Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 25, 1900, Image 4

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On January 2nd this store started the most vigorous clearing
Out sale ever it made. Hvc«jr odd lot of shoes and broken sizes to
be closed out. and prices to do it, and do it quickly.
Ladies' Fine Shoes.
AS ffjrrss^ts:
« " 50 SSr'ST" 22
""one lot of Fine Kid Welts. ... button sty)fcSi wjuter
or lace, sold at tj and #3 So. now k" we ight«, sold at ?3 and $3 50, now go at
#2 and f 1 75 . , , Tc aAn
One lot Heavy Shoes in grain and veal 45 ana
that sold at tl and f. 7 5 now go at 50c * 2 aD<l 82 5 ° "° W
and S s c. _ at #I arc *****
Ladies' Warm Shoes and Wool Boots and Stockings
Slippers now $1 50 and $2; sizes 6 to 12. Rl B
in great variety at reduced prices-joc, BER BOOTS at |2 25, 82 50 and #2 85;
65c, 75c and fi. sl/es 6 to "
Misses' and Children's Shoes, Men's Heavy
both light and heavy soles. One lot SHOES
plain toe, button, was 50, now 50c; in Bals., Congress and Creedmors at
Sres 1; to 2. #l, $1 25 and *i 50. Made to our spec-
One lot in Fine Dongola and Kanga- ial order and warranted. High-cut in
roo Calf was ll and 95c, now 75C and oil grain and kip box-toe at fi 75. #2
50c; sires 12 to 2. and $2 75.
Boys', Youths' and Little Gent's Shoes in great variety, regular
or high cut, at prices that will surprise you.
Butler » Leading House. Opposite Hotel Lowry.
—IN —
The time of the year is here when you want to purchase
your winter footwear. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubber
and Felt goods is complete. All our orders were placed early
before the advance, so we are prepared to offer you big
January Price List.
« e n's felt boots and f' 75
en's Iclt lioots and high cut two buckle overs 2 00
Boy's boots anil overs 15°
Youth's fclt boots and overs 1 25
Men's knlt boots and overs 2 00
Men's German socks and overs 2 00
Rubber Goods.
Ladies' croquet rubbers 35
Misses'coquet rubbers *5
Men's co ' n toe rubbers °5
Men's buckle arctics 1 '5
Men's rubber boot*. 2 2 5
Men's Storm King rubber boots 2 75
Leather Goods.
Ladies' leather foxed warm lined shoes <5
Ladies' good kip shoes °°
Children's heavy lace or button shoes 50
Misses' water proof school shoes 75
Misses' high cut heavy sole box toe shoes 1 15
Boys' good solid shoes s 5
Complete stock of sole leather and shoemakers supplies. Large asssortmeiit of
Thev are the extreme of fashion, and acme of common-sense and comfort being
constructed on scientific principles. A styhdi, comfortable or per
fect aboe cannot be made. We carry a full stocic of POROSIS SHOES 111 all
leathets. All sizes, AAA to E.
Prescriptions and Recipies Filled
And you can depend on getting the best result.
109 N. Main St., Butler. Pa
I—Amanuensis1 —Amanuensis Shorthand,
a—Reporter's Shorthand.
3 —Practical Book-keeper's.
4 —Expert Accountant's. "l
s—Music.5 —Music.
Three Professional, Two Assistants and
Another Professional Coming.
Send for our New Illustrated Catalogue
and Circulars. They will open vour
eyes. Note the large number of our
past graduates and students who are
filling responsible positions.
Send for circular telling how to get a
A. F. REGAL, Prin.,
Butler Business College
Hot<?l foautx?,
Good Meals Served at All Hours.
Good Stabling in Connection
Now is the time to secure bargains in
watches, chains, rings, diamonds, silver
ware, &c., prices have been advanced by
tbe manufacturers in all of the atiove lines
but until our pre cnt stock is reduced we
will sell at extraordinary bargain prices
considering the present market. We also
sell Cameras, l'hoto Supplies, lvliso'i
and Columbia talking machines and
Jeweler and Graduate Optician-
Next to Court House.
S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Clearance Sale.
Bargains in season.
Almost everything ill our store to be
sacrificed for room and a little cash.
1Q /\ fP all fancy goods, toilet, mam
~fi (ill cure, glove, neck lie sets,
u U " other things.
1Q /»#P medallions, brush and comb
"0 Oil sets ' pl asler > casts, travefing
sets, etc.
II CP albums, family Bibles, ster
-iL 1)11 ling silverware, cress ware,
fancy ink stands.
1C all china, kxlaks pocket
-[) 111 l books, juvenile books.
Call and see the balance at
Near I* O
Peoples Phone 162. Hutler, Pa.
Sale lasts until Jan. 20th.
Pianos and Organs.
McFANN P. 0., Butler Co., P
If jcr. *; i t !■ jisn
or «1} 11 tin ] 11 t
li lie and 1 will cal
upon you.
T39 South Main street.
Over Shaul & Nast's Clothing Store
The Keystone Orchestra,
Is now ready for engagements for Par
ties, Picnics and Dances, and Guarantee
the best of music at reasonable rates.
Prof. Gus Wickenhagen,
22S Ziegler Ave., Uutler, Pa
Practial Horse Shoers
Formerly Horse Shoer at the
Wick House has opened busi
ness in a shop in the rear of
the; Arlington Ilotel.J where
he will do' Horse-Shoeing in
the most approved style.
UUANTKI> Honest man or woman to t ravel
" for large houso; salary *i.» monthly an<)
expenies, with Increase : position permto
en t;I n c 1 ose se If - add ressed stain tied envelope
MANAGEK, U3oCaxton bldg., Chicago.
Marriage is said to be au equal partner
ship. But the kind of a one-sided partner
sliip it real
lv is, can
not bo bct
/J tor express
j T* t' (y*»- ed than in
\ lhat ol ?
)/ /*-J \ saving, A
Iff/ Aw , vißk.
, B 3v
' fiytl husband's
! ffilH j ° >' s and
a< 'TtflFfl'l halve his sorrows."
jaHU That's
jfij of a wife, and the ivon
m ina
>B|[ she comes so closely to
expectation For as a
' " rule from the time of
marriage onward, her Ixxly is daily
drained of strength and her mind daily
burdened by cares. She lies on the
couch, her 'hack aching, from female
trouble, and gats up ami puts on a smil
ing face to meet her husband.
Marriage can only be an equal partner
ship when the drains and strains of mar
ried life of the woman can be replaced
by the perfect health of the delicate
womanly organs. No woman need suf
fer with inflammation, ulceration, debili
tating drains or female trouble. There's
an absolute cure for all these in Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It makes
life a pleasure, does away with morning
sickness, and makes the baby's advent
easy and almost painless.
I had been a sufferer from uterine*rouble for
■bout three years, having two miscarriage in
that time.«and the doctors said I wou'.d have to
go through an operation before 1 could jfive
irth to children;" writes Mrs. Blanche K.
Evans of Parsons. Luierne Co., Pa., Box 41.
" When about to give up in despair I saw the ad
vertisement of Dr. Pierce's medicine and
thought I would give it a trial as a last resort. I
bought a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. and iftcr taking it felt better than I
had for years After taking four and one-halt
bottle- I gave blrtli to a bright baby girl who is
now four months old and has not had a day of
"Favorite Prescription " contains no
alcohol, whisky or other intoxicant.
Nothing else is "just as good." Refuse
iffil substitutes. If you go for Dr.
"Pierce's, get Dr. Pierce's.
CPile3 or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I I Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils d- Tumors,
p? Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
0 Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and St. oo.
Soil! by druggists, or sent ]>u«t paidon receipt of pries
ntsrilKEYS' HKD. CO., 111*113 WHliaa St., Xew Vort.
| The Cure that Cures /
jp Coughs, §j
» Grippe, ( ?
Whooping Cough, Asthma, 1
Bronchitis and Incipient A
ConsumDtion, Is jg
f OIJ0 lJ '
A Tws German remedy' fa
vr Cv»u Wmt J
A . 25650e15, fi
Ask your f*l DBJI
Druggist J « LLii J
for a JiTroua
£✓ * Cc £^<y~':■%
Ely's Cream Bairn
contains M C'.nir.c, ffSjf / ' ■ J - ■
mi rcury nor any other s/i„ / * JLfr'A
injurious drag. . ; '*3 it
It is quici; y AbcO I ■'}
Gives ]{eUcfatoi-:v. '
{heffiivl''- ;• "rniniii HEAD
Allays Inflammation. v * a «-
Ilealß aiid Protects t c : the
Senses of Taste and i : 'II. 1' 11 Size 50c.; Trial
Vize IOC.; at Dm :• -■♦«« y mul.
b*.Y BHOT HLitso Warrea Street, New York.
SplL. Candles
: Nothing adds bo mncb
1 K I — to tho t liariu of tho drawn k □
3 room or boudoir us the Hoftly rn-li- B
1 »nt liciit from CORDOVA Candle jfl
1 )i_ .l Not iiinK will contribute more to the H
I uTTr trt aucce,M l he luncheon, H
5! r -;i or dinner. The decor At it R
m c.: idleM for the himplest or tho 'jj
K' \ff f TAV »A I: t» <»•!. f!!.
! d every whCWw
We desire to extend thanks to all our out
of town customers for their patronage and
favors during tin- dm! We also i \-
tend to all visitors to Pittsburg (luring the
coming year a cordial invit at ion to make our
store their headquarters. Those requiring
wines, liquors, ete., can do with us as well if
not!tetter than at other stores.
We Guarantee Our Goods,
and handle such brands as Finch,
Large. Ouc.keiihelmer. Gibson. Bridg
n«»rt, Mt. Vernon, DiUinger, Overholt.
Thompson, and
a whiskey guaranted ;jyears old. $2.00 per iral.
All O."1>. or mail orders of s.">.«*» or over we
box and ship promptly; express charges pre
We have no agents to represent us. Send
orders direct and save money.
411 Water Street-
Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa.
Opposite 11 Ac- O. Depot.
Etc.,procured at low cost and easy payments.
Every inventor given time to pay cost.
Send for my terms, etc.. free. K. S. Ihirrison.
Patent Attorney. *:.7 Fifth Ave.. Pittsburg,
Pa., OpinitTn and advice free.
Now is The Time to Have
Your Clothing
If you want goou and reliable
cleaning or dyeing done, there is
just one place in town where you
can get it, and that is at
The Butler Dye Works
216 Center avenue
B@u\Ve do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of to have a picture ot
your house. Give us a trial.
Ageut for the Jau.eatown Sliding
Blind Co.—New Yor':.
" honest persons to representus as Slan
( agers in this and close by counties Salary
i sw*) a year and expenses. Straight, bona
tide. no more, no less salary. Position per
i manent. Our references, anybank in any
; town. It is mainly office work conducted at
home. Ueference. Enclose self-addressed
stumped envelope. THK DOMINION COMPANY.
Dept. H. Chicago
Advertise in tbe CITIZEN.
<Connlnued from Ist pase.)
jasjier watched the two figures until
they disappeared in the crowd on the
walk. Then lie turned to his de*k awl
began to write. When he had finished
the last page of the last chapter of his
book, it was nearly dark. WHnt would
J«-sns do? He had finally answered the
qnestinn by denying his Lord. It grew
darker in Jasper's room. He had delib
erately chosen his conrse, urged on by
his disappointment-and loss.
"But Jesus said unto him. No man,
having put his hand to the plow and
looking back, is fit for the kingdom of
.4 Spnnklnjc OV«T I» Wniter'* Knee
Cured One. ami nn 1 nreremonluoi
Tnml.le Into the Ocean Took the
Insolence Out of the Other.
"It is a notorious fact," said an old
horseman, "that successful Jockeys
are more atiiictc-i with the big head
than any other class of midgets you re
liable to meet up with. O'u two occa
sions that 1 reeaii I've seen American
waiters take prominent American
Jockeys down when the latter have be
come Insu.iera'. Ie iu their conduct.
Some years ago an eastern jockey
whose fame was spread broadcast
Airougiiout the racing world was tak
ing dinner with a party of foolishly
idolatrous friends at the Cliff House,
outside of San Francisco. The jockey
had been riding during the winter rac
ing in and around San Francisco, and
on this day he had won the swell event
of the year ou a rather no account
horse. Consequently his hat was a
whole lot too small for him.
"He was an Insulting little chap at
best, but on this occasion he simply
let ills tongue run away with his
brains. His humor took the turn of
joshing nn old time wliiter at the Cliff
House who had been In California
since the days of the Argonauts. The
old man had long side whiskers, and
the Jockey made sundry aud divers re
marks to the waiter about the oppor
tunity lie was giving to the w '"d by
wearing whiskers of that particular
laagth. and the old man took the talk
good nattiredly without paying much
attention to the touch of nastiness in
the midget's remarks. Finally, how
ever, when the wine had gone around
pretty freely, the Jockey reached up
behind his chair as the old waiter was
in the act of performing some little
service for the men at the table, and,
twisting his hand in the hair on one
side of the old servitor's face, he delib
erately pulled out a fairly large hand
ful of the lattcr's whiskers.
"The old man leaped back with pain
and indignation, the jockey laughing
at him Idiotically. Then the waiter
coolly lifted the jockey out of his chair
by the scruff of the neck, sat down
and calmly deposited the midget across
his knees&face downward.
" 'Son, said the waiter, 'there's
something tfeot you've stood In need of
for a long past, Judging from
your actions during the past few
months, aud sfeat something you're
about to get and get good,' and he
brought the palm of an ample hand
down with a smack that sounded very
pleasant indeed unto the ears of all
the rest of tiie people In the room (ex
cept the jockey's frie*<Js) who had
seen the beard puUiiic Incident. Then
lie brought both hatnlh into and
tiie rataplan told of splendid Sedi
tion. The Jockey, kkked ami strug
gled. but he couldn't break an d
he had to take his medicine. Then ills
friends at the table Jumped to his res
cue, and, quickly letting the jockey
slide ou to tiie floor, the old waiter,
thoroughly aroused, jumped up and
knocked them down one after the oth
er. He ju: t polished them all off in de
tail, and when he had got through with
them lie stood his ground. Then the
manager appeared on the scene, and
when he was told by a number of oth
er guests, prominent men, what had
happened he assisted in kicking the
party out of the house.
"Another time a jockey who leaped
into prominence with tubteoric speed
by reason of his winning two of the
great events of the eastern turf in
quick succession got the worst of ft at
the hands of a Coney Island waiter.
I saw tiie Incident myself. Tiie Jockey
had had such a mighty accession of
the 'I am it' spirit that he considered
he could perform all sorts of mean lit
tle tricks at the expense of all hands
and do the same with impunity. On
this day he had won three straight
races, aud his imperiousncss was
something monumental. He took din
ner with three bookmakers on one of
the big Coney Island piers. The man
who waited on the party was a bullet
head, but a quiet, attentive man at
that. lie was removing some plates
after the second course when the jock
ey picked iqi -1 siphon of seltzer and
deliberately squirted half the bottle
full iu the waiter's face. The waiter
wiped his face and ills shirt front off
with his table towel and then he walk
ed up to the Jockey's chair and said:
" 'Have you had yer dip in de sea yit
t'day, Freddy ?'
'"No," said the jockey, with an ex
pression of surprise on his face, as If
lie wondered what was coming.
"'I t'ought not,' said the bullet
headed waiter. 'Dat's de reason I'm
goin t' let you have it now.'
"Then the waiter suddenly picked
tiie famous jockey up, and before any
of the men f>t the table could Interfere
he carried lilm over to the railing of
the pier an I dropped tiie midget horse
rider Into the water, about 15 feet be
"'I jist want t' see If de little
snoozer wit' de swelled nut kin swim
as well as he kin ride a horse,' said the
waiter, quietly watching the jockey
come to (lie surface and strike out.
She jockey could swim, and lie made
le beaafc without any trouble, but ho
didn't return to the pier."—Washing
ton Star.
Mfnsluff Time.
What do people do with their sur
plus time? They used to weave the
cloth their garments were made of and
make them b.v hand. They now get
them ready made at the stores. It
takes less time to do every act of
drudgery than It used to take. What
becomes of the surplus time? If we
have gained au hour over our ances
tors, what becomes of it?—Atchison
Grimes—Look here, Smith,why didn't
you call last night? I told you my
daughter was going to sing some of
her new songs, and you appeared de
Smith—l was delighted—to know slio
was golug to sing.—Boston Transcript
Illnstrated Stories.
Bob L'richo (the barber)— Men of my
profession are very good story tellers.
Customer —Yen, and they usually II
iustrate their stories with cuts.--Cin
cinnati Enquirer.
HOO" S PI, LS i.urc Liver III*, Bil
iousness, Indigestion, Headache.
Easy to take, nnsy to operate. 25C.
Rhhumatism Cubed in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" tor Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days.
Its action upon the system is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at once the
causes and the disease immediately ills
appears. The first dose greatly benefits;
75 cents. Sold by J. C. Reilic, and J. P.
Bilph Druggists Butler <Vpt 96.
lie lln<l (>lven I p %I 1 Hope of Ever
Urttlim a Wife I mil lie Acciden
tally Learned 111* Power, anil Then
lie (Jul MlKhly Pnrllculnr.
"I reckon Jabe Hawkins was about
the ugliest uiau the Lord ever let live,"
said L'uele Ben as be meditatively
wbetted his knife upon his boot leg.
"I've kuowed strangers to folier that
man around for a half hour jest to git
another look at his face an then go
right off an take a drink o' lieker.
Seemed to kind o' give 'em a relish for
it. I've kuowed fool women to scare
their children into spasms by threaten
in to give 'em to Jal»e. au they do say
he's been the cause o' more than one
runaway. lie was jest pizen ugly, au
that's all they was to it. It was a duru
pity, too, because he was a mighty nice
man if you happened to meet hfm in
the dark, au he had money iu the
bank at Maple ltuu an »><• acres o' as
tine bottom land as ever felt a plow.
"Well, iu spile o' him bein so blame
homely that he dnsseai look a woman
in the face, this yeie cuss was always
wantin to git married, but. o' course,
they wau't 110 way to get at it. He
advertised some in the city paper an
writ letters to lots o' women that way,
but he was honest to the core, an when
the thing got along fur enough so's
they might anything come o' it he al
ways sent his photograph, an that end
ed it.
"Oncet they was a mighty likely
widow from way back east that got to
iikin Jabe puny well through his let
ter writiu, au 1 must say he was a
good hand at that, before he sent his
pickshur. After studyin over liis liue
ments for a couple o' months she made
up her mind to come ou anyhow, but
when she ackshully saw Jabe in the
tiesh she backed out an married Si IV
ter, an she made him a mighty fine
wife, barrin the fact that she had a
20-year-old sou that bobbed up after
the ceremony an turned out to be as
shiftless as it's possible fur a man to
git an live.
"Then Jabe gits desperlt, an lie up au
offers a hundred dollars reward to auy
body as will git him a pardner. But
that didn't amount to much. Ole !>ud
Harris 'lowed he'd make his oldest
girl. Mirandy. the one tiiat had tlie
harelip, jiue him, an Jabe, knowin
his own shorteouiin's, was satisfied to
git anybody most, but Mirandy took
epileptic tits an died before the weddin
come off, an folks ail aroun said it was
a judgment on Dud.
"Then Jim Datum brung arouu his
haW witted girl, an Jabe studied a
long while over it. thinkiu inebby that
if they was goin to lie children come
with his ugliness they'd better be fools,
too, so's they wouldn't realize it. The
girl seemed to take a fancy to Jabe
right away an wanted to kiss him, but
he changed his tuiiul right off. properly
decidin that he couldn't stand anybody
that was as big a fool as that.
"Things was this-a-way when there
was a hypnotize!" come through Maple
Run an give a show, an he asked for
people to come up on the platform an
be hypnotized. Everybody most was
afraid to go till Jabe made the*break,
say in it didn't matter much what be
come o' him nohow, an then five more
went up like they aliuz do.
"Well, the minit this here hypnotist
took hold o' .labe's head an tilted it
back to git a good look iu his eyes he
give a funny little jump an says:
"'I can't do nothln with you. Why,
man, you may not know it, but you
got more power than 1 have. If you
fix them line blue eyes o' your'n on
anybody, they just nacbelly have to do
what you say.'
"Then he let Jabe go an made Wash
Ditlius fight bumblebees an preten' he
was a dog au do the most outlandish
things you ever heard of. 1 gosh. It
was funny, an he made some o' the
others act up, too, but none so much as
ole Wash, an the nest day he went
"But he made a mighty big change iu
Jabe's life. Y'see up to thi; time Jabe
allu£ dropped his eyes every time he
see a woman cotnin, sin the woman alius
looked the other way. But now Jabe
made up his mind to try it, an so he
looked, an all the women knowed
about It, so they looked, an they found
out that them eyes was mighty tine if
you looked at 'em so keen you couldn't
see the rest o' his face. They was
mostly scared, too. since they heard
as how Jabe was a hypnotizer if he
only wanted to be that-a-way; but. o'
course, that only tna«!e 'em look all the
"First off. Jabe didn't have the sand
to look at tiie best lookin girls, but only
the homely ones. an it wasn't two
weeks till be could o' had his choice o'
n dozen girls Von see, they got to
tnikin to hint an studyln them eyes o'
hlss'n. an fust thins they knowed they
was hankerin after 'em. Itut Jabe sot
partie'iar. They was a time when he'd
been tickled to death to have any girl
that wore dresses keep comp'ny with
him, I>ut lie kep' raisin his I dees every
day till fin'ly he sot his mind on winniii
Hetty Allen, that was the blamedest
purtiest girl in the whole country an
had a dozen line lookin fellers with
good horses an buggies an some land
tryin to court her. au blame if ho didn't
git her. An the funniest part of it all
is that there ain't 110 purtier young
tins anywhere than them seven chil
dren o' Jabe's An they all got blue
eyes, every one of 'em, an the rest is
Like their mother."
Thf Still In lllil«".
Professor X I'. Laugley, secretary of
the Smithsonian institution, says:
"If we could rise above the earth's
atmosphere, to view it, the sun must
have a decidedly bluish tint to the nak
ed eye. The proper color of the sun ia
bine—not merely bluish, but positively
and distinctly blue."
Some Snperwtltion».
When starting for the river, savs a
writer in London Field, if you have to
turn back and get something that you
have forgot leu, you are sure to catch
little or nothing that day. This is an
article of Devon folklore, and I am In
clined ti> think the west country folk
right httreiii. The disappointment,
the hurry and the bringing of wrong
things always act prejudicially upon
what out to be the unruffled,
even temper of a successful angler. Ho
becomes hasty and rash, most often
With ill results to his basket.
In the western highlands it is cur
rently believed that if you see a colt
with its back to you when starting in
the morning on a fishing excursion it
Is the worst of luck, only to be exceed
ed should you hear a cuckoo before
fttley's Nt'nt Copy,
James Whitcomb Riley wrote a long
poem for a New York newspaper. It
was ordered in advance and was to be
sent in upon a certain day. i>ow, most
writers, especially poets, are dilatory
Itut the lioosler bard Is an exception
to the rule. His poem arrived the day
it was promised. It came by express
In a formidable parcel. First were the
outer wrappings of heavy brown pa
per, then some soft packing stuff, and
beneath that the board covers within
which was the manuscript, tied to
gether with a small ribbon, and so neat
that the editor was almost afraid to
tin ij the leaves. I'hlladelphla Kvenlng
Tlironjfti Sin- Head.
"Bugb.v i,oi of all patience with
Ills wife lit; says she can't get a
thlilg through her head."
•That's lie told me rj
tiling he s;vd to her went in one ear
and out of the other."— Philadelphia
at C. E. MILLER S.
In the face of all kinds of footwear advancing we are starting to
day a 98 cent sale, and among the items you will find some bargains,
for these goods were all bought before the advance. They could not
be made today at the price we offer them at.
Kou can have them at 98 cents as long as they last.
Men's Fine Huff Congiess 98c
Men's Fine Buff Hals 98c
Men's Good Working Shoes 98c
Men's Fine Slippers 98c
Ladies' Fine Lace Shoes 98c
Ladies' Fine Button Shoes 98c
Ladies' Fine Warm Shoes 98c
Ladies' Xmas Slippers, Choice 98c
Misses' Fine Kid Leather Shoes 98c
Misses' School Shoes 98c
Misses' Felt ''oots and Overs 98c
Misses's Cloth Top Shoes 98c
Boys' 3-Sole Hals 98c
Hoys' School Shoes 98c
Cnildren's Felt Hoots and Overs 9SC
Children's Rubber Hoots 98c
The above are only a few of our 98c shoes,
One line goes at half-price.
We have about 200 pairs of Ladies' Fine Hand-turned Shoes
which were $3.00 and $3.50. We're selling this line at $1.50; a
little off in style, but perfect goods; sizes 2.\ to 4 and 5. Our loss
will be your gain.
That we are the undisputed leaders in the shoe business in But
ler. We have strengthened all our lines and added new ones, and
while we are conducting successfully this 98c Sale we are not neglect
ing our fine trade. Our popular "V\ alkover line at $3 5® becom
ing a favorite among the young men of Butler, and the Ladies are
very loud in their praise of the Delsarte and Cyrano Shoes.
C. E. /Wilier
X' rjf, : ' -v.
1« V' : " ./
®r s<& /,r»:.'ii"»/
fW MW-^k
The Cutaway Coat has returned to popular
favor after an absence of several yean.
Fashion has added many new effect* which
make the cutaway suit strikingly handsome
for any man may h« be stooped or oreet.
Vicuna, Lambs wool or Worsted in black
or gray mixed for the coat and vest, with
striped worsted of a lighter color for tin*
trousers. This outfit from excellent quality
of cloth. £fo.
~ ,V \ f.AH., eJmjt reli*'...-, 6 «.L >K\
J :•. ,<i t f-,r CV UtsU ■ * I-I.i rSf%\
,Vv • J lircn-J lu IllHi %.v! L=V.iJl.tfV7fy
• c —_V'/•' t*.'-'*. with t iuc iihU<*. Taf.e
• i <-«v s yMiio othci*. Refute Awtfawo-j* mOatliw v
' ' tztio.-i* Ai Uro,or irn*
-V !n rtamp* f;r part!.m:*rs, i » .jjopUl- tj<l
V w *'Ur.Ucf foic J.&«?!««,** inUtUt. by rei«7V>
_I /<- *lr IL !'J,OOO Kmc*c Fmfis.
~ "/ .'.» ill Pri(Kl«ti. <'h!«•!». rftrr < hmifrel <*o.,
*ji»«llcua i*A.
$ $
I Cleveland Berea Grit |
Suitable for Building, jjjj! '
Ornamental and .
Paving purposes. $ i
| This Stone Will Not "Shell Off.' 1 I ;
Prices reasonable. j| *
Work <lone well
and promptly,
it j- 1
Stone yards on : L •
Kast E'na street. *
Residence on .
Morton avenue I *
People's Telephone 320. jfc
***■* vie ft*********
That Studio i
Over the Tost Office is
Folks from out of town
should not fail to sec
the work when in town. M
Everything first-class. ]
Branch Studios,
Mars and Evans City. 1
telephone 236. 1
Cures Drunkenness,
i /' Y- Curt-- Drug
;eley >
/ -<v JSn
'"** * I'IITMU !:ii. I'A. |
tWANTED—A Reliable MAN if
J of good address to solicit buaite: * froi.i prop- X J I
A X !
Tto work, can make llut ifis week y. Com- X j
X mission or nalnry, paid wnekly. Address for X
X imrtirnlarH, mentioniiiir thinj»n|»er. X I
e> «! 11; I CSll.Cil \SK,Ro( hester,N.Y. X
and Specialties in Tin. If 1
We are showing a complete line, and
great variety handkerchiefs.plain, hem
stiched, lace edged and Swiss embroid
ered. with inserting; fancy articles, per
fumer}-. jewelry, photo, medallions,
gloyes, dolls, pocket books, belt buckles
and belts, ladies' and children's silk and
wool fur top mittens, ladies' neckwear,
chiffon boas, shirred high collars, fine
white and black lnce and silk neckties,
stamped linens and material for em
embroiderv. fascinators, infants cloaks,
saeques. silk baby bonnets. l»ooties and
moccasins, zephyr hoods for school
girls, all colors; ladies' pompadour, neck
combs, plain and jeweled fancy colored
silk garters, with buckles and satin bows.
Great reduction in Millinery, all
hats, trimmed and untrimmed, re
duced to almost half price, at
328 South Main St., Butler, Pa.
People don't {buy pianos for looks alone.
If they did any one of the pretty piano cases
offered for sale, with the tin-nan attachment
inside.would do very well and not cost much.
A few month's use serves to show the dif
ference between a good and a had piano, be
tween a piano carefully made of excellent
material and a piano made of pine or any
cheap stuff, slapped together anyhow
The Chase 11 rot hers is as good a piano as
was ever made. You may see it any time
you will come in. "Seelng's Free.** They are
Firmly warranted In every respect. You
run;no risk. Should a piano prove defective
you are welcome to come and select another
of the sann* styles and we will exchange it
with yon free of charge at any time.
Every thing iu the music line cash or
Terms to suit you convenience.
Wo can save you *H>O.OO and upwards in the
price of a first class piano.
317 South Main St Butler Pa.
New Drug Store.
MacCai'tney's Pharmacy
New Room.
Fresh Drugs.
Everything new and fresh.
Prescriptions carefully com
pounded by a Registered
Our Soda
R A. IVlacCartney
| Rape's ij
!;! Leading Millinery Houre !!
< / . iter ariHi - j I
A j i
\l 122 S. Main St Pftpe'S. BUTLER. PA. | |
rnr W fcA 4 MP and GLASSWARE STORfc.
' M A N AG E(\\ E N'T.
Having purchased the Allison Bee Hive Novelty and Queens
ware Store, I have >te\ »ted considerable care anJ time in completing
the most varied stock of goods in Butler. Below v ill give an idea ol
some of the goods carried in stock.
Bxle urease, J Itutter spades, *l.m>hk*s » Scales,
■ v D ]«n wirtH * f school bags,
clothes, C can openers, £i..ng, V SCOOP* —
delivery. / cards playing, *extension; / wool und ttn,
fruit, i tacks f LAMP - C ,
laundry, C chalk lines. Jchimnieys, /shoe laces,
lunch, \ chalk, Jburners, i sieves,
market, roq zwicka \ »«.•••
office, # cheese cullers. {lanterns, / slates,
traveling; \ clocks. -lead pencils, V slate pencils,
Q moa sijuerzeis, J slaw en"
I clothes horses, wookiag glasses. \ SOAPS
Mai king c uses. \ clothes lines. Jmarbles, J laucdry,
blank book*, Q< imau N Uii'.et,
blueing, / coat racks, £n:easnres, % spoons,
bosom !>oards, \ coffee mills, *measuring faucets, V starches,
brad bonds, C c"::tSs. imn J stove polish
111ill W. / lies, \ TABI.ES
BRISHKS — \ cork screws, imouse traps, 1 sewing.
C c -'Re. } kiteheu.
dusting, f curry combs. |oileuaaml tanks. V table cutlery,
floor, I dominoes, SPaFKI /tack hammers,
hair, ) dusters turkey, -Earning, v tinware all kinds,
h ine, \ m i caters, * A ra i' / towel rollers,
uauit, \ envelopes, f trucks.
C ist quality, • rds, \ I it~.
Nhnving, {pen li.'Mer-. /twines,
shoe, J Ash hooks \ lines,{j>ens, V twine
stove, J fibre ware, J;uns, 3 violin fixtures,
tooth, \ . " ■ \ » ->i? ns,
whitewash, / fruit augers, mashers, V wash tioards,
window; \ funnels. {pocket-boota", f ichmr>
BCCKHTS — / gum bands, Ipockct knives f water coolers,
j.ine, V granite ware, Ipurscs. V whips,
cedar, / gun caps, *ra/irs. Qwtisks.
horse, \ hammocks, Ira,-or straps, / wood spoons,
yurnniii:. {rolling pins, \willjw ware,
butter ladles. (ink, * rules, f wire goods,
butter moulds, J jewsharps, Jrope, J wood !>>wls,
butterprifltt, SKeelem, {satchel*, Sw-ud di.hes,
I also handle watches, clocks, jewelcry. silverware, Stc., pianos,
organs and small musical goods, strings and fittings for all instru-
Come and look over our 5 ar.d 10 ceut counters.
When you want a bargain be sure and come to
J. R. Griebs,
Cash Novelty Store.
No. 136 South Main',Street. Butler. Pa.
MM, WWW n Wi
1 This Handsome Crystal Decanterj
I Filled with Fine Sweet Malaga Wine.f
1 FREE : J
5 It fe our custom M\' Bear Creek. ?
: each year to present
nto our patrons a ® Gt». S5-OC
Christmas gift, and V ? Cabingt,
| this year the gift H I 75e . pe r Ot.
"will be finer and —a' 6 Qts. %4.00. -
1 I j
abetter than ever* j 1 5
All you have to do V\ |
... ... l SOc. p*r Ot. s
* to obtain this gener- 12 QU.t5.60.
us an et WINES, j:
-'"to the amount of BRANDIES,
5 One Dollar or oVer a fa»ik« \
Sand the Dec inter 5
;» °f Wine will be sent mailed Aw
-i cost. *•' or- * r * •* t 5 30 j:
and o»«r.
> We make no additional charge for foods, oar rcguUr
> prices prevail—aod the quality CJiiaot be e^uaU.
§322 Fedei'dl St., ALLEGHENY, PA. j
York PRACTICALLY York l"f ..r.r fifl.ntflil
TRI WEEKLY a daily Weekly
I'M 'AttniT* 111 V! II —*
Tribune ■«?«. Mtat ; ~Z
A new and remarkably attractive pnb- element of oar country population,
lication, orofusely illustrated with por
traits and half-tones; contains nil the " gives important news of the
striking news features of The Daily .. . , ... . . , . .
Tribune. Special War I*spatch<s. Do- Nat,on " nd Wortd - ,hc ,n, " u rrll ,b •
mestic and 1-oreign < orresponik-nc. M.irki_t R-„-t>orts. Sh rt
Short Stories, Humorous Illustrations,
Industrial Information. Fashion Notes. Stories, an unexcelled \gricuitural l»c-
Agricultural Matters carefully treated,
and Comprehensive and Reliable Finan- partuient, Scientific an I Xrduaicat
dd lad Market Rcoorts. It i-» mailed at [ ,t,„ m ition, Fs-diioti Articles for the
same hour as the da:!y edition, reaches
a large proportion of subscribers on date Women. Humor--us Illnitratioas for nkl
of issue, aud each edition is a thoroughly a ,„) you „ K It is "The People's Paper
up-to-date daily family newspaper for
busy people. or 'be entire United States.
Regular sul»scriptioii price. Regular subscription price.
51.50 per year. $!.00 per year-
We furnish it with the CITI/KN for We furnish it with the CITIZK* f.»r
$1.75 per year. 5i. 25 per year.
Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa.
ri a postal iar.l 1
CI 111 la ore. ill up No 41
U I I VII of the People's
Phone ami
W. 15. Mc(il£AßY'S
new wagon, running to and from his
Steam Carpet-Cleaning
establishment, will call at your honse
take away your dirty car|»ets and return
them in a day or two as e'ean as new.
All 011 a summer morning--Carpet*,
rugs and curtains thoroughly cleaneu on
short notice.
| West Winficld Hotel,
&> W.G. LUSK. Frop r.
($) 1 irst Clan* Table and Laißing*.
(las and Spring Water all through
Sc house.
W Good Stabling.
,r*s*? ! r A
jyß --DENTAL HCOMS - r
• v -'"PRacTica 1
MRS II CROWN ""J il.f '»
•TI »*»U. UR«--WHV „OR D< J
Vff fmlvouas? '•> owe#.-. t
.• if IJ 11 "I BRIDGE ' ' - ;
.* \i\f y* m > *** tooth *