THE CITIZEN. WILLIAM O.NEGLEY -- Publisher THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1899 Will Quay be Admitted. Congress meets next Monday week, and on the question of ex-Senator Quav's admission as a member of the Senate, the Pittsburg Times says: "That body must soon take up this important question. Even were there not an unbroken line of precedents ex tending from the earliest years of Fed eral history down to the last Congress against seating appointees to the senate in cases where Legislatures had failed to elect, it is difficult to see how the Senate can constitutionally seat Col. Quay upon the credentials which he will present to that body. There are but two ways in which a title to a seat in the United States Senate can be given—election by a Leg islature and, under certain constitution al limitations, appointment by the Governor That Col. Quay was not elected by the Legislature is not in dis pute. The Constitution ot the United States thus regulates the power of ap pointment by the Governor of any State: And if vacancies happen, by resigna tion or otherwise, during the recess of the Legislature of any State, the execu tive thereof may make temporary ap pointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill the vacancy. The vacancy in one of the United States Senatorships from Pennsylvania did not occur "during the recess of the Legislature." It occurred on March 4, 1899, when the Legislature was not only in session, but was balloting daily for a Senator to fill it. In strict pursuance of the law governing Senatorial elec tions, it continued to ballot daily until adjournment. It was a plain, clear case of a Legislature failing to elect, and was in no sense a case which made it proper and right for the Governor to appoint. So plain and clear was the case that Gov. Stone himself recognized it. The Constitution of Pennsylvania thus pro vides: In case of a vacancy in the office of United States Senator from this Com monwealth in a recess between sessions, the Governor shall convene the two houses, by proclamation, on notice not exceeding sixty days, to fill the same. This is the constitutional mandate. Gov. Stone did not "convene the two houses, by proclamation, on notice not exceeding sixty days, to fill the same." He appointed Col. Quay to the Senatori al vacancy. By this very act ad mitted that this vacancy did not happen "during the recess of the Legislature." Either he made that admission or he deliberately violated the Constitution of Pennsylvania by not convening the Legislature. But that the Legislature was not in recess is too patent to need argument. It is a matter of common knowledge. Then, since the executive of any State is only empowered to ap point a Senator when a vacancy hap pens "during the recess of the Legisla ture," Gov. Stone's appointment of Col. Quay is without warrant of either the Federal or the State Constitution. The personality of the appointee to the United States Senate does not enter into this question, nor has it any bear ing whatever upon it. The sole issue is one of constitutional power and right, stand above the personality or aspira tions of any man." THE administration has taken a for ward step of far-reaching importance in directing the American ambassadors to obtain from the governments of France, Germany and Russia written assurances that our trade with China will not be discriminated against in the regions that have come under their control. The request for such assurances is more than a public announcement of our Chinese policy. It is the first fruit of onr new position in the Pacific; it is the first and most inevitable consequence of the Spanish war. Political. The Goebelites tried to ha\e the whole vote of Louisville, thrown ont, because Gov. Bradley ordered out the militia. The official vote of Kentucky gives Taylor, Rep., for Governor, n majority of 2.232 over Goebel. Samuel Salter, deputy coroner of Philadelphia; Joseph G. Rod iters, lieu tenant of the capital police, Washing ton, D. C., and Clarence Meeser, em ployed in the copyright division of the Congressional library, were last Friday held in SI,BOO bail for trial on the charge of conspiracy to make fraudulent elec tion returns in Philadelphia. The ar rest of the three men was the outcome of testimony adduced at the hearing last week of several residents of Wash ington. who had been arrested in Phil adelphia on a similar charge. Voting machines were used at the re cent election in Buffalo, Rochester and Ithaca, N. Y. All these points report the most favorable and satisfactory re sults. In Ithaca, for example, the full returns were known within 17 minutes after the polls closed. Over in Westmoreland county the Prothonotary and leaders of both parties pot on five watchers who stayed up all night and watched the Prothonotary's office in order to see that the election returns were not tampered with. On account of the closeness of the Judicial contest it was rumored that an effort would be made to change the returns. Ex-Lieut. Gov. L. A. Watres attend ed the meeting of Independent Repub licans at Philadelphia. Tuesday, and afterwards expressed himself as follows: "As the gathering was one of Repub licans who are anxious to bririK about ft better condition in the politics of the State, I attended the meeting, believing as I do that the necessity exists for bet ter methods in the conduct of public affairs. I may have something definite to say later on." LYIJDITE, a new explosive used by the British in the shells which they are throwning at the Boers which surround Ladysmith, causes frightful havoc. We are informed that "Boers fell dead in heaps at every explosion of one of these sheila, big siege guns were dis mounted. and so awful was the slaugh ter that General Joubert a formal note to General White protesting againt the use of Lyddite as unfair in war between civilized nations." THE AFRICAN WAH. A native who arrived at the English camp at Estcourt last Thursday, report ed a severe engagement as having taken place on the loth, during which the Boer's General Joubert was killed, but it was afterwards denied. The Boers captured several armored trains from the English, and were yet bombarding Ladysmith. while a large force was moving south on Estcourt where a great battle will probably be fought. THE PHILIPPINE REPOKT. The preliminary report of the Philippine Commission is by far the most import ant contribution that has been made to onr knowledge of the situation in the archipelago and towards a right under standing of our obligations and duties there. It was written after a thorough investigation by men who wished to find out the truth It is authoritative and, for present purposes, fiDal. To our thinking, it leaves no room for further controversary The conclusions of the commissioners are not a mere matter of opinion, but are supported by a large mass of evi dence, which will be presented with their final report. The most important facts shown are these: 1. We made no alliance with Agnin aldo. 2. He deliberately provoked war with us. 3. His insurrection is not a struggle for independence in any such sense as the struggle of the American colonists was; for if he could succeed in war, his success would be followed by anarchy. 4. The inhabitants of Luzon, as well as of the other islands, are yet incapable of self government, and our plain duty is to help them towards it. The only way to help them is at present to gov ern them, and gradually to lead them to an understanding of the fundamental principles of government, of which they are yet ignorant. 5. The beginnings of self government under our guidance in the towns where it has already been inaugurated promise well. fi The only honorable and possible thing to do is to hold the archipelago, and to develop both its jieople and its re sources, which are valuable. There can be no room for argument, it seems to us, about these fundamental propositions, which are all fortified by Mr. Worcester in this number of the Weekly. Mr. Worcester is the highest authority that we have on the condition of civilization, as well as on the natnral history, of the archipelago—a scientific student both of the people, whose lan guage he speaks and whom he has known for many years, and of the re sources of thf islands. He was once op posed to our permanent occupation, but he now regards it as our duty. The testimony of puch a man is worth a worldful of sentimental and academic literature and mere political talk.— Har pers Weekly. THE wonderful ability of the Japa nese is shown by the fact that almost everywhere in that country English and American instructors in the colleges and factories are being supplanted by natives. They wish it plainly under stood, says Commercial Intelligence, that Japan is for the Japanese. A student at the university planned a work of great interest. He conceived the idea of building a canal to connect two lakes of different altitudes. He tunneled mountains and overcame other difficulties, but the chief point of inter est lies in the fact that he built a rail road over which the canal boats were transported as they left the water to the next lake. Electricity was used, and enough was generated to light the city of Kioto and furnish power to sixty factories. Samuel Uusscll. MR. EDlTOß—'Through an oversight, omiTTPa rrom rne irsr or rmtftes Oi mrv» sons in Concord twp., who have passed the golden age of HO years Mr. Russell was born Sept. 7th, lMlti, and is now in his 84th year. In his earlier years he was famous for his robust constitution and for his power of physical endurance. Mr. Russell has always been free and fearless ip the ex pression of his convictions. His oldest son, O. H. P. Russell was a soldier in the war of the rebellion and gave his life in defense of his country. Another son, R. M., died several years ago. His other children are Ephraim, now a resi dent of the Western oilfield: Nelson who resides on the old homestead and with whom Mr. Russell makes his home; W. G., ex-Co Supt. of West Sunbnry; Mrs Emma Story and doctors John and Burt, residents of the North ern Pa. oil fields. I. 11. PISOR. Callery Culls. Carrnthers & Co. are busy as bees and have to work overtime to keep up with their work. They manufacture new work, repair old and buy and sell all kinds of second hand stuff. Mrs. Frazier, of Prospect, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Moore, has returned to her home after a visit of several weeks. W. P. Neeland Chas. Vanvoy returned from an extended hunting trip to Clarion county and report having had a splendid time and bringing home a good supply of game. W. L. Marburger, school director of our district, visited cur schools near the village and reports them in good shape. We have over one hundred scholars, and our teachers, L. C. Hall and Miss Braham, have plenty of work on hand. A. J. Webber was a Pittsburg yisitor Monday. Detmore Douthett, of near Marshall station, had a valuable-horse killed and milk wagon demolished by being struck with a light engine of the P. W. Tuesday morning at an early hour Mr. Douthett luckily escaped unhurt, but it was a narrow escai>e. E. A. Thompson is visiting friend-i in Clarion Co. O. C. Watters was a Pittsburg visitor one day last week. J. H. Robinson hss purchased the en tire interest of the Voegtly Oil Co. in wells on Clark and M'irburKei farms. John Stuuipf, who was seriously in jured at a well on the Metz farm about a week ago is getting along nicely. We think our local gas company should open the throttle on main lin* just a little bit wider. J. L. Godard has returned to I'itts bnrtf where he is employed. Wasson & Staples will soon lie ready for business in their new drug store. W. \V. Hill was around registering the names of those whose names do not appear on the registery list. Middlctown. j Win. Duffy is teaming for Matt. Campltell. _ The young people of the Concord <'. E. Society will entertain on next Fri day evening. John liarnhart has just finished put ting a slate roof on his house. J. R. Kuhn is a juror at Butler. The teacher and pupils of School No. 1 gave an entertainment on last Friday evening. Miss E. Clark has returned from a visit to friends in Butler. E. U. Cumberland is slowly recover ing from the injuries he received from the heels of a [siny. Mrs. James Redic and Miss Minnie Markwell are home from a visit to friends and relatives in Butler and Ren frew. It is never safe to call a man raised in Concord twp. to the door late at night unless you wish to have your face deco rated a la Sharkey and Jeffries. Mrs. Susan Pisor returned to her home last Saturday from her annual outing to Great Belt. Our veteran war horse Nelson Sutton is busy disseminating useful literature to the inhabitants of this neck-o' woods Hi LEX. CENTENNIAL IN JINE. Butler County's Centennial Celebra tion will be held sometime between the Ist and 20th of June, 1900 -the exact date to be fixed before New \ ears. So it was decided in the county convention which met in the Y. M. C. A. recep tion hall. Tuesday afternoon. The convention was culled to order by the chairman of the Central Commit tee, John H. Negley, at 1:30 p.m. The following delegates were report ed Adams twp., J. F. Shannon and John Balfoui. Buffalo, M. N. Greer and Chns. F. Smith. Batler. Joseph Criswell and Kennedy Marshall. Centre, W. Allison and \Y. A. Chris tie. Cherry, T. E. Taylor, J. S. Campbell and Uriah H. Book. Clearfield,F B. Mcßride and Thomas McGucken. Clinton, John Halstead and Win. Harvey. Concord, John T. Wick and Robert Adams. Clay, J. C. Keister and Ethan Mc- I Michael. | Cranberry. Nelson B. Duncan and i Addison Ramsey. Forward, J. C. Critchlow and Sol Dunbar. Franklin, Elliott Robb and W. B. Curry. „ Jackson, Jacob Sitler and m. Din dinger. Jefferson. Isaac Leffevre and Alex Hays. , T . Marion. J. H. Kerr and Jonu H. Grove. „ Mercer, W. E. Bovard and D. \». Locke. Middlesex, W. R. Thompson and >\. B. Bedillion. Muddycreek, Wm. Moore, J. H. Shanor. Parker, D. P. Kelly and Jos. \\ ally. Penn N., Michael Stanfield and I. C. McTamney. Penn S., W. S. Dixon and J. A. Mc- Cafferty. Venango. G S V anderlin and John Tebay. Washington. Philip Hilliard, T. P. Mifflin and John Clark. Winfield, August Freeling and F. W Witte. Worth, Fred Mcßride and J. H. Pi sor. Centreville, Geo. Maxwell and J. h. Bard. Connoqueneessing boro, Thos. Gra | ham and John M. Rose. Fairview, M. S Ray and G. H. Gra ham. Harmony, Henry Niece and G. D Swain Mars, W A. Sloan and H. B. Patter son. Millerstown, Francis Murphy and A. E. Barnhart. *" Petrolia, W. A. Fleming and A. L Campbell. a „ „ Prospect. J. A. McGewan and P. H. Sechler. Saxonburg, Jos. Konfolder and K. Helm bold. Valencia, Dr. F. A. Rhodes and Rev. A. E. Kilpatrick. W. Sunbury, W. C. Glenn and i'. P. Brown. Zelienople, Jacob Gelbach and Dr. S. E. Ralston. Several of the townships and boroughs returned no delegates. Butler borough was represented by the original central committee of ten. After roll call it was decided on motion of K. Marshall to celebrato in 1900, and on motion of Henrv Niece. Jolin H. Negley was made permanent chairman. James A. McKee and A. E. Reilei were made temporary secretaries, and later with Capt. H. A. Ay res were made permanent secretaries, on motion of K. Marshall A. L. Campbell of Petrolia and G. D. Swain of Harmony weie elected vice presidents, and Dr. John M. Leighnerof Butler, treasurer. TiVn the convention was ready to se ' • Vi„i *_ i.„ orat J *— After some discussion Kev. moved that May 22-15 be settled upon, J. A. McCafferty offered an amendment fixing June 10, 12 or 15, because then the days were long and pleasant and there would be a full moon to drive home by. Someone favored Wie Indian Summer days of October, when the roads are best. Joseph Vanderlin, Esq. and M. N. Greer favored July 4tb. Then sentiment seemed to s>ving in fa vor of Independence Day and A. L Campbell offered an amendment for its selection, but it was lost on vote, after much emphatic discussion. Dr. Leighner then moved that a com mittee of five be appointed by the chairman to fix a date sometime be tween the Ist ami 20th of June, taking such a one as will not conflict with the Beaver county celebration, June 11th, nor that of any neighboring county,nor presidential conventions, and report their decision by New Year's Day. A. L. Campbell offered an amendment to make to make this an executive com mittee to have charge of all arrange ments for the centennial and increasing its number to fifteen, to be appointed by the chairman from any citizens of the county. The amendment was adopted and the motion carried as amended. The convention then made Mr. Meg ley chairman of the executive commit tee. It was then moved and carried that the delegates returned continue to act as committees of arrangements /or their respective districts, anyplace not repre sented being urged to elect some repre sentative. A hearty vote of thanks, proposed l>y J. F. Shannon was then tendered the V. M. C. A. for the use of the hall and the convention adjourned. The general idea which seemed to pervade the convention was that one great, big day's celebration should make up the county's liirthday paity and the members aimed to select a time which would be most suitable t > those who would have to drive long distances to Butler. They settled on tb<; forepart of .lane because in this month the clays arc long est. the weather usually pleasant and not yet oppressively warm, the roads good, a time of slight respite in farm work, and for moonlight for night traveling full moon coming on .1 tine 12. Commit tees on finance, program, pa rade, printing, music, entertainment, sports, etc., will likely he appointed by the Executive Committee at an early meeting, and then every one will begin to prepare and look forward to Butler County 's Centennial. Sarver Station. Lyle, William and Annie Hazlett were at Kreeport celebrating the birth day of Dr. McCafferty's eldest sen, Charles. Charles is now four years old Roy Ellerman was surprised on Tues day evening by a party of young people gathering at his home in honor of his birthday. Roy is inakinggood progress at the academy. The Literary Society goes on and prospers, good order and good exercises. Thank offering service in the Buffalo church next Sunday at the 11 o'clock services for the Indian school in Arizona under the Woman's Board of Home Missions. Services in .St. Paul's, Thanksgiving j Day at 10:SJ0 o'clock. The several churches in the community are invited to this service. A collection will be i made for the Butler Hospital. Singing class Friday evening as usual The ladies are gathering clothing for the needy in this part of the county Local Institute in tJotler>on t\\|>. An Institute will be held in the Sum mit Presbyterian Church near the Jef ferson College School building in Jetfer son twp.. Dec. Dth. lS'.tl). Afternoon session from 1 o'clock to 4, evening session to begin at T ;:iO. The following is a partial program: Rev. Snyder, devotional exercises Carl Patterson, welcome address. Miss Weisenstein, response to wel come. C. A. Hartung, Who nr<- Responsible for the Education of th»- Child? John Pollock, The Aim of Education Freeman Hall, An Address. L. "M. Danbenapeck, What it Requires to Make Oood Schools. Miss Turner, A Class Drill in Phys i ologv. O H. Grabe, Penmanship. H. S. Painter, Relation of Parents to Pupil. John A (iibson. Address. •Tames Galbreath. The Relation of Education to Our Times. Capt. A. G. Williams, Address. Col. John M. Thompson. Duty of the United States Government toward the Philippine Islands and Their People. The above program is subject to change. Music will be furnished by students of the school, choir of Presbyterian church and Prof. Harper, County Treas nrer - v Important subjects will be discussed by well kno vro speakers. "We ask directors, citizens and teach ers to attend this institute. JAMES T. MCCANDLESS. THE Spanish claimed the Philippines for about four hundred years, and yet one of our vessels came to grief on a sunken and uncharted reef a few days ago. Had the English or any other Anglo Saxon nation owned those islands for four years, or at most fort}-, every sunken reef or rock about them .would have been discovered and charted. The English are the most persistent map makers of our day; most of the charts used by the navies and merchant marine of the world are of English origin. Clinton Township. The basket social at Lnrdintown was quite a success, there being *-"i4.05 taken in, with which they purchased the fin i est bell in the township. It was put in ( place last week. We are very thankful to the young folks of this vicinity for their good attendance and liberal patronage as Lardintown can boast of having the best socials iu this coinmnn it}-; also the best auctioneer. Mr. Dehas Ekas. Win. Walters. Samuel Snider. Philip Snider, John Halstead. James Harvey, Frank Harvey, Wm. Harvey and L. S. Lardin, of Clinton tpwnship, were iu town on the 21st. Samuel Snider is a busy man, but said that he was going to spend one day at the county seat VIEWER. THE state of Colombia, South Ameri ca, has a rebellion on hands brought about by the failure of the government to meet its obligations. A battle is re ported as having been fought last Sat urday in which a thousand rebels were killed. j One | 5 Tells the story. When your 5 J.-h }!•■-, nniJ you f.-1 bilinus, nm-ti-K rpated, and out of tune, with your P stomach and no appetite, just w 0 buy a package of t) ? H& mF® Piiis 1 ind take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills. '[ Yon will !■ snrpii ed at how < « Hj K # they will do tl)Mr w<n!:, eiire your* (I hndactt and > .i l i-i i 1 & 0 liver and make you * I liapp.v acain. 0 525 cent . Sold by all medicine dealers. R&okonctoin's Winter Millinery sow* We arc showing the largest selec tion and 11 nest assortment of TRIMMED | A . AND UNTRIMMED The handsomest line of ancl plain velvets, black shiried and corded Tafietta silks. Trimmed VELVIiT HATS from $2.00 up to SIO.OO. Your choice of school hats from 25c up OUR PRICES will sell the goods. Call and see for yourselves he fore buying. ROCK EN STEIN'S, 328 South Main St., Butler, Pa It's a Mighty Small lan Our liats won't suit in price, quality and style We don't try any harder than any one else to SL-II . oods, but il i very seldom that any one leaves >ur store saying: "Well, 1 arn much obliged. I'll let it go for a day or two and them come in and see what you have when I have more time. When we show them our Schcnlcy hat tell them it sells for $3.00 they do the rest and we mark down an other -:a'e. Come and sec what wc have. Jno. S. Wick. Successor to Ed. Colbert, 242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. WM. WALKER, -OF.NKItAf, OKAMCR IN REAL ESTATE, OIL PROPERTIES, ETC KeriKiieii liciiMMj. oi'p. I'osTorric DEATHS. MURRAY—At his borne in Butler. Nov. 19 18(H), James, son of Pi ter Marray, aged 3 years. STEIOHNER At his home in H> r man. Nov. 19, 1899, - SOB of Ed ward Steighner. aged •"> years. PAINTER—At his home west of Free port. Oct. "2S, ly.M), CLarlej. young est son of Jc-siah Painter, aged 24 years. BAUERLEIN On Sunday. Nov 1!». 1599. near Kittanning. John Bauer lein, formerly of Wintieltl twp., aged 7S years. « SNVDER At the «>il Citj Hospital. November IT. R. Floyd Snyder, oi Miller street, Butler, aged "29 years. BE ATT Y—At his home in Brady township. November I*. I*o9, T. S. Beattv, aged 03 years. SWARTZLANDER At her home its Butler. Nov. 10. 1599, Nancy M . wife of S. M. Swartzlauder, in her 46tli year. Mrs. Swartzlander's maiden name was McGarvey. She was a daughter of John McGarvey, dec'd, of Concord twp. She had not been in good health for years. Her husband and one daughter, now u young lady, survive her. JACKSON —At ii- r home near Buena Vista. Nov. fR. l s< .)9. Mrs. Mollis Jackson, wife of .lames Jackson, aged about 24 years. She leaves a husband and three small children, the youngest of which is 10 months old. Consumption was the cause of her death. Mr .Jackson has the heartfelt sympathy of all his friends and neighbors in his sad bereavement. Her remains were interred ii; the Pres byterian cemetery near Bruin. Monday. OBITUARY. Vice-President of the United States. Garret A. Hobart, died at his home in Paterson, X. J.. Tuesday morning of this week in his ">oth year. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ORPHANS COURT SALE! By virtue of an order and decree of the Orphan's Court of Butler county. Pa., niadc at No. (Wi. Sept. Term,'99,the undersigned ex ecutors of the estate of John Ktester, dee'd., late of Slippery roelc twp., Butler Co., Pa., will offer for sale at public vendue, on the premises, on Friday, December Ist, 1899, At S o'clock j). m. of said day, all that certain ir.-icl < >f land situate In t'lierry twp.. In county of Butler, bounded north liy the (fomursol road.east by lands of John Tliomp i son et al, south by lands of lieorge Deets and west by lands of the I'nlon Coal and Coke Co.; containing «s acres, more or less, having thereon erected a frame dwelling house of I rooms, and frame stable, good orchard, part ly underlaid with coal, and convenient to church and school. TEKMS OF SALE * the piircha-e nn'.ney »obe paid on confirmation of sale by the Court, and the balance in one year there after with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage,ln usual form.on the premises. JOHN \\. K I EST Ell. K iester. |»a.. .1. <;. UK NICK. Met andless. Pa.. Executors of .lolin Kl ester, dec'd. MCJI NKIN Jk d A I.Hit KATII. Att'ys. Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of a • ree of the Orphans' Court of Butler county. Pa., made on the Bth day of Nov., A. D. I s 1", the undersigned, trustee to mak-* sale of the real estate of O. li. P. (iraham, dec'd., will offer at public sale on the premises in Cranberry twp., Butler ;'o. t Pa., 011 Saturday, December 2nd, 1899, At 1 o'clock p m.. all the following describ ed real estate of said decedent consisting of kT> acres of laud, more or less, situate in i 'ran l>erry twp.. county and state aforesaid and bounded on the north by lands of Wilson (iraham. east by lands of Albert (iraham and A. I>alz« II heir-, south by land «»f Nlch olas I tambach ami A . I lalzelf heirs ar.d {bo. Reiser and west, by lands of John Decmer and John Reefer heirs. Frame house of five rooms, frame barn and outbuildings thereon erected; good orchard thereon and farm well watered. TERMS: One-third in hand on confirma tion of sale, balance in two, equal, annual installments with interest, deferred pay ments to be secured by Innid and mortgage. <>. p. gb \;i \m Admlnist rator, W. D. BItANDO.x. Att'y. Evans City, Pa. ORPHANS' COURT SALE! By virtue ot an order ami" STe« vOP fITTTTT I Orphans' Court of Butler county. Pa., at 71 December term, IStUi, the undersigned, ad mlnist raifir of the estate of Daniel >. 11 aw K. late of Slippery Rock township, county and State aforesaid, will offer for sale al public vendue, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, '99, AT ONE O CLOCK. At the Court House in Butler, the following real estate: Lots Nos. 11 ami 1U in Daubenspeck's plan of lots In the villnge of Parsonville. Wash ington township. But lercountv. Pa.. lH>unded north by Jacob Daubenspeck, east by Butler and Emlcnton road, south by lot No. 10 in same plan and west by Jacob Daubenspeck; being »H>\ l«0 each. ALSO AII that certain tract of land situ ate in Washington township. Butler countv. Pa., bounded north by Henry Daulienspeck, east by Ell Conn, south by Ephraim Krajers and Dauhcuspeck heirs ami west by Camp l»ell Daubenspeck; containing *»0 1 1 acres, more or less, cleared. ALSO All that certain tract of land situ ate in Parker towr. ,hip. Butler county, Pa., Inmndcd north by Amanda Hoover, east by John Daubenspeck and John Ward, sout h by S. W. Shryock and west by James Mechlin*.; and Jesse Evertcontaining 4."» acres, more or less, nart ly cleared. TEKMS Ot SALE One-third cash oil con firmation of sal" by the < ?ourt, and the bal ance ia t wo equal, annual payments with iu terest, to be secured by bond and mortgage in usual form on t he premises, or for cash. RA V.MOND S. < 'ORNELI I S, Admlnist rator (T. A., W. D. Bramnin. Att'y. Butler. Pa. Orphans' Court Sale! I ii pursuance of an order of <)rphans* < 'ourt I of Butler county, t he undersigned, executrlx of the la>t will aucl testament of William Oarvcy, dec'd., will expose at public outcry i on the premises in said township, on Saturday, December 9th, 1899, at 1 o'clock |>. m., the follow inir deer I bed real estate of said decedent, to-wlt: That certain tract of laud situated in Muddycreek t wp.. But ler Co. Pa., bounded north by Filmier and Crazier, east by Roth, south by White and west by Flintier an.l Scott, centairilng lan acres, more or less; brick dwelling wit it slate roof, log barn and outbuildings, and good orchard then«on. Farm well watered ami underlaid with an excellent vein of coal with mine opened and trade ed abllshed TERMS: One-third in hand on confirma tions of sale by the Court, balance lii two e«iual, annual Installments with Interest. J deferred payments to In* secured by bond and mortgage. M A ho A RET OARVEY. Ex'x.. Prospect, Pa. W. D. Hkanoo.v. Att'y. ]). tipps, RKI' P. I SHNTING WANAfIA Klik 6i BROWN Ol f PHILADELPHIA. SAMPLES OI clotliinj» for Gents, Ladies and Children samples of cloth for ladies' suits, mackin toshes, underwear, hosi ery, men's hats and shoes, etc., on exhibition at Fisher's, near the Centre Ave. bridge. Call anil See Them, And Cicl My Prices. DAVID CUPPS. Hot<?l Iyciub^, SAXONBUKG, PA. HENRY DOERR. Prop'r. Good Meals Served at All^Hours. Good Stabling in Connection The Keystone Orchestra, Is now rcmly fur i "t-" t" r '' ar tics, Picnics anil Dunces, atnl <iuarati tee tin- best <>l music al reasonable nites. A<l<lr>-ss, Prof. Gus Wickfinhagen, 22S Zieglcr A\e., Butler, Pa SHERIFF'S SALES. By \irtueof sundry « «>f V» n. Fx.. I'i I:i . L. v la . .v.. i- Mit i! < lof the < . urt ..f onimon IMi siHof Hutler ('«» . Pa , and t<> ni • lirt-.-t• •«». tin r«' will heexp«»!H'j to pnbllc <%:i!c it tlie t'oiirt in thf iMiroujfli of Builtr. Friday, Ihu'ciubcr Kl, ISiMI, rit 1 o'clock, p. m.. the following d. prtip*. t-ty. to--.vit: 1. K No. •.»! •«-ml»er Term, H*.» I'- W. 1 ..wry. Attorney. All l•.. . i_hl. tit If. it»t• r- mul • iaim *»f Sr. >t i ■ {»• • • ' 1 in :«ti«l l" at! that «'or lain I- < f laud, situated in Sunbury i (Toutrh. I-t !i« ro i.uty. I'a.. I * ninth ! :is f. . i -v. i; t'n tin north by lot <>r Melvin Short>. on t!«•• « a>i by Main strft-t. on the v an alloy. ami on tl.«- by . :t alley; boinp s!\ty fei-t. more or 1« «»u Main -.1 r« t-t ami vxtfndinjs bark w* st to all«*y on»* hundred sixty f* « k t. mt>re«>r l«*ss. and laving thereon erected a frame house two stories hiffh. stable ami outbuUdiiii:*. Seized and taken in « xeenti- nas im- property f ot' ; Campl ell at the -alt of Campbell and Co. e* , ill. for use of A. M. Campbell. K. !>. No. DeoMAbn Tui. M A. f. ; Scott, Attorney. All the right, title, interest ami claim «>f George \V. \\ inslow. of. in ami to all that eer tain piece or lot of ground, situated In Butler ; borough. Butler rounty. I'a.. bounded a> fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at the scuth sido <>f West * lay street at the corner >f lot of Mr-. K. (■. Bester, thence eastward by said at reel fifty feet to lot of William Light hold, thenee southward by said lot one hundred eighty feet to an alley, thence westward l«> said alley tifty feet to lot of Mrs. K. t». thence by said lot northward one hundred eighty feet to West t'lay street, the place of beginning (see Deed Book lrUi. page I 2»». and Mortgage Book ">-. page 361). having thereon erected a two-story frame house and out building. Seized and taken in e\- cuti< a as the property of George \V. \Y'inslow at the suit of The rennsylyania Savings Fund and Loan Association. F.. I». Nos. »£. w>. <*. Decern)H-r Tertr. l-'O. W". A. & F. .1- Fonjuerand W. D. Bran don. Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of J. C. Mcßride. of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Clearfield township. Butler county, I'a.. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of .lohn Shaffer, on the east by lauds of Mrs. Mary Titus, on the south by Butler and Kit tauuing road, and on the west l»y lands of Dennis Mcßride, containing twenty-live acres, more or less, mostly cleared and uudc i fence. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty 0f.1.e. Mcßride at the suit of John Berg \ «*<». and Butler Savings Batik. E. D. No. l'"i. December Term, lstr.t. 11. II Goncher. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Barto. being the undivided one-seventh part. of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Cranberry town ship. Butler county, I'a . bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post on the road leading from IMttsnurg to Zelieiiople. tln nce running north 8S) degrees, east one hundred thirty-four perches adjoining lands of David Garvin to a post; thence south 2 (leg., west one hundred eighty perches adjoining lands of Adam ltoll to a post; t hence 4<> deg., west one hundred thirty perches adjoining lands of John Covert to a post on the sain I itts burg road: t hence >»>ut h ."» » deg. east, eighteen and one-half perches adjoining t he Pittsburg road to a po-.t: thence south t» deg., east along the Pittsburg road twenty-three perches to a post, the place of beginning: containing slxwy-three acres, metre or less, all cleared but about two acres, and In a good state of cultivation, having thereon erected a two-story frame house, bank barn and orchard. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of John Barto at the suit of Newton Croft for use of Newton Garvin. E. D. Nos t».l and 73. Dec. Term, I*JW. J. R. llennlnger and W. A. »S; F. J. For qucr. Attorneys. All tln« right, title. Interest and claim of .1 ulia A. Vcnsei. of, in ami to all that cert a in piece or lot of ground, situate d In Millers town borough, Butler county. Pa., liounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lot owned by the heirs of Isaiah Vcnsei. on the east by < eutral avenue, on the south by lot of Z. Orrick. and on the west by an alley, fronting t went v-five feet on said Cent ral avenue and extending back one hundred ami five feel t«• the alley (see Deed Book No. 134. page ltV>). having thereon erected a frame house and outbuildings. ALSO All the right, title, interest and claim of Julia A. Vcnsei. being i life estate in the undivided one-liaif interest, of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situ ated in Millers town Itorough, Butler county. Pa.. liounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lot now or formerly of J. J. Dona hue, on the east by Central avenue, on the south by lot of Julia A. Vcnsei, and on the west by an alley, having a frontage on th< said < cut ral avenue of I hirtv-seveii feet and extending back one hundred live feet to said I alley (see Deed Book Ha, page I"), hating thereon erected a frame house, stable and out buildings. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Julia A. Vcnsei at the suit of Guar antee Loan and Investment Association of Pittsburg, Pa., et al. E. D. No. 64, December Term, 1599. K. Mc- Junkin. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of It. J. McMlllie. of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, Situated in Summit township, Butler county. Pi.. Imuiided as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of A. Kedick, on the east by lands of Math Keck, on tlie south by lands of Andy Vost, and on the west by lauds of A. Kedick, con- Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of K. J. McMlllln at the suit of John Kelly for use of J. Berg & Co. now for use of < arollne Keck. E. D. No. i*), December Term. IMW. Kalstou Ac Greer. Attorneys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of J. c Keister and Mary E. Kelster, of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of ground, situated in Euclid, Clay township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Kailroad street, on the east by lot No. 10 of the same plot, on the south by an alley, and on tin* west by an alley, lielug lot No. II in a plot surveyed by John Black June:;, jssj, being lifty fe« t front ami extend ing back one hundred fifty feet to said alley, having thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of J. C, Kelster and Mary E. Keister at the suit of John Nelson. E. D„ No. 101. December Term, l*!W. NV. A. &L r. .1 Porqtter,att ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Loa Vales and W. S Vati s. of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in I ilrview township. Butler county. Pa bounded as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a stone, thence by lands of W Campbell north I deg.. east one hundred thirty-five perches to a white oak; thence by lands now or late •if Michael Shakley. north sii deg.. west lt!l ! perches to a stone; thence by lands now or late of Robert Campliell, south I deg, west J 134 perches; theno by lands now or late of j Jacob Uenler. sout h s.a deg., east l;if nerchei to the place of iH'ginniug, containing one hundrcfi and four acres and thirty-four perches; having thereon erected a two story fran.c dwelling house, frame bank barn an'i outbuildings; also an on hard and two pro ducing oil w< lis; about ulm-ty acres of said farm cleared and cultivated. Seized and tak« u in execution as the prop arty of Loa Vales and W . s N ate-, at the suit or William J. O'Nrll, mm>.- '4 Mrs. H. II O'Ni-11. E. D. No. 10a, December Term, I*9o. Wil liams & Mitchell, att'ys. All tlie right. title, Intere -t and claim of Daniel 11. Patterson and Otis II Pati'i on, of. In ami to all that ceitain piece or parcel of land, situated in Clay township, itutlcr county. Pa., b«iunded as follows, to-wit: Be ing purpart No. 'J in i.he estate of William Patterson, dee'd. Beginning at the -.oiilh wcsi eorner of purnart No. I, at a post «»n line of lands of Kobcrt Mc|\ Isslck ; thence along purpart No. 1 nort '• It east two hundred twenty-seven perches, more or less, to a jx»st on the line of land » of Philip I lolsteln; thence south i deg . east along line of Philip li-.. stein ♦" "» perches, n ore or h t<i post on line <if lands of William Gold; thence south so deg., west along line of lands of lioliert McKisslck; thence north I deg.. west along line of lauds of KOIMTI M' Kisslck ■ pereh es to the place of begliinliig; 40 or "•n acres '•leared, balance tlml»er; containing one bun died acres and three per«*ln-^. Seized and taken in execution a . the prop i rty of Daniel 11. Patterson and <His II Pal terson at the suit of John Forclit. E. D. No. 107 and 10s, Dec. Term, ItW. I . Koliler, Attorney. AII Ihe right. title. Interest and claim of John Pllster of, In and to all thai certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Oakland township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: tin the North by lauds of Smith and Summony heirs, on the east by lands of Isaac lleplcr and Butler and Mil h-rstowii road, south by the Mlllerstown and Butler road, and on the west by lands of Hugh McKeeveret al; containing seyentj M'ven acres, more or l"s-.. having thereon erected a frame hou « . stable and outbuild lugs. Seized and taken In e\« cut lon as the prop erty «»f John Plistei at tin ailt of Mrs. ElUa liftii Pllster for use of Mary I'Hster now foi use of Mary Baumgarten. E. D. No. lb ' einlnT Term, iKHi. Mc.l unklii } \ Gal breath. Attorney All the right, tit lc. Interest and claim of I John llarrer of. in and to all that certain pie-e or lot of ground, situated In But It r !>oro.. But ler county, Pa.,lMiund«*d as follows, 11. wit Fronting oil CHIT street and In in nlng at the northwest on au alley on • HIT st red ; thence east along said alley one linn died ami twenty-eight feet, more or less, to t oiiiMHjtn'ssli.g cr<*ek; tln nce along said creek aliout forty fe< l to lot of George I'lsh erjthenee west along lot oftieorge Fisherom hundred twenty-eight feet, more or less, to Cliff street; thence north along Cliff street forty feet to said alley the place of liegln nlng. Deed liook 123, page 23!; having thereon erecti d a frame house, stable and outbuild ings. Seized and taken In execution ■■ • the prop erty of John llarrer at the suit of John Spalin. E. D No J»i. 00, 100, 101. Dec. Term, Forciuer Bros. Bow « r Bros-, and W D. Bradou. Attorneys. All Ihe right. title. Interest and claim of John Sutton of in and to all that certain nb ce or parcel of land, situated Iu « lay tv. p . But ler county. Pa l>oiiud« <1 as follows, t• • wit: On the nort hby lands of W. .1 Stone r, on the east by lands of t raiiiuer, on l lie south by lauds of John T. Mci 'audless, Mrs. Kno\ and f»« o. Iteighb \ and west » v I lands of Philip Sanderson and W. J. Mom i . I containing one hundred seventeen acres and J Ila perches, more or less; having thereon J erected a frame house, barn and outbuild- I lugs. ALSO- of. In ami to all that certain pice* or parcel of land, situated In l'lay township. Butler county. Pa.. liouudcd as follows, t<» *lt: licglfitiliig at a stone at the northwest corner: thence by lands of Christopher M '- Mlchael north d< g. west s«\ cuty-elght perches to a stone;theuce by lands of sauiuel Sutton souths deg. east sevtuty -Upe;c| 4 , to a stone: t helmet; by nortts s '.*dv.' • •«**' ' pciclics to a sU»i»e;'tl»i i»Ce by a public I road south - deg. past fHicle to a stone, t hnnce by Asapli Cra inner south »deu west 'n. ap« rein's to a •»!one; thence by lands of N> .» Ayre- and Henry De« i imithlSilcg. we»t P».| pcrche-s to tin* place of lM*giutilng; contalnfiig ninety en .. more or fess, having thereon «*®t:cl«ul a frame house. fram<* * i able; also an orchard, about one-half of said land chared. ALSO uf, lu and to ull that certain piece OR P:ITV<'LOF LAND. SIIU:U«.L IN < "I:IY I»P . RUT 1.-R IY>.. IWN.. UMINI.IT AA FOLLOW*. ON 11,. NORTH '»V MU.S.LY . K AI»<1 LAND- OF JA- I HOMR—I MIL LIRA KM * AI:<L SAMURI M.-CALL. BY LAND* OF KTIDOI|>H «•>«- T'I:I-.OTI IBE XMTHU* LANDSOF JOIINHROM AND J, S.-PLI ITR »TI W.-ST T>V UMT-.IF WILLIAM LILT -■■II AMI K.ITAERT THAUTNAONV LO IR*. .S.T,T«LU . 1,,1R1.1R. .1 F.TTV-T«.. . R. - M->R. • I. II NIL J •!. • R.' !. L I FRAM.- IT TARN UD(ML MMTAW, AL»" AN ORVHARD AND TAKEN IN ES.SNTL.M O LLIC , R IV OF JOLIN MITION AT THE SUIT OF K K. HLRK F„R U^ - I F JOHN B* R* .V T . I AT. K LI V.. I'. 1"< R:1 V. H HR.TN DOTI. ATTORNEY. ALL THE RI.-LN LNH'TV»L AND OF J. J. I'AUU <>S|*- . -R. IN AOJL :.U^ THAI ITUILER T'O. I'A.. I».NN<J»-.I .* FOLLOW, TO WN <>l. 111. NORTH BY I AMI- NOW OR FORMERLY ..F ,L..|.N HOORER,ON TBE EMAT L.Y A PABHE MAD. SOUTH L-Y LATIDS NOW OR FORNIERLJ OF M.LLTAM FORM* RIY'OF .1 >IIN HIVR 'U: •'"IITALIILOS SIXTY :ll'R>"> MORE OR !. - HAVING TV R.-TM I-N-."TE«L L»:IRN AND M»T HUIUIITR.-* T RTY HAUK-N 1-. K :»T TTU-CUII >F L» IL;U <U I LI. >. « • RI». ;lU< A«H;.R I • .\ RRTRN " S.F.4A. L. LIOW* R. ATI RUOV. ALL TL»« RLJRLIT. TITLE, INTT*IVST RUNT ■ LALIU «IF JOHN KENM*(LY <»F. L:I AND I«> :ILL THAT RT RTAIN OR PAR«"« I <»F LAND, SITUATED IN ALLAN* TOWNSHIP. BUTLER COUNTY. I*:I . LW>UND««J U* MLIOWS. TO-WIT: H**JRINNLN>{ :»T A WHITE OAK AT T H«* SOUTHEAST RORNRI-: THUUR BY LAN«U OF T. WA!LA«*«- AND LAVVH* :UL W* ST TW«> TAUII- I <!R« (1 TLI!RTY-«'IIRHT P- I H« >TO ;I THENE* I I V LANDS « R (ILLLELAND HEIRS AMI *»:UNUEL MAR >FIALL NORTH 3 RFEFF. * A>T ONE HUADN'D FORTY THREE P» RELIES TO A POST; LINNET' \-y LAR.«I> »'F AM* I *. MRMARLIN AND PART OF >AN»' « A%T T* ■ HUNDRED THIRTY PERCH*'* TO A P»»M: T HRMV BY LANDS OF T. W. KENNEDY SOUTH OUT* LIUNDR» «| FIFTY PERELIE* TO THE PLACE OF L*EFINNINJC: «*ON TAININC ONE LIUNDREO NINETY-ONE «»TRI«*I MEASURE. SEE DEED T>OOK PA»I«* 571: HAVING THERFIM A PRODUEINJ; OIL WELL, FRAME H««W« . I»:MK BARN AND OATBALLDINJCS.ALSO AIT ORRHARTI. >»»LIE«L AND TAKEN IN E\E UTION AS THE PN»I»- I RTY OF JOHN KRNNEDY AT THE SUIT OF JOHN L». 11111. T. I>. NO. 111. HI. IH-»\ TERM. PAINTER \ MURRIN. ATTORNEYS. ALL THE RITRHT. TITLE. IRTT« R*"»T AND '-LAINI «»F JOSEPH COL LING WOOD OF. IN AND TO AIL THAT cer- TAIN PIECE «>R PARCEL OF LAND, .SITUATED IN T LAY TOWNSHIP. BUTLER COUNTY. I*A.. LIOUNDED A-. IOLLOW>. TO-WIT: P.I GINNING AT T II«* NORTHEAST CORNER IT A POST. TH**RNM- F»Y LANDS OF STEPHEN -•IN SOUTH .»»LT"4 WE»T <1.2 P**R»*HES TO A !»«»•*: . TIN NO- L»Y LAUDS "F JAM»"» LLERRON'S MRI N«>UTH *"> DESR. WEST •"». PERFLIIS T«» A JM»ST ;TH« L»Y LAUDS >1 II!•• R NORTH DEIR" EAST S.'.TA I ERE LIES TO A P»»ST; THENCE *»Y LANDS ' T JACOH \V«ILFORD NORTH <»."> DEJF. EA*»T IK*RCHES TOT-HE PLAEE OF TIEK;NNINFR: CONTAIN MJR TW« NTY-S« VEN ACR« >. STRICT MOSTLY CLEARED AND UNDER FENCE. SEIZED AND T;»K« U IN E\TEUTI«»N :IN THE PR«»M ERTV OF JOSEPH AT THE SUIT OF IV M. AT WELL. K. 1). NO. DECEMBER TERM. LV».. >. I*. THOMPSON. ATTORNEY. ALL TLIE RI;RHT. TITLE. INTEREST AND EIALM OF NANEY J. L>UFRAN WHO JOHN \ DI'.JRAN OF. IN AND TO ALL THAT «*• RTAIN PIE«*E OR LOT OF GROUND, SITUATE «1 IN RENTREVILIE BUTLER COUNTY. PA.. IIOUNDED A- T«>- WIW: ON THE'NORTH L»Y LOT NO. SIN THE SANI« A PLAN OF LOTS, ON THE #'.'»ST HY A TWENTY FOOT ALLEY, ON THE SOUTH HY A PRIVATE LANE OR ALLEY AMI ON THE WEST HY A M\TY F»H»T STREET. I»«-!«»I: LOT NO. 1 IN THE PLAN OF LOTS AS LAID OUT HY «' F. L. MCQUISTION. - « LIOOK ICS. PAJTE WTTI IIAVII;_ R THEREON ERECTED A HOARD HOUSE AND • >UTHUILDIN£S. SEIZED AND TAK« N IN ESECUTION AS THE PROP ERTY OF NANEY PUIRAN WHO SUR%IVE«I JOHN A. IHIGAN AT THE SUIT OF MRS. S. J. ILIIIRVRART. K L». NO. Zl I»« E. TERM. L*FJ. W 1». BRAN DON, ATTORNEY. ALL THE TIJFHT. TITLE. INT« A REST AND CLAIM <>( WILLIAM ME. BELL OF.LN AND TO ALL THAT CERTAIN PH-CE OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATED IN MERC» R TWP.. BUTLER CO., PA.. IMUNDED AS FOLLOWS TO WIT: BEGINNING AT A POST NORTH I DETF. WESI HY LAN<U OF BRAHAM VT |HTCLIE«» TO :I POST; THENCE NORTH Hl* DEP. EAST HY LANDS •>! JAMES BARNES 71 JIERCHCS TO A TH«-NE« NORTH 1 DEG. WEST I»Y LANDS OF SAME 71 PERT*HE« TO A POST; T LIETIEE SOUTH S^DEG. EAST HY LAND OF JAMES SHIELDS 30.11 PERCHES TO A CTU TN .* THETI-M- SOUTH 1 D«-G. EAST HY LANDS OF .I;INN SHIELDS 113 |X*RCL)*'S TO A POST ITLNMCE SOUTH TLEIR. WEST HY LAUDS OF J«>HU L. ILOSFT: !!*!! I JMT ELIES TO THE PLACE OF U*IRI MIL LIFT: EONTAINTNU LITTY-TWO A«*RES AND EIJCHTV-SIJC |H»RCLM'S. L»:*V MI: T HEREON A FRAME HOUSE.HAM AND OUTHUIHL INTFS. ALSO AN OREHARD. SEIZED AND TAK<*N IN «-\«-EUTION AS THE PROP ERTY IIF WILLIAM MC. BELL AT THE OUT OF .1 !; B1 :I>*IV \ CO. FOR USE OF MARIA B. BRAIULON A I E. I». NO. II ;. I N-E. TERM. IW. VANDERLIN .V WILSON. ATTORNEY. ALL THE RIGHI, TITLE, INTEREST AND CLAIM OF SUSAN M. SEHMLCK AND PETER SEHMLCK OF. IN AMI TO ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OL LAND SITUATED LU FORWARIL TWP . BUTLER CO I'A.. )HIU.IDE<I A*» FOL LOWS, TO-WIT: THI TH» NORTH HY LANDS OF S M L*LERSOL,<»N THE EAST LANDS O; JOHN WEHJIER. ON THE SOUTH HY LANDS OF I>l \ I«I * ROWE AND ON 11»- WEST HF UMMHI • I JACOB RITUCKEY; CONTAIN ICE FLFTI NEVNA. WMM OR LESS, HAVING THEN-ON *'REET4MF A TWO «»T«»RV FRAUIE DWELLING HOUSE, HANK HAM AND OUT BOLLDINGS* ORDNARD, NNDERLALD WTTLI ENAI. OIL AND GAS SEIZED AND TAKEN IN EXEEUTION AS THE I ROP ERTV OF SUSAN SCHRNLCK AND PETER SCHINH K AL THE SALT OF LNCLNDA WE*IER *«I R•. T OF HAMTW \\«DDER. DEC*D FRIDAY, DECEMBER BTH, A. D. '99 K. I>. NO. IH'REMLWR TERM. L V .»!». \\. II LUSK. ATTORNEY. ALL T HE RIGHT.TLT LE. INTEREST AND ELAIM OF MART K. POOR MAN AND J. W. P«H»RMAN «»F. IN AND T« ALL T LINT CERTAIN PIEEE OR LOT OF GROUND SLTUAT LH»UN<FE<L :\-* KVITOWS. FII-WLT : ON THE NORTH Ll\ LOT N<». IIS, ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY FEET, ON TIN CANT BY CENTRE ALLEY I* ;T FEET, ON THE >ITII BY LOT N«». I'JO, OIN HUNDRED EIGHTY FEET AM ON TIN* WEST HY WASHINGTON STR«-ET »I FEET HAVING THEREON ERECTED A TWO STORY FRAM* HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS, FR.IRUE NTTBKI AND OUT- H 11 I IDINGS. SEI/ED AND TAKEN IN EXECUTION AS THE PROP ERTY OF MARV I POORMAN AND J W PIMIRMAN AI THE SUIT I.F LI .1. | FIT <!..IN«' A« (I«S»RGE I ITT Sl SOIL. FEBMB OL B\L. I TIM '< •11 < >\» IIT 11. U I»E SIRICTLY COMPLIED WITH WHEN PROPERTY IS ST RLCKEN D« »W N. 1. WHEN TH<» PLAINT!IT OR OTHER LIEN • RE«LITOR LIE.'MINES THE PURCHASER, J LIE COMS OIL TIE WRIT NITIS! !.•• PAID, AND A LIST OF LIE- LIENS, HE-HID ING MORTGAGE SEARCHES OIL THE PR«»P« RTY SOLD TOGETHER WITH SUCH LIEN CREDITOR'S RECEIPT' FOR T LIE AMOUNT «»F T HE PROCEEDS OF THE SALE OT SUCH |>ORTLON TLN-REOF AS HE MAY CLAIM, MUST BE FURNISHED I LIE "-HERLFT. 2. AIL HIDS MUST L>E N; ID ILL FULL. ; ALL S.II• ■ S NOT ST TTIRD |MME<ILATELY \%IIL IH CONTINUED UNTIL OTN* O'CLOCK. IV M.. «»R NEXI DAY AT WHICH TIME ALL PROM'RTY NOT SETTLE* FOR WILL AGAIN IM* PUT UP AND MILD AT THE EX PEIISE AND RISK OF *II PERSON TO WHOM TIRS SOLD. *SEE PURDON'S L>IGEST,9TH EDITION. | AGE 4UI AND SMITH'S I'ORMS, PAGE LIST. WILLIAM IT IMUIPS, SHERILT. SHI'RILTS OFFLIE. BUT H*R. PA. NOV. 0, LSUII. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY >;'VEN THAT TLIE FINAL [ ACCOUNT OF FIANK I'. CRITCHL.XV AT .MS. L» NO. 14, JUNE TERM, IS'JS. NS TIUSTECOF F. JENNIE TBONI|>SOII, A LUNATIC, NOW DEC'<L . WILL LIE PRESENTED TO COURT FOR CONFIRMA TION, ON SATURDAY, IX-CENIL/ER 9TH, 1899 R. J. TIIOMCSON. PROTHV! 1831 THE v " 1900 timm 6ini!*u 'NIL \ I'M I I NIL L IJI I'. AGIICULTURAL JOURNAL <>F THI-WORLJ LIVERY IK-PARTMENT WRITTEN L»Y SIN*ELAL IST I, THE HIGHEST AUTHORITIES, IN THEIR RE SPECTIVE LINES N'<l OTHER (TAPER | RETEN<LS TO CMU|M-TV WITH IT IN QUALIFICATIONS OF EDITORIAL S: IFF C,IVES TIN AKTICIILTURAL NIVWS WITH A DEGREE R>F FULLNESS AND COMPLETENESS NOT EVEN ATTEMPTED L»Y OTHERS. BEST REVIEWS OF THE CROPS UEST MARKET REPORTS BENT ACCOUNTS OF MEETINGS BEST EVERYTHING INIMSPKNSABLB TO ALL COUNTRY RKSIDKNTS WHO WISH TO KKKI' ur WITH thk TIMES. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION, TWO SUB.SCRI[ITI'HIS, $3.50. FOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS, $6. SI EC I AT. ISD 'CEMENTS TO RAISES I OF LARGE CI.UBS. WRITE FOR I ARTICULAR! ON THLSROLNT. ('LULL AGENTS WANTED LIVERY WHERE. L OUR MONTHS' TRIAL TRIP 50 CENTS SPHCIMEN COL'LUS WILL BE MAILED FREE 011 REQUEST. IT WILL PAY ANVIXXLY INTERESTED 111 ANY WAY IN COUNTRY LIFE TO SEND FOR THEM. ADDRESS THE PUBLISHERS. LUTHFIF TUCKER .V SON, ALBANY. N. Y Pi;r'.s's! PpiarPrices! I I ' >.. • I I. •. J ! I. F 1 , I» 1. I R» : R . OUR |»RL« •« 'iftf I- » T. » :*» Hl.' WLD* H ORM LITT." • T*F TN KET ; |R: , • ON' I «4. J ... U ~ 3.1 A . R . .1 / * ♦- . * ... I. : P-. A !-■ I |»IR ,• FUR I . .. I« •:» <|UR : I .1 «L« •I.VMC »M«. .H- V CK TH. V P ; . UR | RU . • ;: :>IIVF'MR >KI I 1 B K: wy M'ISIO CO. *4 >I»TH A' Him * m, PTE* 'I.-.1'.., IMO'M«R. U -.. 1 „T, (AN 3 I'H'L«UTL C HI» •, ••BTHTAL ROOM - STL. AV«., T.BURG P» >• PRACTICA' I '• I) CROWN ' PF I'L..' '" «hy .»ot d V . «>>YOURS7 • '•> ';BO\W • . 1 . V-* • »>" »G E ' ' " • W PCH TOOTH A ' ' V * I x>ooooo< 5 SLEIGHS, I 5 ROBES AND Ji[ $ BLANKETS- « > BiSfjSlh We just 11 ivtd car loads of Portland and Swell Ivhlv Sleighs and will sell them very low as we need the room and bought them last spiing before the tise in material* Wc have the finest anil largest as sortment wc have ever had. Come in anil see them. W'v have sold moic Robes ami Blankets this season : an ever l»efore, because oui prices aie lower anil st> ck larger than can be found in this part of tlie statr. Come in and see. S. B. Martincourt & Co., 128 E. Jefferson St.. Butler. Pa S. B. Martincourt. J. M. Leighner P. S. Kramer \Vajj->n*. Trunk* an>! Valises SO YEARS* ™/i 1■ j I 114 L I 1 Dttism ' 'Ff ™ ' COPY right® AC. Anmn#» «»Ti<t!n* a nketrh and (Wer>pttp«» aay ijuirkiT —cirtilii «m» npinum frtt »Wh#r an iPT—lllon |»r«.h*hly j*tent*blf <-rrmon*r% tt«ißo strict It «< >»itl<lent lal. «■ Patcata Mtt fre*. <»l«le*t az+nrj f«»r w nnni pmAemt*. Patewta taken t broach Mann A Co. rwftt# tjxcuil twtlff, without rharae. to tba Scientific flmcrkan. A hani!«om«»ly llhMftratad Uriwt rtr. dilation of an* Mfnufl.' Journal. Term#. 93 a year four month*. St. 9oU by alt new*!**!***. MUNN & Co. 36,8rc *"' New York Branch OMce. >3l »" S»_ Waafclntrton. D. C. TH6 50Tb€R CITIZGN. II.M per year if paid In otbrralai will IN liirtM Ai»vi;urisi>tu Katim One In. li. one tlm# fl; fai'li Mihi>«i|U»'nt insertion ."*» ifnt* • :u-h Auditors' and alvoree not !•-•<« *» ea«*h; utotV and adniitiNt rators' nuftees fa eaeh e*.tray and dissolution n«»tl«*t «» $! • Hmt iny liollct'M !•» «*ent* a iln« for and 5 -vnt s for rfti'h Insertion. Notkri ariMWiff lorn I n« as item* l"» rent* a line for e ich insertion. t»Miuari« v card* of thanltt. r«-solutlons •»f rt»*p»« t. »!• ti • > -f f">tl*»;i and fairs. «*i«*.. In-« rl»'»l at the rate of "»••ents a line, money to a«*<'ort:i>any I IK? order. **-wn words of pr<»-e nakr a line. Itates for atandlnjf eards ami Job work «hi appilcat ion. All idrerthinK lido** nftrr first In***rtlon, wv^'Ur.n".- —' ■ ~ —^ All eommiiut<-ati« ns iut* t:de«l f. r ;>u . » lion In this paper must \n* arrotnpxutterl l»y the real name of tile writer, not f«»r |o»hUr»- tlon Imi -1 iru irantt < «>f turni f:• #t h.and should reueh Ms n<>i later than Tuesday rvfkliig I Vat h not lees must '*• .1. tmnled '-y j est>onslhle name. Till- DIET Z | DRIVING LAMP J lOf L -!- *:U.~ 13 ft 1 I j y Clear. ■» •_ j .n, rhlow I r i yl" .i . ! y r ar*;« I f m h i>• i ■ . t • •v- .• fctn , I V J P » . I this | . I | y '• fc >: fa 1. .t Vt,< I; ' iCJI you. I 1 P "Tki muted trts. ( , J CO., If P 60 I r . i 2t.,NfwYork. 1 j I h :#!<». | 1 - .<• LOOK AT THE I.ABEI. I'iistcil <>n your |wip«r. <«»r <m th«> \vr»|i|M-r In whi<-h it rummj for a l»ri» f l>rtt ctiw-t mi yonr «nl>!»<Tij»ti«>n ammnt Thr •litti* to which von ha v.- p«t<! in elMrljr eiven If it ii« a [>a«t <Ut«> a remittHn.'i- i*. in orit«-r :in<l in r* <<prftfnlljr "•>«-<I K»'iiit*ni )**r the !«iil«iTi|iin>n |irii». fi <»> » ymr l»>ni t »ml innnrj in an ontinarj' l*-tt**r it will Ih< at *>»nr own risk U»» in>>ney or W. C. X K«» LEY. iintW. I'rnu. I If lh< <lat« 1- n«>t i-hnn.- 1 within llir»>f w»-,-k!< writf aiul a-k whv bhtt a ssecUUitd Braad-wtwimf education rOM COCUUM ifMM P. DUFF * SONS. 244 Fifth Annua, PITTSBURO. PA. Practial Horse Shoers W .L ROBINSON. Kwatrly Horse Sh««l»i at l!« Wick Ii irr ha* .>j>rn« <1 I twl- Btst in a shop in t!tr mi »( tlx .\fliii|(tol Hotel, where lit- will «!«» H»rar Shnr'nu is the m ■■•t approve 1 TRACK AND ROAD HOSRES A SPECIALTY. M. C. WAGNKK, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, IJ9*Soaith Main *trr,-t •l»tf Shan; A 'Hi, Cletbiag <lart M A BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 337 S. Mam St.. Butler. UU \s 1 M' - 1 . , 1, \l. HKII.HI \M -1 At.»-*» In this and »»y r« « -* «Ury M ' » • - ■ ■ . • -• • » #d« .no i-Hire n/r |« try l'-»sltmn p» r i nient Uur refer* nee*. aiiyt»*nk In any •an It W n.aiiiiy olfi . *.»rk om4artHl at i.- • » ~a f Mldn «MN| ■I iru|M4l itt FC • • ope* THI la>wi?ki«i.a < ovrto t* j.t . rhk uo PROFESSIONAL CAHOS. hMUt C ATWF.LL. (■Set 114 W DiuMail St.. |De >*hwi'» cM oftot | H> m* ;itft m awl t to ; and f to • j>. a Ur H. krown, • lIOMokoPaTMU: hifIKUS |<S Jj6 S Main St. op*. t. O. N-ght calls at office m Birr < > lHvactii ii9S< icim *»> Wr* i. i ninjhjui St I ELVCK. ■ I'NVUvt «• *!!• ScauMi New Tr ut iua SuiUhnj;. ilatU-r |*«. I IK. CHAS R. n HI XT. ■ Phvvcuj hb rn if.«»» ! y «f. noae an.l thr •a a *per:ait#. J* Suth Main Si. r m. nnuui ' • I'mrsici*!! «.vu >ctcaui Uffice No. 45, S. Main *t "ret, ,*wrr CKf Pharmacy. hR. N. M. HOOVF.R '37 K U'ay* St.. o«Sce » w . m t» ll a. m. I ami to j p n nW. WICK. • Ptirrm lUa located in the aew Sinn Sutlaitae * 'th all the latest .lericea lac Efentai •rock. I J. IDONALDSON. i>*jrrisT. Artificial Teeth inserted on the 'alal improve! plan. Gold Filling* a «p«*■ ialtv. Ofict otct Miler'a Shoe Stai*. ||R. W. P. McILROY. I' Dkwtw*. Formerly known aa Ibe IVurlam Painiov* Extractor ol Teeth." Located permanent: t at tit Kant Jeffcraoo St.. ">pp»«ite Hotel I,.»WTV, Butler. Will do ilential operationa of ail ktada by th* latent '!tncn and BD-UnUlt mrtbuda V MCALPIN. • • Dnmn. Now |<ermanectiy in Bickei building, with a reliable muUbi. ami facilities f>r beat and prompt work. Pefple'a Phone foe Dn V. or J. Mc- Alpio—House No. u\ oftc* No. HR. M D. KOTTRARA. I Sncrrm to Dc. Job—lo». "(s<t at No 114 E. Jcffrrwm ft.. m«r O. W. Miller'* jroo-ry, P H. NBGLKT. Hi. ATToomky *T Law. Office in the "CtTt/BSa" ■aii«tin x IOHN W COCLTBR. »" ATTOt*** «T-U«. Wise hml linn. N. Dumml St. Bullet Special attention Riven t » collect hmm ami hua»ne*a matter*. Reference: Butler Savin** Rank, or llutler County National Rank. A T Run l» VrJtma. DLACK A Mcjt'NKlN. II Atbicnev * at-law. \rm««ev lltiihlinK. BoOer. Pa. Hit. ow:hkr. . ArrwtsrrJiT U«. Office in Mi rhell hgihliag. | >on,TKR & RAKKR. " AmwMM *T '.aw. Rinn R-. Armory hoildin.. t T. SCOTT. n> ATToas*\ AT Law. i -ffx-r at No. 8. Weit (Mamon-t «. But ler. Pa. 1 R HKF.DIN r» . ATTo*!*** aT Law. office on Main St. near Court How. I M. rAir« i RR, ». ArromtT >T U«. «>fllce between r. and 1 lam ail | 1 P. L. *cyt'ISTION. " • CIVIL Kncijckk* *stD Sr«r«w«, < tffice near Cowrt ll»na> Jury List for December Term. J iat of name* drawn from the proper jury wheel tbt* Irtth >lnr of • b-tohaw. A. It !*W». to serve aa *rand juror* at the nttnlar term of i*onrt foiumeerten <m the tth "lay of Ibn-ember l»St» the »ime being the first Moo-lav ot «id Biooth lioozel Homer «'lav twp. farmer. Illvmiller Rnbanl lintier bom tth Wd. iMireher i .«»k*no Edwin. ('ranberry twp fw wr. iiupbell Samnel. petrulia hnve «<nih»l Ootraa Stephen. I'learSeid twp. faiunr. I>. -it h. - r .1 ime« M J*. k-* n :w;> "'armer EiMMiNirrr William Bntler lwr» :tcd w<l painter. Kivderii'k H-nrv II.I>«r(al tp> farmer • reen llmrh «'learflehl twp farmer •ilhret J 11. A.lanm twp. barlar. I ttuiaon W 15 Vananir* farmer Korn Henry Bntler hum tat war»l mmrtaMe Kelly Pat Bntler b.r . *t w»l *t»ae ntaw >n. M rbomn* Mir*i»r* "«riner \l ' lenUnd Klwarl I'ranharry twp. farmer MH ra. ken L*e W.»rth twp farwrr > - 'iil»-link«-r William !i W .rtn twp. fart uer - I'T. n W ,'» lintier i»>eo tth w»t pr>»incer timbre* William' < herrv tp farmer -iheitda Willt--un Worth twp. farmer. Tinker Z W I twp farmer FVniiniC Webher William Peon twp. farmer \\ • k W H. Butler r«.r> .th w»l *Nif»r I.!*t of name* drawn from the pripar |iirv wheel thia l<Uh .ley at Ortohar A I > ! to »i naa petti t jnror* at Jtk> terra of tmrt nuniMi'itt »n the 11 th day of Daretnher ie» the varne tb>- ar»' -n>l V 'iii.iv f «kl m->n:h Alliwm William I'entre t »p. farmer ilea. Bntler twp lahncwr. ■etft A Ii "Mipperyrorh »wpi taaehar IHI Alliane Parker twp farmer Brown Eilwarl Hi rwiilW hnc» farmer IH'irhser Jarnk Sqiuait Iwp faemer 'riwfofl Samtel Bntler hoe» tnl wil riif bnihlrr inilier'and Fn->* «'.«n. onl twp famarr. I'oehraa Jame* p Meiver twp f trmer I kirwtnnn fl J ,\.|am* twp. lobocer i >'iif- tn W W M *r* l»e mec-bsanf I > iri >ir William J Jr. Porw*r»l !wp farmer Ktwlen Ja. 01. Harmoov hucn. e»» Kka» lief la**. • linton twp farmer. Kkw WoUl* flifcl » twp. fanner. K.i*tlev Jame* D Buffalo twp. finaer K *ber Ki. lunl Penn twp. farmer Fitber W A BntW W> Ith want. merrh—t. Fo* William 1, W;oriel. 1 twp farmer, 'irabjun llenrr Snabory hoo- hhaw. liraham J W Bntler km lat ward. • i one in aa >n •ilenn Jame* Worth rwp farmer ■ir hm in William A Bntler b»r>. 4th wd.jfmnlener. Hemld rrm\. summit twp farmer, K' Hy Ales I Vnterville boevk. Inbtiw K' lly Tberwlore Venampt twp farmer. Irf-wi* K •• W tehtogtat Iwp farmer, l/'inn l> B JelCvrwi-i twp nraaer M-r»betioer i laren<-e ' biY twp. iarmer. \|-e<ier Albert Zeltenopie »->•»> iter ehaet. Morrtwin Henrv Mer-er twp. farmer. M- ' andlem F. K. Allans* twp. farmer Mt-Hlvatn J H Bntler hnc» irl wd. Ithatr. Parka A Muklleaem twp farmer Patterw>o Jame* twp, farmer. Kalaton Frank Slipperyf»wfc twp. fanarr. Kankin IIS. Kairview twp. farmer. ~>h*k«ly J A. < oenonoaeaewee twp. farmer >hira A M Parker twp farmer , Spronl Andrew < eater* I lie bum aaer chut Suiatbera A J. Cvaaa City boeo aaer <-hant. Shuntj Aaron Z llarmoey horr». tahntar. Sell John Winfteld twp farmer Tinker t'alvin I'herry twp fanner. Ynejrtiry J.din M Jark*o» twp farmer \ nnhorn A W. Worth twp farmer Wili*>n Porta*, t autre twp farmer Wick William Clav twp farmer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers