J WEEKLY FURNITURE NEWS, jg g Most important news we have, because it's about j>g Slsuch goods as interests the greatest number of ||| our customers. jg Ten pieces of 65c IS* lAII Wool CARPET 1 36f for 50c per yard. Not a few remnants, but some }§J pieces of ICQ yards each. Best All* Wool Standard gj *pf extra Super Ingrain Carpet, in dark colors, and the pEg 9Sf goods are all perfect. This is the best Carpet value gwe have ever offered our customers. A reliable g 65c CARPET AT 50c. g Six pieces of $1.25 |U BODY BRUSSELS CARPET W SJ at 75c per yard. This lot is composed of short |g| lengths, only 10 to 28 yds each, but to the customer lE* that can use them they are equally as good values as g 2S i the Ingrains we offer you. If you have a hall or small room to carpet bring exact size of same and get a jj $1.25 CARPET FOR 75c. if,ampbell g Templetonl imiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Buy Wait. SAVE MONEY ON DRY GOODS. All intelligent readers of the newspapers know that the tendency is toward higher prices on all kinds of goods. We daily receive notices of advances from manufacturers and importers with whom we »re in touch. Some retailers have already advanced prices. We Sell at Old Prices While Present Stocks Last. t Latest Favorites in Dress Goods. Dressy things for dressy people. New Crepons, Cheviot! s, Homespuns, Coverts, Venetians, Plaids, double faced cloth for skirts, and all the plain and fancy weaves that are stylish and desirable are here at less than present values. Our Cloak Department shows values that you'll appreciate. Our Jackets, Capes and Furs are correct in every detail and worthy in every way. Golf Capes $5.00 up. Ladies' Jackets $5.00 up. Children's Jackets $2.00 up. Fur Collarettes $3.00 up. Prepare for the Cold. F^r —^ Buy Blankets, Hosiery and Underwear now. Our intelligent planning and large buying enable us to make you a large saving on these goods. Full size Cotton Blankets 50c a pair. Extra large Cotton Blankets 75c and SI.OO a pair. >'/ Pure Wool Blankets $2.50, $3, $4 and $5 a pair. yU/B ill'i, Men's 50c Fleeced Underwear —special at 39c. aW^i Ladies' Fleeced Underwear 25c and 50c. Y(K \ Children's Underwear 10c up. \ i\\\\ WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS UPON MERIT. L. STEIN Sc SON, 108 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA- Mrs. i. E. ZIMMERMAN NEW FALL and WINTER GOODS. Our preparations for the Fall and Winter Season have been on a scale. Stocks are full and elegant. Buying has been lib erally and skillfully performed. Only the choicest lines have gained admittance. Come see the stock. NEW COMBINATIONS, NEW EFFECTS. Jackets, Capes, Collarettes. Ladies' Fine Kersey Jackets in all the newest shades—Castor, Brown, Royal Blue and Black—at $5, instead of $7. Ladies' Fine Jackets in newest colorings at s7.so,instead of $lO. Ladies' Fine Jackets in newest colorings at slo,instead of $12.50. Ladies' Fine Plush Capes, 30 in. long, $5, instead of $8.50. Ladies' Fine Golf Capes from $3.98 up to $22.50. Ladies' Fine Collarettes from $1.49 up to $35. Ladies' Suits, Separate Skirts and Silk Waists. Ladies' Jacket Suits in Covert Cloth, $5, instead of $7.50. Ladies' Jacket Suits in Wool Serge, $6, instead of SB. Ladies' Jacket Suits in Fine Venetian Cloth,s 10, instead of $12.50. Ladies' Jacket Suits in Fine Oxford Homespun, $12.50, instead of $16.50. Ladies' new fall style Separate Skirts $1 up to $12.50 Ladies' Black and Colored new fall style Satin Tucked Waists, $2.98, value $4. Ladies' Black and Colored new fall style Taffeta Tucked Waists, $3.50, value $5. Ladies' Black and Colored new fall style Tafteta Tucked Waists, $5, value $7. Dress Goods and Silks. All wool Tricots, black and colors, 25c, instead of 35c. All wool Homespuns, 50c, instead of 75c. All wool 56-inch Homespuns, 85c, instead of sl. All wool finer grade Homespuns and Camel Hair Effects, sl, instead of $1.25. Fine Black Crepons, the full dress fabric, 75c up to $3.50. 27-inch Black Satin Duchess, 98c, instead of $1.25. Fine Black Taffeta Silk, 50c, instead of 75c. Fine Black Tafieta Silk, 75c, instead sl. Millinery Information. Ladies' Fine Trimmed Hats, $1.98, $2.50, $3.50 up to S2O. Ladies' Golf and Outing Hats, 50c, 75c, up to $6. Your choice of 100 School Hats, 25c, real value 50c and 75c. SPECIAL VALUES in Ladies', Childrens's, Men's and Boys' Winter Underwear, Blankets, Haps, Flannels and Flanneletts, Ladies' Flannel Skirts, Yarns and Hosiery, Neckwear, Dress Trimmings, Gloves and Mittens, Fascinators, Ready-to-wear Wrappers, Fleeced Wrapper Goods and Cheviot Shirtings. Ask to sec our 39c Corset— real value 50c. Lace Curtains 39c pair up to sio. Portiers. Carpet Chain. Come early and have first choice. You will find prices most tempting at this store. Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. mrnmmmmmrn ' . i ,■ ; —* Patterson Bros., Headquarters for Mirror Framing. We just received a large shipment of mouldings. We show the LARGEST line of PICTURE MOULDINGS in Butler, all the newest and up-to-date designs and coloring; also large line of UNFRAMEI) PICTURES. Just what you want. Prices the Lowest. Workmanship Guaranteed. Patterson Bros., WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE. 236 North Main Street, Butler, Pa Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 88 \m) i REMOVES THE > ' CHAM OF SICK- > v AESS AND I j . w MISERY. J | IT STBfNGTHESS THE STOMACH A V PURIFIES THE s ' BLOOD, : \ NOLRiSHES THE L | NERVES AND GIVES UIFE TO THE VJ HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL C Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. I I Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils <£ Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. E Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. SCorns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insect 3. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $«.oo. Bold by druggist", or sent post paid on of prlo» miPIIULYS* MKD. CO., II! h 1 I 3 WIUU* St., S«w York. Dr'uggist CATAuRfi for a generous IO CE N T BAI J TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm & -w containß no cocaine, ¥%J / t ni'-rcury nor ony other jjTjfc, VJ t i hijurioue drug. Kf IPV-1 It 18 quick y Absorbed. Lv- :j Gives Iteiief stonce. ' '•* L ''"SjT'jJ !ffl coin HL^D AHays Inflammation. V\ ~ Heal® and Prole* ta l!:e Meialmme. Itostores the Senses of Xante and hmell. V--U Size 50c.; Trial fixe 10c.; atDrn. -taor » yin iil. BROTHERS. M Warren Street, New 1 ork. \ CURBS \ 1 THE i S COUGH. C A pleasant, never-failing V / remedy for throat and lung f I diseases. C s Sellers' Imperial j } Cough Syrup < ) la absolutely free from spirituous S 3 or other harmful ingredients, r i A prompt, positive cure for / v coughs, colds, hoarseness, inliu- l < enza, ■whooping cough. ? i Over a million bottles eolrt In tna S \ last few years ottcatlta popularity. C < w. J.GILMORE CO. I f PITTSBURG, PA. } S At all Druggists. C \ 25c and 50c. _n n ru I ■i&XLE (Crease -1 ■ helps the team. Saves wear and I expense. Sold everywhere. *0 STANDARD OIL CO. JjK MARKLETON SANATORIUM Has all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Health Resort. Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, Pure Waters, Scenery Unsurpassed in America. Only three hours' ride east from Pittsburg, in the Allegheny moun tains. Own all tin* year, under the medical iron" trofof l>r. K. O. Oossman, graduate of Uni versity <>f Vermont, assisted by skillful phy sicians. Appointment*of the most approved kinds, anil first-class In every respect. Treatment by medicines and baths of all kinds, massage and electricity. Hot, and cold, salt Turkish, Roman, sit*/.. electro thermal. « I«• t r«>-cin inl< :ii ami needle bithn. Itulldlng heated wit It hoi water, lighted by electricity, supplied with pun- mountain water, Murrounded by <|uiet, restful moun tain stH'iiery. Located on Pittsburg division of it. AO. K. IC . which connects It with the principal cities and their railroad systems; also with the Pennsylvania railroad at llyndman, Johnstown, Uonnelsvllle, Itrad doi'k. Terms reasonable. Hneclal rates for ministers, missionaries, teachers, physicians and their families For further information and circulars THK MARKLETON SANATORIUM CO., Markleton, Somerset Co., Pa. Have You Any Part of SIOO to invest, if yon can make from such investment from 25 to 50 per cent Monthly? If so, you can invest from £lO to #IOO in Stocks, Grain, &<•., through a broker of 20 years experience who will give his services to you free if he fails to pay you dividend of 25 per cent monthly on any amount yon invest through him. Write at once for Circular Letter ifivintr full information to J. WEAVER, Investment and Commission Broker. 421 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa I M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 337 S. Main St., Butler N EWTON BLACK, ATTOKNKV AT LAW Office on South Diamond Street. 'I'ME CITIZEN. Preserved Soap Bobble*. If one wishes to make soap bubbles which will last several days, prepare the following mixture in a room where the temperature is not lower than C>s degrees: Dissolve at a gentle heat one j part of eastile soap, previously cut into thin shavings, in 40 jiarts of water, dis tilled, if possible, and, when the solu tion is cold, filter it. Having done this carefully, mix in a bottle by violent and persistent shak ing. a little at a time, two parts of glycerin with three parts of the above mentioned solution of soap and allow it then to stand where it will not be in the way of dust. The liquid, which is at tirst clear, soon becomes turbid. Aft er a few days a white precipitate will have risen to the top of the liquid, leav ing the remainder clear. Draw off the clear portion with siphon (a bent tube) *nd keep it for use. To use a siphon ft is necessary lirst to till it and then to plunge the shorter arm into the liquid to be drawn off. This mixture is called glycerin liquid. The lilni it forms is of such strength that a bubble four inches In diameter may be kept in the open air of a room for three hours if supported by a ring of iron or bone an inch and a half in diameter or allowed to rest on some soft woolen fabric. If placed under a glass shade, it may last as long as three days, if filled with tobacco smoke, it looks very much as if it wore solid.—Uoston Transcript. Two HiK rVeekH. "Once, when 1 was In New York some y< ar.s said A. \V. W helpley, "I found myself one afternoon stand- In? before a counter in one of that city's largest rlry goods houses select lug some collars. "A good many men sallied up while 1 was there and ordered collars of various sizes, from 13 to 18. "I heard a full, rather hoarse voice, ask for 'turn down, 20.' "I turned to note the man with the thick neck and beheld Grover Cleve land beside me. I knew him by his resemblance to the fellow on the cigar boxes. "I had been given my change and a small packet of wares by the auburn haired goddess of the counter, and with one more glance at the generous pro portions of the man of destiny I was moving away when, strangely enough, the autocrat of the house of congress, Tom Reed, came steaming up to the counter. "There they stood, neither evidently knowing the proximity of the other. "And bless me if he didn't ask for collars, 'second medium, welt band, turned front, 21!' "I wondered if he thought the store provided a surveyor for such mon strous measures, but the goddess was equal to the occasion and handed out the desired size."—Cincinnati Enquirer. Why CannibnlN Enl Men. Some grewsome Information has boon collected by a member of the European medical fraternity In rela tion to tribes that eat men. A French man figures that 20 per cent of all cannibals cat the dead In order to glorify them; 19 per cent eat great warriors in order that they may In herit their courage and eat dead chil dren in order to renew their youth; 10 per cent partake of their near relatives from religious motives, either In con nection with Initiatory rites or to glori fy deities, and 5 per cent feast in order to avenge themselves upon their ene mies. Those who devour human flesh because of famine are reckoned as 18 per cent. In short, deducting all these there re mains only a portion of 24 per cent who partake of human flesh because they prefer It to other means of ali mentation. In the heart of Africa man eating is continued to this day, and to such an extent that In certain villages ribs and quarters of man meat can be bought. It Is easier for the native there to kill men when they desire flesh than to go to the exertion of hunting game.—St. Louis Post-Dispatch. A Man of Serve. The most curious feature In the case of a miner imprisoned for nearly 70 hours In the Gaylord coal mine at Plymouth, Pa., was his peacefully fall lug asleep In his tomb as soon as he realized that he was likely to lie res cued. It would be dlllleult to Imagine a more serene nervous system. There were plenty of chances, too, that the miners, might not get the poor fellow out alive. When finally he did emerge, he behaved himself as a hero ought to behave —quietly, with less thought of himself than of his distracted mother, who at the moment was at home pray ing for him.—Collier's Weekly. Ilia Complaint. "There's only one thing that I ob ject to," said the patient man with a last year's hat. "Pianos must be played on. That's what they were made for." "You disapprove of some of the se lections?" "No, I don't. All 1 resent Is having my daughter call that piece with which she wakens the house every night a 'slumber song.' "—Washington Utar. Occasionally. "Ever have your hair singed?" asked the barber of the man who has a thin thatching upon the top of his head. "Occasionally. Once the furnace blew out on me, once 1 mistook gaso line for kerosene, and once the gas range exploded while 1 was Investigat ing a leak."—Detroit Free I'ress. More than half a million sewing ma chines are made every year In the TTnlted States, being nine-tenths of all those made oil the globe. About 200,- 000 persons are employed lu this In dustry. The basin of the St. Lawrence river covers MO.On'f square miles, of which 480,000 are In ("anada. HOOD'S PILLS euro LWer Ills, Bll loUsncss, Indigestion, Hoadache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. RRIIUMATISM Ct'RKD IN A f)AY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is retrarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately ilis njij.eara. The first done greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, ur.d J. P. I'.ildli Drujjsrivts Butler \pr t>6. | ****&**** * * * ft'***-* ft******-*: PHILIP TACK, I CONTRACTOR IN j Cleveland Berea Grit j STONE $ Suitable for Building, $ % Ornamental and if Paving purposes. 1 Tbis Stone Will Not "Shell Off:' | Prices reasonable. S Work done well I * and promptly, * % Stone yards on X Kast Rtna street. # Residence ou ? Morton avenue. I * People's Telephone 320. * What is Celery King ? It 1» an herb drink, and is a positive cure for constipation, headache, nervous disor ders, rheumatism, kidney diseases, and the various troubles arising from a disordered j stomach and torpid liver. It is a mosl agreeable medicine, and is recommended by physicians generally. Remember, it cure a constipation. Celery King is sold in 2Sc. and nOc. pack ages by druggists and dealers. 1 It's a Mighty Small Man Our liats won't suit in price, quality and style We don't try any harder than any one else to sell goods, but it is very seldom that any one leaves our store saying: "Well, I am much obliged. I'll let it go for a day or two and them come in and see what you have when I have more time. When we show them our Schenley hat and tell them it sells for $3.00 they do the rest and we mark down an other sa'e. Come and see what we have. K. Jno- S. Wick. Successor to Ed. Colbert, 242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa Rockenstein's Winter Millinery. &XSHVX<X> We are showing the largest . c elecJ tion and finest assortment of TRIMMED II . AND HrUS UNTRIMMED 1 IWIW The handsomest line ol fancy and plain velvets, black shirred and corded Tafletta silks. Trimmed VELVET HATS from $2.00 up to SIO.OO. Your choice of school hats from 25c up. OUR PRICES will sell the goods. Call and see for yourselves be fore buying. ROCKENSTEIN'S, 328 South Main St., Butler, Pa D. Cupps, REPRESENTING WANAHAKER & BROWN OF PHILADELPHIA. SAMPLES Of clothing for Gents, Ladies and Children — samples of cloth for ladies' suits, mackin toshes, underwear, hosi ery, men's hats and shoes, etc., on exhibition at Fisher's, near the Centre Ave. bridge. Call and See Them, And Get My Prices. DAVID CUPPS. U'LL-NEE-DIT « ThitnkHttlvlnK or for medicinal purposes not hi iik lietter than our Pure Kye Whiskey ours Is guaranteed absolutely pure. Til KUK ARK OTIIKIiS lull we guarantee ours to 1«- a.s alwive repre sented Your rholee of any of the below brands of Whiskey, guaranteed over « )»»« old |irr Tull »|iiurl, II qinirtn. FINCII JIT. YKKNON, bl CKbMIUJO K. OIM.INOKK, CHIMIN, OVKIUIOI.T. I.AIIbK, TllltMPSOfl. HlilllbKroßT, Ii IU >DKATIIKIt'3 I llOlCfc, a whiskey guarunled 'I years old. $2.00 per gal. All r. (i.l>. or mall orders of 55.00 or over we box and ship promptly; express eliarges lire paid. We have no agent* to represent us. Send order, direct and s.ive money. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street- Telephone, 2J79. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite II At <>. lH;p<»t. LIVERY. 11. C. Pryor, of W. Sunliury, hereby gives notice to the public that owing to the death of liis father-in-law, John Mechling, he will not leave liis business as had been intended, but will continue to carry on the livery business at the old stand. G<x«l rigs furnished «t moderate price. H. C PRYOR. ooANTF.II SF.VEKAL UttlOHT AM> " lioru st ptTMOns t<» rcproHPUt us jis Mmi jiir«»rs In thl.*» and rlosu l»y rountlfs. Hulary |ww> a y«*ur and Stralgl'tf liona flde, no moro, no U-.sh salary. r«»sltlon por iiianciit. Our rvfrrrno's, anv bank 1«» any town. It Is mainly ofliro woru Jil . home. Hufproiii-p. Km-losi' Mt'lf-audrenMeu stamp«'<l « ii v«*lop»\ Thk I»omink>n Company, I>«*pt. X, Cblcago. M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, l39jSoutli Main street. Over Shaal & Mist's Clothlnf Slore Subscribe for The Citizen. MILLERS SHOE STORE One of the Busy Stores in Butler. New Shoes. Old Prices. MAKING TRADE LIVELY. There has been a decided advance on all kinds of footwear in , the eastern market. Anticipating an advance, we bought very heavy . early; hence we are in shape to ofter our patrons goad, seasonable footwear at old prices, and in some cases even less. Some of Our Leaders. Men's Fine Buff Shoes, all styles 98c Men's Buckel Bluchers 98c Men's Tap Sole Bals 98c Men's Seamless Congress 98c Ladies' Kid Button and Lace Shoes 98c Ladies' Kid Bals, old ladies 98c Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes, Dongola 98c Boys' Good School Shoes 98c Misses' Good School Shoes 98c Once A Customer, Always A Customer, Our Goods and rrices Do the Work, Some Attractions for Dressy People. For the ladies we ofler the Delsarte and Cyrano, the best shoes in the market for $3.00 and $3 50 In men's shoes we are pushing the Walkover line at $3 50, and they are fast becoming popular. We show this fall the largest line of fine shoes in Butler. A Word About Rubbers Our Rubber department in the basement is full of felt and rubber goods at old prices, and when you aie ready to buy those things come right to us and we will take good care of you, selling you goods at a large saving to you. Butler's Progressive Shoe House. C. 6. /Wilier BUTLER. Q RT A I N I N O Only when the medicines are made up of pn«< ii'VJ drugs ami have been accurately prepared can one expect the best result. The necessary in -1 gredients are not sufficient for a prescription or D nCI II TC recipte but purity, cleanliness and exactiness JV C.O U L I O- also. If you have your medicines prepared by us the very best result may be expected. HOT WATER BOTTLES are winter necessities. Our stock has arrived and will be no (rouble to select from, we will be pleased to show them. "SNOWATILLA CREAM" for chapped hands. There is nothing better. Price 15 and 25 cents a bottle. REDICK & GROHMAN. No. 109 N. Main St., - DRUGGIST. - - Hutler, Pa. J. W. MEYKRS DEALER IN Pianos and Organs. McFANN P. 0., Butler Co., Pa If yon want a pian or organ drop me line and I will call upon jou. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Th«*y overcome WrakDMM. larit v And oml-*»<«.•,lm-r.-u-r vltfor and bmilhli ' nun* of iiii-iistiun l/on." Ttat*y arc ** I-lfe Mrtvrrs*' to Klrl* womanhood, al<iiiiK «!• vclupmcnt of orirnrtM and b«»<ly No known mertjr for .|ual» Nol.l li) 'llruHUU ''¥fryilr' MOTT CHEMICAL CO Pnirl kUr 1 ! E««.UU DIMWII ui ENNYROYAL PILLS . Orlctaal wd Only ttmsUa. ▲ a*rt. aJways r-lIaUU. lAoitt uk M\ f i \ bruc«u* fcr Ckicktimr a kngluh />.« Mb\\ ' Urnnd la Ked aad <.»U r\ wltfc tola* ribbon Take XW 1 H tfK »lio olker. F'fii** ruhrtUu- ▼ I / Afrum* —ui Umit Atl»r»«iii», (rMalla j la vtacnpa f«w r »rtl«alar«, t'vtlcaMilaU aa4 \ f5» U/ ** R«Urf far I.adlra.'* «« by Mini -V Lr IS all. f.iibO T«.U«aaalals omm. '*"/ Al all Druggist* 4'klrhosCr ( hfalral <'s, U4OO Uudlaoa Htjuar«, I'IIII. Al> APA. ::WANTED-"A" Reliable MAN i | J f of good atlilresH to sollHt hnsluesa from prop- J | , , ertj-owncn. Any well kwwn person will iiK ( , , ( to work, can m*ko licit ill# wetkly. Com- , , , , mlsaion or talnry, paid weekly. Address for , , i l |>»rtictil»rs, monti<>nliigtlil«p»per. , , ] , niAltl.KH U.CUASK.Ituc-limter.N.Y. , , THE |M)| 151.K A A ADMIRAL OLD RYE WHISKEY. One ">f thi' lluest Kyi' Whiskies 111 this State, lit, the fiII UIWIDK li>w prices: Kull iiuarts. «>ne Untie, 85c: fuur iMitlles, $3.00; .six hollies. $4 SO; twelve bottles. $8.75; Kill 1011, $3.00; tlirei Kitllons. Not Uss 111 ii II I Kill 101 l or I Imittii'S shipped. No eliarne for paekhiK. Expreas pjld in the followlni; Slules: I'etui sy Ivan 111. Ohio, West Virginia. Marylaml, liullaiia. New York. Semi your address ami money order to A. ANDRIESSEN Sole Owner, 916 Federal St., TEL. 549. ALLEOHENY, PA. Price list of other (foods. Wines. eU\, mail ed. Ueferenees: I'irst and Second Nation ill Hanks and Ilollar Savings Fund and Trust t'ouipaiiy. Alleuheny. I'a. (No marks onslilppiiiK s.) New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room. Fresh Drugs. Everything new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Tr\J Our Soda R. A. MacCartney K- • / i Writ* lor S Wtf j■ - lit jTnUIE. U1 i;<* nria | BoskltL iriiTtistK*. r*. I fj West Winfidd Hotel, ® W.G. LUSK. Propr. Vj? First Clans Table and Lodgings. (ias and Spring Water all through house. tK/ Good Stabling. a postal card to I I rK I IT* or call up No. 41 U■l W ■ of the People s ************ I'hone and W. B. McGEARY'S new wagon, ruutiing to and.from Mis Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your lionse ' take away your dirty carpets and return them in a day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning—Carpets, ruRD and curtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. \ < D. L. CLEELAND, S 5 Jeweler and Optician, \ \ 125 S. Main St, > \ Butler, Pa. Now is The Time to Have Vour GLEANED or DYED If you want good and reliable cloning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 16'2 Contor fivonuo, BJSJuWe do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ol your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jaii.uHtown Sliding Blind Co.—New York. R. FISHER & SON, PlpSfßll gp ■M? yj A e V[ lw /ar twice AS a V\NY othep. COMMENCEMENT AND WEDDING PRESENTS.—^ Kverything that is new and attractive in Watches, Rings, Diamonds, Clocks. Silverware, Cut (Ha«s, etc.; also Cameras, Bicycles and (irapbtpltonti R. L. KIRKPATRICK. JKWKLKR. Next to Court House. P' i ncl 1 ey'« MAMMOTH ART STUDIO Is Headquarters for Artistic Photos, Crayons Water Colors and Pastels also a full line of frame antl mouldings of the latest designs always on hand. Branches I '7AT Open for business at Kvana Citv Friday of each week, Mars on Saturday. A. L. FINDLKY. X)0P<)O0OOOOOOO90OOOOOP<^O6« I Fall and Fail and A Autumn *■—- 1 "• " • * Autumn 11 The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. * Special Sale of FEL and VELVET HATS.'' < I Just received a larjje line of the newest styles of Fdt and, > Velvet Hats. . Before purchasing examine our stock. k Mourning goods for immediate use always in stock. ' 122 S. Main St I). T. Pape. BUTLER. PA.y 0 Come and see the finest selection of DOLUS ever brougtr 1 ► Oto Butler. f f »OOOO0OOOOOPOOOOO00OOOO»j| /CASH NOVGbTy STORE. LI Clif \QOEENSWARG Sc CROCKERV STORE. IMr W hAfl? and GbASSWARE STOR6. ■* l -" /GOODS IN Afcb bINES. 'management. Having purchased the Allison Bee Hive Novelty ai ! Que* s ware Store. I have devoted considerable care and time in completing t he most varied stock of goods in Butler Below will give an idea of s ome of tl»e goods carried in stock. Axle grease, / Butter spades, • Laddxbs V Scale s, lU>kkts } can.He wicks. Istep, J school hags, clothes, C can openers, lion*. X Scnr delivery, / cariis playing, /wood sad fruit. p carpet tacks, ILamp— £ shawl strap*, laundry, C chalk lines, Jchimoicvs, /shoe lace*, lunch, \ chalk. Jbeiroers. / sieves, market, crayons, fwicks; \ skirt bonk, office, 7 cheese cutters. MI— HUM, / states, traveling; V clocks. * lead pencils, V slate pencils, bird seetls, £ clothes hampers, flimon squeezers. J slaw c«Mm% blacking. f clothes horses, {looking glasses. \ >•> \rs - blacking esses, V clothes lines. J marbles. J Uuo.rx, blank hooks, f clothes pins. f matches, X toilet, blueing. f coat racks. Itneasures. f spoons, liosom boards. \ coffee mills. J measuring faucets, V starches, bread boards, C combs. j money drawers. J stove polish, brooms, / cotnmodes, Xmop handles, \ T*atXS BBI'SHKS \ cork screws, • mouse trap*, 1 sewing, cloth, Q corn poppers. Imucitage, /kitchen; dusting, f curry comb*. Xotl cans and tanks, V table cutlery, floor, I dominoes, fPAPn- /tack hammer hair, p dusters turkey, i writing. v tinware all ki horse, C egg beaters. Strapping; f towei rotten, oaint, \ envelopes, *pass ?*wk*. £ tracks scrub, Q faucets Ist qualitv.ipastrv boards. V :nbs. shaving, f tish forks, I pen holders, f twines, shoe, / fish hooks A lines,*yena. V twine hoxes. stove, p fibre ware, Jpins, J ouiia bxrarna, tooth, \ fly traps, § pipes, \ aay ma, whitewash, / fruit augers. {potato mashers. \ wash tnawda, window; X funnels, *pockct hook?. f waahtog asacb »a, Buckets- I gum band*, Zpocket knives / water cooteta, pine, V granite ware, {purses. V whips, cedar, / gun caps, »raiors. Q wt iska, horse, \ hammocks. xrmzor straps, / wood J poo as. paper; \Harmonicas, {-oiling pins, Xwillow wan, butler ladles, r ink, {rules, f wire butter moulds, J iewaharps. jrope, J worn* hnsrla, butter prints, X keelers, {satchels. X wo®. di Jwa, wringers. I also handle watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware. Ac., pia-»>» organs and small musical goods, strings and fittings for ail ins fo ments. Come and look over our 5 and 10 cent counters. When >ou want a bargain be sure and come to. J. R. Crleb's, Cash Novelty Store. No. 136 South Main Street. Butler. Pa. DO YOU KNOW THAT WE WILL SHIP YOU All Charges Paid A Gallon of Pare Penoa. Rye Whiskey for $.3 We don't blame you if yuo are tlcrabtfal about it. bat the tiest way to couvmce yourself is to send u a trial order Send the amount either in currency by irgtstered letter, P. O- order or express, and we will box ship and prepay exprcssagcon a gallon of Cabinet 4 year old Bye for f V <**. You will be surprised at the quality of this whiskey. It ia guaranted absolutely pore, and is just what yoa need a the house at this season of the year. What do you think of a West Virginia Black itraody at fi.im per gallon' We have some of the very hes», made from selected and carefully distilled—pat apia gallons, half gallons and onarts - Don't forget that we pre pay expressage on all orders of $5 on ami over, e*t wheie a transfer is necessary from one Express Co.. to another, when we pay expressage to point of transfer You can make you own selection from the following Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money $2 00 ■ gml Cabinet Rye. can't be beat $3.00 a gal Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey $4.00 a ga Gin, Rum, Eummel, Brandy $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per gal MAX KLEIN. Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. PA Send for catalogue and price list, mailed (rce. NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old !! - It's a 'ong life, bat devotion to the ine iifci—t* awl fcl'* prosperity of the American People has won for it new ( friends as the yeavs rolled by ami the ififiul iianhos J- of its f.imily pavwd t«» their rewaol. ami these a«h»iw«i t are " - '»va! ami *te»d! .*t t<»Uv. with faith in its teachtcgs *n«i (\ contidem-e in the information which it lirinxs to hete "omes and firesides As a natural ronse»juence it enjoys ia its <»l«t age ait th» n vitality iiml *ig<w of its youth, arengtbene") ami r»peaa«l 1 \ ' ~v tke e*}*> • r half a centnrv, \ It has li*e«l on its merits, ami ua tie cordial wtpfx-rt at \ progressive Amvrn ans It is "The Ne* -V'ork Weekly Tnhnne," acknowledged the ctmutry over as lIM leading National I'.mily Newspaper. Recognizing its value to those who desire all the news of the >t»te arm N«(*>s, the publisher of "The CITIZKN" ( your own favorite h«»me paper has entered >■>«• an alliance with 'The New York Weekly Tn»Mine" which enables him to fa. l«>tk pajiers at the trifling cost of fi 50 per year. I*.very farmer and every villager owes to himself, to hM fami.y. ami t« *hw community in which he lives a cordial support of his l««al newspaper, aa it w«rfc» constantly an I untirinKlv for his interests in everv way. brinx* to his Insr all tte rrwi and hnp)>enings of his llie .foings of his f-iemU the rosHrtisa aud prospects for different cro|>s, the prices in home markets, ami ia faet. ia a weekly visitor which should lie found in every wide awake progressive faattly Just think of it! Both »f these papers ftw only fljo a rear Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN B it'n Fi .r-•. -sr rsm WANTS Want ■ K<»lak> Want a Camera' Want a Huviio? Want * Book' Want -» Bicycle? Want a Piece of China? Want a Fine Picture' Want the latest in Stationery' Want anything in Fancy or Art Mo*' The on!y||>Uce IN al IH.U k UVI liook Store. There are lfergain* every week. There are low prices all the tiro* Visit erery <lay at DOUGLASS HOOK tyro WE. Near P O People# Phone ifc. Butler, P» UNDERTAKING. Notice ia hereby <«*e ■ that the • .ler takmg hlMflrW (WTIfH nm by Mr* X MM Hunt, at Wet Sunhur*. J*a., amir tbm iuj*rvi«inn nt her lather. John Meet- tig. lately tlecM . will fie continue.! hy r«. All work will he low ta ftrrt 'awa style, at reasonable prices Mr*. M.nnl# Hunt. < TTCAIIPBI^ * * TIN ROOFER. ¥ . . and Specialties t«i Tin. X ' ' » 1 Mala «t •tidev. r*. W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers