where Legislaturer have failed to
elect, has assumed such prominence and
has caused so much public discussion
and interest, that there are many Sena
tors who do not want to establish a
precedent if it can be avoided. The
convening of the California Legislature
to elect a Senator to the vacancy exis
ting in that State, has complicated
matters very much. It is not believed
that the Legislature will elect, and if it
again adjourns without the vacancy
being filled, and Col. Quay is seated, it
is considered certain that the Governor
will appoint Burns. This, it iu feared,
will disrupt the Republican party of
California on the eve of the presiden
tial election, and the leaders fear the
consequences, as they may effect the
electorial vote of the State this fall.
President McKinley transmitted to
Congress the report of the Philippine
Commission recommending a territorial
government for the islands, and refused
to interfere in the Kentucky affair, say
ing that that was a matter for the Leg
jqlnfnr,, o£ tUo to Uuttle.
One of the most inportant chapters in
American diplomacy was written in
Washington. Monday, when Secretary
of State Hay, on behalf of the United
States, and Lord Panncefote of Preston,
the British Amb.assador, on behalf of
Great Britian.Jattached their signatures
and seals to a convention by which the
celebrated Clay ton-Bui wer treaty, which
on more than one occasion has almost
threatened to become a casus belli, was
so modified as to permit the United
States to exercise sole and exclusive con
trol over any isthmian canal which may
be built, England surrendering any
rights which she possessed under the
terms of that treaty.
On Tuesday the Senate agreed to take
up the financial bill after the regular
routine business of next day, and con
tinue it without interference until com
pleted, which action postpones the Quay
case indefinitely.
The War in Kciituckcy.
Thura day was a bad day for Goebel.
He was propped on pillows in his lied
and gradually growing weaker. Col.
Castleman, whom he had appointed Ad
jutant General, refused to demand com
mand of the militia. The Democratic
members of the Legislature met at the
hotel and declared Goebel Governor,
the State Treasurer refused to pay
members of the Legislature for the day
previous; the Warden of the Penitentary
refused to honor a pardon signed by Gov.
Taylor; soldiers were guarding all the
public buildings, including the Execu
tive mansion; Taylor's aud Gobel's at
torneys met and tried to arrange for a
settlement but failed.
On Friday Goebel was resting com
fortable, but on a physician s certificate
Lt. Gov. Beckham was acting as Gov
ernor. The Gobelites appealed to the
State Courts, and Gov. Taylor was lock
ed in his room to prevent the serving
of writs.
On Saturday Goebel gradually grew
weaker, and died that evening, and
shortly after his death Beckham took
the oath as Governor, while Taylor re
fused to honor restraining orders is
sued by the Courts, and Beckham issued
an order for the militia to disband and
go home. Gov. Taylor released a man
named Walker, a stenographer, thus
avoiding an expected conflict.
The public buildings were surround
ed by 1200 uien, with rifles and four
Gatliug guns.
On Monday Gov. Taylor offered to
submit- the matter to any three men
named by the LT. S. Supreme Court; the
Republican members of the Legislature
were going to London, the county seat
of Laurel Co.. where Taylor liail direct
ed them to meet, while the Democratic
members were keeping out of Frank
fort to avoid being forced to go there.
Goebel's body was taken to his home in
On Tuesday prominent Republicans
and Democrats met at Louisville and
agreed to the following:
"First—That if the General Assembly
in joint session shall adopt a resolution
ratifying their recent action adopting
the contest rej>orts seating Goebel and
Beckham, the contestees, W. S. Taylor
and John Marshall, shall submit with
out further protest.
"Second—That all parties shall unite
in an effort to briny about such a modi
fication of the election law as will pro
vide for non-partisan election boards
and insure free and fair elections.
' Third - That the conditions shall re
main in status quo until Monday, the
General Assembly meeting and ad
jouming from day to day uutil that
"Fourth—That nothing shall be done
to hinder or prevent a joint session of
the General Assembly for taking action
on the ratification resolution.
"Fifth-That the State contest board
shall meet aud adjourn from day to day
until Tuesday without taking anj ac
tion on the contests for minor State of
fices. This postponement is suggested
in order that the action of the General
the ratification resolution
may be taken first.
"Sixth—That the State troops shall
be removed from the State capital at
once, though with all necessary precau
tion for the public safety. This matter
is to be under the direction of (Jen.
Lindsay, of Frankfort.
"Seventh—That the Republican of
ficials and officers of the State guard
shall have immunity from charges of
treason, usurpation, court martial or
any other such offenses
The agreement was signed by the fol
Republicans —John Marshall. Judge
John W. Barr, Gen. Daniel Lindsay, T.
L Edelen, Dr. T. H Banter, David W.
Fairleigh. C. T. Hallard.
Democrats-J. C. S. Blackburn, Rob
ert J. Brec-kenridge, J. C. W. Beckham,
Samuel J. Shackelford, Urey Woodson,
James B. McCreary, Phillip Thompson.
Early in the morning, before he had
received a copy of the agreement, Gov.
Taylor discussed the conditions as he
understood them to be before receiving
official notice, and said:
"Under no circumstances will I dis
cuss the agreement before a copy of it
has reached me. It would lie most un
fair and most discourteous for me to do
so. Speaking generally, however, I
would say that if an agreement can be
made by which au election law will be
given to the people of Kentucky through
the operation of which a fair election
and an honest count are assured to the
citizens of the State, no personal ambi
tion of mine will be allowed to stand in
the way."
After the three gentlemen wbo
brought the agreement had retired.
Gov. Taylor remained alone in his of
fice with the copy of the agreement.
He studied it carefully, went over its
provisions in an exhaustive manner,
and late in the afternoon declared that
he would take no action whateyer until
next day.
"I wish to see my attorneys,'' he said,
"and to consult with them about cer
tain forms of the agreement before I
announce my intention. I will not say
what I intend to do until aftei I have
obtained legal advice. '
The consultation of the attorneys was
held that night, in Gov. Taylor's office
and adjourned at a late hour.
The Republican members of the Leg
islature met at London that day, organ
ized, passed resolutions deploring the
murder of Goebel and protesting against
Gov. Taylor submitting to the Louis
ville compromise.
It was reported that the Democratic
members of the Legislature would meet
at Louisville, and civil war seemed im
On Wednesday, Gov. Taylor delayed
his decision, and strong pressure was
being brought upon him to hold his
RUSSIA has secured a mortgage on
Persia by means of a new loan, and the
terms of the loan put the finances of
Persia and practically the country itself
into the hands of the Russians, which
will be a menace to the northwest l>or
dcr of India, and probably be a cause cf
war between Russia and England.
On Thursday of last week Mr. Wynd
ham made the remarkable assertion in
the English House of Commons that
Great Britan would have in a fortnight
180,000 regulars in South Africa, 7,000
Canadians and Australians and 26,000
South African volunteers. Of this to
tal of 213,000 troops, with 452 guns, all
are now there, with the exception of
about 18,000 that are uow afloat. Be
yond comparison this is the largest force
Great Britian has ever put into the field.
At the end of the Crimean war she had
scraped together 80,000 men. Welling
ton at Waterloo had 25,000 men.
Mr. Wyndman's speech was the
strongest defense the government has
yet put forward as to what has been
done and is being done. The general
tone of the morning papers was that his
figures would astonish the country.
Roughly speaking only 80,000 are at the
front. Ten thousand others have been
lost and 10,000 are shut up at Lady
Excluding these, there are 70.000
troops who have not yet been in action,
in addition to those at sea. Why so
many effectives have not yet been en
gaged, is explained by the lack of land
transport and the organization of sup
plies, to which Lord Roberts is devoting
his experience and Lord Kitchener his
genius for details.
It seems as though the weight of these
masses must destroy the equilibrium
which now holds the British forces sta
tionary wherever they are in contract
with the Boer army.
Lack of transport and organization
will not explain adequately, why when
generals at the front request reinforce
ments, they get them in rather small
Knowledge is slowly penetrating to
London that large garrisons must be
kept in Cape Colony to hold down the
Cape Dutch who, as every one knows,
outnumber the British residents three
to one.
On Friday the Government wired
Buller that more troops would be sen t
to him. and he began another offensive
movement toward Ladysmith.
On Friday night of last week Gen.
Buller's army again crossed the Tugela
and marched north towards Acton
Homes, a village about 20 miles due west
of Ladysmith.
On Tuesday there was no news from
Africa, and the customary message
from Lord Roberts. "The situation is
unchanged" was posted earlier than
usual in the lobby of the War < )ffice in
London. The Press Censor was sup
pressing everything, but there were
rumors of a battle being on near Lady
On Wednesday it became known that
Buller's army was advancing towards
Ladysmith, continually fighting.
Coal Valley.
John Shane made a business trip to
Butler on Saturday.
The family of Jerry Pond mourn the
death of a vaiuble canine protector.
Clarence Shane made a living trip to
Hilliard on Saturday last.
Miss Jessie Jenkins has gone to But
ler to spend some time with her aunt,
Mrs. Joseph Low.
W. E. Duffy has returned to the
valley to work.
The cold weather of the past week
made business brisk at the coal mines.
Alvin Reeser has secured employment
on a saw-mill near Millerstown.
Farview Local Institute.
Teachers!,parents and all other friends
of education are kindly invited to at
tend the Fairview Institute Feb IT,
Organization, 1.30 p. 111.
Devotional Exercises. Rev. R M.
Address of Welcome, Miss Jennie
Response, .1 A. Mechliag.
Solo. Miss Adda F. Coulter.
Primary Language. .1. B. Storey.
The Dull Scholar, Etta Moore.
Male Quartet.
The Teacher. Prof. R. S. Penfield.
Recitation, Miss Fannie Davis.
Mixed Quartett.
Compulsory Attendance. Dr. \. 1
Duet, Frances Reet>. Dora Adams
What the school should do foi the
Pupil, Prof. Hamilton. .
Solo, Miss May Wilson.
The Teachers Influeu -.Clair Wassou.
Male Quartet.
Round Table conducted by A. I"
WHEN Joe Sibley was making a areat
hullabaloo as a Bryanite in I*9o he was
supposed to be demagogical but honest.
When he raises a shout as a Quayite in
1900 the first quality may remain, but
the second is not discoverable. —Dis
A Birthday Party.
Early on the morning of Feb. 3rd, the
friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs.
John Quinn. of Middlesex twp., began
to assemble at tbeir home to celebrate
the birthday of Mrs. Quinn. From the
north, south, east, and west they came
until the house was filled to overflow
ing. Then it was discovered that each
on" had brought a basket filled with the
substantial* of life, and the ladies
soon arranged these on tables. Then a
great feast took place, and even after
one hundred hungry men, women and
children had been fed, there were more
than "twelve baskets taken up."
After dinner some very fine music
was discoursed on violin aud organ, by
Misses Parker aud Fnlton, on the organ
and Mr. Will McKibben on the violin,
by Jos. McCall. After the instrumental
music the company engaged in singing
23rd Psalm, and were led in prayer by
Rev. W. J. Cooper, aud then all left for
home feeling that they had had a good
day and wishing their hostess mam
more birthday returns.
IN Buenos Ayers, Sor.th America,
which is in about the same latitude
south. a» Ladysmith, Africa. 134 people
died of sunstroke last Sunday, and hun
dreds were prostrated by the heat.
Sarver Station.
Rev. Mr. Sloan, of Prospect, assisted
the pastor of the Buffalo churcb, last
week. His services, both preaching
and singing, were highly acceptable and
John W. Powell's closing out sale is
attracting patrons for miles around.
A most desirable opportunity is offer
ed by the Academy here to renew com
mon school studies, and also make pro
gress in the higher ones, such as Latin,
Greek, Algebra, Geometry, Bookkeep
ing and school management. To
students who so desire, free stabling is
offered for their horses. Studies and
school hours can, in most cases, be ar
ranged to suit the trains, both towards
Butler and towards Freeport The
school is at the R. R. Station (Saryer )
James McCafferty, Sr., is on the sick
Preaching services in the Westminster
church next Sunday, at 11 o'clock a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.
Public preaching services every night
this week in the M. E. church, Leasare
ville(Fisk Chapel.)
Monday, January 29th, 1900, a boy
baby came to the home of M . and Mrs.
W. N. Campbell of Leasnreville: also on
Wednesday. 31st, a girl baby came to
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Todd.
Leasnreville. Pa.
WE are going in for ballot-reform,
said the crooked election officer as the
door of the jail opened for him.
West Liberty.
Mrs. Hampson Hockenberry and Miss
Nellie Gallaher of Wi merton were the
guests of Miss Kizzie McDeavitt, one
day this week
Mr and Mrs. J. M. Thompson spent
Saturday with Dr. Thompson and wife
Harry Kelly of Worth twp. parsed
through town the other day.
Lewis Castor has been on the sick
Mr. Tom Moore was home, attending
his sister's wedding.
Warren McDeavitt and daughter
were at Slippery Rock Saturday.
John and Carl Grossman took a nice
drove of cattle away last week
Oliver Murphy of Worth twp wears
a very broad smile. It's a boy.
Mr. Sam McConnell was here on busi
ness Friday.
James Grossman visited friends at
Slippery Rock recently.
No preaching at the U. P.Church
next Sabbath.
T. H. Hines is the happiest man in
this vicinity. It is a boy.
Miss Lnlu Staff has returned home
after a long absence.
Some very warm political discus- i >us
have taken place lately. We hope tint
the National Guard will not have to be
called out to settle it.
Miss Clara Moore of this place and
Mr. Downs of Slipperyrock were united
in marriage, Thursday of last week.
Congratulations to you.
Paul Croll came home from school
lately, on account of sickness. He is
able to return again. F
J. C. Keefer, formerly of Clarion
Co., has bought the old Black farm
east of Bonus and the producing wells
thereon, and has been occupying it for
some months past.
William Gates and son of Foxburg
have opened a blacksmith shop at Bo
nus. They are first class workmen and
the oil excitement keeps them very busy
at present.
Miss Mina McGinnis'of His Points is
visiting Mrs. John Garner.
Hugh Hill of Venango county and
Wiu. Garner of Glenora are working
at the Kramer saw mill on the M. H.
Adams farm.
Miss Mintie Weigle of West Liberty
is visiting friends in this place.
Miss Annie Wimer, of Slippery Rock
is visiting Cora Lawrence, west of town.
Herbert Fisher is pumping for Sam
uel Allen, who has gone to Ohio to at
tend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs Har
A number of our young folks attended
the dance at Plummer Cooper's, last
King Lawrence, and family, visited
his sister, Mrs. Neely, Saturday even
W. F. McCullough, and family at
tended church at Prospect last week.
Nearly nil the Jitilj." folks here have
the whooping cough.
Lewis Martsolf and son, of isle, are
moving a rig from the St Clair farm to
the Taylor farm near Portersville, for
M. B. Finn easy.
Mrs Herbert Fisher visited Mrs. Geo.
Allen one day last week.
Henry Kirchner and family visited
relatives here recently.
Some of our yonng folks, spent a very
enjoyable time at the home of G. A
Hilliard, one evening last week.
Miss Annie Vogan visited her sister.
Mrs. Edward McKean, of Rose Point,
over Sabbath.
CURRIE— At her home at Coal Centre.
Pa Jan. 190". Mrs. George Cnr
rie, formerly of Cherry twp.
WALTER—At her home in Jefferson
twp. Jan. -2H. 1900, Miss Mary Ann
Walter, aged •>•> year-.
HILLIARD—At his home in Bntler,
Feb. 2, 1900, Washington Hillianl.
aged 60 years.
His death was caused l»y _ pneumonia,
his wife anil several children survive
HARBISON At her home in Jefferson
twp. Feb. •">, 1900. Miss Belle Harbi
son aged (55 years.
SHUSTER —At his home near Sarver
Station. Feb. 1. 1900, Jacob Shuster.
aged 80 years.
BARTLEY—At her home in Parker
twp.. Feb. (>. 1900, Miss Jane Bartley,
aged about 50 years, and daughter of
Dixon Bartley, who is now left alone.
LEFEVRE~At his home in Jefferson
twp.. Feb. (>. 1900, John Lefevre. Sr..
aged years.
GRUBBS—At the home of her son. J
L. in Pittsburg. Feb. <>. I*oo. Mrs.
Emily Grobbs.
She was a native of Bntler bnt moved
to Pittsburg twenty years ago.
SUMMERS—At Billiard. Jan. 29, I'JOO.
of bronchitis, James, son of William
Snmmers, aged !» months.
The interment was in Mt. Calvery
Lutheran Cemetery. Clarion county.
HARPER—At her home in Connoque
nessing twp.. January 31, 1900. Mrs.
Hannah Morrison Harper nee Witte,
aged 09 years.
She was taken to Bryan Ohio for bur
ial where her husband Rey. Winfield
Harper was buried many years ago.
She leaves one son W. W. Harper of
Connoquenesssing twp. and one daugh
ter Mrs. Annie Kampf of Colorado
Springs Colo. Deceased was a consis
tent member of the M. E. church.
MECHLING—In this place, at the resi
dence of his nephew, Col. William T.
Mechling. on Sunday last, February
4, 1900. Mr. Thomas Mechling, aged
.S3 years. 5 months and 4 days.
Thomas Mechling was born in Butler
Ang. :»0,18115, and was. without doubt,
our oldest citizen horn here, unless our
present Mrs. Anne Eliza Orr. nee Pnrvi
ance. was also born in this place.
He was the youngest child of Jacob
Mechling, Sr. one of the pioneers of
this town and county, and was born in
a house that stood on the Diamond
where now stands the building occupied
by the law offices of Newton Black, R
P. Scott and others. The old building
was a noted hostelry for many of the
first years of Butler, known as tlie
Mechling Hotel. The founder, Jacob
Mechling, Sr. was one of the leading
citizens of the Co. and one of its first 8
Commissioners, 1803, and its second
Representative in the Legislature of the
State, 1805-0-7-8.
The earliest recollection the writer of
this has of Thomas was as a merchant
in a store with his brother Philip that
stood on the corner where now stands
the Butler County National Bank. Af
terwards he followed the river for some
time, as clerk we believe on a steam
boat. When oil was discovered he
went to the upper fields and followed
the development down to when it
reached Jefferson Centre this conuty.
Near here as it happened, he owned a
fine body of land. This he developed
with considerable success. He also
built a fine residence on this farm and
lived there until he came back to this
town to live with relatives. He was
never married. Was a man of singular
independence of character. No one ever
had to doubt his views on any matter of
public interest. Strictly honest in 'ill
his dealings and at all times outspoken
in the defense of the right he was re
spected by all as a man of truth and in
tegrity. • rp
The services over his remains on lues
day last were conducted by Rev. Bar
row of the Episcopal church and Rev.
Oiler of the Presbyterian church and
were very interesting. The remains
were deposited in the Lutheran South
cemetery alongside of his parents and
other relatives lying there. His par
ents were Lutheran and he was raised
in that church.
Chicora, Pa., Feb. Gtii, 1900
Mr. Editor, Dkar Sir:—Having
submitted my name to the Republicans
of this county as a candidate for As
sembly I have been occasionally meet
ing members of the party from different
sections and from many of these I l«arn
that the average sentiment seems to be
that so long as our borough has the
honor of furnishing the representative
in Congress for this district we ought
not to expect additional legislative
Therefore in deference to this sentiment
yon will ob'ige me by withdrawing my
name as a legislative candidate at this
time #
To those friends who gave me their
confidence and promise of support I re
turn mv sincere thanks.
M. B. Mcßride
Is often a warning that the liver Is
torpid or inactive. More serious E.V
troubles may follow. For a prompt, L>l
efficient cure of Headache anil all fejj
liver troubles, take
PMH® |j
While they rouse the liver, restore 3
full, regular action of the bowels, H
they do not gripe or pain, do not gj
irritate or inflame the internal organs,
but have a positive tonic effect. 25c. ra
at all druggists or by mail of fjj
C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Time to secure bargains in Optical
goods, Diamonds, Watches, Chairs,
Rings, Clocks, Silverware, &c. l'rices
have been advanced in all these lines
b«t as we hive a good supply on hand,
bought at the old prices, we will sell at
extraordinary b-irgains considering the
pieseut market until our present stock
is reduced. We also sell Cameras,
Photo Supplies, Edison and Columbia
Talking Machines and Records.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician-
Next to Court House,
I —Amanuensis Shorthand.
3 —Reporter's Shorthand.
3 —Practical Book-keeper's.
4 —Expert Accountant's.
s—Music.5 —Music.
Three Professional, Two Assistants and
Another Professional Coming.
Send for our New Illustrated Catalogue
and Circulars. They will open your ]
eyes. Note the large number of our i
past graduates and students who are
filling responsible positions.
Send for circular telling how to get a
A. F. REGAL, Prin.,
Butler Business College
31Q 327 S. Main St., Butler. Pa. . I
Advertise in the CITIZEN.
By virtue of sundry writs of Yen. Kx.. 1 i- ;
la. Le\. la.. Sn\. issued out of the Court «.?
Common Pleas of Butler Co-. Pa., and to mc
directed, there urifl beexpose.l to public sale ,
at the Court House in the Nirough of Butler.
Friday, March 2nd, A. D. 1900,
at 1 o'clock, p. tij.. the following described j
properties, to-wit:
F. D. No. '«.• and si. March Term. 1900. W. H.
I.usk and W. A. .v F. J. l-'orquer. Att ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of :
| tit-urge W Black and James I Black of. in |
' and to all that certain piece or lot of land. |
situated in Butler borough. Butler county.
; Pa., hounded as follows, to-wit: On the
1 north by lot of Flora B Davis, on the east by
lot of J F Moore's heirs. 011 the south by lot
, of Isabella Kichey. and on the west by Fair
| view avenue, fronting forty-live feet on said ,
! FAirvlew avenue and extending back the ;
same width ninety-two and feet: having |
. thereon erected a two story frame dwelling •
j house.
| Seized ami taken in execution as the prop- i
erty of Oeorge W Black and James I Black
at the suit of Solomon Stamm. et al.
F. !». No. S4. S"», sr». 0:;. March Term. ItiOo. 1
Tlnnnpson & Son.Williams Mitchell.
j All the right, title, interest and claim of
' Isaac Lefever of. in and to all that certain j
! piece or parcel of land, situated in Jefferson
1 township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as
I follows, to-wit: Adjoining lands Samuel
j Cooper's heirs. B. Yeager's heirs, a puidic j
. road leading from Saxon burg to Saxon Sta, |
j F.lizabetli Tyson, et al: containing one bun- :
| died .forty acres, having thereon erected two I
1 two story frame houses, bank barn and out- ;
! \ LSO Of, in and to all that certain piece
! or parcel of land, situated in Wintield town- |
i ship. Butler county. Pa., hounded as follows. ;
to-wit: John Flemming's heirs. Henry
i Smith. Jacob Ader. a public road leading
| from Saxon burg to Saxon station, et al:con-
I taining twenty acres, more or less.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Isaac Lefever at the :»ult of Jacob
Ader. et al.
E. D. No. 07 March Term, 1000. W.I). Bran
don. Attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
George Currie. and Penina J. Currie of. In
and to all that certain piece <»r parcel of
land, situated in Zelienople F.x. Jackson
township. Butler county Pa., liounded as fol
lows. to-wit: 011 the north by Walnut
street, on the east by lot No. 1-B>. on the
south by Alley "B M ." and on the west by lot
No. 141 in the same plan of lots, having a
frontage of forty feet-011 Walnut street and
extending back preserving the same width |
one hundred and twenty feet to said alley
and being lot No. 140 in plan of lots of /.elic—
nople Kx tension CJo's. addition to said boro.
having thereon erected a frame house and
out buildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of ( ieorge Currie and Penina J. Currie
1 at the suit of James McGllchrist for use.
E. I>. No. G1 March Term 11100. \V. A. & F. J.
Fonjuer. Attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Elizabeth S'erty and George W. N erty of. 111
and to all that certain piece or lot of land,
situated in Millerstown Boro. Butier county.
Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning
at a stake on the north side of Central ave
nue and running northwardly along lot No
one hundred thirty-f°ur feet to an alley;
1 tlience along said alley tifty feet west ward ly
to a stake, the northeast corner, of lot No.
tlicnce southwardly nloug said lot No .ci
» one hundred ihirty-four feet to the north
line of Central avenue; thence eastwardly
along said Central avenue fifty feet to the
place of beginning. See mortgage book »i>.
page 221. having thereon erected a frame
! house, stable and out buildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Elizabeth Yerty and George N\ . erty
at the suit of 11. C. Litzinger.
1 E. I>- No. SI. March Term. 1!WI. Mc.lutikin &
(ialbn-alh Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Koliert Moore of. in and to all that certain
. piece or parcel of land, situated in Muddy
creek township. Hntler county. I'a . bounded
as follows to-wit: On tlie north by lands of
; E .1 Moore formerly lssac Moore, on the
east by lands of \V. s. M.»ne formerly I'eter
tirieve. on the south by lands of heirs of
1 John W. Wlnier. and ui the west by lands of
. J. V. Met lynionds formerly .lames McC'ly
-1 monds containinjr one hundred seventy-six
acres more or less: having thereon erected a
fr ime house bank barn and out buildings.
I Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of liobert Moore at the suit of James M.
[ Burton, admr. of Ella Burton, dee'd.
E. D. No. «>. March Term. 1W». K. McJunkin
All theiright.title.interest and claim of Win
1\ Wiskenjan of. in and to all mat certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in * Hilton
township. Butler county.l'a.. bounded as fol
lows to-wit: On the north by lands of Ueo.
Holm's heirs, and John Walker, east by lands
of Ueorire Itohii hi-irs. and Itear t'reek road,
lands of Mary 11. Kline formerly Mary
('ampbell.and Saxonburg road and I'fttsburg
road, south by lands of John l.oucks. and on
the west by lands of Charles I'fabe and Bull
<-reek road; containing ninety acres more or
less, having thereon erected a frame house
i barn and out buildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of W1 iliarn I". Wiskeinan at the >uit of
Thomas McGuire for use of Mary Ellen Jack.
E. D. No. March Term. I'.KX). W. A. &F. J.
Korquer. Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Ada M l.emmon and James l,onimi)ii, known
also as James 1' l.emmon. of. in and to all
that certain piece or lot of laud, situated in
Millerstown boro. Butler county. I'a, bound
id as follows, to-wit: On the north by an
alley, on the east by lo; of Mrs. Catherine
' Ford, 011 the south l>y Front street and on
S the \v st by lot of Mrs. Catherine Ford:
. fronting thirty-eight feet oil Front street
and extending back one hundred feet to said
;i 1 ley. See mortgage book .">7. page 127. hav
; ing thereon erected a frame house, stable,
and outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Ada M Lcmruon and Jatnes l.emmon.
■ who Is known aslo as James I' l.emmon. at
, the suit of III' I.itzinger.
E D. No. !H. March Term. I'.KXI. Andrew t;.
Williams, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of E
.1 Streeter of. in and to all that certain piece
oi parcel of land, situated in Adams twp,
Butler county. I'a, bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north by lands of A F Winner,
east by lands A I Winner, formerly Kobt
Davidson, south by lands of Benjamin
• Douthett's heirs, west ;>y lands of Mary .1
Heighner and .1 l\ I' Davis: containing
eighty-one acres, more or less, having there
on erected a frame house, barn and out
buildings. together with the land appurten
ant for road to aforesaid described premises
as conveyed by deed dated June sth. Isic'.
from Fred Fleissner et ux, recorded ill Deed
book lis. page saving, reserving, and ex
cepting however out of the said premises the
right of way to the Failed National tias Co,
recorded in deed bonk lis. page 17; also land
described in deed from E I Streeter to the I'
•V \Y Ky Co, recorded in deed book 17; i. page
Seized and taked in execution as the prop
erty of E J Streeter at the suit of Alex
Mitchell, ailm'r of Agnes Otto, dee'd.
E. 1). No. 53 and 71, March Term. IdOH. Painter
Murrin. Att'ys.
All tlie right, title, interest and claim of
Henry .I Nigh of. in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of lajul, situated in Summit
township, Butler county, I'a. bounded as fol
lows.' to-wit: Beginning at the southeast
corner of lands of I'eter .Nigh; thence south
I i>s 7."i deg. west U>l perches to t post: thence
north ."•deg east 147 perches to a stone heap,
by lands of John and Henry Keim; tlience
south slides east U.H perches to a post, by
1 lands of I' Unebaugh; thence south 1 deg
' east SJ.S perches to a post, by lands of I'eter
Nigh; thence south N:i deg west li.H perches to
a post at the head "f the spring; tlience
south 2 deg east 12 perches to a post, by lands
of i'eter Nigh; ilience north ss cleg east li.l
perches to a post, by lands of I' Nigh: t hence
south 1 deg east ;>l.."> De-relies to the place of
beginning: contaning eighty eight acres,
having th-reon erected a frame house, barn
and outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of llenry .1 Nigh at the suit of John
licrg ,t I 'o., for use of .1 II Thompson, et al.
F.. D. No. March Term. WOO. W. 11. I.usk.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Mrs M A Beatt v and Emma Beatt.V of. ill and
to all that centaiu piece or lot of laud, situ
ated in Falrview boro. Butler county, I'a.
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by
lot of I' K Bollnger. on the east by an alley,
on the south by public road leading from
l-airview to I'etrolia and on the west by
public road leading from Butler to I'arker;
having I hereon erected a frame house, stable
and out buildings.
I Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Mrs M A Beatty and Emma Beatty at
the suit of Frank II Laird for use of Ella
Sherwood, guardian of Ella \ . MeKiuncy.
; F.. D No. March Term. lflOO, Stephen
Cummings. Attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
George C Timbtin of. in and to all that cer
tain piece or lot of land, situated in Butler
boro. Butler county. I'a. bounded as follows,
to-wit: On the north by an alley, on the
east 'v lot of George A Tim hi in.on the south
by We'sl street and on the west by lot of now
<ir formerly Gram; said lot fronting sixty
feet, more or less, and extending back one
lifty-six feet. piore or less, having thereon
erected a two-story frame house and out
Seized anil taken in execution as the prop
erty of George C Timblin at the suit of Al
Kit If.
E. !>. No. 111, March Term. I'.m E. McJuuklil,
Attoriu y.
All ihe right, title, inters! and claim of li. i
J Mc.Milllli of. ill and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situaied in Summit town
-1 ship. Butler county. I'a, boundi'd is follows,
to-wit: On the north by lands of A Kedick.
on the east by lands of Matthew Keck, on
tlie south by lands of Andy Yost, and on the '
«est by lands of A Kedick: containing tifty
acres, more or less, having thereon erected
a frame house and outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erly of I! .1 Mi Mlllin at the suit of John
Keily for use now for use of Caroline Keck.
E. D, No. :i7, March Term, 19U0. W. D. Bran- j
don, Attorney. (
All the right, tit ie, interest and claim of ti
M Hughes, of, in and to all that certain piece 1
or parcel of land, situated 111 Venango town- 1
shin. Bufclcr county. I'a. bounded as follows,
to-wit: On the north by lands of Leonard
Smith, Amos Seaton. and widow Addleinan's
assigns, east by lands of Blair heirs, and 1
William Stalker, on the south by lands nf 11 >
C Wilson, and oil the west by lands of >» ll-
Ij am and liobert Coeheran: containing one 1
hundred and thirty-seven acivs. more or j
J less, haying thereon erected a one and one- j *
half story frame dwelling house, barn and |
outbuildings. I ,
Seized and taken in execution as the prop- '
I erty Of G M Hughes at the suit of 1* D Gel- «
j baeh. j c
iK. I) So. 77, March term, lUOO. W. Bran- ' |
don. Attorney.
All the right, titie, interest and elalm of .1 1
II Flemniing of, in and to all that certain *
1 |iieeu or parcel of land, situated in Ibiflalo j
I township, Hut ler county. I liouiided as fol- |
lows, to-wit s Iti'giniiiug at i post on line < f t
Klliott; thence by lot No. •"> north » deg
east 7fi.1l perches to a post; thence by the
same south 1.7.% de# east U perches to .t ! '
jtheu'eby the -■* <■ north di g east .! |
perches to a post; tlience i»y the >amc north ,
' 1.<5 (leg west 11.0 perches to a p";t. thence by ,
, tin same north deg e.i-t perches to i
a post; t hence by lands of W illlani I leininim: ,
i south :tl.sdeg west perches to a stone: j n
thence south deg west -V perches to a
stone; thence by the same 4 perches to a
stone: thence by the same deg
west 42.G pe re lies t<> a stone: thence l»y lands
of lieorge Simmer** and Flliatt \ve>t 1..J
deg w« >t ss.'JTt pen* lit n to a jr<>st. the place of
beginning: containing tifty-seven acres,
strict measure; having thereon erected a
frame lim-se. barn and outbuildings.
eed and taken in « ut ion as tin- prop
ertyof.l II I'lemmlng at the suit of Butler
Savinfs Bank.
K . F No. IJ7 and UK March Term. 11«*». W.
D. Brandon. Attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
William Mc Bell of. in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Mercer
township. Butler county. Pa. l»ounded as fol
lows. to-wit: Beginning at a post; thence
north 1 dec west bv l&ndsof Saxnuol Brahaxn
perches !•» a : t hence north •»*.♦ de< east
by lands ««f James Barnes 71 perches to a
]H»st: thence north 1 deg west by lands of
same 71 perches to a post: thence south *'.»
deg east i»y lands «*f James Shields 50.3
perches to chest nut: thence south 1 deir east
lands of James 9 Shields 113 perches t" a
post: t hence souths 9 (leg west by lauds of
.lollti L llt»gg 121.-i perehes to the place of l»e
--givuiing: containing "»2 acres and n'» perehes:
and also that certain strip contiguous to and
I elonging to the same tract described as fol
low- Iteginning at a stone at the northeast
corner «»f said lot: thence south II."» deg west
by lands of Wm Ale Bell 53perches to :i stone;
tfience north sr..f»deir west by lands of John
L Hogg and Kll/atieth. his wife. -Mi.'i perches
ton post: thence north .'l.sdeg east by lands
of Samuel Braham perches to* a post:
thence south deg east by lands of same
perches to the place of beginning: con
taining twelve acre»». strict measure: having
thereon erected a frame house, barn and
outbuilding, mostly cleared and In a fair
sratc of cultivation*.
Seised and taken in execution the prop
erly of William Mc Hell at the suit of .1 R
Black Co. for use et al.
By virtue of writs of Fi. Fa. issued out of
theVourt of Common Pleas of Butler coun
ty. Pa., and to me directed, there will be ex
]M»sed to public sale, at the court house, in
the borough of Butler. Pa., on
Saturday,the ioth Day of Feb A D. 1900,
at 1 o'cl(H*k ]>. m.. the following described
property, to-wit:
K. I>. No. 7 s . March term. 1900. W. D. Brandon,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Peter Sclienck. of. in and to all that certain
pleee or lo of land situated in the borough
of Butler. Butler county. Pa., bounded as
follows, to-wit: On the north by Jefferson
street, on the east by Bluff street, on the
south by an alley, and on the west by lot of
H. Schneideman: with large two-story frame
house containing 10 rooms with frontage of
7i» feet on Jefferson street. I*o feet deep; also
an office building of two rooms.
ALSO Of. in and to all that certain piece
, or lot of land, situated in the lx»rough of
Butler, Butler county. Pa. bounded as fol
lows. to-wit: On tin 4 north by W Jefferson
street, on the east by lot. of 11 Schneideman,
on the south by an alley and on the west by
lot of (ieorge \ ogeley heirs feet frontage
on Jefferson street "by ISO feet deep, with
large two-storv double frame house contain
i ing 6 rooms with attic, cellar under whole
i house and outbuildings.
ALSO—is)f, in and to all that certain piece
or lot of land, situated in the borough of
Butler. Butler county. Pa. bounded :is fol
lows, to-wit: On the north by lot of George
Munch, on the east by Bluff street, on tlie
south by West Jefferson street, and on the
west by lot of William Bauer sti feet fronting
on W Jefferson street and i"> feet deep with
two-story frame house containing ti rooms
and outbuildings.
ALSO Of. in and to all t hat certain piece
or lot of land, situated in the borough of
Butler. Butler county. Pa. bounded as fol
lows, to-wit: On the north by an alley, on
the east by lot of Robert lowser, on the
south by W'est North street, and on the west
by lot of Robert Burkhalter fronting ">0 feet
oil North street and 160 feet deep with two
story frame house containing i rooms, frame
stable and other outbuildings.
ALSO—Of. in and to all that certain piece
or lot of land, situated in the borough of
Butler, Butler county. Pa. bounded as fol
lows, to-wit: On the north by East Jeffer
son street, on the east by property of John
Niggle, on the south by Kittanning street,
and on the west by Jefferson and Kittanning
streets fronting 2.V) feet on Jefferson and Kit
tanning streets. s."> feet deep at east end and
ti feet deep at west end.containing a l - story
frame house with i» rooms and other out
ALSO—Of. in and to all that certain piece
or lot of land, situated in the borough of
Butler. Butler county. Pa, bounded as fol
lows. to-wit: Oil the north by Clay street,
on the east by an alley, on the south by lot
of M C Rockensteln, and on the west by
Broad street. Double lot 100 feet fronting
on Broad street by 11M) feet deep. Seized and
taken in execution as the nroperty of Peter
Sclienck at the suit of Philip Gelbach in
TEUMS Ol' SALE The following must l>e
strictly complied with when property is
st ricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold,
together with such Hen creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such port ion t hereof as lie may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
'J. All bills must be paid in full.
•i. All sales not settled immediately will be
continued until one o'clock. P. M., of the
next Friday at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up and sold at
t he expense and risk of the person to whom
first sold.
•See Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 440,
and Smith's Forms, page .'isl.
THOMAS K. HOON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Otlice. But ler. Pa.. Feb. f>tli. UN*).
The Register hereby gives notice that the
following accounts of executors, adminis
trators and guardians have been tiled in
this office according to law. and will be pre
sented to Court for confirmation and allow
ance on Saturday, the loth day of March,
1900. at 9 A. M.. of said day:
1 Final account of o P Graham, adminis
trator of O 11 P Graham, deceased, late of
Cranberry township.
'Z Final account of Margaret J Garvey, ex
ecutrix of Wm Garvey, deceased, late of
Muddycreek township.
3 First and final account of G W Meals and
L K Shira, executors of Wm M Shira, deceas
eil. late of Washington township.
4 Final account of S W McCollough. ad
ministrator of Julia Kamerer. deceased, late
of Butler borough.
First, partial and distribution account of
John C Moore, executor of Daniel Heck, de
ceased, late of Centre township.
t» First and final account of Robert S
Frazier. Adm'r C T A of D K Frazier. de
ceased. late of Muddycreek township.
7 Second and final account of Samuel O
Kamerer. executor of John I> Kamerer, de
ceased, late of Concord township.
s Second and final account of A G and
Elizabeth Fredrick, administrators of Adam
M Fredrick, deceased, late of Summit town
9. First and final account of Samuel A
Leslie and Jacob Fredlcy, executors of John
Fredley, deceased, late of Middlesex town
in Final account of James S Robinson, ad
ministrator of.Thomas Kobinson, deceased,
late of Cranberry township.
II First and final account of <,! G Shannon,
executor of Joun L Shannon, deceased, late
of Connoouenesslng township.
VZ Final account of c D Albert, adminis
trator of Gertrude Gerlach. deceased, late of
Connoqueuessing township.
lit Final account of Kilyon Moyer, executor
of Susan Boyer. deceased, late of Jackson
U Final account of Casper Ort. executor of
Anna B Ort, deceased, late of Butler
I~> Final account of Daniel 11 Sarver, adm'r
(' T A of Mary Sarver. deceased, late of Buf
falo township.
hi Final account of II Hook, executor of w
L Book, deceased, late of Allegheny town
l r First and final account of Henry Peroe,
administrator of Dorothea Kradel, deceased,
late of Summit township.
IS First and partial account of John H
Keister and J G Kennh'k, executors of John
Keister. deceased, late of Sllpperyrock town
•19 Final account of Curtis S Pearcc and
Mary J Stlefel, executors of David E Pearcc,
deceased, late of Butler township.
Final account of John E Thrower and
Thomas A Thrower, executors of Matthew
Thrower, deceased, late of Clinton township.
21 First account of George Martin, testa
mentary trustee of Wm Douthett. deceased,
late of Forward township.
Final account of Magdalena Kemner.
adm'xCTA of Jacob Hertz, deceased, fate
of Butler borough.
'S.I Final account of George Martin execu
tor of Wm Douthett, deceased, late of For
ward township.
First and linal account of Hulda Keith,
administratrix of Frank Rcith, deceased,
late of Winfield townshin.
£*> Final account of Harry L Fisher, ad
ministrator of Joseph Fisher, deceased, late
of Butler lM>rough.
Final account of John A Gelbach, ad
ministrator R c Yates, deceased, late of
Adams township.
•.'T Final account of Peter Ehrman, guar
dian of Lecetta A Hartzel, minor child of
George llartzel, deceased, late of Jackson
jis First and final account of Wm II Logan
and Florence Logan, executors of Emma
Loiran, deceased,late of Middlesex township.
:.'9 First and filial account of Win II Logan
and Florence Logan, administrators of John
H Logan, deceased, late of Middlesex town
.'JO First partial account of Bridget Dougan.
executrix of Matthew Dougan,deceased, late
of Oakland township.
:;i First and tinal account of G F Easley
and Bracken Gibson, executors of Hugh fi
Elliott, deceased, late of Buffalo township.
First and final account-of E E Maiirhoff.
adm'r C T A et D B N of Martha Chr Neher.
(h'ceased. late of Saxonburg.
;>{ Final account of A L Cooper, adminis
trator of Pearson Covert, deceased, late of
Brady township.
Final account of John S Williams, exec
utor of Catharine Kay lor, deceased, late of
Falrview township.
.V> Final account of Wm 11 Walker, admin
istrator of John II Love, deceased, late of
t linton township.
Final account of Joshua J McCandless.
guardian of Everett K Stamm. minor child
of John 11 Stamm. deceased, late of Franklin
'.i7 First and final account of J W Glossner, '
administrator of Johanna Higgle, deceased, j
late of Karns City borough.
> First and partial account of John A |
Scott, executor of Stanley li Moor head, de
ceased. late of Falrview township.
;*.» Partial a unit of Solomon Dunbar, ex
ecutor of Jesse E Miller, deceased, late of
Forward township.
4<» First and partial account of Robert I
Kidd, administrator of James < rJswe|l de
ceased, late of Adams township.
41 l-'ii'S and final account of John lluiui,
e\ecutor of George Louis Helm, deceased,
lateof Winfield towship.
i:; Final account of Elizabeth J Weir, ad
ministratrix of A D Weir, deceased, late of
lluffalo township.
M Final account of N J Criley, executor of
Annie M Morall, deceased, late of Butler
14 Final account of Mary A Seaman, ad
ministratrix of W V Seaman, deceased, late
of Penii township.
4*> First and final account of Charles P
Wagner and John Boelim, adin'rs c T A of
II I* Conrad Wagner, dece ised, late of For
ward township.
>«; Final account of Thomas M Bell, ad
ministrator of Patton Hell, deceased, late of
Washington township.
17 Final U'vount of N C McCollough. guar- |
clian «»f Julia L Kamerer.minor child of John .
l» Kamerer. deceased. late of Con cor J town- t
Filial ;n*count of Daniel Wallet, guar- ,
dlan of Amelia Wagner. minor child of |
Barbara WaKiu'r, deceast d, late of Jefferson i
tovi nsblp.
»*• Final a.v.mnt nf Wm F.i<-h<>ltz. »*\eouU)r i
«»f «.*•«> Is 1..U1K. deceased, late of /elieiiopie.
First and final account of M \ Kellly.
administrator of Julia A Mulligan. dece:is«Hi.
late f Dak land township.
M First and uartlal a count of Solomon
nuubar.executiir of Je-»se F. Miller, deceased
late of Forward township.
5,' First and tinal account of Mrs Louisa
Miller, administratrix «»f (ieorge 1' Millet,
deceased. late of < Minion townshin.
S3 i ln« account <-f Bllen lieNftnarrti
aflin'r 1» I! N. ' TA of Joiui Doogboitj,
ceased, late of Adams township.
"»l Final account of Charles Mettler. ad
bttratoi •>f Salome Mtlltei, dfccimj, Isto !
«»f Fairvlew borough.
V> Final account of Sarah E Rellly. ad- j
xiiiuistratrlx of Mary A Keilly. deceased, late
of Douegal township.
."*> Final account of I'resley Duncan, ad
ministrator of >idney M Wethl, deceased,
late of Zellenople borough.
.*>7. Final ace mm of C. R. DilTenhacher.
e\ecutt-r of the estate of Mrs. I>. C. Munt/.
late of /.ellenople.
W. J. ADAMS. Register j
The following widow's appraisements of >
personal property and real estate set apart ;
for the l teue ii t of the widows of decedents}
have been filed in the office of the Clerk j
of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, viz: j
To the widow of Robert Davison.
personal property $300.00
To the widow of Michael Bogan.fierson
a 1 property 306.00 i
To the widow of D. S. Hawk, personal
property 300.00
To the widow of Daniel McMackin.
personal property tSM.ttt j
To the widow of Martin F. Thompson.
personal and real property 196.01
To the children of Pearson Covert.
personal property 300.00
All persons interested in the above ap
praisements will take notice tliat they will
i>e presented for confirmation t< the Orphans
Court "f Butler count v. Fa., on Saturday, the
10th day of March. A. D . IWOO. and if 110 ex
ceptions be tiled they will be confirmed ab
Clerk's Office. Feb. .Mil. 1000.
Notice K hereby Riven that the following
i-oatl ami bridges have been confirmed nisi
by the Court and will be presented on the
first Saturday of March term. l'.**o, being the
loth day of said month, and if no exceptions
art'filed they will be confirmed absolutely.
U. n. No. I. December Term, lss".'. In re
petition of citizens of Adams township, for a
public road to lead from a point on lands of
James i >rr 011 the Five Degree road to a point
on line of lands of L. O. Hays and James
Perry, on the Three Degree road. September
nth. lS'.lit. viewers were appointed by the
Court, and on December tith. Isiiit. re|xirt of
viewers filed, stating that the proposed road
i> IHM'f—lly and laying out the same for
public use. Conditional damages In the sum
of 525.00 assessed to L. O. llavs. Now. Decem
ber 9th. lsyp. approved and fix width of road
at afect. Notice to be given according to
rules of Court. BY THE COURT.
l>. I). No. 3. December Term. 1899. In re
petition of citizens of Clay twp.. for a public
road, beginning it a point on the St. John's
road and leading to a point on the Barron
road on or near lands of John Qulgley.
September 7th. !>9!l. viewers were appointed
by tin Court, and on December
port of viewers filed in favor of the proposed
road and laying out the same for public use.
Damages assessed as follows: Mrs. M. M. Mc-
Connfll. $73.00: W. A. £ Mrs. 11. B. Wick.
Si.'i.oit. Decemlier 9th. 1N99, approved and fix
width of road at- Jio feet. Notice to IK? given
according to rules of Court.
R. D. No. 5, December term. 1599. In re
petition of citizens of Slipperyrock township
for a county bridge over Armstrog Run on
the Centrevilie and Grove City road. Sep
tember 19th, ISM 9. viewers were •appointed by
the Court and November 11th. 1599. report of
viewers tiled in favor of the proposed bridge.
December 9th, I*!H. approved. Notice to be
given according to rules of Court and to be
laid before the Grand Jury at next term.
Certified from the record this sth day of
February. 1*99.
Clerk O. C.
Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy
In the District Court of the United States !
for the Western District of Pennsylvania. ,
John Henry Foreht. of butler, Butler Coun
ty. Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act
<>'f Congress of July L. 1808, having applied for
a full discharge from all debts provable
against his estate under said Act. notice is
hereby given to all known creditors and
other persons in interest, to appear before
the said Court at Pittsburg.in said District.on
the 21st day of February, MX), at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, to show cause, if any they
have, why the prayer of the said petitioner
should not l»e granted.
In the i>istrk*t Court of the Unit
ed States lor tlie Western
District of Pennsylvania.
Int lie matter of j
Samuel Allen, -Xo. in Bankruptcy.
Bankrupt. \
To the creditors of Samuel Allen, of
Franklin township, in the county of Butler
and district aforesaid, a bankrupt.
Notice Is hereby given that on the 25th
day of January. A. D. 1900. the said Samuel
Allen was duly adjudicated bankrupt: and
that the first meeting of his creditors will be
held at the office of J. W. Hutchison, Referee
in Bankruptcy. No. 114 N. W. Diamond. But
ler. Pa., on the 12th day of February, A. I).
1900, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which
time the said creditors may attend, prove
their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the
bankrupt, and transact such other business
as may properly come before such meeting.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
f January Mth, 1900.
In tlie* District Court of the Unit
ed States for the Western
Dtetriet of Pennsylvania.
In the matter of
Fred Rauscher &
Curtis C. Shira, late
partners, under firm No. 2SI in Bankruptcy.
P name and style of
Rauscher & Shira,
and Individually.
To the creditors of Fred Rauscher and Curtis
C. Sldra. late partners under firm name and
style of Rauscher \ Shira. and Individually,
» of Butler, in the County of Butler, and dis
trict aforesaid, bankrupts.
Notice is hereby given that J. l>. Marshall,
Trustee of the above estate, has filed his
final account, and that there will be a meet
ing of tin' creditors of the said estate on
Tuesday, the 20th day of February, A. D.
1900. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the of
fice of J. W. Hutchison, Referee in Bank
ruptcy. No. 114 N. W. Diamond, Butler. Pa.,
at which time the said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, file exceptions to Trus
tee's report, and transact such other busi
ness as may properly come before said meet
Referee in Bankruptcy.
January 27th. 1900.
Letters of admistration C. T. A. on the
estate of Festus Roberts, <lec'd., late of
Butler borough, Penn'a, having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment, and an/ having claims against
said estate will present them duly
autherticated for settlement to
C. C. SHIRA. Adm'r.,
Butler, Pa.
A. T. SCOTT, Att'y.
Le'ters of administration 011 the estate
of Geo. W. Bartley, dee'd., late of Parker
twp , having been granted to the under
signed, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment, and anj having
claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement
to J. M. BARTLEY, Adm'r.,
Petrolia, Pa.
W. D. BRANDON, Att'y.
Letters of administration cn the estate
of George W. Fulton, dee'd., late of
Middlesex twp., Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
tin- same will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement to
Bakerstowu, Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Albert Shrader, dee'd., late of Butler,
Pa., having beeu granted to the under
signed, all persons knowing themselves
to bs indebted to the said estate will
please make immediate payment, and all
having claims will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Butler, Pa.
J. R, HENNINGKR, Att'y.,
Butler, Pa., Jan. 10, 1900.
Public Notice of Dissolution of
Part nersliip.
Noiice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore subsisting by and be
tween John B. Sproull, E.G.Sproull and
James A. Sproull has this day been dis
solved by mutual consent of all thi; par
ties, anc all debts owing said partnership
are receivable by p new firm this day
formed between .lie two list named par- (
ties of the late firm, vis: E. G. Spioull
and James A. Sproull, and this new firm
will also pay all claims or right demands (
owing b> the late firm.
The business formerly conducted by the J
late firm will be ill the future conducted i
by the said new firm, under the firm 11
name of Sproull Bros.J. B. Sproull re 1
tiring. '
Dec. 30th. 1899. Boyer, Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Jane Brown, dee'd . late of Slippery
rock twp., Butler Co., IV., having l»een
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to saiil
estate will please make immediate pay
ment, and ally having claims against
said estate will present tlietn duly
authenticated for settlement to
Wick P. 0., liutler Co., I'a.
Butler, Pa., l>ec. 23, 1899.
\oti.-o is givm that :tt :t meeting of
t 1A«• lloarti of directors<»f tin* ltutler Borough
><*hool District. I'a.. held «>Ti January 9tn.
if*»o, at their regular pl«*ce of nwt'tiup, the
said Hoard of Dirt*.-tors said school dls- ,
trici signified a dwlre to Increase the itidebt
edu*»ss «»f said school district of Butler
through two per centum ot, the last preced
ing a«>s«**Hrd valuation of the taxable prop
erty in said district, f«»r the purpose of pur
chasing grounds. for erecting hulldhigs. for
the payment of a debt contracted in furnish- }
ing grounds and erecting buildings. for com- t
pleting improvements in school buildings
contemplated at the time of their erection.;
or any other matter intimately connei'tiid :
with the purchase of grounds and the erec
tion of buildings.
And whereas, a resolution was duly passed
by said Hoard of directors, fixing and direct
ing an election to l»e held at the several ,
polling places within said district on Tues- |
day. February 'Juth. the polls t«> be open
from 7 o'clock a. m. until 7 p. m. All of
which was authorized and directed by a j
resolution of said Hoard, duly and regularly
j passed.
| And for the purpose of obtaining the as
sent of the electors of the Hutler Horough
School District to the increase of its debt as i
aforesaid, and by authority of the Act of I
Assembly in such" case macfe and provided j
and of such resolution.not Ice is hereby given !
that a public election has lieen ordered and
will be held at the several polling places for
the holding of general municipal elections
within said (list rift on Tuesday. February
xli»th. 1900, A. I>.. from 7 o'clock a. m. to 7
o'clock p. m.. to-wit: In the First ward at
the building Atiown as the I cure L' building,
on Centre avenue. In the Second ward at
the house of Gabriel Koliler. on East Jeffer
son street. In the Third ward at the Court
House. In the Fourth ward at the house
known as the Nixon House, on McKean
street. In the Fifth ward at the hotel known
as the Wick house, on Main street.
The last assessed valuation of the taxable ,
property in the Hutler Horough School Dis- j
trict is fe7NMt«.OO.
The present indebtedness of the Hutler
iiorougti school district is:
< >utstanding l>omls .$17,000 00
Floating debt is, outstanding war
rents 10,d00 00
Estimated contracted expenses for
balance school year 13.098 2ti
370.09s 26
Less am't due from Col £10.G74
Ain't due from State app'n.. 4.80U 42
< ash in treasury ; W7 00
Lot in First ward 700 00
$53,453 89
The proposed increase of debt is to in
crease the present debt two per centum upon
the last assessed valuation of taxable prop
erty in said school district, which, if granted,
will authorize an increase of >Y».Gl2.tki.
And the purpose for which the Indebted
ness is to lie increased is for purchasing
grounds, erecting buildings, payment of a
debt contracted in furnishing grounds and
erecting buildings, completing improve
ments in school buildings contemplated at
the time of their erection, or any other mat
ter intimately connected with the purchase
of grounds and the erection of buildings.
In witness whereof, I. the President of the
Hutler Borough School Board have hereunto
set my band and seal this ltfth day of Janu
ary. A. I>. WHO. J. H. McJ I NK IN,
President of School Board.
Attest: A. C. Ivßiru. Secretary
In re estate of John Noely. In «lie Orphan's
late of Lancaster twp., Court of Hutler
dee'd.. tinal account of ' county. No. 21,
Frank Neely. Adrn'r. March T., 19H0.
Having been appointed Auditor In the
above state ease, notice is hereby eiven that
1 will attend to the duties of salil appoint
ment, at mv oflice. at No. x \V. Diamond, in
the Hoi-oti'ih of Hutler. I'a., on Tuesday, the
t'.th day of February, It**', at lOo'elock a. m.
of saitl day. where and when all persons In
terested in the alxive named estate must ap
pear. A. T. SCOTT.
It may mean a fortune to you. I pro
cure and sell patents.
R. S. HARRISON, Patent Attorney,
427 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Insurance and Real Eslate
Pianos and Organs.
McFANN P. 0., Butler Co.. P
If yon want a pian
or < ij.M. tin p nt
line and I will cal
upon you.
139 South Main street.
Over Shaul & Nast's Clothing Store
The Keystone Orchestra,
Is now ready for engagements for Par
ties, Picnics and Dances, and Guarantee
the best of music at reasonable rates.
Prof. Gus Wickenhagen,
22S Ziegler Ave., Butler. Pa
Practial Horse Shoers
Formerly Ilorse Shoer at tlic
Wick house has opened busi
ness in a shop in the rear of
thej; Arlington Hotel,J where
he will do; Horse-Shoeing in
the most approved style.
for procuring and selling £<h><l patents.
11 ighest references.
142 W;,t 42d Street. New York City
Hot<?l bauhx?,
Good Meals Served at All Hours.
Good Stabling in Connection
5[ and Specialties in Tin. X
-iNi N. Main St., Kutler, I'a. jjF
HOOT.- SPI tj r • '.iver Ills, Bil
iousness, Indigestion, Headache.
Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c.
Oflice 106 W. Diamond St., [l)'.
Graham's old oflice.]
Huuis 7 to 9 a m. and 1 to 3 and 7 to
S p. m
Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
Night calls at oflice.
200 West Cuaningham St.
New Troutman Building, Butler Pa.
Office No. 45, S. Main st.eel, over City
137 E. Wayne St., oflice nours. 10 to
12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. ui.
Has located in the new Stem building,
witn all the latest devices for Dental
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office over Miler's Shoe Store.
Formerly known as the "Peerless
Painless Extractor of Teetli." Located
permanently at in East Jefferson St.,
Opposite Hotel Lowrv, Butler. Will do
dential operations of all kinds by the
latest devices and up-to-date methods
Now permanently in Bickel Building,
with a reliable assistant, and taeilities
for best and prompt work.
People's Phone for Drs. V, or J Mc-
Alpin—House No. 330; office No. 340.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No. 114 E. Jefferson St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery.
Office near Court House.
Office in the "CITIZEN" building.
Office on South Diamond Street.
Oflice in Retber building, corner Main
and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on
E. Cunningham.
Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlei
Special attention given to collections
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or
Butler County National Bank'
Attorneys at-lau,
Armory Building, Hutler, Pa.
Office in Mi chell building.
ATTORNEYS .»• ' »w.
Room 8., Armory buildup.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But
ler, Pa.
Office 011 Main St. near Court House.
Office between Postoffice and Diamond
Jury List for February Term.
List of names drawn from the proper
jnry wheel this ISth day of January, A.
D., I'.HK), to 9erye as traverse jnrors at a
special term of court commencing on
the fonrtli Monday of February, the
same being the 2tith day of said month:
Allen, William, Bntler, sth wd,painter.
Ash, Joseph, Forward twp., farmer.
liarr, Allen, Prospect, liveryman.
Brown, Robert S.,Harrißville,mer<:hant.
Bricker, H H , Penn twp farmer.
Borland, A. M , Mars, farmer.
Byers, Peter E. Fairview twp.. farmer.
Brown, Harry, Concord twp , farmer.
Biedenbangh, Frank, Butler boro, 4th
ward, plasterer.
Crookshank, J. M., Winfield twp. far
Critchlow, Richard, Slipperyrock twp.,
Critchlow, R G.. Penn twp.. farmer.
Danbenspeck, Oliver. Parker twp rig
Dodds, .T. 0., Prospect, farmer.
Dyke, Harry K. Connoq twp., teacher.
Dol«on. Silas, Marion twp. farmer.
Elliott, George, Buffalo twp. farmer.
Flemijg. Harry, Buffalo twp. farmer.
Flinner, Phillip,Lancaster twp., f mer
Graham, George H., Fairview tw snr
Hartung, C F.. Harmonv. minister.
Humphrey, John. Butler boro, producer
Harvey, Frank, Clinton twp., farmer.
Hannah, Andrew. Clinton twp. farmer.
Jamison, Walter, Venango twp. farmer.
Johnson. J. C.. Middlesex Iwp., farmer.
Klien, William G., Butler, sth ward,
Kelley. John. Forward twp. farmer.
King. H. W , Donegal twp., pumper.
Koegler, August, Winfield twp. painter.
Lytle. James. Adams twp. farmer.
Lnbering, William, Franklin tp. farmer.
Murrin. John, Butler, 2d ward, student.
McCandless,James,Centre twp. teacher.
McConnel, (J. W . Worth twp , farmer.
McGinley. John P., Oakland tp. faruigr.
McCollough, C. F. E., Fairview twp.
MeGucken.Thoinas.Clearfield twp. J. P.
Keiger, John, Clearfield twp. farmer.
Rider, Lewis, Centre twp. farmer.
Snyder. Conrad. Jr. Brady twp. farmer.
Stewart,J. D., Washington twp. farmer.
Stewart.Samuel M., Cherry twp farmer.
Thompson, Joseph, Cherry twp. farmer.
Vogley. Theo., Butler, :td ward, agent.
Weigle, S. A. Zelienople, clerk.
Weigle, Ralph, J.. Zelienople. gent.
Witner, William, Worth twp., farmer.
Notice is hereby give 11 that the under
taking business carried on by Mrs. Minnie
Hunt, at West Sunbury, Pa., under the
supervision of her father, John Mechliug,
lately dee'd., will be continued by me.
All work will be done in first-class
st j le, at reasonable prices.
M rs. Minnie Hunt.
11. C. l'ryor, of W. Sunbury, hereby
gives notice to the public that o A-iug to
the death of his father in-law, John
Mechliug, he will not leave his business
as had been intended, but will continue
to carry on the lively business at the old
stand. * Good rigs furnished at moderate
price. H. C PRYOR.
Tfte 50T196K CiTizeN.
SI.OO per year It paid in advance, otherwise
»1.."i0 Will be charged.
Advertising Kates Oho men. one tini€
$1; each suljg*im nt Insertion 50 cents each
Auditors' sind ctlvoree notices $4 each: exec
utors' and administrators' notices each
estray and dissolution notices32each. Head
ing notices 10 cents a line for first and.) cents
for each subsequent insertion. Notices
among local news items 1«> cents a line for
e ich insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks,
resolutions of respect, notices of festivals
and fairs, etc., inserted at the rate of scents
a line, money to aifomuany the order,
words of prose make a line.
Kates for standing cards anu Job work on
All advertising is due after iirst insertion,
and all transient advertising must 6e paid
for in advance.
All communications intended for publica
tion in this paper must be accompanied by
the real name of the writer, not for publica
tion bu. a guarantee of good faith, and should
reach us not later than Tuesday evening.
Death notices must l*.* accompanied by a
esuonsible name.