Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 11, 1900, Image 2

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T. Publisher
Call lor State Convention.
1 am dim ted by the Republican Sfc»te
Committer to announce that the Re
pr.r licsns of Pennsylvania by their
duly rhr##n repreoentatires, will meet
in convention at the Opera House in
the citv of Harriaburg. on Wednesday.
April i".th 1*», at 10 30 o clock, a. m..
for the purpose of nominating cand:
dates for the following offices, to-wit
One pervm for the office of Auditor
< ieneral
Two persons for the office of Con
gressman at-l*rge
Thirty two person- fonr at large for
Presidential Electors, and to choose
eigbt delegates and eight at
tar.:* to the Republican National Con
vention to l>e held in Philadelphia on
Toe-day. the nineteenth day of Jane,
next, and for the transaction of Bach
other busmen as may lie presented.
In ai-f-onlance with the role adopted
at the State Convention held in Harris
burg on August twenty-fourth last. the
representation in the State Convention
will be leaned on the vote polled at the
last Presidential election. Under this
rule each legislative district is entitled
t, ( one delegate for every two thoosand
vote- cast for the Presidential electors
in 1 and an additional delegate for
every fraction of two thousand votes
polled in excess of one thousand Each
district is entitled to the same number
of delegates as represented it in the
Convention of 1
By order of the Republican .State
Meeting of the Republican Coun
ty Committee.
The Republican County Committee
will meet in Lincoln Club rooms, But
ler Pa, on Satunlay, January 20. 1900.
at 1 o'clock p. m to fix a time for hold
ing the next Republican primary elec
tion, and for the transaction of such
other business properly coming before
the committee
Borough Primaries.
At a meeting of Republicans in Esq.
Anderson's office. Tuesday evening, the
following resolution was adopted
RESOLVED. That the primary elec
tion of the Republican party of the
Borough of Butler be held in the several
wards of said borough on Saturday, the
n day of January 1900, between the
nours of and 7 o'clock p. m. to nomi
nate the following Borough and Ward
officers, namely:
One person for the office of Borough
Cme person for the office of Borough
Tax Collector.
f>ne person tor the office of Borough
Two persons for the office of Borough
Overseer of the poor
(me person in each ward for the office
of School Director.
One person in each ward for the office
of Town Council
<Jne person in each ward for the office
of Judge of Election.
'mi: person in each ward for the office
of Inspector *
That the said primaries be conducted
according to the rules and regulations
of the Republican party governing
primary elections.
February Politic*.
The spfing elections for borough and
township officers are at hand again.
The election will be held Tuesday, Feb.
IH, and nomination papers must be filed
at least eighteen days and certificates of
nomination fifteen days before the elec
tion, no the different parties rnnst hold
their primaries or caucuses not later
than Saturday, Jan. 27th. This date
has been selected for the Republican
primaries in Butler borough.
In Butler a Tax Collectir must be
elected to succeed John S. Jack, who
has filled this jiosition for the hist three
years strictiy and efficiently two Over
seers of th% Poor, one to succeed J. Har
vey Miller and one to fill out the unex
pi red term of George Ziegler, removed,
which Silas McLure is now holding by
appointment; a Burgess to succeed
Thomas McNair and a Borongh Audi
A School Director, Councilman,
Judge of Election and Insjiectors must
be elected in each ward.
For Tax Collector, Isaac Andrews
and Benj. Jack, both of the Ist ward,
are candidates for the Republican nom
ination, and Joseph Rockenstein, Rob't
A. White and D. M Ward are seeking
the Democratic preference.
Mr. Miller will ask the Republican
party to re elect him overseer, but this
office is nearly a thing of the past in
Butler county, the County Commission
ers intending to take charge of the
conntyTpoor on April Ist corning.
Attorney John W, Coulter, who was
last year elected auditor for one year,
will no doubt be a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for a full three
year term.
In the Town (xj unci I the terms of the
following members expire March Ist
Joseph Graham Dem. Ist ward W. Z.
Mnrrin, Dem. 'Jd ward, J. Geo. Stamm.
t*em. lid ward; Adam Haffner, Dem.
4th ward, and John Lowry. Rep. sth
wrrd. Mr. Lowry is the only one of
these men s|>oken of as a possible suc
cessor to himself
Dr. Headland s term expires as School
Director from the Ist ward. A. C.
Kmg's from the 2d, Jas. B. McJunkin's
from the.ftd, C. M Heineman's from
the 4th and Col. W T Mechling s from
the sth.
While this will I*! the last year the
tioroughs and township will have the
office of ' iverseer of the Poor, yet for
this year it is a most important one in
Butler Isirough The accounts of the
Board will have to be settled when the
county tak'-s charge of the jsior and
outstanding taxes must be collected.
The Board is aliout fVMHi in debt from
outs tali ding warrants and a live mill
tax has been levied fur the present year,
which will raise alsmt slo,'mK)
Now is the time for the tax payer to
attend to the matter ami select the men
he wants and whom he is willing to ei>
trust with the handling of his money,
lick the men yon want, nominate and
elect them, and then stand by them in
the strict discharge of their duties. Its
wrong for the public to let offices go by
default and then raise a howl about
corruption, im ffieiency or any other
fault, thus casting suspicion on the of
lieial and preventing him from giving
his liest services to his fellow citi/.cns
Itcuben McEJvain is spoken of as a
Republican candidate for Burgess while
Thomas McNair will likely receive the
Democratic nomination.
Loll I > ROHKHKHY'S declaration that if
Great Britain can only conquer the
South African Republic by making
f'sidstulfi contraband of war it had bet
ter not conquer will meet a sympathetic
«< ho wherever humanity is prized above
mercenary ambitions. That was th<
means resorted to by Weyier'in <uba,
either to starve the insurrectionary pop
illation Into submission or extermi.iati
it It. is a measure repulsive to ri:;lit
thought, f.ir. as I,ord Rosebery as j<e«
tineiitly says, it inflicts its penalties up
ou uon combatants.
County Chairman Wise has called a
meeting of the Republican County
Committee for Saturday afternoon, the
20th, at which meeting the principal
subject for discussion will be the date
of the the primary, which must be ear
lv this year, on account of the State
Convention being fixed for April 25th:
though there is another matter .hat
ought to be attended to. and that is the
re districting of the county for Con
gressional delegates. The vote of But
fcorough entitles her to two Congress
ional delegates, whereas we now have
but part of one.
At the Primary this year candidates
for Congress. State Senate, Assembly
(-_> Jury Commissioner Delegates to
the State Convention <3> and Delegate
to the National Convention, which
will meet in Philadelphia. June 10th,
will be voted for
Armstrong county, in all fairness, is
not entitled to the State Senator this
year. It is Butler county's turn to
have it The Ring knows this, and the
object of pntting Hon. S. B. Cochrane
forward (he has.already certified his
candidacy i is that conferees that will
do the Ring's bidding may be selected
and a bargain and sale can be made
with the Bntler county choice. If the
latter will agree to the conditions laid
down by the Ring he can have the con
ferees from this county. If he does
not there will be a deadlock, and the
State Chairman will have the right to
decide who shall have the district nomi
nation. This may lead to a three cor
nered fight like the last time. —Kittan-
ning Times.
The only sensation in local politics
last week was the annauncement of
Miss Marshall's candidacy for the But
ler P. O.
In selecting the ostrich as a party
symbol there is not such a variation
from the conventional Democratic don
key. As a kicker the ostrich is the
mnle of birds.
THE law requires that the State shall
life reapportioned in Congressional dis
tricts after each decennial census. Ihis
was not done after the census of 1890
cor after that of 1880, Vjtcau.se Quay
fonnd it expedient to prevent it. regard
less of law. He had too good control of
the State nuder the old (present) ap
portionment. That is why two Con
gressmeo-at-large have to lie nominated
in the State Convention of April 2-ith
for the State, instead of in a home dis
trict by the direct vote of their constit
uents as they should be. Will yaay be
able to prevent a just and equitable
division of the etate after the census of
At the meeting of the Executive Com
mittee of Centennial held last Friday
evening to hear the report of a sub
committee appointed to confer with the
Fair Ground management as to the use
of same for Centennial purposes, said
committee not being ready to report
was continued to next meeting.
The matter of the numl>er of days on
which the Centennial should be held
was again brought up and discussed,
and after a hearing of all views, that
matter was also adjourned over to the
next meeting of the Committee, Friday
evening next, January 12, at 7 "JSO o'clock,
at office of the Chairman. This meet
ing should be fully attended.
THE forfeited bail of the nine Phila
delphia ballot-box stuffers, who left for
parts unknown, arnonnts to $12,000.
Chicago's iiig Canal.
Chicago boasts of doing big things,
and one of the biggest of Chicago's
achievements is the new drainage canal
by which the foul-smelling Chicago
river is made to run np stream and
carry its sewage into the Illinois and
Mississippi rivers instead of into Lake
Michigan. Besides cutting a canal
with a capacity of MO,OOO cubic feet of
water per minute and of sufficient depth
and width to carry steamers drawing '32
feet of water for a distance of 28 mile
Chicago has paid for the job the neat
sum of *1)3.000,000 without securing a
dollar from either State or Federal Gov
The primary pnrpose of the undeitak
ing was to divert the sewage of the city
from Lake Michigan in order that a
pure water supply might be obtained.
The excavation from the Chicago river
to Iy*-k|»ort, a distance of 28 miles, is of
ship-canal capacity, however, and it is
the intention of th-» Chicago business
interests to ask (Congress to continue
the canal by slack water improvements
the entire length of th<- l>es I'laines and
Illinois rivers to where the latter falls
into the Mississippi, a distance of more
than !100 miles, thus creating a great
water way from Lake Michigan to the
(Julf of Mexico.
The first effect of the Chicago drain
age canal will be to get its promoters
into all sorts of trouble. The people of
St, Louis and the towns along the Jlli
nois river are calling it a ditch of death,
and are getting ready to apply to the
courts for protection in the form of le
straining injunction* Those interested
in the navigation of the lakes fear that
it will lower the level of the water in
the great lakes and prove a detriment
to navigation. Unless this fear proves
groundless there is likely to Ik- litigation 1
from that sonrce It is evident, there
fore, that the promoters of the Chicago
drainage and ship canal are only at the
beginning of their troubles now that
the water has begun to pour through
their new ditch into the tributaries of
the Mississippi. They will be required
to exercise a great amount of tact, skill,
patience -ind energy before they can
point to a finished ship canal to the
(Inlf. They have displayed a tfreiit
deal faith in their new enterprise, how
ever, by being willing to spend <
000 in its inauguration, and they can ><e
depended on to exert themselveM to the
utmost to overcome the obstacles that
still confront them.
rin: \i iti< an w a it.
On Thursday of last week the Knglndi
seized another German steamer in Bel
agoa bay, and a "wave of wrath swept
over Germany."
On Saturday (Jen White, in conmand
at Ladysmith, Kent word to (Jen liul
ler, that the Honrs were attacking him
and that he was ' very hard pressed
Buller advanced to his relief hut found
the Boer position ;:t Colenso unasnail
Karly {Tuesday morning it i»eeame
know n that (Jen. White was yet hold
ing out at Ladysmith, but that his sup
ply of amtimtion was running low
Ijords Koberts and Kitchnerarrived at
Cape Town Monday, and tfft.OOO troops
are due within 80 days, and to these
men, the Brit.sh, who ere now In the
ilumps. look for a change in the slt.ua
tion. The Free Mates did most of the
fixhtinK at the attack on Ladysmith,
and excelled the Traiisvaalers in conr
A Semi-Centennial.
The Lawrence County Bar. oil Satur- '
.lav last. celebrated at New Castle tte j
fiftieth anniversary of the first Conrt
held in that county.
By an act of the legislature in the ,
yeat 1*49, Lawrence county was erect j
td. being taken from Merger and Beaver
counties. On the following Januarv 7. ;
195" the first Court was held in New i
Castle. This was the event celebrated. I
D. B Kurtz. Esq the only member of j
the Bar of that county now living who j
was present at said first Court, fifty j
vears ago.read an interesting account of
the same, in which among many other
things he stated that the Court .vas ;>re
sided over by Judge John Bredin. then
Judge here, and of the first Grand Jury
then called but one is now living and
but one of the first petit jurors at said
first Court. And of the Attorneys then
present and sworn in as members of the
Bar the following alone survive: D. B.
Kurtz, of Lawrence Darnel Agnew of
Beaver. Johnson Pearson of Mercer.
John H. Negley of Bntler. and James
W Johnston of Indiana county, now a
resident of Kansas. I
S. W Dana. Esq., another of the old
er member.-: of the present Lawrence
County Bar. read a paper upon The
Bench of Lawrence Conntv in which
he refers to all the Judges who have
presided over the Courts of that county.
Shaking of those from this county who
have so served, he pays the following
comp'iment to Ex Judge McJunkin:
"Ebenezer McJunkin.full of years and
of honors, venerated by the Bar and tne
whole community, still keeps his home
at Bntler. in the enjoyment of that
which should accompany old age. as
honor, love, obedience and troops of
friends "
ONLY one more year remains to com
plete the nineteenth century, a century
of very extraordinary progress in al
that pertains to the material comfort of
mankind. If we look back to the clos
ing years of the fifteenth or of the eight
eenth centurv, to speak of no others, we
cannot claim that our own is the great
est epoch in history, except in the sense
that it has carried forward the achieve"
ments of the past. But in the matters
of daily life affecting the whole life of
the world, not even gunpowder or the
printing press had any such quick re
sults as have been wrought in our time
by steam and electric-it y and bymechan
ical invention.
Itritisii Arms iu Hard Lines.
Heretofore, British arius in Africa
have swept their foes t>efore them, de
spite occasional checks or temporary
disaster. Lord Chelmsford was disgrac
ed because the Zulus defeated him, but
the poor blacks paid dearly and the end
was a British triumph. England s wars
against the native races may be ac
curately described in the following
"A smear of blood-
A British yell—
The natives run to cover.
A Times dispatch
'God saye the Queen?
Another war is over "
But the present case is very different.
The British have been fought to a stand
still in South Africa. Ever)' battle has
l»een on British colonial territory.
Wherever a rush has been attempted,
aw at the Modder or Tugela rivers, dis
astrous defeat has been inflicted on tie
English arms. Philadelphia Tiiu<-s.
The Kiwi of Tills Age I>ra\v<-tli
The poet may sing in his grandest strain
Of love in its sweetest station.
Of peace in its prime.or the havoc of war
As it works out its sad desolation.
He like a master, may master his theme.
May out shine all bards gone before;
May sing of the brave, when the battle
Arid of victory when it is o'er
lie may bring to light from the buried
Sweet voices that long have been dumb;
May sing of the present with all its
And of unbounded glorv to come.
But the queer old world in its onward
So wildly and madly busy,
I Will scarcely give him a passing thought
Or stop to question, who is he?
A« if whirls away on the foaming tide.
I If leaves the singer to bis sad fale.
And sadly sighs as it drifts along,
"A noble genius but born too late
Had lie been here when the cross was
On dark golgotha by oinfal men,
When the world moved Blow in its on
ward course.
He might have received its plaudits
Bat now ah me! Who could stop to
Of things like chanty goodnex* or
Or even th»- strains that a js>et may ning,
While pursuing the phantom of wealth.
What is the blood of the marlyri yf old,
Or the worn ont themes that they uting?
They may have been stock for the
patriarchs use,
In the days when the world was young
lint not in thin age, when the mind of
The mysteries of nature unfold;
When conscience and liberty,fealty and
Are bartered for silver and gold.
We are whirling down o'er the stream
of time.
Its waves grow white in their madden
ing rage
Beware old world, yon mav be on the
That borders the end of the age
Invention's great climax will soon be
With all the refinement it. brings.
And it may not Is- long, ere the trumpet
shrill sound,
To change the whole order of things.
As they ate and they drank in the day*
of the flood,
'Till in silence their lips became dumb
.Inst so it will be with the men of thin
When tin- day of Jehovah shall come
They'll eat and they'll drink, they'll
bny and they'll sell,
They'll woo and in marriage be given.
'Till the hills of political power be
brought low,
And the mountains of empire be riven
A shadow is stealing all over the earth,
From a i ilbstnrice that's yet undefined
A vague foreboding of evil to come.
In stirring the heart of mankind
The time is coming by prophets f J retold,
That will sift out. the SOIIIM of men,
It must and will come as Messiah pro
lint, nor angels nor man knoweth when
The king will come an a thief in the
Unheralded by trump or by drum
Watch therefore and pray, for you
know not the hour.
When the end of the agn-. >«h;ill come
I. M Witt.
Kvans < -itv. January :i, litoo
I The I' nioii villc. I,oca I Institute.
A local Institute will be held in the
Presbyterian church in IJnioriville on
the afternoon and evening of Jan liO,
I'JOO following in a partial program
Devotional exercises Hev. II l< Hnj
Address of Welcome, Josiah Varnnm.
KCMIIOIISC, Minnie Whitmire
Opportunity, Amos Klliott.
Progress. Chan I'amahan
Nobility of Motive, ICrnest Hnydcr
| l Why? When? Where? Clarence Hny
' der
1 Home of the teneher'N I'oHHibilitles,
Margaret K Moore
! The teacher and his I'upil socially,
j11 II Orabe
II I I'ainter, Addren.
J T Mc( 'audio*. Teach Practical
i Kd neat ion.
\ J M Oalbreath, Address.
Music will be inler|>osed throughout
I the program
i All friends of education are very cor
dially invited to be present. ('MM.
WI; notice some men on the Jury thit
( week, who have been here on similai
sendee within a year No system seuiui
to b< in vogue In the filling of Ihi
' wheel.
NEIGH B<>l<H(K>l» N<»TES.
At Bellefonte Pa. last week while a
Miss Krider w;n attending her nnrles
! funeral her celluloid collar took fire.
! burned ht-r hair off and badly blistered
| her neck.
Diphtheria and Christian Science
! have been fighting a bitter battle in
j New Brighton for two week? Dipth
| ► ria has won so far. and two deaths of
' little children is the result. Medicine
j and a physician's skill were invoked at
! the eleventh hour, and Christian Science
j threatens to become an issue in the
i The false work under the first span of
1* the new iron bridge across the Alle
gheny at Sew Kensington, was washed
away last Monday evening throwing
Albert Albert and Frank Blake into the
; river, killing the former, and causing
i thousands of dollars of loss to the bridge
' company. The first span of 4')" feet of
I the bridge was just anchored in place
| that day and work was being rushed in
i removing the false work. Albert and
Blake were working on top of a travel
ling crane, *0 feet above the floor of the
bridge. Suddenly the ice began to
crack, and the two men were hurriedly
descending from their high position
when the crane was pulled over by the
ropes attached to the false work, which
was drifting away below the bridge.
I Although Blake fell 150 feet, he escaped
; with slight injuries and was dragged
! ashore with the aid of a rope. Alber:
1 was not so fortunate, but was buried
: amid the crashing timbers and carried
| down the river with the ice and debris
and lodged about a half mile below.
George Potter, aged 10 years and Ma
bel Hogue, aged 15, on Tnesdav togeth
er skated into an opening left bv ice
cntters on Sanday Lake at Stoneboro
and were drowned. Their dead bodies
were recovered an hour later.
Mabel Hos;tie wa.- 1 a grand niece of.
Mrs Yia Carnahan of E. Jefferson St
her mother's name beina Jack.
ON* Friday the Senate Committee on
Privileges and Elections reported
against seating by a vote of five
to fonr.
<iot liis Lesson.
"This is a straight story," said a gro
cery clerk.. "It happened in onr store
A little boy came into onr store and
waited for some one to notice him. He
carried a sheet of writing paper in his
hand, at which he glanced from time to
time, f)ne of the idle clerks came to
him finally, and the boy, reading from
his paper, annonnced in a sing song
voice: My mother wants 10 pounds of
rice. IS pounds of sugar, 13 pounds of
oatmeal. 20 pounds of — ' Hold on!' in
terrupted the clerk. "Not so fast. Sup
pose you give me that paper and I 11 fill
the order." But the boy insisted ou
calling off the articles himself Two
other clerks were pressed into service,
and the three men proceeded to do up
the various packages as the boy called
them off.
H« wanted all kind* of things and he
asked the price of each article as they
went along, making a note of it on his
paper. The clerks had the counter
•tacked with packages when th<- boy
wonnd np with eighteen lbs. of flonr.'
One of the clerks called ont the price
and the boy in his sing-song voice:
And how much does iny mother have
to pay for her groceries?'
"One of the clerks counted up the
total and announced it was
The boy made a note of it and started
out. 'Come back here; where are yon
going'/' cried the clerks in chorus.
" 'Why.' said the boy, as he made for
the door, "that's jnst nie'rithmetic les
fon fur Monday, f have t<r know it, or
I'll get licked.'
Kkitjimcan primaries for borongh
officer nominations will lie held, Satnr
day, Jan 27, from 'i to 7 p. m.
I'rtnviiftilale Items
The literary societies at the Critch
low and John's schools are flonrshing
Scott Donthett of Pittsburg visited
friends in our vicinity during the holi
The protracted meetings held in the
M. E. church a short time ago were
quite a socceas.
Mrs. James Martin and daughter
Minnie (.'rowe were Bntler visitors lasi
Mormon Kld> rs are Htill traveling
around throuich our country.
Mrs. Sober of I»eechbnrg is visiting at
A. M Doiithett's.
Miss Jennie Crowe gave h party on
the eve of J. 11. 4th to abont fifty of h< r
yootig friends, an excellent time w;:*
had by all.
Mih. Hara Doothett hag gone to'irove
City college to take a further couth" in
Some of our young folks are planning
a merry time when the snow appears.
■>! iiMlctowii.
Joseph Jenkins of Coal Valley i.i
down with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Jennie Sutton celebrated herWßh
birthday on Jan Mrs. Sntton's
maiden name was Morrow and she wag
ln.rn in Armstrong Co but has spent
the most of her life where slur now re
sides. Her husband, Joseph Sutton
died i-vral years ago She is remark
ably active for one of her age. There
are now S octogenarians in this twp.
The South IV-nn Oil Co. has reduced
its force of pumpers in the Troutman
oil field.
li. L. lb-trick of Armstrong Co. is
visiting his daughter Mrs i'alsigei fit
Troutman. Mr lletrickis now in his
Miith year.
Wm, V'arner of Parker City is the
guest of his brothel John Vainer near
In the <le,ith of Michael MeOlnley
Ks(j. whfi e death ocfmrreil last Sunday
our t'lV iisliip lost, one of its most reli
able and substantial citizen*, Mr M'-
diuiley was aliout 7.j years of age.
John Halfijfer an adult of Troutman
had it severe attack of membranous
croup last week This Is the tbird case
of croup anions our «rown persons in
that locality.
Chas ''lurk of <Jr''>*c<; <-it.y is the tirst
one here to claim the free |<old watch
off) red by I II Pl «>r
<)nr school t>oar<l has placed a new
M'-t of biisirii'* t i-harts in each school in
the towuahip at a cost of nearly jjt.i'io
The llepiib!i''.iii nomination for twp
ofll'-ern will In* h"ld on Saturday Jan
!i7, in Middletowii at I o'clock p in
The local coilimittee iu< l lant week to
make arratlKeiiieut'* and to nroyifle it
programme for the teachers institute to
tie held here on Kebruarv 10th.
Mi l Rlizubeth Pisor of thi-i place 1.
•«lck at the residence of her son I) ') i
Pinfir Id Butler Hir.isx
l'uir\ le\v I'lietw.
Hinci- the Kmlenton 'las (Jo, have!
taken the gas entirely out of the town ]
there has been a great demand for new I
, stoves as most all tin stoves used in i
Iliurning were rendered unfit, for coal j
im ruing.
I The Hih of next month ih the day up I
J [minted iiy the I' P denomination for
' the dedication of their new church, the
: workman will have to loiHtle as the
| building looks to he in a very crude j
| state at present
| Win < nmplsll, our new eiti/.eti in
town, has pmcha«ed a new high grade
, sewirifc machine There Is notfiing like
starting right
The Ladleii Mimiouary Society of the
I'. P church will meet next Ha to rd ay
at I p. m at the Parnonage.
I > W. Met'lure is kept, ijnite busy
I bin Mea'.on in sewing machine trade
I'/spcinlly In the line of repairing.
We saw the facet of a goodly number
of our towns people who came homo
during the holiday* to visit their
families etc.
Thus llayi. and family, of P.utlcr
spent several days at their old home
here with Ui V. K. Thomas.
The protracted meetings at the M. E.
church began Sunday and each '
evening witnesses v.n increase in the
Earnest Milliard came home from
McKees Rocks Saturday. He was com
jielled to resign his position at the steel
car works on account of illness.
A new harber shop has been opened
it: the basement f the New < '•* t ra'. 1:
tel with Frank Burns of Mercer, in
The infant daaghter of Mi and Mrs.
William Kelly died last week.
Miss M ollie MeCaniant of Sharpsville
is here visiting friends and relatives.
Johnnie Kerr and family of New Cas
tle are visiting theii parents in this
Joe Bestler is recovering from an
attack of heart trouble.
The ice men filled their ice houses
with a good qualify of the chilly stuff
this week.
Dr. Post, of Cony has succeeded to
the practice of Dr. G K. McAdoo. We
have not learned where the latter in
tends to locate.
Some of the merchants of this place
have issued handsome calenders con
taining an advertisnient of their busi
Jim McClymotids spent Sunday with
(.'scar Shaffer at Prospect.
Charles Tagcrart. of Jacksville died
Sunday, aged 7- years. He was one of
the pioneers of Worth twp. and was re
spected by all who knew him. The
funeral took place Tuesday.
Frank Bingham will btiild a large ad
dition to his storeroom in the spring.
James Gill and wife of Grove City,
spent Sunday with T. F. Coulter and
The roads are in fine shape.
Several social events are scheduled to
take place at the new Central in the
near future, Butler county does not
afford a better public house than this
handsome new stricture, and the atten
tion of the traveling public is called to
the fact that for the first time in years
Slipperyrock can I wast of a first class
The Slipperyrock squid of (Jo. E, is
holding weekly drills. M. L.
ISHJO promises to a year full of stirring
eyents in the world's history.
One of onr oldest citizens. Mr. Charles
Taggert, hps passed beyond: aged about
77 years. He leaves a large family.
M C. Searing will remove to Slip
peryrock this spring and engage in
the butchering bnsiness. His many
friends wish him success.
A little r-hil l of W. E. Cooper has
been very ill.
Samuel McConnell and family mourn
the loss of a child aged about 2 years.
They have the sympathy of the commu
nity in their bereavement'.
The drilling machine on the Hogne
farm is being moved to near Sharon.
'flic liallot Slutiers.
(From our Harrisburg Correspondent.)
Still another triumph for purer pol
itics and common honesty was witness
ed In Philadelphia on Thursday last,
when the ballot thieves and political
sharpers who stuffed ballot boxes in
Philadelphia were Indicted and held
for trial by the grand Jury. Chief
among the crowd was ex-Representa
tive Samuel Salter, deputy coroner of
Philadelphia. It will be remembered
that a witness, who was one of the
gang of repeaters from Washington, D.
c , swore that Salter had placed over
200 fraudulent ballots in the ballot box
before the polls were opened on elec
tion morning. On the evidence of the
same witness four other men charged
with fraud In this same district, the
Thirteenth division of the Seventh
ward, were also held for trial.
District Attorney Rothermsl, who has
charge of th'-Hf- eauspil the ballot
boxes to tie brought Into court anfl
opened, when complete evidence of
fraud was shown. Not all of the evl
flenip gathered was suhmlttetl to ths
grand Jury, but It was sufficient to se
cure the indictment of the guilty men.
There are oth«'i- eases In Philadelphia
of a similar nature to come before the
grand Jury within a week or two. in
every one of these Instances It was
shown that thf> llstis of voters hnd
been enormously padded. Indeed, It
Is believed that not Ifss than 65,000
fraudulent mime* havf been added
every year to the voting 1! ts of Phila
delphia by the Quay machine.
The farmers and rural people of
Pennsylvania are vitally Interested in
this. It take.' thousands of dollars out
of their pofkets every year. Under th»
present, law the appropriation for pub
lic schools Is divided upon this basis;
first, of the number of pupils enrolled;
Recond, the numbei of ti-achers employ
ed; third, the number of taxables in
the district. Philadelphia gets full
credit, therefore, <-very year for 05,000
bogus citizens whir}i she does not pos
sess. and fui that basis draws thou
sands of dollars from the state treasury
that should go to the counties.
It would be Interesting to know Just,
how riiurli has been taken out of the
pork KM of the country people In this
way liy I fin Quay marnine in the past
five or ' Ix year And It must not be
forgot tin, In addition to this, that It
was a Quay governor who took $1,000,-
000 out of tie >u h'Kil fund, while pro
teasing to I'• the friend of the plain
people N»i should it he forgotten
that thin s>l,M;o,o'o WIIS taken on the
plea that tin- i trite could not afford It
ttfter a Quay legislature had refused to
tux corporations aiid breweries to the
umouut they deserved. Mow noon will
the people of Pennsylvania rome to
learn that Quay and his machine In
the eoHtlle i luxury thin state has ever
known ?
Tin; tiliil ; l th" lull) ry I:IIC: In con
nection tin, (I'liy',, ..iiiutoilnl Unlit
will begin In Hnrrlsburg thin week, un
less a postponement Is secured. Ex-
Senator John J. Coyle, Robert Evans,
n Philadelphia lobbyist; Thoma* M.
Movie i, of l,ii/i inr county, and John
l( Hyrne are to be tried for the al
leged offer of bribes to members of the
legislature to vote for Quay. The In
dicted men have been moving Heaven
imd earth to < ure ;i further postpone
ment of th<» trlalH, but It IH not likely
that Ibey will Hiireeed The case*
promise In |>ei nine notorious 111 the ori
liala Of the lit ate
Oenernl consternation struck the
Quny enrnji imnln bet week when it
wa announred from Harrlsburg that
Hon A Ketterolf. resident clerk of the
IIOIIM" of representatl veil, had resigned
bin position and openly declared him
self against Henator Quay and tbo mn
chlne Mr. Ketterolf In widely known
throughout the Mtate, and in hIH reitjg
natlou and withdrawal the Quayltes
have loiit a power and the friends of
putei polltb H and honest Republican
ism have gained a powerful adherent.
It In understood that the antl Quay
Republicans will likely make Mr. Ket
terolf secretary of their organization
anil campaign committee If this In
done the fighting forces of the foes of
Quay will be greatly Increased
The office of the Honest Republican
committee lu the Wlthewpoon build
ing. In the Itourne, Is the Mecca for
every friend of honest Republicanism
lu the state Your correspondent vls-
Ited It la t week while In Philadelphia
and found no h « than ten men there,
every one from a different, county of
the state, but all prominently Identified
with Republican politics, waiting to
dbcuss the iiltuatlon with the gentle
man in i barge it was a most encour
aging and satisfactory exhibition.
" tioni" t |M r ton .to i i |iie ,riil IH in Man
it," i i 111 l.ht* It In | clone l»v coutitlc Milnr>
(HO :i yeiii IOHI Biaupmn, Htnllhti t toni l
tl'li no more, no lest salary I'iwltlon per
IJIIIIICIII i »ur nfi rnni'i itnv bunk In IIIIV
town. It Is mainly ofllco worl it
home IC• ■ f«-reni'i I in lo ell Inlltli ■ ■' 1
stamped en V«l<>|H Till IIOMISIOK * OMI'ANY
Jlt'pl.l, (.'lllcitKo
MeGINLEY At his home in Concord
twp Jan. 7. 1 Michael McGmley.
aged about 75 years
D< >NLEY At his home in Warren. Pn
Jan. 3. 19U0. James 11 Donley, Ls<[. i
HAYERSTRAW—At the home of her
son-in-law. O. S. June on Fulton St..
Butler. Tue- lay. Jan !». 1900. Mrs
Sarah Ilaverstraw, aged ii'.» year- and
7 months.
Her remains were taken to her for
mer home. Le-Mircville, for burial to
BEELER—At hi* home in Jackson twp.
Jan. K litOO, John Beeler, aged 74
ADAM- At her home in Marion twp.
Jan. 1900, Mrs. Joshua Adams,
widow, aged 7'i years.
IRWIN -At her home in Petrolia. Fri
day, Jan. ">. lt»00. Mrs Irwin, former
ly of East Brady, aged 70 years.
!C< >LLINS- At Petrolia, Jan. 4, I'.MH),
Margaret Collins, aged 70
, SONRACKER At Petrolia. Jan.
IMrs. George Sonracker, aged 42
! years.
She leaves a family of six children,
1 one only sii months old.
I NICKLAS At his home on Freeport
I road. Butler twp., Jan. 11, 1900. in
fant son of Wilbert Nicklas.
WHITE— At the home of John Suttan,
near Euclid Station, Sunday, Jan. 7,
I'JiMi. Mrs. Belle White, of Butler,
j aged about 70 years.
t One Dose *
5Ti lls the story. When your head J
J i bes, and yo
Fpated, and out of tune, with your#
m |mt J
m buy a package of
\ Hood's PiSiß |
5 And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills. J
J You will be ctuprlsed it b w east ■ <
#they will do their work, cure your#
# headache and biliuiKticsf, rouse the#
0 0
225 cents. Sold . 1M1m.2
By virtue of a writ, of Fi. Fa. i»mrl out of
the Court of Common I*teas of Butler coun
ty l'a.. and to m«- directed, there will Ik* t*x
jK)st«d to public sale, at the Court Douse, in
the borough of Butler, I*a., on
Monday, January 22, 1900,
at 1 o'clock p. m.
K. I). No. 4v 4*.» and ."ill. March term, lynu.
Vanderlin and Wilson, attorneys.
All the riKht. title, interest and claim of J.
(J. Kennedy. «>. r . in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Harmony
borough. Butler county. Pa., l»ounded as fol
lows, to-wit: On the north liy lot of Herzog
iielrs and tin* diamond, on the east l>y Main
street, <>n the «outli by lot of Milleman heirs,
and on the west by an alley, fronting f3U feet
on Main street and extending back 131 feet to
said alley; having thereon erected a two
story brick dwelling house of six rooms and
a two-story brick and frame bank building
and residence, frame stable and outbuild
ings. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of J. G. Kennedy at the suit of U.
l>. Swain.
TERMS OF SALE The following must be
strictly conpplied with when property is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintitT or other lieu creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must b<- paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage search* son the property sold,
together with such Hen creditor's receipt*
for t ho amount of the proceeds of t he sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
l>e furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid In full.
'A. All ->ales not settn-d immediately will be
continued until one o'clock, I'. M.. of next
day sit which time all property not settled
for will again be put up and sold at the ex
pense and risk of the person to whom first
'Se«* Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 446,
and Smith's Forms, page 'JH4.
THOMAS \l. IIOON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Oflic*-. Butler. Pa.. Jan. 2nd.
Farm For Sale.
I will sell my farm in Washing
ton twp , located about three
miles west of North Washington,
containing about 150 acres, with
good house, barn, outbuildings,
springs anil orchard, underlaid
with coal, and two producing oil
wells, on easy terms. Inquire of
R. 0. Rumbaugh,
Nixon Mouse, Hutlcr, Pa.
»1.00 iM-r year if paid !11 advance, otherwise
will be charg< d.
Aovkktihincj It ati.. One inch, one tim<
81; eiwh subs«*<|iient Insert ion cents ea« h
AudltorM* and divorce noticessl each; exec
utors'and adfr.inist ratoi - notices $ each
•st ray and <!i olnt lon not <-<-s *".! each Kearl
j Ing not!«•«•» 10 « cuts a lino for first, and 5 cents
! for each Mtih*«-<ju«*ut Insertion. Notices
among lo«*al news items !•*» cents a line for
| ♦ ic|» Insi-rtlon. Obituaries, cards of thanks,
rcsolutions of respect, notices of festivals
and fairs, etc.. Inserted at the rate of 5 cents
a line, money to accompany the order, ieven
| words of !»!«>•.« make ;i line.
Kates for standing cards ami Job work on
apullcat lon.
AII advertlslng is due after first Insertion,
and a ll transient advertising must he pain
for in advance.
All communications intended for pul>llf*u
t Inn In i his paper must be accompanied by
the real name of the writer, not for publica
tion hu a guarantee of good faith.and should
reach us not later than Tim sday evening.
I lentil notices must be accompanied by a
csijonsihlc name.
Funeral Director.
337 S. Main St.. Butler.
Biiller Savings Bank
Jt J > tit ler, i
Capital ----- 0.00
Surplus and Profits - - $170,000.00
JOfl \j PU RV IB Prenidi-nt
.1 IIF.NKV TROUTMAN Vice-President
W M i'\MPBKLL, ,lr t'aihii r
IMUKtTOKH ,fo.4eph L I urvt*. ,|. Henry
'I roctman, W. D Brandon W. A. Hteln. .1
The Butler Savings Bank is the Oldest
Banking Institutlor . u But ler founty
Oenerai banking business transacted.
We solicit accounts of il producers, mer
chants, farmers and others.
AIJhJsItHMs entrusted to us will receive
prompt nt tent lon.
Interest wild on time deposits.
Butler County National Bank,
1 ,1111 <■ r I 'enn,
Capital pniil i" - - fi x),<*xi.of>
Surplus ami Prolita - j , 3".7°3.9i
los. Ilartinan, J. V. Pitts,
Vice President; C. A. Itailev. Caeliicr;
John O McMarlin. Av.'t Cashier.
'/ K'w ral banking lnmlni'.'. IriuiHitcled.
Inter' ■ ' paid 11in«' deposit*.
Mi,m y I mned mi approved iiecurlty
We Invite you to open an account with t Ids
b ink■
I»| •: r.< I »|[- lion. Jt'><*ph llartman. Hon.
W Waldron, l»r *. M llimver. 11. Mc-
Hweem y, I . I'- A brains, < P. r»»lllns I t#
Umlth, I • die P llaxlett, M Flnegdii,
W II Lark In, Harry ll"iisley. I»r W. <'.
'andie 1«. Bee Jil 'is»*elh. I V. IMtt>
1 Amanuensis Shorthand.
2 Reporter''! Shorthand.
3 Practical Hook-keeper's.
4 lixpcit Accountant's.
5 Mu'lie.
6 Knglish.
Three Profef.iioiial, Tw A Mutants and
Another Professional Coming.
Send for our New Illustrated Catalogue
slid Circulars, They will open vour
eye*. Note the large uiimlar of our
pant graduates »uil stUflcnts who arc
filling resjKiriMlilc |m>m tions.
Si ml for i ircnlar telling how to get a
A. F. HEGAL. Prin.,
Butler Business College
jio 327 S Main St,, Hutlcr, Pa.
Orphan's Court Sale.
By virtue «»f an onitr and deer*« of tin*
Orphan's i'ouri In and for the County of
Butler, l'a.. tht* untie rsigiuMi adminl>trutrix
iIM tttSM Of BUXU is 1 >'.«■:»!:. lftt«Of
ff<» invriiCounty and State af»»resaid.
deceased, will offer for *ale at public vi-ndue
on tin premi>« ». on
Thursday, Feb. Bth, A. D. 1900,
At one o'clock p u of said da> ill I hat
cerium tr: ,-t of land situate in tin- township,
conntv and Slat** sforesaid. liounded on the
uortliny lands of Klmer Jamison and others.
i'ii tlu'ca>t I>y land* of James K. Miller. Esq .
I i n tlir mtt bf lands nf Win Sloan ami
other- and on the west by lands now or
! fornerl] of J. W. sioan. cnsUlilii rixtj-
Itive acrvs. more or less, and having
I hereon dwelHnir house, bank twiru and ' ut
buitdlnirs. The larger port low of nil Itsfl N
cleared. fenced and cultivated. balance
woodland: also <«e producing oil will there
lon drilled under lease of whole tract given
' by deceastd in his lifetime for i'ii and
purposes. All royalties and rentals from oil
I ami gasaaderaaM IMM will t." t" the pnr
i chaser of said land from and after confirma
tion • f rep' rt of sa:e Title 1:1 • 'd.
TERMS OF BAI.K-< >ne-half the purchase
money to be paid immediately after confir
mation of report of Kale, the other half to lie
paid in one year 1 hereafter with Interest
from said eonfirnialion of s lie. and to I**
secured by bond and niortjrace on the
premises in usual form as to waivers and
I commissions.
Adn.i iistatri\.
! E. McJfKKiK and Enkins < orners. Pa.
Public Notice «>t' Dissolution of
j Novice is hereby given thai the part
i nership heretofore subsisting by and be
| tween John B. Sproull, E.G.Sprottll and
: James A. Sproull has this day been dis
; solve*! by mutual consent of all the par
; ties anc all debts owing said partnership
j are receivable by ? new firm this day
i formed between the two last named par
! ties of the late firm, vis: E. G. Spioull
and James A. Sproull, anil this new firm
wi l l also pay all claims or right demands
owing by the late firm.
The business formerly conducted by the
late firm will be in the future conducted
by the said new fittn, under the firm
name of Sproul) Bros.,J. 15. Sproull re
Dec. 30th. 1899. Boyer, Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Albert Shrader, dee'd., late of Butler,
Pa., having been grunted to the under
signed, all persons knowing themselves
to bL* indebttd to the said estate will
please make immediate payment, and all
having claims will preseut them duiy
authenticated for settlement to
Butler, Pa.
J. R. HENMNCHR, Att'y.,
Butler, I'a., Jan. 10, 1900.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Jane Brown, dee'd , late of Slippery
rock twp., Butler Co., P»., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment, and «ny having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Wick P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
J. D. MCJUNKIN. Att'y.
Butler. Pa., Dec. 23, 1899.
Letters of administration cn the estate
jf George \V. Fulton, dee'd., late of
Middlesex twp., Uutlcr Co., I'a.. having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves imu-bted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
the same will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement to
Samuki, A. I.KSI.IH, Adiu'r,
Hakerstown, Pa.
The fortieth General Meeting of the
Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com
pany of Ilannnhstown and vicinity, will
be held on Saturday, the 13th day of
January, 1900, at I o'clock p. in., in the
Creamery BuildinK, at Delano. All
members interested in the wclfate of the
company are most cordially invited.
1. The annual accounts of the com
pany will be open for inspection by the
2. The charter and by-laws will be read
if demanded.
3. The president will give a concise
account ot the Company's afT.:iis
4. Election of four directors to serve
lor three years.
A. Kraiisk, Secretary.
F. W. Wittk, President.
Denny, Decern tier 1 \ iSt/ij.
The annual meeting of the Worth
Mutual Fire Insurance Co will Is' held
in the school house at West Liberty,
Butler Co . Pa., on the second Saturday
of January, 1 1KK), liemir the 1 :tth "lav. at
10 o'clock a m. The purpose of the
meeting is tin? election of officers for
the ensuing year, and such other busi
ness as may be brought before it.
S J. Tavi.UK, SKC'Y.,
West Liberty, Pa.
Javks llt'Ml'llltKV, Pres't.
Now Is The Time to Have
Your Clothing
If you want gouu and reliable
clcaiiii\g or dyeing done, there is
just one place in town where you
can ;-c'. it, and that is at
The Butler Dye Works
216 Center avenue
We do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of year to have a picture ol
your house. Give us a trial.
A gent for the Jaii.eHtown Sliding
lilind Co New York.
News and Opinions
National Importance
The Sun
Daily, by mail, a year
Daily and Sunday by mail, $8 00 a
The Sunday Sun
s the greatest Sunday Newspaper
in the world.
Price 5c a copy. l»y mail, s_• a year
Address TI Ili SUN, New York.
Pni.. <=>r Mysfc! Popular Prices!
. . t M. i-.f I !>•# Son* Tlu- hlfom'
V w y. r, mi . |» t full I-. .
I t rp; Our |»r!•••» 1
• '.<.♦» in . 1.1«». V. »•!•• World *
• 1 1 . la Mmw ]
: 1 j.r Our
; . . \ * I !ft»»
"M .» I 1 * r 11 • * »" - f ' • h«rrnii«ic
V it/, .f-.r Irf.sUlH" A for I
1.,' t 1 .1 »t 'I ta Oftr
;n h i I■/ f 011 1
' llMJiliy II litli ill" 1 ><■'*'' V. .ilk n • ' •( • ikr
,1 • ■ t rfM« \ |M.pillar |*r 1. • •
Otf Wlr* (• JTM • *. 1
:: : soi vimk ikii
McKinlcv Muaio Co.
%Ot ti WIDAtM Av , C.Mif *u»' 74 riMN Ay , Nl* V >%
Mintloa tlila I'»|m<i.
HOOO 3 fl : M ur. liver Mil, Blh
louHnoss, lndu;< alion, Mnadarhn.
Easy to toKn, ca*y to oporat*. 20c. •
pg| and some times a third price on odd lots. First let igjj
fus say to yon that this lot of marked down goods is
gp| the smallest we ever had to offer our customers. A jlk
jgj thousand dollars would buy it all. but it must be
closed out this month, then we will show the newest
and brightest stock of Furniture we have ever shown ?35
sSt n« jBC
57 50
yy |
jjpj Si 50
JSSi ' 5
•St " M§£
$5 00 tSS
jCampbell § Jem pic ton I
Scribner's I
FOR iqoo
I "Tommy and Gri/.e!" ser j!
I WELL" (serial)
I DA\ r IS'S fictic 11 and special
II articles
I Russia of to da y
I Articles by WALTER A.
I WYCKOFF, author of "The
I Workers"
Thomas Nelson
Henry James
Henry van Dyke
Ernest Selon-Thompson
Edith Whart »n
Octave Thanet
William Allen White
II T: o I'aris Expositi> 11
I articles on sport and ex-
II ploration
I YEARS AGO," by Senator
I Hoar
R rui ES, Tl l * R<B
II by celebrated American and ■
11 ' urc artists
|| (Illustrations in »>>lor'
1 1 B
I in color .tml in l>! «' an 1 n
I white) bj W \ i' I
1 i ion i:i 1 3
I I'EIXor n). HE\K\ Mi - 2
I Illustrated Prospectus I
| sent free to any address
I Charles Scribner's Sons 1
Publishers, N« vv York
1831 THE v " 1900
mm stt'TUMii
AM' V I'M I I I I I I,'. Tilr.
Ixn ling Agricultural Journal of tb*? Woe!
livery department written l>y .jwcial
ista, the highest authorities in their rt
K|*etive line*
No other paprr lirrlcwl to compete
with it in i|ualifn itiotis of editorial n( itf
Gives tile agricuilur il NKWS with .1
ilfjjrec of fullneMi ami cnipltlriwil t*.:
even attempted hy other >.
ll'ist Review* of the Crops
Beat M ill' t Report*
best Accounts of Me:lnm
Uest Kvetythiru:
who wish ro
Kkk I' ' I' VV i ill i iik li mi s
Single Subscription, $2,
Two Subs< ripti'Mis, $ * •<>.
Four Sub- ripti< n<,
lAk«.E ru m
Write (or I arlicalar* on ibis lolat
('lwh Ajjent* Wanted lurri alifii'
l our MonlH*" Trial Trip W (eat*
will lie mailed free cm re«|i»e*t. It will
pay anybody inteieMed in any way in
country life to wnl for them. A>!'lnv
ttwr pniilislier*.
iimi w rt cKi R n son,
Albany. N. Y
hhfrf 'falrf t,r) YEARS'
* /ill] ■
1 9 k I 1
' "rf" Corrmoint Ac.
Anri'it* •ruHr.rf » li mnl Amm r'w'Ln m»?
qnlfltlf !*•« t-rf » it •••!# « ».!»•»••" Itv ■ne'hrr *it
HIT* tit on »« prxhftblf i>«l(i|it«l>ic « • >tfcmonU*«
11<m* *fri« f lv«• rflWot't**J II »i»«lb-•♦•li I'alcMl
H«*rll fr» O < >\,\nnt Mfltrf f.c »*-« iifMitf
r«t«*!>(• tftfcrt* iHi-' Utfh Mann % «o rr..fv«
tptrUti «.»f i. tiih<ml «!)•»■<*• it* lh«*
Scientific American.
A •*!* r<l ttfrfcl* I
imlai tt . f nftv •• • ■ .tt »m * f •
MUNN S Co.' 1 ""—" New Tori
Uraucb Offlc*. » » DC, ISul><Miw. V. U
Office 106 W. St. ID
j Graham's old oftice. ]
j Houis 7to v a m and ito j and - to
j S p. m
j Office 2565. Main St.. <>j - " O.
Night calls at oftici-
**l West v. nr. uiitjli.uii St
1 BLACK. ~~
I'• PHVSK I *n *n:> St fti'.hos
N«w Tx.'Uttn.in Building, Static. 1
1 "• I'llVSK' I \ N
Office No 45, s. Malt! M rr-, «. V er , , lv
I" 137 E. Wnviie St., office ouar*
12 a. m. 1 snd to jp. tu.
Has located in the arar St«-in buildinv.
with all the latest fur I t:t il
I j work
| f " • »*RNT!ST.
Artificial Teeth i— ritil i n tlur la'eat
j I Unproved plan Cob a »i c-
I ialtv. Office over Miter's Slnw Stor»-
hR. W. P. MdLROY, -
Formerly known the
I Painhr* Extractor ->1 Teeth." t.oc ,te*l
I iiermanertlv at tn Fast J^ffn St.,
l Op pome Hotel U*rt, Butler VV ( | tJ
J ■ dratia! alteration* «»l all k>nd« l>» the
latest device* and up-to-date n*-th«>.
r Mc.VI.PIN.
| • • Uuiai,
No* pvraaanertly in Hi krl K s ■»*.
with a reliable a.vt:*tant, >IMI taari itura
! (or best ami prompt work.
People'* Phone for l»rs. V. or j Me
lAlpin House No. office No. VC"
' Sarcraaar to l»r Johnston.
Office at No 114 H. Jetferaon St . m«r
l». W. Miller'* grocery_
I> F. 1,. Mcyl'iSTlON.
' • CIVIL FNI.IMKJUI uo . a,
Offi.e Com: If 'w
\TTO«.n*Y »r LAW.
othce 111 Rei'wr laii'lim, corner Miia
ami li. Cunningham Mv Eatr.mce oa
K. Cunningham.
Offi.-■ 01' It- ' vITK»i lui-: lt!>K
1" \TTt >« It* \ AT U*
t ittice on Souiil that- •mm! M -t!
• .»rr<-;. 1 u ;.»w
Wiat hull lim<. N iHanur;.! St., ButVt
Special atten-.ion fciven In collections
■ ami huMim* matter*
Refeiettce: iiatltr Kaak. or
But'er Count* Vtttotm! Rant
A. T Bi.u k lat V. Hraata.
• ' \ttor»e>* at-la*.
Armutr lUii'diny. ButWr. Pa,
I* \ . MMMN aY LAW.
Office In Mi riwll hwUin^.
"/ ATT«»BMItV» %. ' «W
Kixim R.. \rn»oty htttldtb.,.
ii» Arnatir AT I.IW
1 Mtuc at No ■». West Im .iif>» I f»t I t»4-
l#r, Pa
»" • Arr«»a*av AT LAW
. ifficf on Mam St. n» » I urt ll<>
W • ATToanrv AT '.« W.
Oflct fartween a.. ! Ihift. Nt
ink f %
f'idMth HIMI <1 t.nmtmr »rf ■'! Kn»4
1 ■ . . - » . • i *
• HI %%. ti
K l jn4 w»»nc*»
I|p»r W*mi prnn »
m IxlK r*
Pianos and Organs.
Mi FANS' P I), P..ttl»r Co. P»
If yon am' | »i a
or <lt.«p mr
line an>' I wilt rait
ttjwxt yam.
Notice M hrrrhv jflve n that the
txkitiK I»t:»lti*a»<tarrir»l on hy Mr -
Hunt, at Wral Simhort l*a nt»-h rtf *
suj-erridoti o< hi r luthtr, J«kn Jl«
latt Ijr der'd , will he «-»»t»t»nn«>1 hy aw.
All work will he dixie ta tril • 'a*«
*t, !e it ri' ■ • ; > .«■
Mrs. Minme Hunt
LlVf RY.
II C l'r)«jf» ol .V ho > *
Kttrt notii r to the |>nl>tic that ««ms '.•»
th»- death ««< Ik lalher tn-Uw. jo»«»
Mil ling, li A 11.1 VaUTt hi* l.utttj *
m» had )«• n ititended, lat will roumtae
to cart* on the lirery a« thi W
ttand. (>»l r»ir» fi:rt>i\h*«l at iw dtrate
pr.ee H C PRYOR
hulmiilr lot Ik» Ciliaea