-THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1599. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P. M. —Mr. McMillan will move his wall paper store to the building owned by his mother-in-law, and room now occu pied by Berkimer; Berkimer will move into Dr. Byers' office, and Dr. Byers has rented the -second floor of the Cratty building. —Fanners near Harmony have been greatly bothered with sheep dogs lately and are shooting them 011 sight. A meeting was held at the Boyer school house, Monday evening, to prepare for a legal war on hunters, and the owners of dogs running at larve. —Nir.e hundred tons of bone phos phate and 1,000 tons of bones went tip In smoke at Walker, Stratman & Co. 's fertilizer plant on Herr's island last Thursday night, creating a sickening odor throughout both cities and entail ing a loss of between $2A,000 and $30,000. —A big audience listened with great pleasure to Prof. Nouses lecture, "Dr. Jeykell and Mr. Hyde" Tuesday even ing. Mr. Nourse was to speak at Tren ton N. J. Wednesday evening but miss ed the n. 25 West Penn train and a SIOO fee thereby. —Over in Punxsutawney they have erected a handsome church of a blue •tone called the '"Big rbgiri." It is a very pretty stone, and a thick vein of it crops out near that town The rock fonnd in West Virginia at a depth of about 3000 feet is said to be the same strata, and it is full of oil there. - A big rat was under the iron street crowurig, two men called the dogs and lifted the crossing; the rat disappeared and a tew moments after was seen crossing the pavement and running un der a building. It had simply kept close to the curb and ran around the corner. It kept its wits and saved its life. —The Transvaal in South Africa is a section of conntry alxmt three hundred miles square, and the Orange Free State, which has joined in the wnr Against English domination,about three hundred by a hundred and fifty Tin eastern borders of both are very moun tainous, but the Boers crossed the mountains and attacked the Knglish in Natal, which is English territory. —At the late election in the 8d ward of Butler there were 1171 votes cast, which was the largest of any precinct In the Co.,the sth ward comes next with 814. Middlesex leads the townships with 250, while Forward is a close sec ond with 246 Of the boroughs outside of Butler, Evans Oily l««d* with 284, and Zelienoule is second with 175. Cherry North cast the smallest vote of the townships. 64; while of the boroughs Valencia cast but 20. —Three masked men went to a rail road station in Titusville, last Friday night, overpowered the watchman, and blew open and robbed the safe. The police hoard the explosion and chased the robbers into a disorderly house, where a battle was fonght, in which two of the policemen and one of the robbers were shot, and the other two robbers escaped. Another robber was captured soon after, and sent to Mead ville jail, and the police are afLer the third. —lt i* ft bad Idea to lot jronr Hiihacrip tion ran over » year witbont paying up By paying every year In advance the paper coata yon but one dollar, and you do not ml** it. Hut if you let it mn three? or fount year,-it become* harder to pay, and you begin to think you cannot afford to take It. Then you begin to feel itoor toward the paper, it ml try to perenode yourself thftt it in our fault that we were to o lenient, or noim-thing of thftt sort and you lo*e the friendly feeling yon would otherwiae have for the pit per, forgeting that it wan nil due to your own neglect. Ex. —ln half an hour yesterday Andrew Carnegie listened to and approved th • plan* for a library building that will make Pittsburg fainon* the world oyer —a building uucijualed in any land. At the oloie of their int< rview Mr. Car negie told W. N Frew, chairman of the board of trm-teei of the Car tiegie limtitnte, that $1,75(1,W«l was at the dlftpOttl of the manager* to be nsed in enlarging the building* nnd to proceed with the work. He wa* satisfied He w«* agreeably surprised. The in*titnte I* to !*• ma le three and one half time* the size of the preaeut building. Under the one roof will lie found department* devoted t'» science, mimic, art and literature, ft will be the only instffanlion of the kind in the world, aud will be the greatest monu ment to Mr. Carnegie that he will rear. The largercltie* of the globe will have nothing to compare with it. Men. wear the Camel Skin Shoe It Is the iient working shoe made. Made with two aolen and tap, leather lined. Lace, Crecmore or (Jongrets Leather alway* *Uy* *oft. Turn* water. Wear* like iron. Price *ii.oo. Sold only by A. Raff & Sou. PEItSO.VAL A. L. Shrader of Centre Ave. is .- per month. P. H. Peffer of Lancaster twp. made a public sale of his stock and farm ma chinery, last Thursday, preparatory to locating in Pittsburg. D. D. Quigley moved to Butler the d3y after the election, and is living in part of the Anderson house at corner of Bluff and W. (.'lay Sts. Japhia McMichael and daughter of Clay twp. and Absolom Monks and daughter of Middlesex, did some shop ping in Butler, Friday. Suptd t Wright of the Water Co. has purchased the old Biehl property on Brady St from Mr. Bole, and will make extensive improvements. M. 11. Johnston, formerly of Cran berry twp., has bonght out J. M. Dunn, in Evans City, and is now running a first class cash grocery there. Milleman Bros, are building a new barn on their farm north of Harmony, to replace the one struck by lightning last August George Beam is the ten ant. Charles Pfeifer of Porternvilie is oper ating a sawmill on tlx- Philip Flintier farm in Lancaster twp. and taking out large quantities of oak ami cherry lain ber. Harry Smith, a son of Thomas 12. Smith of Butler twp. started on a long journey last Friday. He is going to Bur mah, Asia, to work in the Rangoon oil field. Miss Jean May McKee. a popular ex teacher in the Butler schools, and Dr Hampton Jt. Kenaston were married Wednesday, Nov. H, in Bcnasteel, South Dakota. Misses Dora and Carrie Webb who are nursing in a Harrisburg hospital, leave today for that city after a weekV vacation, spent with their father, John M. Webb at Brancbton. David C. and George G. Kirker sons of J. N. Kirker of Middle Lancaster en listed in the 42nd regiment of U. S. Vols, and are now 011 their way to thi Phillipines with their regiment. Mrs. l'atteison of Rochester is visit ing her sister in-law, Mrs. Cornelius H Beighley of Lancaster twp Last week the two ladies drove over to (J rant City, Lawrence county to visit M. 1/ (Jovert of that place. Andrew Brymer of the I'litte Glass Works, and John Kirkpatrick have ac cepted positions in the new plate glas works at. Barbcrton, 0., built by ('apt. Ford, who was squeezed out of the con trol of the Ford City works by the trust. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Dight will re ceive a large company of friends toinor row, Friday, evening, at their homo at Trail postofflce in honor of the recent marriage of their son Prof John (! Dight of the Harmony schools with Miss Blanche Harper. John Kaylor of Kay lor visited his daughter Mrs, John Phillipi in Butler last Thursday. His home is about four from Brady's Bend, where ex (Jon grexsuian G. A. Grow i< opening some new coal mines, and Mr. Kaylor has sold him quite a jot. of oak lumber. WIN. B. (.'layton. representing the Pittsburg Orche-trn. arrived yesterday to complete arrangement* l'«»r n con cert in Butler. I)e .\ llth, and will re main at Boyd's drug store today tore oeive name* of subscribers The con cert will bo given on date mention ed, providing the auliacriptions reach the amount nece*aary to warrant On coming of the orcheMtrn. Hospital l)ny Donations. The many friend* of the Duller ' 'oun ty (Jcneral IJ'»'>. Bridge Inspectors Win. Siebert,David Cupps and John M(•<.,>. Smith have made favorable rcjsirts of the Brady bridge built over Little Buffalo creek in Clear field twp.. at. a cost of $440, and the Rattigan bridge in Donegal twp. at a cost of SMO. Viewers Levi Porter, Joseph Barron and Albert Pisor on the petition for a county bridge over Aiinstrong run on the Centreville and Grove City road in Slipperyrock twp., reported in favor of its erection. Jacob Bleichner, guardian of Joseph Snyder, a weak minded person, was grariWd a leave to sell at private sale ten acres of his ward's land in Summit twp. to John Spahn for #SO an acre. The Co. Commissioners have ordered a new sheet steel ceiling for the Judge's Chamber. Newton Black, Esq., has been ap pointed guardian of Ada M., minor daughter of Rebecca Russell, dee d. J. H. CAM), guardian of minor children of C. K. Smith, dee'd., was granted leave to cell an eighteenth interest of his wards in a lease on the J. 11. Lens ner farm in Jefferson township. Sarah A. Falsing, of Clinton twp.. has l>c«% apiHiinted guardian of Mary A.. Margaret, Stella Si. and pertha A. Peters, minor children of John 11. Peters, deceased. in the matter of the writ of habeas corpu ■ of Ole (Julbransan of Pittsburg for his daughter Gladys, whom his wife placed in the Orphans Home at Hatler. the parties agreed that John (ila.sgow anil wife should take and keep the child. Lewis Krumpc has been coinniitted to jail lor malicious mischief and tree p'iSS. PItOI'KHTY TUANSKUItS. J. R Wick to W. II Wick, lot In Butler for Nancy Iv Winger to Kiiima L. ft rant, lot in Mars for ijil.jOO. John Cobbett to W. J. Bent, !10 acres i|i Allegheny twp. for iJIIOO I'hillip Uaubensjieck to Butler Boro School I list lot in llutler for C'hus. DtifTy 1o Robert Stewurt, lot in Butler for ♦•'.oo. William L Thompson to John K. Krai lei, lot in lli 11 l<-r for SWOO. ('harles Htokey to John Dindinger, T lots in Zelieiiuple for *7oo. J 'I liingham to K L. McCandiei Win Morgan to Chit* M 'l'horp three fourths of oil interest in 100 acres in l'.iirviow twp for £'JO(J. Marriage IJcciimn. llarry 10. Gold Wllkinsburg Alice Nicholsoii Butler I)nvid W lionahue Pittsburg Sarah Beach Bstler Al Franklin John Baker of Mercer (Jo , and Elizabeth Atwell of Butler Co. IVrNiiiiAlly-Coiiiliii'lril Tinirs % 111 I Vims jlmi 11 lii I Call rout I. HK.WKJ OK IHOH 1900 The Pennsylvania Railroad Company announces the following personal-Con ducted Tours for tho season of lNli?i and limn Mexieo ami <'alifomla A forty five day t->nr will hmve New York. I'lilladel lihiH, Hnrri«bnri{.iiml I'iM Umra l'«b. 1!l r'ouri «-u Ja-I.MotiviUe will leave New York and I'lillailclpliM January February and Ji», a»ijoUril if two Wc K"OI| to return by re< Camel Hkin Shoe ami it will be many moon* In fore you will need another pair Soft a* a ulove on the foot, Hold only by A. Hull & Sou |{e netiMible. Neyer nayo a dollar to (jlyti to the doctor. Iletter lnye*t a Htuall MI in HI a pair of our Rubber II in wimlom in thu long run. A Hull & I HUM. Centennial Meetings. A special meeting of the Centennial Central Committee will be held at the office of the Chairman oa this. Thurs day evening, at s o'clock. The County Convention called to de cide upon the date for having the Centennial, and other matters, will meet in the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. building at 1 o'clock on Tuesday next, Nov. 21, inst. Centennial Ilelegates. « The voters of Parker twp. held their ■ meeting at the polls and selected Portc-r i Kelly and Joseph Walley as delegates to the Centennial Convention cf the 21st. Concord twp. selected J. T. Wick of Greece City and Robert Adams of Mid • dletown. Bnffalo twp selected M. N. Greer and C. F. Smith to represent her in Butler on the 21st. Prospect borough has selected Coun ty Auditors-elect, P. II Sechler and James McGowan. Estj. Neice and G. D. Swain will represent Harmony. CHURCH NOTKS. Rev. G. S. Seaman of Homestead filled the pulpit of the First English Lutheran Church last Sunday, and preached two learned and interesting sermons. Next Sunday Rev. Seneker of Wilkesßarre will preach, both morn-; ing and evening. This church has not j yet secured a new pastor, but it thought that it will not be long until it is able to do so. Several of the pastors of Butler have agreed to hold union services on Thanksgiving Day in St. I'anl s Ke tormed church on Walker Ave. r l he holding of union services isirood in that it promotes a friendly and brotherly feeling among the members of the dif- , fer churches But how do the pre tell ers expect to promote the religious ob i servance of Thanksgiving if they try to crowd half a dozen congregations into j one church r Would not a larger and | more general attendence be secured by each pastor holding services in his own church? The American people should | put a good deal more Thanksgiving to j God in the day anyway. ACCIDENTS. Mrs Calvin Rhodes of Zelienople wa burned about the face by an explosion of gas, while baking, a few days ago. i John Stump had a leg so badly injur- j ed by a bull wheel on the Metz farm,; last Saturday night, that it had to be | amputated A son of Michael Kramei, of Clear- j field twp., was kicked in the face by a . horse last Monday, while he was trying to help a drunken man; and seriously injured. Markets. Wheat. wholesale price... .$ CO.tlio Rye. " 45 Oats, " 27 Corn, " 38 Buckwheat " Hay, " 10 00 Eggs, " 20 Butter, " 20 Potatoes, " 85 Cabbage, per lb 01 Apples 25-50 Squash, small, per lb 01 Turnips, per bu 25 < >nions, per bu 50 Carrots, per bu 50 Flour retails at ~51.00f«5 1.25 Parsnips, pur bu 50 < Walnuts, per bu 60 Chestnuts, per bu •'{ 00 Hickory, per bu 2 00 Rabbits, per bead 10 i Public Sale. i Nov. 17, Friday, 10 a. in., at 11 C. | Welsh's in Penn twp., near Brownsdale horses, cattle, grain, etc. J. K. Kenrne, Auct. Nov. 17, Friday, I p. m. at G. M. Gra- ] ham's in ("onnoquenessing twp , fresh i cows, mowing machine, harness, etc. B. W. Donthett. Auctioneer. i Nov. 22d, 10 A.M. at W. (' Rider's in Oakland twp., near Boytlstown horses, cows, sheep, farming imple ments, hay, grain, etc. Nov. 22, at W. W. Hnnter's, Glade 1 Run, farm implements, stock, etc.: J. ' A. Eicheit, Auct. Nov. 25, at J. A Eichert's, Evans Cily. everylhmg j Nov. 27, at J Kelly's, Myoma, stock, produce, etc.; J. A. Eichert, auct. OIL NOTKS. Tin; MARKET is yet $1.5(1. The oil i men have their eyes on the develop ment at Ohio, this week, where several wells are due Ci.i.vroN jtfl'he Whitiuer Co. is drill ing on the I'has Anderson farm. MIM.EUHTOWN Jacob Bish has drill ed in a good third sauder on his farm one arid a half mile.i west of Millers town. The South i'enn has a showing ' for a small producer on the A E. Barn ' hart farm. BTKNA VISTA The South I'enn brought in a fourth sander on the N I'ontlus farm, adjoining the Paul Troutman, Saturday It is gisid for four barrels at least. Trontman got. a KOO gasser in tin- neighborhotKl. I). W. Dart on Friday sold two small producing wells on the Smith lot to the South I'enn < >il Co. and Kllenberger and Wallace sold them a seven barrel production on the Wallace farm. The South I'enn is also trying to buy out Ellcnbergcr and Whitmer. WATEK STATION J ('. Irwin has a well in oil the farm that is showing for a small producer from Un build red foot. I'.I;TI,KK Tom Frazier's well on the McElroy farm below the Fair Ground went through eight feet of third sand with a good showing of oil Wednesday It was shot, but what it will do is not yet known. It# success means drilling right in Bntler. Now is the time to buy your winter's supply of shoes. Never before have we been able to (five the people such bar gains as we are offering this fall. It will pay you to come miles to buy good winter supply of A. Rtiff and Son, the Mntler Shoe Hustlers. FOR SALE The Edward Westerma.i farm iu Clinton township, two and a hall mile, west of Saxonburg and a half mile from Hartley station on the "Heasie," is offered for sale. It contains about tin acres of good level ground nearly all cleared, good buildings, and well water od. A cash purchaser can secure a bargain. Address KDWAKD WKBTKKMAN. Ivy wood, Pa. Wear rubbers and prevent colds. File best rubls-rs at the lowest prices at A. Killi «V. Son's ( •»:< ftoven in all styles and prices rKi«'ii. The Camel Skin Shoe s the best shoe on earth to wear.but some people would rather buy cheap shoes often than 11 good pair like the < 'ailiel Skill Shoe once a year. Stop iu ut A. Huff As Son s and | look at a pair 31 itltlletnw ii. Our Lurg is Mill on tlie hill overlook ing the rest of the county. It may not I*' known to many of the" renders of the CITIZEN that the head waters of Hear Creek Buffalo. Muddycreek, Conno<•<■ 11j5 a. rn. Mutler time arrive Allegheny at ii ■'*> returning train will leave Alleghe ny at ft: HO p. in. arrive Bnthr at . u.i, rate 7."i cts. A nt \i i». Some persons, have been selling spectacles, througliont this county, pre tending that tiiey were my Agents, or that t lie goods were from luy More, 1 wish to say this, I have no Agents repre seating me. never had, and do not ex pect to have any. Whoever tries to represent me in any way, a* Agent or otherwise, is a fraud ami importer. I would ask my patrons, to not believe such persons, in the least C_ i Respectfully yours, l> I, ("i.i.i.i.ami, Optician. 125 S Main St.. Mutler, Pa. IW I ? The Same Old Customs I'rrvnH In many tailor Hliopt tlmi wt»r< 11»« proprr llilny: fiuiliy yt'.it . ;iki» 11111 mil iln our hli(i|i Wt ilo ii vitrioly of ihlnrf** thai ot In r tailor*! Ho not oint of criticism and tiuancial re turns that which i* credited to Wilfri d Clarke's delightfnl comedy. "A Wise Woman ' This piece received its itn tial production at the Strand Tht^itri. London, had a remarkable run mi-re. playing to capacity business for 2:5* nijihts consecutively. This season "A Wise Woman, has'been sent on tour in this country and is beini; used to exploit Miss Marie Lamonr, the charming young comedienne, formerly of Augus tin Daly's forces, as a star. Manager Burkhalter of the Park Theatre has been fortunate enough to secure this splendid attraction for an appearance at that theatre on Friday evening Nov 17th TIIK HIGHWAYMAN. NOV. IS. The Broadway Theatre O per it Co. will shortly present DeKoven and i Smith's tuneful opera The Highway man" in this city. Since its organize tion at the Broadway Theatre, New j York, in the antuinn of the com ! pany has had a most prosperous care.T. I It has presented "The Highwayman" | nearly Tn Wednesday Nov. "22 the attraction at the Park Theatre will be the distin guished comedian, Mr. Bert Coote. who will present an entirely new and origin- < al farcical comedy, entitled A IJattle- Hcarred Hero," by Willis MaxwelHtood- i hue. The play is claimed bv Mr. Coote's ! management to be far away above any thing the popular comedian I>RS ever at- i teiujied, the theme being an entirely i new one. and something never before I protrayeil on the American stage. Mr. 1 i oote will be supported by Miss Julia Kingsley. Or.mtl Opera Utilise Pittsburg "The Last Word ', will lie presented by the stock company beginning next Monday afternoon. The matinees at the Grand are becoming quite a feature, and thi* year are better attended than ever. These afternoon performances of the sto'-k company are particularly suit ed to women and children. Such a play as "The Last Word" seems sure to please this class of patrons of the Grand LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. In the District Court of the United States for the Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania in Bankruptcy. In the matter of j JOHN IIKMIV KORCMT. No.r.;-ln I!unkni|itry Hank nipt. I Tn tlit* creditor, of JOIIN IIIMIOM», Itt Tim, I V\.. on till !T7tli day of Novt inht-r, A. I» l-.n*. at I" o'clock in the form* on. at \v I»i« *ll time tin said eredltors may attend, prove their claims. au|x»iut a trustee. examine the bankrupt, and transact ■aich other business as ma> properl3 nnui* before said meeting. J. w in: r< *H I SON, Keferee in Bankruptcy. November l ull, ORPHANS COURT SALE! By virtue of an order and decree of tli«* Orphan's Court of Ilutler county. I'a., made at No. tirt. Sept. Term. 'ttß.the undersigned ex editors of the estate of John KJester, dee'd., late of Slippery rock twp., Ilutler Co., Pa.. Will offer for sale at public vendue, oti tin* premises, on Friday, December Ist, 1899, At 2 o'clock i) in. of said day, all t hat eerlaln tract of lamf situate In Cherry twp , In said I'onnty of Itutler. InMimled north l»y tin ' • omc r sol road,east hy lands of John Thomp son • t al. south hy lands of tJe«»rge Ih-cls :tnd west hy lands of the I'nlon Coal and Coke ' '•> ; containing «s n.-res, more or less. having' thi-rt-on •• r♦ •I• I a frarm dwelling lions# of i rooms, and frame stable, good orehanl. part ly underlaid with coal, and convenient to cliurch and school. TKKMS (»F SAI. IHW, the uudt r»lgned, trustee to make sale of tlie real estate of O. 11. I*. Graham, dee'd.. will otter at puhlle sale 1111 tlie premises In Cranberry twp., Ilutler Jo., Saturday, December 2nd, 1899, At I o'clock p m.. all the following describ ed real estate of said decedent consisting of «.'» acres of land,more or less, situate In t ran | berry twp., county and state aforesaid and" hounded on the north hy lands of Wilson (Jruham, east hy lands •• f Albert tiriham and A. Ihil/.ell lielrs, south l»v lantl «»f \lfh olus liamhat'h and A. lial/« if heirs ai d l»eo. Uelst-r and west hy lauds of John lieemer and John Kts FT Ihi ira I rame IMIUM «»F TIV rooms, frame harti and outbuilding 1 * thereon erected: good orchard thereon and farm well Watered. TKUMS: One-third In hand on eotiflrmu 11on of sale, hulance In twti, rsjual, annual Installments with Interest, deferred pay ments to he seeiired hy IHMMI and mortgage or i.IC.MI A M Admlulst rator, W 11. lIHANho.N, Att'y KvansClty, I'a ORPHANS COURT SALE! Ity virtue of an order and decree of the Orphans' Court of Ilutler county, I'a,. at .1 Dmenilx r term, Isw, the undersigned, ad inlulstrator of Ihe estate of Ibuilel H. HawJ*. late of Slippery Kock township, county and Htate aforesaid, will offer for sale at public vendue. MONDAY, DECEMBER 4. 99, AT <>NI-; <»« l.oi'K, At the Court House In Itutler, tin following rt al • state Lot-, Nos II and I'! In I'aulienspt < U « plan of lots In the vtlt&ffi ol farsoti villi \\ • .ii Ington tow nsh Ip, Butlcr coutity I'a Is>utided in »rl hby I «•• *»!» Man ben s| >« «U,t .1 .1 I» v It ut b 1 ami I'.mlenton road, south by lot No 111 In same plan and west by Jaeob I >aiibeiispe< U Irt'itlg lf»\ I HI liii'li ALSO AII that certain traet of land situ ate In Washington township. Itut ler fount v. I'a bounded north bv lb nry Mauls nspe. U. east by I IM «»II 11. sout h by I phi aim Iwajei, and I'aubeiispe. I. heirs and w t by < amp LIT i 1 11.1111 M n SIMM 1 coiitalnln 1 I T rnoro or less, cleared AI.SO \II t hat tt rt alii 11 at 1 tif land »llu ale In I'II ke 1 111 wn hip Itutler county. I'a In 1111111e11 north by Amanda lloov< I. east by John I»a uhenspeck ami John Ward. sou 1 h I»y > \\ n||ryo« u and w« i by .lame. Me< hllng ami b .1 I.vert s; containing 1» acres, more 01 less, jiai I ly cleared il ,l:>h OFSAU' < hi. third . ash «>tl con llrmat lon of sale by the Court, and the lutl a life In two et 1 11 aI, a uii in* I pay men t » with In (• ii IT , to lie secured by IMUMI and mortgage In usual form on the nit mi .1 01 for • ash. IC A \ Mo\l» h CtIHNI 1.1 rs. Administrator c T. A . W. Ii lliiiMMiN. Att'y Itutler, I'a. Orphans' Court Sale! in i*iii uanci "i uiord«rofOrplftftui Ootirt of Ilutler founty, tin undersigned, t \efiitrlt of the lit .v 111 mil ti 111 mi nt «tf W llllain Otrfty «1 • • -I wtlltMtpoii il pmbkk ottrri on tin pretni te . lii said township, on Saturday, December 9th, 1899, nt | o'cloelc D in tin following dtwrlbod n tl . i i I i o I i I«I •I•■• • i t I. I 1.. I I Ihut till tin tie I of laud situated In Muddy creek twp Hut lei C-o I'a Isiumlinl north by I 1111 II T• I and I ra/hr, e isi hy Kotlt. south liy While ami wi st hy I lliim ■ tin i ~ii centatnliifl I At) << i • won m brlek tl welling wllli slate nmf. log trnin and outbuildings, and > ,, » , » , i orehanl I arm well watered ami underbill! with m e\« i Kent vein of coal with mine «i|K'iii*il and II .nit i si altl I slit 11 I I KM- i >in t bird lu hand on eontlrma tlons of .11 • BY I »• • INIIMCI In two et|ual, annual liistalluients with Interest, tb ferretl payment » to In- ■.« fun d by tsmd ami tnortgap- MA Kt i A 1(1 I' *• A It V I V. I i * , l'ro »p. d. I'a, W. I». Hit AMM >w. Att'y. jHottfl Laub^, SAXONBI'RO, I'A. HENRY UOERR, Prop'r U jod Mculu tieivctl at All^lluurs. OooJ SltabliiiK in Connection I Rupture! Trusses for Rupture arc necessary. The only ques tion to consider is "where can I get the brst truss for the least money?" We sell trusses on the "no charge for fitting" plan. We charge you simply for the truss. Wc go further, we guarantee a tit aud Iguarantee satisfaction. There are tnauy different kind of trusses, and one great thing ts to know what kind is best to use. We have had enough truss sell ing experience to find that out. Our stock of trusses is not excelled in tlii« vicinity, but that is not the point for you to consider. Yonr con sideration as we said before, is stated above. Men we fit here. We give direction for self measurement to ladie&. C. N. Boyd. DRUGGIST, Diamond Block. Butler. Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. I»I'FFALO, ROCHESTER & ° PITTSBURG KY. The new trunk line between Pittsburg, j Butler, Bradford, Rochester and Buffalo. On and after Oct. 9, 1 passenger trains will leave Bntler. P i* W Sta- [ tion as follows, Eastern Standard Time 10:10 a.m. Vestibule*! Limited, daily, j for Dayton, Punxsntawney, Dn Bois. Kidgway. Bradford. Buffalo | and Rochester «:15 p.m. Accommodation, week days only, Craigsville, Dayton. Pnnxsu tawney. Dnßios, Falls Creek. Reynoldsville, Cnrwenrville. Clear field and intermeITTSBURG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of 1 'as frnger Trains in eflect May 14, I 899. BUTLER TIMK. |)i>l«il \rrlv* AlifKhM} Ami in ■wlnttni* .. '• * * • if! a • Allf|(h«uy . *•* '» " 'i f - NX« 1 Itnlle A* • "Uim- KUIIOII . H "• 'J Iff ** Akron M.ait H tri A ■ 7 HI ph Ail« Kti«ny AnoinmiikUoii 1<» 44 li I* - Allegheny .1 '«» r m i - Ne* l.u»tlr AaoaUMUtkUo*l - pin U I* Sill Ifijw • i 1" If W «»• Allegheny Mull 5 " 7i. pro I'llMiiug tiitl All*'Kh«ntv Kl|*rnn *» 1° ** All.«liet» »u PM Clarion A< i ••miiti**Uti ln iiv Arcuammfailliw •4- r * •"» l«» r m New (W l«» A.iomm -uu.... »o. AW 7 - • I• • ■ .!*■• K\|irrwi *« ! M Allegheny At. •»u»ni.-UU«»i, 7 IK! |>ra Traiutfrlvlni si V|o mi. « H M O. «l»a»t I'lttftlmrg Ml 3 2J> |> ut «ml P M W , Allegheny at t -> • |>. lu On SithinUyii a train, hii«»wn am the thralrw train, will 1.-jiv* Itntlfr ml A.4'i |» m . MVHiiiK •* All#fiM»i»f 4l 7 ill; rrturniiiK lmin> AHMh«ny at II -I" |> M I'IIIIIIUIII lli'4<|i|iik i-«raoh Kiprrwi l»t»n » VMtalairK »n«l * «K«>. I\JT llir«Hij(h U> ki*u to all |m»lii|4 In lh«* »s*l, i».»rih «•«! «»r «Milli«iTCit anly lo W. II Tl UN Kit, T». k. I A*. i,i. li. II KKYNOI.IiH. .Hii|»'l, N l», Biitlwr, fa. B.ill. r, IV V. W BAKKITT. Ii I* A.. AlUgfc***!, Fa II o l»l'N kI.K. hu|i l W.iL hi , AllrghrttJ, l*a PENNSYLVANIA WIiSTERN PENNSVLVANIA DIVISION. Hi HKiii i f i* ICrriuT I», In''". HOCTII. WEEK I>A*S A M V ■ A M r M r M HI'TI.KK Lmir t. i". "ft II In j M ft <»'. S.i.iiilitiiK Arrlr.' ft M n .*» II ;l» .1 '■ ."V i* llull. r Julutlou " 7 a * VT I- <»' I I- » lli.ti. r Jut,. 11..n 7 *1 .IT- r. u Arrl.f 7 W> «"I I'J 17 < »» '• 7 » ir7 li XI Jl: • ifl 5,.,i.,«.|»1.. 7 M •• 1* i f>: i UiriM.nl r. ui < i* xli*T|ial»iiK » <>7 'i *i I: i' 4 U * .13 All«iJ•< linlUf *,i City an.l pvtndptti lui.rnw.lUlf at 7 , it.,! % mi |>. m NORTH Will DAW— A MiA M A M r M I' M All.nh.uy Cll> Im.». 7 i i«. 11 nr. II fi In Hl.Mr|Ml.iiri( 7 I- "► li II 17 I .Jl .'Ui. >l.l II Si..ii.ar.ui. ll l '' '• i 7 r.i.i.lum 7 .1. I UII « ' I t» >• Nalr.>,Ml 7 41 11" II ,V> I !Wl .. M 11..11.1 »nl.. 7 «» li i>. I "I 7 1i..i1.i J.,... ii.. 11 1.m... 7 I- i ♦.'• li IT •i*7 7 ■■ 1*... .nl.tir* H I . |il 117 li tl 4 i. 7 .'4 111 11 Ml Mrln. " »<•; l>> *• I|u >. 7vi AM IA M I' M r M V M Mil Mi A V TRAINS All.«hr.iy i Hy »•< M.il 1.-i hi.4 |wIIH I|ml IntiiittKillftl. irtj»l|..ii. »l 7 15 * m .nil B UI p. m 101 l TilK CAST Wraka fc»jr« •>.....1»>. A M A M I' M \ * r M li, II Ml If I. a|l MM | M 7 m ft im Hull. > JM ar 7 /T li l»> I ifl » f ■ *< Hu11.., J.l I. 74« li 4"I .*1 " i>. Fi..,..il ar 7 I li ||. 4 <*> n :: a"7 A11.x1., HI J i " H IJ IV 4•« « II - II I 1.1-.i.x " »li7li .7 «il "41 I£l I'a.lllun I \|..11..) M • tl. li «A 4 4-1 Vin • t Hall.l ...< " * M I II ■ '■> :* •< "• llUlra.lll. „ 'I ii I 4.i %41 • f.i •4" lllalta.lll. lut ' " I "> I A11..,1,a "111. *MI I Hantatam " i I"! 1'1.11a.1. I|.l.ia M « V 4.1 l» 4. »• V 4 M I' M f M ¥ TIUUIIKII tralua ft.r ll>. ~at ln»a IMIUt ur» (I'ttk* NUII..U), aa t.llowa AlUl.ll. tIHKI. Oally .. ..... I.Kl»« I'.. int.) I%aula l.lmllnl h ..... 7IA ** Uall«|"~. " Main l lu. ».«|«.-aa, " a m - 11.1 Il.l.urn Mall, * li 46 r ■ I'l.ila 1. Il'l.la lL.|>iMa, ' I ai - Mall an.l K»|...«a .lalli »'««%.«• T.'.1l .•»!.* I I, 1...11. I .1. |»r. i.i"a.l« 7 .at laal.ru tl|in«, . 1 Ml * I an I I .In., • » »l " 1it1.1..,! it l.luiltaal, Uil). alll. ll.t uali ..«■ I-- 1.. N.-a >..ik. an I .1. |'l>.| . ara 1.. N'» * ik. Ilallln.fr. an.l \\a*l.li.||i..ii nnly N" .-•lra I. 11.1. 11 alu l«l»l " I 1.11a.1 a Mall. M.n.la. i ..u.y • 4u • ■ far M 1..1.11. I"!!* (.la Ik Uaiar. Hit. • Hi.l(a, all ■ all la). \M,an I Hi I' M .tally r ,r I'tatl.-! ii.l .lU.all. n. a 1.1i.-aa Til. > I Walt. IW A.i \V..i.iii Plain. I. I I'lflh \<.-i.... au l xmllh I). I I Mlrrat, I'lllal.ui k. I'a J I' 111 It 111-ON, I U »IWP, tanaral Manaa.r *i.n'i "wr Alaat L C. WICK, Ukai.kiiS in Rough t Worked Lumber OK AM. KINDII. Doors, S.ijJi, Blinds, MouUlin^n, and L.ith Always in Stuck. I.IME, It\lß AND IM ASTI R Oilier I*. At W. Deput. BUTLER. PA. V dfc A A A dfc rffc A idl # fd We Are Now Ready | NTo Show Our Full Line of B M NewFdll Goods. I [4 xxxx&x I F4 —,-er jlovi in k kj 4< f A Hats, apa m *hmg Goods Ik at entirely new prices. W fj We boy for TWO ST r. therefore we hqr L our .jockls a great deal cheaper than wc «J*cf when we W. WA bought for em to ymu cheaper. L 1 Ll . a» in Butler aad see oar W wl wmm, and *«:e if we caa- T 1 . i % N DOUTHETT & GRAHAM. [ BUTLER. PA, niK CLUIIWt N > A A AJLAAAAJ We Arc Rcadv^^ With Advance Styles in len't, Boy's and Fall Clothing. There is character in everv suit we show for Men's and Bovs Fall wear—char acter that at once displays itself in the correct style, the thorough workmanship, the elegant materials, the perfect tit and tailor like hang of everv garment, there is a large variety to select from, everv style, every new shade and combination of colors is shown. Our Prices are Always the Lowest. Schaul & Nast, LEADIN6 CLOTHIERS. 137 South Main St., Butler. m There is no Going Back on the Fact That a ► r< +>♦♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* ► P< l Black or Blue Serge Suit J ► > i I Is (he Iti l laitat. mot RHiocrf aad Nntaaklt I for summer writ But the Fabrics moat b* j thoroughly reliable. > The liest test an-l one that clinches your conli-lance moat. ta ia tha ( < actual wearing ijualtisa of the garment. Ufa know wtaaa > > we sell you a garment that glee* .ihaolute «a>lrfactfaw , we make a lasting customer. Thats oar wmjr ol doiag baatneas ami it is the >mly ' way to baiKl up a 'arge anil trmle. P \ An A No. I Nkl Asatatant* and Another I'rofcsa* mal Coming SCHOOL NOW IN SESSION DAY AND NIOHT Sen«l for our New MlM*tratr»t CaUln|M •ml Circulan. They will open nmr eyr«. Note the Urp nnoitxr of our l»«st graduates ami «tu> tents who are tilling rrsjxmsOile positions. Scml for rirrular tilling how to get a jmimh*»ti WATCH THIS SPACE. A. F. REGAL. Prtn.. Butler Business College 3m Jl7 S Slain St., Rutler. Pa. WHAT A RELIEF! You can |C ,V ' 'he lire«l, strained »»l overtaxed ryes when ¥»m put on a pair of |it<>|ietly fitted (Immi. There to a Mating of nrr»«- lorre thai mar k«»p *'« i from physical ailments We esamtne c»« . (rrr. ami lutnUh glaasea t.nl* af'< r tfir inoat rarelul lests h«re liern made h I date inetb'wls We also ttll Cameras, Photo Supplies, - t Graphophones and Records. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduata Optician Neat to Court lfouae. B. & B. choice drees goods and suitlafs Me —style Mil money's worth that show plain 0 ufl be what a tie terminer! stand we're miliiag to win your business by MTia« yon money on nice goo da A hundred sty les at half a dol lar—choice dressy <*reaa goo«* and suiting—4o to |J inches wide. Drrs* goods pr< >pos*tMMi wrtfc more merit and importance at U hed to it than there's h*-»n anything to opiai this 1599. We're wholesalers as weO a* re tailer* nobody in between wish sole an m>MM St «■ » f»« *»«t n«ite taa» •Or. mo m- t~ »> Umm .aiary M*| par »«»*»« o«i whrrif •« Mf-aai i« aer ll la uWly •••■- *«t « trnmtm K-irrr mem I aOuaa nil hmmn*